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Londoniyyah - Part 32 - Hadith Rejectors | Mohammed Hijab (2022-04-27)


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Summary of Londoniyyah - Part 32 - Hadith Rejectors | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the arguments made by those who reject the authority of the Quran. It notes that these arguments rely on verses from the Quran itself, which state that the Quran is a guide to the straight path. points out that if the Quran can only guide one person, then there is no need for any other guidance. He argues that the sunnah, which is the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, is another source of guidance.

*00:00:00 Discusses the difference between the Quran (the speech of God) and the Hadith ( wisdom or knowledge which is revealed to the prophet Salallahu). Rasulullah (PBUH) states that whatever the prophet has made halal or haram in this case is as if allah has made it halal or haram Himself. This hadith is seen as a prophecy of the prophet Muhammed by Muslims.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the difference between the speech of God, which is found in the Quran, and other speeches of God, which are not found in the Quran. One example mentioned is the speech of God to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This speech is not found in the Quran, but it is something that Prophet Muhammad would tell Salallahu alaihi wasallam. There are many things which God speaks, but not everything that God speaks is the Quran. The Quran is a subset of the speech of God.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the difference between the Qur'an and the hadith, noting that the Qur'an is a collection of intelligible, self-contained verses, while the hadith are transmitted through a chain of reliable sources. The Prophet Muhammad said that Allah's words are better than any other words, and that anyone who reads the Qur'an will be rewarded ten times more than someone who reads any other hadith.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the belief that the Quran is uncreated, and that the Sunnah, or teachings of the prophet Muhammad, are more important than any other source of guidance. Ahmed Hamid explains that this belief is based on the Quran's use of generalities to speak about specific things. If one loves Allah, they must follow the prophet Muhammad.
  • 00:20:00 addresses the question of how Muslims should follow the Prophet Muhammad without the Quran. He points to six Quranic verses (including one which Allah swears by Himself) which recommend following the Prophet as the best way to know guidance. If Muslims follow the Prophet even after his death, they will be in good standing with Allah.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the importance of understanding and following the Quran and Sunnah, and how these are all important for Muslims to adhere to. He shares an anecdote about a discussion he had with a "quite unknown" person in which he made the argument that without an understanding and adherence to the Quran and Sunnah, Muslims are unable to practice certain pillars of Islam.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses ahadith that reject particular interpretations of the Quran. He points out that without these ahadith, one would have to rely on manipulation to explain the Quran's varied interpretations. He then goes on to argue that the ahadith are reliable and that they support the Quran's authenticity.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses an argument used by some Muslims that the sunnah is not as valuable as other sources of Islamic guidance. The presenter provides three examples of how this argument could be made, and concludes that the opponents are formidable opponents but do not have a coherent argument.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses a number of arguments against hadith, including that they cannot be used as evidence, that they contradict the Quran, and that there is no abrogation of the Quran. It points out that there are only a few verses that mention abrogation, and that the majority of scholars agree that the sunnah cannot abrogate the Quran.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses arguments against the belief that the Quran contains everything that a Muslim needs, including subsidiary details such as zoology. It cites verses from the Quran and Hadith to support this claim.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the arguments made by those who believe that the Qur'an is not the complete, perfect guide for Muslims. It cites verses from the Qur'an that describe the Qur'an as an explanation of everything, and that all Allah is the guide for Muslims. It also cites verses that say that the Qur'an is a detailed guide for the straight path, and that Muslims should not look to other sources for guidance.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses some of the arguments used by those who reject the authority of the Quran. He notes that these arguments rely on verses from the Quran itself, which state that the Quran is a guide to the straight path. points out that if the Quran can only guide one person, then there is no need for any other guidance. He argues that the sunnah, which is the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, is another source of guidance.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

discusses the reasons why some people reject Hadith, and points out that these people lack basic understanding of Arabic and don't care about social participation. He also mentions that some of these people are intellectually challenged because they can't reconcile certain Hadith with modern understanding.

*01:00:00 Discusses the reasons why some people reject Hadith, and points out that these people lack basic understanding of Arabic and don't care about social participation. He also mentions that some of these people are intellectually challenged because they can't reconcile certain Hadith with modern understanding.

  • 01:05:00 , a Muslim discusses why some people reject hadith, and how this can lead to absurdities. He also discusses a cult that believes in the number 19.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the theory that the Quran is coded in a mathematical system of 19. notes that this theory is based on arbitrary assumptions, and that there is no justification for it. He also points out that some people who reject the theory are actually motivated by fear.
  • 01:15:00 of the article discusses a theory that 19 out of the Quran's 114 verses are miracles. He argues that this is because all of these verses deal with things that are beyond the realm of probability or possibility. He also argues that the name of Allah is mentioned more times than what can be divisible by 19.
  • 01:20:00 of the video critiques Hadith which he says support the idea that verses 128 and 129 of the Quran are false, inserted by Satan in order to achieve the number 19. He also argues that the only two verses in the Hadith corpus which do not have two witnesses are verses 1-28 and 129, and that this further supports the idea that they were inserted.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses the history of false verses in the Quran, and the claims of a prominent Muslim scholar that the Prophet Muhammad specified him as the "Messiah" and the "Son of Man." The scholar claims that he was killed for his beliefs, and that many leading Sunni scholars rejected him.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses some of the arguments used by Sunnis to reject Hadith, including the idea that the Prophet only received the Quran as a revelation. He also mentions a footnote in a book by the author in which he considers accepting other authorities besides the Quran to define God's system to be polytheism. concludes that this is one of the weakest cults and the weakest propositions made about Islam.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:09 another session
0:00:10 here with the londoner poem
0:00:13 we're going to be covering something
0:00:15 very important which is
0:00:17 the qurani movement the quran alone
0:00:19 movement the
0:00:22 sunnah movement the people who reject
0:00:24 the sunnah
0:00:25 and these people
0:00:26 really are
0:00:28 seen by muslim people not to be actually
0:00:30 muslims at all
0:00:32 since the religion of islam really
0:00:34 comprises of the quran and the sunnah
0:00:37 and so the quran alone
0:00:39 movement i don't think any sect of islam
0:00:41 really considers these individuals as an
0:00:43 actual even a sect of islam but it's
0:00:45 important for us because of the age of
0:00:47 social media and globalization
0:00:49 uh and technological kind of being able
0:00:51 to speak to people across the world
0:00:54 and therefore this should misconceptions
0:00:56 have increased that we understand what
0:00:58 this movement is all about we know how
0:01:00 to answer this movement from the quran
0:01:02 itself ironically enough for them but
0:01:04 before i do that i wanted to actually
0:01:06 read a hadith that's hadith not a muslim
0:01:08 but it's a very interesting one and i'm
0:01:10 not reading it as an evidence against
0:01:12 them because i want someone
0:01:13 for you know from this movement
0:01:16 to uh to take this hadith and say well
0:01:18 actually you're using
0:01:19 these hadiths and so on no we're not
0:01:21 using this as an evidence for you
0:01:22 because the evidence is for them will be
0:01:24 strictly from the quran i think it will
0:01:26 be sufficient but it's just for our sake
0:01:28 our purpose is
0:01:29 to see that this is actually a prophecy
0:01:31 of the prophet muhammad we mention
0:01:34 that there were many prophecies of the
0:01:35 prophet
0:01:36 we actually use this to evidence the
0:01:38 veracity of the message of islam
0:01:42 and this is one of them the hadith
0:01:43 states
0:01:48 that it will soon there will soon come a
0:01:50 time
0:01:51 the man or the person in this case is
0:01:53 the man by is a general phrase
0:01:56 will be
0:02:00 he'll be reclining on his
0:02:03 sofa couch or
0:02:05 you know seated
0:02:07 thing
0:02:10 be hadith
0:02:13 so someone will speak to him of a hadith
0:02:15 of one of my hadiths and so he will say
0:02:19 banana kum kitab
0:02:22 that between us and you is the
0:02:24 kitab the book of allah meaning
0:02:32 whatever we find in it which is halal we
0:02:34 have made halal.
0:02:40 and whatever we find in it from haram
0:02:42 we'll make haram in other words we will
0:02:44 consider haram right
0:02:46 wherein
0:02:48 rasulullah
0:02:50 and this is now the prophet giving his
0:02:53 commentary he says however
0:02:56 whatever the prophet has made
0:02:59 halal or haram in this case
0:03:01 is as if allah has made meaning
0:03:04 that we as muslims don't believe
0:03:06 in just one type of revelation we
0:03:09 believe in two types of revelation
0:03:11 one type is the quran itself which is
0:03:13 the most important type undoubtedly the
0:03:15 most voracious type undoubtedly the most
0:03:18 transmitted type undoubtedly and then
0:03:20 you have the hadith
0:03:22 and the hadith is the difference between
0:03:24 let me ask this actually before we
0:03:26 continue from our perspective what is
0:03:28 the primary difference between the quran
0:03:30 and the hadith that's the question
0:03:34 the
0:03:35 so the quran this is the speech of allah
0:03:38 it's a verbatim speech of allah whereas
0:03:41 the hadith this is more like a wisdom or
0:03:45 knowledge which
0:03:46 is revealed to the prophet salallahu and
0:03:48 then he speaks
0:03:50 with his own words
0:03:51 okay great and it's revealed by whom
0:03:54 um
0:03:55 it's revealed from allah
0:03:58 so when it comes to the quran this was
0:03:59 revealed by allah um
0:04:02 two jibril and then jibril transmitted
0:04:04 it to
0:04:05 um the prophet um
0:04:08 okay good so it's so now we're talking
0:04:11 about the difference the main difference
0:04:12 here is that the quran is the verbatim
0:04:15 speech of god
0:04:17 all right
0:04:20 and that the hadith is
0:04:23 not
0:04:25 it's not the hadith it is what
0:04:27 it is the words of the prophet but it's
0:04:29 something maybe which has been explained
0:04:30 by the angel
0:04:32 gabriel
0:04:34 it is something potentially which has
0:04:36 been uh
0:04:37 elaborated and the prophet sallam said
0:04:39 put it in his own words
0:04:41 all right well let me play maybe devil's
0:04:43 advocate here someone says well what's
0:04:45 really the difference what is that
0:04:48 who knows what is
0:04:56 is something
0:04:58 from allah but related in the words of
0:05:00 the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:05:02 so it's not the verbatim word of allah
0:05:04 but it is something from allah in the
0:05:07 words of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:05:14 you'll find that allah is speaking in
0:05:16 the first person sometimes
0:05:21 you see so it's still
0:05:23 you could call it
0:05:24 the speech of allah but it's different
0:05:26 to the quran in what sense
0:05:30 because the hadith
0:05:35 is
0:05:37 is a word for word what allah is saying
0:05:40 rather than a hadith which is normal
0:05:41 which is not a word for word while i say
0:05:44 so allah is transmitting something
0:05:46 through the angel gabriel
0:05:48 and that thing which has been
0:05:49 transmitted through the angel gabriel
0:05:51 becomes the quran
0:05:54 if it's recited in a certain format and
0:05:56 done a certain way but then it can also
0:05:58 be a hadith
0:06:00 how do we know which is which
0:06:03 i guess the prophet
0:06:04 will just tell salallahu like this isn't
0:06:06 the quran like there are probably many
0:06:08 things which allah speaks but not
0:06:10 everything that allah speaks is the
0:06:11 quran
0:06:12 that's that's true right so this is an
0:06:13 important point there are many things
0:06:15 which allah speaks but not everything
0:06:17 that allah speaks is the quran
0:06:19 because
0:06:20 the quran is a subset of the speech of
0:06:22 allah
0:06:23 it is not the entirety of it
0:06:26 so the quran is a subset of the speech
0:06:28 of allah
