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The History of Al Saud and the Wahabi Movement (2022-05-18)


Summary of The History of Al Saud and the Wahabi Movement

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement. It explains that the Wahabi movement is based on the interpretation of Qur'an and Sunnah, and that it is not limited to prophets or human judges. also states that the essence of the law is for Allah alone, and that the prophets were ruling by formulating laws according to inspiration.

00:00:00 Discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement. It explains that Al Saud was founded in 1744 and that Wahabiism is the official faith of Saudi Arabia. It also points out that although the quran is clear in its instructions for Muslims, it is not the only source of guidance, and that there is evidence that it was revealed by God Himself.

  • 00:05:00 The History of Al Saud and the Wahabi Movement provides a detailed history of how the Wahabi movement came to be, and how it has affected the Islamic faith over the years. covers the origins of the Wahabi movement, as well as its various interpretations and controversies. It also discusses the assassination of the founder of the Wahabi movement, Abdullah ibn Zubair, and how it led to the current state of the Wahabi movement.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement, focusing on the accusation that many of the scholars who followed them were "gullible" and "traitors." It goes on to say that, even after the defeat at the Battle of Muta, Abdullah was able to retreat and escape with the majority of his troops.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the history of the Wahabi movement and its founder, Abdullah Ibn Saud. The narration suggests that Abdullah Ibn Saud's strategic gain from the repeated defeats of the Roman army was outweighed by his tactical defeat in terms of the loss of the best of the Sahabah. This loss of morale led many of the sahaba to commit suicide, including the Prophet's best friend, Zayd ibn Haritha. Abdullah Ibn Saud understood the importance of successfully integrating hadith into the Muslim community, and stressed the importance of doing so during his time of declining popularity. This ultimately helped to preserve the faith during difficult times.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the history and ideology of the Wahabi Movement, which is associated with the Saudi royal family. The Wahabi ideology is based on the belief that Islam is the only true religion and that only those who adhere to its teachings are qualified to rule. The movement has been linked with recent violence in Iraq and Syria, and it is hoped that this series of videos will help contextualize this violence.
  • 00:25:00 Shaykh Muhammad al-Masari discusses the history and characteristics of the Khawarij movement, which aims to restore the Islamic caliphate. He critiques some of the opinions of two great Islamic scholars, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Imam Ibn Sspecifically, on the implications of their views for the current state of the Muslim world. Finally, he offers his views on the way forward for the Muslim community.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses the history of the Wahabi movement, which began with a discussion between Abdullah Abbas and some Wahabi leaders. Abdullah Abbas was able to persuade most of them to stop fighting and to focus on internal disputes. However, a faction of Wahabis decided to go to war against Abdullah Abbas, and during the fight he exposed many hadith which showed that he was a prophet of Allah. This story is considered a divine comedy or drama, displayed in real time in history.
  • 00:35:00
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the history of the Wahabi movement and how it originated in Saudi Arabia. It covers the different hadiths that describe how the movement should be carried out. also discusses the importance of following the quran and the dangers of self-promotion.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses the history of Al Saud, the Wahabi movement, and the Prophet Muhammad. It notes that Al Saud was after Ramadan in the 10th year meaning before this was like six months after after Ramadan, and sent some gold which is mined but not even purified from its dust. It also describes how Omar stood up and said let me strike his neck, which is the monafic, and i said leave him from this school or from this from this root or from his germ, which means the back because by the conception that children are produced from the back they carry the features somehow. This is an old conception which is reflected in the language. ends by noting that these people are indulged in acts of worship, piety, and jihad because the man did not do anything which was worthy of being killed.
  • 00:50:00 The history of the Wahabi movement discusses how the early khawaris were afraid to commit major sins, and how later generations became even worse. also discusses the correct interpretation of the Qur'an's injunction that the khalifa should be from Quraysh.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement. It explains that the Wahabi movement is based on the interpretation of Qur'an and Sunnah, and that it is not limited to prophets or human judges. also states that the essence of the law is for Allah alone, and that the prophets were ruling by formulating laws according to inspiration.


discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement, focusing on the origins of the Wahabi movement and its relationship to the Saudi royal family. It also explains how the Wahabi movement has been linked to terrorist groups, including Daesh.

01:00:00 The history of Al Saud and the Wahabi Movement discusses how the judges in dunya, or the worldly realm, should not take each other's wealth without justification or go to judges to gain something by with false order. The distinction has been missed between hamish, or the hokum, and catastrophic, or the use of the two places. The statements of imam humble and imam are scattered bits and pieces which accommodates in one group connected with self-righteousness and pulling the sword. Once they become hawaii, whatever the group is, they clear themselves. Very happy that they said 'nobody said what do you do,' as it allows for people to declare a certain statement to comfort that a certain person is a kafir, or non-Muslim, needs further verification. The evidence offered to him in such a way that he could not do otherwise but study and understand it, is not offered properly. The statement, itself, is a statement of cover, or a protection, for those who make it. However, there are no links between the hawaii movement and the statements of or understanding of imam humble and imam.

  • 01:05:00 The history of the Wahabi movement reveals that it is closely linked to the Saudi royal family, and that it has played a role in the suppression of religious and political dissent in Saudi Arabia. The movement also has links to terrorist groups, including Daesh.
  • 01:10:00 Muhammad believed that there is no divine being because the eternal universe is not a divine being and it is acting by necessity, not by free will. In order to create a divine being, humans must use their imagination and reject what they create because they are capable of creating it.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses the history of the Wahabi movement and its founder, Muhammad Ibn Saud. It explains that while the Wahabi movement is based on faith, it is also based on a distinction between action and belief. also discusses how the Wahabi movement has led to the creation of Isis and other terrorist groups.
  • 01:20:00 discusses the history of Wahhabism and its relationship to Al Saud, and how the movement exterminated the Shia and Shia Muslims. He also covers the concept of qisas, which is when an offender must pay the injured party compensation. He goes on to say that, even though qisas is an exception to the prohibition of violence, it must still be justified in accordance with revelation.
  • 01:25:00 The narrator discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement, noting that the Wahabi movement originated from a need to protect Mecca from Caesar's forces. Later, permission was given to fight those who had been expelled from Mecca, and the Wahabi movement emerged as a result. The narrator discusses the mistakes made by scholars in their understanding of obligation, and goes on to discuss bara'ah. Finally, the narrator discusses the ayah in question, which Fox News mistranslated to suggest that it condones violence against those who have expelled Muslims from their homes. The ayah actually encourages Muslims to fight those who expelled them, and concludes with a reminder to perform Hajj.
  • 01:30:00 The history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement covers the origins of the Wahabi movement, the state of the movement today, and the historical context of Barack Obama's claim that the Islamic State is not warranted due to their lack of a mandate from Allah.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses the history of Al Saud and the Wahabi movement. Al Saud is said to have been a descendant of Hercules, and the Wahabi movement is said to have originated from his efforts to spread Islam throughout Arabia. Evidence suggests that the battle of Motor was initiated as a result of the dao being open to Muslims, and that Muslims were protected by the Rajashi dynasty during the time of Muhammad. There was no war until the end of the reign of Ali, when there was a skirmish between Abyssinia and Egypt. There was peace throughout the period of Earthman, with only minor skirmishes occuring due to the presence of pirates.
  • 01:40:00 The history of the Wahabi movement is discussed, focusing on the fact that Muslims were protected initially and that islam spread slowly and peacefully over hundreds of years. There was never a problem until the Persian Empire started the war, and the only settlement to happen was with the Romans later when they were squeezed around Constantinople. The Wahabi movement is based on the belief that blood is protected and that the Islamic State (ISIS) would not argue with this principle.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:24 welcome to the series of videos which we
0:00:26 have entitled back to revelation
0:00:29 the meaning of this title may be
0:00:30 relatively apparent however as
0:00:32 instructed by our resident scholar
0:00:35 muhammad al-masri we will take the first
0:00:37 few minutes of this video to explain
0:00:39 exactly what we mean by back to
0:00:41 revelation why it is so important and
0:00:43 its practical implication
0:00:45 you the respected viewer may not agree
0:00:48 entirely or indeed at all with our
0:00:50 thinking or the rest of the content of
0:00:52 this or other videos irrespective of
0:00:54 whether this is the case or not we would
0:00:56 always welcome your feedback
0:00:58 criticisms and questions sent to the
0:01:00 email address given below
0:01:02 without further ado
0:01:07 please give us some context of the title
0:01:09 of this series back to revelation and
0:01:11 why you wish to do this
0:01:19 so praise to allah the lord and owner
0:01:23 and the creator of the whole universe
0:01:24 and all possible universes
0:01:26 and praise and the
0:01:28 salutation to his misfinal messenger all
0:01:31 messengers before abraham the house of
0:01:33 muhammad all of the messengers
0:01:36 back to liberation seems to be a trivial
0:01:37 issue everyone agrees on that in
0:01:39 principle because the quran says clear
0:01:41 clearly
0:01:43 become follow what has revealed to you
0:01:44 from your lord not nothing else
0:01:47 because it has been revealed from your
0:01:49 lord assuming there's a revelation we
0:01:50 assume that we are not discussing the
0:01:52 existence of god nor that this is a
0:01:54 revelation we assume this is given we
0:01:56 have serious discussing evidences for
0:01:58 god also the issues of revelation so we
0:02:01 assume this is a starting point so
0:02:03 whatever we say we assume that this
0:02:05 quran is a final revelation which has
0:02:06 been proven now being said be
0:02:09 undoubtedly attitude with the recent
0:02:10 carbon dating of quran scripts and so on
0:02:13 that this is the quran which has been
0:02:14 given by muhammad now is it from
0:02:16 muhammad himself or from
0:02:19 the meteor metaphysical source that has
0:02:21 to be established on evidence but we
0:02:23 assume that have been established as our
0:02:24 starting point so we are addressing
0:02:26 believers
0:02:27 and even non-believers non-muslims our
0:02:30 christian jewish friends and otherwise
0:02:31 even atheist friends
0:02:33 assume make this assumption let's just
0:02:35 see how consistent it can be developed
0:02:36 further
0:02:38 but this triviality is trivial it should
0:02:40 be if that's so there's a revelation
0:02:42 then obviously coming from the ultimate
0:02:43 reason for the ultimate being from the
0:02:45 necessary existing me it must be the
0:02:46 absolute truth there's no other way
0:02:49 rationally to conceive that what come
0:02:51 from god could have contradiction or
0:02:52 mistakes
0:02:54 by necessity of reason otherwise reason
0:02:56 will collapse and disappear because the
0:02:58 human race is created by god and if this
0:03:00 is a faulty opportunity
0:03:02 nothing can be concluded and everything
0:03:04 is in vain so it must be a valid
0:03:06 apparatus of consideration and this goes
0:03:09 back to the one who created it as such
0:03:11 so it can't be the one who created that
0:03:13 avartus as a valid tool of consideration
0:03:16 and evaluation himself be
0:03:19 prone to mistakes and errors that's out
0:03:21 of question
0:03:22 but the reality of history now we come
0:03:24 to history human beings with all their
0:03:26 failings and all their emotions or
0:03:29 desires of all contradictions
0:03:32 all inherited
0:03:34 misconceptions biases tribalism
0:03:37 nationalism et cetera et cetera
0:03:40 we find that at the time of the prophet
0:03:43 we assume that he is really a messenger
0:03:44 and he received this revelation
0:03:46 that this is the time of revelation and
0:03:48 he is the one infallibly explaining how
0:03:50 to apply and understand the stability
0:03:52 because the quran says clearly
0:03:54 quran is phrased and formulated in a
0:03:56 local and extremely eloquent language
0:03:58 but concise language in many places
0:04:00 admit various interpretations
0:04:04 and addressing events in space and time
0:04:06 here on earth with human beings
0:04:08 who eat and drink and go to the bathroom
0:04:10 who become sick who die
0:04:12 is not addressing people on the on on
0:04:13 the moon or entities elsewhere
0:04:16 so it has to be understood that
0:04:17 addressing this reality not words
0:04:21 floating in in in an abstract space they
0:04:23 are in a real reality
0:04:25 and there's a messenger who has evidence
0:04:28 of the quran itself if the quran is from
0:04:30 allah and this evidence is refutable and
0:04:31 absolute that is unfavorable in his
0:04:33 actions in his explanations etc that's
0:04:36 the time of revelation so to summarize
0:04:38 then we're saying that we are assuming
0:04:40 that obviously god exists and that he
0:04:42 sent a revelation which is infallible to
0:04:44 his messenger muhammad okay the one in
0:04:46 mecca the one known historically who
0:04:48 knows skeleton of his life sure it says
0:04:50 that you would agreed upon by everyone
0:04:52 in the world
0:04:53 so
0:04:56 that
0:04:57 history developed the messenger is gone
0:04:58 he died and the quran announced his
0:05:00 death well before his death long ago
0:05:02 and
0:05:03 and all humans will die ultimately and
0:05:06 then human beings took over
0:05:08 the charge of this community and the
0:05:10 state of the understanding and applying
0:05:12 the religion because they are at least
0:05:13 with that
0:05:14 and there were
0:05:15 various interpretations obviously
0:05:18 because as we said not everything is
0:05:19 unique and nothing is with our
0:05:21 establishment certitude quite a number
