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Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 3 (2022-07-23)


Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 3

Summary of Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 3

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The principle of sufficient reason is discussed and it is applied to various situations. The principle is said to be a useful tool, and it is hoped that it will be applied more often in the future.

00:00:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that every fact must have a sufficient reason why it is the case. This principle has been criticized for being too vague and for needing further expansion. Additionally, the principle suffers from the problem of reported evidence, in which multiple sources corroborate each other, providing a degree of certainty not achievable through other means.

  • 00:05:00 explains that the principle of sufficient reason can be used to explain the nature of quantum mechanics and the determinism it entails. It also discusses the concept of radiation and how it can affect the path of a particle.
  • 00:10:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that a reason must exist for every action, and that reason must be a priori, meaning it can be discovered before being put into practice. This principle is often used by Kant to explain why certain concepts, such as cause and effect, are inherent in human minds. However, it is not always straightforward to apply this principle, as it conflicts with the concept of contradiction.
  • 00:15:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that something can come into existence without a cause, which is contradictory and impossible.
  • 00:20:00 the principle of sufficient reason is discussed, and it is shown that it is impossible for something to come from nothing. Next, the issue of infiltration and how it is important for understanding why there is something in existence is discussed. Finally, the principle of causality is explained and shown to be as forceful as the reduction.
  • 00:25:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that everything that exists has a reason for existence. The Infinite Regress Argument states that because we can't go back in time and create everything that exists, everything that exists has a reason for existence. The problem with this argument is that it can lead to contradictions.
  • 00:30:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that something cannot be both a cause and an effect at the same time. This principle is called the circularity the vicious circuit. It becomes clear in the mind if one imagines putting an intermediary between a cause and an effect. The concept of the middle item is developed in this video. If something has a middle item as its cause, it exists necessarily. If something does not have a middle item as its cause, it is an intermediary.
  • 00:35:00 Professor Paul Davies discusses the principle of sufficient reason and the infinite regress. Davies argues that because there is an endless chain of causes and effects, any explanation for something must ultimately go back to something even more mysterious and infinite. Davies refers to this as the "infinite grace of existence." However, he notes that the phenomenon of infinite regress is often wrongly referred to as an "infinite" or "irreversible" chain of causes and effects.
  • 00:40:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that any series with constant values must converge, meaning that the images in the image set must eventually converge to the original set. This principle can be applied to mathematical theories of convergence, which states that series with constant values will eventually converge to one. However, this principle does not apply to the original set itself. Furthermore, if a series is developed properly, it will eventually converge to a specific point or result.
  • 00:45:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that a mathematical function must have a certain property in order to be consistent - namely, that it carries open sets into open sets. This principle is used to prove that the series of numbers 1, 1, 1, … has no limit.
  • 00:50:00 Based on the principle of sufficient reason, it has been proven that the infinite regress is impossible, and that good sections of the formal complete formal evidence have not been brought forward. This is an enormous achievement of the human mind in the 20th century, including the Godel-Incompleteness Theorem.
  • 00:55:00 the principle of sufficient reason is discussed, and it is applied to various situations. The principle is said to be a useful tool, and it is hoped that it will be applied more often in the future.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:20 so today we're gonna continue our
0:00:22 episode uh on the principle of
0:00:24 sufficient reason we discussed it last
0:00:26 time
0:00:27 we'll do a quick recap of what we did
0:00:29 yesterday and i think today to be more
0:00:31 focused on infinite regress
0:00:35 so we discussed the principles of we
0:00:38 have some literature i think everyone
0:00:40 has taken a look at it
0:00:42 the general formulation will discuss the
0:00:44 information which says uh mostly for
0:00:47 spinoza and uh libraries
0:00:49 for every fact if there must be a
0:00:52 sufficient reason why f is the case
0:00:55 uh
0:00:57 in fact does not mean necessarily an
0:00:58 actual fact it could be a could be an
0:01:00 ontological not a ceremonial fact it
0:01:03 could be
0:01:04 a logical statement etc
0:01:08 however there have been many criticism
0:01:10 for this principle as we have discussed
0:01:12 last time
0:01:15 for for example uh
0:01:17 it has to be
0:01:18 more made more precise and
0:01:20 specifically for example another
0:01:23 formation for every proposition or
0:01:25 statement x
0:01:27 there is a propositional statement y
0:01:29 such that y is sufficient reason for or
0:01:32 explanation for x
0:01:34 but also this is still
0:01:37 still
0:01:38 still needs fair explanation expansion
0:01:41 the explanation may be either
0:01:43 self-evident
0:01:45 uh self-explanatory something
0:01:48 like for example the statement that uh
0:01:50 uh
0:01:52 the
0:01:53 Music
0:01:56 square circle does not exist
0:01:59 is immediately evident self-explanatory
0:02:03 does not exist so
0:02:05 something like that
0:02:07 secondly um
0:02:10 it may be impossible to explain like the
0:02:11 divine freedom
0:02:13 and or the voluntary acts of our free
0:02:15 free will
0:02:17 as so far we cannot experience it it's
0:02:20 effective it does its result without any
0:02:23 any further a
0:02:25 formal explanation because otherwise it
0:02:27 wouldn't be a free will
0:02:28 unless there's a problem and we made the
0:02:30 so-called mystic hypothesis that it is
0:02:32 because our finite mind
0:02:35 does not see it but possibly an infinite
0:02:37 mind will for this it will be evident
0:02:40 that self-explanatory but this is just a
0:02:42 mystic hypothesis nothing else
0:02:44 um
0:02:45 and then there are the things which are
0:02:47 explained and then the things which are
0:02:51 that's that's one of the objects
0:02:52 possibly explainable but are not
0:02:54 explained
0:02:55 we discussed that last time we'll go
0:02:58 back to the recording and listen to it
0:03:01 um
0:03:02 we have to restrict the
0:03:04 psr really to the explained
0:03:08 but there is also an issue there i will
0:03:10 discuss in a minute but let's go watch
0:03:12 which type of explanation exists
0:03:14 we had uh
0:03:16 the causal explanation which is the most
0:03:18 important when we discuss natural
0:03:20 phenomena et cetera
0:03:21 we have
0:03:23 understood actually the cause of
