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The Academic Problems of Darwinian Evolution (2017-09-26)


This brief discussion is a round up of some of the main epistemological issues with Darwinian evolution.

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Summary of The Academic Problems of Darwinian Evolution

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:25:00

discusses the academic problems with Darwinian evolution, specifically its lack of certainty and its potential to be used to justify atrocities like the Holocaust. It also points out that other scientific theories have similar flaws.

00:00:00 The academic problems of Darwinian evolution are discussed in this video by a researcher at IERA and Ruffman. They discuss how certain are we of Darwinian evolution, how certain are we that we have the same ancestors as present-day chimps, and how Dawkins allowed us to be intellectually satisfied atheists before Darwin. These points are based on what academics are saying, not just what Ruffman is saying.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the problems with the scientific evidence for Darwinian evolution, specifically with the concept of "recessive mutation." Recalcitrant facts are things that resist a theory, and evolutionary biologists have many of these. If this evidence were to fail, Darwinian evolution would be disproven.
  • 00:10:00 The academic problems of Darwinian evolution include the fact that genetics and evolutionary engineering are not in congruence, the fossil record does not support punctuated equilibrium, and random mutations do not support natural genetic engineering. The conclusion is that the data can be interpreted in a range of ways, and Darwinian evolution cannot be proven.
  • 00:15:00 points out that certain assumptions are necessary for Darwinian evolution to work, and that these assumptions are often challenged. He also points out that there are many different theories of evolution, some of which are more accepted than others.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the academic problems of Darwinian evolution, focusing on its lack of certainty and its potential to be used to justify atrocities like the Holocaust. It also points out that other scientific theories have similar flaws.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the academic problems with Darwinian evolution. Research has shown that the theory is not accurate, and that the social narrative of Darwinian evolution changes over time. This information is inviting for anyone who wants to critically examine the truthfulness of Darwinian evolution.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
0:00:02 wabarakatuhu welcome to a very important
0:00:06 show on evolution I'm here with sabor
0:00:09 Ruffman how you do it you're right good
0:00:11 good one of the researchers at I era and
0:00:14 we're going to be discussing Darwinian
0:00:16 evolution how certain let's get started
0:00:19 straight away so what how certain are we
0:00:22 of Darwinian evolution and more
0:00:25 specifically I want to ask you how
0:00:27 certain are we that we have the same
0:00:30 ancestors as present-day
0:00:31 let's say chimps ok brilliant question
0:00:34 what I'm gonna do in this show in sha
0:00:37 Allah God willing is show the popular
0:00:40 narrative which is it is as certain as
0:00:43 planetary motion as certain as the
0:00:44 plants going around the around the Sun
0:00:46 that we are certain this has happened
0:00:48 because this is this all certainty that
0:00:51 Darwin is speak with ok I'm gonna show
0:00:53 me are you challenging that certain time
0:00:54 no okay I'm gonna show the academics not
0:00:57 me right say it is based on a
0:01:00 probabilistic framework which has
0:01:01 multiple assumptions which are being
0:01:03 challenged and its core concepts are
0:01:05 disputable so are you saying that what's
0:01:07 happening on a popular level it's
0:01:09 completely different from what's going
0:01:11 on in the academic world absolutely and
0:01:12 this is not just something which I'm
0:01:14 pointing out this is something that even
0:01:15 the British government understands that
0:01:18 the academia is what's known in academia
0:01:21 hasn't filtered down to the general
0:01:23 masses which is why they run projects to
0:01:26 narrow the gap right but I would say
0:01:28 when it comes to Darwin's particular
0:01:30 theory yeah Richard Dawkins in the blind