0:05:23 of things are established attitude
0:05:24 without any doubt
0:05:26 but
0:05:27 in human interaction
0:05:29 they will have all these issues going
0:05:31 forward
0:05:32 with the issues of various
0:05:34 interpretations on in the time of abu
0:05:35 bakr and umar and
0:05:39 we can assume that
0:05:40 although there's some
0:05:42 some mistakes made by by those great for
0:05:44 however themselves as persons as human
0:05:47 beings and even some interpretation of
0:05:49 sharia and some even issues which they
0:05:50 had and we have evidences for that we
0:05:52 don't need to address it may be shocking
0:05:54 for many muslims who have been trained
0:05:56 to think that these whole holidays
0:05:57 somehow unfavorable that's not true yeah
0:05:59 that's definitely not true
0:06:01 with substitute we have evidence for
0:06:03 irrefutable evidences for that and the
0:06:04 scholars know that but this with the
0:06:06 spread opinion
0:06:08 then in the fitness
0:06:10 was assassinated because of certain
0:06:11 issues and complex issues which have
0:06:13 been unfortunately until now not treated
0:06:16 historically the way it should be i
0:06:18 would address that maybe slightly a bit
0:06:20 down the road
0:06:21 and i'm studying that now for 30 years
0:06:23 without really coming to a completely
0:06:24 satisfactory distribution of the problem
0:06:27 uh it's suffice to say that the two
0:06:29 extreme points one extreme point which
0:06:30 is taken by by some shia
0:06:35 there was a great conspiracy to deprive
0:06:37 valley from his imam
0:06:39 that's one point of view
0:06:40 somewhat going to the extreme even to
0:06:42 claim that even some of the quran has
0:06:44 been hidden which is clearly
0:06:45 contradicting history and
0:06:47 islam
0:06:48 that's an extreme point of view
0:06:50 conspiracy theory at its extreme okay
0:06:52 it's an old one only modern times we
0:06:54 have conspiracy theory and cia and mi6
0:06:56 involved
0:06:57 and then we have the other one extreme
0:06:59 sunny position is that almost making the
0:07:02 sahabah
0:07:03 especially when you say the sahaba first
0:07:05 people who claim to be salafi or al
0:07:07 hadith they mean actually
0:07:09 don't be fooled by the word sahabah
0:07:11 because
0:07:12 you may attack some sahaba it's quite
0:07:14 civilian like you may attack azure on
0:07:16 talhah when they fought against ali in
0:07:18 the battle of the camel
0:07:20 and you exercise them very badly
0:07:22 relatively badly you should not swear
0:07:23 and so on but
0:07:24 and it will pass without but the moment
0:07:26 you start coming to muawiyah a certain
0:07:28 sensitivity and goosebumps happen
0:07:30 because he was a head of state and head
0:07:32 of states have
0:07:34 in human societies some kind of a
0:07:36 glorification understand which try to
0:07:38 exterminate them from whatever mistake
0:07:40 they have done
0:07:42 so we have that the sahabah have become
0:07:44 like something like holy cows this is
0:07:46 another extreme
0:07:47 the general sunni position unfortunately
0:07:50 is closer to that
0:07:52 gullible extreme and regarding the
0:07:54 sahaba
0:07:56 when regarding specifically as a model
0:07:58 as a sahabi as respectable all his what
0:08:01 he's done is good and this only only had
0:08:03 he did the best
0:08:06 he had the best point of view he thought
0:08:07 the best for the ummah which is not true
0:08:09 we have already accumulated evidence
0:08:11 over 30 years
0:08:12 and it has been covered away from the
0:08:14 public people but we're not going to
0:08:15 discuss more questions and perhaps we
0:08:17 can answer that
0:08:18 is not our main issue it is but it's
0:08:20 very important to clean islamic history
0:08:22 that the deviation from the revelation
0:08:24 and the reinterpretation and playing
0:08:27 uh playing let's say
0:08:28 politics with the with the revealed text
0:08:31 and going around it started with the
0:08:33 time of maui so the time of the wheel of
0:08:36 reinterpretation according to their
0:08:38 desire according to enforcing power
0:08:40 according to justify your own deeds
0:08:42 started actually muawiyah in this regard
0:08:45 of modern scholar of repute that's dr
0:08:48 hakuman mutteri
0:08:49 the founder and leader of the ummah
0:08:51 gathering in kuwait and the arab
0:08:52 peninsula which is like a new
0:08:54 established party he says also that
0:08:56 there have been the interpretation of
0:08:58 revelation time it's called the time of
0:09:00 the interpretation not the genuine one
0:09:03 but the interpretation
0:09:04 which does not contradict the revelation
0:09:07 outright directly so it is an abrogation
0:09:10 or the neglect of the revelation or just
0:09:13 casting it away like what has happened
0:09:14 in modern times with secular states but
0:09:16 it is it can be still
0:09:19 tolerated as somehow islamic somehow
0:09:22 possible point of view his point of view
0:09:24 is that the interpretation time has
0:09:26 started genuinely after the death of
0:09:27 abdullah ibn zubair in the year 1773
0:09:30 hijrah
0:09:31 i'd say no it actually started with the
0:09:33 time wow the effort that's the
0:09:35 difference between me and
0:09:36 under hakumar materi
0:09:40 and then it carried on for centuries
0:09:42 time of
0:09:43 the wheel
0:09:44 modifying sharia recording reintegrating
0:09:47 it mostly for the purposes of the
0:09:49 governor and the ruler of the
0:09:51 powers-to-be which is human human nature
0:09:54 if you look at every society in the
0:09:56 world
0:09:57 look for example but that's quite an
0:09:58 accusation is it not against many of the
0:10:01 scholars who are around oh yeah oh yeah
0:10:02 it's an acquisition i'll give you an
0:10:04 example that
0:10:05 it's accusation of many of the scholars
0:10:07 who are repeat that they were gullible
0:10:09 enough but there were some of them who
0:10:11 are definitely traitors in that time to
0:10:12 give you an example who should shock you
0:10:15 when ramadan
0:10:17 this is the khalifa who tried to go back
0:10:20 to the
0:10:21 methodology of the rashidun of the
0:10:24 rightly guided
0:10:26 came to power
0:10:29 he stayed only two and a half years and
0:10:30 was able to correct many of the mistakes
0:10:32 and the many injustices of bani umayya
0:10:34 and then he died too early most likely
0:10:36 poisoned by his own family because he
0:10:37 was a danger for their power position
0:10:39 and their wealth after him yazidi
0:10:42 abdelbani came
0:10:43 his
0:10:44 cousin is it malik at the beginning
0:10:47 wanted to follow the footsteps of umar
0:10:49 bin abdulaziz
0:10:50 he was genuinely feeling that he's
0:10:52 obliged to follow these four steps and
0:10:54 continue with re-establishing
0:10:57 okay
0:10:58 but he didn't have the willpower and the
0:11:00 strength and the devotion and the piety
0:11:02 the internal compose composure to do
0:11:05 that
0:11:06 and bernie umayyah
0:11:07 raised for him several scholars mostly
0:11:10 from sham
0:11:11 levant this time where isis is now
0:11:13 rolling okay
0:11:15 there is 50 scholars there is 50 i
0:11:17 mentioned later it's the 50s have like a
0:11:19 significant number of making an oath
0:11:21 with 50 people seems to be that's
0:11:23 absolutely absurdist attitude these
0:11:25 scholarship scholars came to our yazidi
0:11:29 said you don't need to follow the
0:11:30 footsteps of all the prizes your time is
0:11:32 not the same time the time is bad
0:11:34 and in any way the khalifa the head of
0:11:37 state
0:11:37 is excused from all sins
0:11:40 he's guaranteed paradise anyway because
0:11:42 he's the khalifa and they made an oath
0:11:44 on that 50 scholars so-called scholar
0:11:46 made an oath on such an outrageous
0:11:48 statement which is genuinely a statement
0:11:50 of cover
0:11:51 yes genuinely a statement which
0:11:53 undermines islam from its root
0:11:56 it's like putting a bomb on the islam
0:11:57 and destroying it
0:11:59 and they accepted that and then got
0:12:00 indulged in in
0:12:03 whatever
0:12:04 rule is indulged and the injustices came
0:12:06 back it's like this is it
0:12:08 and that's in the year 100 300 for hijri
0:12:11 there was still one there was there was
0:12:14 still two sahabi still alive one in from
0:12:16 the bedrooms and had mass and one in in
0:12:19 mecca uh uh i would remember his name
0:12:21 now two sahabis so the sahaba did not
0:12:23 accept were extinct yet we're still in
0:12:25 the generation of the end of the
0:12:26 generation of sahaba not even hundred
0:12:28 years after the death of the prophet we
0:12:30 have such an outrageous so this is a big
0:12:32 accusation against scholars indeed
0:12:34 how do you reconcile
0:12:36 your view and your criticism that you've
0:12:38 just leveled there versus the hadith and
0:12:41 the best generation is mine and the one
0:12:43 that's what they have is that's
0:12:45 that hadith is definitely related from
0:12:47 various sahaba and you find it in the
0:12:48 major books you find it in bukhari
0:12:54 but
0:12:55 there are other hadith which you don't
0:12:57 hear you may not have heard one of them
0:12:58 one of them says for example
0:13:01 the following let me read it to you and
0:13:02 it's wording
0:13:04 what says my ummah is like the rain you
0:13:06 don't know which is more blessed they
0:13:08 really part of it or the later part
0:13:12 and that has been for example a man a
0:13:14 good man
0:13:16 a pious man like imam never was saying
0:13:18 it's life because he looked on only one
0:13:19 narration intermediate from one channel
0:13:21 of narration it's not from an
0:13:23 asymptomatic actually the hadith malik
0:13:25 is authentic and strong and has four or
0:13:27 five channels of narration
0:13:29 then the hadith is narrated with the
0:13:31 authentic channel with the exact same
0:13:32 wedding from ahmad yasir and that is
0:13:35 united with the authentic channel with
0:13:37 the exact same wording from
0:13:38 hussain and there are other narrations
0:13:40 they are not the same level of
0:13:42 authenticity in the channel in that
0:13:43 study of the channel with the same
0:13:45 welding from three other sahaba so this
0:13:47 is also with the water but also we have
0:13:49 another hadith the best of my oma is the
0:13:51 beginning at the end and in between it
0:13:53 is muddy it is like smoggy
0:13:55 you know when the atmosphere is full of
0:13:57 smoke it's called smoggy or the
0:13:58 waterfall of mud is called muddy
0:14:00 even
0:14:03 authority regarded as a fundamentally
0:14:05 well established that he included in his
0:14:07 famous nuniya poetry about akita
0:14:10 that the middle of the armor is full of
0:14:12 kadar full of mud full of smoke while
0:14:14 the beginning is pure as humanly
0:14:16 possible and the later and there's an
0:14:18 interesting hadith let me into it that
0:14:21 uh
0:14:22 samurai
0:14:23 came back as a messenger from had
0:14:25 believed after the battle of muta where
0:14:26 in the battle of mother we know that
0:14:27 jefferson
0:14:28 was
0:14:34 was killed and his arms were cut we know
0:14:36 the story every muslim knows the story
0:14:38 and then after that abdullah took that
0:14:39 one was killed and then hard worried
0:14:42 being a master military technicians was
0:14:45 able to retreat to the army safely and
0:14:47 escape with the majority of them arrive
0:14:49 and they met a huge
0:14:51 roman army
0:14:53 at the time but he was able to escape
0:14:55 and skate and relatively skated
0:14:57 militarily tactically it's a defeat but
0:14:59 strategically it was a great win okay
0:15:01 because
0:15:02 there were our 3 000 and the roman army
0:15:04 the narration differ between eighty
0:15:07 thousand hundred thousand two hundred
0:15:08 thousand let's say even sixty thousand
0:15:10 if three thousand can cause 67 such a
0:15:13 harm that they are terrified and they
0:15:15 keep this bad memory for later and they
0:15:16 get defeated once and again again during
0:15:19 the conquest of of the relevant then you
0:15:21 could understand that's a very strategic
0:15:23 gain but it is tactically a defeat so he
0:15:26 said abdullah in some of the messenger
0:15:27 of allah with the news what has happened
0:15:30 and rasam says said hold on
0:15:33 the manna was held by zed in heart and
0:15:34 he was murdered and the one i was held
0:15:37 after that pajamas
0:15:38 the prophet telling him he knew that and
0:15:40 he announced to the people before even
0:15:41 the messenger came and the one who said
0:15:43 that
0:15:44 then this another narration the famous
0:15:46 one you know that he had announced that
0:15:48 on the palpate and was weeping
0:15:50 this one is the day after that after the
0:15:52 messenger came say hold on don't say
0:15:53 anything i will tell you what you are
0:15:55 going to say so this is a sign of
0:15:56 prophecy but you could you could attack
0:15:59 the hadith if you wish
0:16:00 but anyway
0:16:01 then the people around him started all
0:16:03 weeping
0:16:04 and crying he said why are we being not
0:16:07 crying they said who i shouldn't be with
0:16:09 our best like zayd biharita like jafar
0:16:12 like
0:16:13 you know the best of the best of the
0:16:15 sahabah
0:16:16 are gone so what was the sense of
0:16:19 remaining alive
0:16:20 life does not have any taste anymore
0:16:22 any meaning
0:16:24 they say don't weep
0:16:26 the example of my ummah is like a man
0:16:28 who has a garden
0:16:30 a plantation
0:16:32 he fixed that garden planted it nicely
0:16:36 made it in perfect shape
0:16:38 dug the channels in it you're describing
0:16:40 how the gardener would do the job
0:16:42 properly and then
0:16:44 the first year when it became
0:16:47 to bring its first fruit he made a
0:16:50 harvest
0:16:51 and the second year and third year
0:16:53 and you may find
0:16:54 very often that the later years bring
0:16:57 better harvest than the first year
0:16:59 better and sweeter so we know that so
0:17:01 it's indication of the quality
0:17:12 with the one who has sent me with the
0:17:13 truth i make an oath by allah the one
0:17:15 who said
0:17:16 the son of maryam will find in my ummah
0:17:19 a better replacement from his companions
0:17:22 from his disciples okay better than his
0:17:24 disciples what's the reference for these
0:17:26 various places i will have i have it
0:17:28 that writing inshallah i will post this
0:17:30 with all this discussion because some of
0:17:32 them need very lengthy and horrifying
0:17:34 start discussion that's the digging out
0:17:37 of the
0:17:38 layers of history which have been hidden
0:17:40 so that you'll find in secondary books
0:17:42 and you have to dig them out and work in
0:17:44 the major boxes has been avoided it's
0:17:47 almost like a silent conspiracy that
0:17:50 and that conspiracy is inspired by the
0:17:51 rulers why the world will inspire that
0:17:54 because
0:17:56 tell the people
0:17:57 the times are bad
0:17:59 things are declining so don't demand me
0:18:01 to be like omar
0:18:03 that's the trick
0:18:04 example for that that i'm even the some
0:18:06 of the sahaba being not the this is the
0:18:09 greatest understandable is the
0:18:10 famous hadith
0:18:12 you may have the hadith and it's all
0:18:14 always invoked the hadith is that
0:18:17 as
0:18:17 he said we went to answer the malik in
0:18:19 the time of hajjaj hajj abuse of the
0:18:21 tyrant the bloodthirsty tyrant
0:18:23 who killed the proven
0:18:26 60 70 000 and imprisoned hundreds of
0:18:29 thousands who are released after his
0:18:30 death may allah have his whatever
0:18:33 judgment on him
0:18:35 so he complained to him what we've
0:18:36 suffered from
0:18:37 that's in bukhari
0:18:39 no doubt
0:18:48 no time will come to you
0:18:49 except it will be worse than the
0:18:51 previous time until you meet your lord i
0:18:53 hear that from the messenger of allah so
0:18:55 here i'm going to say
0:18:57 to answer some sahaba obviously he is
0:18:59 not saying to in the desert
0:19:01 it's addressing the sahaba and this is
0:19:03 stressing that to see what the proper
0:19:05 integration of the hadith that
0:19:07 your time after this peak time with me
0:19:10 and possibly after him or short time it
0:19:12 will be declining steadily right it will
