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Ahmadi Catches Sunni Mohammed Hijab in Toronto ! (2019-10-10)


Sunni Muslim Mohammed Hijab relays the strongest Quranic argument against Ahmadiyyah faith. The verse in question has been interpreted, with both Qiraat in mind, by people since the beginning of Islam to mean that the prophet Muhammad is the final prophet of Islam. Anyone who believes in otherwise, as seen in this video, clearly forces such interpretation and cannot remain within the pale of Islam with such distorted understandings of the primary text of Islam.

Summary of Ahmadi Catches Sunni Mohammed Hijab in Toronto !

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

features a discussion between an Ahmadi Muslim and a Sunni Muslim. The Ahmadi Muslim points out that the Quran clearly states that Muhammad is the final prophet, and challenges the Sunni Muslim to recite the Quran in its entirety to prove her faith. The Sunni Muslim eventually walks away, and the Ahmadi Muslim sells her a key to his research proving that Muhammad is the final prophet.

00:00:00 The Ahmadi catches Sunni Mohammed Hijab in Toronto, and the video presents his interactions with the man, including a discussion about the role of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Ahmadi maintains that Muhammad is the true seal of the prophets, and that his teachings do not contradict the Quran.

  • 00:05:00 The Ahmadi Muslim man in the video catches a Sunni Muslim woman wearing a hijab in Toronto and challenges her to recite the Quran in its entirety to prove her faith. The woman, apparently unconvinced, eventually walks away. The Ahmadi Muslim man then sells her a key to his research proving that the Quran is unambiguous in declaring that the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet.
  • 00:10:00 is a transcript of a discussion between an Ahmadi Muslim and a Sunni Muslim. The Ahmadi Muslim points out that Islam believes in the preservation of the Quran, and that all of the prophets will be present on the day of judgement. The Sunni Muslim argues that Jesus will not be a prophet on that day, because he did not perform miracles.
  • 00:15:00 shows an Ahmadi Muslim woman catching a Sunni Muslim man who was trying to cover his with a hijab in Toronto. The woman tells him to come over, and he eventually does. The woman's mother thanks her and the man.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Mollie Kuramoto liable catalyzed make
0:00:02 sure that you try these supplements out
0:00:05 there very very good very healthy
0:00:07 natural and you can check the link in
0:00:11 the description box that is nature's
0:00:13 blend black seed oil and they have other
0:00:15 things as well oh yeah a little boy boy
0:00:21 boy hope you enjoy the video so this
0:00:25 first can't be talking about you know
0:00:29 why because the narrative is juices
0:00:34 right he's the second coming of Jesus
0:00:39 this is Jesus in the verse that's
0:00:41 talking there's going to be a prefer
0:00:42 after me called amp so he's the French
0:00:45 in this verse this Jesus Christ is
0:00:49 differentiating between himself and
0:00:51 damnit do you see this point because
0:00:55 Jesus insane embodies Muhammad there's
0:00:59 going to be a prophet after me called
0:01:00 Ahmed and it's not him and it's not a
0:01:04 sir it's a different individual
0:01:05 completely docile said about the
0:01:11 latter-day Messiah right so that's him
0:01:15 but then the moment also prophesied in
0:01:17 the Koran that the latter day Messiah
0:01:19 will come believe it just it's just a
0:01:28 person that that is we believe is Kalam
0:01:30 emit you guys believe it's because era
0:01:36 because he says death right it can be
0:01:38 ISA or again right cuz in the Quran
0:01:41 itself all messengers before the holy
0:01:43 prophet of nine with respect the over
0:01:45 all due respect even if we took even if
0:01:48 we take your interpretation of that
0:01:49 seriously and that Jesus is dead yeah
0:01:51 let's take your interpretation seriously
0:01:52 even if Jesus is dead it doesn't mean
0:01:55 that the person that has to be the next
0:01:56 Messiah is gonna be a map so the result
0:02:00 then we start talking about like the
0:02:02 character ray of the promised Messiah
0:02:03 I'm sorry
0:02:05 because our time with the character and
0:02:07 the signs in the ground that showed that
0:02:09 use ones can give me some idea
0:02:11 truthfulness right but right he's known
0:02:16 as a truthful person right not like the
0:02:18 criteria or somebody to be composite
0:02:20 right which worse are you talking about