0:06:29 it's not the entirety of it and what is
0:06:31 the evidence from the quran for that
0:06:36 well give me one of it there's many
0:06:37 evidences actually
0:06:41 yes
0:06:42 well when um when allah says and we said
0:06:44 to we said to musa he doesn't then say
0:06:46 what he said to musa
0:06:49 well yeah so that when allah spoke to
0:06:51 musa
0:06:52 taklim and he spoke to him
0:06:55 we don't know what that is it's not the
0:06:56 quran
0:06:57 it's not the quran right
0:06:59 so previous books
0:07:01 is a good example of that what so that
0:07:03 is a speech of god
0:07:05 when allah spoke
0:07:07 he spoke to musa
0:07:09 that is a speech of allah which is not
0:07:11 the quran what other thing which is the
0:07:13 speech of allah
0:07:15 which is not the quran in the quran
0:07:20 which is something which counts as the
0:07:22 speech of allah
0:07:23 which does not include the quran itself
0:07:27 and the evidence of that is in the quran
0:07:30 the injeel is another thing of the
0:07:31 previous books yeah
0:07:33 so all of the previous books
0:07:36 okay what else
0:07:38 oh that is not the speech of allah no
0:07:39 that is the speech of allah
0:07:41 but it's not the quran
0:07:43 i don't know when like
0:07:45 other people are
0:07:46 speaking but allah is quoting them
0:07:48 about no no
0:07:53 stories of what
0:07:55 like
0:07:57 for example you know god asked the
0:07:59 iblees to prostrate and you know all
0:08:01 right so when allahi speaks
0:08:03 to
0:08:04 our for example a third party or some
0:08:07 other historical figure
0:08:10 we know that that the conversation
0:08:12 that's recorded
0:08:14 indicates that allah speaks to someone
0:08:17 else
0:08:18 okay
0:08:18 we know that the ones who allah spoke to
0:08:20 directly are people people like musa
0:08:22 salam muhammad sallallahu himself
0:08:27 not that many actually
0:08:29 but let me give you a hint on this one
0:08:31 yeah
0:08:32 what does allah say if you want
0:08:33 something to be
0:08:36 okay is that so kun
0:08:38 bi okay it's kun a speech of allah
0:08:42 yeah
0:08:43 yes
0:08:46 so quran is an example of speech of
0:08:48 allah which is not the quran
0:08:54 and this is when when we say that
0:08:57 jesus
0:08:58 he's
0:09:01 he's the word of allah
0:09:03 kalima is one word
0:09:06 it's a of a potential of a plurality of
0:09:10 words
0:09:11 which means that is
0:09:12 uh he is what is that a speech of allah
0:09:16 what is what word what's kind of like
0:09:17 what is isa it's actually a common
0:09:18 question christians come with it and
0:09:20 they say look you guys believe he was
0:09:21 the word and the word was flesh
0:09:24 therefore what we say is no no he's not
0:09:26 the word in the word with flesh the word
0:09:27 here refers to what
0:09:30 what word
0:09:31 corn itself that is the word
0:09:33 because in the quran it says
0:09:46 or jesus like the simulation of adam
0:09:48 that he created him from dust and he
0:09:50 said to him be and he was
0:09:55 so this is really the first thing
0:09:57 the the speech of allah
0:09:59 so the quran is a subset of the speech
0:10:01 of allah
0:10:04 can be said to be sometimes the speech
0:10:06 of allah you can use this kaalallah
0:10:09 that's what the prophet saw he says he
0:10:10 says
0:10:11 allah said and then he says whatever he
0:10:12 says
0:10:14 however there are some important
0:10:15 differences
0:10:17 the first important difference is that
0:10:18 the hadith
0:10:20 is not part of a
0:10:22 wider discourse
0:10:23 it's not part of the quran the surahs
0:10:26 are part of a wider discourse
0:10:29 so each surah acts as a message
0:10:33 standalone actually the word surah
0:10:34 itself comes from the arabic word
0:10:36 which means gate i'm not sure if you
0:10:38 know this each surah is self-contained
0:10:40 as if it's gated off from everything
0:10:42 else so it works by itself and if you
0:10:45 want to read any surah of the quran
0:10:47 it's intelligible and coherent by itself
0:10:50 as well as
0:10:52 in conjunction with other surah
0:10:55 one doesn't need to get a full flavor of
0:10:58 the message of islam by reading the
0:11:00 entirety of the quran and this might be
0:11:03 an important point because a lot of
0:11:04 people that want to know islam
0:11:06 get put off by the fact that there's
0:11:07 6236 verses and they say i don't want to
0:11:09 read 600 pages
0:11:11 you don't have to read 600 pages just if
0:11:13 you for example if someone wants to get
0:11:14 a flavor of a story in the quran maybe
0:11:17 you could recommend for them
0:11:19 yusuf because it's an entire surah
0:11:21 chapter 12 of the quran
0:11:23 if someone wants to get a flavor of some
0:11:25 of the hakam and the the
0:11:26 the uh you know the prohibitions and the
0:11:29 commands and the these kind of things
0:11:32 for example has so many of that kind of
0:11:33 thing if someone wants to get a flavor
0:11:35 of the eschatological nature of the
0:11:36 quran then the last kind of 10 20 30
0:11:39 surahs if not the last couple of just in
0:11:41 fact will give them that flavor
0:11:44 so you don't need to someone does not
0:11:45 need to read the entire quran to get a
0:11:47 flavor of what the quran is about each
0:11:48 surah is self-contained in and of itself
0:11:52 but in addition it's intelligible in
0:11:53 conjunction with all the other sorrows
0:11:55 as well
0:11:57 so the first thing that makes the
0:11:58 difference between the quran and the
0:12:00 hadith say is that the quran is
0:12:03 intelligent as part of a wider discourse
0:12:04 number two
0:12:06 is that hadith koti is conceivable that
0:12:08 you can have a hadith which is weak
0:12:12 and if the hadith qurci is weak
0:12:14 then we're not sure if allah actually
0:12:16 said this thing
0:12:17 because like anything hadees are divided
0:12:19 as you know into different
0:12:22 types
0:12:23 there's sahih
0:12:25 there's hassan
0:12:27 according to
0:12:28 hassan
0:12:29 hassan means
0:12:30 authentic
0:12:32 hassan
0:12:33 which is a you know good hassan
0:12:36 is good in
0:12:39 in consideration with another hadith
0:12:41 and then you have baif
0:12:43 which is weak
0:12:44 and then you have grades of
0:12:48 matruk
0:12:49 but this is not the space for this kind
0:12:51 of discussion
0:12:53 they says
0:12:55 transmitted
0:13:02 and so on
0:13:04 the quran is undoubtedly something which
0:13:06 has been mass transmitted
0:13:07 is undoubtedly something which
0:13:10 is not nothing of it is weak
0:13:12 and everything in it is part of a wider
0:13:14 discourse
0:13:15 and there are special privileges from an
0:13:18 islamic perspective of reading the quran
0:13:21 that one can never get reading here
0:13:22 hadith
0:13:24 among which is what the prophet saw he
0:13:25 said in the hadith
0:13:27 you know
0:13:29 or like
0:13:40 and for each letter is 10 times the
0:13:43 reward
0:13:44 so in other words when you read the
0:13:45 quran according to us according to the
0:13:47 prophet sallam
0:13:48 each letter you get 10 rewards for it
0:13:50 that's not the case with that hadith any
0:13:52 hadith
0:13:54 moreover you need to as we mentioned
0:13:55 before you touch the book you can't be
0:13:58 janet
0:14:00 like
0:14:00 if for example you've had intercourse
0:14:03 if i had or ejaculated
0:14:06 or a woman on her menstrual cycle
0:14:08 she cannot even recite the quran except
0:14:10 with a few exceptions
0:14:12 for example i'm not going to go into
0:14:14 that but the idea of purity a physical
0:14:17 purity is required before approaching
0:14:19 the quran this is not a requisite or
0:14:21 even a prerequisite for
0:14:22 the hadith even
0:14:26 you can recite the quran in a prayer you
0:14:27 can't recite any hadith in
0:14:30 it shows you the status of the quran as
0:14:32 the word of allah
0:14:34 is very very high now there is another
0:14:38 that some people may have a problem that
0:14:39 people have can it be that some words of
0:14:41 allah are better than others
0:14:44 and the majority of scholars say yes
0:14:48 yeah so
0:14:49 for example uh
0:14:51 famously i think associate mentions this
0:14:54 he gives example of
0:14:56 in his book in nikaya actually he he
0:14:58 wrote a book a very famous one called el
0:15:00 ether quran but he also book wrote a
0:15:02 book called the nikaya
0:15:04 which has been made into a small novel
0:15:05 called
0:15:07 zamzami
0:15:09 and he mentions this in that nothing
0:15:10 which he basically says that
0:15:13 for example if you compare sort of
0:15:16 accuracy with tablet
0:15:19 he's saying that the course is higher i
0:15:21 mean it's talking about allah the other
0:15:22 one's talking about someone has gone to
0:15:24 the hellfire so go figure in a sense
0:15:26 like you know which ones which ones have
0:15:28 a higher value
0:15:29 a verse which is entirely dedicated to
0:15:32 allah or one that's dedicated to the
0:15:34 demise and destruction of one of the
0:15:36 enemies of islam
0:15:38 obviously both are quran both are
0:15:40 beautiful and have the jazz in them and
0:15:42 all that kind of thing
0:15:44 but the idea of tafadul or the idea of
0:15:47 some parts of the quran some aspects of
0:15:49 the quran being more
0:15:51 virtuous and of higher value than others
0:15:53 is something is
0:15:54 accepted by this goal so these are
0:15:56 important
0:15:58 preambles because
0:15:59 uh obviously if someone says well if you
0:16:01 guys believe in hadith
0:16:03 you're saying that some speech is better
0:16:05 than other speech or and we know how to
0:16:07 answer these questions now we don't feel
0:16:09 like we're trapped yeah we do believe
0:16:11 that some speech is better than a speech
0:16:12 in fact
0:16:13 is that unintelligible as a proposition
0:16:19 from
0:16:26 yeah i mean there is a difference
0:16:28 opinion on whether they were ruled
0:16:29 accepted uh but definitely those two
0:16:32 uh uh the prophet sallam he put them in
0:16:34 the
0:16:35 in fact things that he would two last
0:16:37 areas of the surat
0:16:39 which he would recite all the time every
0:16:41 night basically and he even said in a
0:16:43 hadith whoever recites those two
0:16:45 it would suffice him
0:16:48 he would suffice him reading meaning it
0:16:50 will be enough for him
0:16:52 uh it's a very powerful ayat you know uh
0:16:55 which we should think about anyway
0:16:57 now the next order of business so we
0:16:59 talked about the first thing is
0:17:01 what is
0:17:03 it's the speech of allah is uncreated
0:17:05 obviously the martesi didn't believe
0:17:06 that
0:17:08 all right
0:17:08 they believe that allah
0:17:11 his speech was created we're not going
0:17:12 to go into a great discussion but i'll
0:17:13 give you one reason why they said that
0:17:15 that they said that you know if you look
0:17:17 at the quran although to be completely
0:17:19 honest with you
0:17:20 they used the quran as a supporting
0:17:21 evidence to the otherwise kind of
0:17:23 rational argumentation
0:17:25 and if you know how the maha tesla's
0:17:26 made an argument that's a whole
0:17:28 philosophical discussion we can't really
0:17:29 get into
0:17:30 you know johan
0:17:32 and uh and how these things and atoms
0:17:35 and all that kind of thing and if uh if
0:17:37 it's in the creation outside the
0:17:38 creation but they use the verse in the
0:17:40 quran which is
0:17:42 that he created everything and i say
0:17:44 well look that must mean he created the
0:17:45 quran
0:17:49 obviously
0:17:55 you know so obviously if one wants to
0:17:57 use that argument it's pretty uh
0:17:59 nullified and we know that all of these
0:18:01 when when they are
0:18:03 in the quran there are certain verses
0:18:05 which is what is referred to as
0:18:09 something which sounds like it's
0:18:10 speaking in generalities but actually
0:18:12 what's intended is
0:18:14 something which is specific but we don't
0:18:16 need to go into that detail uh the point
0:18:18 is we as a solution i think pretty much
0:18:20 everyone agrees that the quran is
0:18:22 uncreated
0:18:23 and everyone knows that you know ahmed
0:18:25 hamil went through a great trial in
0:18:28 trying to prove this point
0:18:30 so this is the position
0:18:32 having said this now
0:18:35 the question remains
0:18:37 so what is the evidence
0:18:39 within the quran that we should be
0:18:41 looking outside of the quran in order to
0:18:44 seek guidance or that there's any kind
0:18:46 of revelation aside from the quran
0:18:50 that we can seek guidance from so i'll
0:18:51 leave you to speak to the person next to
0:18:53 you for the next
0:18:55 five minutes
0:18:56 and i want what i want is for you guys
0:18:58 to try and find
0:19:00 your top three verses which indicate
0:19:04 or evidence
0:19:05 that uh there is a sunnah a and b that
0:19:07 should be
0:19:08 followed please uh do that
0:19:12 okay okay let's get started let's um
0:19:14 what kind of things do people have
0:19:19 well if this kind of silence uh if you
0:19:20 confronted
0:19:22 with this kind of
0:19:36 if you love allah then follow me and
0:19:39 allah will love you and follow me he is
0:19:41 talking about the prophet muhammad right
0:19:43 yeah so so the idea is what then well
0:19:45 the idea is very clear is that um if you
0:19:48 say that you love allah
0:19:49 allah does not look at you so that
0:19:51 doesn't regard your love for him unless
0:19:52 you follow the prophet salallahu he's
0:19:54 commanding you to follow his messenger
0:19:56 right so it's conditional that in order
0:19:58 to be loved by allah
0:20:00 that you have to
0:20:01 follow the messenger absolutely he says
0:20:04 yeah yeah okay good so that's very clear
0:20:06 so how would you argue this point
0:20:08 against someone who does not believe in
0:20:10 the sunnah
0:20:12 well the
0:20:13 following the messenger is the sunnah
0:20:15 right so how do you follow the messenger
0:20:17 without the sunnah exactly this is the
0:20:19 question that remains right how do we
0:20:21 follow the messenger without someone i
0:20:22 think it's a very good way to start us
0:20:24 off is there any um other things that
0:20:26 you've got here guys
0:20:27 the quran is just full of like man
0:20:30 so this lie in many places in the quran
