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119 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-12-05)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

119 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI




Summary of 119 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the concept of accountability in Islam, in which everyone has to communicate with Allah directly and make their own account with Him. It also discusses the idea that there is no one who can forgive someone else's sins for them, and that one's relationship with Allah is established by oneself. ends with a reminder that God knows best who is grateful to Him.

00:00:00 The professor discusses the purpose of sending prophets, which is to give good news and warn people who live righteously. He also explains that if someone does not listen to a prophet, they will have a miserable life in both this life and the next.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses the difference between rebellion and sin, and how rebellion can be more than just a sin. It also explains that, even if a person commits a rebellion against Allah, hope remains for them, as Allah may still forgive them.
  • 00:10:00 The Muslim is a believer and his actions are in themselves a part of the Quran. The character explains different aspects of disagreement between classical scholars, and how they will be addressed in due time. Finally, the instructor reminds the audience that Allah is the only one with the full knowledge and understanding of the universe.
  • 00:15:00 The professor discusses the concept of angels and humans relative to free will and rationality. He argues that angels are just forces, not beings with free will and rationality. He then warns those who fear being gathered before their Lord with no one to protect them or to intercede for them that they might become fully conscious of God or protect themselves from punishment by avoiding sins.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the impossibility of proving that God does not exist, and how this idea is a warning to those who already believe in Him. It also discusses the idea of a 'condition,' which is when a person believes that if they pray to God, He will listen and fulfill their request. The introduction to this video states that any of those who mourn or invoke God in a proper way should be repulsed, as they are not actually responsible for their actions.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the principle that everyone is equal, and that no one has a higher standing than another. It also discusses the idea that those in positions of authority should not try to impose their will on those below them, and that everyone is responsible for their own actions. Finally, the video points out that this principle can be applied to the realm of religion, and that no one should try to convert others to their own beliefs in order to gain power.
  • 00:30:00 discusses the importance of having a special session for the leader of quraish, Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, in order to avoid undermining the dawa of the masses. The professor argues that such a policy is not very simple to implement and that it is not possible for a leader to be perfect. He also mentions the importance of having a system in which those who come late are accommodated.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the concept of accountability in Islam, in which everyone has to communicate with Allah directly and make their own account with Him. It also discusses the idea that there is no one who can forgive someone else's sins for them, and that one's relationship with Allah is established by oneself. ends with a reminder that God knows best who is grateful to Him.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the idea that there is a test for those who follow Allah, and that those who are guided by Allah will be more successful. It also discusses the idea that those who are low in status or income may be more likely to accept faith if they are humble and have a social style that lowers their ego.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses the different translations of the Arabic word "jahadah," which is translated as "transition." It states that the word is wavering and not good, and that it is used to describe someone who is in a state of ignorance or insanity. It provides a hint that those who deliberately sin, or who study sin for entertainment, are not truly believers. This weakens the warning of the Quran, as it makes it easier for people to make mistakes.
  • 00:50:00 The professor discusses the different types of repentance and how they apply to Muslims. He stresses the importance of repentance and corrective action being taken, as those who rebel against Allah will not be forgiven.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the various positions on Surat Al-An'am among Muslims, and how these positions can often lead to disputes. It goes on to say that the Quran leaves the interpretation of these verses up to humans, and that there is no one right answer.


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the concept of tafseer ul Quran, or the interpretation of Quranic verses. He states that attributing any form of deity to Allah or the Prophet Muhammad is forbidden, and that anyone who does so is misguided. He goes on to say that the three fundamentals of faith – belief in Allah, submission to his commands, and having a fundamental will to obey him – are all necessary for salvation.

01:00:00 discusses how Allah has prohibited people from worshiping any beings other than God. He also points out that there are fine details left to Allah, and that the scholars should give the main lines.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the Islamic doctrine of tafseer ul Quran, or the interpretation of Quranic verses. The speakerstates that attributing any form of deity to Allah or the Prophet Muhammad is forbidden, and that anyone who does so is misguided. He goes on to say that the three fundamentals of faith – belief in Allah, submission to his commands, and having a fundamental will to obey him – are all necessary for salvation.
  • 01:10:00 The professor discusses the concept of judgment, explaining that Sharia is an injunction to be followed and implemented alive from A to Z. He points out that some of the judgments in Sharia are exclusive to Allah, while others are extensively discussed in the book Hakima. He concludes by referring the reader to the book Hakima for more information.
  • 01:15:00 Professor Muhammad AL Massari discusses the concept of word order in the Quran, and discusses how it can be used to determine the relative rank of concepts within the Quran. He also discusses the idea of cover (foreign against the command), and how it can be seen as a form of rejection.
  • 01:20:00 The three steps after accepting Allah as the only deity are belief, surrender, and compliance. Rebellion and comfort are the two opposite steps. Rebellion is the act of rejecting Allah, while comfort is the act of insulting believers. Fighting Allah is the only way to go to copper level, which is the lowest level of acceptance. There is no excuse for being at a lower level of acceptance, as long as someone is done deliberating their point of view.
  • 01:25:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the various evidences that show that the harakata (the Islamic act of washing one's face and hands) is not obligatory. He also discusses the Hadith, which predefined that Iman (faith) is just being because they presuppose that without Iman, one cannot be a Muslim. If one desires to become a Muslim, he or she should start with the act of marwa (ritual washing), and then work their way backwards if there is a need for it. If one cannot follow this order, then the matter should be settled with the prophet himself.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses the historical development of Islam, which according to the speaker began with the revelation of Islam to Prophet Muhammad. Islam is the final message, and Muhammad is the final prophet. According to the speaker, the development of Islam is a testing universe, in which different religions and practices compete until a final messenger arrives with a more sophisticated message. According to the speaker, humanity is progressing spiritually, and it is unlikely that a later time will witness the return of a final messenger.
  • 01:35:00 The professor discusses how ayahs of hokum and hakimiya have different meanings, and how they apply to different areas of life. He also mentions that if people don't use mind and reason properly, they can declare things to be aesthetic without knowing the implication.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Muhammad AL Massari discusses the different aspects of Sharia law, including rulings on matters of social agreement and creative interpretation. He stresses that Allah is the exclusive authority in matters of Sharia law, and that man cannot rule without consulting Him. He also points out that there are two extreme camps in the Muslim community, with those who believe that man can rule without reference to Allah, and those who believe that Allah is the only source of law.
  • 01:45:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the meaning of the terms "hokum" and "hakimiya." He notes that while hokum means "the ultimate sovereignty is for Allah," hakimiya means "the power to deduce, make fair judgments, and write books" is allowed to some people in Islam, but they have to go back and refer to the Quran to know when they are allowed to do these things. He says that while it is not an obligation, it is desirable to start with what Allah started, and that if someone forsakes this, it is more convenient for them.
  • 01:50:00 explains that, due to the busyness of life nowadays, it is often difficult for people to devote enough time to Tafseer ul Quran. In order to make the most of his time, the speaker decided to start Tafseer ul Quran from scratch, rather than using previously recorded material. Although this was difficult, the speaker found it to be ultimately rewarding.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 Music
0:00:16 thank you
0:00:26 myself
0:00:31 Rush
0:00:33 yes decide
0:00:35 I started long ago it is hidden uh
0:00:42 okay
0:00:44 dear welcome dear brothers sisters
0:00:47 to episode 119 of our the series series
0:00:50 of the noble Quran with Professor Dr
0:00:52 Mohammed bin Abdullah al-masri these
0:00:54 episodes are broadcast live on the study
0:00:56 Circles of Muhammad Dr Muhammad Muhammad
0:00:58 YouTube channel every Sunday at 1pm we
0:01:02 invite you to subscribe to the channel
0:01:04 and activate the notification Bell for
0:01:05 all new content please note also the
0:01:07 link to the live broadcast worldwide and
0:01:09 dissemination do not forget to interact
0:01:11 with us during the podcast by
0:01:12 participating in the comments and asking
0:01:14 questions through the chat box if I
0:01:16 didn't via the broadcast link next to
0:01:17 the video
0:01:18 do not forget to support our activities
0:01:19 by donating when asking questions in the
0:01:21 conversation or through the thank you
0:01:23 button under our video today is the 4th
0:01:26 of December 2022 the professor continues
0:01:29 interpretation of suratan and am we are
0:01:31 now on ir48
0:01:36 . I will start with 48 yeah
0:01:41 no I think we start with 49 48 we
0:01:44 finished
0:01:48 just that one
0:01:50 give me a second let me see
0:01:53 yeah in my count it's 48 yeah
0:02:05 and we send our message parents only as
0:02:09 Heralds of blood Tidings and as Warners
0:02:11 hence all who believe and live
0:02:13 righteously no fear need they have
0:02:15 neither shall they grieve next
0:02:17 translation we send our messages only to
0:02:19 our Messengers only to give good news
0:02:21 and to warn all who believe and live
0:02:23 righteously do not need to fear nor will
0:02:26 they grieve no I think that is circular
