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Contradictory Expectations of some 'Muslim Feminists' in Marriage - Naima B Robert- MH Podcast p2 (2021-09-23)


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#marriage #muslim #islam

Summary of Contradictory Expectations of some 'Muslim Feminists' in Marriage - Naima B Robert- MH Podcast p2

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

Naima B. Robert discusses the expectations of some Muslim feminists in marriage and how they can often conflict with traditional roles and expectations. She provides advice for both men and women to learn about their Islamic grounding and make a commitment based on something bigger than themselves.

00:00:00 Some "Muslim feminists" in marriage believe that everything should be equal between a man and woman, except for breastfeeding, which should be an exception. They also believe that they have a double enment as women. This can be a problem because it can make the man feel like he is not able to provide for his wife or family.

  • 00:05:00 Naima B. Robert, a Muslim feminist, discusses the expectations of some Muslim feminists in marriage. She states that, while traditional roles and expectations still exist in some marriages, many Muslim feminists are trying to break out of traditional notions. She also agrees with the author that men are the biggest beneficiaries of this ideology.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the expectations of Muslim feminists in marriage, noting that while traditional roles and responsibilities remain important, they can also be fulfilled holistically with a healthy mind, body and soul. They provide advice for both men and women to learn about their Islamic grounding and make a commitment based on something bigger than themselves.
  • 00:15:00 Sister Naima B Robert discusses some contradictory expectations of Muslim feminists in marriage. She advises readers to read her books and follow her on social media platforms to get more information.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 genoa is like i i find the most
0:00:02 pernicious
0:00:03 and most unacceptable type
0:00:06 of feminist as a muslim feminist do you
0:00:08 know why
0:00:09 because a true feminist like of a second
0:00:12 wave
0:00:12 complexion or
0:00:14 background orientation
0:00:17 she would
0:00:18 everything's 50 50 domestic housework is
0:00:20 50 50. yeah true and also finances are
0:00:23 50 50. xyz
0:00:25 yeah everything is that is what the
0:00:27 ideology says
0:00:29 yeah negozi who wrote the feminist
0:00:30 manifesto said everything should be
0:00:32 equal except for breastfeeding and she
0:00:33 gave that only there's the only
0:00:34 exception in her little pamphlet book
0:00:36 that she wrote which is not really an
0:00:38 academic book anyway but it's popular so
0:00:40 she the everything should be 5050. no
0:00:42 problem if everything is 50-50 which
0:00:45 means i'm not going to be putting
0:00:46 extracting half of my resources for you
0:00:49 i'm i'm going to save money i don't need
0:00:51 to do this i don't need to protect you
0:00:52 the fact protection is 50 50. if someone
0:00:54 comes in a burglar i don't need to
0:00:55 protect so on all about something 50 50.
0:00:58 if i'm if i'm with a feminist i would
0:01:00 rather be
0:01:02 yeah put a religious if we're just
0:01:04 talking just based on the the the the
0:01:07 domesticity or lack thereof or the
0:01:10 interactivity a domestic interactivity
0:01:12 and transactional nature of the domestic
0:01:14 environment between man and woman i
0:01:16 would rather be with a feminist than i
0:01:17 would be with a muslim feminist
0:01:19 like a christian i'd rather do a
0:01:21 christian family or something why
0:01:22 because at least she has a sense of
0:01:25 consistent self-consistency everything
0:01:27 is 50 50. but the muslim feminist she
0:01:30 wants to take the resources which means
0:01:32 she wants to not make it 50 50 when it
0:01:34 comes to finances and work and
0:01:36 protection plus so she wants to take all
0:01:39 of the things her entire islamic
0:01:40 entitlements plus she wants to have her
0:01:42 feministic entitlements so she wants a
0:01:44 double entitlement
0:01:46 that woman is a leech that woman is just
0:01:48 a leech and she needs to be called out
0:01:50 in the community people like yourself
0:01:52 need to say listen don't reach off the
0:01:53 man you choose what you want to be you
0:01:55 want to be a muslim this is islam you
0:01:57 know this feminism is different and you
0:01:59 can't mix and if you want to be both
0:02:01 then you're going to end up being a
0:02:02 leech a charity you're a charity you are
0:02:04 a charity you might as well go to oxfam
0:02:06 and put your hands out like this this is
0:02:08 what you should do what would you
0:02:10 respect i'm sorry i'm going out but this
0:02:12 the entitled nature of some people that
0:02:14 want both if you if you want 50 50 then
0:02:17 you have to provide 50 50.
