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Argument for Divine Authorship of Qur’an | The Evidence Course | Session 5 / Part 3 (2021-10-13)


Session 5 Part 3

In an age of information overload and widespread pseudo-intellectualism, understanding the core foundations of Islam is as essential as ever.

This course comprehensively deconstructs the skeletal structure of prevalent ideologies and concepts such as atheism, scientism, materialism, secularism, and skepticism, in light of an all-encompassing intellectually robust Islamic worldview.

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The Hosts:

Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician

Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul




Riyad Gmail:

Summary of Argument for Divine Authorship of Qur’an | The Evidence Course | Session 5 / Part 3

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

argues that the Qur'an was not written by humans, but by a divinely-inspired prophet. He points to verses in the Qur'an that criticize the Quraish people for their beliefs and practices, and argues that this shows that the Qur'an was not written by God. He also points to historical evidence that shows the Quraish were opposed to the message of the Qur'an and the claim of prophethood of Muhammad. If the Qur'an had been written by God, the Quraish would have been unable to resist the challenge it posed. Therefore, the absence of proof that the Qur'an was not written by humans demonstrates that it was indeed written by God.

00:00:00 The historical deductive argument in this video is that the quran was authored by either a non-arab or the Prophet Muhammad himself. The quran is in Arabic, and as such, requires someone who is fluent in the language in order to have written it. Furthermore, the quran was known in the seventh century to those living in the Arabian Peninsula, which leaves only three possible authors: the Arabs, the Prophet Muhammad, or Allah.

  • 00:05:00 The talk discusses the evidence that suggests the Qur'an was not written by God, but was instead produced by humans. points to verses in the Qur'an that criticize the Quraish people for their beliefs and practices, and argues that this shows that the Qur'an was not written by God. He also points to historical evidence that shows the Quraish were opposed to the message of the Qur'an and the claim of prophethood of Muhammad. If the Qur'an had been written by God, the Quraish would have been unable to resist the challenge it posed. Therefore, the absence of proof that the Qur'an was not written by humans demonstrates that it was indeed written by God.
  • 00:10:00 argues that the absence of any evidence that Arabs could produce something on the level of the Qur'an proves that the Qur'an was not authored by humans. He also mentions a story in which a Muslim claimant to be a prophet was confronted by another Musalman and discovered his deception.
  • 00:15:00 The Arguments for Divine Authorship of the Qur'an from the Evidence Course highlight that the quran was not produced by humans, but by a divinely-inspired prophet.
  • 00:20:00 argues that the Qur'an was written and composed by God, and that it is an excellent piece of writing. Various non-Muslim scholars have also praised the Qur'an, and no human being could produce it. Therefore, only God could be the author.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:14 we're going to look at the historical
0:00:16 deductive arguments understanding who
0:00:19 could have been the author of the quran
0:00:22 so one question that may remain
0:00:25 is whether the assessment of the quranic
0:00:26 linguistic mural miracle the marajasa
0:00:30 can be ascertained by a non-arabic
0:00:32 speaker
0:00:33 so in the previous video we explained in
0:00:35 a little detail
0:00:37 briefly covering the subject area about
0:00:39 how there are objective ways to analyze
0:00:42 the quranic composition but ultimately
0:00:45 this can only be assessed by those who
0:00:46 are capable in arabic language
0:00:49 so now we want to look at this
0:00:51 from a historical deductive argument in
0:00:54 order to demonstrate from a historical
0:00:57 analysis that the quran was truly a
0:00:59 revelation from allah
0:01:02 and that therefore a non-arab can look
0:01:04 at the history and understand and come
0:01:06 to the conclusion that this is indeed a
