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The Art of Living: A Prophetic Guide | LIVE | With Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab (2020-12-05)


The Art of Living: A Prophetic Guide | LIVE | With Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab

Summary of The Art of Living: A Prophetic Guide | LIVE | With Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:50:00

provides a brief overview of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and highlights some of his positive qualities. Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab provides advice on how to become a good Muslim, emphasizing the importance of following the prophet Muhammad's example.

*00:00:00 Discusses the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW, emphasizing his human nature. He goes on to explain that these revelations covered every aspect of Muhammad SAW's life, from his birth to his death.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the positive attitude of the prophet Saw towards life and how this can be applied to our own lives. The prophet Saw was always positive, even in the most difficult moments, and this quality is shared by us as Muslims.
  • 00:10:00 The prophet Muhammad was a trusted and beloved figure in pre-Islamic Arabia, but some people had issues with him as a prophet. Even though they loved him as a human being, they disagreed with him on some issues. When Mecca was conquered and he became the leader, he issued a universal amnesty for the people who had wronged him.
  • 00:15:00 The Prophet saws was known for his humility, service to his family, and willingness to forgive. He was also an example to his grandchildren, who loved playing with him. In one Hadith, the Prophet saws said that knights are as great as horsemen, and that his wife Safiya was a great wife.
  • 00:20:00 provides a brief overview of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), highlighting his exemplary qualities as a husband, father, and role model. It also recounts an incident in which a brother visiting Saudi Arabia was surprised to learn that the Prophet Muhammad never criticized the food he was given, and that he would only refuse to eat if he did not like the food.
  • 00:25:00 Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab discusses a hadith from Bukhari that speaks to the Prophet Saw's practice of being practical in life. The hadith teaches that when the Prophet Saw's beloved son Ibrahim died, the heaven was sad because of it and the Prophet Saw gave khutbah to reassure the people that Ibrahim's death was not caused by anything in the heavens. Khattab goes on to discuss how this practical mentality has helped him in his personal life and how it can help others as well.
  • 00:30:00 The prophet saws showed great mercy and kindness to his companions, even when they were struggling financially. He also encouraged them to help others during a pandemic.
  • 00:35:00 Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab discusses the importance of being tolerant and accepting of others, regardless of their race or background. He reminds the audience that the Prophet Muhammad was just as forgiving, and that the Quran and Islamic teachings teach us to be tolerant and compassionate towards others.
  • 00:40:00 The Prophet saws is a role model for all of humanity, and his life can be summarized by the following line of poetry: "This is just like saying that the prophet saw is a human being like you and i." Abu Mahadura, a youth who saw the Prophet saws wipe over his , accepted Islam after that.
  • 00:45:00 Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab provides a summary of the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and discusses the importance of learning about him from reliable sources. He recommends the Quran and Sunnah as the foremost sources of knowledge about the Prophet.
  • 00:50:00 Shaykh Dr. Mustafa Khattab provides advice on how to become a good Muslim, emphasizing the importance of following the prophet Muhammad's example. He recommends reading biographies of the prophet, watching his seerah, and sharing his live stream online.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 brothers and sisters
0:00:04 i hope everyone is well uh today we have
0:00:07 a
0:00:08 uh we're doing the third part of our
0:00:11 prophet salallahu series
0:00:13 and today we have sheikh mustafa joining
0:00:15 us all the way from canada
0:00:19 for having me for coming and today's
0:00:22 presentation of yours
0:00:23 is going to be take a slightly different
0:00:25 turn where we're going to be looking at
0:00:27 the prophet salallahu's life
0:00:29 in particular from the perspective of as
0:00:31 a role model
0:00:33 and a guide for us in the 21st century
0:00:35 so the first two
0:00:36 episodes the first one we covered um you
0:00:38 know proofs of prophethood the second
0:00:40 one we looked at
0:00:41 war peace and the role of prophethood by
0:00:43 sheikha to sleep and today inshallah
0:00:45 you're going to wrap things up for us
0:00:46 and by highlighting to us how the
0:00:48 prophet sallam is a
0:00:49 you know the best role model for any
0:00:51 human being to have inshallah
0:00:52 so without further ado i'm going to hand
0:00:55 over to you
0:00:56 please do a presentation and then we'll
0:00:57 pick up the q and a at the end inshallah
0:00:59 inshallah alhamdulillah
0:01:04 let me share my screen here inshallah
0:01:20 here we go so i have prepared this
0:01:23 presentation to go over the life of the
0:01:26 prophet sallallahu as a role model
0:01:28 and most importantly as a human being
0:01:31 my colleagues also for dean jazal
0:01:34 khairan
0:01:34 and fat islam in the last couple of
0:01:36 weeks they spoke about the prophet saws
0:01:39 as a prophet and today inshallah i'm
0:01:42 going to talk about him as a human being
0:01:45 and how we
0:01:45 as muslims and humanity at large can
0:01:49 connect
0:01:50 with him on a personal level so i'm
0:01:52 going to begin with this
0:01:54 quote from this book the 100th ranking
0:01:57 of the most influential persons in
0:01:59 history
0:02:00 by michael hart so he wrote in his book
0:02:03 so basically this book is a list of the
0:02:07 100 most influential people
0:02:09 in human history according to michael
0:02:11 hart and he basically
0:02:13 chose muhammad salla and peace be upon
0:02:15 him as number one
0:02:17 in the list so the prophet saws tops the
0:02:19 list in his book
0:02:21 he said my choice of muhammad to lead
0:02:23 the list of the world's most influential
0:02:25 persons
0:02:26 may surprise some readers and may be
0:02:29 questioned by others
0:02:30 but he was the only human in history who
0:02:33 was supremely successful on both
0:02:35 the religious and secular levels so
0:02:38 last time and the time before asafoetin
0:02:41 and fat spoke about the prophet saws
0:02:43 as a religious leader to today inshallah
0:02:46 i'm going to talk about him
0:02:48 as a human leader from a personal
0:02:51 perspective
0:02:52 as a human being we know that as muslims
0:02:56 the prophet saws every single detail of
0:02:59 his life
0:03:00 is covered from the minute he was born
0:03:04 till he died his life on earth 63 years
0:03:08 is covered in my new details
0:03:11 the sahaba the companions of the prophet
0:03:13 saslam gave us
0:03:15 details about his life what he said when
0:03:18 he woke up
0:03:19 what did he say before he went to bed
0:03:22 how he
0:03:22 purified himself in the washroom how
0:03:25 many gray hairs that he had in his beard
0:03:27 and his in his head
0:03:29 every single detail if if you look for
0:03:31 example at the life of jesus
0:03:33 for example in the bible details about
0:03:37 his life you cannot find
0:03:38 details about his life in the first 27
0:03:41 years of his life
0:03:42 not a single paragraph on his life
0:03:46 but the life of muhammad sallam is
0:03:48 covered in every detail they even know
0:03:51 the name of his stick stuff the name of
0:03:54 his camel
0:03:55 the name of his horse the name of his
0:03:58 shield
0:03:58 every single thing subhanallah in every
0:04:01 detail
0:04:02 thousands of biographies have been
0:04:04 written about the prophet saw
0:04:05 and by ibnis
0:04:09 thousands of biographies have been
0:04:10 written on his life
0:04:12 and of course the first uh details of
0:04:14 his life come
0:04:15 in the form of the quran the revelation
0:04:18 that touched
0:04:19 uh on some insights from his life and of
0:04:21 course
0:04:22 uh the seerah the biographies of the
0:04:24 prophet sallam and his
0:04:26 hadith and so on and so forth we are
0:04:28 told clearly in the quran
0:04:33 that prophet muhammad saw was no more
0:04:37 than a human being
0:04:38 but the only difference between you and
0:04:41 i and him
0:04:42 was that he received revelations from
0:04:45 allah this is the only difference
0:04:47 but he was a human being in
0:04:50 every uh you know uh in every term
0:04:54 of of this uh of this of the word
0:04:57 so the prophet saws was a human being
0:04:59 who received revelations from allah
