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Dr. Norman Finkelstein - Gaza: A Concentration Camp | Podcast Highlight (2021-06-05)


Dr. Norman Finkelstein explains in detail the history of the conflict in Palestine and the recent actions conducted by the Israeli regime. He provides much needed clarity and addresses a number of misconceptions and misinformation being promoted by Zionists propaganda.

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#Gaza #Finkelstein #Isreal

Summary of Dr. Norman Finkelstein - Gaza: A Concentration Camp | Podcast Highlight

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:50:00

Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the Gaza conflict and how Israeli actions are disproportionate. He argues that most Palestinians are reasonable people, and that a reasonable settlement could be reached if Israel would stop torture and tormenting Palestinians.

00:00:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the Israeli right to self-defense in relation to the Gaza Strip, which he describes as a concentration camp in 2003.

  • 00:05:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the Gaza Strip, which he calls a concentration camp due to the conditions imposed by Israel on the civilians there. The blockade has made it difficult for the civilian population to survive, and frequent Israeli military assaults have killed many people.
  • 00:10:00 According to Human Rights Watch, Israel is committing crimes against humanity in Gaza by using its military to prevent the population from attacking and killing its concentration camp guards.
  • 00:15:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the Gaza conflict and how Israeli actions are disproportionate. He argues that most Palestinians are reasonable people, and that a reasonable settlement could be reached if Israel would stop torture and tormenting Palestinians.
  • 00:20:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the disparity in damage sustained by Gaza between Hamas' firing of 2300 projectiles compared to the 18,000 homes destroyed by Israel during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. He also points out that western governments are explicitly in support of Israel, despite the clear inhumane acts that israel commits, due to the fear of popular uprisings among their own people.
  • 00:25:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses Operation Cast Lead, the 2008 Israeli military campaign in Gaza. Finkelstein notes that, from the perspective of day one, the campaign was a failure, with dozens of Palestinian civilians killed in the opening minutes. He also criticizes President Barack Obama for his muted response to the recent Israeli assaults in Gaza.
  • 00:30:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the recent Israeli bombings of Gaza, which he says are relatively mild in comparison to past massacres. He speculates that this is why President Obama has not yet taken stronger action against Israel.
  • 00:35:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the situation in Gaza and the origins of the conflict. He argues that the situation in Gaza is a result of Israel's desire to create a Jewish majority in the country, and that the Israeli government has continuously pursued policies of land confiscation and displacement against the Palestinian population. Finkelstein concludes the video by noting that Palestinians now make up 19% of Israel's population and are confined overwhelmingly to the Gaza Strip.
  • 00:40:00 In this podcast, Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses Gaza, which he describes as a concentration camp. He points to the Israeli government's history of dispossessing Palestinians of their land and says that the recent protests in Gaza are just another example of how the Israeli government marginalizes Palestinians.
  • 00:45:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses the history of US statehood and how it has been used to extinguish different ethnic and religious groups. He also discusses the recent attack on worshippers at al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, which he likens to the genocide of Native Americans. He argues that Israel's arrogance and tendency to act without restraint is what leads to these atrocities, and that the US needs to address its mental health problems if it wants to help the Palestinians.
  • 00:50:00 Dr. Norman Finkelstein discusses his experiences in Gaza and how the Israeli military behaves towards the Palestinian population. He also mentions intervention, stating that the Israelis view the Palestinians as "sub-human."

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:08 yeah abdulrahman i think
0:00:09 uh dr norman finkelstein has uh is able
0:00:13 to join us i think no it's okay let's
0:00:16 get him on
0:00:19 hello dr norman how are you
0:00:22 great to have you it's a pleasure
0:00:26 okay yes so so um
0:00:29 so guys obviously dr norman is a very
0:00:31 special guest uh most of you probably do
0:00:34 know him
0:00:34 uh just gonna give a brief intro here uh
0:00:37 dr norman
0:00:38 norman frankenstein is an american
0:00:39 political scientist and activist
0:00:41 his uh primary areas of research are
0:00:44 the palestinian-israeli conflict and
0:00:48 he received his phd from the politics
0:00:51 department of the princeton university
0:00:52 in 1988 he's the author of ten books i'm
0:00:55 not sure if that's updated information
0:00:56 but up to 10 books that have been
0:00:58 translated i think it's over dated i
0:01:00 don't think i've written 10 books
0:01:02 this is from your website i guess
0:01:04 they'll have to correct that but then
0:01:06 yesterday 11 books they're talking about
0:01:09 writing books like it's tea bags
0:01:12 that's not a word
0:01:15 yeah well this is the information on
0:01:16 your website and it says that you've
0:01:18 written 10 books translated into 50
0:01:20 foreign editions