0:02:19 right right you do you see the point
0:02:21 here yeah no i totally get your point
0:02:23 and i think it's interesting it's
0:02:24 anecdotally again um the the experience
0:02:28 of of brothers kind of on these
0:02:30 matrimonial apps etc is pretty much what
0:02:33 you're saying so i'm i'm hearing again
0:02:35 and again about sisters who
0:02:38 want the traditional benefits exactly i
0:02:40 don't want the traditional
0:02:41 responsibilities
0:02:43 this is beautiful they want the
0:02:44 tradition what i was trying to say for
0:02:46 like four or five minutes you said it in
0:02:47 like one sentence they want the
0:02:50 traditional benefits but they do not
0:02:52 want the traditional responsibilities
0:02:54 they don't want that role so a sister
0:02:56 will say islamically you have to provide
0:02:59 for me you have to pay off my car you
0:03:01 have to do this you know i i like this i
0:03:04 like this i like that financially and if
0:03:06 you can't provide financially this
0:03:07 conversation is over okay it's over it
0:03:10 doesn't matter the sister can be she's
0:03:12 got three kids she could be 45 years old
0:03:14 and i know you know people don't like
0:03:16 this but some of us and i'm gonna say us
0:03:20 because i'm not pointing fingers here
0:03:22 i'm looking in the mirror
0:03:23 okay
0:03:24 i want people to understand that i'm not
0:03:26 pointing fingers at anyone i'm looking
0:03:28 in the mirror and i'm very well aware
0:03:31 that some people masha allah at certain
0:03:34 stages of life allah has blessed them
0:03:36 with certain things where masha'allah
0:03:37 they they can make demands and people
0:03:40 fall over themselves to fulfill those
0:03:41 demands mashallah because they they're
0:03:43 highly sought after they're highly
0:03:45 prized right if you're a sister who is
0:03:47 older you have children or you've been
0:03:49 divorced whatever the case may be right
0:03:52 you don't want to have any more kids
0:03:53 okay uh you you've got your and the
0:03:55 thing is what i've also found is
0:03:58 with us as women the older we get
0:04:01 the more life experience we've had the
0:04:03 more we've been married the more we've
0:04:04 had children the more demanding we
0:04:07 become not the less the more demanding
0:04:10 we become so by the time you're 35 and
0:04:12 on your second marriage or you're 40 and
0:04:14 you want to find your third husband your
0:04:16 list of what you want and what you won't
0:04:18 put up with etc is very long now because
0:04:21 you've been you've experienced certain
0:04:23 things you came out of the first
0:04:24 marriage you're like well i don't want
0:04:25 that again now that's new things added
0:04:27 to your list
0:04:29 is it more of a
0:04:31 um
0:04:32 is it more of a negative thing rather
0:04:34 than it is an affirmative thing like
0:04:36 maybe it could be because i don't want
0:04:38 this i don't want this
0:04:40 it could be that i'm not going to do
0:04:41 this again i'm not going to go for that
0:04:42 kind of guy
0:04:43 but i think the point that i'm making
0:04:44 anyway
0:04:45 is um aside from all of that because
0:04:47 maybe somebody was hearing this and say
0:04:48 well that's not me you know i'm not like
0:04:50 that i don't know anybody like that
0:04:52 which is fair enough the point that i'm
0:04:54 making is while you cis are making all
0:04:56 those demands those islamic very islamic
0:04:58 demands traditional demands on this man
0:05:01 you're saying out of your mouth i don't
0:05:04 cook i don't clean um
0:05:07 i'm not going to obey i don't wear hijab
0:05:12 you might as well just say whatever go
0:05:13 marry uh my sister but
0:05:16 but this is this is for me
0:05:18 why i'm having this conversation i'm
0:05:20 trying to have this conversation
0:05:21 inshallah with sisters is
0:05:23 this is where the realism comes in this
0:05:25 is where the pragmatism comes in this is
0:05:27 where you can't have the traditional
0:05:29 benefits without the traditional role if
0:05:31 you want a man to perform the
0:05:34 traditional function guess what he's
0:05:36 looking for a woman who's going to
0:05:38 perform her traditional function so
0:05:41 you don't have to go for a traditional
0:05:42 man that's your choice but if you want
0:05:44 the traditional man and the benefits
0:05:46 that come with that you need to somehow
