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Syria Crisis and Threat to Bashar Al Assad|| Br. Mohammed Hijab (2016-12-19)

## Description

This video details the wisdoms of the oppression that goes on in the world especially in Syria in recent times.

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Summary of Syria Crisis and Threat to Bashar Al Assad|| Br. Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

Br. Mohammed Hijab discusses the Syrian crisis and the threat to Bashar al-Assad. He quotes Qur'an verses stating that Allah will recompense any oppressor and that he will raise up those who oppress others in degrees. He also discusses the importance of humility and Allah's ability to recompense people quickly. He concludes the video by saying that Muslims can believe this, even if non-Muslims do not.

00:00:00 Br. Mohammed Hijab discusses death and the concept of continuation in Islam. He points out the difference between Muslims and atheists in their views of death, and explains that for Muslims, it is the beginning of a new cycle of life. He also points out that while bad things happen on earth, they are only a tiny part of a much larger picture. He concludes the video by saying that, in the end, all will be rewarded according to their deeds in this life and the next.

  • 00:05:00 Br. Mohammed Hijab discusses the Syrian crisis and the threat to Bashar al-Assad. He quotes Qur'an verses stating that Allah will recompense any oppressor and that he will raise up those who oppress others in degrees. He also discusses the importance of humility and Allah's ability to recompense people quickly. He concludes the video by saying that Muslims can believe this, even if non-Muslims do not.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the possible consequences of the Syrian crisis, including a possible swift recompense for those killed or raped. believes in an afterlife and believes that those who have died will be recompensed.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 in the last sort of period I have of
0:00:02 this whatever you wanna call this I want
0:00:08 to mention two important points because
0:00:12 of the events that are basically
0:00:14 happening around the world I just want
0:00:18 to mention something about death
0:00:21 generally how we conceive it and how to
0:00:25 deal with when there's a lot of death
0:00:27 going on which is what's going on at the
0:00:29 mall in Syria and other places so death
0:00:34 for us is the beginning this is the this
0:00:37 is the difference between us and then
0:00:39 this is the difference between Muslims
0:00:42 and atheists for example that whereas
0:00:46 atheists do not reckon that there is in
0:00:49 continuation Muslims believe that this
0:00:53 particular period of death is in fact
0:00:59 the beginning and not the end it's the
0:01:02 beginning and if we had an understanding
0:01:07 of how small the dunya is comparative to
0:01:15 the era we would not treat it with such
0:01:18 80 men with such concern and prioritize
0:01:21 it in this way we wouldn't if we
0:01:24 understood if we had a macro
0:01:27 understanding of how small the dunya is
0:01:32 comparative to the everlasting now is
0:01:35 everlasting everlasting means continuing
0:01:38 forever hereafter we would not treat
0:01:41 this dunya with such great regard
0:01:45 whatever happens to us in this dunya of
0:01:51 illnesses or punishments or grief or
0:01:57 toil is incredibly short-lived
0:02:02 now these disbelievers a lot of the
0:02:05 atheists they say you know you have this
0:02:08 problem of evil if God is so great why
0:02:11 did he create even in the world
0:02:14 this is their problem because they don't
0:02:16 believe in a continuation for us is
0:02:18 completely the opposite we believe in a
0:02:20 continuation you're analyzing or you're
0:02:24 assessing the situation on a micro level
0:02:28 and you have not seen the macro picture
0:02:31 so when we see children die and blood
0:02:38 being spilled and oppression being done
0:02:42 [Music]
0:02:43 which is what's happening in Syria when
0:02:48 we see women being raped we hear of
0:02:52 women being raped and we hear that the
0:02:57 old people are not being given the food
0:02:59 and they're dying of starvation some
0:03:06 people will ask
0:03:08 metallus wallah when is the victory of
0:03:11 allah going to happen and some other
