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107 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-09-11)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

106 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



سورة _المائدة

Summary of 107 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Dr Muhammad Al Massari discusses the reasons why people may disagree with one another, and how to overcome these disagreements peacefully. He also discusses the importance of translating the Quran accurately, and how the Prophet Muhammad will see those who have bad hearts.

00:00:00 discusses the importance of judging between believers according to what God has revealed, cautioning against following the whims of others. He provides an example of how a community could split if they cannot settle disagreements amongst themselves. He then recounts a story of a Muslim governor who was chosen by the people after a rigorous debate.

  • 00:05:00 explains that there are different types of judges, and that only God can be the best judge. He goes on to say that, even if people turn away after being judged, it is still better than if they did not listen in the first place. He also discusses the prohibition of alliances with non-believers, and how it is based on the situation being the same or in the past.
  • 00:10:00 The professor discusses the various reasons why it is not advisable to have alliances with Jews and Christians. He goes on to say that breaking alliances with allah is a sign of courage.
  • 00:15:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the various reasons why people may disagree with one another, and how to overcome these disagreements peacefully. He also discusses the importance of translating the Quran accurately, and how the Prophet Muhammad will see those who have bad hearts.
  • 00:20:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the reasons why the early Muslims joined forces with the side of evil in the early days of the Muslim community. He also discusses the reasons why the early Muslims sent some of their members back to their homes after they had joined the side of evil. Finally, he talks about the importance of maintaining alliances and how Muhammad's intercession helped to keep the early Muslims united.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses how abandoning one's faith can lead to losses in the worldly and spiritual realms. stresses that this is not an excuse for not being Muslim, and that those who remain faithful will be rewarded by God.
  • 00:30:00 The professor discusses why some Muslim people may have abandoned their religion, and how they can repent and return to Islam. He also mentions how Allah is merciful and forgiving, and that anyone can repent and return to Islam, no matter their past actions.
  • 00:35:00 Professor Dr Muhammad Al Massari discusses how allegiance can be destroyed. He points out that when the allegiance is broken between a ruler and their subjects, it is as if the ruler has "committed suicide." He goes on to say that those who are constant in their prayers and pay their purifying dues to God are the true allies of the messenger and the believers.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the importance of establishing Salah (the five daily prayers), Zakah (the obligatory alms tax), and the Islamic system of governance. It also points out that those who do not follow these guidelines will eventually lose their positions and power.
  • 00:45:00 discusses the importance of faith and the fact that Muslims have an obligation to fight against those who disbelieve in God, even if that means fighting alongside disbelievers. He goes on to say that there is a higher level of obligation to stay away from those who mock or make fun of one's faith.
  • 00:50:00 discusses a story about a professor who once saw a woman walking around the airport in a very revealing outfit. The professor remembers thinking that the woman was not being respectful of her own religion and that she was demonstrating a lack of rationality. The professor suggests that allies who benefit from a shared religion should be treated with more respect.
  • 00:55:00 discusses why Muslims are treated poorly by others. He notes that, while there are reasons for the mistreatment of Muslims, the main reason is that most Muslims are believers in God and are obedient to Him. Those who reject God and worship evil are worse in station and far more astray from the right path than those who believe in God.


Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the Surat Al Ma'idah from the Quran. He talks about how the verses in this surah are relevant to today's society, where there is a trend of people rejecting faith in Allah. He urges Muslims to have courage and self-respect in order to speak out against those who reject faith in Allah.

01:00:00 features a lecture by Professor Dr Muhammad al Massari on the Surat al Ma'idah. In it, he discusses the verses of the Quran which discuss the consequences of rejecting faith in Allah. He points out that these verses are especially relevant to today's society, where there is a growing trend of people rejecting faith in Allah. He urges Muslims to have courage and self-respect in order to speak out against those who reject faith in Allah, and warns that those who do not have these qualities will eventually suffer for it.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the differences between the translations of the Qur'an regarding the role of the government. The first translation mentions the government and implies that it is unlikely that it would be replicated accurately on the scribes. The second translation suggests that the monks and scribes should not cheat and avoid sins in general. The majority of the scholars were actually working well, however, some were claiming too much independence which led to enmity and hatred among the followers of the Bible. After the discussion, the Jews were unable to deny that the government was a good idea.
  • 01:10:00 provides commentary on the 107 Surah Al Ma'idah, in which the professor argues that most people who claim to be prophets or messengers of God are finished and gone, as seen by the final messenger. He points out that this is evidenced by the final revelation being lost or neglected by most people, which eventually leads to animosity and violence.
  • 01:15:00 The professor discusses the consequences of disobedience in relation to the Quran's Surat Al Ma'idah. He says that if the people of the book would only truly believe and be mindful of God, they would wipe their former evil deeds and bring them into the gardens of bliss. He also mentions that if they had established the Quran as it should be, they would have been in the Quran.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses how various factors led to the current situation where many Muslims are living in exile, poverty, and suffering, and how the Quran provides guidance for how to improve the situation. It argues that if Muslims had followed the Quran's instructions, things would be much better for them now.
  • 01:25:00 The professor explains that there are two possible interpretations of Surat Al Ma'idah, one in which the prophet prophecies that unless the Muslims establish a caliphate, they will not have delivered his message, and another in which the prophet is just urging the Muslims to work together to achieve their goals. He goes on to say that the second interpretation is more likely, as it is in line with the prophet's other teachings.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses a historical event in which the Prophet Muhammad was attacked while on his way back from a battle, and how he was protected by Allah. The second story is about a possible future event in which the Prophet will no longer need protection.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses two different revelations that Muhammad had - one concerning the Jews and their mischief, and the other concerning his family. The first revelation was after the Battle of Uhud, and it showed that he would soon be taken away. The second revelation concerned his family, specifically his father and brothers. concludes with Muhammad's advice to his followers to guard their families and protect them.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the different tawatur (correction) verses in the Quran. He states that this is evidence that the Quran was not meant to be taken literally, but rather to be interpreted according to its context. He also discusses the story of the ditch of Tafseer ul Quran, which illustrates that Muhammad was not afraid to face opponents head-on.
  • 01:45:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the bravery of the narrator, who is obese and afraid of fighting, but still decides to speak to him in order to ask for advice. The narrator proposes three conditions for an agreement between them: that the narrator become a Muslim, that he send his friends to fight with him, and that he come down and fight the narrator. The narrator then asks the professor if he is a prophet, to which he replies that it is up to Allah to decide. The narrator then asks the professor if he is going to fight him, to which he responds that he will not fight him if Muhammad is alive. The narrator then asks the professor if he is going to join Muhammad, to which he replies that he would rather die than join him.
  • 01:50:00
  • 01:55:00 features a lecture by Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari on Surat Al Ma'idah. He discusses how the night before his death, the Prophet Muhammad said that unless someone who loves Allah loves him, he will have them through tomorrow. He also discusses how he felt after his death and his thoughts on dawah broadcasting. He clarifies that it is only someone from his own family who is allowed to broadcast his teachings after his death.


Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the importance of understanding the Quran in its entirety, and not just relying on one's own interpretation of it. He also points out that the hadith in which Muhammad predicts his own death is a fabrication, and that claims that it provides evidence for his infallibility are misguided.

02:00:00 discusses how some people can get stuck in narratives, and how this can lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the Quran. He goes on to say that Ali, the Prophet Muhammad's grandson and closest friend, was rightly proud of his association with him and that it is through understanding his life that the full message of the Quran can be understood.

  • 02:05:00 Discusses the idea that one's actions in the fight for Islam should be considered in the same way as one's actions in the fight for revelation, as they are both fighting for what is right. Dr. Muhammad AL Massari goes on to say that if someone disagrees with someone's interpretation of a Quranic verse, they should instead be respectful and debate the issue openly. He also points out that the concept of sahaba - the companions of the Prophet Muhammad - provides extra protection for those who live according to their teachings.
  • 02:10:00 Discusses the hadith in which Muhammad is said to have predicted that after he conquers Jerusalem, a woman will try to poison him. The narrator notes that the hadith is not only absurd, but was later revealed to be a fabrication. He then goes on to discuss the hadith in which Muhammad predicts that after he dies, his enemies will try to kill him. He concludes by noting that the hadith was cleared just fine, and that claims that it provides evidence for infallibility are misguided.
  • 02:15:00 Discusses the differences between the quality of translations of the Quran by two scholars. One scholar, Dr. Muhammad Al Massari, believes that the translations by Professor Zakaria are not as good as the translations by Dr. Al Massari. also discusses the different aspects of the translation and how Ali, the Prophet of Allah, is a sophisticated fighter.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:27 welcome dear viewers brothers and
0:00:28 sisters to episode 107 of our tafseer
0:00:31 sessions of the noble quran with
0:00:32 professor dr mohammed al-masri these
0:00:35 episodes are broadcast live and study
0:00:37 circles of professor dr mohammed
0:00:39 al-masri youtube channel every sunday at
0:00:42 2 p.m british summertime we invite you
0:00:44 to subscribe to the channel and activate
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0:00:51 please note also the link to the live
0:00:53 broadcast for wider dissemination and do
0:00:55 not forget to interact with us during
0:00:56 the podcast by participating in the
0:00:58 comments section and asking questions
0:01:00 through the chat bot that's the chat box
0:01:02 you find via the broadcast link next to
0:01:04 the video also do not forget to support
0:01:06 our activities by date donating when
0:01:08 asking questions in the conversation or
0:01:10 through the thank you button under our
0:01:11 video today is sunday the 28th of
0:01:14 august
0:01:15 uh
0:01:16 2022
0:01:18 the
0:01:19 doctor continues the interpretation of
0:01:20 the maida we are now on ayah 50.
0:01:23 yeah
0:01:24 let me review that
0:01:27 Music
0:01:36 translate again
0:01:40 and then between them
0:01:42 just a second
0:01:48 Music
0:01:54 hence judge between the followers of
0:01:56 early of revelation in accordance with
0:01:57 what god has bestowed from on high and
0:01:59 do not follow their arab views
0:02:01 beware of them lest they take thee away
0:02:04 from ought that god has bestowed from on
0:02:06 high upon thee and if they turn away
0:02:08 from his commandments then know that it
0:02:10 is but god's will to ask to afflict them
0:02:14 for some of their sins for behold a
0:02:16 great many people are iniquities indeed
0:02:18 next translation prophet judge between
0:02:20 them according to what god has revealed
0:02:22 to them and do not follow their whims be
0:02:24 cautious do not let them tempt you away
0:02:27 from what god has revealed to you if
0:02:29 they turn away remember it is god's will
0:02:31 to repay them for some of the sins they
0:02:33 have committed a great many people are
0:02:35 deviators
0:02:36 so they're just a reminder that we said
0:02:38 this is an injunction that he should if
0:02:40 he rules those without his being i'm
0:02:42 going to just remind that
0:02:44 muhammad hasn't said this
0:02:48 you remember
0:02:50 if they come to you either you turn away
0:02:52 from them or judge between them but if
0:02:53 you judge them judge with justice it's a
0:02:55 color
0:02:56 and now he says this i will get the
0:02:59 turning away he has to execute the
0:03:00 muslim truth because this wedding does
0:03:03 not abrogate that you know you have this
0:03:04 choice because that choice given in the
0:03:06 previous area how the show is either or
0:03:08 just between them
0:03:10 if you judge your name but with the
0:03:12 adjustments what otherwise did you do
0:03:13 and if you generally don't necessarily
0:03:15 say this is not contamination of that if
0:03:17 you just between them we decided not to
0:03:19 turn away the container will spill it
0:03:21 has the limit of turning away and
0:03:23 at least not obliged within them but if
0:03:25 you judge between them then only with
0:03:27 that whatever has revealed nothing else
0:03:29 and don't follow the desire before they
0:03:31 say ah but our system is like that where
0:03:33 we are we have the agreement between
0:03:35 ourselves if you have a guilty version
0:03:36 if you have another system then judge by
0:03:38 yourself don't come to me do it yourself
0:03:40 you have you have your independent
0:03:42 entity you have your member of the
0:03:44 confederation or whatever you are or
0:03:46 or citizens with certain status and
0:03:49 certainly legislative and
0:03:51 judicial facilities actually the civil
0:03:54 community and you have you can't vote in
0:03:57 between yourself
0:03:58 but if you come to me i have the right
0:04:00 to train you away but if you insist then
0:04:02 i have to judge only that in islam
0:04:04 nothing else
0:04:05 and there is a just historic example
0:04:07 which is not after jesus actually
0:04:08 mediating in their internal affairs that
0:04:11 i think the jews in um was
0:04:16 they have a dispute about whom to
0:04:18 appoint as the chief or on the
0:04:20 archbishop or something like that and
0:04:22 then they came from libertarians
0:04:26 but they were unable to settle something
0:04:28 reasonable
0:04:30 so they come from as they were unable to
0:04:31 settle and the situation become
0:04:33 dangerous that that community may split
0:04:35 and we may not be able to fulfill our
0:04:36 obligation or paying taxes yet so so
