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Atheistic vs Religious Justice - LSE University of London (2017-11-21)

## Description

This is a brief talk about the concept justice as per the religious, or more specifically Islamic, and atheistic narratives.

Summary of Atheistic vs Religious Justice - LSE University of London

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses the idea that justice can be objectively realized in different ways, depending on one's perspective. argues that from a Muslim perspective, offering evidence is the best way to achieve justice.

*00:00:00 Discusses the idea that justice can be objectively realized in different ways, depending on one's perspective. One example given is a child dying in Africa, which would be seen as a bad thing by someone with a religious perspective, but would not be seen as a bad thing by someone without a religious perspective. then goes on to discuss the Islamic tradition, which believes that Allah Himself is all-knowing and can prove His teachings are true by making predictions that come true.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses Islamic perspective on justice, which differs from that of Christianity and Hinduism. argues that justice must be done according to the scriptures of a specific faith, and that it is impossible for God to allow justice to prevail without it.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the difference between "religious justice" and "atheistic justice," noting that religious justice is based on personal beliefs, while atheistic justice is based on logical reasoning. He argues that, from a Muslim perspective, offering evidence is the best way to achieve justice.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 [Music]
0:00:20 see how justice be objectively
0:00:26 actualized in that context it cannot be
0:00:30 objectively actually I'm gonna give you
0:00:32 a crude example of a child dies a small
0:00:35 boy dies in Africa or something like
0:00:38 this someone whose approval was no other
0:00:40 faith clearly this is a bad thing and
0:00:44 then expected where it's not good but
0:00:47 where has justice been actualized you
0:00:50 know there are people that live to give
0:00:51 you 40 50 60 this young boy has died
0:00:55 where has justice been actualized and
0:00:58 has not been actualized because really
0:01:01 the physical realm around us as always
0:01:05 sees over again so from that perspective
0:01:08 it ends at that the boy dies you have to
0:01:12 do this actually a rearrangement of
0:01:13 atoms if you look at on naturalism it
0:01:16 has no spiritual objective value that's
0:01:20 why you'll find you could say religion
0:01:22 fills in the gap for justice any kind of
0:01:25 religion I'm not saying a certain
0:01:26 civility what happened
0:01:28 religious faiths tradition attempts to
0:01:30 come with a meta-narrative which fills
0:01:34 in the gaps for these problems so
0:01:36 Christianity obviously in the Sun
0:01:38 Judaism Islam but let's look Judaism
0:01:41 have concepts of the afterlife of the
0:01:43 afterlife wrecking their judgment why
0:01:47 because it's necessary for a site
0:01:48 perspective what happens in this world
0:01:52 is inextricably connected with what
0:01:56 happens and here are the same thing with
0:01:57 Rosetta there was a deaf gentleman we
0:02:00 believe
0:02:00 of judgment the day of judgement is an
0:02:03 incredibly important concept and inside
0:02:06 Trisha why because that boy that has
0:02:09 died a very young age when that boy dies
0:02:15 is it the end of the story that no for
0:02:17 the Muslim absolutely Christian it's not
0:02:19 the end of the story even for the second
0:02:22 dinner because the what did the
0:02:23 reincarnated into snakes would be in
0:02:25 Lion human whatever could be yeah but
0:02:33 you know or it could be the facts from
0:02:35 our perspective Christian perspective
0:02:37 that he goes to him or from the sea
0:02:39 perspective that he is meshed back into
0:02:43 garden becomes part but a new Jewish
0:02:45 perspective that he's once again in the
0:02:48 company of God in a way which constant
0:02:51 dependent per se in Judaism maybe but
0:02:57 yeah so everyone has some kind of
0:02:59 solution or we go back to our prophet on
0:03:02 issue how do you prove your concepts how
0:03:06 do you know that what you're saying is
0:03:07 true that's why there's an important
0:03:11 thing which the Islamic tradition comes
0:03:15 with which I would say is one says
0:03:18 including me but it's something which is
0:03:23 because a specific to the son to issue
0:03:27 point one and we believe that God
0:03:31 Himself is all just of course but that
0:03:35 his commandments of his scripture of the
0:03:39 line person that it can be shown to be
0:03:43 true because all human beings have an
0:03:46 urge a craving for some kind of rational
0:03:49 evidence base so we have six thousand
0:03:54 two hundred
0:03:54 6ix which are translated verses and area
0:04:00 in arabic with what it is is it's really
0:04:03 evidence in other words the Islamic
0:04:08 tradition doesn't say just believe it
0:04:10 doesn't say that it says first of all be
0:04:13 exposed to the evidences of Islam okay
0:04:18 understand the theories understand and
0:04:20 if you are convinced then the problems
0:04:26 of justice a problems of evil all of
0:04:28 those will be results so from our
0:04:30 perspective is not the fact that we just
