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Londoniyyah - Part 10 - Proofs of God's Existence / 2 | Mohammed Hijab (2021-12-16)


Londoniyyah - Part 9 - Proofs of God's Existence / 2 | Mohammed Hijab

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Summary of Londoniyyah - Part 10 - Proofs of God's Existence / 2 | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:45:00

discusses the proposition that everything made up of pieces is dependent, and shows how this can be applied to the universe and the infinite multiverse. then goes on to discuss how this argument can be made on a mathematical basis. argues that the universe is dependent on other things, an idea which is supported by set theory, mathematics, and geometry. The atheist cannot argue that the universe is dependent on something without knowing the whole, which is something that cannot be known empirically. finishes by saying that denying logic, mathematics, and geometry is better than just a cosmological reality.

*00:00:00 Discusses the proposition that everything made up of pieces is dependent, and shows how this can be applied to the universe and the infinite multiverse. then goes on to discuss how this argument can be made on a mathematical basis.

  • 00:05:00 argues that the universe is dependent on other things, an idea which is supported by set theory, mathematics, and geometry. The atheist cannot argue that the universe is dependent on something without knowing the whole, which is something that cannot be known empirically. finishes by saying that denying logic, mathematics, and geometry is better than just a cosmological reality.
  • 00:10:00 argues that existence is more foundational than anything else and that this establishes the first part of the argument for the existence of God. He goes on to say that modal categories (such as possibility, necessity, and scientific impossibility) are metaphysical and not based on the physical world. He then argues that the universe can be conceivably rearranged abstractly, which means it is contingent, and not necessarily necessary.
  • 00:15:00 The four proofs of God's existence discussed in this video are that the universe is contingent, that it is possible for something to be otherwise, that it is necessary for something to account for a series of contingencies, and that the universe is fine-tuned for life. This last point is not controversial, as it is agreed by both the belligerent atheists and the devout believers.
  • 00:20:00 The fifth proof in the Londoniyyah video series is a code-based argument. If someone is not skeptical about causation, then they can believe in Darwinian evolution. Without causation, there is no way to explain how anything came to be.
  • 00:25:00 The argument from oneness states that there cannot be more than one necessary existence, and that this eliminates the possibility of the trinity being true. This argument is based on the idea that if there is a necessary existence, then it cannot be another way, which rules out the possibility of more than one existence.
  • 00:30:00 in this video argues that it is impossible for two all-powerful entities to exist together, as this would lead to contradictions. He goes on to say that, even if two entities were capable of everything, one would still be over all things because it is the only thing that is necessary for everything else to exist.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the idea that there can be two contradictory entities that are both powerful and able at the same time, which is impossible. It argues that this is an impossible state of affairs, and so god cannot be of all things powerful.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses the idea that a centralized will is indicative of a fact that nature is stable, regular, and predictable. It also provides an example of this in the form of an airplane.
  • 00:45:00 lectures on proofs of God's existence, including the argument from design and the argument from miracles. It concludes with a discussion of how these proofs can help believers understand and appreciate God's existence.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:11 what's up my coming off to the labor
0:00:12 council how are you guys doing uh today
0:00:14 we're going to be going through the
0:00:16 arguments the adapted arguments that i
0:00:18 put forward alhamdulillah when i was
0:00:20 doing my dissertation and so this
0:00:22 obviously been looked at by reviewed by
0:00:24 my professor
0:00:25 when i was at the university of oxford
0:00:26 doing the work recently as you guys know
0:00:29 i finished it and i got some good uh
0:00:31 feedback from him to be fair to him
0:00:32 we've done really well and these are my
0:00:34 proofs i tried to keep it concise and
0:00:37 you know adapt it based on what we've
0:00:39 just talked about not just you've been
0:00:40 seeing this argument but also
0:00:42 the kind of recommendations of the
0:00:43 medieval scholars that came uh
0:00:46 and um
0:00:47 added or subtracted or whatever it is
0:00:49 for me
0:00:51 so the first slide is the the main
0:00:53 proposition okay this is what we are
0:00:55 claiming and in many ways this is the
0:00:57 entire argument in one sentence
0:01:02 there ca we are claiming this
0:01:04 there cannot be a world
0:01:06 with only dependent things without
0:01:08 reference to an independent thing
0:01:11 as dependent things cannot continue
0:01:12 existing on their own
0:01:14 existence is only explicable with
0:01:16 reference to an independent existence
0:01:19 as impossible existences do not exist by
0:01:21 logical necessity
0:01:23 furthermore dependent existence cannot
0:01:25 self-generate or self-maintain
0:01:30 okay
0:01:31 so if the person agrees with this
0:01:35 this proposition
0:01:36 then they have agreed with us
0:01:39 say it's fine
0:01:40 you're right there can't be a world with
0:01:41 only dependent things
0:01:43 because dependent things
0:01:46 can uh or because dependent things by
0:01:49 themselves
0:01:53 are self general generatable if you like
0:01:56 are not self generated one they're not
0:01:57 self maintaining
0:01:59 they can't be a world with only things
0:02:01 which are
0:02:02 susceptible to being destroyed
0:02:04 and that can't be maintained by
0:02:05 themselves
0:02:06 they cannot be such a world
0:02:08 if they say yes you're right say fine do
0:02:10 you agree there must be an independent
0:02:12 thing
0:02:13 well all things depend upon it and it
0:02:14 depends upon nothing
0:02:16 say fine that's now we've
0:02:18 we've reached agreement we'd move on to
0:02:21 the second part which is why is it one
0:02:22 etcetera that's fine
0:02:24 if they say no you're wrong actually
0:02:27 if they say you're wrong about this
0:02:29 there can be such a world
0:02:31 where the
0:02:33 imagine now reading this again
0:02:35 instead of saying they cannot be let's
0:02:36 just read it the other way there can be
0:02:38 a world they say actually we disagree
0:02:40 with you and we say there can be a world
0:02:42 with only dependent things without
0:02:43 reference to an independent thing
0:02:46 as dependent things
0:02:47 now we're saying can exist or continue
0:02:50 existence on their uh existing on their
