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101 - Tafseer ul Quran: Surah An Nisa with Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-07-20)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI



Summary of 101 - Tafseer ul Quran: Surah An Nisa with Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the different interpretations of Surah An Nisa, with a focus on the Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI's view. He argues that the Quran is a book that is meant for all people, not just prophets. He also discusses the ranking of the prophets and how it relates to the claims of the Jews and Christians. finishes with a discussion of the language and style of the Quran.

00:00:00 The 101 Tafseer ul Quran video covers Surah An Nisa, discussing the different aspects of the scripture and its believers. The Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the importance of prayer and giving charity, and how those qualities are rewarded in the afterlife. He also points out that incorrect grammar is an insult to the Quran, and that those who make such arguments demonstrate a lack of intelligence.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses the importance of prophets and the applicability of revelation to different people in different times. It cites a few Quranic verses that support this point. Professor Muhammad AL Massari discusses the controversial ayah, "nobody of the people of the book will die until they believe in Isa (Jesus), what is the meaning of that?" He argues that this ayah speaks to the importance of revelation being available to all people, not just prophets.
  • 00:10:00 The professor explains that the evidence in the Quran shows that the prophets mentioned are not just inspired, but are actually prophets. He also mentions that the order of virtue is ahead of kings and other prophets, implying that they are more superior.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the ranking of the prophets and how it undermines the claims of Jews and Christians. It also mentions how Muhammad is superior to other prophets in terms of development and revelation.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the origins of the Quran, discussing how it has been corroborated that it is at least two centuries old and that there are variations between the manuscripts. It also discusses the so-called mesolithic version, which was created after a long process of comparing manuscripts. finishes by discussing the language and style of the Quran, which has been criticized by some as being edited.
  • 00:25:00 discusses the various ways in which the Bible can be considered historical, and how the Quran criticizes those who write "false books" in order to gain power or wealth. The Quran also states that these books have a "contamination" and are not to be taken as a mainstream line of history.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses Surah An Nisa, specifically Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI's interpretation of the relation to summer or summer that is south of Iraq. He explains that while the correct pronunciation should be summer, the quran teaches that it should be summer should be spelled "summer." He also mentions that some of his enemies have written hostile books about him, claiming that he is a Muslim undercover, misunderstanding certain actions within the Quran, and declaring other books to be revelation from Allah, while neglecting to mention the quran itself. He concludes that while the old testament is extremely masculine in its view of women, the quran does mention female prophets and messengers, and that the reason information is only not mentioned to Allah specifically is because it is sourced from scholars who were involved in the initial writing of these documents.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the messages of the prophets and how all of them were sent as messengers bearing good news and warning. It also mentions that humans will have free will and be able to be addressed with commandments, but that all Israel can be addressed directly. Finally, it explains that this is because allah's wisdom and nature is unarguable.
  • 00:40:00 The professor discusses the benefits of prophethood, and how those who do not receive prophets have a difficult life. He argues that those who receive prophets have a easier life because they have guidance from Allah.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses the idea that prophets are able to access special knowledge without actually knowing about it. This knowledge comes to them directly from God, and is not something that prophets are aware of.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the importance of knowing who the angels are and their role in witnessing Allah. It also discusses the destiny of those who reject Allah, and their condemnation.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the importance of understanding the Qur'an's Surah An Nisa, which discusses the fate of those who reject the truth and evil doers. It also discusses the possible destinations for those who reject the truth and evil doers.


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surah An Nisa and its importance in Islamic inheritance laws. He explains that while people used to mistakenly think that fractions were a necessary part of understanding the Quran, the real issue is that many people do not know how to do basic math. He assures the viewer that he will keep the secret of this information until the next meeting, and encourages viewers to study the Quran for themselves to truly understand its teachings.

01:00:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surah An Nisa and its clear instructions to those who reject Allah's revelations. He points out that this is easy for Allah because those who reject His revelations will live eternally in Hell where they will suffer. He also addresses the issue of those who believe in Allah but do not follow His revelations, noting that they will not be saved even if they do. Finally, the professor discusses the importance of following Rasulullah Muhammad (pbuh).

  • 01:05:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surah An Nisa and its translation mistakes. He points out that both the Jews and Christians went too far in their religious beliefs, and that the Messiah is not a divine being or trinity. He also advises the viewers to avoid extremism in their beliefs, and to trust in God's guidance and commandments.
  • 01:10:00 covers Surah An Nisa, discussing how the servant of God, Muhammad, said that he is not equal to God, and that he will never reject being the servant of allah. Next, Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI covers the different translations of the verse, highlighting that the meaning of the servant of God being "believing and doing good deeds" is the same across translations, and that those who reject this will be punished severely in the Day of Judgment.
  • 01:15:00 In this lecture, Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the Qur'an's Surah An Nisa and its various teachings regarding faith in God, belief in His messengers, and the path to salvation. He also touches on the relationship between the Jerusalem church and early Christian fathers, and how their theology may have downplayed the role of the Jerusalem church in the development of Islam.
  • 01:20:00 The desert fathers are a group of early Christian writers. Their literature is powerful spiritual literature, and their theology is later than other theological writings. They discuss the idea of localism, which is an attractive thing on the outside but is related to a more rational theology in terms of their understanding of purgatory and hell. Augustine was forced to develop a theory of divine justice that allah requires a sacrifice to be forgiven.
  • 01:25:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses Surah An Nisa and its various meanings. He points out that while Luca and other Christian scholars may believe that Muhammad was a murderer, the reality is that he was simply following in the footsteps of earlier prophets, and that his beliefs in the divinity of Christ ultimately won the day.
  • 01:30:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL Massari discusses Surah An Nisa and its importance in Islamic inheritance laws. He explains that while people used to mistakenly think that fractions were a necessary part of understanding the Quran, the real issue is that many people do not know how to do basic math. He assures the viewer that he will keep the secret of this information until the next meeting, and encourages viewers to study the Quran for themselves to truly understand its teachings.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:50 Music
0:00:57 but as for those from among them who are
0:00:59 deeply rooted in knowledge the believers
0:01:02 who are who believe in that which has
0:01:03 been bestowed upon thee from on high as
0:01:06 well as that which was disper disposed
0:01:09 bestowed up from on high before thee and
0:01:11 those who are especially constant in
0:01:13 black prayer and spend in charity and
0:01:15 all who believe in god in the last day
0:01:18 these it is unto whom we shall grant a
0:01:20 mighty reward next translation as for
0:01:23 those among them who are deeply rooted
0:01:25 in knowledge and the believers who
0:01:26 believe in what has been revealed to you
0:01:28 and in what was revealed before you and
0:01:31 those who are especially constant in
0:01:33 prayer and give the purifying arms and
0:01:35 all who believe in god in the last day
0:01:37 to them we will give a great reward yeah
0:01:40 that's nothing to commit except that
0:01:42 that the stressful though is especially
0:01:44 a constant in prayer because in arabic
0:01:47 uh some people some idiots obviously
0:01:52 orientalism and some some arab
0:01:54 christians and claimed that because
0:01:56 all all of that is is
0:01:59 like it is like uh accusative in in
0:02:03 german
0:02:05 and latin
0:02:06 which is like the one who acts
0:02:08 like for example those who fame and
0:02:10 knowledge or the
0:02:12 the what they call the denominative in
0:02:15 in english all of them are negative the
0:02:16 one from knowledge those who believe in
0:02:18 that what you bestowed upon you from
0:02:20 upon high and really restored previously
0:02:22 or previously
0:02:24 and then it says
0:02:26 that's not that's in the uh that's not
0:02:28 in the nominative this is the accusative
0:02:30 as if it is uh it is out of line
0:02:33 grammatically you know it's not out of
0:02:34 line because it is there is a hidden
0:02:37 verb saying i specially mentioned
0:02:41 i especially mentioned so you can change
0:02:43 the the
0:02:44 uh what they call it is that called
0:02:46 conjugation let's call it the
0:02:47 declination
0:02:49 you change the declination by by having
0:02:52 an uh a hidden verb which means
0:02:54 specifically i mentioned those are
0:02:56 constant in prayer and then it continues
0:02:58 and those who
0:03:00 give the charity and those who believe
0:03:01 analyzer so in that case those
0:03:03 constantly prayer are given the special
0:03:05 mention by changing that uh what their
0:03:08 qualities that's called
0:03:09 conjugation or declaring i think it's
0:03:11 declination
0:03:15 yeah it's a declination from from from
0:03:17 uh
0:03:18 from nominative to accusative
0:03:20 in english this is not possible except
0:03:22 by use especially
0:03:24 in german you could do that because in
0:03:25 german you have a difference
0:03:28 you could do that and you could reveal
0:03:30 the verb hidden and then people will and
0:03:32 most likely they have to be instructed
0:03:33 about that because this is not common in
0:03:35 german language that by that by changing
0:03:37 the declination you have certain but i
0:03:39 think some literally specialists in
0:03:41 german they do that sometimes using the
0:03:44 facility which are given by the german
0:03:45 language
0:03:47 although
0:03:48 because they do
0:03:49 establish there will be d
0:03:51 and d is both
0:03:53 negative so you have to use the word
0:03:54 special again but then arabic is clear
0:03:57 by instead of instead of saying well
0:04:00 he said
0:04:02 and they said the wow it is they are so
0:04:04 it is the one acted upon me i especially
0:04:07 mentioned
0:04:09 that just as a small
0:04:11 linguistic for the translation is not
0:04:13 very much relevant but and interestingly
0:04:15 also some some
0:04:17 i don't think or interested that maybe
0:04:18 there is some idiots in in egypt and so
0:04:21 on bring me through the they say oh
0:04:23 there's this there's wrong in the quran
0:04:26 you cannot be more idiotic than that
0:04:28 because
0:04:30 such obvious or wrong grammar
0:04:32 as they claim would not have been passed
0:04:35 even even if muhammad is the verdict of
0:04:36 the quran it will not be so stupid to
0:04:38 make such a wrong
0:04:40 stock
0:04:41 such kind of arguments like that we
0:04:43 reveal that thicker is not a majestic we
0:04:46 sometimes things are brought forward
0:04:48 which shows that the one who is bringing
0:04:49 forward is
0:04:50 has
0:04:51 has disgraced himself actually by such
0:04:53 an argument you have to get something
