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Atheist Apologist tries to Disprove Quran with Science (2019-09-18)


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Summary of Atheist Apologist tries to Disprove Quran with Science

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

"Atheist Apologist tries to Disprove Quran with Science" discusses how science can be used to disprove the Quran. The atheist apologist argues that, because the Quran is meant to be guidance for all people, it cannot be dismissed as ridiculous because of modern science. He also points out that, because the Quran is multi-layered and speaks to different people in the same tone, it cannot be dismissed as a book written by a scientist who is not understood by all. Ultimately, though, he fails to provide a convincing argument against the miracles.

00:00:00 The atheist apologist discusses how science can be used to disprove the Quran. He argues that, because the Quran is meant to be guidance for all people, it cannot be dismissed as ridiculous because of modern science. He also points out that, because the Quran is multi-layered and speaks to different people in the same tone, it cannot be dismissed as a book written by a scientist who is not understood by all.

  • 00:05:00 The Muslim brothers who created the video "Atheist Apologist tries to Disprove Quran with Science" discuss how the Quran talks about scientific miracles, such as the coming down of iron from space. The atheist apologist, who is trying to disprove the miracles, makes a number of inconsistent arguments. Ultimately, though, he fails to provide a convincing argument against the miracles.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Mollie Kuramoto liable cattle guys make
0:00:02 sure that you try these supplements out
0:00:05 there very very good very healthy
0:00:07 natural and you can check the link in
0:00:11 the description box that is nature's
0:00:13 blend black seed oil and they have other
0:00:15 things as well yeah boy boy boy I hope
0:00:23 you enjoyed the videos because one thing
0:00:24 you see these 80 is doing is when they
0:00:26 try to refute these verses they
0:00:28 initially approached the Quran and they
0:00:30 tried reading it as if it was a
0:00:32 scientific textbook right and then they
0:00:35 take that verse with their particular
0:00:37 interpretation which is twisted and then
0:00:39 they try to match you up with the
0:00:41 science and say here's an inaccuracy and
0:00:43 and likewise apologists will do the
0:00:45 opposite so apologists will say well
0:00:47 look there's that there is a scope here
0:00:49 for interpretive correlation yeah so
0:00:54 let's let's put them let's make a
0:00:55 correlation between scientific fact and
0:00:56 the verse but making it as if this is
0:00:59 what the verse means 100% and and you've
0:01:01 closed the door now to all other
0:01:03 interpretations yes
0:01:05 which you can't do for many reasons a
0:01:07 lot of them I should use Prudential yeah
0:01:09 for example if we're talking about
0:01:11 abortion you know you can't just say
0:01:14 okay it's 40 days and that's it
0:01:15 there is 102 that is an opinion forty
0:01:17 days is an opinion but you can't just
0:01:19 close the door and that's it yeah so
0:01:21 it's important to realize that there's
0:01:25 there's a danger of closing doors
0:01:27 because of sight because of modern
0:01:29 science and also not to forego science
0:01:32 so there is a happy medium like we can
0:01:33 kind of try and strike I think also
0:01:36 clarify here is that what is the
0:01:39 objective of the quran guidances yeah so
0:01:42 allah revealed it as a guidance for
0:01:43 humanity and in particular those people
0:01:45 have talked about that that will benefit
0:01:47 from it yeah that being the case we know
0:01:49 the Quran is guidance and it's guiding
0:01:51 people to worship Allah towards back
0:01:53 towards their Creator right so the ayat
0:01:56 of the Quran are gonna be they are gonna
0:01:59 be speaking to people from this primary
0:02:02 perspective which is bringing people
0:02:04 back to Allah speaking to the human
0:02:06 being speak to the fitrah so worshiping
0:02:08 Allah is the primary focus of the you
0:02:09 know there's a beautiful verse in surah
0:02:11 al-hajj
0:02:12 we're lost paralysis Welli Alamelu Dena
0:02:16 ooh - Lila and the whole hakama Rebecca
0:02:19 Fatah beetle how cool ooh boom when
0:02:22 Allah Allah had in ladina a menorah last
0:02:24 year awesomest of him and this verse is