0:20:33 so clearly all these things stating they
0:20:35 should obey the messenger
0:20:36 yes
0:20:39 for example
0:20:52 so this is whoever obeys allah and his
0:20:54 messenger then they are with the good
0:20:56 people and the you know the the martyrs
0:20:59 and the
0:21:00 righteous ones and uh and so on
0:21:03 it's clearly here there's an obligation
0:21:05 to follow
0:21:07 the messenger what else have you got
0:21:10 um i think also certainly there's like a
0:21:13 few i i think it's like six ayah yeah um
0:21:16 which i think kind of uh covers this
0:21:18 well and also like they could you know
0:21:19 perhaps be talking about these quran
0:21:21 only people
0:21:22 um so like it mentions you know you
0:21:24 believe obey allah and the messenger and
0:21:26 those authority amongst you and if you
0:21:28 differ amongst anything amongst
0:21:29 yourselves they refer to allah and his
0:21:31 messenger if you believe in allah and in
0:21:33 the last day that is better for you and
0:21:34 more suitable for the final
0:21:36 determination and then you know the next
0:21:38 ayah is also very interesting because it
0:21:39 mentions
0:21:40 you know have you seen those hypocrites
0:21:41 who claim that they believe in that
0:21:43 which has been sent down to you and that
0:21:45 which was sent before you and they wish
0:21:46 to go
0:21:47 for judgment um to you know tarot while
0:21:51 they have been ordained to reject them
0:21:52 but shaytaan wishes to lead them far
0:21:54 astray and when they said to them
0:21:56 come to allah and come to what allah has
0:21:58 sent down unto the messenger sallallahu
0:22:01 you will see the hypocrites turn away
0:22:03 from you with a perversion
0:22:05 um how then when a kashmir before them
0:22:07 because of what their hands have sent
0:22:08 forth they come to you swearing by allah
0:22:10 we meant no more than good will and
0:22:12 conciliation the hypocrites are those
0:22:15 whom allah knows what is in their hearts
0:22:16 to turn aside from them but um do not
0:22:19 punish them but admonish them and speak
0:22:20 to them an effective word to believe in
0:22:21 allah and worship and obey him
0:22:23 um to reach their inner selves we sent
0:22:25 them a messenger but to be obeyed by
0:22:26 allah's permission
0:22:28 if they the hypocrites when they had
0:22:30 been unjust themselves had come to you
0:22:31 and begged allah's forgiveness the
0:22:33 messenger had begged for forgiveness for
0:22:34 them indeed they would have found allah
0:22:37 most forgiven the most merciful but no
0:22:39 by oh lord they can have no faith until
0:22:42 they make you you know the prophet
0:22:43 salallahu sallam a judge in all matters
0:22:45 between them and fight them find in
0:22:47 themselves no resistance against your
0:22:49 decisions and accept them with full
0:22:51 submission a beautiful a
0:22:58 first one you mentioned that if you
0:22:59 differ upon something
0:23:01 then bring it to allah and the messenger
0:23:04 uh and that you haven't sent a messenger
0:23:08 except that he will be obeyed by the
0:23:10 permission of allah
0:23:11 you know and uh
0:23:15 this is actually the only place in the
0:23:16 quran allah swears by himself
0:23:20 i don't know if you know this this is
0:23:21 the only place in the quran
0:23:23 where allah is by himself
0:23:28 by your lord they don't believe
0:23:33 until they make you a judge between that
0:23:35 which they're in dispute about
0:23:37 you
0:23:39 where you say
0:23:41 and then they don't find any disturbance
0:23:43 or any kind of constraint
0:23:46 for what you have judged
0:23:47 and they are in full submission to what
0:23:49 you have judged but the question remains
0:23:51 how can you how can you even do that
0:23:53 if the only obligation was to follow the
0:23:55 quran
0:23:58 you know and maybe the response will be
0:24:00 well when the time or the prophet was
0:24:02 alive
0:24:03 you have to follow him as well
0:24:04 but the question will be
0:24:05 what in the quran indicates that when
0:24:07 the prophet dies
0:24:08 that one should stop following him
0:24:11 because if someone says well you know
0:24:14 that was when he was alive
0:24:16 so then the question remains how is it
0:24:19 or what it what indicates in the quran
0:24:21 that when he when the prophet dies
0:24:25 that
0:24:27 he should stop being followed
0:24:30 any other verses
0:24:40 so you could even say this applicable to
0:24:42 like other things like that you don't
0:24:43 know about not just the prophet so just
0:24:45 the indication they should ask other
0:24:46 people essentially
0:24:48 yeah so in order to know so guidance
0:24:50 guidance it extends outside of the quran
0:24:57 comes twice in the quran
0:25:02 but there is a verse in surah nahal
0:25:04 which is very important on this matter
0:25:05 does anyone know where it is talking
0:25:08 about
0:25:11 talking about this matter in particular
0:25:14 about following the sunnah
0:25:18 should i give you i'll give you some
0:25:19 some moments to look for it and someone
0:25:21 present for me or for all of us a
0:25:23 translation of the verse
0:25:26 okay i'll give you two minutes look for
0:25:27 that because this is one of the key
0:25:28 verses actually
0:25:35 no
0:25:38 i've given you right now
0:25:47 this is the importance of having an
0:25:50 awareness of the quran
0:25:53 the importance
0:25:54 yeah and these are very important things
0:25:58 which we always we we will need to kind
0:26:01 of be able to
0:26:03 elaborate upon
0:26:05 in dawa
0:26:07 because this is a very key key issue
0:26:10 you got it
0:26:12 oh are you looking at me i thought you
0:26:13 had something there
0:26:18 yeah it was a bit unrelated here right
0:26:20 okay
0:26:21 okay
0:26:23 what does the quran is believe that the
0:26:24 role of the prophet was was it only to
0:26:26 spread the revelation
0:26:27 we're going to speak to jake
0:26:30 you got it okay perfect
0:26:32 one of the brothers who was a qurani
0:26:34 he's going to tell us his experiences
0:26:36 with them i'm going to call him in about
0:26:38 five minutes
0:26:39 yeah uh it's verse 44. i've only got the
0:26:42 translation to me so
0:26:44 it says what translates as we sent we
0:26:46 sent them with clear proofs and divine
0:26:48 books
0:26:49 and we have sent down to you the
0:26:50 reminder so that you may explain to
0:26:52 people what has been revealed for them
0:26:54 and perhaps they will reflect okay this
0:26:56 is a very very very very important verse
0:26:59 potentially the most important on this
0:27:00 matter
0:27:02 can you say one more time jerry please
0:27:04 i'll have to open it back up can you see
0:27:06 yeah well
0:27:07 who remembers the reference
0:27:09 chapter 16 verse 44.
0:27:12 the one i said
0:27:14 [Laughter]
0:27:16 so
0:27:17 it says we sent them a clear proofs and
0:27:19 divine books and we have sent down to
0:27:21 you the reminder so that you may explain
0:27:23 to people what has been revealed for
0:27:25 them and perhaps they will reflect so
0:27:27 here yes authority is given to the
0:27:29 prophet salallahu tafsir basically isn't
0:27:31 it
0:27:33 his tafsir is outside of the quran then
0:27:35 obviously we need something outside of
0:27:37 the quran beautiful beautiful beautiful
0:27:39 beautiful i'll tell you something guys
0:27:40 yeah these are all fantastic
0:27:43 and excellent and important things to
0:27:45 say and i'll tell you one thing
0:27:46 additionally
0:27:47 that people say which any lay person can
0:27:49 say any lay person can say
0:27:52 okay
0:27:53 um we have five pillars of islam
0:27:56 we have five pillars of islam and all
0:27:57 five pillars of islam are mentioned in
0:27:58 the quran correct
0:28:00 they have six pillars of iman which is a
0:28:02 faith and all six pillars of iman are
0:28:04 mentioned in the quran correct okay
0:28:07 but the
0:28:08 the details on the five pillars of islam
0:28:12 for example if someone wants to pray
0:28:15 where are these details found
0:28:17 are they found the quran
0:28:20 some of
0:28:21 some of those details are from the quran
0:28:23 but are the exact rakaas
0:28:26 how many times you go up and how many
0:28:27 times none of that is found in the quran
0:28:31 none of that is found in the quran
0:28:34 so allah is telling us to do things in
0:28:35 the quran pray fast go hajj
0:28:39 but then we don't know how to do any of
0:28:41 that unless
0:28:42 we have an outside explanation
0:28:44 and the brother already showed us that
0:28:46 this ayah
0:28:47 shows you with the importance of an
0:28:49 outside expression the authority as he
0:28:50 put it rightly of the prophet to give
0:28:52 that outside expression
0:28:55 in fact yeah notre dame he said this in
0:28:57 a very beautiful way
0:28:59 he said that the quran is like the
0:29:00 constitution
0:29:02 and the hadith or the sahih hadith are
0:29:04 like the laws
0:29:06 you know how you have in a country you
0:29:07 have the constitution
0:29:09 you know like the codified constitution
0:29:11 and then outside of that you have older
0:29:13 laws this is a very good way of putting
0:29:14 it
0:29:16 because you can't really know the full
0:29:18 legal picture
0:29:20 by just looking at the constitution
0:29:24 you can be a constitutional lawyer
0:29:26 but you will not be a good one if you
0:29:28 don't know the laws
0:29:31 you know and that that is the case uh
0:29:32 with the quran and the sunnah i think is
0:29:34 a good tashbee
0:29:36 i'll tell you one thing though these are
0:29:38 all kind of stock arguments
0:29:41 i had discussion with quite unknown
0:29:42 people many times
0:29:45 and two things i brought up which
0:29:47 because they expect all of what we've
0:29:48 just said now because they've heard it
0:29:50 so much because any lay person can say
0:29:51 it to them
0:29:53 so i've said two things to them that has
0:29:54 really thrown them like they had no idea
0:29:57 how to answer it
0:29:58 you can find this online you know i'm
0:29:59 not making this i'm not bragging here
0:30:01 you know
0:30:03 one of them
0:30:04 is in chapter 33 of the quran
0:30:09 because you know in the quran many times
0:30:10 it says
0:30:13 which we is by the way it's also hebrew
0:30:15 word
0:30:16 which means the wisdom right and most
0:30:18 profession most exegetes say this is
0:30:20 talking about the sunnah the hikmas or
0:30:22 the quran
0:30:24 yeah and we gave the prophet you know
0:30:26 the book and the hikmah or the
0:30:30 so we ask so this is the usual debate we
0:30:32 say okay well this is the quran and this
0:30:34 is the heckman is the wisdom that allah
0:30:36 has given to the prophet muhammad
0:30:38 they say no this is nonsense they say
0:30:39 this is your interpretation you're
0:30:41 superimposing your understanding
0:30:44 there is one verse in the quran where
0:30:46 allah is speaking to the wives of the
0:30:47 prophet
0:31:00 what in your houses
0:31:14 the verses of god meaning the quran
0:31:19 so there are two things being recited
0:31:20 here
0:31:21 these are these are two separate
0:31:22 entities you have the quran
0:31:24 and you have the hikmah and it can't be
0:31:26 the same thing because a lot of them
0:31:28 will say the hikmah is the quran
0:31:30 itself
0:31:31 but how could it be when both are being
0:31:32 recited and in arabic they say
0:31:40 that conjunction like the word and is a
0:31:42 conjunction in english yeah
0:31:44 conjunction necessitates differentiation
0:31:49 this is a very well known arabic
0:31:51 principle yeah so if you have two things
0:31:53 ayatollah ayatullah yeah which is the
0:31:56 ayat of the verses of god and the hikmah
0:31:58 and there's a well in between them that
0:32:00 must mean two different things
0:32:02 which can be recited
0:32:04 interestingly meaning it can be
0:32:05 mentioned by mouth
0:32:09 and that allah is telling the wives of
0:32:11 the prophet to
0:32:12 mention both not just one
0:32:14 so what is this
0:32:19 and i will say like this he has no
0:32:22 response to that whatsoever so that's
0:32:24 one thing
0:32:25 the other thing is the
0:32:27 recently i've done this and i thought it
0:32:28 was a creative argument and i i turned
0:32:30 that to be correct
0:32:31 is the argument of the
0:32:34 we know that some we went through this
0:32:35 with the preservation thing we have
0:32:37 something you know
0:32:39 the quran
0:32:48 so you'll find some on select words
0:32:50 about 700 to be exact in the quran which
0:32:53 is about 77 000 words you can read it in
0:32:55 more than one way
0:32:57 how would you explain that
0:32:58 without this hadith you would have to
0:33:00 say there's been some kind of
0:33:01 manipulation
0:33:04 so when you put that to them what do you
0:33:05 accept medical medic
0:33:07 and whatever you choose
0:33:08 the other one that you reject
0:33:10 what's your mechanism of rejection
0:33:13 if they don't have the ahref as a
0:33:14 mechanism then they're admitting
0:33:16 omission or insurgent which is outside
0:33:18 of the hives of allah with the
0:33:20 protection of allah and the quran itself
0:33:21 says
0:33:24 we have sent down the book and we will
0:33:26 preserve it
0:33:28 so
0:33:29 it's ironic when you disbelieve in the
0:33:30 quran
0:33:31 when you disbelieve in the hadith you
0:33:33 end up just believing the quran
0:33:37 because they work in symbiotic
0:33:38 relationship with one another
0:33:40 they were they they work in symbiosic
0:33:42 relationship and the way the quran has
0:33:44 been revealed and protected is the same
0:33:46 way the hadith has been protected by
0:33:48 sanat
0:33:50 so on a historical level i can let's put
0:33:52 away all these discussions
0:33:55 there are some hadith with with even
0:33:57 more voracious
0:33:58 there i even say asani than the quran
0:34:00 itself
0:34:02 for example ironically
0:34:04 the hadith says
0:34:08 narrated by 40 individuals sahabah
0:34:12 whoever lies about me intentionally the
0:34:14 prophet said whoever lies about me
0:34:15 intentionally let him prepare his seat
0:34:16 in the hellfire
0:34:18 being narrated by 40 individuals
0:34:20 4-0
0:34:22 some even say 120
0:34:26 depending on who's narrating about at
0:34:28 least 40.
