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118 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-11-28)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

118 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI




Summary of 118 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


is a lecture by a respected scholar on the different schools of thought regarding the interpretation of the Quran. The scholar points out that the level of depth of understanding found in some of the more traditional schools of thought is not coincidental, and that this superficiality is a result of not having a deeper understanding of the Quran itself. He also points out that some of the more popular Islamic preachers, such as Zakir Naik, are not as knowledgeable about the Quran as they should be. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the Egg of the Ostrich, a comparison of the Airship to an ostrich, and the importance of managing the Quran correctly.

00:00:00 The professor discusses the meanings of the Arabic word "daba," which can refer to a Beast, a bird, or anything that has weight. He goes on to say that the word has many other meanings, including leaders of communities, and that it is not an issue if a head of state does not have the title.

  • 00:05:00 The professor discusses the possibility that a person might remember a dream completely or completely forget it. He also discusses a Hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad said that a leader is connected to a thread of complete forgetfulness in order to improve.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses a Hadith which states that nothing is left unrecorded by Allah. It goes on to say that this includes everything from ant colonies to human gatherings.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the various layers of meaning in the Quran, and how those layers can be interpreted by different people. It goes on to say that even though the Quran is deep, it is still possible for people to go astray.
  • 00:20:00 is a lecture by a respected scholar on Surat Al-An'am, which discusses the different schools of thought regarding the interpretation of this particular surah. The scholar points out that the level of depth of understanding found in some of the more traditional schools of thought is not coincidental, and that this superficiality is a result of not having a deeper understanding of the Quran itself. He also points out that some of the more popular Islamic preachers, such as Zakir Naik, are not as knowledgeable about the Quran as they should be. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the Egg of the Ostrich, a comparison of the Airship to an ostrich, and the importance of managing the Quran correctly.
  • 00:25:00 explains that the first step on the path to enlightenment is to purify one's self, and that this can be done through either good deeds or Allah's help. He goes on to discuss the example of a man who is able to go fast on a highway because he started out slow, and how Allah can step in to help those on the right path.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses the story of Yusuf, who was falsely accused and imprisoned, and how he was praised by his brother after he was released. It then goes on to discuss the principle of precaution in Sharia law, and how evidence must be collected before taking an injunction. It concludes by discussing the story of Yusuf and how it illustrates the importance of precaution in Sharia law.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the topic of free will and its relationship to Allah. It explains that, although Allah can allow humans to go astray, He most often allows them to be guided. also discusses the concept of responsibility, and how an entity with free will cannot achieve anything without Allah's permission.
  • 00:40:00 The professor discusses how the Quran allows for humans to invoke any god they want, as long as it is not Allah. He also mentions that even if someone is an atheist, they will still pray to some form of Divinity in times of distress.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses the idea that in a calamity, the only thing that can help is Allah. It goes on to say that in certain cases, atheists may resort to invoking God in order to cope.
  • 00:50:00 discusses how Allah uses various forms of hardship and misfortune to push people down and make them humble themselves. The examples given are of prophets and people in previous eras, and how few of them ever responded positively to Allah's messages. also mentions how some people in the present day are misguided and are engulfed by smoke and folk, which is a metaphor for how they have become stubborn and unresponsive to Allah's messages.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses how some early Muslims believed that the Prophet Muhammad's arrival would bring an end to all societal conflicts and that all people would be able to live in peace and harmony. However, the video points out that this did not happen, and instead, Muslims experienced tremendous turmoil and division due to disagreements over religious beliefs. concludes by discussing how this pattern of disagreement and conflict is still evident in today's society.


contains a lecture by Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari on the interpretation of the Quran. He discusses how the gates to everything the people desired in the past were closed abruptly, and how this is a sign of Allah's mercy. The cycle of hardship will eventually come to an end, and the people of the Book will be rewarded for their faith.

01:00:00 presents a brief overview of Surat Al-An'am, discussing Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI's interpretation of its verses. He notes that the gates to everything the people desired in the past were closed abruptly, and that this is a sign of Allah's mercy. The cycle of hardship will eventually come to an end, and the people of the Book will be rewarded for their faith. Finally, Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI provides a translation of the verses.

  • 01:05:00 This professor and translation of Surat al-An'am discusses the possible consequences if God took away someone's hearing, sight, and heart, and argues that the definition of deity does not include a being that is capable of reversing such a situation. He also points out that some people may think that the "power of a King's Children" (i.e. those who are not directly involved in government) gives them some say in matters of religion.
  • 01:10:00 The professor discusses how originally, Allah had a personal name, Jehovah, but later became known as Allah. He also discusses how some people may not have a clear understanding of Allah because they only see Him as a vague concept.
  • 01:15:00 The clip discusses the various problems with geocentricism versus heliocentrism, and the Quran's support for heliocentrism. It points out that, even if the sun does move around the center of the Galaxy, this cannot be the apparent motion around death, as the sun never settles out a matter of fact. The clip concludes by stating that, as long as the viewer understands the Quran's context, there is no problem with using different reference frames in astronomy.
  • 01:20:00 The professor discusses the various issues related to the reference frame in the Quran. He points out that the issues are deep and that it may be worth one day addressing them. He also discusses the importance of studying geography, geophysics, chemistry, and geology. He stresses the importance of doing research and not relying on shallow understanding.
  • 01:25:00 The professor discusses how the S in the Arabic alphabet can be interpreted as not being flat, and how this can be seen in various verses in the Quran. He also discusses how some people may interpret certain events as being punishments from God, even though the Believers have been saved in the past. He concludes by stating that playing with rulership is a way to enjoy life and forget about things like Jannah and Hellfire.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses the differences between the natural disasters that happened in the past and the current situation, in which there is a higher chance for calamities to occur due to the unstable conditions on Earth. It also contains a Hadith in which it is mentioned that the plague is a punishment for the disbelievers.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses various aspects of Islamic law, including the concept of abrogation. It goes on to say that abrogation is not always clear, and that there are some inconsistencies within Islamic law.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the difference between Islamic law and Western law. He points out that Islamic law can be amended or revoked by the sovereign, and that this is not a problem in practice. He also notes that there are some issues with applying Islamic law in certain cases, but overall it is a well-developed system.
  • 01:45:00 a professor discusses the different meanings of the Arabic word "tafseer." He explains that different interpretations can be justified based on Allah's changing the reality of things. He also discusses philosophical issues related to surveillance and how it may be inequitable. Finally, he provides a summary of Michelle Obama's speech.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:06 Music
0:00:19 thank you
0:00:21 Music
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0:00:55 these episodes of broadcast live on the
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0:00:59 al-masri YouTube channel every Sunday on
0:01:01 the new 1pm UK time
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0:01:29 our video
0:01:30 today is Sunday the 27th of November
0:01:34 the professor continues the
0:01:36 interpretation of Surah we are on Ayah
0:01:40 38.
0:01:42 sorry sort of
0:01:44 my apologies certain maida 38. it's
0:01:48 correct
0:01:50 oh yeah sorry yeah yes you're right yes
0:02:13 although there is no Beast that walks on
0:02:15 Earth and no bird that flies on its two
0:02:18 Wings which is not God's creature like
0:02:20 yourselves no thing or thing have we
0:02:23 neglected in our decree and once again
0:02:25 unto their sustainer they all they shall
0:02:28 all be gathered next translation
0:02:31 every Beast that crawls on the earth and
0:02:34 every birds that fly with its two Wings
0:02:36 have formed communities like you we have
0:02:39 left nothing out of the book they will
0:02:41 be gathered through their lord yeah so
0:02:44 let's just the meaning is very clear but
0:02:47 there's some some issues which are the
0:02:49 odd so Beast or is actually the word dab
0:02:52 from the beep from the when you walk the
0:02:55 sound is the beep so any any material
0:02:57 being which is made out of metal
0:02:59 uh
0:03:05 obviously we know now that even light is
0:03:08 having uh in that sense can be affected
0:03:10 by a tissue but there's so many that can
0:03:12 be ignored so things which are having
0:03:14 weight have right and if they walk they
0:03:16 sort of make a sound this is a dab that
0:03:19 to distinguish them from angels and
0:03:20 spirits and demos and things like that
0:03:22 so whatever daba is in it or a bird
0:03:25 Which flies with two wings
0:03:28 it's interesting to think why you
0:03:30 mentioned a bit better flying with his
0:03:31 two wings uh evidently all bears have
0:03:34 two wings but maybe a hint that being
0:03:37 winged with two Wings is a minimum
0:03:39 there's no way you can fly with one week
0:03:40 it may be it may be uh One Wing will
0:03:43 have two or two branches left a left and
0:03:45 right that is actually two Wings this
0:03:46 Wing is is a Double Wing like the
0:03:49 so-called flying wing it looks like but
0:03:51 it's actually shaped uh as a really has
0:03:55 two wings of a joint together so the
0:03:57 appears they call the flying goodness
0:03:58 cycle the flying two Wings join together
0:04:01 but anyway that's a secondary point
0:04:03 and the things that I see that they
0:04:05 thought it has struggling with the
0:04:07 translation
0:04:09 usually people will translate as Nations
0:04:12 or communities but the word Imam wrote
0:04:15 amama in Arabic is having very rich
0:04:17 meanings
0:04:19 first of all it is uh
0:04:22 it means that something was leading of
0:04:23 the forehead or the one who leads the
0:04:26 Imam the leader the leader Community for
0:04:29 example
0:04:31 let's ask him uh uh he tested him
0:04:34 certain tests and they said I'm going to
0:04:36 appoint you Adidas foreign
0:04:43 why why I'm saying that because uh in
0:04:46 some deal with she I said Ibrahim was
0:04:48 appointed Imam Muhammad Imam and they
0:04:50 might also have to be appointed I say
0:04:52 every minute luxury leaders that's fine
0:04:54 now we're not discussing that that's not
0:04:55 an issue that's not a major issue if you
0:04:58 mean a head of state he was not head of
0:04:59 state and Muhammad was ahead of himself
0:05:00 sometime and they were upside him does
0:05:02 not necessary to be head of state
0:05:04 one of them became 100 state or two Ali
0:05:07 and Hassan and the other not so that's
0:05:08 just a side note
0:05:10 is a community and I mean it's something
0:05:13 connected to certain connecting
0:05:15 principle like for example when uh when
0:05:19 when Musa came to the water of media the
0:05:22 world of Wonder he found that um
0:05:25 a collection of people
0:05:27 which have something binding them what's
0:05:29 binding them is that they come to uh to
0:05:32 uh water or give water to the the
0:05:34 animals so this the spirit was making
0:05:37 them coming together in that place
0:05:39 otherwise they are scattered everyone
0:05:40 Grazing In His Valley elsewhere but now
0:05:42 they become after being scattered yes
0:05:45 scattered people they became like an
0:05:47 ummah but through the nation is just a
0:05:49 group which having a certain activity at
0:05:51 a certain time and it means also a time
0:05:54 which is connected one piece of one long
0:05:56 time which has no gaps a well example
0:05:59 for that is in Surah Yusuf when he
0:06:02 interpreted the dreams of the two
0:06:03 companions in jail
0:06:05 and told the one the one who I believe
0:06:10 they would be surviving because in the
0:06:11 vision one dream that bears will be
0:06:14 eating from his head so it keeps it is
0:06:16 it is to assume that it's this one is
0:06:18 the one who will be crucified and the
0:06:20 Bears will it is his head
0:06:24 and the other one was was was uh was a
0:06:28 pouring hammer or squeezinger and making
0:06:31 use of hormones experimenting and this
0:06:33 one is the one who will be giving a
0:06:35 drink to his Lord and this one was over
0:06:37 it was most likely before that employed
0:06:39 in the Royal Palace
0:06:41 but by is it not necessary sometimes you
0:06:44 see a dream for someone else and someone
0:06:45 say for you so
0:06:47 it may be possible that the one who saw
0:06:49 that he is crucified is not the one who
0:06:51 will crucified the one who will be saved
0:06:52 and so on and that's a possibility is
0:06:53 there keep that in mind for dreams it's
0:06:55 not 33 in dream is appealing to me for
