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Pinecreek's Argument from Ickiness | Podcast Highlight (2021-08-29)


Pinecreek (Atheist) joined the discussion on the problem of evil as an argument against belief in the Creator.

As many chances to present a claim that the position is logically problematic he admitted he didn’t have an intellectual argument but was attempting to appeal to weak minded Muslims with an appeal to emotion.

Watch how the discussion unfolded.

00:00 Introduction and Pinecreek's Questions 14:40 Pincreek's Argument from Ickiness 19:43 Pinecreek is admitting the appeal to emotion 21:02 God's cosmic decree and God's legislative decree 25:35 Saf's comment on the "Problem of Evil" 35:44 Islamic position 36:06 Pinecreek: "There's no logical contradiction." 37:50 Pinecreek's Epistemology 39:16 The Conclusion 40:21 Where's your argument?" 42:04 Pinecreek's Emotional Reaction 44:13 Final Thoughts

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The Hosts:

Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician

Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul




Riyad Gmail:

#AppealToEmotion #Atheism #Islam

Summary of Pinecreek's Argument from Ickiness | Podcast Highlight

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:45:00

Pinecreek argues that if God did not create hell, then there would be no people in hell today or in the future. He also argues that if morality is based on the nature of God, then God would only create a world without people who commit sin. However, Pinecreek argues that this does not entail that God wants people to create people knowing that some will die without asking for forgiveness.

00:00:00 The atheist discusses the problem of evil from the perspective of pre-creation, before creatures can exhibit any free will. He then asks a Christian if the divine would create creatures in such a loving way if he didn't want them to be disbelievers. The Christian replies that the first world, without disbelief, is better because it does not have any of that.

  • 00:05:00 Pinecreek discusses the problem of evil, arguing that if allah is free, then he could have chosen to not create it. He then goes on to say that some scholars believe that there is no theological normativity here, but that it is the tension between what allah desires and what we desire that justifies his existence. He finishes by saying that if Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in allah, then they would all choose world A over world B.
  • 00:10:00 Pinecreek argues that if God did not create hell, then there would be no people in hell today or in the future. He also argues that if morality is based on the nature of God, then God would only create a world without people who commit sin. However, Pinecreek argues that this does not entail that God wants people to create people knowing that some will die without asking for forgiveness.
  • 00:15:00 Pinecreek argues that if people disbelieve in hell, then it goes against Allah's will. He says that this is something that is not "ideal" in the sense that there is evil in the world and people will be tortured in hell for eternity. He then argues that this makes it something that is not "something that is not uh you know the best of all possible world or it's not something that's morally good or justified right." He asks the listener to assume that he has no ethical theory and then ask him what his view on morality would be if he knew that all of his children would go to hell. The listener then argues that Pinecreek should still want to worship Allah because even though he doesn't like it, it is still an option.
  • 00:20:00 <>
  • 00:25:00 's presenter discusses an argument from ickiness, which states that because there is evil in the world, God must have created it. He points out that there is nothing new in what he has said, and that usually the Outsiders in theist debate offer assumptions that limit God's knowledge or power. One Outsider, who prefers Hell, is mentioned.
  • 00:30:00 Pinecreek argues that there is a logical contradiction between the idea that hell exists and the idea that allah wants people to go there. He argues that this contradiction can only be resolved by providing a definition for "god" that is inclusive of the idea that allah wants people to go to hell. However, Abdulrahman points out that this argument is based on assumptions about metaphysics and possible worlds that are not supported by evidence.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses Pine Creek's argument from ickiness, which states that there is a logical contradiction in belief in a god who wants people to go to hell, as disbelief exists. Pine Creek argues that islam fits into the contradiction, as islam says that allah created the world, created heaven and hell, and created human beings with free will. However, he argues that there is no contradiction, as islam does not fit into the argument because islam says that allah created the world, created heaven and hell, and created human beings with free will, as opposed to humans choosing to go to either paradise or hell. He also argues that anyone who wants to spend eternity in hell should raise their hand, as Abdullah admitted earlier that he agreed. concludes by pointing out that the bottom line is that there would be no hell if Allah never created.
  • 00:40:00 Pinecreek argues that, because God created knowing what would happen, some people will go to Hell. He then argues that this is an emotional argument that is not logical. Sharif points out that this is an emotional argument, not a logical one.
  • 00:45:00 Doug argues that his position, based on emotion, is better than atheism because it allows for more logical and reasoned argument. He admits that this may be why he is an atheist, as opposed to someone who bases their beliefs on logic and reason.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:08 welcome
0:00:09 hey thanks for having me on
0:00:12 um
0:00:13 and good to
0:00:14 see you staff is that how you see your
0:00:16 name yeah yeah it is it is okay well i'm
0:00:18 an atheist and um the way i usually talk
0:00:21 about the problem of evil is from the
0:00:22 perspective of god before creation
0:00:26 and then i think what you said earlier
0:00:28 was very good about not making any
0:00:29 assumptions so i'll just ask you um
0:00:33 do you believe that ala
0:00:36 sees the future it's never surprised
0:00:38 knows what's going to happen
0:00:42 yes
0:00:43 yes yeah and you you believe it's
0:00:45 perfect you can't get better than all uh
0:00:47 for sure
0:00:48 okay
0:00:49 and so
0:00:51 um
0:00:52 if we have i like the two worlds
0:00:55 uh hypothetical experiments so let's say
0:00:57 you have two two worlds one world is
0:00:59 just allah yeah
0:01:01 another world is allah plus extra stuff
0:01:04 like the universe yeah
0:01:07 uh the first world has no sin correct
0:01:12 has no pain
0:01:13 has no suffering
0:01:15 the second world has all in it but has
0:01:18 all that other stuff
0:01:20 which world is better in your opinion
0:01:22 the first world or the second world
0:01:26 well i can't make that judgment
0:01:28 um because
0:01:30 it's your opinion
0:01:32 yeah
0:01:32 but how
0:01:34 how could you compare a world let's say
0:01:37 if god inhabits a world a possible world
0:01:40 in which there is only god
0:01:42 um and
0:01:44 and i prefer let's say that word over a