0:02:22 I think it's from the Hatice actually
0:02:25 alright so it directly corresponds to
0:02:27 the Quran wreck it doesn't contradict
0:02:29 this I understand what you say you
0:02:35 confuse I understand you look like
0:02:37 you're honest and genuine I'm humble
0:02:40 individual and I respect the fact that
0:02:41 he's taking the time to come and ask me
0:02:43 these questions I really do I'm gonna
0:02:45 give you two or three evidences I think
0:02:47 which means that they don't actually
0:02:49 allow anyone to have any I want you to
0:03:15 come see me by all means come recluses
0:03:21 that's not a problem because I don't
0:03:23 have to give my number to people what's
0:03:25 up with all due respect I've got a lot
0:03:26 of people what Atkins you know but if
0:03:28 someone wants to if someone was to speak
0:03:31 to me I'm gonna be in the conference
0:03:32 tonight so you can come to the
0:03:34 conference he's welcome to the
0:03:35 conference okay and if you want to have
0:03:38 a discussion with me after the
0:03:39 conference
0:03:39 consider this a public and you either go
0:03:42 tell him right yeah cuz yeah I don't
0:03:45 want to waste time with anyone
0:03:47 right we consider this a public
0:03:49 invitation I'm saying consider a public
0:03:56 invitation okay a public invitation for
0:03:59 you your your friend that you're
0:04:01 considering a scholar yeah he's a
0:04:02 scholar in the Hadees so you know fine
0:04:07 obviously I can't nope it's not about
0:04:09 being you bro finally the true facility
0:04:13 even if I don't approve you right I
0:04:14 couldn't right yeah it's not it's
0:04:17 alright if you had the truth and I
0:04:19 didn't I would not be able to prove you
0:04:20 wrong if I tried to prove to you that
0:04:22 two plus two equals five whatever
0:04:24 however clever I am it's not gonna work
0:04:26 because no one's gonna believe it I
0:04:30 think this is less complicated because
0:04:32 you have a prophet saying let there be a
0:04:33 body there's no prefer to me you have in
0:04:36 the Quran it says Ottoman Navy in that
0:04:38 he's the fine no profit no just so it's
0:04:41 to Christ there's a long time that's to
0:04:44 you there's to your heart I'm a seal and
0:04:47 heart Tim is final seal bro do you know
0:04:53 the phrase oh there's two Korat you can
0:04:56 recite it as hot n and hot Tim hard time
0:04:59 means the seal of the prophets heart Tim
0:05:02 means the final prophet heart it means
0:05:04 your is the final one unless someone
0:05:07 wants to say I don't believe in that
0:05:08 Quran in that case I'll say if that
0:05:11 person says I'm sorry to say because the
0:05:13 Quran says if I taught me no know about
0:05:15 leaky tabby or check for an IV Bob do
0:05:17 you believe in Plus of the book and
0:05:18 disbelieve in parts of the book so you
0:05:20 believe in it when it's in line with
0:05:22 your with what scholars say and you just
0:05:25 believe in it when it's more in line
0:05:26 with and that's what the Quran says it
0:05:28 Taliban al bab has been duly level mercy
0:05:31 happy no Maryam Allah since that they've
0:05:33 taken the rabbi's in the priests as God
0:05:35 to precise a lot and I said no Maria so
0:05:38 as far as not to fall into that category
0:05:40 of people and then I'd even had him who
0:05:45 who was an extra Sein
0:05:47 he said we didn't used to take her who
0:05:49 didn't used to say Carabas amongst as
0:05:51 gods besides God then the Prophet said
0:05:53 to him did they not make Hallel what
0:05:55 alarm it's Haram and make her a llama
0:05:58 Talon and they said he said yeah so the
0:06:00 point is is that you've all got to be
0:06:01 clear we speaking to Christians with a
0:06:03 look for example truly is not mentioned
0:06:05 in your Bible co-equal co-channel
0:06:08 persons of the Trinity you know this was
0:06:10 the development that came 300 years
0:06:12 after which they show us something
0:06:13 concrete within your own unpreserved
0:06:15 texts we're saying we're even better
0:06:17 than look we have the same preserved
0:06:19 text look ucky me and you have preserved
0:06:21 text they don't have preserved text
0:06:24 we agree with the anus Allah we have a
0:06:26 perfect it's a perfect book and is
0:06:28 preserved no one can say this verse is
0:06:29 not meant to be recited like that if I
0:06:31 say heart him unless why if someone says
0:06:35 yeah so if someone says this there's
0:06:38 only two you can't have a different
0:06:40 interpretation I'm saying this I'm
0:06:42 saying that if this are these are the
0:06:44 two only ways to reciting at verse 10
0:06:47 and hurt him