0:01:22 my my wonderful web manager of samakasam
0:01:25 she's a palestinian lives in uh greece
0:01:28 brilliant brilliant brilliant woman
0:01:30 a chemist yeah it was the website i
0:01:33 don't know anything about the web i
0:01:34 don't know anything about social media
0:01:36 i've never been on facebook twitter
0:01:38 instagram or any of that other crap
0:01:41 so uh i don't know what's on my website
0:01:44 well you've been a huge influence in
0:01:45 this area and
0:01:46 and uh and i'm sure uh many of us here
0:01:49 recognize that anybody who's concerned
0:01:51 with the palestinian israeli conflict
0:01:53 knows your name and
0:01:55 definitely knows of your work so we're
0:01:57 very happy to have you here
0:01:59 and uh i guess we'll get right into it
0:02:02 um and i mean with with basically the
0:02:06 context of what's happening right now
0:02:09 in mind um i guess we wanted to just ask
0:02:11 you a few questions
0:02:13 to to to get a bit of insight on on the
0:02:15 situation
0:02:16 uh so so um i want to start with this
0:02:19 idea of israel's right to defend itself
0:02:22 with with what's going on right now
0:02:23 because that's a common theme
0:02:25 we hear these days as if
0:02:28 so to speak both sides have blood on
0:02:31 their hands
0:02:32 which might generally be true but it's
0:02:34 as if they're on equal grounding
0:02:36 and and israel has a right to defense
0:02:39 defend defend itself against the
0:02:41 terrorists of palestine
0:02:43 what would you say to that okay just
0:02:45 hold on i want to just grab a book
0:02:48 from them while he's doing that
0:02:52 um we could play a clip
0:02:55 um because
0:02:59 because dr uh finkelstein actually wrote
0:03:01 a book that's related to this uh
0:03:04 very question which is on gaza
0:03:07 so you might be grabbing that yes it's
0:03:10 um
0:03:11 sorry it's gaza an inquest into its
0:03:13 smart system i think it's that one
0:03:16 i've muted him just for a sec uh because
0:03:18 i don't know
0:03:19 what's going to go with that phone call
0:03:21 yeah i mean because uh
0:03:22 dr norman finkelstein is not on for too
0:03:25 long it's probably best not to play any
0:03:26 clip just in case
0:03:27 yeah let's just let's just have him
0:03:29 answer the questions in his whole time
0:03:30 then we can play the clips uh later
0:03:32 inshallah
0:03:34 but yeah um
0:03:37 so uh let's talk about your question
0:03:42 does israel have the right to
0:03:44 self-defense
0:03:46 uh in 2003
0:03:51 israel one of israel's leading
0:03:53 sociologists at the hebrew university
0:03:57 uh his name was baruch kimberling he's
0:03:59 since passed away
0:04:02 uh he wrote a book called politicide
0:04:06 and he described gaza in 2003. i want
0:04:10 you to keep in mind the year for what
0:04:12 i'm going to say to you in a moment
0:04:14 in 2003 he described gaza
0:04:18 as the largest concentration camp ever
0:04:22 that was a senior sociologist
0:04:26 at the hebrew university an eminent
0:04:29 sociologist
0:04:31 now gaza
0:04:34 in 2003
0:04:37 was kind of a dreamland
0:04:41 as compared to what it has become
0:04:45 because the blockade of gaza
0:04:50 didn't begin in full force until 2006
0:04:55 when israel imposed the
0:04:59 blockade in retaliation
0:05:03 for the parliamentary elections
0:05:06 which former u.s president jimmy carter
0:05:09 called
0:05:10 fair and free elections in which
0:05:14 the the civilian wing of hamas
0:05:18 won the election so the people of
0:05:21 gaza were punished for
0:05:25 participating in democratic elections
0:05:29 and electing the wrong party to power
0:05:33 from the point of view of the us and
0:05:35 israel
0:05:37 and then the blockade was imposed on
0:05:39 gaza
0:05:41 the god blockade was tightened in 2007
0:05:47 when the united states israel and some
0:05:50 palestinian collaborators attempted a
0:05:54 coup
0:05:55 against the legally elected government
0:05:57 of hamas
0:05:59 and the coup was preempted it was foiled
0:06:04 so for the past 15 years
0:06:08 let's see what what let's see
0:06:12 what gaza looks like
0:06:15 two facts begin any discussion of gaza
0:06:20 70 of gaza's population are refugees
0:06:23 and descendants of refugees
0:06:27 they were the ones who were expelled
0:06:29 from israel in 1947
0:06:34 number two one half or more
0:06:39 a little more than half of gaza's 2.1
0:06:43 million
0:06:45 people are children
0:06:48 they're under the age of 18.
0:06:52 so you have an overwhelmingly refugee
0:06:54 population
0:06:56 you have an overwhelmingly child
0:06:58 population
0:07:01 now because of that illegal
0:07:04 immoral that criminal blockade of gaza
0:07:09 80 of the people of gaza
0:07:14 are in humanitarian aid relief
0:07:17 because israel doesn't let anything in
0:07:20 or anything out
0:07:22 above the bear bear
0:07:25 minimum to survive
0:07:29 96 of the water in gaza
0:07:33 according to world have the world health
0:07:35 organization
0:07:37 is unfit for human consumption
0:07:44 every few years israel launches
0:07:48 another murderous massacre of gaza
0:07:53 in 2007 to eight it was operation cast
0:07:56 led in 2012
0:07:58 it was operation pillar of defense in
0:08:01 2014
0:08:02 it was operation protective edge
0:08:08 gaza you know what gaza is
0:08:11 you know what gaza is
0:08:14 it's the length of a marathon
0:08:17 is a little less than a marathon a
0:08:20 marathon in in
0:08:21 our uh measurements it's 26.2 miles
0:08:26 gaza is 25 miles
0:08:29 in length and with
0:08:33 i use the example from my own hometown
0:08:37 it's about a little more than twice the
0:08:40 size of central park
0:08:42 that's gaza that's gaza
0:08:47 the length of a marathon
0:08:50 the width about twice the length of
0:08:53 central park
0:08:57 that's gaza
0:09:01 that tiny sliver of land
0:09:05 that these murderous
0:09:10 hordes these mongol hordes
0:09:14 have been suffocating since 2006
0:09:19 leaving aside all the atrocities it
