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Joe Rogan called Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Podcast (2021-03-05)


This interview unveils the general bias these mainstream people seem to have. Why not called someone with basic knowledge of Islam who can articulate Islam well for the masses rather than someone who perpetuates hate and discord?

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Summary of Joe Rogan called Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Podcast

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

Joe Rogan and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have a discussion about Islam. Hirsi Ali argues that the Quran contains verses that promote violence, and that some Muslims are promoting anti-Islamic thought without reading the Quran or understanding its context. Rogan responds by pointing out that she has failed to provide evidence for her assertions.

00:00:00 Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a critic of Islam, claims that the peaceful Muhammad is not the same as the violent Muhammad of Medinan period. She argues that this changed when Muhammad established a militia and started to force conversion by the sword. Joe Rogan responds by pointing out that Hirsi Ali has failed to provide evidence for her assertions.

  • 00:05:00 This 1-paragraph summary of Joe Rogan's conversation with Ayaan Hirsi Ali provides an overview of their discussion, which centered around the idea that there is only one islam and that it is not reformed. Hirsi Ali provides no evidence for her claims, and Rogan notes that she does not provide any evidence for her claims against Islam either.
  • 00:10:00 Joe Rogan calls Ayaan Hirsi Ali on his podcast, and they discuss how the Quran contains verses that promote peaceful coexistence between different religions and sects, and how some Muslims are promoting anti-Islamic thought without reading the Quran or understanding its context. Hirsi Ali argues that these intellectuals should be ashamed of themselves, as they are doing a disservice to their audiences by not doing basic research on a matter as important as religion.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:05 is the hijab 10
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0:00:09 a wide range of products including
0:00:11 premium ethiopian black seed products
0:00:13 assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
0:00:16 i recently watched a podcast between joe
0:00:19 rogan and iron hersey ali
0:00:21 she recently also had a podcast with
0:00:23 jordan peterson which i responded to
0:00:26 in a decisive refutation a cut-throat
0:00:28 refutation
0:00:29 that you can see in the description box
0:00:33 now i don't want to speak in a
0:00:35 sesquipedaly and liquacious way
0:00:37 i want to be straight to the point and
0:00:39 say what i thought was fundamentally
0:00:41 flawed with this particular
0:00:43 podcast that took place between hersey
0:00:46 ali
0:00:46 and joel rogan now they spoke about many
0:00:50 things and i could spend
0:00:51 a good 15 20 or 30 minutes telling you
0:00:54 on
0:00:54 each occasion where she went wrong and
0:00:56 spoke untruths
0:00:58 but i'm just going to focus on one thing
0:01:00 which is so egregiously a historical
0:01:02 that it requires a refutation with
0:01:06 the source sources and evidences sexual
0:01:08 evidences to prove my point
0:01:11 the main argument that she was making
0:01:12 was when the prophet became a prophet in
0:01:14 her eyes
0:01:16 claimed that he was a prophet there were
0:01:17 two periods which are well known
0:01:19 in the seerah literature and the
0:01:21 biography literature as the meccan
0:01:23 period and the medinan period
0:01:25 the meccan period was a period of time
0:01:28 where the prophet and his companions
0:01:29 were being boycott
0:01:31 boycotted and tortured and you know
0:01:33 obviously the
0:01:34 the muslims were on the back foot if you
0:01:36 want to call it that and being oppressed
0:01:38 as minorities
0:01:39 so she said this is the version of islam
0:01:42 which is not basically terroristic she
0:01:44 didn't use those words but
0:01:45 that's what she intended because
0:01:47 throughout the podcast she was talking
0:01:48 about the link between isis and islam
0:01:51 and then the prophet went to medina