0:34:29 this hadith is rock-solid
0:34:32 it's a piece of historical
0:34:34 uh it's a marvel of historical uh
0:34:37 preservation
0:34:39 it's a magnificent piece we know the
0:34:41 prophet said that
0:34:43 he surely said that that's it
0:34:46 so
0:34:47 on what basis do we say he didn't
0:34:50 um you'd have to make some kind of a
0:34:52 foolish argument
0:34:54 now what i want you to do with the
0:34:55 person next to you is considering all
0:34:57 that i've said i want you to think about
0:34:59 how
0:35:01 a person who is a quran alone will make
0:35:04 their strongest argument
0:35:06 and how they will play devil's advocate
0:35:08 so i'll give you three minutes
0:35:09 we've put out there really the simple
0:35:12 arguments but the very cutthroat and
0:35:14 undercutting arguments i would say about
0:35:16 the quran and the hadith
0:35:18 so the task is now put yourself in their
0:35:20 shoes
0:35:22 what would you say back to this okay
0:35:24 i'll give you three to five minutes and
0:35:25 in that time i'm gonna be calling jake
0:35:27 yeah
0:35:31 all right now um so hopefully you've had
0:35:33 time to think about it let's um get some
0:35:36 feedback from the participants here
0:35:39 what are
0:35:40 some of the things
0:35:42 that you think they would say
0:35:45 as their strongest arguments
0:35:48 yeah i'm not sure if this is an actual
0:35:50 position of theirs but i think they
0:35:51 could argue that uh we're not saying the
0:35:54 prophet's
0:35:55 commands or words are useless but uh it
0:35:57 has uh it's not uh infallible
0:36:00 so uh so it's less authoritative than
0:36:04 what the students would uh argue okay
0:36:06 but even that doesn't that doesn't
0:36:08 that's not another card for our position
0:36:10 so even if they said that yeah it
0:36:11 wouldn't mean anything but but um yeah
0:36:14 it's not under our position but they
0:36:15 could make sense of that
0:36:17 so so let's focus on the undercut for
0:36:19 opposition what do you think they would
0:36:20 say because remember their position is
0:36:21 very clear that you don't need the sun
0:36:22 at all it's not that oh you know the
0:36:24 sunnah is valuable but it's not as
0:36:25 valuable as you guys think it is
0:36:27 if that's a soft position
0:36:29 their position is stronger than that
0:36:30 their position is the sunnah is not even
0:36:32 required in the first place and they go
0:36:33 further than that in fact some of them
0:36:35 as jake will tell us when his his time
0:36:36 to he was part of the he was ahead
0:36:38 actually or a head body not maybe but he
0:36:40 can tell us where he was he was a higher
0:36:42 up one of the top men of that
0:36:43 organization
0:36:45 you know uh he'll tell us what kind of
0:36:46 things he used to say go ahead
0:36:48 i'm not really sure but there's one um
0:36:52 non-muslim scholars orientalist guy
0:36:54 called shaqt and he said that the sunnah
0:36:56 was invented by imam shafi to the whole
0:36:58 song
0:37:00 he said the whole sunnah was created by
0:37:02 imam shafi because
0:37:03 as a legislative
0:37:05 source yeah yeah um
0:37:08 they're gonna say that they're gonna say
0:37:09 something like it was all made up i do
0:37:11 think i don't know if once again we can
0:37:12 ask jake whether to actually look at
0:37:14 because the scene is one of the most for
0:37:16 them at least impressive orientalists
0:37:19 and you know it's a very
0:37:21 well known understanding that and this
0:37:23 you should actually know this guy's name
0:37:25 because in or in academic circles he's
0:37:27 actually seen as a big shot even he's
0:37:29 not alive now but he was seen as a big
0:37:31 shot
0:37:33 and
0:37:34 he was making these kinds of arguments
0:37:35 that the sunnah was an imposition of the
0:37:37 tabi and the or that by tepang kind of
0:37:39 thing right and that it was something
0:37:41 which was made up in the third century
0:37:42 we heard this kind of thing now in kind
0:37:44 of missionary circles and stuff like
0:37:45 that
0:37:46 uh and that there was a need to kind of
0:37:48 invest or made
0:37:51 kind of influences and stuff like that
0:37:53 yeah you should know his theories and i
0:37:55 think there may be a scope for
0:37:57 or maybe they are influenced by these
0:37:59 orientalists it's possible it's possible
0:38:03 anything uh else yeah i'd say
0:38:05 perhaps um a counter argument to the uh
0:38:08 before we get to counter arguments okay
0:38:10 let's keep with the arguments first
0:38:12 what could they say back
0:38:14 because i'll be honest with you i've
0:38:15 never met a formidable formidable
0:38:16 opponent
0:38:18 a lot of them come to the park and you
0:38:20 know they're not from they're actually
0:38:21 not formidable
0:38:22 some of them may be on the spectrum in
0:38:23 fact and i'm not saying that as a
0:38:25 disrespect you know they might be on
0:38:26 spectrum i don't know they seem like
0:38:30 they were just not um coherent
0:38:33 they were not coherent whatever they
0:38:34 were saying was nonsense
0:38:36 um
0:38:37 anyways anything else
0:38:39 what could they say is the question
0:38:42 there is one verse they use i don't say
0:38:44 they can make a strong argument with it
0:38:46 but they use it quite often it's uh let
0:38:48 me pull it up here
0:38:58 that's probably the most consistent
0:39:00 thing i've heard from them yeah yeah so
0:39:01 they'll say you know
0:39:05 and i think this is basically the
0:39:06 fallacy of convocation right
0:39:08 the fallacy of equivocation as we've
0:39:10 kind of covered quite a lot in this
0:39:12 session or these sessions
0:39:14 is when you say that well you use the
0:39:16 same word hadith
0:39:19 you know
0:39:20 or in this case you should say the
0:39:21 doctor the doctor he's a good doctor
0:39:23 he's a professor or he's a lecturer
0:39:25 oh i need i need someone to help me or
0:39:28 someone's dying doctors and the
0:39:29 professor comes in and starts
0:39:31 trying to administer cpr this is not the
0:39:33 doctor that was intended
0:39:35 you're equivocating the use of the word
0:39:37 doctor
0:39:38 you know in this case but in that case
0:39:40 as well
0:39:40 they're saying
0:39:44 this is not this is not an evidence of
0:39:46 anything it doesn't say that you should
0:39:47 not believe in hadith
0:39:50 this is it's not saying you should not
0:39:52 there's there's nothing in the language
0:39:53 or the syntax or the structure of that
0:39:55 sentence in the quran
0:39:57 that is saying this is the only thing
0:39:59 that you have to believe in
0:40:02 is such a misapplied there is actually
0:40:05 no argument to be made here you can't
0:40:07 use it as an argument it's saying what
0:40:09 would so this is a quran this is a
0:40:10 hadith that is referring to
0:40:12 because the quran the hadith has been
0:40:14 referred to hadith means something which
0:40:15 is spoken
0:40:17 something which is said okay
0:40:21 they say you know he spoke to me or he i
0:40:23 heard from this person
0:40:26 the quran is from that perspective is
0:40:27 saying that after this
0:40:30 quran has been presented what
0:40:32 speech will you believe in if not this
0:40:35 kind of speech
0:40:38 it's not saying don't believe in any
0:40:39 other speech it simply does not even say
0:40:41 that
0:40:42 you see what i mean
0:40:44 it doesn't say
0:40:46 hadith
0:40:47 you know whatever you know
0:40:49 it's not an argument yeah
0:40:52 um
0:40:54 another argument you often hear is that
0:40:56 uh there are there are hadith which seem
0:40:59 to contradict the quran
0:41:00 um so yeah because obviously the quran
0:41:03 is like infallible like you know there's
0:41:04 no argument um you know no one speaks
0:41:07 the quran so therefore when we see the
0:41:09 hadith uh you know it cannot construct
0:41:11 the quran um and you know things like
0:41:13 abrogation like
0:41:14 yeah for example that you can't accept
0:41:16 hadith that you know abrogates or
0:41:17 contradicts the quran from the sense
0:41:18 right so there's two issues here the the
0:41:20 one about the hadith um sorry the
0:41:22 contribution of quran
0:41:25 if there's a situation where the hadith
0:41:27 contradicts your quran even if the sahih
0:41:29 is usually actually rejected
0:41:31 and there are examples of this like for
0:41:33 example the famous hadith
0:41:34 in muslim
0:41:36 which is it has a sanat which is sahih
0:41:39 but it's been narrated by
0:41:41 one of the people that actually used to
0:41:42 be at qatar before
0:41:45 and i'm not sure if you've seen this
0:41:46 hadith but it's like on monday the trees
0:41:48 were created on tuesday that you know
0:41:50 that kind of thing on friday was created
0:41:52 from dust
0:41:54 imam bukhari himself he rejects his
0:41:56 hadith
0:41:57 rejects his hadith and they reject on
0:41:59 the basis
0:42:08 he was a jew he may very well have been
0:42:10 influenced by the genesis narratives or
0:42:12 whatever you know
0:42:14 a lot of people that came from uh
0:42:15 previous religions they can influence
0:42:17 the religion so even though the the
0:42:19 chain is actually sound the people are
0:42:22 you know uh
0:42:24 that they have they're fine memories
0:42:25 okay but there's some other issues
0:42:27 called
0:42:28 hidden defects of the hadith and there's
0:42:30 some methane or
0:42:32 in the text of the hadith contradictions
0:42:34 with the quran and that's allah in and
0:42:36 of itself
0:42:37 so uh for that reason actually
0:42:40 it's not we don't have a problem in
0:42:42 saying we do believe the quran
0:42:44 supreme
0:42:45 the other issue of obligation
0:42:48 i'm not sure if i would say the majority
0:42:49 but it seems at least the majority
0:42:51 it could be
0:42:52 say that there's no abrogation of the
0:42:54 son of the quran
0:42:55 they so that position is a fine position
0:42:58 the position of
0:43:00 and we're not going to go into a deep
0:43:01 discussion of this but the position of
0:43:03 the sunnah does not abrogate the quran
0:43:07 although there are some people who argue
0:43:08 that it does
0:43:10 okay
0:43:11 but the majority i would say say that
0:43:13 the sunnah cannot or does not
0:43:16 uh abrogate the quran or the quran
0:43:18 abrogates itself
0:43:21 and they cannot regret the son of but
0:43:22 the sunnah cannot bring the quran this
0:43:24 is the majority opinion so if they have
0:43:26 that position it's a very mainstream
0:43:27 normative position anyway it's not it's
0:43:29 not a an issue and according to the
0:43:31 syothi
0:43:33 there's only 20 verses of abrogation in
0:43:35 the quran
0:43:37 anyway we're not talking about like you
0:43:38 know of 6200 6236 once again do the math
0:43:41 20 out of 6 000 as well i don't know you
0:43:44 know not even one percent
0:43:46 so we're talking about a very small
0:43:48 percentage of the quran which is has
0:43:50 been abrogated or things have been
0:43:51 abrogated
0:43:52 and the majority of scholars say that
0:43:55 the sunnah cannot abrogate the quran so
0:43:57 that we can circumnavigate i mean that's
0:43:59 not it's a non-issue it does nothing for
0:44:00 them it's not it's not
0:44:02 a lone argument this is a argument
0:44:08 yes anything else they could say
0:44:10 remember
0:44:11 uh follow god and uh follow the quran
0:44:14 and the prophet uh so there are some who
0:44:16 argue that uh it's only limited to the
0:44:18 time of the prophet you said there's no
0:44:19 uh evidences suggest that
0:44:21 it's not present it's not applicable for
0:44:23 us as well yeah what is the point of the
0:44:24 hadith where the prophet said uh do not
0:44:26 write down my hadees
0:44:28 and then they do the conjunction in
0:44:30 conjunction with that verse and say this
0:44:31 shows that the the the
0:44:33 hadith is basically only for the time of
0:44:35 the sahaja yoga that's a good question i
0:44:36 mean first and foremost if they point to
0:44:38 hadith i see your your your
0:44:40 yeah
0:44:41 your position from your own uh yeah yeah
0:44:42 no problem i would say that it's okay
0:44:44 fine i'll say first and foremost are we
