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The Negus gives refuge to the early Muslims (2022-06-26)


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Summary of The Negus gives refuge to the early Muslims

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The Negus of Abyssinia allows the early Muslims to practice their religion freely and provides them with refuge from persecution. The Muslims are comforted by the Negus' recitation of a passage from the Quran which states that Jesus is a slave of God. The Muslims go on to have a long and prosperous history in Abyssinia.

00:00:00 The Abyssinian Negus accepts the early Muslims and allows them complete freedom of worship, except for small children. However, the Negus is displeased when he learns that the Muslims have left their own religion for an invented one. The Abyssinian generals agree to give up the Muslims if the Negus summons them and questions them. If they are found to be telling the truth, the Muslims will be handed over to their own people; if not, the Negus will protect them.

  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the early Muslims' initial reaction upon seeing the Negus of Ethiopia. They were surprised that the Abyssinian king tolerated them for commercial and political reasons, but they were still conscious of a barrier between them. The Muslims themselves were Christians, many of them devout, and they had been baptized. As such, they were sensitive to the difference between the sacred and the profane and were keenly conscious of the profanity of men like Abu Sufyan. The Prophet allowed Jaffar to go with him, and the Muslims were strengthened by his presence. Another couple pleasing to look upon were Jaffar's wife Asma and her brother Utbah. Jaffar was chosen to preside over the community of exiles, and his qualities of attraction and intelligence were amply seconded by Masub. Shamas, a young man with natural gifts, was also present. The Prophet spoke to them and said, "What is this religion wherein you have become separate from your people? Though you have not entered my religion or that of any other of the folk that surround us, you have found salvation." Jaffar answered, "We were a people steeped in ignorance, worshipping idols, eating unsacrificed carrion,
  • 00:10:00 The Negus of Abyssinia protects the early Muslims from persecution and allows them to practice their religion freely. The Negus recites a passage from the Quran which states that Jesus is a slave of God. The Muslims are comforted by this and go on to have a long and prosperous history in Abyssinia.
  • 00:15:00 The Negus of Abyssinia allows early Muslims to live in his country, despite their disbelief in Jesus. This allows the Muslims to peacefully coexist with the Abyssinians and continue practicing their religion.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 in this story we read one of the most
0:00:05 touching episodes in the early history
0:00:08 of the muslim community
0:00:10 and i continue to read from muhammad his
0:00:13 life based on the earlier sources by
0:00:15 martin ling's chapter 27 entitled
0:00:19 abyssinia
0:00:21 the emigrants were well received in
0:00:24 abyssinia and were allowed complete
0:00:26 freedom of worship
0:00:28 in all not counting the small children
0:00:31 they took with them there were about 80
0:00:34 in number but they did not all go at the
0:00:37 same time
0:00:38 their flight was secretly planned and
0:00:41 carried out unobtrusively in small
0:00:44 groups
0:00:45 their families word and could have
0:00:48 stopped it
0:00:49 if they had known about it but the move
0:00:52 had been totally unexpected and they
0:00:55 failed to realize what had happened
0:00:57 until the believers had all reached
0:01:00 their final destination
0:01:03 the leaders of quraish however were
0:01:06 nonetheless determined that they should
0:01:08 not be left in peace to establish there
0:01:12 beyond their control a dangerous
0:01:15 community which might be increased
0:01:18 tenfold if others joined them
0:01:21 so they speedily thought out a plan and
0:01:24 made ready a quantity of presence of a
0:01:27 kind that the abyssinians were known to
0:01:31 value most
0:01:33 leatherwork they prized above all
0:01:37 so a large number of fine skins were
0:01:40 collected
0:01:41 enough to make a rich bribe for every
0:01:45 one of the negus's generals
0:01:49 there were also rich gifts for the negus