0:01:09 sign or miracle from allah
0:01:12 the essence of this argument is summed
0:01:14 up by understanding that and this is
0:01:17 really important
0:01:18 if you have will to perform an action so
0:01:21 if you have this intention this desire
0:01:23 this drive to perform the action if you
0:01:25 have the will to perform an action
0:01:27 and secondly
0:01:29 you have the capability of doing the
0:01:32 action
0:01:33 then what will inevitably follow
0:01:36 the action so if you have will plus
0:01:38 capability equals the action that's the
0:01:40 point that you know we need to remember
0:01:42 and think about throughout this video
0:01:45 we know that the quran
0:01:48 was the first was first known to
0:01:49 humanity in the seventh century so you
0:01:51 know if we go back every generation from
0:01:53 our generation people mentioned the
0:01:55 quran
0:01:56 previous one the previous one and so on
0:01:58 so forth and you go back throughout the
0:02:00 whole of the centuries they all referred
0:02:02 to a book that the muslims believed in
0:02:03 called the quran up until the 7th
0:02:05 century you go before the seventh
0:02:07 century no mention of quran after the
0:02:09 seventh century they start to mention
0:02:10 the quran
0:02:12 so the question is secondly we also know
0:02:15 that the quran was known to the people
0:02:17 of the arabian peninsula in peninsula in
0:02:20 the second in the seventh century
0:02:23 so we have ample air testimonial
0:02:25 evidence to demonstrate you know
0:02:27 historical evidence narrations you know
0:02:30 even written evidence that the quran in
0:02:33 the seventh century was revealed or was
0:02:35 was known to those people in the arabian
0:02:37 peninsula so the question we're going to
0:02:40 look at is in the seventh century
0:02:44 in the arab arabian peninsula the hijas
0:02:47 who could have been the possible author
0:02:49 of the quran
0:02:50 well we have four possible authors
0:02:52 one it could be a non-arab
0:02:55 or the non-arabs
0:02:57 secondly it could be the arabs who
0:02:59 produced the quran
0:03:00 thirdly it could be the prophet muhammad
0:03:02 sallallahu alaihi wasallam or fourthly
0:03:06 it could be allah
0:03:08 these are the only four possible authors
0:03:10 of the quran within the seventh century
0:03:13 in the arabian peninsula
0:03:15 where we can easily discount that the
0:03:17 non-arabs could have been the author of
0:03:19 the quran the quran is in arabic and
0:03:22 thus requires someone who is aware of
0:03:24 the arabic language is an obvious point
0:03:26 plus living in the arabian peninsula in
0:03:29 the 7th century so a non-arab by
0:03:31 definition who doesn't know arabic yeah
0:03:33 will not be the author of this the quran
0:03:37 this now leaves us with three possible
0:03:39 authors
0:03:40 for the quran well could the quran have
0:03:44 been produced by the arabs of that time
0:03:47 we know that the arabs were experts in
0:03:49 the arabic language
0:03:51 we mentioned in the previous videos that
0:03:53 the arabs prized language to a high
0:03:55 degree
0:03:56 composition of poetry was the method of
0:03:58 preserving their history they held
0:04:00 competitions over who produced the best
0:04:02 poetry
0:04:03 they had specialist poetry judges who
0:04:06 could adjudicate the verses that were
0:04:08 being produced they'd be specially
0:04:10 allocated areas in place like mecca in
0:04:13 the the market places where poets would
0:04:15 you know
0:04:16 gather the people and start reciting
0:04:18 poetry and the best of them would
0:04:20 achieve wealth and fame
0:04:22 they'd even send their children into the
0:04:24 desert in order to preserve and develop
0:04:26 the arabic language so they would send
0:04:28 them to the bedouin tribes and the
0:04:30 bedouin tribes would raise their
0:04:31 children in order one of the reasons why
0:04:33 was to preserve the arabic language to
0:04:35 make the arabic language strong and pure
0:04:38 before they come back into the cities
0:04:39 and towns
0:04:41 and we know through multiple testimonial
0:04:43 evidence about how important language
0:04:45 was to their arabs and how they would
0:04:47 produce great works of poachers as i
0:04:48 mentioned
0:04:49 you know for example an example of this
0:04:52 is the famous le cat the more alike are
0:04:55 the seven hanging poems that were
0:04:58 hung inside the kaaba they were