0:03:24 explanation in a very specific form is
0:03:27 the source
0:03:28 upon which the physical sufficient
0:03:30 reason
0:03:32 is based and has been generalized from
0:03:34 there and the generalization
0:03:36 suffers sometimes from mistakes and the
0:03:38 need of further details and explanation
0:03:40 but the fundamental witness is having
0:03:43 is having its throat actually in
0:03:44 analytical respects we will that will be
0:03:47 part of the discussion today
0:03:49 and then we may have a logical
0:03:50 explanation we mentioned a trivial
0:03:52 example of of a statement composed will
0:03:54 or disjunction
0:03:56 and one of them is true
0:03:57 the
0:03:58 disjunction
0:04:00 a or b
0:04:01 is not necessarily true if one of them
0:04:03 is true
0:04:04 and we
0:04:05 we took an example which is a little bit
0:04:07 uh appealing to the to the uh
0:04:10 to the human vision that never like
0:04:22 which is obviously certainly wrong
0:04:25 but the combined statement the
0:04:27 disjunction or is true and the reason
0:04:30 for its being true is simply because uh
0:04:34 lost at waterloo is certainly true
0:04:36 and then we have
0:04:37 Music
0:04:39 uh but that that we can accept napoleon
0:04:42 lost at waterloo is true how we how we
0:04:44 will come to know the uh to that we have
0:04:46 to do study reports and so on so that's
0:04:48 justification in that case it is of the
0:04:51 time what we call reported that there is
0:04:53 mutual corroborating reports which are
0:04:56 impossible to be fabricated or colluded
0:04:58 to
0:04:59 that's that's
0:05:00 that's typo then then we have a type of
0:05:02 translation which is reductive like
0:05:04 explaining uh the eclipse uh by by the
0:05:08 uh
0:05:08 reducing it was really the other
0:05:11 actual
0:05:12 proper description is that the moon
0:05:14 passing in the shadow of the earth
0:05:15 there's another essentially another name
0:05:17 of the eclipse with the eclipse as we
0:05:19 see it usually the moon
0:05:22 seems to be becoming red or or darkened
0:05:25 that's what we see we call eclipse but
0:05:27 it's the reason for the reality for that
0:05:29 for this is being called eclipse israel
0:05:31 it's going through the
0:05:33 uh
0:05:34 the earth shadow it does not explain how
0:05:36 it come there and the calculations and
0:05:37 that's another explanation for that
0:05:39 explanation etc and then we have
0:05:41 actually a fourth category which last
0:05:43 time was not mentioned or a fifth
0:05:46 uh where because last time i mentioned
0:05:48 that the quantum indeterminacy is
0:05:51 is maybe impossible to explain i was
0:05:53 wrong in that i i checked because i did
0:05:55 not attend really a foundation of
0:05:57 quantum mechanics for some 20 30 years
0:06:00 but there are quite a number of
0:06:01 developments and articles i will get
0:06:04 some a group of them and put it for you
0:06:06 for next time inshallah
0:06:07 in which
0:06:08 it is shown by modifying the formalism
0:06:11 of
0:06:12 making like a certain modification to
0:06:14 the formalism that that you may be able
0:06:17 to
0:06:17 with this change which is on physical
0:06:19 obviously uh
0:06:21 to to let the some of the
0:06:23 indeterminism uh the indeterminacy to go
0:06:26 away but in but you bargain getting
0:06:28 states which are having no length
0:06:30 they're not
0:06:31 not measurable they're called demonic or
0:06:34 ghost states so it is clearly the
0:06:36 indeterminism is due to that nature of
0:06:38 the mathematical formalism so the
0:06:40 acceleration is mathematical it's very
0:06:42 close to the logical explanation but
0:06:44 because mathematics is not only pure
0:06:46 logic there are additional things like
0:06:48 additional structures and axioms and
0:06:50 definitions so it should be regarded as
0:06:52 a further category
0:06:55 so that's that's essentially what we
0:06:57 ended uh last time with plenty of
0:06:59 examples and explanation
0:07:02 now um
0:07:06 so
0:07:07 uh beside the clarification that quantum
0:07:09 and the determinism seem to be
0:07:11 explainable uh by the nature of the of
0:07:15 the physical laws of the interaction
0:07:18 and uh and uh and also with the fact
0:07:20 that any measurements all museum
0:07:22 processes are essentially interaction in
0:07:24 the classical level the interaction is
0:07:26 so small was negligible
0:07:29 and the most
0:07:31 the measured
0:07:33 measured results of the interaction are
0:07:35 regarded as just straight numbers or
0:07:38 not operators dimension processes that
0:07:40 they described as
0:07:42 as what was called as just reading
0:07:45 certain numbers from from an indicator
0:07:47 but this is a simplistic point of view
0:07:49 let's give for example uh imagine you
0:07:52 shoot a bullet and then we throw
0:07:56 through
0:07:57 using flash photography uh
0:08:00 take a number of pictures so you can you
0:08:01 can have like like an image of the
0:08:04 of the path
0:08:08 in the photographic plate
0:08:10 you have a mechanism which brings the
0:08:12 time the photograph is taken so the time
0:08:14 is independent from them it's an
0:08:16 external parameter like in quantum
0:08:17 mechanics is there external parameter
0:08:19 whatever what the picture will show you
0:08:21 the bullet going through space
0:08:24 for every flash it will be like dots but
0:08:26 you can connect the dots mathematically
0:08:28 and so on
0:08:29 and uh you think this way you have
0:08:31 measured that you can obviously if you
0:08:33 have the direction of the camera fixed
0:08:35 and the ball is going across and the
0:08:37 light
0:08:38 the right direction
0:08:39 probably done you may be able really to
0:08:42 by by observing that path calculate
0:08:45 calculate that the distance etc
0:08:48 various things including also the speed
0:08:50 by differentiation and things like that
0:08:52 but that's because
0:08:54 uh
0:08:55 you you assume uh and you are justified
0:08:58 the assumption for a bullet or for a
0:09:00 plane or for a rocket is that the light
0:09:03 hitting the
0:09:04 the the bullet or or the plane or the
0:09:07 rocket
0:09:08 will not change the the the path
0:09:10 appreciately it will transfer some
0:09:12 energy and the answer and some uh and
0:09:16 some momentum but it is so minimal that
0:09:18 it doesn't affect that so it's really a
0:09:20 smooth
0:09:22 path
0:09:24 which you can connect smoothly and do
0:09:25 differentiation and so on and you feel
0:09:27 this is normal and but when you go to
0:09:30 the microscopic world
0:09:32 specifically in the microscope
0:09:34 that
0:09:35 that radiation
0:09:36 is having considerable uh effect on the
0:09:39 path so if you try to do something like
0:09:41 that
0:09:42 and the result is that the the the
0:09:45 the speed and the
0:09:47 and the position of the particle of the
0:09:49 micro particle of the atomic or quantum
0:09:51 particle will change and continue
0:09:54 continuous change we are not able to
0:09:56 auto measure if you measure the location
0:09:58 you cannot measure the speed because the
0:10:00 next measure through the speed will will
0:10:03 will be independent will be different
0:10:05 than the initial the initial which have
0:10:07 been measured if we don't measure the
0:10:08 space by shining with light so it's very
0:10:11 intricate
0:10:13 you you cannot
0:10:14 if you measure the the the position by
0:10:16 any
0:10:17 mean of measuring the position and then
0:10:19 the the speed curve to a greater
0:10:21 accuracy then the speed cannot be
0:10:22 measured after that to this to to any uh
0:10:26 relevant accuracy or you measure further
0:10:28 speed then the position is unknown
0:10:31 or a little node so that's that's
0:10:33 dictated by the identity of the