0:04:55 much better than that
0:04:57 to be respected really
0:05:00 and there are many good things they can
0:05:01 bring and situation which force you to
0:05:03 think deep and they try to synchronize
0:05:05 various eyes and go deeper into
0:05:07 philosophical aspects
0:05:09 but not in this way not divinity and
0:05:11 such trivial things
0:05:14 but
0:05:15 but
0:05:16 both everywhere in every nation and
0:05:18 every uh religion there will be donkeys
0:05:21 around so nothing can be done about that
0:05:22 we
0:05:49 ibrahim abraham and ismail
0:05:52 and isaac and jacob and their
0:05:54 descendants including jesus and job and
0:05:56 jonah and arun
0:05:58 and solomon and as we vouched on unto
0:06:02 david a book of divine wisdom next
0:06:04 translation we have sent a revelation to
0:06:06 you prophet just as we inspired noah and
0:06:09 all the prophets after him as we
0:06:11 inspired abraham and ismail and isaac
0:06:14 and jacob and their descendants
0:06:16 including jesus and job and jonah and
0:06:18 arun and solomon and to david we gave
0:06:21 the psalms
0:06:22 yeah so a few minutes are mentioned here
0:06:26 and um
0:06:28 the the the obvious you know i know and
0:06:30 the prophets after him in general and
0:06:32 then specifically ibrahim is mentioned
0:06:34 this is because the address here is to
0:06:36 the people of the book but generally
0:06:37 because this is the main line of
0:06:39 prophethood in the recent let's say 4
0:06:42 000 years before that we don't know and
0:06:44 maybe others maybe there's another
0:06:46 prophecy another line for example in in
0:06:48 in the native americans because
0:06:50 of the rest of the world maybe we don't
0:06:52 know maybe another line in china maybe
0:06:54 another line in india that's very well
0:06:56 possible there are very many good
0:06:58 reasons to believe that that buddha may
0:07:00 have been one of these what we don't
0:07:02 know because whatever narrative is the
0:07:03 remaining is legendary it's not reliable
0:07:06 you can't rely on it as such
0:07:10 so ibrahimovic
0:07:14 um of the book do not deny that
0:07:17 generally but from the other ones that
0:07:19 are controversial for example the first
0:07:21 one ahead of this because the jews deny
0:07:23 he said
0:07:28 foreign and are you you hope there's a
0:07:32 question mark in there in the old
0:07:33 testament if uh
0:07:36 or are you always a prophet he's a man
0:07:38 who has been severely tested but it
0:07:39 seems to be they don't classroom i don't
0:07:42 think he neglects that classify him as a
0:07:44 prophet
0:07:45 actually here what it says that let me
0:07:47 be more precise
0:07:48 and that
0:07:50 unless we understand all the one coming
0:07:52 afternoon and
0:07:54 and all of these are inspired prophets
0:07:56 but generally inspiration is not
0:07:57 necessary only for prophets some other
0:07:58 people may be inspired whether in
0:08:00 prophet meaning they will get revelation
0:08:03 has no sharia in junctions in them
0:08:04 whatsoever neither unusually or nor
0:08:06 approved obvious area but this is a
0:08:08 complex area i don't want to go actually
0:08:10 it's a good comment relating to because
0:08:12 this one of the points which many people
0:08:14 uh get stuck with with their ether
0:08:16 coming back at the end of time which we
0:08:17 discussed last time
0:08:19 is that they say
0:08:20 uh there's no prophet after holly
0:08:22 and there is a prophet but he doesn't
0:08:24 come with an active prophethood because
0:08:26 his prophethood is according to the
0:08:27 quran which is the most eloquent
0:08:29 expression what has muhammad is is the
0:08:31 seed of god prophets see meaning he's
0:08:33 the final one but also he sees the
0:08:35 previous prophets and they they are they
0:08:37 are like
0:08:39 close down
0:08:40 their prophethood is closed out so if
0:08:42 they come they come with the activated
0:08:44 prophet i give i give i would like to
0:08:46 give an
0:08:47 uh
0:08:48 a material example let's say a mosque is
0:08:50 closed down because
0:08:52 the minorities is becoming unstable and
0:08:54 it's the fear that it may fall in the
0:08:56 mosque and kill the people so it's close
0:08:58 down for that until it's repaid it is
0:09:00 still a must quite close down but you
0:09:02 cannot pray there it is functionality
0:09:04 suspended but you don't say it is not a
0:09:06 muslim but you're still there is waiting
0:09:08 for repair
0:09:09 still there tomorrow and the day after
0:09:10 tomorrow maybe a year until the
0:09:12 necessary funds are there for their
0:09:14 parents on that similarly
0:09:16 so that's that's
0:09:18 that's one point about this but another
0:09:20 point is that they think that everything
0:09:22 is called revelation is necessary
0:09:23 prophet would know
0:09:25 and i i given in some study rebutting
0:09:27 this point of view
0:09:29 we discussed it last time remember we
0:09:31 say about this very curious ayah and the
0:09:33 various interpretation about it but that
0:09:36 nobody of the people book will die until
0:09:38 he uh
0:09:40 believes in isa and what's the meaning
0:09:41 of that etc
0:09:43 that for example the quran speaks
0:09:45 clearly about revelation to the mother
0:09:46 of musa and clearly about revelation and
0:09:49 even the angels talking to maryam
0:09:51 and bringing him good news from allah is
0:09:54 is
0:09:55 can we say anyone who is a prophetess i
0:09:58 mean he hasn't said is the prophet is
0:09:59 because of that because he equated i
0:10:00 think a revelation or the angels
0:10:02 addressing someone as being your prophet
0:10:04 but
0:10:05 there are evidence in the quran who
0:10:06 shows it's impossible that they are
0:10:08 prophets
0:10:09 not that because they are female some
0:10:10 people say no no they're not female
0:10:11 prophets no that's that's not a correct
0:10:13 argument
0:10:15 the argument is another place
0:10:17 for especially for maryam and therefore
0:10:18 surely for the mother of musa et cetera
0:10:21 so
0:10:22 that they said say
0:10:24 but the the context here
0:10:27 indicates strongly that all of these are
0:10:28 really prophets
0:10:30 because
0:10:33 in this context indicates strongly that
0:10:35 only they're not just inspired like we
0:10:38 inspire you without being prophets or
0:10:40 people who ascertain
0:10:44 approved or something like that no
0:10:46 so are you i said in the people i'm not
0:10:48 sure if they regard him they got him as
0:10:50 a great man and so on uh
0:10:53 the little argument that he is an enemy
0:10:55 center
0:10:56 but harun
0:10:58 harun is
0:11:04 but they attribute to him making the
0:11:05 golden cup
0:11:07 she's catastrophic actually
0:11:11 maybe the reason hero is mentioned after
0:11:13 because they say suleiman is not a
0:11:15 prophet he was a king and he is actually
0:11:16 a muslim
0:11:18 and the magician you remember with this
0:11:19 catherine baqara
0:11:21 and also the word is controversial the
0:11:22 jew is a great king and so on but they
0:11:24 don't seem to be put him under the
0:11:25 prophets not a clear way but a christian
0:11:28 seems to be in the scripture and in the
0:11:30 early story regarding
0:11:32 the the word as a prophet
0:11:34 so
0:11:35 but but the context is clearly saying
0:11:38 these are definitely prophets
0:11:40 without any doubt yeah
0:11:43 or with little doubt which other places
0:11:45 clarify definitely in the quran
0:11:48 who i mention all of these alone or in
0:11:50 this context because we are listening to
0:11:52 people of the book and
0:11:54 there are certain reasons in the surah
0:11:56 most likely uh enforcing that one of
0:11:58 those or others be mentioned and that
0:12:01 order is not necessarily historic order
0:12:03 in the case
0:12:06 of historical order because
0:12:07 this made this first son
0:12:10 they don't deny that but they call him
0:12:12 the son of a slave so it doesn't it's
0:12:13 not worthy like his help according
0:12:15 because hacker the son of a free woman
0:12:17 according to their misconception
0:12:19 and whatever they think is irrelevant in
0:12:22 order and even other in ordinary virtues
0:12:24 my aide is ahead of his house
0:12:27 definitely
0:12:28 and there is no mention of the poor is
0:12:30 completely in the quran the second son
0:12:32 of
0:12:33 his heart etc
0:12:34 and the last part this is the
0:12:36 descendants
0:12:37 some people think they say that the
0:12:39 meaning of a spot meaning the children
0:12:41 we are called directly i am doubtful of
0:12:43 that there is no indication i don't know
0:12:44 all testament or that the children of
0:12:46 yahoo are really prophets actually the
0:12:48 behavior of yousef when we come to saul
0:12:50 whole abusive god does not indicate that
0:12:53 they have anything to do with prophecy
0:12:54 or if receiving revelation or something
0:12:56 like that is unlikely but as part of me
0:12:59 the descendants could be the
0:13:00 grandchildren and great-grandchildren
0:13:02 possibly the prophets who were in the
0:13:03 time of judges
0:13:05 by the time when islam was managed by
0:13:07 prophets until they require ask for
0:13:09 kingdom which we discuss in total just
0:13:11 casually and then which led to their
0:13:14 their demise and decline and destruction
0:13:16 of that
0:13:17 the establishment of the kingdom yes the
0:13:19 few few decades were high time
0:13:23 but
0:13:23 even that was not a good old high time
0:13:26 because there was conflict between
0:13:28 saul and
0:13:29 and
0:13:30 david that would for a long time then
0:13:34 david prevailed and then slammed him
0:13:36 after but this is descendant of tarut
0:13:38 insisted that they are out of the
0:13:40 kingdom and the spirit of the north
0:13:41 kingdom and the whole the whole nation
0:13:44 that justice integrated within time and
0:13:46 got destroyed because of that so
0:13:48 haridathi monarchy is a catastrophe but
0:13:50 they requested it and they demanded it
0:13:52 and they got it after the warning of the
0:13:54 prophets to them that this will be their
0:13:56 own demise of destruction that their
0:13:58 prayer will not be answered against
0:14:00 oppressive kings they insisted and they
0:14:02 got it and they got the destruction
0:14:04 through that but anyway we're not
0:14:05 discussing now israeli monarchy and
0:14:07 democracy
0:14:08 but
0:14:09 so maybe
0:14:10 and then the order of that is because
0:14:12 maybe the order of virtue
0:14:14 is ahead just to annoy the jews possibly
0:14:17 that the one you are denying is is in
0:14:19 virtue as high as any one of the afraid
0:14:21 be even higher and no muslim without
0:14:24 doubt that anything is superior to the
0:14:25 one after him without any exception
0:14:28 to a youth to newness to her own to
0:14:30 surrey man and possibly even
0:14:33 the general muslim point of view that is
0:14:34 even superior to what you have in his
0:14:36 heart and islam but maybe not to imply
0:14:39 because the other civility is usually
0:14:41 usually
0:14:42 deduced from very evidences is noah
0:14:45 i mean these five so called five
0:14:47 prophets muhammad ibrahim
0:14:52 without really
0:14:54 much argument who is more superior more
0:14:56 is more inferior they are very sahajit
0:14:58 and various aspects and the professor
0:14:59 advised not to not to make the
0:15:03 ranking of the prophets
0:15:05 because it will just invite
0:15:07 backlash and hostility
0:15:09 and
0:15:10 he gave example for example by himself
0:15:12 and ibrahimovic and musa
0:15:14 so that's that should be avoided but
0:15:17 usually most scholars say this that's
0:15:19 called five
0:15:21 prophets of firm will that's no ibrahim
0:15:24 that's in historical ibrahim
0:15:26 musa
0:15:27 israel muhammad the other top five oh i
0:15:30 i could care alice honestly i could care
0:15:33 that this
0:15:34 but in this last part of this definitely
0:15:36 is superior to these and
0:15:38 significantly higher development
0:15:42 so that's
0:15:43 so we have
0:15:45 our revelation to you muhammad is like
0:15:47 what we have revealed to this and also
0:15:49 obviously mentioning here in this
0:15:51 context specifically
0:15:52 and this ranking specifically is to
0:15:54 undermine the claim of the jews that is
0:15:56 imposter or we have a questionable
0:15:59 uh
0:16:00 genealogy or something like that that's
0:16:02 number one
0:16:03 and also undermine the christian claim
0:16:05 that he's a divine being he's just
0:16:07 human beings have been a simulation like
0:16:09 all other professional
0:16:11 and this
0:16:12 is nothing especially that he has
0:16:13 uniqueness another aspect but nothing
0:16:15 which make him divine or anything like
0:16:17 that
0:16:18 another quran
0:16:26 Music
0:16:43 and as we have inspired other apostles
0:16:45 whom we have mentioned to thee are this
0:16:48 as well as apostles as well as apostles
0:16:50 whom we have not mentioned to zee
0:16:53 and as god spoke his words unto moses
0:16:56 next translation
0:16:57 and uh and other messengers that we've
0:16:59 already mentioned to you as well as
0:17:01 messengers that we have not mentioned to
0:17:03 you and god spoke directly to moses yeah
0:17:06 as directly is important with
0:17:08 musa
0:17:09 and this seems to be a speciality for