0:04:42 and the two
0:04:43 competing candidates and they discussed
0:04:45 with various factions of them analyzed
0:04:47 and chose demand for what he thought is
0:04:49 best for them and the majority of
0:04:51 support and his choice turns out to be
0:04:53 the best and they agreed on him
0:04:54 everything was nice and fine so he
0:04:56 changed with that allah has revealed
0:04:58 which is true
0:04:59 to bring people together and judge your
0:05:02 justice and equity even in the choice of
0:05:04 a man you have also to comply this
0:05:05 principle you do not choose the man who
0:05:08 he likes more or the one who looks more
0:05:10 over-threaded muslims he shows the one
0:05:12 who's most most visiting for them and
0:05:14 that's the duty
0:05:15 of someone who is arbitrating
0:05:17 to get to the arbitration which is the
0:05:19 best for all parties and
0:05:21 finishes the spirit just mentioning that
0:05:23 there's a historical case
0:05:25 and be aware that they may be typhoon or
0:05:27 catricks and so on say okay we another
0:05:30 entity uh
0:05:31 there's an international who's saying
0:05:33 this and this if it's not that was
0:05:34 sanctioned by islam
0:05:36 when established hello don't go with
0:05:38 that all of these are their desires and
0:05:39 they attempt to divert you from the
0:05:41 clear path of revelation but the nation
0:05:43 has said they establish that in a clear
0:05:45 way and that's what you stick to
0:05:48 others if they turn away and don't have
0:05:50 they
0:05:50 they don't accept the judgment or after
0:05:52 you have judged it they decided not to
0:05:54 comply that's that's that's their
0:05:56 liberty and allies
0:05:58 and know this because of their sins and
0:06:00 the investigation including
0:06:02 they that's what the result would be
0:06:04 that they will be punished for
0:06:05 themselves anyway so do not
0:06:07 bother about the possibility that they
0:06:09 may not they may turn away after the
0:06:11 judgment
0:06:12 and many people
0:06:14 or most people or many of them are human
0:06:16 beings and indeed rebellious i'm not
0:06:19 really
0:06:20 submissive to allah or or
0:06:22 even if they come to you pretending to
0:06:24 be so and reality
0:06:26 many of them are not like that now
0:06:28 today
0:06:34 Music
0:06:47 enough inner certainty who could be a
0:06:49 better law giver than god next
0:06:51 translation do they want judgment
0:06:52 according to according to the age of
0:06:54 ignorance is there any is there any
0:06:57 better judge than god for those who are
0:06:59 firm in faith yeah so it's clearly for
0:07:02 those who firmly believe it can't be
0:07:04 possibly if they really believe that any
0:07:06 judgment is better than god's genders
0:07:09 and and that's the only way we can
0:07:11 address the others would not be with
0:07:12 celebration for them other than other
0:07:15 things but we're not going to just deal
0:07:17 with calling according to this according
0:07:18 to the reason
0:07:19 so this is a reputation question how are
0:07:21 you going to accept majority is that
0:07:23 what you want
0:07:24 no we are not going to accept to go this
0:07:27 road
0:07:27 for the believers only
0:07:29 the best in itself
0:07:32 is the best but who recognize that i
0:07:35 disconnect with only the belief
0:07:37 that's not allergen this muhammad
0:07:39 invented my mind and telling a story
0:07:42 that's what he'll say
0:07:43 but in reality that the factual reality
0:07:45 is sent is that what allah has revealed
0:07:47 to muhammad
0:07:48 previously
0:07:50 is the best for to settling the affair
0:07:53 according to the time according to that
0:07:54 law of that time because the law may
0:07:56 change along the time as we have
0:07:58 discussed earlier until it came to the
0:08:00 final one which is a sufficient and well
0:08:03 balanced until you know what they are
0:08:06 so that i said allah is rebuking
0:08:07 everyone who accepted the ruling of jail
0:08:09 in our own language is not allah
0:08:15 but these people are maybe referring to
0:08:17 the torah and the gospel that has after
0:08:19 the islam has come whatever it is
0:08:21 confirmed by islam is new and active new
0:08:23 so it's part of what
0:08:39 has become jelly after obligation the
0:08:41 same would that has been in in the in
0:08:44 the gospel if it's obligated
0:08:46 if it's confirmed then it is inhabited
0:08:48 than you as we discussed in the book of
0:08:49 the heat
0:08:50 and in other occasions in detail
0:08:59 and the things which have been obligated
0:09:01 are gone and they are then belong to at
0:09:03 the time of the universe before
0:09:04 validation not the specifications would
0:09:06 be even people of the book signals
0:09:10 so that's that's reviewing everyone who
0:09:12 dares to try to find
0:09:14 the ruling of of of yeah
0:09:18 and then
0:09:19 a new series of issues start which is
0:09:21 aligning with the jews and christians uh
0:09:23 when it was with some reasoning why uh
0:09:26 that's not religion of the law but it is
0:09:28 another definition of alliance but
0:09:30 motivating the one who listened to that
0:09:32 that even because of the situation of
0:09:35 these people aligns with them does not
0:09:36 make any sense but the alliance is
0:09:38 prohibited independent of that the
0:09:40 situation being the same and now
0:09:42 or in the past
0:09:55 um
0:09:56 the broadcast link hasn't been uh
0:09:58 submitted you're the youtube link yeah
0:10:00 it seems to be i think
0:10:02 there's a medical case at uh
0:10:04 maybe he's not attending to it okay
0:10:07 so yeah it's unfortunately that then
0:10:09 but it's going it will be recorded
0:10:14 okay oh you who have attained to faith
0:10:17 do not take the jews and the christians
0:10:18 for your allies they are but allies of
0:10:20 one another and whoever of you allies
0:10:22 himself with them becomes verily one of
0:10:24 them behold god does not guide such
0:10:27 evildoers next translation believers do
0:10:30 not take the jews and christians as
0:10:31 allies they are only allies with one
0:10:33 another and whoever allies themselves
0:10:35 with them becomes one of them god does
0:10:38 not guide such unjust people yeah so
0:10:40 this is the injection and i mean here a
0:10:43 lie in peace and war
0:10:47 sometimes they don't say that but
0:10:49 luckily the modern translation have
0:10:51 forsaken that in time passwords are said
0:10:52 as friends
0:10:54 obviously there was no certain friends
0:10:55 on war and peace not as a personal trait
0:10:58 it's very possible that you have a you
0:11:00 have a kaffir friend and you go together
0:11:01 for bowling that's not allies
0:11:03 uh the alliance is really being aligned
0:11:06 to them so that your page your one one
0:11:08 and your piece is one that's the
0:11:09 alliance nothing else it's not smiling
0:11:11 in the face of agatha no saying
0:11:18 alliance is joining them in their
0:11:20 warfare
0:11:21 or
0:11:22 fighting under their banner or spying
0:11:24 for them obviously because spying is
0:11:26 muslim security issues is an act of war
0:11:29 and supportive after war so this is
0:11:31 prohibited don't take them on life
0:11:34 whatever the reason may be some reasons
0:11:36 will be mentioned later and refuted and
0:11:38 shown that it is actually bad to go this
0:11:42 way but the different problem is general
0:11:44 this disregarding if they are nice to us
0:11:47 we have no problem with them but aligner
0:11:49 we could have excellent relations with
0:11:50 them we could be having friendly
0:11:52 relations with them we could have
0:11:54 excellent businesses with them but
0:11:56 joining their war and fighting
0:11:57 underdeveloped or spicing thriving or
0:12:00 muslim on muslim
0:12:02 security aspects
0:12:03 military situation security aspects etc
0:12:07 to them that's alliance and that's what
0:12:09 will take you for dr make your castle as
0:12:11 the eyes without collect
0:12:13 and whoever ally with them is becoming
0:12:15 one of them that has become essentially
0:12:17 as he has
0:12:18 forsaken the islamic allegiance or of
0:12:20 citizenship or
0:12:23 angular states belonging which is a
0:12:25 better translation of body because the
0:12:27 white citizenship is not the good really
0:12:29 it is based on the uh the concept of
0:12:32 nation state which emerged later like
0:12:34 later after the census on slowly and so
0:12:36 on so such as used for uh allegiance of
0:12:39 remember to attain or feel the law they
0:12:42 substitute the blue to second nation
0:12:44 people who are somehow living in one
0:12:45 country or room to some race
0:12:48 or some tribes or some cousin tribes or
0:12:51 tribal association like in england it is
0:12:54 this anglo-saxon uh uh
0:12:57 mix of people even in ancient britain's
0:13:00 and then and
0:13:01 and they they formed somehow like they
0:13:04 agreed to be like one nation and so on
0:13:07 that is born
0:13:09 is that actually in britain it was
0:13:10 always the belonging to the king is the
0:13:12 leader the cornerstone until the people
0:13:15 became more and more and more
0:13:17 participating in power so is the king
0:13:19 clearly who defines their lives etcetera
0:13:22 but in islam it is the
0:13:24 it's also defined this way but the only
0:13:26 one king who saw that
0:13:28 that's the reason the forsaken alliance
0:13:30 is an act of
0:13:31 because you break relation to allah that
0:13:33 you belong to him as his slave is your
0:13:35 king
0:13:36 that's what make it act of courage
0:13:39 they're fighting
0:13:42 against muslims
0:13:44 so don't let them at night they alive
0:13:47 each other they can't have alliance as
0:13:48 much as they like that's a relevant and
0:13:50 by necessity because they are because
0:13:52 they in in the fundamental analysis from
0:13:55 the quranic point of view is that there
0:13:56 is
0:13:58 a believer and everyone else has the
0:14:00 same one so they can't have allah they
0:14:02 can't fight under each other they can
0:14:03 have common interest they cannot
0:14:05 whatever the communities may be it is
0:14:07 all
0:14:09 not accepted by sharia in a way and they
0:14:11 can ally or not allah that's not
0:14:12 relevant but assume de facto or their
0:14:15 desire to start that they alive each
0:14:17 other until proven otherwise
0:14:18 like someone to get out of their allies
0:14:20 and become completely peaceful and not
0:14:21 frightened let me say he is not ally to
0:14:23 the others but by definition why is to
0:14:26 start with they are allies of each other
0:14:31 so
0:14:32 obviously this is being one of them
0:14:34 um is this the majority understanding so
0:14:36 that means
0:14:37 so being one of them is that because
0:14:39 that's the only extrapolation of that
0:14:41 yeah
0:14:41 that's it that's
0:14:52 security issues and and secrets to them
0:14:55 that's all
0:14:56 definitely is is
0:14:58 alliance which is under top cover
0:15:01 so in terms of is it linguistically
0:15:04 what is it that so for example there's a
0:15:06 you know the historic situation and the
0:15:07 various eyes will show later and also
0:15:09 that as we discuss this right inside
0:15:11 remember
0:15:12 disputed
0:15:15 allocated to them there are lines they
0:15:16 showed for themselves the one who broke
0:15:18 their hijra and joined
0:15:20 yeah we discussed that it says you have
0:15:22 to discuss all the eyes and as well in a
0:15:24 very in a very comprehensive way and
0:15:26 then there is no escape from that to
0:15:28 come to that conclusion we see this
0:15:29 stream of eyes will clarify as we'll
0:15:31 come soon so let's continue and then
0:15:33 we'll see later on yeah
0:15:35 i'm sorry they've got a question is this
0:15:37 a
0:15:38 clip applicable to a group and stay
0:15:41 so everything everyone
0:15:43 everyone
0:15:44 if the state does that it is act of
0:15:46 coffer and this is called if a person
0:15:48 does that he's a kafir
0:15:50 and uh
0:15:51 etcetera yeah as much suppose it's also
0:15:53 relevant imagine with the idea of having
0:15:55 multiple states if one of those states
0:15:57 for example you had a confederation
0:16:00 muslim states no it's okay
0:16:03 yeah nobody imagined for example we have
0:16:05 the before we get killed
0:16:06 so
0:16:19 muslim persons muslims muslim entities
0:16:22 muslim countries or spying for the
0:16:24 against those foreign
0:16:27 yeah
0:16:28 okay yeah individual groups state
0:16:30 everything everything
0:16:31 and we will clarify that in case of a
0:16:34 person it is read that as it all comes
0:16:36 from i'm okay i'm getting spammed with
0:16:38 questions which are pretty much being
0:16:40 answered i might need to um
0:16:43 so what's your views of debate and saudi
0:16:45 ally with the jews and christians is
0:16:47 someone's being very specific let's
0:16:49 finish the is first and then we get to
0:16:51 the vertical application don't worry
0:16:52 about that okay we'll get to that let's
0:16:54 let's finish the is first and then and
0:16:56 also we discussed some of it in in
0:16:58 smaller tennis and so on and all this is
0:16:59 comprehensive in the
0:17:01 the work about allegiance and so on
0:17:03 which we should be soon having uh
0:17:05 inshallah out after accounting the will
0:17:07 is translated but the chapter about
0:17:08 religious also has to be adjourned in
0:17:10 the look of trouble the way it is not
0:17:11 that yeah
0:17:14 but the issue is really you have to take
0:17:17 all evidences then the picture becomes
0:17:19 crystal clear and there's no knowledge
0:17:20 about it one ayah will not serve you and
0:17:23 that's the problem of a habit they take
0:17:24 one ayah and then they they get stuck
0:17:26 there and they don't go anywhere either
0:17:29 they go at the extremes to the level
0:17:31 that i met some more hobbies here in
0:17:32 london they have they they think they
0:17:34 have to be look angry in the face of a
0:17:36 cafe otherwise alliance but this
0:17:38 nonsense comes if you if you read the
0:17:41 whole and then just like
0:17:43 they're happy
0:17:45 that's it
0:17:46 good so we have three asparagus all
0:17:48 history all this is like we discussed
0:17:50 and also we have i have we have the
0:17:52 peaceful research why you are
0:17:53 disagreeing about
0:17:55 i think the peace is translated under
0:17:57 translation at the moment
0:17:58 are you
0:18:01 so that's one component of it and many
0:18:03 other components together will give a
0:18:04 very consistent that's a
0:18:07 very sharply defined picture
0:18:10 so
0:18:41 and they have i have to give them and
0:18:44 protect them as they protect me because
0:18:46 i am afraid
0:18:47 the
0:18:48 military situation around medina may
0:18:50 turn bad i may need them in the future
0:18:52 for to give me protection because i am
0:18:54 afraid that will be
0:18:56 uh
0:18:57 that there will be a situation which i
0:18:59 need them protection so i have to keep
0:19:00 that right i have to kill the former he
0:19:02 has a former alliance with him and that
0:19:04 and that's the the final fact that he's
0:19:06 saying that he's there's a disease
0:19:19 and yet thou canst see how those in
0:19:22 whose hearts there is disease by with
0:19:24 one another for their good good will
0:19:26 saying to themselves we fear lest
0:19:29 fortune train against us but may god
0:19:32 but god may well bring about their
0:19:33 fortune for the believers or any other
0:19:36 event of his own devising whereupon
0:19:39 those waivers will be smitten with
0:19:41 remorse for the thought which they had
0:19:43 secretly harbored within themselves next
0:19:46 translation you prophet will see those
0:19:48 who with
0:19:49 perverse hearts rushing to them and
0:19:51 saying we are afraid that fortune may
0:19:54 turn against us god may bring about good
0:19:56 fortune for the believers or he may not
0:19:59 then they will be overcome with remorse
0:20:01 for the thoughts that they secretly
0:20:03 harbored that's for example the the the
0:20:06 direct case of revolution which is
0:20:07 narrated quite well established is that
0:20:09 when when a conflict erupted between the
0:20:12 protest
0:20:16 the first conflict and they were the
0:20:18 allies of the line of evil
0:20:20 and they even joined him
0:20:22 with a
0:20:23 battalion of about 24 hundred men to
0:20:26 join in in uh
0:20:28 but there are some rejected them
0:20:31 not because they were joining to fight
0:20:32 under the one of them which is perfectly
0:20:34 permissible if he allowed them but they
0:20:36 said i don't take the help of
0:20:38 this believer against this believer
0:20:40 that's that's uh that's obviously in the
0:20:42 show
0:20:43 he could have taken their help before
0:20:45 they are under command