0:04:59 considered the best of the best poetry
0:05:02 they were the standard by which you
0:05:03 would judge other poems uh and poetry uh
0:05:07 against
0:05:09 so we certainly can consider the arabs
0:05:11 had a high degree of capability in the
0:05:13 language there were the experts secondly
0:05:16 we also know that the arabs were
0:05:18 challenged by the beliefs
0:05:20 and the linguistic miracle of the quran
0:05:23 the arabs were pagan polytheists they
0:05:25 worshipped many idols they saw
0:05:27 monotheistic message of the quran as a
0:05:29 direct challenge to their belief values
0:05:32 and practices
0:05:34 furthermore some of their practices was
0:05:37 severely criticized within the quran and
0:05:39 the sunnah and the examples and the
0:05:41 statements of the prophet sallallahu
0:05:43 alaihi wasallam for example the way they
0:05:45 buried the daughters alive the way the
0:05:47 rich and the powerful of mecca known as
0:05:49 the quraish they were criticized for
0:05:51 their exploitative practices like the
0:05:53 way they treated
0:05:55 the weak the poor the orphans or the
0:05:58 slaves at that time how tribalism was
0:06:00 rampant within society that created war
0:06:02 and division all the economic
0:06:04 malpractices and the cheating in the
0:06:06 marketplace places
0:06:08 so the quran criticized all this this
0:06:10 was part of the message of islam it
0:06:11 shook the society the quran also
0:06:14 criticized the corrupt leadership of
0:06:16 quraish by name like abu lahab or others
0:06:19 by implication like
0:06:22 or abu jahl and others so the quran was
0:06:25 revealed to a people held beliefs values
0:06:27 and practices that were severely
0:06:29 criticized
0:06:30 it wasn't surprising then that the
0:06:32 people in particular the powerful elite
0:06:36 in mecca and the arabian peninsula
0:06:38 opposed the message of the quran and the
0:06:41 the claim of prophethood of the prophet
0:06:43 muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and
0:06:45 they oppose the prophet we know this
0:06:47 from the the historical narratives and
0:06:50 historical narrations they slandered the
0:06:52 prophet sallam they attacked the prophet
0:06:54 sallallahu alaihi wasallam they attacked
0:06:56 tortured and killed the companions
0:06:58 around the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:06:59 wasallam they boycotted the prophet
0:07:01 sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his
0:07:02 followers in mecca and they even
0:07:04 conspired in the end before his
0:07:06 immigration uh to assassinate the sallam
0:07:10 later on when the prophet sallam you
0:07:12 know established an islamic state in
0:07:14 medina they send their armies to fight
0:07:16 against apostle and islam to stop islam
0:07:20 and the message
0:07:21 of the quran so what does this tell us
0:07:24 it tells us there was clearly a will
0:07:28 a desire to see islam destroyed
0:07:31 the quran only challenged the quraysh in
0:07:33 the arab society's beliefs values but
0:07:35 also made an audacious claim
0:07:38 about how to destroy islam how to
0:07:41 challenge the quran and refute the
0:07:44 prophethood of the prophet sallallahu
0:07:46 alaihi wasallam so the quran is turning
0:07:48 around and saying well if you don't
0:07:49 believe that this book
0:07:51 is in revelation then produce one surah
0:07:55 like it and we know that the shortest
0:07:57 surah of the quran
0:08:01 three sentences long that's all
0:08:03 this is all they had to produce three
0:08:06 sentences that match the eloquence of
0:08:08 the quran using the rules of the ballara
0:08:11 known to the arabs at the time at least
0:08:13 implicitly and as a result they would
0:08:16 have demonstrated that the quran is not
0:08:18 inimitable is not miraculous but was
0:08:21 within human production and therefore
0:08:23 was not from allah
0:08:26 so it's a bold challenge that the quran
0:08:28 allah is making
0:08:30 you know and so it becomes very
0:08:33 easy in our minds to realize that hold
0:08:35 on
0:08:36 if they had that strong desire to
0:08:38 destroy islam
0:08:39 and they had the capability in the
0:08:41 arabic language but they did not produce
0:08:44 the verse the surah of quran like also a
0:08:48 surah like the quran three sentences
0:08:51 like a surah of
0:08:52 quran then it demonstrates that actually