0:05:48 get okay with the idea of being the
0:05:50 traditional wife because being a
0:05:52 traditional wife it looks a certain way
0:05:54 just like a traditional husband looks a
0:05:55 certain way no one's forcing you to to
0:05:57 go that route it's up to you it's your
0:05:59 choice but you can't have both you can't
0:06:01 have it both ways you can't say
0:06:04 you you don't get to tell me to do this
0:06:06 uh i'm you know i'm not going to let a
0:06:07 man tell me to do that
0:06:10 but you have to pay my bills though
0:06:11 because islam said exactly exactly but
0:06:14 and i'm the same woman or maybe
0:06:16 sometimes this is an archetypal woman
0:06:17 right it's not talking about a woman but
0:06:20 the same archetypal type of woman we're
0:06:21 talking about here she will
0:06:24 uh she will easily bow the knee when it
0:06:27 comes to her white
0:06:30 boss
0:06:31 mcdonald's or whatever she's working or
0:06:33 in the car wash or i don't know where
0:06:36 where she works anywhere she may work in
0:06:38 the cleaning cleaning place or it could
0:06:40 be in the office where she has to even
0:06:41 flirt with the man a little bit to get
0:06:43 where she wants so she is contextual
0:06:46 it's not about oh i i don't i believe in
0:06:48 obedience you do believe in obedience
0:06:51 every single society instructor works on
0:06:54 a
0:06:55 type of hierarchy you know we as muslims
0:06:57 we are we believe in a complementarity
0:07:00 between man and woman we don't believe
0:07:01 in egality between them we believe in a
0:07:03 hierarchical managerial structure just
0:07:06 as you would expect if you went and
0:07:07 worked in a secondary school i was i
0:07:09 worked in many secondary schools the
0:07:11 expectation is is actually quite
0:07:13 sometimes disturbing you come in the
0:07:15 head teacher comes in and all the women
0:07:17 are going around him like sorry uh
0:07:19 concubines around the
0:07:21 something you know you think what the
0:07:22 hell like you know every little word she
0:07:24 says scared
0:07:25 the same woman she's the biggest
0:07:26 feminist when she goes home
0:07:28 this is yeah it's it's it actually blows
0:07:31 my blood especially when it comes from
0:07:32 the muslim community like oh you're your
0:07:34 husband you're lying without him at home
0:07:36 but when you go to you don't replace
0:07:37 that work you know the man can tell you
0:07:39 what he wants whatever you do yeah yeah
0:07:41 but he's paying me but he's it's the
0:07:42 same transactional kind of thing
0:07:44 but he's the thing you're getting all
0:07:45 these benefits as well from the man in
0:07:47 fact he's willing to do your husband as
0:07:49 well before
0:07:50 you right
0:07:51 so i feel like it's just it is actually
0:07:54 wholesale acceptance without resistance
0:07:57 these ideologies of the west which
0:07:59 position a woman as only acceptable
0:08:03 or um
0:08:05 you know even viable as a subject
0:08:08 if she's in the work environment and
0:08:10 that's what the only context where
0:08:11 obedience makes sense but yeah oral
0:08:14 farron says something really good in his
0:08:15 book you know he's got a book called the
0:08:17 myth of male power and he also
0:08:20 boy crisis
0:08:21 oh yes i've heard of that yeah is it
0:08:23 where he taught his recent book but the
0:08:25 classic book that he wrote was called
0:08:26 the myth of male power and in that book
0:08:29 he basically he gives the example of a
0:08:31 woman
0:08:32 who works in a corporate environment
0:08:33 yeah
0:08:34 and he he says what would like this
0:08:36 archetypal woman what would she think if
0:08:38 she's now in charge of more people
0:08:40 would she think that that's an expansion
0:08:42 of her power or influence or what she
0:08:44 thinks that is less power influence he
0:08:46 says she would think that it's an
0:08:48 expansion of her parent influence when
0:08:50 she goes home and she has more kids she
0:08:51 she sees as more of a burden she's
0:08:53 encumbered with those children she's
0:08:55 burdened with them
0:08:56 but she has more influence on the
0:08:58 children and will have more influence on
0:09:00 those children than she could or ever
0:09:01 will have influence on those employees
0:09:04 it's the same paradigm but different
0:09:05 environment the moment it moves into the
0:09:07 domestic environment