0:05:00 subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:05:02 and the reason why this is stated very
0:05:04 clearly in the quran is because
0:05:06 his opponents the people of makkah the
0:05:08 pagans of arabia at the time
0:05:10 they requested one of among other things
0:05:13 that they wanted an
0:05:14 angel prophet they said we cannot accept
0:05:18 a human being like us to to lead us
0:05:21 so therefore they requested an angel
0:05:24 prophet and they are told
0:05:28 that if we sent an angel and this comes
0:05:31 in in
0:05:31 chapter 6 surah and of the quran that if
0:05:34 we sent an
0:05:35 angel you would not be able you're not
0:05:37 equipped
0:05:38 to see this angel so we have to send him
0:05:41 this angel in the form of a human being
0:05:44 and eventually you will be more confused
0:05:47 and also the opponents of the prophet
0:05:50 saw sallam if allah were to send a
0:05:52 prophet
0:05:53 as an angel or an angelic prophet they
0:05:56 would have argued
0:05:57 you know this prophet is who is an angel
0:06:00 is fasting for 30 days in ramadan who
0:06:03 prays five times a day
0:06:05 who is going for hajj he is doing this
0:06:07 because he is an angel
0:06:09 but we are human beings who are miskin
0:06:12 we're powerless
0:06:13 we cannot do all the things that he does
0:06:16 and and therefore allah
0:06:19 a human being like them who was able to
0:06:22 do all of these things these different
0:06:23 acts of worship fasting praying
0:06:25 going for hajj and pilgrimage and all
0:06:27 these things now they cannot argue
0:06:30 that he is an angel and we need an
0:06:32 average person like
0:06:34 us to do all these things so we can copy
0:06:37 these examples so now
0:06:38 they have no excuse if you look at the
0:06:42 example of the prophet sasa
0:06:44 as a human being again in the rest of my
0:06:47 presentation i'll be talking about the
0:06:48 prophet saws as a human being
0:06:50 and how you and i can connect with him
0:06:53 on a personal level
0:06:55 so the prophet saws had a positive
0:06:57 attitude towards life
0:07:00 and from a very young age i used to go
0:07:03 to al-azhar in the morning in egypt walk
0:07:05 one hour one way come
0:07:07 uh you know one hour the other way and
0:07:10 in the evening
0:07:10 after i had done some work in the farm i
0:07:13 would sit and reflect
0:07:15 and i would say from a young age that
0:07:18 there were bees and flies
0:07:20 among other things in the farm and they
0:07:22 would fly
0:07:23 up high and they see everything from the
0:07:24 top like when they fly
0:07:27 and eventually i realized from a very
0:07:30 young age
0:07:31 that bees eventually landed on flowers
0:07:34 and flies would land on junk
0:07:38 so human beings are the same way some
0:07:40 people are very positive
0:07:42 and they have a positive attitude on
0:07:44 life and some people they are just
0:07:47 negative they keep whining and
0:07:48 complaining
0:07:49 so the prophet saw assalam had this
0:07:51 positive attitude on life
0:07:54 he was always positive even in the most
0:07:56 difficult times
0:07:58 we know that when he was in the cave uh
0:08:00 on the way to medina because
0:08:02 fleeing persecution in makkah and abu
0:08:06 bakr allah was panicking
0:08:08 and he said in the cave if he looked at
0:08:10 their feet
0:08:11 they would see us and the prophet
0:08:13 salallahu assured him and he said
0:08:18 don't be sad allah is our third
0:08:21 he is with us and he is taking care of
0:08:23 us and so even in the most difficult
0:08:26 moments of his life the prophet saws was
0:08:28 very positive
0:08:29 and he taught us positivity and this is
0:08:32 something that
0:08:33 amazing that we can learn as muslims and
0:08:36 subhanallah this reminds me of a story
0:08:38 that i always share with people
0:08:40 that this there was this old man he was
0:08:43 picked up from the road
0:08:44 in a critical condition and basically he
0:08:47 was rushed
0:08:48 to the intensive care unit and he opened
0:08:51 his eyes in the intensive care unit and
0:08:53 he saw all the doctors and the nurses
0:08:54 panicking and freaking out
0:08:56 because they didn't know anything about
0:08:58 this patient they didn't know his name
0:08:59 his family doctor his blood type his
0:09:02 medical history
0:09:03 so they were panicking and freaking out
0:09:06 so he lifted his oxygen mask
0:09:08 to reassure them and he said be positive
0:09:10 be positive
0:09:12 he said it like 15 17 times and
0:09:14 eventually he died
0:09:16 and the doctors and the nurses they
0:09:18 loved him because of his positive
0:09:19 attitude
0:09:20 and subhanallah only after his funeral
0:09:22 janazah
0:09:23 they realized that he was not trying to
0:09:25 tell them to be positive
0:09:27 he was just trying to tell them his
0:09:28 blood type be positive
0:09:30 but anyway i always take this story as
0:09:33 as you know a good story for having a
0:09:36 positive attitude
0:09:38 so now when we look at the life of the
0:09:40 prophet salem as a human being in makkah
0:09:43 and in medina the mushriku and the
0:09:46 pagans of arabia
0:09:47 they loved the prophet saw as a human
0:09:50 being
0:09:51 but they had issues with him at a
0:09:52 prophet they totally
0:09:54 completely loved him as a human being
0:09:57 they trust him with their valuables like
0:10:00 people like abu jahl and abu lahab and
0:10:02 abu sufyan before they became muslim
0:10:05 they didn't trust anyone with their
0:10:07 valuables
0:10:09 more than the prophet saws yes they were
0:10:11 hanging out together abu jahl and abu
0:10:13 lahab and abu sufyan before he became
0:10:15 muslim
0:10:16 all the time they were hanging out
0:10:18 together but they didn't trust each
0:10:20 other with their valuables
0:10:21 they trusted muhammad assalam because he
0:10:23 was a perfect human being
0:10:26 and the prophet saws after he migrated
0:10:28 to madinah
0:10:29 he made sure that alibi talib returned
0:10:32 all these valuables and trusts he gave
0:10:35 them back even to his enemies and
0:10:37 opponents
0:10:38 and this is why the people of arabia
0:10:40 they loved him as a prophet
0:10:41 but some of them they had issues with
0:10:43 him as a prophet
0:10:45 even though they loved him as a human
0:10:47 being and they called him
0:10:49 uh as al-amin the trustworthy assad i
0:10:52 mean the
0:10:53 the truthful man the the the trustworthy
0:10:56 man
0:10:58 and this is true for all for almost all
0:11:00 prophets
0:11:01 uh prophets like moses and jesus and
0:11:04 nu and subhanallah when you read their
0:11:08 stories
0:11:09 in sura surah number 7
0:11:12 surah surah 26 and other surahs of the
0:11:15 quran
0:11:16 people loved these prophets as human
0:11:19 beings
0:11:20 but they had issues with them as
0:11:21 prophets prophet saleh is told in the
0:11:24 quran
0:11:29 we really had great expectations for you
0:11:32 you were a great man now you are telling
0:11:35 us that you're a prophet
0:11:37 and you are telling that stealing from
0:11:39 each other is wrong
0:11:41 what's wrong with you they said the same
0:11:43 thing to prophet tribe and
0:11:45 others so basically people loved the
0:11:48 reformed
0:11:50 who prayed who fasted who gave charity
0:11:53 they had no problem with him praying and
0:11:54 fasting but
0:11:56 they had a problem with him being
0:11:58 reformers
0:11:59 so now if you open your mouth as a
0:12:02 prophet
0:12:03 and you start to challenge social
0:12:06 economic
0:12:07 political problems in society saying
0:12:10 that abusing people
0:12:12 on the basis of their color on the basis
0:12:14 of their faith
0:12:15 on the basis of the gender is wrong
0:12:19 so people will have issues with you so
0:12:22 subhanallah when the prophet saw sallam
0:12:23 stood up
0:12:24 for af blacks and he stood up for slaves
0:12:28 and he stood up for the rights of women
0:12:30 and he stood up for the rights of the
0:12:32 poor now
0:12:34 the the the elite in society like
0:12:37 had issues with him because now
0:12:40 this is going to affect their social and
0:12:43 political
0:12:43 status in society so they have issues
0:12:46 with him
0:12:47 when the prophet saws said that women
0:12:49 had rights they have a say in marriage
0:12:52 they have a right to their belongings
0:12:55 their property
0:12:56 they had a right education to learn
0:12:58 about the deen
0:12:59 they had a right uh in you know a right
0:13:03 to
0:13:04 to to to to have their own property and
0:13:07 so on and so forth some people had they
0:13:08 had issues with that and
0:13:10 and they went to war with the prophet
0:13:12 saws because of
0:13:14 promoting and advocating social equity
0:13:17 and economic equity and so on and so
0:13:19 forth
0:13:21 and subhanallah muslims
0:13:24 these days and islam you always see
0:13:26 islam in the news because
0:13:28 muslims stand up for what is right and
0:13:30 this is something that we have in the
0:13:32 quran allah subhana wa ta'ala says
0:13:34 stand up for right as witnesses to god
0:13:37 it's in surah 4 and it's in surah 5.
