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Radical Zionist Embarrassed by Muslim Debater (2021-08-31)


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Summary of Radical Zionist Embarrassed by Muslim Debater

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses how radical Zionist Tariq Ramadan is teaching a course on Palestinian advocacy at the Quran Institute. The course is open to Muslims around the world, and Ramadan encourages Muslims to challenge Zionist arguments -on. also discusses how radical Zionist David Ben-Gurion did not support colonization of Argentina, despite earlier writings that suggested as much. Ben-Gurion later decided that colonization of Argentina was a good idea, but argued that Zionism was still a form of settler colonialism.

00:00:00 Radical Zionist instructor Tariq Ramadan teaches a 10-week course on Palestinian advocacy at the Quran Institute, which will cover topics such as the history of Palestine and the Zionist movement, the occupation of Palestine, and the solutions to the conflict. The course is open to Muslims around the world, and Ramadan encourages Muslims to challenge Zionist arguments -on.

  • 00:05:00 Zionism is a movement that advocates for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which would be achieved by forcibly evicting the Arab and Muslim populations residing there. discusses how the idea of Zionism differs from secular colonialism, in that Zionism is based on a strong connection to the land and the belief that the Jews are the chosen people who are destined to rule over the land. He also points out that when Herzl writes to himself, he is frank about his concerns about being close to Russia and Europe and not wanting to be part of the Ottoman Empire.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses how radical Zionist David Ben-Gurion did not support colonization of Argentina, despite earlier writings that suggested as much. Ben-Gurion later decided that colonization of Argentina was a good idea, but argued that Zionism was still a form of settler colonialism.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 to learn muslim advocacy for palestinian
0:00:01 rights and the reputations against the
0:00:03 arguments of the zionist movement i'll
0:00:05 be teaching a 10-week course at the
0:00:07 quran institute for online and on-site
0:00:10 students on palestine advocacy
0:00:13 the 10-week course will consist of 30
0:00:15 hours of lesson time and an almost equal
0:00:18 amount of tutorial time that will go in
0:00:20 depth into the history of palestine its
0:00:22 peoples throughout history the zionist
0:00:24 movement humans and justifications they
0:00:26 use the plight of the palestinians as a
0:00:28 result of zionism both in history and
0:00:30 today and understanding the solutions
0:00:33 for the occupation of palestine
0:00:36 for all those who want to seriously
0:00:37 challenge what is going on in palestine
0:00:39 and make our campaign to bring
0:00:41 international pressure to bear upon
0:00:42 israel as would happen to south africa
0:00:44 we need to equip ourselves with powerful
0:00:46 knowledge about the history of palestine
0:00:48 and know how to counter zionist
0:00:50 arguments indisputably so join me on the
0:00:52 10-week course and raise the bar on
0:00:54 muslim advocacy for justice and the
0:00:56 rights of our press brothers and sisters
0:00:58 in palestine register at the quran
0:01:01 institute for slash palestine
0:01:05 israel is just another case study in the
0:01:08 crimes of nationalism in that it is a
0:01:11 nation state exclusively for one racial
0:01:14 group doesn't mean that it excludes
0:01:16 other racial groups but the nation state
0:01:18 only represents
0:01:20 one particular
0:01:21 group which is usually facilitated by a
0:01:24 hopeful majority of that particular
0:01:26 group so and now not to go back to the
0:01:29 founders of zionism as you mentioned um
0:01:30 them
0:01:31 um vito herzl basically
0:01:35 didn't really give much regard to the
0:01:36 natives of palestine didn't give much
0:01:39 regard to how they're going what about
0:01:41 their aspirations uh what about their