0:19:14 be worse in the average that would be
0:19:16 maybe years better than the previous
0:19:17 that can be but in the general it's a
0:19:19 general declining you know how market
0:19:21 declined to go up and down but the
0:19:22 general trend is down yeah until you
0:19:24 meet your lord
0:19:26 and this has been majorly used by
0:19:28 government scholars and by governments
0:19:30 the times are bad today is worse than
0:19:33 yesterday
0:19:35 and yesterday is worse than day before
0:19:36 and we are much worse than the time of
0:19:38 omar so don't open your mouth and ask
0:19:41 the same like what obama was doing
0:19:42 because the time is not suitable for
0:19:44 that you are not to that level you are
0:19:46 not befitting you don't deserve a ruler
0:19:48 like
0:19:50 you don't deserve that that's the trick
0:19:52 that's the political aspect of it the
0:19:54 hadith scholars and most of scholars are
0:19:56 gullible even answered quran is quite
0:19:57 gullible he did not understand the
0:19:59 hadith now there were various
0:20:01 interpretation islamic history for
0:20:02 interpretation one of them is that this
0:20:04 is really addressing taking the other
0:20:06 evidences at the same time it's
0:20:08 addressing the sahaba only the time of
0:20:10 the sahaba with the first time is
0:20:12 definitely a peak you can't reach that
0:20:14 peak after his death it will be
0:20:16 declining in piety and devotion there's
0:20:18 no way missing such a
0:20:21 leading person like a prophet will have
0:20:22 an effect
0:20:23 it will go down although in a matter of
0:20:26 conquest and the enlargement of the
0:20:27 islamic state the time of umar was
0:20:29 bigger but in general the general ummah
0:20:32 in its devotion piety and it's and it's
0:20:35 purity it's not the same level at the
0:20:36 time of the prasara sure and that's what
0:20:38 developed to the fitness of the desire
0:20:40 for wealth for power for competition etc
0:20:43 started creeping in and that's what was
0:20:45 also once it say i don't fear for that
0:20:48 for you that the i don't fear for you uh
0:20:51 uh sheikh or khovar what i fear is that
0:20:53 dunya will open widely for you and then
0:20:56 you will compete on dunya until it
0:20:58 destroys you by competition by killing
0:21:00 each other by fighting each other for
0:21:02 dunya for power for wealth for money
0:21:05 so so
0:21:06 so from that
0:21:08 we see that
0:21:10 that this is a really classified hadith
0:21:13 it must be understood in if it's co if
0:21:15 it's authentic most likely i know we can
0:21:18 use that you say because if stratos it's
0:21:20 authentic it has to be absolute that the
0:21:23 the best uh
0:21:25 the generation of bani adam
0:21:27 until now until my time and around it is
0:21:30 my my my generation
0:21:32 this is the best generation company adam
0:21:34 so it was going uphill for the humanity
0:21:36 in general matter of fact a generation
0:21:38 by generation at the time of the process
0:21:41 that's the meaning of it it doesn't mean
0:21:42 that there would be later nobody was
0:21:44 comparable to that generation it is only
0:21:46 for the time passed and now not for the
0:21:48 far future evidence is by the hadith of
0:21:50 the
0:21:51 reign yeah if this is where the hadith
0:21:53 of the israelites finding people who are
0:21:54 a better replacement than his own
0:21:55 disables
0:21:57 evidenced by the hadith
0:21:58 the best of my ummah is the beginning
0:22:00 and the end and in between is muddying
0:22:01 or smoky and hadith about fitness we
0:22:04 have to take all of it that's one of the
0:22:06 problem which when we say back to
0:22:08 revelation is that
0:22:10 it seems real i give you a hadith and
0:22:12 this is even with a water
0:22:14 so it's back to revelation no that's not
0:22:15 this is back to one hadith the
0:22:17 revelation is not only this one hadith
0:22:19 and not only this one ayah yes that
0:22:22 would be catastrophic to rely on one
0:22:24 hadith the reason for that is that
0:22:25 certain issues
0:22:27 in mata what are mostly the issues of
0:22:28 qatar they are so complex that you need
0:22:30 to take various evidences because it has
0:22:32 a multifaceted problem in the case of
0:22:34 society and ruling and government you
0:22:36 have to take also many evidences on
0:22:37 board to see the general picture if we
0:22:39 don't take a matter of war and peace and
0:22:41 relation to other nations which we'll
0:22:42 address later in more detail which is
0:22:44 our main topic you will have to address
0:22:46 and take evidences from seerah from
0:22:49 history from quran and take them
0:22:50 together without taking it together you
0:22:52 will go astray so so your view is then
0:22:54 just to contextualize it against our
0:22:56 first question
0:22:57 back to revelation is required because
0:22:59 there was a lack of that happening or
0:23:00 there was a
0:23:02 the the scholars there they were diluted
0:23:04 in how they were approaching uh their
0:23:07 views on or the analysis of revelation
0:23:09 and that started in the times some
0:23:10 sahabi or not that scholarly
0:23:12 and after that it increased slowly yeah
0:23:14 until it became the general tendency and
0:23:17 then according to the hadith the fact is
0:23:18 that during the middle part of the the
0:23:20 islamic uh nation there will be a
0:23:23 decline essentially
0:23:25 it will be good there will be belief
0:23:27 there will be some good subjectivities
0:23:28 there will be achievements no doubt
0:23:29 about that they have plenty to achieve
0:23:31 without the time of the abbasi
0:23:33 massive achievement in human development
0:23:35 it's in science and technology and also
0:23:37 scholarly but it is muddied but your
0:23:40 intention here is essentially to have a
0:23:42 more of a comprehensive look
0:23:44 so look at your view more comprehensive
0:23:46 more comprehensive that has been done in
0:23:47 the hope that we can remove some of
0:23:49 these or put the condition that the mud
0:23:50 and the smoke can be removed
0:23:52 i don't think we'll be able to remove it
0:23:54 all of it but that second generation and
0:23:55 so on so that when isa comes he'll find
0:23:57 better people than a replacement for his
0:24:00 for a disabled because he will not come
0:24:02 in a vacuum he would come to a people
0:24:04 called cable yeah
0:24:06 who
0:24:06 would be able to establish a a peaceful
0:24:09 wealth situation which has debased in in
0:24:12 human history before and and all wars
0:24:14 the real end of wars then not that what
0:24:16 the united nation claims and mr obama
0:24:18 the war to end all wars all the
0:24:20 distances these people are not killed
0:24:21 i'm sure that's qualified today i'm sure
0:24:23 we'll cover that
0:24:24 in some of the questions we have to ask
0:24:26 well the first in our series of topics
0:24:28 the is the wahhabi ideology its origin
0:24:30 historical development linked to the al
0:24:33 saud and modern day manifestations
0:24:36 this this topic in order to be covered
0:24:37 fully will be split into a series of
0:24:39 videos and to be clear the objective is
0:24:41 not to placate justify or strengthen any
0:24:44 particular anti-wahabi movement or
0:24:46 thought process
0:24:48 the reason this is being done is to help
0:24:50 contextualize the massive bloodshed that
0:24:52 we have all been witnessing in iraq and
0:24:54 syria in recent times of course we're
0:24:56 speaking of the group calling itself
0:24:57 isis but there have been others in
0:24:59 recent times such as the gi in algeria
0:25:02 or the pakistani taliban
0:25:04 the aim therefore is to understand in a
0:25:06 comprehensive way the beliefs that leads
0:25:09 to these views and to rebut these views
0:25:11 from their origin in order to protect
0:25:14 our future generations from misguidance
0:25:17 inviting us with his knowledge on the
0:25:18 subject with decades of research work
0:25:20 into this amongst many other areas is a
0:25:23 man who needs no further introduction
0:25:24 shaykh professor muhammad al masari and
0:25:26 as part of this discussion
0:25:32 as part of this discussion we will be
0:25:34 examining the history and the
0:25:36 characteristics of the khawarij we will
0:25:38 also ask the sheikh to give his analysis
0:25:40 of the intellectual roots of this
0:25:44 broken one we will ask the sheikh to
0:25:46 give his to give his analysis of the
0:25:48 intellectual roots of this movement by
0:25:50 critiquing by critiquing some of the
0:25:51 opinions of two great imams in
0:25:53 particular imam
0:26:09 the thing right
0:26:10 we will ask the chef to give his
0:26:11 analysis of the intellectual roots of
0:26:13 this movement by critiquing by
0:26:14 critiquing some of the opinions of two
0:26:16 great imams in particular
0:26:18 firstly imam ahmad ibn humble as leader
0:26:21 of al hadid scholarship and imam ibn
0:26:24 specifically we'll be looking at the
0:26:25 ramifications of some of the views of
0:26:27 these two great islamic personalities we
0:26:30 will ask the chef to give a brief
0:26:31 history of the wahhabi movement and
0:26:32 specifically comment on the events
0:26:34 surrounding the collapse of the usmani
0:26:36 khilafah ottoman caliphate
0:26:38 and the ensuing relationship between the
0:26:40 wahhabi scholars and al-saud we will
0:26:43 then look to examine the above
0:26:44 discussions in light of current events
0:26:46 with the apparent spread of takfir and
0:26:48 the movement of focusing the muslims in
0:26:50 becoming embroiled in islamic
0:26:52 discussions of a far lower priority
0:26:55 finally we'll ask the sheikh to give his
0:26:56 views on the way forward both at the
0:26:58 individual level and the collective
0:27:00 ummah level although we're not
0:27:02 broadcasting live here there is an email
0:27:04 address given below to which you the
0:27:06 view are invited to email us your
0:27:07 thoughts opinions and and views and we
0:27:10 will endeavor to answer them as best as
0:27:11 we can without further delay then sheikh
0:27:14 please give us the history and
0:27:15 characteristics of the khwarich yeah
0:27:18 well this is a huge project actually
0:27:19 it's um
0:27:22 let's start with the how is that there
0:27:23 we go the issue of bloodshed etc
0:27:26 the issues of hawari has been uh
0:27:31 it goes back actually to a movement
0:27:33 against iran
0:27:36 when uthman was assassinated by a
0:27:38 certain plot of certain people which
0:27:39 will address maybe now i know our one of
0:27:41 our publication after this 30 years of
0:27:44 studies we have found out
0:27:45 really the hints where it is was the
0:27:47 problem
0:27:48 the real problem not the fake problems
0:27:50 people claimed that there was a man
0:27:52 called abdullah and he's of jewish
0:27:54 origin and he's black and all this this
0:27:56 is this this imaginary figure has never
0:27:57 existed this has been now proven well
0:28:00 established by a doubt has been proven
0:28:02 by orientalists has proven by she and i
0:28:03 was if sunday scholars have come to that
0:28:05 conclusion if they had studied honesty
0:28:08 there's a big conspiracy there which had
0:28:09 to be clear clarified
0:28:12 during
0:28:13 a battle of safin
0:28:15 a trick
0:28:16 perpetrated by malawi's people abraham
0:28:19 now specifically is the one that has
0:28:21 assumed who once suggested the trick is
0:28:23 that to lift the massah the mushafs on
0:28:25 the tops of spears saying we ask
0:28:28 to refer back to back the book of allah
0:28:31 and the fight should stop until we have
0:28:34 like an arbitration
0:28:38 ali said this is a trick
0:28:40 these people never refer to the book of
0:28:42 allah before they are not referring now
0:28:43 if they refer to the book allah they
0:28:45 would have come to the imam the head of
0:28:46 the state the one who will go to the
0:28:48 legion in medina and they would have sat
0:28:50 in a court of law and say this one is
0:28:52 accused this one is accused this one is
0:28:54 participating in killing of uthman and
0:28:55 we've got the witnesses and we have
0:28:57 witnesses and we can do a proper court
0:28:59 proceeding
0:29:00 a proper
0:29:01 process
0:29:03 some faction in ali become simple-minded
0:29:06 who
0:29:07 the understanding sharia is
0:29:08 simple-minded this will exist in every
0:29:10 community there are simple-minded
0:29:12 understanding of the democracy
0:29:13 understanding of communism similar
0:29:15 understanding christianity everywhere in
0:29:16 every religion every ideology
0:29:19 they say no no people are calling us to
0:29:21 the book of allah
0:29:23 we have to
0:29:24 accept habitation happened it was missed
0:29:28 messed up again and we have to
0:29:30 study exactly what has happened there
0:29:32 there are various narrations everyone
0:29:34 accusing the other one messing it up
0:29:36 anyway
0:29:37 after that some of the people in the
0:29:39 kambha i say how could you accept
0:29:43 to to nominate men to judge about the
0:29:46 book of allah
0:29:47 this is kufr
0:29:49 because allah says
0:29:50 the rules without the not will it does
0:29:52 not rule with allah azza with his
0:29:53 catherine and you made the key of men in
0:29:55 the book of allah that's not acceptable
0:29:57 let's go that's the beginning of the
0:29:59 quran that's again a misunderstanding of
0:30:00 the meaning of ruling and so on so this
0:30:02 is the beginning and then
0:30:04 there was a discussion with them ongoing
0:30:05 abdullah abbas with them had a long
0:30:07 argument with them many of them came
0:30:09 back he could persuade them by argument
0:30:11 by evidences not by the sword not by
0:30:13 force
0:30:15 and even those who stood aside decided
0:30:17 not to fight with him and not to fight
0:30:18 muay at all as long as you are not
0:30:21 fighting us as long as you are
0:30:23 with us in in the battle against the
0:30:25 foreign outside so far there is anybody
0:30:26 there was no battle at that time there
0:30:28 was only the internal uh warfare between
0:30:30 muslims the internal what they call a
0:30:32 civil war
0:30:33 as long as you don't pull a sword
0:30:36 we will not prevent you from coming to
0:30:38 the masjid to pray with us and we will
0:30:39 not
0:30:40 regard you as an enemy
0:30:42 but a faction of them decided to go to
0:30:44 war against abner when he fought them
0:30:46 and during that fight he he exposed many
0:30:49 a hadith
0:30:50 hid from messenger of allah specifying
0:30:52 certain person certain description which
0:30:54 shows which which obviously an evidence
0:30:57 for his prophethood
0:30:59 that's why we thought now what is what
0:31:01 what is
0:31:06 himself fighting for ruling maybe we
0:31:08 don't know from historic far away from
0:31:10 history this man is fighting against
0:31:11 maurya maybe he is just
0:31:13 wanting to establish his power at his
0:31:15 rolling by lying this cannot be excluded
0:31:17 rationally
0:31:19 but the hadith are narrated by many
0:31:21 including the one against ibrahimovic so
0:31:24 it's against water
0:31:26 the hadith
0:31:27 actually
0:31:29 shows that
0:31:30 what is what what is what is the disease
0:31:32 which made someone become a hariji the
0:31:34 most interesting
0:31:36 uh one of them
0:31:39 again unfortunately because of uh
0:31:42 especially with the so-called scholarly
0:31:44 salafi salafi almighty did not study the
0:31:46 job problem and in time past also
0:31:49 that
0:31:50 strange story came through various
0:31:52 channels of narration
0:31:54 each collaborating each other in its
0:31:55 skeleton with small variations here and
0:31:57 there as you expect from narration from
0:31:59 various witnesses
0:32:01 and it it contained the following
0:32:03 interesting story it may be interesting
0:32:05 really to
0:32:07 read the summary of the story without
0:32:09 going now in the fine points of isnatas
0:32:11 and leave that for the publication
0:32:14 what is the summary is
0:32:18 is the following
0:32:22 is that
0:32:24 anas is narrating his domain narrator
0:32:26 and his narrating and the other sahabah
0:32:29 narrating also part of it but the main
0:32:31 main story and let's say we were
0:32:33 discussing a man who was
