Modern Trends: Secularism | Mohammed Hijab (2022-11-24) ​
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Summary of Modern Trends: Secularism | Mohammed Hijab ​
*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.
00:00:00 - 00:25:00 ​
discusses the idea of secularism, and how it can be in conflict with democracy. It argues that secularism should be accompanied by liberalism, as the two ideologies are separate and have different assumptions.
00:00:00 we are going to be discussing secularism and its connection to Islam. First, we will be discussing how secularism is defined and how it depends on the definition of religion. Next, we will be discussing some of the arguments used against secularism, specifically that it is necessary for Muslims to modernize and secularize in order to be in line with the Western way of life. Finally, we will be discussing how secularism is a necessary part of a modern world, and how it presupposes the separation of religion and the state.
- *00:05:00 Discusses the idea of secularism and its distinctions from religion. It points out that, in order to be secular, one must first define what they mean by religion. If one defines religion as a transcendental idea, then secularism becomes problematic, as it would then be accepting of one ideology over another. also discusses the idea of modern trends - secularization and westernization - and how they are contingent on certain notions about religion. Finally, the video cites a verse from the Bible in order to argue that Christianity is not secular.
- 00:10:00 Peter Berger, a prominent sociologist, believes that there is a trend of secularization-to-desecularization, which he defines as the assumption that we now live in a secular world being false. The UK, being a country with institutionalized religion, is an example of a society which is secular but not entirely. Berger discusses the contradiction between the West's professed secularism and the continued presence of religious privilege in various parts of society.
- *00:15:00 Discusses how secularism and democracy are not always compatible, and that there is tension between democracy and secularism. Van Mills argues that secularism has failed, and that the only way to successfully have a secular state is if it is accompanied by a strong democratic ethic.
- *00:20:00 Discusses the role of secularism in modern societies, and how it can be in conflict with democracy. It argues that secularism should be accompanied by liberalism, as the two ideologies are separate and have different assumptions.
- *00:25:00 Discusses the idea that there is a false distinction between free speech and censorship, and how this distinction is arbitrary and unhelpful in analyzing the situation. He goes on to say that the modern criticism of the western world is that you are letting us do what we want or at least think that we are doing what we want. suggests that a totalitarian system is better than this, because with a dictatorship we know where the boundaries are and we know why someone is going to be killed.
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0:00:00 oh
0:00:06 foreign
0:00:09 to the second session on the modern
0:00:11 Trends module today we're going to be
0:00:14 talking about secularism and its
0:00:16 connection with Islam in the Muslim
0:00:17 World
0:00:18 um of course secularism is something we
0:00:20 didn't actually formally cover in the
0:00:22 London area and it's something very
0:00:24 important not least because of something
0:00:26 which keeps coming up in discourses with
0:00:28 Muslims and non-muslims when I had
0:00:29 discussion with Jordan Peterson this
0:00:32 kind of was uh uh brought up in effect
0:00:34 before I had my first discussion with
0:00:36 him
0:00:37 it was one of his major criticisms of
0:00:39 Islam and so and this is something you
0:00:41 find in the western Academy a lot of
0:00:43 people will say like you know
0:00:45 uh why Islam isn't secular is the reason
0:00:49 why it's behind for example and this is
0:00:51 one of the main arguments they use
0:00:52 in fact they say that
0:00:55 this is connected to issues to do with
0:00:57 the Reformation
0:00:58 I try to enumerate the kind of uh
0:01:02 the kind of arguments the main arguments
0:01:05 that are used about this they say the
0:01:08 first catalog is Islam slash Muslims
0:01:11 needs to modernize and so really what
0:01:14 they mean by modernize is to secularize
0:01:16 and that's one of the things they one of
0:01:17 the staple part of a modern world is the
0:01:20 secular order
0:01:21 the second kind of argument is uses like
0:01:23 Islam or Muslims need to secularize and
0:01:25 they just say it like that they need to
0:01:28 do that
0:01:29 and the third one is Islam Muslims need
0:01:31 to westernize
0:01:33 and they are less likely to put in those
0:01:34 in those terms because it has Colonial
0:01:36 connotations
0:01:38 but these are the three kinds of ways
0:01:40 that it can be put across now the word
0:01:43 secular itself
0:01:45 etymologically comes from the Latin root
0:01:48 word meaning that which relates to the
0:01:49 world yeah
0:01:51 and is in opposition to the church
0:01:55 and it's a belief or ideological
0:01:58 commitment to the separation of religion
0:02:01 and this uh worldly effect this is from
0:02:03 Kenny
0:02:05 uh secular secularization is the process
0:02:07 because secularism is the word and
0:02:10 secularization