0:02:28 this is that's the purpose of Senegal
0:02:30 mussolin uh
0:02:32 and the warning
0:02:34 if there's no more Italian then there
0:02:36 will be no gluttoning on the warning
0:02:38 it's after all of a sudden how to see
0:02:39 the creation of that case but definitely
0:02:41 when a Muslim is sent as told to Adam
0:02:44 and his wife when they expelled very
0:02:47 famous
0:02:53 so whenever you receive a messenger for
0:02:56 my head or you are The Offspring
0:02:57 Services Adam is already a communication
0:02:59 Allah directly but the next generation
0:03:02 and so on uh I may send Messengers I'm
0:03:06 not obliged to send Messengers in in in
0:03:08 a concert distinction to the claimer as
0:03:10 we tell you that you must need messenger
0:03:12 no no they don't need in that sense and
0:03:15 Allah is not obliged to send the
0:03:16 messengers because he will account only
0:03:19 if he's in the messenger so
0:03:21 if you receive guidance for myself
0:03:24 whoever follow me the result what will
0:03:25 be what is if you save guidance who
0:03:27 follow my guidance they will not be
0:03:29 going astray nor will be unhappy
0:03:32 and who is retained away from the
0:03:34 guidance after he has received it
0:03:37 he live miserably when he will be his
0:03:40 blind
0:03:43 he would ask how come that I am blind
0:03:45 now I was seeing and doing yourself but
0:03:47 you are blind from the Revelation now we
0:03:49 we got a secret behind we said that the
0:03:51 reality you have been blind there
0:03:52 because just seeing a physical universe
0:03:55 is not the real purpose of seeing the
0:03:56 Insight in the universe is that what it
0:03:58 was called but that's in the other Ayah
0:04:00 so that's it that's the valuable
0:04:02 Messengers that Allah may decide for
0:04:04 certain generation for certain people to
0:04:07 leave them alone and then as he has
0:04:09 Liberty how to teach them
0:04:13 a messenger They will receive the Glad
0:04:16 Tiding for those who follow
0:04:18 and all gratitude including a new year
0:04:21 like the other I just decided and he
0:04:23 will have he will not be misguided nor
0:04:26 he will Hive would be his life will not
0:04:27 be miserable both in Dunya and who turn
0:04:30 away from the Revelation he will have a
0:04:32 miserable life and he will be
0:04:34 resurrected blight
0:04:35 so that's the purpose of sending the
0:04:37 messengers if Allah wishes to send them
0:04:40 for certain people certain Nation but he
0:04:42 is not at the obligation to send at all
0:04:44 but if he sends then this is the best of
0:04:46 sending and this is what the what what
0:04:49 was the result of
0:04:51 the response to the view to the sending
0:04:54 the first part of his obligatory on
0:04:55 Allah because it's a promise of
0:04:57 happiness and that they in this Isa they
0:05:00 have neither to fear nor to grieve
0:05:07 all humans are afraid of and feeling
0:05:10 grieving that they will expire worthless
0:05:12 and they will rot away and nothing will
0:05:14 happen and and this marvelous
0:05:17 Consciousness will be gone away it is
0:05:20 not to be afraid of that Allah is
0:05:22 promising and he will fulfill his
0:05:24 promise necessarily that yeah this is
0:05:27 not expire with less you will be
0:05:29 resurrected and you don't need to grieve
0:05:31 about that you will not have to fear uh
0:05:34 any any thought any punishment and you
0:05:37 don't you know you will not be sad then
0:05:40 uh so that's that's the the other part
0:05:46 does not mention them here mentioned
0:05:49 there's only the junior result for them
0:05:50 which is the next I but the other part
0:05:52 is a threat from our Sada and Allah is
0:05:54 not that obligation to fulfill his
0:05:55 threat he can forego fulfilling the
0:05:57 threat but we discussed that several
0:05:59 times
0:06:00 but this is the fundamental principle
0:06:02 everything promising promising goods and
0:06:05 and good and well treatment and so on is
0:06:07 obligating a lot overflow because it
0:06:09 will be undivine and contradicting his
0:06:12 Perfection and then generosity not of
0:06:14 fulfillville but punishment he can forgo
0:06:16 punishment
0:06:18 fundamentally everyone every punishment
0:06:20 whatever it is he can't forego it and
0:06:22 there are many population of the Quran
0:06:24 with the punishment is reported as if
0:06:25 it's a report that's a mistake for the
0:06:27 people reading itself but in the future
0:06:29 may be a threat and then it is not
0:06:32 obligator certain people say because
0:06:33 Allah said they will go into the
0:06:35 Hellfire and this is the true report
0:06:37 isn't that it's not a report it looks
0:06:39 it's written as a report but it's not a
0:06:41 report it looks like well that's one way
0:06:43 reports or the phrase of motada and
0:06:47 harbor unscent institution seem to be
0:06:49 reporting a report but they are really
0:06:51 really they are either a promise or a
0:06:53 threat
0:06:54 but there's genuine reports there and
0:06:57 when we come to some of those we will
0:06:58 check the Michelle out but that's the
0:07:00 general rule keep that in mind
0:07:02 so let's have a messenger ascent and
0:07:05 then
0:07:06 what happens to those who uh who declare
0:07:09 the Revelation to be or reject an
0:07:11 evaluation they claim it to be false or
0:07:13 or or or or or or the messenger to be a
0:07:17 liar and that is support
0:07:26 whereas those who give the light to our
0:07:28 messages suffering will afflict them in
0:07:30 the result of all their sinful doings as
0:07:32 translation as for those who rejected
0:07:34 our messages suffering will inflict them
0:07:37 as a result of all their sinful actions
0:07:39 so it should be said
0:07:42 when the rebellious action yeah
0:07:47 we have to distinguish between Marcia
0:07:50 sinning on the Rebellion the various
0:07:53 levels of mazia the Rebellion is most
0:07:56 the time in the Quran connected with
0:07:57 cover while Marcia is not necessary with
0:08:00 copper
0:08:01 and we I think we mentioned that
0:08:03 somewhere when we discussed Adam that
0:08:06 the Quran mentioned a priest that he was
0:08:08 arrogant he rebelled and so on never
0:08:11 said ASA he disobeyed while Adam
0:08:13 everyone said he disobeyed his Lord he
0:08:16 went astray and sold by to be
0:08:17 Disobedience but nevertheless mentioned
0:08:19 if you scan the whole Quran you will
0:08:21 find my my statement really verified so
0:08:24 there's a fundamental difference between
0:08:25 Marcia Disobedience not combined with
0:08:28 the command only received an accepted in
0:08:30 principle but in the moment of minded
0:08:33 absenteness or moment or overwhelming
0:08:36 desire or lesser temporary ignore
0:08:39 answers will come later too or temporary
0:08:41 insanity
0:08:42 the other one is Fisk that you Rebel you
0:08:46 know that the command they say no I'm
0:08:47 not going to comply like every sister
0:08:49 said I'm not going that's usually the
0:08:53 first usually would be of the level of
0:08:55 usually or there may be few exception
0:08:57 here and there which will come in the
0:08:59 quranshallah and due course so the
0:09:01 transition is
0:09:03 meaning Rebel
0:09:06 and not just sin it's more more than
0:09:09 that yeah also soon I use the Fisk
0:09:12 sometimes compared to cover to show
0:09:14 something lower than cover like the
0:09:16 famous Hadith which is
0:09:23 insulting or swearing at the Muslim is
0:09:27 yeah
0:09:29 and fighting him or killing him
0:09:32 if it was higher than that so here from
0:09:34 the context we know the fossil here is
0:09:36 is that thinning but in a high level a
0:09:38 rebellion and eye level but maybe even
0:09:40 cover inside the situation we don't know
0:09:42 but definitely fighting the Believers is
0:09:45 an act of comfort
0:09:47 does someone become careful with that
0:09:49 there are certain bearing conditions on
0:09:51 to be discussed in due course in their
0:09:52 places but that's by itself is an act of
0:09:55 core
0:09:56 pulling the sword against the Believers
0:09:58 is an act of hope you wave it you go
0:10:00 right to your left and so on someone can
0:10:02 do it maybe or based on a completely
0:10:04 wrong so he's not a cafe excused by a
0:10:07 wheel or someone do it and not knowing
0:10:10 that this is a Believer but his act is
0:10:11 in itself is
0:10:16 the Quran gives various aspects of them
0:10:19 and will address every aspect that dude
0:10:21 in its time and due course one by one
0:10:24 bit by button until the whole picture
0:10:26 emerges because it's one of the deepest
0:10:28 the best really issue which disagreement
0:10:30 that must have happened but in the time
0:10:32 of Alibi applied with the with my own
0:10:35 not only but you find the classical
0:10:37 scores is the first one who declared no
0:10:40 no
0:10:42 many of the people in in in in alia
0:10:46 campus and there was a discussion about
0:10:48 that at the equivalence
0:10:56 clearly reported to some of them not all
0:10:58 of them obviously pedestrians and idiots
0:11:01 there most of them are Palestinians are
0:11:03 misguided and misled but the leaders and
0:11:06 so on they said
0:11:08 but they pretended to be Muslims and
0:11:12 hidden cover until they find sufficient
0:11:14 allies and good condition to express it
0:11:16 that so the so it's not like
0:11:20 most classical Scholars will talk about
0:11:23 how are you sure the first one who who
0:11:25 declared that the Muslim to be a cafe
0:11:27 because of which of their Wills no no
0:11:28 it's already Global so being accused of
0:11:31 copper but this is another issue also
0:11:33 together
0:11:35 so the character finishes by the these
0:11:38 will be touched by punishment who would
0:11:39 declare our eyes to be alive or
0:11:41 attribute light or eyes they will be
0:11:44 touched by punishment for that for their
0:11:46 own Rebellion
0:11:51 40 billion
0:11:53 good
0:11:57 um
0:12:12 go ahead with the translation
0:12:15 say oh Prophet I do not say unto you
0:12:17 God's Treasures are with me nor do I say
0:12:20 I know the things that are beyond the
0:12:21 reach of human perception nor do I say
0:12:24 unto you behold I am an angel but I but
0:12:27 follow what is revealed to me say can
0:12:29 the Blind and the theming and the seeing
0:12:31 be deemed equal will you not then take
0:12:34 thought
0:12:36 next translation profit say I do not say
0:12:39 to you God's Treasures are with me nor
0:12:41 do I say I know the things that are
0:12:43 Beyond human perception nor do I say
0:12:45 behold I am an angel I only follow what
0:12:48 has what is revealed to me say can the
0:12:51 Blind and the saying be considered equal
0:12:53 will you vet why will you not think
0:12:57 so that's that's the messengers
0:12:59 instructor that we will listen whatever
0:13:01 you think about me
0:13:03 certainly I don't have control over
0:13:04 Allah over all our positions I'm not
0:13:07 that I'm not that there's your keyboard
0:13:09 or the owner of the treasures they are
0:13:10 they are not under my control nor do I
0:13:13 know what's beyond human perception and
0:13:14 human robotic issues in the future at
0:13:17 least a trivial to me or things in the
0:13:19 past which have gone past they are now
0:13:21 hidden they are not accessible to us
0:13:23 there may be some artifacts and traces
0:13:25 or something in the books but all the
0:13:27 details are essentially gone only Allah
0:13:29 is having them on record
0:13:31 and then the third one is a little bit
0:13:33 surprising but it's addressing the
0:13:34 people conception about angel of the
0:13:36 time I don't tell you that I'm an angel
0:13:37 because the people's reception of Angels
0:13:39 the Arab specifically and most people is
0:13:42 that Angelic beings are something like
0:13:43 almost divine
0:13:45 the the uh
0:13:48 they believe that the angels are the
0:13:50 daughters and the offsprings of Allah
0:13:52 anyway so they are Divine at least by