0:09:21 committed in gaza before
0:09:23 2006 that's a whole other story
0:09:28 just to take one of the massacres that
0:09:30 committed
0:09:31 during the israeli british french
0:09:34 invasion of
0:09:35 egypt in 1956
0:09:39 pick up this comic book of sophisticated
0:09:41 comic book a very sophisticated comic
0:09:43 book
0:09:44 by joe sacco sacco
0:09:48 to read about the stories of the
0:09:49 massacres in gaza in 1956
0:09:52 they lined up several hundred
0:09:54 palestinians in gaza
0:09:56 and shot them dead that's right they
0:09:59 lined them up
0:10:00 and shot them dead that's already
0:10:03 ancient history
0:10:07 and then you ask yourself a simple
0:10:10 question
0:10:13 according to human rights watching this
0:10:15 recent report
0:10:17 called the threshold crossed
0:10:20 it said that israel is committing i'm
0:10:22 using their language
0:10:24 crimes against humanity in gaza
0:10:28 listen to the terminology crimes against
0:10:30 humanity
0:10:31 that's at a higher level than war crimes
0:10:34 under international law as human rights
0:10:38 watch says
0:10:40 crimes against humanity are quote among
0:10:42 the most obvious crimes
0:10:44 odio us among the most odious crimes
0:10:47 in international law
0:10:50 so now you ask yourself a simple
0:10:53 question
0:10:54 it is so simple that maybe even
0:10:58 some people in university professorships
0:11:01 could understand it it's that simple
0:11:06 ask yourself the question do
0:11:08 concentration camp guards have the right
0:11:10 to self-defense
0:11:13 your concentration camp guards have the
0:11:16 right to self-defense
0:11:18 dr norman if if i could just like um bro
0:11:21 kimberly called gaza a concentration
0:11:24 camp where i say
0:11:25 it was like a paradise
0:11:30 so the question is so stupid
0:11:35 it's beyond words there are
0:11:38 one million and more
0:11:41 children
0:11:44 who are trapped in gaza
0:11:48 one million or more children trapped
0:11:52 in gaza daily consuming water
0:11:57 that is unfit for human consumption
0:12:00 and you're asking me whether the
0:12:04 power the concentration camp
0:12:07 guards and their seniors
0:12:12 whether they have the right to
0:12:14 self-defense
0:12:16 in the real world it's such an insane
0:12:19 question
0:12:20 i don't even understand how
0:12:22 sophisticated
0:12:24 serious human rights organizations like
0:12:27 human rights watch
0:12:28 amnesty how they can use
0:12:31 terminology like that i really
0:12:35 i know some of these people i respect
0:12:38 some of these people but to me
0:12:42 it's kind of mind-boggling
0:12:45 i assume they're parents they have
0:12:48 children they know
0:12:52 that more than half the population of
0:12:55 gaza
0:12:55 is children how can you
0:12:59 possibly believe
0:13:02 a state that's trapping one million
0:13:05 children in a concentration camp
0:13:08 can have a right to self-defense
0:13:12 commitment is so lunatic yeah i hear i
0:13:15 hear what you're saying dr norman maybe
0:13:17 this this
0:13:19 to my mother and father yeah
0:13:22 so this this follow-up this is crazy
0:13:25 yeah so this follow-up question might
0:13:27 even seem more
0:13:28 uh insane or lunatic so i hope you have
0:13:30 uh
0:13:31 the patience to answer it someone might
0:13:33 like someone with zionist inclinations
0:13:35 might push back and say
0:13:36 that the history of hamas precedes that
0:13:40 of their rule over gaza
0:13:43 and that they were uh basically uh
0:13:47 incorporated or established as a
0:13:49 military
0:13:50 uh movement dedicated to the
0:13:53 annihilation of any notion of a jewish
0:13:55 state or a zionist state
0:13:57 so israel right now would be basically
0:13:59 preempting
0:14:00 a self defense so that they don't
0:14:03 basically get wiped away as per the uh
0:14:07 main motive of hamas in the first place
0:14:12 when you looked at the nazi defenders
0:14:15 the actual
0:14:16 einsatzgruppen those were the killing
0:14:18 squads of the nazis
0:14:21 so one of the einstein's group and
0:14:23 leaders
0:14:24 said was asked you know how do you
0:14:26 justify killing jewish children
0:14:28 how do you justify killing jewish church
0:14:31 and he said well it's simple
0:14:33 because after what they did to their
0:14:35 parents
0:14:36 when they grow up they're going to want
0:14:38 to kill us so we're going to kill them
0:14:40 first
0:14:42 yeah basically the same answer yeah
0:14:44 that's the kind of logic you're telling
0:14:46 me
0:14:47 yes i have elijah the dark because we
0:14:50 killed their parents they're probably
0:14:51 going to be very angry which is probably
0:14:53 true
0:14:54 and so when they grow up they probably
0:14:56 want to kill us which is
0:14:58 also probably true so we should kill
0:15:01 them now
0:15:02 oh yeah that makes a lot of sense to me
0:15:04 oh yeah a b c
0:15:05 i have an idea i have a guy i have a
0:15:08 good idea here's my idea
0:15:11 don't kill their parents
0:15:14 and then you won't have to kill them
0:15:18 how about treating them like human
0:15:19 beings first and see how they react
0:15:23 you expelled them from their homes in
0:15:25 1947
0:15:28 according to human rights watch that was
0:15:30 a crime against humanity
0:15:33 in fact according to human rights watch
0:15:35 if you look at the report
0:15:37 they say all those refugees have a right
0:15:39 to return to their home they still do
0:15:41 right now that's what the law is
0:15:43 that's what the law is you may not like
0:15:46 the law you may think the law is
0:15:47 unfair hey the native americans get to
0:15:50 go back to new york city
0:15:51 okay you can quarrel with human rights
0:15:53 watch about that
0:15:54 but the law is they have the right to
0:15:56 return that's the law
0:15:59 so i say start obeying the law
0:16:04 start treating them like human beings
0:16:07 stop carrying on to use the words of
0:16:10 that
0:16:10 selling israel's leading human rights