0:17:10 moses maybe other prophets have been
0:17:12 directly addressed in in rare occasions
0:17:15 or relocated violence them in may
0:17:17 but not really on earth as usual so this
0:17:20 speciality of musa this reason he's not
0:17:22 mentioned the previous list his mission
0:17:24 now after that uh after this he had a
0:17:27 special
0:17:28 standing because he essentially having a
0:17:31 attribute of being killing allah the one
0:17:33 directly addressed or speaks spoken to
0:17:36 directly by allah so but there are other
0:17:39 other messages which we reported to you
0:17:41 before that there are another they will
0:17:43 come
0:17:44 and others who did not report to you
0:17:48 that's it
0:17:49 so if someone came uh
0:17:51 we don't have a chinese prophet or
0:17:52 message
0:17:53 how do you know
0:17:54 quran did not report about them yes
0:17:56 reported about the main line for the
0:17:58 central place of the earth about
0:18:00 civilization
0:18:02 that that's
0:18:03 the holy land arabia and so on and
0:18:05 around that's the central most prophet
0:18:08 in the last four thousand years
0:18:10 yes indeed but there are there have been
0:18:12 other prophets in africa others in india
0:18:15 others in china and
0:18:17 possibly others in in in
0:18:19 in
0:18:20 native americans and so on uh that
0:18:24 should be not surprising to anybody and
0:18:26 should it be uh doubted or questioned
0:18:29 uh but the possible candidates are
0:18:32 shrouded in mystery because their
0:18:33 history has not been recorded properly
0:18:35 and many things attributed to them which
0:18:36 we know from the example is not true for
0:18:39 example so it can be it's completely
0:18:41 just publication and their history has
0:18:44 become really legendary
0:18:45 but a part of part of it may be even
0:18:48 purely mythical
0:18:50 you know difference between legendary
0:18:51 legendary is something historical but
0:18:53 has been blown out of proportion to
0:18:55 become like he looks looking like a myth
0:18:57 but the chord is not a myth
0:18:59 myth is completely fabricated does not
0:19:02 exist whatsoever yeah
0:19:05 so
0:19:05 so the story is about about like people
0:19:07 like buddha and so on
0:19:10 could be it could be very well uh could
0:19:13 be very well uh
0:19:16 legendary of a prophet which
0:19:18 is
0:19:19 his his message has not been kept the
0:19:21 same with the with the with the with
0:19:25 uh the prophet of the uh
0:19:27 the one day the the jewish the persian
0:19:30 claim is the prophet what's his name
0:19:33 could be a prophet we don't know
0:19:35 what's it which was
0:19:37 does not does not persuade very much but
0:19:39 we know how how much how much mess has
0:19:42 been with these books even the old
0:19:44 testament is let me just mention quickly
0:19:46 with the old testament how to deal with
0:19:48 it matter of historically
0:19:52 fact number one it is it is
0:19:54 in the form we have which has become
0:19:56 like canonical from that three century
0:19:58 broad christ or something like that
0:19:59 collected by the scholars because we
0:20:01 have the uh the the la that the greek
0:20:04 translation it's called the septuagint
0:20:08 which is definitely it's proven with
0:20:09 certitude that it is at least two
0:20:11 centuries before christ
0:20:13 two and a half some people claim it is
0:20:14 from them alexander the macedonian
0:20:16 that's like a jewish claim
0:20:18 it may be true maybe not so three
0:20:20 centuries but
0:20:21 two to two centuries to uh 200 bc 250 bc
0:20:25 is almost certain
0:20:26 and many other corroborating evidences
0:20:30 so that that's
0:20:31 then we have the so-called mesolithic
0:20:32 version which has been uh
0:20:34 offered to the world after a long
0:20:36 process of recording and comparing
0:20:38 manuscripts and so on actually the most
0:20:40 ethic test text which is regarded now by
0:20:43 even by jews and christians as the more
0:20:44 more authentic and reliable than the
0:20:46 scriptures
0:20:47 in that form is available only the 10th
0:20:49 10th century just recently 1 000 years
0:20:52 ago
0:20:53 because the jews
0:20:54 they decided the the so many
0:20:57 scripts and so on delivered over
0:20:59 generations and they started a project
0:21:02 in the time of view uh uh my money this
0:21:05 user ben maymoon uh to to uh to
0:21:08 have like like uh like a master copy or
0:21:11 an or a canonical reference because
0:21:14 there's so many narratives and they
0:21:16 compared qualcomm various narratives
0:21:18 compared various things and and um they
0:21:20 have dismissed politic texts the
0:21:22 atmospheric test is essentially
0:21:25 recall
0:21:26 things copied from
0:21:28 even from 200 to 200 300 years before bc
0:21:32 but only that version which has been
0:21:33 available since origin and it almost
0:21:36 fits hundred percent with symptoms there
0:21:37 are variations
0:21:40 in some places consider a variation when
0:21:42 you show that at the time of the
0:21:43 septuagint though the books will have
0:21:45 not become stable yet
0:21:47 but it is it's probably really recorded
0:21:49 and then and transcribed by comparison
0:21:52 at the book of ashaya
0:21:54 with the complete copy found in the dead
0:21:56 sea scrolls there's a complete copy
0:21:58 found
0:21:59 and the fraction rather that complete
0:22:01 copy compares with the septuagint almost
0:22:03 to the letter with small variations
0:22:05 which essentially scriptural errors or
0:22:07 something like that possibly
0:22:09 which means that the scandal
0:22:11 transcription process
0:22:13 at least since the time for christ
0:22:14 hundred years before christ until
0:22:16 the year thousand
0:22:18 that's 11 centuries has been meticulous
0:22:21 so that's that should not be doubt
0:22:22 that's finished that's over that's
0:22:24 that's the fact that's the scientific
0:22:25 fact
0:22:26 but that these books in this form
0:22:29 septuagint and this essentially were
0:22:32 laid by the scholars after the babylonic
0:22:35 exile of the side they took one or two
0:22:37 centuries comparing notes collecting
0:22:39 books and so on and then allegedly they
0:22:41 have a conference and they reached that
0:22:43 maybe there's no conference or their
0:22:44 scholars met and adopted this fine okay
0:22:49 that
0:22:50 is
0:22:50 obviously copies from ancient scriptures
0:22:55 putting books together possibly
0:22:57 re-editing things
0:22:58 recombining things but even before the
0:23:01 biblionics side there's no compelling
0:23:03 evidence that did not have been
0:23:07 uh uh re-editing or recombination or
0:23:09 something like that and that there also
0:23:11 before the bible unique excited some
0:23:13 books are lost for forever and before
0:23:16 the villains have some major books
0:23:18 have been abridged and
0:23:20 like for example boy in the book of
0:23:21 kings of judah the book of cancer
0:23:23 there's a complete book there with all
0:23:24 details but only a summary is the book
0:23:27 of kings
0:23:28 the kings one and kings two kings one
0:23:30 buddha kings to israel
0:23:31 is only a summary and they say the
0:23:33 infinity and more details of this king
0:23:35 you find in the book of the kings of
0:23:37 israel so there was books it's not it's
0:23:39 not in our hands extent
0:23:41 and so on that's one secondly clearly
0:23:44 even in the first five books which they
0:23:47 call torah teaching
0:23:49 we have
0:23:50 we have the
0:23:52 the uh
0:23:54 we we have
0:23:56 let's start with the last two one that's
0:23:58 the that's the uh
0:24:00 the book of revised leviticus and the
0:24:02 the the deuteronomy these are
0:24:04 essentially law books more or less law
0:24:06 books
0:24:07 regulating morality the the issues of
0:24:10 priesthood and so on but other many
0:24:11 other things and
0:24:14 deuteronomy contains also a transcript
0:24:17 of what has been in the tablets
0:24:19 the commandments the commandments as in
0:24:21 that because you don't have the thoughts
0:24:23 but they are
0:24:24 they are quoted there
0:24:26 allegedly verbally okay
0:24:29 comparing these two books
0:24:31 it's clear that there have been some
0:24:32 editing and changes and so on between
0:24:34 the two they are not they are not from
0:24:36 the hand of moussa that's all clearly
0:24:39 which is nobody clear man it's written
0:24:41 later and they seem to the autonomy is
0:24:44 like an edited version of leviticus and
0:24:46 with certain addition and improvement
0:24:48 and things like that that's this is true
0:24:52 so there have been and it can be seen
0:24:54 also by
0:24:56 studying the language they call text
0:24:57 critics criticism they
0:25:03 so that's one
0:25:04 there are three other books that we have
0:25:06 the genesis and then uh
0:25:08 uh excellence and numbers
0:25:10 now excellence and numbers description
0:25:12 of the exodus one is five from egypt
0:25:14 essentially essentially historical there
0:25:16 will be some some errors some mistakes
0:25:18 some some omissions maybe but it's not
0:25:20 for great relevance and
0:25:22 and numbers the number one is in their
0:25:24 tribes and so on this thing them etc
0:25:31 although there's a question about
0:25:33 they're using the word thousand because
0:25:35 if you count that's how many thousands
0:25:37 in that many have been like in the
0:25:38 exodus time two and a half million which
0:25:41 most scholar have difficulty believing
0:25:43 that such a number could be accommodated
0:25:45 with such a process of exodus
0:25:47 and the supply of food and water and all
0:25:49 these problems seems to be
0:25:51 reactively unsurmountable
0:25:54 but
0:25:55 it may be a wrong translation of a word
0:25:57 which meant maybe 64 or 60. instead they
0:26:01 didn't have an ad i have a decimal
0:26:03 system so maybe the large number for
0:26:05 them was something like 60. so if we
0:26:07 reduce the thousand to a 60 then the
0:26:09 number will become total but this is a
0:26:11 secondary point
0:26:13 but it's more or less historical if we
0:26:15 go to genesis
0:26:16 genesis is essentially the story the
0:26:19 story before abraham
0:26:21 there is
0:26:22 essentially mythical or legendary i mean
0:26:26 legendary for example the story of
0:26:28 for example is legendary that the flood
0:26:32 covered all day and that one animal has
0:26:33 expired except the one in the ship is
0:26:35 obviously a legend in that form is not
0:26:38 it can't be the farm animals for them
0:26:41 they they did not take need to take
0:26:43 elephants off gun like it's in the
0:26:45 picture depicting
0:26:47 the ship the ship of noah with elephants
0:26:49 so he didn't he was having only the just
0:26:52 the farm animals
0:26:54 no mistake at animals that time that's
0:26:56 all a small ship like that can
0:26:58 accommodate it's just absurd to believe
0:26:59 that and the flood was only in a limited
0:27:01 area of the earth all over the imaginary
0:27:03 stories about all the air flooded is
0:27:05 absorbed and nonsense but the core story
0:27:08 there there was a flood there was a man
0:27:09 called noah and there was a message and
0:27:11 they went around the enemies were
0:27:12 drowned that's the cause but the rest is
0:27:14 legendary the previous one adam story
0:27:17 may be just that adam has been created
0:27:18 by allah that's it what the prophet told
0:27:20 them and they inspired this but the rest
0:27:22 of the story is also mythical or
0:27:24 legendary
0:27:25 so that's not historical cannot be
0:27:27 regarded if anyone take that historical
0:27:29 then he has to blame himself that he
0:27:30 ends in never-ending contradiction and
0:27:32 absorbencies from ibrahim onward it's
0:27:35 more or less historical although maybe
0:27:38 and between adam and noah is also all
0:27:40 these myths are elements all these long
0:27:42 ages all of them this is just mythical
0:27:44 does not exist and all these old
0:27:46 genealogies is just abstract
0:27:48 that the blacks are from yafith and uh
0:27:50 or from from ham and sam and all of this
0:27:54 just an imaginary attempt to order the
0:27:57 humanity as the jews know at that time
0:28:00 according to color and the general face
0:28:02 shape those with flat noses and so on
0:28:05 and white these are the sons of behavior
0:28:07 uh those with moderate colors or another
0:28:09 son of sam and those with dark color as
0:28:11 the son of hams and so on and the way
0:28:14 and the all acceleration of the colors
0:28:15 is just it's just uh
0:28:17 mythical and so on not even legendary
0:28:20 uh
0:28:21 there's something superior because he
0:28:23 covered his father well this is absurd
0:28:25 nonsense so that's it so so that's
0:28:28 concerning the old testament
0:28:31 essentially so even the first five books
0:28:33 which they regard as the core and the
0:28:35 teaching
0:28:36 the book of genesis is essentially is
0:28:39 non-historical it's essentially legendry
0:28:41 and metaphorical and a bit of history
0:28:43 toward the end story of musa story maybe
0:28:45 of yusuf and so on and more or less yeah
0:28:47 yeah
0:28:49 and the rest as i said and going down
0:28:52 the books of the prophets and so on and
0:28:53 the judges and so on is i would say
0:28:55 reasonable history but you cannot trust