0:13:54 being an offspring not necessarily by
0:13:56 having Divine Powers but being
0:13:58 offsprings and all the wealthy over then
0:14:00 of annulation Etc as it's defeating for
0:14:03 the Divine being and for the daughters
0:14:05 and the sons of the Divine of the
0:14:07 Supreme Being the Allah the the big God
0:14:10 the supreme god
0:14:12 so that's the people of perception but
0:14:14 even monotheists like for example in
0:14:16 especially as it seems to be was in
0:14:19 ancient times fifteen twenty thousand
0:14:20 years ago which some of it remained in
0:14:23 in the in the cultures of uh of uh the
0:14:26 Native Americans especially the normals
0:14:28 and then we'll talk about the the
0:14:30 spirits the whole universe is full of
0:14:31 spirits there's a submarine spirits that
0:14:33 there are many other Spirits these are
0:14:35 mono face because they don't claim that
0:14:37 other Spirits are are Supreme like the
0:14:39 Supreme one nor they attribute them to
0:14:41 be Offspring for him they have no no
0:14:43 theory about that they exist somehow
0:14:45 maybe they some of them are
0:14:47 sophisticated enough say they are
0:14:49 created these are still modernists for
0:14:51 them as they left these priests are
0:14:52 something like higher being much higher
0:14:54 and above human earlier but the reality
0:14:57 is that
0:14:59 Scholars have been discussing in time
0:15:01 sometimes Harbor onward about the angels
0:15:04 and so on what what is initial and some
0:15:06 of them said
0:15:07 uh as I said actually humans are
0:15:11 superior to Angel and someone objecting
0:15:13 say how come they say because humans
0:15:15 have free will and have rationality
0:15:16 angels He said angels are just forces
0:15:19 like like this wind it's a winter being
0:15:22 maybe in some respect but not in where
0:15:25 it matters in Free Will unconsciousness
0:15:27 so but thus addressing the people's
0:15:30 conception about about angels uh tell
0:15:34 them whatever you think about the Angels
0:15:35 I'm not one of them I am a being like
0:15:37 you made of Flesh and Blood and so on
0:15:39 need to go to the law Etc
0:15:43 what I am definitely I am not one of
0:15:46 those or I don't have this this access
0:15:49 to these these capabilities and so on
0:15:51 but definitely what I'm telling you is
0:15:53 that what I'm receiving as a revelation
0:15:55 in tabulary I'm following all what is
0:15:58 revealed to me that's it that's what I'm
0:15:59 borrowing I'm not inventing it or
0:16:01 creating it or uh
0:16:05 achieving it by philosophical deduction
0:16:07 you know it is just revealed to me I'm
0:16:09 just reporting it to you as a review in
0:16:11 the revelation
0:16:13 don't tell them ask them
0:16:15 many of the questions the answer is not
0:16:17 there
0:16:18 is it is it equal that the Blind and the
0:16:21 seeing are they equal definitely they
0:16:23 are not equal because the one who sees
0:16:25 something even in a seeing in the matter
0:16:27 of the material Universe obviously
0:16:29 applies also the singing but they have
0:16:30 the heart inside but the one who sees
0:16:33 and can find his way out by himself and
0:16:36 see obstacles and avoid them and
0:16:38 identifies danger identifies booty
0:16:40 identifies gains Etc it's not like the
0:16:43 one who is his blind definitely they are
0:16:46 not equal and and I am seeing because I
0:16:48 receive Revelation from one who sees and
0:16:50 knows everything who has the triggers
0:16:52 and so on so I am the seeing when you
0:16:54 are blind why don't you and I at least
0:16:57 Analyze This regulation think about it
0:16:59 don't you think why don't you use your
0:17:02 your mental capability your your your
0:17:04 thoughts and your analytical skills
0:17:07 someone say maybe they don't believe in
0:17:09 that Festival but but the address is the
0:17:11 following assume I'm telling the truth
0:17:14 and assume I'm not telling put the both
0:17:16 options on the table and analyze both
0:17:19 that's what everybody is asking them to
0:17:20 do he's not asking them believe me on on
0:17:22 just a message no no assume I'm telling
0:17:25 the truth then analyze and assume we're
0:17:27 not telling the truth and analyze and
0:17:29 see where you will end the conclusion
0:17:30 but analyze think
0:17:32 under analyze a philosophical
0:17:35 so this needs thinking needs analysis
0:17:38 I need thought need a process of
0:17:40 thinking to recognize that that the
0:17:43 blind is definitely inferior to the to
0:17:46 the seeing in every respect relation
0:17:48 related to to uh physical activity in
0:17:50 their ways the same with the inside the
0:17:53 internally blind who doesn't use his
0:17:55 internal inside is definitely inferior
0:17:58 in method of achieving any conclusion
0:18:00 any knowledge any science from the one
0:18:02 who is uh seeing have you inside
0:18:05 so think about that make both assumption
0:18:08 analyze
0:18:11 next Ayah
0:18:25 I'm warned here by those who fear lest
0:18:28 they be gathered onto their sustainer
0:18:30 with not to protect them from him or to
0:18:32 intercede with him so that they might
0:18:34 might become fully conscious of him next
0:18:37 translation
0:18:38 use the Quran to to warn those who fear
0:18:42 being gathered before their Lord with no
0:18:44 one to protect them from him or to
0:18:46 intercede with him so that they might
0:18:48 become fully aware of him yeah or
0:18:50 protect himself by being forever
0:18:54 from from the punishment of Allah by
0:18:57 avoiding sins and this and this can
0:18:59 happen only by being fully conscious
0:19:01 they seem to be less common now that
0:19:03 taqwa is translated as being God
0:19:04 conscious which is good in earlier years
0:19:08 like early 20th century and before that
0:19:11 was uh the translation of pectal was
0:19:13 good we mentioned that hilly and the
0:19:15 Quran Also let's say those who were the
0:19:17 evil protect himself from Evil that's a
0:19:20 good translation also but this
0:19:22 to get you into really the ultimate what
0:19:26 is needed toward evil is
0:19:29 so it looks like there's something
0:19:32 saying that I want those who are afraid
0:19:34 or fear that they will be together to
0:19:36 their lord and then they will have
0:19:38 nobody uh protecting them nor anyone is
0:19:41 sitting at their behalf but they already
0:19:43 fearful of that actually it's more than
0:19:46 that yes those are fearful will be
0:19:47 reminded of that but actually one of
0:19:50 those who put this possibility on the
0:19:52 table
0:19:53 so some people said you if you've
0:19:55 discuss what an atheists they say I
0:19:56 don't believe that is a god-aware
0:19:58 resurrection let's assume a good
0:20:00 existence is the resurrection do you
0:20:02 have an absolute proof that didn't exist
0:20:03 you don't have that's all about you all
0:20:05 about exclaim is that the evidences of
0:20:07 proving God are not sufficient for them
0:20:10 that's what they never said we have an
0:20:12 energy irrefutable proof that he doesn't
0:20:14 exist or
0:20:17 formulating it in a positive way because
0:20:19 someone someone will say this is unfair
0:20:21 asking someone to prove a negative
0:20:23 proving a negative is impossible
0:20:25 proof of us the universe is necessarily
0:20:28 existing and the initial is
0:20:30 self-contained absolutely no need for
0:20:33 ideas then there is no need to prostrate
0:20:34 that God if we prove that with the
0:20:36 attitude
0:20:38 then because because we can from
0:20:41 rational consideration which the
0:20:42 philosophy of settled almost century and
0:20:44 maybe thousand years ago is that a
0:20:46 necessary existing because only one so
0:20:48 if the nature or whatever the
0:20:49 comprehensive Universe it isn't existing
0:20:51 it cannot be another necessary existing
0:20:54 a God or another net or anything there's
0:20:55 only one
0:20:57 possibly in any conceivable reality or
0:21:00 imagined set of circumstances that could
0:21:03 be towards necessary existing being it's
0:21:05 not the only one but nobody has that all
0:21:07 evidences are against that anyway
0:21:09 so since you don't have this absolutely
0:21:12 attitude by evidence put it on the table
0:21:13 you don't have it you know just assuming
0:21:15 we don't have an evidence for a good
0:21:17 okay right but if he may still exist and
0:21:19 maybe there's there is selection put
0:21:21 that point on the table and check with
0:21:23 the possibility responsibility a
0:21:25 possibility B
0:21:27 the one who put the possibilities on the
0:21:29 table that's the one who fear he may be
0:21:30 resurrected and maybe held account
0:21:33 and then this will be warning for them
0:21:35 so it's warning for those who already
0:21:37 believe
0:21:38 to be conscious and will be will be be
0:21:41 reminded of that continuously because
0:21:44 human beings are unable to keep that in
0:21:46 their mind continuously so they need the
0:21:48 warning and the reminder that's the
0:21:49 reason we have the Friday ceremony we
0:21:51 have various things from reminder that's
0:21:53 the reason why I mentioned these things
0:21:54 repeatedly almost everywhere some people
0:21:57 say this repeatedly aren't too
0:21:58 frequently you know it is needed for
0:22:00 that for this purpose
0:22:03 but also it is warning for those who
0:22:05 wonder of the possibility of of uh
0:22:09 that's like for example
0:22:11 someone someone became atheist for a
0:22:14 certain mishap happened to him and his
0:22:15 father is a Believer told him ask God to
0:22:18 God you say I don't believe he say
0:22:19 assume ask himself
0:22:21 dear God if you exist I am in a dire
0:22:24 situation give me some guidance if you
0:22:26 exist
0:22:29 this assumption ask him if you exist I
0:22:32 need your help and guidance
0:22:35 Etc so that's it that's it it's not as
0:22:37 as as people may think it is warning for
0:22:41 only those who already believe no those
0:22:43 who not believe but are willing to
0:22:44 ponder the other possibility those who
0:22:47 say there's other possibility does not
0:22:48 exist in outer question
0:22:50 they will not be one they will not
0:22:51 benefit from because they have already
0:22:52 started they have already cornered
0:22:54 themself in a corner which is not
0:22:56 defensible they already have damaged
0:22:58 themselves Beyond repair
0:23:02 then another issue comes which has
0:23:04 happened at that time related to
0:23:06 situation quresh is that the courageous
0:23:08 okay what you are saying it seems to be
0:23:10 making a little sense but there's a
0:23:12 problem it's a problem the problem is
0:23:14 that the people who accepted that with
0:23:16 you are slaves and low-class people
0:23:19 and we cannot really attempt your
0:23:21 Gathering and meeting with you while
0:23:24 these low class people are there
0:23:27 send them away make a special session
0:23:30 for us I wish we the noble only attend
0:23:34 and then
0:23:37 then we will be attending just do this
0:23:40 step then we will be cooperating with
0:23:42 you no problem we will attend and say
0:23:43 listen to what you say in more and more
0:23:46 more accepting way but this is obviously
0:23:49 not acceptable may have felt or thought
0:23:53 or maybe have got a fleeting thought
0:23:55 that's again one one example is that the
0:23:58 thoughts in your mind is not necessarily
0:23:59 for infallible he may have such a
0:24:01 thought in his mind and up or unborn
0:24:03 from that well I thought
0:24:05 because you have a desire and you think
0:24:08 ah these are the leaders these are the
0:24:12 the shift ends if they come to me I
0:24:15 fulfill that condition doesn't seem to
0:24:16 be unfair
0:24:18 yeah I can't even tell the other people
0:24:20 the other side has made that condition
0:24:22 and you you have we are full of
0:24:24 understanding just don't be present when
0:24:26 you have a special session for these
0:24:27 guys and they will understand and then
0:24:30 the such thought may come in your mind