0:20:46 they came to help him now he is not
0:20:48 going to help them they are coming to
0:20:50 help him in his war
0:20:52 and also the site of madinah says that
0:20:53 they have to participate in defending
0:20:55 medina and the polish is coming
0:20:57 obviously to attack a prophet medina so
0:21:00 they they they are not doing anything
0:21:02 wrong they are calling to staff the
0:21:03 medina they know that i think but
0:21:05 decided i do forsake they have this time
0:21:08 most likely for various reasonable
0:21:10 political reasoning so it's not a
0:21:12 prohibition uh i would say one of it is
0:21:15 that because their leader at the time
0:21:17 would move them to come and join
0:21:19 me
0:21:20 in defending against quraysh
0:21:23 and he accepted his help he'll give him
0:21:26 some kind of a standing and authority
0:21:27 inside
0:21:29 did not want to give him that they want
0:21:31 to keep him as personalized as a final
0:21:33 person who has nothing really no favor
0:21:36 on the islamic state of islamic
0:21:38 secondly this will give them many
0:21:40 opportunities we help you mohammed in
0:21:42 the situation we did that we did that we
0:21:44 didn't do that and so on so whatever it
0:21:46 is i think it's an intelligent political
0:21:48 decision although there's a need for
0:21:50 such a support at the foliage coming out
0:21:52 to three thousand the muslims are less
0:21:53 than a thousand people
0:21:56 but there was insistent that i'm not
0:21:58 going to take the hell of them
0:22:00 i don't need to thank you
0:22:02 he asked questions
0:22:03 don't say no no no no
0:22:06 if you're busy that's fine join us
0:22:09 and uh
0:22:11 i said these these people after that the
0:22:13 indeed embraces the end of islam because
0:22:15 um guess that if you send them back they
0:22:17 will feel that they better embrace islam
0:22:19 and join them because they are motivated
0:22:21 to defend here they have a sincere
0:22:23 national or tribal motivation but just
0:22:26 like islam to it and becomes completely
0:22:27 legitimate whatever it has might be okay
0:22:29 he sent them back
0:22:32 but after that there was an incident
0:22:36 in in
0:22:38 Music
0:22:53 woman and so on and the village woman in
0:22:55 in africa they were situated in the
0:22:56 ground selling their things and so on
0:22:58 and then he came back
0:23:00 strictly behind here and connected here
0:23:02 at the bottom of her dress
0:23:04 they have obviously gilbert
0:23:06 through that to her neck without her
0:23:07 nursing with some kind of a
0:23:10 connector or a clip
0:23:12 and when she stood up obviously and her
0:23:14 the bomb was lifted and the people at
0:23:16 the time did not used to have underwear
0:23:19 naked underwear so she
0:23:22 scream for help for muslims who are in
0:23:24 the market because the market is joined
0:23:25 but it was the market is in the domain
0:23:27 of
0:23:28 one of their customers but everyone
0:23:30 attending the market everyone is at
0:23:32 peace we are we are in a confederation
0:23:34 there was a problem and one muslim
0:23:36 became so angry and exciting they
0:23:38 attacked this tank and killed him
0:23:40 and bani khan attacked him and killed
0:23:42 him so it became like
0:23:44 like like a rocket market
0:23:47 there are some aspen to deliver this
0:23:50 and this one who committed the murder
0:23:52 ultimately
0:23:54 and uh they refused to deliver him so it
0:23:56 was war and then
0:23:58 then he
0:23:59 they say siege on them and they say
0:24:01 muhammad do you think that because
0:24:03 you're because you you have defeated
0:24:04 quraysh you think you are you are you
0:24:07 are the greatest fighter in the world
0:24:08 you have noticed that in the matter
0:24:10 obviously it wasn't their international
0:24:12 so he said he was he was
0:24:15 talking about the siege and it would
0:24:17 have ended maybe personally with their
0:24:18 extermination like money but afterlife
0:24:21 came forward and gave us these are my
0:24:23 ally i ask you to spend them for me
0:24:26 and also do not want to have split
0:24:28 inside the community and within myself
0:24:30 and that the lord the tribe and shift
0:24:32 him to importance so he accepted that
0:24:34 disgustingly
0:24:35 and doesn't say and he said i have to
0:24:37 keep this alliance i am a man who is
0:24:39 afraid of the tide of battle maintaining
0:24:41 the future against us against me and i
0:24:44 need in time before islam before to me
0:24:46 and maybe after in the future i may
0:24:48 leave him so he wanted the protection he
0:24:50 wanted to keep the allies and because of
0:24:52 his intercession
0:24:54 and actually he interceded in a very
0:24:56 rough way he yelled the pocket in his
0:24:57 clothes and said are you going to call
0:24:59 all these people and and leave me
0:25:01 without protection and things like that
0:25:04 so that's why the insider want to feel
0:25:05 is still accelerating to keep this alive
0:25:07 so it's not it's not good relation or
0:25:09 good will no no it's actually to keep
0:25:11 the former alliance and they fight
0:25:13 together and they
0:25:15 so he was able to save them and they
0:25:17 were then forced to
0:25:18 to
0:25:21 extort the south of madina
0:25:23 so they were they were the nexus they
0:25:25 left
0:25:26 and that's the first of
0:25:29 and allah said
0:25:30 one day allah will bring victory to
0:25:32 islam
0:25:33 and then these people who are thinking
0:25:35 they need this beautiful attention they
0:25:37 will be some of them at least would be
0:25:40 deeply grieving that they missed a
0:25:41 chance to show their good faith and they
0:25:43 believe in islam and then when at the
0:25:45 time
0:25:48 the opportunity was there they felt that
0:25:50 the world
0:25:50 showed that they have a disease in the
0:25:52 heart they are not convinced that islam
0:25:54 and islam islamic television so that
0:25:56 they can forsake any other advocates
0:25:58 but this is just its cause of revelation
0:26:00 to know what after history
0:26:02 and
0:26:02 showing that people who are ruling that
0:26:04 existing of such an old alliance and so
0:26:06 on are having a disease in the heart and
0:26:08 show that they claim we are afraid of
0:26:11 that the time may attain against us and
0:26:13 they will be defeated and remain in hell
0:26:16 it's not a good excuse for our lives
0:26:17 that's not the relationship
0:26:19 and that you feel that the
0:26:21 the battle situation or the hostility
0:26:23 situation of some enemies may become
0:26:26 sovereign against you if you're forsaken
0:26:28 alliance is not an excuse you are not
0:26:29 allowed in your life
0:26:31 that's not an excuse that's going to
0:26:33 that's going to
0:26:35 get you out to the following islam
0:26:36 anyway
0:26:51 while those who have attained faith will
0:26:52 stay to one another are these the
0:26:54 self-same people who swore by god with
0:26:56 their most solemn oath that they would
0:26:59 they were indeed with you
0:27:01 in vain are all their works or now they
0:27:03 are lost
0:27:04 next translation the believers will say
0:27:06 to one another are these the same men
0:27:08 who swore by god with their most solemn
0:27:11 oaths that they are with you and they
0:27:13 all they did was in vain and they lost
0:27:15 everything
0:27:17 so you see
0:27:19 allah is promising victory will come
0:27:21 these will regret themselves but this
0:27:22 will be too late and the believer look
0:27:24 at these who have when the opportunity
0:27:26 came to show their the true faith and
0:27:28 their real commitment to be with the
0:27:30 believer and i will in one alliance as
0:27:33 it should be
0:27:34 it turned out they have ended losing
0:27:36 losing in dunya by uh
0:27:38 that the victory cannot throw them the
0:27:40 world also the believers and secondly
0:27:42 all their deeds have gone in vain and
0:27:44 they are losers
0:27:46 so that's that's what's strengthening
0:27:47 what you say so the excuse that you feel
0:27:50 feel invasive like for example let me
0:27:51 give an actual time that for example the
0:27:54 hotter you having having this base
0:27:56 claiming this way to protect ourselves
0:27:57 from invasion nothing but by having the
0:27:59 base they have an alliance with the
0:28:01 american and they they are they the
0:28:03 american
0:28:04 at least they are helping the american
0:28:06 to fight against other muslims and
0:28:08 non-muslims and so on by using the ways
0:28:10 of it they use the vein base to bomb
0:28:12 afghanistan and so on and they will come
0:28:14 they have this as part of the meaning of
0:28:16 the race they are supporting them
0:28:18 providing this it is support so there's
0:28:21 just a clear alliance with the kuffar
0:28:23 harvey who are fighting against
0:28:24 afghanistan and possibly other muslims
0:28:27 and this is an act of cover that they
0:28:29 excuse that we if we didn't get the base
0:28:31 the saudis have invaded us or
0:28:34 we would have been lost losing our
0:28:36 kingdom
0:28:37 it's not accepted that's not exactly
0:28:39 that's that's that's not the way it
0:28:40 works i think that's not very scary
0:28:56 words are in con envy
0:28:59 and you are loser and to me to give no
0:29:02 doubt about what kind of loss is that
0:29:04 the next i clarified that which we were
0:29:06 discussing earlier
0:29:29 if you ever abandon your faith
0:29:31 god will in time bring forth in your
0:29:33 stead people whom he loves and who love
0:29:35 him
0:29:36 humble towards the believers proud
0:29:38 towards all who deny the truth
0:29:40 people who strive in hard describe
0:29:43 harden god's cause and do not fear to be
0:29:45 censored by anyone who might censure
0:29:47 them such is god's favor which he grants
0:29:51 unto whom he wills and god is infinite
0:29:53 all-knowing next translation
0:29:55 believers if you ever abandon your faith
0:29:58 god will replace you with people he
0:30:00 loves and who love him
0:30:02 people who are meek towards the
0:30:03 believers uncompromising to the belief
0:30:05 to the unbelievers people who strive
0:30:08 hard in god's cause and do not fear
0:30:10 being blamed by anyone such is god's
0:30:12 grace which he grants to whomever he
0:30:15 wills god has boundless grace and
0:30:17 knowledge
0:30:18 so
0:30:19 that this i have to attend to
0:30:21 many things one is the ruling
0:30:24 which relate to the previous cause this
0:30:25 is in a context free and after that
0:30:27 continue with the alliance so those have
0:30:29 accelerated to keep the allegiance like
0:30:31 abdullah absolutely
0:30:34 and protect them from the the result
0:30:36 they should have suffered which is
0:30:37 killing their fighter and they're taking
0:30:39 the property
0:30:40 i've been interceding for them when they
0:30:42 left that's that this final obstacle
0:30:44 over there
0:30:46 this way this actually becomes
0:30:49 Music
0:31:05 for leaving abandoning the religion and
0:31:07 becoming a non-muslim
0:31:10 so what last one so this is hint that
0:31:12 the previous people mentioned there have
0:31:14 become worked by this act that's number
0:31:15 one and this excuse that we are afraid
0:31:17 that we may lose future mother is not an
0:31:19 excuse there's no excuse at all
0:31:23 type number second is the force of allah
0:31:25 which has been methodized
0:31:29 if you abandon your deen don't think
0:31:30 you're
0:31:37 Music
0:31:42 so they cannot be they cannot be
0:31:44 fighting or supporting any time that
0:31:46 again
0:31:46 there's no one that's the dust
0:31:48 being not only even
0:31:51 the word
0:31:52 is even used which is more extreme form
0:31:53 of humility almost like uh like
0:31:58 what's more than than
0:32:01 humility
0:32:02 almost humanity not even humbled even
0:32:05 more they are even
0:32:06 culminated towards the belief it is not
0:32:09 it is not negative to be humiliated
0:32:12 even into that extreme although the
0:32:14 meaning is obviously humbleness but the
0:32:16 word used that was used for the humility
0:32:18 and disgrace
0:32:20 even they are
0:32:21 willing to be as low as disgrace and
0:32:23 humor and and
0:32:25 being in humility
0:32:36 Music
0:32:37 self-conscious
0:32:39 they fight for the sake of allah they
0:32:40 don't
0:32:48 after generation
0:32:50 stage after stage until our time
0:32:53 this is the greatest the grace
0:33:07 Music
0:33:09 ibn obey he made intercession on on this
0:33:11 tribe
0:33:12 Music
0:33:13 so was it his motivation was because of
0:33:16 uh what made him
0:33:18 uh exposes being catholic because i'm
0:33:20 just trying to make a parallel between
0:33:21 this and you know the example
0:33:38 on the alliance was continuous there's
0:33:40 nothing broken in that sense but that he
0:33:42 did not let that alliance did interfere
0:33:44 with his with his uh uh
0:33:46 that
0:33:47 submissive below that alleges to allah
0:33:53 the jews anticipate uh lenience sorry he
0:33:56 was not he was not leading they
0:33:57 anticipated that the reason they
0:33:59 appointed him they accepted him thinking
0:34:00 that and the people were going to him
0:34:03 before before the judgment saying
0:34:04 remember they were allies before islam
0:34:06 remember how they thought to do et
0:34:07 cetera and he did not answer them until
0:34:09 he came and gave the heart judgment
0:34:12 one reason is because obviously we know
0:34:14 by wahi that this application is on
0:34:17 obey how does that apply to us to make a
0:34:20 judgment if for example because you
0:34:22 can't necessarily see a person's
0:34:24 motivation making a duty adjudication
0:34:27 no no there's no need for the education
0:34:29 the
0:34:30 open act is clear i'm also interceded so
0:34:33 this is my allies i i fear in the future
0:34:35 that i i will be initially justifying
0:34:37 his stance just get there i'm going to
0:34:39 experiment in one day i'm not going to
0:34:41 allow that but what you say
0:34:43 i was by him saying that i will not he
0:34:45 was effectively making a stand
0:34:47 yeah yeah it's clear because that first
0:34:48 thing is keeping the alliance
0:34:50 when uh when al-sadhun al came
0:34:52 they reminded him of the old alliance he
0:34:54 disregarded that
0:34:57 they fought against me they are outside
0:34:59 they broke the allegiance their regather
0:35:00 is
0:35:05 okay so by him rejecting the fact that
0:35:07 that allegiance has now been destroyed
0:35:10 that's the act of government in this
0:35:11 case yeah that's it you're persisting in
0:35:14 the allegiance yeah
0:35:31 almost threatening also joining joining
0:35:33 the quraysh as as as breaking every
0:35:36 covenant with him within every islamic
0:35:38 covenant if that was clear but but that
0:35:41 that was automatically he did not think
0:35:44 about that they were the fish i would
0:35:45 need them or we don't need them because
0:35:46 that's all gone finished i have nothing
0:35:48 to do with them anymore i broke the
0:35:49 relationship with them
0:35:51 i renounced that
0:35:52 that the old treaty is gone and
0:35:55 forgotten
0:35:56 it's only history that they were my
0:35:59 allies it's no more now
0:36:00 but i have done this always say no they
0:36:02 are my allies and i am a few biggest
0:36:04 alliance and i'm helping them today
0:36:06 paying back for their fight with me in
0:36:08 jahlia or islam by interceding for them
0:36:10 and system that will get their goal
0:36:13 using his position medina and obviously
0:36:15 many of millionaire people and her bunch
0:36:17 of more affecting supporting young
0:36:19 people take consideration of balance as
0:36:22 a part of the society
0:36:24 as any head of state you really you
0:36:26 don't just just
0:36:27 just uh stubbornly disregard the
0:36:31 substantial
0:36:32 for attraction of all the population of
0:36:34 possibly another concussion and it
0:36:36 contains federation
0:37:04 Music
0:37:05 they're all fit
0:37:09 the wrong mediator
0:37:12 and then again affirming nowadays
0:37:15 most importantly from the ruling point
0:37:16 of view
0:37:19 every every group of people or rulers
0:37:22 also only go up or
0:37:23 who elijah the quran is like
0:37:26 someone else will who will correct and
0:37:28 who will fight in the sake of allah like
0:37:30 for example when the leader especially
0:37:31 is fought in the role in egypt
0:37:34 did not
0:37:46 his sons and some
0:37:48 followers
0:37:56 but this process does not mean that it
0:37:58 is not necessarily happening in dates it
0:38:00 may take months years and so on but
0:38:02 allah
0:38:12 accepting israel and so on allah would
0:38:13 bring some people who these would be
0:38:15 these will fail and allah
0:38:21 Music
0:38:31 and then all of those who was in the