0:10:35 interaction because any experimental
0:10:39 quantum mechanics real dictate that any
0:10:41 measurement is essentially an
0:10:43 interaction with the system you cannot
0:10:44 ignore the interaction like in the
0:10:46 classical world
0:10:47 in the classical world where it was
0:10:49 ignored because luckily in our
0:10:51 microscopic world we can ignore that
0:10:53 because the the arrows that the the
0:10:56 errors in that is a measurement which
0:10:59 due to the limited accuracy of human
0:11:02 equipment and human vision etc
0:11:05 the errors there are much larger than
0:11:07 the quantum fluctuations so they can be
0:11:09 ignored they can be just not checked in
0:11:11 the bin we don't need to bother about
0:11:12 them but the moment you go in the
0:11:14 quantum well it's not possible so even
0:11:16 in the macro world
0:11:17 still you cannot measure uh velocity and
0:11:20 and
0:11:21 and
0:11:22 location uh with
0:11:24 too high according simultaneously but
0:11:26 the uh
0:11:30 either you measure that one and the
0:11:31 other one will be different or vice
0:11:33 versa but the differences are so
0:11:35 negligible in the microscopic well so it
0:11:38 doesn't mean that it's not applied the
0:11:39 microscope it does apply but it was
0:11:41 luckily for year thousand for the fourth
0:11:44 of hundreds of thousands of years in
0:11:46 human life since the hunter-gatherer
0:11:48 time and so on until
0:11:50 almost the 19th century all physics all
0:11:53 measurements all life interaction did
0:11:55 not need really to bother about this
0:11:57 quantum fluctuation only late in the
0:11:59 19th century experiments went deep
0:12:02 enough to have than this perplexing
0:12:04 phenomena coming forward and they took
0:12:06 something like
0:12:07 let's say
0:12:09 a quarter century when such a phenomenon
0:12:12 started to be observed and becoming
0:12:13 despaired
0:12:14 disturbing or not explained by by
0:12:16 classical mechanics and classical
0:12:18 physics to develop quantum mechanics
0:12:20 which was in the like in the first
0:12:22 quarter or the first third of the
0:12:25 20th century
0:12:26 that was developed at high speed
0:12:30 so then
0:12:33 the mathematical structural theory
0:12:36 produced dictator in determinacy because
0:12:38 of this nature of of the interaction so
0:12:41 it's inevitable but the explanation is
0:12:43 there it is not something with a
0:12:44 physical like the freeway which you have
0:12:46 to regard as unexplainable for the time
0:12:48 being maybe there's one day we may be
0:12:50 able to explain something
0:12:53 which does not negate as nature as
0:12:55 really free will as genuine free will
0:12:57 so that's that's one so this is the
0:12:59 clarification for the
0:13:02 from last time
0:13:03 secondly
0:13:04 uh the principle of sufficient reasons
0:13:07 usually as as far as declared by kant in
0:13:10 his analysis which is a very persuasive
0:13:12 analysis it is a as he classified is
0:13:16 uh is it is a
0:13:18 it's a priori
0:13:19 it is the nature of reason on mind
0:13:23 and but it's a synthetic a priori
0:13:25 meaning you use it for explaining things
0:13:29 but it does not produce at
0:13:31 face face it does not produce uh uh uh
0:13:35 like analytic uh analytic judgments a
0:13:38 priori like finding and contradiction
0:13:40 will immediately recognize this is
0:13:42 impossible tradition is not acceptable
0:13:45 and then you conclude that this
0:13:47 statement is
0:13:48 is false because it entails a
0:13:51 contradiction
0:13:52 that will be a that will be a judgment
0:13:54 based on analytical a priori a priori
0:13:57 analytical analytical uh judgment or
0:14:00 analytical statements like for example
0:14:02 the possibility of a contradiction
0:14:05 our standard example
0:14:07 in a
0:14:09 square circle for example it's
0:14:11 internally contradictory so it doesn't
0:14:13 exist
0:14:14 in a sense
0:14:15 another example is that the part cannot
0:14:17 be larger than the whole hawaii because
0:14:19 the definition of part and who by
0:14:21 necessity indicates that
0:14:23 so it is considered conceptual necessity
0:14:26 etc
0:14:27 and if we look at the principles of
0:14:29 sufficient reason or the causality it
0:14:31 doesn't look like it has this
0:14:32 contradiction itself in its general
0:14:34 formulation so kant was pleased to prove
0:14:38 that this is a principle of reason a
0:14:40 priori
0:14:42 before the experiment by the structure
0:14:44 of reason to explain
0:14:46 the uh the phenomena
0:14:49 however
0:14:51 what i think kant and most philosophers
0:14:53 have missed i don't remember seeing
0:14:56 obviously i'm not dedicated full-time
0:14:58 philosophy so maybe someone discussed
0:15:00 that but they don't see anywhere anybody
0:15:03 really discussing the
0:15:05 the the
0:15:07 the issue which and the the issue of
0:15:10 causality or this
0:15:12 then the need for for a causal cause for
0:15:14 something coming into existence
0:15:16 and discussing what hume claimed that
0:15:19 for him and for his point of view it
0:15:22 doesn't create any
0:15:24 well contradiction
0:15:25 the example of human is very famous is
0:15:27 that
0:15:28 a brick
0:15:29 you can take anything you wish coming up
0:15:33 into existence uncaused at all just
0:15:36 suddenly appearing out of nothing in
0:15:37 front of you
0:15:39 and this is obviously so offensive to
0:15:41 all human feelings and understanding
0:15:43 that the people even the philosophy by
0:15:46 vicious force
0:15:47 there cannot be a force because
0:15:50 wishes what is the meaning of wishes
0:15:52 by nothing at whatsoever is called by
0:15:54 vicious force even even linguistically
0:15:56 the philosopher are not able uh to
0:15:59 to make sense of the claim of hume but
0:16:02 it seems to be nobody analyzed that
0:16:04 further
0:16:05 to recognize that the the in that in
0:16:07 that now
0:16:09 this very narrow
0:16:12 type of extremely narrow very limited
0:16:14 type of principle of sufficiencies or
0:16:16 the prism's causality is actually
0:16:20 the principle itself after we have
0:16:21 established it is is
0:16:24 a priori but it is synthetic to
0:16:26 understand things but after it's been
0:16:28 established a question is it is just a
0:16:30 priori in the structure of reason
0:16:32 without having any analytical
0:16:34 justification and i think i
0:16:37 i'm not claiming this i invented that
0:16:39 but i think
0:16:40 it is it is it goes back to analytical
0:16:43 roots
0:16:44 so it is as
0:16:45 forceful as an argument as the
0:16:46 analytical uh
0:16:49 judgment a priori like the impossibility
0:16:51 of
0:16:52 of uh
0:16:53 of a contradiction etc which is obvious
0:16:56 really obvious to us and to see that let
0:16:58 us
0:16:59 look at the statement to see that where
0:17:01 was the trick or the the mind trick
0:17:04 which david you played with everyone or
0:17:06 almost everyone
0:17:10 then
0:17:10 you you have to you have to study the
0:17:12 following statement the way to it is
0:17:14 look at the statement a brick emerges
0:17:17 from nothing into existence
0:17:22 claim if you see something like that he
0:17:23 doesn't see any contradiction
0:17:26 okay
0:17:27 but
0:17:28 nothing
0:17:29 nothing that's that's that's the point
0:17:31 let's go over here then we'll continue
0:17:35 the the the trick which uh
0:17:38 which you either close his eye either
0:17:40 blind from because he doesn't want to
0:17:41 see it or he's closing his eye
0:17:43 deliberately is that the word brick
0:17:45 refers to nothing
0:17:48 because brick imaging from nothing the
0:17:50 brick was nothing
0:17:52 but it is an l pointer as we said many
0:17:55 times like they were the the square
0:17:57 circle it's a null point at points for