0:01:52 himself then they were then they
0:01:55 carefully chose two men one of whom was
0:02:00 of the clan of sham
0:02:03 quresh told them exactly what to do
0:02:07 they were to approach each of the
0:02:09 generals separately
0:02:12 give him his present and say
0:02:15 some young foolish men and women of our
0:02:18 people have taken refuge in this kingdom
0:02:22 they have left their own religion not
0:02:24 for yours but for one they have invented
0:02:28 one that is unknown to us
0:02:31 and to yourselves
0:02:33 the nobles of their people have sent us
0:02:36 to your king on their account that he
0:02:38 may send them home
0:02:40 so when we speak to him about them
0:02:44 counsel him to deliver them into our
0:02:47 hands and have no words with them
0:02:50 for their people see best how it is with
0:02:54 them
0:02:57 the generals all agreed and the two men
0:03:00 of quraish took their presence to the
0:03:03 negus
0:03:05 asking that the immigrants should be
0:03:07 given into their hands and explaining
0:03:10 the reason as they had done to the
0:03:12 generals
0:03:13 and finally adding
0:03:16 the nobles of their people who are their
0:03:18 fathers their uncles and their kinsmen
0:03:22 begged thee to restore them unto them
0:03:27 the generals were present at the
0:03:29 audience and now with one voice they
0:03:32 urge the to comply with their
0:03:34 request and give up the refugees in as
0:03:38 much as kinsmen are the best judges of
0:03:41 the affairs of their kinsmen
0:03:46 but the negus was displeased
0:03:49 and said
0:03:51 nay by god they shall not be put
0:03:54 betrayed
0:03:56 a people that have sought my protection
0:03:59 and made my country their abode and
0:04:02 chosen me above all others
0:04:06 give them up i will not
0:04:09 until i have summoned them and
0:04:11 questioned them concerning what these
0:04:13 men say of them
0:04:16 if it be as they have said then i will
0:04:19 deliver them unto them that they may
0:04:22 restore them to their own people
0:04:25 but if not then i will be their good
0:04:28 protector so long as they seek my
0:04:31 protection
0:04:34 then he sent for the companions of the
0:04:37 prophet and at the same time he
0:04:39 assembled his bishops who brought with
0:04:42 them their sacred books and spread them
0:04:45 open around the throne
0:04:48 amma and his fellow envoy had hoped to
0:04:52 prevent this meeting between the negus
0:04:55 and the refugees and it was indeed in
0:04:57 their interests to prevent it even more
0:05:01 so than they realized
0:05:04 for they were unaware that while the
0:05:06 abyssinians tolerated them for
0:05:09 commercial and political reasons
0:05:12 they looked down on them as heathens
0:05:16 and were conscious of a barrier between
0:05:18 them
0:05:20 they themselves were christians
0:05:23 many of them devout
0:05:26 they had been baptized they worshipped
0:05:28 the one god and they carried in their
0:05:31 flesh the sacrament of the eucharist
0:05:35 as such they were sensitive to the
0:05:37 difference between the sacred and the
0:05:40 profane and they were keenly conscious
0:05:43 of the profanity of men like amma
0:05:48 so much the more were they receptive
0:05:51 none more than the negus himself
0:05:53 to the impression of holy earnestness
0:05:57 and depth which was made on them by the
0:06:00 company of believers who were now
0:06:03 ushered into the throne room and a
0:06:06 murmur of wonderment arose from the
0:06:08 bishops and others
0:06:10 as they recognized that here were men
0:06:13 and women more akin to themselves than
0:06:17 to such a quraish as they had previously
0:06:20 encountered
0:06:22 moreover most of them were young and in
0:06:25 them many of them their piety of
0:06:28 demeanor was enhanced by a great natural
0:06:32 beauty
0:06:35 not for all of them had the emigration
0:06:37 been a necessity
0:06:39 uthman's family had given up trying to
0:06:42 make him recount
0:06:44 but the prophet nonetheless allowed him
0:06:47 to go and to take with him rukaya
0:06:50 their presence was a source of strength
0:06:53 to the community of exiles
0:06:57 another couple very pleasing to look
0:06:59 upon were jaffa and his wife asma
0:07:03 they were well protected by abu talib
0:07:06 but the refugees needed a spokesman and
0:07:09 jaffar was an eloquent speaker
0:07:13 he was also most winning in his person
0:07:16 and the prophet said to him on one