0:01:32 watchmaker says Darwin allowed us to be
0:01:36 intellectually satisfied atheists before
0:01:38 Darwin it could have been tenable to be
0:01:39 an atheist right but he allowed us to be
0:01:41 intellectually satisfied atheists so
0:01:42 because of that we've got a deliberate
0:01:44 campaign by humanists by atheists by
0:01:47 Darwinists to miss educate the public on
0:01:50 this particular issue sounds quite
0:01:52 conspiratorial support I mean it does
0:01:54 mean is it just what you're saying or is
0:01:57 there some people from like an academic
0:01:58 perspective that also made the same kind
0:02:00 of claim well what you'll find and this
0:02:02 is very very interesting is that
0:02:04 mainstream secular academics who are
0:02:07 themselves like who for example James
0:02:10 Shapiro look as a
0:02:12 Cambridge educated evolutionary
0:02:14 biologist at the University of Chicago
0:02:16 right and he basically says that it's a
0:02:20 religion Lynn Margulis he's again an
0:02:23 atheist evolutionary biologist her and
0:02:24 similar and symbiotic theory is taught
0:02:27 every single usually apprised of some
0:02:29 sort she did she won the National Medal
0:02:31 of Science and Clinton gave that to her
0:02:33 again she's an eighth yes she called an
0:02:35 Anglo Saxon sect right Masatoshi Nye who
0:02:39 is a dawn in population genetics a
0:02:41 subfield of evolutionary biology again
0:02:43 another realized yeah not yet so he's
0:02:47 got these formulas at all at an academic
0:02:51 level in libraries across the world he
0:02:53 has said Darwin and he doesn't believe
0:02:55 in Darwin's mechanism he believes in his
0:02:58 own notation driven evolution he says
0:03:00 Darwin in our field is God so you can't
0:03:02 challenge him right so these are atheist
0:03:04 evolutionary academics saying this is
0:03:07 way more than science right and one
0:03:09 other thing which is very important just
0:03:11 a few months ago there's a book
0:03:12 published by Oxford University by an
0:03:14 atheist evolutionary biologist run
0:03:16 called Darwinism as religion so yours
0:03:20 antibody to see the philosopher of
0:03:21 science Michael ruse right well you
0:03:23 argues in that book is that Darwin's
0:03:25 theory is a valid scientific theory yes
0:03:28 but it has morphed into a full-out
0:03:32 religion not religion we are believes in
0:03:34 God by religion nonetheless okay let's
0:03:36 get straight into the question I posed
0:03:39 to you in the beginning of this session
0:03:40 we talked about certainty in terms of
0:03:43 evolutionary theory you're saying it's
0:03:45 not a certain as evolutionists or let's
0:03:48 say even popular atheists are making out
0:03:51 to be so what is your evidence of that
0:03:52 okay all of the people are not a
0:03:54 reference in this video people that you
0:03:56 can go check out learn and you can
0:03:59 actually find out there why I'm saying
0:04:00 yeah it's based on what they're saying
0:04:01 yeah so first off if we pick up any book
0:04:04 on the philosophy of biology philosophy
0:04:07 or biology is a subfield in which if you
0:04:09 imagine a biologist as studying
0:04:10 organisms right and a philosopher of
0:04:13 biology studying biologists how do they
0:04:14 come to conclusion so a basic book on
0:04:16 this is evidence in evolution by
0:04:18 Cambridge University okay why the
0:04:20 philosopher of biology Eliot Sobel who
0:04:22 is an atheist right and what he says in
0:04:23 this book is this duh
0:04:26 evolution is based on a probabilistic
0:04:27 framework okay and he talks about the
0:04:29 multiple assumptions which are there
0:04:31 okay likewise we have Peter Godfrey
0:04:33 Smith another philosopher herbology he
0:04:36 published a book with Princeton
0:04:37 University called philosophy herbology
0:04:38 yeah he's dead
0:04:39 he speaks about bodies are moving away
0:04:41 from the Tree of Life which we've been
0:04:43 told as a fact okay to a web of life so
0:04:46 mainstream secular and these two
0:04:48 individuals are atheists mainstream
0:04:50 secular universities and individuals and
0:04:52 academics yeah admit to three facts
0:04:55 probabilistic framework multiple
0:04:57 assumptions which are being challenged
0:04:59 and its core concepts are disputed
0:05:02 disputable let's stick with two and
0:05:04 three because one might be claimed to be
0:05:06 not a problem and everything in it said