0:17:59 nothing
0:18:00 it's absolute nothingness
0:18:03 and uh
0:18:05 and i said is another pointer
0:18:06 interference but this nothing
0:18:08 nothingness
0:18:10 is by definition is the is absence of
0:18:12 anything which has related to any
0:18:14 existence is absence of its complete
0:18:17 emptiness complete nothingness in such a
0:18:19 way that it is
0:18:21 it has no substance no essence no
0:18:23 attributes no action
0:18:26 so how can we attribute to the brick
0:18:28 the action of emerging
0:18:32 is a contradiction it is an
0:18:33 impossibility so the trick was that has
0:18:36 been we have been fooled by a statement
0:18:38 which contains null pointers and
0:18:40 impossibility but hidden behind the
0:18:43 cover of the language
0:18:46 so it's impossible so what what what
0:18:49 what what if something like that happen
0:18:52 which will never happen obviously then
0:18:55 really we have to describe it to the
0:18:56 correct words what will be the correct
0:18:58 ways either
0:19:00 we say
0:19:02 the brick really exists but it was
0:19:04 completely hidden we are unaware about
0:19:06 it and it it either explodes itself if
0:19:08 it has such an attribute or capability
0:19:11 to expose itself or it has been exploded
0:19:13 sometimes someone threw light on it and
0:19:15 it appeared but it exists otherwise
0:19:18 imagining does not make any sense
0:19:23 that one one possibility
0:19:27 so
0:19:29 clearly
0:19:30 that
0:19:31 uh the
0:19:32 the the way if you formulate it properly
0:19:35 like i said a brick emerges from nothing
0:19:38 from nothing
0:19:39 into existence is uh is internally
0:19:42 contradictory and but it is a plays
0:19:45 plays with with our mind in such a way
0:19:48 uh that the the the word
0:19:52 referencing nothing even it is normally
0:19:55 referring something in existence can
0:19:56 fool us that it is making any sense
0:19:59 doesn't make it it's internally
0:20:00 contradictory it may be not so obviously
0:20:03 clear like the
0:20:05 like the square circle is beautiful
0:20:07 that's obvious because it does not exist
0:20:09 we see it immediately good but that it
0:20:12 is impossible
0:20:13 i need maybe maybe one or two more steps
0:20:16 depth in analysis does not negate the
0:20:18 fact that the principle that this is
0:20:20 impossible that this statement is
0:20:22 impossible and this is nonsensical
0:20:26 needs one or two more steps it goes with
0:20:28 necessity to analytical judgment it is
0:20:31 itself not an ethical judgment directly
0:20:34 but it is based on ethical job then from
0:20:36 this then you can't generalize then we
0:20:38 say
0:20:39 nothing can emerge
0:20:41 from nothing except except with with the
0:20:43 agency of another
0:20:45 entity etc and that's what you've got to
0:20:47 call causality so a brick emerging out
0:20:50 of nothing is we break
0:20:52 suddenly and appearing in front of us
0:20:54 can't be
0:20:55 unless
0:20:57 it was in existence but was hidden and
0:21:00 so
0:21:00 it exposes itself if it's an entity
0:21:03 which can expose itself by its own power
0:21:05 or someone shined light on it so it can
0:21:08 became visible and with it or
0:21:11 it is other entity created it and
0:21:13 brought it into existence that's it
0:21:17 no way
0:21:18 no way that's absolute nothing's
0:21:19 nothingness can be here even if we call
0:21:22 it sometimes in philosophical discourse
0:21:24 brute force calling it brute force that
0:21:26 doesn't say the reality that's nothing
0:21:28 it can't do nothing
0:21:29 so by brute force is also by nothing
0:21:31 which is nonsense so clearly the the uh
0:21:35 although definitely the
0:21:37 country and analysis is correct that
0:21:39 appear that that the principle causality
0:21:42 is as such when given
0:21:45 assuming that we generalize probably
0:21:46 because in some generation we're faulty
0:21:48 that's to be made more precis precise
0:21:51 and
0:21:52 and clearly explained and also clearly
0:21:55 clarified to the people that not every
0:21:57 explanation
0:21:58 need to be causal most explanations are
0:22:01 otherwise likely it could be logical
0:22:03 could be mathematical could be reductive
0:22:04 etcetera
0:22:06 but if we we have done that job then it
0:22:08 is as forceful in in bringing its
0:22:11 conclusion as the
0:22:13 as the reduction had absorbed them it's
0:22:15 as forceful as that because its root its
0:22:18 fundamental root is is analytical is is
0:22:22 it
0:22:23 shows that it must be true by
0:22:26 by necessity of reason on the analytical
0:22:28 grounds we don't need to have an
0:22:30 experiment for that so i think this is
0:22:32 one step
0:22:33 maybe is not
0:22:35 not expanded elsewhere so clearly
0:22:38 so that's number one
0:22:40 number two then the issue of uh since
0:22:43 we see our in in the universe now it
0:22:45 comes the usual where the infinite
0:22:47 regress is discussed that we see
0:22:49 phenomena changes
0:22:51 we see we see uh
0:22:54 we see things uh coming into existence
0:22:56 that happened actually in the subnuclear
0:22:58 well a world uh
0:23:01 in a for example in a scattering in in
0:23:05 in the collision experiments in there
0:23:07 like in the uh uh
0:23:09 large hadron collider if you
0:23:12 now know what they do so that they have
0:23:13 two two counter circulating beams and
0:23:16 they
0:23:16 smashing head on each other to
0:23:21 to get a really a center of mass energy
0:23:23 uh considerably higher than smashing
0:23:25 against the affected target but either
0:23:28 one
0:23:29 under the observer obviously there was
0:23:31 sophisticated machine in time pass it
0:23:33 was like a like a vehicle chamber and
0:23:35 things like bubble chamber now they have
0:23:38 replaced that with sophisticated
0:23:40 arrangement of of uh
0:23:42 my my uh semiconductor detectors etc and
0:23:46 other detectors whatever it is you can
0:23:49 detect a
0:23:50 new particle emerging
0:23:52 uh which we did not exist before and
0:23:56 you conclude rightly with necessity that
0:24:00 something brought into exam interaction
0:24:02 some the the the beam interaction the
0:24:04 beam and the collision of the beam
0:24:06 particle other b particles or target
0:24:08 particles is the cause in a satan
0:24:11 and you can test certain theories on
0:24:12 certain
0:24:14 uncertain hypotheses about the creation
0:24:16 process but it is definitely causal and
0:24:19 your conclusion is definitely
0:24:22 unattackable and you are absolutely
0:24:24 right to say it cannot have come
0:24:26 absolutely haphazard by brute force
0:24:28 because this is impossible analytically
0:24:30 impossible so it's not uh ultimately in
0:24:33 the another situation and if possible so
0:24:35 that's
0:24:36 that's where we we see the surrounding
0:24:38 universe
0:24:40 and that's when we come now to the why
0:24:42 why the issue of infiltration and so on
0:24:44 is important because the the evidence of
0:24:47 uh
0:24:48 and answer the question where is
0:24:50 anything which is not nothing
0:24:52 why there is something in existence we
0:24:54 know there is existence our own
0:24:56 existence is really established by
0:24:57 necessity and if we deny it we are fair
0:25:00 but that's that's uh and then the
0:25:01 existence of other entities also was
0:25:03 established as we discussed
0:25:06 disregarding of these other entities are
0:25:08 maybe thoughts in a in a surrounding
0:25:12 matrix which is
0:25:14 in which maybe we ourselves thoughts in
0:25:16 that matrix
0:25:18 intelligent self-conscious thoughts
0:25:20 or it is an external in the sense it's
0:25:23 not in surrounding matrix something else
0:25:25 whatever it is
0:25:26 they do exist and they are separate from
0:25:28 us so there are multiple things in