0:32:34 extreme in his extreme in his piety in
0:32:37 his jihad in his external part in
0:32:39 prayers and so on
0:32:41 they were gathered around the maybe in
0:32:43 halakhah
0:32:44 yeah
0:32:45 and they said we mentioned this man how
0:32:47 much he plays how he's in the
0:32:49 battlefield how courageous he is etc
0:32:52 and the prophet said i don't know him
0:32:56 and they describe him further he looks
0:32:57 like that and said i don't know him
0:32:59 let me stop here and comment if the
0:33:01 person i don't know him what does this
0:33:03 mean
0:33:04 it's me this man does not come to the
0:33:05 helicopter he's not interested in
0:33:06 knowledge
0:33:08 sure he's a man of action but not of
0:33:12 mind and thought and then
0:33:14 others if you would have attending the
0:33:15 halaqah the process would have known
0:33:17 from the description
0:33:19 and said where we are they're saying
0:33:20 that now this is i call that in my
0:33:22 writing
0:33:24 a divine comedy a divine drama displayed
0:33:27 in real time in history
0:33:30 the man came
0:33:33 this is the man this one
0:33:35 they were describing
0:33:37 this is all set by allah as a real uh
0:33:40 piece of theatre tamperia as really a
0:33:43 movie in front real movie
0:33:45 and say this is the man
0:33:47 say is this the one you're talking about
0:33:49 it's being so pious so much prayer and
0:33:51 so much jihad
0:33:52 i see a strike of the devil in his face
0:33:58 so the man came
0:34:00 and said salaam alaikum he created the
0:34:02 people of salam
0:34:04 and he wanted to continue to the masjid
0:34:06 he did not want to say the halakhah
0:34:08 now
0:34:10 i ask you allah when you came here did
0:34:13 you feel in your heart that you are
0:34:15 better than everyone present here he
0:34:16 does not mention including the prophet
0:34:18 but obviously
0:34:19 has to be excluded that better than
0:34:21 anyone here
0:34:22 he says
0:34:24 yes
0:34:25 yes true
0:34:26 i felt i am better than everyone
0:34:29 his writers
0:34:31 so he proceeded to the masjid and one
0:34:33 narration say he made like a small area
0:34:36 around him by his foot you see the
0:34:38 arrogant behavior with his foot he's
0:34:39 designing
0:34:41 like a sijada like a corner just with
0:34:44 his foot
0:34:45 and started praying
0:34:47 now what made many people about
0:34:50 about that hadith is that
0:34:52 what happens after that
0:34:54 who all of you will go and kill this man
0:34:57 shocking but they say this is a divine
0:34:59 comedy
0:35:03 they have to solder them all the time or
0:35:05 at least a long knife which is like a
0:35:07 short sword not the battle one the other
0:35:08 big one
0:35:10 so he went there found the one praying
0:35:12 indulging the prayer
0:35:14 he said yesterday a few days ago
0:35:17 themselves said i have i'm prohibited
0:35:19 from killing the muslim this is musa let
0:35:21 me go and consult a prophet this man is
0:35:22 praying he's not sitting in the masjid
0:35:24 or contaminating the masjid or
0:35:26 disrespecting the bishops obviously
0:35:28 so he went back
0:35:31 i was really sick
0:35:33 he will not be able to kill him omar go
0:35:35 and do that
0:35:36 no one is hearing this conversation so
0:35:38 he went ahead and him institute say this
0:35:40 even worse the man is institute has a
0:35:43 higher ranking is it the core of salah
0:35:44 is the youth this prostration where you
0:35:47 put your head down for allah
0:35:49 and abu bakr did not do the killing
0:35:51 is a good example let me follow this
0:35:53 album i'll clarify that
0:35:54 that a man is still praying
0:35:56 and seems to be devoted and he's a very
0:35:58 long student so he went back rasam said
0:36:01 you don't
0:36:02 you're not the man for him and he told
0:36:04 ali get up and get him if you find him
0:36:06 so i will kill him say if you find him
0:36:08 you'll kill him if you find him ali went
0:36:11 to man was gone
0:36:12 he finished
0:36:15 now
0:36:16 we don't know did allah inspire his
0:36:18 messenger that i will do this divine
0:36:19 comment in front of everyone from the
0:36:21 beginning unto you when he gave the
0:36:22 command it will not be executed by the
0:36:24 sign of allah because allah is in
0:36:26 control of the u.s completely on the
0:36:27 minds and the feelings
0:36:30 some people did not like the hadith
0:36:32 because it shows that abu bakr is weak
0:36:33 is not like our this has nothing with
0:36:35 the weak sabbath has a good
0:36:36 consideration the man is praying yes
0:36:39 but there's no reason to share his blood
0:36:40 so he has to clarify that was
0:36:42 sure now someone said omar even failed
0:36:44 omar also said abu bakr is a good
0:36:46 example that the man is in deep suit how
0:36:48 can i kill someone who is institute
0:36:50 through the hesitation of someone who
0:36:53 blood respects
0:36:53 reject islam respect prayer
0:36:56 ali is a man of sword and he will
0:36:58 execute and that's what his his nature
0:37:01 but
0:37:02 if you find him he didn't find him the
0:37:03 man is gone
0:37:04 that says if you have killed him this
0:37:06 would have been the first and the last
0:37:07 of the my ummah
0:37:11 similar to this one there will be people
0:37:13 now that had
0:37:14 all mentioned this visa people who read
0:37:16 the quran
0:37:17 but doesn't go through their throat that
0:37:20 is
0:37:21 i in earlier years like 20 30 years ago
0:37:24 and i was almost scholar i was having
0:37:26 difficulty understanding this hadith
0:37:28 what means go through there or thought
0:37:31 because many interpreted that doesn't go
0:37:32 in their heart so they are not
0:37:35 but this man is fully devoted this man
0:37:36 is in the battlefield it can't be
0:37:38 there's no need for him to for an affect
0:37:40 to be to be praying that long and going
0:37:42 in the battlefield it's enough to
0:37:43 pretend to be a muslim and avoid the
0:37:45 battlefield and escape with his own skin
0:37:46 that's what
0:37:48 africa doesn't believe
0:37:49 so what does it mean the quran doesn't
0:37:50 go into their in their down from their
0:37:53 throat
0:37:54 i came to understand that by
0:37:55 understanding
0:37:57 what from the quran the arab tradition
0:37:58 is that the arabs have the conception
0:38:01 that
0:38:02 the knowledge and the information is in
0:38:04 the chest
0:38:06 and that's the meaning of the ayah of
0:38:08 we open your chest
0:38:10 meaning we
0:38:11 we widen it so it can
0:38:14 it can accommodate for considerable
0:38:16 amount of knowledge and the place of
0:38:18 iman and belief
0:38:20 and commitment is the heart
0:38:22 so the metaphorical heart to this the no
0:38:24 not this is this pump no the
0:38:26 metaphorical heart is the seat of
0:38:28 consciousness
0:38:31 and of of of will
0:38:35 and the it's essentiality of rational
0:38:37 thought the process of thinking but the
0:38:40 information the knowledge is in the
0:38:42 chest
0:38:44 this is the arab that understand the
0:38:46 metaphorical expression which used in
0:38:47 the quran that's the reason some people
0:38:50 try to explain that
0:38:52 by that by the famous story that the
0:38:53 foreign got his very very slit and his
0:38:56 heart cleaned
0:38:57 independent of it is true or not true
0:38:59 this is not a shall hassle said we open
0:39:01 your chest so you have considerable
0:39:03 knowledge your chest is wider than it
0:39:05 used to be by our divine action so he
0:39:08 became knowledgeable
0:39:10 originally he was not he's ignorant he's
0:39:12 illiterate but by this act divine act he
0:39:14 became knowledgeable
0:39:16 so it doesn't go through the thought
0:39:18 meaning it is not digested it's not
0:39:19 becoming a useful knowledge
0:39:21 it's data but not information not real
0:39:24 knowledge it's data just bits of data
0:39:48 so extensively and so long that you
0:39:52 i'm not doing anything no comparison no
0:39:54 comparison even you'll see um you may be
0:39:56 doing siam maybe monday and thursday
0:39:58 like many muslims do but these guys are
0:40:00 almost continuously in siam
0:40:03 so you say what's my siam it's worthless
0:40:05 and that says immediately
0:40:08 they exit the deen like an arrow exiting
0:40:12 the bow
0:40:14 so this is not
0:40:16 and in another hadith of an asymmetric
0:40:18 which is came only once channel of
0:40:20 narration was correlated by the quran
0:40:22 which is higher than corroborated by the
0:40:24 that's how you say you're a jew and
0:40:25 nasser that you want they want to be
0:40:28 pleased by the people and they are
0:40:29 pleased with themselves they are doing
0:40:34 describe righteousness
0:40:39 is
0:40:40 an unbelievable disease which was very
0:40:43 widespread in the jews and the quran
0:40:45 said don't you see those who is the
0:40:46 quran
0:40:47 purify declare themselves to be writers
0:40:50 allah purify whatever he wants only
0:40:51 allah can judge who is the early writers
0:40:54 and they will not be judged
0:40:56 there will not be there will be no
0:40:57 injustice committed against them
0:40:59 whatever they do it will be counted for
0:41:01 them but self-publication is not
0:41:02 acceptable
0:41:04 don't and another i say well that's
0:41:07 he knows you better when you created you
0:41:08 from from mud
0:41:10 you are from mud you have all the
0:41:11 shortcomings of mud you have all the
0:41:13 desires of the all the animal desires
0:41:15 you have so don't praise yourself allah
0:41:16 knows very well what you are out you are
0:41:19 not so don't try to purify yourself and
0:41:21 declare etc so this is the disease
0:41:24 they
0:41:26 read the quran shallow without digesting
0:41:28 without deep understanding not like the
0:41:30 real sahabah were attending
0:41:34 this example one this is the divine
0:41:35 drama and the other hadith relate to not
0:41:37 only to this man this one was commented
0:41:40 similarly but other other one but the
0:41:42 famous one is the choice
0:41:45 and another one in in it happened twice
0:41:47 similar situation
0:41:49 in in in
0:41:53 after the conquest for makkah they went
0:41:55 to fight uh hawaiian in her name
0:41:59 and after the
0:42:00 the tribes were defeated first the
0:42:02 muslim run away when they were happy
0:42:04 with their numbers they were proud we
0:42:06 are having numbers we can't be defeated
0:42:07 because of numbers and they are unaware
0:42:09 they didn't help them so the number does
0:42:11 not help but help is very fabulous
0:42:13 willingness to fight we need to stand
0:42:15 it's not numbers
0:42:17 after that person was distributing their
0:42:19 comets and so on
0:42:21 and the man of quraish is not the same
0:42:22 story because some people confuse things
0:42:24 it's the same story it's not the same
0:42:25 story like the study of that
0:42:26 a man for quraish allah knows who is he
0:42:29 and my guess is maybe absolutely of
0:42:31 course he said this distribution is not
0:42:34 a distribution allah likes
0:42:36 because he gives some tribal shifting of
0:42:38 considerable amount of money like 100
0:42:40 camels 50 couple hundred camels
0:42:42 these trouble shifters are dangerous
0:42:44 leaders who are
0:42:47 who need to be not to be softened need
0:42:49 to be attracted by money need to be
0:42:51 controlled by money and this is for the
0:42:52 head of state to know where to put the
0:42:54 money where to spend money to
0:42:57 ease the hostility of certain people
0:43:00 but this one from quraish because he did
0:43:02 not get the share and here he got
0:43:03 himself more important maybe or he
0:43:05 should be a pacifier but there's no
0:43:06 diversified college because he's
0:43:07 defeated makkazen that's when the
0:43:09 community control of islam but this
0:43:11 are dangerous and they prove their
0:43:13 danger in the in the wars of riddha
0:43:14 after the pram passed away so they have
0:43:16 to keep to keep the peace they have to
0:43:18 be bribed through with money so he said
0:43:21 that
0:43:23 you don't trust me in distribution and
0:43:25 the one in heaven trust me with this
0:43:26 revelation
0:43:28 so that's this one and he said from this
0:43:30 source of this mentality people will
0:43:33 come out which you will be disrespecting
0:43:35 that was in her name but later on in the
0:43:37 last year
0:43:39 before his death few months before his
0:43:40 death also
0:43:41 actually in ramadan he sent khaled
0:43:43 waleed and
0:43:44 toward yemen
0:43:46 any anything south of
0:43:47 100 kilometers
0:43:56 our tribe i'm proud of that obviously
0:43:58 but it's our tribe ramadan he converted
0:44:00 him to islam
0:44:01 and his instruction is very interesting
0:44:03 in in
0:44:04 in the
0:44:06 maharashtra he says when you meet your
0:44:09 the people of ramadan or your enemy then
0:44:11 call them for islam don't hurry in
0:44:12 fighting them
0:44:14 and then wait
0:44:16 if they don't accept attack you
0:44:18 and kill one one of your men then wait
0:44:20 don't steal call them again
0:44:22 wait wait for them maybe they will come
0:44:24 and then when they attack you once more
0:44:25 and kill a second one still wait i'll
0:44:27 call them for islam then if it is no
0:44:29 help after those two killings then you
0:44:30 fight them
0:44:32 we send that that message to dash this
0:44:34 is in magazine
0:44:46 you said you sent these references to
0:44:48 daesh no no i'm sending that now
0:44:51 they have it but they don't want they
0:44:52 read the quran without without digesting
0:44:55 it if they agreed on digesting how they
0:44:57 will be doing with the hadith it will be
0:44:59 less digestible okay i'm sure we'll
0:45:00 cover them together
0:45:02 it doesn't make any sense but what we
0:45:03 still sending it to them
0:45:06 in that campaign the ali that was after
0:45:08 ramadan in the 10th year meaning before
0:45:10 this was like six months after after
0:45:13 ramadan alive
0:45:14 sent
0:45:16 some gold
0:45:18 which is mined but not even purified
0:45:20 from its dust so it's pieces of gold
0:45:22 with dust
0:45:24 as a booty to the messenger of allah to
0:45:26 distribute it
0:45:28 so it distributes between fourth
0:45:29 september
0:45:31 only in medina before going to the final
0:45:33 pilgrimage to vada
0:45:36 and then the man
0:45:37 would short dress that's the description
0:45:40 don't blame me that's what they
0:45:41 described him with
0:45:43 beard which is not organized
0:45:45 not nicely done
0:45:47 very much like the salafi nowadays
0:45:50 okay
0:45:51 and with this mark of prayer on his
0:45:53 forehead very much like so many salafis
0:45:55 and many surfaces
0:45:57 i'm not attacking all the surfaces of
0:45:58 that some of them even pretend to make a
0:46:01 mark the liberty to show that they are
0:46:02 having a lot of
0:46:04 of the jews and so on
0:46:06 and the man said
0:46:11 be just muhammad you are not just
0:46:14 you this distribution is not the way
0:46:16 allah wants
0:46:18 others
0:46:20 on you who would be just if i am not
0:46:22 allah his messenger are not just
0:46:24 the one in heaven again like that the
0:46:26 one in heaven trust me i don't trust me
0:46:28 so uh
0:46:30 omar stood up and said let me strike his
0:46:32 neck
0:46:33 this is the monafic
0:46:35 i said leave him
0:46:37 from this school or from this from this
0:46:39 root or from his germ
0:46:42 that means the back because by the
0:46:44 conception that children are produced
0:46:46 from the back they carry the features
0:46:48 somehow this is
0:46:50 an old conception which is reflected in
0:46:51 the language
0:46:52 from the
0:46:54 that's obviously metaphorical because
0:46:56 that does not need to be this his
0:46:57 descendant geologically but they are
0:46:59 descendant intellectually
0:47:01 there will be people and the same
0:47:03 description like the one in her name
0:47:04 that's the same diction of this odd man
0:47:06 who was not killed by allah design
0:47:10 so
0:47:10 and then of course i've commented on all
0:47:12 these kids say
0:47:14 in attraction if i if i if i meet them
0:47:17 at that time what's meeting at the time
0:47:19 one of them is here they are here so
0:47:21 what meeting them at that time
0:47:23 when they come out because he said
0:47:25 islam
