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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In his latest video, Elon Musk discusses the possibility of "saving and replaying memories" in the future. He argues that this is a form of "magical" technology which is rooted in deception. Musk's comments bypass important discussions happening in academia, and could have negative consequences for society.

00:00:00 In his latest video, Elon Musk discusses the possibility of "saving and replaying memories" in the future. He argues that this is a form of "magical" technology which is rooted in deception. Musk's comments bypass important discussions happening in academia, and could have negative consequences for society.

  • 00:05:00 Elon Musk discusses the idea that memories are composed of a combination of what we remember and the emotions we feel when recalling those memories. Despite the impossibility of saving emotions, he believes that memories can be retrieved through technology. However, this cannot be done without first understanding the emotions themselves and how they are tied to specific neurological pathways.
  • 00:10:00 Elon Musk discusses the limitations of science and technology, and how they can be used to enslave people. He says that even if scientists and engineers manage to create sophisticated machines, they will never be able to create life-bearing machines or even create simple flies. The Quran shares similar views, stating that even if scientists and engineers manage to create sophisticated machines, they will not be able to create life-bearing machines or even create simple flies. This knowledge helps Muslims to understand the limits of science and technology and to not give themselves over to those who speak in scientific and technological jargon without intending to help people.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:05 is the hijab 10
0:00:07 discount code for 10 percent discount on
0:00:09 a wide range of products including
0:00:11 premium ethiopian black seed products
0:00:13 assalamu alaikum
0:00:15 how are you guys doing it's a nice day
0:00:19 and it's a nice day to comment on
0:00:21 something which is very viral on the
0:00:23 internet
0:00:24 the neural link and obviously our
0:00:26 brother zeeshan from smile to janna has
0:00:28 an entire video on this which you can
0:00:30 check out
0:00:31 but let me talk about this because
0:00:33 actually when i went to santa clara i
0:00:34 went to santa clara which is also known
0:00:36 as
0:00:36 silicon valley and i had a debate
0:00:40 with one of the intellectuals there or
0:00:43 one of the
0:00:44 people who represented atheism an
0:00:46 atheism debate in
0:00:48 sacramento and i was in california and i
0:00:50 went to santa clara
0:00:51 and there was someone who actually works
0:00:53 with elon musk
0:00:54 who came to me and he said he wants to
0:00:56 have me speak to elon musk
0:00:59 privately and so on and so forth and at
0:01:01 that time
0:01:02 the schedules were conflicting i mean i
0:01:04 had to go back to london
0:01:05 i had to go to la first and then go back
0:01:07 to london and so the schedules were
0:01:09 conflicting and unfortunately i wasn't
0:01:12 able
0:01:12 to make that that meeting but of course
0:01:15 now if we
0:01:16 uh want to reschedule it we can i know
0:01:18 obviously elon musk
0:01:19 or his employees or anyone who works for
0:01:21 him can
0:01:22 contact me uh on the email that belongs
0:01:25 to this channel you can obviously go to
0:01:26 the about us
0:01:27 page or the section on the youtube
0:01:29 channel and send me an email
0:01:30 with the appropriate titling but having
0:01:32 said this now
0:01:34 the reason why i've just thought of elon
0:01:35 musk is because of the whole neural link
0:01:37 discussion that's being had but before
0:01:39 we have that discussion and
0:01:40 before i comment on those things let's
0:01:42 see what elon musk actually said which i
0:01:45 thought
0:01:45 was quite problematic let's take a look
0:01:47 at what he says will you be able to save
0:01:49 and replay
0:01:50 memories in the future
0:01:53 uh yes i think uh in the future you will
0:01:55 be able to save and
0:01:57 replay memories um i mean this is