0:06:48 yeah hard time means the seal you're
0:06:50 right I agree with you
0:06:51 ha Tim means their final like for
0:06:56 example you can recite you know malakoma
0:06:58 dean malakoma team is the owner of the
0:07:00 day of judgment
0:07:01 Mele Chioma Dean sick one forgot family
0:07:11 this is it malakoma Deen means owner of
0:07:13 the day of judgment Malek Yama team
0:07:16 malakoma team means the king of the day
0:07:19 of judgment now if someone says I don't
0:07:21 believe that Allah is the king of the
0:07:22 day of judgment I don't believe that
0:07:25 I'll say why are you disbelieving in to
0:07:27 us I say Mele kill me Dean I think the
0:07:29 Sony verse from Quran Allah says Allah
0:07:31 is the owner yeah so you believe this is
0:07:35 haunted so hot it is preserved yes you
0:07:38 know you're not gonna say that the word
0:07:39 heart him is unpreserved the one's heart
0:07:41 him and heart and both of them are
0:07:42 preserved Plus Alliance preserve pipe if
0:07:45 if hearten is preserved and the Quran is
0:07:47 preserved
0:07:48 there's only one more thing you can do
0:07:50 now you have to go into the books of the
0:07:54 Arabs the three Arabs the poetry the
0:07:58 power miss Oracle the dictionaries and
0:08:01 find me anyone that says heart him does
0:08:04 not mean the final if you find that
0:08:06 allow shake your hand and agree with you
0:08:08 but if you can't find that then we must
0:08:10 agree the Quran is explicit and is
0:08:13 unequivocal and it's unambiguous and is
0:08:16 completely clear in the fact that the
0:08:20 Quran says ha Tim which means the final
0:08:24 not only hot ember hurt him you see the
0:08:26 point here this is a lie it is an
0:08:29 impossible verse to translate the other
0:08:31 way cut him yeah
0:08:34 I'm selling you a key I've done the
0:08:36 research I can't
0:08:37 for to make a mistake do you know how
0:08:38 many people are gonna watch this I can't
0:08:40 afford to make a mistake yeah I've read
0:08:44 yeah I can't right now I can't afford to
0:08:47 make a mistake Hatem means the final and
0:08:49 so if that was not the case they would
0:08:52 be making thousands of videos about me
0:08:54 saying look he doesn't even know Arabic
0:08:56 because Hudson doesn't mean final like
0:09:04 Malik and Malik you have Malik is a
0:09:07 killer of the Quran which means owner
0:09:10 yes yes it's true killer as at the Quran
0:09:13 I'm sure you're aware of this yeah so
0:09:15 you can recite them if you look at the
0:09:17 Quran you can recite for Tom Foreman
0:09:18 alhamdulillah blah I mean I marry Keo it
0:09:22 could be seal of the prophets
0:09:25 look cannot be a contradiction
0:09:27 look yeah when you have a killer like
0:09:30 that if you never be contradictory to
0:09:32 each other that means you're saying this
0:09:33 contradiction the Quran sorry look
0:09:35 there's the point is not preserved or
0:09:37 that is contradicting itself or you try
0:09:39 and bring out some new Arabic some funky
0:09:41 Arabic but in either three cases the
0:09:43 situation is one situation is the Quran
0:09:46 says it's the final prophet and there's
0:09:47 no way of bypassing that unless someone
0:09:50 does some kind of Co for you see what
0:09:53 I'm trying to say you have to say that
0:09:55 the finds are contradicting itself you
0:09:56 have says I'm preserved or you say the
0:09:58 Arabic I've got it completely wrong and
0:09:59 you give me some evidences from the
0:10:01 first 300 pre Islam show me that you get
0:10:04 aunt Alicia dead or the Lockhart's of
0:10:06 the Arabs and tell me that you know give
0:10:09 me some evidence that Hakim doesn't mean
0:10:11 you have to go yeah I'm finish is
0:10:14 anything you want to say to that
0:10:16 do you see does that make sense for it
0:10:17 makes sense but I we have like we like
0:10:21 we have some like Arabic dictionary
0:10:23 right yes we we only seem cotton but you
0:10:31 only believe in the seal of the prophets
0:10:33 like that that's that's the that's the
0:10:35 first the translation the first seal of
0:10:37 the process is find us
0:10:38 even I like are saying that right so I'm
0:10:43 a Muslim right regardless I are you a
0:10:45 Muslim that believes in the preservation
0:10:46 of the Quran yes all right so when I say
0:10:49 if I
0:10:49 I'm reciting the Quran now and I'm in
0:10:52 the prayer and I say Mele Chioma Dean
0:10:54 are you gonna correct me not Malik Malik
0:10:59 Malik means King but it's you know the
0:11:03 son cannot ten ways you can recite the
0:11:05 Quran four of them you can recite them
0:11:08 the word Malik oh now there's six of