0:47:26 they killed the muslims and leave them
0:47:27 pagans
0:47:29 this is a metaphorical meaning they they
0:47:31 don't state even killing muslims
0:47:33 and leave the pagans
0:47:36 if i meet them
0:47:38 i will exterminate like extremely like
0:47:40 the tribe of art which was exterminated
0:47:43 by the wind by the storm by the
0:47:44 hurricane
0:47:46 or
0:47:47 addressing the sahaba when you meet them
0:47:49 exterminate them
0:47:50 extinguish them any more does not kill
0:47:52 themselves anymore make them sleep
0:47:56 like extinguish them completely
0:47:59 that means when they come out with
0:48:00 assault because the ideology is there
0:48:01 the man is there he's standing there
0:48:03 he's not killed so it is when they pull
0:48:06 the sword
0:48:07 so these are hadith which are mutavata
0:48:09 and i have had the
0:48:10 uh i have a summary of them actually not
0:48:13 all of them because i summarized only
0:48:14 like from about 15 sahabah and even
0:48:16 career and they have hajj summarized
0:48:18 from over 30 so this is one of the
0:48:20 strongest and most withdrawal hadith you
0:48:22 could imagine
0:48:23 from this hadith is clearly what we have
0:48:25 the disease we have misunderstanding of
0:48:26 the quran
0:48:27 not digesting it understanding properly
0:48:29 not understanding the quran
0:48:32 not only that it has although
0:48:35 and this some people think this is the
0:48:37 kind this is the statement of the sophie
0:48:38 is not true there's a authentic
0:48:40 narration from other life masterwood say
0:48:42 the quran is having every eye of the
0:48:43 quran is having wahar
0:48:45 and baton
0:48:47 all the way down to seven buttons seven
0:48:49 deep of meanings which not everyone can
0:48:52 can grasp so if someone does not
0:48:54 understand that the quran has all this
0:48:55 depth and all these hints going deeper
0:48:58 and deeper and deeper
0:49:00 then you don't expect him to
0:49:02 to apply to the reality probably and uh
0:49:05 and because because of uh
0:49:08 in addition to that these people are
0:49:09 indulged in acts of worship in act maybe
0:49:12 of piety act even of jihad because he
0:49:14 said because this man who was was
0:49:16 supposed to be killed theoretically
0:49:17 because it was never killed by allah
0:49:19 decide because he's he did not do
0:49:21 anything which was worthy of being
0:49:22 killed it's only his character is like
0:49:24 that
0:49:26 this one
0:49:27 was was also famous in the battlefield
0:49:29 when he meet the enemy nobody will do
0:49:31 like he does to the enemy and still
0:49:34 all these these great uh
0:49:37 features or great to get virtues of the
0:49:39 action
0:49:40 is not based on a proper understanding
0:49:42 and proper in a proper meaning and
0:49:44 proper intention because if you are
0:49:46 really
0:49:48 a true believer understanding the
0:49:49 meaning of the quran there's just the
0:49:52 quality of quran then you understand
0:49:53 your own shortcoming and you will never
0:49:55 be self-righteous the moment you are in
0:49:57 self-righteousness meaning you did not
0:49:59 understand the quran did not understand
0:50:00 the meaning of the quran
0:50:02 you declared even there's a it came to
0:50:05 my mind few days ago that even the the
0:50:07 famous phrase in in the new testament
0:50:09 which is very troublesome for those who
0:50:11 believe in the divinity of israeli young
0:50:13 mothers i'm saying
0:50:15 good good good teacher tell me so why do
0:50:17 you call me good only god is good
0:50:20 and there's very troublesome for them
0:50:21 because obviously it contradicts his
0:50:23 divinity but we are not discussing now
0:50:25 with our christian brothers it's another
0:50:27 time
0:50:29 even isa
0:50:31 is humble enough to recognize that
0:50:33 such attributes of that care can be only
0:50:35 worthy of the divine such an existing
0:50:37 being no other being can claim these
0:50:40 these virtues and these these
0:50:42 these attributes no way you have to
0:50:44 recognize that and that's the reason why
0:50:46 many of the sahaba all of them they were
0:50:48 worried um are asking for did they first
0:50:51 mention me from the monafique and some
0:50:53 of you are brothers from the shia
0:50:54 secretary hammer knows that he is
0:50:56 himself in africa no he's worried he
0:50:58 knows he's never perfect he knows he has
0:51:00 shortcomings he's self-critical
0:51:03 so this is the situation
0:51:05 but if you look now at the hobby
0:51:07 movement
0:51:08 now historically these khawaris were
0:51:10 having these characteristics
0:51:12 killed and he mentioned that the certain
0:51:14 persons a certain specific person with
0:51:16 certain description would be under them
0:51:18 and they search for him and this may be
0:51:20 an interesting to mention their story
0:51:21 when they met the hawari and the kharis
0:51:23 committed even mistakes in the
0:51:25 battlefield
0:51:26 instead of using the the spears first
0:51:28 and so on like usual but there there are
0:51:30 arabs they know how to fight they use
0:51:32 the sword directly
0:51:33 and the army of ali took them with the
0:51:36 spears the spirits along so they killed
0:51:37 them with a space you start with the
0:51:39 spears first and then when you close to
0:51:41 the other side enemy or otherwise then
0:51:43 you use the sword so they were almost
0:51:45 exterminated except ten men who survived
0:51:48 and i said
0:51:51 search for a man
0:51:52 who one with his hand is is is he has a
0:51:54 hand deformity his hand is like the the
0:51:57 breast of a woman with few hairs on it
0:52:00 a dark colored man
0:52:03 so they searched for him
0:52:04 sir we didn't find this one
0:52:08 i did not lie nor the messenger lied to
0:52:10 me said for him again say we says we
0:52:12 didn't find so
0:52:14 ali was very troubled and she was so in
0:52:17 his face so he came himself and started
0:52:18 searching everywhere they found like a
0:52:20 ditch and which bodies on top of each
0:52:22 other they took all the bodies out and
0:52:24 the lowest one was the third year
0:52:27 and alibi take me to jude and say this
0:52:29 themselves told me and the various
0:52:31 people standing there abita salmani
0:52:33 specifically if i remember correctly one
0:52:35 of the uh followers not a companion but
0:52:38 he a man was alive in jail but he never
0:52:40 got the opportunity to go to madina and
0:52:41 meet the prophet so he's an older jahili
0:52:45 he said you heard that from the saints
0:52:47 of allah do you swear by allah and that
0:52:49 you heard this
0:52:50 three times that i heard from saint john
0:52:51 with this description and they told you
0:52:53 before we found him
0:52:55 so this is one of the episode on the
0:52:57 side which corroborate that and could
0:52:59 make the whole picture really
0:53:01 self-corroborating
0:53:02 now later on
0:53:04 because
0:53:06 these declare take fear on on on anyone
0:53:08 committing a major said the this group
0:53:10 of people and the later generation of
0:53:12 them was even worse these at least were
0:53:13 not killing women and children they
0:53:15 called muhakema the people of naharwan
0:53:16 they were not killing women and children
0:53:18 they were killing only adult
0:53:19 muslims
0:53:21 but later on the azarika
0:53:23 in the time of abdullah later on there's
0:53:25 not much later is this that was in the
0:53:28 38th something like that and the azad 68
0:53:30 so 30 years later same generation almost
0:53:33 you could have been very well with them
0:53:35 and joined as
0:53:37 well as
0:53:38 they they have no hesitating killing
0:53:40 women and children
0:53:43 sofia are similar to them but less they
0:53:45 say children are under a should not be
0:53:46 killed but women and
0:53:48 and men can be killed
0:53:50 so suffering
0:53:51 avoids killing children but both of them
0:53:54 made the
0:53:55 that fear anyone doing kabira so let us
0:53:58 scholars when they discussed in the
0:53:59 chapters of the books of akida the
0:54:01 kawari
0:54:03 they speak about
0:54:05 the one who they succeed and
0:54:06 characteristic of the
0:54:08 they don't go to the hadith
0:54:09 unfortunately this again back to the
0:54:11 vision what they go through is that
0:54:13 this had the following characteristics
0:54:15 one
0:54:16 is that they make that fear on kabira
0:54:21 based on the fear they kill so for them
0:54:23 it's cover is enough to shed blood which
0:54:25 is again mistake misunderstanding quran
0:54:27 but this mistake is widespread not only
0:54:29 secondly they have
0:54:31 they they cares ali and rahman
0:54:34 that's the character thirdly they say
0:54:36 the imam of the khalifah does not need
0:54:38 necessary to be from quraish which is
0:54:39 correct actually that's the correct
0:54:41 point of view but unfortunately that
0:54:43 correct word view has been buried under
0:54:44 the historic rubble because it was
0:54:46 adopted by the khawa rich
0:54:49 okay
0:54:50 and we have a complete recession about
0:54:51 that showing that this is the hadith
0:54:54 either faulty or have been misunderstood
0:54:56 it is it is it's
0:54:58 not an injunction that the khalifa to be
0:55:00 from polish there is no reason for to
0:55:02 believe that so that they look for any
0:55:05 any group
0:55:06 and that's what for example the wahhabi
0:55:07 and isis usually we don't make qatar in
0:55:09 kabir we don't see anyone committing
0:55:11 fornication or taking usually taking not
0:55:13 to make history they can use there is a
0:55:15 kafir we don't say that wouldn't you say
0:55:16 that
0:55:18 so we are not
0:55:38 an interesting story
0:55:40 uh
0:55:42 when one young man was telling his
0:55:44 father i was attending the hope of
0:55:45 hajjaj and he said this and this is you
0:55:47 my son
0:55:48 feel away don't be close to that man he
0:55:51 is as lucky
0:55:58 and alhaji is fighting them also say my
0:56:01 son
0:56:02 is the one who declared to be a catholic
0:56:04 kill you that's the other that's okay
0:56:06 it's not the following
0:56:09 is this this direction
0:56:11 son if you disagree with him he declared
0:56:13 it to be a catholic kill you that's what
0:56:14 makes you
0:56:15 it's not very necessary that you are in
0:56:17 the kambha you may become of the
0:56:19 government even like
0:56:22 the same for some extreme who declare
0:56:24 the other muslim to be kafri they are
0:56:26 also however
0:56:27 and all of them has been misunderstood
0:56:29 the revelation and misapplied the
0:56:31 revelation
0:56:32 and they're all self-righteous because
0:56:34 the moment you will judge someone to be
0:56:35 a kafir
0:56:38 and you you declare that because of that
0:56:39 you can shed his blood you have declared
0:56:41 yourself that you are pure enough and
0:56:42 you can't do that killing but that
0:56:43 suggests that you should not do the food
0:56:45 at all no
0:56:47 are you saying that you should not do
0:56:48 the computer at all no no sure you can't
0:56:50 do that but it's in the base of
0:56:53 evidence from quran absolute certificate
0:56:56 that's not what it is
0:56:58 Music
0:57:02 the evidence for that is that from there
0:57:04 on comes people are criticizing the
0:57:05 evidence i showed this faulty
0:57:08 from the come of the hardy time of alibi
0:57:10 many have come back and were convinced
0:57:12 that the conclusion is wrong
0:57:18 right because that kim is possible
0:57:21 why would you have human judges
0:57:23 they judge according to what they are
0:57:24 studying with the book of allah
0:57:26 that's not the ruling the problem is
0:57:28 that
0:57:29 in the case of that
0:57:30 they don't understand the meaning of
0:57:31 ruling because when allah said when
0:57:33 whoever does not rule that allah has
0:57:35 revealed his catherine now what the word
0:57:37 ruling means it means in quran you can
0:57:39 scan the quran like taking for example
0:57:42 the
0:57:43 index of
0:57:44 um
0:57:46 and work out all the eyes with the word
0:57:48 hokum and hakkam and hagam you will find
0:57:50 ruling is essentially the original
0:57:52 language is judging something really
0:57:54 attributing something to something else
0:57:57 i judge these throws to be beautiful or
0:57:58 smelling nice it's a judgment this is
0:58:00 the ruling i ruled that this rose is
0:58:02 nice looking this is a static judgment a
0:58:05 pure judgment of beauty
0:58:07 related to these roads
0:58:08 i judge this action to be haram
0:58:12 based on what or a certain evidence is
0:58:14 from the revelation
0:58:16 so this is the judgment generally now
0:58:20 those
0:58:24 meaning human being will be able to rule
0:58:26 but what the ruling of the human being
0:58:27 should be ruling what they would be
0:58:29 ruling in is that they will be doing
0:58:30 judiciary arbitrating disputes
0:58:33 they will be giving fatwa they will be
0:58:35 by managing the public affairs in which
0:58:37 you have to reject judgment obviously
0:58:39 that's all ruling
0:58:41 so what is the ruling exclusion when
0:58:42 they say
0:58:44 ruling is only but to allah like an ayah
0:58:46 says
0:58:48 which ruling is meant there
0:58:50 the prophets that's ruling
0:58:52 by formulating the law in the unfallible
0:58:54 way he's unfavorable in that so what is
0:58:56 the meaning meaning the essence the
0:58:58 sense of the law itself
0:59:00 the meaning of the law that's only for
0:59:02 allah it's not a prophet who rules he
0:59:05 formulates according what he has
0:59:07 inspired
0:59:09 so that's what ruling is only for allah
0:59:11 is the judgment which meaning declaring
0:59:12 things to be had
0:59:15 in themselves by divine sovereignty the
0:59:18 sovereign right of the divine to judge
0:59:20 things to be haram do this don't do that
0:59:23 without any further reasoning except by
0:59:25 his own divine sovereignty that's not
0:59:27 only for allah but the prophets were
0:59:29 ruling
0:59:30 the prophet isaiah in the in the in the
0:59:33 in this world is the famous ayah
0:59:37 we have revealed a torah which contains
0:59:38 light and guidance with which
0:59:41 the prophets
0:59:42 rule
0:59:44 the
0:59:46 by the torah
0:59:47 this is not a ruling is but only for
0:59:49 allah this is something else that's the
0:59:51 ruling with that what allah has revealed
0:59:53 so this is the quran if you don't
0:59:55 understand that from the eyes you don't
0:59:57 understand between the meaning of ruling
0:59:59 at the judge's role and the laws called
1:00:01 the judges in dunya
1:00:06 you should not take each other wealth
1:00:09 without justification or go even to the
1:00:11 judges to to gain something by with
1:00:13 false order false evidences
1:00:15 so these are judges they are hacking but
1:00:17 it's not the hokum which is
1:00:20 what use of the two places
1:00:24 so the distinction has been missed this
1:00:26 is hamish and this is catastrophic this
1:00:28 is this is you could say it is like like
1:00:30 in computer science it's a terminal
1:00:32 disease not even a fatal terminal it
1:00:34 makes the program shut down blue screen
1:00:36 and so who's made who's made these
1:00:38 misjudgments in this respect
1:00:42 and others and many others also but it
1:00:44 is scattered bits and bits which
1:00:46 accommodates in one group
1:00:48 connected with with self-righteousness
1:00:50 and pulling the sword then they become
1:00:51 hawaii whatever the group is
1:00:55 extreme shia extreme salafi or whatever
1:00:57 whatever they they can
1:00:59 clear themselves
1:01:01 so very happy that they said nobody said
1:01:03 what do you do
1:01:04 you can't declare fear
1:01:06 actually but what should be there is to
1:01:08 declare a certain statement to a
1:01:09 statement of comfort that a certain
1:01:10 person is a kafir needs further
1:01:12 verification is he aware about the
1:01:14 evidences has been confronted with the
1:01:16 evidences
1:01:18 in a convincing way did the evidence
1:01:22 offered to him in such a way that that
1:01:24 he could not do otherwise except study
1:01:26 them understand them certainly the
1:01:27 evidence is not offered properly
1:01:30 so
1:01:32 you you can't ascertain the facts
1:01:33 because you did not get the the the
1:01:35 prerequisite information on the table
