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An Antidote to Dissatisfaction- Reaction (Ali Dawah and Smile2jannah) (2022-01-05)


Reacting to Kurzgesagt's video on gratitude.

Smile2jannah's version of these animations:

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#gratitude #muslim #reaction

Summary of An Antidote to Dissatisfaction- Reaction (Ali Dawah and Smile2jannah)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

discusses the importance of gratitude, and how it can help reduce negative emotions and traits. It also talks about how gratitude can help people deal with problems and how it is an important part of the Islamic faith.

*00:00:00 Discusses the benefits of gratitude, and cites scientific research to support these benefits. It also points out that gratitude decreases negative emotions and traits.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses how gratitude can help people deal with trauma and problems. It also discusses how a muslim's paradigm is "multifaceted," and how a believer's perspective is different from an unbeliever's.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the idea that Islam is a comprehensive system that can be seen through various lenses and that when looked at from a social, psychological, and philosophical perspective, it is effective. It also talks about the idea that it can be difficult to change someone's mindset after they reach adulthood, and that affirmation is one of the few things that can successfully change someone's mindset.
  • 00:15:00 talks about the importance of being grateful for all things, and how it can help to reduce dissatisfaction and aggression. He also discusses how being grateful to allah can help unlock many blessings in life.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the importance of being thankful and gives examples of things to be thankful for. He advises adults to teach their children these things and notes that if we can't think of anything to be thankful for, this may be indicative of a problem.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:05 go to kuala lude app inshallah the app
0:00:07 tracks versus pages and time spent
0:00:10 reading and the verses to pages function
0:00:12 takes you from reading a few verses a
0:00:14 day to a few pages a day this project is
0:00:17 for the real enthusiasts if there's
0:00:19 enough of us out there this will become
0:00:21 the future of quran apps and support the
0:00:24 project if you can inshaallah may allah
0:00:26 bless all of you jazakallah
0:00:31 how are you guys doing
0:00:33 yes i'm joined with two very very
0:00:35 special men very very influential men
0:00:38 i'm joined with azusa and smile to janna
0:00:42 and ali
0:00:43 uh needs daoa
0:00:44 [Laughter]
0:00:50 how are you guys doing here i'm gonna
0:00:52 know how are you bro you're right here
0:00:53 alhamdulillah good to see you
0:00:58 um today we're going to be talking about
0:01:00 something very very important in fact
0:01:01 we're going to be respond i'm not
0:01:02 responding really she's saying reacting
0:01:04 you're so used to responding but yeah
0:01:06 good reaction there you have it there
0:01:07 you have it uh what's the name of this
0:01:09 channel how do you pronounce it kirk
0:01:10 craigslist
0:01:12 that sounds like you're having a stroke
0:01:14 in germany
0:01:15 if you've said this before ah it's
0:01:17 probably not yeah maybe
0:01:19 how do you say it you say
0:01:22 okay i like that okay actually you've
0:01:24 been you've started doing stuff on your
0:01:26 channel which kind of mimics their
0:01:27 material doesn't it yeah yeah they're
0:01:29 copying their stuff
0:01:31 no they're doing it in a better way
0:01:35 they're known for this kind of like
0:01:36 really kind of interesting uh
0:01:39 animations well put animations which
0:01:41 which are informative and
0:01:43 they give a little undertone of a very
0:01:46 kind of
0:01:47 atheistic liberal
0:01:49 backdrop
0:01:50 so i'm trying to agenda you're doing the
0:01:52 same thing but with with the islamic
0:01:55 kind of paradigm in place right
0:01:56 counteracting