0:02:12 according to Burger is the process by
0:02:15 which sectors of society and cultures
0:02:17 are removed from the domination of
0:02:19 religious institutions
0:02:21 vernacularly if you look at the
0:02:23 dictionaries
0:02:24 secularism is really the separation
0:02:26 between church and state now already
0:02:30 what if if you really think about this
0:02:34 which should strike you as one of the
0:02:36 main things about the word secular
0:02:38 is that the definition itself
0:02:42 I should ask maybe I should ask what
0:02:44 does the definition depend on
0:02:46 the one second what is the definition
0:02:48 depend on
0:02:49 if I say
0:02:51 secularism
0:02:53 a separation between religion religious
0:02:55 institutions or religion and the state
0:02:57 what does the definition of secularism
0:03:00 ultimately depend on the the definition
0:03:03 of
0:03:05 yes
0:03:06 it presupposes that there's already a
0:03:09 distinction between those two things
0:03:10 okay but what so what do we need to if
0:03:13 if you didn't have this thing you
0:03:15 couldn't have secularism
0:03:17 there you have it thank you very much
0:03:18 okay that's right without religion they
0:03:20 cannot be secularism
0:03:22 think about this about it's quite ironic
0:03:24 actually
0:03:25 because secularism is a is it is a
0:03:28 separation between religion and
0:03:30 institutions or government or whatever
0:03:31 it may be so you can't have secularism
0:03:33 without religion so it's not ironic that
0:03:35 the thing you want to get rid of is a
0:03:37 thing you need to form what you have
0:03:40 think think of that for a second then
0:03:42 you have another issue here which is
0:03:43 that if we're saying secularism is a is
0:03:47 the division between religion and the
0:03:49 state or the institutions or whatever it
0:03:51 may be
0:03:52 then now what do we need to know what
0:03:54 the definition of is religion what is
0:03:57 what constitutes us religion what
0:03:58 doesn't constitute as religion
0:04:00 and this is an area of great controversy
0:04:03 because if you look at addiction
0:04:05 obviously they're going to say all kinds
0:04:07 of things about what religion is a
0:04:08 belief in a Divine being and ritual Acts
0:04:12 or these kinds of things this is
0:04:13 dictionary definition but when you look
0:04:15 at closely when you look at what
0:04:17 sociologists have said
0:04:19 some sociologists
0:04:22 have stated
0:04:23 I think Charles Taylor is one of them
0:04:26 Charles Taylor
0:04:27 has has stated that
0:04:31 religion can
0:04:33 include any transcendental idea
0:04:36 even durkheim from what I remember once
0:04:39 again included
0:04:41 ideologies into the mix many
0:04:43 sociologists said you don't necessarily
0:04:45 need
0:04:46 a divine
0:04:48 being or something like that for
0:04:50 something to be a religion that's why
0:04:52 Buddhism is not really some say it's a
0:04:55 religion some say it's not religion but
0:04:56 it depends on what kind of definition of
0:04:58 religion you're using
0:05:00 man not all Buddhists believe in God not
0:05:02 all Hindus believe in God we covered
0:05:04 this when we talked about Hinduism so
0:05:06 something we even discussed the fact
0:05:07 that it can be an atheist Hindu
0:05:10 some Hindus classify themselves as a
0:05:12 atheist
0:05:14 you know they say we don't believe in
0:05:15 these Gods this is just like a you know
0:05:17 myth for us but it's part of our culture
0:05:19 and whatever
0:05:21 so the point is is what is religion
0:05:23 that is itself something which is open
0:05:25 to discussion
0:05:27 but then if we say it's a transcendental
0:05:29 idea we have a real big problem here
0:05:31 because if we say liberalism is a
0:05:33 religion
0:05:35 if we actually state that liberalism is
0:05:36 religion
0:05:38 and most secular states are liberal
0:05:40 democracies
0:05:42 then secularism is on the mind
0:05:45 do you see what's going on there it's
0:05:46 very problematic
0:05:48 so if you say no religion must be those
0:05:51 things which you have a divine
0:05:53 you know you know being worthy of
0:05:56 worship
0:05:58 or something like that so Buddhism is
0:06:01 not a religion then so can I have a
0:06:03 Buddha state
0:06:04 if I have a Buddhist state am I am I
0:06:06 endangering the secular ethical if I
0:06:08 have a hint to say am I endangering a
0:06:10 secular ethic or not but then if I'm
0:06:12 allowed the Hindu say why am I not allow
0:06:14 the Muslim one
0:06:16 then you know this thing has become very
0:06:18 dangerous now they don't even know where
0:06:20 to start and where to end and this is
0:06:22 where the conversation conversation
0:06:23 should start
0:06:24 what are you defining as religion and
0:06:26 why should those things only be religion
0:06:29 especially when there's a scholarly
0:06:30 backing for all these other things to be
0:06:32 called religion
0:06:35 and so these Notions of modernization
0:06:37 and secularization or westernization
0:06:42 are all contingent on these on these
0:06:44 Notions first we have to Define what we
0:06:46 mean by secularism or we have to Define
0:06:48 by religion and what is the separation
0:06:52 so any questions on this one on this
0:06:54 point so far
0:06:56 no okay
0:06:58 we'll go to the next thing
0:07:02 a lot of people
0:07:04 actually cite the verse in the Bible and
0:07:07 I'll read it to you which is in Mark
0:07:09 chapter 12 verse number 17.