0:13:41 now when you look at the prophet
0:13:42 sallallahu as a human being
0:13:45 he was willing to forgive his abusers
0:13:48 people who abused him people who
0:13:50 attacked him
0:13:51 attacked his friends they made fun of
0:13:53 him and subhanallah somewhat like his
0:13:56 his daughter zain she lost her baby
0:13:59 because of them
0:14:00 she was trying to immigrate to medina
0:14:03 and
0:14:04 she was attacked her camel was attacked
0:14:06 she fell off
0:14:07 al-habbarab that's what this man he
0:14:09 attacked her camel she fell off
0:14:11 and she lost her baby because of them
0:14:14 and the prophet saws lost his
0:14:16 granddaughter or grandson because of
0:14:18 them
0:14:18 and eventually when mecca was opened and
0:14:21 the prophet saw salam issued this
0:14:23 universal amnesty
0:14:24 forgiving all of them even though they
0:14:27 tried to kill him
0:14:28 on several occasions they abused him and
0:14:31 his friends
0:14:32 and they forced him uh when they
0:14:35 besieged him and his wife khadijah and
0:14:37 abu talib and others for three years
0:14:39 until the prophet saw sallam and his
0:14:41 companions and his wife
0:14:44 they were forced to eat leaves and grass
0:14:47 for three years
0:14:49 and subhanallah after killing many of
0:14:52 his friends and abusing him and
0:14:53 persecuting them
0:14:54 when the prophet saw assalam took over
0:14:56 the city of mecca he was willing to
0:14:58 forgive
0:14:59 all of them subhanallah this is
0:15:01 something else
0:15:02 the prophet saw didn't have personal
0:15:05 problems with him he wanted to stand up
0:15:07 for what was right
0:15:09 they had issues with that they attacked
0:15:11 him but when they submitted to the truth
0:15:13 at the end the prophet saw sallam was
0:15:15 willing to forgive all of them
0:15:17 and to start a new page with him you
0:15:20 look at the prophet saws
0:15:21 someone who was in control of all of
0:15:24 arabia before his death and his raleigh
0:15:27 his life didn't really change from his
0:15:30 life in makkah under persecution to his
0:15:32 life in medina when he became the figure
0:15:35 the ruling figure in arabia he lived a
0:15:38 very simple life he was very
0:15:40 humble he lived a life of humility a
0:15:42 life of service
0:15:43 to his family and to his community we
0:15:46 are told that the prophet saws
0:15:49 which is an authentic hadith in bukhari
0:15:52 the prophet saws was always in the
0:15:54 service of the family he was
0:15:56 one of them in his house he was
0:15:59 cleaning in the house he was helping
0:16:01 them around in the house with cooking
0:16:03 and everything
0:16:04 he was patching his clothes patching his
0:16:06 shoes he was milking
0:16:08 his goat and his cow he was leading by
0:16:10 example
0:16:11 and the prophet saws said the best among
0:16:14 you
0:16:14 are the best to their families to their
0:16:17 wives who help them
0:16:19 who are nice to them who took care of
0:16:21 them and he didn't sit around and order
0:16:24 his family to do this and do that no he
0:16:26 was helping them
0:16:28 and they say but when the time for
0:16:29 prayer came
0:16:31 he would leave the house as if he didn't
0:16:33 know us and we didn't know him
0:16:36 so that was the prophet saw every time
0:16:39 they say that his daughter his daughter
0:16:42 fatima
0:16:43 came to him and he was in the gathering
0:16:45 he was sitting
0:16:46 somewhere he would stand up and he would
0:16:49 welcome his
0:16:50 daughter fatima and he would kiss her in
0:16:52 the forehead
0:16:53 and he would have had he would have her
0:16:56 sit next to him
0:16:57 as a way of honoring her and he said
0:17:00 because
0:17:01 the prophet zalem grew up in a society
0:17:04 that
0:17:04 looked down about upon females daughters
0:17:07 they didn't like to have daughters
0:17:08 because
0:17:09 they preferred to have sons because they
0:17:12 were going to support them financially
0:17:13 their sons would support them they would
0:17:15 work and support they would defend them
0:17:18 if they were attacked by another tribe
0:17:20 so the prophet saws
0:17:22 wanted to lead by example and he
0:17:24 abolished this
0:17:26 horrendous practice that they had before
0:17:28 islam that
0:17:30 some tribes they would bury their
0:17:32 daughters
0:17:33 alive out of shame and out of poverty
0:17:36 and so on and so forth so the prophet
0:17:38 saws
0:17:38 led by example and he honored his
0:17:40 daughter fatima
0:17:42 and he said if allah blessed you blessed
0:17:45 you
0:17:45 with daughters and you take care of them
0:17:48 and you teach them
0:17:50 they will be your bridge to jannah to
0:17:52 paradise
0:17:54 and so on and so forth so the prophet
0:17:55 saw sallam honored women
0:17:58 and the prophet sallam got married to
0:18:01 his wife
0:18:03 she was a businesswoman and he she hired
0:18:06 him to work for her
0:18:07 and eventually because of his honesty
0:18:09 because of murua
0:18:11 chivalry and because of his o'clock
0:18:13 manners she proposed to him
0:18:15 to marry him sallallahu the prophet saw
0:18:19 sallam had his grandchildren al-hasan
0:18:21 al-husayin
0:18:22 and he would play with him and one time
0:18:25 someone came in the mosque
0:18:27 and he saw the prophet saw sallam
0:18:29 walking on on or
0:18:31 on forehand you know on his hands and
0:18:33 his feet on all four
0:18:35 and he said yeah rasulallah
0:18:40 what an amazing horse are you ya
0:18:42 rasulullah for your grandchildren
0:18:44 and the prophet saw sallam said no
0:18:49 how amazing knights are they horsemen
0:18:52 are they he's talking about his
0:18:54 grandchildren
0:18:55 the prophet saws would be giving in a
0:18:57 speech and this is in bukhari
0:18:59 and the prophet saws in the middle of
0:19:01 the speech the sermon on friday
0:19:03 and he saw his grandchildren coming from
0:19:05 the back of the masjid very young like
0:19:07 two three years old
0:19:08 and they were stumbling because they had
0:19:10 this dress and the prophet saw
0:19:12 him would pause the he would pause his
0:19:14 stock and he would walk all the way to
0:19:16 the back
0:19:17 and he would carry his own children
0:19:19 grandchildren and bring them to the
0:19:21 front
0:19:21 we're told that the prophet saw salam
0:19:23 would carry his granddaughter umami in
0:19:26 salah
0:19:27 he would carry her like he would babysit
0:19:29 his grandchildren
0:19:31 he would babysit his granddaughter umami
0:19:34 and carry her in salah
0:19:36 subhanallah we're told in an authentic
0:19:39 hadith inside muslim
0:19:41 that and this is beautiful i love this
0:19:42 particular hadith the prophet saws
0:19:45 to show you how he treated his wife and
0:19:47 how he treated in his family
0:19:49 so the prophet saws in one occasion he
0:19:52 was coming back he was in a travel he
0:19:54 was coming back
0:19:55 to medina and he had his wife safiya
0:19:58 this is many years after
0:20:00 the passing of his first wife khadijah
0:20:02 he had a wife by the name of safiya
0:20:04 and we know that from hadith she was not
0:20:06 tall
0:20:07 so basically the her camera was on the
0:20:09 floor she tried to get on top of the
0:20:12 camel and she couldn't
0:20:13 so the narrator of the hadith inside
0:20:16 muslim
0:20:17 he said either have been nabi suddenly i