0:38:33 wrong side were regret because they all
0:38:35 were to have been in vain and they have
0:38:37 committed most likely some of them died
0:38:39 as multiple india they don't finish
0:38:41 their event
0:38:43 then again back to the issue where
0:38:56 Music
0:38:59 those that are constant in prayer and
0:39:00 render the purifying dues and bowed down
0:39:03 before god your true next translation
0:39:06 your true allies are good his messenger
0:39:07 and the believers those who are
0:39:09 constantly in prayer pay the prescribed
0:39:11 purifying purifying arms and bowed down
0:39:14 in worship
0:39:15 just kind of things constantly
0:39:17 establishing prayers
0:39:19 is a term which is wider than than
0:39:21 constantine you don't need to be for
0:39:22 somebody you may have only the five
0:39:24 there there you don't have even one
0:39:25 surname and so on especially the
0:39:27 obsession of the indian pakistani with
0:39:29 nothing and for nathan and six and all
0:39:31 of this says all of this doesn't count
0:39:33 it's not their elements establishing a
0:39:35 beer made establishing solar time
0:39:37 directing their life around salah
0:39:39 closing the shops of if it is
0:39:43 or organizing that someone will take
0:39:44 over like in our case here in our area
0:39:46 is
0:39:48 so the shops there they they work
0:39:51 somewhere like in the festival and then
0:39:53 he comes
0:39:54 others
0:39:56 Music
0:40:00 as individuals as a state society
0:40:03 will
0:40:04 organize and work in time
0:40:06 they think around these things is
0:40:12 in the sense that there is a share for
0:40:14 the for for the needy it is it is it is
0:40:17 not it is not your ownerships allah
0:40:19 ownership he gave you the ownership and
0:40:21 he establishes what's yours the shame
0:40:36 establishing the otherwise for example
0:40:39 if these who are constantly
0:40:42 deciding for sex father siam they are
0:40:44 cuffed so so this is not it's not like
0:40:46 it's establishing it which includes the
0:40:48 other obligation as they come necessary
0:40:51 obligation otherwise you do not
0:40:52 establish your life you'll be a joke or
0:40:54 you're joking girl you're mocking
0:40:55 yourself you're laughing at yourself
0:40:59 so that's the when you're clean so if
0:41:01 you want is not constant that's a that's
0:41:02 not a good issue there is
0:41:15 Music
0:41:19 these all details
0:41:21 okay
0:41:22 keep them purified protect them
0:41:25 do not prevent people from their
0:41:27 gathering they are discussing their
0:41:28 affairs etc all of that like for example
0:41:30 these tyrants and muslim countries
0:41:32 prevented people from coming for islam
0:41:34 for salah or preventing any meeting
0:41:36 after after forex after servants taking
0:41:38 the people out so we will come up with
0:41:40 and discuss only that is undermining
0:41:43 these people are not establishing
0:41:45 these people are really committing an
0:41:46 act of
0:42:00 and revelation be studying there and
0:42:02 muslim affairs to be discussed there
0:42:05 but they have to do otherwise they will
0:42:06 lose their thrones that's clear so they
0:42:08 are they are not establishing me they
0:42:10 are done by me
0:42:12 anyway this is your and the other
0:42:13 important point here is
0:42:28 that's what they said that's the way the
0:42:30 islamic entity in islamic entities
0:42:32 having their kingdom
0:42:34 and the religious goes to emphasis he is
0:42:36 the allah he is the either
0:42:38 he is the center of sovereignty and
0:42:39 religions
0:42:40 he's a messenger as long as he lives
0:42:44 Music
0:42:58 Music
0:43:27 a ring which is valuable enough maybe a
0:43:29 silver to give it to anybody but anyway
0:43:33 yeah
0:43:35 and they claim it is whatever it is that
0:43:37 the general meaning is very clear this
0:43:38 is
0:43:45 they are also indulging in the usual
0:43:47 which we know so establishing salah is
0:43:49 establishing
0:43:50 giving zakah is establishing the iconic
0:43:52 system of
0:44:03 and it's not that ali was unlikely this
0:44:05 story is a fantastic invention i don't
0:44:08 think it's the story of that
0:44:10 maybe i could start well let's say some
0:44:13 people get obsessed or something they
0:44:15 try to go into we'll mention some cases
0:44:17 like that down the road so they went to
0:44:18 an imaginary world maybe not today maybe
0:44:20 next time when we come the eye of the
0:44:23 protection allah also come in us
0:44:26 and then again
0:44:28 i promise
0:44:29 and take a high praise for those who are
0:44:31 alive
0:44:39 Music
0:44:41 themselves with god and his apostle and
0:44:42 those who have attained to faith behold
0:44:45 it is a the partition partisans of god
0:44:48 who shall be victorious best translation
0:44:51 all who have ally in themselves with god
0:44:53 and his messenger and their believers
0:44:54 will be victorious yeah
0:44:57 so this is clear so this is crazy for
0:44:58 these is not only
0:45:00 is there not only a for offender
0:45:02 fundamental obligation uh for all and
0:45:05 part of faith because previously we
0:45:06 should talk about apostasy in a context
0:45:08 which has nothing to do with it it's
0:45:10 just allowing or fighting or protecting
0:45:12 godfather fighting with them there's
0:45:13 nothing to relate to that was it or
0:45:15 denying faith in the
0:45:17 narrow sense which we understand
0:45:20 suddenly saying muhammad is not a
0:45:21 messenger after you say the messenger or
0:45:23 the quran is not from allah which is a
0:45:25 standard
0:45:26 state for the questions it is in the
0:45:28 context of allies so it's not only that
0:45:31 but also there is the
0:45:33 the uh
0:45:35 the
0:45:36 higher ankle being this is
0:45:38 the parties and the party of allah and
0:45:39 these other victorious ones the
0:45:41 opportunities
0:45:45 and then i came
0:45:47 to encourage people to
0:45:49 mention a reason for not to ally with
0:45:51 this quran but it is an extra reason
0:45:52 this is not a reason for the
0:45:54 forsaken allies that's fundamental issue
0:45:56 for being alive to allah and his
0:45:58 messenger but to encourage the people
0:46:00 and show them how the unreasonable and
0:46:03 stupid to align with these disbelievers
0:46:05 because of the behavior of this believer
0:46:06 so even if allah alliance would have
0:46:09 been allowed
0:46:10 that behavior will remind everyone who
0:46:12 has sense in his mind he should not go
0:46:14 this way so the ayah says
0:46:24 what's
0:46:28 oh you who have attained to faith do not
0:46:31 take for your friends such as mock at
0:46:33 you or at your faith and make a jest of
0:46:36 it be they from among those who have
0:46:37 been vowed save revelation before your
0:46:40 time or from among those denying the
0:46:42 truth as revelation as such but remain
0:46:44 conscious of god if you are truly
0:46:46 believers in translation believers do
0:46:48 not befriend people who mock your faith
0:46:50 and make fun of it whether they are
0:46:52 people who are who are given the book
0:46:54 before you or who are unbelievers remain
0:46:57 mindful of god if you are truly
0:46:58 believers okay so correct quickly the
0:47:00 word friend that's a mistake is not
0:47:02 friend it's allah unless
0:47:08 there's
0:47:24 yeah
0:47:25 yeah okay so you want me to reread it
0:47:28 with us
0:47:28 no no just collect it in your mind and
0:47:31 then and if you get an opportunity
0:47:32 you'll have contact with the window with
0:47:34 that center you are mistaken there use
0:47:36 the word like
0:47:38 that's a connected translation
0:47:40 maybe viktor used maybe other idea if
0:47:43 you check pixel star is using it because
0:47:46 spectral is usually the cleanest in this
0:47:47 one
0:47:49 amazing this english man who died almost
0:47:51 almost a century ago
0:47:53 grasped this meaning better than many of
0:47:55 them more recent translators
0:47:59 you have a picture translation i think
0:48:01 that have gone from the top secret
0:48:04 uh haven't gone with
0:48:23 Music
0:48:41 protector guardian
0:48:43 warframe something like that just to
0:48:45 give all the three meaning of well that
0:48:47 worry is very
0:48:49 close close uh
0:48:51 alive something like that but the word
0:48:53 worry has the meaning of the closeness
0:48:56 but the
0:48:57 sharpest and best definition is
0:49:08 just to discourage the view this is like
0:49:10 appealing to what they call it appealing
0:49:13 to
0:49:13 the sentiment
0:49:15 that how could be alive with such people
0:49:18 who are so
0:49:19 so despicable in their behavior
0:49:22 that
0:49:23 you shouldn't have been if they should
0:49:24 you do not need all these revelations
0:49:26 these threats to not to be their allies
0:49:28 just their behavior should should have
0:49:30 been sufficiently repugnant for you that
0:49:32 you don't even think about having a
0:49:33 relationship over collisions or alliance
0:49:35 with them
0:49:37 so it says
0:49:47 so what do you call to prayer they
0:49:49 market it and make jest of it simply
0:49:51 because they are people who do not use
0:49:52 their reason yes translation
0:49:55 when you make a call to prayer they make
0:49:57 it they mock it and make fun of it
0:49:58 because they are people who do not use
0:50:00 reason
0:50:01 i remember i was once walking in the
0:50:04 airport street area near a ship i don't
0:50:06 think it was a shop
0:50:07 and there was some some european or
0:50:09 american woman obviously not covered and
0:50:12 so on but there is nothing
0:50:14 at the time they had nobody there going
0:50:16 half naked something like that and then
0:50:20 i think it was
0:50:23 loudly here
0:50:24 and then
0:50:36 until today so if you like that who does
0:50:39 not have a mind okay these people are
0:50:41 calling for their prayer
0:50:43 they are committed people they want
0:50:44 their respect not mercury even if you
0:50:46 don't share their belief but they are
0:50:48 committed they don't
0:50:51 the same for example if you hear for
0:50:53 example that the bell's throwing it says
0:50:55 you don't make me okay it's going for
0:50:58 player or maybe for some other function
0:51:00 okay
0:51:01 hopefully there's enough people who are
0:51:02 committed to go there instead of your
0:51:04 chest your friends almost empty but in
0:51:06 the midst of that i i never thought even
0:51:09 making it
0:51:10 or something like that
0:51:12 one time there's a funny story out where
0:51:14 i was near the dome and called in the
0:51:16 60s and it happened i think it was the
0:51:19 time it was
0:51:20 it was the some occasion i don't know
0:51:22 and that was joseph cardinal things
0:51:25 that's the thing at that time he died
0:51:27 long ago
0:51:29 and essentially there was a procession
0:51:31 going through the streets i thought it
0:51:32 was the occasion
0:51:34 and everyone went in his in their knees
0:51:36 at the time that the germans were
0:51:37 relatively
0:51:39 creatively religious
0:51:40 they did not disintegrate in that last
0:51:42 60 years they have completed the things
0:51:44 they agreed almost completely
0:51:46 and then everyone to his need
0:52:03 time and the commentary is the only one
0:52:06 standing in this massage this dark skin
0:52:09 guy he figured that this guy must be not
0:52:11 christian and then he left his hand the
0:52:13 greeting i greeted back
0:52:45 to look people for that
0:52:46 i guess that's it that's not a sign of
0:52:48 someone who is the internationality
0:52:50 is this a prohibition or is this just
0:52:52 generalizing no no no but therefore the
0:52:54 other side shows that they have no
0:52:55 reason because i've been on
0:52:57 people who don't crush allies there's no
0:52:59 reason for them some some people calling
0:53:01 for for prayer that you make them more
0:53:03 cry out to them
0:53:04 at least you say okay they're coming
0:53:06 forward fine that's the prayer they're
0:53:08 calling for it that's that's worthy of
0:53:09 concentration or respect
0:53:13 i remember once i was in america going
0:53:15 for a conference and in the airport at
0:53:17 the prayer time changing the plane
0:53:18 obviously because i had london first in
0:53:20 new york and they changed the plane and
0:53:22 said there's a big gap
0:53:23 so fast time came so if you guessed it
0:53:25 was the election
0:53:30 Music
0:53:33 and then
0:53:35 some girl was not noticing until
0:53:38 passed in front of me i tried to stop
0:53:39 him gently by hand and she was shocked
0:53:41 that she and after playing her i think
0:53:43 her father came saying sorry my girl she
0:53:45 didn't understand that you are playing
0:53:47 by the way i must have expressed my
0:53:49 appreciation i respect for you that you
0:53:50 play in public like that that's everyone
0:53:52 should be like respecting his own
0:53:54 religion
0:54:09 in front of someone who's played that's
0:54:11 that's understandable it's not for you
0:54:13 you just come to the accident
0:54:14 there's one of these episodes you
0:54:16 remember real life some nice episode and
0:54:18 by the way he gave me his car i think i
0:54:20 still have his car and he's like like
0:54:23 artifact seller in tucson arizona i
0:54:25 think all in phoenix arizona but anyone
0:54:28 could talk to this much like he's gone
0:54:30 because he wasn't
0:54:31 long ago
0:54:34 so
0:54:35 after all issues
0:54:37 so that's so people like that
0:54:40 they should not have really any
0:54:41 condition to be alive with them these
0:54:43 people are not reasonable not rational
0:54:45 which kind of allies which benefit them
0:54:47 allies or such things
0:54:50 then
0:55:12 do you find fault with us for no other
0:55:15 reason than that we believe in god alone
0:55:17 and in that which he has bestowed from
0:55:19 on high upon us as that which he has
0:55:22 been bestowed a full time
0:55:25 for it is only because most of you are
0:55:27 or is it because most of you are
0:55:30 iniquities next translation say say
0:55:33 people of the book do you resent us for
0:55:35 any reason other than that we believe in
0:55:37 god and what we what he has revealed to
0:55:39 us and what he revealed before us or is
0:55:42 it only because most of you are
0:55:44 deviators yeah that's that's it for what
0:55:46 why is why they misbehave with muslims
0:55:50 more often than not
0:55:53 is that because they believe in what has
0:55:55 been revealed to them to us
0:55:58 and what they revealed before and
0:55:59 respected as we are raised
0:56:04 they protect their honor they're not
0:56:05 allow them to be abused publicly etc
0:56:08 like their other side is doing or is
0:56:10 that because most of you are
0:56:11 rebellious and faster and disobedient
0:56:14 and they are like any facet who try to
0:56:17 cover up for his situation by mocking
0:56:19 the one who almost fasted like any like
0:56:21 that was saying uh in every every goal
0:56:24 and prostitute would like to tell every
0:56:26 chaste woman into a holocaust so nobody
0:56:28 is better than anybody all of us are
0:56:30 horse so nobody can can be having
0:56:33 a pride or something what's the
0:56:34 motivation it's just a question
0:56:38 and then further
0:57:00 say shall i tell you who in the sight of
0:57:02 god deserves a yet worse retribution
0:57:05 than these
0:57:06 they whom god has rejected and whom he
0:57:08 has condemned and whom he has turned
0:57:10 into aches and swine because they
0:57:12 worship the powers of evil
0:57:15 these are yet worse in station and far
0:57:18 farther astray from the right path than
0:57:20 the mockers
0:57:21 that's in brackets
0:57:23 say let's translation say will i tell
0:57:25 you in the sight of god who deserves a
0:57:27 worse punishment punishment than these
0:57:30 they they whom god has rejected and whom
0:57:33 he condemned and turned into apes and
0:57:35 pigs because they worship the powers of
0:57:37 evil they are worse in rank and further
0:57:40 astray farther astray from the right
0:57:42 path
0:57:43 so this is the
0:57:44 through one word
0:57:46 and worship or submit to the powers of
0:57:49 evil the tyrants and this is clearly
0:57:51 addressing when you say because when
0:57:52 islam
0:58:06 answering man then all
0:58:08 except one or two three over the
0:58:10 remaining history which is about
0:58:12 500 years 300 250 years in the northern
0:58:16 kingdom and 500 is from the south and
0:58:17 kingdom
0:58:20 is called
0:58:35 tyrants who make laws
0:58:37 and receiving them accepting their notes
0:58:39 that's the question of them as explained
0:58:41 by hadith
0:58:44 on the various and the ayah which will
0:58:46 come later on in october
0:58:49 Music
0:58:58 these are indeed worse and far farther
0:59:00 away from the right life not those who
0:59:02 believe in