0:28:57 hundred percent because there may have
0:28:59 been uh
0:29:01 changes editing adjustment and so on and
0:29:04 the quran survival that clearly it says
0:29:06 very clearly that
0:29:08 that
0:29:10 that
0:29:11 they hide some of the books
0:29:18 christian because christian declared
0:29:20 many books to be apocryphal and they are
0:29:23 hiding them and destroying them and
0:29:24 burning them a few have survived here
0:29:26 and there and they show that some of the
0:29:28 apocrypha contain things which are
0:29:30 embarrassing for them which seem to be
0:29:31 historical and so on so that's that's
0:29:34 that's one way to do it another way is
0:29:36 that they uh quran the laments against
0:29:38 those who write the book of the hundred
0:29:40 claims from allah so that they can gain
0:29:42 power or gain wealth or money also there
0:29:44 and condemn that strongly so these books
0:29:46 have this contamination but as a
0:29:48 mainstream line of history yes we can
0:29:50 say that
0:29:52 so uh why are mentioning that so that's
0:29:55 so if we hear that haroun is only the
0:29:58 golden calf
0:29:59 but the quran corrects that it's a man
0:30:01 called the summary and the summary is
0:30:02 the relation to
0:30:04 summer or summer that's south iraq so
0:30:06 he's an iraqi man from sumerian
0:30:09 and the the the correct pronunciation
0:30:11 and the quran teaches us the correct
0:30:13 mention for summer is actually should be
0:30:15 summer
0:30:16 or salmar and this is someone you can
0:30:19 you can either do summer or summer
0:30:32 written by his enemies and is quite
0:30:34 hostile and declaring to be a muslim
0:30:36 undercover or misunderstanding for
0:30:38 for these things because they have also
0:30:41 their own daesh and things like that
0:30:42 with things like pictures under these
0:30:44 idols and things like that
0:30:46 they have their own
0:30:48 like whether we have our own diet and
0:30:50 these some of these have access to the
0:30:51 scripture and they were able to write
0:30:53 that down there under some stories about
0:30:55 the wood and
0:30:57 shameful stories and so on may be
0:30:58 fabricated and things like that
0:31:01 and uh and they they uh
0:31:04 just completely completely nonsensical
0:31:06 misunderstanding of certain action and
0:31:08 so on so that's that's the way to deal
0:31:10 with these books
0:31:14 coming down it's more or less historical
0:31:17 but with
0:31:19 precaution like for example look at the
0:31:21 story of talut when talut
0:31:24 advanced with the army to meet the
0:31:27 uh
0:31:27 julia at bryant
0:31:30 they passed on a river and he prohibited
0:31:31 them from drinking it itself accepted
0:31:33 small amounts and to test their
0:31:35 obedience like their self-control and
0:31:37 most of them did not obey and they send
0:31:38 them back
0:31:39 that story is not there for the for for
0:31:42 talot for saud the story is attributed
0:31:44 to one of the the prophets in the time
0:31:46 of all of the judges called
0:31:49 judeon
0:31:50 now
0:31:54 it's very well possible that one has a
0:31:55 similar story and the one for tarou they
0:31:57 have cut it out that the hostile party
0:32:00 the anti-thyroid party
0:32:02 that's the video party or it is actually
0:32:05 only for talot and they transferred the
0:32:06 story for another prophet in time past
0:32:08 so
0:32:09 that miraculous brazil but attributed to
0:32:11 another person we cannot yet because all
0:32:13 these books have been edited they are
0:32:15 aged and so on so we cannot be trusting
0:32:16 really
0:32:17 to that extent but
0:32:21 but in general the prophets mentioned
0:32:23 there it's unlikely that they are not
0:32:25 prophets
0:32:27 it's unlikely
0:32:29 especially female prophetess that's the
0:32:31 the mention of issues that have been
0:32:33 female prophetess all haven't been
0:32:36 because
0:32:37 uh
0:32:38 the whole old testament is extremely
0:32:39 masculine
0:32:41 is definitely anti-feminist
0:32:42 women declare to be unfit even for
0:32:44 witnesses
0:32:46 yeah
0:32:47 because at least these are right so then
0:32:50 the witness can't be accepted and at at
0:32:52 least that's what what the
0:32:54 common
0:32:57 point of view in the talmud etc so it's
0:32:59 very unlikely and the talmud emerged and
0:33:01 obviously from scholars who were
0:33:03 involved in the initial writing of these
0:33:05 documents so it's unlikely that such a
0:33:07 creamy masculine tribal background
0:33:11 will have female prophet prophetess
0:33:13 there
0:33:14 so there must have been female
0:33:15 prophetess like rules and things like
0:33:17 that like in the time of the judges
0:33:18 another and also the
0:33:20 wife of elias elisha
0:33:23 is not mentioned by the name but really
0:33:24 has talked about all these as the
0:33:25 prophetess
0:33:27 always so there have been female
0:33:28 prophets okay we can say that's an
0:33:30 extremely unaccurate they have not been
0:33:32 so the point of view that they've that
0:33:34 familiar being a female exclusion to be
0:33:36 a prophet
0:33:37 is is is not really very persuasive
0:33:40 understand not mention the quran any of
0:33:41 them does not indicate anything so some
0:33:44 of the prophets
0:33:45 and the messengers who have not
0:33:46 mentioned to us may be female
0:33:48 and the quran did not mention and like i
0:33:50 did
0:34:17 the reason information is only not to
0:34:20 allah exactly
0:34:22 so but but it's good to go to the old
0:34:24 testament and look to it with a critical
0:34:26 eye but not discount to get completely
0:34:29 like some people do not accepting it at
0:34:31 face as if it is a revealed truth is
0:34:34 neither but it is as i said from
0:34:37 from the exodus down it's essentially
0:34:40 historical
0:34:42 with a bit of fabrications parties and
0:34:44 points of view uh
0:34:46 factions fighting against us are
0:34:48 fabricating like we haven't also in
0:34:50 sunnah that's happens when you say and
0:34:52 this
0:34:52 was over the centuries
0:34:54 rewritten recombined and then in the
0:34:57 form which we have which is two
0:34:58 centuries before christ essentially
0:35:00 became stable that's essentially what
0:35:02 they call canonical
0:35:04 like one one and a half century buffalo
0:35:06 150 before christ it's almost certainly
0:35:09 that most of these books are already
0:35:10 canonical and took essentially a fixed
0:35:13 shape
0:35:14 like the book daniel fragments of this
0:35:16 is found in the in the in the day six
0:35:19 cross and carbohydrates one showed that
0:35:21 150 years before before christ
0:35:24 so the prophecies mentioned there are
0:35:26 wealthy really of consideration because
0:35:28 they are
0:35:29 genuinely historically in the time
0:35:31 before christ and before muhammad so if
0:35:33 they contain any prophecy related to
0:35:35 christ and muhammad
0:35:36 it's relevant and it shows that it has
0:35:38 prophetic origin also so it corroborates
0:35:41 that that part of the book at least as
0:35:43 prophetic conversion and corroborate
0:35:45 also that this lisa and mohammed are
0:35:47 messages
0:35:48 were prophesied by by daniel for example
0:35:51 and other events and so on
0:35:54 so that's i just mentioned that just as
0:35:56 a i a
0:35:59 intermittent as they just said in a
0:36:01 certain
0:36:03 formation just how to deal with these
0:36:05 books record people do not know how they
0:36:07 did not do the homework recently at
0:36:09 least in time past abraham did some
0:36:12 homework and did criticize the the claim
0:36:14 that the five books are coming from musa
0:36:17 well just to the same background that
0:36:18 the fifth book you told me mention the
0:36:20 death of moses say how can mutha rise is
0:36:22 on that
0:36:24 and his own barrier that's absorbed it
0:36:25 doesn't it doesn't work there it must be
0:36:27 written by you his his students you
0:36:29 shall be known so the ptolemy is not
0:36:31 from the editor at least not all of it
0:36:32 written by musa that was enough for him
0:36:34 to say these these books are not
0:36:36 belonging to those who are
0:36:38 they attributed to that is nonsensical
0:36:41 and even maimonides say that and they
0:36:42 declared them to be a kafir the jews
0:36:44 because he's a jewish scholar and jewish
0:36:46 so
0:36:48 but i think in modern time the last two
0:36:50 or three centuries everyone has pastor
0:36:52 even even the jewish scholarship they
0:36:54 have recognized they cannot just put
0:36:56 their head there and be stubborn without
0:36:58 being getting their head broken because
0:37:00 it's impossible
0:37:01 but the other hand
0:37:03 taking it
0:37:04 sufficiently serious in historic aspect
0:37:06 has been a bit undermined by extreme uh
0:37:10 secular and atheist points of view which
0:37:12 should be confronted on on historic
0:37:14 grounds which a lot of confrontation is
0:37:16 ongoing by doing archaeology by doing
0:37:18 other things by shaking roman records
0:37:20 and other nation because that's what
0:37:22 we're getting several we're getting
0:37:23 there a bit
0:37:24 in metropolitan like uh bible
0:37:27 scholarship is getting there although
0:37:28 they will never get to the developed we
0:37:30 can't get an islamic scholarship of
0:37:32 sunnah and syria because they don't have
0:37:34 the islands and they don't have that
0:37:35 huge amount of information and
0:37:38 narratives in which you can go and stay
0:37:40 safe but cross reference and collaborate
0:37:43 yeah okay so
0:37:45 continue
0:37:46 about the messages
0:38:03 of these prophets all of them
0:38:06 translate please
0:38:08 we sent all these apostles of as heralds
0:38:11 of glad tidings and as warner's so that
0:38:13 men might have no excuse before god
0:38:16 after the coming of these apostles and
0:38:18 god is indeed almighty wise so next
0:38:21 translation
0:38:22 all of these were messengers bearing
0:38:24 good news and warning so that people
0:38:26 would not have any excuse before god
0:38:28 after these messengers were sent
0:38:31 it is almighty and once
0:38:33 yeah this indicates that
0:38:39 there's a for diamonds to see and made
0:38:41 that creation of the world
0:38:44 that
0:38:45 humans will emerge
0:38:48 and they have sufficient rationality
0:38:51 and sufficient free will
0:38:54 to be addressed with commandments
0:38:56 and allah decided there will be
0:38:58 additional commandments
0:38:59 but the way that this is not addressing
0:39:01 everyone israel he could be
0:39:03 chosen that possibly everyone can be
0:39:05 addressed directly and receive
0:39:06 revelation likely that's no problem
0:39:08 follow us to do that but the decision
0:39:09 was made because allah's wisdom and this
0:39:12 is his nature
0:39:13 nobody can argue with that or analyze
0:39:16 any deeper than that except going to
0:39:17 infinite regress
0:39:19 is that there will be shoes and
0:39:20 messengers
0:39:22 in such a way that if you receive a
0:39:24 messenger
0:39:26 he must bring sufficient evidence that
0:39:28 he's a messenger
0:39:30 so that he have no excuse and then
0:39:33 there will be a resurrection and you
0:39:34 will be questioned about his messengers
0:39:37 if he does not if he did not send
0:39:39 messengers and he resurrect you and ask
0:39:41 you what did you do with him
0:39:43 how come how can i know that i am coming
0:39:45 to you on the right question
0:39:47 no necessity of reasoning indicating
0:39:49 that we see people being born generation
0:39:52 go they die they disintegrate that's it
0:39:55 now suddenly you ask me why did not
0:39:57 prepare for the day of judgment i didn't
0:39:58 know and there's no compelling reason
0:40:00 yes you can many people will share lives
0:40:02 that the soul must be that this free
0:40:04 will and this this consciousness cannot
0:40:06 go at waste and think that one
0:40:07 philosophical ground but this is only
0:40:09 for very few philosophers
0:40:11 and the argument is not necessarily so
0:40:13 persuasive that it will
0:40:15 it's not like one plus one is equal to
0:40:17 so you could have an argument against
0:40:18 allah almighty but that's not possible
0:40:20 nobody can argue with allah and get away
0:40:23 in the sense that defeat allah and
0:40:24 argument because allah is of
0:40:25 comprehensive knowledge and absolutely
0:40:27 mindfulness and rationality so that's
0:40:29 not alteration so he has to send
0:40:31 messengers if he wants to restrict the
0:40:33 billionaire
0:40:35 and
0:40:36 then
0:40:38 and give them sufficient evidence for
0:40:40 the prophethood so that the people
0:40:42 normally they will fail enough there
0:40:44 would be community failure
0:40:46 which is where you conclude from that
0:40:47 that is only those will be accounted
0:40:50 that they deny the truth who received
0:40:52 that root with evidence in such a way
0:40:54 that allah knows that they were
0:40:56 persuaded internally but they rejected
0:40:59 who is that in reality in the physical
0:41:01 we don't know we just leave to allah
0:41:04 many times that we remember we have
0:41:06 discussed what happened to the people
0:41:07 who did not see a message under 72 with
0:41:09 amazon my answer to everyone asking this
0:41:11 question why do you bother
0:41:15 leave them to allah he will match them