0:01:59 not imitating uh going one step better
0:02:01 no i i i i welcome i think what you're
0:02:03 doing is really it's pioneering um
0:02:06 animations in the tao space and i think
0:02:08 that's really really good
0:02:09 but what i wanted to uh respond or react
0:02:11 to as collective right yes to respond
0:02:14 respond what i wanted to react to today
0:02:17 is um something i was watching about a
0:02:19 video they made about an antidote to
0:02:21 dissatisfaction and what was really
0:02:22 interesting was that some of the things
0:02:24 that they put
0:02:25 in that video relating to gratitude and
0:02:27 obviously from an islamic perspective we
0:02:28 have a lot to say about this because our
0:02:30 religion speaks about this at length so
0:02:32 the first thing i want to do is show one
0:02:34 clip okay about
0:02:36 what they're saying the benefits of
0:02:38 gratitude and then come back and have a
0:02:39 conversation
0:02:40 scientists found that gratitude
0:02:42 stimulates the pathways in your brain
0:02:44 involved in feelings of reward
0:02:47 forming social bonds
0:02:49 and interpreting others intentions
0:02:51 it also makes it easier to save and
0:02:53 retrieve positive memories
0:02:56 even more gratitude directly counteracts
0:02:58 negative feelings and traits like envy
0:03:01 and social comparison narcissism
0:03:03 cynicism and materialism
0:03:06 as a consequence people who are grateful
0:03:09 no matter what for tend to be happier
0:03:11 and more satisfied
0:03:13 they have better relationships and
0:03:15 easier time making friends
0:03:17 they sleep better tend to suffer less
0:03:20 from depression addiction and burnout
0:03:22 and are better at dealing with traumatic
0:03:24 events so as you guys saw there with the
0:03:26 first clip you know
0:03:29 it was talking about what the benefits
0:03:31 are to graduate what are your initial
0:03:33 reactions uh
0:03:35 i think my initial reaction is
0:03:37 that of
0:03:38 i wasn't really surprised yep because
0:03:41 whenever atheists or people without a
0:03:43 religion
0:03:45 want to encourage people to do something
0:03:46 either it will be done using threats
0:03:50 or it will be done using science threats
0:03:52 that we see
0:03:53 um traffic cameras yeah we see london is
0:03:57 one of the
0:03:58 the most yeah the hot spots one of the
0:04:01 most watched cities because of cctv if
0:04:04 you park in a bus lane you get a ticket
0:04:06 home before you've even reached your
0:04:08 home yeah so that's one way of doing it
0:04:10 the other way of doing it is by bribing
0:04:12 people through facts and through science
0:04:15 of science says the science says that
0:04:17 but just like when you watch these
0:04:19 atheistic debates and they they mock
0:04:22 theism or whatnot and then they get the
0:04:25 big clap and you know christopher
0:04:26 hitchens very well articulated arguments
0:04:30 but that's that's all they are they're
0:04:31 just well articulated but they don't
0:04:33 have any substance behind it so
0:04:35 when these people go home to their you
0:04:38 know empty flats and their ready
0:04:40 microwave
0:04:42 microwave meals
0:04:46 there's nothing of substance that's why
0:04:47 they go to the bowl that's why
0:04:51 christopher hitchens he admitted that
0:04:53 his his friend was the vodka bottle
0:04:56 uh so these people admit it and i don't
0:04:58 want to you know bait out other names
0:05:00 because it was made from the same thing
0:05:02 oh yeah mata rearrangement of of
0:05:04 particles
0:05:06 what do you think ali you were you were
0:05:07 a non-muslim at one point you became a
0:05:09 muslim
0:05:10 how has your life changed because of
0:05:12 islamic graduation to be honest like
0:05:13 cebu said really what i was discussing
0:05:14 with him he said atheists are people
0:05:16 that like they come in front of your
0:05:17 house and scream get out get out get out
0:05:19 and you run out and go weapon and they
0:05:20 go i don't know
0:05:27 they'll tell you no god no god no god
0:05:28 but when it comes to life from they said
0:05:30 okay give me a solution okay tell me
0:05:31 what's wrong with that um i don't know