0:05:08 in a sense is probabilistic right yeah
0:05:10 sure but what we need to be careful
0:05:12 about is this yeah remember the
0:05:14 narrative they're telling us they're
0:05:15 telling us it's as clear it's no brainer
0:05:17 it's as clear as planetary motion that's
0:05:19 the probably stick that's an observation
0:05:20 right so it's a very big claim okay so a
0:05:23 probabilistic framework is something
0:05:26 which automatically lowers that
0:05:27 certainty that you're talking about okay
0:05:29 some would say though I mean we're
0:05:31 talking about probabilistic framework we
0:05:32 don't have we don't have a problem with
0:05:34 that two and three you mentioned some of
0:05:38 the main major assumptions like we're
0:05:40 gonna probably go into homology or
0:05:41 something like this before we move on to
0:05:43 homology what we need to realize is this
0:05:44 yeah number one Darwin and the way that
0:05:47 he framed hysteria and the way that he
0:05:49 propagated it yeah he didn't know I
0:05:51 believe a very honest way yeah and I
0:05:53 believe he was a very hardworking
0:05:54 scientist and many of his works have
0:05:56 been misrepresented okay for example
0:05:57 right if you pick up a book on
0:05:59 evolutionary biology today a book about
0:06:01 Darwinian evolution like the greatest
0:06:03 show on earth right all jerry coins
0:06:06 evolution is true you're just gonna get
0:06:08 this theory is true here's why it's true
0:06:10 here's why it's true XYZ okay but he's
0:06:12 make up the Origin of Species you find
0:06:14 that Darwin right in the beginning he
0:06:16 says something very very important okay
0:06:17 he says you can use the facts that I
0:06:20 have in my book to come up with
0:06:22 conclusions which are opposite to mine
0:06:23 because he understands the philosophy of
0:06:25 science the philosophy of science
0:06:27 teaches us one you can have a conclusion
0:06:31 you can have observations in the future
0:06:33 which can challenge your previous
0:06:34 conclusion the Black Swan problem
0:06:36 problem reduction too you can always
0:06:38 have the same data give
0:06:39 rise to multiple theories later on in
0:06:42 Chapter six of his book he speaks about
0:06:44 the problems with his own theory now
0:06:46 look at the honesty of the man he puts
0:06:48 together a theory and he puts together a
0:06:50 chapter about the problems with this
0:06:52 theory and he tries to iron them out and
0:06:54 he admits some of these problems are
0:06:56 unsolvable some of these problems are
0:06:58 more apparent than real but I still
0:07:00 think my Theory's correct but one thing
0:07:02 that he says in his book if this fails
0:07:05 his Theory fails according to him which
0:07:07 is gradualism that their variations that
0:07:10 take place and evolution works at a
0:07:12 gradualist ik pace he said if this fails
0:07:15 then my theory will absolutely break
0:07:17 down and evolutionary biologists today
0:07:20 understand that gradualism has largely
0:07:22 failed and is this linked to things like
0:07:25 punctuated equilibrium but moreover I
0:07:28 just want to kind of put a case forward
0:07:32 let's pretend I'm an evolutionary
0:07:32 biologist now say listen we have a deal
0:07:35 we have a range of different data we
0:07:37 have for example the fossil record
0:07:39 archeological data we have RNA and DNA
0:07:41 we have the baby genome development in
0:07:45 animals and things like that all of
0:07:47 these things triangulate with each other
0:07:48 to give you the same conclusion which is
0:07:50 that every living thing and the
0:07:52 biological world is in congruence but
0:07:54 also goes back to one life-form so in
0:07:58 other words we all go back to one we're
0:07:59 all descended from the same kind of
0:08:01 singular life form sure so this is the
0:08:04 kind of primary theory or kind of
0:08:06 primary presupposition of evolution how
0:08:08 would you go around you're saying it's
0:08:10 not as clear as planetary motion but the
0:08:14 question is isn't that enough evidence
0:08:15 to you why is that not enough evidence
0:08:16 for you okay it's a very good question
0:08:18 yeah the only way I'm gonna change your
0:08:19 analogy if we were to have a
0:08:21 conversation like this yeah it wouldn't
0:08:24 be an evolutionary biologists thing on
0:08:25 the other side because an evolutionary
0:08:27 biologist were no better than that it's