0:07:11 give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar
0:07:13 and give to God what belongs to God
0:07:15 and to be honest with you this is taken
0:07:17 out of context
0:07:18 because the context here is taxation
0:07:21 it's like you know give to Caesar
0:07:22 belongs to Caesar doesn't necessarily
0:07:24 mean that's God's rights should overtake
0:07:26 or the Caesar's right should overtake
0:07:28 God's rights
0:07:30 this was not if you look at the the
0:07:32 verses before and after it's talking
0:07:34 about give tax to your state basically
0:07:37 it's not saying that you know God's
0:07:38 rights are undermined and if if you know
0:07:40 about the biblical uh discussion you'll
0:07:43 know that James and Paul had a I'm not
0:07:45 sure if you guys are aware who James
0:07:47 who's James
0:07:50 yeah he's the brother of Jesus Christ
0:07:51 yeah according to the biblical discourse
0:07:54 and stuff like that yeah there's the
0:07:55 Book of James and he had his he had beef
0:07:57 with Paul
0:07:59 you know had big beef with it
0:08:01 and Paul basically was of the opinion
0:08:04 that you know you don't have to follow
0:08:05 the laws
0:08:07 and you know there was a big scandal
0:08:09 with him and if you look at the biblical
0:08:10 discourse and the records and stuff
0:08:12 there's a big Scandal between James and
0:08:13 Paul
0:08:14 because they're of circumcision and
0:08:15 stuff like that you know but basically
0:08:18 James is saying is James was saying
0:08:21 you need to follow the law you need to
0:08:23 follow the Old Testament law so he's
0:08:24 very much and if you look at the Book of
0:08:26 James and other parts of the Bible
0:08:27 saying that you know you cannot abandon
0:08:30 the Old Testament law as Paul is saying
0:08:31 no God died on the cross Jesus died on
0:08:34 the cross and as a result of it you have
0:08:36 you yeah you don't need to follow all
0:08:38 this now you don't actually need to
0:08:40 follow all of all of this stuff
0:08:42 the reason why I bought that to the
0:08:44 table is because uh in in many ways Paul
0:08:47 was the first protagonist of the secular
0:08:50 ethic
0:08:51 it wasn't Jesus it was actually Paul
0:08:54 himself
0:08:56 because he in many ways abolished the
0:08:57 religious law the relevance of the
0:08:59 religious law but if you look at the the
0:09:01 verse of give unto Caesar what is the
0:09:03 season give unto God words to God that's
0:09:05 not enough overrageous enough
0:09:07 for us to conclude that the New
0:09:09 Testament is secular
0:09:11 if you look at the writings of Paul yes
0:09:14 he was more if you like
0:09:15 uh because he was less concerned with
0:09:18 the laws if you look at James he's way
0:09:20 more concerned with the law who was
0:09:21 right who was wrong that's the
0:09:22 discussion that James Dunn and others
0:09:24 from the Christian Scholars and you know
0:09:26 have written about and that's a
0:09:27 different discussion for another day
0:09:29 however to cite this verse and to say oh
0:09:31 Christianity is therefore secular I
0:09:32 think it's a weak argument and we need
0:09:34 to be aware of that
0:09:35 I mean before I did my first thing with
0:09:37 your Peterson he actually mentioned this
0:09:39 is a quote unquote Miracle of
0:09:40 Christianity
0:09:42 he doesn't know
0:09:44 that this is the context and the one I
