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On Andrew Tate Allegations and Criticism (2023-01-11)


Summary of On Andrew Tate Allegations and Criticism

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

"On Andrew Tate Allegations and Criticism" discusses allegations against Andrew Tate, a Muslim convert. argues that, until evidence is provided, there is no case against Tate. He also notes that, while Islam teaches forgiveness for past sins, Tate's past crimes still merit condemnation.

00:00:00 "On Andrew Tate Allegations and Criticism" discusses allegations against Andrew Tate, a Muslim convert. argues that, until evidence is provided, there is no case against Tate. He also notes that, while Islam teaches forgiveness for past sins, Tate's past crimes still merit condemnation.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the allegations against Andrew Tate and offers criticism of his behavior. argues that Andrew Tate's persona is appealing to Muslim men because he is a "self-denier," but he also notes that there are many things in his videos which are un-Islamic. recommends that Muslim men focus on religious knowledge rather than on worldly things.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses allegations against Muslim convert and podcaster Andrew Tate. There is no evidence to support the allegations, and Muslims are rallying to support Tate. The main points are that there is a degree of loyalty Muslim people have for Tate, and that there are things in Tate's past which can continue.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses allegations against Andrew Tate and critiques the way that he has been treated by some Muslims. He suggests that people should give Andrew Tate time to adjust to his new Muslim lifestyle. also points out that many converts to Islam are women, and that there is a diversity of opinion among Muslims on how to treat Andrew Tate.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses how traditional masculinity can be lacking and why young Muslims look to Andrew Tate as a role model. If more Muslim men held traditional masculinity values, Tate's actions would not have such an impact.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 how are you guys doing I've actually
0:00:04 broken down
0:00:05 yes I've broken down and the technicians
0:00:09 are coming to fix this car but in the
0:00:12 meantime I'm gonna be speaking to you
0:00:14 guys about something very important an
0:00:16 allegation which is a very serious
0:00:17 allegation
0:00:19 and subsequent I don't know if it's
0:00:21 imprisonment I should call it or what
0:00:24 term I should use of Andrew Taylor
0:00:26 brother who obviously I've just done a
0:00:28 podcast with now the reason why I didn't
0:00:30 make a video in the first instance is
0:00:32 simply because the situation was ongoing
0:00:34 and sometimes when you make a public
0:00:36 statement in the first couple of weeks
0:00:39 even of an ongoing case it can compound
0:00:43 a problem
0:00:45 but the first thing I want to say is
0:00:46 that it's very clear that from our
0:00:49 perspective not just us Muslims but most
0:00:52 people in the world operate with what is
0:00:55 referred to as natural Justice that
0:00:57 someone is innocent until proven guilty
0:00:59 the problem told us a world which would
0:01:02 be if you don't operate on this very
0:01:05 Paradigm which is that everyone will
0:01:06 just claim the rights of everybody else
0:01:08 somebody would claim the wealth of
0:01:10 another someone will claim the lives of
0:01:12 another
0:01:13 he says
0:01:17 uh that the burden of proof is upon the
0:01:20 one that is making the claim so we just
0:01:22 simply ask if there's any situation
0:01:25 which is being alleged just like with
0:01:28 every other human being on the face of
0:01:30 the Earth we would like to see the
0:01:32 evidence this is something the Quran
0:01:34 repeatedly asked
0:01:36 bring your evidences if you're truthful
0:01:39 now the evidences have not really been
0:01:43 provided for such a serious and
0:01:45 egregious crime of human trafficking
0:01:48 it's a very serious crime and we we