0:59:08 Music
0:59:29 Music
0:59:31 unto you they say we believe whereas in
0:59:33 fact they come with the result to deny
0:59:35 the truth and depart in the same state
0:59:38 but god is fully aware of all that they
0:59:40 would conceal
0:59:42 next translation when they come to you
0:59:44 they say we believe however they come
0:59:46 denying the truth and leaving the same
0:59:48 state
0:59:49 god is fully aware of all they can see
0:59:51 so they're following that they entered
0:59:53 with kufr and they extend it with it so
0:59:56 the cover is their companion is part of
0:59:58 their characters they are denied the
1:00:00 thoughts when they enter and they accept
1:00:02 but they do not have the courage to say
1:00:04 we don't believe what you believe and
1:00:06 not agree with you
1:00:07 for them for that they don't have enough
1:00:09 courage and self-respect to say say holy
1:00:12 group
1:00:23 they don't even have this courage
1:00:25 and allah knows exactly what
1:00:40 inviting them for for whatever
1:00:42 winning you have but also if someone who
1:00:44 is sick
1:00:45 if you visit them that can request
1:00:47 anything like that for the famous story
1:00:50 who visits the
1:00:51 jewish world so it is standard this is
1:00:53 an intellectual so no need to say
1:00:55 anything
1:00:56 i'm a jew
1:00:58 i'm keeping you ready
1:01:00 but i can't enter your house for my
1:01:01 house as neighbors as good neighbors
1:01:03 have good interaction so no need but
1:01:05 they don't have very sufficient courage
1:01:08 and self-conviction and they need to
1:01:10 to play such games which is completely
1:01:12 nonsensical and does not show character
1:01:14 there should be a real conviction
1:01:17 and allah knows what they are hiding
1:01:18 sometimes they haven't achieved
1:01:20 attempted over the court machine of
1:01:22 course their divisions and spirit
1:01:25 at least sometimes
1:01:27 and then further negative of these
1:01:29 people
1:01:30 all of that to discourage anyone having
1:01:32 to think that having any good alliance
1:01:34 with them makes any good sense
1:01:51 next translation you prophet can see
1:01:53 many of them out doing one another in
1:01:55 sin and hostility and making illegal
1:01:58 profits
1:02:00 i've got miserable action they have been
1:02:02 doing yeah that's that's you can see
1:02:03 that and even nowadays that's that's
1:02:05 what you see really
1:02:07 when they get any opportunity that you
1:02:08 see for example
1:02:10 relatively minimal uh minimum
1:02:13 like breaking over business contracts
1:02:15 and so on it's because the most business
1:02:17 contracts the most sales are done under
1:02:20 strict laws and regulation and formal
1:02:22 formal conditions the moment any of this
1:02:24 formal condition is missing you will see
1:02:26 all kinds of mischief and playing games
1:02:28 and even looking into into into grabs
1:02:32 and small and a small script in
1:02:34 insurance companies any opportunities
1:02:36 match people money to get away they will
1:02:38 use it
1:02:40 well not for the strict laws and the
1:02:41 formalization of all these contracts and
1:02:44 all these legal aspects which you can
1:02:47 marshal you would have seen some people
1:02:49 fortunately they were honest they keep
1:02:51 their corners a reality they are forced
1:02:53 by the law and by majority of them
1:02:56 differently than some people are
1:02:57 committed
1:02:59 their people who are religiously
1:03:00 motivated
1:03:20 Music
1:03:26 but because of taxation how much money
1:03:28 is coming at him so all these categories
1:03:30 that
1:03:30 let them cannot let them get away as
1:03:32 much as they can and that helps the
1:03:34 other by method since the other thing is
1:03:36 just done but everyone is afraid to get
1:03:38 caught with some problems so that's
1:03:39 that's what enforcing
1:03:41 fear of authorities and
1:03:47 Music
1:03:51 devotion
1:03:54 and then even their
1:03:55 wrong transcribes are
1:04:07 Music
1:04:10 forbid them to make simple assertions
1:04:12 and to swallow all that is evil
1:04:14 vile indeed is what they can trust next
1:04:16 translation if only their rabbis and
1:04:18 scholars would stop them from speaking
1:04:20 sinfully and making illegal profits
1:04:22 their deeds are so evil
1:04:24 so this is two or two ways of looking at
1:04:26 why the first translation was the first
1:04:28 way is that whether not for the the gods
1:04:31 men and
1:04:34 commanding them good and forbidding of
1:04:35 evil they would have done even worse
1:04:37 than that that's why so this is like
1:04:40 like saying that the the
1:04:42 the good man and the above are really
1:04:44 the one enjoy
1:04:45 advising and making
1:04:47 and making making uh making an attempt
1:04:50 to to restrain the viewer a bit
1:04:52 um where if not for that they would have
1:04:55 been even worse than what you see now
1:04:57 that's one translation another way of
1:04:59 reading it is the second translation is
1:05:00 that
1:05:02 why not the monks and scribes do the
1:05:05 duty of that
1:05:12 i have the feeling is that the first
1:05:14 translation is more
1:05:17 more accurate because mentioning
1:05:20 the government so when
1:05:22 unlikely to be in a replication on the
1:05:25 scribes
1:05:26 uh so mentioning that but you won't give
1:05:28 them the balance to the first
1:05:29 translation is that
1:05:30 these these
1:05:32 they do
1:05:34 advise them to not to to
1:05:36 to devour other spiritual money to cheat
1:05:39 and so on and to avoid sins in general
1:05:42 in general
1:05:46 islam
1:05:48 and
1:05:48 scholars but the majority were really
1:05:51 working well whatever good uh good man
1:05:53 they do injections
1:05:55 where if not for these then they would
1:05:57 have been even worse than what you see
1:05:58 now i think that's a better
1:06:01 uh taking the weather
1:06:06 Music
1:06:07 is rather
1:06:09 unlikely that
1:06:11 in the context where the gods men are
1:06:12 mentioned which is a blazing title but i
1:06:15 have blamed for failure on undoing this
1:06:17 duty that's not very likely or it could
1:06:20 be but there's nothing like so the first
1:06:22 transition is not that you might like it
1:06:24 so the way they would have been much
1:06:26 better well if not for this
1:06:28 monks and scribe who are still
1:06:30 commanding some good and and warning
1:06:32 them from devouring the religious
1:06:35 prophets etc they would have been much
1:06:37 worse than that but these aren't at
1:06:40 least these guys are restraining a
1:06:41 little bit
1:06:43 under some one of their outrageous
1:06:50 Music
1:06:55 foreign
1:07:27 and rejected by god are and rejected by
1:07:30 god are they because of their of this
1:07:31 assertion
1:07:32 well this is their assertion nay not
1:07:36 white are his hands stretched out he
1:07:38 dispenses ground he as he wills
1:07:40 but all that has been disturbed from on
1:07:42 high upon thee o prophet by thy
1:07:44 sustainer is bound to make many of them
1:07:46 yet more stubborn in their overwhelming
1:07:48 arrogance and their and in their denial
1:07:50 of the truth
1:07:52 and so we have cast enmity and hatred
1:07:54 among the followers of the bible
1:07:56 to last until resurrection day
1:07:59 every time they light the fires of war
1:08:01 god extinguishes them
1:08:03 and they labor to lay their heart to
1:08:06 spread corruption on earth and god does
1:08:08 not love the spreaders of corruption
1:08:10 next translation
1:08:12 those said god's hands are tired
1:08:16 it is they whose who
1:08:19 are tied
1:08:20 they are cursed by the god for what they
1:08:22 have said good hands are open wide he
1:08:25 gives as he pleases
1:08:27 what has been sent down to you profit
1:08:29 from your lord is sure to make many of
1:08:31 them even more stubborn in their
1:08:33 arrogance and in their denial of the
1:08:35 truth we have incited enmity and hatred
1:08:38 among the people of the book until the
1:08:39 resurrection day
1:08:41 whenever they kindle the fires of war
1:08:43 god extinguishes them and they work hard
1:08:45 to spreading corruption on earth god
1:08:48 does not love the characters
1:08:50 so this is this is the story of behind
1:08:52 that is that uh
1:08:53 he has many discussion with the jews i
1:08:56 want to show this that and ultimately
1:08:57 after the discussion say you you you
1:08:59 cannot deny that how many of them is
1:09:01 better for you
1:09:03 no no we deny very well look you your
1:09:07 god says uh prohibits usually for us and
1:09:10 then he takes you there for himself
1:09:12 he
1:09:13 he he tells that he will give me alone
1:09:15 and i will reward you 700 times so how
1:09:17 come that is he allows himself to take
1:09:19 care to give usually and not allow us
1:09:22 and secondly uh
1:09:24 how he can ask him as follow his need
1:09:28 his hand is tied to his neck
1:09:30 he cannot spend as he likes as clearly
1:09:33 he needs our money otherwise he will not
1:09:35 ask him for a loan and then but we we
1:09:38 are we are
1:09:39 and you know
1:09:40 the quality as you said allah says
1:09:43 we are independent and things like that
1:09:46 that's all so allah said kills them for
1:09:48 that obviously for this nasty and
1:09:51 powerful statement and they say that he
1:09:54 is his hand that is not his title his
1:09:56 neck is under open he spent away like
1:09:58 you wish and he is supporting and
1:10:00 suggesting
1:10:09 but most likely it is it is not a
1:10:11 misunderstanding it is essentially
1:10:14 arrogance
1:10:28 shows and people history they are
1:10:30 finished they are gone
1:10:31 this clinically by the final messenger
1:10:34 sees them there is no escape from that
1:10:35 it was gone long ago but they can't deny
1:10:38 that and play games but now with this
1:10:39 one house out as fresh see
1:10:43 so they could not
1:10:45 find the final revelation except some
1:10:47 something which
1:10:48 increased them in arrogance and
1:10:50 disbelief
1:10:51 and then allah from his side has created
1:10:53 between them not only the jews but most
1:10:55 likely also people of the
1:11:08 the reason for that is that they have
1:11:09 forsaken or forgotten or neglected some
1:11:11 of the revelation the moment you do that
1:11:14 if you neglect them forsake some of the
1:11:15 revelation it's a lie for everyone not
1:11:17 only
1:11:18 also for muslims
1:11:19 then there will be disagreement
1:11:22 only if you take the whole revelation
1:11:23 which explains each other and
1:11:25 synchronize and fits well with each
1:11:27 other they will be there for some
1:11:28 personalities minimized
1:11:32 and
1:11:33 enmity will be reduced
1:11:35 possibly to you or as as minimally
1:11:37 possible for human life but
1:11:39 unfortunately
1:11:40 what happened also for muslims is that
1:11:42 they have forsaken some of the
1:11:43 validation and took some of it
1:11:46 between
1:11:48 us
1:11:49 because each one of those took some
1:11:51 some of the revelation and just ignore
1:11:53 the neglected other part that's it and
1:11:55 this is doesn't work this way the result
1:11:57 is that there will be enmity and hatred
1:11:59 until this is here in the case of these
1:12:01 are christian there is no way back until
1:12:03 they're completely extinct
1:12:05 because what they have in the in the
1:12:07 scripture is already sufficiently
1:12:09 mutilated
1:12:10 and some of it is hidden as the
1:12:12 following state in various places and
1:12:14 they themselves admit that they asked
1:12:15 for hidden books of
1:12:17 and some are false books epistles
1:12:20 and
1:12:20 and the even in the
1:12:23 the same most authentic and most most
1:12:25 reliable collections uh
1:12:28 none of them is completely clean there
1:12:30 have been sessions they have marginal
1:12:31 notes and certain insight and sometimes
1:12:34 as a trivia martial
1:12:37 note is that for all that they have as
1:12:39 an evidence for the trend
1:12:41 trivial marginal note which does not say
1:12:43 very much
1:12:44 crypt in the text and they take it as
1:12:46 the evidence for the treaty so if that's
1:12:49 the way what they have in their head
1:12:51 until they go through the scriptures who
1:12:53 screams that which the quran there's no
1:12:55 way they can overcome this and means and
1:12:57 that's the acceleration that's a
1:12:58 necessity of the fact that revelation
1:13:01 has been
1:13:02 not taken in full it has been mutilated
1:13:04 either by loss by their negligence by
1:13:06 whatever it is
1:13:09 so in addition
1:13:11 they always try to instigate war
1:13:14 but as a general rule wherever they
1:13:16 start whenever they start war and
1:13:18 distinguish for war allah extinguish it
1:13:22 allah does not allow them
1:13:24 sometimes they did succeed in having one
1:13:26 or two wars but as a general rule
1:13:29 whatever were
1:14:05 Music
1:14:19 yourself anytime they instigate any real
1:14:21 world allah extinguish it more that's it
1:14:24 and this will be the case
1:14:26 there will be
1:14:41 trying to motivate quraysh building
1:14:43 alliance between khali
1:14:45 and he succeeded and came to medina
1:14:49 seized medina but they ended
1:14:51 essentially
1:14:53 succeeding in nothing the only result
1:15:09 to accept your suggestions unless you
1:15:12 sit with us that anything suffer happen
1:15:14 to us you will suffer us okay i'll stay
1:15:15 with you
1:15:16 so
1:15:17 motivated and hated that he stayed with
1:15:19 them and he was exploited with them but
1:15:20 what does the help you if the
1:15:22 instigators will get executed if you are
1:15:23 excluded stupidity
1:15:26 they should have stuck to their
1:15:27 covenants about islam and history may
1:15:29 have changed
1:15:30 but that's that's that's that's what the
1:15:33 devil does to this follower is to give
1:15:35 them to god for their own downfall
1:15:48 Music
1:15:49 they saw corruption
1:15:51 corruption as he made nearly wars
1:15:54 mischief
1:15:55 spying
1:15:57 and possibly economic corruption
1:15:58 etcetera
1:15:59 possibly even even even
1:16:02 participating under
1:16:04 Music
1:16:06 considerably involved in drug trades and
1:16:08 prostitutes and things like that which
1:16:09 is well known so all this is corruption
1:16:12 allah does not like that
1:16:16 or
1:16:17 spread usually or
1:16:31 but that's that's what they are behaving
1:16:32 because of the rejection of the finances
1:16:35 they could have cleaned
1:16:37 the accommodation from this and got them
1:16:39 a little bit in a better state of office
1:16:42 but while because substantially
1:16:47 so this is
1:16:48 so from that we will mean that whatever
1:16:50 they do in afghanistan in palestine all
1:16:53 these are actually just nominated
1:16:56 for atheists and nationalists and so on
1:16:58 on the nationalist model in the 19th
1:17:01 century which is the fact that but still
1:17:03 is remaining there that's all their
1:17:05 instigation will backfire against
1:17:07 unfortunately
1:17:09 for the person
1:17:10 and playing indeed with the real
1:17:15 not be world and if it's ignorant
1:17:16 finally it will be the end
1:17:20 so
1:17:22 and then a general statement about these
1:17:24 people of the preservation if they have
1:17:26 complied with their regulation what
1:17:28 would be the result
1:17:43 we should indeed face their previous bad
1:17:45 deeds and indeed bring them into the
1:17:47 gardens of bliss illustration
1:17:49 translation if the people of the by
1:17:52 the people of the book would only truly
1:17:53 believe and be mindful of god we would
1:17:56 wipe by their former evil deeds and
1:17:58 bring them into the gardens in the
1:18:00 gardens of the light
1:18:02 no need i think
1:18:03 it's very clear if they have done that
1:18:05 but they never did that so the result
1:18:07 never happened
1:18:09 unfairly
1:18:16 Music
1:18:24 gospel and all the revelation that's
1:18:25 been bestowed from on high upon them by
1:18:27 their sustainer they would indeed
1:18:29 partake of all the blessings of heaven
1:18:31 and earth
1:18:32 some of them do pursue a righteous
1:18:34 course a right course but as for them as
1:18:36 for most of them while indeed with what
1:18:38 they do next translation and if they
1:18:40 truly observe the torah and the gospel
1:18:42 and all that was that has been revealed
1:18:44 to them by their lord they would have
1:18:46 been given abundance of grace from
1:18:47 heaven and earth some of them are on the
1:18:49 right course but most of them do what is
1:18:52 evil
1:18:53 so this is that's all if then is if
1:18:55 there is or it is just hypothetical it
1:18:57 did not happen
1:18:58 and
1:18:59 even establishing the torah and the
1:19:01 gospel in time past if they would have