0:09:46 spoke to him I might have gone on the
0:09:48 read under the radar
0:09:50 because he mentioned it like before but
0:09:52 I said it quickly I don't think many
0:09:54 people heard what I said
0:09:55 you know give on to Caesar what is on to
0:09:57 Caesar and give unto God what's unto God
0:09:59 yeah
0:10:00 and I said to him what if Caesar what if
0:10:02 Caesar was Hitler
0:10:03 and he just brushed off and didn't
0:10:05 answer it so you know what if Caesar was
0:10:08 Hitler because you know on the one hand
0:10:10 if you say well give on to Caesar what
0:10:12 is the Caesar yeah
0:10:14 if Caesar is Hitler then you have
0:10:16 totalitarianism then you have Nazism
0:10:18 then you have all the things you hate
0:10:20 you can't choose your Caesar
0:10:22 you can only give it to you can give it
0:10:23 give them the taxes give them what you
0:10:25 want so this idea of a perfect
0:10:27 separation between sessions and stay and
0:10:30 give on to See's always and using these
0:10:32 verses in a tenuous way to try and make
0:10:34 a point I think it's actually a very
0:10:35 weak argument when you look at all the
0:10:37 context behind behind it any questions
0:10:39 on that
0:10:42 so
0:10:44 Peter Berger who's a pro basically this
0:10:46 person's a prominent sociologist okay
0:10:51 he helped propound uh secular
0:10:54 secularization theories in 1960s
0:10:57 believes that there is a trend of
0:10:59 desecularization
0:11:01 I said now we're moving away from
0:11:03 secularization to desecularization
0:11:07 and he even says that the assumption
0:11:09 that we now live in a secular world is
0:11:10 false now it's interesting when you look
0:11:12 at the UK as an example
0:11:14 because the question is is the UK
0:11:16 secular it's actually one for discussion
0:11:17 it's not one way is the UK not secular
0:11:20 is it not secular because there are
0:11:22 institutions which are religious like
0:11:24 the Church of England for example
0:11:25 the Anglican Church
0:11:27 and that is in the this intertwined with
0:11:30 aspects of the government the second
0:11:32 chamber or whatever I think they even
0:11:34 have seats that are designated for for
0:11:38 the church event you'd know right is
0:11:39 that correct they have seats I don't
0:11:41 know how many of them though there are
0:11:42 in the lows maybe 12 seats
0:11:45 but they're designated for for people
0:11:48 from the heart from the church right
0:11:49 and so this is a clearly an imposition
0:11:53 and then on the other hand so we said
0:11:55 the Church of England you have uh
0:11:57 schools which are Church of England
0:11:58 schools now
0:12:00 so they have a special privilege uh
0:12:03 Church actually Church of England
0:12:05 pastors and Priests they have more
0:12:07 privileges than almost any religious
0:12:10 person from anyone else anywhere else
0:12:12 because they get these big houses
0:12:14 you know and these kind of uh
0:12:16 accommodations the Church of England
0:12:17 owns so much land in this country uh
0:12:20 people think there's some kind of
0:12:21 Toothless
0:12:23 thing but they have money these guys
0:12:25 have a lot of money you know
0:12:27 I remember having a conversation when I
0:12:29 was doing my in Oxford because a lot of
0:12:32 them were training to be priests
0:12:34 I said how much you get and he was
0:12:35 trying to play it down he's like no 20
0:12:37 30 000 35 000.