0:01:51 stand in a wholehearted opposition to
0:01:54 such a thing and this must be clear
0:01:56 human trafficking is a modern form of
0:02:00 slavery in fact there's something called
0:02:02 the slavery Act the slavery Act of the
0:02:04 United Kingdom which attempts to track
0:02:07 or to document the amount of human
0:02:09 trafficking that's happening
0:02:11 and I I made a video some years ago and
0:02:14 don't ask me why or how or when
0:02:17 maybe when it's fine some years ago I
0:02:18 just mentioned but in Holland the red
0:02:21 light district or not inside the red
0:02:22 light district but it's around
0:02:24 peripheral areas
0:02:25 and basically a lot of the the argument
0:02:29 I was putting forward to people as to
0:02:30 why this is immoral even on the liberal
0:02:32 paradigm part of it was because of the
0:02:36 abuse it facilitates for a lot of women
0:02:39 human trafficking is an abusive
0:02:42 situation a horrible one it's completely
0:02:45 unislamic but of course if someone's
0:02:47 going to be accused of something like
0:02:49 that my question is please provide the
0:02:52 evidence or my statement is that
0:02:55 if there is no evidence there is no case
0:02:58 having said that I'll be honest with you
0:03:00 we as Muslims from a theological
0:03:02 perspective believe that if someone
0:03:04 becomes a Muslim that whatever they've
0:03:06 done in the past whether it is murder or
0:03:08 shook which we believe is a higher form
0:03:10 of
0:03:11 uh moral
0:03:13 uh decadence or moral aberration
0:03:17 Is Forgiven anyway now I'm not saying
0:03:19 that therefore he's absorbed from
0:03:21 anything or therefore people or victims
0:03:23 potential victims or anything like that
0:03:26 that we're going to minimize pain of any
0:03:29 no because that's another issue in fact
0:03:31 Islam says although you come into Islam
0:03:35 uh it's not a get out of jail free card
0:03:38 from for example if you had taken from
0:03:41 the rights of the creation now we're not
0:03:45 saying that he has or hasn't the life
0:03:47 that he was obviously living before was
0:03:49 an unislamic Life by his own admission
0:03:52 he referred to himself as an atheist in
0:03:54 the past we've seen this and also the
0:03:57 fact he he said with his own words
0:03:59 Andrew takes him that he was living a
0:04:01 semi-headedness uh hedonistic lifestyle
0:04:04 so obviously all of that stuff is on
0:04:07 Islamic
0:04:09 um it's it's his biggest belief
0:04:11 sometimes that we have to kind of
0:04:12 mention that now there are some things
0:04:14 words of disbelief and so on that have
0:04:16 come out after his
0:04:18 um you know
0:04:19 uh conversion after the podcast that
0:04:21 we've done so people think that so I've
0:04:23 asked him about that and he said that
0:04:24 those things have asked them personally
0:04:26 were recorded before and then released
0:04:28 afterwards now the despite
0:04:30 notwithstanding these points there are
0:04:32 some things which are still problematic
0:04:34 which have been coming out of as Twitter
0:04:35 feeds and stuff like that
0:04:37 but there is something called in Islam
0:04:40 which is that the excuse of ignorance
0:04:41 someone has just come into Islam you
0:04:43 have to excuse some of their even some
0:04:46 words of koffer or disbelief or whatever
0:04:49 because they are new to their fresh the
0:04:52 religion of Islam is just reading he was
0:04:56 going into the prison and just reading
0:04:58 the translation of the Quran or
0:05:00 something like that so just give the man
0:05:02 some uh time well I would say also in
0:05:05 addition to all of this guys is that to
0:05:07 be honest with you
0:05:09 yes uh
0:05:11 there are some things which in my in my
0:05:15 behavior and in Andrew takes Behavior
0:05:17 many other people's behavior
0:05:19 extroverts in general which we can
0:05:22 we can exhibit what can seemingly be
0:05:24 seen or could be yes arrogance I'm gonna
0:05:28 be very clear about that and I don't
0:05:30 absolved for answers you know I don't
0:05:34 absolve myself from this myself and
0:05:36 that's why I feel kind of uncomfortable