0:20:20 saw the prophet saw sallam coming
0:20:22 forward
0:20:23 rushing to help his wife and he went
0:20:25 down on his knees
0:20:27 he went down in his knees in the sand or
0:20:29 the mud so his wife can get on top of
0:20:32 her
0:20:32 of his knees with her shoes and he
0:20:35 helped her
0:20:35 to get on top of the camel or the horse
0:20:38 so
0:20:38 now some will say oh what is the big
0:20:42 deal
0:20:42 to put it in today's perspective let's
0:20:44 say that justin trudeau
0:20:46 our prime minister is going somewhere
0:20:49 with his wife
0:20:50 and because it's snowing subhanallah it
0:20:53 started to snow this year on december
0:20:55 1st and we just had a
0:20:56 another snowfall a few days ago and it
0:20:59 was snowing earlier today
0:21:00 welcome to canada so they were going
0:21:03 somewhere she couldn't get out of the
0:21:04 car or in the car because of its
0:21:06 it's snowing or it was muddy and he got
0:21:09 down rushing on his knees
0:21:11 and she got on top of his knees with her
0:21:13 shoes inside the car
0:21:15 and subhanallah cbc or bbc is there and
0:21:18 they're taking video and mashallah
0:21:20 believe me he will win majority
0:21:22 government the same day
0:21:24 because people say oh mashallah he's so
0:21:26 romantic he's an amazing man he's a good
0:21:28 husband and
0:21:29 but the prophet saws was not doing it
0:21:31 for the bbc
0:21:32 he was not doing it for the news he was
0:21:35 doing it because of who he was
0:21:37 a perfect husband a good man and we're
0:21:40 told in the quran that the prophet saw
0:21:42 is the best role model for all people to
0:21:45 follow
0:21:46 if you want to be a good husband the
0:21:48 prophet saws the best husband follow his
0:21:50 example
0:21:51 if you want to be a good father look up
0:21:53 to the example of the prophet saw sallam
0:21:55 if you want to be a friend
0:21:56 if you want to be a businessman if you
0:21:59 want to be a teacher the prophet saw
0:22:00 asylum is always the role model
0:22:02 for you to follow this reminds me of a
0:22:05 true story that happened with
0:22:08 a brother it's a true story that
0:22:10 happened in the 1980s
0:22:12 to a brother and his wife he was in
0:22:14 jeddah in saudi arabia
0:22:16 he was a teacher she was a nurse so
0:22:18 every morning he would drive his wife
0:22:21 to the hospital at 8 o'clock without
0:22:24 failure
0:22:25 every day he would pull over in front of
0:22:27 the hospital
0:22:28 he would get out of the car and he would
0:22:30 go to the back and he would open the
0:22:31 door for his wife
0:22:32 fatherly and masha allah the nurses and
0:22:35 the doctors they started to talk about
0:22:36 this mashallah amazing egyptian man he's
0:22:40 so romantic he's so nice with his wife
0:22:42 he would pull over get out of the car go
0:22:43 to the back and open the door for his
0:22:45 wife man this is fantastic
0:22:48 and after a month the saudi manager told
0:22:50 the
0:22:51 egyptian husband and he said dude we
0:22:53 need to go and talk to
0:22:54 you we need to talk man let's go to the
0:22:57 office we need to talk
0:22:58 like so they went to the office and the
0:23:03 the manager said to the egyptian husband
0:23:05 dude you make us look bad and the
0:23:07 egyptian husband said why
0:23:09 and he said because every morning you
0:23:11 pull over get out of the car you go to
0:23:12 the back and open the door for your wife
0:23:14 and we don't do this around here
0:23:16 you make us look bad and the husband
0:23:18 said subhanallah
0:23:19 dude you don't understand the lock is
0:23:22 broken
0:23:24 every morning i have to get me um yeah
0:23:26 and we have to go to um
0:23:28 i have to get out and and go in the cold
0:23:30 and open the door and
0:23:32 if you give me 300 yells or maybe 20
0:23:35 pounds
0:23:36 i'm gonna go and fix it no problem
0:23:38 you're not
0:23:39 no more mr nice guy khala's finished but
0:23:41 again the prophet saws was doing it for
0:23:43 the right reasons
0:23:45 because he was leading by example as a
0:23:47 role model
0:23:48 for the community and for his ummah for
0:23:51 his nation
0:23:54 one more thing that we learned from the
0:23:55 prophet saws based on authentic
0:23:57 hadith and these things there's so much
0:24:00 to cover but i just chose certain points
0:24:03 to cover about the life of the prophet
0:24:04 saws as a human being
0:24:06 the prophet saws
0:24:11 he never criticized food
0:24:15 he never criticized food they say in
0:24:17 authentic narrations a hadith
0:24:19 if he liked food he would eat it so
0:24:22 let's say if you give him a certain food
0:24:25 if he was hungry if he liked the food he
0:24:28 would eat it he would eat it
0:24:30 but if he didn't like it and he would
0:24:31 say thank you i wouldn't feel like
0:24:34 eating now
0:24:35 he wouldn't say like
0:24:38 what's wrong with you what is this junk
0:24:42 talk no he didn't do that the prophet
0:24:45 saws
0:24:46 never criticized food and the prophet
0:24:49 saws
0:24:53 the prophet saws never ever hit
0:24:57 a woman or a servant and the prophet
0:24:59 saws
0:25:00 never ever it is never reported in any
0:25:03 narration
0:25:04 it is never reported that the prophet
0:25:06 saw sallam would ever raise his voice to
0:25:08 his wife
0:25:09 never happened not once
0:25:13 particular hadith that i love about the
0:25:15 prophet saws
0:25:17 the prophet saws
0:25:21 this beautiful hadith really touched me
0:25:24 that the prophet saw asylum was
0:25:26 never ever seen idol not doing anything
0:25:29 he was always seen doing something
0:25:32 leading salah reading quran teaching
0:25:35 people helping his family defending his
0:25:38 community
0:25:39 receiving delegations he was never seen
0:25:42 kassidan idol cut he was always doing
0:25:46 something
0:25:46 even in his free time he would remember
0:25:49 allah and so on and so forth
0:25:51 subhanallah this is something that
0:25:53 benefited me on a personal level
0:25:55 in my practical life that i'm i try to
0:25:58 do something good
0:25:59 every day so this is why alhamdulillah
0:26:02 in the last few years
0:26:04 if you just think about this year alone
0:26:06 2020
0:26:07 i released the clear quran for kids
0:26:11 i released shukran as an illustrated
0:26:13 story for children to teach them how to
0:26:15 appreciate their parents
0:26:17 in uh by the end of this month inshallah
0:26:19 i'm going to be sending
0:26:20 a dictionary of the quran to the
0:26:22 printers the clear quran dictionary
0:26:25 and this took me thousands of hours and
0:26:27 if you want to know more details about
0:26:29 the clear quran for tao and everything
0:26:31 go to our website the clear quran dot
0:26:32 org
0:26:33 the clear now the commercial
0:26:35 is over but again this is something
0:26:38 that i learned from the prophet sallam i
0:26:39 have to do good things all the time
0:26:42 and we are taught that if you don't busy
0:26:44 yourself with good
0:26:46 then your enough yourself with will busy
0:26:48 you with evil
0:26:49 so you might as well busy yourself with
0:26:51 doing good things
0:26:53 subhanallah so this is something that i
0:26:55 learned from the prophet saw
0:26:56 so every day i'm working i'm giving
0:26:59 talks
0:27:00 i'm teaching i'm working on a book maybe