0:24:32 but Allah
0:24:33 does not accept this fundamental into
0:24:36 acceptable foreign
0:24:41 introduction
0:24:52 hence repulse notes any of those who
0:24:54 mourn who act morning and evening invoke
0:24:57 the sustainer seeking his countenance
0:24:59 Thou Art in no wise accountable for them
0:25:02 just as they are in no ways accountable
0:25:04 for thee and thou Hast therefore no
0:25:06 right to repulse them well then thou
0:25:08 would be among the evil doers a
0:25:10 translation
0:25:11 don't drive away any of those who call
0:25:14 upon their lord morning or evening
0:25:16 seeking his face you are in no way
0:25:18 accountable for them just as they are in
0:25:21 no way accountable for you you have no
0:25:23 right to drive them away for then you
0:25:25 might you would be among the unjust
0:25:27 exactly sure that's that's very clearly
0:25:30 fundamental principle but it's not only
0:25:32 because of the Qureshi which if many
0:25:34 Islamic movements at the end time they
0:25:37 prefer to have relation with someone
0:25:39 try to they go work through the system
0:25:42 appease them and so on
0:25:44 this is from the same category the same
0:25:46 satanic whisper in your mind thinking
0:25:49 aha these are in power if I can gain one
0:25:52 of them on my side then I can do massive
0:25:54 change imagine if I if one of the big
0:25:57 leaders convert or one of the rulers
0:25:59 convert
0:26:01 then
0:26:04 many people for him whole arm is more
0:26:06 follow him it is a very custom in
0:26:09 ancient time but even more than time if
0:26:11 a significant personality had celebrity
0:26:13 conversion change then thousand hundred
0:26:16 thousand Millions we would make my photo
0:26:18 so it's very attractive to to focus on
0:26:20 that yeah no problem to focus but to the
0:26:23 tune that you forsake the other ones or
0:26:26 make compromises with this one that's
0:26:28 not permissible yeah there's no problem
0:26:31 that you try to address these people
0:26:32 here but no compromises
0:26:35 who did in Egypt for example by
0:26:37 compromising with the military in the
0:26:39 hope that they will pacify them and so
0:26:41 on that was a catastrophe blender it's
0:26:43 from the same category they apologized
0:26:45 with them the unforsaken the people the
0:26:47 Common People The Pedestrian suffering
0:26:49 immediately and the result you have seen
0:26:51 how it ended it's always likely to end
0:26:54 being the unjust under and clogged the
0:26:55 world and the world going on the wrong
0:26:57 direction that's not the way to go
0:27:00 you give it a doubt to everyone but the
0:27:03 other side if the Arrogant the superior
0:27:06 claim oh no no we are not going to mix
0:27:08 with the low class field the more days
0:27:09 we'll talk about low-class people the
0:27:11 game is over no way to interact with
0:27:13 these people more than interact with
0:27:15 everybody else no way to fulfill their
0:27:17 their demands know to give them any
0:27:20 standing
0:27:21 or any special exception position no you
0:27:24 will be like anybody else because the
0:27:25 first step and really Muhammad was
0:27:28 calling verses there's no deity except
0:27:30 Allah
0:27:31 the only deity everyone is a Slave
0:27:35 and they're in matter of slavery and
0:27:37 being created exactly equal nobody is
0:27:39 submitted to another one
0:27:43 and this may in the in this fundamental
0:27:45 sense in this sense of Rights and
0:27:47 respectability we may be so very
0:27:49 intelligence that he will be employed to
0:27:51 do to do engineering work and and
0:27:53 designing uh rockets and so on it would
0:27:57 not be employed employed obviously to be
0:27:59 a street super other one has a big
0:28:01 muscle capability he will improve
0:28:03 another job within his muscle capability
0:28:05 that's okay but this is not related to
0:28:07 that one and embracing Fair face or
0:28:09 expelling someone from your presence or
0:28:12 even ranking the people in the most
0:28:13 concerned and the mosque everyone is
0:28:16 equal to everyone else whoever comes
0:28:17 first will take the first line even if
0:28:19 he has three sweeper and the King comes
0:28:21 to add it will be behind and there's a
0:28:25 funny stories as I mentioned right here
0:28:26 in in in the Saudi governments usually
0:28:30 go into in the summer in five because
0:28:31 dive is cooler and so on and uh
0:28:35 King Faisal used in Early Times used to
0:28:39 to uh to go to a massive famous person
0:28:43 in life established webinar bus is still
0:28:46 there obviously built and so on and in
0:28:49 Early Times his garden so go ahead and
0:28:52 uh like one hour before Salah or 50-20
0:28:55 minutes and then make an empty place in
0:28:58 in in in in
0:29:00 behind the Imam for him
0:29:04 at one time when yemeni Yemen he died
0:29:07 yeah won one of these uh these uh going
0:29:09 around the day I was wondering from
0:29:11 place to place they're making that one
0:29:13 it was very common in the 50s and 60s
0:29:15 and 40s and so on he was there early he
0:29:18 was in the line and then there's your
0:29:19 guards came and said oh
0:29:22 for the king coming through so he went
0:29:24 back one or two lines
0:29:26 and then the king came and took that
0:29:28 place at the same time of his kinship
0:29:30 and then after Salah this year
0:29:36 don't you know that the line behind the
0:29:38 Imam is for the first one took up
0:29:40 herself first and secondly it should be
0:29:42 reserved for those who if they might
0:29:44 make a mistake they can correct them
0:29:47 he can leave the Salah and neither you
0:29:50 nor your gods
0:29:54 like those Gods all of them shaved no
0:29:57 different than a woman then nobody was
0:29:59 qualified police will be invalid
0:30:03 and Christopher told the gods don't do
0:30:05 that ever again get me any space or even
0:30:08 and they establish a room in the left
0:30:10 side back we prayed in that room and
0:30:12 seclusion say don't don't expect me to
0:30:15 such die anymore
0:30:17 so that's an example oh this man is
0:30:21 always a simple mind you say none of you
0:30:22 is able to lead us Allah they are shaved
0:30:25 and nobody their Salah will not be
0:30:27 accepted it's wrong but anyway if you
0:30:29 stress the point that place I was the
0:30:32 ill either I should be there you should
0:30:34 be behind me you came later
0:30:36 especially those guys who are not
0:30:38 qualified the only thing he mentioned is
0:30:40 that they're cliche they should say they
0:30:42 are they are oppressing the people and
0:30:44 so on their jalah they should not even
0:30:46 be allowed in the Masjid something like
0:30:48 that but his level of understanding
0:30:50 possibly or courage did not fit that
0:30:53 level at that time anyway
0:30:55 so that's the situation so it seemed to
0:30:57 be something idea came in the
0:30:59 prophetamines
0:31:00 that maybe having a special session for
0:31:03 these uh this is the leader of quraish
0:31:05 is not a bad idea it may serve dawa no
0:31:07 this is this is a satanic inspiration
0:31:09 that's not that's not true that's why it
0:31:12 doesn't say that it's undermined that
0:31:13 because it makes that within uh make the
0:31:17 people who are this with the network
0:31:18 classes about that one
0:31:21 which is not permissible
0:31:23 definitely not very simple and and
0:31:25 that's that's Underpants I'm stuck to
0:31:27 that all his life like for example when
0:31:29 in Medina for example uh
0:31:33 the the usual way is that uh when when a
0:31:37 drink is offered the people sitting the
0:31:39 the production offers from the people to
0:31:41 the right
0:31:42 and in once in in one sitting one young
0:31:45 man was alien and took the right place
0:31:48 next to the prophet
0:31:49 and there was some drink brought by
0:31:51 someone as a gift or something like that
0:31:53 although I took a sip and said ask a man
0:31:56 to to his right
0:31:59 the young man will you allow me to give
0:32:02 this to the Sheikh who is left
0:32:05 without the left place
0:32:08 let's show you that a worker did not
0:32:10 tell the guy go move away that's my
0:32:12 place no no it doesn't work this way and
0:32:14 and the young man said I'm not going to
0:32:17 give preference to someone to drink
0:32:19 immediately after you because I want to
0:32:20 drink after the prophet directly this
0:32:22 Barack I'm not going to miss it even for
0:32:23 Abu Bakr I don't give him the back
0:32:27 he has a good album
0:32:30 to him and then went to the right way
0:32:32 all the way so welcome became the last
0:32:34 one to get if there's any remaining so
0:32:36 that's how it works
0:32:38 and such meetings in such places and so
0:32:41 on and educational sessions and what
0:32:43 comes first let's write the place in
0:32:45 front there's no reservation like that
0:32:47 according to ranksorb even being ancient
0:32:51 in Islam being all being young and so on
0:32:53 unless you offer it by yourself that's
0:32:55 that's fine that's fine that's okay
0:32:57 that's no problems ask of some situation
0:33:00 some some sahabi uh come for any reason
0:33:04 very late and then nobody's covering
0:33:07 them space on her side
0:33:09 album gives fear so that open a little
0:33:12 bit a gap between you and they were not
0:33:13 complying and the Quran rebuked them
0:33:15 because they did not comply with the
0:33:17 wish of the world that's the industry
0:33:18 but they did it so to manage the session
0:33:20 reasonably not to make someone
0:33:22 profitable or not perfect because the
0:33:24 one who came late that day
0:33:26 and the Quran comments to do that they
0:33:28 they didn't find any place they were
0:33:30 standing and looking if any someone
0:33:31 would give them a space someone would
0:33:32 offer a space someone will squeeze
0:33:34 himself a little bit and nobody was
0:33:36 going to accommodating that's not good
0:33:38 if they if the police does not allow try
0:33:40 to squeeze together then I do if they
0:33:42 are Elder if you are younger to offer
0:33:44 your place and go a little bit down
0:33:46 that's that should be the case so this
0:33:48 causes should be there but not in the
0:33:51 way that we should hear all that
0:33:59 should be organized according to
0:34:01 alongside the society I I and
0:34:04 exclusively so that others are not
0:34:06 allowed to enter that's that's
0:34:08 absolutely no no no that's absolutely
0:34:10 unacceptable as I was even acceptable
0:34:13 and it's mentioned also you have nothing
0:34:16 to window of their accounts this is this
0:34:18 is like an interviewing sentence which
0:34:19 mentioning a fundamental facts to see
0:34:21 also undermine any philosophy about the
0:34:23 church in islamism because in the
0:34:26 shelves and also in the Jews when they
0:34:28 have a official clergy
0:34:32 from a son of uh harun it seems to in
0:34:35 the Sharia and maybe it's fabricated
0:34:37 later we don't know
0:34:38 because it mentioned the details I
0:34:40 mentioned both in the book of the revile
0:34:43 Leviticus and also in Deuteronomy and
0:34:45 the variation there so people are
0:34:46 doubting that it may be a letter
0:34:47 fabrication anyway
0:34:50 that's not doesn't exist anymore in
0:34:53 Islam you know the the the the people
0:34:56 have nothing nothing of your accounts as
0:34:58 a leader or even as a prophet nor you
0:35:01 have anything to their accounting
0:35:02 everyone is about entity everyone has to
0:35:05 communicate with Allah directly everyone
0:35:06 has to make his account so Allah
0:35:09 directly there is no one who wrote make
0:35:11 a confession and he say you are forgiven
0:35:13 my son that's not exist neither the
0:35:15 prophet nor anybody else
0:35:16 technology about this
0:35:19 you may go to the promise when he was
0:35:21 alive to ask for a stereography because
0:35:23 you know his application is moral but
0:35:25 likely to be accepted but that's only
0:35:28 what he can do he can't say you are
0:35:29 forgiven you know we ask Allah for you