0:16:12 organization
0:16:15 stop carrying out like jewish
0:16:16 supremacists
0:16:19 or to use the expression of human rights
0:16:22 watch
0:16:24 stop trying to institute an ins and a
0:16:26 regime of jewish domination
0:16:30 carry on like you're not uber mentioned
0:16:33 superman carry on like arabs aren't
0:16:37 intervention sub-humans in other words
0:16:41 stop carrying on like nazis and then
0:16:44 let's see maybe you can live together
0:16:45 maybe you can figure it out
0:16:49 yeah and and i would tell them let's
0:16:52 start from the beginning stop committing
0:16:54 crimes against humanity
0:16:56 and if you've committed them try to
0:16:58 rectify them
0:17:00 and if it's hard to rectify them then
0:17:02 sit down with them and see where you can
0:17:04 get
0:17:05 figure it out i've been to gaza
0:17:09 i've been to the occupied territories i
0:17:11 know palestinians
0:17:12 perfectly reasonable people of course
0:17:14 they're crazy people among them they're
0:17:16 crazy people in every
0:17:17 population but in general perfectly
0:17:20 reasonable people
0:17:22 you can talk to them if they have
0:17:25 leaders who are unreasonable
0:17:27 the population will react by rejecting
0:17:30 their leadership
0:17:31 that's what populations really usually
0:17:33 do
0:17:35 absolutely people have so long as they
0:17:37 have the democratic
0:17:39 power to express their opinion
0:17:42 as they did in 2006 as i said i think
0:17:45 most
0:17:46 palestinians are reasonable my
0:17:48 impression
0:17:50 reasonable people you could probably
0:17:52 reach
0:17:53 a reasonable settlement of the conflict
0:17:56 and
0:17:57 move on but don't carry on like you have
0:18:01 the right
0:18:03 to torture these people to torment these
0:18:06 people
0:18:06 and then react react in shock
0:18:10 when they fire a bunch of
0:18:15 fireworks at your country
0:18:19 if you look at right now last night
0:18:22 and this morning i was curious
0:18:26 based on my own research and writing on
0:18:30 the past israeli massacres i started to
0:18:33 go
0:18:33 carefully through the web i never used
0:18:35 to ever hate the word
0:18:37 so okay i hate work but i started to
0:18:41 look through the web what actual damage
0:18:44 have these rockets done to israel this
0:18:46 time
0:18:46 you hear all these horror stories all
0:18:49 these horrors are
0:18:51 2300 rockets fired so far
0:18:54 2300 rockets fired so far
0:18:58 you would expect massive
0:19:01 huge destruction and death
0:19:05 in gaza excuse me in israel
0:19:09 yeah yeah and you look at it so i have
0:19:11 the statistics here as well
0:19:13 perfectly nothing
0:19:16 i'm okay and with with this with this
0:19:18 extreme uh disproportional
0:19:20 like the disproportional numbers here
0:19:22 that we have on the screen
0:19:24 there's a little confusion here or go
0:19:26 back to
0:19:27 our look
0:19:30 you can always claim you can always make
0:19:33 the argument
0:19:35 that there are far more many palestinian
0:19:38 debts
0:19:39 than israeli deaths because israelis
0:19:42 have
0:19:42 bomb shelters and they do have a very
0:19:45 effective
0:19:46 home or homeland
0:19:49 shelter system it's a complicated one
0:19:51 with cell phones you know the whole
0:19:53 thing uh yeah so you can make the
0:19:55 argument so that can explain
0:19:57 the disparity in depths
0:20:01 but that can't explain
0:20:04 the disparity in infrastructural damage
0:20:09 because homes
0:20:12 hospitals government offices
0:20:15 they don't go into shelters
0:20:18 so the interesting statistic is
0:20:22 they say the hamas has fired 2300
0:20:25 lethal rockets in israel and what is a
0:20:28 country supposed to do
0:20:30 and don't we have the right to
0:20:31 self-defense well i assigned
0:20:33 concentration camp guards don't have the
0:20:35 right to self-defense but let's leave
0:20:37 that aside
0:20:38 let's look at the actual record what
0:20:40 kind of
0:20:42 what kind of barrage
0:20:45 are you facing and then you start
0:20:47 looking i looked up
0:20:49 may 12th which is when the hamas
0:20:52 projectiles began
0:20:54 may 13th may 14th may 15th may 16th
0:20:58 it was practically nothing practically
0:21:02 nothing so people say oh what about they
0:21:05 had to close down the airport well guess
0:21:07 what
0:21:08 he also closed down the airport in 2014
0:21:11 who was for one day um
0:21:14 and there was nothing in 2014. there was
0:21:17 no damage
0:21:19 look at the statistics look at the
0:21:22 numbers
0:21:23 i looked at the numbers i looked very
0:21:25 carefully at them
0:21:27 in 2014 during operation protective edge
0:21:31 they destroyed eighteen thousand
0:21:33 palestinian homes
0:21:35 eighteen thousand these mongol hordes
0:21:38 they destroyed eighteen thousand
0:21:40 palestinian homes remember
0:21:42 these are the homes of people who are
0:21:44 already evicted from their homeland
0:21:48 and now their homes are being destroyed
0:21:51 they destroy you know how many israeli
0:21:53 homes were destroyed
0:21:55 you remember in 2014 the hamas rockets
0:21:57 how much rockets armstrong
0:21:59 go look at the numbers brace yourself
0:22:03 one one israeli home
0:22:06 was destroyed and my guess is hamas
0:22:09 fired its
0:22:10 bottle rockets and it probably hit the
0:22:13 boiler room of a home
0:22:15 these aren't rockets
0:22:18 dr norman with i uh with with these with
0:22:21 these like i hate to cut you off i just
0:22:22 want to get as many questions as i can
0:22:24 in
0:22:25 with these disproportionate like uh uh
0:22:27 numbers we're seeing and with the
0:22:29 disproportionate
0:22:30 uh artillery that each side has in hand
0:22:32 clearly it's uncomparable
0:22:35 when it's so obvious like this why do
0:22:37 you think that the western
0:22:38 western governments give their utmost
0:22:42 support
0:22:43 to to to to israel and we i think we saw
0:22:45 i saw yesterday
0:22:46 that um the the u.s representative what