0:12:40 so why would you be doing all of this
0:12:42 he said because you know we get house
0:12:43 and we get this and we get but I said
0:12:45 okay well you know
0:12:47 we don't get any of that
0:12:49 so clearly there are privileges that are
0:12:50 afforded to Christian people that are
0:12:52 not afforded to the rest of the
0:12:53 religions so the question is is this
0:12:56 country secular or is this country still
0:12:59 somewhat at least religious to what
0:13:02 extent is this country secular it's not
0:13:03 going to be or this country is secular
0:13:05 it's not secular so this country is
0:13:07 certainly not like America
0:13:08 America is way more secular than this
0:13:11 country don't have a church like that
0:13:13 and then the ceremonial uh role of the
0:13:16 king now is he is that he is the head of
0:13:19 the Church of England as well as being
0:13:21 uh someone who has uh the power to form
0:13:24 governments you know it's kind of
0:13:25 Monarch ceremonial Monarch all this kind
0:13:27 of things
0:13:28 so
0:13:30 how do we reconcile the fact that the
0:13:33 West is telling us to be secular
0:13:35 when they themselves haven't expunged
0:13:37 themselves of the secularism that they
0:13:38 espoused
0:13:40 it's it's a bit of a it's a bit of a
0:13:42 contradiction actually and it's not just
0:13:44 the UK many Europe Western European
0:13:47 countries are like this
0:13:49 the Denmark has a monarchy I think
0:13:50 Norway has a monarchy Belgium has a
0:13:52 monarchy they have the same kinds of uh
0:13:54 situations despite the fact that from a
0:13:57 census data perspective almost all these
0:13:59 countries have a downhill trajectory
0:14:02 when it comes to population of religious
0:14:03 people
0:14:04 like in other words now I I believe the
0:14:07 the latest census
0:14:09 is going to show that England
0:14:12 has 40 Christians which is a minority
0:14:16 that I mean they haven't released it yet
0:14:18 it's going to be in May 2023 but I
0:14:20 believe it's going to show this because
0:14:22 based on British attitude surveys that's
0:14:25 the projected
0:14:26 so it's going to be for the first time
0:14:27 ever since
0:14:29 maybe the fifth century sixth sixth
0:14:33 Century 5th to 6th century
0:14:36 even before
0:14:37 what's his name uh William the Conqueror
0:14:40 because Christianity came to this
0:14:42 country around the fifth century
0:14:44 with missionaries and all this kind of
0:14:46 so so how long how long is this we're
0:14:48 talking about before Islam
0:14:50 that's that's pretty that is pretty
0:14:53 significant Islam was in the seventh
0:14:55 century so Christianity came to the
0:14:57 England like a spread and stuff around
0:15:00 the fifth century sixth Century which is
0:15:02 about 150 years 200 years before Islam
0:15:06 so that's a thousand seven hundred years
0:15:10 something like this a thousand six
0:15:12 hundred years something like this
0:15:14 and for the first time until that time
0:15:17 there will be a minority Christian
0:15:19 population in this country below 50 with
0:15:22 Christian
0:15:24 by by then we still have all these
0:15:26 Christian institutions
0:15:28 Muslims are likely to be around 10 8
0:15:30 Maybe
0:15:31 so maybe in 20 years 30 years when
0:15:33 Muslims and Christians are closer to
0:15:35 being that maybe 2020 or we can still
0:15:36 have Christian Church of England
0:15:40 why
0:15:41 then then you have some issues
0:15:43 well Democratic reasoning comes into
0:15:45 play now and this is another thing that
0:15:48 secularism and this is my second point I
0:15:50 wanted to make to everyone here today
0:15:52 uh
0:15:53 I think van his name is Van Mills yeah
0:15:55 van Mills made this poison he's a
0:15:58 scholar of uh politics or international
0:16:00 relations and all this kind of things
0:16:01 yeah and he's focused on philosophical
0:16:04 issues he said it's a mistake to think
0:16:06 that the West
0:16:08 all of the values of the West are in
0:16:10 unison with each other there's all
0:16:11 Harmony
0:16:12 he says that there are issues relating
0:16:16 to some of the values like for example
0:16:17 secularism is one value
0:16:19 but let me just give you a very simple
0:16:21 ex this is very simple but maybe you
0:16:23 haven't thought about it yet
0:16:24 in America tell me two or three
0:16:26 religious issues or issues which are
0:16:28 heavily inspired by religion which are
0:16:32 very popular for the public to know
0:16:36 abortion what else
0:16:38 transgender decisions
0:16:41 transgender surgeries like the SRS
0:16:44 surgeries
0:16:45 uh I think that's yeah it's not been put