0:05:33 why tell him to call my house then you
0:05:35 have nothing to offer me you're
0:05:36 intellectually bankrupt yeah you've got
0:05:38 nothing to offer you're intellectual
0:05:39 unique so the point is this you know
0:05:41 let's be honest you've got nothing to
0:05:43 offer so when it comes to gratitude yeah
0:05:45 it's what we're seeing here is it's good
0:05:46 because what it does is like the reason
0:05:48 i'm mentioning this is because people
0:05:49 like sam harris and new atheism have
0:05:51 realized this spiritual gap there's a
0:05:53 massive gap so they've even conspiracy
0:05:55 spirituality brother as atheists they
0:05:57 have gone because they've hit a wall now
0:05:59 it's good that we see that because now
0:06:00 they've read us they're making a u-turn
0:06:02 but what that means is in a nutshell
0:06:04 gratitude is good because now what
0:06:05 you're doing is like it says in the
0:06:06 video
0:06:07 happy be happy for the little coffee
0:06:09 that you have i'll be happy for little
0:06:10 stuff that's good that's the beginning
0:06:12 but we need to take it to the next level
0:06:13 because what this shows is a step f
0:06:15 towards the right direction which is
0:06:17 gratitude but now the question is what
0:06:19 are you grateful for because if somebody
0:06:21 gives you a hundred thousand pounds you
0:06:23 start and imagine you start [ __ ] the
0:06:24 money like oh thank you thank you what
0:06:26 about the one that gave you that you're
0:06:28 too focused on the money okay but we're
0:06:30 saying what about the one that gave you
0:06:32 that if you can find happiness and
0:06:34 gratitude with the materialistic thing
0:06:38 what about the one that gave it to you
0:06:39 if the material thing can give you the
0:06:41 happiness of being grateful for the
0:06:43 little things what about the one
0:06:45 who created you and the thing that gives
0:06:47 you the happiness what we're saying is
0:06:49 take it to the next level yes by
0:06:51 connecting to god because other than
0:06:52 that who are you grateful for or yeah
0:06:55 yeah
0:06:56 or what anything that the object of
0:06:58 gratitude is missing the ultimate
0:07:00 objective of gratitude
0:07:01 i think what you what you've mentioned
0:07:03 that's very well put and i think what
0:07:04 zushan was saying is i think something
0:07:07 they've realized as well because it's a
0:07:08 chemically reductionist approach i mean
0:07:11 now that and they've realized that which
0:07:13 is why in the nhs the national health
0:07:15 service in the uk for those who don't
0:07:16 know abroad
0:07:18 they they do have ssris like you know
0:07:20 serotonin um
0:07:22 or drugs that manipulate serotonin which
0:07:25 is one of the neurotransmitters right
0:07:27 um
0:07:28 however you know if you look at some of
0:07:30 the placebo drugs they have almost as
0:07:33 much uh effect as
0:07:35 as ssris which shows you a lot of is
0:07:38 actually cognitive which is why in the
0:07:39 nhs they put things like cbt cognitive
0:07:42 behavioral therapy or talking therapies
0:07:45 or um psychotherapies because they
0:07:47 realize this is it's reductionist to
0:07:49 just
0:07:49 kind of go all the way uh or speak of
0:07:52 this in chemical neurotransmitter in
0:07:53 terms of neurotransmitters and so on and
0:07:55 we as muslims our paradigm has always
0:07:58 been multifaceted
0:08:00 you know in terms of how we diagnose
0:08:01 issues it can be physical a physical
0:08:04 ailment it can be chemical of course
0:08:06 sometimes it is but also we have to
0:08:07 think about all the other dimensions as
0:08:10 well the spiritual dimension being one
0:08:11 of those things which is not even
0:08:12 accessible by the scientific method
0:08:15 it's a metaphor that you need to tap
0:08:17 into it's as simple as that
0:08:18 set those metaphysical laws in place for
0:08:21 a reason and this is this is the massive
0:08:24 gap that's happening bro you can be
0:08:25 grateful for coffee and stuff like that
0:08:27 you know but if the metaphysical law
0:08:29 what we believe in like the like the
0:08:31 process
0:08:33 um