0:08:28 most likely a Darwinist because remember
0:08:30 and even not every single evolutionary
0:08:32 biology is alone as the Darwinism yes
0:08:34 every Darwinist is the evolution of our
0:08:36 course right and evolution is different
0:08:38 to Darwinism evolution simply means
0:08:40 biological change over time double mean
0:08:41 evolution is tree of life and the
0:08:43 mechanism alright first thing which he
0:08:45 said is very very important let's flush
0:08:47 it out okay so you're claiming as a
0:08:50 Darwin is right
0:08:51 biochemistry yeah
0:08:53 genetics yes uh not to me yeah
0:08:55 psychology yeah sociology linguistics
0:08:57 biogeography here the fossil record
0:08:59 bioinformatics yes and every other
0:09:02 sphere of by law the subfields of
0:09:06 biology can blend I in congruence
0:09:08 leading up to one conclusion yes the
0:09:10 very first thing I'll point out right
0:09:11 now even knowing any science okay
0:09:13 that is impossible because science
0:09:16 doesn't proceed like that the same dater
0:09:18 can give rise to multiple conclusions
0:09:19 okay so that's the first point
0:09:21 well secondly if we delve into the data
0:09:23 we realize there's lots of black swans
0:09:25 lots of recalcitrant facts to resist a
0:09:29 theory yeah I was just going to ask you
0:09:30 to define that what caused the true
0:09:32 impact of recalcitrant factors right
0:09:34 I've been accused of murdering a lead
0:09:37 owl say okay I happen to be accused of
0:09:39 murdering a lead our Thursday at 6:30 on
0:09:43 the 20th of September we're on stage
0:09:45 right now the Rakhal certain fact is
0:09:48 you're an eyewitness and the person
0:09:50 filming is a night window you're here
0:09:52 down here that's a recalcitrant fact
0:09:53 right so recalcitrant fact is a factory
0:09:56 resist a theory now with in evolutionary
0:09:59 biology we have recalcitrant facts in
0:10:02 genetics for example orphan genes we
0:10:05 have recalcitrant facts when it comes to
0:10:07 the fossil record in terms of punctuated
0:10:09 equilibrium saltation 11 we have
0:10:13 recalcitrant facts when it comes to
0:10:14 random mutations in terms of natural
0:10:16 genetic engineering now these may sound
0:10:18 like technical terms but all I want you
0:10:19 to understand this is basically it's not
0:10:21 in congruence no in a way which is the
0:10:24 only theory that's in congruence you can
0:10:27 come with other theories besides that
0:10:29 right because remember I'm not saying
0:10:31 those fields don't lead to Darwinism
0:10:33 they can right but they can also lead to
0:10:35 other theories right so what you're
0:10:37 saying just to kind of simplify is
0:10:39 you're saying that the data that we have
0:10:40 in front of us can be interpreted in a
0:10:42 range of different ways and moreover
0:10:44 you're saying that if we want to stick
0:10:46 to the fine
0:10:47 kind of structure of Darwinian evolution
0:10:50 and we want to try and create what you
0:10:52 would think is like a line of best fit
0:10:53 you'd see a lot of anomalous sort of
0:10:56 dots on the sky autographed it wouldn't
0:10:58 be just one line of best fit every day
0:11:00 every line every door Scott and the
0:11:02 other thing is look I believe Darwin's
0:11:04 theory to be a valid scientific model
0:11:06 yes but but I think the reason why
0:11:09 people get confused is because they
0:11:10 conflate science with truth right
0:11:11 science gives you workable models of our
0:11:13 reality which are falsified it doesn't
0:11:15 give you truth with a capital T that's
0:11:18 the beauty of science they keep changing
0:11:19 keeps evolving keeps changing as we get
0:11:22 new data I've got some questions for you
0:11:24 one of them is that you've mentioned in
0:11:27 the things that you are mentioning as a
0:11:28 subfield of biological change over time
0:11:30 you mentioned a few things like
0:11:33 civilizational or you call it basically
0:11:36 how animals act together so she lodges
0:11:39 sociological behavior yeah sociological
0:11:41 behavior of animals so is it the case
0:11:44 that here for example chimps and human
0:11:47 beings have the same sociological other
0:11:50 behaviors more similar from a
0:11:52 sociological perspective according to
0:11:53 you again
0:11:55 mainstream evolutionary biologists this
0:11:56 is where we have homo places homo places