0:09:09 the moment drudgery starts to appear
0:09:12 this domestic drudgery
0:09:14 starts to appear and becomes uh the
0:09:17 prevailing narrative theme as you said
0:09:20 you know honestly it's like if it's in
0:09:21 this context it's oppression if it's in
0:09:23 this context it's professionalism you
0:09:25 see how they change the words you're
0:09:27 being professional professional when
0:09:30 you're listening to your boss but you
0:09:31 are
0:09:32 you are a slave oppressed at home when
0:09:35 you're in the house you know listening
0:09:36 to the hierarchy
0:09:38 and it's just it's a play on lexicon and
0:09:40 they've been able to dupe half of the
0:09:42 population so they can pull them out of
0:09:44 homes so that they can stimulate their
0:09:45 economies and
0:09:48 and quite frankly
0:09:49 they men are the biggest beneficiaries
0:09:51 of this ideology sure
0:09:53 i i was just true i 100 100 agree with
0:09:56 you i i agree because you know the the
0:09:58 anyway alhamdulillah i think
0:10:01 the the steep decline that you know
0:10:03 we've seen in terms of you know sexual
0:10:05 morality since the 60s
0:10:08 um
0:10:09 i think our deen has managed to
0:10:11 to to to shield us from the worst of
0:10:14 that
0:10:15 obviously in muslim countries there is a
0:10:17 slow burn
0:10:19 um but for lots of different reasons it
0:10:21 just hasn't been you know sort of steep
0:10:24 downwards whatever as it is in the west
0:10:26 but but but even if we are not having
0:10:29 you know partners before marriage if
0:10:31 even if we're not kind of having a hot
0:10:33 girl summer and all of that kind of
0:10:34 thing the ideas are all around us and
0:10:37 that's why i think it's really important
0:10:39 to have these open conversations and
0:10:41 really get young men and women
0:10:44 to examine the forces around them and
0:10:47 examine the ideas that they're
0:10:48 surrounded by and and learn more about
0:10:51 their islamic grounding so that they
0:10:53 have an effective filter for those ideas
0:10:56 that are around us
0:10:58 otherwise we're just going to go the way
0:10:59 the way of the people went before we're
0:11:01 just going to follow them like a lizard
0:11:02 and a hole you're right to finalize this
0:11:04 discussion it's been a pleasure talking
0:11:05 to you by the way and allah has been
0:11:07 very very fruitful
0:11:08 uh and i thank you so much for all your
0:11:10 insights they have been good and you've
0:11:11 articulated yourself very well i'm going
0:11:13 to steal some of your articulations and
0:11:14 repackage them one way traditional roles
0:11:16 traditional responsibilities you know
0:11:19 it's there you you have the gift of
0:11:22 of being able to to summarize things but
0:11:24 i was going to ask you this question
0:11:26 which is
0:11:27 a parting advice now for muslim men a
0:11:30 muslim woman young let's say call them
0:11:32 millennials call them whatever you want
0:11:33 starting up yeah this this channel the
0:11:35 demographic of it
0:11:37 maybe 18 to 35 18 to 45 that's the kind
0:11:39 of major age group there so
0:11:42 a lot of men a lot of women are gonna
0:11:43 start families and stuff like that
0:11:46 what advice would you give a young man
0:11:48 let's start with the man right advice
0:11:50 you would give based on your extensive
0:11:51 experience in the community and your own
0:11:53 life experience
0:11:54 on how to what to look out for what are
0:11:57 the blind spots what should we do what
0:11:58 should we look out for
0:12:00 a young man starting up and the same
0:12:01 advice for a young woman
0:12:04 so the first thing that i would say is
0:12:06 echoing what we said before which is to
0:12:08 get your grounding in your deen
0:12:10 the second thing i would say is
0:12:12 pay attention to your mental health
0:12:14 and make sure that you are healthy
0:12:18 mind body soul
0:12:19 because a healthy person moving forward
0:12:21 in life into a partnership with another
0:12:23 healthy person what do you have have a
0:12:25 healthy marriage so that advice is for
0:12:27 both is to learn your deen and get
0:12:30 healthy
0:12:31 i mean that holistically mind body and
0:12:33 soul get healthy if you're struggling
0:12:35 get help if you are confused get help
0:12:39 you know don't think that a marriage or
0:12:41 a husband or a wife is going to solve