0:08:34 wondrous is the affair of the believer
0:08:36 yes whatever like calamity strikes him
0:08:38 or goodness he's grateful or he's
0:08:39 patient i think we should stop with this
0:08:42 is very very important hadith well where
0:08:44 the prophet salallahu says
0:08:46 it's one of my favorite hadith in fact
0:08:48 that wondrous is the affair of the
0:08:50 believer in
0:08:52 that his
0:09:07 is grateful as well
0:09:08 and in that clipping that we just saw
0:09:10 the video clip we they were mentioning
0:09:12 uh they were mentioning how
0:09:14 people that are grateful on a regular
0:09:15 basis can deal with trauma better yeah
0:09:17 better yeah of course and this is you
0:09:19 know subhanallah is really showing us
0:09:21 the spiritual fruit of this hadith in
0:09:23 him
0:09:24 of course because if you think about it
0:09:25 when a disbeliever gets ill
0:09:28 yeah what well let's let's say someone
0:09:30 who is an atheist or a materialist yeah
0:09:34 yeah so if he's ill like the question
0:09:36 that needs to beg is
0:09:37 i would why am i ill why me what caused
0:09:40 it you have nothing
0:09:41 what meaning does it have yeah when you
0:09:43 talk about a believer it's like
0:09:45 expiation of sins yes um it's about
0:09:47 getting closer to allah
0:09:50 yes i've got so many options to choose
0:09:52 from now somebody come and say it's it's
0:09:54 um you made it up i don't care does it
0:09:55 work we know i know it's true but to you
0:09:57 let's suppose it's made up it does work
0:10:00 the formula doesn't work it's right
0:10:01 under our noses we're not seeing it and
0:10:03 we're not saying therefore god is true
0:10:05 it's not an argument for god's existence
0:10:06 we're saying that we are saying that our
0:10:08 systems
0:10:09 allows better quality of life that's why
0:10:12 i believe it is an evidence supporting
0:10:14 evidence yeah
0:10:15 this is supporting evidence but it shows
0:10:17 you that we have an in a yes propensity
0:10:20 an inclination to want to be grateful
0:10:23 to an ultimate source but
0:10:25 think of it this way if you come across
0:10:28 a a doctor in
0:10:30 in a remote kind of village somewhere
0:10:32 yes and you have a few illnesses yeah
0:10:35 you tell him look i i've i've been
0:10:37 bitten by this insect i don't know he
0:10:39 says okay he touches it and he's okay i
0:10:41 know what it is and he gives you a cure
0:10:43 and you're like where have you studied i
0:10:44 just you know studied somewhere
0:10:47 okay well i've got a rasha he prescribes
0:10:49 you a cure for it but he hasn't been
0:10:51 through the official channels and then
0:10:53 he gives you another cure when he keeps
0:10:55 giving you cures and they keep curing
0:10:57 you
0:10:58 eventually it becomes
0:11:01 illogical for you to say that no this is
0:11:03 he's a fake doctor oh yeah yeah yes what
0:11:05 you're saying is that islam is such a
0:11:07 robust and comprehensive system that
0:11:09 when you start looking at a spiritual
0:11:11 package
0:11:12 that is
0:11:15 in fact i would even say that if if
0:11:17 these proofs accrue this actually is in
0:11:20 favor of the truth of islam also so
0:11:22 there's a probabilistic type of argument
0:11:24 exactly exactly
0:11:26 yeah there's so many things if you see
0:11:28 islam through a social
0:11:30 through social life from a social lens
0:11:32 from a philosophical lens to a
0:11:34 psychological uh lens you will see that
0:11:37 islam
0:11:38 whatever it has said 1400 years ago is
0:11:42 relevant till today wow
0:11:44 and will be relevant in the future yes
0:11:46 and has been relevant in the past very
0:11:48 good in the past
0:11:50 it's a working model i want to show you
0:11:52 guys another quick clipping where they
0:11:54 give us recommendations of what to do
0:11:56 okay let's take a look at what they say
0:11:58 we should do
0:12:00 the easiest gratitude exercise with the
0:12:02 most solid research behind it is
0:12:04 gratitude journaling it means sitting
0:12:06 down for a few minutes one to three
0:12:08 times a week and writing down five to
0:12:10 ten things you're grateful for