0:22:50 was his name
0:22:50 um ned price u.s state department
0:22:53 spokesman
0:22:54 when he when he said that israel has a
0:22:56 right to defend himself
0:22:57 the journalist kind of pushed back and
0:22:59 told him well do palestinians and he's
0:23:01 you know sort of uh stumbled and and
0:23:03 stuttered on the words and couldn't
0:23:05 really answer and give a straightforward
0:23:06 answer that they do
0:23:08 why is it that western governments are
0:23:10 explicitly in support of israel
0:23:13 despite the clear inhumane acts that
0:23:16 israel commits
0:23:17 i look that question has so many
0:23:20 dimensions to it
0:23:22 the answer to it is so it's not that
0:23:25 it's complicated because there's nothing
0:23:26 in politics that's intrinsically
0:23:29 complicated it's that it's
0:23:32 multi-dimensional if you want to look
0:23:33 for a single answer it's very rare
0:23:36 it's almost in any political situation
0:23:39 it's like when you look at yourself when
0:23:41 you do
0:23:42 some noble deed is it pure
0:23:46 or do you have other self-interested
0:23:48 motives
0:23:49 some vanity motives so
0:23:52 even when we attempt to be as pure as we
0:23:56 can as human beings
0:23:57 it's very hard you know because there's
0:23:59 always an
0:24:00 alloy of motives and then when you get
0:24:03 to politics
0:24:04 it's also it's very hard to sort it out
0:24:07 i would say in the current situation
0:24:11 biden president biden he has a long
0:24:14 history of support for israel
0:24:16 his administration support you know it's
0:24:19 old-timers even
0:24:21 new old-timers all people who've already
0:24:24 gone through the bureaucracy
0:24:25 and it's kind of a reflex they don't
0:24:28 even think about it you support
0:24:30 israel they don't even remember why but
0:24:32 they notice most of
0:24:33 you know they're supposed to support
0:24:34 israel so part of it is a reflex
0:24:38 part of it is
0:24:41 the us government all the governments
0:24:44 in the middle east
0:24:47 uh aside at this moment from iran aside
0:24:50 from iran
0:24:52 they're all worried about popular
0:24:54 uprisings among their own people
0:24:57 so you can be sure that
0:25:00 netanyahu is telling sisi in egypt
0:25:04 you know if hamas wins
0:25:07 you know what kind of impact it's going
0:25:09 to have among the egyptian brotherhood
0:25:12 the muslim brotherhood who sisi
0:25:14 overthrew
0:25:15 uh in the coup the army coup you know
0:25:18 it's going to energize them so
0:25:20 you too want to suppress them and as
0:25:23 you're saying the same thing to jordan
0:25:25 you don't want to energize those
0:25:27 palestinians living in jordan do you
0:25:29 you don't want to give them hope and
0:25:33 so all the leaders
0:25:36 have a common interest in
0:25:40 suppressing this popular resistance
0:25:44 in gaza so that's a kind of what you
0:25:46 might call
0:25:47 a generic response there is a kind of
0:25:51 instinctive response by us
0:25:53 administrations
0:25:55 and then there's the generic response by
0:25:57 all of these governments
0:25:58 in power who are terrified
0:26:02 at this popular resistance to
0:26:06 uh uh bruno regimes
0:26:11 and now the popular resistance in
0:26:15 gaza has spread to inside israel
0:26:19 less so the west bank well what do you
0:26:21 think this message sends to sisi
0:26:25 his his people are not exactly thrilled
0:26:28 with his leadership
0:26:30 what do you think the letter the lesson
0:26:32 it sends to
0:26:33 jordan the jordanian leadership abdullah
0:26:36 so they all are terrified of popular
0:26:39 resistance
0:26:40 especially as they watch it spread it
0:26:43 starts in gaza
0:26:45 then in the blink of an eye it's now in
0:26:47 lud
0:26:48 it's in haifa it's in jaffa so they're
0:26:51 terrified
0:26:52 all of them of that prospect
0:26:56 and then of course there's the view that
0:27:00 uh iran and hezbollah
0:27:04 are party to the uh resistance in gaza
0:27:10 so of course the saudis who see the
0:27:12 whole
0:27:13 region as the iranian axis versus them
0:27:17 they're terrified of what's going on in
0:27:19 gaza
0:27:20 because it seems in their view it's
0:27:22 another victory
0:27:24 for iran you know it's yemen it's syria
0:27:27 and now it's gaza so they're terrified
0:27:31 they're all so terrified i'll tell you
0:27:33 why they're also terrified
0:27:35 because the saudi parasites
0:27:38 they look for foreign governments to
0:27:40 pull their chestnuts out of the fire
0:27:42 they can't fight
0:27:43 saudis can't do anything saudis can just
0:27:47 barely get out of the bed in the morning
0:27:51 and now they see this
0:27:54 sliver of land that's been hermetically
0:27:57 sealed
0:27:58 for 15 years it's actually
0:28:04 uh humbling the regional superpower
0:28:06 their
0:28:07 superpower saudi superpower the saudis
0:28:10 are hoping that you know the israelis
0:28:12 with the americans would bail them out
0:28:16 in conflict with iran and now um
0:28:19 israel is having a hard time with gaza
0:28:24 you know so there are so many factors
0:28:28 at play and it would take probably
0:28:31 hours to sort them out and then once you
0:28:33 sort them out you don't have to balance
0:28:35 them
0:28:36 it's a it's a complicated picture but
0:28:40 i'll tell you
0:28:41 yeah i understand i understand i have no
0:28:43 love for biden
0:28:45 for sure i have no love for biden i mean
0:28:48 you can't hate the guy because he's a
0:28:50 corpse
0:28:51 so i don't i can't say i hate him but i
0:28:54 have no love for him
0:28:55 if i loved him i'd have to be a
0:28:56 necrophiliac which i'm not
0:28:58 so i don't know
0:29:02 i don't pay him i don't love him but
0:29:05 i i kind of disagree with people who are
0:29:08 criticizing him now
0:29:10 because i kind of think biden is quietly
0:29:14 telling netanyahu
0:29:17 uh you can take this
0:29:20 further we're now in i guess it's
0:29:24 what a week now of the israeli murderous