0:07:18 occasion
0:07:20 thou art like me in looks and in
0:07:23 character
0:07:25 it was jaffa he had chosen to preside
0:07:28 over the community of exiles
0:07:31 and his qualities of attraction and
0:07:34 intelligence were amply seconded by
0:07:37 masub of abd al-daar a young man whom
0:07:41 the prophet was later to entrust with a
0:07:43 mission of immense importance in virtue
0:07:47 of his natural gifts
0:07:50 likewise remarkable was a young maximite
0:07:54 known as shamas
0:07:56 whose mother was the sister of utbah
0:08:00 his name which means deacon
0:08:03 was given him because on one occasion
0:08:06 mecca had been visited by a christian
0:08:09 dignitary of that rank a man so
0:08:12 exceptionally handsome as to arouse
0:08:15 general admiration
0:08:17 whereupon utber had said
0:08:20 i will show you a shamas
0:08:22 more beautiful than he
0:08:25 and he went and brought before them his
0:08:28 sister's son
0:08:30 zaba
0:08:31 sophia's son was also present and there
0:08:34 were other cousins of the prophet
0:08:37 tulabe the son of awa two sons of uma
0:08:42 abd allah ibn jash and ube allah
0:08:45 together with the ubaid allah's umaired
0:08:48 wife um habiba
0:08:50 and the two sons of bara
0:08:57 both with their wives
0:08:59 it is from the beautiful um salama that
0:09:03 most of the accounts of this first
0:09:05 emigration have come down
0:09:10 when they were all assembled the
0:09:12 spoke to them and said
0:09:15 what is this religion wherein ye have
0:09:18 become separate from your people
0:09:20 though you have not entered my religion
0:09:23 nor that of any other of the folk that
0:09:26 surround us
0:09:28 and jaffa answered him saying
0:09:32 o king
0:09:33 we were a people steeped in ignorance
0:09:37 worshiping idols
0:09:39 eating unsacrificed carrion
0:09:42 committing abominations and the strong
0:09:45 would devour the weak
0:09:48 thus we were
0:09:50 until god sent us a messenger from out
0:09:54 of our midst
0:09:55 one whose lineage we knew
0:09:58 and his veracity and his worthiness of
0:10:00 trust and his
0:10:02 integrity he called us unto god
0:10:06 that we should testify to his oneness
0:10:09 and worship him and renounce what we and
0:10:13 our fathers had worshiped in the way of
0:10:15 stones and idols
0:10:19 and he commanded us to speak truly to
0:10:22 fulfill our promises to respect the ties
0:10:26 of kinship and the rights of our
0:10:29 neighbors
0:10:30 and to refrain from crimes and from
0:10:33 bloodshed
0:10:36 so we worship god alone and sitting not
0:10:40 beside him counting as forbidden what he
0:10:44 hath forbidden
0:10:45 and as listed what he hath allowed
0:10:49 for these reasons have our people turned
0:10:52 against us and have persecuted us to
0:10:56 make us forsake our religion and revert
0:10:59 from the worship of god to the worship
0:11:02 of idols
0:11:04 that is why we have come to thy country
0:11:07 having chosen thee above all others
0:11:11 and we have been happy in thy protection
0:11:15 and it is our hope o king that here with
0:11:19 thee
0:11:20 we shall not suffer wrong
0:11:26 the royal interpreters translated all
0:11:28 that he had said
0:11:30 the negus then asked if they had with
0:11:32 them any revelation that their prophet
0:11:35 had brought them from god and when jaffa
0:11:39 answered that they had
0:11:41 he said
0:11:42 then recite it to me
0:11:45 whereupon jaffa recited a passage from
0:11:48 the surah of mary which had been
0:11:51 recently revealed shortly before their
0:11:54 departure
0:11:56 the quran says
0:11:58 and make mention of mary in the book
0:12:01 when she withdrew from her people unto
0:12:04 her place towards the east
0:12:06 and secluded herself from them
0:12:09 and we sent unto her our spirit and it
0:12:12 appeared unto her in the likeness of a
0:12:15 perfect man
0:12:17 she said
0:12:19 i take refuge from thee in the
0:12:21 infinitely good if any piety thou hast
0:12:25 he said
0:12:26 i am none other than a messenger from
0:12:29 thy lord that i may bestow on thee a son
0:12:33 most pure
0:12:35 she said how can there be for me a son
0:12:39 when no man hath touched me nor am i
0:12:43 unchaste
0:12:45 he said
0:12:46 even so shall it be
0:12:49 thy lord saith it is easy for me
0:12:54 that we may make him a sign for mankind
0:12:58 and a mercy from us
0:13:00 and it is a thing ordained
0:13:06 the legos wept and his bishops wept also