0:05:38 making this point because the thing is
0:05:40 some will say well look at it Andrew
0:05:43 Tate I mean why are you
0:05:45 why haven't you addressed the fact that
0:05:48 the man has got a pompous
0:05:51 self-aggrandizing self-congratulating
0:05:53 tone the reason why I don't speak about
0:05:56 humility to people like Andrew Tate is
0:05:58 because I myself need lessons in it you
0:06:01 know the Quran says
0:06:03 why do you say that which you do not do
0:06:07 okay I don't I can't give anybody a
0:06:11 lesson in something I don't have because
0:06:13 something or someone bereft of equality
0:06:16 cannot give it
0:06:18 all I can do or faculty the the famous
0:06:22 Arabic saying all I can do is point
0:06:25 people to some verses and say listen I'm
0:06:27 still I'm still working on this stuff
0:06:28 myself does Andrew Taylor Muhammad other
0:06:31 people exhibit Islamic humility I don't
0:06:35 think so at all and of course that is
0:06:36 something from Muhammad and Andrew Tay
0:06:38 and other exhibitionists extroverted
0:06:41 individuals who if we yeah I mean even
0:06:44 even you could say have narcissistic
0:06:47 traits or of course narcissism is a
0:06:52 problematic notion I was reading a book
0:06:54 recently actually called The Narcissist
0:06:56 test I like the way the author
0:07:00 um describes nothing as a sliding scale
0:07:02 of self-importance I think that was a
0:07:04 good way of putting it and certainly and
0:07:06 and he basically makes the argument that
0:07:07 you can't be completely cause uh the
0:07:10 opposite of a narcissist and echoist he
0:07:12 said if you're an echoist you're going
0:07:13 to be a self-denier so there is a middle
0:07:15 ground once again a virtue to be found
0:07:17 between being a so-called echoist and a
0:07:20 narcissist a happy medium and middle
0:07:23 ground a virtuous middle and that isn't
0:07:27 found in let's say Muhammad hijab or
0:07:29 Andrew and other people and that's not
0:07:31 where you're meant to look for virtue
0:07:33 anyway you're meant to look for virtue
0:07:34 from the prophets we have
0:07:38 6236 verses of the Quran we have so much
0:07:42 narrations of the Prophet Muhammad
0:07:44 the the character or the museeba or the
0:07:47 Calamity that befalls the Muslim people
0:07:50 today is that because this is a lacking
0:07:53 of I'll be honest with you uh kind of
0:07:56 masculine energy if you want to put it
0:07:59 like that from the religious clergy who
0:08:02 have been
0:08:03 you know I don't I don't want to use any
0:08:06 but who who because there's no actual
0:08:09 defense or defensive Jihad or you're
0:08:11 fighting or conquering or any of these
0:08:13 things or uh going on that men have
0:08:17 reduced in their ability to exhibit
0:08:20 certain characteristics so someone like
0:08:23 Andrew Tate is going to attract young
0:08:26 men that's why he has such a great
0:08:28 following within Muslim men because
0:08:31 unfortunately religious in the religious
0:08:33 clergy and some especially in the
0:08:36 English-speaking World religious people
0:08:38 they don't exhibit that level of uh if
0:08:41 you want to call it that traditional
0:08:43 masculinity or whatever it may be
0:08:45 so he's appealing to them but it doesn't
0:08:47 mean that that's a perfect model of
0:08:50 course it's not it's far from quite
0:08:52 frankly and as I've said there's many
0:08:54 things he said and done videos that he
0:08:56 has which are unislamic to watch and I'm
0:08:58 saying this very clearly to young people
0:09:00 filled with promiscuity filled with
0:09:03 wrong Notions like one wrong notion I
0:09:06 would say and hopefully he has changed
0:09:08 it and if not there's time for him to do
0:09:10 so
0:09:11 is the importance and rotate in the past
0:09:14 has placed on Military capability or the
0:09:17 monetary capability of a man
0:09:20 um in my view this is a misguided notion
0:09:23 because
0:09:24 and I thought this was the RAC guy yeah
0:09:28 because actually
0:09:30 you know uh because actually the Quran
0:09:33 there is clearly states that the people
0:09:35 who are raised and ranked the high value