1:19:02 established as it should be as they
1:19:04 revealed
1:19:05 to their lord not that they write to
1:19:06 their hand and claims from allah that's
1:19:08 all mutilation and so on they would have
1:19:10 been in the quran if everybody say they
1:19:12 would have eaten from the above their
1:19:14 heads and below their feet meaning from
1:19:15 the bounty of inside earth
1:19:19 will open to them some people say how
1:19:21 can it be but
1:19:22 apply it and you'll see you will see how
1:19:24 it is if you if you really apply that
1:19:26 policy because then the ruling will be
1:19:29 with justice
1:19:30 uh
1:19:31 wealth will be there distributed
1:19:32 reasonably
1:19:34 the poor and the lady will be minimized
1:19:36 possibly in a completely becoming
1:19:38 extinct because of that
1:19:40 the will to do are doing their charity
1:19:43 etc and then by by complying with the
1:19:46 law and the laws of purity laws of for
1:19:49 example if i have the law of of summit
1:19:52 not working on saliva not working every
1:19:54 seven years here leaving the land to
1:19:56 recover one year and that year the land
1:19:59 will
1:20:00 recover by bacteria and plants we know
1:20:03 that now at the time nobody use that and
1:20:05 by
1:20:06 wild growth that is enough to
1:20:09 re-fertilize the land because all that
1:20:11 grow wild most of it is not edible
1:20:13 someone tells you you can eat from it if
1:20:14 needed but usually you eat from it you
1:20:16 have stored in the last six years
1:20:19 and that year
1:20:22 that growth will obviously rot and so on
1:20:25 and turn into fertilizer which is
1:20:26 sufficient for the next six years if
1:20:28 it's done but they never expected this
1:20:30 several years seventy of them were
1:20:32 missed and that's the reason they were
1:20:34 our seventh year exile and babylon as a
1:20:36 punishment for the police translation
1:20:39 that would fertilize the soil uh also
1:20:42 every every seven of seven forty nine
1:20:44 years the jubilee year
1:20:50 must be free and all deaths must be
1:20:52 forgiven and and nobody should stop
1:20:54 giving them
1:20:56 giving laws because the jubilee years is
1:20:58 it nearby but human most human beings
1:21:00 are greedy and they are not compliance
1:21:02 so when the
1:21:03 year of the jubilee instead of
1:21:04 continuing our business as usual and
1:21:06 then forgive the little vision which is
1:21:08 meaning really forgive that only a few
1:21:10 last years that's it unless you have
1:21:13 45 years 46 years that's not forgiven
1:21:16 and being paid and so on circulated only
1:21:18 that amount they were too stingy to do
1:21:20 that with the result that that was
1:21:22 accruing and commonly accommodating
1:21:24 leading to the catastrophes of the
1:21:25 economy as well instead of cleaning out
1:21:27 there every 49 years a clean slate
1:21:30 all displays are slaves afraid all that
1:21:33 imagine that's what have been applied
1:21:34 systematically how would they affect in
1:21:36 the society all of that for what it's
1:21:37 like i'm just giving an example
1:21:40 for the for the for the people of the
1:21:42 gospel they have a community shift in
1:21:43 which everyone puts his hearing there
1:21:45 and then the leadership of the community
1:21:47 distributes under them it's almost like
1:21:48 a like a communist regime
1:21:51 this way they would not have suffered
1:21:52 any any in
1:21:55 any poverty or anything in this society
1:21:57 but soon that was abolished that they
1:21:59 are
1:22:08 the law and foreign blessing of heaven
1:22:10 and earth will count
1:22:12 all these injunctions will lead to
1:22:14 improving the health of the earth
1:22:16 improving the health and society with
1:22:17 every economy they don't comply with it
1:22:20 and they expect them to to have a good
1:22:22 life they were not
1:22:24 chef when i say for example it mentions
1:22:26 heaven and earth
1:22:28 and um gardening of gardens of bliss
1:22:31 i mean is it because if they combine
1:22:33 them by naturally by natural progression
1:22:34 they would accept islam
1:22:36 or is it no no this is all in the past
1:22:38 and then now because they establishing
1:22:41 would have been a torah and
1:22:43 what they built for their lord if they
1:22:45 would have done that they would have
1:22:46 been living lavishly and then when islam
1:22:49 comes they will recognize immediately
1:22:50 that's that's what has been promised in
1:22:52 the scripture they will embrace it and
1:22:53 the things will continue but this has
1:22:55 not happened
1:22:57 so there is that this is all before the
1:23:00 in the past that's all i'm blessing the
1:23:01 past
1:23:02 but if they have established it in time
1:23:04 past they were living well balanced and
1:23:06 reasonably
1:23:07 and in in in later time when the prophet
1:23:10 has come if they have really established
1:23:12 the torah on the gospel and then stand
1:23:13 with the injunction there what's what
1:23:15 have been promised and they did not
1:23:17 they don't
1:23:18 facilitate until they until it sounds
1:23:20 some of
1:23:21 the
1:23:22 of the welding and playing with them and
1:23:24 so on they would have recognized this is
1:23:25 the messenger which has been promised
1:23:26 and they will have joined directly and
1:23:28 then switching over to the euro without
1:23:30 any problem that's the meaning of it it
1:23:33 doesn't mean any more than that unless
1:23:34 but the time passed if they haven't
1:23:36 established they would have lived
1:23:37 probably and then when the final
1:23:39 messenger comes they would have
1:23:41 they would have uh
1:23:43 have no no problem and no no no it's a
1:23:45 crossing over it would be a national
1:23:47 accommodation the same for example
1:23:48 jewelry and a second if they would have
1:23:50 lived there been living according to the
1:23:52 torah itself probably without it without
1:23:55 mutilation and
1:23:57 change and
1:23:59 forsaking books and hiding books and
1:24:01 they would have recognized this
1:24:02 mentality they wouldn't have the problem
1:24:04 to join him their life would have
1:24:06 changed radically and they wouldn't have
1:24:08 even any problem with the destruction of
1:24:10 the temple or the problem with the
1:24:12 romans it would have been managed
1:24:13 according to the rule formally it's not
1:24:16 a digital with the result is that what
1:24:17 has happened
1:24:19 etc that's the meaning it's not it has
1:24:22 nothing to do with that they can't
1:24:23 establish it now now it cannot be
1:24:24 established it's gone
1:24:26 it's both obligated but also it is
1:24:28 already mutilated we have in a way to
1:24:30 establish the classes that are placed
1:24:32 the period the people the losers claim
1:24:35 to be necessary in those who say they
1:24:36 are christian they have forsaken and
1:24:39 forgotten some of that what they have
1:24:40 been all ordered to remember and study
1:24:43 and the result is that hatred and enmity
1:24:45 erupted through the material
1:24:47 and that's what is lost is lost because
1:24:49 there is no protection was only
1:24:52 entrusted to them until the quran
1:24:55 took the protection on himself
1:24:57 so there's a collective mechanism in the
1:24:59 divine protection until they are not
1:25:00 here
1:25:01 there's a possibility of correcting back
1:25:03 and forth and so on and it will be
1:25:04 correct
1:25:05 so the deviation is coming by we
1:25:07 reserving power
1:25:09 and all most scholars following and
1:25:10 embracing him and turning it attending
1:25:13 the system of
1:25:14 system
1:25:16 monarchies from justifying that and all
1:25:18 all these filthy scholarship over a
1:25:20 thousand years now that's now will be
1:25:22 turned back insha'allah and then it's
1:25:23 coming under the scripture itself and
1:25:26 the vehicle is sufficiently protected
1:25:28 but it needs somewhere to dig it out
1:25:30 because it has been buried under piles
1:25:32 of rubbish and it's called as focal
1:25:34 scholarly discourses that's all
1:25:36 yeah
1:25:38 so that's that's it here so this is all
1:25:40 the vast this is all gone there's
1:25:41 nothing to do some people say this means
1:25:43 if they establish it now no they cannot
1:25:45 establish that it is gone
1:25:47 it's objectively gone it's not there
1:25:50 what they have in their hand is not
1:25:51 sufficient it can't be but they
1:25:54 understand clear whatever they will to
1:25:56 them from their lord so if they have
1:25:57 established the terrorist property then
1:25:59 every new revelation will be optimized
1:26:01 right away without much difficulties
1:26:03 or maybe a small minority of people may
1:26:06 reject that a majority
1:26:26 and clean for those who join
1:26:29 onboard
1:26:31 and regard this is not fresh we listen
1:26:33 this is now fresh start let's start
1:26:36 that's it it's the other way
1:26:40 so
1:26:49 so then
1:26:51 then we have
1:26:52 let me see we still have maybe one i
1:26:54 have two in the context
1:26:56 yeah the next ayah
1:27:01 but for instance we would have looked at
1:27:02 10 times
1:27:23 but many of them are rebellious and
1:27:26 their deeds are miserable and
1:27:28 completely unacceptable
1:27:30 then there's a strange i come for sure
1:27:32 and maybe i will spend the rest of the
1:27:33 time explaining
1:27:42 that
1:27:46 our apostle announced all that has been
1:27:49 bestowed from on high upon thee by the
1:27:51 sustainer for unless thou dost it fully
1:27:54 thou will not have delivered his message
1:27:57 at all and god will protect thee from
1:28:00 unbelieving men
1:28:01 behold god does not guide people who
1:28:03 refuse to acknowledge the truth next
1:28:05 translation prophet proclaim everything
1:28:07 that has been sent down to you from your
1:28:09 lord so unless you do it fully you will
1:28:11 not have delivered his message god will
1:28:14 protect you from men god does not guide
1:28:16 people who refuse to acknowledge the
1:28:18 truth
1:28:19 so that's that's it there's a place
1:28:21 where you have various narratives
1:28:24 somewhat something highly controversial
1:28:38 so my best theory is the following
1:28:42 Music
1:28:55 they support each other in a matter of
1:28:56 financial compensation and things like
1:28:58 that and he needed some help because at
1:29:01 the time income was very low
1:29:03 and according to the shelter he would
1:29:05 help the jews if they need help
1:29:07 and vice versa although everyone every
1:29:09 community should carry his own internal
1:29:11 affairs but sometimes you need because
1:29:13 what is the meaning of being in a
1:29:14 confederation if the confederates
1:29:15 brought him in
1:29:18 so he needed help for certainty of
1:29:20 certain blood money
1:29:21 possibly there have been party of it
1:29:23 somehow anyway whatever it is he went
1:29:25 with some sahaba
1:29:27 to them and they said outside the castle
1:29:28 they have a big fortification or they
1:29:30 have several fortifications
1:29:32 definitely not uh the one of the kawaii
1:29:35 who was assassinated or his
1:29:42 and they're sitting there discussing the
1:29:44 matter
1:29:46 some of the jews there said you know i
1:29:48 get such a reporting to get rid of
1:29:50 muhammad and they instructed some of
1:29:52 their people to go cautiously on the top
1:29:54 of the fortification sufficiently high
1:29:57 and to drop my loose block
1:29:59 down on the speedwall sitting
1:30:01 then smashing him into pieces and then
1:30:03 getting
1:30:15 most likely as for my imagination he
1:30:18 wouldn't because the road to madina may
1:30:20 be visible from the castle you can't see
1:30:22 it or maybe it tends
1:30:23 anyway until the turn or if it isn't
1:30:26 there he went right for example off the
1:30:28 road so the people could assume he is
1:30:30 responding to the core of nation he felt
1:30:32 that he needs to
1:31:01 and then there's however noted that it
1:31:03 took quite a long time what happened to
1:31:05 the prophet did anything happen to him
1:31:07 whatsoever it can't be that long for
1:31:09 taking the collaboration
1:31:11 so they they went out checking here
1:31:14 until medina he was
1:31:24 the way either way is turning
1:31:26 or return of the way
1:31:28 went between the rocks and so on of the
1:31:30 weather that came back to the way far
1:31:31 away from their vision set uh their
1:31:34 visibility and of course
1:31:36 anything
1:31:38 and
1:31:40 that's the incident which
1:31:49 most likely saying
1:31:51 uh
1:31:52 you don't need we protected this time
1:31:54 for this by by what he told you what to
1:31:56 do correctly you did the correct thing
1:31:58 and uh reacted obviously to this by by
1:32:01 season by maria and i'm asking them to
1:32:04 listen to your media that's that's how
1:32:06 the reason openly has been expanded
1:32:08 but anyway in the middle of that
1:32:10 obviously
1:32:25 about diya and they are very rich people
1:32:27 are going to do and the national
1:32:28 democrat perfectly fine or you think
1:32:30 maybe some of you have a grudge because
1:32:32 the assassination
1:32:34 and and that's what motivates our
1:32:36 association
1:32:37 so their claim is just
1:32:39 hazard that's it
1:32:40 based on the way that he cannot be
1:32:42 possibly a prophet but if he's a prophet
1:32:44 that he's telling the truth so that so
1:32:46 let's go to establish prophet first
1:32:48 instead of analyzing historic uh claim
1:32:51 based on
1:32:52 possible imagination without really
1:32:54 discussing that it really causes
1:32:56 information anyway
1:33:00 it seems to me in that game says that we
1:33:02 will protect you similarly in the future
1:33:05 that's that's the reason because it
1:33:06 talks about what you do before and after
1:33:08 the next issue that's that's my best
1:33:11 guess but doesn't prevent that has
1:33:12 happened
1:33:13 okay so the program has some protection
1:33:16 of this type
1:33:18 but then
1:33:19 in in the after that in the battle of
1:33:21 kabiru
1:33:23 in which at the end of it that they show
1:33:25 the ifc and the accusation of
1:33:27 heaven because
1:33:29 he was
1:33:31 on the way to the battle on the way back
1:33:34 uh
1:33:48 on the way back the water system could
1:33:50 not sleep a certain night because there
1:33:52 were possibilities that panama's palette
1:33:54 may have some
1:33:55 a small contingent of assassinations or
1:33:57 something coming so he was worried
1:33:59 answered is anyone
1:34:01 we have enough guards tonight and he was
1:34:04 in in his tent out of his skin
1:34:06 and then some some sahabi his name is
1:34:09 the
1:34:09 is not on fight away from him or
1:34:11 something that came from protection and
1:34:13 then i reported them later in the night
1:34:16 and he slept like a baby he relaxed and
1:34:18 slept then later that before father he
1:34:20 woke up and
1:34:23 cut his head out of the tent telling the
1:34:24 people guarding people i have been
1:34:27 protected
1:34:28 i don't need a garden
1:34:30 to
1:34:39 maybe a second relationship i remind you
1:34:42 of the restoration that is not only
1:34:44 cover you that will tell you by why like
1:34:46 what many male did and so on and guide
1:34:48 you or to do the proper action that's
1:34:50 already that done before definitely but
1:34:54 now you don't need even guards just
1:34:56 discharging
1:34:57 so i think that's really two stories fit
1:35:00 together in in one narrative that says
1:35:02 the first revelation was after the
1:35:04 affair
1:35:05 showing this kind of potentially granted
1:35:07 to you and possibly other protection
1:35:11 but then
1:35:12 he continued as the usual way he was
1:35:14 cautious taking up precautions taking
1:35:16 all safeguards
1:35:18 until he was ordered that night that you
1:35:20 don't need guards until he decided this
1:35:23 is the best synchronization of these
1:35:24 narrations first one is my guesswork
1:35:26 because it is in the context of an
1:35:28 israeli soul so it has to do with the
1:35:30 jews and their protein and their
1:35:31 mischief
1:35:32 definitely that's the context the
1:35:34 initial one second one is this film like
1:35:37 we said an ayah can be revealed as a
1:35:39 situation or he is the minded
1:35:43 which has been revealed before
1:35:45 and uh
1:35:46 to show that i've lost to the situation
1:35:48 in this situation obviously i told him
1:35:50 this applies also don't think that's it
1:35:54 and you can now sleep you slept in the
1:35:56 early of the night with the gods nice
1:35:57 but now from now on you can sleep all
1:35:59 night peacefully you don't need godzilla
1:36:02 just tell them to go and this one this
1:36:05 way it is also assigned a profit
1:36:07 because such a confidence can owned by