0:08:57 you know there was there's something
0:08:59 here
0:09:00 maybe they didn't have the capability to
0:09:02 produce it
0:09:03 romani who was a 10th century scholar
0:09:05 stated the inimitability of the quran is
0:09:08 manifested by the fact that despite a
0:09:10 huge number of claimants and a dire need
0:09:13 to respond the challenge was never taken
0:09:15 up it was never met
0:09:17 if then they met the challenge if so if
0:09:20 they actually did meet the challenge of
0:09:21 the quran
0:09:23 it would be clear
0:09:26 that with their desire to destroy islam
0:09:28 they would have spread this
0:09:30 far and wide across the arabian
0:09:31 peninsula we have met the challenge of
0:09:34 the quran we have imitated something
0:09:35 like a surah of the quran
0:09:38 so therefore
0:09:40 you know it's a simple it's a simple but
0:09:42 profound point but if we can say that
0:09:45 if we say that the absence of proof
0:09:48 or the absence of the proof of of
0:09:50 something that challenges the quran has
0:09:52 been met hasn't been met
0:09:54 then there is proof for its absence let
0:09:56 me just rephrase that
0:09:58 the absence of proof is proof for its
0:10:01 absence what do i mean by this the
0:10:03 absence of the fact that there is
0:10:04 something that challenges the quran by
0:10:06 the best of the arabs is a proof that
0:10:09 the arabs could not challenge the quran
0:10:12 they wanted to destroy islam they had
0:10:14 the capability in arabic language they
0:10:16 had the desire but they didn't have the
0:10:19 ability to produce anything on the level
0:10:21 of the quran
0:10:23 so we can see therefore
0:10:36 he commented upon this point he said in
0:10:38 spite of their strong motivation on
0:10:40 account of their tribal pride and
0:10:42 opposition to islam and in spite of the
0:10:44 fact that meeting the challenge would
0:10:46 have been easier for them
0:10:48 than fighting the muslims like engaging
0:10:49 the muslims in battle as they did all
0:10:51 needs to lose eventually that all they
0:10:54 had to do is meet the challenges of
0:10:55 quran but they didn't and that is an
0:10:57 indication that they couldn't produce
0:11:00 something like the quran like i said if
0:11:02 you have will
0:11:04 either desire the intention to do
0:11:06 something and you have the capability
0:11:08 you're going to get an action if you
0:11:10 don't have an action
0:11:11 which in this situation is a replication
0:11:13 of the quran or something like the quran
0:11:16 but you do know you have the will
0:11:18 then what is missing in the equation
0:11:21 capability i the ability to produce
0:11:23 something like the quran
0:11:26 and we also know from various statements
0:11:28 from the arabs at the time that actually
0:11:30 testified to the superior nature of the
0:11:32 quranic language for example
0:11:36 you know he replied about the quran he
0:11:38 goes what can i possibly say there is
0:11:41 not a single man who is more
0:11:43 knowledgeable of poetry or prose than i
0:11:45 or even that of the jinn and by allah
0:11:48 what he says bears no resemblance to
0:11:50 these things by allah what he says i the
0:11:54 quran has a sweetness to it and a charm
0:11:56 upon it the highest part of it is
0:11:59 fruitful and the lowest part of it is
0:12:01 gushing forth with bounty it dominates
0:12:04 and cannot be dominated and it crushes
0:12:06 all that
0:12:07 is under
0:12:08 it so it should be also noted that
0:12:11 this quote from
0:12:14 who's testifying to the superiority of
0:12:15 the quran actually remained an ardent
0:12:18 opponent to the prophet sallallahu
0:12:19 alaihi wasallam he was one of the
0:12:21 leaders of the quraish but there were
0:12:24 other people
0:12:25 who were poets at that time like
0:12:27 atafailadosi
0:12:29 like
0:12:32 he was
0:12:34 he was one of those people who is one of
0:12:36 the authors of the seven of one of the
0:12:38 seven poems that was hanging in the
0:12:40 kaaba and yet when he heard sur tul
0:12:43 khalthar recited to him
0:12:46 he was shocked by and he embraced islam
0:12:48 similar to philadelphia in the story
0:12:50 about how when he heard the verse of
0:12:52 quran he was known for his language
0:12:54 poetry and education he embraced islam
0:12:57 or the story of um who after hearing the
0:12:59 first seven or so verses of surah taha
0:13:02 embraced islam