0:29:26 assaults in gaza
0:29:29 and it's about 200 people dead
0:29:33 and for every loss of life you know it's
0:29:35 there but the grace of god go on
0:29:37 it could be me so we don't want to
0:29:40 trivialize
0:29:41 any loss of life
0:29:44 i was wondering however
0:29:48 just from perspective on day one of
0:29:52 operation
0:29:53 cast lead in 2008 day one
0:29:57 the first five minutes the first five
0:29:59 minutes
0:30:00 israel bombed a graduation ceremony in
0:30:03 gaza it was police officers
0:30:06 not army just traffic cops
0:30:10 it bombed uh a graduation ceremony in
0:30:13 the first five minutes
0:30:14 it killed between two and three hundred
0:30:18 uh people with the uh young people at
0:30:21 the graduation ceremony
0:30:23 so compared to that and not wanting to
0:30:27 in any way diminish
0:30:28 the intensity of the bombing yeah it's
0:30:31 you know it's shaking the earth tremors
0:30:36 um it's actually rather mild compared to
0:30:39 what israel has done in the past now i
0:30:41 don't know where it's going to go
0:30:43 but so far i think personally no proof
0:30:47 total speculation always have to say
0:30:50 when you have facts and when you have
0:30:51 speculation
0:30:52 total speculation i think biden is the
0:30:56 reason for that
0:30:58 i think biden is saying look i have 14
0:31:01 members of the security council who want
0:31:04 to pass a ceasefire resolution
0:31:06 i'm holding them off i'm doing you a
0:31:08 favor i'm holding them off
0:31:11 i'm getting messages from our
0:31:13 ambassadors
0:31:15 in iraq where there was a demonstration
0:31:18 yesterday i've never seen a
0:31:19 demonstration like that it looked like
0:31:20 the whole country was out
0:31:23 and there are protests in jordan there
0:31:25 are protests in
0:31:26 lebanon and biden says
0:31:30 and now i have all these young congress
0:31:34 people who are attacking me
0:31:36 so by me is saying look i'll support you
0:31:41 but no no major massacres
0:31:44 no major massacres because if you carry
0:31:47 out a major massacre and don't tell me
0:31:49 it's an accident
0:31:50 i know you can carry on a massacre or
0:31:53 not carry on a massacre
0:31:54 you have the capability so don't give me
0:31:57 the bs about
0:31:58 accidents and this you know um misfires
0:32:02 and malfunctions
0:32:04 you don't carry out any massacre or you
0:32:06 lose me or i'm out
0:32:07 i'm out and that's why i think it's
0:32:11 for israel those mongol hordes
0:32:14 it's relatively compared to the past
0:32:17 it's been controlled and
0:32:20 there hasn't been there's been two uh
0:32:24 high rises demolished i think the second
0:32:27 will be the last because
0:32:30 uh ap you don't attack ap don't attack
0:32:33 associated press not smart move israel
0:32:35 not smart move and ap is now you know
0:32:40 passing on its uh discontent to the
0:32:43 state department
0:32:44 uh and i think my guess is pure
0:32:47 speculation
0:32:48 uh biden communicated them listen guys
0:32:52 you don't attack ap that's my country
0:32:55 you don't attack ap so i would say
0:32:59 probably behind the scenes
0:33:03 especially because biden wants to be
0:33:06 a fdr he wants to be what they call a
0:33:09 transformative
0:33:10 president he doesn't want to get boggled
0:33:14 bogged down sucked in
0:33:17 to this israeli lunacy he doesn't want
0:33:20 to
0:33:21 especially because he doesn't like
0:33:22 netanyahu
0:33:24 he remembers how netanyahu carried on
0:33:26 during the obama administration
0:33:28 and he was the vice president when this
0:33:32 obnoxious
0:33:34 jewish supremacist racist
0:33:39 head of state barged into our congress
0:33:44 and lectures the u.s government of which
0:33:47 he was the vice president
0:33:48 on what they should know about iran
0:33:52 like we spend tens of billions of
0:33:54 dollars hundreds of billions of dollars
0:33:56 on our military on our intelligence
0:34:01 but we need the jewish
0:34:05 geniuses the uber mention
0:34:09 the supermen to come to our congress
0:34:12 and tell us what we don't know
0:34:16 i don't think biden liked that
0:34:19 and it's still that same jewish
0:34:22 supremacist
0:34:23 obnoxious uber mentioned who's the head
0:34:27 of state there
0:34:28 so biden's heart is not into it
0:34:33 his hope for a legacy
0:34:37 is not into it he doesn't want to be
0:34:40 distracted and diverted
0:34:43 from his aspiration to be a
0:34:47 transformative
0:34:49 president by this obnoxious
0:34:52 racist supremacist state
0:34:56 so i don't think his heart is even into
0:34:58 it
0:34:59 he does what he has to do it's
0:35:02 default default uh
0:35:06 in this is we support israel
0:35:09 but behind the scenes i kind of think
0:35:11 it's probably not true
0:35:15 just just very quickly dr norman if if
0:35:17 we could link all this
0:35:18 to what's happening in sheikh jarrah
0:35:21 because that's where
0:35:22 all of this conflict is sourced uh and
0:35:25 we know we know this
0:35:26 this started with uh a litigation
0:35:29 about about you know property ownership
0:35:31 and whatnot
0:35:33 and there's a historical background to
0:35:34 it and it's complex as well but it very
0:35:36 briefly you could tell us
0:35:39 how you see the situation as it relates
0:35:43 it's not it's not complex i'm not going
0:35:46 to get into the legal technicalities
0:35:48 because i don't know them i don't really
0:35:50 need to know them
0:35:51 frankly um first of all
0:35:55 before we continue we have to do a time
0:35:57 check what time is it
0:35:59 uh by your time it's 107
0:36:03 p.m i can only go on for five more
0:36:05 minutes because i have to do
0:36:07 another interview this will be the last
0:36:09 question then i guess
0:36:10 yeah yeah yeah so
0:36:13 i hate saying things like that i'm gonna
0:36:15 do another interview like i'm michael
0:36:17 jackson
0:36:18Laughter 0:36:21 we respect the fact that you have many