0:02:27 very powerful because it made me think
0:02:30 of kind of what you're talking about but
0:02:31 on a different level Allah subhana WA
0:02:33 Ta'ala says so that he was talking about
0:02:36 certain situation how he reveals
0:02:39 revelation Shaitaan tries to get
0:02:40 involved in a loss behind how that
0:02:42 deletes his intervention and so on so
0:02:43 forth but then he gives a reason he says
0:02:46 well yeah lamella Dina O'Toole I'm so
0:02:47 the people who have been given knowledge
0:02:48 know that is the truth from their Lord
0:02:51 for you min will be so that and then
0:02:54 they become believers of it were to meet
0:02:56 a local Imam and the hearts become
0:02:58 inclined to it were in Allah hell I had
0:02:59 in Ladino my less awesome assignment I
0:03:01 lost panna cotta is gonna guide the
0:03:02 people who believe in to the straight
0:03:04 path so this verse made me think that
0:03:07 Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he has he leaves
0:03:10 no Quran is multi-layered in that sense
0:03:13 yes he speaks to different people with
0:03:15 the same voice yes
0:03:17 and when I say voice he I'm not talking
0:03:18 about you know literal voice I'm talking
0:03:20 about in the same tone right so in
0:03:23 you've got in the same language
0:03:24 something which speaks to this person
0:03:26 and to that person
0:03:27 in other words the Quran is meant to
0:03:32 speak to the farm and the philosopher
0:03:33 yes
0:03:34 it's meant to speak to the student and
0:03:36 the scientist yes it's meant to speak to
0:03:38 the family man and you know I'm trying
0:03:42 to think of another F now way to make it
0:03:45 alliteration and Mabel can just say
0:03:49 physicist okay even though it's not an
0:03:51 official but what you see so allah
0:03:59 subhanahu wa'ta'ala he the quran a
0:04:01 scientist could not look at the quran
0:04:03 say this is completely ridiculous yes
0:04:05 that's it can't happen
0:04:06 believe me I've looked at the Quran I
0:04:07 know it very well okay so you cannot say
0:04:10 it's ridiculous from a sign even a
0:04:11 modern scientific perspective you can't
0:04:13 and if you think it is like that is
0:04:15 because you have received some kind of
0:04:16 propaganda yes at the same time if you
0:04:20 have if you look at the Quran in an by
0:04:22 looking and saying okay well you know
0:04:24 it's also science like a scientist
0:04:25 book you'd not understood yeah we're
0:04:29 trying to be objective here because a
0:04:30 lot of penalty Allah says in the Quran
0:04:32 well enter Quran Allah him la talla moon
0:04:34 one of the worst sins is that you say
0:04:36 about Allah what you don't know
0:04:38 and the professor Solari said in the
0:04:39 hadith McKenna Bali and what time and
0:04:41 then Philemon whoever lies about me
0:04:45 intentionally they let him prepare see
0:04:47 in the Hellfire so we have to be when we
0:04:49 approach the Quran we have to be fair
0:04:50 objective and look at what the author
0:04:53 actually intended yes and I think you
0:04:55 touched really good point that it's the
0:04:56 happy medium unless speaking to all
0:04:58 people yet the whole of humanity who
0:05:00 then leaned a solace is your address for
0:05:02 the whole of humanity yeah but I think
0:05:03 tying in with this we also know as the
0:05:07 Quran is guidance specifically for the
0:05:09 people or the people that benefit from
0:05:10 me other people of taqwa yes right good
0:05:12 then what 13 well so understanding that
0:05:16 like I said even if a scientist
0:05:17 approaches it I would say like you said
0:05:20 they would they would not ridicule or
0:05:21 dismiss the Quran yeah if they really
0:05:23 honestly come to it yeah and that's the
0:05:25 key it's a lot elope we're making their
0:05:28 house if they're really looking for it
0:05:30 they'll see that's how it's an ancient
0:05:33 document but it's hitting all the right
0:05:35 chords from this perspective that it's
0:05:36 not deviating from what we have so it's
0:05:39 not a scientific textbook no yes but it
0:05:41 says things which I mean with what we
0:05:43 understand yeah and that's quite
0:05:44 powerfully and that projective yeah
0:05:46 that being said bro talking about people
0:05:50 of taqwa and humility that approach the
0:05:51 Quran and they will find guidance in it
0:05:53 we have the opposite end of the spectrum
0:05:54 to the some of the New Atheists and
0:05:58 atheists online that are attacking the