0:11:59 our similarities are not due to common
0:12:00 descent so we have okay once again to
0:12:04 simplify so you've got two key terms
0:12:06 here yeah right one of them is homology
0:12:08 yeah and the opposite of that so more
0:12:10 places so can we quickly just shall I
0:12:12 write homology is an assumption yes
0:12:14 similarities are due to common descent
0:12:15 common descent so I have all the
0:12:17 similarities that we see in the animal
0:12:19 kingdom is due to is a result of the
0:12:22 fact that we are from the same let's say
0:12:24 it's assumed no way this is common and
0:12:26 some common ancestor and this is the
0:12:28 assumption of homology goes back to the
0:12:30 Padma Purana 3,000 years ago the ancient
0:12:33 Indians now Hindus because they're
0:12:35 philosophers they are naturalist so when
0:12:38 it comes to homology if someone uses it
0:12:41 as an assumption there's nothing wrong
0:12:43 per se if someone says this and I want
0:12:45 you to realize I don't need this contest
0:12:47 you know they use this argument all the
0:12:48 time
0:12:49 similarities are due to common descent
0:12:51 right heylook similarities exist
0:12:53 therefore similarities led you to come
0:12:55 to descent right what's wrong with that
0:12:56 argument so circular circular sadly we
0:12:59 will find even documentaries using this
0:13:01 sort of circular reasoning is this
0:13:03 something which is fleshed out in the
0:13:05 academic or what you're saying because
0:13:07 what you're saying here is actually
0:13:08 quite profound let's be honest here
0:13:09 you're saying that the foundation of
0:13:12 evolutionary it W in evolutionary models
0:13:15 was the one that we were kind of
0:13:16 acquainted with which is homology one of
0:13:19 the may
0:13:19 assumptions everything that it goes back
0:13:21 to kind of common descent order the
0:13:23 differences or these similarities that
0:13:25 we see that is that is due to common
0:13:27 descent you're saying that actually this
0:13:30 itself this foundational thing cannot be
0:13:32 proven in and of itself yeah is that is
0:13:35 that your claim I'm not claiming this I
0:13:37 am going to give you an example of
0:13:39 someone who points this out you know
0:13:41 evolution is not your claim
0:13:42 no not my claim and I'm gonna give you
0:13:44 an example evolutionary biologists they
0:13:46 don't use this circular reasoning this
0:13:48 is used by people who are popularizers
0:13:50 okay all they say is we assumed it and
0:13:52 they carry on there's nothing wrong with
0:13:53 doing okay
0:13:53 Ronald Brady he's a philosopher of
0:13:55 biology as in mainstream secular
0:13:57 academic he published a paper in a
0:13:59 journal called cladistics called on the
0:14:01 aura on the independence of systematics
0:14:04 and what he goes on to say is this this
0:14:06 line of reasoning is circular right if
0:14:08 you uh if you want to say that homology
0:14:11 is true you have to come up with an
0:14:12 independent argument I won't use this
0:14:14 argument cause it's circuit but it's
0:14:15 something which doesn't seem like you
0:14:17 can plan under a microscope on you got
0:14:18 so how you prove it
0:14:19 you can't you can't it's an obsession
0:14:21 okay you move on so if it's an
0:14:23 assumption and it can't be proven what
0:14:25 you're effectively saying is that that
0:14:27 which holds the house of the foundations
0:14:30 which hold the house of Darwinian
0:14:31 evolution itself are unsound or are not
0:14:34 on Sam but unprovable of course that's
0:14:36 what you're saying well that's not what
0:14:37 I'm saying this is what that's what's
0:14:38 being said in that's what being said in
0:14:40 academic world because no one tries to
0:14:41 prove assumptions so that's very
0:14:43 profound well it is it is if we
0:14:45 understand that the popular
0:14:47 understanding yes different to the
0:14:48 academic understanding but it's not
0:14:50 profound for an academic well if so they
0:14:52 find how do you basically evolutionary
0:14:55 biologists or Darwinists reconcile this
0:14:58 because how can they how can they be so
0:15:00 certain about something which hasn't got
0:15:01 which has you could even say axiomatic
0:15:03 type presuppositions
0:15:05 okay now this is where it gets really
0:15:07 interesting right I find the language of
0:15:08 people I wish to Dawkins very
0:15:10 interesting because he is after all