0:01:59 obviously sounding increasingly like a
0:02:01 black mirror episode
0:02:02 before i comment on this situation here
0:02:04 with elon musk
0:02:05 i want to say something which is that
0:02:07 you know back in the days
0:02:09 magic used to be illusionary you used to
0:02:11 have some kind of you know trick
0:02:12 to take the bunny out of the hat and so
0:02:15 on that would be magic
0:02:16 but i want to give you maybe a thought
0:02:18 experiment something to think about
0:02:20 if we brought one of our smartphones or
0:02:23 maybe a rocket or
0:02:24 a car and we transported it back to
0:02:28 let's say the 8th century or the 9th
0:02:30 century what do you think people would
0:02:32 say about this instrument this
0:02:34 technological instrument i'm pretty sure
0:02:36 that they would call this magical and
0:02:39 the reason why
0:02:40 they would call this magical is because
0:02:41 for them it's completely inexplicable
0:02:43 they can't explain it in any way shape
0:02:45 or form
0:02:46 so they would attribute it to the demons
0:02:47 they would attribute it
0:02:49 to magic and magic really works best
0:02:53 when the person who's doing it is able
0:02:56 to delude
0:02:58 in a sense deceive individuals into
0:03:01 thinking
0:03:02 that they can do something which is not
0:03:03 actually possible
0:03:05 which defies the scope of the empirical
0:03:08 reality
0:03:10 and i think that to be honest with you
0:03:12 um when i was growing up i used to watch
0:03:14 these
0:03:15 you know when i was a kid i used to
0:03:16 watch people like david blaine and these
0:03:18 you know
0:03:19 famous magicians recently i saw david
0:03:21 blaine he's on the
0:03:23 gre uh joe rogan experience podcast
0:03:26 and he was vomiting out some frogs and i
0:03:29 i promise you even joe rogan was
0:03:30 felt sick and disgusted from this and i
0:03:33 don't think
0:03:34 that we have room for that kind of
0:03:36 illusionary type of magic anymore it's
0:03:38 boring now it's
0:03:39 the thing of the past it's a waste of
0:03:41 time
0:03:43 and actually it's quite disgusting in
0:03:44 the case of the example i just gave you
0:03:46 but the most effective magic i see
0:03:49 happening now
0:03:50 relates to people speaking in
0:03:52 technological terms scientific terms
0:03:54 so-called
0:03:55 scientific so-called technological terms
0:04:00 in ways which makes people think that
0:04:02 they can do things
0:04:04 which they can't actually do and of
0:04:06 course
0:04:07 from an islamic perspective and i know
0:04:08 from a christian perspective as well
0:04:10 the meta narrative is at the end of
0:04:11 times there will be an antichrist
0:04:13 and this antichrist or from the islamic
0:04:15 perspective
0:04:17 will literally deceive people into
0:04:19 thinking that they he can
0:04:21 raise people back from the dead
0:04:24 and of course this is impossible
0:04:28 it could be the case god knows best
0:04:31 that the antichrist does so using
0:04:34 technological jargon
0:04:37 because now almost if you use technology
0:04:40 like elon musk has in the clip that
0:04:43 we've seen
0:04:44 you can pretty much try and justify
0:04:46 anything so let's get to the point of
0:04:49 why what elon musk said itself is really
0:04:52 problematic
0:04:53 and it bypasses so many discussions are
0:04:55 happening in academia
0:04:57 in such a you know casual way let's talk
0:05:00 about it
0:05:01 so when he was asked about saving and
0:05:04 retrieving
0:05:05 memories elon musk states
0:05:09 that he thinks it's possible to do so
0:05:11 but what our memories really are
0:05:12 composite of
0:05:15 what our memories really are composite
0:05:16 of because memories
0:05:18 are not just the information retrieved
0:05:20 from the five
0:05:21 senses they are not just the information
0:05:24 retrieved from the five senses
0:05:26 memories are also the experiences or the
0:05:29 first person subjective
0:05:31 states otherwise known sometimes as
0:05:33 emotions that we had
0:05:35 when we were undergoing such things
0:05:37 whatever it is that we were going
0:05:38 through
0:05:39 so i want you to think of a memory that
0:05:41 you you're acquainted with
0:05:42 maybe with a loved one now obviously if