0:06:57 you is not necessary for you maybe for
0:06:59 your cousin for someone else and vice
0:07:01 versa but this is one one possibility
0:07:04 and the product as you mentioned that in
0:07:06 Hadith saying
0:07:11 for him
0:07:13 so that's it and he will be representing
0:07:16 that moment in the dream so this
0:07:17 possibility but obviously Joseph knew or
0:07:19 uh with with on the balance of privacy
0:07:22 who will be surviving and then he told
0:07:24 the one who will survive remember to
0:07:27 tell your lord my situation that I am
0:07:29 imprisoned and justifying that's what
0:07:31 but this one was jubilant when he was
0:07:33 released and when the Lord is the king
0:07:35 appointed him again as a chief the drink
0:07:38 or something like that and he forget
0:07:41 completely
0:07:42 completely it's amazing that this
0:07:44 happens
0:07:45 he completely how do we know that when
0:07:49 the king saw his vision
0:07:50 suddenly as if waking up to a dream he
0:07:53 remembered after
0:07:59 um
0:08:00 after prolonged time with no break in
0:08:03 that time there was Allah that he did
0:08:05 not even have any second and which
0:08:07 remembered what what she also told him
0:08:09 otherwise he would have approached his
0:08:11 King but we complete it was erased from
0:08:13 his mind until the vision that's
0:08:15 obviously most likely by Allah but this
0:08:17 can't happen it can happen very well
0:08:19 that you remember something
0:08:21 completely or you forget something
0:08:23 completely and remembered maybe years
0:08:26 after
0:08:28 you remember that has happened to me for
0:08:31 example it's a in a secondary issue but
0:08:33 it's not a second in some sense I
0:08:35 remember wearing everyone's traveling in
0:08:37 Germany in my in the 60s and uh and uh I
0:08:42 I decided for some reason I want to do
0:08:43 I'll do also later
0:08:45 yeah
0:08:46 and I forgot to do that
0:08:50 until recently
0:08:52 I remember the story did I do it no I
0:08:55 remember that family I didn't do it
0:08:57 after that until that day I made it up
0:08:59 50 years later so hey anyway so it can
0:09:03 happen it kind of Israel that can happen
0:09:04 in that case maybe by Allah's
0:09:06 intervention he wanted to keep Yusuf in
0:09:08 prison for this time so that he can
0:09:10 develop his character and Dodge in
0:09:12 meditation indulging Dua and Elgin
0:09:13 prayer being in prison sometimes in a
0:09:16 considerable time of self-improvement
0:09:18 and self-portion so don't take prison is
0:09:20 always negative it's negative for
0:09:22 negative people but this could be
0:09:25 correcting an improvements for people
0:09:27 who have a core of goodness that they
0:09:29 can grow it while being in prison
0:09:30 because you have nothing else to do
0:09:31 except maybe some work and some
0:09:33 imprisonment that they are obliged to do
0:09:35 some work and so on for earning or for
0:09:37 not earning depending about the
0:09:38 different system but there's an
0:09:39 opportunity to reflect and think about
0:09:41 yourself and analyze further and develop
0:09:43 further anyway
0:09:44 whatever the reason Allah Allah Knows
0:09:47 Best
0:09:48 that remembered after um
0:09:52 leadership no
0:09:55 is connected
0:09:57 with a thread of complete forgetfulness
0:10:00 through that so it is it so all these
0:10:04 animals and birds
0:10:05 are umam
0:10:07 communities having something connecting
0:10:10 them obviously we know how it's
0:10:12 connected genetically they have the same
0:10:14 the same number of chromosomes and other
0:10:17 features a certain uh joint uh genetic
0:10:21 markups and so on even if they have the
0:10:23 same number of chromosome like another
0:10:24 species they have distinct which
0:10:26 distinguishing
0:10:28 uh my uh Marcus from the other Etc
0:10:32 but also they have certain joint
0:10:36 type of instinct and so on classifying
0:10:38 them and possibly there are even smaller
0:10:41 groups living in one area like from
0:10:43 Lions they live like in Prides and their
0:10:45 scattered we have lines up here we have
0:10:47 Lions still in India it's smaller than
0:10:49 the lands of Africa and there were lands
0:10:51 in between all the way but because of
0:10:52 the advanced
0:10:54 desertification in the last three four
0:10:57 thousand years uh the Arabian Peninsula
0:11:00 has lost its lines the same with Iraq
0:11:02 and Persia and also there were Barbers
0:11:05 were really Tigers uh like power power
0:11:07 Indian tigers no not not not the bats
0:11:10 they were there and even levels were
0:11:13 there so there's no connection but
0:11:15 through the community there or there's a
0:11:16 community various Community they're
0:11:17 separated by long distances so Community
0:11:19 or something like that anyway they have
0:11:22 also features they have certain certain
0:11:24 instinctive and possibly certain
0:11:26 injunction we don't know how what level
0:11:28 of of responsibility injection they have
0:11:31 there are some Hadith which hence that
0:11:33 someone could say it is metaphorical for
0:11:36 the exactness and the conclusiveness of
0:11:38 accounting like for example all our
0:11:42 scores in the Dunya will be settled even
0:11:45 the the uh the the sheep or the goat
0:11:50 which has no horn being honed or being
0:11:52 headbutted by another Hornet he will
0:11:56 have a retribution
0:11:57 he will have a distribution
0:11:59 but all narration indicate that the
0:12:02 Beast all of the beasts with few
0:12:03 exceptions will turn into dust so the
0:12:05 accounting will be just setting the
0:12:07 account between themselves do they have
0:12:08 certain is the Instinct enough
0:12:10 responsibility so that the account to
0:12:12 that ground do they have enough
0:12:13 distinction distinction of right and
0:12:15 wrong in this limited sense that uh
0:12:18 a goat which has massive massive horns
0:12:21 recognize that it should not be
0:12:23 head-butting a horn uh got on the same
0:12:26 species which doesn't have uh maybe by
0:12:29 Instinct and if it does nevertheless so
0:12:31 it has like a minimal free will we don't
0:12:33 know but if that Hadith is at face and
0:12:35 not metaphorical many people say it's
0:12:38 metaphorical the settling of account is
0:12:40 so extreme and so exactly that even if
0:12:43 goats would be resurrected this would be
0:12:45 settled that's one possible anyway
0:12:47 there's a hint here that there may be
0:12:49 somehow uh will be gathered to the Lord
0:12:52 the Gathering to the Lord does not mean
0:12:53 that will be resurrected careful
0:12:55 Gathering is something different that
0:12:56 migrants affected because after the
0:12:58 selection there may be Agame after
0:13:00 Gathering memory Resurrection Maybe not
0:13:01 maybe they gather through the load and
0:13:03 then he declares him you did your path
0:13:05 in the universe now just be erased from
0:13:09 history or something else we don't know
0:13:11 but there are some kind of community
0:13:13 with certain structure and so on which
0:13:14 have similar to the human community and
0:13:16 the human Gatherings and so on
0:13:18 and everything is under under record by
0:13:20 Alpha that's the most important point
0:13:21 with the ISS smartphones we have not
0:13:25 neglected anything in the book
0:13:27 that's a metaphorical nothing is
0:13:29 escaping Allah's knowledge everything is
0:13:31 recorded Allah
0:13:33 so if you think
0:13:34 God's sake look at the ant colony
0:13:39 and ant colony we may have easily
0:13:41 Millions I think and there are big
0:13:42 colonies which stretch somewhere into
0:13:44 billions
0:13:45 so we have all over the world maybe
0:13:47 trillions of ants
0:13:49 doesn't seem to be possible to keep
0:13:51 track of that
0:13:52 no no
0:13:54 every one of them has kept track of
0:13:56 don't worry every one of them
0:13:59 and even there may be in other planets
0:14:02 similar cliche like ants most likely
0:14:04 similar there will be some there will
0:14:05 always will be somehow similar other
0:14:07 Christian there there may be other ants
0:14:09 in another galaxy
0:14:11 trillions of them and another there who
0:14:14 is able to keep track of that
0:14:16 nothing is be is off record everything
0:14:19 is on record so don't don't worry about
0:14:21 that all is all record
0:14:23 there's a nice note about that but ant
0:14:25 colonies and there's a Hadith
0:14:27 related to that nothing is upside from
0:14:30 Allah's knowledge
0:14:34 is it a profit settled down in you know
0:14:37 in a battle Cambrian or that travel
0:14:39 campaign and there are three to have an
0:14:41 app
0:14:42 but they don't notice that there's an
0:14:44 ant colony nearby
0:14:46 so when Aunt beat him
0:14:48 so he woke up obviously upset he said
0:14:58 maybe another one
0:15:00 and so many prophets we have no record
0:15:02 whatsoever
0:15:03 and then he was so angry he ordered the
0:15:05 whole and couldn't be bad
0:15:07 Allah shaded him see because one ant bit
0:15:12 you you exterminated the complete colony
0:15:14 of ants complete nation of ants who are
0:15:17 busy glorifying me
0:15:20 if you must take revenge it should have
0:15:22 been one hand
0:15:24 but the one who bought it with you
0:15:26 that's all that's only one bit don't
0:15:28 kill one one for one one for a colony
0:15:31 which kind of excesses that it was
0:15:34 a lot of what was going on what was
0:15:37 happening all of that happening I said
0:15:38 no don't think it's not that well only
0:15:40 the materialists who think is only an
0:15:42 issue with a dead blind and so on I
0:15:44 think everything is in vain I think
0:15:45 would inspired whether it's no it's not
0:15:48 a little bit for what foreign
0:16:11 they say because he sees what happened
0:16:13 to the animal that they attend us so who
0:16:15 should be like the animals maybe we
0:16:17 don't know there's nothing really
0:16:18 compelling so that we make it parts of
0:16:20 Akita no but they are gathered to the
0:16:23 Lord for whatever purpose
0:16:24 a type of gathering it means
0:16:29 so they would be gathered today a lot
0:16:33 foreign
0:16:58 something like that
0:17:00 uh and that one obviously you cannot
0:17:02 have a distribution because you cannot
0:17:04 control injuries to the other this way
0:17:05 if it's just a facial injury you may
0:17:07 resist to aim to be surface the injured
0:17:09 but if it goes deep that is not
0:17:11 controllable so you have just to get
0:17:13 happy with the financial conversation
0:17:15 and things like that so movement is the
0:17:18 one here which hits the head that set
0:17:20 away
0:17:21 so this is
0:17:25 and the other aspects is most of it is
0:17:28 metaphysical we don't know what this
0:17:29 Gathering is all about and also the
0:17:31 north Divine knowledge is obviously
0:17:32 something which is not accessible to our
0:17:34 immediate uh
0:17:36 perception or even imagination how it
0:17:39 appear so comprehensive and enormous
0:17:46 um
0:17:52 translate and they who give the light to
0:17:55 our messages are deaf and dumb in
0:17:58 darkness deep who whomever God Wills he
0:18:01 let's go astray and whomever he Wills
0:18:04 he places upon a straight path next
0:18:06 translation those who reject our
0:18:07 messages are dumb are deaf dumb and deep
0:18:10 in darkness whomever God Wills he lets
0:18:13 go astray and who remember whomever he
0:18:15 Wills he places upon a straight path
0:18:17 yeah so they the the what's wrong says
0:18:21 especially in going astray they they
0:18:23 admitted the right things say let him go
0:18:26 astray or the Quran say he whoever Allah
0:18:29 he will go astray say it as willing
0:18:32 there is willing not saying but
0:18:33 everything to go astray but that's the
0:18:35 correct meaning that translation is
0:18:36 correct
0:18:37 definitely correctly because of the
0:18:39 evidences of the Quran but you find many
0:18:41 even
0:18:43 most other breeder from from some
0:18:46 so-called Sunnah persuasion mostly and
0:18:48 madhali and wahhabi and so on they think
0:18:50 SRI Allah will someone to go astray in
0:18:52 the same that winning to do an act not
0:18:55 permitting him to go astray according to
0:18:56 his own reason and because they don't
0:18:58 read the rest of the Quran and they
0:19:00 don't have a clear idea about the Qatar
0:19:02 and they are wavering they go sometimes
0:19:03 to extreme right except
0:19:05 left and they never find any way because
0:19:09 they do not read they read the Quran
0:19:12 without digesting it and that's that's
0:19:15 what made them
0:19:17 so that's also secondary that's a
0:19:19 mistake of the scholars so all of this
0:19:21 is it I'm reading the Quran without
0:19:23 digesting it is a disease of also most
0:19:26 human beings but if it has become so
0:19:27 fundamental that such issues are not
0:19:29 digested properly then you become halaji
0:19:32 minor issues everyone will have that we
0:19:35 will not nobody would be able to they
0:19:37 just solve the Quran no doubt the depth
0:19:40 of it and the various layers of meaning
0:19:42 did we discuss at the beginning the
0:19:44 Hadith ruled that the Quran is having an
0:19:47 affair of meaning a deep meaning or
0:19:48 button to several depths to Seven Levels
0:19:51 so we didn't discuss it
0:19:53 you have discussed our questions
0:19:55 and so on so
0:20:00 the best Scholars they may got most of
0:20:04 their and maybe one button what about
0:20:07 the other buttons total depth
0:20:10 so we'll not be able to digest
0:20:12 everything but at least just the most
0:20:14 fundamental things the most important
0:20:15 things
0:20:17 then
0:20:18 if you don't adjust that
0:20:20 by well that happened by by taking this
0:20:23 eye out of the out of this context but
0:20:25 also not available
0:20:51 this is an interesting subject so if you
0:20:54 look at how schools developed
0:20:56 when you've got the hanafi school then
0:20:58 the Reliance on righty and then if you
0:21:01 look at the nudgley school and it's it's
0:21:02 it's unlikely to be a coincidence in
0:21:05 terms of
0:21:05 how they have a very regimented approach
0:21:08 and because they don't have the
0:21:10 conceptual depth they always used to
0:21:12 rebuke The Other Side by saying that
0:21:14 they're just using Russian and all that
0:21:17 kind of stuff is it it's not
0:21:18 coincidental that the the level of depth
0:21:21 that you get from the nudge the wahhabi
0:21:23 school is is that superficial uh it's
0:21:26 it's fantastic I saw a video recently
0:21:28 just a couple of days ago when when
0:21:31 uh Egyptian someone asked him uh what's
0:21:36 about the Earth is it a flat Orca or or
0:21:38 around say you should ask only about
0:21:41 things to benefit you
0:21:43 and then he mentioned various elements
0:21:45 say
0:21:45 always available of the saying that
0:21:48 there is is quite as wood-shaped or
0:21:51 egg-shaped all what they have is of NASA
0:21:53 and the picture is that an authority
0:21:56 should we live if we take a Quran for
0:21:58 there and they mentioned the various
0:22:00 straightforward eyes which they invoke
0:22:02 which is completely miseried
0:22:06 like for example image of the following
0:22:07 uh let's mention that quickly because
0:22:09 maybe some of these uh we call them