0:09:37 people if you like both men and women
0:09:39 I'm not saying that to try and be woke
0:09:41 or left-wing because I'm far from any of
0:09:43 that stuff
0:09:45 but is an increase in knowledge and
0:09:48 Faith Allah says
0:09:52 that Allah raises in rank amongst you
0:09:55 those who have higher faith and higher
0:09:57 knowledge
0:09:58 and obviously the most important
0:09:59 knowledge is religious knowledge the
0:10:01 promise
0:10:04 whoever Allah wants good for that he
0:10:06 gives them
0:10:07 understanding of the religion but that
0:10:10 doesn't just it's not just specified to
0:10:12 religion because
0:10:14 every morning and evening saying Allah
0:10:22 I seek from you a goodly provision
0:10:30 a useful knowledge so knowledge is and
0:10:33 if you look in the history of the world
0:10:35 you'll find that the most influential
0:10:37 people okay of course influence itself
0:10:40 is a concept which must be unpacked and
0:10:41 spoken about there's different
0:10:43 definitions and different
0:10:45 uh conceptions of it but just for the
0:10:48 sake of Simplicity and brevity
0:10:50 I'll say that if you look at some lists
0:10:53 that have been you know put in place by
0:10:56 some individuals like Pantheon or
0:10:57 whether even though a lot of them are
0:10:59 eurocentric Western Pro Western Centric
0:11:01 some of them are not I mean some of
0:11:03 these lists have the problem as a top of
0:11:05 them you'll find that the most
0:11:07 influential people in human history have
0:11:09 been either thinkers or political actors
0:11:12 why because they've had the most
0:11:14 demographic uh or the most um
0:11:18 demographic or you know changing effect
0:11:21 on on demography on sociology on
0:11:24 politics uh on culture
0:11:28 what made him the most influential man
0:11:31 in human history with the majority of
0:11:33 these lesbian accumulated even by
0:11:35 non-muslims agreeing to such uh a thing
0:11:38 is that he was able to change all these
0:11:41 different spheres of influence
0:11:43 uh the religious sociological or the
0:11:46 social or the political and the
0:11:48 geopolitical and so on and so forth
0:11:52 it's it was Revolution in every sphere
0:11:54 ideas have a this is an uncontroversial
0:11:58 statement ideas
0:12:00 have a more lasting
0:12:04 effect or more influential impact than
0:12:09 money unless of course money is geared
0:12:11 for the formulation of ideas or the
0:12:14 production of knowledge or or of course
0:12:18 for military reasons that we've seen
0:12:21 that you'd have to really compete
0:12:23 heavily with money the money that would
0:12:25 be required in order to compete with the
0:12:27 global hegemony now which is the United
0:12:28 States of America for example in
0:12:30 military would not be the kind of money
0:12:32 that only one person can can accumulate
0:12:36 so what I'm saying is that this these
0:12:39 Notions need to be re-evaluated however
0:12:40 having said that so there's two or three
0:12:42 things I want to say in this video guys
0:12:44 number one
0:12:45 in relation to Andrew Tate and the
0:12:47 allegations there just simply isn't any
0:12:49 evidence and and unfortunately
0:12:52 um people are jumping on the bandwagon
0:12:54 about bandwagon and they're saying
0:12:57 things that
0:12:58 is just pushing
0:13:00 the Islamic boundaries especially from
0:13:02 our communities you cannot
0:13:04 celebrate the uh the imprisonment of a
0:13:07 brother a Muslim brother who you're
0:13:09 meant to love who in Islam Allah and the
0:13:12 prophet saws advise us or command us
0:13:15 even to love follow brothers and there's
0:13:19 a there's a commodity there's a there's
0:13:21 a there is a Brotherhood there is a
0:13:24 family this is all a family Islamic
0:13:25 family the ummah seeing another person
0:13:29 being punished to go and put in prison
0:13:31 this says something about one's own face
0:13:33 I don't how can you like that kind of
0:13:35 thing as a Muslim how can you want that
0:13:39 kind of thing for a newly practiced
0:13:41 Muslim do not feel sympathy or do not
0:13:43 feel some level of sadness seeing the