0:01:46 world in which there is god in which and
0:01:48 there are creatures of god plus one
0:01:50 allah plus one in which he can then
0:01:53 manifest or exhibit or exemplify his
0:01:56 beautiful names and attributes
0:01:58 um
0:01:59 it's difficult for the mind to make
0:02:01 these judgments uh just like how how can
0:02:05 i prefer a world in which there are no
0:02:07 moral creatures
0:02:08 because there are no moral properties of
0:02:10 moral freedom to a world in which
0:02:12 you know there aren't such
0:02:14 such creatures on what basis am i
0:02:17 judging can you see i can have a i can
0:02:19 just have a an inclination or a
0:02:21 preference but that's all it could be
0:02:23 right yeah well i guess
0:02:25 the question gets more at
0:02:27 if by definition all is perfect and you
0:02:29 can't get better yeah
0:02:32 then anything you add to it's not going
0:02:33 to make it better
0:02:35 yeah for sure i think adding something
0:02:37 to
0:02:38 i don't think creation
0:02:40 adds to the
0:02:42 somehow god lacked perfection then he
0:02:44 created
0:02:45 creation then he became a little bit
0:02:47 more perfect yeah you don't believe that
0:02:48 right yeah for sure i mean but now why
0:02:51 the divine would create
0:02:54 creatures in such a loving way
0:02:56 um we were just talking about one of the
0:02:58 names of god being
0:03:00 the the love the one who loves without
0:03:02 any um need for a person to have that
0:03:05 love
0:03:06 um so
0:03:07 why he did that
0:03:10 now these are going into the realms of
0:03:11 divine motives can you see and uh
0:03:13 i will start to struggle unless he
0:03:16 discloses his reasons why is there
0:03:18 anything that you think that allah
0:03:20 doesn't want
0:03:22 no he didn't say in scripture that he
0:03:24 doesn't want it's just if someone were
0:03:26 to ask me on what what grounds
0:03:29 are you making to say one world is
0:03:32 better than another world i'm just going
0:03:33 to struggle i can give some
0:03:36 you know sort of generic reasons why i
0:03:38 might prefer one based on scripture or
0:03:40 something like that but can you think of
0:03:42 something that allah would say no i
0:03:43 don't want this
0:03:45 yeah he doesn't like for example the
0:03:47 things that lots of things that he
0:03:48 doesn't love he tells us
0:03:50 he doesn't love that people
0:03:52 um are you know
0:03:53 are deceived and they run away from him
0:03:55 okay so let's say let's call that
0:03:57 disbelief yeah disbelief let's call that
0:04:00 disbelief yeah yeah so they're in the
0:04:02 first world there's no disbelief this is
0:04:04 just allah yeah in the second world
0:04:06 there's allah plus people who do believe
0:04:09 and disbelief sure so now we have two
0:04:11 worlds
0:04:12 and one world that
0:04:14 entails something that allah doesn't
0:04:16 want disbelief for sure
0:04:19 so wouldn't you say the first world's
0:04:20 better because it first of all doesn't
0:04:21 have any disbelief in it not necessarily
0:04:24 again you need a value criterion you see
0:04:26 when you're judging between worlds
0:04:27 because the by having people who
0:04:29 disbelieve there's also the possibility
0:04:31 that people will lovingly turn to god
0:04:33 because you need moral freedom in order
0:04:35 to believe and disbelieve in god so we
0:04:38 have belief and disbelief but in the
0:04:40 first world there's just allah you can't
0:04:42 get better than that
0:04:44 so i mean well
0:04:45 i understand your answer is basically
0:04:48 you don't want to judge between the two
0:04:49 worlds do you believe allah was free not
0:04:52 to create the second world
0:04:54 for sure he's not about yeah my my what
0:04:56 i understand is that the divine
0:04:59 if he creates a world
0:05:01 then he creates it out of a choice not
0:05:03 out of a necessity so i believe in a
0:05:05 choice model of divine action i don't
0:05:07 believe in the necessitarium
0:05:09 okay so other chosen not to create
0:05:12 anything he could have chosen not to
0:05:14 because he's not bound by any
0:05:17 uh higher principle
0:05:19 or
0:05:21 any in any higher axiom by which he must
0:05:24 create a world he creates it out of
0:05:26 choice now why he created the world i
0:05:28 now allah plus the world or plus
0:05:31 creation why he created other everything
0:05:33 other than himself and whether that
0:05:35 world is better
0:05:37 it's hard hard to to judge but the fact
0:05:40 that he created it and i know he's given
0:05:42 he's blessed me with being and existence
0:05:44 so from my you know from my own
0:05:46 predilection i think it's a good word
0:05:49 there would be no disbelief of all i
0:05:51 never created correct
0:05:53 there'll be no disbelief for sure
0:05:54 there'll also be no belief
0:05:56 for sure right so okay so i agree with
0:05:58 uh it makes well it seems logical sense
0:06:01 if there was if allah is free will not
0:06:04 create zero disbelief i'm saying that if
0:06:06 someone were to say um a world
0:06:09 um in which there are creatures who
0:06:11 disbelieve which would also entail that
0:06:13 they believe as well
0:06:14 maybe that possibility of belief whether
0:06:17 or someone lovingly turns to allah that
0:06:19 might be the good the disguise good that
0:06:22 that becomes a god justifying reason why
0:06:24 allah created the world that could be
0:06:26 the good
0:06:27 um for all i know for all i know
0:06:29 um
0:06:31 but what we do get if i want to get a
0:06:33 bit mystical
0:06:35 um in the mystical
0:06:37 tradition
0:06:38 um you do get some scholars who say
0:06:41 no but this is their own deliberations
0:06:43 you know there's nothing there's no
0:06:44 theological
0:06:45 um
0:06:47 there's no normativity here but this is
0:06:50 but this is the the tension i think um
0:06:54 christians jews all have to well maybe
0:06:56 not jews have to deal with is that
0:06:59 allah tell me if you disagree with
0:07:01 anything i'm about to say
0:07:02 allah is not okay with this belief or
0:07:04 sin
0:07:05 it's not okay with it he doesn't like it
0:07:08 he created knowing what that that would
0:07:10 result for sure
0:07:12 and he said i'm going to create it
0:07:13 anyhow that's right that's basically the
0:07:16 problem of evil right there
0:07:18 that's right and the angels the angels
0:07:19 in the quranic tradition the angels
0:07:22 asked that very same question in in
0:07:24Music 0:07:25 when
0:07:26 according to our you know
0:07:28 belief adam was created
0:07:30 and then the angels asked god why are
0:07:32 you creating a being that is going to be
0:07:35 a representative that's not only going
0:07:36 to create mischief on the earth he's
0:07:38 going to create their progeny his
0:07:39 progeny is going to create bloodshed on
0:07:41 the earth
0:07:42 and then god's response was look
0:07:44 i know what you do not know so you are
0:07:46 finite creatures i know and and i am i
0:07:49 am your lord i know better
0:07:52 that there may be greater goods that
0:07:54 unfold that's one possible reason for
0:07:56 why creating human beings on earth
0:07:59 but you still have the problem of hell
0:08:01 i won't make any assumptions but do you
0:08:02 believe that some people tonight can i
0:08:04 ask you a question pine creek because i
0:08:06 think uh dr saf
0:08:09 the answer he wants from you is i would
0:08:11 choose world a over world b
0:08:14 so why don't you as a theist believe