0:35:31 to forgive that's all that he can do yes
0:35:34 because of his back and his rank in
0:35:36 Allah with this does not mean that you
0:35:38 have any buddhistorical anyone of his
0:35:40 accounts or failing but he will offer
0:35:43 but he never had any feeling nor his
0:35:45 reward that's on Allah between him and
0:35:47 Allah and also he has nothing to do with
0:35:48 your account and your action between you
0:35:51 Allah
0:35:53 everyone is independent everyone has to
0:35:55 account and communicate there as well
0:35:56 also that there's no church no no
0:35:58 mawlana no nobody mediating and entering
0:36:01 the seating or in between you and Allah
0:36:03 if you have to manage it by yourself
0:36:04 individly
0:36:06 foreign
0:36:20 were asking for but it's it's important
0:36:22 in this place to stress it and make it
0:36:25 fixed finally for all times
0:36:28 there's no intermediary all your
0:36:29 relation Allah is established by
0:36:31 yourself between you two you and Allah
0:36:32 nobody will come between you
0:36:35 if anyone comes then he starts guessing
0:36:38 unless he's coming with advice with
0:36:40 suggestion with praying for you that's
0:36:42 fine that's no problem but not any
0:36:45 anything like that you have a right of
0:36:47 command or the right forgiveness or the
0:36:50 right of exclusion or excommunication
0:36:52 all of that does not exist
0:36:56 so if you how much even even Ponder to
0:36:58 do that and you do it then you will
0:37:00 become unjust advert transmissible so
0:37:02 don't do it it's clear it will be then
0:37:04 Ascend definitely a sin obviously the
0:37:06 pastor did not do that but he is being
0:37:08 protected from doing that by
0:37:10 infallibility but still the Quran this
0:37:12 is the issue once more to make it clear
0:37:14 for everyone else you could adjust to
0:37:16 the prophet's address to his Nation
0:37:17 unless it's clearly specific for him
0:37:20 and this is not specific this channel
0:37:22 for every day for everyone both guys if
0:37:24 it's for the prophet valid like that
0:37:26 then I for surely for other people is
0:37:27 valid if the prophet will become become
0:37:30 a transgressor and just if he has done
0:37:31 that Allah forbid he will never do never
0:37:34 did then everyone else which are for
0:37:36 sure it should be more unjust and and
0:37:39 worthy of blame
0:37:44 foreign foreign
0:37:55 men through one another to the end that
0:37:58 they might ask has God then bestowed his
0:38:00 favor on those others in preference to
0:38:03 us
0:38:04 does not God know best as to who is
0:38:06 grateful to him next translation we have
0:38:09 made some of them a test for others to
0:38:11 make the unbelievers say is it these men
0:38:13 that God has favored Among Us does God
0:38:16 not know best who is grateful to him
0:38:18 exactly sorry
0:38:20 Universe works it says it's a testing
0:38:22 universe so this part of the test
0:38:25 the meat and the so-called socially
0:38:27 inferior people who lower income or
0:38:29 lower class or lower genealogy
0:38:32 or possibly lower risk whatever that
0:38:34 means because for the adult theory God
0:38:36 the higher risk generally
0:38:38 and the others are lowered
0:38:41 that's Hyster racism and tribalism and
0:38:43 so on the lower tribe things like that
0:38:47 but if someone of those
0:38:50 Embraces Faith ahead of you
0:38:52 or that's something ahead of you you
0:38:55 maybe be easily investigated by the
0:38:57 devil to say how come that this guy is
0:38:59 doing this thing ahead of me and he is
0:39:02 inferior in this and disrespect that
0:39:04 what he's doing must be must be not
0:39:06 about must be inferior like the people
0:39:08 of North also says
0:39:13 have followed you
0:39:15 was kind of a radiology and then you are
0:39:18 bringing forward we want something which
0:39:20 enforces our high rank and make more
0:39:23 more Superior make more more more more
0:39:25 uh arrogant and you want to get us down
0:39:28 to the level of the arvalunda locras no
0:39:30 we're not going to so they are working
0:39:32 with thinking about class or whatever
0:39:34 the class will defined at that time is
0:39:36 it based on the ASO tribe or whatever it
0:39:38 is or income Allah and we don't know but
0:39:39 anyway whatever it is we're not going to
0:39:41 follow the same this is one one
0:39:44 stumbling block for most people of upper
0:39:46 class that will say that's for the
0:39:48 low-class people
0:39:50 for the blips it's not for us
0:39:54 the same we've got people to following
0:39:55 we're going to follow two men
0:39:58 whose Nation are slaves and they are
0:39:59 also slaves yeah Musa was adopted in a
0:40:02 palace of Iran but still he descends
0:40:04 from slaves it will never be like a
0:40:07 genuine a genuine High race and that
0:40:10 high-class person I just adopted that's
0:40:12 it
0:40:13 he's from the law origin his genes are
0:40:16 low
0:40:17 I'm going to follow this and leave all
0:40:19 Kingdom and we are like deities on Earth
0:40:22 and even for our own beliefs is that
0:40:24 even if only metaphorical says the son
0:40:26 of the Sun God no it's not my wife this
0:40:29 way what reject that out finish and this
0:40:32 is the test
0:40:33 a test for the superior one that they
0:40:36 recognize this operator is just it's
0:40:38 just conditional and in vain and they
0:40:41 have to overcome that and for the low
0:40:43 one to endure the insult and the abuse
0:40:45 because it is very insulting family you
0:40:48 are a low class you are this you will
0:40:50 feel abused you feel down it's a test
0:40:53 for you
0:40:54 the test for you
0:40:57 let's follow you and the result will be
0:41:00 saved it is impossible that Allah has
0:41:02 favored these low class people love of
0:41:04 us so it must be must be that this must
0:41:06 be not from Allah that's their
0:41:07 conclusion
0:41:10 this important when established
0:41:13 relations
0:41:17 like this way
0:41:19 Allah I respond to that obviously by
0:41:21 stating the facts this is a test and
0:41:24 that these people have been guided Allah
0:41:26 allow them to get guidance because Allah
0:41:28 know
0:41:29 that they are the one who is most
0:41:31 thankful to him and the one who will
0:41:33 really be destroyed because of child
0:41:34 support that's because the other one who
0:41:35 will be more conscious the one who
0:41:37 willing to to put
0:41:39 to put Allah in the center of their
0:41:41 attention not themselves because usually
0:41:44 there are people they're called low
0:41:46 class and downtrodden are usually
0:41:49 humbled by their circumstances generally
0:41:51 so that they are more amenable to accept
0:41:54 faith
0:41:56 generally but not necessarily some of
0:41:58 these humble people are also as arrogant
0:42:00 as the devil also so it's not a not
0:42:02 another fundamental not a an all or
0:42:04 nothing else but generally that's the
0:42:07 case and that's that that humbling and
0:42:09 social style status and income and so on
0:42:12 that make them softer and willing to say
0:42:14 okay let us see what is it what's that
0:42:16 there's no reason for them let's look at
0:42:18 that and then we look at it
0:42:20 and they recognized the Divine signature
0:42:23 there
0:42:24 and they recognize that their social
0:42:27 standing which may be low now is due to
0:42:29 circumstances which in this testing
0:42:31 universe and Allah is the sovereign
0:42:49 until you get more guidance but with
0:42:51 their status First Step as we discuss
0:42:53 the issue of color and better they do
0:42:56 step number one Allah do more steps for
0:42:58 them
0:42:59 in various ways either miraculous way or
0:43:02 non-miraculous way
0:43:17 foreign
0:43:34 so that if any of you does a bad date
0:43:36 out of ignorance and thereafter reprints
0:43:38 and lives righteously he shall be found
0:43:41 much for giving a dispenser of Grace
0:43:44 next translation
0:43:45 with those who believe in our messages
0:43:47 come to you say peace be upon you your
0:43:50 lord has built upon himself to be
0:43:51 merciful to all if any of you sins out
0:43:54 of ignorance and then repent and lives
0:43:56 righteously God is most forgiving a
0:43:58 purveyor of Mercy yeah so just a few
0:44:01 things what is the literal word is
0:44:05 your lord wrote on himself meaning
0:44:08 obliged himself made the obligation of
0:44:10 himself to be merciful
0:44:12 so that's that's an obligations
0:44:14 himself to do that from eternity
0:44:17 and there are many eyes and I Hadith
0:44:19 about doing it investment a theoretical
0:44:22 form like for example when uh when when
0:44:25 Allah created the universe he wrote a
0:44:27 book or the wrote a parchment above the
0:44:31 throne yes that's all metabolical and he
0:44:34 said my Mercy will they will always
0:44:36 defeat also a supreme to my anger and is
0:44:38 above the throne meaning he looks at
0:44:40 that continuously with a metabolical
0:44:42 window that when he made the decision
0:44:43 and he's conscious about that decision
0:44:45 continuously for all eternity
0:44:48 Etc so it's no no there's no problem
0:44:51 himself and prohibits himself things
0:44:53 which in principle would have been
0:44:56 contingent and possible and accessible
0:44:57 to power the romance is like then it is
0:45:00 it is removed away from the excess of
0:45:03 power for all it and as if it's
0:45:04 impossible by itself so that's this one
0:45:07 there's no
0:45:08 problems if that's good there's no
0:45:10 problem in that at all this is a
0:45:12 statement that the Quran is very perfect
0:45:14 and there's nothing wrong all the way
0:45:18 many many obligatory in a firm way as if
0:45:21 it is written so it's even more so the
0:45:23 strongest form of obligation
0:45:26 made with written over human obligatory
0:45:29 on you in the most strict and clear form
0:45:32 of obligation Etc so that's that's one
0:45:35 of the for the translation
0:45:37 secondly
0:45:39 the word whoever commit
0:45:42 the transition here is a bit is a bit
0:45:45 wavery and not good what it is
0:45:49 what is it
0:45:52 so the IR before no no let's play a
0:45:55 museum now in the same Ayah here
0:45:57 uh yeah however does some some evil or
0:46:00 some some mistake by uh
0:46:03 as ignorance
0:46:08 because if it is ignorance not knowing
0:46:11 that it's Haram in that sense it is not
0:46:13 that it's not it is not I said if you do
0:46:16 a sin not knowing this is a sin you do
0:46:18 not receive the message or you don't
0:46:20 know it says in you are not Central so
0:46:21 that's that's not what is
0:46:24 the same like meaning the time of
0:46:27 ignorance the time of being an awareness
0:46:29 of
0:46:30 being the mind being present the best
0:46:33 translation would that be in a moment of
0:46:35 uh temporary ignorance
0:46:38 temporary insanity but not necessarily
0:46:40 same insanity that you may kill someone
0:46:44 in the case of Rage so you are
0:46:45 completely blind and then by mistake you
0:46:48 strike him with a with a steel rod so
0:46:51 strong that he kills him without even
0:46:53 intentions they just you are blinded
0:46:55 overage that will be temporary insanity
0:46:57 even less than that
0:47:01 moment of foreign
0:47:09 woman being jealous they may utter
0:47:12 something which
0:47:14 could be outrageous but excused by
0:47:17 jahada although it's still Haram still
0:47:19 sinful because they should have control
0:47:20 themselves but so this is the jahallah
0:47:22 something like being in a state of as if
0:47:25 you have not received the message but
0:47:26 you received it but it was not present
0:47:28 in your mind and that's what that's and
0:47:31 using it this way meaning that
0:47:33 essentially a believer who who uh who is
0:47:40 genuinely a believer
0:47:42 cannot make a sensory Ascend really in
0:47:46 in a state really of rebellion
0:47:49 deliberately consciously and so on so
0:47:51 this gives us a hint that those who do
0:47:54 the sense deliberately or for example