0:41:17 better than you
0:41:18 maybe these people who did not see a
0:41:20 message is having better luck than you
0:41:21 don't care what they asked they wouldn't
0:41:23 miss it say okay
0:41:25 go go to
0:41:26 the plane level or the lower level of
0:41:28 their paradise
0:41:32 maybe it's better for them to receive it
0:41:35 and you'll never know
0:41:37 yeah and also the hesitating point of
0:41:39 view that it is it is
0:41:41 that human can manage their affair other
0:41:43 than they cannot manage this is a bad
0:41:44 argument that this is the need for
0:41:45 prophets there is no need for so the
0:41:48 prophet has an obligation
0:41:50 if you want to account you there's no
0:41:51 need for them you can manage your life
0:41:54 you can put your own laws they may be
0:41:56 not perfect but you manage you can't
0:41:58 survive you see many nations are
0:42:00 managing with their own
0:42:01 cultures and traditions and so on maybe
0:42:03 not perfect management but they must
0:42:06 spanish they're surviving they're eating
0:42:07 their drinking they're procreating
0:42:10 they're even building cities and
0:42:11 villages and so on
0:42:12 they're doing
0:42:14 basically fine
0:42:19 so these messengers is just to
0:42:22 establish allah's argument against the
0:42:24 creation of qiyama that means there is
0:42:26 resurrection and they will be
0:42:27 questioning
0:42:28 but only those who receive the
0:42:29 messengers will be afraid if they are
0:42:31 accountable
0:42:32 the simplest solution for these were
0:42:34 asking about amazon they were going to
0:42:35 paradise why do you want
0:42:37 are you buggered because that because
0:42:39 they are lucky they didn't get any
0:42:40 messenger you just shut them in your
0:42:42 business
0:42:43 so don't get involved in this question
0:42:45 if someone comes with such a question as
0:42:47 usual here someone is having problem in
0:42:49 his mind or trying to create a problem
0:42:51 which doesn't exist there's no problem
0:42:53 because he did not
0:42:55 read the quran
0:42:56 properly you read the quran probably you
0:42:58 don't even ask this question but you may
0:43:01 even say maybe it's better for someone
0:43:02 or for all nations not to receive a
0:43:04 messenger for a long time
0:43:07 why care why
0:43:09 waste your time
0:43:10 in these questions
0:43:32 if you receive guidance from me then who
0:43:34 follow my guidance
0:43:37 he will be
0:43:39 probably guided and he will not be
0:43:40 unhappy
0:43:42 and to turn away from my guidance
0:43:45 he will live a miserable life
0:43:49 a miserable life
0:43:51 they have no internal peace no
0:43:52 orientation life he's just going around
0:43:54 like an animal with no direction
0:43:59 was blind in the region they asked my
0:44:01 lord why do you respect me i used to be
0:44:03 seen say because you received our eyes
0:44:06 and you turned away
0:44:07 and you forgot it so today we'll forget
0:44:09 you in your blindness
0:44:11 uh-huh and then
0:44:12 if you receive guidance then follow the
0:44:14 guidance otherwise you will have
0:44:15 miserable if you don't receive
0:44:17 forgiveness nothing is there
0:44:18 simple but anyway this is philosophical
0:44:21 let's go back so all these messengers
0:44:22 have these characters they bring good
0:44:24 news
0:44:26 of great rewards and so on and
0:44:27 resurrection because otherwise you think
0:44:29 you will expire and become dust and gone
0:44:32 this very depressive indeed
0:44:34 very negative i remember one of those
0:44:35 atheists who is
0:44:37 who is uh i think a film producer
0:44:40 i forgot his name and he was discussing
0:44:42 with some people and so on and they say
0:44:45 actually this this this film you made
0:44:48 he does first class films i will get his
0:44:50 name maybe one day or maybe i'll
0:44:51 remember him
0:44:52 he's not very old i saw that recently in
0:44:54 this video
0:44:55 this has a great message it persuaded
0:44:58 people to certain action as a political
0:45:00 philosophical something i'll say and
0:45:02 it's good that you produce that say
0:45:03 actually didn't use that for that
0:45:05 purpose
0:45:06 i just
0:45:07 tried to find something to get my mind
0:45:09 off this of thinking about that i will
0:45:11 rot in the grave and disintegrate and be
0:45:13 gone
0:45:15 that's the reason he's producing films
0:45:17 to to be busy with something is so that
0:45:19 he's not continuously thinking about
0:45:20 what happened in the future i will be
0:45:22 gone
0:45:23 and i'm just integrating
0:45:26 and this really the situation which is
0:45:28 someone who does not believe in
0:45:29 destruction should be in but the people
0:45:31 they whether they can black and they can
0:45:33 they can numb themselves with drugs with
0:45:35 alcohol with like this man with
0:45:37 achieving nice movies first class
0:45:39 philosophically discourses and so on
0:45:42 in movie form
0:45:45 just not just to get his mind off that
0:45:47 just with busy with something else
0:45:49 otherwise he'll bug you make your life
0:45:51 miserable
0:45:53 when you get the news that is not true
0:45:55 you will not expire you will be for you
0:45:57 are created for it and here
0:46:00 but for that you have to do something
0:46:03 and you have to be warned from doing
0:46:05 something which will be this eternal
0:46:06 life become miserable become
0:46:08 almost an eternal misery
0:46:12 that's the job of the messages
0:46:14 not that
0:46:15 that
0:46:16 humans need to manage their life and
0:46:18 they are unable they need messenger to
0:46:21 tell them that
0:46:23 how to do inheritance laws and so on
0:46:26 not for that but they will get they will
0:46:28 give you best laws yeah
0:46:30 it is not needed for that it's needed
0:46:32 for this
0:46:34 to get you out of the misery of being
0:46:36 expiring worthless
0:46:38 and being disoriented and living like an
0:46:40 animal
0:46:41 no direction
0:46:47 so this is the function of the missile
0:46:48 really
0:46:50 and allah has exalted and
0:46:52 completely perfectionist and
0:46:54 comprehensive
0:46:59 those who are rejecting the messenger
0:47:01 and trying to declare him to be an
0:47:03 imposter and so on
0:47:06 mostly jews in medina but also
0:47:07 christians and people
0:47:22 however it however it be god himself
0:47:25 bears witness to the truth of what he
0:47:27 has
0:47:28 bestowed from on high on thee out of his
0:47:31 own wisdom has he bestowed it from on
0:47:33 high with the angels bearing witness
0:47:35 thereto
0:47:36 although none can bear witness as god
0:47:38 does next translation god himself bears
0:47:41 witness to what he has sent down to you
0:47:44 he sent it down from on high with with
0:47:46 his knowledge and with angels bearing
0:47:48 witness although god is a sufficient
0:47:50 witness
0:47:51 this seems to be strange because
0:47:53 muhammad claimed he has been sent by
0:47:55 allah and so allah is witnessing he is
0:47:57 witnessing for you we are claiming that
0:47:59 that's actually not addressed to those
0:48:01 those have been addressed by showing
0:48:03 historic facts which they have been
0:48:05 hidden under or the correct
0:48:06 clarification of historic situation like
0:48:08 the issue with risa etc
0:48:10 actually it's addressed besides the
0:48:12 republic as a general philosophical
0:48:14 statement this to those who believe that
0:48:17 from the philosophical
0:48:18 that prophets are actually
0:48:20 somehow in connection with the supreme
0:48:22 mind of the universe who is like removed
0:48:24 and not communicated with humans but
0:48:27 somehow radiates knowledge to them
0:48:29 without knowing there's a philosophical
0:48:31 point to you or for example brahman that
0:48:33 the gods radiates knowledge and you gain
0:48:35 the knowledge by exercising uh by a
0:48:37 harsh exercise like for standing on one
0:48:39 feet for a thousand years then you get
0:48:41 access to heaven and you can't visit
0:48:43 lord brahma folks
0:48:45 something like that
0:48:47 and this always comes by it flows from
0:48:49 the divine without his knowledge
0:48:53 for this category of viewer and
0:48:54 philosophy said actually the so-called
0:48:56 supreme reason is actually busy in while
0:48:58 admiring himself and he's not considered
0:49:00 anything else obviously these people
0:49:02 will deny prophets i'll say but but we
0:49:04 have the phenomenal prophethood ah the
0:49:06 supreme reason radiates this knowledge
0:49:08 and it comes in the prophet's mind and
0:49:10 they have they have certain brain
0:49:12 structure or whatever is it so that they
0:49:14 have as exceptional imagination and
0:49:16 perception power
0:49:18 and this
0:49:19 appears to them that they're seeing
0:49:20 angels appear for them they are
0:49:21 receiving not divine which is not a lie
0:49:24 but it is just a representation just
0:49:25 imagination they are deceived
0:49:28 not by subconscious but by supreme mind
0:49:31 in that sense but self subconscious
0:49:33 translate that into
0:49:35 like anthropomorphic
0:49:37 images but the divine is not aware about
0:49:39 that
0:49:40 for those specifically and on january
0:49:43 allah is witnessing
0:49:45 that he has revealed it to
0:49:46 consciously knowingly
0:49:48 he is completely his complete complete
0:49:52 of great knowledge and mindfulness of
0:49:53 his own action he is not just radiating
0:49:56 like the sandra dating without knowing
0:49:58 that she is radiating no that's not
0:50:00 that's not the way the divine being uh
0:50:03 the the proper divine being is is well
0:50:05 defined that that other entity is a
0:50:08 philosophical constructs of aristotle's
0:50:10 and others which is in generally
0:50:12 contradictory it can be improved i'm not
0:50:14 going to go into the details of the
0:50:15 proof but it's impossible because
0:50:18 the in that case it must be acting by
0:50:20 necessity but acting by city is not
0:50:22 possible it can't create this universe
0:50:24 so we have to have the being who is
0:50:25 acting by absolute
0:50:27 spontaneous suffering and this is
0:50:29 impossible that we being who knows what
0:50:31 he is doing and have complete knowledge
0:50:33 so he got stuck back to the divine being
0:50:36 of the scripture who reveals and knows
0:50:38 that he is revealing allah is witnessing
0:50:40 that he revealed that with his own
0:50:42 knowledge and
0:50:44 me
0:50:45 he revealed it with his own knowledge is
0:50:47 not
0:50:48 radiating from him like this this is
0:50:51 like the photons coming from the sun
0:50:52 that the sun is completely unaware of
0:50:54 that just process dynamically no no no
0:50:57 it is by his knowledge he is an
0:50:59 absolutely sovereign
0:51:01 well absolute sovereign will with
0:51:04 absolute comprehensive knowledge and
0:51:06 this revelation is with his own
0:51:08 knowledge and acted upon by his own will
0:51:11 it is not is not radiating is not by
0:51:13 demanding it is by action
0:51:16 and actions compare done by an absolute
0:51:18 civilian for spontaneous free will
0:51:21 and the engines are intermediary
0:51:22 witnessing but they're just a secondary
0:51:24 weapon it's just the channel of the
0:51:26 what are the engines we don't know don't
0:51:28 involve in the engines we depict them as
0:51:30 maybe sometimes like
0:51:33 good looking men with two angels wings
0:51:35 for directing whatever you want
0:51:37 something else
0:51:40 one time i made a joke with someone who
0:51:42 was discussing some princesses say uh
0:51:45 this dark matter and so on and say maybe
0:51:47 there's not much of these angels you
0:51:49 don't know
0:51:50 because you have the hadith that says
0:51:52 the heavens are up but
0:51:55 they have heavy loaded
0:51:57 and it is
0:51:58 deserved that they are having a table
0:52:00 because there's no hand span and no
0:52:02 finger breath except an angel is
0:52:05 standing there or praying or prostrating
0:52:08 so that these guys must be the dark
0:52:10 matter or the dark energy and i'm just
0:52:12 joking but that's it so don't don't
0:52:14 indulge yourself what the angels are
0:52:16 they are entities who bring the message
0:52:18 from allah to the creation and two
0:52:19 things in the investment alliance are
0:52:21 like the angel of death
0:52:23 when you die
0:52:24 the messenger of god
0:52:26 and jericho
0:52:27 receive your soul
0:52:29 oh no i see your soul is something
0:52:31 completely abstract that the angels must
0:52:33 be somebody some kind of abstract
0:52:34 entities who can take records anyway we
0:52:37 don't go into that because going into
0:52:39 that more than that
0:52:41 except in a special class for it will
0:52:43 just be confusing
0:52:44 don't speculate on the engine think it
0:52:46 is it's like radiation or something like
0:52:48 no it may be something deeper than that
0:52:50 something more complex than that we
0:52:51 don't know but these entities witness
0:52:54 that because they are the intermediary
0:52:55 of that act and it seems to be clearly
0:52:57 that they are capable of witnessing
0:52:58 because they take records and so on
0:53:00 but not necessarily capable of doing any
0:53:02 action and maybe not even
0:53:04 fully conscious being maybe partially
0:53:06 conscious we don't know
0:53:08 and even the