0:08:16 that god should choose world a over
0:08:18 world b is is that's what you're getting
0:08:20 at right pine creek i mean but you need
0:08:21 a value criteria
0:08:23 yeah precisely to judge between one
0:08:25 possible
0:08:26 possible world with another possible
0:08:28 world why why must we assume that a
0:08:31 world
0:08:32 that god creating let's say automaton
0:08:35 or a world with you know just only
0:08:38 people just do good why is that a world
0:08:40 that is better than a world in which we
0:08:42 inhabit now
0:08:43 because of what you said
0:08:45 would you prefer one over the other this
0:08:47 is like an internal critique so the
0:08:48 criterion we prefer is what does allah
0:08:50 desire
0:08:52 that's the criterion allah is the
0:08:54 criterion and our response will be that
0:08:56 he that what he desires may be secured
0:08:58 by creating the kind of world that he's
0:08:59 created like this
0:09:00 but what he doesn't desire is disbelief
0:09:02 yes
0:09:03 for sure but he knows but it would be no
0:09:06 disbelief if he never created so there's
0:09:08 the tension that's not attention because
0:09:11 that because what you could say is the
0:09:13 the purpose is that god seeks by
0:09:15 creating the world with the possibility
0:09:17 the possibility not the necessity but
0:09:19 the possibility of disbelief being in
0:09:21 there god creating a world in which
0:09:24 there is a possibility of disbelief
0:09:26 because there is a possibility of belief
0:09:29 maybe
0:09:30 over the span of whatever human history
0:09:32 however or whatever span of time you
0:09:34 want to take secures the goods that he
0:09:36 wants to seek based on his wise purposes
0:09:38 right but some of those some of those
0:09:40 goods that he secures to seek is knowing
0:09:42 with a hundred percent certainty which i
0:09:44 think you believe that some will
0:09:46 disbelieve and some people
0:09:48 will willfully antagonistically reject
0:09:52 god doesn't matter what circumstance
0:09:54 they will be put in yeah right and so
0:09:56 there would be no pain no evil no
0:09:58 suffering and more most importantly
0:10:00 there'd be nobody in hell
0:10:02 today or in the future there'd be nobody
0:10:05 in hell if allah never created correct
0:10:07 if you never created hell yeah there
0:10:09 would be nobody no if you never created
0:10:10 anything
0:10:11 there'd be no anything yeah there'd be
0:10:13 no heaven in hell yet so every person
0:10:15 who who ends up in hell
0:10:18 has ended up there because allah chose
0:10:20 that of his people to create
0:10:22 if he chose people to create he chose to
0:10:24 create people people choose whether they
0:10:27 want to be with god or be distant from
0:10:29 god right but
0:10:30 if i never created them knowing what
0:10:32 they would choose and that they would
0:10:34 end up there they would not be there so
0:10:36 just like with companies the ceo the the
0:10:39 buck stops at the top
0:10:41 that's partially responsible for him but
0:10:43 is that would you agree that
0:10:48 your influence can only go so far all
0:10:50 you can say is
0:10:51 um
0:10:53 if god didn't create anything
0:10:56 then nobody would have went to hell
0:10:57 that's true because there would be no
0:10:58 heaven no hell no nothing that's true
0:11:00 that's
0:11:01 all the inference that you can make
0:11:03 there are no further influences that you
0:11:04 can make about that's the important one
0:11:07 no but that's pine creek can i answer
0:11:08 your question yeah that doesn't do
0:11:10 anything for anyone's view you're just
0:11:12 saying that if god didn't create
0:11:14 anything then it follows that some
0:11:16 people would not have been held if god
0:11:17 created hell that just follows
0:11:19 the fact of god created hell
0:11:21 but but there are no more there are no
0:11:23 more moral claims or further claims that
0:11:25 you can infer from just that statement
0:11:26 well you know we can because if morality
0:11:29 is defined by the nature of allah and
0:11:31 allah doesn't like
0:11:33 disbelief yet he created knowing
0:11:35 disbelieving the results sorry pancreas
0:11:39 i think yeah yeah so you literally do
0:11:42 you think let me ask you a question
0:11:43 sorry do you think uh allah likes sinful
0:11:47 people
0:11:50 no
0:11:50 do you think that allah therefore would
0:11:53 want to create a world where there is no
0:11:54 sinful people
0:11:56 yeah correct
0:11:58 that would be wrong from an islamic
0:12:00 paradigm
0:12:01 because islamic because from the islamic
0:12:03 paradigm we believe that god wanted
0:12:06 people to commit sin so god would
0:12:07 forgive them
0:12:10 about did god want to create people so
0:12:11 they end up in hell would you agree with
0:12:13 that
0:12:14 no no but you understand that particular
0:12:16 point
0:12:17 you're saying god created people because
0:12:18 he wanted it to stand so he could
0:12:20 forgive them right so so your point this
0:12:23 is what i understand from your argument
0:12:25 because let's narrow it down your point
0:12:27 was this was that god desires nobody to
0:12:30 commit sin let's say as an example
0:12:33 therefore god has the power to do that
0:12:36 therefore god would only seek to
0:12:38 establish a world that doesn't have
0:12:40 people committing sin that was your line
0:12:42 of argument now i gave a possible
0:12:44 argument or possible explanation in fact
0:12:46 it's the islamic explanation which is
0:12:48 that god does want to create people who
0:12:51 commit sin so that he can forgive them
0:12:53 so although god dislikes sinners
0:12:56 he allows sinners to exist in order for
0:12:59 for for god to forgive them i get that
0:13:01 yeah here's but then you gotta take one
0:13:03 step further
0:13:05 does god want people to create people
0:13:07 knowing with understand certainty that
0:13:09 some will die without asking for
0:13:12 forgiveness from allah and end up in
0:13:14 hell but you understand the point the
0:13:16 wider point this is the wider point now
0:13:23 you're saying that god created people
0:13:24 because it gave them an opportunity to
0:13:28 ask for forgiveness of him no that's not
0:13:29 the wider point
0:13:32 the wider point isn't that that's the
0:13:34 wider point
0:13:35 the wider point is that some we have
0:13:37 limitations in terms of understanding
0:13:40 the reasons why god would create certain
0:13:43 things and therefore to try to determine
0:13:46 that therefore there is a logical
0:13:48 contradiction which is what you're
0:13:49 trying to argue no no no i'm not seeing
0:13:50 a logical contribution
0:13:52 well
0:13:53 what are you arguing for then because i
0:13:55 think the problem is and this is what dr
0:13:57 saf was pointing out that based on what
0:14:00 he answered and your claims
0:14:03 it doesn't necessarily entail what you
0:14:06 think it does you're making an
0:14:08 additional inference that you cannot get
0:14:10 from the information what's the
0:14:11 inference i'm making
0:14:13 well you tell us because you just said
0:14:14 it wasn't the logical con uh controversy
0:14:16 no my whole point is my whole point is
0:14:19 to help the muslim feel icky about it
0:14:22 um it's just no seriously that's it
0:14:25 because and i think it's a very powerful
0:14:27 argument which i think even theists will
0:14:29 admit to there's no problem of evil for
0:14:31 the atheists it's for the theist
0:14:33 so