0:27:02 i'm playing with my children i'm cooking
0:27:04 for my family
0:27:06 because you know my wife she was a
0:27:08 doctor in egypt but they made it
0:27:10 difficult for her even though she passed
0:27:11 all the tests
0:27:12 so i told her don't give up be positive
0:27:16 think out of the box this is something
0:27:17 we learned from the prophet
0:27:19 go and learn naturopathic medicine so
0:27:22 alhamdulillah she enrolled a couple of
0:27:23 years ago
0:27:24 now she is practicing under supervision
0:27:27 and maybe in a few months
0:27:29 by april may inshallah she is going to
0:27:31 practice as a full-time
0:27:33 as as a professional naturopathic doctor
0:27:37 which required me as a good muslim
0:27:39 husband to do a lot of kick
0:27:41 cooking a lot of driving a lot of
0:27:43 babysitting and again
0:27:45 this is something i learned from the
0:27:46 prophet saws to help my wife and take
0:27:48 good care of her
0:27:50 so inshallah when she works uh to
0:27:53 serve the community as an apache a
0:27:55 naturopathic doctor
0:27:56 so people can look up to her and say she
0:27:59 is a practicing muslim
0:28:01 and she is a successful muslim woman and
0:28:03 this by itself is a form of dawah
0:28:06 and of course she will be helping women
0:28:08 in the community
0:28:09 and and examining them and so on and so
0:28:11 forth
0:28:13 and subhanallah when i'm working on
0:28:15 these books and
0:28:16 working hard day and night translating
0:28:18 the quran the quran dictionary
0:28:21 this book and that book and and i see
0:28:23 people subhanallah on facebook they are
0:28:25 sending me invitations to play
0:28:27 all candy crush and respond to this in
0:28:30 video dude i don't have time
0:28:32 zindagi life is short man
0:28:35 i need to be working i need to be
0:28:37 contributing and giving back to the
0:28:39 community and this is something i
0:28:40 learned from the prophet's assassin
0:28:41 the prophet saw i saw him as a human
0:28:43 being was very
0:28:45 practical we learned from the hadith in
0:28:47 bukhari that when his beloved son
0:28:49 ibrahim died
0:28:51 belo before the age of two under the age
0:28:53 of two
0:28:55 of course the it coincided with an
0:28:58 eclipse on that day
0:28:59 and rumors spread that the heaven
0:29:02 is sad for the passing of the son of the
0:29:05 prophet
0:29:06 and the prophet sallam came out and he
0:29:08 gave a khutbah he gave a talk and he
0:29:10 said
0:29:10 listen everyone the sun and the moon
0:29:13 are two natural signs of allah they
0:29:16 don't eclipse
0:29:17 they do not eclipse for anybody's death
0:29:20 or birth so when you see a solar eclipse
0:29:23 like this
0:29:24 go and make salah go and pray
0:29:26 subhanallah
0:29:29 we learned that the prophet saw sallam
0:29:30 said there are hadith about him the
0:29:33 prophet saw sallam we know for a fact
0:29:35 that the prophet saw assalam had seven
0:29:38 children
0:29:39 and he lost six of them in his lifetime
0:29:42 can you imagine as a parent you know
0:29:44 many of us subhanallah
0:29:46 me and my wife we had two miscarriages
0:29:48 before
0:29:49 and that was a very difficult time for
0:29:51 us but now i imagine you are a parent
0:29:54 and you have children in your hand
0:29:57 and subhanallah some something happened
0:30:00 to them they died and you would go and
0:30:02 bury them
0:30:03 so as a parent this would be devastating
0:30:05 for you and the family
0:30:06 so the prophet saws had to do this six
0:30:10 times in his life six hours of his seven
0:30:13 children
0:30:13 died in his lifetime and on top of that
0:30:15 put his life khadija
0:30:16 his wife khadijah put his uncle abu
0:30:19 talib
0:30:20 put his wife sign up into josiah and the
0:30:22 pagans weren't trying to kill him and so
0:30:24 on and so forth
0:30:25 still we're told in authentic hadith the
0:30:28 companions of the prophet saws
0:30:33 we never saw anyone who smiled
0:30:36 more than the prophet saws so paul this
0:30:39 is amazing man
0:30:40 we never saw anyone who smiled more than
0:30:44 the prophet saws
0:30:44 despite of all these challenges and all
0:30:46 these difficulties
0:30:49 you look at subhanallah you can write
0:30:51 volumes
0:30:52 on the treatment of the prophet sallam
0:30:55 to his companions each one of them you
0:30:58 can write volumes
0:30:59 on how he treated abu bakr how he
0:31:01 treated omar how he treated the uthman
0:31:04 how he treated ali how he treated bilal
0:31:06 how he
0:31:07 treated his wife you can write volumes
0:31:10 and subhanallah one of them is jabber
0:31:12 this is one of my favorite stories
0:31:15 uh of the prophet saws in the books of
0:31:17 seerah it shows you
0:31:19 the prophet saw i saw him how amazing he
0:31:22 was
0:31:22 as a friend so he was traveling
0:31:26 with jabba ibn abdullah he was going
0:31:29 back to medina
0:31:30 and that was after the passing of the
0:31:32 father of jabber
0:31:34 so his father passed away so the prophet
0:31:36 saws was chatting with him
0:31:38 and he said how is the family and
0:31:39 everything and he said ya rasulullah
0:31:41 my father you know as you know he passed
0:31:43 away he left a lot of debts
0:31:45 and he he left 11 10 daughters he
0:31:48 left 10 daughters i'm taking care of
0:31:51 them
0:31:52 so the prophet saws so while they were
0:31:55 traveling the prophet saw
0:31:56 him would be at the back of the caravan
0:31:58 not in the front because he wanted to
0:32:00 to make sure that everyone was doing
0:32:02 well at the back
0:32:03 so basically he came across jabber and
0:32:06 jabber his camel was very tired very
0:32:08 exhausted
0:32:09 and he said yeah rasulallah what is hap
0:32:11 the prophet saws
0:32:12 and said jabba what is happening and he
0:32:13 said my camel is very exhausted
0:32:15 it's worn out so the prophet saws
0:32:18 blessed the camel and made dua prayed
0:32:21 for the camel
0:32:22 so in in a few minutes the camel was
0:32:25 rushing to the front
0:32:27 and people were struggling to catch up
0:32:29 with him so the prophet saw sallam
0:32:31 smiled and he said ya
0:32:32 jabber this hadith is a bukharian muslim
0:32:35 it's an authentic narration he said yeah
0:32:39 i would love to buy this camel from you
0:32:42 so
0:32:42 jabber it's a gift to you
0:32:45 so the prophet sallam said no i'm going
0:32:48 to pay you
0:32:48 when we reach madina i'm going to pay
0:32:50 you okay so when they arrived in madina
0:32:53 jabber came to the mosque to deliver the
0:32:55 camel to the prophet saws
0:32:57 so the prophet saw sallam told his
0:32:59 assistant bilal
0:33:00 he told him pay him double so the camera
0:33:04 was worth
0:33:04 five golden coins so the prophet saws
0:33:06 and paid him nine or ten that is
0:33:08 twice the value and when jabber was
0:33:11 about to leave the mosque the prophet
0:33:13 sallam said
0:33:14 jabber by the way take the camel
0:33:18 it's a gift from me to you allah so it
0:33:21 turned out
0:33:22 that the prophet saws wanted to help
0:33:25 jabber with his financial difficulty
0:33:27 without scratching his dignity look at
0:33:30 this subhanallah this is amazing
0:33:32 and i always cite this story in ramadan
0:33:34 when people ask me can i give zakah to
0:33:36 my brother or sister