1:01:38 but the statement itself is a statement
1:01:39 of cover yes
1:01:41 what's the one who's saying it's not a
1:01:42 sataya kafir so this is also a
1:01:44 distinction which had to be made a
1:01:45 matter of that fear
1:01:46 what if any are there links between the
1:01:49 hawaii movement
1:01:50 in whatever form and the statements of
1:01:53 or the understanding of imam humble and
1:01:56 imam
1:01:58 you kind of say that because
1:02:00 of the definition
1:02:04 went to the other extent also there's a
1:02:06 misconception that they thought it is
1:02:08 and it's all used by current government
1:02:10 for saudi arabia specifically declaring
1:02:11 anyone against this regime to be hariji
1:02:14 but is not the one who rebelling against
1:02:16 the ruler
1:02:17 the one that bring it through in the old
1:02:19 books that's even in effect even in the
1:02:21 in the wildfire in the default
1:02:23 tribulation
1:02:25 it's called
1:02:27 transgressor
1:02:30 whatever and not necessarily even a
1:02:33 barrier it could be a justified
1:02:34 rebellion if the rule is unjust so
1:02:36 that's the reason the book of the first
1:02:38 despite of alta will over the generation
1:02:40 you find the verse said when people
1:02:42 rebel against the imam
1:02:44 then the one has the obligation to
1:02:45 discuss with them what is their
1:02:46 grievance
1:02:47 right and a certain that the grievances
1:02:49 have been removed
1:02:52 then
1:02:53 when the grievances have been removed
1:02:55 obviously scholarly advice with
1:02:56 agreement of the rest of the ummah
1:02:58 that's the probable way of doing it and
1:03:00 they continue with the rebellion then
1:03:02 they are obviously eyeing for power
1:03:03 without any justification you should not
1:03:05 have the power and there is an imam in
1:03:07 power i just i i i just imam who
1:03:10 addressed all your grievances
1:03:13 then they are brought they are not harsh
1:03:15 because they don't necessarily declare
1:03:16 they must be capacity he is all power
1:03:18 he's not worthy of power i am more
1:03:19 worthy that's not fear
1:03:22 i'm fighting him for the sin to remove
1:03:23 him from power if he goes away from
1:03:24 power that's fine it's all about what we
1:03:26 need well that's not what hawaii do
1:03:32 so so you think there's no link then
1:03:33 between no in that sense no no but
1:03:36 but
1:03:38 obviously these first generation are
1:03:39 gone then
1:03:41 the
1:03:42 the government the rule the rules of
1:03:45 muslim domains
1:03:46 established themselves by force like
1:03:48 many umayyads
1:03:49 although nabas came with the popular
1:03:51 revolution but later they came as
1:03:53 oppressive and tyrannical as bani maya
1:03:55 or slater is slightly better we must
1:03:57 admit there was nobody so tyrannical and
1:03:59 bloody like
1:04:00 and so viciously uh
1:04:02 playing on tribal contradiction which is
1:04:04 clear because when umayyad is actually a
1:04:06 counter-revolution if islam is a
1:04:07 revolution against the status quo shows
1:04:10 in the world then obviously the umayyad
1:04:13 oh my head a rule is a
1:04:14 counter-revolution which happened to any
1:04:16 revolution
1:04:17 this was the revolution there's a
1:04:18 counter revolution with the counter
1:04:20 revolution but abbas pretended the
1:04:23 leader of the abbasid pretended to be
1:04:25 correcting the situation but the slogan
1:04:27 was faulty from beginning their slogan
1:04:29 was that they're calling for to
1:04:31 bring the right back to someone from
1:04:33 albeit
1:04:34 that was the mistake because the right
1:04:35 is not for alberto don't already the
1:04:36 right is for the muslims bring back
1:04:38 should have been and that's what the
1:04:40 sahaba was objected to when he appointed
1:04:42 yazid that go back to the ummah go back
1:04:45 to the walker omar for the whole ummah
1:04:47 albeit on albeit for everyone if he's
1:04:49 chosen for alberta and she wasn't from
1:04:51 china
1:04:53 they said this is the slogan of the
1:04:55 abbasi but it was a popular slogan and
1:04:56 it's because albeit were oppressed and
1:04:58 were persecuted and killed badly by the
1:05:00 umayyad very viciously and there are
1:05:02 very bloody stories there which is
1:05:04 dearly
1:05:05 need to be
1:05:06 it's painful to dig them out but i think
1:05:08 there's no escape from digging them out
1:05:09 and putting them on the table and
1:05:10 studying them academically there's no
1:05:12 way the cover up and what has been done
1:05:14 islam because it is not good
1:05:16 and praising by omaha for these
1:05:17 achievements and these achievements and
1:05:19 covering up for these crimes this will
1:05:21 not benefit islam and will not end the
1:05:23 smoke and the muddying phase
1:05:25 so in the smoke we have to to know where
1:05:27 the smoke have come from
1:05:28 and make the
1:05:30 firm intention to clean the smoke and
1:05:32 clean them up we have to the decla where
1:05:34 has
1:05:47 the real muddying and the real smoke
1:05:49 came from the rulers from our way onward
1:05:52 that's where come from the other squares
1:05:53 unfortunately i have to admit that
1:05:55 unfortunately but
1:05:58 you cannot accept a corrective moment to
1:06:00 start killing the people and destroying
1:06:02 historic buildings and destroying
1:06:04 artifacts and inheriting everything
1:06:06 claiming
1:06:07 it has to correct everything by analytic
1:06:09 everything that's not the way of doing
1:06:10 it the way of doing it as well is
1:06:12 described by quran sunnah if you read
1:06:14 them
1:06:15 and digest them so it go in the chest
1:06:16 become knowledge it is isn't part of
1:06:20 um
1:06:21 what did not the process um cleanse the
1:06:23 the carb of the idols for example yeah
1:06:25 but what it has has to do with with uh
1:06:27 with uh
1:06:28 with it with the
1:06:29 with what what daesh is doing
1:06:32 is destroying is not idols idols are
1:06:34 different and then statue is not an idol
1:06:35 the buddha in afghanistan for example
1:06:37 it's a statue is that a historic
1:06:38 artifact it's not an idol it's either
1:06:40 for those who believe that long gone
1:06:42 nobody is there worshiping and if
1:06:44 someone from outside come worship let
1:06:46 him come or don't give him visa
1:06:48 so you're saying if it's not if it's
1:06:49 currently not being worshipped then it's
1:06:51 acceptable to believe that's an example
1:06:52 this is a lengthy issue about a historic
1:06:54 artifacts a simplest example when saddam
1:06:57 never conquered madai and entered the
1:07:00 the the white palace of kisrah the main
1:07:03 hall where receptions were held he
1:07:06 converted that templar to admission
1:07:07 until masjid was built that hole was
1:07:09 until the time of tabari still with the
1:07:11 ornamentation on the walls
1:07:14 were full of status and pictures and
1:07:16 they were praying there including some
1:07:17 jumaas
1:07:18 don't bother about the status at all
1:07:20 this is recorded in history
1:07:24 and many other things
1:07:25 one idiot of this so called
1:07:27 self-representation was saying when
1:07:29 morsi was elected you say i hope that
1:07:30 the first act of moses is to demolish
1:07:32 this grave
1:07:33 the pyramid
1:07:35 they did not demolish it
1:07:38 i will hold the sinks they claim it was
1:07:40 understand it's impossible because if
1:07:42 you look at it it is actually and when
1:07:44 the plane of jesus
1:07:45 dips down to the valley of nile now it
1:07:48 was very broad in million years back and
1:07:50 start digging deeper and evenly came
1:07:52 anyway on the shoulder of the bounty
1:07:55 in some part of the shoulder was
1:07:57 protruding up and that was carved by the
1:07:59 old ancient egypt into form of the
1:08:01 sphinx so the head is above the plane so
1:08:03 whatever sun comes will go down in the
1:08:05 valley it will never cover the head the
1:08:07 head was always apparent through history
1:08:10 but the lower part is sometimes covered
1:08:11 with sun that has been removed in the
1:08:13 roman time it was actually a tourist
1:08:15 attraction roman time there was ladders
1:08:17 and people were going around exactly
1:08:18 like our time in the roman time this is
1:08:20 historically recorded
1:08:22 and nobody demolished that
1:08:24 so the sahaba did not have either idiots
1:08:27 all of them in order for some of them
1:08:29 they did not see it
1:08:32 emergence the sphinx and the pyramids
1:08:34 was not seen but as haba must be all of
1:08:35 them bunch of blinds so they are blind
1:08:37 idiots
1:08:38 so that's where the salafi way of
1:08:40 thinking goes
1:08:42 based on that hadith about it the
1:08:44 cabbage have a special standing it was
1:08:46 cleansed by the idols yes it's only for
1:08:48 the kaaba and only for hijaz and arab
1:08:50 peninsula
1:08:53 outside did not touch any of these
1:08:54 artifacts
1:08:56 and these artifacts are some of them
1:08:57 arising in the in the sky like for
1:08:59 example the artifacts in balabak and in
1:09:01 palmyra they are high in the sky you
1:09:03 can't see them with the idols and the
1:09:05 pictures shall become statues just a
1:09:07 historic artifact nobody touched it even
1:09:08 them
1:09:09 nothing even with a finger
1:09:12 and the hadith invoke that muslim are
1:09:13 faulty
1:09:14 or abridged if you get hadith
1:09:19 for example the hadith of the famous
1:09:21 hadith that
1:09:22 even every time sending
1:09:24 i send you like a messenger allah sent
1:09:25 me to
1:09:27 uh to
1:09:28 to defeat every picture and so on it's
1:09:30 not every picture
1:09:31 it's
1:09:32 sh but they don't they don't look at all
1:09:33 the every
1:09:35 the nation
1:09:36 because they read the quran without
1:09:38 digesting it
1:09:40 and because they don't look at
1:09:41 everything comprehensive yeah that's it
1:09:42 that's that's a way to digest
1:09:47 okay yeah
1:09:49 well you mentioned the wahhabi movement
1:09:51 earlier as well can you give us a brief
1:09:52 history of of of the wahabi movement and
1:09:55 how that came about and specifically
1:09:56 comment um
1:09:58 on on on the link between that and the
1:10:00 collapse of the atlanta
1:10:02 it has nothing to do with the collapse
1:10:03 what happened is that
1:10:07 start reading the books over in tamiya
1:10:09 and was convinced
1:10:11 by me by misreading them actually
1:10:13 because he did not go to that extreme
1:10:16 he was convinced that what happens at
1:10:18 graves like in the uh for the saints and
1:10:21 the awliya and so on
1:10:22 is is act of worship
1:10:27 and his definition of deity is a deity
1:10:29 is something which is being worshipped
1:10:31 so for him the acts of worship are the
1:10:32 primary
1:10:35 thing to be defined
1:10:36 and the definition is we like alice so
1:10:39 you did act of worship uh touching the
1:10:41 word is act of worship standing still a
1:10:43 certain way is actual virtue there's a
1:10:44 list of acts essentially that's
1:10:46 essentially what you discussed very
1:10:47 extensively in the book of talith and
1:10:49 based on that whatever entity you direct
1:10:51 these acts to them
1:10:53 it becomes a divine entity or declared
1:10:55 to be a divine
1:10:57 so all what the muslims are doing at
1:10:59 graves and so on is act of worship and
1:11:01 they are mushrik and their catholics
1:11:02 they have idols
1:11:04 and he said clearly for example he said
1:11:05 even a godess way for example if if you
1:11:08 recon if you understand what i just
1:11:10 explained previously he says then you
1:11:12 see that if you have been calling for
1:11:14 example one of the audio of this that
1:11:16 i'm thinking
1:11:17 he mentioned the name of one of the
1:11:19 awliya
1:11:22 then you have actually declared
1:11:23 to be allah not even
1:11:30 no no this is the view even now
1:11:32 everything is more more more
1:11:34 comprehensive in knowledge and more more
1:11:36 intelligent than to follow such a trap
1:11:38 but it is it can be read in his if you
1:11:40 if you read it in a mutilated way so
1:11:42 what you're saying is that the the imam
1:11:44 um
1:11:44 the way he interpreted the text of him
1:11:47 is an extreme point it has to be either
1:11:50 you have you have to abolish it from the
1:11:52 beginning you have to go dig to the root
1:11:53 or you have and they declare it to be
1:11:55 wrong the definition that that the
1:11:56 divine being is not the things is
1:11:58 worshipped divine being is that entity
1:11:59 which is act or suffering on free will
1:12:02 by its own power that's a divine being
1:12:04 and it's a sovereign national because
1:12:06 all things in the universe do not act on
1:12:07 their sovereign power everything is act
1:12:09 because of power
1:12:10 given to him by a previous
1:12:12 process in the universe you argue all
1:12:14 your attributes and powers you have are
1:12:16 inherent from parents and not from your
1:12:18 own sovereign and your free will you
1:12:20 have a free will but it's limited with
1:12:21 the conditions so if you are super
1:12:23 unnatural then you are dividing i think
1:12:25 it's important to understand this point
1:12:26 very clearly what was the view
1:12:28 and then what was the everything yes
1:12:30 wavering sometimes say uh
1:12:32 divine being is an entity which has
1:12:33 certain attributes as well it's worthy
1:12:35 of worship so it's causing circularity
1:12:37 and this quality was not consider
1:12:40 understood by muhammad
1:12:42 and he went he went into the death trap
1:12:44 but the divining
1:12:45 divine being is the things the thing
1:12:47 which is the thing which
1:12:50 worshiped so worshipping became primary
1:12:53 human acts became primary
1:12:55 and therefore they say making sense
1:13:02 they
1:13:05 giving the human the ability to make
1:13:06 something divine
1:13:07 yeah that's that i agree with the ethic
1:13:09 they say there's no divine being because
1:13:11 the eternal universe is not a divine
1:13:12 being it's not acting by by free will
1:13:14 and sovereignty it's acting by necessity
1:13:17 by its own laws so there's no divine
1:13:19 being but human being invented divine
1:13:20 being by their imagination so there's no
1:13:23 difference than the atheists they just
1:13:25 agree with that the divine beings are
1:13:26 the things that worship because there's
1:13:27 none in existence it's all in your
1:13:29 imagination you have created these these
1:13:32 mental
1:13:34 constructs and rejected them to the
1:13:35 reality
1:13:37 that's essentially and the same without
1:13:38 the habit of claim they exist
1:13:40 because you are capable of creating
1:13:42 divine being obviously no no
1:13:44 allah
1:13:51 there was nothing worshiping him yet
1:13:52 what's meaning worthy of worship he has
1:13:54 attributes then the whole theory is
1:13:56 demolished so they go in circle they go
1:14:02 you have to go because
1:14:03 since the invention of
1:14:05 languages we use now under the history
1:14:07 of man which is recorded there were
1:14:09 always divinity and divine beings and
1:14:11 all this act of worship of human and
1:14:13 they were all resourcing colonized that
1:14:15 is very difficult to separate them
1:14:17 logically and rationally you have to go
1:14:18 in a little bit in a in a deeper point
1:14:21 but if you go to the quran and study it
1:14:23 carefully you will find this the
1:14:24 solution the solution is the eye of
1:14:46 every deity will take its creation and
1:14:48 go away or and they will overcome each
1:14:51 other
1:14:52 so that's the divinity so either you
1:14:55 have a being which is capable of having
1:14:57 its own creation and taking them away
1:14:59 with its own sovereign capability by act
1:15:02 of will
1:15:03 or are being wishes for created by such
1:15:05 a be that as such a being which is a
1:15:08 divine really divine in the prophet
1:15:10 sense the highest sense in the quran
1:15:11 sense
1:15:12 cannot procreate her this can be proven
1:15:16 by other
1:15:17 arguments but it's enough because most
1:15:19 people who claim that allah has children
1:15:21 so on they claim they have that from
1:15:23 revelation or from traditions allah says
1:15:25 clearly i don't have son why should i