0:47:57 the classical so discuss people who like
0:48:00 sin like what to call someone who
0:48:04 searches for sin who who pursue
0:48:07 prostitutes go to prostitute brothers
0:48:09 who are available obviously in
0:48:11 non-muslim areas and so on in some
0:48:13 places in like in Madame they were
0:48:15 brother area where the the local
0:48:17 non-muslim ruler was leaving taxes and
0:48:20 things like that and so they are
0:48:21 standing deliberately analyzing and
0:48:23 preparing getting the money in the
0:48:25 pocket hiding maybe their way so that
0:48:27 they are not exposed or even not hiding
0:48:29 doing publicly other men or Muslim or
0:48:32 cafe or something like that the eye
0:48:34 gives the head that they cannot literal
0:48:36 movement there's a predominal problem
0:48:38 there because a Believer will
0:48:41 sin only in a state of jihad my name is
0:48:49 mistakes then Allah has plenty and then
0:48:52 forgiveness and so on so this is a good
0:48:54 hint that this study of classical
0:48:56 Scholars went a little bit overboard
0:48:59 about the faster cool sessions for sin
0:49:02 deliberately do his best to sin and so
0:49:05 on uh thoughtfully organizing things
0:49:08 doing things etc etc
0:49:11 that one there's a question about his
0:49:14 Iman it's not necessarily with the
0:49:15 character field and the problem with
0:49:16 even these classical schools studying
0:49:18 that is that they never or rarely
0:49:21 analyze the situation of this person
0:49:24 between Dunya and Angela
0:49:27 it's always confused
0:49:30 Muslim publicly is a Muslim but maybe
0:49:32 his
0:49:34 so they confused that
0:49:36 and such studies if it's done in the way
0:49:39 some classicals
0:49:40 scholar did say only if he makes it when
0:49:44 he believes it's Halal for him knowing
0:49:46 it's Haram but he's making
0:49:47 otherwise not I think this is getting
0:49:51 things out of hand and does not take all
0:49:53 the quranic evidences on board
0:49:55 in addition
0:49:57 it weakened the warning of the Quran
0:49:59 because the Quran is written and
0:50:01 revealed in such word that this is these
0:50:04 gray areas are kept great so there will
0:50:07 be a warning for the people to avoid but
0:50:09 if you develop the theory in such a way
0:50:10 like some classical study you may
0:50:12 encourage people to go into the border
0:50:14 of the anointing and they will be
0:50:16 responsible for that so these things has
0:50:19 to be studied much more meticulously
0:50:21 than some classical scholar did that's
0:50:23 that's uh in in modern time the most
0:50:26 applications that is done by Madras
0:50:28 unless he says clearly is permissible I
0:50:31 know Quran says foreign
0:50:35 even if it allows usually banking still
0:50:37 he is not that is clearly so observed
0:50:40 that the borders on insanity but this
0:50:43 way obviously they they open the door of
0:50:45 copper for the rulers or justify that
0:50:47 they are still within the flame work of
0:50:50 Islam and nobody should debate against
0:50:51 them
0:50:52 many of these
0:50:55 scholarships
0:50:57 at least they're big Scholars
0:50:59 but this is playing on that ground which
0:51:02 classical school ad made that mistake
0:51:04 on the other hand it's not going to
0:51:06 represent that the mayor doing the sin
0:51:08 making a sin make you a cover by the
0:51:10 mere action itself thus will be the how
0:51:12 I respond to me that's another extreme
0:51:14 unless that action is
0:51:18 clearly and manifestly so there is a
0:51:21 gray area closer took over there who
0:51:23 should be kept gray and the people
0:51:24 should be warned and the whole bottle
0:51:26 should stress that and so on instead of
0:51:28 opening the door of kofaran and
0:51:31 transaction to the people and
0:51:33 endangering their Iman endangering the
0:51:34 Dunya and this way now just as they are
0:51:37 not going to in the details analysis
0:51:39 with historical things that maybe should
0:51:41 be studied in in any any discussion
0:51:44 about Iman sin and cover and so on and
0:51:46 the fine balance between them and
0:51:49 especially in issues related to
0:51:52 usually there's very much there's not
0:51:55 very much of an issues there anyway
0:51:57 there's not even issues there
0:51:59 he's a Muslim he pronounce Islam he's a
0:52:01 Muslim
0:52:02 unless there is a court decision against
0:52:04 him in certain Case by barring him from
0:52:07 addiction or budding him from certain
0:52:08 things because of certain translation
0:52:10 which has proven a court of law this is
0:52:12 Dunya management
0:52:13 the most important thing is that people
0:52:15 should be aware what to expect
0:52:17 and that that way is represented is
0:52:20 could be catastrophic no just just
0:52:22 warning I'm not saying making any
0:52:24 statement in that say there's a great
0:52:26 area the Quran has kept it very narrow
0:52:28 and gray and should should be kept gray
0:52:31 because Allah wanted it to stay gray so
0:52:34 everyone is Elliot and investigating
0:52:36 himself all the time not allowing
0:52:39 himself oh it's called I've established
0:52:40 that as long as I'm believing her it is
0:52:42 Haram to go to the procedures even if
0:52:44 they're from people of the book and the
0:52:46 domain of the Alabama
0:52:48 but I will do it I will enjoy myself
0:52:50 I'll continue doing it no problem and
0:52:52 get some money at the side not
0:52:54 disclosure to the family so I can enjoy
0:52:56 myself from that time this is a
0:52:58 situation which is dramatic at the
0:53:00 border of coffee
0:53:02 could be covered also
0:53:03 so
0:53:05 that's clear no no he's still a Muslim
0:53:07 Muslim yes he's not a woman kind of a
0:53:10 community
0:53:14 and we remember that I inserted we
0:53:18 mentioned at that time is your wishes
0:53:20 and wishes even will be accounted for
0:53:24 and he will not find you know support
0:53:25 him against Allah that's again another
0:53:27 warning going close to the border of
0:53:29 copper
0:53:31 uh of these things so that should not be
0:53:34 that should not be neglected or ignored
0:53:40 but the next after that then he repented
0:53:43 after that I'm corrected
0:53:45 repenting and correcting applies to
0:53:47 everyone does it with Jihad I don't want
0:53:49 to do the deliberately became a facet
0:53:50 and rebelled against Allah and the
0:53:52 recognized this Rebellion is not
0:53:54 warranted this will end me in a Hellfire
0:53:57 and instruction
0:53:58 rationally not acceptable even let me
0:54:02 Depend and correct my Deeds that's
0:54:03 happened that's also accepted so it's
0:54:05 not only the the one doing sir by jahada
0:54:07 this channel but for those with jihada
0:54:09 there's definitely repentance and
0:54:12 correction will will guarantee them
0:54:15 forgiveness the other one is
0:54:16 also another place in the Quran so even
0:54:19 from and rebellion and fighting against
0:54:22 Messengers and killing them
0:54:24 you still you can repent and correct
0:54:27 and you still expect and you will get
0:54:29 forgiveness and mercy
0:54:32 so here it is just mentioning what the
0:54:35 all these messages seem to be for those
0:54:37 who do send in a in a state of temporary
0:54:40 meaning in a state of temporary uh
0:54:43 Insanity ignorance or that sense of the
0:54:45 mind of the repercussions of your deed
0:54:48 they they would be forgiven if they but
0:54:51 they will not be forgiven just like
0:54:53 that's for free no they have to repent
0:54:54 and protect the same for everyone else
0:54:56 but the stressed here specifically
0:54:58 because especially in Mecca there was
0:55:01 barely anyone really a Believer who will
0:55:03 do a sin uh except in a moment of mind
0:55:07 this absented absenteeism or something
0:55:09 like that
0:55:10 okay but I say this is always an area
0:55:13 which is oh area of dispute and
0:55:17 and plenty of the dispute unfortunately
0:55:20 is motivated by by politics usually to
0:55:23 say um what what can we do about the
0:55:26 people of Malawi and the people of
0:55:27 Hawaii so that's that's where the
0:55:30 problem started and the people are
0:55:31 trying to do the analysis to fit their
0:55:33 their view about one of these
0:55:35 personalities more than what to put
0:55:37 really comprehensively the Quran which
0:55:39 is a very unfortunate but the extent of
0:55:42 discussion from the far right to the far
0:55:44 left
0:55:47 resulted in relatively in that area the
0:55:50 result which have been accumulated by
0:55:52 most Scholars which is called the
0:55:53 regional result from the people of
0:55:54 Sunnah seems to be the one which is on
0:55:58 the balance seems to be the stronger one
0:55:59 but not the absolutely convincing and
0:56:03 well established still the kawaris have
0:56:05 a certain point of view in certain
0:56:06 aspects the above we have said we will
0:56:09 certain respect and the martial have a
0:56:11 certain Beauty Etc respect
0:56:13 still they it has some minutes to look
0:56:17 to the other side also and see and try
0:56:19 to get a more muscle with them even
0:56:20 though so-called Sunni Channel Sony
0:56:22 point of view there's no really one it's
0:56:25 clear established point of view but
0:56:27 there's a spectrum uh where what's
0:56:30 what's the correct point of spectrum I
0:56:31 think we may be never able to find and
0:56:34 we should never be able to find because
0:56:36 Allah wanted to keep it like that so
0:56:38 that everyone is warned if that's the
0:56:40 case without you falling in that we are
0:56:43 doing a sin making Rock Cafe from Islam
0:56:45 that's definitely refuted by many
0:56:47 evidence
0:56:48 but that's it anything more than that
0:56:51 should not be stated should be beware
0:56:54 every Disobedience and everything will
0:56:57 open the door to a major to another
0:56:59 bigger sin and the third one and then
0:57:01 took over
0:57:02 and you are you may Glide there it may
0:57:04 be like like uh like uh like a slivery
0:57:09 slope don't put your foot and say by the
0:57:11 slope then you would end in the bottom
0:57:13 don't
0:57:14 don't go there
0:57:16 stay in The High Ground as much as you
0:57:18 can that should be the general message
0:57:20 okay so that's that's
0:57:28 and this is deliberately and this is
0:57:30 also related to the complexity of human
0:57:32 nature and the condition of the heart I
0:57:34 consider the situation of the heart and
0:57:36 weighing them correctly Allah always
0:57:38 correctly
0:57:40 don't know that in Dunya we can just
0:57:43 make General categories generally plus
0:57:45 categories because this the Spectrum as
0:57:49 I said is very wide and continuous and
0:57:51 they reform from the borderline to the
0:57:53 borderline is a very wide area and which
0:57:55 some people tend to be more to the
0:57:57 inside
0:57:58 maybe crossing the red line with the
0:58:00 Hawaii or to the Hope side even causing
0:58:04 the the border of
0:58:06 of extreme uh
0:58:09 which which becomes then
0:58:11 become as as a statement cover as the
0:58:14 other of the whole even worse like the
0:58:16 area of Jamia
0:58:17 which says what is the reason they were
0:58:19 declared covered by the salaf not
0:58:21 because of issues of attributes like
0:58:22 many idiotics
0:58:24 because
0:58:27 if you know Allah exist and this is the
0:58:30 messenger that's it that's all what you
0:58:31 need to you have to visit the movement
0:58:34 and and that's what Savory even if you
0:58:38 you know you are a messenger but I don't
0:58:39 like you I'm going to kill you still
0:58:41 have dinner that's clearly
0:58:45 and that's that point of it has been
0:58:47 argued it went to that extreme
0:58:50 and in the dispute about these issues
0:58:52 because path essential and politics
0:58:55 played role in that and where is the
0:58:56 partisanship and stubbornness come and
0:58:59 politics and political games can usually
0:59:01 things get spoiled it's very difficult
0:59:04 to keep things purely