0:04:31 wanted to a Muslim family is wrong
0:04:34 perspective and that we just follow our
0:04:37 forefathers follow know what we are
0:04:40 provided with lack perspective is
0:04:42 endless
0:04:42 what kind of engine is different kinds
0:04:45 of evidence so on challenges human
0:04:49 beings to find contradictions in from
0:04:51 sample the Quran itself has an
0:04:54 inevitability to challenge so try to do
0:04:56 something like it
0:04:57 the karai it makes predictions of the
0:05:01 future which couldn't have been known
0:05:02 because obviously Greece could not have
0:05:05 known something of the future the Quran
0:05:08 is from endoscope the outreach language
0:05:13 or the usage of advertisement at that
0:05:14 time I've not perspective it was
0:05:16 something which couldn't have been
0:05:18 realized the Prophet Muhammad SAW
0:05:19 someone's character itself is seen as an
0:05:22 exemplar heritage the knowledge of
0:05:24 Islamic narrative itself makes perfect
0:05:26 sense from our perspective the idea of
0:05:29 one of the resistance or my fusing when
0:05:32 digital being has been exposed
0:05:35 well one diva B is exposed to the
0:05:38 evidences now they have a histological
0:05:40 base this hunk is such a light weight
0:05:44 can have an epistemological base you
0:05:45 have reason to believe when you have
0:05:47 reason to believe the concepts make
0:05:49 sense we have reason to understand the
0:05:51 judgment actually the day of judgement
0:05:53 helmet makes actually a true place Texas
0:05:55 hell is actually two persons from that
0:05:58 angle
0:05:58 we have resolution to the movie
0:06:00 that I go
0:06:02 human beings have a sad to be fair I
0:06:05 think Christians would say something
0:06:06 similar maybe not with the same kind of
0:06:09 argumentation what really this is when
0:06:11 we stand so from an Islamic perspective
0:06:13 the first point will say is that it
0:06:17 slams a religion whereby you have one
0:06:20 God that one God is the one greater the
0:06:23 universe who sustains you must maintain
0:06:25 it and he doesn't allow justice to
0:06:27 prepare it's impossible it's impossible
0:06:29 for God to allow justice to prevail
0:06:32 sorry evils for justice
0:06:37 oh great
0:06:43 DCP is in babysit alright so you see
0:06:48 what I mean
0:06:49 so it's impossible for justice not to
0:06:52 prevail with God a new picture and this
0:06:55 one God that sent more prophets and all
0:06:57 of the prophets came with the same exact
0:06:59 message which is to believe in one God
0:07:00 and to worship in that one and then to
0:07:04 come and do things which amount to
0:07:05 justice that's why in Orion
0:07:07 we have verses which specify how we
0:07:10 should be just to other people I feel
0:07:12 some sort of demand that chapter 5 the
0:07:14 Quran verse a well most part I had a
0:07:16 book that says yeah that you're a
0:07:20 dentist
0:07:21 he says o you who believe yeah be Hunico
0:07:26 I mean be upright injustice witnessing
0:07:30 true witnessing basically and a portion
0:07:34 of the right kind of apportioning the
0:07:37 rights of use of my faces well I had to
0:07:41 remember coach and I have a common so
0:07:46 don't let the enmity of those people any
0:07:50 person whoever it is people that don't
0:07:53 want you to to be a problem just to stop
0:07:56 you from being justice and be just and
0:07:58 that's closer to being pilot highest row
0:08:00 and another person certain research
0:08:03 chapter for the Quran says cool new
0:08:05 column in every Christian
0:08:06 well I have physical know where they are
0:08:09 not coming just bejust
0:08:11 okay easier than this against yourself
0:08:15 were against your parents and justice
0:08:18 for us from an Islamic perspective
0:08:19 despite what the media might it takes me
0:08:21 people really is something which is
0:08:24 blind it could be to Muslims to
0:08:25 homeowners that's why I go to my success
0:08:28 in the same chocolate chapter five the
0:08:29 right way that or faculty will I said if
0:08:35 you judge between them I and Christian
0:08:37 and the Jews or other disbelievers then
0:08:40 judge with fairness and justice right
0:08:44 and very oft repeated of us in the lobby
0:08:46 people notice appeal that certainly God
0:08:48 likes those who have just so but what is
0:08:51 justice attention just as generally
0:08:54 speaking is the Islamic version of
0:08:56 justice just like justice to the
0:08:57 Christian perspective we just will be
0:08:59 just as good as description justice
0:09:01 according to Hinduism will be just
0:09:03 justice according to the biography
0:09:36 anyways the point is just as usually
0:09:40 I'll say with generalizes is defined by
0:09:44 the scriptures of the specific faith
0:09:45 that means justice
0:09:48 so obviously justice for us is justice
0:09:50 put into chronic ninety justice it's
0:09:54 just Jesus
0:10:21 and that's rabbit misrata
0:10:24 and let's say that the reality is that
0:10:27 usually so what trying to establish
0:10:29 trust and foremost is an epistemological
0:10:30 base if we believe that we can attain
0:10:34 them in that Mister logical base then
0:10:36 justice or concepts of justice make
0:10:38 sense so from our perspective as Muslims
0:10:39 we try to offer evidence it's fully
0:10:41 under freeways and then just this or our
0:10:43 concepts of Justice will be more than
0:10:45 subjective
0:10:49 [Applause]