0:12:12 it might feel weird at first so start
0:12:15 simply
0:12:16 can you feel grateful for a little thing
0:12:18 like how great coffee is or that someone
0:12:21 was kind to you
0:12:22 can you appreciate something someone
0:12:24 else did for you so they talk about
0:12:26 gratitude journaling what are your
0:12:28 reactions to them i think with gratitude
0:12:31 journaling we already have a form of
0:12:33 gratitude journaling
0:12:35 um
0:12:35 [Music]
0:12:36 yeah where it's in my head isn't it all
0:12:38 right
0:12:40 it's the biggest journal uh small people
0:12:43 can't see
0:12:45 yeah tell us what you're gonna say so in
0:12:47 in islam well let's look at psychology
0:12:50 they say
0:12:51 post the age of 25 is very difficult to
0:12:54 change the mindset of a person the only
0:12:55 two things that can change the mindset
0:12:57 of a person is number one trauma and
0:12:58 number two affirmations you're
0:13:00 constantly repeating something that's
0:13:02 why when you go to these self-help
0:13:04 classes or you go to a therapist they
0:13:06 say when you get up in the morning yeah
0:13:08 even people like j shetty they say when
0:13:10 you get up in the morning make sure you
0:13:11 don't switch on your device make sure
0:13:14 you
0:13:14 you don't do other things you say this
0:13:17 affirmation today is going to be a good
0:13:18 day i'm a strong person i'm a confident
0:13:21 person yeah and you give time to
0:13:23 yourself and that's exactly what we're
0:13:25 asked to do we get up in the morning
0:13:26 what do we say alhamdulillah
0:13:31 which please be to
0:13:33 has given us
0:13:34 life after death so we start off the
0:13:37 morning with gratitude lord we start off
0:13:40 with gratitude but instead of an
0:13:41 egoistic mother where it's all about
0:13:43 yourself now you have an object of
0:13:45 transcendence why and that's why i think
0:13:47 that's what makes muslims
0:13:49 you know we have
0:13:51 the key
0:13:52 why because when it comes to these sorts
0:13:54 of that's what i was saying initially
0:13:56 that you can tell somebody oh this
0:13:58 chemical is is released and that sounds
0:14:00 good in theory but is that going to work
0:14:02 when you are inundated with grief if you
0:14:06 are inundated with the trials and
0:14:08 tribulations of life no it does not work
0:14:10 and it will not work and the suicide
0:14:12 figures attest to that but when you come
0:14:14 to the islamic frame of mind and the way
0:14:18 of thinking
0:14:19 uh and and believing you will see it's
0:14:22 effective in so many different ways i
0:14:24 mean like you said
0:14:26 you mentioned that
0:14:27 in the beginning but the very first
0:14:29 thing that we introduced in the quran is
0:14:30 alhamdulillah
0:14:31 all praise and thanks belongs to god the
0:14:33 lord of the worlds and after each prayer
0:14:36 is sunnah or it's recommended at least
0:14:39 to say subhanallah which means glory to
0:14:41 be to god 33 times alhamdulillah which
0:14:43 is praising thanks be to god 33 times
0:14:45 and then 34 times saying allahu akbar
0:14:47 which is that allah's grace so you're
0:14:49 constantly in the day you are constantly
0:14:51 saying alhamdulillah that's a hundred
0:14:53 times in one prayer and there's five
0:14:55 there's five prayers so that's 500 times
0:14:58 and even one salah you the one thicker
0:15:01 that you're often repeating
0:15:07 so that is that is constantly you know
0:15:09 introducing to you if you put in
0:15:11 chemical terms although we're not saying
0:15:13 that this has got a spiritual effect but
0:15:14 even the chemical says endorphins and
0:15:16 neurotransmitters are really
0:15:18 but who is it too like it's very
0:15:19 interesting are you saying alhamdulillah
0:15:22 it's not egoistic okay no no i'm not
0:15:24 saying that yeah when you're saying
0:15:25 alhamdulillah whatever it may be yeah
0:15:27 it's like your gratitude is it to the
0:15:29 object but if you realize all these
0:15:31 thicket is around you to allah allah
0:15:33 what are they talking about it's all
0:15:35 about because they don't have that yeah
0:15:36 they have to fill it it's a form of [ __ ]