0:12:43 any issues that you have any anything
0:12:45 that you're carrying with you you don't
0:12:47 want to take that into a marriage right
0:12:49 you've got any addictions anything like
0:12:50 that and i say this because this
0:12:52 generation it seems to be is the
0:12:54 mentally the most fragile generation
0:12:56 that we've probably ever seen you know
0:12:57 this is the generation where we have you
0:13:00 know just off the charts level of
0:13:02 depression anxiety suicidal thoughts
0:13:04 self-harm and muslims have it too we're
0:13:06 not immune even
0:13:08 where you're on instagram and tick-tock
0:13:10 okay it's game over right so that's what
0:13:13 i would say the first thing learn your
0:13:15 deen and get healthy and
0:13:17 choose a healthy partner understand what
0:13:19 it means to be a wife understand what it
0:13:22 means to be a husband and actively learn
0:13:24 and cultivate those qualities within you
0:13:27 unfortunately it's something that it's
0:13:29 not really spoken about
0:13:31 what does it mean to be a wife i was
0:13:32 thinking to myself if i was to do a
0:13:34 video for example you know are you wife
0:13:36 material i don't actually think that a
0:13:38 lot of young people could even say what
0:13:39 wife material is
0:13:41 you know what i mean husband material i
0:13:43 think people know kind of what husband
0:13:44 material is okay i need to provide and
0:13:46 protect you know whatever but wife
0:13:48 material i think a lot of people are
0:13:50 confused because we've got
0:13:52 our own way of valuing ourselves as
0:13:55 women that has nothing to do with being
0:13:57 a wife and it has nothing to do with
0:13:59 what men are looking for when they look
0:14:01 for a wife right
0:14:02 so so these are some of the
0:14:03 conversations to have with yourself main
0:14:06 thing is
0:14:07 be healthy look for someone healthy to
0:14:09 build with and make a commitment that is
0:14:12 based on something bigger than
0:14:13 yourselves it's not just a pleasure
0:14:15 thing it's not just a fun thing it's not
0:14:17 just like a good time thing it's not
0:14:19 like
0:14:20 tick tock it's not like pinterest it's a
0:14:23 commitment and insha allah will bless
0:14:25 you with joy and happiness and good
0:14:27 times but it will come at a cost you'll
0:14:29 have to sacrifice you have to understand
0:14:31 that and be prepared to do that
0:14:33 inshallah and just make a decision to
0:14:35 say
0:14:36 healthy children will come from me
0:14:38 you know a healthy lineage is going to
0:14:40 come from me and mine inshallah and i'm
0:14:42 going to do everything in my power to
0:14:44 ensure the health of my family unit and
0:14:47 those who come up after me inshallah we
0:14:48 have 10 hundred a thousand fifty
0:14:51 thousand people who've made that
0:14:53 decision and are on that path
0:14:54 subhanallah look how it would affect our
0:14:56 communities
0:14:58 it would change the game completely
0:15:00 precious advice and you've killed two
0:15:02 birds with one stone with that last can
0:15:04 you tell us where we can see that we'll
0:15:05 read some of your books so
0:15:07 where are you on social media where we
0:15:09 can see some of your kind of uh videos
0:15:11 or or any programs that you're doing for
0:15:13 young men young women women in
0:15:15 particular i know you do a lot of stuff
0:15:16 where can we
0:15:17 get that stuff
0:15:19 i'm on all the platforms instagram
0:15:21 facebook twitter youtube name abby
0:15:23 robert and all my books are available on
0:15:25 amazon also just search name would be
0:15:26 robert and you will find all 25 of them
0:15:28 there alhamdulillah fantastic
0:15:31 masha'allah you've done a great job and
0:15:33 i really had an
0:15:35 enjoyable and fruitful conversation with
0:15:37 you hopefully we'll do it another time
0:15:39 and
0:15:40 for those who are watching at home we've
0:15:43 we have kind of maybe you could argue
0:15:46 diverted a little bit from the remit
0:15:49 but a lot of these issues
0:15:52 which have been discussed today really
0:15:54 do affect the muslim community and they
0:15:56 do need to be spoken about and i think
0:15:58 uh
0:15:59 many if not most especially on this
0:16:00 channel would agree
0:16:02 that sister naima has done a wonderful
0:16:04 job in tackling those issues until next
0:16:06 time salaam alaikum warahmatullahi