0:44:46 looking at heath or not right but anyway
0:44:47 no problem
0:44:48 um let's look at hadees in the beginning
0:44:50 we know in mecca period the meccan
0:44:52 period the prophet sallam forbade
0:44:56 the people from writing his hadith is
0:44:58 that's true
0:44:59 and the reason why it's very clear is
0:45:01 because if if people were writing down
0:45:03 two things the hadith and the quran
0:45:05 there could be a mix-up
0:45:07 so to
0:45:08 keep the quran very pure
0:45:10 or the the narrative of the quran very
0:45:12 pure
0:45:12 that was the case but if we're looking
0:45:14 at the hadith
0:45:16 we know also that the prophet sallam he
0:45:19 said afterwards he told the people to
0:45:21 write
0:45:23 and the evidence of that is in buhari
0:45:24 where ibn abhishek you know there's a
0:45:26 person it's called
0:45:28 there's a person called ibn abisha
0:45:30 there was something the prophet was
0:45:32 saying
0:45:32 and the prophets are salami told them
0:45:34 right for ibn
0:45:36 so there were so so clearly there wasn't
0:45:38 if you want abrogation
0:45:40 clearly there was a there was a
0:45:41 different attitude why because it had
0:45:43 been established the quran had been
0:45:45 written the sahaba had been many we are
0:45:47 not in a situation of weakness there
0:45:49 were so many environmental factors which
0:45:51 have changed which no longer is there a
0:45:53 requirement not to write the hadith and
0:45:56 don't forget also that in the beginning
0:45:57 in the meccan period there was not that
0:45:59 many commandments
0:46:01 and the famous
0:46:05 means a saying of a sahaba companion so
0:46:08 the famous author of
0:46:10 where she said that had the first things
0:46:12 been revealed
0:46:13 you know don't do zina or don't drink
0:46:15 alcohol that no one would have believed
0:46:16 in it that's why we needed to have kind
0:46:18 of like the
0:46:19 sorry the heaven and hell verses come
0:46:20 first
0:46:22 so it made sense not to even have
0:46:24 command like heavy commandments in the
0:46:26 beginning of islam because
0:46:28 people by their nature it's very
0:46:30 difficult to get into a system 100
0:46:31 percent first becoming a muslim and now
0:46:33 you know you're already being tortured
0:46:35 and boycotted in addition to that now
0:46:36 you have to pray five times a day and
0:46:38 this should be 2.5 of your wealth and
0:46:40 maybe uh 30 days of ramallah it's pretty
0:46:43 taxing
0:46:44 so in the beginning of islam we didn't
0:46:46 have that many commands there was less
0:46:47 of a need and a necessity for there to
0:46:49 be written hadith
0:46:51 but then afterwards if we're looking and
0:46:52 consulting the hadith which
0:46:54 clearly the prophet um he changed the
0:46:57 attitude and the command
0:46:59 when the quran when the preservation of
0:47:01 the quran people got into a system of
0:47:02 how to write the quran to memorize it to
0:47:04 understand it to read in the prayers
0:47:06 that makes perfect sense
0:47:08 you know so if they use this it's once
0:47:10 again this is it's a segmented type of
0:47:12 evidence-making you take one bit and you
0:47:14 leave another bit we say no but you have
0:47:16 to be aware of these hadith which are
0:47:18 clear about writing like this is a good
0:47:20 one here of ibn bishop but there are
0:47:22 others
0:47:23 yes um another common argument which
0:47:26 i've heard is the ayah um
0:47:29 uh which mentions that we have sent down
0:47:30 this um
0:47:32 book as a tibian
0:47:34 which contains everything within it of
0:47:36 guidance and mercy my good talents for
0:47:38 those who submit truth so they usually
0:47:40 use this as evidence to say that the
0:47:41 quran like it contains everything that
0:47:43 you need so there's no need to go
0:47:45 outside of the quran
0:47:46 and another verse which i think is
0:47:47 probably clearer in this regard is
0:47:49 method
0:47:51 that we haven't left out anything in
0:47:52 this book
0:47:53 now first and foremost
0:47:55 uh this ayah maharaja kitab and shay
0:47:58 what is meant by this kitab is it
0:48:00 talking about the quran
0:48:02 so there's a difference of opinion here
0:48:04 number one
0:48:05 number two we all really know from the
0:48:07 quranic discourses and from the hadith
0:48:09 discourses but even if they don't take
0:48:11 the hadith verses right
0:48:12 that sometimes you can have what is
0:48:14 referred to as
0:48:19 or the thing which is generic in its
0:48:21 description which
0:48:22 means something specific
0:48:24 so that's another thing like
0:48:28 you know that the wind destroys
0:48:29 everything with the command of allah
0:48:31 you know it's a also the example
0:48:33 everyone uses it
0:48:34 so when you see kul and all these kind
0:48:36 of generic terms it doesn't mean every
0:48:37 single thing
0:48:39 that's why a lot of scholars when this
0:48:40 this verse matha rotten effect and shay
0:48:42 we haven't left anything from this book
0:48:45 they say
0:48:46 almost
0:48:48 or the things which are generic not the
0:48:49 specific things so going back to
0:48:51 constitutional example the constitution
0:48:53 actually as albani says you know it's
0:48:56 like the constitution
0:48:57 it
0:48:58 lays out the main things
0:49:01 but then you've got these subsidiary
0:49:02 things
0:49:03 which are you know
0:49:06 because think about it if you understood
0:49:08 this verse
0:49:10 on prima facie value
0:49:12 then there would be a contradiction with
0:49:14 the reality because a quran doesn't it
0:49:16 doesn't have physics in there
0:49:17 doesn't have quantum mechanics
0:49:19 doesn't have medicine
0:49:21 so we haven't left out anything in this
0:49:22 book okay there's no there's no zoology
0:49:24 in there oh therefore the quran is wrong
0:49:26 then if you understand that verse like
0:49:27 that then
0:49:28 you've misunderstood the quran it's
0:49:30 talking about in generic terms there are
0:49:31 things that we have to know
0:49:33 and it would make the quran it's like we
0:49:35 said before it would make some of its
0:49:37 commandments unintelligible
0:49:40 and go and ask the people of knowledge
0:49:41 why did you need to ask anybody all the
0:49:43 information should be in the quran right
0:49:45 but the quran is telling you go and ask
0:49:47 someone else
0:50:02 there are people that can do simba which
0:50:04 is basically a kind of exegesis or
0:50:06 hermeneutical approach where you're
0:50:07 bringing out
0:50:09 the the the commandments
0:50:12 so who is the who are these people
0:50:15 yes
0:50:18 who are they
0:50:19 there are people who have the ability to
0:50:21 make extraction to extract but they've
0:50:23 been given authority by allah
0:50:25 but they are not in the they are not the
0:50:26 quran itself
0:50:28 you see so there are lots of verses like
0:50:30 that um
0:50:31 now i want to speak to jake because he
0:50:33 was actually part of this movement in
0:50:34 america uh in fact he's one of the top
0:50:36 men there in that movement being
0:50:38 elevated
0:50:39 and he's he was with us as many of you
0:50:41 know uh he graced us with his presence
0:50:43 and came and done many uh sessions we
0:50:45 want him to come over again he came to
0:50:47 speak his corner but tell us jake uh we
0:50:49 can hear you
0:50:50 we put your loudspeaker tell us your
0:50:52 experiences with this group some of the
0:50:54 arguments that they put forward
0:50:58 yes
0:51:00 thanks for inviting me guys
0:51:04 i couldn't i couldn't honestly i
0:51:06 couldn't hear much of what was said from
0:51:08 the other brothers i heard certain
0:51:09 verses being mentioned so apologize if i
0:51:13 repeat anything that was already said
0:51:15 um but yeah i was a quite honest for for
0:51:18 many years so i kind of know a lot of
0:51:20 the arguments inside and out so let me
0:51:22 just share a couple of them
0:51:25 one of the points that they'll bring up
0:51:26 is the fact that the quran declares
0:51:30 itself to be uh tafsil
0:51:33 that it's a detailed explanation of all
0:51:35 things you can find this in the quran
0:51:37 chapter 12 verse 11.
0:51:40 you can also find in
0:51:41 chapter 16 verse 89 where it mentions
0:51:44 that the quran is an explanation of
0:51:47 everything that it clarifies everything
0:51:49 as well
0:51:50 and so they use these type of verses to
0:51:53 say well if the quran is a detailed
0:51:55 explanation of everything
0:51:58 and that it's a clarification of
0:52:00 everything that it sort of explains
0:52:02 everything then we don't need anything
0:52:04 else um and there are
0:52:07 several verses but those are just two
0:52:09 that they use to try to uh make this
0:52:12 argument
0:52:13 not only that
0:52:15 the the verse that was mentioned earlier
0:52:17 uh quran 45 verse 6 where it says in
0:52:20 what hadith after allah and his ayat
0:52:23 will you trust and what you believe i
0:52:25 think you've already addressed that but
0:52:26 that's also a popular verse that they
0:52:28 use
0:52:29 and then
0:52:31 there are other verses uh for example in
0:52:34 the quran chapter 5 verses 15 and 16
0:52:37 where it explicitly states that the
0:52:39 quran
0:52:41 uh that with it be he singular
0:52:43 allah
0:52:46 people out of darkness into light
0:52:49 and so
0:52:50 again the question is well if the quran
0:52:52 is what allah subhanahu wa ta'ala alone
0:52:55 is guiding you or using to guide people
0:52:57 out of darkness to light we don't really
0:52:59 need anything because
0:53:01 when muslims pray five times a day we
0:53:03 say
0:53:06 well in this verse it says that the
0:53:07 quran is what guides to
0:53:10 the uh
0:53:12 the straight path
0:53:13 and then you have an explanation in the
0:53:15 quran itself and i'm not trying not to
0:53:17 pile too many things on because i want
0:53:19 to be fair although i think
0:53:21 quite obviously that the hadith rejecter
0:53:24 position is false
0:53:26 i want to be um you know fair to
0:53:28 represent them accurately so i'm giving
0:53:30 at least a couple arguments
0:53:32 uh you also find in the quran in chapter
0:53:35 6 verses 151 to 153
0:53:38 it gives an explanation of what is
0:53:41 deemed haram or or what people should
0:53:43 not do and what they should do uh being
0:53:46 good to parents uh staying away from
0:53:48 from worshiping other than allah all
0:53:50 these things mentioned and then in verse
0:53:52 153
0:53:54 it says and this is my uh straight path
0:53:57 so follow it and don't follow other ways
0:53:59 so again we see that the quran
0:54:02 is what guides uh to the straight path
0:54:04 and if that's what muslims are looking
0:54:06 for we also see that in the quran itself
0:54:08 it tells you what that straight path is
0:54:11 there's no need for going outside the
0:54:13 quran we have everything that we need
0:54:15 here
0:54:16 um you know and there are other verses
0:54:18 that talk about the quran and islam the
0:54:20 complete perfect
0:54:22 fully detailed and that allah subhanawat
0:54:25 alone is the guide um and even as sunnis
0:54:29 of course we believe this but they
0:54:31 slightly have a misconception about this
0:54:33 they think that if you're going to other
0:54:35 sources besides the quran then you're
0:54:38 you're going directly against the verses
0:54:40 and i'll just give one last verse which
0:54:42 they mentioned which is in quran chapter
0:54:45 6 verse 114
0:54:47 where it says i'll just read this one
0:54:49 then is it other than allah i should
0:54:51 seek as a judge while it is he who has
0:54:54 revealed to you the book the quran
0:54:57 explained in detail
0:54:59 and those to whom we previously gave the
0:55:01 scripture know that it is sent down from
0:55:03 your lord
0:55:04 in truth so never be among the doubters
0:55:07 and so the argument is this is that
0:55:09 instead of asking a rhetorical question
0:55:11 that i don't need to seek a judge other
0:55:13 than allah and what is uh being
0:55:16 conflated with allah being a judge in
0:55:19 this verse is the fact that he's