0:59:06 academic and and based on knowledge and
0:59:08 based on evidences unfortunately but
0:59:11 it needs sorting out
0:59:13 but the general Sony position seems to
0:59:15 be reasonable in the middle although
0:59:17 sometimes it's more to the attack field
0:59:19 side sometimes more to the to the
0:59:22 earlier side
0:59:25 okay but I don't like discussing these
0:59:27 things except to keep everyone alert
0:59:29 that don't go into the slippery slope
0:59:32 because if you go there there's no way
0:59:34 you can you can have a guarantee that
0:59:37 you will be able to hang on the border
0:59:39 of the slope find the point to hang out
0:59:41 maybe you don't find the potential Glide
0:59:42 down to cover
0:59:43 and this this happens more often than
0:59:46 not
0:59:48 not for everyone necessary but it
0:59:50 happens more often than not you know be
0:59:52 aware of that and that's the way that's
0:59:53 the way the Quran is also saying all the
0:59:55 time
0:59:57 so that's I think we give that a little
1:00:00 bit more time than now if deserve that
1:00:01 is a very important point it should be
1:00:03 stressed so this is the jahada it is
1:00:06 genuine ignorance you are not sinful
1:00:08 when you do something another challenge
1:00:10 yeah definitely not simple
1:00:14 that's that's because the evidence has
1:00:17 not come to you so you're not
1:00:18 accountable and understand
1:00:20 Islam although they'll have a dispute
1:00:23 that says
1:00:24 it's evident by itself and their their
1:00:28 circus is is itself not self by itself
1:00:31 all right so that's that's how when you
1:00:34 when you don't follow the the Quran and
1:00:36 the and the Quran is enough for that
1:00:38 actually meticulously you end with such
1:00:40 this speculative claims which have no
1:00:42 standing or like the usual arguments
1:00:45 that Allah says
1:00:50 unless we send the message I'll say oh
1:00:52 yeah that's meaning punishment in Dunya
1:00:54 Bye by earthquakes and volcanoes if
1:00:56 punish Indonesia is not done in this
1:00:58 admissions but
1:01:03 when when they will become brainless as
1:01:06 rash says it's very difficult to
1:01:08 save you but but that's it ignorance
1:01:11 genuine eagle eyes that you didn't
1:01:13 receive the message
1:01:15 is is an excuse and what you ever do is
1:01:18 not Central only if you have received a
1:01:20 message and know what's it efficiently
1:01:22 to recognize that this act is Haram or
1:01:25 sinful than if you do it then you are
1:01:27 sinful at various levels do it as
1:01:29 Rebellion then you recovery door tracker
1:01:31 in a moment of insanity and so on Etc at
1:01:34 various levels as we discussed
1:01:37 so
1:01:41 okay
1:01:44 Music
1:01:48 translate one second
1:01:50 sorry bear with me a second
1:01:54 that's 57 I think
1:01:57 and thus clearly do we spell our
1:01:59 messages and we do it so that the path
1:02:01 of those who are lost in sin might be
1:02:03 distinct from those from that of the
1:02:05 righteous next translation we clearly
1:02:08 spell out our messages and we do it so
1:02:10 that the path of those who Force others
1:02:12 to reject God's messages may be made
1:02:14 clear yeah
1:02:16 um yeah so this that's the way we will
1:02:19 spell out and may detail the the
1:02:21 messages so that the way of the remain
1:02:24 actually the best translation is that's
1:02:26 a standard one which is
1:02:29 jeremia is crying that's almost a
1:02:31 universal translation which is ongoing
1:02:33 for centuries I don't think there's any
1:02:35 reason the way of the criminals but
1:02:37 maybe without criminals may be in legal
1:02:39 sense we don't care about trigger since
1:02:40 criminals the one who who is deserving
1:02:43 of punishment for unless everyone who is
1:02:46 who is committing the crimes of cover
1:02:48 crimes of rebellion
1:02:51 his unjust he's the wrong door his cover
1:02:54 he's faster the way in the way over the
1:02:57 commits crimes who violates the divine
1:03:00 revelation the divine's law their way is
1:03:03 being then clearly spelled out and the
1:03:06 discussion we had before that is part of
1:03:08 spelling that out showing that so
1:03:10 where's the Seville that the Quran
1:03:13 spells out
1:03:14 and still as I said let's say this is a
1:03:18 twisted path it is not one line on one
1:03:21 lane several links
1:03:22 the Middle Lane may be the one who is
1:03:24 clearly drama and maybe in the Border
1:03:26 here to the lights less a drum and to
1:03:29 the left more Islam or vice versa for
1:03:30 example so it's like a multiple Lane
1:03:33 Highway
1:03:34 still if it's clear what is it under the
1:03:37 main lines are it but the very fine
1:03:40 points are left to Allah
1:03:42 and the scholars should should give the
1:03:45 main lines and give them any warnings
1:03:49 foreign
1:04:01 behold I have been forbidden to worship
1:04:04 those beings whom you invoke instead of
1:04:06 God
1:04:07 say I do not follow your errant views or
1:04:10 else I should have gone astray and
1:04:13 should not be among those who have found
1:04:15 the right past this translation say I am
1:04:17 forbidden to worship those who you those
1:04:19 you call on instead of God stay I do not
1:04:22 follow your vain desires for if I did I
1:04:25 would stray from among those who have
1:04:27 found the right path okay so I think
1:04:30 this is nothing to comment there except
1:04:32 again once we discussed many times the
1:04:34 meaning of worship and so on and those
1:04:36 who you call beside Allah being be
1:04:38 called May attribute Divinity said all
1:04:40 of that means I am have been forever
1:04:41 prohibited from attributing any any
1:04:43 Divinity or any aspect or Divinity to
1:04:46 any entity who should mention beside
1:04:48 Allah as being sharing in the Divinity
1:04:50 by either by offsprings or by being
1:04:53 having independent creative power I have
1:04:55 been prohibited from doing that
1:04:58 by revelation
1:05:02 but that's by self-established by by the
1:05:04 set of reasons they don't exist in the
1:05:06 first place Aslam but in the middle of
1:05:08 that even if those exist even the
1:05:10 attribution in imagination or in
1:05:12 metaphorical sense or in a sense is
1:05:14 impropriated from doing that it is it is
1:05:17 not only a statement of facts that they
1:05:19 don't exist and hence they we should not
1:05:21 attribute if all these offsprings of God
1:05:24 do not exist it's just imaginary
1:05:26 constructs that's clear but this is a
1:05:29 very nice philosophical statement you
1:05:31 couldn't teach that maybe in the a
1:05:32 usually use the the Athenian Academy of
1:05:36 philosophy of of Plato Plato's Academy
1:05:39 you can state that and analyze the
1:05:41 pressure economy but it's not Dean Dean
1:05:43 is that you are prohibited of this
1:05:44 attribution and you are rejecting this
1:05:47 attribution and you're taking it as a
1:05:48 way of life and thus making regime so
1:05:51 employ images of doing that after
1:05:53 establishing maybe the prophet did not
1:05:55 establish that it is just assembled a
1:05:57 little money in Mecca but other have
1:05:59 established it maybe other people will
1:06:01 come to Islam after they have
1:06:03 established that there is no other deity
1:06:04 except one possibly one only others the
1:06:06 one and only but still there may a
1:06:09 statement that there's no other deity to
1:06:11 accept Allah it doesn't make real Muslim
1:06:13 you have to do more than that
1:06:16 you have to move harder than that more
1:06:18 than that meaning you are you you will
1:06:20 declare it your your your your you
1:06:23 assume that and you believe family that
1:06:25 you are required to do it require to
1:06:27 broadcast it required to comply with it
1:06:29 but you have to carry it as much as
1:06:30 possible
1:06:32 it's not the estimated the statement
1:06:33 it's a statement of Truth like like
1:06:35 stating the Pythagorean theorem no no
1:06:37 it's more than that
1:06:39 it's more than that it's not just a
1:06:41 technical it's necessary it is
1:06:46 you have to say it and state it
1:06:50 you have to submit to the results based
1:06:52 on that because there's only no idea and
1:06:54 deity meaning the one who's had the with
1:06:56 the who absolutely sorry free Sovereign
1:06:59 then he has the main creation and
1:07:01 injunctions so he is the one creates
1:07:04 whatever he wants so I have to accept
1:07:05 the universe as created by Him as the
1:07:07 best and possible by definition because
1:07:09 he is the creator the ultimate one so
1:07:12 there's no question about evil and
1:07:13 goodness on that's it that's it the way
1:07:16 it is my testing or whatever the purpose
1:07:18 but it is it is good and genuine and his
1:07:20 Commandments is the one who are binding
1:07:22 but being good or not Buddhist secondary
1:07:24 they are The Binding ones
1:07:30 and then submit to that and start have
1:07:33 the fundamental will to execute then if
1:07:36 I don't if I fail to Extrusion that may
1:07:38 be the answer for that
1:07:39 yeah but the three first one as
1:07:41 fundamentals to become a believer
1:07:44 so I'm prohibited from from this
1:07:45 attribution
1:07:47 doesn't exist at the time prohibited
1:07:50 even from attributing it it's a deal it
1:07:52 is not just philosophical or or a
1:07:55 statement or factor or a result of
1:07:57 experiment in the lab physics lab no it
1:07:59 is something more than that
1:08:01 yeah
1:08:03 so we have the right potato but
1:08:04 attributing the videos to all these guys
1:08:06 and into this your attribute to being
1:08:08 related to Allah in some sense either
1:08:09 competing with him like the devil being
1:08:11 the the twin brother the evil brother of
1:08:15 God or from whatever this and the the
1:08:17 other deities were being The Offspring
1:08:20 Santa and their wife so Allah that's all
1:08:23 I'm rejecting them not only just saying
1:08:26 it they don't exist them even rejecting
1:08:27 a male idea of any attribution or
1:08:30 regarding that as permissible in in Art
1:08:32 and Science in in in in any in any
1:08:35 respect they have to be forsaken it is
1:08:37 from existence and memory and devotion
1:08:40 in every aspect
1:08:42 foreign
1:08:49 if I follow your desires and do any
1:08:51 attribution or anything like that then
1:08:54 I'm misguided I'm not the one who guided
1:08:56 one which is manifesting not the case
1:08:58 because if I'm following the Revelation
1:09:00 I must be the guided one so there's no
1:09:02 way okay that's most likely respond to
1:09:04 their offer to Muhammad said okay
1:09:07 don't don't
1:09:09 mention anything negative about our gods
1:09:11 and we don't mention anything about your
1:09:13 God he rejected that so before that they
1:09:15 said okay let's make an agreement we
1:09:18 worship your God one year alone and the
1:09:21 next year you will face over you receive
1:09:23 all gods join us so we do it back and
1:09:26 forth when he had hit one here there and
1:09:29 that's rejected and then after that okay
1:09:32 we worship and you worship and neither
1:09:35 you blame us no no I blame you because
1:09:37 you are in the password as the days are
1:09:38 not God they should be forsaken they
1:09:41 should be rejected they should be denied
1:09:43 say no no we don't want that don't don't
1:09:45 touch them
1:09:47 no it's not acceptable they have to be
1:09:50 because it's a matter of the day you're
1:09:52 a matter of responding to Allah commands
1:09:54 to worship him alone
1:09:56 that's not a matter of of a
1:09:58 philosophical discourse in the Athenian
1:10:00 Academy of philosophy established by
1:10:02 platoon nor it is a result of
1:10:05 experimentation in in the uh Large
1:10:08 Hadron quality that are insert no it is
1:10:10 more than that it's something more than
1:10:11 that
1:10:13 it's an injunction to be followed and
1:10:15 implemented alive from A to Z
1:10:26 Ara
1:10:33 is
1:10:35 a very important I will finish with it