0:25:30 existence and we see multiple changes
0:25:33 and phenomena whatever their nature
0:25:35 their genuine nature matrix or not
0:25:37 matrix doesn't make any difference
0:25:40 they
0:25:41 establish distinction now in order to
0:25:45 to go forward between like us and that's
0:25:48 okay we prove that we exist and that
0:25:50 exactly that's that thing about that
0:25:53 the answer to the question where is
0:25:55 anything which is not absolutely nothing
0:25:57 and there's there are things definitely
0:25:59 without any doubt would immediate
0:26:01 perception with cogito er gusum
0:26:04 is that what is the explanation the
0:26:07 problem explanation is there is there
0:26:09 that there are things which are not
0:26:11 nothing because because uh existence is
0:26:14 fundamental
0:26:16 nothingness is impossible there is or a
0:26:18 state of difficulty there is a necessary
0:26:21 existing building
0:26:22 at least one necessarily existing being
0:26:25 that this is a god is another issue it
0:26:27 comes to it comes later but professor my
0:26:29 problem with this sometimes when i think
0:26:31 about it
0:26:32 okay i think it's easy to prove a
0:26:34 necessary existence once you you know
0:26:36 it's not easy it is not either
0:26:39 many people have denied that
0:26:40 but because like once you exist all
0:26:43 right once once you exist then you you
0:26:45 didn't create yourself from nothing so
0:26:48 you you can't get the asylum of
0:26:50 that existence is the you will be amazed
0:26:53 how many how many people uh
0:26:55 go by infinite regress and so on to
0:26:57 claim there's no necessary existing even
0:26:59 some people claim maybe the concept is
0:27:01 contradictory
0:27:03 so that step has to that step has to be
0:27:05 done first but professor how do you like
0:27:08 how do you prove that we ourselves are
0:27:10 not necessary from where do we get that
0:27:12 we are contingent
0:27:14 being if we are necessary then we arrest
0:27:16 what we want but clearly clearly you you
0:27:19 perceive yourself
0:27:20 that your condition because you know
0:27:22 that you started exist
0:27:25 before a certain time of particles and
0:27:27 these particles
0:27:29 you know we come to that step by step
0:27:32 one by one okay okay by step by one
0:27:34 that's that's the way that's what gets
0:27:36 us to regress or circularity that's how
0:27:39 it works
0:27:40 but but definitely you you perceive
0:27:42 yourself as as
0:27:44 as
0:27:45 as contingent and you conclude that
0:27:46 yourself that you are continued if you
0:27:48 are necessary then they must set an
0:27:50 attribute of necessity which does not
0:27:52 fit in your and you recognize them with
0:27:54 it that's what you can but let us say we
0:27:56 have contingent peer if we have when
0:27:58 necessary being fined that's the one we
0:27:59 hold to that one and then analyze it
0:28:01 further
0:28:03 okay
0:28:04 so if if things come out of existence it
0:28:07 is impossible that they come out uh
0:28:10 it's actually a fallacy it's playing
0:28:11 with it's playing
0:28:14 it's deceiving our mind by playing with
0:28:15 words
0:28:17 that that you formulated that you call
0:28:19 it brick and reality is nothing it
0:28:20 should not be called a brick it may be
0:28:23 it will become a brick but it's now not
0:28:25 a brick so it can't it can't come out of
0:28:27 existence
0:28:29 out of nothingness we discussed that so
0:28:31 this is the play which is usually made
0:28:33 by by the linguistic reference and the
0:28:35 and the null pointers but we have
0:28:37 exposed that so the principle has uh
0:28:40 causality in this is that nothing can uh
0:28:43 can begin to exist without with without
0:28:47 something bring it to exist existence is
0:28:50 will establish and it is the necessity
0:28:52 denying it will deny reason but will it
0:28:54 get us into contradictions without a
0:28:56 doubt it's not just make things
0:28:58 unexplainable
0:29:00 but it's worth that it will get us into
0:29:02 contradiction and then the reason we are
0:29:04 completed collapses so that's the first
0:29:06 the first point which we should be
0:29:07 stressed so it's like saying the rock
0:29:09 created itself
0:29:11 it was not created and it created itself
0:29:13 like david hume saying like
0:29:15 meaning it is created
0:29:18 it is liable of being non-existent but
0:29:20 creates itself that's circulating
0:29:23 that it's cause itself
0:29:25 yeah yeah that's that's that's how that
0:29:28 would be so
0:29:30 that that
0:29:33 that
0:29:34 that's we can explain it better if we go
0:29:36 circular
0:29:38 a created b and b created a
0:29:40 by putting an intermediary you see
0:29:42 clearly but
0:29:44 look carefully in the quadrat if you see
0:29:46 a is created by b
0:29:49 and b is created
0:29:50 is creating a
0:29:53 this circularity
0:29:54 by putting an intermediary it is it's
0:29:57 clearly come in the mind that uh
0:30:00 that
0:30:02 that
0:30:02 the impossibility of that because it it
0:30:05 means then that a is is
0:30:08 is
0:30:09 b is is a
0:30:12 is a creator
0:30:14 but also b is being created
0:30:16 before it will be a creator from the
0:30:18 same thing which we created so we are
0:30:20 going into a vicious circle that's very
0:30:22 obvious that's a contradiction so a has
0:30:25 to be
0:30:26 create a created and not created at the
0:30:28 same time and b is the same thing so
0:30:30 putting an intermediary
0:30:33 make things clearer for the analysis
0:30:35 so claiming that something created
0:30:37 itself is impossible
0:30:39 because it has to be the cause of itself
0:30:42 so it has to exist
0:30:44 but if it exists what's the meaning of
0:30:45 creation doesn't make any creation it
0:30:47 makes any
0:30:48 sense so that's what called we just said
0:30:51 so
0:30:52 self
0:30:53 self creation in that sense
0:30:57 is impossible
0:30:59 about it
0:31:00 it appears it becomes clear in the mind
0:31:02 if you put an intermediary
0:31:04 under identify intermediary by itself
0:31:06 so symbolically
0:31:08 a is created by b and b created by a
0:31:12 by putting b in between it thinks
0:31:14 eliminate in the mind clearly
0:31:16 but this is not possible this is called
0:31:18 the circularity the vicious circuit
0:31:20 that's impossible
0:31:21 and other way the the the those who try
0:31:24 to deny and they're existing but this is
0:31:26 an existing meme code they cannot deny
0:31:28 that reality is contingent that's very
0:31:30 obvious that's very clear that nothing
0:31:32 seemed to be necessary in the reality
0:31:36 except maybe the whole universe which
0:31:37 will come to that but
0:31:39 parts of the universe components of
0:31:41 universe elements of the universe
0:31:44 structure the universe super
0:31:46 super clusters clusters galaxies stars
0:31:49 etc each entity of those which we can
0:31:52 separate somehow
0:31:54 from the rest obviously the escape will
0:31:56 be the
0:31:57 the other escape will be to say ah this
0:31:59 is the the the this multiplicity is only
0:32:02 apparent in reality it's one unity it's
0:32:04 one thing interconnected we'll come to
0:32:07 that but let us assume that separation
0:32:09 makes sense and they are sufficiently
0:32:11 separated
0:32:13 which which is very reasonable at least
0:32:15 with an experimental
0:32:17 verifiability that that the galaxy is
0:32:19 separate from the other one with with a
0:32:21 space which is almost empty maybe one
0:32:24 one one uh one hydrogen atom every cubic
0:32:27 meter cubic centimeters earlier that's
0:32:29 that's fastly empty
0:32:31 and almost at absolute zero temperature
0:32:33 so this is really as as separated as
0:32:36 good separation you can imagine and get
0:32:40 but obviously there will be a