0:13:05 now someone might claim
0:13:07 why don't we uh
0:13:09 someone might claim that the reason why
0:13:11 we don't have
0:13:12 uh you know a verse is comparable to the
0:13:15 quran is because the muslims destroyed
0:13:17 all challenges against the quran
0:13:19 somebody came produced the child they
0:13:21 killed him off before he could spread it
0:13:23 but the quraysh
0:13:25 had 13 years
0:13:27 before the migration the hijrah of the
0:13:29 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to
0:13:31 compose three sentences and spread that
0:13:34 message far and wide
0:13:36 that the quran has been matched
0:13:38 furthermore even when the sallam arrived
0:13:40 in medina to establish the first islamic
0:13:42 state meccan quraish still remains
0:13:44 strong and independent most of arabian
0:13:47 peninsula were still non-muslim
0:13:50 and therefore they had ample time and
0:13:52 opportunity to match the quran in fact
0:13:54 it was after eight years of the proxima
0:13:56 in medina did mecca open up to islam
0:14:02 and also we know that even towards the
0:14:04 end of the life of the prophet
0:14:05 sallallahu alaihi wasallam life in this
0:14:06 world
0:14:07 that there were people that came like
0:14:09 muslim of the liar or muslim from banu
0:14:12 hanifa tribe who also declared himself
0:14:14 the prophet and he began trying to
0:14:16 imitate the son by you know reciting
0:14:18 verses you know
0:14:20 and there's a famous story in which
0:14:24 he came to muslim and he asked muslim
0:14:28 you claim to be a prophet recite some
0:14:29 verses and i think you recite you know
0:14:32 some different narrations but one of the
0:14:34 narrations is
0:14:38 which basically means the elephant what
0:14:40 is the elephant what will make you
0:14:41 visualize the elephant it has a long
0:14:43 nose and a short tail
0:14:44 yeah and so ahmad ibn al-ass said
0:14:48 you know you know that i know that
0:14:50 you're a liar yeah that you're not
0:14:53 really a prophet so he they they were
0:14:55 people who actually went into other
0:14:57 areas within the arabian peninsula even
0:14:59 towards the end of the life of the party
0:15:00 some trying to spread their poetry and
0:15:02 this poetry became known but also it was
0:15:05 also a self-refuting
0:15:06 challenge they refuted them as having
0:15:09 anything that was inimitable
0:15:10 so we can see that there was sufficient
0:15:12 time and opportunity to ensure that if
0:15:15 the quraysh and the arabs were able to
0:15:16 match the quran they could have spread
0:15:18 it and spread this idea throughout the
0:15:20 arabian peninsula in fact this claim
0:15:23 that the victors could remove the
0:15:24 challenges not something we see when we
0:15:26 assess the reality when we look at the
0:15:28 reality we don't see this
0:15:30 there have been many occasions where
0:15:32 states have tried to destroy an idea but
0:15:34 it was just too difficult it's just too
0:15:36 held too much by too many people and too
0:15:38 strongly as we mentioned about the
0:15:40 soviet union who tried to remove
0:15:41 religion from the society but it was
0:15:43 held on to the people so even though
0:15:45 they tried to do by the force of the
0:15:47 state it still continued or even you
0:15:49 know during the
0:15:51 periods of certain times of the khilafah
0:15:53 where they try to adopt on the marathon
0:15:55 creed and they try to you know enforce
0:15:58 that creed it you know it didn't stop
0:16:00 people still adhering to the other
0:16:02 creeds so this idea that you know they
0:16:04 the muslims somehow achieved dominance
0:16:06 and destroyed it's just false it's just
0:16:07 not a correct and irrational concept
0:16:10 regards to that
0:16:12 and only that but also the islamic state
0:16:14 when it spread in the early period so
0:16:15 did the arabic language so when new
0:16:17 lands were opened up and many of these
0:16:19 new lands had a large number of
0:16:21 non-muslims
0:16:23 they also started to learn arabic so you
0:16:24 had non-muslims in these lands in the
0:16:27 arab arabic speaking lands who spoke
0:16:29 arabic who also had the access or the
0:16:31 ability to produce something like the
0:16:33 quran so yet but yet throughout the
0:16:36 whole of the islamic history all the
0:16:38 muslim history or 1400 years of the
0:16:40 challenge we've not seen one single