0:01:54 and according to her this is when the
0:01:56 violence started to erupt and when
0:01:59 islam became a violent religion and the
0:02:01 prophet became a violent man
0:02:03 now what is it that was so egregious
0:02:06 about her
0:02:07 categorization compartmentalization
0:02:11 and her dichotomous understanding of the
0:02:13 seerah literature
0:02:15 she went on to say i'll tell you she
0:02:17 went on to say
0:02:19 that the basically basic posture of the
0:02:22 muslim people at that time was to force
0:02:24 conversion by the sword
0:02:26 either you become muslim or were going
0:02:28 to kill you and she said this in many
0:02:30 different
0:02:30 interviews which i've already refuted
0:02:33 but i thought
0:02:34 i would give this particular contention
0:02:37 it's due before i do so let's see what
0:02:39 she has to say
0:02:40 and see how joe rogan responds the islam
0:02:43 that was founded by the prophet muhammad
0:02:45 but then the prophet muhammad had two
0:02:48 careers one in mecca and one in medina
0:02:51 when he first established the religion
0:02:53 in mecca he went
0:02:54 around the city asking people to give up
0:02:57 their gods and come to his one god
0:02:59 and he did it by asking he did it by
0:03:02 persuading
0:03:03 talking to people and preaching charity
0:03:06 and goodness
0:03:07 and then 10 years later he moves to
0:03:10 medina
0:03:12 and he established he establishes a
0:03:14 militia
0:03:16 and then things change he starts to give
0:03:19 people a choice
0:03:21 you either come to my one god and you
0:03:23 give up your god
0:03:24 or you die by the sword and any time
0:03:28 from medina
0:03:29 the religion becomes incredibly
0:03:32 successful
0:03:33 and he goes beyond arabia into the rest
0:03:36 of the world
0:03:37 and so if you're a muslim in the 21st
0:03:40 century
0:03:40 and there are 1.6 billion muslims in the
0:03:44 world
0:03:45 if you're a muslim and you say i'm a
0:03:47 peace loving muslim
0:03:48 i don't want to impose my religion on
0:03:50 anyone else you're invoking muhammad in
0:03:53 medina
0:03:55 if you say well i think
0:03:58 jihad means that we must take our
0:04:01 religion seriously and convert other
0:04:03 people
0:04:05 and if they refuse to convert then we'll
0:04:07 use violence
0:04:08 then you're invoking muhammad in medina
0:04:12 you said medina twice you said medina
0:04:14 the first time as well
0:04:16 okay i'm sorry the fir the peaceful
0:04:18 muhammad is not medina
0:04:19 it is the peaceful muhammad is mecca
0:04:22 so mecca is where he first came out and
0:04:25 so if he says
0:04:27 if if a muslim today says unto you your
0:04:30 religion unto me mine i'm tolerant all
0:04:32 of that you are invoking
0:04:34 mecca if you're invoking jihad
0:04:39 you know the islamic state of iraq and
0:04:42 syria
0:04:43 isis al-qaeda and some who are
0:04:46 sometimes violent but not all the time
0:04:49 the muslim brotherhood and other
0:04:50 organizations and movements
0:04:52 they're invoking muhammad in medina
0:04:55 because in medina muhammad made it very
0:04:58 clear
0:04:59 you spread the religion by word of mouth
0:05:03 by example but also
0:05:07 by the sword by violence that's medina
0:05:10 islam so i think it would be more
0:05:12 accurate to say
0:05:14 there's just one islam at this point
0:05:17 that's unreformed
0:05:18 now joe rogan doesn't know anything
0:05:20 about islam and
0:05:21 just like jordan peterson and many of
0:05:23 those individuals they have
0:05:25 not spoken to anybody who has trained in
0:05:27 the islamic sciences
0:05:28 and so they have not educated themselves
0:05:30 or even cared to educate themselves
0:05:32 about islam as a world religion followed
0:05:34 by almost
0:05:36 a third of the world's population and so
0:05:38 he's nodding along
0:05:39 and kind of just taking whatever she has
0:05:41 to say on face value as if
0:05:43 this ultracrypterian individual isn't
0:05:45 some kind of trained
0:05:46 theological expert which she is not
0:05:49 she does not provide and this is very
0:05:51 important as as with her social
0:05:54 um kind of science sociological
0:05:57 investigations she provides no evidence
0:06:00 for any of her claims
0:06:02 and this should have been a red flag for
0:06:03 joe rogan what's the evidence that