0:16:48 up for referendum let's see so things
0:16:50 that are necessarily like something very
0:16:52 clear like recently there's been
0:16:54 referendums about and there's been
0:16:55 changing law
0:16:56 uh the teaching the um like Darwinism in
0:17:00 schools and the okay okay that's okay
0:17:03 fine creationism and stuff I don't know
0:17:05 if there's been changing or maybe state
0:17:06 by state I have to look at that but once
0:17:08 again a state by state one which is a
0:17:11 very important one to do with marriage
0:17:13 gay marriage
0:17:15 okay so so you have now think of this
0:17:17 yeah America is meant to be a secular
0:17:19 State correct all right
0:17:22 have there been referendums
0:17:24 have the public been asked about
0:17:26 abortion
0:17:28 yes
0:17:30 sometimes they said yes and sometimes
0:17:32 they say no sometimes the supreme court
0:17:34 of justice America and a very famous
0:17:36 course court case called Roe versus Wade
0:17:41 would uh would would say pro-abortion
0:17:44 things or anti-abortion things depending
0:17:46 on if there are conservatives in the
0:17:48 Supreme Court of Justice if there's more
0:17:49 conservatives or not or whatever the
0:17:51 Liberals they'll whatever
0:17:52 sometimes they'll vote against gay
0:17:55 marriage but now they've mostly
0:17:57 voted for
0:17:59 when they're doing all of these things
0:18:02 what's that tension where's the tension
0:18:05 the attention is between democracy and
0:18:06 secularism
0:18:08 because if you're saying to me
0:18:09 secularism is a separation between
0:18:11 church and state
0:18:13 but yet democracy allows me to make
0:18:15 decisions which are inspired by religion
0:18:18 about issues which are politics or
0:18:20 social socially relevant to politics or
0:18:23 whatever
0:18:25 then to what extent are you allowing
0:18:27 religion to be part of the state and the
0:18:29 government
0:18:31 either secularism is uh incapable
0:18:37 or is impotent the secular ethic has
0:18:40 failed
0:18:41 or the Democratic ethic must fail
0:18:44 so you can't have a pure democracy and a
0:18:46 pure secularism
0:18:48 what if you have a democracy and
0:18:50 everyone says I want this person to be
0:18:52 in charge who's going to implement
0:18:53 Islamic law fully in the land cutting
0:18:55 the hand and doing this and whatever
0:18:58 I had the conversation one time with
0:19:00 Adam Dean one of the guys from quillium
0:19:02 Foundation and I asked him this very
0:19:04 question
0:19:05 it's online Mariani I said what if I
0:19:08 gave him this what if and it was he was
0:19:09 buzzing he didn't know what to say
0:19:12 he just didn't know what to say I said
0:19:13 what if you have a country 99 of people
0:19:16 say we weren't cutting the hand what are
0:19:18 you going to say now
0:19:19 are we going to remove dead Democratic
0:19:20 legitimacy
0:19:22 or are you going to
0:19:23 remove the uh the secular ethic or what
0:19:27 are you gonna do
0:19:28 whatever you choose you're preferring
0:19:30 one set of morality over another because
0:19:32 the idea is that the West presents
0:19:34 itself as fully coherent
0:19:36 you have to copy a spot in order for you
0:19:37 to copy as we we have to appear that we
0:19:39 have one set of morality which you can
0:19:41 copy
0:19:43 that's the problem here and that's what
0:19:45 van Mills are saying that there is no
0:19:47 Harmony here there's no Harmony between
0:19:49 secularism and democracy and liberalism
0:19:51 and these things together
0:19:52 and I'll give you another great example
0:19:56 and these are very important examples to
0:19:58 Remember by the way because they're very
0:20:00 very powerful in discussions with
0:20:01 especially with non-muslims or people
0:20:03 that are antithetical to Islam or
0:20:05 detractors of it or something like that
0:20:06 or Muslims especially in this country
0:20:10 in this country once again the UK
0:20:13 in the 1940s
0:20:15 well 1930s and 40s or mainly the 40s
0:20:19 there was the World War World War second
0:20:20 world war yeah
0:20:23 and there was something called the
0:20:24 coalition government
0:20:26 now a coalition government means what
0:20:28 everyone comes together and they make a
0:20:30 big government it's a grand government
0:20:31 big government
0:20:32 in that coalition government what was
0:20:34 there a lack of
0:20:36 what wasn't them I should say
0:20:38 what didn't they do
0:20:40 diversity
0:20:42 but no but this if there's a coalition
0:20:44 government what isn't there
0:20:47 isn't a majority but how why is there
0:20:49 not a majority
0:20:50 because there wasn't any elections
0:20:54 they didn't have elections