0:53:09 time of sermon there was an argument at
0:53:11 the end it's really responsible being
0:53:12 like us like humans because one one i
0:53:15 think one time you're also happy we say
0:53:17 humans are superior to engines and
0:53:18 someone who protects them say my my my
0:53:21 cousin
0:53:22 or my nephew that's usually an old man
0:53:24 in arabia my nephew be the son of my
0:53:26 brother listen a nice address
0:53:29 do you know what the angels are they
0:53:30 just had like this wind
0:53:33 it flies and that says that's it they
0:53:36 cannot be superior to humans
0:53:38 like the wind anyway that's his point of
0:53:40 view
0:53:42 but in any case whatever the angels may
0:53:44 be
0:53:45 most relevant and most important most
0:53:47 sufficient witness is the witness
0:53:48 follower
0:53:50 allah is sufficient witness
0:53:52 allah is a sufficient witness for that
0:53:55 so this is addressing to those who
0:53:56 believe allies is emanating knowledge is
0:53:58 something like
0:53:59 like like an entity which radiates
0:54:01 knowledge and radiates images and things
0:54:03 without being aware of what he's doing
0:54:05 no that's not that's that's an entity
0:54:07 which cannot exist i cannot create and
0:54:09 definitely cannot be the creator of this
0:54:11 universe for the creator of this
0:54:12 universe is definitely must be acting
0:54:14 but absolutely spontaneous sovereign
0:54:16 free will otherwise it's not possible
0:54:18 either they're not explain the creation
0:54:21 but this is the job obviously the
0:54:22 evidences of divine beings under and
0:54:25 that that it is acting by it a free will
0:54:27 etc
0:54:29 then our commenting of that thing is
0:54:31 after all of these this information
0:54:33 about prophets and what allah the
0:54:35 fundamental aspects of the meaning of
0:54:37 really where were prisons
0:54:39 and earth and so on
0:54:41 unless there is a resurrection and there
0:54:42 will be questioning and there will be
0:54:44 people arguing and can't align
0:54:46 after all that
0:54:47 what about those who have rejected that
0:54:50 and
0:54:50 prevented people from accepting uh
0:54:53 preventing themselves and others to go
0:54:54 to the correct way
0:54:56 what is their destiny what they deserve
0:54:58 of condemnation the next is that
0:55:03 one
0:55:10 behold those who are bent on denying the
0:55:12 truth and on turning others away from
0:55:14 the path of god have indeed gone far
0:55:16 astray in translation those who have
0:55:19 denied the truth and turned other ways
0:55:21 others away from god have gone far
0:55:23 astray yeah because based on that what
0:55:26 has happened
0:55:27 it has been discussed before there have
0:55:29 been messengers
0:55:30 and there will be resurrection they will
0:55:32 be questioning these have been sent
0:55:34 specifically to establish the argument
0:55:36 in an irrefutable way for your matayama
0:55:38 but also to bring the good news or that
0:55:40 there is a reaction you are not going to
0:55:41 rot away like this this director is
0:55:44 complaining about him he is lamenting
0:55:46 his own district it said oh no that's
0:55:48 not true
0:55:49 you have better a better future than
0:55:51 that but also there are there are
0:55:53 dangers along the way you have to be
0:55:54 aware and we have to deal with them
0:55:57 now yes you are more valuable than just
0:55:59 rotting away you know which much more
0:56:00 important value will be and not like
0:56:02 animals will just expire with this
0:56:04 unconsciousness no no no or limited
0:56:06 consciousness is sufficient not
0:56:08 sufficient for them to be disabled
0:56:09 vietnam
0:56:11 but those who deny the truth
0:56:14 of this fine messenger
0:56:17 all these uh all these fundamental
0:56:19 aspects
0:56:20 and they
0:56:21 diverted people away from that they have
0:56:23 been misguided far away because if
0:56:25 that's the truth then what they have
0:56:27 what the the road they they have struck
0:56:30 for themselves is definitely far away
0:56:32 from any government through guidance
0:56:34 and it's far away it's really follow
0:56:36 it's not just a small deviation which
0:56:38 you can easily it is radically different
0:56:41 this is like yes you want to go east and
0:56:43 then you make the mistake going west
0:56:46 never get there absolutely impossible
0:56:48 there's no way or even even worse you go
0:56:50 south because maybe if somebody goes
0:56:52 they go east and they come from the west
0:56:54 by because there is
0:56:58 a sphere that's fine but if you want to
0:57:00 go east washington we are certain
0:57:02 destination by going south you will
0:57:04 never get there ever because
0:57:06 at first you can come from north pole
0:57:08 and you're staying for all your times
0:57:09 you're not getting anywhere that's not
0:57:11 alright it's completely perpendicular to
0:57:13 the direction
0:57:15 does not get anywhere
0:57:17 and then another category
0:57:21 of this believer who committed in
0:57:23 addition engines is
0:57:24 Music
0:57:35 behold those who have been to deny the
0:57:36 truth and evil doing god will not
0:57:39 forgive them nor will he guide them onto
0:57:42 any
0:57:43 road i think yeah
0:57:44 yeah next translation god will not
0:57:46 forgive those who reject the truth and
0:57:48 are unjust nor will he guide them to any
0:57:51 past exactly
0:57:52 so
0:57:56 that he will not forgive them if they
0:57:58 die in that state if they repent and
0:57:59 come back that's still the possibility
0:58:01 is there for some people but
0:58:03 but doesn't doesn't get guide him any in
0:58:06 any way
0:58:07 he will not
0:58:08 he will not allow them
0:58:11 he will not allow uh
0:58:13 because they have the free will to
0:58:14 choose
0:58:15 and he allows them to choose whatever
0:58:17 they choose
0:58:18 he will not
0:58:19 he will
0:58:20 in the case of
0:58:21 the guidance allah is at liberty to to
0:58:24 be beneficial to to to human beings that
0:58:27 he gives them certain hints and guidance
0:58:30 like said and dreams certain things for
0:58:32 the guidance not from this guidance for
0:58:34 the guidance
0:58:35 so these even will not have the benefit
0:58:37 he will not even give them this benefit
0:58:39 of these because of their injustice and
0:58:41 transgression they will not you just let
0:58:43 them choose whatever without giving any
0:58:45 hint which will may guide to a good way
0:58:47 because sometimes you you get a dream
0:58:49 and you you are god because you are not
0:58:51 you didn't commit such injustice you may
0:58:53 and you did not deny the thoughts
0:58:56 so so violently and viciously
0:58:58 and maliciously and
0:59:01 at such a level then still you may get
0:59:03 from allah said and hence certain dreams
0:59:05 certain incidents which shock you and
0:59:07 ask you is that is that accidental or it
0:59:10 is some a divine handball and many
0:59:12 people report that you can ask many
0:59:14 people who
0:59:16 came back through that also the belief
0:59:18 and so on that they have certain
0:59:19 experiences which is quite odd and so on
0:59:21 that's all from allah
0:59:23 these expenses
0:59:24 are not granted to even this kind of
0:59:26 oppressive and viciously the malicious
0:59:29 catholic and they will not have
0:59:30 forgiveness
0:59:33 about which way he may guide or uh make
0:59:35 open for them
0:59:37 is the way which is obviously in front
0:59:39 of them which is they have chosen
0:59:44 a
0:59:52 but the road that leads to hell therein
0:59:53 to abide beyond the count of time and
0:59:56 this is indeed easy for god next
0:59:58 translation accept the past that leads
1:00:00 to hell where they will live eternally
1:00:03 this is easy for god yeah so
1:00:06 that's clear that's the way to hell and
1:00:08 there must be a living attention that's
1:00:10 a little discussion about that they'll
1:00:11 expire not expel we're not going to
1:00:13 discuss that nowaday maybe one day we
1:00:14 will have we'll have communication for
1:00:16 that with various arguments of
1:00:18 philosophical and scriptural arguments
1:00:20 about that but
1:00:22 we'll see him it is for a long time take
1:00:23 about that he has a long time not not a
1:00:25 mathematical
1:00:26 eternity which never expires
1:00:30 and this is easy for allah how can god
1:00:33 do like somewhere
1:00:34 how can god be so unkind to he creates
1:00:36 this creation and go through that much
1:00:38 trouble and tolerate all that is
1:00:40 happening and it certainly is not happy
1:00:43 what they are doing and then he just
1:00:45 cast them in hell
1:00:46 no don't worry it's easy for allah since
1:00:48 you have chosen that for you and you
1:00:50 stubbornly didn't have the truth and
1:00:51 ignored all possible signs you have
1:00:53 received after all of that
1:00:55 what you expect a lot to give you signs
1:00:57 on the way to to salvation no you have
1:00:59 shows that and you indulge into death
1:01:01 but allah has forsaken you and it's easy
1:01:04 for you
1:01:04 you see there are many other believers
1:01:06 who are sufficient like when the
1:01:08 challenge of religion said if you if you
1:01:09 give me life until the day
1:01:11 you'll find most of these
1:01:14 humans which you have given nobility and
1:01:16 made them preferable over me they will
1:01:18 not
1:01:19 they will not be
1:01:20 thankful for you for you for these
1:01:22 favors
1:01:23 and allah answered to him
1:01:25 my my sincere servants have saved the
1:01:27 ones who sincerely belong to me they
1:01:29 will not have power over them but who
1:01:31 follow you
1:01:33 bye go hellfire is waiting for you i
1:01:35 don't care about them i will not be
1:01:37 grieving about them so allah is not
1:01:38 going to grieve about this believer or
1:01:41 or feel pity for them that's that's
1:01:42 that's the imagination maybe you may
1:01:44 find that maybe in some christian
1:01:46 circles who who believes that allah
1:01:48 sacrifice his own son or part of his own
1:01:51 self for humanity this is all nonsense
1:01:53 he can know allah creation is different
1:01:55 yes he is kind to his creation he's
1:01:58 subtle to his creation but if the
1:01:59 creation shows to turn away from him and
1:02:02 indulge stubbornly
1:02:19 in
1:02:35 o mankind the apostle has now come unto
1:02:37 you with the truth from your sustainer
1:02:39 believe them for your own good and if
1:02:41 you deny the truth behold unto god
1:02:43 belongs all that is in the heavens and
1:02:45 all that is on earth and god is indeed
1:02:48 all knowing wise next translation people
1:02:51 the messenger has come to you with the
1:02:52 truth from your lord so believe in it
1:02:54 for your own well-being if you deny the
1:02:57 truth remember that to god belongs
1:02:59 everything that is in the heavens and on
1:03:01 earth god is honoring and all wise yeah
1:03:04 exactly so so don't think it's a if you
1:03:07 don't believe
1:03:08 that you are that that you are making a
1:03:10 dent in god's sovereignty or our kingdom
1:03:13 he owns everything in heaven so it will
1:03:15 not cause him any harm the only one harm
1:03:16 this way is yourself and he's all
1:03:19 pervasive and also the same like this
1:03:21 here and before easy for him that's the
1:03:23 same
1:03:24 you're not going to bother him you are
1:03:25 only going to
1:03:27 to bother yourself and damage yourself
1:03:29 but because you are missing than on the
1:03:31 great opportunity of eternal joy and
1:03:34 everything that's all ending in misery
1:03:36 and then
1:03:38 damnation that's all it is and this will
1:03:40 not reduce my liking there's anything
1:03:41 whatsoever
1:03:43 so nobody should come in and then and
1:03:45 and the idea or the thought that allah
1:03:48 would be would be losing or something
1:03:50 you know nothing like also he said
1:03:52 muhammad is mentioning that his god is
1:03:55 is punishing all these nations
1:03:56 previously and other nations by
1:03:58 destruction and so on is he not afraid
1:04:00 that after punishing all of these people
1:04:02 nobody is left to worship him
1:04:05 as if allah is needing of their worship
1:04:07 because that's what they think of the
1:04:08 pagan if you look through some some
1:04:10 indian movies
1:04:12 and some one of the hindus is stuck in
1:04:14 some calamity he goes to the island
1:04:16 threatening him if you don't solve me
1:04:17 that problem i will stop worshiping you
1:04:20 so that's the way they deal with the
1:04:22 gods and idols and i think the creator
1:04:24 winners of this category
1:04:26 these people are living in deepest
1:04:29 low level of rationality and they think
1:04:31 that's rational or acceptable
1:04:34 and then another address now to the
1:04:36 people of the book
1:04:38 Music
1:04:49 Music
1:04:52 rasulullah
1:05:11 oh followers of the gospel do not
1:05:13 overstep the bounds of truth in your
1:05:15 religious beliefs and do not say of god
1:05:17 anything but the truth
1:05:19 the christ jesus son of mary was about
1:05:21 god's apostle the fulfillment of his
1:05:24 promise which he had conveyed unto mary
1:05:26 and the soul created by him
1:05:28 believe then in god and his apostles and
1:05:31 do not say god is a trinity
1:05:34 desist from this assertion for your own
1:05:36 good god is but one god utterly remote