1:36:08 someone's absolutely convinced oneself
1:36:10 as possible and indeed after that nobody
1:36:13 was able to touch him before that he was
1:36:16 touched
1:36:17 and then offered his one of his teeth
1:36:19 were broken and he was injured in his
1:36:21 forehead
1:36:23 try
1:36:37 we are going to address a little bit and
1:36:38 they will conclude today with it because
1:36:40 it's uh to take some time
1:36:42 there is a narrative usually
1:36:45 between claiming this is uh a revelation
1:36:48 to
1:36:50 encourage him not to hide that ali is
1:36:52 his ally
1:36:53 that's
1:36:54 famous for their home story after the
1:36:56 final pilgrimage on the way to medina
1:36:59 he called the people for sermon and
1:37:02 and
1:37:03 let me tell you what happened
1:37:18 is sermon it has two major parts one
1:37:21 part is called what is the hadith
1:37:25 hadith of the two heavyweights
1:37:28 summary is that he said
1:37:31 it's obligation in order to tell the
1:37:46 i am going soon
1:37:49 and he said that many times i have many
1:37:51 revelations that i'm not staying long i
1:37:53 will be taken as soon as possible away
1:37:56 so get ready for that
1:37:57 i am leaving you two heavy weights
1:38:00 something the two heavy ones
1:38:04 the first one is the book of allah it is
1:38:06 the law of allah stretching from earth
1:38:08 to heaven
1:38:09 you think that's that you can alter it
1:38:11 the lord is the metaphorical as you're
1:38:13 holding to allah if you hold right you
1:38:16 can't go
1:38:17 if you that imagine you are going for a
1:38:19 dive and you have a rope going to the
1:38:21 shade here if you hold to the rope
1:38:23 whatever currents come whatever
1:38:25 situation you can still go up the road
1:38:27 and get to the ship if you lose that
1:38:28 overgrown so that's it it is from after
1:38:31 habit it's a road it will stretch from
1:38:34 from earth and to heaven
1:38:36 so hold to it and you praise the book of
1:38:38 allah and this follows
1:38:40 them and
1:38:42 encourage the people to stick to the
1:38:43 book of allah
1:38:45 then he said and retracted
1:38:49 my family the people of my house
1:38:51 which is the best interpretation is the
1:38:53 house of marihash
1:38:57 specifically in his time through the
1:38:59 family of ali the family
1:39:00 and father the family of adversity
1:39:05 i urge you by allah
1:39:08 to guard them and to protect them and
1:39:09 surely
1:39:17 Music
1:40:07 in the major books over 25 there
1:40:10 most of them would correct this not so
1:40:12 this is tawatur as the water close to
1:40:14 the torah of quran
1:40:17 now they claim he was encouraged he
1:40:19 stopped only when this ayah came
1:40:23 to encourage him to say that
1:40:26 but this is
1:40:27 definitely communicated for the
1:40:28 following reasons not because alibaba
1:40:30 deserved notice of obviously deserve
1:40:31 that and even more
1:40:32 let me tell you that can't be the case
1:40:34 for the following years he did not
1:40:37 bother of the people were afraid of them
1:40:39 when in madquest held the kill and we
1:40:40 started going public with the tower
1:40:45 the first step was to call the in the
1:40:47 iowa and the russians
1:40:58 Music
1:41:16 of
1:41:22 very confusing and not very reliable but
1:41:24 they try to take the gist and assume the
1:41:25 gist is correct assuming
1:41:28 it is not even established as a jew
1:41:29 that's a story even valid
1:41:45 a devourer they would devour a complete
1:41:47 ship not only on a leg of a ship
1:41:50 and then it was there and their kingdom
1:41:52 for whom is this enough and they all ate
1:41:55 that they were full
1:41:57 and still there's some meat source
1:42:12 our
1:42:54 i was skinny leg who was very young
1:42:56 maybe like
1:42:57 barely coming out of my age etcetera
1:43:00 yeah maybe barely maybe 10 11 said i
1:43:02 messenger i will support you
1:43:04 they said anyone beside ali anyone
1:43:06 coming for nobody
1:43:08 and then he said you will be my halifant
1:43:11 so they started laughing
1:43:14 muhammad supporting your son
1:43:17 as a head over you imagine your son
1:43:19 becoming a head over your commander or
1:43:21 you and for the alps your son not like
1:43:24 what you think now said unto you is even
1:43:26 worse your son you own your son you
1:43:28 can't kill him you can sell him
1:43:30 he's your slave
1:43:32 imagine that
1:43:34 and they left and they went
1:43:37 so quasim did not have any fear to tell
1:43:40 them he would be
1:43:43 on if the story is correct
1:43:47 later on
1:43:49 another example
1:43:52 he did not care about anybody's point of
1:43:54 view and he did not need that i tell him
1:43:56 you don't need to feel the people where
1:43:57 that they will kill you if you tell them
1:44:02 that's a very interesting story i will
1:44:03 tell you
1:44:04 you can enjoy the story of the rest of
1:44:06 it
1:44:08 the ditch was built as we know the
1:44:10 famous story and
1:44:12 foreign attack now anyway few of them
1:44:15 who slide up
1:44:17 they scanned the whole ditch and found a
1:44:18 very narrow place and they jumped over
1:44:22 the famous armor
1:44:24 which we mentioned instead of the
1:44:25 finisher his finish and his final story
1:44:27 and few others with him
1:44:29 account i think i can remember
1:44:31 everybody for fight
1:44:34 maybe khari is not there but he was was
1:44:36 coming outside they asked
1:44:39 abu sufyan cross all over yesterday if
1:44:41 you need us we'll cross him sun is a
1:44:42 colored like he
1:44:44 is very intelligent enough to cover his
1:44:46 colors and so
1:44:55 as the most vicious
1:44:57 night and fighter in arabia everyone is
1:44:59 shivering
1:45:00 and he was scanning with his horse and
1:45:03 saying
1:45:04 anyone coming for a fight to me
1:45:08 nobody responded let me see you all said
1:45:11 anyone's responding to him
1:45:14 but nobody this one is a fate did not
1:45:16 have the courage
1:45:19 then he said
1:45:21 i am obese about you you follow muhammad
1:45:23 you claim if you get killed you'll go to
1:45:26 paradise so come for the paladins
1:45:43 no internet so the only thing is that
1:45:45 poetry and started some very abusive
1:45:47 poetry abusive in the sense of
1:45:49 challenging the character and not
1:45:51 abusing it since they for something
1:45:53 sexual or something like that about what
1:45:55 was not on this side
1:46:24 did not fear to hide his preference for
1:46:28 his life and that he preferred that
1:46:29 other will will be sacrificed to the
1:46:31 body
1:46:32 whatever the motivation it took either
1:46:34 because he loves the answer he wants to
1:46:36 spare him as at an advice or because he
1:46:38 wanted to expose to everyone none of you
1:46:40 is as virtuous as christianity and i
1:46:42 said the last time allah why are you
1:46:44 sparing me for what
1:46:46 i am facing two of the two virtues
1:46:48 either murder
1:46:51 or victory
1:46:52 so why are why why you are saving me why
1:46:55 are protected from protection with
1:46:56 prospecting from two great hollands one
1:46:58 of them i'm getting anyway so what other
1:47:01 person said go
1:47:04 so he did not bother about anyone i
1:47:07 or mr hamilton is giving preference over
1:47:09 his son-in-law and his his nephew
1:47:12 Music
1:47:13 his cousin and uh and
1:47:15 is willing to that we sacrifice and
1:47:17 behave with him no he didn't bother
1:47:19 whatever
1:47:20 he did but i just answered to the
1:47:22 question that he was afraid
1:47:24 he did not bother about even exposing
1:47:26 that that you are not having the courage
1:47:28 value
1:47:29 of his life
1:47:31 and for everyone and said may
1:47:34 story of her and allah them just for
1:47:36 your enjoyment because everything should
1:47:38 not be just dry let's have a little bit
1:47:40 of enjoyment so i went out
1:47:42 and has a dialogue with
1:47:45 i said who is that who is you really
1:47:47 don't you say
1:47:51 your father was my friend
1:47:53 i would not decide i don't come for you
1:47:56 your father is my friend
1:47:58 after he died you were close he's the
1:48:01 same generation
1:48:17 say but i wouldn't mind if you spare me
1:48:19 forget about my father anyway i make you
1:48:21 okay if you value the relation with my
1:48:24 father so let me make you one of three
1:48:25 of us over number one
1:48:28 embrace islam and join us say forget
1:48:30 about
1:48:40 people who came with him because he's a
1:48:41 tribal shifting of a small tribe but he
1:48:43 has people with him take your people i'm
1:48:45 going to israel
1:48:46 don't fight us we don't fight you and
1:48:49 wait
1:48:50 if muhammad is alive as you say
1:48:51 ultimately the arabs will defeat him and
1:48:53 finish then you did not stain your blood
1:48:55 with your cousin for the automatic
1:48:56 others for creation
1:48:58 and
1:48:59 you got what you want
1:49:01 and if
1:49:03 he is a prophet then he will become
1:49:05 victorious and you can't join him and
1:49:06 then you have the evidence
1:49:08 he said um
1:49:10 you want to fool me if i go with my cap
1:49:12 on these terms the woman of course said
1:49:14 um
1:49:14 i feel bad young man there's no way
1:49:16 besides i came intentionally to i was i
1:49:19 was injured in brother and i missed
1:49:22 ahead
1:49:23 and unfortunately i was planning for
1:49:25 brother if i ever survive i will kill
1:49:26 hamza or muhammad that's the one i want
1:49:29 to kill hamza i lost him because
1:49:32 because he killed him in it he's gone so
1:49:35 i'm here to come home or at least send
1:49:37 me a wakarama
1:49:39 old men so i can fight for them said
1:49:43 you have promised that if you are the
1:49:45 police that if someone offer you three
1:49:46 offers you offer you will accept one of
1:49:48 them say yes what's the real one say the
1:49:49 third one is that
1:49:52 you come down and fight me see i can't
1:49:54 believe that anyone asked
1:50:04 he's not only a great fighter he's also
1:50:05 an intelligent man he knows how to get
1:50:07 the other one to lose his because he
1:50:09 knows his character
1:50:11 say i would love to kill him
1:50:13 but come down because you are i am in
1:50:15 food and you are a horse that's not fair
1:50:17 to
1:50:18 Music
1:50:22 up in his head he them out of the horse
1:50:25 and the two narration once he struck the
1:50:26 face of the horse that was
1:50:28 over the ditch back or he cut the leg of
1:50:31 the hospital
1:50:34 and this is coming in
1:50:37 cut the leaflet of the horse to show
1:50:39 that i don't need the horse i am there
1:50:43 and then he was so outraged and full of
1:50:45 anger that's such a young man
1:50:46 challenging and say i would love to kill
1:50:48 you you don't have to kill me
1:50:50 your friend but i would love to keep it
1:50:52 so at that time
1:50:54 struck with the sword and he received
1:50:56 the strike
1:50:57 barely went with him with his shield
1:50:59 just the sword went through the shield
1:51:02 and touched on his head and gave him a
1:51:04 a
1:51:05 asian didn't it didn't break anyone
1:51:07 so he was starting to lead
1:51:10 and they were obviously negotiating and
1:51:12 i said i never thought
1:51:14 now
1:51:15 how if i felt like
1:51:17 time and how sharp and intelligent he is
1:51:19 some people say he did not deal with
1:51:21 them with
1:51:22 intelligence
1:51:27 a man who works straightforward in the
1:51:29 battlefield he knows how to take
1:51:30 training he said i never thought that a
1:51:33 man like you will take the help of his
1:51:34 facebook or his friends who are standing
1:51:36 there joining him my you know you're not
1:51:38 happy to be man against my job
1:51:41 this the this idiot because of anger and
1:51:43 so on regarding his honor
1:51:45 he's just staying in his face for a
1:51:46 second to see who is coming
1:51:48 unto him in that moment he cut his legs
1:51:50 with the sword he fell and he cut his
1:51:52 neck and came with that beard
1:51:55 so you see how hard he fights
1:51:57 not headless with full rationality here
1:52:00 and came from allah and
1:52:02 the others obviously was terrified and
1:52:03 they run with their horses over there
1:52:05 over the ditch one of them fell in the
1:52:07 ditch and well
1:52:08 was killed in the phone and then later
1:52:11 on they were negotiated with his body
1:52:12 under that issue she discussed it as
1:52:14 well not here so just just rejoin the
1:52:16 story about ali fight
1:52:18 so he did not understand something about
1:52:21 anybody
1:52:25 or he behaved such a way that he is very
1:52:27 good either really you want to spare him
1:52:30 or he wanted to explore their own book
1:52:32 you are not a terrible writer
1:52:34 you feel that
1:52:35 in
1:52:36 however later in hebrew when when after
1:52:39 that they went to hide ibiya for foreign
1:52:44 what is the hidden secret behind it even
1:52:45 the messenger did not know until he came
1:52:47 to him
1:52:50 that was arrayed by allah so that
1:52:54 which is a lie of polish
1:52:55 medina was like between the two or the
1:52:57 two forces forced from the north fiber
1:52:59 forcing themselves
1:53:00 and this allies
1:53:02 now quraysh has been neutralized by the
1:53:03 treaty so hyper is exposed now so we
1:53:06 must talk
1:53:07 now we know where allah is that for that
1:53:09 that's way
1:53:10 how
1:53:24 is not a little it's an enormous victory
1:53:28 so they went to haiba
1:53:32 i i uh said center first abu bakr with
1:53:35 an army against one of the
1:53:37 fortifications i think the qualification
1:53:53 then in the evening said i will send
1:53:55 tomorrow
1:53:56 a man
1:53:57 who loves allah and allah loves him and
1:54:00 victory will be in his hand
1:54:02 so um himself is nothing safe all night
1:54:04 we are not able to sleep who is this man
1:54:06 who loves allah and loves him he will
1:54:08 have victory but everyone was wishing
1:54:10 that he would be the one
1:54:13 he gave up because he was leading that
1:54:15 day and
1:54:16 gave up because he did the day before
1:54:28 essentially blind temporarily at least
1:54:30 and to be useful he said give me the
1:54:34 wheat and barley he was working as a
1:54:36 grinder
1:54:37 with his rotating hand grinder
1:54:39 they call him for me
1:54:41 someone come guiding him this is
1:54:42 essentially light cannot see
1:54:45 he see
1:54:46 your eyes very heavy i can't see any
1:54:56 and defeated the cousin
1:54:58 so the president did not have
1:55:01 he was not scared to say that the night
1:55:02 before unless someone who loves allah
1:55:05 he will have them through tomorrow no he
1:55:06 said
1:55:08 he doesn't need protection from man to
1:55:10 save
1:55:11 later on when he went out for
1:55:13 quarterbook
1:55:16 for reason allah knows
1:55:18 maybe
1:55:20 the order i need to stay back
1:55:27 to be the head of the family in the case
1:55:30 possible
1:55:38 one of his wife does not like ali very
1:55:40 much that's actually we know that
1:55:41 because in the story of
1:55:43 ali or was constructed
1:55:46 and everyone gave a reasonable
1:55:48 consultation except
1:55:50 for practice it's a mistake
1:55:52 he said why are bother your head if she
1:55:54 is guilty or not guilty
1:55:56 is very simple
1:55:58 just divorce
1:56:13 she tried to avoid even his name
1:56:15 that's well no
1:56:17 even in bukhari says when the pasta was
1:56:19 the last day before he died
1:56:21 and he felt that he has enough energy to
1:56:23 join salah with abu bakr
1:56:25 and he next to
1:56:26 him i shall not read that it was between
1:56:30 two men one is
1:56:31 also another one and one is
1:56:34 another one the other one is
1:56:36 according to that
1:56:37 do you know the other one
1:56:40 said other man is ali but she doesn't
1:56:41 even like mentioning his name that's the
1:56:43 cause of the woman's jealousy whatever
1:56:45 that's not the story we don't bother
1:56:47 about the only want to say that you have
1:56:49 to obviously from here is now the head
1:56:51 of the family until they come back
1:56:55 then he left then the moon africans
1:56:57 started spilling a rumor
1:57:00 those who stayed back because half of
1:57:02 the people are back with good excuses no
1:57:04 excuses and so on
1:57:07 he did not leave him back except because
1:57:08 he did not like him he doesn't want him
1:57:10 please he is he's too
1:57:12 he is too unsympathetic to him
1:57:14 so ali could not tolerate that he took
1:57:16 his uh armor and went faster
1:57:19 let's see what what brought you
1:57:22 that you left me because
1:57:32 don't you want to be
1:57:33 to me like halloween to musa but it's
1:57:35 not messenger after me it's
1:57:50 are you not happy to be from me to me
1:57:52 exactly like
1:57:53 with only exception that you cannot be a