0:01:43 representation in government what about
0:01:45 government for them so first yes he
0:01:47 tried to ask the ottoman khalif
0:01:50 uh if he could if he could sell it if
0:01:51 they could sell the land to the zionists
0:01:53 and of course he said no
0:01:55 uh but nationalism doesn't just say oh
0:01:57 well okay then fair dudes will accept
0:01:59 that no nationalism says we need to try
0:02:01 all the strategies because the ends
0:02:03 justifies um
0:02:05 the means if it is necessary for the
0:02:07 national interest if it is necessary for
0:02:10 the national interest and so they look
0:02:12 to other avenues and britain was a very
0:02:14 willing avenue especially the money and
0:02:16 the support and also advantages for
0:02:18 britain at the time uh balfour gave an
0:02:21 introduction to a book on the history of
0:02:22 zionism so he was certainly a solid
0:02:24 supporter of um zionism if you think
0:02:28 that um
0:02:30 that the colonies in south africa
0:02:33 or the colonies of the the pilgrims of
0:02:35 the the puritan pilgrims in pennsylvania
0:02:38 uh were
0:02:39 were colonialism were set their colonies
0:02:42 these were established mainly at the
0:02:44 resources of private individuals of
0:02:46 course with the permission of the
0:02:47 various governments uh or the dutch east
0:02:50 dutch east india company
0:02:52 um which would private corporations
0:02:55 establishing these colonies and we have
0:02:56 no problem calling themselves colonies
0:02:58 but suddenly we have a problem
0:03:00 with calling the zionist project which
0:03:03 was established with
0:03:04 international uh banking institutions or
0:03:07 organizations that were called
0:03:08 colors colonization organizations with
0:03:11 no regard to the natives uh why should
0:03:14 that be different and i'm gonna quote
0:03:16 you something and then i'll let you kind
0:03:18 of
0:03:18 come back very briefly uh so he said
0:03:21 uh the idea of colonization of palestine
0:03:24 is moreover connected with the
0:03:25 remarkable colonizing impetus which has
0:03:28 taken hold of the entire modern world
0:03:30 and judged by outward characteristics
0:03:32 are the european migrations to foreign
0:03:34 lands their colonization and development
0:03:38 so very different so very different from
0:03:40 this feature of jewish aspirations so is
0:03:42 this very different from the the feature
0:03:44 of jewish aspirations he's saying he has
0:03:45 a question mark there exuberant energy
0:03:48 finds no appropriate outlet in europe
0:03:50 and so seek it far away where it may be
0:03:52 usefully employed for the furthering of
0:03:54 civilization in the midst of backward
0:03:57 countries and nations fruitful jewish
0:03:59 energy which is being kept under in the
0:04:02 diaspora will be gathered and
0:04:04 transplanted to palestine that it may
0:04:06 prove true to itself and to the whole of
0:04:08 civilization
0:04:10 um
0:04:11 so
0:04:11 they describe themselves as settler
0:04:13 colonists they use the the the
0:04:16 terminology and they even compared their
0:04:18 aspirations
0:04:20 to the european colonization project i
0:04:22 said are we so different to them as a
0:04:24 positive thing because because everyone
0:04:25 was doing at the time they said why
0:04:27 don't we get a piece of the action why
0:04:28 can't we do exactly the same thing so
0:04:30 that would be my main rebuttal to it to
0:04:32 it and as i said uh settler colonialism
0:04:35 being where a group of people who
0:04:38 they carry their sovereignty with them
0:04:40 and they basically take over the
0:04:42 sovereignty of the land which might have
0:04:44 other people which can involve
0:04:46 and most like usually does involve the
0:04:48 transplantation or the exiting um of
0:04:51 those people and to kind of finish up i
0:04:53 also mentioned theodore health wrote in
0:04:55 his diary on the 12th of june 1895
0:04:58 he said regarding land said when we
0:05:00 occupy the lands or in palestine we
0:05:03 shall bring forth
0:05:04 immediate benefits to the state that
0:05:06 that receives us
0:05:07 we must expropriate
0:05:09 gently the private property on these