1:05:39 is he in his glory from having a son
1:05:43 unto him belongs all that is in the
1:05:45 heavens and all that is on earth and
1:05:47 none is as worthy of trust as god next
1:05:49 translation people of the book do not
1:05:52 exercise in your
1:05:54 do not be excessive in your beliefs and
1:05:56 do not say anything about god except the
1:05:58 truth
1:05:59 the messiah jesus son of mary is the
1:06:02 messenger of god
1:06:03 his word contain convey to mary and a
1:06:06 spirit from him
1:06:07 believe in god and his messengers and do
1:06:09 not say three
1:06:11 stop this for your own good god is only
1:06:13 one god so exalted is he in his glory
1:06:16 from abi from having a son
1:06:18 everything belongs to him that is in the
1:06:21 heavens and on earth none is as worthy
1:06:23 to trust as he
1:06:25 okay so just the first one says okay of
1:06:27 the gospel that's a mistake that's just
1:06:29 the twitter of the book
1:06:31 do not go extreme in your religion is
1:06:32 that just both for the jews and to the
1:06:35 and to the kisses for the jews because
1:06:36 they went extreme over there he said
1:06:38 that he is the son of x-ray so and so on
1:06:40 and he's an imposter that's extremely
1:06:41 religion that's extremism because this
1:06:44 is not the the proper address to someone
1:06:47 of isa and his what he has been doing
1:06:50 that's going to extreme and the other
1:06:52 one who accept him as a messenger
1:06:54 elevated him to the rank of divinity
1:06:56 which is again extremism in the other
1:06:58 side so one is extreme in the name
1:06:59 positive when you say both are extreme
1:07:01 so the second transition is better it's
1:07:03 the people of the book both are adjusted
1:07:05 so isa is not the son of a questionable
1:07:08 woman etc
1:07:09 nor he is a divine being
1:07:11 he is the messenger of god
1:07:27 inspired to maryam and spread it from
1:07:28 him
1:07:29 so believe in allah and his messengers
1:07:31 not only the issa but all miss angels
1:07:33 including this one bring you this
1:07:35 message
1:07:36 don't say three stop saying that three
1:07:38 three attribute
1:07:39 stop it is better for you so till that
1:07:42 moment it may be accepted by historic
1:07:44 mistakes
1:07:45 from now on it's not accepted
1:07:47 in
1:07:48 one deity
1:08:09 three and one same time which is
1:08:11 impossible we know but that's that's the
1:08:12 way they are formulated
1:08:17 so allah is not a trinity it's only one
1:08:19 god
1:08:22 exalted b is that he may have us of the
1:08:24 sun because it's impossible
1:08:26 to contradict
1:08:28 the meaning of being necessarily
1:08:29 existing
1:08:33 and this is the one under the this the
1:08:36 sun hood in the sense of the sense of
1:08:39 of the genuine
1:08:41 the genetic sun wood is the one denied
1:08:44 the adoption is just a special election
1:08:46 that's not an issue which is worth the
1:08:47 scatter oh it is prohibited in the
1:08:49 financial area to use it but it is not a
1:08:51 fundamental issue so they said that the
1:08:53 sun in the sense of a divine being a
1:08:55 divine
1:08:56 entity that's impossible that can't be
1:08:58 for the necessary existing meaning who
1:09:00 is singular with who is really allowed
1:09:03 to use mathematical is like a
1:09:05 mathematical point
1:09:07 like a geometric point completely
1:09:08 indivisible it cannot be having any any
1:09:11 structure or any details like that's
1:09:13 impossible
1:09:14 and his his belongs to everything in
1:09:16 heaven and earth
1:09:18 under marisa while he was living he was
1:09:20 in on earth in part of him so he belongs
1:09:23 to allah is owned by allah completely
1:09:25 no no way to to get away from this
1:09:28 and this is allah his vision to guard
1:09:30 the end of the truth and thought worthy
1:09:32 of trusting in his statement and his
1:09:34 advice and his commandments
1:09:39 and then another important point which
1:09:41 may the people
1:09:42 christian
1:09:43 may think that that
1:09:45 the messiah is a will would be upset
1:09:48 although it would be too arrogant to be
1:09:50 slave of allah and the servant no it's
1:09:53 not as a matter of actually the early
1:09:55 church especially
1:09:57 claimant of rome
1:09:59 he said in summary that jesus
1:10:02 is the servant of god and his messenger
1:10:04 that's what he said so this was known at
1:10:06 this at least until the end of the first
1:10:08 century that was the common view in
1:10:11 palestine and the complete roma at least
1:10:13 it was amazing to find such a statement
1:10:15 still at the end but later on does it
1:10:17 does have fallen oblivion and then the
1:10:20 the extremism took place and then he
1:10:22 become
1:10:24 put into the divine level so next time
1:10:26 he says thank you very much
1:10:36 never did that christ feel too proud to
1:10:38 be god's servant nor do the angels who
1:10:40 are near onto him and those who feel too
1:10:43 proud to serve him and glory in their
1:10:45 arrogance should know that on judgment
1:10:47 day he will gather them all unto himself
1:10:50 next translation the messiah was never
1:10:53 too proud to be god's servant nor were
1:10:55 the angels who are near to him he will
1:10:57 gather before him the arrogant and all
1:10:59 those who are too proud to worship him
1:11:02 so this is this is clearly why what
1:11:04 mistakes there that
1:11:05 even the messiah would never he has
1:11:07 always tested he the servant of god and
1:11:09 he's not equal to god and so on and he
1:11:11 will never be
1:11:12 really uh rejecting to be the servant
1:11:15 and as a slave of allah no way and not
1:11:18 neither the close angels meaning
1:11:19 especially the holy spirit because their
1:11:21 spirit is is supposed to be one of the
1:11:22 angels in the best construction they
1:11:24 have we know it is the holy spirit is
1:11:26 really another name of
1:11:28 jibril but for some reason
1:11:32 the
1:11:33 the
1:11:36 some modern christian they claim oh it
1:11:38 was the holy spirit appeared in time uh
1:11:40 yeah that holy spirit is maybe jibril
1:11:43 but
1:11:44 but the messiah himself the spirit of
1:11:46 israel before he came as a as
1:11:48 it was saint mike so michael became lisa
1:11:51 or something like that so
1:11:53 some kind of supreme or first-class
1:11:54 angels are somehow divine but even these
1:11:57 supreme angels they have a strong angels
1:12:00 jibril and mikhail are definitely not
1:12:03 too arrogant to be slave and accept to
1:12:05 be slave allah and worship him and
1:12:06 whoever dares to be
1:12:08 too arrogant to be servant to allah and
1:12:10 say submit to him he will connect all of
1:12:13 them
1:12:14 to him in the day of judgment
1:12:34 whereupon
1:12:36 where upon unto those who attain to
1:12:38 faith and did good deeds he will grant
1:12:41 their
1:12:42 just rewards and give them yet more out
1:12:44 of his bounty whereas those who felt too
1:12:47 proud and gloried in their in their
1:12:50 arrogance he will chastise with grievous
1:12:52 punishment his grievous suffering and
1:12:54 they shall find none to protect them
1:12:56 from god and none to bring them to kill
1:12:58 this translation to those who believe
1:13:00 and do good deeds he will give them
1:13:02 their just rewards and give them even
1:13:05 more out of his favor whereas to those
1:13:07 who felt too proud and arrogant you will
1:13:09 punish them with that painful punishment
1:13:11 they will find no one to protect them
1:13:13 from god
1:13:14 so you see he said allah says that those
1:13:17 who believe and do good deeds that is
1:13:19 essentially being a god servant
1:13:21 if you have got servant you you will
1:13:22 believe and you do good deeds that's
1:13:24 equivalent to be god's servant and vice
1:13:26 versa so it doesn't stay this who was
1:13:28 your but accepted to be servants no need
1:13:29 to say that's your belief and
1:13:32 make good deeds and you have accepted
1:13:34 the divine commandments under the
1:13:35 definition of good and evil and accepted
1:13:38 allah as your lord that's that's the
1:13:39 meaning so there's no other meaning for
1:13:41 that
1:13:42 they will get their reward and added in
1:13:45 additional
1:13:47 reward from allah from his body and from
1:13:49 his extra favors but those who were
1:13:51 arrogant
1:13:53 and rejected to to
1:13:55 to submit
1:13:56 to to him and is by decision by the
1:13:59 marriage action they were out of the
1:14:01 camp no none what they do can't be
1:14:02 declared as good deeds even if they
1:14:04 claim it's moral and so on it just has
1:14:06 no relevance it's disconnected from the
1:14:08 source of existence social morality in
1:14:10 the universe a lot of others
1:14:12 they can declare whatever they want we
1:14:14 are serving humanity or philanthropist
1:14:16 it doesn't count for us
1:14:17 because they have rejected god as their
1:14:19 lord
1:14:20 and all what they doing is in vain
1:14:22 doesn't it doesn't have any value or
1:14:23 disconnected from the real sort of
1:14:25 existence of this sort of rationality
1:14:27 and the insults of of morality
1:14:30 these will be
1:14:32 will be punished severely and they will
1:14:34 find more support and nobody giving them
1:14:36 victory or help in making
1:14:55 and we have sent down unto you a clear
1:14:57 light that's translation people
1:14:59 convincing truth has now come to you
1:15:01 from your lord and we have sent down to
1:15:03 you clear enlightenment
1:15:06 yeah so this is very clear so after all
1:15:07 my kind you have received evidences for
1:15:10 han
1:15:11 proofs from your lord
1:15:13 and we have sent down to you a guiding
1:15:16 light an evident guiding light
1:15:18 that's the quran and the message
1:15:20 is himself in the sense of guidance
1:15:24 all his life is a proper guidance and
1:15:25 this all of it
1:15:27 all these advances
1:15:28 and evidence that we just need to bond a
1:15:30 little bit and analyze it that's it and
1:15:33 to double
1:15:35 manage it from front to back back to
1:15:37 front not only one eye are not something
1:15:39 out of context all of it then the
1:15:41 evidence is very clear and compelling
1:15:45 so that you have received now
1:15:48 what will be a response depending upon
1:15:50 your response you will
1:16:00 my
1:16:06 and as for those who have attained to
1:16:07 faith in god and hold fast unto him he
1:16:10 will enfold them within his grace and
1:16:12 bounty and guide them unto himself by a
1:16:14 straight way in translation as for those
1:16:17 who believed in him and hold fast to him
1:16:20 god will admit them to his mercy and
1:16:21 grace and will guide them to themselves
1:16:23 on a straight path
1:16:25 so that's clear it does mention those
1:16:27 who do not
1:16:28 believe and
1:16:30 hold tight to allah because they
1:16:31 mentioned before then even not worthy
1:16:33 mentioning now what's now mentioning is
1:16:35 just the positive side because you have
1:16:36 the proof you have everything then get
1:16:39 get online
1:16:40 and get to get get the benefit of that
1:16:43 so these will believe in allah and hold
1:16:45 for tightroom they will will be entered
1:16:48 in the divine mercy and extern extra
1:16:51 rewards and extra their grace and
1:16:53 benefits which they cannot imagine
1:16:55 expect now
1:16:56 and they will be in this life guided to
1:16:59 him as a straight path they will not be
1:17:01 wavering and thinking about slotting in
1:17:02 the gravel so this will be gone all of
1:17:04 it
1:17:05 and the other ones is clear with
1:17:07 national policy it's no good to mention
1:17:08 them again because they have maybe
1:17:10 shelbury and they will be just spoil the
1:17:12 positive picture which is being
1:17:13 presented down that's the positive
1:17:15 picture negative picture has been
1:17:16 presented before
1:17:19 the last eye is the eye of kanala
1:17:21 we will do it insha'allah next time and
1:17:24 connect it to the previous io and see if
1:17:26 we can solve the problem of the of the
1:17:29 inheritance between ibn abbas and his
1:17:32 camp and uh
1:17:33 and
1:17:35 omar and his camp
1:17:36 and sure that the brahmas was right but
1:17:38 he needed a
1:17:39 further small correction
1:17:42 than it would be
1:17:54 um any questions from anyone
1:17:57 i will allow people i'm new
1:18:02 so
1:18:03 going once
1:18:05 going twice
1:18:08 thanks to we're straight in there hello
1:18:10 hello yeah
1:18:13 you know i'm starting to bro
1:18:16 um
1:18:19 well i was going to say just a quick uh
1:18:21 sort of follow-up just so you have some
1:18:22 information brother first approached me
1:18:29 forget about no no no questions relevant
1:18:31 to the uh uh
1:18:33 apart from one thing you mentioned
1:18:35 casually that there was a church father
1:18:37 who mentioned that the christ was the
1:18:39 slave of uh of allah
1:18:42 and and yeah this is a claimant of rome
1:18:46 second question
1:18:48 okay alhamdulillah you see the the
1:18:50 picture that the picture that is um
1:18:53 that's pointed out yeah this is a very
1:18:55 active field
1:18:56 of research and discussion for
1:18:58 patristics and alhamdulillah
1:19:00 just due to um
1:19:03 some local
1:19:04 uh in uh sort of connections there's a