0:13:10 when they heard him recite and when it
0:13:12 was translated they wept again and the
0:13:15 said
0:13:16 this hath truly come from the same
0:13:19 source as that which jesus brought
0:13:23 then he turned to the two envoys of
0:13:26 quresh and said
0:13:28 you may go
0:13:29 for by god i will not deliver them unto
0:13:32 you they shall not be portrayed betrayed
0:13:39 but when they had withdrawn from the
0:13:41 royal presence ammo said to his
0:13:43 companion
0:13:44 tomorrow i will tell him a thing that
0:13:47 shall tear up this green growing
0:13:49 prosperity of theirs by the roots
0:13:53 i will tell them that they aver that
0:13:55 jesus the son of mary is a slave
0:14:00 so the next morning he went to the negus
0:14:03 and said o king
0:14:05 they utter an enormous lie about jesus
0:14:09 the son of mary
0:14:10 do but send to them and ask them what
0:14:14 they say of him
0:14:16 so they went so they so he sent them
0:14:19 word to come to him again and to tell
0:14:22 him what they said of jesus
0:14:25 whereupon they were troubled for nothing
0:14:27 of this kind had ever yet befallen them
0:14:31 they consulted together as what they
0:14:34 should reply when the question was put
0:14:37 to them though they all knew that they
0:14:39 had no choice but to say what god had
0:14:42 said so when they entered the royal
0:14:45 presence and it was said to them what
0:14:48 say ye o jesus the son of mary
0:14:51 jafar said
0:14:53 we say of him what our prophet brought
0:14:55 unto us
0:14:57 that he is the slave of god and his
0:15:01 messenger and his spirit and his word
0:15:05 which he cast unto mary the blessed
0:15:08 virgin
0:15:11 the lagos took a piece of wood and said
0:15:14 jesus the son of mary exceedeth not what
0:15:17 thou has said by the length of this
0:15:20 stick
0:15:21 and when the generals ran him snorted he
0:15:25 added for all your snorting
0:15:29 then he turned to jafar and his
0:15:30 companions and said
0:15:32 go your ways for you are safe in my land
0:15:36 not for mountains of gold would i harm a
0:15:39 single man of you
0:15:42 and with a movement of his hand towards
0:15:44 the envoys of quraish he said to his
0:15:47 attendant
0:15:48 return unto these two men their gifts
0:15:52 for i have no use for them
0:15:56 so amma and the other man went back
0:15:59 ignominiously
0:16:01 to mecca
0:16:03 meanwhile the news of what the
0:16:06 had said about jesus spread among the
0:16:09 people and they were troubled
0:16:12 and came out against him asking for an
0:16:15 explanation and accusing him of having
0:16:18 left their religion
0:16:20 he there upon sent to jafar and his
0:16:23 companions and made red made ready boats
0:16:26 for them and told them to embark and to
0:16:29 be ready to sail if necessary
0:16:33 then he took a parchment and wrote on it
0:16:38 he testifieth that there is no god but
0:16:41 god and that muhammad is his slave and
0:16:43 his messenger and that jesus the son of
0:16:46 mary is his slave and his messenger and
0:16:49 his spirit and his word which he cast
0:16:52 unto mary
0:16:55 then he put it beneath his gown and went
0:16:59 out to his people who were assembled to
0:17:02 meet him
0:17:03 and he said to them abyssinians
0:17:07 have i not the best claim to be your
0:17:10 king
0:17:11 they said that he had
0:17:14 then what think ye of my life amongst
0:17:16 you
0:17:17 it hath been the best of lives they
0:17:20 answered
0:17:21 then what is it that troubleth you he
0:17:24 said
0:17:26 that thou
0:17:27 left thou has left our religion they
0:17:31 said and has maintained that jesus is a
0:17:34 slave
0:17:37 then what say you of jesus he asked
0:17:40 we say that he is the son of god he
0:17:44 answered
0:17:45 then he put his hand on his breast
0:17:48 pointing to where the parchment was
0:17:50 hidden
0:17:51 and testified to his belief in this
0:17:56 which they took to refer to their words
0:18:01 so they were satisfied
0:18:03 and went away
0:18:04 for they were happy under his rule and
0:18:07 only wished to be reassured
0:18:10 and the negus sent words jafar and his
0:18:13 companions that they could disembark and
0:18:16 go back to their dwellings
0:18:19 where they went on living as before
0:18:22 in comfort
0:18:24 and security
0:18:28 and there ends the 27th chapter of the
0:18:31 book entitled abyssinia
0:18:34 martin ling's his life based on the
0:18:36 earliest sources
0:18:38 till next time