0:06:06 there's been this transition and that
0:06:08 there's this forced conversion narrative
0:06:10 but he didn't do any of that he just
0:06:11 took everything which he said on face
0:06:12 value
0:06:14 what is the evidence against it you may
0:06:16 ask well this is the evidence against it
0:06:18 it goes to chapter 2 verse 256 of the
0:06:21 quran
0:06:21 it says there is no compulsion in
0:06:25 religion
0:06:28 that falsehood has been made clear from
0:06:30 true truth has been made clear from
0:06:31 falsehood
0:06:32 for me
0:06:43 then they have held on to the correct
0:06:45 type of anchorage
0:06:48 which cannot be undone this is the verse
0:06:52 which is undoubtedly unequivocally and
0:06:56 unambiguously
0:06:58 telling us as muslims that we cannot
0:07:01 force people to become muslim if they
0:07:03 don't want to become muslim
0:07:04 and that this is not our effort our
0:07:06 objective
0:07:08 or our standard or our morality
0:07:12 this verse is a general verse
0:07:15 and i may add revealed in medina not in
0:07:19 mecca
0:07:20 which goes completely counter narrative
0:07:22 to what this individual said
0:07:25 and this verse was revealed at a time
0:07:28 where a jewish woman
0:07:30 swore that she would raise her child as
0:07:32 a jew
0:07:33 and people in medina probably muslims
0:07:37 who had the child was were worried that
0:07:41 these children would be born
0:07:43 or raised as jews whilst they were
0:07:45 muslims and this is narrated in the
0:07:47 authentic traditions of the prophet the
0:07:49 prophet said
0:07:51 he basically narrated this same
0:07:53 sentiment that there is no
0:07:54 compulsion here we can't force people
0:07:58 to become muslim if they don't want to
0:08:01 be muslim
0:08:02 and that is certainly not what islam
0:08:05 says
0:08:06 in medina or in mecca
0:08:10 moreover there is a very famous hadith
0:08:13 of the prophet
0:08:14 where the saw his sword he went to sleep
0:08:16 and his sword was on a tree
0:08:18 he woke up and a man started holding the
0:08:21 sword
0:08:22 and he was asking the prophet if he was
0:08:24 worried or
0:08:25 scared or something like that he said no
0:08:26 allah will protect me god will protect
0:08:28 me
0:08:29 and as he said that the guy's sword fell
0:08:31 off and it went into the prophet's hand
0:08:33 so now imagine this the prophet is
0:08:35 holding the sword
0:08:36 and the guy is there he's seen
0:08:39 that this miracle if you want to call it
0:08:42 that that the sword
0:08:43 transferred into the prophet's hand and
0:08:46 the hadith goes on to say
0:08:49 that the prophet asked him
0:08:52 accept me as the messenger etc he said
0:08:54 no but i'm not gonna fight you or your
0:08:56 people
0:08:57 now bear in mind bear in mind the
0:08:59 prophet is holding the sword
0:09:01 and the man is right in front of him
0:09:03 saying i'm not going to accept you as a
0:09:05 prophet
0:09:06 and i'm not going to be a muslim now if
0:09:09 the narrative was true
0:09:10 and this was in medina if the narrative
0:09:12 was true
0:09:13 then the prophet should have chopped his
0:09:15 head off and said no well if you don't
0:09:16 accept my way i'm going to kill you
0:09:18 instead he let him go and that man
0:09:21 praised the prophet to his people saying
0:09:22 this man is the best person
0:09:24 that has ever been sent or something in
0:09:26 hyperbole to that extent
0:09:29 so that's another evidence and i can
0:09:32 continually
0:09:34 quote evidences in the medinan period
0:09:36 which go completely counter narrative
0:09:39 just read chapter 4 verse 90 of the
0:09:40 quran
0:09:48 has except for the ones you don't fight
0:09:52 the ones who
0:09:53 come to you and you have a treaty with
0:09:56 them
0:09:58 okay you have a treaty with them a
0:09:59 contract with them or they come with
0:10:02 open chests that they don't want to
0:10:04 fight you
0:10:06 in other words the verse continues
0:10:10 you have no way against them in other
0:10:11 words there's no reason to fight these
0:10:13 individuals
0:10:13 the quran is filled with things like
0:10:16 this
0:10:16 people just have to read the quran and
0:10:18 understand it contextually
0:10:20 i think what's really going on is that
0:10:23 these individuals not even reading the
0:10:24 quran
0:10:25 joe rogan i doubt he's even read the