0:15:12 somebody who is seen as an authority in
0:15:14 this field although he is not he's
0:15:16 referred to as a science journalist but
0:15:18 what he does say in public is different
0:15:20 to what he sometimes writes in books
0:15:23 right lesser-known works so for example
0:15:25 when he met Hamza in Ireland during the
0:15:28 2011
0:15:30 well they theists convention you know he
0:15:32 was talking about you don't believe in
0:15:33 evolution it's just as clear as
0:15:36 planetary mayor right yeah yeah in his
0:15:39 book a devil's chaplain well he goes on
0:15:42 to say in this book that future facts
0:15:44 that I'm quoting him vibration future
0:15:47 facts may come to light which will force
0:15:49 our successors of the 21st century to
0:15:52 abandon Darwinism or modify beyond
0:15:55 reckoning right now what what's
0:15:57 basically going on here is this he knows
0:16:00 what he's talking about he's an
0:16:01 intelligent guy well but there's two
0:16:02 terms that need to be divorced
0:16:04 evolution hmm and Darwinian evolution
0:16:06 this is what's causing the so if I if I
0:16:09 say to you this thing right I say is
0:16:11 there a doctor in the house we need a
0:16:12 doctor and there's a brother who has a
0:16:15 PhD in philosophy it's not the same
0:16:17 thing this is a medical doctor
0:16:19 that's the laceration fallacy of
0:16:21 equivocation is what the Dominus have
0:16:22 been doing they've been saying evolution
0:16:24 is true
0:16:25 look the cells they're dividing they're
0:16:27 doing this you know give back my
0:16:29 theology
0:16:29 microbiology antibiotic medicine and
0:16:32 they use that to extrapolate to human
0:16:35 sham ancestry right not the same thing
0:16:36 at all it's a fallacy of purification
0:16:38 let me ask you a question straight up
0:16:40 we've got some archaeological evidence
0:16:42 of Lucy of all of these different
0:16:46 homeworks or different things
0:16:49 isn't this an evidence could this not be
0:16:50 put into our database of evidences of
0:16:53 the truthfulness of human chimp ancestry
0:16:56 good question all I would do and I've
0:16:59 said this previously and there's no
0:17:03 paleontologist in the world who would
0:17:04 disagree if somebody disagrees please
0:17:07 dance my new van you've debated Aaron
0:17:09 raw and he's a paleontologist isn't he
0:17:11 well he studied paleontology right but
0:17:13 this is a mainstream thing which is
0:17:15 understood in evolution biology okay
0:17:17 there are four assumptions when they
0:17:19 look at Lucy or look at anything okay
0:17:21 number one is the assumption of
0:17:23 naturalism naturalism is everything has
0:17:26 to explain naturalistically
0:17:27 hence why Darwin said if there's no
0:17:29 fossils it'd still be true right because
0:17:32 it doesn't matter it doesn't matter
0:17:33 because the assumption is so this is
0:17:35 really axiomatic no yeah of course it's
0:17:37 incorrect so now it becomes a
0:17:38 self-fulfilling prophecy
0:17:39 well actually the the analogy that I
0:17:41 think is good is you know have you been
0:17:43 to a circus with it having our tightrope
0:17:45 in the plank did you I see I've seen
0:17:47 that yeah yeah beneath it they have a
0:17:48 safety net right okay
0:17:50 so above if you like that's the science
0:17:51 if they fall down the naturalism is a
0:17:54 safety net right all right Henry guy in
0:17:56 his book The Accidental species
0:17:57 misunderstanding the human evolution
0:17:59 he's an atheist evolutionary biologist
0:18:01 he's the senior editor of nature which
0:18:03 is the most prestigious journal in the
0:18:05 world it's like premiere so a way about
0:18:06 people like Dawkins he says in his book
0:18:09 the same thing he says if there's no
0:18:10 fossils human ship ancestry still be
0:18:12 true and he says that because of
0:18:13 homology no naturalism the assumption of
0:18:17 naturalism and wouldn't that be coupled
0:18:18 with you with homologation but this full
0:18:20 assumptions are separate right second
0:18:21 assumption is homology right third
0:18:23 assumption is his only one origin right
0:18:26 which is why humans chimps have to be
0:18:27 put together you me a blade of grass and
0:18:30 elephant and octopus oh family well
0:18:32 family because of the assumption of one
0:18:34 origin yeah that's an assumption
0:18:36 fourthly this is extremely important
0:18:38 right
0:18:38 even if these assumptions didn't exist