0:55:21 revealed to you what the quran so i
0:55:23 don't need anything else if you can go
0:55:25 outside the quran you're seeking a judge
0:55:27 other than allah himself and so you're
0:55:30 in violation of this
0:55:32 verse
0:55:32 so these are some of the arguments i
0:55:34 don't want to pile too much on you guys
0:55:36 but um the main points have to do with
0:55:39 the quran being sufficient as a guide uh
0:55:42 to the straight path
0:55:44 and also the fact that it's claimed to
0:55:46 be uh tafsilli coulish that it details
0:55:49 everything and that it clarifies
0:55:51 everything um so yeah before we go to
0:55:55 refuting any of those points i'll just
0:55:56 allow you guys to come in and share your
0:55:58 thoughts on what i've said thank you so
0:56:00 much jake we'll allow them to think
0:56:02 about it first so you can speak to the
0:56:04 person next to you you've heard uh from
0:56:06 an ex-member you know of the group
0:56:08 themselves
0:56:09 what kind of um things you've you know
0:56:11 they use to be only cliche it's
0:56:14 something which is a clarify
0:56:15 clarification for everything you know
0:56:17 these verses that a lot of them which
0:56:18 you've already covered
0:56:20 speak with the person next year how
0:56:21 would you respond to that kind of
0:56:23 argumentation you've got five minutes
0:56:25 right so coming back to this um you know
0:56:28 they will use verses like you know that
0:56:30 the quran is tibian and
0:56:32 it's a clarification for all the things
0:56:34 uh the things that was
0:56:38 you know and these kinds of verses
0:56:40 uh what would be based on all that has
0:56:42 been said what would be some of your
0:56:43 responses to that
0:56:48 yes well
0:56:49 in the ayah and surah yusuf allah says
0:56:51 about um this is tafsil
0:56:54 he says in the same way
0:56:55 this is the very last time i saw yusuf
0:56:57 okay let me just let's get it let's get
0:56:59 the a.m let's make sure that we got um
0:57:02 muhammad pixels translation yeah yeah
0:57:04 and he and his because allah says
0:57:10 and then goes on to say so allah begins
0:57:11 the ayah by talking about and in these
0:57:13 stories
0:57:14 the stories of the prophets so allah is
0:57:15 not even saying
0:57:17 in this book
0:57:19 so if they claim that everything in this
0:57:20 book and only this book is an
0:57:22 explanation for everything there's
0:57:23 nothing outside this book
0:57:25 that's something they've added on to the
0:57:26 quran
0:57:28 because the law doesn't say that
0:57:29 explicitly
0:57:30 okay yeah he's saying in the stories and
0:57:32 we know the class is the story
0:57:34 exactly yeah okay okay yeah and the
0:57:36 classes of the prophets is the seerah is
0:57:37 the sunnah yeah yeah okay good this is
0:57:40 tough seal by the way not just here yeah
0:57:42 tough scene yeah yeah yeah i got you got
0:57:43 you got you got you
0:57:45 um
0:57:46 so exactly it's a good point because
0:57:47 it's kind of kind of your customer see
0:57:49 him yeah it's in their stories so this
0:57:51 is explaining all the matters relating
0:57:54 to
0:57:55 the stories and the kind of moralities
0:57:56 that we can extract from it's not saying
0:58:01 quantum physics and you know all the
0:58:02 things because once again lead to
0:58:04 absurdities right
0:58:06 uh what else you want to say
0:58:09 um
0:58:10 yeah i think basically we can just
0:58:11 accept it and the and the sunnah without
0:58:13 any contradiction basically like we
0:58:14 agree with all of these ayats which say
0:58:17 the quran is a guide and you know it's
0:58:19 efficient as a guide for us and within
0:58:21 this very quran is telling us to you
0:58:23 know obey allah and obey his messenger
0:58:25 and to you know look at what the prophet
0:58:27 saw he forbids and what he you know um
0:58:29 permits exactly so within the quran
0:58:31 itself is telling us to go outside of
0:58:32 the quran to the prophet sallallahu and
0:58:34 to those in
0:58:35 it's absolutely true that the quran can
0:58:37 guide you all these verses of guidance
0:58:39 and stuff like that you can be guided by
0:58:42 the quran alone it can guide you
0:58:44 straight to faith no doubt about it but
0:58:46 once it's done that it tells you how to
0:58:49 continue being guided
0:58:50 and it's done through the sunnah
0:58:52 it's there's no there's no contradiction
0:58:54 there it's like going to a surgeon
0:58:57 you can be uh restored from a health
0:58:59 perspective by going to a surgeon
0:59:01 they you have some kind of problem some
0:59:03 tumor is removed and the surgeon says if
0:59:06 you want the tumor not to come back you
0:59:07 have to take the establish
0:59:09 which is not explicitly in his realm of
0:59:11 surgery
0:59:12 but it started off by the surgery that
0:59:14 he was able to restore himself
0:59:16 so the idea of being guided by more than
0:59:19 the quran is the mountain
0:59:21 is the issue of
0:59:22 contention not that the quran itself
0:59:25 can be a source of guidance that there's
0:59:27 no issue of contention we all agree that
0:59:29 the quran itself has to prepare even one
0:59:31 area of the quran can guide somebody
0:59:33 one ayah one just as a courtesy by
0:59:36 itself someone can listen to it and
0:59:38 think this is it
0:59:42 because if
0:59:44 the idea is the quran can guide you and
0:59:46 nothing else but the quran can guide you
0:59:50 then what about not all of the quran but
0:59:52 some of it
0:59:53 but that doesn't that's not classified
0:59:55 as the entire of the entirety of the
0:59:56 quran so surely that can guide you as
0:59:58 well unless they want to say that i
1:00:00 can't in which case
1:00:01 what's the evidence for that i mean it
1:00:03 has guided people right
1:00:05 you know one verse can guide somebody
1:00:07 although the
1:00:09 hadith is weak because they don't care
1:00:11 about hadees
1:00:12 we the story of
1:00:14 you know taha and all these kind of
1:00:16 things and he was guided
1:00:18 there is some weakness in the hadith of
1:00:19 the conversion of sorry
1:00:21 however the point is is it's not
1:00:23 inconceivable that you can be guided by
1:00:25 less than the entirety of the quran
1:00:27 so it's not about this is not the the
1:00:29 issue here any other points that someone
1:00:31 wants to make
1:00:36 okay i think we've kind of covered it is
1:00:37 there anything else uh jake that you
1:00:38 want to make
1:00:39 on this
1:00:40 point
1:00:42 yeah i do want to give what i think is
1:00:44 uh
1:00:45 a death blow response to please the
1:00:48 divert the i have mentioned in uh quran
1:00:51 chapter 12 verse 11 the final
1:00:54 ayah and uh soldier youssef yeah and uh
1:00:57 for that you can go to um chapter six
1:01:01 one uh verse 154 where it talks about
1:01:04 muslim
1:01:05 says then we gave moses to scripture
1:01:08 making complete our favor upon the one
1:01:10 who did good
1:01:12 and as a detailed explanation of all
1:01:15 things
1:01:16 and a guidance mercy that perhaps in the
1:01:19 matter of the meeting uh with their lord
1:01:21 they should believe oh beautifully
1:01:26 phrase that's being used supposedly with
1:01:29 reference to the quran in that verse is
1:01:31 actually mentioned fantastic
1:01:34 i didn't even think it well i didn't
1:01:35 even think of that what a fantastic what
1:01:37 a fantastic answer
1:01:39 and just to repeat what he said just to
1:01:41 make sure everyone was today he's saying
1:01:42 well look
1:01:43 he's saying if this is to be understood
1:01:45 of the quran well if you look at chapter
1:01:47 1 chapter 6 verse 154
1:01:50 muslim
1:02:03 is mentioned about moses
1:02:05 so if it was that he gave moses
1:02:07 everything then the quran and this
1:02:09 discourse would be superfluous is this
1:02:11 the understanding bro yeah
1:02:13 yeah yeah so because then look you know
1:02:16 this is
1:02:17 unless i mean there's the quran itself
1:02:19 you've got to think of this right
1:02:21 does it contain things that the torah
1:02:23 did not it must be by virtue of reality
1:02:25 because muhammad sallallahu alaihi
1:02:27 sallam wasn't alive at the time of moses
1:02:30 so there's additional information in the
1:02:31 quran that it's not there in torah yet
1:02:34 both is referred to silicon
1:02:37 so it's and the concept the contents are
1:02:40 different
1:02:41 so it shows you that it must be
1:02:43 it must be the generic
1:02:45 uh the
1:02:46 uh
1:02:54 generically yes for all guidance the
1:02:55 quran has everything you need
1:02:57 generically that's true
1:02:59 it's like if i say to you look yeah the
1:03:01 sky is blue
1:03:03 now if you say look there's a few clouds
1:03:05 in the sky bro and you know and there's
1:03:07 a sun there as well which is kind of
1:03:08 yellow
1:03:10 it doesn't nullify my statement because
1:03:11 the majority of the sky is blue
1:03:14 and in the same way i'll say look the
1:03:15 quran
1:03:16 generically has everything you need in
1:03:18 guidance
1:03:19 that's true mushmelan as a general
1:03:21 general statement is true but there are
1:03:23 some things which the quran itself
1:03:25 devolves outside of it or seeds outside
1:03:27 of itself
1:03:28 any so um jaquie i wanted to ask you now
1:03:30 is that clear for everyone is there any
1:03:32 problems or
1:03:34 questions that anyone has for for jake
1:03:35 or anything yet
1:03:37 i would like to ask jake yeah
1:03:39 what does he feel the main reason is for
1:03:42 people go to the going to the quran only
1:03:44 stance all right so jake the question
1:03:46 was what what what was the what's the
1:03:48 main reason that people go to the quran
1:03:51 alone stunts
1:03:54 oh bro i think that's gonna
1:03:56 i think that's going to take a bit of
1:03:58 time i don't think it's a
1:03:59 one-size-fits-all answer
1:04:03 but i think
1:04:04 just keeping it simple it's largely due
1:04:06 to ignorance
1:04:09 most of the people who are hadith
1:04:11 rejecters they don't have a basic level
1:04:14 of understanding of the arabic of the
1:04:16 quran
1:04:17 they're sort of lone wolves
1:04:19 and
1:04:21 as i said previously they don't really
1:04:23 care about being involved in the
1:04:25 community
1:04:26 they're very rebellious i'm just
1:04:28 speaking about psychological traits
1:04:30 but
1:04:31 intellectually speaking i think it's due
1:04:33 to ignorance
1:04:35 and
1:04:36 the fact that they don't really know
1:04:38 that much i mean looking back upon
1:04:40 myself i can say that
1:04:42 um
1:04:43 so yeah i think it's due to ignorance
1:04:44 and also
1:04:46 looking at certain hadith where
1:04:49 they think conflict with the
1:04:51 you know modern understanding of things
1:04:54 whether it be politically or what have
1:04:56 you
1:04:58 they see problems with certain hadith
1:05:01 and in light of that without really
1:05:03 trying to understand these things
1:05:06 from an academic perspective and asking
1:05:09 people who would be able to explain
1:05:11 these things to them they just sort of
1:05:12 throw the baby out with the bath water
1:05:15 and uh say well you know i'm not going
1:05:17 to be involved with any hadith
1:05:18 whatsoever
1:05:19 and
1:05:20 so that's that's my understanding
1:05:23 beautiful um
1:05:26 one second
1:05:27 another question yep
1:05:28 um i should have specified obviously
1:05:31 they're all in a state of ignorance when
1:05:34 it comes to the quran yoon but what
1:05:36 about the ones who have actually looked
1:05:38 into um
1:05:40 sunni islam and their own quran yoon
1:05:44 stance
1:05:45 and have solidified their position i
1:05:47 know there may be some of them who are
1:05:48 in extreme ignorance but i was thinking
1:05:51 more along the lines of
1:05:53 this may be a mechanism for them to open
1:05:56 up the doors of their own desires
1:05:58 because all the akam which are in the
1:06:00 hadith
1:06:01 are now obliterated for them and they
1:06:03 can make their own tafsir of
1:06:06 quranic verses to an extent so they can
1:06:08 also remove
1:06:09 some of the akam
1:06:11 from the quran