0:02:52 own
0:02:52 existence is only explicable with
0:02:54 reference
0:02:55 it's not only
0:02:57 explicable with reference to an
0:02:58 independent thing they'll say as
0:03:00 impossible existences they'll agree with
0:03:02 us do not exist biological necessity
0:03:04 furthermore dependent existence can
0:03:06 self-generate or self-maintain so if
0:03:09 they disagree with us on every point
0:03:11 then actually they've agreed with us
0:03:14 why is that case
0:03:16 because they say okay well if if
0:03:18 dependent things can
0:03:20 self-generate or self-maintain then what
0:03:22 are they
0:03:23 then they're independent and necessary
0:03:27 now if there's a series of things which
0:03:29 can self-generate or self-maintain and
0:03:32 you're saying this series of things the
0:03:33 infinite multiverse
0:03:35 the infinite multiverse can whatever it
0:03:37 may be
0:03:38 can self-generate or self-maintain you
0:03:40 are saying the infinite multiverse as
0:03:42 well
0:03:43 independent or independent independent
0:03:46 therefore there you are saying that you
0:03:48 do believe in an independent thing
0:03:49 however we would say
0:03:51 so we talked about we argue from
0:03:53 composition add absurdum that
0:03:55 something which is made up of pieces
0:03:58 uh cannot be uh cannot be in independent
0:04:01 because it's dependent on those pieces
0:04:03 so how do we say that
0:04:05 we look at proof one underneath
0:04:07 everything made up of pieces is
0:04:08 dependent we would say
0:04:10 the universe is made up of pieces
0:04:12 therefore the universe is dependent
0:04:14 now you can say this about the
0:04:15 multiverse an infinite multiverse
0:04:17 anything made up of pieces is dependent
0:04:20 the infinite multiverse is made up of
0:04:22 pieces therefore the the infinite
0:04:23 multiverse is dependent
0:04:26 now they say okay well that's the
0:04:27 composition fallacy or whatever yeah so
0:04:29 no problem we can make this argument
0:04:31 even on a mathematical basis
0:04:33 any set with more than one member is
0:04:35 dependent on its members a member of a
0:04:37 set is the
0:04:38 the part of the set or
0:04:41 an infinite set has more than one member
0:04:43 therefore an infinite set is dependent
0:04:45 on its members so you can make this
0:04:47 argument ontologically
0:04:49 any questions on this
0:04:51 or comments
0:04:54 with the initial proposition made
0:04:59 and the argument therefore
0:05:00 if they say it's an infinite multiverse
0:05:09 so when we talk about the universe uh
0:05:11 you said this
0:05:12 i guess making this argument say that
0:05:13 the universe is made up of pieces that
0:05:15 that can fall to the uh composition
0:05:17 fantasy right
0:05:19 but is there any way to talk about the
0:05:20 universe as a whole
0:05:22 where you don't fall into that fire see
0:05:23 because i feel like this
0:05:25 there might be a difference between
0:05:26 saying for example that i don't know um
0:05:29 uh
0:05:31 it's not exactly the same as saying this
0:05:32 laptop is made up of pieces therefore
0:05:34 the laptop is dependent he said the
0:05:35 universe is made up of pieces therefore
0:05:37 the universe is dependent the thing is
0:05:39 with the compositional fallacy is this
0:05:41 the atheist and the theist both don't
0:05:43 know how to speak about the whole
0:05:44 because they don't encompass the whole
0:05:47 so when we say we'll talk about the
0:05:48 compositional fallacy we say something
0:05:50 like
0:05:50 if i say the
0:05:52 the pieces of an elephant are small
0:05:54 therefore the elephant is small i'm
0:05:55 making compositional fallacy because i'm
0:05:57 generalizing the part to a whole
0:05:59 with a generalization which is disparate
0:06:02 whether the part does not match the
0:06:04 whole
0:06:05 however it's not always the case that
0:06:06 the part doesn't match the hole because
0:06:08 as i've mentioned before you can have a
0:06:10 red wall made up of red bricks
0:06:12 and the red bricks are in not disparate
0:06:15 in fact are commensurate with the red
0:06:16 wall
0:06:17 okay
0:06:18 so you the only way you can call it a
0:06:21 fallacy
0:06:22 is if you know the whole is disparate
0:06:24 from the part
0:06:25 now
0:06:25 the the atheist doesn't know that the
0:06:27 whole is this power from the part but if
0:06:29 they agree with you that the universe is
0:06:30 made up out of pieces
0:06:32 then they never agreed with you that the
0:06:34 universe is dependent
0:06:35 no
0:06:36 the issue of making the argument only
0:06:38 cosmologically is they'll say well
0:06:40 you're saying how do you know that the
0:06:41 universe made up pieces
0:06:44 you only know that the universe made up
0:06:45 pieces because you're observing pieces
0:06:48 in the universe being dependent on other
0:06:49 things
0:06:50 so it's an inductive thing
0:06:52 if you if you have an ontological aspect
0:06:55 of this and say well actually this is
0:06:56 even this is even the case in the mind
0:07:00 this is the case even conceptually right
0:07:03 then you'll say from all perspectives
0:07:04 therefore it's not just cosmological but
0:07:06 it's from all perspectives that you you
0:07:08 can envisage whenever something is made
0:07:11 up of something that that thing
0:07:14 is
0:07:15 a dependent on it
0:07:17 a triangle is made up of three sides a
0:07:19 triangle has no place in the real world
0:07:21 a triangle cannot be smelt cannot be
0:07:24 touched cannot be licked and tasted and
0:07:26 so on
0:07:27 the empirical reality does not apply to
0:07:29 a triangle but we know that a dependent
0:07:31 the triangle in order for its
0:07:33 triangularity to be established there
0:07:35 must be three straight lines
0:07:37 all equating if you want to be
0:07:38 mathematical 180 degrees
0:07:41 so a triangle depends on three straight
0:07:43 lines
0:07:45 and that's a fact without it you have
0:07:47 three you have to you have something
0:07:48 else you have another shape you know so
0:07:51 you you can onto logically argue
0:07:54 that
0:07:55 some things depend on things even
0:07:57 without reference to the cosmos
0:07:59 and if you make this argument on two
0:08:01 separate tracks which is what i'm
0:08:02 proposing here
0:08:04 then what we're saying is it's not just
0:08:07 a physical property it's a it's a
0:08:09 metaphysical property as well which can
0:08:11 be established through set theory it can
0:08:12 be established in mathematics it can
0:08:14 even be established geometry
0:08:16 so why are we assuming that something
0:08:18 which can be established
0:08:20 cosmologically
0:08:21 geometrically mathematically and
0:08:23 logically does not apply to the universe
0:08:26 it's much stronger than saying why is it
0:08:28 something that within the universe and
0:08:29 what happened to it
0:08:31 i think if you corner it off from all
0:08:33 those perspectives you're creating
0:08:34 different tracks and even to find me at
0:08:36 this point actually you say when you're
0:08:38 making arguments for god's existence
0:08:39 it's like when you're playing chess
0:08:41 he said you have to play you have to
0:08:43 argue from different tracks when you're