0:05:45 i were watching the same thing if
0:05:46 for example you got that video of
0:05:50 you and your son daughter mother
0:05:53 uh father person that you love and it
0:05:55 was a really meaningful memory to you
0:05:58 and i watched it on a television set am
0:06:01 i gonna have the same experience with
0:06:02 that
0:06:03 information as you would of course not
0:06:06 of course not the reason why is because
0:06:09 the feelings that you had
0:06:11 interacting with that information are
0:06:12 completely different to the feelings
0:06:14 that i have
0:06:15 now the question is can emotions be
0:06:17 saved
0:06:18 stored and retrieved the answer is
0:06:20 unequivocally no
0:06:21 they can't be because they're
0:06:22 first-person subjective experiences
0:06:24 and as thomas sneagle says science is
0:06:27 the work of third person
0:06:29 science works in the third person so how
0:06:31 can third-person science access in the
0:06:33 first place
0:06:34 first person subjective experiences
0:06:38 another issue is this say for example we
0:06:41 take the physicalist view
0:06:42 which by the way is unprovable through
0:06:45 neurology
0:06:46 because physicalism is an assumption
0:06:47 it's a metaphysical
0:06:49 philosophical assumption and you have to
0:06:52 have this assumption in order to think
0:06:53 somehow that it's possible to take
0:06:55 first-person subjective experiences and
0:06:56 save them and retrieve them
0:06:59 but let's say for the sake of argument
0:07:01 we take this view
0:07:02 to be charitable and say
0:07:05 we put an individual under an mri scan
0:07:08 and we
0:07:09 activate for example we stimulate
0:07:13 their love center for example by showing
0:07:15 them pictures or videos
0:07:17 of people that they love showing them on
0:07:19 the other hand pictures and videos of
0:07:20 people that they hate
0:07:23 and tracking in the on their brain
0:07:26 the centers the neurological centers
0:07:29 which
0:07:30 activate when you know the when they are
0:07:32 reminded of the people that they love
0:07:34 versus when they're like
0:07:35 reminded of the people that they hate
0:07:37 you'll see in the brain
0:07:39 in that mapping for the sake of argument
0:07:42 a certain area
0:07:44 or certain neurons reacting in a certain
0:07:46 way let's say for the sake of argument
0:07:48 they react in ways
0:07:49 call it abc love whenever love is
0:07:52 present
0:07:53 abc is present in the brain this is a
0:07:55 neurological
0:07:57 uh kind of like you know a reaction to
0:07:59 love
0:08:00 abc and whenever hate is with the the
0:08:03 the opposite whenever hate is there cde
0:08:06 neurological pathways are activated and
0:08:08 firings happen
0:08:09 in on the mind on the brain sorry and
0:08:12 when this happens
0:08:14 okay you think
0:08:17 as the scientists so love equals abc and
0:08:20 hey equals
0:08:20 cde right are you with me here so
0:08:24 you got the brain under the mri and
0:08:26 you're stimulating it with love and hate
0:08:28 and you think love is abc and you think
0:08:31 hate is d
0:08:32 c d e okay now
0:08:35 in the case of love which is abc in the
0:08:37 case of love which is abc
0:08:39 the question is is neurological pathway
0:08:41 abc
0:08:43 only present when love is present
0:08:46 so david papanua says no
0:08:50 and this is the argument an undercutter
0:08:52 for me
0:08:53 in the academic literature which i
0:08:55 believe smackdown
0:08:57 is a smackdown argument for this kind of
0:09:00 reasoning if
0:09:03 only love caused abc then you'd have
0:09:07 more of an argument but it's not the
0:09:09 case that abc
0:09:10 is instantiated only when love is there
0:09:14 and even if that was the case whenever
0:09:16 love is there and only love
0:09:18 abc is there then there'd be an issue
0:09:20 with
0:09:21 saying that correlation equals causation
0:09:23 so there's two layers of problem
0:09:25 which show us how it is impossible even
0:09:28 on physicalist grounds
0:09:30 that emotions can sometimes somehow be
0:09:33 saved and retrieved and then
0:09:35 saved and then retrieved so
0:09:38 this is where individuals
0:09:41 who who use technology
0:09:45 may not be who may not be acquainted
0:09:47 with the academic literature on the
0:09:48 topic