0:33:37 my biological brother or sister or my
0:33:39 uncle and aunt
0:33:40 and i tell them of course yes and you'll
0:33:42 get two rewards as the prophet sallam
0:33:44 said
0:33:45 there are three types of people you
0:33:46 cannot give zakat to your parents
0:33:49 your wife and your children you have to
0:33:51 provide for them regardless
0:33:53 but your brother sister uncle aunt you
0:33:56 still can give them from zakah
0:33:58 and allah will give you two rewards and
0:34:00 if people say can i tell them that this
0:34:02 is from zakah
0:34:03 i tell them you don't have to tell them
0:34:05 anything just like the prophet saws
0:34:08 supported jabba without scratching his
0:34:10 dignity
0:34:10 you don't have to tell them this is
0:34:12 zakah because people would be hurt
0:34:14 if they ask you tell them this is hadiya
0:34:16 ikram this is a gift you don't have to
0:34:18 tell them
0:34:18 this is zakay too
0:34:21 we learn
0:34:24 from the prophet saws and how to be in
0:34:27 the time of pandemics
0:34:28 and this is relevant now when we talk
0:34:30 about coronavirus
0:34:32 the prophet saws everyone knows he was
0:34:35 keen on hide keeping
0:34:36 hygiene like washing at least five times
0:34:39 every day for
0:34:40 wudu to prepare himself for the prayers
0:34:42 and he said on authentic hadith
0:34:46 if you know that there is a pandemic
0:34:48 somewhere don't mix with the people
0:34:50 don't go to that place
0:34:52 and if it breaks out in your locality in
0:34:54 your area
0:34:55 don't leave that area and go somewhere
0:34:57 else and mix with with
0:34:58 with other people he heard that there is
0:35:02 the the there's someone who was coming
0:35:04 to pledge allegiance to him
0:35:06 and this person had the contagious
0:35:08 illness and he was coming towards the
0:35:10 masjid so the prophet saws
0:35:12 sent someone to meet that person halfway
0:35:15 and to tell him we have already given
0:35:18 you
0:35:19 a virtual allegiance
0:35:23 so return and go back you already
0:35:25 achieved your purpose
0:35:28 accomplished you don't have to come to
0:35:30 the mosque with this contagious illness
0:35:32 i have already given you allegiance
0:35:34 khalas go back allah will bless you i
0:35:36 reward you so subhanallah very practical
0:35:40 so in the last five minutes of the life
0:35:42 of this talk let me talk a little bit
0:35:44 about something amazing
0:35:46 because our communities these days
0:35:47 subhanallah
0:35:49 are plagued with racism racism
0:35:52 subhanallah
0:35:53 and this is why you find groups like
0:35:56 black lives matter and so on and so
0:35:57 forth
0:35:58 so subhanallah because they are calling
0:36:01 for equality we are in the 21st century
0:36:05 people should be treated equally because
0:36:08 all of us
0:36:08 are the creation of allah whether you
0:36:11 are a man
0:36:12 or a woman
0:36:17 we should not be having this discussion
0:36:19 we are equal before allah all of us
0:36:21 should be respected
0:36:23 we should all be treated with dignity
0:36:25 and honor because we are all the
0:36:26 creation of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
0:36:29 we're created by allah we come from the
0:36:32 same father and the same mother
0:36:35 we are from the same father and the same
0:36:38 mother so we're
0:36:39 all brothers and sisters in humanity
0:36:43 subhanallah so 1500 he chose
0:36:47 an african man who used to be a slave
0:36:49 bilal
0:36:50 to go on top of the kaaba and call the
0:36:52 event
0:36:53 and to invite the believers to pray
0:36:56 subhanallah this something will blow you
0:36:58 away
0:37:00 a man and this is muslim a man came to
0:37:03 the prophet saw i saw him to accept
0:37:05 islam so he said
0:37:06 i acknowledge that you are the prophet
0:37:08 of allah i believe the islam is the
0:37:10 truth
0:37:12 and i accept you as the prophet and the
0:37:14 quran is from allah but i have one
0:37:16 condition
0:37:17 it's an authentic hadith and the prophet
0:37:19 saws said what is your condition
0:37:21 and he said i'm going to pray only twice
0:37:24 a day not
0:37:24 five so the problem
0:37:29 said no problem then after the man left
0:37:32 the prophet saw him said when his eman
0:37:35 goes up
0:37:36 [Music]
0:37:39 he's going
0:37:44 pray not only five times a day he's
0:37:48 who accepted islam on condition that
0:37:52 that he was going to only pray twice a
0:37:54 day that he pray he started to pray five
0:37:56 times and he was praying option of salah
0:37:58 and he was praying
0:37:59 at night now subhanallah that was
0:38:02 condition that was fulfilled by the
0:38:04 prophet saws
0:38:05 there was another request another
0:38:07 condition
0:38:08 that was turned down the pagans
0:38:11 of mecca the elite
0:38:15 like abu jahl abu lahab
0:38:19 they came to abu talib in mecca when the
0:38:21 prophet saws was desperate
0:38:23 when he was under persecution and he was
0:38:26 desperate for
0:38:27 new converts and believers so these
0:38:30 people came
0:38:31 and they said to abu talib we are
0:38:33 willing to accept islam but we have one
0:38:35 condition
0:38:36 okay what is it
0:38:45 what is it and abu talib was very
0:38:47 excited and he was muhammad salla
0:38:49 is willing to kick out people like bilal
0:38:51 the slave this black man if if he is
0:38:53 willing to kick him out
0:38:55 if he's willing to kick out ahmadinear
0:38:58 these poor and slaves and
0:39:00 these people the lonely people in
0:39:02 society if he's willing to kick them out
0:39:04 so they shouldn't sit with us we would
0:39:06 be willing to accept islam
0:39:08 and the prophet saw sallam told his
0:39:09 uncle abu talib
0:39:11 sorry we don't need them we don't need
0:39:14 racists
0:39:15 if they want to accept islam
0:39:16 alhamdulillah but if they want to be
0:39:18 racist
0:39:19 if they want me to kick out the
0:39:20 believers the
0:39:22 africans the blacks the slaves if they
0:39:24 want me to kick them out
0:39:26 sorry we don't need that don't need
0:39:28 racists
0:39:29 in our ranks but he he was willing to
0:39:33 accept someone
0:39:34 who wanted to pray only twice a day
0:39:36 somehow this is very deep
0:39:37 think about it the prophet saws forgave
0:39:40 the people who gave him a hard time
0:39:42 and the people who persecuted him as i
0:39:44 mentioned at the beginning he issued
0:39:46 public amnesty when he took over
0:39:47 makkah and subhanallah he forgave
0:39:50 individuals who made mistakes because
0:39:53 they didn't know any better we know the
0:39:55 hadith in
0:39:55 muslim when this man urinated in the
0:39:58 mosque it was a bedouin
0:40:00 he urinated in the mosque and when the
0:40:03 sahaba they wanted to jump over this man
0:40:05 who
0:40:05 who urinated in the mosque and the
0:40:07 prophet saws
0:40:08 called out and he said let us remove let
0:40:11 him finish
0:40:12 and after the man finished the prophet
0:40:14 saw him told someone to bring a bucket
0:40:15 of woven and put it pour it on the
0:40:18 urine and and he called the men and he
0:40:20 said brother
0:40:21 this mosque is for prayer is for namaz
0:40:23 for salah
0:40:24 it is not for urination and he was very
0:40:27 nice to him and the man was so moved he
0:40:29 was so
0:40:29 touched by the prophet saws in another
0:40:32 narration