0:14:34 it's oh no i think no that's wrong
0:14:37 okay
0:14:38 from the record because i don't want to
0:14:40 do it can you make can you make the
0:14:42 argument sorry i don't mean to give you
0:14:43 so can you just make the argument right
0:14:45 now in premise premise conclusion form
0:14:47 well
0:14:48 i'll try um supremacist one would be god
0:14:51 doesn't like sin he doesn't like
0:14:53 disbelief
0:14:54 premise two would be something like god
0:14:56 knows the future with certainty he's
0:14:58 never surprised i think both of these
0:15:00 things both these both these premises
0:15:02 you guys agree with
0:15:04 this three um
0:15:06 it would be that he knows with certainty
0:15:08 some will disbelieve in hell
0:15:12 uh conclusion
0:15:15 allah was okay with some people just
0:15:16 believing in going to hell
0:15:19 so so so that's why
0:15:22 that conclusion that allah was okay with
0:15:25 people this disbelieving and going to
0:15:27 hell right uh are you saying that that
0:15:30 contradicts
0:15:32 all i'm saying is god
0:15:34 did this like it's not okay so you're
0:15:37 arguing from emotion here because it's
0:15:39 not definitely you feel lucky okay
0:15:42 so here here here's the issue here's the
0:15:44 issue pine creek oh he just said he's
0:15:45 already
0:15:46 what you want what you want to say what
0:15:48 you want to say what you want to say is
0:15:51 that
0:15:52 you know this world that god actualized
0:15:55 is not ideal in the sense that there is
0:15:58 evil in it and people will be tortured
0:16:00 in hell for an eternity
0:16:02 therefore yes yes therefore it is it is
0:16:05 something that is not uh you know the
0:16:08 best of all possible world or it's not
0:16:10 something that's morally good or
0:16:12 justified right but uh let me ask you a
0:16:16 question are what are your views on
0:16:18 morality what's what's your underlying
0:16:20 ethical theory that i want you to assume
0:16:22 that i have none
0:16:24 how can i then how can i understand what
0:16:26 you mean by good and evil i'm using your
0:16:28 definitions
0:16:29 what is my definition of good and evil
0:16:31 anything that goes uh
0:16:33 in line with allah's will his nature is
0:16:36 good anything that doesn't evil
0:16:38 then okay okay fine fine wrong so let's
0:16:40 let's go with that let's go with that am
0:16:42 i wrong
0:16:43 let's assume it's my definition let's
0:16:45 assume it's my definition then how does
0:16:47 me feeling feeling icky about anything
0:16:50 affect reality in any way shape or form
0:16:53 if you're granting if you're granting
0:16:57 foreign if you're if you're granting for
0:17:00 the sake of the argument that good and
0:17:02 evil are defined by what god does then
0:17:05 why does me feeling icky about anything
0:17:09 have any significance at all here
0:17:11 because you're granting that what he
0:17:12 does is good by definition let's call it
0:17:15 a day and go home but wait but wait but
0:17:17 wait you guys feel icky so what so what
0:17:19 what's wrong with feeling well you know
0:17:20 what what is feeling icky i was wrong
0:17:22 about you i do you don't feel lucky
0:17:24 about it right
0:17:26 let's assume i do let's assume i do what
0:17:28 does it prove what it what what argument
0:17:30 are you trying to make it you're
0:17:32 granting you yourself are granting for
0:17:34 the sake of the argument that good and
0:17:36 evil are defined by god's acts right so
0:17:40 whatever it's a divine command theory
0:17:41 basically right now if that is the case
0:17:44 and you're already granting that in your
0:17:46 argument yeah then you say that
0:17:49 me feeling icky should have any role to
0:17:51 play in determining what is good or evil
0:17:54 then you're contradicting yourself no no
0:17:56 i'm not saying what the term is good or
0:17:57 evil i'm saying about what you do with
0:17:59 your life in terms of worship
0:18:01 uh how you practically outlive the
0:18:04 consequences of this belief that's what
0:18:06 i'm talking about fine i can feel licky
0:18:08 all day right but that that doesn't
0:18:10 constitute an argument so do you have a
0:18:12 better argument to make then you know
0:18:14 guys you should feel icky about this
0:18:16 because us feeling icky about it doesn't
0:18:18 prove anything unless you're gonna say
0:18:20 that our subjective feeling about what
0:18:22 is good and evil actually reflects the
0:18:25 actual reality of what is objectively
0:18:27 good and evil
0:18:29 okay i do what if god decreed before the
0:18:32 beginning of
0:18:33 creation
0:18:34 that
0:18:35 uh your children all of them will end up
0:18:38 in hell
0:18:39 let me ask you a question
0:18:42 would you have rather god created
0:18:43 nothing
0:18:45 um i i don't know if i would rather god
0:18:47 created nothing i would have liked it
0:18:48 let's let's let's let's make that more
0:18:50 modest why wouldn't you
0:18:52 i wouldn't have liked it but then here's
0:18:54 the fundamental question based on your
0:18:57 definition of good and evil that you're
0:18:59 using for the sake of this argument my
0:19:01 not liking it is irrelevant okay that's
0:19:04 the point what would you want to focus
0:19:05 on i understand i understand yeah yeah
0:19:08 yeah yeah but my question to you is
0:19:10 would you worship allah if he told you
0:19:13 that
0:19:13 that all your children
0:19:16 i he created for destruction to go to
0:19:19 hell
0:19:22 again again accepting your accepting
0:19:24 your definition for granted accepted
0:19:26 your definition that you're using in the
0:19:27 argument because i'm dealing with your
0:19:28 ideas yes i would because we would like
0:19:31 to be a people that follows reason and
0:19:33 evidence so objectively speaking if that
0:19:36 is what's good and if that is how good
0:19:38 an evil is defined nobody still is the
0:19:40 source of objective good so i will still
0:19:42 want to worship that god why you still
0:19:44 have the option because we don't need to
0:19:46 have an emotional argument or appeal to
0:19:49 emotion the fact is is that you've
0:19:51 already admitted that your whole
0:19:53 argument is based on emotions rather
0:19:56 than a strict logical argument so it's
0:19:59 powerful because of emotion but the the
0:20:01 point of everything i've been saying i
0:20:03 think you guys agree with
0:20:05 and the thing no i don't i don't agree
0:20:06 what part have you disagreed with
0:20:10 your inference that you're going to that
0:20:12 we should say oh no the god the the
0:20:14 world in which god existed alone by
0:20:16 himself is better no we're rejected i
0:20:18 asked the question
0:20:20 nobody nobody agreed to that
0:20:22 but you both agreed yeah but here's the
0:20:23 question you were asking
0:20:25 absolutely
0:20:26 listen listen you got to focus on this
0:20:28 point you're coming on here and you're
0:20:30 not giving a logical argument you're
0:20:33 admitting that you're given an argument
0:20:34 that is purely based on emotions
0:20:37 i'm giving an argument to show that
0:20:40 allah created something that he doesn't
0:20:41 want are we agreed
0:20:43 no no no we don't agree no that's what
0:20:46 he's done okay okay we're assuming
0:20:48 does gala want disbelief
0:20:51 see we've already been down this line of
0:20:53 questions does gollum want this does all
0:20:55 of them we've already answered that he
0:20:56 said you said no
0:20:58 so there's afraid