0:36:23 things going on these days of course guy
0:36:25 would want to be michael jackson dead or
0:36:27 alive
0:36:28 but um
0:36:31 let's let's just we'll end on this note
0:36:36 what's happening to shay and what
0:36:37 happened in shakeshara
0:36:39 don't need the legal technicalities
0:36:44 it's just the same thing
0:36:48 that happens literally literally
0:36:51 no poetry no hyperbole no exaggeration
0:36:55 it happens every minute of every day in
0:36:58 that area
0:37:00 israel had two goals on its creation
0:37:05 two objectives at its creation in
0:37:09 1948 even before 48 but will
0:37:12 start from the creation of the state and
0:37:15 you
0:37:15 you find this in the human rights watch
0:37:17 report the
0:37:19 threshold cross it starts in 1948
0:37:23 47-48 it says
0:37:26 israel wants to create a state with a
0:37:28 jewish majority
0:37:31 and the way it creates a state with the
0:37:33 jewish majority is
0:37:34 as follows number one
0:37:37 it forcibly evicts a large portion of
0:37:41 the population
0:37:43 it forcibly evicts them and they became
0:37:46 the palestinian refugees
0:37:48 that was the first step in creating the
0:37:50 jewish majority
0:37:53 and then
0:37:56 they engage in this massive
0:38:00 land confiscation which they saw
0:38:04 as part of a critical part not just a
0:38:08 part
0:38:09 a critical part of creating
0:38:12 a jewish state so for them
0:38:15 a jewish state meant an overwhelming
0:38:19 jewish majority demographically
0:38:22 and control over all the land
0:38:26 in their state and so
0:38:29 they begin by passing laws
0:38:33 which dispossess
0:38:36 all those palestinians who were forced
0:38:39 into exile
0:38:41 dispossessed them of their land
0:38:44 and then step two
0:38:48 was dispossessing the palestinians who
0:38:52 remained
0:38:54 of their land so
0:38:57 what we now call the palestinian
0:38:59 israelis
0:39:01 they were dispossessed of about two
0:39:04 million
0:39:04 dunhams of land the estimate is between
0:39:08 uh 40 and 60 of the land of the
0:39:12 palestinians who remained
0:39:14 in israel was stolen i don't know why
0:39:17 i'm using the word dispossessed
0:39:19 why do i need a polysyllabic word and i
0:39:21 can just use
0:39:22 a two-syllable word stolen or use a
0:39:26 one-syllable word or robbed
0:39:28 by the israeli state and this process
0:39:31 of dispossession it never stopped
0:39:36 it didn't stop for a day really
0:39:39 literally
0:39:40 they're constantly coming up with new
0:39:42 plans and new plans
0:39:44 to confine the palestinians in a smaller
0:39:46 and smaller and smaller
0:39:48 area i'm talking about inside israel
0:39:50 itself
0:39:51 in a smaller and smaller area so
0:39:54 palestinians now comprise
0:39:56 19 of the israeli population
0:39:59 and they're confined overwhelmingly
0:40:03 to 3 of the land of israel i'm talking
0:40:06 about the state of israel i'm not
0:40:07 talking about occupied palestinian
0:40:09 territory
0:40:10 about three percent of the land
0:40:13 and uh
0:40:17 then when they acquired
0:40:20 in the june 1967 war the west bank
0:40:24 gaza and east jerusalem they began the
0:40:28 same process
0:40:30 they won as they put it the famous line
0:40:33 the levy eshkol who was the prime
0:40:35 minister
0:40:36 at the time in 67 he said we want the
0:40:40 dollar
0:40:40 we don't want the bride we want the land
0:40:43 we don't want the people
0:40:46 and so the same process begins
0:40:50 of dispossessing them of their land
0:40:53 in the case of the west bank
0:40:56 the state of israel has taken control
0:40:59 now of
0:41:00 30 of the land one-third is israeli
0:41:04 and it's used only for jews it's only
0:41:06 for jews
0:41:09 and in jerusalem
0:41:12 jerusalem is a kind of microcosm
0:41:15 of the whole picture because in east
0:41:18 jerusalem they
0:41:20 have a special commitment
0:41:23 to maintaining the jewish majority
0:41:27 and part of maintaining the jewish
0:41:30 majority
0:41:31 is confining palestinians to less
0:41:34 and less land in jerusalem
0:41:38 and giving over more and more
0:41:41 to jewish settlers to create
0:41:44 maintain preserve and enhance
0:41:49 that jewish majority and so
0:41:52 shakeshara it was a kind of a fluke
0:41:57 it was a complete fluke because they do
0:41:59 that every day
0:42:00 you read the reports you listen to the
0:42:02 news they've been doing that to the
0:42:04 bedouins the negative
0:42:06 for the past few years and every day you
0:42:08 hear a new horror story in a negative
0:42:11 of what they're doing with the bedouins
0:42:13 there trying to confine them in a
0:42:15 smaller and smaller piece of land
0:42:17 so it can be given over to jews in their
0:42:20 jewish
0:42:21 state what happened in
0:42:24 shergiro was a kind of fluke
0:42:27 number one it was
0:42:30 mostly middle-class families who had
0:42:33 good connections
0:42:35 number two because of the good
0:42:37 connections and the
0:42:38 good organizing there was large number
0:42:40 of demonstrations
0:42:42 number three the israeli jewish
0:42:46 supremacists of course came in
0:42:47 and tried to break up the demonstrations
0:42:50 in support of sheikh yara
0:42:52 then that's routine that's par for the
0:42:55 course nobody blinks tonight
0:42:58 and then it spilled over to al-aqsa musk
0:43:03 and there was some solidarity expressed
0:43:06 by the worshippers
0:43:08 in al-aqsa mosque then they came under
0:43:11 assault
0:43:12 then it happened to have been on ramadan
0:43:17 then the attacks happened to have
0:43:19 occurred in the holiest day of ramadan
0:43:21 so it was this whole concatenation which
0:43:24 was
0:43:25 totally unpredictable as politics 99 out
0:43:28 of 100 times
0:43:29 is but it began with
0:43:32 the most routine commonplace
0:43:36 event that's literally
0:43:39 every single day literally
0:43:43 every single day for the past 73 years
0:43:47 since
0:43:47 israel was founded this juggernaut
0:43:52 this more that