0:16:42 person being able to match it
0:16:45 in a credible way
0:16:46 so what we've demonstrated that not only
0:16:48 were the arabs had a strong desire to
0:16:50 destroy islam and had a very relatively
0:16:53 simple way of doing it
0:16:54 but we also showed that they didn't do
0:16:57 it they were simply in unable to produce
0:16:59 something like the quran
0:17:01 so it's very clear
0:17:03 did the arabs produce quran no of course
0:17:05 they didn't so this now leaves the last
0:17:08 two possibilities could it have been the
0:17:10 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam or we
0:17:12 can discount the prophet sallallahu as
0:17:14 being the author of the quran one the
0:17:16 prophetic son would recite the verses in
0:17:17 response to various incidences at times
0:17:20 of war you know in response to questions
0:17:23 and response accusations and as soon as
0:17:25 the prophet saw recited the verse the
0:17:28 verse was now you know memorized
0:17:30 understood heard and if you had made one
0:17:33 single grammatical mistake in over 6 000
0:17:36 verses it would have been easy to point
0:17:38 it out it isn't you know i would say it
0:17:40 was impossible to speak in a
0:17:43 grammatically perfect way you have to re
0:17:46 write it down you have to look at your
0:17:48 what you're saying and that way you can
0:17:50 understand if it's grammatical you have
0:17:51 to revise it you edit it you make
0:17:53 mistake this is the nature of a human
0:17:54 being we make mistakes but yet the
0:17:56 partisan alum was reciting these verses
0:17:59 perfectly not only perfectly in terms of
0:18:00 grammar but the highest form of speech
0:18:03 in a unique genre
0:18:05 so we know that therefore you know from
0:18:07 that point of view secondly
0:18:10 is that the prophet sallam was known to
0:18:11 be the unlettered prophet
0:18:13 he wasn't known to have the ability to
0:18:16 you know
0:18:17 read or write or compose
0:18:19 literature or compose poetry as well
0:18:21 and this is what what was understood
0:18:23 about the part of sallam in the 40 years
0:18:25 prior to prophet the prophets have never
0:18:27 recited or any uh composed any forms of
0:18:30 poetry he was not known for that
0:18:32 so
0:18:33 for a person who has you know he's
0:18:35 considered unlettered
0:18:37 producing the highest form of arabic
0:18:39 language that even still today uh
0:18:42 upholds again it doesn't uh and it
0:18:45 doesn't seem possible
0:18:47 yeah that the boyzone could produce that
0:18:51 thirdly
0:18:53 the point here is really important if
0:18:55 the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:18:56 was the author of the quran then the
0:18:58 quran would be within human capability
0:19:01 if then one person could produce it
0:19:04 somebody else could replicate it
0:19:06 and that's because we mentioned this
0:19:08 before about isa al-assam that if a
0:19:10 person produces something novel all
0:19:12 they're doing is taking the prevalent
0:19:14 knowledge previous information that
0:19:16 exists within the environment and maybe
0:19:18 arranging it in a way which is novel at
0:19:20 that moment but then other people can
0:19:22 look at and see what they're doing
0:19:24 reverse engineer and produce something
0:19:26 of similar quality towards this so when
0:19:30 the prox if the participant produced the
0:19:32 quran somebody else could
0:19:35 can he use it
0:19:36 i said look at it understand it reverse
0:19:38 engineer and produce something similar
0:19:40 to it
0:19:40 fourth fourth reason why it couldn't be
0:19:42 the point of the prophetic hadith the
0:19:45 language the prophet sallamus language
0:19:46 we know in prophetic hadith and some of
0:19:48 these hadith hadith mutterwater clear
0:19:50 cut we know that it definitely came from
0:19:51 the prophet sallallahu
0:19:52 is completely different in terms of the
0:19:55 verses of quran for example the way the
0:19:57 sentences are constructed the types of
0:19:59 words that are used the style of
0:20:00 language indicate that they are
0:20:02 completely distinct distinct
0:20:04 authors
0:20:06 and also the quran contains information
0:20:08 like predictions of future events in
0:20:10 historical events which were simply
0:20:12 outside of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:20:14 wasallam's capability of knowing and
0:20:16 there's numerous examples of this