0:08:44 playing chess you don't only have one uh
0:08:47 line of the attack
0:08:49 you try and get two pieces i'm not a
0:08:50 chess player but you know i can imagine
0:08:54 the martial arts the same thing you
0:08:55 don't just start throwing hay makers
0:08:57 you have to set it up you know you got
0:08:59 the left you know you got the jab then
0:09:00 the right hand then the left hook you
0:09:02 have to set it all up so if you try and
0:09:04 come with one line of attack it's
0:09:06 usually
0:09:07 unless you're of unless a slacker you
0:09:09 know
0:09:12 unless you're yeah yeah but even if
0:09:13 you're especially like what i'm saying
0:09:15 is to be a specialist you should have
0:09:16 two lines of attack because it
0:09:19 it makes the argumentative target for
0:09:21 them so big
0:09:23 that they'll have it's like you know
0:09:24 you've just presented them with a huge
0:09:26 wall that they have to just get bring a
0:09:27 machine gun just keep shooting it try
0:09:29 and get rid of it it's huge it's like a
0:09:31 boulder coming at them now you have to
0:09:33 what you have to do deny everything
0:09:35 then i deny logic then i maths then i
0:09:38 all the intelligence of logic the
0:09:40 intelligence of mass the intelligence of
0:09:42 geometry
0:09:44 and the cosmological reality as well
0:09:46 it's better than just a cosmological
0:09:47 reality
0:09:48 especially with reference to the the
0:09:50 quantum world as well
0:09:51 which has thrown the spanner the cat in
0:09:54 with the pigeons actually
0:09:56 which we don't know anything about
0:09:57 quantum fire and we don't know how to we
0:09:58 don't know how to um put together
0:10:01 quantum physics with the
0:10:03 macro world there is no all-encompassing
0:10:06 theory it doesn't exist
0:10:08 so
0:10:09 you know
0:10:10 and and by the way with quantum physics
0:10:12 they start with different axioms
0:10:14 some even start with retro causality as
0:10:16 i mean i've seen this in papers they
0:10:18 start with retro causality as an axiom
0:10:22 you know the effect has comes before the
0:10:24 the cause and all this kind of stuff
0:10:26 what are you going to do with that
0:10:29 so if you start going into the um
0:10:32 the the scientific and the cosmological
0:10:34 reality and only depend upon it
0:10:36 then just by virtue of the fact that
0:10:37 quantum phys is becoming something which
0:10:39 is uncontrollable animal
0:10:42 much like many of my opponents
0:10:48 it's going to be hard to you know
0:10:49 argue for it in that way i think you
0:10:51 should you should you should have
0:10:52 separate lines here so that's why that's
0:10:54 the
0:10:57 that is the reasoning for having
0:10:59 a cosmological aspect and an ontological
0:11:01 aspect it it heightens and it
0:11:03 strengthens the um
0:11:05 the timeless feature
0:11:09 so the second proof
0:11:12 existence is presupposing everything
0:11:14 that is real necessary facts are real
0:11:15 therefore necessary facts are presuppose
0:11:17 existence
0:11:18 and this just establishes the first part
0:11:20 of it been seen as
0:11:22 there is no doubt that there is
0:11:23 existence that's the most foundational
0:11:24 thing you can ever
0:11:26 think about existence is the most
0:11:28 foundational thing
0:11:29 now
0:11:30 the category of existence has to be the
0:11:32 most foundational thing
0:11:34 because we said two plus two equals a
0:11:35 necessary fact it cannot be conceived of
0:11:37 in any other way
0:11:38 but you can't say two plus two equals
0:11:40 four brought about everything that
0:11:42 exists
0:11:43 because two plus two goes for the
0:11:44 necessary fact it's not a necessary
0:11:45 existence and the category of existence
0:11:47 priest is presupposed or the category of
0:11:50 fact is presupposed in the category of
0:11:52 existence or the category of resistance
0:11:53 is presupposing cause of fact
0:11:55 so if existence is the first thing that
0:11:57 anything must have in order to be
0:12:01 which is existence
0:12:03 and what when we're saying in the
0:12:04 category of existence there's one
0:12:06 necessary existence that's the argument
0:12:08 so we need to establish why existences
0:12:10 are more foundational than anything else
0:12:13 by the way um modelly speaking
0:12:15 there's even that which is referred to
0:12:17 as scientific necessity i'll give you
0:12:19 just one example
0:12:21 uh for if i run if i say i can run 100
0:12:24 meters in two seconds
0:12:28 now that is impossible from a
0:12:31 scientific perspective i can't run 100
0:12:33 and i don't think anyone here can do it
0:12:36 i don't think anyone here can do
0:12:39 right no one can run 100 meters in two
0:12:41 seconds okay not even usain bolt even if
0:12:43 you give him drugs whoever you know
0:12:46 not that we don't know if he's already
0:12:47 taking them or not but you know
0:12:49 no one's gonna run to one second okay
0:12:51 it's scientifically impossible
0:12:54 so when we talk about impossibilities
0:12:56 and possibilities and necessities
0:12:58 the modal these are called modal
0:13:00 categories okay
0:13:03 that's scientific necessity scientific
0:13:05 impossibility scientific whatever but we
0:13:07 are not talking about that we are
0:13:08 talking about logical necessity we are
0:13:10 talking and there is a difference
0:13:12 between logical necessity and scientific
0:13:14 necessities
0:13:16 and logical necessities are much
0:13:18 stronger i like you know more robust
0:13:19 because they're metaphysical they don't
0:13:20 depend on the physical world
0:13:22 whereas scientific necessities and so on
0:13:25 and impossibilities are things which
0:13:27 you must reason through induction
0:13:32 so proof to continue anything that can
0:13:34 be conceivably rearranged abstractly is
0:13:36 contingent
0:13:38 the universe can be conceivably
0:13:40 rearranged abstractly therefore the
0:13:41 universe is contingent
0:13:44 and this is an ontological reality just
0:13:46 like a
0:13:48 set
0:13:50 in the set theory or the members of a
0:13:51 set in the set in set
0:13:54 can be arranged in a different way
0:13:55 therefore it's contingent
0:13:57 it can be rearranged it's contingent
0:13:59 it's not
0:14:00 hard
0:14:01 like that it's not a unchangeable
0:14:05 and so the universe from that why did i
0:14:06 say abstractly because some determinist
0:14:09 may say well actually everything is
0:14:11 necessary because it is predicated on an
0:14:14 uninterrupted causal chain or an
0:14:15 antecedent
0:14:16 cause of events which came before it and
0:14:18 so we are
0:14:19 living a co you know ventril cosmic
0:14:22 ventriloquism i am a puppet to all of
0:14:24 the uninterrupted causal training that
0:14:26 came before me i am moving now not by
0:14:28 any will of my own but because there was
0:14:30 an uninterrupted chain and in fact that
0:14:32 bottle was made out of necessity and all
0:14:34 this cracker was made out of necessity
0:14:35 my phone was everything is necessary in
0:14:37 that perspective so when we say from in
0:14:39 abstraction
0:14:40 we're removing without reference to what
0:14:42 the uninterrupted causal chain or the
0:14:44 antecedent uh cause of events whatever
0:14:45 it is so we're saying that's what we're