0:32:41 counter-argument we'll come to that
0:32:42 inshallah so in that case
0:32:44 we have then a causal chain
0:32:49 that
0:32:49 what what is what is what is emerging in
0:32:52 front of us happening given to us
0:32:55 which was not there before because if it
0:32:57 were there for early tenants ever that
0:32:59 may be the necessary thing which exists
0:33:01 by virtue of its own attributes and
0:33:04 nature that's
0:33:06 nothing in what we
0:33:08 perceive in reality directly is is of
0:33:10 this type at least if it would have been
0:33:12 like that would have recognized it
0:33:14 immediately
0:33:15 it is hidden from us behind these causal
0:33:18 chains
0:33:20 so
0:33:22 we should be able then to to
0:33:25 look for
0:33:26 a cause for it
0:33:32 if the cause
0:33:35 is the beginning let's call it b we call
0:33:37 the the item we are looking at to call
0:33:39 it the end at ours outside in front of
0:33:42 us e
0:33:43 it has a cause i'm trying to use symbols
0:33:45 to make study a little bit more formal
0:33:47 if the code the code is called b and
0:33:49 this cause is uncaused
0:33:53 then this is necessary existing being
0:33:55 because it's uncaused that's the meaning
0:33:57 of discussion it has no cause it's his
0:33:59 existence in general into itself
0:34:01 otherwise
0:34:03 by definition
0:34:05 that is existing is the things which is
0:34:07 uncaused has no cause whatsoever it's
0:34:10 genuinely self-contained does not need
0:34:12 any cause
0:34:16 if that's not the case
0:34:18 then it is
0:34:19 an intermediary a middle
0:34:22 middle middle
0:34:23 middle elementary e has a course c
0:34:26 c number one and c ends in b possibly
0:34:29 just yeah we have just a series of three
0:34:31 items and we ended that b it's no
0:34:33 problem but notice that c
0:34:35 is having the following interesting
0:34:37 probable uh probability this interesting
0:34:39 probability
0:34:40 is called the middle middle probability
0:34:42 by ibn cena
0:34:44 they've been seen as a sheikh easter
0:34:46 doctors principles in cena
0:34:48 and this this this formulation of the
0:34:50 evidence has come to a benzene and also
0:34:53 developing the concept of the middle
0:34:55 item is vancilla so
0:34:57 this middle middle cause between a
0:35:00 between e and b x c c number one and
0:35:03 because we'll add more and more and more
0:35:06 that has the middle probability it's
0:35:07 worth causing it's causing e
0:35:11 or producing e and
0:35:13 caused by b
0:35:15 if we have just three elements and we
0:35:17 end that v
0:35:18 can you explain that again professor i i
0:35:21 heard this proof but
0:35:22 can you give like an example yeah we are
0:35:25 looking at something e in front of us
0:35:28 e okay it's contingent came into
0:35:30 existence that's e b from end
0:35:33 to our side
0:35:34 okay and
0:35:36 it is it is caused by b b is the
0:35:39 beginning and b is necessary by self
0:35:41 that's the necessary which we are
0:35:42 looking for we all do it all so b caused
0:35:45 e
0:35:46 no no
0:35:47 because e and separate from e
0:35:50 and b is this is existing thus this is
0:35:52 the existing we are looking for
0:35:54 which has no cause whatsoever
0:35:57 okay
0:35:59 the series terminated you will not be
0:36:01 lucky to get that directly except maybe
0:36:03 in situation of miracles and so on but
0:36:05 you're not discussing that we're
0:36:06 discussing the phenomena the daily
0:36:08 phenomena around us
0:36:10 so it may have a cause we call it then c
0:36:15 number one
0:36:16 and num1 start will be
0:36:19 originating by b
0:36:20 and the chain has terminated correctly
0:36:22 and we have a full explanation
0:36:24 e is created or caused by by c number
0:36:28 one
0:36:29 and c number one is caused by b and b is
0:36:33 unclosed
0:36:34 what we call the system existing
0:36:38 completely uncaused absolutely on coast
0:36:43 but see look at c c has called middle
0:36:46 probability what is c
0:36:49 c is both
0:36:52 causal for e causing
0:36:54 and that goes by b it is caused
0:36:58 it's closing or causal and caused
0:37:05 that's the middle part is the middle
0:37:07 is the middle in the causal chains it
0:37:09 has the probability of being a middle
0:37:11 most single universe are the middle
0:37:12 because even e itself may be causing
0:37:15 something in the future but we are not
0:37:16 of knocking it to that point we are
0:37:18 starting with e the end and we're going
0:37:20 back we're not working in the future but
0:37:23 almost certainly all is now will be will
0:37:26 be also middle for something in the
0:37:27 future or something else where we should
0:37:29 are not looking at the moment but we
0:37:31 have to start somewhere we start with
0:37:32 the wonderful with the with the screen
0:37:34 in front of me for example
0:37:38 that screen will radiate light so it's
0:37:40 it's the one radiating the light but
0:37:41 that's not my concern that right my
0:37:43 concern is the skin itself as a physical
0:37:45 entity with the structure
0:37:48 good yes so so this this c number one is
0:37:52 is the middle has the middle property
0:37:55 okay but it may be not only two on the
0:37:58 only one maybe two
0:38:00 that e
0:38:01 i i write that as e dash c number one
0:38:03 dash c number two dash b
0:38:06 meaning e
0:38:07 is caused by c number one and c number
0:38:09 one is called by c number two and c
0:38:11 number two is caused by b and the two
0:38:13 together c one and c two in the middle
0:38:15 is also this
0:38:17 these two are having the middle
0:38:18 probability they're both coding and
0:38:21 uncaused if we regard them as one one
0:38:23 entity
0:38:24 lump them together they are
0:38:28 yeah as an entity at c1 and c2 c1 c and
0:38:32 c2 are
0:38:33 are
0:38:35 having the middle property with this
0:38:37 part chain having the middle property
0:38:40 okay
0:38:43 now we can continue with that and we can
0:38:45 call this to this this uh the
0:38:47 we can construct a series the
0:38:48 construction of the series is that we
0:38:50 can do some mathematics with that i will
0:38:52 not go to do that maybe i will do it on
0:38:54 writing and give it to you because it
0:38:56 needs some formalities like topology and
0:38:59 converges and so on but it will be
0:39:01 helpful in that form because it surely
0:39:03 mathematically will get a convergence
0:39:05 only
0:39:06 so we will we'll
0:39:08 this way we continue c1 c2 c3 and then
0:39:11 what what is the code infinite regress
0:39:13 except for is a misnomer should not be
0:39:15 called infinite unless the way that
0:39:17 infinite is interval exactly and in a
0:39:19 regress
0:39:20 usually when you see infinite rigorous
0:39:22 infinite mean people will have in their
0:39:24 mind that's have infinite meaning
0:39:26 members
0:39:28 yeah infinite many members yes and the
0:39:31 people will will object to that is that
0:39:33 some people say there's no actual
0:39:35 infinite cannot be possibly like that
0:39:37 but we will not even address the issue
0:39:40 of actual infinite or even mental mental
0:39:42 in infinite is it possibly actual or
0:39:45 potential we're not going to that
0:39:47 assumes really infinite may exist even
0:39:49 if yes from that what i mean within the
0:39:51 person with the infinity grace is that
0:39:53 it has no border doesn't go to a b
0:40:00 it does not go to a b yeah it has it has
0:40:02 no it has no no no no beginning it
0:40:05 doesn't converge to a beginning
0:40:07 using the language of conversion what
0:40:09 type of infinity is this
0:40:12 it is countable one two three but you
0:40:14 can't go to even higher ones you can use
0:40:16 any index set
0:40:17 uncountable one if you wish
0:40:19 it doesn't matter if you if you use set
0:40:21 theory