0:21:04 one of the brothers mentioned in in the
0:21:06 chat uh blazing hearts
0:21:08 uh so erada kauniya which is god's uh
0:21:11 you know cosmic decree
0:21:14 is what he wants the world to be like
0:21:17 god's ira
0:21:18 or his
0:21:20 or a legislative decree is what he
0:21:23 dislikes in terms of legislation moral
0:21:25 right immoral wrong you're equivocating
0:21:27 between the two when you say god doesn't
0:21:30 will for good
0:21:32 for for evil but then he wills to create
0:21:34 evil there's an equivocation on these
0:21:36 two wills right so he dislikes the evil
0:21:40 in a legislative
0:21:42 sense but he wills for a world
0:21:46 that contains evil to exist so there's
0:21:48 an equivocation you're making i don't
0:21:50 quite understand that because if allah
0:21:51 didn't want disbelief all he had to do
0:21:53 is not create yes i think we all agreed
0:21:55 upon on that we don't so what do you
0:21:57 mean by want here so we what we say is
0:21:59 that he wanted a world with disbelief
0:22:02 that doesn't mean that he likes
0:22:04 disbelief
0:22:05 okay that's fine so you're saying he
0:22:08 wanted people to disbelieve in him
0:22:10 to create a world where some would god
0:22:12 god will to create a world where people
0:22:15 would freely disbelieve in him although
0:22:19 he doesn't
0:22:20 morally approve of that disbelief
0:22:22 there's nothing incoherent okay
0:22:24 and but do you believe allah knew that
0:22:26 if he didn't create then all that would
0:22:28 have been solved
0:22:30 there's no problem to solve god will
0:22:32 that work to exist no no there is a
0:22:33 problem disbelieving no no no no
0:22:35 focus on this focus
0:22:42 is disbelief a problem for allah no no
0:22:45 that's the whole point
0:22:46 of an inference i'm asking i'm asking is
0:22:49 sin a problem for allah
0:22:51 no
0:22:52 is people going to hell for eternity a
0:22:54 problem for allah no no
0:22:56 okay so allah would you say i don't know
0:22:59 a better word to use but is allah okay
0:23:01 with sin disbelief and people going to
0:23:03 hell
0:23:04 you're equivocating now so he's okay
0:23:06 with it in the sense that he willed for
0:23:08 a world to exist that contains these
0:23:11 things but he does not he doesn't he he
0:23:14 says or he he decrees that these things
0:23:17 are morally wrong right so that's not
0:23:20 that's not the same thing as him not
0:23:22 willing for them to exist would you just
0:23:23 say he decrees that they're morally
0:23:25 wrong what did i miss that yeah
0:23:28 legislates he legislates that they're
0:23:30 morally wrong
0:23:32 so he
0:23:32 created something
0:23:34 and legislated it as morally wrong
0:23:37 no no
0:23:38 you're going to have to you're going to
0:23:39 have to sin
0:23:40 and he said that these sins are not okay
0:23:45 you're saying that there's some kind of
0:23:47 inconsistency but then when we ask for
0:23:49 what the logical inconsistency is you
0:23:51 don't have one other thing
0:23:53 i'm trying to steal manual here it
0:23:55 doesn't feel good no we're trying to
0:23:56 steal man you but you're not giving us
0:23:58 anything to work with you're just saying
0:23:59 it's an emotional argument it's like
0:24:01 it's your belief not mine that's why i'm
0:24:03 asking you the question so let's go
0:24:04 ahead and final chance you're getting
0:24:06 into it you're getting to a conclusion
0:24:08 you're making an inference from either
0:24:10 what you're saying or what we're saying
0:24:12 that doesn't actually follow by
0:24:14 necessity that's the whole problem with
0:24:15 your argument
0:24:16 well my argument is basically this and
0:24:18 tell me you stop me when you disagree
0:24:20 with something
0:24:21 allah is perfect allah knew the future
0:24:24 um
0:24:26 he doesn't like sin he doesn't like
0:24:28 disbelief but he created it
0:24:31 uh what else
0:24:33 oh my god
0:24:34 i'm sorry
0:24:35 we're going to keep going on we're going
0:24:36 to keep going on so the point is either
0:24:39 make the logical argument or admit that
0:24:41 you're not making a logical argument
0:24:43 you're making it you're making an
0:24:45 argument from emotion in which case the
0:24:47 emotional argument is it's not quite
0:24:49 just an argument from from emotion it's
0:24:51 also an internal critique that shows
0:24:53 that there's a tension there and i think
0:24:54 even staff admits this
0:24:57 they're either provided either provide
0:24:59 the logical argument right now in law
0:25:01 and premise premise conclusion form or
0:25:03 go back
0:25:05 prepare it like ap did he did his
0:25:07 homework and he made a video after the
0:25:09 the stream go back prepare the argument
0:25:11 in a way that we can understand it well
0:25:13 here's the terms are defined where it's
0:25:14 intelligible and come presented and
0:25:16 we'll deal with it but the way
0:25:17 we're presenting it now that's not a
0:25:20 logical argument what's interesting
0:25:21 about this is there's there's hardly
0:25:22 anything you guys have disagreed with me
0:25:24 on it's maybe you said that i'm using
0:25:26 different the whole
0:25:27 is you're getting you're inferring
0:25:29 something based on what we agreed on and
0:25:32 you're getting to a conclusion that we
0:25:34 don't agree with now seth hasn't spoken
0:25:36 in a while i i'd like for him to come in
0:25:39 and maybe comment on on what he is
0:25:41 seeing happening here
0:25:42 oh no no no thanks for bringing in the
0:25:45 conversation again i think
0:25:47 it's important that perhaps we tease out
0:25:50 or when we can and another time perhaps
0:25:52 i'm not sure
0:25:53 what the assumptions are on each uh uh
0:25:57 what the underlying assumptions are of
0:25:59 the argument whenever we we begin with
0:26:02 um
0:26:03 would you prefer god doing x and y
0:26:05 already we have to assume
0:26:07 what is in top interlocutor
0:26:09 what is their idea about god um even if
0:26:12 they might try and use our own
0:26:13 definition
0:26:15 um
0:26:16 because grating underneath are these
0:26:19 assumptions about
0:26:20 surely god would not want to prefer a
0:26:22 world in which he creates free creatures
0:26:24 which has the the corollary of there
0:26:26 being sin not that he creates the sin
0:26:29 with the person but that there is a
0:26:31 coral of sin right
0:26:33 surely he would want a world in which
0:26:35 only there was good and not sin well how
0:26:38 do you know that i mean i mean we just
0:26:40 this is what i'm saying the value
0:26:42 criterion to use to judge one world is
0:26:45 better or or or
0:26:48 or worse than
0:26:49 and worse in what respect first of all
0:26:52 um that depends on the background
0:26:53 information we're using to construct the
0:26:55 argument so relative to certain
0:26:57 background information
0:26:59 me i'm sure the answers could be yes or
0:27:01 no so we have to get the background
0:27:03 information straight if someone says if
0:27:05 allah is x y
0:27:07 then
0:27:08 and then this happens then wouldn't the
0:27:10 conclusion be this yeah given x and y
0:27:13 but let me also bring in a b and c can
0:27:15 you see so the background information is
0:27:17 important for how we construct the
0:27:18 argument um so i think i'd better it
0:27:21 would be better for me to learn
0:27:23 learn better the argument perhaps when
0:27:26 we have
0:27:27 a way we can but you've you've heard
0:27:29 what i've said before right