0:14:48 talking about this in isolation
0:14:50 cannot be necessary because if it was it
0:14:52 would not have had the beginning in the
0:14:54 form that it has
0:14:55 and so on
0:14:56 so that's why i mentioned the word
0:14:58 abstractly
0:15:02 any questions on that point uh the
0:15:04 second proof
0:15:07 is related to particularity
0:15:09 particularization no that's going to
0:15:11 come
0:15:12 okay third proof
0:15:16 anything that can be conceived of uh
0:15:18 otherwise an abstraction was arranged by
0:15:20 something else this is particularization
0:15:23 the universe could be conceived of
0:15:24 otherwise in abstraction therefore the
0:15:26 universe was arranged by something else
0:15:27 why because there's nothing within it
0:15:29 if it's if it can be conceived of
0:15:32 otherwise
0:15:33 in abstraction
0:15:34 it doesn't have a quality of necessity
0:15:37 that keeps it as it is pre-eternally and
0:15:40 post-eternally so for that reason it
0:15:43 requires that which is outside of it in
0:15:44 order to arrange it
0:15:47 it's impossible for something contingent
0:15:50 to
0:15:51 to give itself
0:15:52 you know the property of necessity
0:15:55 as as uh straightforward as that might
0:15:57 sound so in other words
0:15:58 if something has the potential and this
0:16:01 goes to kind of like
0:16:03 the whole actual potential discussion
0:16:04 that you know you've heard from
0:16:05 aristotle if something has the potential
0:16:07 to be otherwise
0:16:09 then
0:16:10 it cannot be necessary
0:16:13 if something it has the potential to be
0:16:15 otherwise it cannot be necessary what is
0:16:17 something what's an example of something
0:16:18 that has the potential to be otherwise
0:16:20 as we mentioned before like for example
0:16:22 the egg
0:16:24 the chicken's egg
0:16:26 your chicken's egg what is it it's
0:16:28 inside yolk and this and that and then
0:16:30 it becomes what
0:16:31 a chick
0:16:33 i'm not talking about ladies here let's
0:16:36 talk about the laser the chick is
0:16:37 actually an animal
0:16:39 now
0:16:40 the so the egg is a potential it's in a
0:16:42 potential state
0:16:44 and the fact that it's actualizing
0:16:46 indicates to us that there's something
0:16:48 outside of itself
0:16:51 creating change within it because it's
0:16:52 impossible that it's creating change
0:16:54 within itself
0:16:55 because if it is being created if it's
0:16:57 creating change within itself and it has
0:16:59 the capacity to do that then it would be
0:17:01 actual it wouldn't be potential and if
0:17:03 it's actual then it's independent or at
0:17:04 least it's not uh if it's purely actual
0:17:07 ashes
0:17:08 you know it's not contingent
0:17:12 and so this uh
0:17:14 if it could be another way it can be
0:17:15 rearranged you can squash it you can
0:17:17 break it you can smash it like i do with
0:17:19 an egg
0:17:20 then you can't say that this thing is
0:17:21 necessary how could it be necessary
0:17:23 necessary in what sense in form
0:17:26 in shape
0:17:27 in composition certainly not because if
0:17:30 it was
0:17:31 it would be an egg that i throw and
0:17:32 nothing will happen to it like a
0:17:34 bouncy ball or something but even then
0:17:36 with a bounce ball you can cut it in
0:17:37 pieces like you know something which is
0:17:40 necessary cannot be manipulated
0:17:41 basically
0:17:42 cannot be manipulated
0:17:44 like two plus two equals four do what
0:17:46 you want to it it's a metaphysical
0:17:48 fact that it will stay the same way
0:17:50 always
0:17:52 you know
0:17:53 so anything that can be conceived of
0:17:54 otherwise an abstraction
0:17:57 is contingent the universe can be
0:17:59 conceived of otherwise in abstraction
0:18:00 you can as razali mentions you can
0:18:02 conceive of a world
0:18:03 or universe where the revolutions of the
0:18:06 celestial spheres are the other way
0:18:08 it's not clockwise anti-clockwise for
0:18:11 example and if that's the case we've
0:18:12 already established that the
0:18:14 conceivability factor is there to make
0:18:16 this universe a different way
0:18:18 the jacket now this thing i'm wearing is
0:18:20 brown it could have been black could
0:18:21 have been blue could have been orange
0:18:22 could be any other color and it can
0:18:24 still be now i can change it so it's not
0:18:26 necessary it's also dependent you know
0:18:31 so this is the third proof any questions
0:18:33 on that
0:18:37 no
0:18:38 number four
0:18:41 the universe is fine-tuned for life by
0:18:44 necessity or contingency now the fact
0:18:46 that the universe is fine-tuned for life
0:18:48 it's not controversial at all
0:18:50 because the universe exists and life
0:18:52 exists
0:18:54 and
0:18:54 the constants are are fine-tuned for our
0:18:57 existence
0:18:58 okay that's that is i don't know if
0:18:59 anyone disagrees with that even the the
0:19:02 belligerent new atheists
0:19:04 they agree with that in fact uh richard
0:19:06 dawkins refers to as the goldilocks zone
0:19:08 everything is in the goldilocks i'm not
0:19:10 talking about by the way the
0:19:11 electromagnetic constant and the
0:19:12 gravitational constant we know that that
0:19:14 is within
0:19:15 those parameters but i'm not talking
0:19:17 even about that we spoke about this
0:19:18 before we're talking about
0:19:20 stability regulating uniformity the fact
0:19:23 that things are uniform and regular and
0:19:25 stable
0:19:26 but the
0:19:27 the universe is fine-tuned by for life
0:19:29 by a necessity of contingency
0:19:32 if it is fine-tuned by necessity then
0:19:34 the necessary system must account for
0:19:35 the necessary fact of fine tuning
0:19:37 because we said that existences precede
0:19:40 facts
0:19:42 existence is the most foundational thing
0:19:44 yeah
0:19:45 if it is fine-tuned by contingency then
0:19:47 a necessary system must exist must
0:19:49 account for a series of
0:19:51 for any series of contingencies the
0:19:53 universe is fine truth for life
0:19:54 therefore the universe is fine-tuned for
0:19:56 life by necessary existence why because
0:19:58 we've already explained why you need the
0:20:00 necessary existence in the proof one
0:20:05 so these four arguments here are not
0:20:07 cause-based arguments
0:20:10 you don't need cause for any of those
0:20:12 arguments the word cause is not even in
0:20:13 in any of those arguments because
0:20:15 someone will say i don't believe in
0:20:16 causation
0:20:18 or we haven't even used the word course
0:20:20 dependency
0:20:22 uh is something which we've mentioned
0:20:24 this before we'll mention it again
0:20:26 something which is dependent is
0:20:27 something which relies on something else
0:20:28 for its existence
0:20:31 a cause is something which brings rise
0:20:32 to phenomena
0:20:34 now there's a more technical
0:20:36 definition of the term cause which is
0:20:38 mentioned by john mackie for example in
0:20:40 his essay on it
0:20:42 whereas i'm paraphrasing but if a isn't
0:20:44 there if b isn't there
0:20:46 and a is the sufficient cause for b then
0:20:49 b wouldn't be there without a basically
0:20:50 something's that effect
0:20:53 but uh it's in the decision you can see