0:13:45 brother go into the prison with a Quran
0:13:48 in his hand in the English language
0:13:50 trying his best to learn even before he
0:13:52 was asking some questions and he you can
0:13:55 see his genuine authentic I sat with him
0:13:57 we sat with him after the podcast and he
0:14:00 seemed
0:14:01 he seemed very authentic I have to say
0:14:05 to you so I am not happy with what's
0:14:08 happened why because he's our brother
0:14:10 he's in our family he's our family now
0:14:11 there's a there's a degree of loyalty
0:14:13 that I have for all the Muslim people
0:14:15 including but not limited to Andrew take
0:14:19 so long as you are not a monarchic and
0:14:22 not a hypocrite and not someone who's
0:14:24 treacherous to our community then we
0:14:26 have to be loyal to you
0:14:27 that's the first thing the second thing
0:14:29 is
0:14:30 the second thing is of course there's
0:14:32 some things in the Andrew tape product
0:14:35 or brand or whatever you want to call it
0:14:36 which are and or have been historically
0:14:39 honestly can continue to be but the man
0:14:41 is a new Muslim and it's always been the
0:14:43 case in Islam where we make provision
0:14:45 kind of for new Muslims or Yani we give
0:14:48 them a chance and these captain man is
0:14:50 coming from a very strong kind of
0:14:51 jahiliyah like he's coming from a
0:14:54 situation where he's really had a lot of
0:14:57 Temptations in the Dunya in the world
0:15:00 and so you've got to give them a little
0:15:01 bit more time so my what I want to say
0:15:04 to the people here is
0:15:05 I have personally been inundated with
0:15:08 messages and videos and all kinds of
0:15:10 things of people embracing Islam because
0:15:12 of this guy because he became Muslim
0:15:16 Islam
0:15:17 even people may not notice they there
0:15:19 was a category of recipient of zakat
0:15:22 which is the pillar of Islam meant for
0:15:24 people who are sympathetic to Islam
0:15:26 which are called them
0:15:28 you see uh the fact that people who are
0:15:33 influential and he is influential I'm
0:15:35 not talking about his his influential
0:15:37 even from um
0:15:39 uh I would even say a cultural
0:15:42 perspective yes from a discourse
0:15:44 perspective someone like Andrew Tate
0:15:46 extremely influential especially to
0:15:48 young people coming into the religion of
0:15:50 Islam is something we should want to
0:15:52 preserve and the some the fact that some
0:15:55 of us don't want to preserve that or are
0:15:57 angry or with him or resent him or want
0:16:00 to see him in pain or something like
0:16:01 that may indicate that our allegiances
0:16:04 are not in the right place
0:16:06 and someone will say well Muhammad
0:16:08 you're being very gender biased if this
0:16:10 was a woman uh then you wouldn't have
0:16:12 the same attitude if this was a woman
0:16:14 this and that and no I'm not and no
0:16:16 we're not for example Sinead O'Connor
0:16:18 she became a Muslim and she lived a very
0:16:21 unislamic life before and she was
0:16:23 celebrated by the entire Muslim
0:16:25 Community none of her previous sins in
0:16:28 fact I I challenge anyone to bring even
0:16:32 forth some level
0:16:34 of criticism of senado
0:16:37 about her previous misgivings and sins
0:16:40 that rivaled that of Andrew take that
0:16:44 you won't find it at all and in fact I
0:16:46 believe that this feminist influence uh
0:16:49 individuals who are jumping up and down
0:16:51 because they're triggered by Andrew tape
0:16:53 for whatever four reasons some of them
0:16:55 are justifiable and some of them are not
0:16:59 you see they would not be able to they
0:17:02 would be very upset yes at Muslim people
0:17:05 doing the same kind of thing with
0:17:06 someone like Sinead O'Connor who became
0:17:09 a Muslim and who was welcomed within the
0:17:12 community without almost any mention of
0:17:14 her previous sins or misgiving so this
0:17:17 idea of you're creating a fake gender
0:17:19 narrative
0:17:20 there is recent or contemporary examples
0:17:23 of uh individuals who have become
0:17:26 Muslims who are women