0:03:14 weak weaker amman individuals will say
0:03:18 why is this happening how could God
0:03:21 allow this to happen
0:03:25 well you're only looking at a microcosm
0:03:31 or a micro picture of the macro reality
0:03:39 that boy that's been killed in Syria or
0:03:42 in Burma on the Central African Republic
0:03:46 who is being pried out of the rubble who
0:03:52 that who when the emergency services
0:03:56 reach that area pry that person out of
0:03:59 the rubble wiping off the dust of that
0:04:03 individual that baby to see that he is
0:04:08 not alive anymore and they try their
0:04:11 best to resuscitate that boy and the
0:04:15 mother is in the background screaming
0:04:20 and the people are asking why why is
0:04:29 this happening to us why is this
0:04:31 happening to what will kill again
0:04:33 whatever Allah says that these are the
0:04:35 days that we we overturn we turn them so
0:04:40 you have good days and bad days and he
0:04:42 said this when what had happened and
0:04:45 moreover this is the beginning that boy
0:04:49 will be the king
0:04:50 insha'Allah in heaven we believe in
0:04:53 heaven we believe in an everlasting
0:04:54 place where people reside forever we
0:04:59 believe in the day of judgment where
0:05:02 every volume every oppressor is
0:05:09 recompensate Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala
0:05:14 he says in the quran he says rafaeld Oh
0:05:22 JT Dolan shingeo Haman am ring he Allah
0:05:27 Misha I mean I body Allah
0:05:33 Myesha
0:05:35 I mean I body heal you do yo Matala
0:05:42 apart he says he is the one who raises
0:05:50 in degrees any people and others the one
0:05:56 who's the possessor of the throne that
0:05:59 he throws the roar
0:06:04 upon whether he wants from his I vent
0:06:07 and then they will be on thee
0:06:11 yah metallic is Yama Yama Yama telev
0:06:14 means the day of separation and then he
0:06:19 says about humility Amma
0:06:22 Yama whom there is o the day when they
0:06:31 will be laid bare just standing there
0:06:35 the day when all of the oppressors that
0:06:38 oppressed the children and that blown up
0:06:41 the children and I have caused the
0:06:44 children to be under the rubble for
0:06:46 political reasons they want Bashar
0:06:49 al-assad and others like him will be
0:06:52 laid bare and it will be said to him
0:06:59 laia firm you know Longman che
0:07:06 nothing of what you did and what that
0:07:10 person or anyone did will be concealed
0:07:14 anymore Lehman in Coolio
0:07:21 to whom is the kingdom today huh is it
0:07:25 to him
0:07:28 Coolio
0:07:33 boom to whom is the kingdom today
0:07:38 lillahi'l were hidden look AHA to Allah
0:07:45 the one no one can resist him he is
0:07:50 irresistible we can believe this
0:07:55 as Muslims others cannot believe this if
0:07:59 they believe in atheism because there's
0:08:02 no justice
0:08:02 after voting for them we can believe
0:08:06 that the young boy has been slaughtered
0:08:08 and killed that he will have his heaven
0:08:12 and that he can truly rest in peace
0:08:16 whereas the Atheist cannot make such a
0:08:18 statement and be a morally consistent we
0:08:21 can believe that the people who are
0:08:24 oppressors in the land that they will be
0:08:28 recompense by Allah and Allah will say
0:08:34 to them Lee manymoon young to whom is
0:08:38 the kingdom today and then he will reply
0:08:43 himself and say lillahil wa Haden ha ha
0:08:50 to Allah the one and the irresistible
0:08:55 Alma to Jessa Kunlun have Symmachus avid
0:09:00 today every single self will be
0:09:04 recompensed for what he has done all of
0:09:09 the oppressors will be recompensed a
0:09:14 glioma two days ago
0:09:16 namsom casa but level Malia
0:09:24 there is no oppression today can you
0:09:29 imagine such a statement being made a
0:09:32 loss of Hanna word Allah will say level
0:09:36 melio
0:09:41 there is no oppression today in allah as
0:09:50 any young asa that certainly allah is a
0:09:56 very fast recompensa that he will
0:10:00 recompense in a very Swift in fast way
0:10:04 this is what we can believe as a result
0:10:06 of our ontology our belief system our
0:10:09 bill our religion our key there we
0:10:12 believe in the Hereafter
0:10:14 we believe in a time when the boys that
0:10:17 have been killed by the oppressors and
0:10:19 the girls who have been raped by their
0:10:22 pro knees will be recompensed we believe
0:10:28 in this