0:20:55 that i think i've i've mentioned it
0:20:57 somewhere that definition um
0:21:02 so yes
0:21:03 any questions on the fourth proof
0:21:06 now
0:21:07 the fifth one now anything that is made
0:21:09 up of pieces is cause the universe is
0:21:11 made up of pieces therefore the universe
0:21:12 is caused
0:21:14 very straightforward
0:21:17 obviously the the main thing here is the
0:21:19 compositional fallacy so actually now
0:21:20 you're saying that with just because
0:21:22 it's made up of pieces within the
0:21:24 universe therefore then we can say the
0:21:25 same thing
0:21:27 uh
0:21:29 ontologically
0:21:31 we can say causation itself is
0:21:32 metaphysical
0:21:34 so it's a metaphysical thing
0:21:36 but that would require some level of
0:21:37 argumentation but you can make a
0:21:39 cause-based argument we're not against
0:21:40 cause-based arguments but we're just
0:21:42 trying to divert all the objections to
0:21:43 be honest
0:21:45 um so if they don't like causation no
0:21:47 problem we can we can deal with
0:21:49 contingency aside from causation because
0:21:50 causation and contingency are not
0:21:53 they can be made mutually exclusive
0:21:57 dependency and causation can be made
0:21:59 mutually exclusive we mentioned this
0:22:00 before
0:22:01 i
0:22:02 can give birth to a child or not
0:22:05 i can give rise to which i can cause a
0:22:07 child
0:22:08 through other actions
0:22:09 you know and you know my wife will give
0:22:11 birth to the child so that the child is
0:22:13 caused by me
0:22:15 but it doesn't depend on me
0:22:17 because the ch if i die the child can
0:22:18 continue living
0:22:20 i can build a house
0:22:22 the house is caused by me
0:22:23 but if i die the house can continue
0:22:25 being there
0:22:26 so a cause is something which brings
0:22:27 rise to phenomena whereas something
0:22:29 which is dependent is something which is
0:22:31 reliant on something else for its
0:22:32 existence so causation and dependency
0:22:34 can be uh
0:22:36 extracted from one another or can be
0:22:37 made mutually exclusive from one another
0:22:39 so when
0:22:40 arguments one to four are not even
0:22:42 cause-based arguments argument five is a
0:22:44 code-based argument if you want to use
0:22:45 it you can if the person is not
0:22:46 skeptical cause
0:22:48 causal skeptic you know you can use the
0:22:50 argument if the guys have a causal scale
0:22:52 here i don't believe in causes really
0:22:53 you don't believe in causes if someone
0:22:55 says you i don't believe in causation
0:22:57 say you don't so you don't believe in
0:22:58 science then because
0:23:00 one of the presuppositions of science is
0:23:02 causation
0:23:05 even quantum physics
0:23:07 if you don't believe in cause if you
0:23:08 want to put an axioms as something to do
0:23:10 of retro causation as we said it's an
0:23:12 axiom usually meaning it's not something
0:23:14 they discover from
0:23:16 they don't discover quantum
0:23:19 retro causality from quantum physics
0:23:20 they they assume it before they start
0:23:23 in some models does that make sense
0:23:25 that's what we mean by axiom
0:23:27 they assume retro causality before they
0:23:29 start rather than they discover it
0:23:30 because of it but anyway even if you
0:23:32 wanted to do that you need some level of
0:23:33 causation even if it's retro
0:23:36 this is you need some kind of causation
0:23:40 now if you don't have some kind of
0:23:42 causation especially if you're talking
0:23:43 to an atheist who's a darwinian
0:23:44 evolutionist
0:23:46 how on earth
0:23:48 are you going to believe in darwinian
0:23:49 evolution
0:23:51 without causation
0:23:54 there's no way
0:23:56 what caused what
0:23:58 how did this transformation happen
0:24:01 you know
0:24:02 now obviously we're going to have a
0:24:03 session on darwinism
0:24:05 you know it's going to be less polemical
0:24:06 than you think
0:24:08 um because what i mean what what do we
0:24:10 really disagree with like is it a sliver
0:24:12 or the evolutionary project what 0.000
0:24:17 times a hundred one percent we disagree
0:24:19 we don't realize we don't care about
0:24:20 this evolution they think it's some
0:24:22 major argument against theism it's not
0:24:24 it's nothing
0:24:25 but if you're if someone doesn't believe
0:24:27 in a cause causation how can you believe
0:24:29 in
0:24:30 science
0:24:31 especially if you're a materialist this
0:24:32 is
0:24:33 very embarrassing actually
0:24:36 so you'd have to i i i
0:24:38 highlight that inconsistency so these
0:24:39 are the five proofs that i we've got in
0:24:41 place go on
0:24:43 fifth proof that first premise anything
0:24:45 made up of pieces is caused is that
0:24:48 based on
0:24:49 uh the fine tuning
0:24:52 how do we get that first premise
0:24:54 everything that
0:24:55 you get inductively
0:24:57 right you get it inductively and so this
0:25:00 argument by itself is susceptible to the
0:25:01 compositional fallacy uh objection even
0:25:04 though there's going to be a deadlock as
0:25:05 we said because we can't prove that the
0:25:07 situation is that it's red bricks versus
0:25:09 red wall and they can't prove the
0:25:11 situation is small pieces therefore big
0:25:14 and big whale there's a gridlock so in
0:25:16 order to break the gridlock we have to
0:25:17 speak about metaphysics
0:25:20 therefore an argument like this should
0:25:21 never be made in isolation
0:25:23 like these arguments are not good to be
0:25:24 made in isolation if you're speaking
0:25:25 academically with someone and you want
0:25:27 to avoid all the objections make the
0:25:29 argument ontologically and cosmology at
0:25:30 the same time that's why i think anyway
0:25:34 so what's the reason
0:25:35 because this inductively
0:25:39 found the first premise like what's the
0:25:41 reason why we say um pieces instead of
0:25:42 just the universe that it would be the
0:25:44 same argument right again what do you
0:25:45 mean i mean what's the what's the
0:25:47 purpose of having the proof five and
0:25:49 just changing universe to pieces i'm
0:25:52 trying to figure out what we're trying
0:25:53 to show here
0:25:56 sorry
0:25:57 in proof five yeah you mentioned
0:25:58 anything made up of pieces is caused
0:26:00 below you could have easily just said um
0:26:02 anything which at the beginning is
0:26:03 caused right like it's the same kind of
0:26:04 argument same kind of argument yeah but
0:26:06 not the only thing is okay good when you
0:26:08 why why did i not say everything that
0:26:10 everything that begins as a cause the
0:26:11 universe began to exist
0:26:13 no because the issue is now proven the
0:26:14 universe began to exist you have two
0:26:16 layers of problem
0:26:18 well if you're trying to prove that the
0:26:20 universe began to exist you have to go
0:26:21 and go and scientifically explain that
0:26:23 this one is it averts the scientific
0:26:25 discussion of trying to prove that the
0:26:27 oscillating universe model is false or
0:26:29 penrose is wrong what is the crc
0:26:31 whatever it's got camera where it's
0:26:32 called crt whatever the cyclical model
0:26:34 is wrong all those things we're not even
0:26:36 talking about we would say it jumps