1:15:28 lie if i have a son but it's impossible
1:15:30 just going back then to the
1:15:31 misinterpretation of
1:15:33 the muhab of the statements and
1:15:35 understandings
1:15:36 and everything is built on that what is
1:15:38 built in explain that everything
1:15:40 everything
1:15:42 such as
1:15:43 al-mushrik all of them kafir shia akafer
1:15:47 and the halal and also the misconception
1:15:49 about that that that cover will will
1:15:51 make blood worthy of shedding anyway or
1:15:54 only islam or covenant can come
1:15:55 protected so what you're describing
1:15:57 actually is a comedy of errors in the
1:15:58 sense that there's a misinterpretation
1:16:01 of perhaps a misinterpretation
1:16:03 fundamental reciprocation because this
1:16:04 means this means that
1:16:06 is not understood properly
1:16:08 which is even worse than the hawaii of
1:16:09 the valley much worse
1:16:12 there it seems to be wider because fear
1:16:14 declared on on anyone doing a kabira
1:16:17 misunderstanding that the difference
1:16:18 between belief and act
1:16:21 because human beings have the capability
1:16:23 that their acts can
1:16:25 no do not need to synchronize with their
1:16:27 beliefs you could be very well believe
1:16:28 you may be a medical doctor very well
1:16:30 believing that smoking is harmful and
1:16:32 still you smoke yes there's this human
1:16:35 we have this capability yeah
1:16:37 we cannot declare you a kafir uh
1:16:39 concerning the or rejecting the the the
1:16:42 the fact that
1:16:43 cigarettes are harmful we cannot declare
1:16:46 it this way
1:16:47 so there is a separation between action
1:16:49 and belief and belief here the
1:16:51 separation but that also usually acts
1:16:53 are based on belief but they are not
1:16:55 connected with the free will is capable
1:16:57 of
1:16:58 overall that distinction is not
1:16:59 recognized by the movement you say but
1:17:02 generally no it's not that's the
1:17:03 original that's their mistake okay but
1:17:06 the mistake is even greater it is the
1:17:08 definition of divine divinity
1:17:11 is not is not giving the proper
1:17:12 definition
1:17:13 reality is more catastrophic and because
1:17:15 they've made it they've made a mistake
1:17:17 in the definition of worship yeah that's
1:17:19 it it's even more fundamental it's even
1:17:21 even more catastrophic and because of
1:17:23 that they are able to label using that
1:17:25 definition their wrong definition yeah
1:17:28 you're saying that they're able to label
1:17:29 other groups as in entirety swathes of
1:17:32 people yeah yeah yes non-muslims yeah
1:17:34 yeah and their further belief is if i've
1:17:36 understood you correctly
1:17:38 is that because they are now non-muslims
1:17:40 their blood is hanan yeah
1:17:44 that's quite disastrous that's
1:17:46 catastrophic
1:17:48 and and this effectively is what we're
1:17:50 seeing manifested today
1:17:52 in isis g.i.a pakistan
1:17:54 et cetera isis or daesh call it number
1:17:57 two is this two because we have isis
1:17:58 number one
1:17:59 you know which one is number one i don't
1:18:01 that's the first saudi state established
1:18:03 muhammad mohammed it's isis number one
1:18:05 it's exactly this one just read them
1:18:08 they call it they call it in the book
1:18:10 printed by them
1:18:12 imam
1:18:13 doctor
1:18:14 the doctor
1:18:19 who was a student and like a friend a
1:18:21 junior friend of because he is in
1:18:23 age-wise younger than muhammad
1:18:25 and accommodate him the rest of his life
1:18:26 and later on in life
1:18:28 asked him to write his seerah his
1:18:30 biography and this history
1:18:32 so this is the writing of binary it's
1:18:34 very well conserved and published and
1:18:36 printed
1:18:37 in
1:18:38 the the it's called
1:18:41 islam the conquest of the people of
1:18:42 islam
1:18:45 so from the title you know that the
1:18:46 others are people of islam if you go
1:18:48 through that
1:18:52 the even the printed copy you have to
1:18:54 put a question mark because the printed
1:18:55 copy the original one was
1:18:57 done with too much of rhyming
1:19:00 they called saja
1:19:02 which is very
1:19:03 not not not not a modern style of
1:19:05 writing like
1:19:11 trying to be like semi-poetry
1:19:14 so one of al sheikh of his grandchildren
1:19:16 who lived that recently instructed
1:19:19 sheikh khashoggi with dr nasser from
1:19:21 lebanon to rewrite it in a more modern
1:19:24 language
1:19:25 so he will remove the sahaja yogis the
1:19:28 problem with removing the such and that
1:19:29 many places where mushrikun will rhyme
1:19:31 with this may have changed question mark
1:19:34 so we don't find the word mushrik he
1:19:36 declared himself
1:19:37 the the people of muhammad
1:19:41 the others called the people of the art
1:19:43 the people of this people without use
1:19:45 the word which they could accept in few
1:19:46 places still used especially
1:19:49 when it comes to the city of sihat
1:19:51 shihat is a shia village in the eastern
1:19:53 saudi arabia
1:19:54 they attacked the village
1:19:56 the village had fifteen hundred people
1:19:58 living there yeah they started what he
1:19:59 mentioned it's not my numbers they were
1:20:01 all exterminated
1:20:04 he doesn't mention children or
1:20:06 definitely fifteen hundred will have
1:20:07 children
1:20:09 i mean also the children
1:20:10 he doesn't mention the children
1:20:11 explicitly liking mentioned men or women
1:20:14 so we can assume the children are gone
1:20:16 why are they going
1:20:18 he doesn't mention the changes have been
1:20:19 adopted or sold so they must be
1:20:22 exterminated or sold in slavery i don't
1:20:24 know what has happened there he doesn't
1:20:26 cover this point
1:20:27 and he called them clearly
1:20:30 but we know there was no no there were
1:20:31 no shiva where shiva or or or kali but
1:20:34 there there was here
1:20:38 worth of extermination they were
1:20:39 extremely
1:20:40 became depopulated completely
1:20:43 okay
1:20:44 is it and that's in the in the version
1:20:46 which without sagittarius i have
1:20:48 questions we found an old version which
1:20:50 is with the sahaja yogi and so on
1:20:51 printed in india we have a copy of it
1:20:53 but i didn't get the time to sit and see
1:20:55 if there's the word which one is used
1:20:57 but that you cut by implication
1:20:59 the muslim met the people of riyadh and
1:21:00 there was a big battle and 60 of riyadh
1:21:03 were killed and 20 of muslims
1:21:05 then you can assume that people of
1:21:06 riyadh will be muslim but but assumption
1:21:09 is not explicitly said in the printed
1:21:11 version which is doesn't have the rhyme
1:21:14 so she'll have to go to the old division
1:21:15 is it their view that any non-muslim can
1:21:18 be killed
1:21:19 yeah
1:21:21 unless there's a covenant
1:21:23 that's their view unfortunately this
1:21:25 widespread is not only wahhabi it's
1:21:26 unfortunately the view of
1:21:28 of many uh scholars unfortunately
1:21:31 because they misunderstood the
1:21:33 the way the islamic state was
1:21:34 established in madina and what's the
1:21:35 relation between muslims and kuffar
1:21:37 because also the fact that please
1:21:38 explain that a little bit more just for
1:21:40 the benefit of our viewers who perhaps
1:21:42 have only heard this view from isis from
1:21:45 the unfortunate
1:21:46 unfortunately again
1:21:48 which was
1:21:49 the calamity started with many scholars
1:21:52 is that
1:22:05 the souls
1:22:06 which allah has prohibited except
1:22:10 such a phrase linguistically means that
1:22:13 fundamentally every soul which means
1:22:15 humans although someone could extend it
1:22:17 even to every soul and then start
1:22:19 analyzing it but let us sit on human
1:22:21 souls
1:22:22 except with the haqq so that
1:22:25 so all souls are prohibited by allah
1:22:27 initially
1:22:29 except by justified reason so it just
1:22:32 there was a concept we just feel yep
1:22:35 now what is just killed this is general
1:22:37 it's it's i don't know what's just
1:22:38 killed
1:22:40 allah is referring look elsewhere in the
1:22:42 quran and look to it my messenger will
1:22:44 tell you what's just killing what's
1:22:45 permitted to kill so every killing in
1:22:47 the quran after that mission must be
1:22:50 ordered must be
1:22:52 part of this elaborate exception sure
1:22:54 but this does not violate the original
1:22:57 fundamental ruling that all souls are
1:22:59 prohibited sure to start with this is
1:23:02 very fundamental if you understand
1:23:03 that's very fundamental nobody can ever
1:23:06 claim this the only way to obligate
1:23:08 that the souls
1:23:12 say that allah says kill all souls
1:23:16 without restriction until i tell you
1:23:17 otherwise that's the only way to
1:23:19 obligate it there's no other way to
1:23:20 obligate such a statement
1:23:22 those who do not kill the souls which
1:23:24 allah has prohibited except for the haqq
1:23:28 yeah do you see my point yes
1:23:30 there's no way because the general
1:23:32 fundamental ruling is that all souls
1:23:34 allah has prohibited of killing
1:23:36 except with hakusho explain to you what
1:23:38 is one two three four five seventeen
1:23:40 hundred points
1:23:42 it doesn't matter but it's all exception
1:23:44 must be under 11
1:23:46 you have to prove it as hack how to
1:23:47 prove his hack from revelation
1:23:50 but
1:23:51 if they were to refer to other eyes in
1:23:53 the quran for example
1:23:59 but this
1:24:00 for with certain reasons we'll come to
1:24:02 the cathedral but just general about the
1:24:04 bloodshed
1:24:05 that human
1:24:06 swords human being but even someone you
1:24:08 could say because enough is general
1:24:10 could be applied to animal nerves so you
1:24:12 cannot kill animal success
1:24:16 including angels but angels are not
1:24:17 accessible to us to be killed spirits
1:24:19 and so on sure you're not permitted to
1:24:21 do that acceptable
1:24:24 good
1:24:25 and so that that that's that's the
1:24:27 primary position
1:24:28 position and this is irrefutable and
1:24:30 there is no way to get away from that so
1:24:32 the claim of the jihadi you find for
1:24:33 example in you know for jihad and so on
1:24:36 which is written by some jihadi is that
1:24:39 an islamic democratic islam protect the
1:24:42 blood and cover
1:24:49 is acts of war and acts of violence
1:24:51 that's what make bloodshed now let us go
1:24:54 what how the situation between muslims
1:24:57 as a single person and community with
1:24:59 the rest of the world will be how it was
1:25:01 sure and for that
1:25:04 it's extremely important to be
1:25:05 comprehensive and look at the sierra
1:25:08 and this is not a scholar but the
1:25:09 problem they made a mistake also in
1:25:10 obligation because of some blatant
1:25:12 errors let's let me discuss one by one
1:25:14 initially in mecca
1:25:16 they were ordered not to fight they were
1:25:18 prohibited from fighting
1:25:21 yeah yeah
1:25:25 accept the necessity for celtic and
1:25:26 someone attacking you with a knife you
1:25:27 may
1:25:28 defend as much as you can that's it but
1:25:30 it's known by by necessity
1:25:34 the evidence for that is from history
1:25:35 police stability and doubt but also that
1:25:37 was permission was given to fight for
1:25:39 those who have been expelled in mecca
1:25:40 the first the first ayah actually maybe
1:25:43 on the way to medina
1:25:51 permission has given to those who have
1:25:52 been wronged
1:25:55 and allah is capable of their support
1:25:58 even if they have wronged the past allah
1:26:00 could have supported them but because
1:26:01 the system were invested because of the
1:26:02 way allah manages the universe he let it
1:26:04 happen
1:26:05 because this is the way it invests works
1:26:07 they have to take victory by themselves
1:26:09 they have to defend themselves later on
1:26:10 themselves allah does not in their
1:26:11 feelings to accept very rarely like
1:26:13 israel and so that's not the standard
1:26:20 those have been expelled outside the
1:26:21 country without justified cause if for
1:26:24 example
1:26:25 a country kicks you out for justified
1:26:27 cause you are for example the thief and
1:26:28 they take you out to the country they
1:26:29 say just have cause they don't explain
1:26:31 you because you believe in allah no so
1:26:34 you don't care i will fight them because
1:26:36 expelled me no
1:26:37 that's not they have the right to spell
1:26:39 you off to the country because you are
1:26:40 thinking or a gangster
1:26:42 of whatever reason so that's not
1:26:44 justification
1:26:48 so that's very clear
1:26:49 so this permission was given
1:26:51 later on order was given to fight
1:26:56 fighters
1:27:00 as they fight you in totality fight them
1:27:03 in groups and they fight you fight them
1:27:04 harshly as they fight you harshly the
1:27:06 same way they fight you you fight them
1:27:08 the same way
1:27:09 okay
1:27:10 and that's all that has come
1:27:12 now
1:27:14 the mistake was have been in
1:27:16 misunderstandings
1:27:21 you find many scholars including
1:27:23 unfortunately who has a great mind that
1:27:25 unfortunately is his problem with with
1:27:27 obligation he is very easy in obligation
1:27:30 and he said this obligated the ayat is
1:27:32 safe obligated everything which is not
1:27:34 true first of all
1:27:35 bara'ah
1:27:37 the first part of barack which has been
1:27:38 said the alibaba to read it to the
1:27:40 people in mecca in the ninth year the
1:27:42 first part goes about maybe 20 hours
1:27:45 if from the beginning of the reading
1:27:47 which obviously fox news mistranslates
1:27:49 by taking only one sentence like all
1:27:51 people who cut things according to their
1:27:53 desire biased
1:27:55 quotation
1:27:56 it says
1:27:59 a declaration of innocence declaration
1:28:01 of civilization or or ending of the
1:28:04 contracts to those mushrikeen which you
1:28:06 have covenant with them so it's not for
1:28:08 other muslims those who have covenant
1:28:10 how come that you have covenant mr king
1:28:12 those who shaken which have a fight
1:28:13 before and then you have a covenant with
1:28:15 them right now
1:28:17 is that those who have an unlimited
1:28:19 covenant with telling them it is
1:28:21 unlimited is abrogated is only four
1:28:23 months we give you enough time to settle
1:28:26 the situation and decide what to do four
1:28:28 months
1:28:29 and the eyes continue after that and
1:28:31 says clearly
1:28:33 but those who have a limited time
1:28:34 limited covenant
1:28:36 with him they have a mudda they have a
1:28:37 time limit then keep the covenant keep
1:28:40 the the peace until the end of the
1:28:42 covenant as long as they fulfill their
1:28:43 covenant i don't transgress
1:28:45 and then it concludes the whole series
1:28:47 of eyes encouraging the muslims to find
1:28:49 them which they came by saying why don't
1:28:51 you fight people who started in the
1:28:53 first place and expelled you and the
1:28:54 messenger out of your homes
1:28:57 thus in para that's not in the quran not
1:29:00 an early medical in bahrain itself in
1:29:02 the opening of which was read to the
1:29:03 people in
1:29:05 in
1:29:07 the music
1:29:08 that he is still permitted to perform
1:29:10 hajj
1:29:12 in the ninth year
1:29:14 when i was the first story is famous you
1:29:16 know the story when abu bakr was
1:29:18 commanded was commanded him to be the
1:29:20 the
1:29:21 imam of the hajj that year which is one
1:29:23 of the strongest strongest evidence that
1:29:24 i've workers like hinted to be the imam
1:29:26 afterwards
1:29:28 and then he when he was on the way
1:29:33 after him
1:29:36 was amazed what
1:29:46 was not happy with this so he came back
1:29:48 to the fall and asked
1:29:50 what's happened said gabriel kemp said
1:29:52 because the arab tradition nobody can
1:29:53 report from me says somebody from my
1:29:55 family he will say abu bakr if i send
1:29:57 you the ayah to say al-baqara is not a
1:29:59 relative of them it's not from bani
1:30:00 hajim it is not letter of the prophet
1:30:02 how can he report in his behalf
1:30:03 according to our arab way of thinking
1:30:06 and usually also take care of this human