0:15:38 we pray for
0:15:53 is that if you think about in we have 24
0:15:55 hour day yes we're five daily prayer
0:15:58 yeah we have one week we have juma yeah
0:16:00 we have uh 12 months we have ramadan
0:16:04 we have a lifetime
0:16:06 isn't it amazing allah from our day to
0:16:08 our week to our year to our lifetime has
0:16:11 prescribed a little antidote that it is
0:16:14 there one way or another even the
0:16:16 victory you're talking about
0:16:18 every now and then even like you can see
0:16:19 in an hour the thicker allah has even
0:16:21 prescribed something
0:16:22 somewhere that
0:16:23 whatever it may be for us to work with
0:16:25 bro it's a system
0:16:27 and fasting is beautiful because it's a
0:16:29 practical way of withholding from things
0:16:31 which we take for granted
0:16:33 that's a really good food drink sexual
0:16:35 intercourse etc but there's more to it
0:16:37 than that i mean i think what you were
0:16:38 saying was really powerful in that it's
0:16:40 there's a hadith which says
0:16:44 whoever does not thank the people does
0:16:46 not thank allah so even if we're being
0:16:48 thankful to people and by the way isn't
0:16:49 saying
0:16:51 you don't say whoever thanks the muslims
0:16:53 this is this shows you the
0:16:54 comprehensiveness and the universality
0:16:56 of the islamic religion whoever does not
0:16:57 thank the people whether they're muslim
0:17:00 or non-people in the muslim if you don't
0:17:01 thank people who deserve that thanks
0:17:04 then you're not thinking a lot it shows
0:17:06 in gratitude but if you think about you
0:17:07 know what allah says we ordered you to
0:17:09 like well after worshiping us being
0:17:11 grateful to the parents as well yeah aki
0:17:13 someone has ingratitude to their mom or
0:17:15 dad yeah can never be grateful to allah
0:17:18 if you think about it if the one god
0:17:20 gave birth to you or the people if
0:17:21 you're not grateful to somebody who did
0:17:22 something good to you that shows a
0:17:24 disease of ingratitude in the heart that
0:17:26 could lead to in gratitude aggression to
0:17:28 allah so what we're saying is if someone
0:17:30 can't be grateful to the one who gave
0:17:31 birth to them how could they be grateful
0:17:32 to the one who gave the mother wow wow
0:17:34 you know there's another thing you can
0:17:35 say as well which is that it's so ironic
0:17:38 that we are using allah's air his oxygen
0:17:41 his material his time his space in order
0:17:45 to be ungrateful to him with it that's
0:17:48 the key
0:17:49 what you can add on to that also you
0:17:51 know when you sorry one more thing you
0:17:53 know abdullah and lucy you know you know
0:17:54 the brother he's he's made so he made a
0:17:56 really good point one time and i'll give
0:17:58 him credit for this he said you know
0:17:59 what it's like
0:18:00 he said it's like
0:18:02 um it's like someone who's for example
0:18:04 you've got you've got a wife and you uh
0:18:06 she's paying for you okay she's paying
0:18:08 for for all the you're not you're the
0:18:10 breadwinner she's the breadwinner yeah
0:18:12 she's the breadwinner she's paying for
0:18:13 food drink housing accommodation
0:18:15 everything right
0:18:17 what's a good wife then
0:18:18 right so she's doing all those things
0:18:19 right which is the anti-traditionalist
0:18:21 model the opposite of it even not even
0:18:23 the feminist model
0:18:24 so and so he takes the money okay that
0:18:26 she's paying him and all that kind of
0:18:28 thing yeah
0:18:29 and he goes and he cheats on her
0:18:32 using the money that she gave him
0:18:35 do you see the point here and this worse
0:18:37 using the money that's what he was
0:18:38 saying using the money and
0:18:41 it's the same as human beings the energy
0:18:42 goes and it's worse than that [ __ ] is a
0:18:44 billion times right if it was
0:18:47 say right so it's worse than that
0:18:49 because human beings we're using the air
0:18:50 we're using the oxygen we're using the
0:18:52 place and the time and everything that
0:18:54 we can't go anywhere to escape the