0:26:38 straight to a compositional type of
0:26:39 argumentation so this
0:26:41 it diverts and the the the point here is
0:26:44 you're trying to divert
0:26:46 more objection
0:26:49 you want to make a statement that
0:26:51 doesn't have refutational
0:26:53 uh susceptibility or
0:26:55 you want to make as many statements as
0:26:57 you can in life
0:26:59 that are
0:27:01 least
0:27:02 prone and susceptible to refutation now
0:27:05 that might be impossible in marriage
0:27:08 but it's less it's more possible in
0:27:10 these kinds of situations when you think
0:27:12 about them anything i say in marriage is
0:27:14 false
0:27:16 in some in some cases
0:27:18 come on
0:27:20 she knows it's true
0:27:24 um
0:27:25 now
0:27:26 we've done this before but we'll do it
0:27:27 again the arguments for oneness
0:27:30 the first argument from oneness it goes
0:27:32 as follows why is it one necessary
0:27:34 existence why is it not a plethora a
0:27:35 multiplicity of multiple uh necessary
0:27:38 existences
0:27:39 all together or is it just one
0:27:42 so we say if a necessary existence is in
0:27:45 existence that cannot be any other way
0:27:46 there cannot be more than one
0:27:48 and necessary existence
0:27:50 cannot be another way therefore
0:27:53 there cannot be more than one existence
0:27:54 why
0:27:55 because if you have god one and god two
0:27:58 so-called yeah
0:28:00 and god one is meant to be something
0:28:01 that there's it can't be any other way
0:28:03 but god too has a differentiating factor
0:28:06 which differentiates it from god one
0:28:08 that differentiating factor which
0:28:10 differentiates it from god one
0:28:12 indicates that god too is contingent
0:28:15 because it can be conceived of in
0:28:16 another way and the evidence of that is
0:28:18 that it has a so-called differentiating
0:28:20 factor
0:28:21 all that both of the so-called god one
0:28:23 and god two are both contingent so
0:28:25 you've got two options either both are
0:28:26 contingent or one of them is contingent
0:28:28 but it's impossible for the both of them
0:28:29 to be necessary
0:28:32 and that disqualifies the trinity from
0:28:34 being true
0:28:37 you could never imagine
0:28:39 in life
0:28:42 a god one so we could never imagine in
0:28:45 life
0:28:46 uh god one because if you can imagine
0:28:47 them it means if god's one is there and
0:28:50 god too is there and god too has
0:28:52 something which separates himself or
0:28:54 herself or itself or whatever self from
0:28:57 god one
0:28:59 then that differentiating factor
0:29:00 indicates that because we said necessary
0:29:02 existence is something that cannot be
0:29:04 any other way
0:29:05 but if
0:29:06 god two has a hat on
0:29:08 p adamson makes us uh
0:29:10 p adamson makes us discuss he he gives
0:29:12 this example i'm going to give him
0:29:13 credit for it in uh
0:29:14 his discussion of avicenna if he's god
0:29:16 what two has a hat on that hat indicates
0:29:18 it's got two's uh
0:29:20 he's got a moustache i think he gets it
0:29:22 whatever you know this
0:29:24 factor we've got two indicates that it's
0:29:26 contingent because it can be an avoid
0:29:28 you can imagine it without a mustache
0:29:31 or a hat or something it's a ridiculous
0:29:33 example but
0:29:35 any any differentiating factor which
0:29:37 make it possible for
0:29:39 entity two or got two to be any other
0:29:41 way
0:29:42 makes it uh makes it impossible for that
0:29:45 thing that we're talking about to be
0:29:47 necessary because a necessary being is
0:29:48 something that cannot be any other way
0:29:50 just like two plus two equals four
0:29:51 cannot be another five or six or three
0:29:54 it's it's it's incorrigible
0:29:56 so like i said necessary being can we
0:29:58 can never imagine that necessary
0:30:01 physically
0:30:02 it's not yeah well we don't even
0:30:04 attribute attribute physicality to fact
0:30:06 we we do the opposite we we we attribute
0:30:09 incorporality to
0:30:10 the necessary existence it can't be
0:30:12 physical because a physical thing is
0:30:13 made up of parts it's made up of
0:30:15 dependent things it's contingent and so
0:30:17 on and therefore it's impossible for it
0:30:18 to be necessary
0:30:21 you see does that make sense any
0:30:23 questions on the the this okay the
0:30:25 second one is
0:30:28 if the necessary existence is
0:30:29 responsible for all other things in
0:30:31 existence then the necessary existence
0:30:33 has capacity of all other things in
0:30:36 existence
0:30:37 over all things in existence
0:30:40 the necessary existence is responsible
0:30:42 for all other things in existence
0:30:44 therefore the necessary existence has
0:30:46 capacity over all things in existence
0:30:48 continued yeah so this is two parts
0:30:51 if the necessary existence has ultimate
0:30:52 capacity of over all things in existence
0:30:55 nothing other than the necessary
0:30:57 existence is over all things capable
0:31:00 because if it's the the main thing
0:31:02 that's responsible and has the ultimate
0:31:03 it's the ultimate source through which
0:31:05 everything else
0:31:07 uh has its
0:31:08 um
0:31:09 is
0:31:10 it's the ultimate source of existence
0:31:12 for everything contingent
0:31:14 then that means that this qualifies
0:31:15 anything contingent by necessity from
0:31:18 being the ultimate source of everything
0:31:19 that's contingent
0:31:21 this kind of goes back to what we were
0:31:22 talking about in cena when we said that
0:31:24 if if there is a set of contingent
0:31:26 things
0:31:28 then it's impossible to think
0:31:29 that there's a necessary thing within
0:31:31 that set because the set of contingent
0:31:33 things describes everything that's
0:31:34 contingent
0:31:36 so if that case if you have something
0:31:38 which is the source of all things in
0:31:40 existence and it has capacity over them
0:31:42 then
0:31:44 the necessary existence has capacity of
0:31:46 all things therefore the necessary
0:31:47 existence is over all things
0:31:51 is over all things paper this is what
0:31:52 comes up in the quran all the time this
0:31:54 exact phraseology over all actually i
0:31:56 got it from there
0:31:58 of all things capable yes
0:32:00 um
0:32:02 kind of like begging the question
0:32:03 because in the first premise like we're
0:32:04 not exactly trying to prove
0:32:06 why you'll give me which one uh because
0:32:09 you're basically because um if an
0:32:11 association is responsible for all other
0:32:12 things in existence isn't this exactly
0:32:14 what you're trying to prove though yeah
0:32:16 but that we don't we don't establish
0:32:17 that through this argument we establish
0:32:19 that through the first argument we make
0:32:20 that's why these arguments have to be
0:32:22 put together so we've already argued
0:32:24 that the necessary existence we don't
0:32:26 we're not going to present this by
0:32:27 itself we're going to prove that
0:32:28 necessary existence is a necessary
0:32:29 existence first and that it's
0:32:31 responsible for whatever and now we're
0:32:33 saying well if that's the case because
0:32:35 this is trying to prove oneness why
0:32:37 there's only one of them
0:32:38 sorry in the first one didn't we already