0:09:49 on the heart problems of consciousness
0:09:52 will make such claims very casually
0:09:57 to make people think that they can
0:09:58 actually do things which are not
0:09:59 possible
0:10:01 in fact it's not possible to save let me
0:10:02 tell you this now it's not possible to
0:10:04 save
0:10:05 and retrieve how you felt about anything
0:10:08 because how you felt is a first person
0:10:11 subjective state
0:10:12 and how you felt is inextricably linked
0:10:15 to how
0:10:16 and what you did and that is
0:10:19 the equation for an experience and a
0:10:21 memory otherwise
0:10:22 it's the same as me videoing something
0:10:24 on my phone saving and retrieving what's
0:10:26 the difference a neural link you put it
0:10:27 in your brain
0:10:28 video and something on my phone there's
0:10:30 not much difference you see
0:10:32 so here it's very important to note that
0:10:35 those postulations that are made
0:10:37 are false because if we start to believe
0:10:40 these individuals who speak in these
0:10:42 technological ways
0:10:44 and these scientific ways in order to
0:10:46 really make philosophical arguments
0:10:48 or at least make assumptions which have
0:10:51 uh
0:10:52 make arguments which have philosophical
0:10:53 presuppositions physicalist
0:10:55 presuppositions in this case
0:10:57 then that is the slippery slope
0:11:00 that will lead ultimately to
0:11:04 believing that these individuals are
0:11:07 worth
0:11:07 your in in a sense mental subordination
0:11:10 quite frankly
0:11:11 mental and ideologically even
0:11:14 subordination
0:11:15 and this is the pathway leading to the
0:11:19 antichrist from our perspective leading
0:11:21 to
0:11:21 the gel from our perspective so we have
0:11:23 to be careful of
0:11:24 those realities so the reason why this
0:11:27 is
0:11:28 important to this whole narrative of the
0:11:30 antichrist
0:11:31 is because from our perspective as
0:11:33 muslims that the jail the antichrist
0:11:35 will come at the end of times and will
0:11:36 tell people
0:11:37 that look i'm going to be able to raise
0:11:38 your parents i'm going to be able to
0:11:39 raise the dead i'm going to be able to
0:11:40 do these things and
0:11:42 and then finally he's gonna ask people
0:11:44 for his worship
0:11:45 which is really in truly submission
0:11:47 mental
0:11:48 and ideological submission so i say to
0:11:50 elon musk it'll be really interesting
0:11:53 uh you know it was two years ago when i
0:11:55 was meant to come and see you
0:11:57 in silicon valley with the invitation of
0:12:00 your
0:12:01 your colleague or your employee
0:12:05 in santa clara and of course i'm willing
0:12:08 to do that
0:12:09 still like we can have a conversation on
0:12:11 zoom we and so on and so forth but the
0:12:13 point is
0:12:15 these are big questions about life and
0:12:17 the quran actually has something to say
0:12:19 about life in general and about what you
0:12:21 can and can't do
0:12:22 and by knowing what you can't do then
0:12:25 you can't aspire to impossibility
0:12:27 and the quran says this look
0:12:30 at me
0:12:36 those who you call besides god and take
0:12:39 as gods in other words you worship and
0:12:40 you give them that mental subordination
0:12:42 and that
0:12:43 you know that absolute subordination
0:12:45 submission
0:12:46 besides the creator god allah we call
0:12:50 allah
0:12:53 they will not even be able to create a
0:12:55 fly
0:12:57 because even if you get the chemical
0:13:01 things that are required for a fly to be
0:13:03 you will never be able to
0:13:04 to put in that fly first person
0:13:06 subjective experiences
0:13:08 you will never be able to give that fly
0:13:10 consciousness life-bearing consciousness
0:13:13 and therefore you'll never be able to
0:13:14 create a fly in the first place
0:13:18 the quran says even if they come
0:13:19 together and try
0:13:21 and do so so knowing all those things
0:13:24 will let us know
0:13:26 what the limits are to science and
0:13:28 technology generally
0:13:30 and not allow us to give ourselves as
0:13:32 slaves
0:13:34 to such individuals who speak in
0:13:36 scientific
0:13:37 and technological jargon but intend
0:13:40 nothing but
0:13:40 magic was like
0:13:54 you