0:20:57 can you imagine this now why did they
0:20:59 not have elections
0:21:01 because and by the way this is not even
0:21:02 controversial like it went over the term
0:21:05 and there weren't elections there's no
0:21:07 democracy in the country
0:21:09 they say because of the security and
0:21:10 National Security and these kinds of
0:21:11 things we can't do elections when we're
0:21:13 fighting the Germans how gonna we're
0:21:15 gonna kill this one but this battle and
0:21:17 that battle
0:21:18 Battle of the sum and Bismarck and then
0:21:20 do elections
0:21:22 no we're not going to do these things
0:21:24 so there's no election now what I'm
0:21:26 saying is
0:21:27 so you've sacrificed democracy for
0:21:29 safety
0:21:32 now is this right or is this wrong so
0:21:34 even National Security can dig can can
0:21:37 can compel you to do away with one of
0:21:40 your uh values
0:21:44 so this idea of we constantly need
0:21:47 legitimacy we constantly need a mandate
0:21:49 we hear it now even this new uh Rishi
0:21:51 sunak has become he's talking he's
0:21:53 pretending he has a mandate he has no
0:21:55 mandate in reality he has an individual
0:21:57 has a limited or Afghani zero almost
0:22:00 zero no one voted this guy
0:22:02 no one voted this guy man and yet he can
0:22:05 stand there with his five foot five
0:22:07 diminished physical stature and you know
0:22:10 in his 45 kilogram self and start
0:22:14 talking about
0:22:16 I'm the leader and I'm this he says
0:22:18 what's the I didn't vote for this guy
0:22:19 and I wouldn't vote for this guy and and
0:22:21 the list trust come out the same thing
0:22:23 this is nonsense we want to see an
0:22:26 election happen well maybe I don't care
0:22:28 if there's an election or not but at
0:22:30 least from a democratic perspective
0:22:31 that's what they should be saying and to
0:22:33 be fair that is what some of them are
0:22:34 saying
0:22:36 huh
0:22:38 yeah no but that's what I'm saying like
0:22:40 you know these people are unelectable
0:22:42 actually
0:22:44 like the only two okay with the
0:22:46 exception of Margaret Thatcher the only
0:22:48 two times you've got on a prime minister
0:22:49 that's a woman is when they were forced
0:22:51 into Power with the uh uh despite the
0:22:56 Electoral wish
0:22:58 and the only time you've got a brown man
0:22:59 in there when he was forced into power
0:23:01 and he's one of the richest person in
0:23:03 Britain
0:23:05 this was democracy and die
0:23:07 there's a diversity of a democracy for
0:23:10 example I mean what's going on here
0:23:12 Annie yeah
0:23:15 so the point is is that don't these
0:23:17 things that they espouse okay we want a
0:23:19 democracy and secularism you can't have
0:23:21 democracy what I'm saying is
0:23:23 it's impossible to have an unfettered
0:23:26 democracy and an unfettered secularism
0:23:28 at the same time that's my claim
0:23:31 and that's a simple enough claim so I'll
0:23:33 say we want you to modernize and
0:23:35 secureize say does that does your vision
0:23:37 of modernization include democracy yes
0:23:39 it does
0:23:40 so if your vision of uh if your vision
0:23:44 of
0:23:47 modernization includes democracy then
0:23:49 you must understand that you cannot have
0:23:52 an unfettered or unrestricted democracy
0:23:54 and unrestricted secularism so which one
0:23:56 should we choose
0:23:57 they say let us have the secularism so
0:23:59 what should we not have democracy then
0:24:01 oh let's have the democracies you don't
0:24:03 have the secularism then
0:24:04 and on what basis are you making this
0:24:06 decision well it's not to be a
0:24:08 democratic basis
0:24:09 because you can't be because I'm making
0:24:11 a secular decision and despite democracy
0:24:13 using a democratic basis
0:24:15 well it would be a liberal basis now you
0:24:17 have a third ideology
0:24:18 because secularism and and liberalism
0:24:21 are two separate ideologies they're
0:24:23 different things
0:24:24 like when I was doing my undergraduate
0:24:25 degree and there was a there was a book
0:24:27 that I read by Barbara Ross called using
0:24:29 political ideas she had a separate
0:24:32 chapter for democracy and a separate
0:24:34 chapter four
0:24:35 uh liberalism there's two separate
0:24:36 things yummy they're two separate things
0:24:38 we're talking about two different
0:24:40 assumptions different ideology different
0:24:42 thing so you could so if you have
0:24:44 liberalism now and liberalism is saying
0:24:46 the harm principle but then the
0:24:48 Democracy goes against the harm
0:24:49 principle it's either now the harm
0:24:51 principle of this so that there's so