0:22:11 obviously
0:22:14 Russia
0:22:20 um
0:22:22 I didn't understand you said what you
0:22:24 call them
0:22:26 someone laying flat to say yeah just to
0:22:29 promote them okay
0:22:32 you said you faster to the land
0:22:38 anyway he mentioned Russia the famous
0:22:42 one is
0:22:49 equivalent to being flat no salt has the
0:22:52 surface everything has a surface your
0:22:54 body has a surface if I say look at this
0:22:56 Man how he is selfish how the skin fits
0:22:59 on his body in this way
0:23:01 you you may you you make sense of that's
0:23:04 a question because we don't think about
0:23:06 that because everyone is have skin snack
0:23:07 but there's a certain diseases where the
0:23:09 skin separate from the body and start
0:23:11 hanging then you can say look how this
0:23:14 has been surfaced
0:23:15 it's an odd disease but that's another
0:23:18 set of physique and a pathological
0:23:20 surfacing so that's that's one and
0:23:22 there's another recording for Zakir Naik
0:23:24 the the Indian diary although he comes
0:23:27 from like like I had it back around it
0:23:29 because he is a medical doctor
0:23:30 originally and has some brain the man so
0:23:33 he mentioned the eye of uh attending the
0:23:36 day around the night and night as my
0:23:38 necessity it must be and also the issue
0:23:40 that he and he entered the night in the
0:23:42 day bit by bit ulich and the opposite it
0:23:45 can be impossible for Flat Earth so
0:23:47 sorry
0:23:48 about this
0:23:52 is actually the Egg of the ostrich which
0:23:55 is exactly similar to the Airship is
0:23:56 that if it's exaggerated obviously so
0:23:58 you can see it but this
0:24:00 so this donkey and says we're not going
0:24:03 to take the pictures and what NASA and
0:24:05 the other civilian Authority completely
0:24:08 Undead these people are completely dead
0:24:09 completely brain dead
0:24:13 because that happens when you divide the
0:24:16 Quran section and read one Ayah without
0:24:18 reading the other Ayah without comparing
0:24:20 with all other eyes to the Quran and you
0:24:22 should do it deliberately Allah said to
0:24:24 construct a possible contradiction so
0:24:26 that the world is not from Allah and
0:24:28 he's challenging you you will not find
0:24:29 that you will not fight any country but
0:24:31 by doing this when I convention to what
0:24:34 your imagination to what we will say in
0:24:36 the street no to another Ayah or can I
0:24:39 develop and yeah but this comes from
0:24:42 reading a Quran
0:24:43 with a sealed heart a
0:24:47 residents
0:24:52 management they manage the economics
0:24:54 managing the Quran if you manage a book
0:24:56 meaning you work with it
0:24:59 you put it together you sort of explain
0:25:00 this with this that's management I
0:25:02 really think it's just nice voices maybe
0:25:04 you can you can sing it very nicely
0:25:06 that's not a double the double
0:25:12 they decided and then even he mentioned
0:25:14 after they say and some of the sellers
0:25:16 declared whatever say the essence is is
0:25:18 a ball as a kaffir and insult to injury
0:25:21 make himself an utter utter disgrace
0:25:24 I couldn't comment on that video except
0:25:25 saying really you are a donkey that's
0:25:27 all right I couldn't say I think
0:25:29 it was
0:25:33 so let's go back to our issues so that's
0:25:35 that's uh that's
0:25:37 translator luckily have passed that
0:25:41 stage in the issue of valara because
0:25:43 obviously it's as impossible for Allah
0:25:45 to to will someone to go astray no he
0:25:48 ever met him but it says the reason and
0:25:51 rest of the Quran but the same actually
0:25:59 because it's a bonus he may help in that
0:26:03 enlightened open his mind for more
0:26:05 things that's perfectly fine there's no
0:26:06 ingested there but fundamentally he has
0:26:10 to do the first step then Allah will add
0:26:13 bonus in the case of the Lara he never
0:26:15 had anything
0:26:16 but here here is also allowed to
0:26:19 um
0:26:22 he will permit him to be on on that
0:26:25 right path because he started the job
0:26:27 and did that did the work
0:26:29 and then he can add more that is
0:26:33 like a Highway uh uh a big Highway with
0:26:38 many lanes you just get into
0:26:41 we are left arriving in English or to
0:26:43 the left lane with a slower speed Allah
0:26:44 can step in and give you
0:26:46 boost so you can go to the right more
0:26:48 right lens for Speedy and speedier more
0:26:50 guidance more speed but you are already
0:26:51 in the late you enter the name you enter
0:26:54 the highway first do that then I will
0:26:56 give you a boost to to go from the left
0:26:59 lane to the more right lanes with higher
0:27:01 speed
0:27:03 that's the way it works
0:27:04 so
0:27:05 but these people most people who are
0:27:08 stuck in Java and so on there and you
0:27:09 saying
0:27:11 because they they are Blended but they
0:27:14 did not even read the eyes of example in
0:27:16 and Surah the or Samsung
0:27:20 about the sword honestly
0:27:23 he inspired them with their old soul
0:27:26 with his with its translation and with
0:27:28 righteousness
0:27:30 I mean it's capable of both as I mean
0:27:32 you could have free will for both and
0:27:34 then the next exercise
0:27:35 successful would be the one who purify
0:27:38 himself now attribute amplification to
0:27:40 the man himself
0:27:42 we should be must be a correct as
0:27:44 tribulation because too far enough being
0:27:45 as we discussed many times
0:27:50 the other metaphorical meaning must must
0:27:52 be clear from the context so he's the
0:27:55 one who does the purification
0:28:08 to synchronize her soul and self down
0:28:10 instead of purifying he he is staying it
0:28:13 with Phil said
0:28:15 Philippines the action filthy thoughts
0:28:17 full theater or another also no thinking
0:28:20 no working nothing just say I don't want
0:28:21 to know about I'm just busy now making
0:28:23 money and stability that's that's what
0:28:26 it makes you filthy make your mind and
0:28:28 your heart filthy and get you doubt for
0:28:29 example
0:28:31 but we discussed in many cases but this
0:28:32 is what the example so that's the
0:28:34 question so the translator at least for
0:28:35 the first one they did it with that and
0:28:37 the other one they say that made it
0:28:38 attributed to the Divine because they
0:28:40 felt
0:28:41 somehow but they could have also
0:28:44 well a lot instead of saying
0:28:48 Allah allows him to be understood also
0:28:51 but later on after being on the set path
0:28:54 as I said giving the metaphor of the
0:28:56 highway with many lanes
0:28:58 he entered the highway when you enter
0:28:59 the highway where you enter and then if
0:29:01 the Indian land for example left left
0:29:03 driving country and they left mostly
0:29:05 because the other slow speed
0:29:07 now would be able to accelerate and
0:29:09 compete with the others and go to higher
0:29:10 lanes and have higher speed that in that
0:29:13 case Allah may have an input
0:29:15 directly or miraculously
0:29:17 sometimes even through the system
0:29:19 because the moment you get on the right
0:29:22 path the conditions around you
0:29:25 with some effort on your side I'll make
0:29:28 it right for you to have it to uh to
0:29:31 accelerate and so on you are already in
0:29:33 the in in the right in the right path on
0:29:36 the highway all it's just getting better
0:29:38 and better and better
0:29:39 in that case either way we're on doing
0:29:41 or are not doing so through the system
0:29:43 of the universal the system is so tuned
0:29:45 that in that case you can improve
0:29:49 by the design facility where you are
0:29:50 encouraged to improving Etc or by direct
0:29:53 action of Allah by Visions by dreams you
0:29:56 have no no hand in them which strengthen
0:29:58 you and Faith get you further and so on
0:30:01 good
0:30:03 I think I think we discussed harder many
0:30:05 times and discussed it because of the
0:30:06 realization question before you continue
0:30:08 um so I've got one question in relation
0:30:09 to the story of the answer
0:30:12 well uh bear with me there may be some
0:30:15 follow-on questions you may have from
0:30:16 this uh can we take hukum from the
0:30:19 stories of the animals and the past
0:30:21 Nations
0:30:22 depends on how the prophets have
0:30:24 mentioned it clearly he mentioned that
0:30:25 in in in in context that that uh that it
0:30:30 is it is uh worthy of shedding at least
0:30:33 of prohibition to destroy the untimes uh
0:30:36 especially with fire he said there are
0:30:38 many commands that the fire should not
0:30:40 be used to kill or destroy anything
0:30:42 secondly in retribution you should not
0:30:45 go excessive but establish that so the
0:30:46 stories enforce that and give you like a
0:30:48 visual like a drama which makes things
0:30:51 more more suitable closer to the heart
0:30:55 so we can't take okay it's that guidance
0:30:57 but that's that's not because it's a
0:30:59 previous Nation it's not that Authority
0:31:01 in itself
0:31:02 it may be an obligated Sharia yeah
0:31:06 that's a general question but there are
0:31:07 there must be some hints
0:31:09 there must be some hence there which you
0:31:11 have to guide you to think about the
0:31:13 mother and look for further evidence and
0:31:14 see what's happening and things like
0:31:16 that
0:31:18 good yeah
0:31:20 but they directly take home directly in
0:31:22 that sense form it's like this no that
0:31:24 would be not the correct way well I want
0:31:26 to always say that for the for for the
0:31:28 for for the sharing out of this prophet
0:31:32 he he he he stepped over over the bomb
0:31:37 and he committed that which is possibly
0:31:39 Hala which means the action of prophets
0:31:41 and so on are known to say and father
0:31:42 but unless we have extra evidence that's
0:31:44 you can take that in that because it's
0:31:46 about a statement of the fact what's the
0:31:48 nature of the universe only his
0:31:50 reporting from Allah which has leave no
0:31:52 doubt that is he reporting from Allah is
0:31:54 that valuable one anything else as long
0:31:55 as he's a prophet anything else because
0:31:57 we come and sort of to the one who who
0:32:00 is who jumped out of prophet and became
0:32:03 a shaytan I will come to that inshallah
0:32:06 but as long as I saw a prophet and we
0:32:08 read the story in the Old Testament
0:32:09 until the last moment when he failed
0:32:12 and sunk down he was truthful
0:32:15 but his action became miserable and then
0:32:17 that action was set so so grave that it
0:32:20 pulled him down and he lost forth
0:32:23 and then he will follow the shepherd and
0:32:25 became satanic then you cannot trust
0:32:26 anything chemical him neither words nor
0:32:28 anything
0:32:29 you can argue this way it needs it is
0:32:32 more of analytical things yeah
0:32:36 good
0:32:38 it is
0:32:39 no you cannot generally take a no no
0:32:42 evidences in a sense of sharia
0:32:44 injunction but but you can't take hints
0:32:47 and then you look for other evidences
0:32:48 then and most likely the stories
0:32:51 especially in the Quran the main
0:32:52 features there are very clear what they
0:32:55 entail what they mean although mostly is
0:32:58 forever and take lessons rather than
0:33:00 take Sherry eye Junction
0:33:03 like for example when Yusuf received
0:33:05 then the message of the king say come to
0:33:07 the king he said no I'm going to come
0:33:09 until I'm exonerated let's go back to
0:33:12 your lord and ask him another as I was
0:33:14 praising this I'd say if I were in the
0:33:16 place of Joseph and the messenger came
0:33:18 to me I would have one right away he's
0:33:20 praising Joseph it's this high rank it's
0:33:22 very difficult to achieve after so many
0:33:24 years in prison they can't say come
0:33:27 yeah you are your your you you are
0:33:29 released say no no I'm not going to come
0:33:31 first settle the court case check this
0:33:34 woman what they said is it true or not
0:33:36 clean my clean my my the record
0:33:39 completely I'm not going just bye bye
0:33:40 bye Royal Grace or just uh but no
0:33:43 on my ground that too and the kingdom
0:33:46 was held a court of law and the woman
0:33:49 admitted that that they fabricated and
0:33:52 so on so
0:33:54 and they will have
0:33:55 regretfully etc etc and then based on
0:33:58 that then Yusuf came after that
0:34:00 extermination he got a report everything
0:34:02 has been settled the king is absolutely
0:34:04 convinced
0:34:06 that this woman have light under the
0:34:08 fabricated stories this committed
0:34:10 perjury so the initial order to detain
0:34:14 you like any good law system is null and
0:34:16 void any issue as if you've never been
0:34:19 enacted we are sorry come now
0:34:21 I came in all honors but I love it too
0:34:23 is that also to praise Yusuf and put him
0:34:25 in a high rank and Automotive I think he
0:34:29 would have done better than Yusuf but
0:34:30 anyway he said if I were in the place of
0:34:32 Yusuf and the messenger of the king came
0:34:34 saying get out because I've gotten out
0:34:36 right away
0:34:38 okay so we can take from this set and
0:34:40 things certain hint set and uh issues
0:34:43 which is of issues of Aesthetics issues
0:34:45 of preferability and so on thus
0:34:47 appraising of the act of Yusuf and
0:34:49 definitely this is the show this is
0:34:51 highly desirable it's not obligatory
0:34:53 because he said I would have done it but
0:34:56 he said I would have done it and then
0:34:58 argue in the court case later that's no
0:34:59 problem but you should say no no I'm not
0:35:01 even going to step from the door until
0:35:03 this metal is settled I refuse to get
0:35:05 out I remember also certain cases I
0:35:07 don't know if there's some activities in
0:35:09 Saudi Arabia they will say you can't go
0:35:11 out now since I'm not going out open the
0:35:13 door instead he sat in and could listen
0:35:15 listen this is settled
0:35:17 something that happens so we have people
0:35:19 who who can get up to the level of user
0:35:22 Frank yeah so the message would have
0:35:24 been higher than that anyway but because
0:35:25 of modesty was to give us the hints what
0:35:28 should be done what could be done the
0:35:30 story is like that so with the Jews from
0:35:31 that something like that
0:35:33 from the comment of the Prophet not from
0:35:35 the story as mentioned in the Quran as
0:35:37 it is this is history
0:35:40 but it's clear what is it there for
0:35:42 example so from these stories we can
0:35:44 take head of certain things and analyze
0:35:46 but it needs sometimes a little bit
0:35:48 deeper look than than uh than the
0:35:51 shallow way of most uh foreign
0:36:07 flag there's some problem there not only
0:36:10 it's not only the whole I should be
0:36:11 mentioned maybe the whole context from
0:36:13 the beginning like today we started from
0:36:15 a new context about every bear that
0:36:17 animals are nations and so on this seems
0:36:19 to be relatively simulated context from
0:36:22 the previous one all this connected in a
0:36:24 deep sense but in method of legalistic
0:36:26 and and philosophical aspect is can't be