0:10:27 translations of the meanings of the
0:10:28 quran english
0:10:29 jordan p is in the same thing and most
0:10:31 of the other people
0:10:32 which is quite shameful for public
0:10:34 intellectuals like that's actually quite
0:10:36 embarrassing
0:10:37 people that are meant to be public
0:10:38 intellectuals in the west and edify
0:10:39 their audiences
0:10:41 are a not doing like basic background
0:10:44 checks on a huge
0:10:45 thing as religion and b only calling on
0:10:48 to their show
0:10:49 those individuals who have unsympathetic
0:10:51 views to islam and muslims
0:10:54 really they should be ashamed of
0:10:55 themselves and this high time the muslim
0:10:57 community put pressure on them
0:10:59 for doing what they're doing they've
0:11:01 created for themselves an echo chamber
0:11:03 of anti-islamic thought and they can't
0:11:07 for whatever reason come to reason
0:11:11 and start thinking about this matter
0:11:13 properly
0:11:14 and another thing which needs to be
0:11:16 mentioned is that when the prophet
0:11:17 salallahu when he went to medina he
0:11:19 in fact established a constitution and
0:11:22 in that constitution he
0:11:23 explicitly assured
0:11:27 the uh them the the the blood on the
0:11:30 life and the protection of the jews
0:11:33 and the other unbelievers in the area
0:11:34 explicitly and this is mentioned in many
0:11:36 uh books and the ways which are referred
0:11:39 to as narrations
0:11:40 for example she had a zohori in his uh
0:11:43 mahazi it's a particular book
0:11:44 and a source not only that but people
0:11:46 that so someone will say
0:11:48 well this is something which is
0:11:49 abrogated and is no longer like that
0:11:52 but if that is the case then how comes
0:11:54 after him the sahaba
0:11:56 or the companions for example
0:11:59 when he conquered the jerusalem
0:12:03 he came in and he told the people that
0:12:06 you the same kind of sentiment same kind
0:12:07 of thing he said that your churches are
0:12:09 protected
0:12:10 your lives are protected and if new
0:12:12 jersey mentions this and his book
0:12:15 and many others mention it we can give
0:12:17 you the sources for that
0:12:18 at any point in time that you and this
0:12:20 is well known and in fact you can even
0:12:22 read an orientalist work on it because
0:12:24 i'm mentioning islamic sources
0:12:25 go and read the preaching of islam by
0:12:27 arnold
0:12:29 thomas walker arnold he even mentions
0:12:31 this point
0:12:32 okay so at the end of the day to
0:12:35 give people misinformation when the
0:12:37 reality of it is
0:12:39 in islam there is a type of religious
0:12:42 pluralism
0:12:43 which is not emphasized or even
0:12:44 understood
0:12:46 by westerners like jorgen or jordan
0:12:49 peterson or
0:12:50 ayan who has forged herself into a
0:12:53 western discourse
0:12:54 there is and in fact we have narrations
0:12:57 talking about
0:12:58 jews and christians having their own
0:13:00 spaces to pray in not only that but to
0:13:03 rule with their own laws
0:13:06 with their own religious laws within the
0:13:09 islamic polity
0:13:11 what's where is the narrative of we're
0:13:14 going to kill you
0:13:15 and we're going to convert you by force
0:13:18 when they went into egypt
0:13:20 they left the cops as they were and
0:13:22 that's why we have a healthy
0:13:24 maybe 15 million copts in egypt
0:13:27 not converted into islam as as is
0:13:30 presupposed there are too many evidences
0:13:33 historical and otherwise
0:13:35 to maintain this false claim that
0:13:38 people were being forced to become
0:13:41 muslims
0:13:42 i invite you to joe rogan and all of
0:13:46 these
0:13:46 jordan peterson and all of those i
0:13:49 invite you to just
0:13:50 read the books yourself educate
0:13:53 yourselves of what you respect
0:13:55 don't live in ignorance of something so
0:13:57 important to people's lives
0:13:59 you recommend books on your websites and
0:14:02 you
0:14:03 speak to intellectuals all day and you
0:14:05 haven't even read one of the
0:14:06 actually probably the most read
0:14:08 memorized book on the face of the earth
0:14:10 which is the quran
0:14:11 i say this is a this is the problem of
0:14:13 ignorance
0:14:14 and something has to change but if you
0:14:16 want to continue you can
0:14:18 we will be here if you need us
0:14:33 you