0:18:40 this is the most fundamental assumption
0:18:42 okay go ahead and this is the one that's
0:18:43 most challenged go on from to get from A
0:18:46 to Z we need a mechanism right and
0:18:48 that's natural selection right if the
0:18:49 mechanism fails in history fails imagine
0:18:52 there's a bridge you've got two
0:18:54 structures on either side then you've
0:18:55 got a beam these structures are the
0:18:58 mechanism of natural selection the Tree
0:19:00 of Life is the trajectory right if these
0:19:03 structures break the tree breaks so
0:19:04 you're saying is challenged why is it
0:19:05 challenged well anybody who knows the
0:19:09 basics of evolutionary biology owes the
0:19:12 mechanism is being challenged by
0:19:13 mainstream academics by a host of
0:19:16 alternatives evolution by
0:19:17 self-organization new mutation ISM near
0:19:21 Omaha near Lamarckism that's become very
0:19:23 popular that's easy a dead theory which
0:19:25 came back to - all right right this is
0:19:27 also intended yes that's a good point
0:19:30 and there's also evolution my natural
0:19:32 genetic engineering are these fringe of
0:19:34 course they are they're very friendly
0:19:35 they are fringe but what we have to
0:19:37 understand is epistemic ly hmm something
0:19:40 may be fringe but it's epistemic equal
0:19:42 right okay so what you're saying here
0:19:44 are tell me what you're saying so if
0:19:47 someone comes in a nutshell
0:19:48 let's try and say this to someone to
0:19:50 someone to kind of summarize yeah assume
0:19:53 I'm someone who's absolutely convinced
0:19:55 as a matter of certainty that a
0:19:56 Darwinian evolution
0:19:57 is true and be okay that human chimp
0:20:00 ancestry is certainly the case okay
0:20:02 I'm going to come up to you and say
0:20:04 listen I believe a and B what would be
0:20:07 in a in a kind of summarized nutshell
0:20:09 your response to show them that it's not
0:20:12 certain okay good question yeah I would
0:20:16 firstly if I literally had no time I
0:20:19 would ignore the science yeah simply go
0:20:21 to the philosophy of science a
0:20:23 philosophy of science is based upon
0:20:24 limited set of data generalizations
0:20:26 future data which can challenge the
0:20:28 previous theory the same data can give
0:20:30 rise to multiple theories yeah just
0:20:33 based on those two things you shouldn't
0:20:35 be searching about anything in science
0:20:36 because pick up any book on the
0:20:38 philosophy of science such as philosophy
0:20:39 of science a new introduction by Oxford
0:20:41 University yeah in it says no no
0:20:45 scientific theory no scientific
0:20:47 conclusion can be concrete proof you can
0:20:51 always change okay and the second thing
0:20:53 about him in Japan's history well I
0:20:55 would simply do human chimp ancestry is
0:20:57 based upon four assumptions homology
0:20:59 naturalism the mechanism and a single
0:21:02 origin yes
0:21:03 secondly all of Darwinian evolution is
0:21:05 based on probabilistic framework which
0:21:07 has assumptions and which is disputable
0:21:09 as somebody may turn around and say to
0:21:11 me yeah but who cares
0:21:12 ninety-nine percent of biologists
0:21:14 believe in Darwinian evolution I will
0:21:16 say to them well guess what so do I but
0:21:18 what does believe mean they believe it
0:21:19 to be a valid theory it doesn't mean
0:21:21 they believe it to be absolutely true
0:21:22 the same thing with me as a Muslim I
0:21:24 believe it to be a valid theory
0:21:26 plausible theory I'm not saying it's
0:21:28 impossible but it's not absolutely true
0:21:30 and obviously for Islamic reasons you
0:21:32 would opt out of believing that human
0:21:34 beings have a common ancestor with each
0:21:35 other no I would but I wouldn't even
0:21:37 have to be a Muslim to do that right
0:21:39 because for example someone like David
0:21:41 stove he's that mainstream atheist
0:21:43 philosopher awesome Darwin in fairy
0:21:45 tales
0:21:45 Darwin in fairy tales his popular book
0:21:47 also you have people like Jerry Fodor
0:21:49 his book what Darwin got wrong and
0:21:51 interestingly and I think we didn't
0:21:53 actually mention this point they
0:21:54 understand it's not absolute but
0:21:55 interestingly at this point we didn't
0:21:57 actually mentioned Darwin's theory is
0:21:58 unique for five reasons go on there's
0:22:01 nothing no other theory in the history
0:22:03 of science which has these things number
0:22:05 one according to mainstream secular
0:22:08 academics it's turned into a secular
0:22:11 according to even Dominus themselves -
0:22:13 he influenced politics and it became
0:22:16 into a thorough political system within
0:22:18 itself
0:22:19 Stalin read the Origin of Species that
0:22:21 led him to atheism when he killed people
0:22:24 he said he thought he was doing natural
0:22:26 selection but an ethical system people
0:22:29 get a meaning out of it you know they
0:22:31 they could drive morality for me
0:22:32 fourthly
0:22:33 we have my favourite Spencer socialist
0:22:35 of course is nearly full we have mass
0:22:38 propaganda we have the popular
0:22:40 perception and we have academia and 5
0:22:43 this is extremely important is that
0:22:45 apart from me being a religion apart
0:22:47 from the the sociological aspect of it
0:22:49 sorry the religion the political aspect
0:22:52 the ethical aspect the the propaganda
0:22:56 sociologically if you go up to somebody
0:22:58 and say do you believe in this theory
0:22:59 that yeah yeah I believe it to be true
0:23:01 masses of people believe it to be true
0:23:03 if you ask them for a whiff of evidence
0:23:05 it's just scratch the surface they don't
0:23:07 know and I have experienced this myself
0:23:09 and I just want to end up on this yes in
0:23:11 Stanford they did an experiment about
0:23:13 social conformity and they put three
0:23:16 lines on the board and there was a group
0:23:18 group of people one of them was a test
0:23:20 subject the rest of them were actors and
0:23:22 they have lines ABC and so they went out
0:23:24 to everyone which line is the shortest
0:23:27 the shortest was see this guy lied and
0:23:30 said ay ay ay ay ay it came to the test
0:23:35 subject all the rest of them are fake he
0:23:38 denied his own perception and he said
0:23:40 hey even though he knew C was the
0:23:42 smallest which goes to show that human
0:23:44 beings are social creatures we go with
0:23:47 the flow and we accept things because of
0:23:49 Authority without actually questioning
0:23:51 them and Darwin's theory is unique in
0:23:53 the sense that you have millions of
0:23:55 people who believe in it it's a it's a
0:23:57 materialistic story for capitalism and
0:23:59 it is something which is accepted
0:24:01 without any evidence tell us tell us
0:24:03 yeah so you wanna say the last thing
0:24:04 yeah that's it there's five things about
0:24:06 Darwin see which is unique okay tell us
0:24:08 about this what's this this is a project
0:24:12 called Darwin in delusions and the only
0:24:15 purpose of ship all over the ship well
0:24:17 the HMS Beagle 1859 to the island right
0:24:21 alright so what it basically is this I
0:24:23 want to make it clear what delusions
0:24:25 I'm not saying somebody who believes it
0:24:27 to be a valid scientific theory is
0:24:28 deluded is a YouTube channel it's a
0:24:30 YouTube channel this is to show that if
0:24:33 you believe it's certain and if you want
0:24:34 to bring your if you don't bring meaning
0:24:36 of life out if you don't bring morality
0:24:38 out of it you know from Darwin to Hitler
0:24:40 you should read this book right how it
0:24:42 led the Nazis to do what they were
0:24:44 actually doing in terms of their social
0:24:45 Darwinism then I would say you're pretty
0:24:48 diluted because this is a valid
0:24:49 scientific theory but it's not the
0:24:51 gospel truth interesting interesting
0:24:52 interesting people are gonna be going on
0:24:55 there inshallah and subscribing to it
0:24:57 and listening to more of support on his
0:25:00 research is really truly eye-opening and
0:25:03 I'm sure even if you're not a Muslim or
0:25:05 let's say even if you are a Darwinian
0:25:06 evolutionist you should be challenged
0:25:08 challenging yourself and not really kind
0:25:10 of relying on like the social narrative
0:25:13 I'm at the end of the day social
0:25:14 narratives change and the way they do
0:25:17 change is by critical inquiry and I do
0:25:19 invite everyone to critically examine
0:25:22 under the microscope of objectivity the
0:25:26 truthfulness of Darwinian evolution
0:25:28 based on the information and obviously
0:25:31 this is going to be a good YouTube
0:25:32 channel for you to subscribe to anyways
0:25:34 for until next time assalamu alaikum
0:25:37 warahmatullah ever again Sonali