0:36:29 regarded as a Blockbuster if you don't
0:36:31 if he doesn't take the whole block from
0:36:33 beginning to end he will and then in
0:36:35 catastrophic results and that's helping
0:36:37 history look for example usually when
0:36:39 the invoke the will come to that
0:36:41 inshallah in due course the so-called
0:36:43 the Ayah of the sword in Surat uh
0:37:02 is even worse than that
0:37:05 if you read that
0:37:07 and there's other enemies of Islam take
0:37:08 that or something you can say oh they
0:37:10 called to kill everyone yes
0:37:12 that's catastrophic because you're free
0:37:15 the whole context we change the whole
0:37:17 story and the whole legal aspects
0:37:19 completely
0:37:30 from that
0:37:32 so
0:37:33 that could be catastrophic
0:37:35 genuinely catastrophic
0:37:38 and there in that ironic discussion I
0:37:41 didn't discuss only that either with the
0:37:42 context but all the various eyes and
0:37:43 bakara later Ayah right left under those
0:37:47 had made fighting conditioned on people
0:37:50 committing aggression against us that's
0:37:52 the specification the specific cannot be
0:37:55 obligated by The General
0:37:58 by the absolute it's not impossible even
0:38:00 if that one is later
0:38:02 but the one at the solar test
0:38:06 does it it is even it's not General but
0:38:10 even if you play General it gives you
0:38:11 only the club
0:38:13 it will mean go back to what I told you
0:38:15 what to do with the machine right all
0:38:17 you do so start the fight
0:38:19 that's still the Restriction is still
0:38:21 valid until today until tomorrow until I
0:38:23 see you until until I tell you fight
0:38:25 anyone even if they won't fight you it
0:38:27 must be specified like that to remove
0:38:29 the Restriction there's no it can be
0:38:32 abrogated that is a restriction or a
0:38:34 specification without another
0:38:36 specification negating that clearly and
0:38:38 outside just a general does not forget
0:38:40 that
0:38:43 foreign
0:38:54 and even in important things like war
0:38:57 and bees and and the fundamental things
0:38:59 about this belief and belief not only
0:39:01 that only that one context but other
0:39:03 other context which will like this one
0:39:05 if we see this he misguided anyone who
0:39:08 wants but to at least I look at
0:39:10 Solitaire
0:39:12 no no it is not the meaning is allow him
0:39:15 to go astray because if Allah does not
0:39:17 allow you to go astray or to be guided
0:39:19 you will never be able to achieve
0:39:21 anything unless permission must be so
0:39:22 that your will can work but the allowing
0:39:25 will be essentially allow you to choose
0:39:28 whatever you want to choose
0:39:30 this must be that long because if it
0:39:32 allows you only to choose guidance you
0:39:35 can't choose otherwise if it allows you
0:39:36 only to go astray you will go straight
0:39:38 there's no way so it will be the
0:39:40 fundamental point is that all these
0:39:43 actual humans who and other people who
0:39:46 are less sufficiently Free Will and so
0:39:48 on which which are a matter of the
0:39:50 subjects of accounting and
0:39:52 responsibility
0:39:53 the the the entity the finite into the
0:39:56 limited entity cannot perform it with
0:39:57 with its free will generally free will
0:40:00 even it's a limited one except by Allah
0:40:02 allowing them to choose whatever they
0:40:05 choose not allow them to make a certain
0:40:06 Choice otherwise it will be forcing you
0:40:09 to assess your choice because nothing
0:40:10 can happen the University of permission
0:40:12 so he he permits
0:40:15 let let that person choose whatever he
0:40:17 wants
0:40:19 done it can materialize otherwise we'll
0:40:22 never be materializing ever
0:40:26 ever because of the overwhelming
0:40:28 absolute dominance and control the
0:40:30 railways
0:40:32 okay so keep that hold that to your iron
0:40:35 fist
0:40:36 s
0:40:38 um
0:40:49 this one
0:40:51 say can you see yourselves invoking any
0:40:54 but God when God's chastisement befalls
0:40:57 of you in this world or the last hour
0:40:59 comes upon you tell me this if you are
0:41:01 men of Truth in Translation can you see
0:41:04 yourselves invoking any blood God when
0:41:06 God's punishment falls on you in this
0:41:08 world or when the last hour comes upon
0:41:10 you if you are truthful
0:41:12 and and that's that's that's a clear in
0:41:15 all nation in all situation even we we
0:41:18 have atheists for example in a big
0:41:19 Calamity like a car rolling over or
0:41:21 something like that if you can hear what
0:41:23 they're screaming some some people
0:41:24 survive or sometimes it's recorded
0:41:27 nowadays some people having own recorder
0:41:29 so you see them say oh God oh God oh God
0:41:33 foreign
0:41:45 even Hindus they will call just God
0:41:49 bhagwan without mentioning any space he
0:41:51 got one so it's a blim one
0:41:55 my Lord something like that
0:41:59 meaning the Supreme ones the mysterious
0:42:01 one
0:42:02 that would identify now or something
0:42:05 like the secret forced in the universe
0:42:06 or something like that in the moment of
0:42:07 distress and even the biggest desert
0:42:09 will be if they say if the hour comes
0:42:11 hour comes most likely will be such a
0:42:13 major event uh usually I somehow I I
0:42:17 cannot really get out of my mind that
0:42:19 maybe like an extra I throw it striking
0:42:21 the Earth
0:42:23 imagine a story striking death and you
0:42:26 say boom and you hear that no it will
0:42:28 happen only a few minutes before the
0:42:30 tidal wave comes and finishes everything
0:42:32 off
0:42:34 like the poor dinosaurs have that it
0:42:36 happened also before that I think at the
0:42:38 end of the permium and that one is in in
0:42:40 the Indian Ocean the one of the
0:42:41 dinosaurs is in Mexico they have they
0:42:44 have very good reasons to believe that's
0:42:46 over there and there are places of the
0:42:48 of the asteroid that would be the SA
0:42:53 help stood it it's gone
0:42:56 but in reality the only action will be
0:42:58 like that so next time
0:43:07 alone that you will evoke whereupon he
0:43:10 may if he so Wills remove that ill which
0:43:12 caused you to call unto him and you will
0:43:15 have forgotten all that to which you now
0:43:17 ascribe Divinity side by side with him
0:43:19 the translation no it is him alone that
0:43:23 you would call if it were his will he
0:43:25 may remove whatever harm that caused you
0:43:28 to call on him and you would have
0:43:29 forgotten all that you now associate
0:43:31 with him yeah so that new quality that's
0:43:34 your code and then he may kindly respond
0:43:38 but by by
0:43:42 by granting that what you want sometimes
0:43:45 he does no difference
0:43:48 but before before that
0:43:52 other list I think he can very well
0:43:54 accept on this one if he was insha
0:43:57 depending upon the machine and the
0:43:59 condition at that moment and the system
0:44:00 in the universe and the visit Tessa or
0:44:03 not and so on and in any case you will
0:44:04 forget what what you have a shared you
0:44:07 will always think about the Supreme
0:44:10 deity if you have various deities or
0:44:12 about the the force the secret force in
0:44:15 the universe which they call brahmana
0:44:17 not Brahma Brahma Vishnu Shiva no these
0:44:21 are three I could emerged from this
0:44:23 brahmana the secret force in the
0:44:25 universe this void is something
0:44:28 which has no structures but so most
0:44:32 likely the Hindus you say you say in the
0:44:35 movies when Calamity or bhagwan
0:44:38 oh my God
0:44:40 for example in I saw various various
0:44:44 things I said a woman is
0:44:49 respected up my respected Lord without
0:44:52 mentioning any name so it's the one in
0:44:54 the mind the Supreme one the one they
0:44:55 point to the finger sometimes that's the
0:44:57 one even there although they have tons
0:45:00 of Idols family Idols Village Idols this
0:45:02 Idol but ultimate it will be this one
0:45:04 that was a supreme one the one who's not
0:45:07 giving a name just sub G or bug one
0:45:10 check I've got a question on this so
0:45:13 is this alluding to it's an automatic
0:45:15 response or is it
0:45:19 that's a subconscious working that's the
0:45:21 mind working
0:45:23 if you say some mind working is it
0:45:25 almost in a sense that the person
0:45:27 subconsciously
0:45:29 has happened yeah this is what they call
0:45:31 the God complex
0:45:32 okay okay so well that would indicate
0:45:34 that it's an automatic response rather
0:45:35 than something conceptual because what I
0:45:37 mean to make a distinction if someone
0:45:39 this is not the time to think which one
0:45:42 I'm calling which one will be able to
0:45:43 just the Supreme one will do it that's
0:45:45 Allah
0:45:47 is this a thought out thing or is it
0:45:50 something that's as interesting then
0:45:52 then we have to accept guys psychiatrist
0:45:55 and kill yourself and so on but that's
0:45:58 what happened or could we see it they
0:46:00 may be exceptional people of extreme
0:46:02 stubbornness who refused to uh
0:46:05 to acknowledge it as a God or something
0:46:07 like that but that's usually not in a
0:46:09 Calamity like for example uh the famous
0:46:11 actor Henry Fonda I think he was an
0:46:13 atheist Church
0:46:16 even after his deathbed they say just to
0:46:19 him too to get a priest and have
0:46:20 sacraments he refused stability
0:46:23 because he knows that this is inevitable
0:46:26 and it cannot be prevented and delayed
0:46:29 and he refused her to believe her and
0:46:31 got generally God or whatever I don't
0:46:33 know his detail I don't know a family of
0:46:35 his life but it's definitely important
0:46:37 that he refused strictly don't bring any
0:46:39 priests in his story whatever reason I
0:46:40 don't know
0:46:42 so there's something else but in a
0:46:43 Calamity like falling or or a firestorm
0:46:46 or the nuclear explosion in good
0:46:48 forbidden Central London and we see the
0:46:50 fireball advancing there's nothing else
0:46:54 yeah look at that like that or a car
0:46:57 starting to turn over
0:47:00 or a plane obviously the pilot tell you
0:47:02 sorry we lost we lost we lost all the
0:47:04 engines we will try to somehow to land
0:47:07 on and if we wind up as a water so the
0:47:09 landing will be soft up then you know
0:47:11 it's gone
0:47:23 take it simple as that going on the
0:47:26 depth of psychology and the God complex
0:47:28 the brain and you can excited electrical
0:47:30 leave that for the theater session
0:47:32 but clearly is that what what experience
0:47:34 shown and especially in the Arabs
0:47:36 because the Arabs their shark is
0:47:37 relatively late the northern Arab the
0:47:40 shark is relatively late and imported so
0:47:43 uh became like like a shared or is a
0:47:46 share called City copper but a layer
0:47:48 over the fundamental way they're still
0:47:50 the major deity the central Advantage
0:47:52 there
0:47:54 mentioned various places when they are
0:47:56 in in at Sea and the storm comes then
0:48:01 Allah
0:48:03 because it's the only one who can manage
0:48:04 this bad situation at one side maybe
0:48:07 other God can help in some issues
0:48:09 getting a Camelback sorry with that see
0:48:12 only the big one can do the big work
0:48:15 in that sense in a more simple-minded
0:48:17 way okay so let's assemble by the level
0:48:20 and then you can go to higher level into
0:48:22 into psychology and the God complex in
0:48:24 the brain and how it is implemented in
0:48:26 the genes we can't go all of these
0:48:28 levels that may be part of that water
0:48:30 the larger muscle would say is this is
0:48:33 but at first is that what the alarms you
0:48:35 and this is pretty many to the Arabs but
0:48:38 we see it applies to other nations also
0:48:40 probably today even extreme uh Pagan
0:48:45 like like Hindus still there is some
0:48:48 kind of central mysterious force or
0:48:51 something Supreme thinks something
0:48:52 somewhere which was only invoked in the
0:48:55 major calamities or the State of Shock
0:48:59 yeah
0:49:01 okay agreed
0:49:03 so it has various levels
0:49:05 and most likely it is the reaction and
0:49:07 invoking the major deity or the major
0:49:09 force in the universe or something like
0:49:11 that is is
0:49:13 not based up because in such a major
0:49:16 Calamity like like you're seeing the
0:49:18 fireball advancing view of a nuclear
0:49:20 explosion or the ship is about to sink
0:49:22 and so on there's no time to analyze
0:49:24 which one God will be suitable for that
0:49:26 you know what by by instinct
0:49:29 it must be the major deity if any and
0:49:32 even some atheists may may even
0:49:33 distorted that oh God help me or
0:49:36 something like that
0:49:37 even all the thin layer layer of atheism
0:49:40 just evil bodies
0:49:43 good well
0:49:47 um
0:49:53 this is him alone that you will invoke
0:49:55 whereupon he may if he so Wills remove
0:49:58 that ill
0:50:01 yeah next one
0:50:03 and indeed we sent our messages on to
0:50:06 people before thy time a prophet and
0:50:07 visited them with Misfortune and
0:50:09 hardship so that they might humble
0:50:10 themselves this translation we sent our
0:50:13 messages unto people before your time
0:50:15 profit and Afflicted the people with
0:50:17 Misfortune and hardship so that they
0:50:19 might humble themselves yeah that's this
0:50:21 is their General habit that most humans
0:50:24 will be will live will reject the
0:50:27 message is because of arrogance and
0:50:29 stubbornness and feeling that they are
0:50:31 powerful and capable so visiting them
0:50:34 with with the hardship and like the
0:50:36 people foreign
0:50:52 and should be persuasive in itself but
0:50:54 they refuse to to submit to that and
0:50:56 also foreign
0:51:03 which would have done in any value and
0:51:06 that's the sultan which is he feels that
0:51:08 nobody knows about the people were
0:51:10 wondering what's happening why not oh
0:51:12 they have to be executed right away in
0:51:14 reality that's Sultan that that Horror
0:51:17 in his heart when he sees Musa is is
0:51:19 only known to him obviously you read
0:51:22 sometimes in some of that that he was so
0:51:25 terrified from Musa that he was even not
0:51:27 controlling his urine who is this as
0:51:28 some kind of exaggeration people imagine
0:51:30 things and that the stories I'm not sex
0:51:33 is impossible and even they say he was
0:51:36 urinating like a donkey anyway
0:51:39 will invent such a stories but clearly
0:51:43 he was he was so intimidated that he is
0:51:44 unable to give any comment
0:51:46 and that's it that's responsible from
0:51:48 that he said well we're afraid that we
0:51:50 don't want to open our mouth he will
0:51:52 immediately order us to executed
0:51:55 I said no no I will make an I will give
0:51:57 you an authority over him and I'm
0:51:58 listening with you
0:52:00 Allah telling them go don't worry that
0:52:03 will not happen so this is where Allah
0:52:05 is stepping in miraculously and for all
0:52:06 I felt that in himself he should
0:52:08 recognize that but that did not help so
0:52:10 all the other Miracles after that are
0:52:12 all really connected within investor
0:52:16 visiting them with hardship with