0:40:23 and the trust that set theory until now
0:40:25 has brute has shown to be not
0:40:27 contradictory in the in the style of
0:40:29 in this and it counter the style of
0:40:32 brawler and the into in
0:40:34 in intuitionist mathematician they say
0:40:37 this is should not be touched this is
0:40:39 only or also all of it is potentially
0:40:42 unprocessed not actual but let's assume
0:40:45 it's actual
0:40:46 and this is what the majority of
0:40:48 mathematician and physicist are working
0:40:50 with uh with it that the the uh that the
0:40:54 set theory despite some problems
0:40:55 initially this have been ironed out that
0:40:58 the theory opens way to deal with a
0:41:01 at least mentally actual available
0:41:03 infinite in such a way if it's done
0:41:06 correctly and with the strict principles
0:41:08 it should lead to no contradictions but
0:41:11 it leads to so some fantastic results in
0:41:13 certain areas and also to uh
0:41:16 sp uh various speculative issues like
0:41:18 hypothesis like continuum hypothesis uh
0:41:21 which is very uh
0:41:22 very intriguing for mathematician so
0:41:24 that you want that uh david halbert one
0:41:27 of the greatest mathematicians of the
0:41:28 20th century maybe
0:41:30 of all mankind said
0:41:32 in response to the into the school of
0:41:35 intuitionists
0:41:37 led by brawler specifically saying
0:41:40 nobody will uh
0:41:42 george can cantor or george cantor is a
0:41:45 german country open the door of paradise
0:41:48 and nobody were going to close the door
0:41:50 and get that apart as we are in the
0:41:51 paradise of the infinite we're not going
0:41:54 to get out
0:41:55 so
0:41:56 but disregarding all of that the
0:41:58 question
0:42:00 what happens with that where it goes
0:42:03 now people usually argue there's an
0:42:05 infinite number it has it has no limit
0:42:07 it can't go like that
0:42:09 have been seen as evidence is is is the
0:42:14 following this infinite one disregarding
0:42:17 how many they are
0:42:19 is having
0:42:22 the middle probability also
0:42:24 yeah
0:42:25 all of them have the middle property
0:42:27 yeah
0:42:28 whites have the middle is it causing
0:42:30 uncaused yes it is causing e here at our
0:42:33 right that's no problem that's trivia
0:42:35 that's better but it is caused yes it
0:42:38 has caused this condition actually it is
0:42:40 it is it is a it is conditioned it will
0:42:43 it will disappear and and and the
0:42:45 disconnect if we take any one of those
0:42:48 any one of them
0:42:49 is
0:42:50 is necessary for success that now we
0:42:52 have a modification which will be of
0:42:54 utmost crucial importance what we need
0:42:57 is not that it is completely caused by
0:42:59 by everywhere it's just that it it
0:43:01 every member c1 or c5 was here
0:43:04 quadrillion is necessary for the
0:43:06 existence of the chain because if we
0:43:08 take it out
0:43:09 the chain
0:43:10 breaks
0:43:12 the shell will be broken
0:43:15 so it has the middle probability
0:43:20 if it has the middle burrow body
0:43:22 it must ultimately have
0:43:27 a beginning
0:43:29 or ultimate causation
0:43:31 or then you would have to change the
0:43:33 outcome
0:43:34 and another yeah exactly or
0:43:37 to see it more clearly doing it in
0:43:39 mathematical form with convergence is
0:43:41 very is very i'll just give now a
0:43:43 heuristic a heuristic way of doing it is
0:43:46 that let's assign to this series
0:43:49 s1 is two is three assigned because they
0:43:52 have through the middle section assign
0:43:55 the value we have a mapping going from
0:43:57 these uh uh
0:43:59 defined on the series elements which we
0:44:01 can lump together in a set we can
0:44:03 construct a set contact
0:44:06 constructed by e comma b comma
0:44:10 s1 sub 1 s2 s3 and so on
0:44:13 that's a bona fide set
0:44:15 and
0:44:16 we define a function which is take the
0:44:18 value one if we have a chain which has a
0:44:21 middle term and the value zero if we
0:44:24 don't have a middle property for example
0:44:26 e alone is does have a middle property
0:44:28 zero
0:44:29 b alone is not have the middle property
0:44:31 is zero but all the other ones are
0:44:33 having the value one now you see we'll
0:44:36 have one one one one one one one without
0:44:39 any
0:44:40 end
0:44:41 but
0:44:42 in any
0:44:43 mathematical theory of convergence or
0:44:45 any definition of convergence a series
0:44:47 with constant values
0:44:49 must converge so that series of images
0:44:52 must go to one now this is only in the
0:44:54 images in the image set not in the
0:44:56 original set
0:44:58 but if we develop things properly put a
0:45:00 topology in the original set
0:45:04 a suitable topology i will take the
0:45:05 finest possible topology why the finest
0:45:07 possible topology because this is the
0:45:09 most restrictive and the one which
0:45:11 squeezes
0:45:14 squeezes
0:45:16 limits uh and and convergence to be
0:45:19 extremely narrow putting the harshest
0:45:21 condition because as you may know the
0:45:23 one who studied topology they know that
0:45:25 if the topology is finer then we have
0:45:27 less less convergence less more
0:45:30 restrictive condition for conventions
0:45:31 more and more and more up to the
0:45:34 so-called
0:45:35 discrete topology
0:45:37 then it is so restrictive and so on
0:45:41 and then we prove that the mapping going
0:45:43 to that and the target set we can't give
0:45:45 the topology also the discrete one so
0:45:46 it's also the most strict way fine but
0:45:49 in every every topology what's what is
0:45:51 the most strict way the constraint uh
0:45:54 now in in the now the function which
0:45:56 which assign these values can be proven
0:46:00 to be continuous
0:46:02 by
0:46:03 what is the continuous function the
0:46:05 various definition the fundamental
0:46:06 definition is that the one which takes
0:46:09 the the open sets in the image back to
0:46:12 open sets in the in the domain you have
0:46:14 to study a bit of basically a topology
0:46:16 or you have studied maybe
0:46:18 that's a continuous function
0:46:20 but what we need is something else
0:46:22 when we need something which taking the
0:46:24 open sets from uh they would take the
0:46:27 convergent sets in the domain into
0:46:29 convergence in the image we need to
0:46:31 conclude the opposite way
0:46:33 so uh that the function is is continuous
0:46:37 is not enough for this so what we need
0:46:39 we need a function which is like some
0:46:40 something opposite the continuous in
0:46:42 fact it's called open function an open
0:46:44 function does not need to be continuous
0:46:46 but the one which carries open sets into
0:46:48 open sets and this function is also open
0:46:50 it's both continuous and open
0:46:52 if we have constructed that properly and
0:46:54 they will do the construction and in
0:46:56 with the symbolism and give you
0:46:58 hopefully next week if we do that
0:47:00 probably that's using the language of
0:47:02 mathematics which deals even with
0:47:04 infinite city in the very abstract and
0:47:06 correct way
0:47:07 then
0:47:09 since the target series
0:47:11 one one one one that's the values one
0:47:13 one one one one one is definitely
0:47:15 convergent against the number one
0:47:17 then the initial
0:47:20 series which have been mapped there is
0:47:22 also converged against something
0:47:27 which has ultimately
0:47:29 the the image
0:47:30 equal one
0:47:31 so it has it has a beginning it has a b
0:47:34 a b star as a limit
0:47:37 but that's that's i think one of the
0:47:39 best
0:47:40 mathematical way how we can
0:47:42 would that matter is that this is the
0:47:44 the the infinite series which allegedly
0:47:46 have no limit
0:47:49 goes nowhere
0:47:50 is both having the middle property is