1:06:12 and this kind of lets them do what they
1:06:14 want to a large extent while still
1:06:16 calling themselves muslim at least would
1:06:18 you agree with that
1:06:19 did you hear him uh jake
1:06:23 all right so he he said look i mean he
1:06:25 said um
1:06:27 he wanted to specify and say that what
1:06:29 about those who have been actually
1:06:31 exposed to the sunni position to hear
1:06:33 all the evidences that we've just
1:06:35 relayed
1:06:37 could it be to do with the fact that a
1:06:39 lot of the akam
1:06:40 or the junctions and prescriptions of
1:06:42 islam
1:06:44 they are contained in the hadith and
1:06:46 they want to be able to call themselves
1:06:47 muslim whilst at the same time
1:06:50 obliterating or nullifying
1:06:53 aspects of the sunnah which would mean
1:06:55 that they live a more restricted life
1:07:00 uh yeah that's part of it but i would
1:07:02 actually argue
1:07:03 that in many instances if you don't
1:07:06 incorporate the uh sunnah to clarify and
1:07:09 better understand what the
1:07:11 ah cam are and what the even the rulings
1:07:14 contained within the quran itself are
1:07:16 then you're going to lead uh it's going
1:07:18 to lead to absurdities i'll give just
1:07:20 one example where in the quran we know
1:07:22 that the punishment for the thief is
1:07:24 mentioned and actually if you look at
1:07:27 the wording of the uh ayah it says to
1:07:30 chop off both hands
1:07:32 it doesn't say to chop off one it says
1:07:35 to actually chop off both hands of the
1:07:37 uh the thief
1:07:38 and if you just take that on a
1:07:40 you know a straightforward basis with no
1:07:43 uh re recourse to the sun itself there's
1:07:46 no conditions about okay in what
1:07:49 condition is this actually implemented
1:07:51 there's no condition whatsoever and so
1:07:54 uh
1:07:54 you could actually argue from a purely
1:07:57 quotation perspective that no i mean if
1:08:00 if uh a person just takes an apple off
1:08:03 of a uh a food cart well chop both of
1:08:06 his hands off and i've actually had in
1:08:08 conversations when i brought this up to
1:08:10 hadith projectors i had a guy tell me
1:08:13 well yeah if a little boy steals an
1:08:15 apple off of a you know food cart yeah
1:08:18 chop both of his hands off and i said
1:08:19 really are you serious brother he said
1:08:21 yeah i'm an old school muslim that's how
1:08:23 i get down so
1:08:25 i'm just saying
1:08:27 this can actually lead to absurdities
1:08:30 when they actually when they think that
1:08:32 actually leaving the sunnah
1:08:35 leads to
1:08:36 what they might consider a more barbaric
1:08:39 interpretation of islam no in actual
1:08:41 fact if you don't have the sunnah to
1:08:43 clarify some of these matters you can
1:08:45 just carry out these punishments
1:08:47 unconditionally based on the quranic
1:08:49 text
1:08:50 so i
1:08:51 i yeah i see that that may be a
1:08:53 motivation for people but i would just
1:08:54 point out that it could actually lead to
1:08:58 the very thing which they're trying to
1:09:00 avoid
1:09:01 that's a very interesting way of putting
1:09:03 it um
1:09:05 what we will say now is i wanted to get
1:09:06 your
1:09:08 own experience jake
1:09:09 uh in this cult and um
1:09:12 being introduced to like some of the uh
1:09:14 themes of their kind of group including
1:09:16 the number 19 uh
1:09:19 theory
1:09:20 yeah i'm not sure if you guys have heard
1:09:22 of it rashad khalifa i think is he's an
1:09:24 egyptian guy unfortunately he really
1:09:26 shamed our population and our people
1:09:30 and he had this idea that number 19 was
1:09:32 like a recurring theme in the quran and
1:09:34 if you don't believe it some some of
1:09:35 them said that you're disbelieving all
1:09:37 these kinds of things i want to hear it
1:09:38 from you
1:09:40 what is this cult about bro and what are
1:09:42 they saying
1:09:46 yes so this this 19th cult and um i used
1:09:49 to be a part of it because i used to
1:09:50 believe in 19 in fact
1:09:52 people can't see me right now but i'm
1:09:54 holding a book that is called 19
1:09:57 god signature in nature and scripture um
1:10:00 it's well over 500 pages i've gone
1:10:01 through the whole thing with highlights
1:10:03 it's actually uh written by edit
1:10:05 mukeshel who's a turkish gentleman who's
1:10:08 actually the torch bearer uh for rashad
1:10:11 khalifa essentially when he got
1:10:12 assassinated is it still alive this guy
1:10:15 yeah i did
1:10:16 uh yeah he's still alive i've actually
1:10:18 debated him publicly uh people can check
1:10:20 it out yeah um i i met him
1:10:23 uh personally a couple times so i know
1:10:25 him quite well
1:10:27 um
1:10:28 yeah he's still alive and he has quite a
1:10:30 following on youtube he's got over a
1:10:32 hundred thousand subscribers so people
1:10:34 follow this guy and uh as fa ma um
1:10:37 you know actually when i became a quit
1:10:39 highness and i searched online this
1:10:41 stuff
1:10:42 this is the first people you'll come
1:10:44 across as rashad khalifa and edubuxel i
1:10:47 bought all their books and i i sort of
1:10:48 became obsessed with it unfortunately um
1:10:52 so
1:10:53 this idea of 19
1:10:56 was started by rashad khalifa in the
1:10:59 early 1970s i think 1974
1:11:02 which they also claim is a miracle
1:11:04 because this whole idea that the quran
1:11:07 is mathematically coded by a system of
1:11:10 19. now i'll give an example of what i
1:11:12 mean by that
1:11:13 take for example that the quran has 114
1:11:17 chapters or soras well they say that's
1:11:19 actually divisible by 19
1:11:22 and so
1:11:23 which is a prime number and they say
1:11:25 what's so miraculous about uh 19 is that
1:11:28 it's a prime number so the fact that
1:11:30 many things in the quran are
1:11:32 mathematically coded to be divisible uh
1:11:35 or to be multiples of 19 is miraculous
1:11:38 and they show that you know out of the
1:11:40 range of probability they give you all
1:11:42 these numbers
1:11:45 jake didn't
1:11:46 himself say that
1:11:48 were not part of the quran
1:11:52 um not to my knowledge
1:11:56 i don't recall that
1:12:00 yeah i don't recall that but
1:12:02 so
1:12:03 um yeah
1:12:05 if they do say that that would probably
1:12:06 ask
1:12:08 yeah
1:12:09 so
1:12:09 here's a problem for their theory one of
1:12:11 the examples that they use is that the
1:12:13 name of allah in the quran
1:12:16 they say that it has to be a multiple of
1:12:18 19.
1:12:20 now given the fact that it has to be
1:12:22 multiple 19 what they've done is they
1:12:24 did all the calculations they might have
1:12:26 left the amount of letters in there or
1:12:28 what
1:12:30 no no no the the amount of times that
1:12:32 the name of allah subhanahu wa appears
1:12:34 in the quran so they said whatever that
1:12:37 total amount is has to be a multiple of
1:12:40 19. so it has to be divisible by 19. why
1:12:45 well because that's that's the part this
1:12:47 is the whole theory
1:12:49 [Laughter]
1:12:55 this is the thing it's totally arbitrary
1:12:58 right
1:12:58 why is it that the name of allah has to
1:13:01 be in their multiple of 19 but not uh
1:13:04 another pr specific um
1:13:08 name of allah like a rahman for example
1:13:11 why is that
1:13:12 there's no justification for it
1:13:14 whatsoever it's just completely
1:13:16 arbitrary nily willy but leaving that
1:13:19 aside for a second
1:13:20 um
1:13:21 you actually made a comment earlier
1:13:23 about what these people think well i'll
1:13:25 read you from this book 19 itself
1:13:28 straight from the barrel we don't need
1:13:30 to you know make this stuff up on our
1:13:32 own
1:13:33 now i want to remind people because this
1:13:34 is something very important you know
1:13:37 some people think well these kodanas
1:13:40 they're actually very you know modern
1:13:42 modest people they're like liberal
1:13:44 leftists and they want everybody to get
1:13:46 along well actually in fact i'm sorry to
1:13:48 say as you are some of the nastiest
1:13:51 people you'll ever meet i'm just being
1:13:53 quite frank with you why
1:13:55 they are some of the people that are
1:13:58 most willing and most easily to make
1:14:01 take fear of people they for the most
1:14:03 part like edibuxel and rashad khalifa
1:14:06 not only do they not think that sunnis
1:14:08 are muslims they think that we are
1:14:09 mushriki and i'll read that for you in
1:14:12 just a second
1:14:13 but even further still further more than
1:14:16 that
1:14:16 they believe that anybody who rejects
1:14:19 the miracle of 19 in the quran after
1:14:22 seeing witness to it then you'll be in
1:14:24 hell eternally so here's here's probably
1:14:27 a good one
1:14:29 let me let me roll my sleeves up and
1:14:32 wait for this one go ahead please
1:14:34 listen to this this is on page 435 and
1:14:38 edit muxel's book on 19. he says this
1:14:42 whatever your excuses or reasons to
1:14:44 ignore reject or ridicule the number 19
1:14:48 this article will expose your true
1:14:50 intentions which you might be trying to
1:14:53 hide even from yourself
1:14:55 if you are claiming to believe in the
1:14:57 quran and after reading this article
1:15:00 still continue ignoring or ridiculing
1:15:03 the mathematical code of the quran
1:15:06 you will be tormented
1:15:08 all your life by repeatedly witnessing
1:15:11 an exciting fact and losing its sight
1:15:14 afterwards like a person who witnesses
1:15:17 succeeding events of lightning in the
1:15:19 darkness and he's mentioning he's
1:15:21 referencing sir buffett there you will
1:15:23 neither appreciate nor comprehend the
1:15:26 miracle nor will you be satisfied with
1:15:29 your denial you will perpetually
1:15:31 oscillate between momentary belief and
1:15:34 uh and prolonged disbelief between
1:15:37 private doubt and public denial you will
1:15:40 be doomed to suffer
1:15:42 here and in the hereafter basically
1:15:45 saying that you're going to be in hell
1:15:47 but if you acknowledge the truth and
1:15:49 gain some goodness in your
1:15:51 acknowledgement that this article by
1:15:53 god's will may wake you up from your
1:15:56 ignorance and may change your paradigm
1:15:58 and it goes on further and further to
1:16:00 say but the fact of the matter is you're
1:16:02 going to be tormented in this life and
1:16:04 the next just by the mere fact of you
1:16:06 reading this article by this genius who
1:16:09 had to come you know so many years later
1:16:11 to tell us by the way we missed this all
1:16:13 this time guys and if you just by
1:16:16 reading this article you don't accept
1:16:18 what he says you'll be tormented in this
1:16:20 life in the next subhanallah so what do
1:16:22 you guys think of that well i mean i
1:16:23 think it's a pretty pretty preposterous
1:16:26 claim
1:16:26 [Laughter]
1:16:31 but what i want to know what i think we
1:16:32 should all know is what is their
1:16:33 strongest argument for 19. the only
1:16:35 thing the only time the word 19
1:16:38 that i can remember now coming in the
1:16:40 quran is allah
1:16:44 you know that's what they use it yeah
1:16:45 okay
1:16:47 it's talking about oh really it's
1:16:49 talking about um the angels and the
1:16:51 hellfire
1:16:52 you know yeah yeah so
1:16:55 that's the genesis of their argument
1:16:57 that's the only time i can imagine 19
1:16:58 but tell me now what's their evidences
1:17:00 for this miracle what is the miracle of
1:17:02 19 what is it
1:17:04 i don't i don't even know what it is
1:17:05 still
1:17:07 yes so the miracle is this is that out
1:17:09 of the realm of probability or
1:17:12 possibility you have so many things in
1:17:14 the quran that have
1:17:16 this
1:17:17 miraculous structure that everything is
1:17:20 divisible by 19 the number of surahs the
1:17:23 number of times that the
1:17:25 name of allah is mentioned in the quran
1:17:27 they even do this with
1:17:29 surah fatiha they try to explain it in a
1:17:32 particular way but allah's name is
1:17:33 mentioned more times than what you're
1:17:35 saying is divisible by 19.