1:30:08 sensitivity in his revelation out of
1:30:11 kindness he's not obliged he could have
1:30:12 said
1:30:14 so
1:30:15 and ali went around and uh broadcast
1:30:17 that they were after this the last year
1:30:18 for mushrik to prague there's no hajj
1:30:20 anymore for the mushrikeen anymore it's
1:30:22 only for muslims and also no no naked
1:30:25 person should should do without around
1:30:27 the kaaba this year and never in the
1:30:29 future et cetera immediately and then we
1:30:31 speak in next year and the reading
1:30:33 balance with the people who have
1:30:34 unlimited covenant will know it is
1:30:36 terminated after four months
1:30:39 so that's that's the context of barack
1:30:41 obama so it just doesn't obligate
1:30:42 anything it's mission the same thing
1:30:43 which have been said before it's
1:30:45 fighting those who fight you some people
1:30:47 may invoke the hadith
1:30:52 have been ordered to fight the people
1:30:54 until they witness
1:30:56 allah
1:30:57 but this cannot be in this generality is
1:30:58 restricted by other evidences for
1:31:00 example we know that he can take jesus
1:31:03 from the people so this is a restriction
1:31:05 which does not mention why does the
1:31:07 measure because it's mentioned elsewhere
1:31:09 there's no single hadith no single
1:31:10 phrase would contain all the law sure
1:31:12 you have to refer to the others
1:31:15 and the same um
1:31:17 now the people say uh the muslim
1:31:19 declared war on the persian and when
1:31:21 they started the war initiated they
1:31:22 called it rejected the extent they had
1:31:24 that's not true the truth is the
1:31:26 following question but that's that's
1:31:27 what sure that historically how people
1:31:29 have misunderstood the syria did not
1:31:31 take the sea rain and this
1:31:33 is not a single report we should say no
1:31:35 we don't know what it's not our fault it
1:31:37 is it's muta-water
1:31:40 the rasam sent messengers carrying the
1:31:42 message peaceful messenger
1:31:46 to persia and to the romans one
1:31:48 we know what the persian empire did
1:31:51 he told the letter and the process it
1:31:53 sublicated that allah made his kingdom
1:31:55 and that was accepted by
1:31:57 and his kingdom was torn not only that
1:32:00 people do not know that he sent to his
1:32:02 deputy king in yemen bazan
1:32:04 sent two strong men to this man who
1:32:06 claimed to be a prophet so they
1:32:08 apprehend them so it's like a criminal
1:32:10 get that criminal and interrogate him
1:32:13 and tell him to cease claiming to be a
1:32:15 prophet otherwise strike his neck it was
1:32:17 an act of war
1:32:19 so they came
1:32:21 they came to tafe
1:32:23 i wouldn't share the story just for the
1:32:24 benefit and enjoyment of our listener
1:32:26 even though muslims they kept our life
1:32:29 and they said where is muhammad
1:32:31 completely unworried about what's going
1:32:32 on so the prophet said no he's he's in
1:32:35 medina and the lord said what jubilating
1:32:38 the king of kings kisrah
1:32:40 is now pursuing muhammad we don't need
1:32:42 to worry muhammad is finished
1:32:44 he will become khalas so they went to
1:32:46 madina
1:32:48 they came to the quran
1:32:51 and discussed with a few things that our
1:32:52 our lord ordered to do this and this and
1:32:55 we take you to yemen
1:32:57 and you should stop these claims kings
1:32:59 do not like these claims he said come
1:33:01 tomorrow
1:33:02 obviously by why
1:33:04 i will tell you what's my answer to that
1:33:06 so they went but they saw the respect
1:33:08 for sahaba how they respectable
1:33:10 so they were shivering
1:33:11 so they brought them next day in person
1:33:13 gave them some gifts
1:33:14 one of them is having the gifts still of
1:33:16 this thing the sinners may have it until
1:33:17 today i don't know because these virgins
1:33:19 embrace islam became yemeni and they're
1:33:21 still now called
1:33:23 the abner sons of
1:33:25 so if you see someone called abanawi
1:33:27 it's not a tribe it's
1:33:28 that
1:33:29 became a tribe
1:33:32 and then the morning say you said your
1:33:34 lord uh send literally says
1:33:37 my lord allah killed your lord yesterday
1:33:39 his son
1:33:40 killed him this way and this way around
1:33:43 the time and go back to bazaar and tell
1:33:45 him that so they went back
1:33:48 obviously during the journey the news
1:33:50 came to bazan most likely the news came
1:33:53 after they arrived so they have told
1:33:54 them this man we are shocked that we
1:33:56 survived he gave us gifts he was very
1:33:58 nice he was very lovely
1:34:02 you sent us to a trump we thought is the
1:34:04 criminal sitting somewhere we came with
1:34:06 the delegation obviously not these two
1:34:07 men there's a cool caravan maybe with a
1:34:09 military guard and so on but this is
1:34:12 this is the state this is a powerful
1:34:13 entity and he claimed this see
1:34:16 and they told him listen watch what you
1:34:18 are saying you are saying something very
1:34:20 graves that his son his own son killed
1:34:22 him
1:34:23 wake up because they know that son was
1:34:25 in prison actually he escaped the prison
1:34:27 few days before they were unaware about
1:34:28 all of these stories so what you're
1:34:30 saying is completely out there you say
1:34:31 go back and you see
1:34:33 so but i said if that's true then he
1:34:35 must be receiving from him from heaven
1:34:37 because we have no information yet say
1:34:39 next day or could be a few days later
1:34:43 the messenger came with us bazaan and
1:34:45 all the abners embraced islam and yemen
1:34:47 became islam because of this miracle
1:34:49 anyway so these are act of war
1:34:52 and then there were attacks after that
1:34:54 the same with the law as people say the
1:34:56 roman empire was not guilty one of the
1:34:58 messengers also from to the roman not
1:35:00 the roman themselves because the
1:35:02 hercules were intelligent enough to
1:35:03 treat a letter with respect and put it
1:35:05 in a box and so on
1:35:07 it's lost maybe you would find one day
1:35:09 in some of them rings
1:35:11 but it's lost for all practical purposes
1:35:14 because some of the letters are not
1:35:16 letter to all mandarin in bahrain still
1:35:18 which was found anyway
1:35:22 some of his vassal kings arab kings in
1:35:24 the north they receive also messages and
1:35:27 in that message to to to
1:35:29 hercules a very significant statement
1:35:31 was said that's endeavor in the in the
1:35:34 book of america
1:35:35 he may bring the same narration it is an
1:35:38 added phrase which you don't find in
1:35:39 others so to show how important to get
1:35:41 all the narrations in that other phrase
1:35:43 it says
1:35:44 if you don't accept islam no problem
1:35:46 this is your choice for yourself you are
1:35:47 damaging yourself but let me bring the
1:35:49 message to the common people
1:35:52 let me have the freedom of
1:35:54 dawa
1:35:57 clinic
1:35:59 that cannot be tolerated by the by the
1:36:01 by by the roman empire by the church at
1:36:02 the time and the local kings the arabs
1:36:04 in the north when they sent the dire to
1:36:06 them they were killed and that's the
1:36:08 reason the battle of motor was initiated
1:36:10 so there was no attack to the people
1:36:12 evidence for that irrefutable evidence
1:36:14 which made that absolutely clear without
1:36:17 that abyssinian where the dao was open
1:36:19 and there was no prosecution actually
1:36:21 muslim was protected by the rajashi
1:36:23 there was no war
1:36:24 neither time of the salaam
1:36:26 nor the time of a buckler nor the time
1:36:28 of omar no december with man no time of
1:36:31 ali
1:36:32 until the end of
1:36:33 there was no skirmish or war there was
1:36:35 the best relation peaceful perfect peace
1:36:38 tranquility trade interaction there was
1:36:42 only the habasha were meant in mentioned
1:36:44 in war in only two or three occasions
1:36:46 one occasion time of
1:36:48 in the tenth year
1:36:50 the people of jeddah near mecca they
1:36:52 noticed there was an island the island
1:36:54 is no more there maybe it is under water
1:36:57 flat
1:36:58 so the water level has increased
1:37:00 during the thousand something years
1:37:03 a ship came a stray ship and people far
1:37:05 away they can't see the people from the
1:37:06 general shape they guess they are
1:37:07 abyssinian but it could be nubian
1:37:10 because you know the navy and south
1:37:12 egypt and the abyssinian they're
1:37:13 separated by one half thousand miles
1:37:15 a kilometer and maybe miles and they
1:37:18 look similar because same is semitic
1:37:19 it's not like zinc it's not like negroes
1:37:22 with the features so they saw their
1:37:23 abyssinian and
1:37:25 they never came to jitter and never
1:37:27 nobody they're going to them to see what
1:37:29 they are
1:37:30 so they wrote to medina so it took some
1:37:32 time they were in this i in that as well
1:37:34 small island wrote to medina
1:37:37 campaign when they crossed to them they
1:37:39 ran away and disappeared no news about
1:37:41 them came over most likely because jedi
1:37:43 is over to the south of north of sudan
1:37:45 south of egypt it may be a newbie or
1:37:48 maybe just
1:37:49 just
1:37:52 pirates of the sea we never know who are
1:37:54 there nobody knows what they are in the
1:37:55 time of earthman
1:37:58 some guys of this time attacked us
1:38:00 and did some killing and so on so uthman
1:38:02 wrote to the jaish at the time asked him
1:38:05 what has happened and checked all the
1:38:06 villages
1:38:08 in his kingdom and wrote urthman back
1:38:10 that we checked nobody is former it must
1:38:12 be frozen elsewhere
1:38:13 but we instructed everyone never to go
1:38:15 to the arabia and do any problems so it
1:38:18 is not from danjashi norfolk not even
1:38:20 from the
1:38:20 abyssinians it may be from the nubia
1:38:22 because the nubians were hostile the
1:38:24 third time the word habasha is used in a
1:38:26 battle is when they say that
1:38:29 ibn sadiq and the ruler of egypt had a
1:38:31 better convert toward habasha he could
1:38:33 not be because he was the rule of egypt
1:38:35 and he went down to nubia there's not a
1:38:37 habit of the abyssinian kingdom of the
1:38:40 negros
1:38:42 so that's that's the only mission there
1:38:44 was no i mentioned that just for for
1:38:46 for historical uh honesty someone
1:38:49 because almost i said there was no even
1:38:50 never skirmish with any habitual these
1:38:52 three instances with the word habasha
1:38:54 the clear interpretation for it it must
1:38:56 be an audience which is clearly from the
1:38:58 geography you look at the map
1:39:00 is here and this is the north of sudan
1:39:01 so maybe have crossed the sea maybe the
1:39:03 official which have been
1:39:05 thrown by a win nobody knows because
1:39:06 they went that's the time of the prophet
1:39:08 the one who did miss chief of them
1:39:09 rothman uthman wrote to the they said we
1:39:12 have never ordered anything like that if
1:39:14 it's done by criminal people we'll avoid
1:39:16 them or punish them and he checked all
1:39:17 his kingdom which is quite big actually
1:39:20 is not the whole abyssinian of today
1:39:22 it's more like
1:39:23 like eritrea and part
1:39:26 not the whole area
1:39:28 maybe half of it but this is a
1:39:30 considerable kingdom he checked all the
1:39:31 kingdom nobody is aware about anything
1:39:33 like that so it must be from the nubian
1:39:36 and then abdullah
1:39:37 and he has a covenant with danubians
1:39:39 which persists for hundreds of years
1:39:41 so that's all whatever happened with so
1:39:43 when abyssinian was everything like as
1:39:45 they say milk and honey
1:39:47 businesses were going back and forth
1:39:49 they were trading they were coming back
1:39:50 and forth without any any mentioning any
1:39:52 hostility at all
1:39:54 which shows
1:39:56 where the hour is permitted and the dao
1:39:57 was permitted there in abyssinian
1:40:00 muslims were protected initially
1:40:02 and that was protected and islam spread
1:40:04 slowly and peacefully over hundreds of
1:40:07 years there without any problem so this
1:40:09 is clear evidence this plus this and the
1:40:11 clear hadith
1:40:14 be peaceful
1:40:16 is being peaceful without any covenant
1:40:18 just basic initial peace
1:40:20 which we have done for example with all
1:40:22 latin american states we have never had
1:40:24 any confrontation with them they never
1:40:25 were occupying any muslim countries no
1:40:27 we're ever having any war with them
1:40:29 the
1:40:30 south american sweden for example north
1:40:32 north europe we never had any conflict
1:40:34 with them so we could say we are in a
1:40:36 wide out with them we don't need to have
1:40:37 even a treaty it's a state of water and
1:40:40 there's no issues with that or carried
1:40:41 by
1:40:42 them so there's absolutely no problem
1:40:47 leave the turks as long they leave you
1:40:49 so this all of that takes you that it's
1:40:51 clearly that that the attacks against
1:40:54 the persian empire is is really
1:40:57 because they started the war and the war
1:40:59 never settled by any by any
1:41:03 suitable treaty
1:41:04 the only settlement to happen is with
1:41:06 the romans later when they were squeezed
1:41:08 almost around constantinople and with uh
1:41:10 with the persian empire when the
1:41:11 president collapsed completely because
1:41:13 they were too arrogant to have any
1:41:14 settlement they were offered their
1:41:15 sentiment including jesus could do many
1:41:17 things they refused so just to summarize
1:41:20 them
1:41:20 you're saying that the default position
1:41:22 between an islamic speech
1:41:24 and any other entity is peace unless
1:41:27 they are attacked
1:41:29 attack and the attack will be either
1:41:31 killing muslims or expelling it out of
1:41:33 the country or preventing dawah by force
1:41:35 by killing messengers and so on right
1:41:38 which is nowadays not not a problem now
1:41:40 in most places in the world clearly is
1:41:42 not a problem it may have a problem in
1:41:44 some places like bourbon also maybe it
1:41:46 has to be studied everyone on its own
1:41:47 merit but
1:41:48 that's the fundamental position and the
1:41:50 fundamental ruling about blood blood is
1:41:52 protected would daesh not argue that
1:41:54 actually they are being attacked
1:41:56 we are not discussing that in the first
1:41:57 place so that she's not even
1:41:59 not even a state entity none other in
1:42:02 creation or in
1:42:03 initiation but we leave that maybe
1:42:06 by itself because
1:42:09 but
1:42:10 in in a matter of dash what means attack
1:42:12 for example they were not attacked by
1:42:14 the groups who are fighting bashar they
1:42:16 attacked the groups
1:42:19 in syria for example just to answer this
1:42:20 point
1:42:22 they attacked the groups
1:42:24 the the procedure was going on the daesh
1:42:26 came from from iraq jumped over to syria
1:42:29 uninvited instead of fighting bashar
1:42:31 he'll be the other
1:42:32 fighting groups they come to uh for
1:42:35 example there was a position to come to
1:42:36 a village which has been taken by the
1:42:38 death war the revolutionary the
1:42:40 mujahideen whatever you call them and
1:42:42 then they put checkpoints with people
1:42:44 who are masked
1:42:46 and the other mujahideen they don't want
1:42:47 conflict because they are worried to
1:42:49 shed muslim blood and based on the
1:42:51 weakness of the other groups we advise
1:42:53 them by the way in our already broadcast
1:42:54 i advise the other groups just
1:42:56 exterminate them they are
1:42:57 they will kill you one day they refuse
1:43:01 to say
1:43:03 is a bloodshed in london he is under the
1:43:05 protection of the queen and calling for
1:43:07 our bloodshed
1:43:08 and so on allah protect from his evil
1:43:10 etc
1:43:11 and ultimately they expel the other
1:43:14 group and take over the police claiming
1:43:15 that we are the state we have the right
1:43:17 to take it over
1:43:19 so we will examine that i'm sure
1:43:21 that the evidence of that
1:43:26 education speaking to you today and i
1:43:28 look forward to our next discussion