0:17:29 who have not received the treatment that
0:17:31 Andrew Tate has received and I do think
0:17:33 that it's an intentional maligning and
0:17:36 manipulation of the narrative which
0:17:38 needs to be called out it says who who
0:17:40 the the true people who have been gender
0:17:42 biased in this situation have been those
0:17:44 who have been triggered by Andrew Tay
0:17:46 and we've already spoken uh about that
0:17:48 so I I think that
0:17:51 the lessons in summary therefore because
0:17:52 I've spoken for quite some time I'll say
0:17:54 the following number one in relation to
0:17:56 the allegations there is actually no
0:17:58 evidence so
0:17:59 what am I what am I meant to do with
0:18:01 this what are we meant to do you you
0:18:03 have not provided any evidence you've
0:18:05 just made a claim
0:18:08 so what what I mean what are we meant to
0:18:10 do with that number one number two
0:18:12 uh yes there's some things in the Andrew
0:18:14 tape brand which are totally in
0:18:16 commensurate in attitude in speech and
0:18:19 in Vice
0:18:21 with the Islamic Narrative of course
0:18:24 there is and you'd be a fool not to know
0:18:26 that uh of course we're not telling you
0:18:28 to go copy him or me or anybody else
0:18:34 said
0:18:35 that everybody
0:18:39 you take something from them and you
0:18:41 reject something from them except for
0:18:43 the prophet Muhammad he pointed at the
0:18:45 cover of the Prophet Muhammad
0:18:48 what I'm saying to you therefore is
0:18:50 don't look at Andrew Tay as a final
0:18:54 finished article product uh role model
0:18:57 of course he's not he's a new Muslim
0:18:59 give him time to acclimatize to the
0:19:02 environment
0:19:04 and also I'd add to that those who are
0:19:08 happy to see the man go into prison you
0:19:10 might have something wrong with your
0:19:11 Iman or there might be some
0:19:13 trauma that you've gone through in life
0:19:15 and to give you some which his kind of
0:19:19 parlance and discourse disturbs you in
0:19:21 which case you need to work on yourself
0:19:23 a man or woman whoever you may be used
0:19:26 to work on yourself because you know
0:19:28 Sinead O'Connor or somebody else coming
0:19:31 into Islam doesn't upset you as much
0:19:33 there was a model who became a Muslim a
0:19:35 French model recently
0:19:36 you know no one's speaking badly about a
0:19:39 very famous French model she's a woman
0:19:42 many women in fact the majority of
0:19:44 converts that come to some are women
0:19:45 they're not got me treated in the way
0:19:48 that to be honest this guy's treated
0:19:49 some of them are come from very uh
0:19:52 Yankee strong Germany backgrounds
0:19:55 and finally I would say
0:19:58 you know
0:19:59 um
0:20:01 what was the final point I want to make
0:20:02 yeah the final part I wanted to make to
0:20:04 you guys is
0:20:06 um yes just follow the prophet Muhammad
0:20:08 follow Islam because at the end of the
0:20:10 day a lot of the reason why we're not
0:20:13 getting yes we're not getting
0:20:16 um why young people are going to someone
0:20:18 like Andrew Tate is because there's a
0:20:21 death
0:20:22 in the masculine product in traditional
0:20:26 masculinity there's a dearth in
0:20:28 traditional masculinity that what is
0:20:30 required is for people not just to show
0:20:33 uh humility and compassion but also to
0:20:38 show bravery and assertion and these
0:20:42 kinds of things I Undertaker if Muslim
0:20:44 men held that standard if there's a lot
0:20:47 of Muslim men that did that then young
0:20:49 Muslim men wouldn't be looking at
0:20:50 andreate as a role model that replaces
0:20:53 the Imam or the father that has got in
0:20:55 the house that I can't fight and can't
0:20:57 speak
0:20:58 uh or can cannot you know make a point
0:21:02 where properly because they haven't uh
0:21:03 studied so these are the kinds of things
0:21:05 I would uh say and hopefully
0:21:07 hopefully he comes out of prison
0:21:09 inshallah uh you know Allah gives him
0:21:12 Victory and gives the Muslims Victory
0:21:15 against these forces which are very uh
0:21:17 negative forces or some other class okay