0:52:18 suffering and so on frogs uh floods and
0:52:23 the last one that the death of all first
0:52:25 born or most of us born are catastrophic
0:52:28 things
0:52:30 and the purpose of that is that here is
0:52:32 a powerful entity which can harm you or
0:52:34 put you down by by material Force
0:52:37 but
0:52:39 you have to put yourself down by your
0:52:41 own choice
0:52:44 you have to do it there's no way to do
0:52:46 it the universe is not structured
0:52:47 otherwise it doesn't work this way
0:52:51 so that you have to make a choice
0:52:55 unfortunately from day one because
0:52:57 created without any real will or the
0:52:59 will only for the good and the father
0:53:00 but no that's not the joy but there is
0:53:02 that so all of this external hardship to
0:53:05 push you down materially so that you
0:53:08 push yourself down
0:53:10 uh spiritually and submit to Allah ask
0:53:15 for Relief please remove that we
0:53:18 acknowledge that we that your other
0:53:19 ultimate sovereign
0:53:30 wanted not to
0:53:33 unfortunately unfortunately
0:53:37 so so so stubbornness and then her
0:53:40 heart-heartedness can get to that level
0:53:41 that is
0:53:52 one second
0:53:58 yet when Misfortune decreed by us befell
0:54:00 them they did not humble themselves
0:54:02 rather their hearts grew hard for Satan
0:54:04 had made all their doing sing goodly to
0:54:06 them in Translation when The Misfortune
0:54:10 fell on them they did not humble
0:54:11 themselves but instead their hearts
0:54:14 became hardened and Satan made their bad
0:54:16 Deeds alluring two of them to them
0:54:18 exactly and as we see in history
0:54:20 essentially rarely any
0:54:23 Any Nation just came to their senses by
0:54:25 themselves except the people of of Jonas
0:54:32 for some reason we don't have the taste
0:54:35 in the Quran
0:54:36 but they when when units left
0:54:40 and then According to some narrative I
0:54:41 don't know if it's not from the prophet
0:54:42 or from the from the stories of the Old
0:54:44 Testament I don't know I didn't check it
0:54:46 I don't bother checking it they have
0:54:48 been engulfed by some kind of a folk or
0:54:51 smoke
0:54:56 nowadays obviously this is a civilized
0:54:59 area and people are sophisticated and
0:55:02 Heritage civilization Russia and they
0:55:04 recognize this must be because Eunice
0:55:06 was angry and left now the punishment is
0:55:09 coming and they came to the sense and
0:55:10 they asked a lot to to relieve
0:55:13 remove that and there will be believer
0:55:15 and ask him to return units to them and
0:55:17 that has happened that's the only
0:55:18 exception of what I mentioned even
0:55:20 Muhammad
0:55:22 the majority of quraishi did not until
0:55:24 the sword took them until they were
0:55:25 defeated in in in the caucus of Mecca
0:55:29 and more but some of them even embraced
0:55:32 Islam as monafithi
0:55:34 it didn't help
0:55:37 so that's that's and that's all because
0:55:40 their heart became hot they could they
0:55:43 were able to uh and and their misdeed a
0:55:47 piece of them reasonable we are the
0:55:49 reasonable to be able this Prophet or
0:55:50 they say is what is bringing is
0:55:51 unreasonably not acceptable
0:55:53 he is the for example the case of people
0:55:55 following said this is a slave Nation we
0:55:57 are supposed to be give them leadership
0:55:59 and made
0:56:01 regard them as equal and we have a
0:56:03 civilization going for thousands of
0:56:05 years at times already that the pyramids
0:56:07 have been standing there for maybe a
0:56:09 thousand thousand and a half years
0:56:11 because if Musa is 1450 before Christ
0:56:13 say 1500 the pyramids at three thousand
0:56:16 plus so we are talking about almost two
0:56:18 thousand years before ancient generation
0:56:21 for Generation we have this order and
0:56:23 then a couple of guys with the slave
0:56:25 Nation are going to change our way of
0:56:27 life completely upside down
0:56:30 that's that's the that's not that's not
0:56:33 the way most likely the scholar said
0:56:34 that's not the way your social
0:56:35 engineering should be done this should
0:56:37 be done bit by bit to stay in my stages
0:56:39 nicely on what like the psychologist now
0:56:41 say by enacting law after law maybe over
0:56:44 500 years not excitedly no this doesn't
0:56:46 work this way his God must be must be
0:56:49 mental who asked her to do that suddenly
0:56:51 no it's not right that's the way you
0:56:52 will persuade yourself through something
0:56:53 all these things may be a good a good
0:56:55 thing but it can't be that immediately
0:56:57 like that no no that's not acceptable
0:56:58 and the other one say no no until I said
0:57:01 I'm not going through to give up
0:57:03 Divinity and absolute sovereignty no no
0:57:05 no before someone in heaven I don't know
0:57:07 and the one in heaven is not even
0:57:09 talking to me he's talking through the
0:57:10 slave no no
0:57:12 and even worse talking through a man who
0:57:15 doesn't even express him say Well he has
0:57:16 a problem in his tongue he has to tell
0:57:19 his brother and his brother explain what
0:57:20 he wants
0:57:21 people come on be sensible how we can
0:57:24 follow this that's the way they thought
0:57:27 they developed it in such a way that it
0:57:29 looks
0:57:30 it looks Washington
0:57:32 they will make it to their evil forces
0:57:35 on himself as an entity or the shaytan
0:57:38 could mean that the evil force of the
0:57:39 evil inclination the gaps in the in the
0:57:42 gaps in in the in the structure of the
0:57:44 mind and the structure of the heart
0:57:46 that's the shaytan
0:57:49 accommodating for him
0:57:51 two thousand years ago even more of this
0:57:54 realization development was supposed to
0:57:56 change in one day yeah you catchy it's
0:57:58 easy change your attitude and rework
0:58:01 things around it it will work in a few
0:58:03 days and months it will work no problem
0:58:05 all that you need to change that here
0:58:07 inside your inside your heart and bread
0:58:09 nobody said to demolish the building
0:58:11 nobody said to anything
0:58:13 even Idols for the Majesty's artifact
0:58:16 and an historical artifact that's it
0:58:19 it's easier than people think
0:58:22 what are the philosophers and social uh
0:58:25 professors will come with all kind of
0:58:27 philosophical developments no no no it's
0:58:28 not the way it develops history
0:58:30 development doesn't develop this way I'm
0:58:32 using the model language or recent
0:58:34 language must have been something else
0:58:39 yeah and the same as well same with the
0:58:40 Qureshi
0:58:43 we are the guardian of the sanctuary we
0:58:46 we are the best in Arabia we are the
0:58:48 banking of Arabia we are the leader of
0:58:50 Arabia
0:58:52 and this guy is coming to tell us that
0:58:54 our way of life is because we have some
0:58:57 some symbolic Idols that's not the way
0:58:59 to go
0:59:03 and most likely that's because he
0:59:04 advised for power because many Hashem
0:59:06 are weakening now and losing power so he
0:59:08 started to establish power faking this
0:59:10 well we'll give you this analysis
0:59:12 there's a better analysis than believing
0:59:14 that receiving something from heaven and
0:59:16 things like that all kind of arguments
0:59:17 suitable to the current situation of the
0:59:19 time
0:59:25 foreign
0:59:36 closer and then when they had forgotten
0:59:40 all that they had been told to take to
0:59:42 heart we threw open to them the gates of
0:59:44 all good things until even as they were
0:59:47 rejoicing in what they had been granted
0:59:49 we suddenly took them to task and load
0:59:52 they were broken in spirit next
0:59:54 translation
0:59:55 well they had forgotten all that they
0:59:57 had been told to take to heart we opened
1:00:00 the gates to everything they wanted then
1:00:02 as they rejoiced in what had been
1:00:04 granted we struck them suddenly and they
1:00:06 were held and they were in despair yeah
1:00:08 after the peso of tribulation and they
1:00:11 said then my for example hardship like
1:00:13 Noreen like in the case of Yusuf and so
1:00:15 on
1:00:18 oh this is actually how the world Works
1:00:21 farming's exchange with rain time and so
1:00:23 on that's that's what what what have
1:00:25 been visited on us is actually the
1:00:28 normal cause of things it goes in Cycles
1:00:31 it is in Cycles now the cycle is gone
1:00:34 now we aren't fine and nice if
1:00:36 everything is fine no problem so don't
1:00:39 don't bother very much about thinking
1:00:41 whatever this profit or this this
1:00:43 message you have sold you with us is all
1:00:44 from God he's Imagining the guy is the
1:00:46 poor guy is misguided he's mentally
1:00:48 dressed it just happened accidentally to
1:00:50 be in a time which is a type of Pharmacy
1:00:52 the rain is being held by the Lord from
1:00:54 you ah it's not it's just just cycles of
1:00:57 weather of changes and so on nowadays
1:00:59 say the jits today was going south and
1:01:01 more than
1:01:02 about him and then maybe Good Times come
1:01:05 and the people forget about that and
1:01:06 then suddenly academic comes which is
1:01:08 finishing them where they are then in a
1:01:10 State of Shock a little bit unto it
1:01:13 that's the way it works in the universe
1:01:15 which people may call it cycle
1:01:17 but some of his man-made Cycles when
1:01:19 someone is divinely made sex or
1:01:21 somebody's psychics in the world because
1:01:22 the days over and the world dictates up
1:01:24 and down the Quran says that it's where
1:01:26 but in that case with case of a
1:01:27 messenger and so on don't assume it is
1:01:29 just a normal cause of things it may be
1:01:32 not you should think about it
1:01:39 so if they've taken that suddenly so
1:01:42 they are in a state of shotgun Mobley
1:01:43 soon you don't know what to do with
1:01:45 Community because
1:01:50 it has happened several times in history
1:01:52 like the people of nowhere the people of
1:01:55 of
1:01:56 uh
1:01:58 of hood Etc
1:02:00 uh the people of Saudi they have come
1:02:03 through these stages and the end stage
1:02:05 was that everything is fine they tell
1:02:06 them come on
1:02:08 let your lord bring that what he has
1:02:10 been threatening or love because
1:02:11 especially important people of wood it
1:02:13 was a long time of knowing and famine
1:02:16 and he's warning them and so on to bring
1:02:18 you all kind of we don't know which
1:02:20 evidence because the colanders it's
1:02:22 interestingly it doesn't mention any
1:02:23 specific Miracle robot
1:02:26 he must have something else we don't
1:02:27 know we don't know anyway
1:02:29 then ultimately
1:02:31 I didn't start it will come and so on
1:02:33 and then increase
1:02:35 and then they saw this huge Cloud coming
1:02:38 converter that's no that's that's a
1:02:40 cloud which will really refill the wells
1:02:42 and the Earth will be wet
1:02:45 and all the time of the hardship family
1:02:47 will be over and that cloud is that what
1:02:49 was really super hurricane or super
1:02:52 typhoon this is the Indian Ocean they
1:02:54 call them typhoon or a cyclone Super
1:02:57 Cyclone because in the India also they
1:02:59 called Cyclone I think in the Pacific
1:03:01 they are called typhoons and in the in
1:03:03 the Caribbean they are called hurricanes
1:03:04 so that must have been a super
1:03:10 Cyclone which exterminated them
1:03:15 so it can happen like that and luckily
1:03:17 after Musa and harun this this this this
1:03:20 system has been changed underneath the
1:03:23 taking over and the extermination is
1:03:25 taken by the hand of the Believers in
1:03:26 the battlefield against rustaman hostile
1:03:29 murder cover what would this happen to
1:03:32 the party for the quality
1:03:34 they were cut in pieces by with by with
1:03:36 an ultimately defeated in the Corpus
1:03:38 actually the conquest of Mecca because
1:03:39 of Allah's mercy and the things have
1:03:42 this enacted even the time of Abraham is
1:03:45 a place of security what the the
1:03:47 Bloodshed was minimal only few suffered
1:03:49 and the rest just corroded there in
1:03:51 their houses and some became one African
1:03:53 became believer and converted and so on
1:03:55 but generally in other nations the the
1:03:59 believing Nation
1:04:00 which the messenger immigrated to will
1:04:04 be in case of Visa
1:04:06 he was lifted up before that but was
1:04:08 already announced in the Old Testament
1:04:09 so since most had agreement this this
1:04:11 system uh has been changed or was
1:04:13 mentioned in in other occasions which
1:04:16 will come to that I'll translate this
1:04:18 now yeah and in the end The Last Remnant
1:04:21 of those folk who had been bent on evil
1:04:23 doing was wiped out
1:04:25 for all praise is due to God the same
1:04:28 the sustainer of all the worlds next
1:04:30 translation
1:04:31 the evil doers will wiped out all
1:04:33 Praises do to God the lord of the worlds
1:04:36 is
1:04:37 just Lord could be a sustainer could be
1:04:40 a lawmaker and it's both
1:04:42 so that's that's the Lord is the correct
1:04:44 one another because translation as Lord
1:04:47 is the better one than sister
1:04:50 because
1:04:57 Translate
1:05:02 say what do you think if God should take
1:05:05 away your hearing and your sight and
1:05:07 seal your hearts what deity but God is
1:05:10 there that could bring it all back to
1:05:11 you
1:05:12 behold how many facets we give to our
1:05:15 messages and yet they turn away in
1:05:17 disdain yeah next translation
1:05:19 say consider this what
1:05:22 a lot of his friends are considered this
1:05:24 what if God should take away your
1:05:26 hearing and your sight and your and seal
1:05:29 your hearts
1:05:30 what God other than God is there that
1:05:33 could bring it all back to you
1:05:35 see how we explain our revelations in
1:05:37 many ways and yet still they turn away
1:05:40 in disdain okay not certainly clear but
1:05:42 I just have one one important comment
1:05:44 obviously when you say which God beside
1:05:47 God so that one is a smaller cabinet is
1:05:49 better so we should deity inside God
1:05:51 will come to the jewel inside Allah
1:05:53 that's okay
1:05:54 now this
1:05:57 just refused completely what our happy
1:05:59 Claim about that that God is something
1:06:01 which is worshiped he's not they're not
1:06:02 talking about worship or submission
1:06:03 anything at all it is which deity will
1:06:06 bring you beside Allah except Allah will
1:06:09 bring you back the site and the and the
1:06:12 open the hearts and open your ears after
1:06:16 that taken by Allah the same same let's
1:06:18 assume Allah blind you yeah
1:06:21 and make you make a deaf
1:06:25 leave the heart because that's intent
1:06:27 about this externally
1:06:28 that happened from Allah which of your
1:06:31 deities is capable of reversing it
1:06:34 which meaning that the definition of
1:06:36 deity is an entity which can reverse
1:06:38 that or can do that can take it away and
1:06:40 bring it back
1:06:43 as intrinsically has this capability
1:06:46 thus alone shows that the definition of
1:06:48 is something which worship is faulty
1:06:51 under but that the people did not read