1:17:38 yeah it's divisible by 19. meaning to
1:17:40 say that okay for 19 times 2 is 38 so of
1:17:44 course it's more than that but anything
1:17:47 anything that is
1:17:49 really relevant is going to be divisible
1:17:51 by 19. this is the argument well that
1:17:53 one good one is
1:17:56 one i'm sorry the fact that allah has
1:17:59 won
1:18:02 um
1:18:03 well he so he does this in the book i
1:18:06 don't know if um
1:18:08 i think that actually is one of the
1:18:09 examples he gives i think that
1:18:12 is mentioned 19 times in the quran i
1:18:15 would have to check actually
1:18:16 okay
1:18:18 it's only mentioned really in respect to
1:18:19 allah one time
1:18:22 okay so here yeah so here he has okay i
1:18:25 got a page open for you see we can all
1:18:26 make our arbitrary
1:18:29 criterions
1:18:32 mentioned supposedly this is don't go by
1:18:34 this this is his calculation we gotta
1:18:36 check this because these guys are um
1:18:38 can't be trusted but he says rashman is
1:18:41 mentioned 57 times in the quran 19 times
1:18:45 three
1:18:45 um
1:18:47 is mentioned uh 19 times in the quran 19
1:18:50 times one
1:18:51 allah is mentioned
1:18:54 2698 times in the quran that's 19 times
1:18:57 142. uh raheem is mentioned 114 times in
1:19:01 the quran that's 19 times 6. so i mean
1:19:05 this is just some example so you get the
1:19:06 idea of what i'm trying to say does that
1:19:08 make sense at least yes but what i
1:19:10 wanted to ask you is you know
1:19:13 from what i've read and some of them
1:19:14 what you told me as well before
1:19:16 is that some of them attribute uh
1:19:18 insurgent and addition to the quran is
1:19:20 that true
1:19:23 oh yeah so this is we this is something
1:19:26 we need to really uncover here um with
1:19:28 this this group here this cult so
1:19:32 um let me see if i can just pull it up
1:19:34 for you to read from this guy's section
1:19:37 is it the same guy that says this
1:19:38 gentleman
1:19:39 yeah
1:19:40 i'm going to read you an article from
1:19:42 1989 from rashad khalifa's used to have
1:19:46 a newspaper called submission
1:19:47 perspective and this is going to be from
1:19:50 um
1:19:51 september 1989 i'm going to read it in a
1:19:54 second but let me read edit buttesel
1:19:56 first because this is the the living
1:19:59 representative
1:20:00 he says this in a footnote which he
1:20:02 actually has his own translation of the
1:20:04 quran um if you can't get it for free
1:20:07 don't buy it but um
1:20:10 at the end in saratova
1:20:13 uh quran chapter 9 ver
1:20:15 typically has 129 verses
1:20:18 now what they say is that the final two
1:20:20 verses of the quran of this surah sorry
1:20:24 uh verse 128 and 129 are actually
1:20:28 insertions by shaytan
1:20:30 and that the mathematical code of the
1:20:32 quran of 19 has actually come to us to
1:20:36 tell us that this was falsely inserted
1:20:38 into the quran has been that way for so
1:20:41 long and muslims have been misled by
1:20:43 this so let me let me read you a
1:20:45 footnote
1:20:48 on this where he says this
1:20:49 do the numerical structure of the quran
1:20:52 leads us to accept this chapter talking
1:20:54 about uh chapter nine
1:20:57 having
1:20:58 127 verses rather than 129
1:21:02 and it rejects the additional statements
1:21:05 found in modern manuscripts which are
1:21:08 written here in italics
1:21:10 this major correction is imposed on us
1:21:12 by the quran's own testimony by its
1:21:16 self-authenticating system the
1:21:18 correction made by the numerical
1:21:20 structure of the quran
1:21:22 is also supported by numerous historical
1:21:25 advancing reports and then he says to
1:21:27 see another section in his book where he
1:21:29 has more details on this but the idea is
1:21:31 this and remember what i mentioned about
1:21:33 the name of allah mentioned in the quran
1:21:36 which was two thousand some odd times i
1:21:38 forget the number
1:21:40 the idea is this that um supposedly
1:21:43 if those two verses of the quran are
1:21:46 mentioned well the name of allah is
1:21:48 actually mentioned there
1:21:50 and that would throw off the count so
1:21:52 then the name of allah would not be
1:21:54 divisible by
1:21:56 19. and we can't have that so what we
1:21:58 have to do is we have to throw these
1:22:00 verses of the quran out subhanallah and
1:22:02 say that they were injected by the
1:22:04 shaitaan in order to get the count of 19
1:22:08 in accordance you see so this is one
1:22:10 example one reason why their second
1:22:13 argument they have three main arguments
1:22:15 for this their second argument why
1:22:17 choose that one
1:22:18 why choose that one why not choose
1:22:20 another verse
1:22:24 getting ready to show you the two other
1:22:26 reasons that go along with it why they
1:22:28 prefer it so and it's garbage we'll
1:22:31 refute it very easily the second
1:22:33 argument is that the prophet
1:22:36 mentioned in this salallahu
1:22:38 uh which is it one two is it one twenty
1:22:41 eight or one twenty nine one twenty
1:22:42 eight one twenty sure it's right before
1:22:44 that because the last verse is the one
1:22:49 yeah he's mentioned as merciful yeah and
1:22:52 what their argument is by the way
1:22:55 this is actually shock because
1:22:57 you are attributing
1:22:59 uh a name or attribute that is solely
1:23:02 due to allah himself and you're saying
1:23:04 that it's the prophet
1:23:07 it's not uh
1:23:08 it's not without either or is it the
1:23:10 area exactly of course this is not the
1:23:13 most
1:23:18 verse yeah first yes first of all it
1:23:21 doesn't have the definite article so it
1:23:23 doesn't have the aleph and the lamb the
1:23:25 article of perfection and therefore
1:23:27 there is no problem second of all not
1:23:30 only that we've seen other verses in the
1:23:32 quran that other people besides the
1:23:34 prophet peace be upon him are actually
1:23:36 mentioned as merciful in fact allah says
1:23:39 in the quran that he is the most
1:23:42 merciful of those who show mercy so oh
1:23:45 what about all those other people so it
1:23:47 doesn't work you have to now exclude all
1:23:49 these other verses that mention the same
1:23:51 thing likewise so that's a silly
1:23:53 argument we throw that right in the bin
1:23:55 now the third argument they use which
1:23:57 well strapped your seatbelt for this one
1:24:00 is is quite ironic from coming from
1:24:02 hadith rejecters they say this
1:24:05 by the way
1:24:07 in
1:24:07 the hadith corpus
1:24:09 the only two verses that are actually
1:24:12 mentioned that did not have two
1:24:14 witnesses for them
1:24:16 are these two verses
1:24:18 uh sort of toba chapter 9 verses 1 28
1:24:22 and 129 and because of that because they
1:24:25 didn't have two witnesses this also
1:24:28 further supports the point that these
1:24:30 are false verses injected into the quran
1:24:32 now look at that a hadith rejecter using
1:24:36 hadith to reject the quran
1:24:40 that's not ironic i don't know if it is
1:24:45 that's their third argument which is
1:24:47 absolutely ridiculous
1:24:49 um that you're actually reject hadith
1:24:52 but you're gonna use hadith when it
1:24:54 supposedly suits you to actually reject
1:24:56 two verses of the quran i mean my god
1:24:59 so i don't know what do you guys think
1:25:00 about that i think that's a that's a
1:25:03 decimation um complete deconstruction of
1:25:06 the if this is the level of
1:25:07 argumentation we're dealing with
1:25:09 then i don't think there's much uh
1:25:11 then i in many ways i
1:25:13 almost regret
1:25:16 spending the time
1:25:18 on them
1:25:23 they have a decent amount of followers
1:25:25 but let me let me just read you one last
1:25:27 thing from the from the big dog himself
1:25:29 rashad felipe who started all this thing
1:25:32 so you can see it's not just edibuxl
1:25:34 saying this in his um
1:25:37 submission perspective article september
1:25:40 1989 if anybody wants the scans i can
1:25:42 send it to him at the top it says
1:25:45 history of the false verses chapter 9
1:25:48 128 and 129 and he goes on talking
1:25:51 talking talking about how it's a false
1:25:53 verse now listen to this this is what he
1:25:55 says
1:25:56 and i want people to be clear about what
1:25:58 this guy claimed about himself he wasn't
1:26:00 just claiming to find some miracle in
1:26:03 the quran you know
1:26:05 this is what he said
1:26:06 through gabriel
1:26:08 angel jibril
1:26:11 i was commanded to make this
1:26:13 announcement now what is this
1:26:14 announcement well he said this
1:26:16 absolutely
1:26:18 yeah this is this is this is rashad
1:26:19 khalifa himself saying this listen folks
1:26:22 so gabriel very closely
1:26:24 though gabriel through gabriel i was
1:26:27 commanded to make this announcement
1:26:29 after i die
1:26:31 millions of believers will know what
1:26:34 that i represent the messiah the jews
1:26:36 have been waiting for the christ
1:26:38 christians have been expecting the mahdi
1:26:41 the muslims have been praying for i am
1:26:44 god's messenger of the covenant and then
1:26:47 he cites quran chapter 3 verse 81 and he
1:26:50 even cites some biblical passages
1:26:52 malachi chapter 3 so on and so on i mean
1:26:56 is that quite shocking this was not just
1:26:58 a person
1:27:00 the reason why he was killed or
1:27:01 something
1:27:03 um
1:27:04 allahu adam but actually on the back of
1:27:06 this book of 19 where uh education has a
1:27:10 picture with rasha khalifa he says this
1:27:12 rashad was declared a heretic or
1:27:15 apostate by leading sunni scholars from
1:27:17 38 countries who held an emergency
1:27:20 conference in saudi arabia in march 19
1:27:23 1988 to discuss the salman rushdie
1:27:26 controversy while rusty you survived the
1:27:28 fatwa rashad was assassinated by in in
1:27:31 this masjid which he has a picture of
1:27:34 january 31st 1990 by a terrorist group
1:27:37 linked to al-qaeda so he's claiming that
1:27:40 it is a terrorist thing i don't know
1:27:42 what happened i mean uh people can look
1:27:44 into that if they want but yeah he was
1:27:46 he was definitely declared an apostate
1:27:49 um uh by a committee uh in what was that
1:27:53 1988 or so so and was killed a couple
1:27:56 years later
1:27:58 so yeah look i mean this is what i'm not
1:28:00 advocating that the guy was killed like
1:28:02 this but
1:28:03 we can see a reason why when he's
1:28:05 claiming such high titles for himself
1:28:07 and claiming that the quran actually uh
1:28:10 mentions him or prophesizes him in the
1:28:12 quran chapter 3 verse 81 let me just
1:28:15 read that actually so people might be
1:28:17 curious as to what it says
1:28:19 uh and this is from his translation so
1:28:22 you can get a flavor of what he's saying
1:28:24 because i've got he has his own
1:28:25 translation of the quran as well it's
1:28:27 quran the final testament which is
1:28:30 language we wouldn't accept anyway
1:28:32 but he says here
1:28:34 god took a covenant from the prophet
1:28:36 saying i will give the scripture and
1:28:38 wisdom afterwards a messenger will come
1:28:41 to confirm all existing scriptures you
1:28:44 shall believe in him and support him he
1:28:46 said do you agree with this and pledge
1:28:49 to fulfill this covenant they said we
1:28:51 agree he said you have thus bore witness
1:28:54 and i bear witness along with you now uh
1:28:57 brother jab you can correct me if i'm
1:28:59 wrong but i think that slimness
1:29:01 understand this as speaking about the
1:29:03 prophet uh muhammad sallallahu alaihi
1:29:05 wasallam is that correct
1:29:07 is it which verse is against sorry say
1:29:09 the the reference uh
1:29:12 yeah sir imran uh verse number 81 yeah
1:29:15 yeah
1:29:17 yeah that one yeah
1:29:18 uh dalton yeah
1:29:21 yeah yeah that one yeah it's just
1:29:25 yeah so this this joker says it's
1:29:27 talking about him and then he listen he
1:29:29 also references the bible and says that
1:29:32 he's put he's actually predicted in the
1:29:35 bible the example he gives is in matthew
1:29:37 24 27 which talks about the son of man
1:29:42 for as the lightning cometh out of the
1:29:44 east and shineth even onto the west so
1:29:46 shall also the coming of the son of man
1:29:49 be so this joker thinks that he's the
1:29:51 son of man i mean he takes his son a man
1:29:54 mentioned in the bible coming you know
1:29:57 and and so
1:29:58 listen it's quite i'm laughing but it's
1:30:00 actually quite serious because i mean
1:30:02 this is
1:30:03 a serious accusation that being made by
1:30:06 this guy claiming that after i die
1:30:08 millions of people will know that i'm
1:30:10 the messiah oh my god
1:30:13 and
1:30:14 re and this is in the same article where
1:30:16 he's saying that he came to clarify the
1:30:19 two false verses that were injected into
1:30:22 the quran
1:30:23 so um well
1:30:25 i'll tell you what i think we've got
1:30:26 more than enough ammunition i think here
1:30:28 with this group
1:30:29 i think we've done overkill it's like
1:30:31 trying to kill a bunny with with a with
1:30:33 a machine gun
1:30:35 bringing a machine gun and trying to
1:30:36 kill like a a bunny or a fly with a with
1:30:39 a cannon or something
1:30:42 anyways jake i think
1:30:44 yeah one last point yeah
1:30:47 one last point is this something i
1:30:49 forgot to mention earlier with respect
1:30:51 to the hadith rejecters is one of the
1:30:53 arguments they use is to say
1:30:56 that the prophet peace be upon him only
1:30:58 received the quran the only wahi or
1:31:01 revelation that he received was the
1:31:02 quran and there's in um edith muxes
1:31:05 translation which i told him about he
1:31:07 said oh it was a mistake but he has
1:31:09 fixed it yet by the way um
1:31:11 in chapter 6 verse 19 i'm just going to
1:31:14 read his translation on the top of it it
1:31:17 says muhammad peace be upon him was
1:31:19 given only the quran so this is the
1:31:21 claim where he's getting to come to say
1:31:24 which which is the greatest testimony
1:31:26 say
1:31:27 god is witness between me and you and he
1:31:29 has inspired to me
1:31:31 this quran that i may warn with it being
1:31:34 singular
1:31:35 and whom whomever it reaches do you bear
1:31:38 witness that there are gods
1:31:41 or that there are alongside god other
1:31:43 gods
1:31:44 uh say i do not bear witness say he is
1:31:47 only one god and i am innocent of your
1:31:50 setting up partners then in the footnote
1:31:52 of his book and this is what i want to
1:31:54 tell you these are not some you know
1:31:56 liberal people that uh want everybody to
1:31:59 get along like a bunch of hippies what
1:32:01 does he say in the footnote about this
1:32:03 verse
1:32:04 accepting other authorities besides the
1:32:07 quran to define god's system is
1:32:10 considered polytheism
1:32:12 and he's using this as a verse so they
1:32:15 believe that all sunnis are mushrikeen
1:32:18 we're all mushriks subhanallah this is
1:32:20 what they this is such an unusual
1:32:22 definition of
1:32:24 i mean it's like yeah it's it's as if he
1:32:27 doesn't know what the idea of shirk
1:32:29 is i mean
1:32:30 uh this person i'm surprised he's being
1:32:33 followed by anybody uh
1:32:34 to be honest uh he's is almost worth
1:32:37 none of our time but if we ever do
1:32:40 encounter people with this belief i
1:32:42 think we have the ammunition to do with
1:32:44 them now and i think what's been really
1:32:45 good about today's session as well is
1:32:47 that we have we understand
1:32:49 the status of the sunnah and the say of
1:32:51 muhammad in the religion of islam jake
1:32:54 it's been a pleasure thank you so much
1:32:55 for your contributions
1:33:01 and as for the rest of the people
1:33:04 that are watching at home it's been a
1:33:06 pleasure
1:33:07 to do this as well
1:33:09 i think this is one of the weakest cults
1:33:12 that we've had to deal with and one of
1:33:14 the weakest propositions that have been
1:33:16 made about the religion of islam
1:33:19 in this entire series and i know i said
1:33:21 that with the americas but i think they
1:33:23 have actually gotten the gold medal now
1:33:24 for the weakest
1:33:26 for the weakest thing
1:33:30 oh yes yes yes
1:33:33 finances were excluded from that
1:33:35 but with that i conclude
1:33:36 wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi