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Top 10 Polymaths in Islamicate History (2020-03-30)

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Summary of Top 10 Polymaths in Islamicate History

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:25:00

introduces the top 10 polymaths in Islamicate history, including their contributions to fields such as philosophy, astronomy, and mathematics. While all of the polymaths featured in the video are highly respected for their work, Joe A. K. Aziz is considered to be the most influential of the group. highlights the importance of specialization in academic pursuits, and features a quote from one of the polymaths emphasizing the need to focus on one or two things in order to be truly good at them.

00:00:00 introduces ten Islamic polymaths, ranging from astronomers to philosophers. Nine of the polymaths are Arab, and al-Kindi is the only non-Arab on the list. Al-Kindi made significant contributions in a number of fields, including philosophy, astronomy, and comparative religion. He is also credited with founding the first school of philosophy in the Arab world.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the top 10 polymaths in Islamicate history. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khattab is ranked number seven on the list, and his book, Al-Khattab's algebra, is credited with greatly advancing mathematics. Maimonides is ranked number six, and his work on philosophy, logic, and astronomy is considered highly influential. Ibn Rushd, or Averroes, is ranked number five, and his philosophical and theological writings are highly respected. Ibn Sina, or Avicenna, is ranked number four, and his contributions to medicine, optics, and philosophy are highly appreciated. Ibn al-Haytham, or Alhazen, is ranked number three on the list, and his work in optics and mathematics is credited with making significant advances in these fields. Aristotle is ranked number two on the list, and his work on philosophy, logic, and scientific inquiry is highly respected.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the 10 greatest polymaths in Islamic history, with a focus on their philosophical and religious knowledge. Taymiyah is mentioned as a philosopher and logician, as well as a comparative religion scholar. Farah Dean of Rossi is also mentioned for his work in comparative religion, illogical studies, and Jewish prudential knowledge.
  • 00:15:00 Mohammed Muhammad Mohammed is ranked second on the list of polymaths in Islamicate history, and was one of the most influential people of all time. He was a philosopher, theologian, and scientist, and wrote on a variety of topics. His most famous work is the philosophical treatise "The Templeton Philosopher," which is still studied today.
  • 00:20:00 The top 10 polymaths in Islamicate history are Joe A. K. Aziz, Adama al-Maqdisi, Leibniz, Ibn Sineen, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Kindi, Galen, and Avicenna. All of these individuals made significant contributions to Islamic philosophy, theology, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. Joe A. K. Aziz is arguably the most influential of the ten, having had a lasting impact on Islamic epistemology and jurisprudence.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the importance of specialization in academic pursuits, and highlights the example of a polymath who realized this himself. concludes by quoting the polymath himself, who says that if you want to be good at something, be good at one or two things closely related to that field of study.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 assalamualaikum warahmatullahi what I
0:00:02 care - how are you guys doing look who
0:00:06 I've been asking me to do reading lists
0:00:07 different kinds of reading lists for
0:00:08 recommended reading and one day I might
0:00:11 actually write a reading list and put it
0:00:12 on my website
0:00:14 Muhammad a not code at UK but today
0:00:18 what I wanted to do with you guys is
0:00:19 actually take you through ten islamic
0:00:22 eight polymaths that i think you should
0:00:24 know about and i'm putting them in
0:00:25 ranking order and why have I phrased it
0:00:29 in this way ten Islamic a Poli masters
0:00:31 because Islamic a is a area where
0:00:34 Islamic rule was dominant and sometimes
0:00:39 can refer to the Caliphate like for
0:00:41 example there are made rule or are
0:00:43 bested rule etc and so when I say
0:00:47 Islamic a polymaths it doesn't
0:00:48 necessarily mean that the people that
0:00:51 are being referenced must be Muslims I
0:00:52 mean or Arabs or anything like that it
0:00:55 just means that they were living under
0:00:56 that particular rule the Islamic eighth
0:00:58 rule and I'm mentioning these ten names
0:01:01 because I do think that they are the
0:01:05 polymath are you should know about
0:01:07 now when I say polymath I'm talking
0:01:10 about someone who has a special ism in
0:01:13 more than one discipline of study and
0:01:16 has actually had an influence in that
0:01:19 academic discipline and so this is
0:01:22 different to saying for example that you
0:01:25 are the most influential person or the
0:01:27 ten most influential people culturally
0:01:29 societally politically or economically
0:01:30 that's a different thing and so for this
0:01:34 reason I'm gonna not include obviously
0:01:36 the the Prophet Muhammad and their
0:01:40 Sahaba the Companions of the Prophet or
0:01:43 even the turbine for that matter if this
0:01:46 is strictly an academic exercise where
0:01:49 we look at using my subjective value
0:01:53 judgment of course ten of the people who
0:01:56 have contributed most to in my opinion
0:01:59 obviously too in that area and what I'm
0:02:06 not including in the area is sub-saharan
0:02:08 Africa and I'll be honest with you the
0:02:09 reason why is because I have very
0:02:11 limited knowledge of the area
0:02:13 likewise I'm not including China as
0:02:15 though obviously Islam spread to China
0:02:19 I'm not including it because once again
0:02:22 my knowledge is pretty much non-existent
0:02:24 in terms of Chinese coach I'm a cadet
0:02:28 academia et cetera on these on these
0:02:30 issues so let's get started before we
0:02:34 actually start listing my criteria for
0:02:37 subjective value judgment will be
0:02:39 basically influenced in as many distinct
0:02:42 fields of study as possible so let's
0:02:45 start that number 10 the my list is L
0:02:48 Bay ruining I bitterly was a Persian he
0:02:52 was a polymath and he basically
0:02:55 specialized in more than one field he
0:02:57 specialized in astronomy in geology he
0:03:01 wrote a book called Honolulu Massoud II
0:03:03 almost out his law which was basically
0:03:06 like an encyclopedia it was encyclopedia
0:03:09 of astronomy of engineering and so on
0:03:13 and so he wrote another book called fe @
0:03:17 fe masala sorry at the feem listen art
0:03:22 and Jim which is basically and the you
0:03:24 know understanding astrology and for
0:03:26 those people at that time I strongly gen
0:03:28 astronomy were very much interlinked but
0:03:30 it was not astrological as much as it
0:03:34 was that book is actually astronomical
0:03:36 the interesting thing about by Rooney is
0:03:38 that he was also a comparative religion
0:03:40 st went to india he spent time in india
0:03:43 and he was an ideology basically he did
0:03:45 a comparative religious study between
0:03:47 like quranic and islamic precepts and
0:03:50 obviously hindu precepts and i think he
0:03:51 was probably one of the first 1050
0:03:55 milady which is gregorian calendar so
0:03:59 this is a person who has had a profound
0:04:02 impact and the reason why i put him as
0:04:04 number 10 is because of the impact he's
0:04:05 had on astronomy in particular I mean
0:04:07 this guy even basically measured the
0:04:10 radius of the sort of circumference of
0:04:15 the other of the earth and came to about
0:04:18 2% accuracy from current day numbers so
0:04:22 this guy was most certainly someone who
0:04:25 was influential more than one field he
0:04:29 was a comparative religion Asst he was
0:04:32 an astronomer geology geology expert and
0:04:36 so on
0:04:37 number nine is al Kindi al Kindi and we
0:04:41 used to fear hope in his heart al Kindi
0:04:45 a Saba al-kindi he died 873 ad and
0:04:51 basically he was seen as like you know
0:04:55 the father of philosophy for the Arabs
0:04:58 and he was an Arab one of the only that
0:05:00 we're gonna mention on this list and the
0:05:05 reason why I put him in this is because
0:05:07 to be honest he was even referenced by I
0:05:10 mean in terms of things like mathematics
0:05:12 he might not have been as prominent but
0:05:15 in terms of philosophy he was certainly
0:05:16 incredibly influential he had a massive
0:05:20 impact to only been seen on every sana
0:05:22 his ideas would trickle through to his
0:05:25 ideas he was a physician so he basically
0:05:28 done a lot of work in medicine and
0:05:33 actually he was referenced Bible Hatem
0:05:35 and after that some contribution to
0:05:39 optics as well so you can imagine this
0:05:41 person he's put his hand in so many jars
0:05:43 and has actually been influential or
0:05:47 almost all of them talk about influence
0:05:51 number eight is al Howard's me Muhammad
0:05:53 the new even more self cover is me and
0:05:56 basically you might know him already for
0:05:59 writing a book which is very well known
0:06:02 if you don't know it you'll know about
0:06:04 the result of it which is algebra in the
0:06:07 kitab or the book that he wrote as kid
0:06:09 al khattab Albertosaurus algebra 1 mu
0:06:14 kabbalah which is basically a
0:06:16 compendious book on calculations by
0:06:19 complete by completion and balancing
0:06:21 this is a book now basically he was
0:06:23 outlining quadratic expressions and all
0:06:27 these kind of things which we learn in
0:06:28 school nowadays and by the way these
0:06:31 you'll be surprised as to the effect
0:06:33 that algebra has had on the world in
0:06:34 terms of engineering like nowadays if
0:06:36 someone if you know someone doesn't
0:06:38 doing
0:06:38 University they have to go through a
0:06:41 rigorous like mathematical program where
0:06:43 they know their algebra very well
0:06:45 because any kind of engineering you'll
0:06:47 know will depend on algebraic
0:06:49 formulations so you a lot you probably
0:06:53 walking in the street and looking at
0:06:54 buildings or maybe riding an aeroplane
0:06:56 and not realize that the impact that
0:06:58 alcohol is me has had on that is
0:07:02 actually massive because algebra has
0:07:05 facilitated the way for people to be
0:07:08 able to operate in that way
0:07:10 number seven is Maimonides or most have
0:07:13 been my own now he was a jew but it was
0:07:16 a jewish jurist the philosopher logician
0:07:17 an astronomer but this man is seen as
0:07:21 probably the most influential scholar in
0:07:25 all of judaism after him in this column
0:07:28 the second Moses he is a polymath in the
0:07:32 sense that he actually wrote on
0:07:33 different issues he was a Jewish jurist
0:07:36 he's a philosopher logician and even an
0:07:38 astronomer you know so there's books
0:07:40 that he's written in Hebrew but also
0:07:43 mostly he's written in Arabic so he
0:07:44 wrote that and that hye-rin which is the
0:07:47 guide for look perplexed which is book
0:07:49 on logic and basically takes the kind of
0:07:52 same route as like Thomas Aquinas law
0:07:56 has a lien those individuals there where
0:07:58 you kind of systematic theology proving
0:08:00 God's existence and those kinds of
0:08:02 things he was incredibly influential and
0:08:05 probably the most influential Jewish
0:08:06 scholar of all times my poem is number
0:08:10 seven because obviously he lived and
0:08:12 within the Islamic the Islamic a if you
0:08:15 like and so his work flourished in the
0:08:18 context of Islamic rule
0:08:21 six is even hater know able hater will
0:08:26 be known for his book of optics now
0:08:29 really and truly the book of optics was
0:08:31 a massive breakthrough in the way we
0:08:34 perceived basically optics and he ran
0:08:38 experiments which he did in a systematic
0:08:41 and scientific way to try and basically
0:08:46 understand how optics work and how the
0:08:49 human eye works and he wrote a lot of
0:08:52 things and what really made him special
0:08:54 in addition to all these great
0:08:56 contributions to objects is actually his
0:08:58 contribution to what we would call today
0:08:59 as a philosophy of science because
0:09:01 really and truly what he did whilst he
0:09:04 was doing his science he wasn't just
0:09:05 thinking as many unfortunately
0:09:07 scientists do now when they go to the
0:09:08 laboratory about the systems but he was
0:09:10 thinking about how to refine the systems
0:09:13 itself and this is called the philosophy
0:09:15 of science so he has seen as kind of
0:09:17 like an architect for the philosophy of
0:09:19 science
0:09:19 he put conditions in place he saw what
0:09:22 would be appropriate what wouldn't be
0:09:23 appropriate cetera but in addition to
0:09:26 that he wrote about a standing of like
0:09:28 the history of these things like history
0:09:32 philosophy history of intellectuals I
0:09:35 wanted to do a same video like this but
0:09:37 for the Western world because one of the
0:09:39 people I definitely put on my top ten in
0:09:41 the Western world would be told me now
0:09:42 told him he basically wrote a book and
0:09:45 this book that told me he was in Helenus
0:09:48 he was a Hellenistic thinker yeah so he
0:09:50 exists at the same kind of time in the
0:09:53 Greek ancient Greek time where Aristotle
0:09:55 and those guys also existed and totally
0:09:57 basically had a very he had he had a
0:10:01 theory on geocentric geocentric models
0:10:03 where he basically pretty it was a but
0:10:05 basically was a working model on how he
0:10:08 thought basically the Sun goes around
0:10:10 the earth and but not only that but all
0:10:11 of the all of the planets go around the
0:10:14 earth and he had these kind of eccentric
0:10:15 circles etc this was part of Ptolemies
0:10:18 model but Ptolemies model his geocentric
0:10:21 model persisted for basically I would
0:10:24 say a millennium more than a millennium
0:10:26 after his death so everyone was going
0:10:29 along with this geocentric model all the
0:10:30 astronomers were using totem his work
0:10:32 that's why he would be action
0:10:34 even despite the fact that we would
0:10:35 consider him wrong now because of a
0:10:37 heliocentric model he'd be considered
0:10:39 one of the greatest thinkers of Western
0:10:41 history told him me however now if the
0:10:45 Haitham wrote a book which is translated
0:10:48 into English as the doubts concerning
0:10:50 Ptolemy and this is a lesson for us
0:10:52 because when basically people in the
0:10:55 Islamic Golden Age and this would be
0:10:57 considered the Islamic Golden Age but
0:10:59 when they started to doubt yeah when
0:11:01 they started to doubt and they started
0:11:03 to challenge prevailing Greek ideas that
0:11:06 is when they made their best and most
0:11:08 impressive innovative contributions in
0:11:10 all fields and it's a lesson to us
0:11:13 because nowadays we it's not even about
0:11:15 it's not even astronomical now we have
0:11:17 ideological things which we're afraid to
0:11:19 challenge things like second wave
0:11:20 feminism or things like liberalism or
0:11:23 things like communism in in a previous
0:11:25 time where those ideas are so pervasive
0:11:28 because they've been propounded by a
0:11:30 superpower military superpower that
0:11:33 we're afraid to challenge them but if
0:11:35 you think about will hate them here he's
0:11:37 challenging the only Greek ideas of a
0:11:40 philosophical perspective but he's
0:11:41 challenging Ptolemy told him is
0:11:44 astronomy which was seen as kind of like
0:11:47 an immutable philosophy or an
0:11:49 incorrigible philosophy or astronomy for
0:11:52 over four centuries people really had it
0:11:55 entrenched in their astronomical mine
0:11:56 and the cosmological image of the
0:11:58 universe was a geocentric one and they
0:12:00 used Toto me as the main academic you
0:12:05 know reasoning for that and his model of
0:12:07 eccentric revolutions of the planets and
0:12:10 he had a whole theory so the fact that
0:12:13 he did that was big and and that's why I
0:12:17 put him is number six number five is
0:12:19 folklore Dean arrazi now we're moving
0:12:21 away from Canada scientific aspects now
0:12:23 to more a theological aspects and a
0:12:25 philosophical aspects because faculty de
0:12:27 Rossi was not known as an astronomer or
0:12:29 you know a medical expert but he was
0:12:33 known as one of the main exegetes of
0:12:36 Islam actually his tough seer you know a
0:12:39 tough silly Kabir or the great
0:12:42 commentary is one the biggest and most
0:12:44 profound tefa seer of all times
0:12:47 Oh
0:12:47 basically exegetical works and in that
0:12:50 tough serie realized a lot of the
0:12:52 emphasis is on language which is why
0:12:55 it's very very fair for us to actually
0:12:57 consider him a linguist in addition as
0:13:00 being an XJ even though he didn't as far
0:13:03 as I know right any you know or he
0:13:05 didn't specialize in language in any
0:13:07 formal sense in the same way as someone
0:13:09 like maybe a see away oh I don't know as
0:13:12 I'm actually would have but in that same
0:13:15 vein though we have to look at his have
0:13:17 seen is very much linguistic so I would
0:13:19 consider him a linguist and exergy
0:13:21 a logician because he wrote katha
0:13:24 beautiful Kabir which is basically the
0:13:26 major book her on logic but he also
0:13:28 wrote many works in philosophy and
0:13:31 philosophical kind of theology if you
0:13:33 like as well oh he could even argues he
0:13:36 would refer to as that philosophy of
0:13:38 religion so these things here fast road
0:13:41 Dean of Rossi was one of the most
0:13:43 profound and influential scholars to the
0:13:46 extent whereby actually his kind of
0:13:48 credo ideas are still being used and
0:13:50 propounded nowadays in Metairie and
0:13:52 ashari circles much to the credit of
0:13:55 Rossi so most of the kind of credo
0:13:59 ammunition used nowadays in a polemical
0:14:02 sense goes back to Farah Dean of Rossi
0:14:05 I'm talking about pilaris ism number
0:14:07 four is even taymiyah himself now once
0:14:11 again he's not is not really a he's not
0:14:13 known for his astronomy he's not known
0:14:15 for his medical knowledge but he is
0:14:17 known for his Jewish Prudential
0:14:18 knowledge his philosophical knowledge
0:14:19 his logical knowledge and his
0:14:21 comparative religion knowledge so I
0:14:23 would consider him yes a comparative
0:14:25 religion it's because of his Katti batti
0:14:27 are bizarre here which was one of the
0:14:29 most comprehensive and impressive works
0:14:31 which is the kind of the correct reply
0:14:34 to the Christians
0:14:36 it's a polemical work against the
0:14:38 Christian presuppositions but it is one
0:14:40 which shows a high level especially for
0:14:42 that time of research yeah done you know
0:14:47 in terms of Christianity
0:14:49 now he's different to Albert you obey
0:14:50 Rooney because L by Rory was also
0:14:51 comparative religion aspo he but advair
0:14:54 only makes it very clear when he's
0:14:55 talking about his in his
0:14:57 in the illogical studies that actually
0:14:59 I'm not here to try and you know
0:15:01 disprove the Hindu ideas
0:15:03 he said I'm trying to just do an
0:15:05 objective review whereas obviously
0:15:07 wouldn't a mere comes from a multiple
0:15:08 polemical stance but both are academic
0:15:10 both find academic vantage points I mean
0:15:13 you can do either and still be a
0:15:15 comparative religion estudar than 13:28
0:15:19 and basically the interesting thing
0:15:20 about Minh tamiya he's about seven
0:15:22 hundred years after the Prophet Muhammad
0:15:23 and seven hundred years before us
0:15:25 so his slap-bang in the middle of the
0:15:28 historical timeline in terms of where he
0:15:30 stands
0:15:31 another thing about him is that his the
0:15:33 production of scholars that he's
0:15:34 produced is something quite amazing so
0:15:37 he's produced scholars like him hyemi
0:15:39 josiya even kathira there be a Missy you
0:15:42 know even muffler and the list goes on
0:15:44 and on so his influence you know it
0:15:47 stretches a long time into our present
0:15:51 day and why this is why I put him as
0:15:52 number four because he's still
0:15:54 influential just like Muslim in my own
0:15:55 but you could say only demographically
0:15:58 more influential scale because Muslim
0:16:03 Sudanese and in particular Salafism
0:16:05 because he's really influenced salafism
0:16:07 are more numerous and number than than
0:16:10 the Jewish community the entire Jewish
0:16:13 community in fact so his his
0:16:16 contribution is massive and he's still
0:16:19 being referenced today in almost all
0:16:21 theological and academics if you don't
0:16:22 know Herman taymiyah was you should know
0:16:24 because he is most certainly one of the
0:16:28 most influential men in history actually
0:16:30 to be honest so I've put him as number
0:16:33 four there number three is even rushed
0:16:35 now Abel rose to you by arguing ok how
0:16:37 can you put in rush before Bentham Mia
0:16:39 maybe a you know hardcore Soloff is
0:16:41 watching
0:16:43 as a higher level than they've been
0:16:45 Tamia and look this shows you this and
0:16:46 this shows you I said this in be quite a
0:16:47 placement brother because right now I'm
0:16:50 not making in a credo point now soldiers
0:16:51 in the beginning I put a Jew in this top
0:16:55 10 and I'm not making a point of creed
0:16:58 or not trying to muddy call it succumb
0:17:04 to my denominational urges right now I'm
0:17:06 just you know making a point of
0:17:09 objective reality rushed is there is why
0:17:12 I put him as number three is because of
0:17:14 his contribution to so many different
0:17:17 fields including philosophy theology
0:17:19 medicine astronomy mathematics fit which
0:17:24 is Islamic jurisprudence and so on and
0:17:26 so forth he wrote Baudette and washed
0:17:27 ahead which is something by the way that
0:17:31 is studied in medina university which is
0:17:33 a conservative university so
0:17:36 quote-unquote conservative but bedazzled
0:17:38 mooster hey this is well known but he
0:17:41 also wrote a cool yet first tip which is
0:17:43 basically the comprehensive knowledge of
0:17:46 medicine so for him to do both of those
0:17:48 things there that's really for me is
0:17:51 asked astonishing that he could actually
0:17:53 have contributions like this
0:17:54 unfortunately a lot of his astronomical
0:17:56 stuff hasn't survived but we know that
0:17:58 he was part of a movement that was
0:18:00 casting aspersion on old Telemachus
0:18:04 centricity and though he's like I
0:18:07 haven't seen many of his muscle taught
0:18:09 or his manuscripts maybe they haven't
0:18:11 been miss catalogs or something but in
0:18:13 astronomy he's been referenced by all
0:18:15 the other astronomers you know his time
0:18:17 in the Golden Age and he's seen as in
0:18:19 that movement to push back against the
0:18:22 tone of make series despite the fact
0:18:26 that he was a great commentator for
0:18:28 Aristotle in fact he was referred to as
0:18:29 the commentator you know for Aristotle
0:18:32 so he was here ought to have that effort
0:18:34 which obviously is a response to has a
0:18:36 least Hamilton philosopher he didn't
0:18:39 disagree with as Elian every point but
0:18:41 that's another massive philosophical
0:18:43 work which shows you the depth of his
0:18:45 knowledge in that field so for those
0:18:47 reasons because he was one of the few
0:18:49 people that could be good in science and
0:18:51 good and social science I had to put him
0:18:53 as number three
0:18:55 because this is about polymaths how much
0:18:57 of a polymath you are okay now become
0:18:59 number two el Ezeli and Muhammad as then
0:19:02 Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed in to seal
0:19:05 has early um-hum and the year he died is
0:19:09 gonna be memorable for all because I see
0:19:11 a 1 1 1 1 log percent more time yes year
0:19:15 1 1 1 1 and he was one of the most
0:19:17 prominent and influential I mean you can
0:19:20 he is one of the most influential people
0:19:22 all time yeah trust me he was a polymath
0:19:28 he wrote on philosophy theology
0:19:32 jurisprudence and he knew about
0:19:33 mathematics now once again if he did
0:19:38 there is what I haven't put him as
0:19:40 number one is because he didn't write on
0:19:42 only astronomical sciences on on physics
0:19:46 etc was the number number one person
0:19:48 that I'm gonna mention they'd do those
0:19:50 things he wrote a Templeton philosopher
0:19:53 which is probably one of the most well
0:19:54 known works a hero which is the
0:19:55 Inquisitor philosophers but he also
0:19:57 wrote something like a most as far and
0:19:59 most Asif Asif book and his teacher
0:20:03 l.joe a knee he wrote another book on a
0:20:07 sulphate which basically Mustapha is I
0:20:09 would say is a refined version of and it
0:20:13 was tossed father a surly book with this
0:20:15 Asura fifth book the hero has such a
0:20:19 lasting impact I even went into humbly
0:20:21 circles obviously someone like him nope
0:20:23 Adama
0:20:24 alma courtesy heroes never known another
0:20:29 which is another holy textbook it's very
0:20:32 much connected to al Mustafa and if you
0:20:35 look at the first manuscripts I ignored
0:20:37 my role in terms of another it had an
0:20:40 epistemological
0:20:42 preamble if you like so in the beginning
0:20:45 of almost as far along as le revised
0:20:48 epistemology which is basically a
0:20:51 philosophical sub-branch even up Adama
0:20:53 and his because basically I wrote was
0:20:55 another is I would say is an
0:20:57 abbreviation or some kind of
0:20:58 condensation of condensed version sorry
0:21:01 of almost a song he also left that in
0:21:05 but then there was a bit of a kind of
0:21:08 backlash and humbly circles having said
0:21:10 that though he has such an impact on
0:21:14 basically us all because a soul elf it
0:21:16 is very much connected to logical
0:21:19 precepts and so alphas early alphas
0:21:23 early has has an impact on that had an
0:21:26 impact on Islamic philosophy from that's
0:21:28 kind of replied to the philosophers book
0:21:30 hero and obviously he was a chef I and
0:21:34 jurisprudence he was a master of that as
0:21:36 well he was also of Persian origin which
0:21:38 shows us that this list is dominated by
0:21:41 the Persians talking about someone who's
0:21:43 of Persian origin and someone who's had
0:21:45 a massive impact unfortunately not
0:21:48 someone who has an emetic fear of I'm
0:21:51 not saying that's unfortunate in a sense
0:21:52 it's a wrong take fear
0:21:53 it's just unfortunate i he fell into
0:21:56 these mistakes of takfeer eben cena who
0:22:00 died 10:37 he's number one in my opinion
0:22:02 and the reason why he's clearly not a
0:22:04 head and shoulders in terms of being a
0:22:06 polymath above everybody else is because
0:22:09 frankly he was able to contribute more
0:22:12 to all of the other sub branches that
0:22:14 anyone else had been able to do that
0:22:16 seriously it's been able to contribute
0:22:18 to things like astronomy and philosophy
0:22:23 to a high high level obviously my book
0:22:26 that I wrote Kalam cosmological
0:22:28 arguments which is available online I
0:22:30 spent a lot of time on it but Xena
0:22:32 and the reason why my opinion is because
0:22:34 everyone else learned from him even as I
0:22:36 Lee who attacked him I I think he
0:22:38 basically is very clear that he agrees
0:22:40 with him or so many things even in
0:22:42 potamia who attacks him you he'll see
0:22:45 that you know he agrees with him and
0:22:47 what they do what even taymir does and
0:22:49 what has led us is they try basically
0:22:53 and create to to Civ even seen as