1:06:52 the Quran from begin to end
1:06:54 they have a fixed idea
1:06:57 starting with the mistake of intimia
1:06:58 with blunder actually but they sharpened
1:07:01 it until it became the energy
1:07:02 devastating
1:07:04 a devastating uh it was like a blunt
1:07:07 Hammer used sparingly a little bit but
1:07:10 the sharp knitted became that assault
1:07:11 used everywhere to cut everything into
1:07:13 pieces
1:07:14 so this is when one characteristic idea
1:07:16 that he can't do that
1:07:18 if they would was worshiping these these
1:07:21 idols and so on just just as that hobby
1:07:23 think they are just touching and kissing
1:07:25 them I love you and so on and that's it
1:07:27 then the argument would make no sense
1:07:32 they they must have been believing and
1:07:35 they think that they could do something
1:07:36 like that or the other branch of deity
1:07:39 the secondary branch is that they
1:07:41 descend at the offsprings over that
1:07:42 another Duty so they have the honor or
1:07:44 the genes or the genealogy of deity
1:07:46 leave this aside you could say these do
1:07:49 not have enough Authority but usually
1:07:51 even those because the Beloved girls
1:07:52 daughters and sons of Allah must have
1:07:54 set in power another thing can't be just
1:07:57 just plainly just being nice Divine and
1:07:59 they will have some a King's Children
1:08:02 even if they are not participating in
1:08:03 the government they still have the
1:08:05 respectability and something to say and
1:08:07 they can advise and direct them so they
1:08:09 can do something
1:08:10 definitely
1:08:12 by virtual being of divine origin
1:08:14 especially in time past when the king is
1:08:16 really absolute and also the offsprings
1:08:18 are also have some kind of absolute
1:08:19 power but the exercises with the
1:08:21 limitation of their father Yes but they
1:08:22 are so
1:08:25 so the claim that uh deity meaning
1:08:28 something which is worship does not make
1:08:30 any sense because they told him no we
1:08:32 never say that they have discoverability
1:08:34 that's not our gods are not of this side
1:08:36 this type no no the gods of this type
1:08:39 either of divine origin or independently
1:08:42 capable of creating and blinding and
1:08:44 taking up giving them outside back Etc
1:08:48 that's exactly what and it was a famous
1:08:50 story that when one of the sahabi early
1:08:52 Muslims she had some some eye problem
1:08:56 and uh she became blind whatever you
1:08:59 know maybe it's a temporal problem
1:09:01 anyway but that's what the report says
1:09:03 she became
1:09:05 we warned you Allah will take your love
1:09:08 with your eye aware away I said by Allah
1:09:12 Allah I said away or bring it back it's
1:09:15 Allah who took it for whatever reason
1:09:17 and he is the one will be able to and
1:09:19 the report said she'll get again
1:09:21 someone could say this is a placebo
1:09:23 effect because she's very very confident
1:09:26 I believe yes but but this is the
1:09:28 reality a lot kind of bring us because
1:09:30 Allah doesn't exist it does not have
1:09:31 that's supposed to be the the consort a
1:09:34 life of Allah Allah being accepted about
1:09:36 this nonsense I cannot do anything it's
1:09:38 just it's just a name you have created
1:09:40 in your mind doesn't exist so she
1:09:42 couldn't have been possibly taken my
1:09:43 eyesight or back and maybe he has things
1:09:45 of Faith or a miracle from Allah
1:09:51 so let's say this means genuine they
1:09:54 believe that Allah can do that
1:09:57 that's good but that's what's making a
1:09:59 Divine being all this is that Allah is
1:10:01 actually from a satanic origin not from
1:10:03 because uh kalash was the belief that
1:10:07 the ability is two branches the good one
1:10:10 Allah and the bad one the evil one is
1:10:12 everything so they have this dualism
1:10:13 which is called zandaka and uh and then
1:10:17 after that long ages of War peace was
1:10:21 settled and then a lot which is a
1:10:24 according to also the old babylonic
1:10:26 beliefs is is a under underworld goddess
1:10:28 was sent to heaven to become the wife of
1:10:30 Allah so that no peace and settled the
1:10:33 same way King settled disputes in the
1:10:35 Dunya just marry your daughter to the
1:10:37 skin and things get settled nicely
1:10:41 so that's what they were believing but
1:10:43 they are Divine beings worship not
1:10:45 worshiped irrelevant
1:10:47 Divine being of good time bad time but
1:10:50 Divine big
1:10:51 worship yeah worship would be based on
1:10:54 that automatically it's clear
1:10:56 it's clear but that's that's that's
1:10:58 that's that's that's by as it stands see
1:11:01 the adity is the one who can take sight
1:11:03 and give sight creating the abilities
1:11:05 and he's telling them which deity of
1:11:07 your deities claim deities can retain
1:11:09 the eyesight
1:11:11 when if Allah has taken the eyesight
1:11:12 away tell me which one none and the
1:11:15 story of that woman is an example of
1:11:16 that and many other examples is there is
1:11:18 no way
1:11:19 and also in normal life people go blind
1:11:22 to get diseases get their leg cut in an
1:11:24 accident and so on any one of these they
1:11:27 can carry attend that back show me
1:11:29 has never happened
1:11:31 have ever ever happened
1:11:34 never ever
1:11:37 so they take a take from that is that
1:11:39 this shows what what the meaning of
1:11:41 illah in the in the context of the Quran
1:11:44 at the time maybe the word Eli in
1:11:46 ancient time had another meaning
1:11:47 actually
1:11:48 in the time of Musa and in Old Kanai
1:11:52 language is almost
1:11:55 and that's the reason Old Testament to
1:11:57 say it says in the discussion in
1:12:01 in more cine assuming it is it's true
1:12:04 there's no reason to believe it's
1:12:05 fabricated
1:12:06 he said I will be your Musa and you I
1:12:10 will give you your brother alone to be
1:12:12 with you but he will under you I will be
1:12:14 your illah and you will be meaning the
1:12:16 Lord or Master leader
1:12:19 at the time he did not have that meaning
1:12:21 it was developed further but over the
1:12:23 time and Allah was given them the
1:12:24 constructed name yehovah I think at this
1:12:27 what is Jehovah means I think I think it
1:12:29 is meaning essential it is a sentence it
1:12:32 is not abbreviation
1:12:33 as they liked it it looks like but so
1:12:35 many he who is he
1:12:38 he who is he no that is then there is a
1:12:40 city existing that's translated in
1:12:42 symbol common my language at that time
1:12:44 things like necessarily existing and and
1:12:47 contingent were not developed yet that
1:12:49 discussion so the best what you can
1:12:51 describe that is he who is he
1:12:55 when I when I asked how much does the
1:12:57 people who is the one sending me because
1:12:58 we will have so many gods and so on God
1:13:00 of ram I'm on which one what's your name
1:13:03 I should tell say and in your previous
1:13:06 generation Abraham and after they called
1:13:08 me illah should die the strong Lord the
1:13:12 strongest one the structure one but now
1:13:15 we'll have advanced in history obviously
1:13:17 if they ask yourself he who is he send
1:13:20 me
1:13:22 later on than the word ill was was made
1:13:25 and made with the article
1:13:28 the god
1:13:30 and then merge together
1:13:32 Allah and then we no need for that so
1:13:36 then the Quran
1:13:38 anyway let's say we just say Allah told
1:13:40 him
1:13:43 I am Allah that's after all these
1:13:46 development and the linguistic
1:13:47 development there's now a name no need
1:13:49 to use Jehovah anymore we have than a
1:13:51 personal name for Allah Allah
1:13:54 but this is what originally at that time
1:13:56 was constructed as a sentence
1:13:59 and so that's in time passed and then
1:14:01 became then with this definition with
1:14:03 the Quran clarify with this various
1:14:04 question and the most clear definition
1:14:06 and sharpness is the insert the momentum
1:14:08 welcome one day inshallah the Ayah of
1:14:10 so-called
1:14:11 Mutual Mutual exclusion that Allah no
1:14:17 Offspring wallet
1:14:21 would have taken their the creation and
1:14:24 went away or they could try to overcome
1:14:26 each other so that's a deity is either
1:14:28 of spring over deity
1:14:30 or something intrinsically capable of
1:14:33 creating and having his own career on
1:14:34 his own power on his own sign his own
1:14:37 will and take it away or defeat the
1:14:39 others overcome them
1:14:41 try to defend that's that's that that's
1:14:43 that's all types of deities which exist
1:14:45 genuinely
1:14:47 in a precise form which people simple
1:14:50 people like simple hinders so don't have
1:14:52 a clear picture in their mind but like
1:14:54 like something uh amorphous something
1:14:58 nebulous in their mind but it was to do
1:15:01 three things either of spring of a deity
1:15:03 or a deity in that definition which is
1:15:05 capable acting well with intrinsic power
1:15:09 and absolute superiority
1:15:12 and this definition is perfect it's like
1:15:14 if you remember the people who had
1:15:15 programming they have so-called
1:15:16 recursive definition
1:15:18 because you say it's either offswing a
1:15:21 deity
1:15:22 or the deity with this characteristic so
1:15:24 if similarity is a deity it may be
1:15:27 assuming another option at ultimately
1:15:28 ends to the fundamental one which is the
1:15:30 one which I think in Sovereign intrinsic
1:15:33 power and three words
1:15:36 and this is examined with applying to
1:15:38 taking eyesight blinding and things like
1:15:40 that
1:15:41 nothing with worship or neurotype but
1:15:43 worshiper here no worshiper is available
1:15:44 it's an intrinsic attributes of a
1:15:47 divinity
1:15:50 okay clear so that's that's one that's
1:15:52 that's one part of the just for for
1:15:55 these uh
1:15:57 blinded heretical Hobby and the
1:15:59 definition of divinity
1:16:01 because of the definition then you have
1:16:03 something called grave worship
1:16:05 initially
1:16:07 because people go to the game and touch
1:16:09 it and kiss it and it became a deity
1:16:11 that no that's impossible it can't be
1:16:13 but there's no great worship
1:16:15 that's not good
1:16:17 one quick one there I just I missed this
1:16:19 one somebody's asked
1:16:20 um the issue of the shape of the earth
1:16:21 what about geocentricism versus
1:16:25 heliocentrism acute crane hmar on the
1:16:28 former
1:16:31 they said the same pencil the Quran are
1:16:33 there also
1:16:35 these things are these things are
1:16:38 in the Quran hence set and things
1:16:41 sometimes same thing
1:16:42 and sometimes it is uh like for example
1:16:46 they usually invoke that the the sun is
1:16:48 running to to a place of settlement and
1:16:52 the killing settlements under the throne
1:16:53 and all this thing we'll discuss that in
1:16:55 some recessions which will come but that
1:16:57 running through a place of settlement
1:16:58 cannot be the the apparent motion around
1:17:01 death because it never settles out a
1:17:03 matter of fact and this Hadith under the
1:17:05 throne is most likely fabricated but
1:17:07 even if it is must be metaphorical so
1:17:09 because we know by this is the Earth is
1:17:12 is egg-shaped and and by the Quran and
1:17:15 by the by the observation by ancestral
1:17:17 perception then there will be no Citrus
1:17:19 so the sun in the sense of being under
1:17:21 the throne prostrating is continuously
1:17:24 at one point of the earth any time in
1:17:26 any time on on in in that passage of
1:17:30 time there's a place on the Earth where
1:17:31 the sun is like in the deer in the
1:17:33 bottom so it blows it under the throne
1:17:35 meaning under Allah's control fine
1:17:37 so this is this is destination which is
1:17:40 cities but this destination is
1:17:41 continuously she is always settling
1:17:42 somewhere so that meaning
1:17:45 is running to a place of settlement
1:17:48 cannot be the meaning of that so maybe
1:17:50 it's movement
1:17:51 so not the apparent movement let's say
1:17:53 so the apart movies is really apparent
1:17:55 but leave that the sun moves also around
1:17:59 the center of the Galaxy actually it
1:18:00 moves relative to the local globe of
1:18:02 that that's a certain movement then the
1:18:05 whole block local block moves around the
1:18:07 center of the Galaxy there's another
1:18:09 movement
1:18:10 etc etc
1:18:11 so that's that's the so you have to take
1:18:14 all these evidences and to to get to
1:18:16 this thing my advice don't integrate
1:18:18 involved in that leave it to the people
1:18:20 of Science and so on simply because it
1:18:22 needs to take various evidences and
1:18:24 analyze which reference frame we are
1:18:26 looking from if you are looking Forum of
1:18:28 the Earth
1:18:29 then obviously the whole heaven and sky
1:18:31 is the
1:18:32 socospherical astronomy work with that
1:18:34 at the end as if the Earth is is is not
1:18:38 rotating and the whole sky is rotate and
1:18:40 they do the geometry and the calculation
1:18:42 it works the same way
1:18:44 is it real or is it the sky the Earth is
1:18:47 rotating and the sky is actually not
1:18:48 rotating it relative to the air in any
1:18:50 great extent there may be some Far Away
1:18:52 rotation that somebody but let's say go
1:18:54 the nearby area
1:18:55 that's what's well established for
1:18:57 various reasons because various
1:18:59 observations show that and various
1:19:01 places uh between winter and summer
1:19:03 various it should actually show that it
1:19:05 cannot be that that uh that uh the sky
1:19:08 is rotating actually we are rotating
1:19:10 let's just say an apartheid movement but
1:19:12 in astronomy and aesthetical astronomy
1:19:13 it doesn't make any difference in the
1:19:15 same geometry can be applied
1:19:17 secondly issues related that if it's so
1:19:20 then the remotes the remote starts
1:19:22 because they rotate to the same angular
1:19:23 speed they must be there their their
1:19:26 their physical the tangential speed must
1:19:29 be enormous
1:19:30 which is impossible because we know
1:19:32 there's a limit of speeds which is the
1:19:34 speed of light so they must exceed the
1:19:36 space like that a reality but that's
1:19:38 impossible so it must be only apparent
1:19:40 this is your matricat by by refusing the
1:19:43 reference frame so this thing is better
1:19:44 left to the specialist Bush will Design
1:19:47 the reference frames and work on it and
1:19:49 so on
1:19:50 probably
1:19:52 so just so that's it this is no problem
1:19:54 with that there's absolutely no problem
1:19:56 it can be worked out in detail but it
1:19:58 needs some some kind of graphic
1:19:59 representation some kind of maybe
1:20:01 representation Now by by uh by Holograms
1:20:04 and things like that so it can be easily
1:20:06 appreciated
1:20:07 and everywhere look to the reference
1:20:10 frame
1:20:11 reactive to whom you are talking
1:20:14 to the one who is talking to the Center
1:20:17 of the Earth or to the center of the Sun
1:20:19 or the central of the solar system which
1:20:21 is different than the central Sun a
1:20:22 little bit or the center of the Galaxy