0:47:53 both closing and caused
0:47:55 causing is clear because e is is the end
0:47:58 point here that's without under by
0:48:00 proposition and being caused yes
0:48:02 or being conditioned let's say better
0:48:04 actually the proof is better for for the
0:48:06 wet condition i will come to this point
0:48:08 being conditioned having a necessary
0:48:10 condition
0:48:11 by each one of its member taking any
0:48:13 member the chain will break
0:48:16 if they take the first member
0:48:18 it is broken from e has nothing to do
0:48:20 with e so that's not what we are
0:48:22 studying if you take it in middle then
0:48:24 it is hanging there
0:48:27 or e has no explanation and the rest we
0:48:29 don't care whether it can go to hell
0:48:31 if you take any element it breaks
0:48:34 and it is not that what we are saying
0:48:36 because we are searching for explanation
0:48:38 or the reason for the existence for e
0:48:40 coming into existence or having this
0:48:42 change or having this and that which is
0:48:45 uh we're looking for causation
0:48:49 so that's that's that's the middle
0:48:50 property focusing with the middle
0:48:52 property is the breakthrough made by
0:48:54 by uh sheikh is vincina there are other
0:48:57 values of that and the formulation but i
0:49:00 i prefer really to do the topology and
0:49:02 so on this is more persuasive because
0:49:04 this area of mathematics of topology and
0:49:07 limits is well developed
0:49:11 fully well developed
0:49:13 and very very uh reliably uh uh
0:49:22 very reliably and uh
0:49:23 there's no not yet a formal rule of the
0:49:26 fear of contradiction but we have now
0:49:28 almost essentially and plus without any
0:49:30 contradiction that has been used and the
0:49:32 resulting
0:49:34 resulting mathematics and analysis in in
0:49:37 in hilbert space and so on as they apply
0:49:39 to quantum mechanics and do erect
0:49:41 marvelously so this absolute new reason
0:49:43 to ignore all of that and assume that
0:49:45 the hidden contradiction we did not find
0:49:47 until now
0:49:48 and part of the analysis by the way has
0:49:50 been proven to be uh to be consistent
0:49:53 and leading to so it's not all the
0:49:55 analysis is still open but but the
0:49:57 complete
0:49:59 the complete evidence that uh the
0:50:01 classical analysis differentiation
0:50:03 integration health benefits and so on
0:50:05 and
0:50:06 based on that is free of contradiction
0:50:09 formal complete formal evidence has not
0:50:11 been brought forward but good sections
0:50:14 and path has been pro has been proven
0:50:16 and brought forward
0:50:17 which is an enormous really achievement
0:50:19 of the human mind in the 20th century
0:50:22 including the godel uh
0:50:25 incompleteness theorem and things like
0:50:26 that considerable achievement have been
0:50:29 have been uh achieved and in this form
0:50:31 other disciplines
0:50:32 so the deformation that way it's much
0:50:34 better for it will be more pleasing to
0:50:37 mathematician and philosophers because
0:50:39 philosophers really trust the existing
0:50:41 mathematics and they have no reason not
0:50:43 to trust it because until now everything
0:50:46 is good is worked out
0:50:48 correctly and rationally but if you want
0:50:50 to express it in words it's very obvious
0:50:53 that this chain is is uh is conditioned
0:50:56 let me stress the ocean conditions what
0:50:58 we need for for the really for the for
0:51:00 the inf for the uh
0:51:02 proving that the infinite regress is is
0:51:04 is impossible and
0:51:06 does not make any sense or more more
0:51:09 accurately the one without limit that
0:51:11 every
0:51:12 every chain like that must converge to a
0:51:14 behalf must have a beginning by
0:51:16 otherwise it is
0:51:18 it is contradictory it cannot exist
0:51:19 that's what we've just proven
0:51:21 is actually the full causality is not
0:51:23 needed that's where the utmost
0:51:25 importance this point
0:51:27 i don't know if should i brag about that
0:51:29 this point i don't think anyone have
0:51:30 seen it before i didn't ever remember it
0:51:33 is implicit in the analysis and so on
0:51:35 but never stressed
0:51:36 what we what we need is really a chain
0:51:39 of condition of necessary conditions
0:51:42 what we need is the division of the
0:51:44 middle it is it is conditioning and con
0:51:47 and conditioned it doesn't need the
0:51:49 causing and caused we don't need we need
0:51:52 a bonus of of being sufficient producing
0:51:55 what we need is this is necessary only
0:51:57 the necessity is needed that's all what
0:51:59 we meant
0:52:01 you see even from the issue of the
0:52:03 abdomen
0:52:05 that that the chain every every member
0:52:08 is is con
0:52:10 needs the previous one as a necessity
0:52:12 that it's sufficient to produce its
0:52:14 existence it's frequently doesn't matter
0:52:16 to
0:52:27 but what we need is that something must
0:52:28 be necessary there before
0:52:31 necessity is is that what it was what's
0:52:33 important for the evidence
0:52:36 obviously for the full explanation we
0:52:38 need the full causality but but for the
0:52:40 evidence that the regress is impossible
0:52:42 necessity is sufficient the necessary
0:52:45 the necessity the necessary part of the
0:52:48 of the causation because a cause is is
0:52:52 in arabic that's actually the better
0:52:54 translation will be because in in arabic
0:52:56 they make a distinction between chart
0:52:58 which is the ancestry condition
0:53:01 and suburb which is sufficient only then
0:53:03 doesn't need to be
0:53:05 necessary and that's the reason the the
0:53:07 the arabic scholars uh are at liberty to
0:53:11 say
0:53:12 death has many causes many things which
0:53:15 can cause death
0:53:16 crashed by by by attract will cause
0:53:18 death
0:53:20 uh but also cancer which is not crushing
0:53:22 by the rise but crashing
0:53:24 with that attract is sufficient
0:53:26 cancer is sufficient
0:53:29 cancer will spread all over the body
0:53:31 it's sufficient but it's not necessary
0:53:32 because many people die without cancer
0:53:35 there's nothing necessary for death
0:53:37 so not necessary conditions
0:53:39 but it's
0:53:40 sufficient in arabic tradition so cause
0:53:43 is used for sufficient
0:53:46 for
0:53:47 and then
0:53:48 something which is worth cause
0:53:50 and
0:53:51 and suburb
0:53:54 necessary and sufficient it's called for
0:53:56 reason that's the arabic way of saying
0:53:58 but it i did i didn't feel that from
0:54:01 reading
0:54:02 of the of the philosophical literature
0:54:04 and and the various literature that they
0:54:06 make much difference between reason and
0:54:08 cause except that reasons more general
0:54:10 does not need to be causal it could be
0:54:12 like the logical and so on that's it but
0:54:15 it's not that but the issue of necessity
0:54:17 and and sufficiency is usually really
0:54:20 considered and the reason for
0:54:22 consideration in islamic history is that
0:54:24 for legal aspects and also effect you
0:54:26 need you need
0:54:28 to separate these two because they have
0:54:30 they have different
0:54:32 legal aspects
0:54:34 you see
0:54:38 Music
0:54:41 let me see shut this one up
0:54:42 so that's that's that's the point which
0:54:44 is uh which is uh
0:54:46 uh
0:54:47 worth noting so the necessities
0:54:49 we have
0:54:50 we want to have the call after this
0:54:52 point for one minute and then we'll
0:54:54 continue yeah and then we continue with
0:54:56 the issue of necessity that's a very
0:54:57 important point
0:54:59 which will have considerable implication
0:55:01 will apply to many things hopefully
0:55:03 today
0:55:10 Music
0:55:42 foreign
0:55:46 Music
0:56:02 so
0:56:06 Music
0:56:16 foreign