0:24:54 many contradictions
0:24:55 there are actually so many
0:24:56 contradictions
0:24:58 and then when you bring in free speech
0:25:00 and free expression then you have the
0:25:02 real problem
0:25:03 because you got a free speech
0:25:05 absolutists
0:25:08 and they'll say we want for complete
0:25:09 free speech so long as you're not
0:25:10 inciting violence that's what they say
0:25:13 okay say what do you say about mocking
0:25:15 the Holocaust not just I'm not saying
0:25:18 denying the Holocaust
0:25:21 because it's illegal to do that in
0:25:22 Germany and many other countries I'm
0:25:24 saying what do you say about mocking it
0:25:28 they'll say well we can mock the
0:25:30 Holocaust but this will offend and this
0:25:32 will harm the people and this will do
0:25:33 this and that but no we can't mock the
0:25:35 Holocaust can you mock the Holocaust can
0:25:36 you not mock the Holocaust
0:25:38 so everything here is arbitrary and
0:25:40 unfortunately it goes back to the elites
0:25:43 and that's what we're seeing a lot of
0:25:45 the decisions being made on cancellation
0:25:48 on this on that whatever based on who is
0:25:51 at the top
0:25:52 certain things can be said certain
0:25:54 things cannot be said it's arbitrary
0:25:56 there is a false it is a facade the
0:25:59 veneer of yeah you guys are free Annie
0:26:03 have you heard of the panopticon is it
0:26:05 called the panopticon but Jeremy Bentham
0:26:08 it's basically this idea that
0:26:10 is a prison where you you can see
0:26:13 everybody in every cell from the because
0:26:14 there's mirrors everywhere you can see
0:26:15 it here
0:26:17 so it's the criticism the modern
0:26:19 criticism of the western world is that
0:26:21 you are letting us do what we want or at
0:26:24 least think that we're doing what we
0:26:25 want
0:26:26 you're letting us go here there but
0:26:28 you're seeing exactly what we're doing
0:26:29 and we're in your prison but as soon as
0:26:31 we go outside the bounds you're going to
0:26:33 start dealing with us in a way which we
0:26:35 don't know what you're going to do and
0:26:36 quite frankly in many ways honestly a
0:26:39 totalitarian system can be better than
0:26:40 that because with a totalitarian system
0:26:42 if you're living in an under
0:26:43 dictatorship you know where the
0:26:46 boundaries are if I do this this guy's
0:26:48 gonna beat me up the worst thing is I
0:26:50 don't know where the boundaries are I
0:26:52 don't know why this guy's going to kill
0:26:53 me put me in prison when the Drone is
0:26:55 going to come where there's going to be
0:26:57 an extra judicial killing I don't know
0:26:59 when it's going to be arbitrary based on
0:27:01 the Strategic decision-making of the
0:27:02 elites in many ways that's a more
0:27:06 trepidatious place to be
0:27:08 anxiety-ridden place to be then a
0:27:11 dictatorship because with a dictatorship
0:27:12 you know if I say these words about the
0:27:14 politics this ruler if I say these words
0:27:16 about this particular ruler here
0:27:18 I speak about politics if I do this
0:27:20 they're going to kill me or they're
0:27:22 going to put me in prison and torture me
0:27:23 okay I know the rules I get it I
0:27:25 understand it it's very straightforward
0:27:26 actually
0:27:27 a dictator is only one a very good
0:27:29 making us know what he's good what he
0:27:31 wants
0:27:34 in the west you go here you go there
0:27:37 your accounts are flow this morning my
0:27:39 account was frozen
0:27:44 is frozen this and that you you have to
0:27:48 go to this the police comes here what
0:27:50 every time you do this
0:27:52 you don't know what you yeah why they're
0:27:54 doing it even you don't know what you've
0:27:55 done
0:27:56 and in many ways that's a worrisome
0:27:58 place to be uh maybe I've just gone
0:28:01 abroad uh sorry
0:28:04 now
0:28:08 yeah so it was Charles Taylor who said
0:28:10 it's a transcendental system
0:28:17 and with that this is a very short
0:28:19 session
0:28:21 but with that we will conclude this is
0:28:23 the first session of secularism uh any
0:28:25 questions before we conclude on some of
0:28:27 the stuff that we said today
0:28:29 all right fantastic well we'll see you
0:28:32 guys later we're going to be speaking
0:28:33 about modern trends for the next three
0:28:35 weeks and then we'll move on to somehat
0:28:37 this is the second uh
0:28:39 I think it's four weeks sorry I should
0:28:41 say four weeks because it'll be six
0:28:42 weeks overall this is the second session
0:28:43 on the modern Trends and Insha'Allah
0:28:46 we'll be seeing you next week with Santa
0:28:48 Monica