0:32:40 prove oneness though yeah but this is
0:32:41 two this is a different line now i'm
0:32:43 giving you another argument to prove on
0:32:45 this the this draws us inspiration yeah
0:32:49 from the quranic verse and it's called
0:32:51 daliru tamannaah
0:32:53 the the evidence of exclusion
0:32:55 mata
0:33:01 that god
0:33:03 didn't take a son and he doesn't have
0:33:05 any god with him
0:33:07 if that was the case they would have
0:33:08 tried to strip away all of the things
0:33:10 that they
0:33:12 that they created and they would have
0:33:13 tried to dominate one another
0:33:16 so in other words you can't have two
0:33:19 all-powerful agencies
0:33:22 because all powerful means you have all
0:33:23 the power now if if you have all the
0:33:25 power and there's another thing with all
0:33:27 the power you've got two things of all
0:33:28 the power how does that work
0:33:31 that contradicts the fact that the first
0:33:32 thing has all the power
0:33:34 if this is
0:33:35 all things capable how how could this
0:33:37 one be over all things capable and this
0:33:38 one be over with this cable that must be
0:33:40 one of them is not of all things capable
0:33:42 or both of them are what over not over
0:33:44 all things people that's that's by
0:33:46 necessity
0:33:47 because that's the thing right
0:33:49 and that's the thing so if they both of
0:33:51 all things capable
0:33:53 either both not over all things capable
0:33:55 or one of them is over here but the
0:33:56 other one is not
0:33:58 that's these are the logical
0:34:00 possibilities
0:34:06 contingent things capable
0:34:10 well you can say that if you want all
0:34:11 things capable but
0:34:13 even if we say all things yeah we're
0:34:15 things we're only referring to
0:34:17 because it's just because someone might
0:34:18 come and say okay what about like square
0:34:20 circles okay great great what you're
0:34:21 trying to say yeah so uh
0:34:23 the impossible existences okay
0:34:25 impossible existences are not things
0:34:29 like a squared circle is not a thing
0:34:30 it's an unintelligible we would say it's
0:34:32 an unintelligible it's not something
0:34:34 which can exist in the real world the
0:34:35 meaning itself only carries grammatical
0:34:38 value
0:34:39 like if you say there is a squared
0:34:41 circle that sentence has only
0:34:43 grammatical value but that sentence does
0:34:45 not have any real world implication you
0:34:47 will not be able to find
0:34:49 a squared
0:34:50 circle or a square triangle because
0:34:53 that we mentioned this before kind of
0:34:55 alluded to is that at
0:34:57 um the things
0:34:59 that need to be in place for to give a
0:35:00 triangular triangularity
0:35:04 cannot be in place at the same time
0:35:07 giving a triangular triangularity and a
0:35:09 circular circularity
0:35:12 the two things cannot exist at the same
0:35:14 time because in essence a triangle with
0:35:17 this triangularity is differentiated
0:35:19 from a circle of circularity they have
0:35:21 different essences and and they cannot
0:35:22 coexist
0:35:25 and so and so the idea of a square
0:35:27 triangle square circle ever is
0:35:29 those two things cannot coexist
0:35:32 um
0:35:34 together
0:35:35 in at the same place at the same time in
0:35:37 the same way
0:35:39 yeah and as such
0:35:43 impossible existences are not things
0:35:47 so can god create a rock so heavy that
0:35:48 he can't lift
0:35:51 that that would suggest
0:35:52 that
0:35:54 you can have a god that's a over all
0:35:56 things capable and b
0:35:58 not of all things capable at the same
0:36:00 time
0:36:01 which is a squared circle scenario it's
0:36:03 the same thing as saying can god
0:36:06 who created god
0:36:08 it's like saying what
0:36:09 who or who
0:36:11 who started god who began god it's like
0:36:14 saying who gay who who created the one
0:36:16 is uncreated which is a the question
0:36:19 itself has a presupposition not a
0:36:21 question cannot be a contradiction by
0:36:22 the way but it has it can have a
0:36:24 presupposition which is contradictory so
0:36:26 the contra the presupposition of the
0:36:28 question is that there is conceivable
0:36:31 that there can be something which is
0:36:32 created and uncreated at the same time
0:36:37 so when they say can god lift a rock so
0:36:39 heavy that he can't lift so uh to be
0:36:41 facetious like i said get the rock and
0:36:42 uh you've disproven god
0:36:44 that rock is the evidence of that this
0:36:46 proof of you know that rock there
0:36:49 but the idea is
0:36:51 what you're essentially presupposing is
0:36:53 that they can be
0:36:55 uh
0:36:56 a capable uncapable god or a god that is
0:36:59 over all things capable at the same time
0:37:01 is not of all things able at the same
0:37:02 time
0:37:03 and that is an impossible state of
0:37:05 affairs and therefore it's not a thing
0:37:07 and therefore it's not a thing that god
0:37:09 can be of all things powerful of because
0:37:10 it's not even a thing it's an
0:37:11 unintelligible
0:37:13 likewise can uh who created god
0:37:17 which michael roos
0:37:18 when he was a second richard dawkins
0:37:20 because that was one of his main
0:37:21 questions his god delusion he said
0:37:24 uh richard dawkins screaming around who
0:37:26 created god like a school boy he's
0:37:28 embarrassing the atheists he said
0:37:30 because he obviously michael is an
0:37:31 atheist himself i mean he's a top-notch
0:37:34 atheist philosopher he said this is
0:37:35 embarrassing we know we know the answers
0:37:37 to these questions and these are the
0:37:38 answers there are stock answers that
0:37:39 have been there for millennia not even
0:37:42 centuries
0:37:43 and they're there and so what we're
0:37:45 saying is that the question itself has
0:37:47 presuppositions if they say can god
0:37:49 create contradictions
0:37:51 say contradictions themselves are
0:37:52 unintelligibles
0:37:55 you see
0:37:56 and and so
0:37:58 um
0:37:59 that's uh we exclude from the category
0:38:02 of things impossible existences they're
0:38:04 not shaped
0:38:05 in the first place
0:38:07 i had like a response to this that i
0:38:08 like you know yes you know kind of god
0:38:10 create a rock so if you can't lift he's
0:38:11 like it's like if i ask you like you
0:38:13 know have you stopped beating your wife
0:38:14 or something like that you know you're
0:38:15 assuming that he has a wife and you're
0:38:17 assuming that see what do you say like
0:38:18 if you are demanding yes no answer to
0:38:20 that question either way you're finished
0:38:21 then yeah that's right that's right have
0:38:23 you stopped beating your wife like if
0:38:25 you say yes then you know you admit you
0:38:27 used to beat her before yeah if you say
0:38:29 no there are some questions which are
0:38:31 ridiculous like if someone says to you
0:38:32 okay okay what day of the week is it yes
0:38:34 or no
0:38:37 do your answer on my question is that
0:38:38 yes or no is it what day of the week was
0:38:40 yes or no it's a category mistake
0:38:42 fallacy the question itself is
0:38:44 problematic
0:38:45 you know
0:38:46 but you have to see you have to really
0:38:48 know where the questions are where it's