0:27:30 there's nothing new and and usually the
0:27:32 outs a lot of theists give is that they
0:27:34 limit god's um knowledge of the future
0:27:37 they you know there's open theists yeah
0:27:39 yeah they they say he can only know the
0:27:41 nobles so that's one out that theaters
0:27:42 have another i would say that god is
0:27:45 they limit his omnipotence
0:27:47 that that
0:27:48 that certain attributes of god is better
0:27:51 when it's demonstrated and so therefore
0:27:52 that's why you need to create another
0:27:55 out is that god is not free it's part of
0:27:57 his nature to create so he had to create
0:28:00 because if he was free he would see
0:28:01 what's come and say you know what i
0:28:03 don't need this
0:28:04 i don't need people that's an assumption
0:28:06 i don't need this i mean it's not about
0:28:07 needs so this is what do you believe
0:28:09 that that sounds becomes
0:28:10 yeah the language becomes very important
0:28:12 it's not that god is perfected if he
0:28:14 didn't create a world or he did create a
0:28:15 world or some
0:28:17 um some particular purpose completes his
0:28:20 actions or something like that to assume
0:28:23 that about god you know he's all ready
0:28:25 to make assumptions about the nature do
0:28:27 you believe that allah needed to create
0:28:29 in order to no i'm saying he doesn't he
0:28:31 didn't need anything yeah yeah yeah yeah
0:28:33 so if allah could have just walked away
0:28:35 from creation and said i don't need this
0:28:37 i don't need people to
0:28:38 ask forgiveness of me
0:28:40 but that again it goes back to what
0:28:42 you're what you take god to be at the
0:28:43 same time as well he he wanted to create
0:28:46 i mean
0:28:47 so we're going into the realms of divine
0:28:48 motives you see so it becomes difficult
0:28:51 if you're assuming
0:28:53 um that this is a this is a being who is
0:28:57 you know maximally great powerful and
0:29:00 has all the great making properties that
0:29:02 philosophers talk about um so he has
0:29:04 those properties assuming that you take
0:29:06 that kind of understanding
0:29:08 assuming it for the argument if you are
0:29:10 then
0:29:11 um
0:29:12 you know
0:29:13 you're going to be restricted in how and
0:29:15 what you can say about the divine i'm
0:29:17 just saying that i can't make these
0:29:19 value judgments because
0:29:21 it's in the realm of the divine
0:29:23 motives and actions now how could i know
0:29:26 you know
0:29:27 which world to prefer you know a world
0:29:29 where this
0:29:30 allah himself and then allah plus the
0:29:33 rest of creation
0:29:34 right which is better which i would
0:29:36 prefer i need some
0:29:39 criterion right to to to to decide which
0:29:42 one and most people don't prefer pain
0:29:44 suffering and definitely hell i think
0:29:46 that's pretty safe to say
0:29:48 but these are yours
0:29:51 this is the whole point that's a pretty
0:29:52 good assumption
0:29:53 they may be just different no
0:29:55 no but these are your that's where we
0:29:57 disagree with someone raise their hand
0:29:58 who prefers hell
0:30:00 i mean eternal conscious torment
0:30:02 concrete nope that's why i'm so worried
0:30:04 about it and this is where you you know
0:30:06 knowing the realizing the seriousness of
0:30:07 hell i want to share the message of
0:30:09 truth to others to save myself and
0:30:11 others from this but nobody prefers to
0:30:14 be there is my point yeah but you're
0:30:16 you're saying a world in which there is
0:30:18 hell as opposed to one that's not and
0:30:20 you're trying to say that everyone
0:30:21 should say that the one where there is a
0:30:23 hell is necessarily worse than one that
0:30:26 where there isn't but that's again
0:30:28 that's an assumption that we're not
0:30:30 buying into so you have to provide an
0:30:32 argument for that
0:30:33 underlying assumption that's
0:30:35 underpinning your entire argument or a
0:30:36 valid criteria that's what is the
0:30:38 criteria and you don't have a criterion
0:30:40 by which you can even judge for
0:30:42 preferring one way world over another
0:30:45 well i can that's why i was asking the
0:30:47 questions about the criterion
0:30:49 from allah's perspective yes and
0:30:51 obviously by the fact that he created
0:30:53 that demonstrates your assumption that
0:30:56 this world is necessarily worse is
0:30:58 actually
0:31:00 the fact that he created yeah the fact
0:31:02 that he created demonstrations this is
0:31:04 that your that your assumption
0:31:07 that based on his character maybe
0:31:10 let me finish sir that he would not have
0:31:12 created is fundamentally flawed unless
0:31:15 he's like schizophrenic i mean
0:31:18 but because you said because you said
0:31:20 because the fact he created shows that
0:31:23 he did want this did prefer this but
0:31:26 this is the question at hand the problem
0:31:28 of evil is a question that's posited by
0:31:31 atheists or even non-theists of a
0:31:33 different religion
0:31:34 to to as an internal critique that maybe
0:31:36 the god you're talking about doesn't
0:31:38 exist
0:31:40 yeah but we already have arguments that
0:31:42 get us to that god i know i understand
0:31:44 there's a cumulative case when you talk
0:31:46 about other things but on this issue
0:31:48 alone with the problem of evil you can't
0:31:49 look at it in a vacuum you're assuming
0:31:52 we're we're now sentient beings looking
0:31:55 at this issue and asking ourselves
0:31:58 maybe allah
0:32:00 can i give you two statements hell
0:32:01 exists
0:32:02 hell is real
0:32:03 okay
0:32:04 uh god does not exist
0:32:07 how can you feel the steps for me for
0:32:09 those two statements
0:32:10 uh you could be really hard without
0:32:12 changing the definition of hell well
0:32:14 this is this is the point so the whole
0:32:16 the whole
0:32:17 um you cannot in you cannot say well
0:32:20 some people say hell's reincarnation
0:32:22 into the world this is what i'm just
0:32:23 about to come to i'm just about to
0:32:25 elaborate on on on this this
0:32:27 hypothetical argument so this is why i'm
0:32:29 saying that
0:32:30 you cannot infer the non-existence of
0:32:33 god
0:32:34 um from the existence of hell
0:32:37 um just like we argue for about an hour
0:32:39 and a half we discuss
0:32:41 that you cannot include
0:32:42 the the non-existence of god from the
0:32:45 existence of evil so you've got to fill
0:32:47 in the steps so you have a certain
0:32:49 argument they've got to fill in the
0:32:50 steps and give their definitions one of
0:32:52 the definitions of god is
0:32:54 if one if if if one of the definitions
0:32:56 of god is a god that doesn't want anyone
0:32:58 to go to hell
0:33:00 which i know you guys don't believe but
0:33:01 if
0:33:02 someone had that definition and you
0:33:04 could demonstrate or say in some way i
0:33:06 don't know how the hell is real and
0:33:07 people go there then you've defeated
0:33:10 that god
0:33:11 yeah no uh because it doesn't disprove
0:33:14 god exists it you've just shown an
0:33:16 argument that might be a rebutting
0:33:18 defeater
0:33:19 yeah that's what i mean it might be but
0:33:21 it's not clear how do you have to show a
0:33:23 logical contradiction for it to be a
0:33:24 rebutting defeater yeah it's the want
0:33:26 not want that's the logical
0:33:27 contradiction i think when we when we
0:33:30 see the argument if i personally i would