0:05:11 states assigned to us we shall try to
0:05:14 spirit the penalties population across
0:05:16 the border by procuring employment for
0:05:18 it in transit countries while denying it
0:05:21 any employment
0:05:22 in
0:05:23 our country
0:05:24 okay so
0:05:26 um he basically said that even though he
0:05:28 didn't talk about forced expulsion but
0:05:30 he talked about a type of expropriation
0:05:33 of the property in the lands of the
0:05:35 people within the lands which are
0:05:37 appropriate which are given to them uh
0:05:39 by whichever power of course and the
0:05:42 spiriting away so putting the penis
0:05:43 population which already exists there uh
0:05:46 finding ways to get them to other places
0:05:48 move them other places
0:05:50 which he helped by the carrot you know
0:05:52 not by the stick but by the carrot which
0:05:54 is try to get employment for them in um
0:05:57 other countries and this was also uh
0:05:59 replicated by uh this this sentiment was
0:06:02 also mentioned by
0:06:03 uh many of the earliest the the late
0:06:05 designers founders who talked about um
0:06:08 finding employment for uh landless arabs
0:06:10 which were being created due to design
0:06:12 zionist colonization
0:06:13 and denying them employment back in
0:06:15 palestine so they couldn't they couldn't
0:06:16 find any employment back in palestine
0:06:18 and only invaluable employment would be
0:06:20 outside of palestine and then they can
0:06:21 leave palestine so that would be uh that
0:06:24 point so basically it's set in the
0:06:25 current criminalism transfer the
0:06:27 population although at the beginning it
0:06:29 was only envisioned by the carrot not by
0:06:30 the stick
0:06:32 they said they compared themselves to
0:06:33 other
0:06:34 colonial projects um many could set
0:06:37 their colonial projects which we would
0:06:38 always call we would have no problem
0:06:40 calling sector colonialism uh like the
0:06:42 puritans in pennsylvania setting up
0:06:43 their colony uh under british char the
0:06:45 chance that they didn't use any soldiers
0:06:47 from the crown to do so uh the dutch
0:06:49 east india company in south africa they
0:06:51 didn't use state soldiers to do so to
0:06:53 take over colonism land it was a private
0:06:56 venture by themselves but they had
0:06:57 permission from their government
0:06:59 um how is zionism who used permission
0:07:01 from whichever government controls the
0:07:03 land or how the land believes it it has
0:07:05 sovereignty of the land to
0:07:07 you know to to take that land
0:07:10 uh from its inhabitants i.e from by
0:07:13 creating a sovereignty which is not the
0:07:15 sovereignty of its inhabitants but the
0:07:16 sovereignty of those who are coming into
0:07:17 it how is that different to secular
0:07:19 colonism if it looks like a duck if it
0:07:21 quacks like a duck and the duck says
0:07:23 it's a duck
0:07:24 well then it's a duck onto
0:07:26 herzl to begin with
0:07:29 the quotes that you brought abdullah
0:07:31 were actually talking about argentina
0:07:32 and he actually if you read his diaries
0:07:34 when he talks about the promised land he
0:07:36 says the promised land is within us it's
0:07:38 it's the ability for us to create a
0:07:40 state state to escape mitzram the 9th of
0:07:42 june 1985 this is what he says in his
0:07:45 diary again the david that you've read
0:07:47 in palestine's disfavor it is
0:07:50 in palestine's disfavor
0:07:52 is its proximity to russia and europe
0:07:55 its lack of room for expansion as well
0:07:57 as its climate which we are no longer
0:07:59 accustomed to because obviously speaking
0:08:00 as a european jew from
0:08:02 a pretty cold climate in its favor is
0:08:05 the mighty legend obviously for him he's
0:08:07 not a religious person and he sees the
0:08:08 connection of the jews the land is a
0:08:11 mighty legend but yeah what he's
0:08:12 effectively saying is our our strong
0:08:15 connection to this place
0:08:16 and so
0:08:18 what we see from here is when herzl's
0:08:20 writing to himself and this is why he
0:08:22 favors argentina which is argentina
0:08:24 which is going to lead into the next