1:19:07 priest who is one of a he's a top
1:19:08 historian basically father ellis to
1:19:09 stewart sykes good friend of mine is
1:19:11 historian so i've been down to the
1:19:12 um the justice conference in oxford
1:19:15 a few years ago
1:19:16 um
1:19:18 the thing is that they will accept
1:19:20 um that the development of their
1:19:22 theology occurred over several centuries
1:19:24 their their general point of course is
1:19:27 that this was the uh for the catholics
1:19:29 let's just take the catholic strait for
1:19:30 example right the catholics in eastern
1:19:32 orthodox will accept that okay there
1:19:33 were certain ideas this this was one of
1:19:35 those ideas
1:19:36 um
1:19:37 and the the body the jim hood kind of
1:19:39 gathered on this understanding of the
1:19:41 patriarchs
1:19:42 of uh of trinity or the godhead and you
1:19:45 know atonement and all this kind of
1:19:46 things coming later the the question i
1:19:49 find interesting is what's downplayed
1:19:52 maybe you want to comment on this right
1:19:54 is the role of the jerusalem church and
1:19:56 the early church fathers around isla
1:19:58 islam
1:19:59 and what they were doing and also for me
1:20:01 one of the most interesting bits of
1:20:02 christian early christian literature are
1:20:04 the desert fathers i don't know if
1:20:05 you've ever read the sayings of the
1:20:06 desert fathers it's powerful spiritual
1:20:08 literature i i don't know much about
1:20:10 their theology and i know they're later
1:20:11 there's several centuries later but this
1:20:13 is um
1:20:14 you know it's it's something that and
1:20:16 the point to uh the reason why i asked
1:20:19 this point the reason why i make this
1:20:20 point is look
1:20:22 often as muslims uh we're somewhat
1:20:24 dismissive over the fact that
1:20:26 christianity presents or may make a
1:20:28 rather grotesque analogy here i'll do it
1:20:30 anyway localism as an attractive thing
1:20:32 on the outside surface because it looks
1:20:34 attractive but the way they sell it is
1:20:36 that you know jesus loves you god loves
1:20:38 you so much loves you so much that he
1:20:40 you know he sacrificed for himself but
1:20:42 these these ideas are related
1:20:45 and have become i mean it's a big thing
1:20:47 you know it's it's it's a big thing and
1:20:48 you'll find you're emotionally very
1:20:50 appealing yeah
1:20:51 yeah because the problem is because you
1:20:52 don't have to do any work down right you
1:20:54 just believe that jesus died for you but
1:20:56 obviously
1:20:57 the catholics will be clearer they
1:20:59 actually i think they have a more
1:21:00 rational sense uh theology in the sense
1:21:02 well there's still purgatory or what we
1:21:03 would call hell you know there's
1:21:04 punishment for spin and such right and
1:21:06 there's abandonment and then obviously
1:21:07 it's linked to the church whereas the
1:21:09 other ones the the more popular the
1:21:10 evangelical baptist types will be saying
1:21:13 look if yours if your salvation is true
1:21:15 then your actions would indicate that
1:21:18 it's more
1:21:19 actually if you look at it it's kind of
1:21:20 some ways a bit more closer to
1:21:21 archaeology type thing if you iman is
1:21:23 poor pure then you wouldn't sin
1:21:25 so there must be something wrong with
1:21:26 your federal sort of thing right so i
1:21:28 just wanted you to comment a little bit
1:21:30 more and expand on it because this is is
1:21:31 a key point
1:21:33 um but it's confusing in some ways
1:21:35 because you'll go to most christians so
1:21:37 if we're dealing with
1:21:39 evangelicals for them the the the
1:21:41 godhead or the trinity the trinity of
1:21:43 the godhead is not the main thing not to
1:21:44 say they don't believe in it they do
1:21:46 but for them it's salvation or uh
1:21:49 dying on the cross
1:21:50 yeah
1:21:51 yeah yeah it's it's the um yeah it's the
1:21:53 whole the whole the whole um
1:21:56 uh yeah salvific theory of of god
1:21:58 becoming a man today pay for the wages
1:22:00 of sin and death and all that business
1:22:02 yeah others
1:22:04 actually that the
1:22:06 the the two the two comes that the
1:22:08 divinity already semi divinity of christ
1:22:10 is actually advocated by paul who seems
1:22:13 to be having a background from mithraism
1:22:15 and so on under the
1:22:17 sacrificial bull etc possibly but anyway
1:22:20 the the the interpretation of
1:22:22 crucifixion it was not always uh uh it
1:22:25 seems you paul was more inclined to the
1:22:27 gnostic point of view that it is to to
1:22:30 to gain the world again from from the
1:22:32 hand of the devil to defeat the devil
1:22:34 somehow was not that he was not really
1:22:37 stressing maybe i should read again his
1:22:40 epistle especially the seven well
1:22:41 established ones it seems to be the that
1:22:44 is just to defeat the devil and save
1:22:46 humanity from the devils and rather than
1:22:49 the any initial sin or something like
1:22:51 that but this
1:22:53 this this became so grotesque in the
1:22:55 hand of uh marcion or macleon when he
1:22:58 claimed that even even
1:23:01 that in the second century he died 130
1:23:04 roughly
1:23:05 he developed the theory that
1:23:07 consistently that means that even the
1:23:09 old testament god is the devil
1:23:11 and the old testament is the revelation
1:23:12 of the devil the only divine revelation
1:23:14 real one is christ himself but that was
1:23:17 too much for for the majority and they
1:23:19 declared him to be a cover
1:23:21 quite understandably yeah yeah that's
1:23:23 one the other one would because this one
1:23:25 could not
1:23:27 stand any scrutiny because this means
1:23:29 the devil is equal in power to allah and
1:23:32 they needed such a as a major sacrifice
1:23:34 to relieve anyone from his hand and
1:23:36 that's obviously not acceptable for any
1:23:38 one of these religions dualism so that
1:23:40 has been abolished so then the theory
1:23:42 was done because the crucifixion has
1:23:44 been taken so what's the sense of that
1:23:47 such a noble man at least is not yet
1:23:49 divine
1:23:50 uh with such high rank is is suffering
1:23:53 that terribly is just to atone for the
1:23:55 initiative then the theory of initial
1:23:57 sin has been developed and the claim
1:23:59 that the death came to the world because
1:24:00 of racial sin all of that and
1:24:03 relying on the mythical purely mythical
1:24:05 claims of the old testament so genesis
1:24:08 is guilty partly in that
1:24:11 and that that seems to be more
1:24:13 acceptable
1:24:14 and then
1:24:20 augustine was forced to develop a very
1:24:22 odd theory of divine justice that allah
1:24:25 is even unable to forgive such a sin
1:24:28 without
1:24:29 some sacrifice must be done so the only
1:24:31 way he found out is to sacrifice his own
1:24:34 son or his own messenger
1:24:36 of the dimension what was the name
1:24:38 of augustine
1:24:40 augustine okay one when the most vicious
1:24:42 and more
1:24:45 strong brains of history one of the
1:24:47 biggest philosophers history as big as
1:24:48 krant and so on but he could not find
1:24:50 any
1:24:51 and by the way he was a questionable
1:24:53 parenthetical because he they call him
1:24:55 monarchic
1:24:57 the the the first person affinity
1:24:59 absorbs almost everything the others are
1:25:01 like faces of him not really entities or
1:25:04 persona in independent persona so he is
1:25:06 not his theory of trending is not a
1:25:08 standard one
1:25:10 so so that's so but what the the only
1:25:13 way he could save it
1:25:14 uh save the day so all of it is coming i
1:25:17 think all is coming from that making
1:25:19 sense after the crucifixion and simply
1:25:21 not accepting what luca for example says
1:25:25 they could they crucified a great
1:25:26 prophet of god he's just a murderer just
1:25:29 make him a martyr that's that's simple
1:25:30 they want
1:25:31 they want to accept that so
1:25:34 getting him out of the ring of humanity
1:25:36 and making him so big
1:25:37 that it's very difficult to accept that
1:25:39 he is a murderer like anybody else
1:25:41 and then developed father in stages
1:25:44 and in various discussion
1:25:47 the party of divinity won the day
1:25:49 because because paul was successful in
1:25:51 the gentiles
1:25:53 and the jerusalem church allowed him to
1:25:55 work with the gentiles and prohibited
1:25:57 him to talk to the jews they
1:25:58 concentrated on the jews because they
1:26:00 believed that the christ is a messenger
1:26:02 to iba islam only which is true
1:26:04 and then they thought we get rid of that
1:26:06 troublesome guy and his odd ideas let
1:26:08 him deal with the gentiles okay
1:26:10 no problem and also he is allowed to eat
1:26:13 big and what sacrifice to the idols okay
1:26:15 and he doesn't regard circumcision as
1:26:17 necessary i was okay and he was
1:26:19 attacking them as a circumcision party
1:26:21 so
1:26:22 a careful reading of paul shows the
1:26:24 initial conflict and by the way the
1:26:26 cheshire of rome by the way
1:26:28 is
1:26:28 according to the most tradition there
1:26:30 they accept is established by by peter
1:26:33 simon peter who is
1:26:39 of christ
1:26:41 yeah but i mean the thing is what you're
1:26:42 fighting about peter but he's mentioning
1:26:44 he says you're the there's that famous
1:26:46 goal isn't it yeah the one after him or
1:26:48 the second of time
1:26:50 Music
1:26:54 not believing in the divinity of christ
1:26:56 while the church is in in asia and so on
1:26:59 in the greek
1:27:00 okay and there were genuinely pagan
1:27:02 areas they were more paulie direction
1:27:05 jerusalem was marginalized and it was
1:27:07 extinct through history
1:27:09 by the scattering of the jews and so on
1:27:11 lost its cohesion and so on but all its
1:27:14 stories and history and the brother of
1:27:16 christ what they call james the less but
1:27:18 actually he's the major he was the
1:27:19 leader of the church
1:27:21 and he's the one who was killed and even
1:27:22 reported about his killing by using
1:27:24 foots
1:27:27 his historic his historic existence is
1:27:31 is testified even independently by jesus
1:27:33 that he was told by the jews and so on
1:27:35 yeah
1:27:37 that was covered up in history that no
1:27:38 only
1:27:39 is bringing that out especially part of
1:27:41 the coverage because this this this
1:27:44 this attack against uh
1:27:46 jakub the brother of christ
1:27:49 uh this attack and killing him is it was
1:27:51 a result of the uh uh
1:27:54 and fitna happening by paul insisting to
1:27:56 take someone who is not circumcised in
1:27:58 the temple
1:28:00 and that they confirmed the commotion
1:28:01 around that resulted in in
1:28:05 in in james jacob being being stoned
1:28:09 many many histories being covered up so
1:28:12 so the says now claimed that's developed
1:28:14 by the community and they were guided by
1:28:15 this holy spirit in in the nike and
1:28:17 conference and they were there but this
1:28:19 is all
1:28:20 claims which have no irrational the
1:28:22 foundation you have to go to the
1:28:24 original sources and see and build from
1:28:25 there it has to be rebuilt again the
1:28:28 best way is obviously what the quran did
1:28:30 if it even if the quran is from muhammad
1:28:33 the fact that he denies the crucifixion
1:28:35 is a master strike
1:28:37 that is someone else was crucified and
1:28:39 all evidence is point that is really
1:28:41 someone else but i'm still working on
1:28:43 that
1:28:44 completing it and connecting it with
1:28:46 with previous miracles and previous ends
1:28:48 in the life of christ himself
1:28:50 go to luke and all other gospels have
1:28:52 that except except
1:28:54 except
1:28:55 john uh go to the the sub they usually
1:28:58 they have headings added by hand no not
1:29:00 from part of the gaza go to the
1:29:02 so-called uh transfiguration
1:29:04 check the transfiguration or do a search
1:29:07 by the way transfigured in the english
1:29:10 then read the story of transfiguration
1:29:12 you will see really a preparation for
1:29:14 everyone for the transfiguration which
1:29:16 has happened and put the shape of israel
1:29:18 on judas and the shepherd
1:29:21 temporarily and
1:29:22 the whole translation is just a
1:29:24 preparation for this and preparation for
1:29:26 the reappearance of christ after that
1:29:28 not for resurrection it's not that it's
1:29:30 not in there but that's need to be
1:29:31 worked out more thoroughly i'm working
1:29:33 on that now since years adding a bit
1:29:36 here try finding the finding analysis
1:29:38 here finding correlation here and so on
1:29:41 but this is a complex area it's a
1:29:42 complicity
1:29:43 but it's worth doing it's worth doing
1:29:45 some effort there
1:30:01 inheritance because they will have many
1:30:02 questions in decent time about how come
1:30:05 that that
1:30:06 you need to do owl until you really
1:30:09 does not know how to do fractions no he
1:30:10 does but but the people made a mistake
1:30:13 that's it but i i'll keep that for as a
1:30:16 sweetener for next time i'll keep it
1:30:17 like
1:30:18 like
1:30:19 like a secret until you meet next time
1:30:29 Music
1:30:36 Music
1:31:06 is
1:31:09 Music
1:31:17 so
1:31:29 Music
1:31:39 you