0:33:31 like to learn better um well you've
0:33:33 heard this before like this is the
0:33:34 possible worlds before creation type
0:33:36 argument which i'm not the problem with
0:33:38 the problem again
0:33:39 assumptions about metaphysics or
0:33:40 possible worlds and so on yeah but i've
0:33:42 taken way too much of your time i think
0:33:44 the problem pine creek is this is that
0:33:46 you're not we're trying to deal with
0:33:47 your argument
0:33:49 now you're trying to say on the one hand
0:33:50 that your god is impossible and we're
0:33:53 saying in order for you to say our god
0:33:55 is impossible you have to prove you have
0:33:58 to use that word impossible
0:33:59 you have to provide a logical argument
0:34:02 to demonstrate a logical impossibility
0:34:05 initially you came on and you started
0:34:07 saying i'm here just to make muslims
0:34:08 feel icky about that position
0:34:11 well yeah and then abdulrahman explained
0:34:14 the point which is that well that's just
0:34:15 an appeal to emotion jake made the point
0:34:17 as well uh then said look okay what's
0:34:19 the actual
0:34:20 uh logical contradiction what's the
0:34:22 premise premise conclusion that we can
0:34:24 look at thoroughly and analyze where
0:34:25 there are logical contradictions you
0:34:27 didn't really provide one per se yeah
0:34:29 except no or well okay go ahead and
0:34:31 explain it one more time explain
0:34:33 here's a logical concept this is and
0:34:35 what you're saying this is a logical
0:34:36 contradiction yeah
0:34:38 no well
0:34:40 if there is a logical contradiction but
0:34:42 it's all steeped deep in definitions
0:34:44 it's the want god uh sorry allah wants
0:34:47 and allah doesn't want and then abdul
0:34:49 mentioned this earlier when he talked
0:34:51 about that i forget the words he used
0:34:53 because he spoke a different language
0:34:54 but there's the different
0:34:56 ways of decrees he decrees the cosmic
0:34:59 reality that and
0:35:04 people can freely choose but at the same
0:35:06 time he legislates for human beings to
0:35:08 say that they should avoid uh sin and
0:35:12 helpful or sin and disbelief yeah so
0:35:14 there's no there's no logical
0:35:15 contradiction there well so the point is
0:35:18 this is a logical contradiction would be
0:35:20 is that god
0:35:22 wants to stop all disbelief but
0:35:24 disbelief exists therefore god is either
0:35:27 not omnipotent or he's not all-knowing
0:35:30 yeah
0:35:31 that would be a logical contradiction
0:35:33 that's why but what you're trying to do
0:35:34 is you're trying to say this is what
0:35:36 islam fits into but islam doesn't fit
0:35:37 into this well i agree if allah wants to
0:35:40 although
0:35:41 then there's no problem
0:35:42 because yeah so islam says this this is
0:35:45 what islam says islam says that allah
0:35:48 created the world created heaven and
0:35:50 hell and created human beings with free
0:35:53 will to the ability to choose and then
0:35:55 said to human beings that if you freely
0:35:57 try to understand all that if you freely
0:35:59 choose to have belief in good actions
0:36:00 you go to paradise if you freely choose
0:36:02 to commit sin and disbelief you go to
0:36:04 hellfire
0:36:06 yeah now on that premise that's why i
0:36:08 asked you a very specific question on
0:36:10 that premise what is the logical
0:36:12 contradiction or is it just an appeal to
0:36:14 emotion there's no logical contradiction
0:36:17 at all okay if if you guys believe that
0:36:20 allah wants people to go to hell
0:36:22 no but
0:36:23 what did i just say there i said god
0:36:25 created human beings right free will he
0:36:27 created the universe or a creation with
0:36:30 heaven and hell yeah right and he god
0:36:32 legislated
0:36:35 i understand god legislated yeah that
0:36:37 that therefore whoever commits disbelief
0:36:40 yeah will be assigned to hell fire and
0:36:43 whoever's belief and righteous actions
0:36:44 will go right now you want to focus on
0:36:46 the free will of humans and i want to
0:36:47 focus on the free will of allah that's
0:36:48 the point
0:36:50 right so explaining
0:36:57 so you're saying that god could have
0:36:59 created a universe in which human beings
0:37:02 only choose to go to paradise no no i'm
0:37:05 not even saying that i'm saying allah
0:37:07 had two choices create or not create
0:37:10 so let's assume if he creates it would
0:37:13 have to be exactly what you guys are
0:37:14 describing
0:37:15 that's one option the other option is
0:37:17 don't don't create anything okay
0:37:19 and there's two options and then so and
0:37:22 so if you're a muslim and you say oh no
0:37:25 allah is okay i mean i know the language
0:37:27 is a problem allah is okay with it or he
0:37:30 desires it or he wanted to but he's not
0:37:33 surprised by what happens with his
0:37:34 creation and so he created knowing
0:37:37 exactly what would happen that some
0:37:38 people would end up in hell and you know
0:37:40 what he created anyhow
0:37:42 yeah that's all i'm saying so he yeah
0:37:43 there's no contradiction so what's the
0:37:45 contradiction that there is
0:37:47 so so my goal in circles guys no but our
0:37:50 pancreas your goal should be this your
0:37:53 goal should be to be epistemically
0:37:55 justified and consistent with the way
0:37:58 you're trying to build an argument
0:38:00 building an argument just appealing to
0:38:01 emotion is not sincere honest well you
0:38:05 could say sincere and honest in one
0:38:07 perspective but he's not
0:38:09 epistemically justified to build an
0:38:11 argument just to appeal to emotions
0:38:13 because we can make any argument based
0:38:15 upon emotions it then becomes my
0:38:17 emotions versus somebody else's emotions
0:38:20 you want to have you want to be able to
0:38:23 treat the environment on reason and
0:38:24 arguments isn't it yeah but sharif the
0:38:27 other problem is is that you said you
0:38:29 were doing an internal critique but then
0:38:30 it ended up being an external critique
0:38:32 because
0:38:33 because of your fundamental
0:38:35 presupposition of saying well surely
0:38:38 anybody would agree that this world is
0:38:40 not as good as this other world no i
0:38:43 just talked about one little thing i
0:38:44 said anybody here who wants to spend
0:38:46 eternity in hell raise your hand and
0:38:48 abdullah even admitted earlier he agreed
0:38:49 okay i know what you mean no we didn't
0:38:51 we never said no no we never said see
0:38:53 you're confusing the difference between
0:38:56 an individual actually wanting to spend
0:38:58 eternity in hell versus a world in which
0:39:01 hell exists the two aren't the same and
0:39:04 for you to act as if they are the same
0:39:06 is a problem
0:39:07 the the bottom line is this there would
0:39:09 be no disbelief no sin no pain no
0:39:12 suffering no hell people in hell if
0:39:14 allah never created and that's something
0:39:15 everyone here agrees and
0:39:17 and
0:39:19 here's your
0:39:20 statement what's the conclusion
0:39:22 the conclusion is
0:39:23 that you have a choice to worship a god
0:39:26 or not that's the conclusion yeah you do
0:39:28 have a choice and
0:39:30 so what
0:39:31 and so or come or be open to the idea
0:39:34 that maybe the god you believe in
0:39:36 doesn't exist maybe there is a god but
0:39:38 not the one you believe in
0:39:40 because
0:39:41 i guarantee you
0:39:43 i i guaran this this is one claim i'll