0:22:56 arguments for the existence of God for
0:22:58 example into kind of like a channel of
0:23:02 Orthodoxy obviously in potamia was like
0:23:05 humble I what would call Salafi today
0:23:08 like where as Ezeli was more sorry yeah
0:23:13 so both of those had slightly different
0:23:16 schools of credo thought but both of
0:23:19 them did the same kind of thing for
0:23:21 respective schools of thought which is
0:23:22 to sift through the ideas of Ivan Cena
0:23:25 and to clean up basically according to
0:23:28 the principles the particular school of
0:23:30 thought that they came from and then to
0:23:32 churn out what would be the most you
0:23:35 know the strongest arguments and most
0:23:37 crudely compatible arguments but his
0:23:40 effect on on Islamic or on on Kalam
0:23:43 basically which is the idea of argument
0:23:47 for first principles and so on has been
0:23:49 by far the most impactful so and he
0:23:55 wrote a book called ashy fair which I
0:23:56 mean his his work on medicine yeah is
0:24:00 incredible for the time and his work of
0:24:03 medicine was translated and useful for
0:24:05 the next five or six hundred seven
0:24:06 hundred years it shows you this the
0:24:08 level of this guy's ability to
0:24:11 specialize in more than one field was
0:24:13 something which was you won't find in
0:24:15 every generation now the question is
0:24:18 what do we learn from all of this what
0:24:20 we learn is that being a polymath is not
0:24:22 an easy Enterprise and the importance of
0:24:25 specialism to be honest from what we've
0:24:27 seen from the list that I've provided
0:24:28 more most polymers generally and
0:24:31 obviously this is something that is
0:24:33 specific to this list but generally most
0:24:35 polymers are specialized in very similar
0:24:36 fields like for example theology and
0:24:38 philosophy or geometry astronomy and
0:24:40 mathematics where skills and knowledge
0:24:41 intersect and are transferable
0:24:44 there was actually interesting beef what
0:24:47 did you say yes interesting beef between
0:24:51 urban scene and LB Rooney and basically
0:24:56 this beef was I'm gonna reduce our
0:24:57 actually as really interesting even see
0:25:02 now in one of his books yeah he was like
0:25:09 he's not really gifted in philosophical
0:25:11 maths and people and they ruin it
0:25:13 because he tried to challenge you've
0:25:14 been seen in in philosophy and he made a
0:25:16 mockery of himself
0:25:18 realized okay this guy's call his
0:25:20 specialism in this guy's call his
0:25:21 specially they really realized that
0:25:22 himself because I they really realized I
0:25:25 himself he said something really
0:25:26 interesting which I want to read and he
0:25:27 goes and this is actually translated his
0:25:31 that's a beautiful thing here
0:25:33 goes for the one who attempts
0:25:36 encompassing all things would lose the
0:25:38 whole you know what I mean here this is
0:25:42 very important he goes the one he this
0:25:44 bear ruining a polymath himself he's
0:25:46 realized that so he's tried to get
0:25:47 involved in philosophy we wouldn't see
0:25:49 never seen it's like the top guy the one
0:25:51 who attempts encompassing all things
0:25:53 will lose though just like when Floyd
0:25:54 Mayweather had a match with Conor
0:25:56 McGregor it was just like embarrassing
0:25:58 for for Conor McGregor because the
0:26:01 levels are different if you want to
0:26:02 specialize in one thing it's like going
0:26:04 to the Olympics and getting a gold medal
0:26:05 in two sports a bit only would say for
0:26:09 the one who attempts encompassing all
0:26:11 things would lose the whole lesson here
0:26:13 in terms of academic lesson is simply
0:26:16 this if you want to be good at something
0:26:19 be good at one or two things which are
0:26:22 closely related and that's it man don't
0:26:24 go everywhere because you end up doing
0:26:26 nothing if you try and do everything you
0:26:28 end up doing nothing I hope this was
0:26:30 very edifying Salam alaikum