0:43:56 gobbles up consumes the palestinian land
0:44:00 this protracted protracted
0:44:05 land robbery perfectly honest for you
0:44:10 it's the first uh 150 years of america
0:44:16 that's what our country was like if you
0:44:19 read the story
0:44:20 just to give you an example you read the
0:44:22 story of the cherokee indians
0:44:24 the cherokees start out is on the east
0:44:27 coast
0:44:28 they're dispossessed they move to north
0:44:31 carolina and
0:44:32 alabama they sign all these treaties you
0:44:35 can keep this land we'll give you this
0:44:37 land
0:44:38 they signed the treaties of course the
0:44:40 united states breaks
0:44:41 all the treaties before you know it
0:44:44 there's
0:44:44 what's called the um oh gosh how can i
0:44:48 forget it's the famous
0:44:49 cherokee something like march of death
0:44:52 but i can't remember it now
0:44:53 oh god this is horrible um and then
0:44:56 they're moved
0:44:57 to uh
0:45:01 uh uh not
0:45:05 okay we go from alabama north carolina i
0:45:08 forgot where now
0:45:08 but they ended up in the state of
0:45:10 oklahoma
0:45:12 when the pot when the ratio of whites
0:45:15 to indians in oklahoma was ten to one
0:45:18 a nice safe ratio you know what the
0:45:20 israelis called the jewish majority
0:45:23 um then they turned oklahoma into a
0:45:26 state they caught
0:45:27 they carved it out as a state it's
0:45:29 basically the history of the americans
0:45:32 it's the history of a lot of states
0:45:34 unfortunately
0:45:36 so it's the same process the attempt
0:45:40 to extinguish
0:45:43 i don't want to say i'll just say
0:45:46 extinguish the palestinians as a people
0:45:50 uh and this is just as i said one
0:45:53 uh oh now it came back to me thank you
0:45:56 memory
0:45:57 uh it's called the trail of the trail of
0:45:59 tears
0:46:01 um but now i can't remember what state
0:46:04 oklahoma was carved out from it'll come
0:46:06 to me in 10 years
0:46:08 um so uh
0:46:11 yeah it's the same process and so for
0:46:14 those
0:46:14 who have this historical memory
0:46:18 and are you know moved by what was done
0:46:21 to the native americans it's now
0:46:23 happening to the palestinian
0:46:24 well it's been happening for 73 years
0:46:27 it's been happening
0:46:29 it was just a fluke i mean the israelis
0:46:31 are so stupid
0:46:33 these uber men should these geniuses
0:46:35 remember the israelis immediately as
0:46:37 culverts
0:46:38 began they said we have we have the cure
0:46:42 we don't have the cure you know
0:46:46 but they immediately the geniuses we
0:46:49 have the cure
0:46:52 they need a cure for mental illness
0:46:55 that's what our country
0:46:56 needs a cure for mental illness
0:46:59 so um
0:47:02 it's the the same process
0:47:07 i was about to say to attack the
0:47:09 palestinians
0:47:11 in al-aqsa mosque on the holiest day of
0:47:14 ramadan
0:47:17 that's not brilliant but they're so
0:47:20 arrogant they are so arrogant
0:47:24 these people so obnoxious
0:47:28 the other day two days ago this guy
0:47:31 __ ben quinn i don't know he was a
0:47:33 correspondent of mine
0:47:35 he's probably around 21 22 i don't know
0:47:37 how old he is
0:47:40 and i correspond with everybody i don't
0:47:42 discriminate
0:47:44 you don't like me fine just be
0:47:46 respectful
0:47:48 and he writes me this email talking down
0:47:51 to me
0:47:54 carrying on like he's superior to me
0:47:58 i just said you know what
0:48:01 i said you nazi jewish supremacist
0:48:05 sacrifice don't talk to me that way
0:48:08 don't talk to me that way i said you get
0:48:11 it you stupid
0:48:13 i'm sick of these people the arrogance
0:48:17 the arrogance of these people nauseate
0:48:21 me
0:48:22 they think they can go into a mosque
0:48:26 on the highest holy day
0:48:30 not just a mosque al-aqsa mosque
0:48:33 on the highest holy day of their
0:48:35 religious holiday
0:48:38 and they can carry on as they please and
0:48:42 there'll be no reaction
0:48:43 and then they're shocked they're shocked
0:48:45 hamas oh they're so shocked
0:48:48 hamas if you read these israeli analysts
0:48:50 they were probably calculating this
0:48:52 calculating that calculating that
0:48:54 calculating that
0:48:57 maybe they were just really sickened by
0:49:00 what was happening
0:49:02 now i'm not going to deny hamas
0:49:04 calculates i'm not going to deny that
0:49:06 they're a political party to calculate
0:49:10 but maybe they were touched by the fact
0:49:13 that
0:49:14 the palestinians were being evicted
0:49:18 from east jerusalem their homes and
0:49:22 70 of gaza's population they are
0:49:26 refugees who were evicted
0:49:29 from their homes so maybe there was some
0:49:31 resonance there
0:49:33 and we all agree
0:49:36 the hamas leadership is very religious
0:49:40 so maybe they were genuinely
0:49:44 indignant and that's a very euphemistic
0:49:47 word
0:49:48 at the attacks on worshippers in al-aqsa
0:49:51 mosque
0:49:53 in jerusalem which happens to be the
0:49:55 palestinian capital
0:49:56 according to international law on the
0:49:59 highest holy day of ramadan
0:50:02 they can't even comprehend these
0:50:04 israelis because they think the arabs
0:50:06 are sub-human
0:50:08 they do utter mention intervention
0:50:12 sub humans yeah uh dr norman i i hate i
0:50:16 just don't want you to miss your
0:50:17 interview
0:50:18 so so i just want to remind you with the
0:50:20 time we could have you on for hours
0:50:21 really we could listen to you
0:50:23 nonstop and the questions
0:50:26 because eventually i'll forget my name
0:50:28 that's where my memories go
0:50:30 it's really been great listening to you
0:50:32 and learning from you and
0:50:34 uh we hope we can have you on again and
0:50:36 we can talk to you again in the future
0:50:39 and yeah we wish you all the best with
0:50:41 your interviews and
0:50:42 all the best in general and hope to
0:50:44 speak to you again soon
0:50:45 thank you
0:50:58 you