0:38:49 like that
0:38:51 if if the necessary we talked about this
0:38:53 the third argument the last segment for
0:38:55 the day
0:38:56 in order for nature to be stable uniform
0:38:58 and regular there must be only one
0:38:59 external
0:39:00 agent arranging the world nature is
0:39:02 stable uniform regular therefore there
0:39:04 must be only one external agent arranged
0:39:06 in the world why
0:39:08 this is an argument from if you like
0:39:10 it's probabilistic but it's a very
0:39:11 strong ballistic argument because it's
0:39:12 saying if you have two
0:39:16 minds
0:39:18 if you have two wills
0:39:19 and this you can you can make the
0:39:20 argument in a non-probabilistic way i
0:39:22 say if you have two wills two ultimate
0:39:24 wills
0:39:25 and both of them
0:39:26 are in ultimate control of the world
0:39:29 okay
0:39:31 then what happens
0:39:32 then
0:39:34 decision-making when go back to
0:39:35 particularization is not centralized and
0:39:38 as such we don't expect to see results
0:39:41 in nature
0:39:42 which indicate centralized decision
0:39:44 making
0:39:45 so chaotic order would ensue the quran
0:39:47 says
0:39:49 you know
0:39:51 it says
0:39:56 if there were any gods other than allah
0:39:58 then the universe heavens and earth
0:39:59 would have been corrupt
0:40:06 do you know there's another verse sorry
0:40:07 i was just thinking about there's
0:40:09 another verse which is quite similar
0:40:13 which in suzu
0:40:15 uh
0:40:16 where it says
0:40:18 this is an interesting verse
0:40:27 if the truth has followed their desires
0:40:30 then the heavens and earth would have
0:40:31 been destroyed and whatever is inside of
0:40:33 them
0:40:34 because our desires are volatile
0:40:38 you know if our desires which are
0:40:41 hedonistic and volatile and
0:40:42 unpredictable
0:40:44 were what was in control of the universe
0:40:46 the universe would have been corrupt
0:40:48 because what you require
0:40:49 is a will which is intelligent
0:40:53 and non-emotional if you like
0:40:55 in order for
0:40:56 nature to be regular stable in uniform
0:40:58 so basically the argument here in the
0:40:59 quran is the fact that nature is uniform
0:41:02 stable than regular
0:41:03 is indicative of a fact that you have a
0:41:07 uniform will
0:41:08 an intelligent will
0:41:10 uh which decides on how the order of the
0:41:13 universe should be
0:41:14 and we said already that regularity
0:41:16 stability and uniformity are not things
0:41:19 which you discover
0:41:20 by science they are
0:41:22 pre-presuppositions of science in other
0:41:24 words you must presume
0:41:27 uniformity stability and regularity
0:41:29 before you start the scientific
0:41:30 enterprise
0:41:32 because if you don't as we said
0:41:35 if you if we said that water boils at or
0:41:38 it freezes uh so it boils 100 degrees
0:41:40 today
0:41:41 and tomorrow will boil a thousand and
0:41:43 after tomorrow it won't even boil at all
0:41:46 or whatever it is then we can't even do
0:41:48 science because every time we do an
0:41:50 investigation under the same conditions
0:41:52 the results will be different so science
0:41:53 would be a fruitless enterprise and
0:41:56 that's what the quran you know alludes
0:41:57 to when it says
0:41:59 do you see any gaps in creation what
0:42:01 kind of gaps these kinds of gaps
0:42:05 the this is the uh the the the
0:42:08 construction of god who he had perfect
0:42:10 perfected everything
0:42:13 so what what kind of professions are you
0:42:14 talking about the fact there's no gaps
0:42:16 meaning it's regular it's stable it's
0:42:18 not unpredictable there's predictability
0:42:20 and if you don't believe these things
0:42:22 you can't do science
0:42:24 and so what explains this best that the
0:42:26 fact that you have a uniform centralized
0:42:29 will
0:42:30 like
0:42:32 as you would expect
0:42:34 and i gave the example before if i drove
0:42:36 a car
0:42:37 and um for example me and my wife drive
0:42:40 a car and we separate from each other or
0:42:41 someone me and someone else meet him
0:42:43 driver can we separate from you can't
0:42:44 see each other and i have one steering
0:42:46 wheel he has another zero and maybe four
0:42:48 of us and one guy in the back and this
0:42:50 guy and all of us have steering wheels
0:42:52 where's the car going we go around
0:42:53 itself like a dog
0:42:55 chasing his tail
0:42:57 especially if we don't have
0:42:57 communication with each other
0:42:59 which can't be assumed anyway well you'd
0:43:01 have to make a policy it's now the
0:43:03 burden of proof on the policies to argue
0:43:04 how they have communication and now
0:43:06 collaboration
0:43:08 and uh how to make decisions you know
0:43:10 these four and uh in addition when they
0:43:12 make this they're compromised but if
0:43:13 there's compromise that indicates
0:43:14 weakness on on the behalf and then you
0:43:16 go back to the first one if it's all
0:43:17 capable how can you be weak
0:43:20 you see
0:43:22 imagine each wheel was being dictated by
0:43:25 the steering wheel where would the car
0:43:26 go nowhere the fact that the universe is
0:43:28 moving in one direction or at least it's
0:43:31 harmonious predictable stable regular
0:43:33 which is
0:43:34 a incontrovertible and injurable fact
0:43:37 and something which cannot be uh
0:43:39 disputed is undisputed actually
0:43:42 something which you need to do science
0:43:44 is indicative of the fact that you have
0:43:45 a centralized decision maker of the
0:43:47 universe
0:43:49 you have two two sticks
0:43:52 and two just stick so you can go to
0:43:55 strings or whatever you want okay yeah
0:43:57 and you are never allowed uh there's
0:44:00 gonna be one person if you have two
0:44:02 pilots
0:44:03 and you decide before the flight who's
0:44:05 gonna be the one in charge of flying
0:44:07 touching there oh yeah you do that don't
0:44:08 you put your parts
0:44:11 so the other pilot will never touch the
0:44:14 joystick or the string until
0:44:17 until they decide to change
0:44:19 so you
0:44:20 all thames or at all times it's going to
0:44:22 be just one person
0:44:24 that's right and that's one of the
0:44:25 reasons that you would say that's an
0:44:26 even better example i think than my uh
0:44:28 my car examples
0:44:31 let's get some of these uh polo theaters
0:44:33 to go in an airplane that's been
0:44:34 dictated by four or five different uh
0:44:37 that's one like a big rule like a big
0:44:39 rule like you can't
0:44:41 you have to decide who's gonna be in
0:44:43 charge it's gonna be one and you have to
0:44:45 let that person in in a bit of
0:44:47 environment of accident or like an
0:44:49 emergency
0:44:51 you have to decide you have to let that
0:44:52 person
0:44:54 do everything you can you can't refer
0:44:57 because if you interfere you have the
0:44:58 problems you say one might decide to go
0:45:01 left a moment had to go right
0:45:03 these are these are the arguments for
0:45:05 oneness of god uh we will conclude with
0:45:07 that
0:45:07 uh thank you very much for listening to
0:45:09 our lectures and uh and our sessions
0:45:12 hopefully um benefited as much as we
0:45:15 have here wassalamualaikum