0:08:26 point but
0:08:28 when he's writing to himself he's honest
0:08:29 and he does it his concern with
0:08:31 palestine is it's close to the europeans
0:08:33 and the russians he doesn't want to be
0:08:35 in that mix he doesn't want to be in the
0:08:36 mix of the ottomans that's crazy for him
0:08:39 he wants to be in the new world where
0:08:40 he's safe where the jews won't have to
0:08:42 worry about these superpowers that will
0:08:45 oppress them like they have done
0:08:48 since the jews were exiled um 2 000
0:08:51 years ago
0:08:52 you mentioned a very famous quote
0:08:55 and what again you failed to mention was
0:08:57 he's not talking about palestine he's
0:08:59 talking about argentina and it was the
0:09:00 penniless quote and so let me let me
0:09:03 read the entire passage and then explain
0:09:06 what it says so
0:09:08 when we occupy this again this is the
0:09:10 12th of june 1895 when we occupy the
0:09:13 land we shall bring a meeting he's
0:09:15 talking about argentina here we shall
0:09:17 bring immediate benefits to the state
0:09:19 that receive state that receives us we
0:09:22 must expropriate gently the private
0:09:24 property on the estates assigned to us
0:09:27 so he's already saying this is land
0:09:29 that's been assigned to us
0:09:31 not coming in by force we shall try to
0:09:33 spirit the penniless population across
0:09:35 the border we shall try to spirit away
0:09:37 the penniless population across the
0:09:38 border by procuring employment for it in
0:09:40 the transit countries so nothing about
0:09:42 expulsion it's like we're going to help
0:09:44 them by giving them work in other
0:09:45 countries which will be better for them
0:09:46 this is herzl speaking not me oh there's
0:09:49 a sentiment of herzl while denying it
0:09:51 any employment in our own country
0:09:52 because he wants to build up a jewish
0:09:54 state where jews have autonomy which
0:09:55 they don't have in europe um
0:09:58 if we move in and so it goes on and on
0:10:00 and on but
0:10:01 effectively
0:10:02 he's not talking about palestine he's
0:10:04 talking about argentina he's talking
0:10:06 about people who don't own the land he's
0:10:08 talking about people who live on the
0:10:10 land who are penniless and he's saying
0:10:12 we can help them get employment
0:10:13 elsewhere let's go back to what you said
0:10:15 about field of herzone so further
0:10:18 herzl's diary quote was
0:10:20 uh written in the summer of 1895.
0:10:23 um at that point he actually hadn't
0:10:25 decided whether it was going to be
0:10:26 palestine or argentina
0:10:28 so he didn't reference any particular
0:10:30 country so when you said that he was
0:10:32 referring to argentina
0:10:34 that's uh that's not exactly true
0:10:36 right and
0:10:38 you know um he didn't actually mention
0:10:40 any particular he was hadn't yet decided
0:10:42 at that point whether it was going to be
0:10:44 argentina or palestine but you missed
0:10:46 the point of the entire quote which is
0:10:49 he might have
0:10:50 even if i was to concede it was
0:10:52 argentina even if i was to give you that
0:10:55 he's still
0:10:56 outlining what he intends to do to any
0:10:58 place he wants to colonize somewhere
0:11:00 right the question is where where's the
0:11:02 target
0:11:04 um zionism wouldn't be any less settler
0:11:06 colonialist
0:11:08 just because it targets argentina
0:11:10 okay so it's a moot point so you're
0:11:13 basically arguing that well you know he
0:11:15 yeah he was going to set a colon line
0:11:17 someplace but he hadn't decided it was
0:11:19 personal at that point he was like well
0:11:21 all right but that still doesn't change
0:11:23 the point that zionism is settler
0:11:26 colonism so
0:11:27 that needs to be
0:11:29 really addressed
0:11:50 if you enjoy the arguments presented in
0:11:52 the debate and want to know more and
0:11:54 learn how to debate discuss and advocate
0:11:56 for palestine yourself
0:11:58 register now for the palestine advocacy
0:12:00 course and raise the bar in muslim
0:12:02 argument and activism please follow this
0:12:04 link the link is also available in the
0:12:06 description