1:20:24 or if there's any Center of areas or the
1:20:27 points of the big bank which we don't
1:20:28 know where it is now at the moment
1:20:31 you see so there's there's many issues
1:20:33 there related to the reference frame and
1:20:35 we delete the issues of Relativity is
1:20:37 absolute not absolute and so on deep
1:20:39 issues and the hints of the Quran held
1:20:41 many of these issues
1:20:43 good
1:20:46 but that's an issue by said it may be
1:20:47 worth maybe one day addressing it but I
1:20:49 think I don't think it's worth
1:20:50 addressing because all of these which
1:20:52 come with that it must be flat because
1:20:54 of his eyes as I mentioned that example
1:20:56 is just after stupidity they don't even
1:20:57 have the basic linguistic understanding
1:20:59 of the medical difference between plane
1:21:02 and surface a surface service for
1:21:05 anybody has its own self a sphere has a
1:21:07 surface which is the external Shield uh
1:21:10 uh a cube has a surface which is this
1:21:13 how much one two three four six sides
1:21:15 this is the surface and internet and so
1:21:18 on so that when a foreign says look at
1:21:21 this house has been uh
1:21:24 selfish how the self is shaped
1:21:28 look at some more things have been made
1:21:30 up right or stuck up right is used for
1:21:34 them for the tent yeah
1:21:36 the tent is is made upright by an
1:21:39 internal pillar clear the mountain is
1:21:41 not of this type but also we say the
1:21:43 banner is upright
1:21:45 there's a both famous box world
1:21:49 of the banner
1:21:51 that by a by a pillar and the LIE is to
1:21:54 the side it's not like the tent another
1:21:57 type of nurse the mountain is being must
1:22:00 be made not being said like that by some
1:22:03 other mechanism so what's the meaning
1:22:04 look how it is being us what is the way
1:22:06 of nasu the the the type of nose what's
1:22:09 the type let's mean assembly look at the
1:22:12 mountains study its shape that's
1:22:13 geography
1:22:15 do measurements the co-dc
1:22:18 but you have to dig insight to see
1:22:19 what's going on for God's sake do
1:22:21 geology meaning addressee
1:22:25 study these Sciences don't be idiots
1:22:27 that's it
1:22:29 not that it is like the tent or like the
1:22:32 like like the like the the the the the
1:22:35 the pillar of a panel this is to another
1:22:38 type we must
1:22:45 the how is not clearly visible
1:22:47 don't say don't you see like that but
1:22:50 meaning it
1:22:51 now we see they're standing there but we
1:22:52 don't know how it is okay so go ahead
1:22:54 study it
1:22:55 don't remain like animals and donkeys
1:22:57 animals cannot study you can study go
1:22:59 ahead and study go to geography
1:23:02 geophysics your chemistry and geology
1:23:07 the same days have been however there
1:23:08 have been surfaced look at the surface
1:23:10 how it's cheap how it's related to
1:23:12 technology movements plate movements and
1:23:14 so on
1:23:15 again start geography study study
1:23:18 tectonic strategiology
1:23:21 but instead of doing that they say oh
1:23:24 it's actually flat
1:23:26 flat brains or no brains in the first
1:23:29 place
1:23:31 see my point
1:23:32 so it directs you to look and do not do
1:23:34 knowledge and do science
1:23:38 and the same with other things
1:23:41 in time past some people started like
1:23:43 this
1:23:45 even there's a reading from it is
1:23:51 she doesn't settle anywhere
1:23:53 and this is a permissible reading
1:23:55 because adding an alif the Quran shows
1:23:57 that they're adding alif is permissible
1:23:59 in certain places
1:24:02 this addition may be maybe a possible
1:24:04 reading
1:24:05 and it's from Prince Road by the way
1:24:07 from
1:24:09 salafi they will get stuck obviously
1:24:11 because somehow having wings and become
1:24:14 angels and know everything but
1:24:17 I I wouldn't adopt that that one I mean
1:24:19 I think the meaning is that but maybe
1:24:20 that's intended because adding an
1:24:22 elephant so in the Quran is well
1:24:23 established everywhere so this is one
1:24:25 way the rasm of the Quran can be
1:24:26 extended by adding alifs and Hamza these
1:24:30 four can be added in appropriate place
1:24:32 you can't add this anywhere let's see
1:24:33 does it make new sense yeah in this year
1:24:35 makes sense
1:24:37 is running with no place of rest
1:24:43 and then all the issues about where it
1:24:45 is and so prosthetic under the Irish is
1:24:48 gone for example so you have to have to
1:24:50 have to do a little bit more hard work
1:24:52 in these things
1:24:54 then that's just the shallow uh this uh
1:24:56 shallow idiots of Egypt I saw recently
1:24:58 says uh some declarative fear anyways to
1:25:01 claiming the S is not flat
1:25:04 just plain
1:25:06 I've been couldn't find any committee
1:25:08 such as indeed you are a donkey
1:25:11 say the words I couldn't what I'm
1:25:14 supposed to say
1:25:15 the comment there in YouTube recommended
1:25:18 cannot go Pages explain all what they're
1:25:20 saying now so the only things that you
1:25:22 are indeed a donkey that's all that
1:25:24 sorry I can't say anything more than
1:25:25 that or something like that
1:25:28 very unfortunate
1:25:32 good
1:25:34 so I think we can maybe see if we can
1:25:36 finish this block of context let me see
1:25:39 what's today
1:25:45 another challenge which other deity can
1:25:48 do something else let us see
1:25:50 Music
1:25:52 if we have this taking the eyesight and
1:25:54 so on and then they turn away from the
1:25:56 ayat and the next
1:25:58 attack oh
1:26:03 hello
1:26:05 yeah let's continue with the same
1:26:09 can you imagine what your condition will
1:26:11 be if God's chastisement befalls you
1:26:13 either suddenly or in again gradually
1:26:16 perceptible manner but then will any but
1:26:19 evil doing folk ever be destroyed next
1:26:22 translation say consider this what if
1:26:25 the punishment of God should come to you
1:26:26 suddenly or gradually would anyone but
1:26:29 the evil do as be destroyed yeah
1:26:31 according to previous energy obviously
1:26:33 uh it will come through the tablets it
1:26:36 doesn't have a doculation that sadly
1:26:38 came like that uh it came on the hand of
1:26:41 the believer when they when they
1:26:42 defeated them in butter and other
1:26:44 battles and then ultimately in
1:26:45 conquering Mecca then some who was
1:26:48 taught to the sword were exterminated
1:26:49 and some ran away and the rest coronated
1:26:52 their houses
1:26:53 so they were defeated and to survived
1:26:55 because they didn't report the sword
1:26:57 like Abu Sofia and others and some of
1:26:59 them became hypocrite for their life but
1:27:01 some became the believer and recognized
1:27:03 that this proves with this attitude that
1:27:06 this man is a messenger and we have been
1:27:08 wrong and Alpha and uh and and and
1:27:12 foreign
1:27:31 with my sword
1:27:33 and then later on in Madina he told the
1:27:35 people some of your mercurysm people
1:27:37 because some people objected that that
1:27:39 abubakaran were receiving Bilal and the
1:27:41 other slaves the glory be what exactly
1:27:43 are people from the law class people and
1:27:46 they say they are not giving us a face
1:27:47 as we deserve and you told them Listen
1:27:49 People
1:27:50 and the others they accelerated to Islam
1:27:53 where do you stand back you are the
1:27:55 reason for your low class now if you
1:27:58 want to catch with them up
1:28:00 show your Iman and go to now say I'm not
1:28:03 just saying that I am doing it I am
1:28:05 going to go to Sham and pass away in the
1:28:06 battle and I think he was murdered in
1:28:08 any artwork that's the way things said
1:28:10 that's the way to get honor you don't
1:28:12 get honored by by complaining about
1:28:14 Bilal and others being admitted for us
1:28:16 in the audience with Abu Bakr because
1:28:18 they were fast you are in detail stay in
1:28:21 detail as you would if you want to come
1:28:22 forward do something to show Allah that
1:28:25 you are worthy I am going to go and go
1:28:27 for Jihad and he went he packed his
1:28:29 luggage went and was murdered in shop
1:28:31 that's the same for Halloween
1:28:33 so we can't conclude with almost
1:28:35 attitude Allah that is a True Believer
1:28:38 why the opposite Allah
1:28:41 for example
1:28:44 Etc
1:28:46 but they were they saw that and still
1:28:48 even perseverance seeing that he thought
1:28:50 oh that is just the way that they are
1:28:52 knighted and because there's a Sofia
1:28:54 most likely believed in in the two
1:28:55 deities believing in a good evil and God
1:28:58 oh yes the the force of evil or the
1:29:01 force of good has this time succeeded
1:29:03 next time the possible evil this is back
1:29:04 and forth it will go like that
1:29:07 and he said another occasion I have I
1:29:09 don't know about Hellfire on Paradise
1:29:11 but we'll have another asthma with
1:29:13 electricity but this is an opportunity
1:29:15 to to play with with the government with
1:29:18 the with the rule with the rulership
1:29:20 like playing with it with a ball
1:29:22 everyone I throw the ball to you you
1:29:23 throw it to me and we play ball with it
1:29:25 that's it forget about Jannah and none
1:29:28 of that existed
1:29:29 so we have it that's exam we have this
1:29:31 example
1:29:32 although he saw
1:29:33 the demise of the Quran standing on the
1:29:37 kingdom but it didn't it didn't help
1:29:40 and some so but concerning the previous
1:29:43 Nation when the Allah's punishment came
1:29:44 especially if it is a the physical
1:29:46 punishment the one the Believers have
1:29:49 been always saved taken out out of the
1:29:51 Hill the people of wood they left the
1:29:53 the place before the the Cyclone hit the
1:29:58 people of sarda he told them you will
1:30:00 enjoy your life for three days and they
1:30:02 will be extremulated and he left with
1:30:03 his own people and they were excavated
1:30:05 and they was laughing at mocking after
1:30:07 the three days
1:30:09 the earthquake was wasability with
1:30:12 lightning I think it's talking about
1:30:13 destroying them and so on and the same
1:30:16 with the people of of uh of madian etc
1:30:19 etc
1:30:22 so that is how it works and even if it
1:30:25 works in a more Gentle Way like after
1:30:27 Musa essentially it became gentler it's
1:30:30 usually in the hand of the believer in
1:30:32 the battlefield so that there will be
1:30:33 remaining people enough people who may
1:30:35 benefit and take hit
1:30:37 which is amazing for my kind actually
1:30:39 this videos are banished in the hand of
1:30:41 the Hostile one the belligerent one the
1:30:43 one who oppressed and kill and and maim
1:30:47 they are fought by the Believers thus
1:30:49 usually will never be an extermination
1:30:51 War
1:30:52 that the chiefs of coverage eliminated
1:30:56 possibly most of them and some of their
1:30:59 armies are destroyed and the rest would
1:31:01 May majority of them may come to their
1:31:03 sets let's say merciful models what they
1:31:05 had it's no more volcanoes hurricanes
1:31:08 and things like that finishing the job
1:31:10 that's a mercy after the time of Musa
1:31:12 essentially said that's the way it is
1:31:15 being done
1:31:18 okay I think this after that it starts
1:31:20 essentially a new context so let us let
1:31:22 us stop here and catch also
1:31:30 Music
1:31:34 on you uh
1:31:38 so first of all uh let me start with the
1:31:42 the Ayah that you just finished uh uh uh
1:31:46 you know the the people of uh previous
1:31:48 uh prophets uh the Believers of them
1:31:51 Allah had saved but he exterminated the
1:31:55 those who who did not believe right
1:31:57 generally before yeah exactly but I
1:32:00 think uh this treatment is is only for
1:32:04 for the uh for those people uh of the
1:32:08 previous prophets because in general I
1:32:10 mean nowadays we see that uh any type of
1:32:13 uh of natural uh catastrophe you know
1:32:17 you can call it uh uh you can call it
1:32:21 like earthquakes or volcano eruptions
1:32:23 you know we see that it takes all all
1:32:27 people bad or good so okay I see what
1:32:30 you're assuming let me just quickly get
1:32:33 at some points of these first of all
1:32:35 these National academies which had
1:32:38 and they have two-sided because they are
1:32:41 not in response to denying a messenger
1:32:43 which are present that's that's gone the
1:32:45 last messenger Muhammad is gone after
1:32:46 that no one who claimed to be a
1:32:48 messenger of any respectability has come
1:32:50 and with those who have come have been
1:32:51 explored as Liars we know that for a
1:32:53 fact
1:32:54 yeah agreed now now these calamities
1:32:59 of national academies they are then a
1:33:03 punishment for the disbeliever and the
1:33:05 mercy and murdered for the Believers so
1:33:06 Allah made them like that so but because
1:33:08 that system of the universe because you
1:33:10 are living an area which is unstable
1:33:13 because two plates are one place is
1:33:16 going under another place like andarada
1:33:17 Himalayan like in in West Iran or
1:33:21 Northwest Iran like in Turkey and so on
1:33:23 this will go on and off over and over
1:33:25 and over it does not it may be
1:33:27 punishment for some people and mess with
1:33:28 other people that's the General
1:33:30 Adaptation but also the interesting
1:33:33 Hadith is that about the plague
1:33:36 originally the first time the plague hit
1:33:38 Earth was a punishment for certain
1:33:40 people
1:33:41 possibly an ancient prostitution out of
1:33:43 a recording history maybe in the Far
1:33:45 East because simply plague has imagined
1:33:46 in China and the Far East
1:33:51 then after that it stayed in Earth
1:33:53 meaning it's encirculating going here
1:33:56 appearing coming inside
1:33:57 Allah made it after that
1:34:00 a punishment and done your punishment
1:34:02 for the disbeliever and the murderer
1:34:05 because it has staying Earth is a
1:34:07 bacteria it's a one type of bacillus I
1:34:11 don't know
1:34:12 whatever what type of bacteria it is and
1:34:16 it is now circulating it hides sometimes
1:34:19 in in rodents and come again and back
1:34:21 and forth and still somewhere hidden in
1:34:24 some places and erupts inside if the
1:34:26 conditions are right now with the vagina
1:34:27 hygiene is less dangerous less there and
1:34:30 also with antibiotics the danger is less
1:34:32 but still it may erupt one day
1:34:35 since that's not the initial of the
1:34:36 universe the bacterium it has to stay
1:34:38 and survive
1:34:41 it would hit some people
1:34:43 on some places the clinical objective
1:34:46 conditions then it will be in that
1:34:48 context when it happens of a punishment
1:34:50 for the disbelievers
1:34:53 by making a bonus for the believer it is
1:34:55 that I murdered them for the Believers
1:34:58 it's not just a normal death it's a
1:35:00 mercedon for the Believers
1:35:02 which becomes like a reward for the
1:35:04 Believers
1:35:05 so things were became well balanced yeah
1:35:07 is that what you mean that's it but
1:35:09 there was all it is National event and
1:35:11 so on like for example if you remember
1:35:12 in with the famous tsunami in was 2004
1:35:16 .