0:40:33 this man he was moved and he said ya
0:40:35 allah bless
0:40:36 me and give me jannah and muhammad but
0:40:39 don't give janna to any one of these
0:40:41 people right here
0:40:42 so the prophet saws smiled and he said
0:40:45 you are trying to limit the mercy of
0:40:47 allah all of us are going to jannah
0:40:48 inshallah
0:40:50 there's also this story of abu mahadura
0:40:53 20 seconds
0:40:54 uh this story is in muslim in annas
0:40:59 this is an amazing hadith subhanallah
0:41:02 he has another name awesome was not
0:41:06 muslim
0:41:07 he was a youth at the age of 15 or 16 he
0:41:10 was observing the muslim camp
0:41:12 and he made fun of adhan and the prophet
0:41:14 saws called out to abu mahdura
0:41:16 non-muslim
0:41:17 with his muslim friends youth who who
0:41:20 are making fun of adam
0:41:22 and the prophet saws call them out and
0:41:24 he said one of you
0:41:26 has an amazing voice and it turned out
0:41:28 that abu mahadura
0:41:30 be a had this amazing voice and the
0:41:33 prophet saw sallam
0:41:34 wiped over the head of abu mahara a
0:41:37 youth
0:41:38 16 years old and he said ya allah
0:41:41 guide him to islam and bless him and he
0:41:44 wiped over the head of abu mahadura he
0:41:46 took off his turban and he wiped over
0:41:48 his head
0:41:49 and on the spot abu mahadura accepted
0:41:52 islam
0:41:52 and the prophet saw assalam said is
0:41:56 now go you are the official of the haram
0:41:59 and he said ya rasoolallah there is one
0:42:01 small problem
0:42:02 i know how to make fun make fun of the
0:42:04 event but i don't know how to make
0:42:06 professional event and the prophet
0:42:07 sallam told him and then
0:42:09 and he taught him ikama the hanafi way
0:42:12 when you guys you know our hanover
0:42:14 brothers from india pakistan and turkey
0:42:16 afghanistan
0:42:17 they call the ecommerce everything twice
0:42:20 we learn it from
0:42:21 muslim from this hadith by abu mahadura
0:42:23 and this man abu mahadura he said
0:42:26 i loved the prophet saws because i made
0:42:29 a mistake
0:42:30 i was making fun of evan but the prophet
0:42:32 saw assalam is the best teacher
0:42:34 he called me and he was very nice to me
0:42:37 he made dua for me and this is why i was
0:42:40 moved
0:42:40 and i accepted islam and subhanallah
0:42:44 listen to this he said
0:42:47 i loved the prophet saws so much wallahi
0:42:51 i will never
0:42:52 shave the hair that has been touched and
0:42:55 wiped over
0:42:56 by the hand of the prophet sallam so
0:42:58 they say that his hair grew
0:43:00 all the way to his knees and he used to
0:43:03 wrap it around his turban
0:43:04 out of love for the prophet sasalam
0:43:06 again there's so much that we can say
0:43:09 about the prophet sallam as a human
0:43:10 being
0:43:11 as a role model so we you and i
0:43:14 can connect with him on a personal level
0:43:17 but our time is up i'm going to open the
0:43:19 floor
0:43:20 inshaallah for questions and answers i'm
0:43:21 going to conclude
0:43:23 with this line of poetry about the
0:43:25 prophet saws so many poems have been
0:43:27 written on him the buddha and others
0:43:29 but this line of poetry i love it i love
0:43:31 it so much
0:43:32 so this line of poetry sums up the life
0:43:35 of the prophet
0:43:36 as a role model as a human being
0:43:40 it says
0:43:41 [Music]
0:43:47 it says if you count the prophet sallam
0:43:51 as a human being like you and i this is
0:43:54 just like counting
0:43:56 precious stones a precious stone
0:43:59 as another stone so when you say that
0:44:03 this precious stone
0:44:04 this ruby or this gold is just a stone
0:44:08 this is just like saying that the
0:44:10 prophet saw is a human being like you
0:44:12 and i
0:44:12 so the prophet saw assalam was like a
0:44:15 precious
0:44:15 stone to the rest of the stones he is
0:44:17 the best of us
0:44:19 he is the finest human being that has
0:44:21 ever walked the face of this earth
0:44:23 and this is why we look up to him and we
0:44:26 revere him and we respect him
0:44:27 so we ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala just
0:44:29 like we believed in the prophet saw
0:44:31 sallam without seeing him in this life
0:44:34 that he will gather us together in his
0:44:36 mercy and rahman akhra
0:44:37 and i'm going to leave you with this
0:44:39 basharat 20 seconds that the prophet
0:44:41 saws saw him in an authentic hadith
0:44:43 in a sitting with the sahaba and he said
0:44:48 that i miss my brothers and sisters and
0:44:51 the sahabah said ya rasulullah the
0:44:53 companion said
0:44:54 we are your brothers aren't we your
0:44:55 brothers and he said no you're my
0:44:57 companions
0:44:58 my brothers and sisters are people who
0:45:00 will come after me
0:45:02 and they will believe in me without
0:45:04 seeing me
0:45:05 so the sahaba the companion said ya
0:45:07 rasulallah how would you recognize them
0:45:09 on judgement day
0:45:10 he said in nahumi
0:45:16 they will come on judgement day with
0:45:19 light
0:45:20 noor on their faces from the trace of
0:45:22 the wudu when they make will do
0:45:24 ablutions
0:45:25 and they wash themselves before prayers
0:45:27 when they come on judgment day their
0:45:29 faces will be
0:45:30 shining they will be bright and i'll be
0:45:32 able to recognize them because of the
0:45:34 noor
0:45:35 on their faces so this is an amazing
0:45:37 bashara or good news for you and i
0:45:39 so i ask allah subhanahu with allah to
0:45:41 give us his shafa
0:45:42 and together is together with him and
0:45:44 janet and for those
0:45:47 and jazakallah for listening so now i'm
0:45:49 going to
0:45:50 open the floor for questions and answers
0:45:58 inshallah
0:46:02 any questions
0:46:19 any questions
0:46:30 so i hope inshallah if there are
0:46:31 questions that i'm going to receive them
0:46:33 insha allah
0:46:49 and you shared some beautiful examples
0:46:51 and brothers
0:46:53 is going to i think wrap things up for
0:46:54 us he's joined us oh he's not joining us
0:46:56 i thought he's going to join us but
0:46:57 um some the questions come through i
0:47:01 have a question for you and i'm sure
0:47:02 many people will probably ask this once
0:47:04 they watch the recording
0:47:05 uh on the internet later on on youtube
0:47:08 and that is
0:47:09 you know may allah bless you jazakallah
0:47:11 for sharing you know these beautiful
0:47:12 gems from the life of the prophet
0:47:13 sallam that we can you know uh you know
0:47:16 aspects of his life that we can aspire
0:47:18 you know towards uh copying and
0:47:21 embodying
0:47:22 but how could we learn what what would
0:47:24 you recommend as far as where can people
0:47:26 learn more about the prophet sallallahu
0:47:28 what sources would you recommend to them
0:47:30 you know books
0:47:31 lectures what would you recommend please
0:47:33 give us a reading list or some resources
0:47:35 in china
0:47:37 it's an amazing question so the two
0:47:40 major sources
0:47:41 are the quran because the quran talks
0:47:43 about the life of the prophet
0:47:45 and details of his life and of course in
0:47:48 the seerah the biographies of the
0:47:50 prophet sallam that were written about
0:47:52 him by ibn's and many others so
0:47:55 literally there are thousands of
0:47:57 biographies