0:20:18 therefore it becomes
0:20:20 absolutely clear
0:20:22 that the quran could not have been
0:20:23 written
0:20:24 nor composed by the prophet sallallahu
0:20:26 alaihi wasallam so if we've just
0:20:28 discounted the non-arabs and we've
0:20:30 discounted the arabs and we've discarded
0:20:32 the prophet salallahu
0:20:34 anyway as being the possible author in
0:20:37 the seventh century in the arabian
0:20:38 peninsula
0:20:40 then who could be the only possible
0:20:42 author of the quran
0:20:44 allah obviously
0:20:46 so to summarize the quran was first
0:20:48 known in the arabian peninsula in the
0:20:50 7th century
0:20:51 common era the arabs were highly capable
0:20:54 in the arabic language the arabs sought
0:20:56 to destroy islam as it was antagonistic
0:20:58 to their beliefs values practices and
0:21:00 societal structures
0:21:01 if they were able to produce free
0:21:03 sentences like the quran then the
0:21:04 intellectual challenge would have been
0:21:06 met and the prophethood of the prophet
0:21:08 sallallahu alaihi wasallam would have
0:21:10 ended there and then
0:21:12 no challenge was ever met we know this
0:21:14 by first the absence of any similar
0:21:17 verses like the quran we also know this
0:21:19 because the quran remains unchallenged
0:21:22 and quran exists today if it had been
0:21:24 met 1400 years ago nobody would have
0:21:27 you know taken it forward beyond that
0:21:29 certainly there's thirdly the fact that
0:21:31 there still remains the intellectual
0:21:32 foundation uh challenge founded within
0:21:34 the quran and finally the arabs
0:21:37 themselves testified that no human being
0:21:39 could produce or replicate the quran the
0:21:41 prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is
0:21:42 one of the arabs if he produced the
0:21:44 quran then other people could have
0:21:46 produced the quran
0:21:47 therefore the only possibility the only
0:21:50 possible author of the quran for this
0:21:53 historical deductive and or historical
0:21:55 analysis method for a deductive process
0:21:58 means that only allah
0:22:01 could have been the possible author of
0:22:03 the quran
0:22:05 what if somebody claims
0:22:07 that maybe somebody in the future could
0:22:09 replicate the quran well if we've proven
0:22:11 that the author backs 1400 years ago is
0:22:14 the lord of the worlds the all-knowing
0:22:17 and if the lord of the world and all
0:22:18 knowing states that no human being will
0:22:21 produce something like the quran then we
0:22:23 can take that as
0:22:25 definitive knowledge and therefore
0:22:26 nobody in the future will have produced
0:22:30 will be able to produce the quran if
0:22:32 we've proven
0:22:33 what who is the author in the past
0:22:37 there's many more points that can be
0:22:39 mentioned in regards to this historical
0:22:41 deductive method we've not mentioned
0:22:44 also some of the non-muslim orientalists
0:22:47 throughout history that have talked
0:22:49 about the inimitable excellence of the
0:22:51 quran like for example the professor
0:22:54 of oriental studies
0:22:56 martin zamet or the orientalist aj
0:23:01 abre or professor bruce lawrence or
0:23:04 hamilton gribb or palmer or numerous
0:23:07 other writers from the non-muslims and
0:23:09 we've not even mentioned the muslims or
0:23:11 what they have said like barcalanni as
0:23:13 your journey and others
0:23:15 all of this clearly indicates to us
0:23:18 and numerous testimonial evidence
0:23:20 numerous examples that the quran
0:23:22 is a has a divine origin and just as one
0:23:26 final point
0:23:27 just like you know when we turn around
0:23:29 and say oh can a non-arab understand the
0:23:31 quran you know we're not experts just
0:23:34 like the people around who saw the
0:23:36 magicians compete with musa alayhi
0:23:38 salaam could not make the assessment of
0:23:40 whether musa al-islam's actions was a
0:23:43 magic or was it a miracle
0:23:46 that they were able to base their belief
0:23:48 that it was indeed a miracle because of
0:23:51 whom the experts testifying
0:23:55 to the inimitable nature of musa
0:23:57 al-islam's miracle and we have the exact
0:23:59 same thing we have the experts in the
0:24:01 arabic language who testify to the
0:24:04 inimitable nature of the quranic
0:24:06 language and therefore the prophethood
0:24:08 of the prophets
0:24:20 you