1:35:19 and some people speculating how could
1:35:22 God allowed I said are these people are
1:35:24 just the people are stuck with the same
1:35:26 problem of the and that's usually you
1:35:28 find these claims coming from so-called
1:35:30 Christian side because
1:35:31 their definition of the deity is faulty
1:35:34 they say there's extreme goodness
1:35:36 because they have to persuade something
1:35:38 like that to justify that he sacrificed
1:35:40 his own son for the people sin which is
1:35:43 nonsense
1:35:44 that's not that's all these nonsense
1:35:45 that's not that's not uh that's not the
1:35:48 way uh The Divide attributes are and not
1:35:51 the way they open University structured
1:35:53 that's a doctor if if I could just add
1:35:55 one more thing please before going to
1:35:57 the second point so uh so Allah also for
1:36:00 the previous Nations the previous
1:36:01 nations of the prophets Allah I think
1:36:04 what I believe is that Allah had saved
1:36:06 the Believers so they can become the
1:36:08 eyewitnesses of what happened to those
1:36:11 who got exterminated so this so by being
1:36:15 eyewitnesses they could they could till
1:36:17 the next Generations see the see those
1:36:20 who disbelieved uh don't be like them or
1:36:22 other otherwise that's one of it was one
1:36:25 of the benefits of it but it's just a
1:36:27 punishment by itself but they be they
1:36:28 believe that the Believers are safe
1:36:30 because that punishment Was Won by a
1:36:32 prophet that you will be destroyed and
1:36:34 the believer will be saved so Allah has
1:36:36 to fulfill his purpose that's the
1:36:37 fundamental point that there will be
1:36:38 eyewitnesses they report further that's
1:36:40 all okay that's all extras hey things
1:36:43 and investors do not have one word
1:36:44 they're very complex and very interwoven
1:36:46 yeah that's true yes okay excellent
1:36:49 excellent uh second point please is that
1:36:52 you know you touched up on the
1:36:53 abrogation and you were talking about
1:36:56 the eye of Sword and the error committed
1:36:58 by Imam Shafi
1:37:01 exactly I I also read this in in in in
1:37:04 your last research the citizenship
1:37:08 that's by the way that's just a casual a
1:37:11 casual mentioning the whole research
1:37:12 yeah several things will come out so
1:37:15 wait for it okay okay got it I I haven't
1:37:18 read there's the whole research by the
1:37:20 way but no it's not out yet the big one
1:37:22 is is coming out that's that's
1:37:24 theoretically for this issue I mentioned
1:37:26 that casually there in the issue of
1:37:27 citization
1:37:31 is sufficient Enough by itself but the
1:37:34 other one is completely comprehensive
1:37:36 including you are studying all the
1:37:38 confrontation between the sahaba and
1:37:40 Persia and roma and show that there it
1:37:42 is really not an offensive Jihad in the
1:37:45 sense
1:37:49 is ultimately a defensive
1:37:51 yes I just want to focus on on
1:37:53 abrogation itself you know because uh
1:37:55 Imam Sharif he says that the or or
1:37:58 people like him Scholars like him they
1:38:00 say that the latter can abrogate the
1:38:03 former and I don't know performer the
1:38:06 point is that the latter usually
1:38:07 obligated from it but the general will
1:38:10 never abrogate the the expression and
1:38:13 the absolute the the absolute will never
1:38:15 obligate the restricted warmer or not
1:38:18 formal but if it's like for example uh
1:38:21 facing facing vital mark this
1:38:24 was obligated by facing Mecca
1:38:26 that's a specific specific on Facebook
1:38:33 so that's the application but you take a
1:38:36 look in a matter of abrogation and
1:38:38 general and special in in the in the
1:38:40 appendix to the constitution of uh uh uh
1:38:43 uh Islamic renewal party yeah and then
1:38:46 the appendix about concluding and
1:38:48 deriving have you seen that it is
1:38:50 available in uh yes
1:38:54 yes I read it
1:39:01 issue in various obligations various
1:39:03 restrictions
1:39:04 yes but this is this is because of the
1:39:07 logical problem there
1:39:09 is that he he did not they did not say
1:39:13 he did not
1:39:14 clearly so uh
1:39:17 he did not establish this principle in
1:39:19 all colority
1:39:21 in all clarity
1:39:23 um in some places he applies it some he
1:39:25 doesn't apply it is not consistent
1:39:28 yes I see actually doctor I just want to
1:39:31 make the make the last point is you see
1:39:33 these these fine details uh even a
1:39:37 modern Judiciary systems they they
1:39:40 completely neglect I mean I I checked
1:39:43 many penal code in different countries
1:39:47 you know they say in in in the articles
1:39:50 is that if the if a new uh law uh
1:39:53 becomes uh you know becomes established
1:39:56 and passes by the parliament it
1:39:58 abrogates uh the previous law even even
1:40:02 if it was uh General so so the the so so
1:40:06 they so they have the same problem with
1:40:08 I don't if they say that or if they have
1:40:11 even an idea about abrogation in general
1:40:13 specific this this static technicalities
1:40:17 have developed essentially about Islamic
1:40:19 scholars Islamic
1:40:25 has these two unique unique system first
1:40:28 system is the unique system of of isnat
1:40:30 and Hadith
1:40:32 and the second unique system which
1:40:33 nobody has had is
1:40:35 and if you did not participate with us
1:40:37 in the Holocaust I think we have
1:40:38 recording of the halach and so on and
1:40:41 the discussion about ahmedi rash may
1:40:43 remember a recording and so on and the
1:40:45 the Western scholar who said that said
1:40:47 this is an approach to law and so on or
1:40:50 is not known to any other Nation but not
1:40:52 even to the West now
1:40:54 oh
1:40:57 because because from my reading from my
1:41:00 understanding is that I think it now
1:41:02 nowadays in the modern state it becomes
1:41:04 like a fixed principle uh to all
1:41:08 lawmakers they say that whatever law
1:41:11 becomes uh passes in the parliament it
1:41:14 becomes the uh the the acting law so so
1:41:19 so all lawmakers so all lawyers and
1:41:22 judges
1:41:24 what you are saying probably mistake
1:41:26 about law to be applied but we are
1:41:27 talking here about Revelation statements
1:41:29 of the revelation
1:41:31 oh yeah it's different here how to drive
1:41:33 from a statement's law and regulations
1:41:35 and fact so we are taking another level
1:41:37 of deduction not not a law is just a
1:41:40 final conclusion like if you conclude
1:41:42 from that elect what shafri said that's
1:41:44 now the law according to chatri that is
1:41:47 wrong the Jews from the relation that's
1:41:49 the problem it's not that it is because
1:41:51 I said he said it's because abrogated
1:41:53 now you can fight at Michigan even if
1:41:55 they are peaceful they never started
1:41:57 anything they opened the doors for that
1:41:58 one and so on I say that's wrong your
1:42:00 deduction is wrong but his law is that
1:42:03 if you adopt a chef hello you will apply
1:42:05 the snow like that but how it is derived
1:42:07 because the law in in in our in our case
1:42:10 the first
1:42:11 in our case is derived from the
1:42:14 Revelation and the Revelation is coming
1:42:16 in textual wording and action of the
1:42:19 Prophet describe the words
1:42:20 so this has to be analyzed and this
1:42:22 place will have developed to reduce from
1:42:24 the Revelation the law or the freak
1:42:27 for The Other Guys the law is the act of
1:42:29 the parliament the will of the
1:42:30 parliament and if in doubt you can go to
1:42:32 see the the notes of the of the
1:42:34 discussion of the communities where they
1:42:36 discussed and explained so they cannot
1:42:38 be blamed because the act of the
1:42:40 sovereign already enacted as a law
1:42:43 so you don't see this problem there's no
1:42:45 problem there in some sense although it
1:42:47 may be some some places there may be
1:42:49 some some issues of problem there maybe
1:42:50 but generally in the application maybe
1:42:53 some problem like for example the I'll
1:42:55 give you a relatively terrible example
1:42:57 and we close this because we catch
1:42:58 household is that uh some some policeman
1:43:02 used to for example to to give give a
1:43:05 ticket and uh and uh and the take points
1:43:09 from driver whom he say who we see
1:43:12 eating a sandwich while driving say
1:43:14 eating a sandwich similar he make a
1:43:15 class similar to to uh to listening to
1:43:19 the phone and you know listening to the
1:43:21 phone you take points off and so on as
1:43:22 well not by actual problem say there's
1:43:24 no difference for that in his
1:43:26 application now the question is he right
1:43:28 or wrongly that's on the application of
1:43:29 individual cases
1:43:32 clearly from the reason that this
1:43:35 prohibited to use the phone is that is
1:43:36 is that you have the full Focus not on
1:43:38 the street and you may cause accident
1:43:40 pushes have been proven by a fact
1:43:42 so the you are punished by points and
1:43:44 and maybe a monetary penalty is eating
1:43:48 similar to that taking your your
1:43:51 attention from the street that's not to
1:43:53 be analyzed because obviously law has
1:43:55 been acted with that intention does it
1:43:57 apply here it has to be analyzed how
1:43:59 much being chewing and eating divert you
1:44:01 from poking the focusing on the state I
1:44:04 would say most likely he is wrong
1:44:06 because uh eating putting up biting a
1:44:08 piece and chewing and watching the state
1:44:09 it will not interfere because this is
1:44:11 almost like a mechanical act it's not
1:44:13 like talking in the telephone or texting
1:44:15 definitely not
1:44:17 yes so he's not but on that ground
1:44:21 yes yes the reason for chaos is not
1:44:24 there
1:44:25 lastly I just want to mention the last
1:44:28 thing and maybe we'll close after this
1:44:29 uh you you actually responded to
1:44:33 Scholars like Imam shafri by saying by
1:44:36 mentioning the Ayah
1:44:41 and you like you highlighted
1:44:44 those who uh fight you so and and your
1:44:49 argument is that this Ayah cannot be
1:44:51 abrogated I I also want to add a a small
1:44:55 note
1:44:57 it can be abrogated the sovereign
1:45:20 Music
1:45:26 Define differently
1:45:28 Allah changed
1:45:30 the reality of things like for example
1:45:33 to eat it's not that it's by Divine
1:45:37 permission
1:45:38 yes yes
1:45:40 let us take don't go in in the Deep
1:45:43 philosophical issues about what is uh
1:45:45 how the surveillance subhanallah uh in
1:45:48 ultimately inequitable he wants and so
1:45:51 on the only limitation related to the
1:45:53 Divine attributes that's all but let's
1:45:55 leave that the follow says will come
1:45:57 Michelle and all these points will be
1:45:58 discussed
1:46:00 thank you so much thank you
1:46:16 finished this
1:46:19 okay yeah
1:46:21 Music
1:46:37 foreign
1:46:39 Music
1:46:48 Music
1:46:54 Music
1:47:03 Music
1:47:11 Music
1:47:20 foreign
1:47:23 Music