0:39:45 i'll make i'll guarantee that there's
0:39:47 some muslims listening here
0:39:49 who are listening
0:39:51 i'm waiting for your argument pine creek
0:39:53 how does that argument that you just
0:39:55 presented result in god does not exist
0:39:58 or your god does not exist no i'm not if
0:40:00 your god exists then this is what i was
0:40:02 going to say i guarantee you some
0:40:03 muslims who might be you know the weak
0:40:05 type
0:40:06 wavering on the fence are going to hear
0:40:08 what we're discussing and say you know
0:40:10 what that pine creek kind of makes sense
0:40:15 well i'm pancreas please don't use that
0:40:17 language yeah uh
0:40:19 i don't
0:40:20 yeah it is yeah pine creek what i don't
0:40:22 understand is where's your argument
0:40:25 he doesn't have one doesn't happen
0:40:26 where's your argument
0:40:28 argument is allah wants allah
0:40:31 hold on hold on hold on
0:40:32 you said you said at the first
0:40:35 again you're sort of changing initially
0:40:36 he said no your god does not exist
0:40:38 because and then you're about to give an
0:40:40 explanation then you start saying well
0:40:41 some muslims i didn't say that
0:40:43 then then you said muslims might not be
0:40:44 wavy now you're saying to me god wants
0:40:47 god doesn't want right that's another
0:40:49 that's right
0:40:52 i've given you an answer a number of
0:40:54 times and you said yeah okay that makes
0:40:55 sense it's not an internal critique then
0:40:57 you said it's not a logical
0:40:58 contradiction no you're i give you your
0:41:00 own
0:41:01 then you said it's not a logical
0:41:02 contradiction so what exactly is the
0:41:05 argument do you understand where the
0:41:07 frustration is the argument is allah has
0:41:10 free will did not need to create decided
0:41:12 to create knowing exactly what would
0:41:14 happen and it leads some people to hell
0:41:16 okay so what's up so sorry hold on what
0:41:19 what's that what what's that problem
0:41:21 his creation lead to pain evil suffering
0:41:24 and some people going to hell what what
0:41:26 category is that a logical contradiction
0:41:29 is it an evidential no i would say
0:41:31 that's just i would say that's a logical
0:41:33 deduction of where the premises lead
0:41:36 that you believe in a god who created
0:41:37 knowing what will happen was okay with
0:41:39 it whatever that means and that led to
0:41:41 people going to hell
0:41:43 but what does that mean in terms of your
0:41:45 argument against islam and against god
0:41:48 in general or god or the god that we all
0:41:50 all i'm pointing out is what you believe
0:41:53 yeah i'm pointing out what you believe
0:41:56 but we as muslims we know what we
0:41:57 believe this is not are you sure for us
0:41:59 maybe you guys do but not all of them
0:42:01 i'm sure you admit that i think i think
0:42:03 i'll see one thing i just want to we're
0:42:04 gonna have to move on guys we're gonna
0:42:06 have to let me just say one thing one
0:42:08 thing and then we'll move on because
0:42:09 pine creek what he's trying to do here
0:42:11 is his thesis statement because he he
0:42:13 didn't manage to to bring the position
0:42:15 to a contradiction so he's saying well
0:42:16 maybe some people in the audience will
0:42:18 see the fact that god wanted some people
0:42:21 or willed for some people to
0:42:24 burn in hell therefore you know they
0:42:26 might have some kind of an emotional
0:42:27 reaction to that and you know leave
0:42:30 islam or something fine but you need to
0:42:32 admit that it's an emotional reaction
0:42:35 and and since we're appealing to
0:42:36 emotions here i'd like to rephrase that
0:42:38 statement that god willed for creatures
0:42:41 who freely choose to be evil
0:42:44 to justly get punished in hell if
0:42:47 somebody has a negative emotional
0:42:48 reaction to that then by all means but
0:42:50 what sharif was just saying is that a
0:42:53 negative emotional reaction or an
0:42:54 argument for motion can be valuable to
0:42:57 some people but we prefer evidence and
0:42:58 reason so maybe next time when you have
0:43:00 an actual logical argument and you have
0:43:03 actual reasons to present
0:43:06 and you you you choose to do that
0:43:08 instead of appealing to emotion we can
0:43:10 have a discussion i'm not trying to be
0:43:11 rude to you i'm just saying that
0:43:12 literally you're not presenting an
0:43:13 argument but
0:43:15 i'm what i'm hearing
0:43:16 and i've been hearing this from sharif
0:43:18 as well it's like
0:43:19 it i hear an overcompensation like you
0:43:22 guys really need to show that what you
0:43:24 believe is logical and it's full of
0:43:26 evidence because we don't want to look
0:43:27 stupid right that's why i'm i'm
0:43:29 sensitive
0:43:31 taking you seriously man we're taking
0:43:33 you seriously you're saying you make a
0:43:34 logical argument we want you to present
0:43:36 it you want to say you want to make an
0:43:37 argument i came on here i want to deal
0:43:39 with it i think you're going to have
0:43:40 asking almost all questions
0:43:43 i made one claim
0:43:45 that you made an emotional appeal to the
0:43:47 audience thank you thank you for coming
0:43:49 pine creek pine creek the point
0:43:51 is the point pancreatic if you need to
0:43:53 go that's fine but i just wanted to make
0:43:55 this point as well no he has to go
0:43:57 whether he wants to go or not because we
0:43:59 have other people not okay
0:44:01 rude but we have other people waiting
0:44:03 more interesting those other people
0:44:06 i don't think so no sure
0:44:08 we'll find out
0:44:09 take care guys thanks for having me on
0:44:11 thank you take care take care bye
0:44:13 okay while he's off because i do really
0:44:15 want to make this point and hopefully by
0:44:17 creek's listening in the uh in the chat
0:44:20 uh in the youtube the point is this is
0:44:22 that look he's trying to present an
0:44:24 emotional argument to try to so-called
0:44:26 shake the foundations of some muslims
0:44:28 yeah
0:44:29 it's an emotional argument that's it
0:44:32 that's all he's doing he's not even an
0:44:33 argument he's the same
0:44:37 it's just an emotion now you can't go
0:44:39 from saying i'm trying to make an
0:44:41 internal critique
0:44:42 to then saying well i'm just trying to
0:44:44 affect emotional people you know
0:44:46 emotional uh weak-minded muslims or
0:44:48 whatever it is he needs to think about
0:44:51 himself and look at his own epistemic
0:44:53 foundations and how he builds his own
0:44:56 how he builds his own ideas up first and
0:44:58 foremost he should not be building his
0:45:01 ideas based upon emotions and rejecting
0:45:04 one proposition over another proposition
0:45:06 just because it makes him feel icky thus
0:45:09 yeah you know it's crazy yeah and he
0:45:11 said oh well the muslims here they just
0:45:13 want to be
0:45:14 logical and rational well yeah of course
0:45:17 we don't want to make arguments and have
0:45:20 our beliefs based purely on emotion
0:45:23 rather than logic and reason of course
0:45:25 now doug if that's what you want then
0:45:28 fine maybe that's why you're an atheist
0:45:30 because your arguments and your position
0:45:32 is based on emotion rather than reason
0:45:35 and you know the fact that you were kind
0:45:36 of happy to admit that live on the show
0:45:39 i think that's a plus for us and not for
0:45:42 you
0:45:51 you