0:18:56 dominion of god and we're being
0:18:57 ungrateful to him in his own space
0:19:00 with his own spirit he's just hellfire
0:19:02 i don't care what anyone says you
0:19:05 if you truly comprehend
0:19:07 that what you're doing
0:19:08 there's no place except hellfire for you
0:19:10 i'm so sorry yeah you know one other
0:19:12 thing when when you want to charge your
0:19:14 phone there's youtube videos where you
0:19:16 can charge it using a potato yeah i've
0:19:18 seen that yeah
0:19:20 so you'll get certain amount of energy
0:19:21 from it you can charge it using a
0:19:23 battery pack yeah you get a certain
0:19:25 amount of energy from it then you put it
0:19:27 in the mains
0:19:28 that's when you get the proper energy
0:19:30 coming through
0:19:33 yeah so being grateful to a cup of
0:19:34 coffee
0:19:36 what does that mean
0:19:38 it's like getting the air it's like
0:19:40 getting it from the potato then yeah but
0:19:42 yeah yeah it's it's so low level isn't
0:19:43 it but then when you're grateful for
0:19:45 this to the source
0:19:48 what you're doing is you're unlocking so
0:19:50 much
0:19:51 yeah you're not you're not just in a
0:19:53 room but you've unlocked the house
0:19:55 you've unlocked the village of the city
0:19:58 and that's what islam is and
0:19:59 unfortunately muslims as muslims we
0:20:01 don't appreciate this we see
0:20:03 drips and drabs of research and and we
0:20:05 cling on to it oh serotonin or oxytocin
0:20:09 oxytocin and cortisol and and all of
0:20:12 these chemicals we're not slave to
0:20:14 chemicals
0:20:15 yeah there's there's research europe
0:20:16 sheldrick's on a brilliant book in which
0:20:18 he links a lot of these religious
0:20:21 practices to even atheism that
0:20:24 you know even atheists uh take on board
0:20:28 these things without even realizing wow
0:20:30 wow
0:20:31 it's actually a really good book and
0:20:32 it's actually doing another one also
0:20:35 and as muslims as believers sometimes we
0:20:38 don't really appreciate what we have yes
0:20:41 and i think that's that's very important
0:20:43 for us to do and these things i think
0:20:44 can actually improve our iman if we use
0:20:47 it properly and this is i think a good
0:20:49 place to end because you know and the
0:20:51 quran states this itself
0:20:57 that if you are thankful then i will
0:21:00 give you more allah is saying this to
0:21:01 you
0:21:04 if you are thankful
0:21:07 which actually in arabic is like lamb is
0:21:09 for mubarak it's for hyperbole and noon
0:21:13 is also for hyperbole so it's a double
0:21:15 hyperbole that i will certain most
0:21:17 certainly you know give you more you
0:21:19 know this is if you are just thankful
0:21:22 i will certainly give you more
0:21:25 inc if you're ungrateful then my
0:21:27 punishment as you were saying is going
0:21:29 to be extremely uh hadith it's going to
0:21:32 be extremely severe
0:21:33 and this is what i think is a good place
0:21:35 to end but in terms of call to action
0:21:38 what we can do in our daily life is and
0:21:40 i i try and do this with my family as
0:21:42 much as possible is
0:21:44 teach our children really to honestly
0:21:46 the young people need to know what are
0:21:48 we thankful for and you'll see the most
0:21:49 innocent answers that they give i'm
0:21:51 thankful for my hearing my seeing my
0:21:54 being able to the five senses my being
0:21:56 able to walk and you'll see that these
0:21:59 things that we get for free for the most
0:22:01 part
0:22:02 are the most powerful and priceless love
0:22:05 that you have
0:22:06 you know love you somebody that you love
0:22:08 or a heartbeat you have a heartbeat your
0:22:10 heart is beating involuntarily you're
0:22:12 not paying it you know all of these
0:22:14 things are just happening the system the
0:22:15 immune system is working everything is
0:22:17 working
0:22:18 automatically within your body and
0:22:19 there's so much to thank for and if you
0:22:21 can't think of anything to thank god for
0:22:24 then this is part of the problem and if
0:22:27 you can do it then this will be part of
0:22:30 your solution wassalamualaikum
0:22:44 you