0:06:00 Quran now we've clarified this is not
0:06:01 you can't claim scientific miracles in
0:06:03 that type of sense in the Quran itself
0:06:05 and we've talked about extensively but
0:06:06 just briefly to touch upon it like we
0:06:09 said we're gonna talk about this video
0:06:10 put about put out by the rationality
0:06:13 wheels and genetically-modified skeptic
0:06:15 and they obviously tried in a refutation
0:06:16 of a video that some Muslim brothers put
0:06:19 out regarding the scientific marks on
0:06:20 the Quran hopefully this will get
0:06:22 Muslims to as to why we should a new
0:06:23 scientific miracles and highlight the
0:06:25 issues with it but some of the claims
0:06:27 that they make
0:06:28 how would you well let's listen you
0:06:31 example right and tell me you give me an
0:06:32 ala sister this is about two minutes
0:06:34 thirty seconds into the video
0:06:35 and he rationality rules is giving his
0:06:38 opinion regarding I am being sent down
0:06:42 iron is not natural to the earth it did
0:06:48 not form on the earth but came down to
0:06:50 earth from outer space scientists have
0:06:52 found that billions of years ago the
0:06:54 earth was stuck by meteorites these
0:06:57 meteorites were carrying iron from
0:06:59 distant stars which had exploded the
0:07:04 Quran says the following on the origin
0:07:06 of ayran we sent down iron with his
0:07:10 great inherent strength and its many
0:07:13 benefits for humankind the fact that
0:07:16 iron came down to earth from outer space
0:07:18 is something which could not be known by
0:07:21 the primitive science of the 7th century
0:07:23 now the first thing to be said about
0:07:25 this miracle is this point protestations
0:07:28 to the contrary people knew way before
0:07:30 the 7th century the iron comes from
0:07:32 meteorites for example when
0:07:34 approximately 1295 BC or 1900 years
0:07:39 before islam a hieroglyphic word
0:07:41 appeared that literally translates to
0:07:43 from the sky and it was applied to all
0:07:46 metallic iron from this time onwards
0:07:48 so using chronic logic i guess this
0:07:50 proves that a man RAR exists right ok I
0:07:56 think both both by the way bro he does
0:07:59 what they do is they do this throughout
0:08:01 the research the same approach yeah I
0:08:03 think that both arguments are
0:08:06 problematic that the argument of the
0:08:08 apologists Muslim apologists and the
0:08:10 argument of the atheist apologist and
0:08:12 they are both apologists yes so the
0:08:15 argument of the Muslim apologists is I
0:08:18 would say inconsistent if you look at
0:08:20 the whole Quran a lot of partisans will
0:08:22 are off the cut and then alaykum
0:08:25 Lieberson you worry so a tegu militia
0:08:27 well you best talk about that like a
0:08:29 fire Allah so Allah says we have sent
0:08:31 down for you clothes raymond a doorman
0:08:35 whatever you want to call it to kind of
0:08:37 cover yourselves and so on and so forth
0:08:39 now if you ask or if you look at the
0:08:41 face here does it mean allah subhanaw
0:08:43 taala literally sent down clothes yeah
0:08:48 you know it does not mean that or it
0:08:50 could mean that or could not mean that
0:08:52 but what I'm saying is that for for this
0:08:55 to work you have to suspend all
0:08:57 possibilities of majazi meanings or
0:09:01 possibilities of it meaning being a
0:09:03 metaphor or figurative speech even if
0:09:06 you don't believe that there's such a
0:09:07 thing as majestic or unlike even Tamiya
0:09:10 had the opinion that there's no such
0:09:12 thing as metaphor in the Quran it's it
0:09:16 still be some kind of idiom or
0:09:18 figurative expression yeah you'd have to
0:09:21 make sure you'd have to be a hundred
0:09:22 percent sure that when a lot of heart
0:09:24 Allah says in the Quran when general
0:09:26 Hadid we have sent down iron that he
0:09:28 does not mean by that we have provided
0:09:31 iron we have created I in this order and
0:09:33 you cannot dismiss that Allah could have
0:09:36 meant that hmm but you also could have
0:09:39 meant during the verse you quoted bro
0:09:40 yeah that lust sent down clothes
0:09:42 clothing all right but aligns the worst
0:09:44 by saying but the clothing of taqwa is
0:09:46 burning a very beautiful pearl equated
0:09:47 with aqua and so that the objective
0:09:50 there seems to be getting the human to
0:09:52 reflect over near the distinction
0:09:54 between a physical type of clothing and
0:09:56 that spiritual clothing yeah absolutely
0:09:57 so