1:57:55 perfect that's all but every function
1:58:01 of dawah broadcaster
1:58:05 after coming back there was the hatch
1:58:07 the first hajj valid because the hajj
1:58:09 before the conquest of mecca was not in
1:58:11 the correct ways because of the sea of
1:58:12 shifting the ones was actually in the
1:58:14 qaga not in the light of the russia did
1:58:17 not want to build that and nobody
1:58:33 and after allah departed wahey came to
1:58:35 him ordering him to swallow
1:58:37 to renounce the treaties and adjust them
1:58:40 and so on the famous morale will come to
1:58:41 themselves very important
1:58:45 and this
1:58:46 came
1:59:00 he's
1:59:07 is clear from all other behavior like
1:59:09 that but in both classes i have been
1:59:11 ordered that highly only someone from my
1:59:12 house can broadcast that in my head
1:59:28 who would attack him if you
1:59:31 tell me
1:59:32 does that make any sense
1:59:34 is that someone who needed to take care
1:59:36 of the feeling with that or the
1:59:38 understanding of the people there's so
1:59:40 many instances he said and made things
1:59:43 are
1:59:44 during the in one occasion the quran
1:59:46 said one of you
1:59:48 will will be fight about that about the
1:59:50 explanation and the prophet applying
1:59:52 application of the quran the same way of
1:59:54 effort about his revelation
1:59:56 so the great version so i said is it me
1:59:59 this is just not not you oh no is it me
2:00:02 everyone know this great will you who
2:00:03 doesn't want to be fighting for further
2:00:06 no problem understanding the quran like
2:00:08 the receding force for the revelation
2:00:10 against
2:00:29 and this is as important even more
2:00:31 importantly
2:00:32 because this may make
2:00:34 because ali will be with this the one
2:00:36 who fights for the quran which he did
2:00:38 against
2:00:56 and he's definitely right and the way he
2:00:59 treated harassed the wayfield is the
2:01:00 right way
2:01:01 and they are definitely wrong
2:01:04 with sensitive because of this
2:01:19 against
2:01:20 him
2:01:22 so this story that it is to encourage
2:01:25 him to come out with a world collapsing
2:01:28 statement
2:01:30 it's just it's just nonsense
2:01:32 but
2:01:33 wise historically wise does not make any
2:01:35 sense but i i i
2:01:36 made that a little bit longer because
2:01:38 some people get sometimes stuck in some
2:01:40 narratives which is most likely
2:01:42 complicated reports and some conception
2:01:44 in their mind
2:01:46 as if
2:01:46 this essentially
2:01:48 smacks like the first islam was
2:01:50 absolutely not a prophet he was like a
2:01:53 a gang chief and few gunships around him
2:01:56 and they have to balance fall internally
2:01:57 and take consideration of this and so on
2:01:59 and play games and play around
2:02:03 nothing nothing else can be interpreted
2:02:04 except
2:02:05 either this way or the prophetic way
2:02:10 such a stabilization are not accepted
2:02:12 should not be accepted so i don't think
2:02:14 they just claim that it is the related
2:02:15 to radiogram is definitely narrative
2:02:18 wise and also
2:02:19 rationally wise and historically wise
2:02:24 and there's so many virtues that is an
2:02:26 attribution to ali has been coming
2:02:28 through the life of the prophet from his
2:02:29 young age when he was he said my foot
2:02:32 was like like a stick it was so slim as
2:02:34 a small child the stick until he became
2:02:37 an old man or a much old man when the
2:02:39 boss died all of this deposited
2:02:42 anybody when he when we ordered all
2:02:44 doors those
2:02:47 windows to be closed to the masjid
2:02:49 except that the
2:02:51 bus complained
2:02:54 he said how come that this this all
2:02:56 those
2:02:56 people have got through the masjid
2:02:58 and
2:03:08 so everyone close the doors
2:03:10 and then accept ali who has his exit
2:03:13 through the entire message and then
2:03:15 later on the tree would have used the
2:03:16 trick because
2:03:17 the dogs will be closed so they open
2:03:19 small windows which are low so you can
2:03:21 jump over it's called
2:03:23 and then i think before this difference
2:03:24 is that every inversion will be closing
2:03:26 with the hook
2:03:40 my my nephew
2:03:43 who is much younger than me and the
2:03:45 tribe is the mentality of the people and
2:03:47 so on i should be the one giving
2:03:49 reference my door is closer i say i
2:03:51 didn't open anything close allah is the
2:03:52 one who opens up
2:04:05 Music
2:04:07 not respectful story literacy is it's
2:04:09 not worthy of respect the people who who
2:04:11 invent and stick to such stories they
2:04:13 should be ashamed of themselves they
2:04:15 don't think rationally
2:04:17 yes if we assume these are these this is
2:04:20 like some western people say is a
2:04:21 warlord and these are just a gang of
2:04:22 gangsters and so on then we can't
2:04:24 understand that's what that's as we know
2:04:26 for example how it happens in mafia
2:04:28 leadership and you will either try to
2:04:30 stop with the other one and stuff and in
2:04:31 the back that's possible in the mafia
2:04:33 but not for the prophet if he's a
2:04:35 prophet discover if he's a
2:04:50 instead
2:05:00 Music
2:05:03 his interpretation everything being
2:05:06 is it derived from that narration
2:05:08 yeah must be full
2:05:10 this is a new is this a new point of
2:05:11 view
2:05:12 he will fight for that i will quran the
2:05:15 same way i fought for the revelation the
2:05:16 fight of god for the revelation is the
2:05:18 right absolutely right and infallible
2:05:20 fighting
2:05:21 similarly
2:05:24 in fighting of these three groups is the
2:05:26 collective by certainly
2:05:29 otherwise would not be compared to the
2:05:30 fact of law
2:05:32 it did not say someone we will fight for
2:05:35 he will fight for the world the same way
2:05:37 i fought for the revelation
2:05:41 how broad would that definition be and
2:05:43 for example one is that you love the
2:05:45 shia they they
2:06:00 say his head is available in peace
2:06:04 maybe may be mistaken i'll give you
2:06:06 another example for example he married
2:06:09 um
2:06:11 and the daughter of fatima to roma she
2:06:13 was maybe very outrage away but he did
2:06:16 not consult here
2:06:18 his point of view is obviously that
2:06:19 someone is under age or or as a virgin
2:06:22 never made it before
2:06:24 is not it's not obligated to consult
2:06:27 but it's not the correct point of view
2:06:36 so we have to put things in the right
2:06:37 place with all respect you know that
2:06:39 somebody would be upset oh yeah that's
2:06:41 all
2:06:44 precision again you get the precision
2:06:46 you have to be precise if these things
2:06:48 otherwise you pack your luggage and go
2:06:50 study that
2:06:52 the capital in the chinese communist
2:06:54 party that's better for you
2:06:56 revelation cannot be treated this way
2:06:57 you have to be precise word for it that
2:06:59 put everyone in his face correctly
2:07:01 another example another example ali and
2:07:04 omar agreed in their time that it's not
2:07:06 permissible to sell the mothers of of
2:07:08 children you have a slave woman she gave
2:07:10 a child she you make her pregnant she
2:07:13 give a child if she was your son that's
2:07:14 no issue but is it allowed to say that
2:07:16 after that
2:07:20 they agreed because this was not clear
2:07:22 for many people they agreed that they
2:07:24 should not be sold okay
2:07:28 they are with me
2:07:29 and all this time here they consider the
2:07:31 case analyze it and told someone i am
2:07:33 thinking or agreement with roma and this
2:07:36 is not the correct one i think i will
2:07:38 announce the view
2:07:53 it should not be a matter of controversy
2:07:55 because arsenal said said about maria
2:07:58 her son freed her
2:08:01 she became free so she's not sellable
2:08:03 the moment she gave birth
2:08:04 after the death of the husband she
2:08:06 become free that's clear how she cannot
2:08:09 be inherited nothing is absolutely
2:08:10 impossible
2:08:11 but in his life she still he owns here
2:08:13 but he cannot say it because if the son
2:08:15 has to be there meaning he made a bar on
2:08:17 being said here but imagine the mother
2:08:19 of your child you said help what kind of
2:08:22 manner is that
2:08:24 legalistically you may argue with us
2:08:26 from legally because still on here she's
2:08:28 not alive
2:08:29 but if you look at its matter of taste
2:08:31 and really good good good good
2:08:34 friendship and good behavior to your own
2:08:36 son imagine your son when because how
2:08:38 come that you sold my mother what you
2:08:39 were going to say but this is all
2:08:41 silicon consideration
2:08:49 now he was cohabiting with her as as as
2:08:51 if you see or actually so i did not give
2:08:53 her a night which means she is not alive
2:08:56 but she is not serial that's the correct
2:08:58 point of view of ali and no more
2:08:59 together but ali they consider it again
2:09:01 so it's not fair and valuable foreign
2:09:04 but in his fighting of these three
2:09:06 groups
2:09:08 he is absolutely right and his heart is
2:09:10 binding
2:09:12 because he said as i as i fought for
2:09:15 this revelation of the quran the
2:09:16 fighting the verse for the religion is
2:09:18 absolutely correct it's not an ishtar is
2:09:20 it it is kathy
2:09:22 alvin is this is this a new piece of uh
2:09:25 research you've done
2:09:26 so this is this it comes in the casual
2:09:28 discussion and so on it will be it will
2:09:30 be within say in the right place in some
2:09:31 place this would be we'll discuss the
2:09:33 issues of sahaba
2:09:38 the same for example
2:09:40 if you analyze it deeply
2:09:42 if you are alive the person has a
2:09:44 special protection from insult and and
2:09:46 uh and accusation
2:09:48 this is something like in something like
2:09:50 that it is it's clear cover like and
2:09:52 according to the end of fertilizer let
2:09:54 me give you this point before because we
2:09:55 extend it today too much but i think
2:09:57 it's very productive
2:10:13 i believe in women are believing
2:10:15 Music
2:10:16 that they believe in male men and women
2:10:18 without what they have deserved because
2:10:20 they may be deserving
2:10:22 someone there committed a crime when you
2:10:24 say you are a criminal this is not
2:10:25 yourself there's a state for the fact
2:10:27 they have committed that sin and they
2:10:30 have carried because
2:10:32 they did not do that what you are
2:10:33 something is more time
2:10:35 you are you are doing that you then get
2:10:36 slammed out of fabrication
2:10:38 so there's difference between that now
2:10:40 with time
2:10:46 i deserve your respect and protection
2:10:48 the same executive value so insulting
2:10:50 ali and
2:10:51 and and abusing ari is the same level
2:10:54 under said on salamanca
2:11:09 but if i insult you i shall say yo and
2:11:11 so and so on that's an act of sin
2:11:13 if if you did not do that for them
2:11:15 insulting you it will never release the
2:11:17 level of
2:11:21 i will tell you
2:11:36 for example
2:11:43 so all these virtues are definitely
2:11:44 there there's no issue with that but
2:11:46 claiming infallibility well it is not
2:11:48 sanctioned by by
2:11:50 clear fundamentally uh unattackable uh
2:11:54 evidence for sunnah is a mistake
2:11:56 it's just nonsense it doesn't make any
2:11:58 sense
2:12:02 okay i think we we we did today a little
2:12:05 bit of the virtues
2:12:07 but in the context basically that the
2:12:09 message of allah does not need to matter
2:12:11 about anyone and in instead of making
2:12:14 the statement relevant he doesn't need
2:12:16 to tell him report what allah revealed
2:12:18 to you don't fear the people tell them
2:12:20 that adi is your mawlach no no he
2:12:22 doesn't mean that they did it already
2:12:23 long and many times before that in many
2:12:26 occasions some of them made even more
2:12:27 abusive i would say the situation is
2:12:29 kaiba when abu bakr was defeated the
2:12:31 first day
2:12:33 there's the donation we have the
2:12:34 narration
2:12:36 it's a good narration
2:12:38 and allah defeated and say i will give
2:12:41 the banner tomorrow someone who will be
2:12:42 victorious
2:12:44 does not mean
2:12:46 not
2:12:47 but this one is having this attribute
2:12:49 for certainly and he would be victorious
2:12:52 and the people could not sleep that
2:12:54 night who would be guitar would be it
2:12:55 would be
2:13:00 it doesn't matter what they're feeling
2:13:05 no no this is something else
2:13:07 there's something else is most likely
2:13:09 another story and later on revealed to
2:13:12 him listen this is not only that we will
2:13:14 reveal to you that everyone someone is
2:13:16 plotting to drop a stone on you or
2:13:18 something it's more than that you don't
2:13:19 even count
2:13:21 let the guys go there's an extra bonus
2:13:23 so that the people see it with their
2:13:25 eyes you talking cards
2:13:27 there's no harasser
2:13:28 anyone tried to approach you he would
2:13:30 not be able even if you hold the sword
2:13:32 the sword will hold his hand
2:13:34 if he's trying to attack you
2:13:36 his feet will will go away under him you
2:13:38 will collapse don't worry about that
2:13:39 we'll take care of that leave it
2:13:42 universal
2:13:45 wanted to attack him one day but he was
2:13:46 terrified because he was a
2:13:49 ferocious creature on top of muhammad
2:13:51 threatening to bite him so he ran away
2:13:54 and that was but this is an exceptional
2:13:57 situation the people in life did not see
2:13:59 that and they were able to throw some
2:14:00 throne and angel speed that's no more
2:14:03 possible after the gods have beaten
2:14:05 nobody will be able to do anything like
2:14:06 that
2:14:09 from that we see that the hadith was
2:14:11 cleared just fine and concluded because
2:14:13 we extended too much today
2:14:14 the hadith that claimed that
2:14:16 after the conquest of
2:14:18 jewish woman prepared a
2:14:21 poisoned
2:14:22 shoulder and offered so that was
2:14:38 years later for a poison obviously
2:14:40 nonsense because if the poison killed
2:14:42 the sahabi a developer did not have even
2:14:44 a bitter bite the sahabi was killed
2:14:48 immediately this poison could not be
2:14:49 effective after two years this is
2:14:51 dancing so that claim that this is this
2:14:53 is my death now
2:14:55 when he died
2:14:57 for a few years later is is
2:14:59 is because of that poison that must be
2:15:01 communicated happy it's impossible it
2:15:03 doesn't synchronize with this asthma and
2:15:05 this is it does not is medically not not
2:15:07 untranslated
2:15:09 a slow poison will work only if you take
2:15:11 small portions over a long time then it
2:15:13 may have affected a few years so that is
2:15:15 impossible there is no poison of this
2:15:16 type that you will maybe with a small
2:15:18 bite which you do not even chew or split
2:15:21 out it will be slowly working and having
2:15:23 an effect after that but some people
2:15:25 fabricated that is just to say he has
2:15:27 only his he is also a murderer he has
2:15:30 the virtue of messenger he doesn't
2:15:33 ibrahim didn't have the virtual
2:15:34 merchandise
2:15:38 Music
2:15:48 and most likely my speculation behind
2:15:51 zakaria is because he is
2:15:54 the cousin of risa
2:15:55 and there is a way above his right
2:15:57 because of being a messenger and the
2:15:59 final mission of this line so allah
2:16:01 wanted the cousin to be close to each
2:16:28 anyway i think we have extended the time
2:16:30 tomorrow but i think we had a few things
2:16:32 i i like especially the story
2:16:35 and we went on the fight
2:16:37 every time we read the story i really
2:16:39 enjoyed it
2:16:40 not the aspect of that the purpose of
2:16:45 to ali allah show everyone that no one
2:16:47 is like
2:16:48 that he did but the aspect of the that's
2:16:51 the dialogue with this one stupid
2:16:54 was so blinded by
2:16:56 by orders
2:16:57 and how
2:16:58 a really ali is
2:17:00 sophisticated fighter
2:17:05 i think if there's any question leave it
2:17:07 for next time because we have excessive
2:17:09 time today huh i think everyone agrees
2:17:12 also one thing that if you can um
2:17:14 maybe maybe before we start next time
2:17:16 we'll adjust the volume or something but
2:17:17 if you get those mic a bit closer yeah
2:17:20 yeah it's just maybe
2:17:22 i it was okay with me but maybe some
2:17:24 others may find a
2:17:25 lack of quality because there was a
2:17:26 difference between your yours and
2:17:28 aphasia's quality foreign
2:17:44 foreign
2:17:51 Music
2:18:26 my
2:18:28 Music
2:18:48 Music
2:18:57 you