0:47:58 that have been written on the life of
0:48:00 the prophet sallam in great details
0:48:03 of course collections of hadith serve
0:48:06 also
0:48:06 as resources on the life of the prophet
0:48:09 sallam bukhari and
0:48:11 muslim tirmidhi nasa abidawood
0:48:14 ibn khiban tabari and many others so
0:48:17 basically
0:48:18 you cannot love someone without knowing
0:48:21 about them
0:48:22 in arabi as a matter of fact we say that
0:48:25 insane
0:48:27 the human being is the enemy of the
0:48:29 unknown
0:48:30 so how can you love the prophet sallam
0:48:33 and how can you
0:48:34 follow his example and embody his sunnah
0:48:37 without knowing about him so basically
0:48:40 we need to learn about the prophet
0:48:42 from these reliable resources so you can
0:48:45 love him and
0:48:46 to follow his example uh i'm going to
0:48:49 conclude inshallah the answer with
0:48:51 with this point that some people would
0:48:53 say there's so much to learn about islam
0:48:55 there is islamic history there is
0:48:57 philosophy there is calligraphy
0:49:00 there is so much to learn about islam
0:49:02 the ulama say
0:49:04 there is one knowledge that you as a
0:49:08 muslim regardless of
0:49:09 your level of education whether you
0:49:11 don't know how to read or write
0:49:13 or whether you have a phd from oxford
0:49:16 there is
0:49:16 a far an obligatory knowledge that you
0:49:18 should have
0:49:19 and this knowledge is related to the
0:49:22 three questions we get in the grave
0:49:24 who is your lord who is your prophet
0:49:26 what's your faith
0:49:27 every single one of us will receive
0:49:29 these three questions
0:49:31 so the knowledge the far knowledge the
0:49:33 obligatory knowledge that you and i
0:49:34 should have in this world
0:49:36 is related to these three questions and
0:49:39 namely
0:49:41 who is your lord so you need to learn
0:49:42 about your lord allah subhanahu with
0:49:44 allah his beautiful names and attributes
0:49:46 and how to worship and serve him
0:49:48 number two who is your prophet you need
0:49:50 to learn about the prophet saw sallam
0:49:52 his manners his acts of worship
0:49:55 his luck and so on and so forth his life
0:50:00 and and how he led by example and
0:50:02 manners and so on and so forth
0:50:03 number three what's your faith and this
0:50:06 is basically summed up
0:50:07 in the knowledge of halal and what is
0:50:10 permissible and what is for
0:50:11 forbidden in islam so basically it's
0:50:14 part of your faith
0:50:15 to learn about allah subhanahu wa to
0:50:17 learn about the prophet
0:50:18 and following his example in his manners
0:50:21 and i hope this answers
0:50:25 one inshallah thing i wanted to ask you
0:50:27 um before we wrap up inshallah
0:50:29 is say there are some non-muslims that
0:50:31 have been following this series and
0:50:32 watched the past couple of videos
0:50:33 including
0:50:34 your stream now and say they want to now
0:50:37 you know find out a bit more about the
0:50:39 prophet sallam that you've given us some
0:50:41 amazing resources for muslims to go and
0:50:43 and study
0:50:44 but anything very basic that you
0:50:45 recommend for non-muslims just
0:50:47 starting out you know to get a grip on
0:50:50 who the prophet was and to learn about
0:50:51 his life
0:50:53 so for non-muslims as i said
0:50:57 there is a lot of misinformation in the
0:51:00 in in the news and so on and so forth so
0:51:03 we need to find
0:51:04 uh reliable resources to to learn about
0:51:07 this great man well
0:51:09 you deserve to learn about this man and
0:51:11 connect
0:51:12 with him on a personal level so for
0:51:14 example as i mentioned we have
0:51:16 biographies written on him
0:51:18 of course the famous one the sealed
0:51:20 nectar
0:51:21 there are other biographies written on
0:51:23 him by
0:51:25 muslims and non-muslims so from the
0:51:27 non-muslim
0:51:28 side for example there is one by karen
0:51:31 armastrong
0:51:32 she has written an amazing seerah on the
0:51:33 life of the prophet saws and
0:51:36 so if you like movies for example i
0:51:39 recommend
0:51:40 the message by anthony quinn because
0:51:41 some people are visual they like to
0:51:43 see things and so basically there are
0:51:46 many resources out there
0:51:48 we have the booklet on
0:51:51 on the life of the prophet saw assalam
0:51:54 uh so basically there are many
0:51:55 uh resources out there but make sure
0:51:57 that they are reliable
0:51:59 and believe me if you study the life of
0:52:01 the prophet saws
0:52:02 you can learn so much from him on a
0:52:05 personal level
0:52:06 as a human being in good times in
0:52:09 difficult times
0:52:10 as a husband as a father as a teacher as
0:52:13 a human being
0:52:14 and we learn from the prophet saws you
0:52:16 cannot
0:52:17 be a good muslim until you become a good
0:52:20 human being
0:52:22 subhanallah this is very deep and very
0:52:24 profound
0:52:25 so the prophet saws in an authentic
0:52:28 narration
0:52:29 in namab i have been sent
0:52:33 to perfect good manners so good manners
0:52:36 exist
0:52:37 many non-muslims they have they have
0:52:39 good manners
0:52:40 but the prophet saws and islam came to
0:52:43 perfect
0:52:44 these good manners so it doesn't matter
0:52:47 of what your job is what your social
0:52:50 status is
0:52:51 what your educational level is all of us
0:52:53 can learn from the prophet saw
0:52:55 this man who lived in the desert 1500
0:52:58 years ago with no academic training
0:53:01 all people in the world including
0:53:03 muslims and non-muslims
0:53:05 who have phds who have the highest
0:53:07 degrees in every level
0:53:09 scientists business people all of them
0:53:12 they have something to learn from this
0:53:13 great personality
0:53:15 so i highly encourage and recommend you
0:53:17 to find
0:53:18 reliable sources like the sealed nectar
0:53:21 like
0:53:22 other resources on the life of the
0:53:23 prophet saw salem and of course
0:53:25 there is the seerah by sheikh if you'd
0:53:27 like to watch or listen to
0:53:29 his audio it's probably like 120
0:53:32 episodes
0:53:33 that cover his life in great details so
0:53:36 there there are some
0:53:38 you know reliable uh sources out there
0:53:40 that you can that you can't find and the
0:53:42 seerah by
0:53:42 shaykh sarkari is in the english
0:53:44 language so those of you who are english
0:53:46 speaking
0:53:47 they will be able to appreciate these
0:53:49 resources inshallah
0:53:53 i think let me just quickly go through
0:53:55 just to see if there's anything else
0:53:56 here
0:53:57 okay
0:54:01 for your time uh okay um
0:54:06 just mentioned something quickly man and
0:54:13 there is a that is actually a brilliant
0:54:15 document a document or documentary a
0:54:17 biography of the process so definitely
0:54:20 check that out too
0:54:21 so brother said please make sure to
0:54:24 share this live stream now once we go
0:54:25 offline
0:54:26 and get this out to as many people as
0:54:27 possible especially non-muslims
0:54:29 uh so we can educate people about the
0:54:31 prophet sallam so they can actually get
0:54:33 to know
0:54:33 you know who this man was the greatest
0:54:35 man to ever walk the face of this earth
0:54:37 and
0:54:38 uh once again bless you
0:54:41 now inshallah