0:11:10 them which is actually more you can say
0:11:12 Malik so if I say Malik comedy no they
0:11:16 don't mean the same one means honor and
0:11:18 one means King but we say as Muslims we
0:11:20 believe that Allah is the owner and the
0:11:22 king you can go on our scale in via MIDI
0:11:24 scholars none of them are gonna deny
0:11:25 that Allah is the owner and the king
0:11:26 because as far as I know they don't deny
0:11:28 the Quran they don't deny the
0:11:29 preservation of the Quran right and that
0:11:31 they will preserve through the crowds
0:11:33 right let's say that it is true right
0:11:35 yes let's say he's the last prophet but
0:11:38 then you guys now believe that you saw
0:11:40 will come down remember he's not a
0:11:42 prophet or are you guys gonna strip them
0:11:44 away of prophet he's gonna come back
0:11:47 when he comes back like all the prophets
0:11:49 the beginning brother all the prophets
0:11:51 America it's not just I say no one makes
0:11:55 a distinction look the day of judgment
0:11:58 is as real as this world all of the
0:12:01 prophets are going to be raised on the
0:12:02 day of judgment do you agree alright so
0:12:05 when they come back are they gonna come
0:12:06 back as prophets ah
0:12:08 now if they come back as prophets or do
0:12:10 you believe there's going to be prophesy
0:12:15 their functionality as a prophet as a
0:12:18 law giver as someone who has been
0:12:20 receiving wahi to guide the people that
0:12:23 has come to a cessation at their death
0:12:28 I'm given example it doesn't have to be
0:12:30 right and there's difference between
0:12:31 between what is the difference maybe and
0:12:35 so the point I'm making to you is this
0:12:37 is that the argument falls on his face
0:12:39 when we talk about okay he's going to
0:12:40 come back well all of the professor's
0:12:42 will come back even worse than this okay
0:12:44 you will be less knowledge Alistair all
0:12:47 Miraj when the prof
0:12:49 actually believe insufficient I
0:12:51 understand fine let's move on but the
0:12:54 point is on the day of judgment on the
0:12:56 day of judgment it's as simple as this
0:12:58 we believe all the prophets are going to
0:13:00 be there
0:13:00 now you asked it asking me well Jesus
0:13:04 will his thing is his placement as a
0:13:08 prophet be stripped away from I'll ask
0:13:10 you the same question all of those
0:13:11 people are going to be prophets but
0:13:13 their functionality yes
0:13:16 well not who's gonna be the leader of
0:13:17 them Mohamed Salah son I was laughing
0:13:20 but is it Mohamed Salah I said I was
0:13:23 gonna do so file and Cobra and so-and-so
0:13:24 fry the point is not about this is about
0:13:30 chronology you're saying to me because
0:13:33 you're saying this is the only argument
0:13:35 you really have now touching on straws
0:13:36 you left you're saying that look do you
0:13:39 guys believe in a second coming of Jesus
0:13:41 now that must that must mean necessarily
0:13:42 that there's another professor from
0:13:45 Mohammed well I'm saying we believe that
0:13:47 all of the profitable Mohammed in the
0:13:49 day of judgment Mohammed is gonna come
0:13:50 back as well then if all of them are
0:13:55 gonna come back they're gonna come back
0:14:01 in a different capacity because I'll
0:14:03 assess you for the word Nabi it means
0:14:05 you you know being given news or
0:14:07 something yeah you've been given news
0:14:09 now they're not coming back to be given
0:14:10 news and then deliver that news they're
0:14:12 coming back to be judged for example or
0:14:15 in the case of Jesus to make a judgement
0:14:17 okay they come back with specified rules
0:14:20 not with the role that they had before
0:14:22 so the point I'm making sure that the
0:14:25 verse see look you have to say it
0:14:27 yourself you and this shows I'm not
0:14:30 saying that it's about you bro I'm
0:14:31 saying it shows you you're willing to
0:14:32 leave all of Islam for Ahmadiyya because
0:14:35 you will intimate the Quran contradicts
0:14:37 itself yeah which would be impossible
0:14:39 unless I said not a godly word in order
0:14:42 to avoid the fact that the verse says
0:14:44 why it says which is it shows you it's
0:14:46 quite disturbing the point I'm making it
0:14:49 to you is very simple right the Quran
0:14:51 says that Prophet Muhammad is the final
0:14:54 prophet ha terminally
0:14:55 let's let it be there yeah that's how it
0:15:00 is
0:15:02 the stethoscope the scholar brother tell
0:15:07 him to come
0:15:07 please mr. saga Koopa come yes it's our
0:15:14 life
0:15:15 all right thank you thank you mom thank
0:15:17 you