1:10:38 today I think yeah so yeah this will it
1:10:41 will take the rest of the time inshallah
1:10:43 okay we will need to do your questions
1:10:44 as well two questions yeah okay I need
1:10:48 the ifs okay say behold I take my stand
1:10:51 on a clear evidence from my sustainer
1:10:53 and so it is to him that you are giving
1:10:56 the lie not in my power if that with you
1:10:59 in your ignorance you so hastily demand
1:11:02 judgment rests with none but God he
1:11:05 shall declare the truth since it is he
1:11:07 who is best between is the best judge
1:11:10 between truth and falsehood next
1:11:11 translation say behold I take my stand
1:11:14 based on clear evidence from my Lord
1:11:16 I'll still you deny it I don't have any
1:11:19 any power what you want me to hey I
1:11:23 don't have in my power what you want me
1:11:25 to hasten
1:11:27 judgment rests with none but God he will
1:11:29 declare the truth since it is he who is
1:11:31 the best judge between the between truth
1:11:33 and falsehood so first of the
1:11:35 Declaration that I am when I evidence
1:11:37 from Life a lot
1:11:39 the evidence that what he received from
1:11:41 the Revelation and also that he verified
1:11:43 the Revelation by internal and external
1:11:45 evidence we I think discussed that one
1:11:47 time about the of the revelation
1:11:53 with the
1:12:01 so that's it so he's in evidence from
1:12:03 which he established an unroll to
1:12:05 Extended evidence that came to that for
1:12:06 him specifically like the stone greeting
1:12:08 him and so on thus became so well
1:12:10 established and he became by conviction
1:12:12 by Russian process while maybe other
1:12:15 police will be by forced with somebody
1:12:17 forcing in their brain like like giving
1:12:20 it like no he's not by really pondering
1:12:22 and thinking thinking loud together
1:12:25 that's one
1:12:27 so that's it
1:12:31 despite although you have denied this
1:12:33 and rejected it but I have the evidence
1:12:35 and I'm convinced about the evidence
1:12:37 which I have last one secondly what you
1:12:40 allow what you are demanding like for
1:12:42 example miracles to prove what they have
1:12:44 or the punishment which you have been
1:12:46 threatened in previous Revelation by me
1:12:48 that if you reject final and
1:12:50 conclusively you will be punished this
1:12:52 is not in remote control if you think
1:12:54 that's in my control you are mistaken
1:12:55 I'm just preparing you with a message on
1:12:58 the warning from the Lord as they have
1:12:59 come it's not in my hand and you don't
1:13:02 have if if it will my hand things may
1:13:04 have been settled quickly this is not
1:13:06 mine some hours later I will show that
1:13:08 that if it's not having the prophet's
1:13:09 hand he would have finished their
1:13:11 business there and then despite of all
1:13:14 his patients and their ability to suffer
1:13:15 it's only Allah who has the sufficient
1:13:18 endurance to let things develop in
1:13:19 decades and sentient is possible
1:13:21 then three
1:13:23 important statements
1:13:31 this is a form of exclusion judgment is
1:13:34 but only to Allah
1:13:36 now we discussed I think in the after
1:13:39 how can we remember in social media
1:13:40 Pokemon then we mentioned the various
1:13:42 types of judgment and we said that how
1:13:44 come is mentioned here
1:13:45 which is exclusive is when we talk about
1:13:49 Sharia there's also University
1:13:53 of creative welcome that's deciding to
1:13:56 create the universe as a testing
1:13:57 Universe first and then a reward
1:13:59 Universe after that this is all the
1:14:01 judgments respond to Allah nobody else
1:14:03 there to to be attributed to and nobody
1:14:06 else has anything to say in that but
1:14:08 let's just leave the creative one
1:14:09 because that's usually not matter of
1:14:10 dispute was not a dispute is that Sharia
1:14:13 injunction defining things to be good
1:14:15 and evil is exclusively
1:14:18 foreign
1:14:26 statues driving judicial ruling even
1:14:30 applying an executive branch all of that
1:14:33 is okay but that's not how commission
1:14:35 security also like that we discussed
1:14:36 that in Anderson hakimiya is finished
1:14:37 down translation would be soon available
1:14:39 so I referred to that that's it that one
1:14:41 is okay so it is an exclusion
1:14:45 so this is extrapolated to Allah this
1:14:48 will come with this prabha meaning not
1:14:50 with the wrong meaning when they
1:14:52 discussed that I said in in the eye of
1:14:54 Hokum in in but also is extensively
1:14:58 discussed in the book of hakima which is
1:15:00 alhamdulillah I think but I should say
1:15:01 that's almost finished the translation
1:15:03 now and the editing almost yeah almost
1:15:05 done just want to be reset yes yes just
1:15:08 touch up because so yeah because they
1:15:10 were lying somewhere for the 20 years
1:15:12 and less than 20 20 15 years and nobody
1:15:15 is benefiting not very much people that
1:15:18 benefits unfortunately some are but
1:15:20 mostly ignoring it but it's there it's
1:15:22 there free for download the same with
1:15:24 English should be inshallah
1:15:25 the second statement Allah reports the
1:15:28 truth
1:15:29 is not exclusively
1:15:31 there are other entities will carry for
1:15:33 the truth yeah
1:15:34 Allah definitely
1:15:36 all his reports are true thus cannot
1:15:39 apply to others but but are there other
1:15:42 entities reported the truth yes
1:15:44 yeah
1:15:45 and a physical abroad in the lab who
1:15:48 reported the result of his design
1:15:50 probably and so on what report what was
1:15:52 the reality behind it and form of
1:15:55 numbers and then and the indicate of
1:15:57 science is Repose the truth
1:15:59 but it's not actually at all right there
1:16:00 are many other things to do but prophets
1:16:02 are reporting the truth
1:16:04 many human Witnesses are reporting their
1:16:06 truth I Witnesses many are most
1:16:07 eyewitnesses usually report the truth as
1:16:09 much as they know and they have the
1:16:11 comprehend and so on so it's not
1:16:13 extraordinary but Allah definitely
1:16:14 reports the truth and exclusive all the
1:16:16 reports are true because he is supreme
1:16:18 above any
1:16:22 lie or initial deception impossible for
1:16:25 him so the apostle haq
1:16:32 issues not only deciding Real Madrid
1:16:36 between foreign
1:16:42 Music
1:16:46 if Allah says this is more beautiful
1:16:48 than that then his judgment is better
1:16:50 than anybody so he's the best one to the
1:16:51 arbitrator declaring him to be to be of
1:16:54 beauty
1:16:55 Superior to anybody else
1:16:57 may make a judgment the status about
1:17:00 them but who is the best best of of
1:17:02 those who judge and make a distinction
1:17:04 between the beautiful and ugly
1:17:06 distinction between right and wrong
1:17:08 mystery distinction between central but
1:17:11 there are other people who arbitrate but
1:17:13 he is the best of them
1:17:15 so we have three facts ruling
1:17:18 we slim it down to Sharia judgment about
1:17:22 the evil and good and even matter moral
1:17:24 judgment and and regardless is exclusive
1:17:28 and it's a sense that it's essential
1:17:29 meaning nobody is sharing that nobody
1:17:31 has that subscribed into him and it's
1:17:33 not even empowered to anybody else to do
1:17:35 that it's impossible
1:17:37 secondly he reports the truth and
1:17:39 exclusively the truth there are other
1:17:40 people who report the truth
1:17:43 but Allah reports only the truth and
1:17:46 none of his reports is false and
1:17:48 concerning the deciding between good and
1:17:50 evil that were right and wrong between
1:17:52 beautiful and not beautiful he is the
1:17:54 best of disciples the best of
1:17:55 administrator
1:18:01 should we stop here and have the
1:18:03 question I think that's a good idea okay
1:18:06 okay so the first question no not the
1:18:08 number of the eye
1:18:10 yep it's we ended on 57 so first lean so
1:18:15 next one will be 58
1:18:18 okay okay
1:18:20 so so this question was submitted on the
1:18:22 zoom unfortunately the problem is not
1:18:24 here so he'll probably listen to it
1:18:25 later
1:18:26 um so it's about the discussion last
1:18:29 week about Fisk
1:18:31 so how much Merit does word order in the
1:18:35 Quran have regarding graduation of
1:18:37 concepts for example
1:18:39 could this Ayah be used as evidence of
1:18:43 being between Alcova and isean Allah
1:18:58 is between between
1:19:01 yeah in the ranking yeah and that's it
1:19:05 it it it it it is uh both in this by by
1:19:09 the ranking usually the ranking is going
1:19:11 up and down or has unless there's a
1:19:14 reason to regard of others going from
1:19:16 lower to higher or for higher to lower
1:19:18 so the worst of this is the cover and
1:19:20 then which is not obviously when you say
1:19:23 cover foreign
1:19:31 foreign
1:19:36 against the command in the way please
1:19:39 did is rejecting the command outright is
1:19:42 covered
1:19:43 so there's a type of cooperation when
1:19:47 there's another types of course they
1:19:49 will have covered
1:19:50 let's go a little bit just mentioned
1:19:53 about attributing Divinity to somebody
1:19:55 said Allah
1:19:58 let's just get take the visitors
1:20:00 attributing all divinity
1:20:02 the first step is that you believe that
1:20:04 all Divinity and all Divine anything
1:20:07 which meaning Divinity meaning being
1:20:09 necessarily existing being free agent
1:20:11 being uh being of unlimited power being
1:20:15 an undefeatable and unattractable Etc
1:20:18 these attributes belong to Allah and you
1:20:21 must be convinced about that
1:20:25 good conviction that's that's
1:20:29 the opposite of that will be you are in
1:20:32 doubt that's coverage
1:20:33 you are confident because of check or
1:20:36 you even do not believe in it you say
1:20:39 there's no no entity like that that's
1:20:41 cover the creep that's number one but
1:20:43 there's not enough Iman yet after they
1:20:45 do a card
1:20:46 accepted and announce it yes accept that
1:20:49 fact
1:20:51 it is not just a habit in my mind I
1:20:52 accept it I pronounce that it's a fact
1:20:55 unless you are bad for example by you
1:20:57 are unable to because of external forces
1:20:59 or unable to speak then you announce it
1:21:02 by writing you cannot write and speak
1:21:03 but you make a symbol you do the symbol
1:21:05 maybe you cannot do either because then
1:21:07 if you are afraid of external Force you
1:21:09 are excuse but other in your heart
1:21:10 definitely you will not be rejected we
1:21:13 will not be doing just the opposite of
1:21:15 this
1:21:18 is yet
1:21:20 they're not even going to have like like
1:21:22 the people who follow on yeah these are
1:21:23 definitely from this load but you are
1:21:24 not going there's no way I could admit
1:21:26 that publicly because of because they
1:21:29 have been able to slave Nation if they
1:21:30 accept that meaning that we we accept
1:21:32 that that slave will be equal to us
1:21:33 that's right not acceptable so this is
1:21:34 and the third step after a club is
1:21:39 is acceptance and surrender to it
1:21:43 that's it now I have to surrender what's
1:21:44 the implication of that what some of the
1:21:46 in principle I'm willing to surrender
1:21:48 because if he's all the Divinity and all
1:21:50 attributes and all the including the the
1:21:52 movie the the lordship the the Sovereign
1:21:56 to him than by necessity whatever comes
1:21:59 from them if it comes if it's proven to
1:22:01 come then you have to accept that
1:22:03 surrender to it in principle
1:22:06 thus
1:22:08 acceptance or or the slim and the
1:22:10 opposite of that is rebellion
1:22:12 and then after that real compliance
1:22:16 that's where the Marcia can come actual
1:22:19 compliance in a order by order I may
1:22:22 fail in that because in that moment I am
1:22:24 a state of jahada I am a state of sexual
1:22:27 excitement I commissioner and things
1:22:29 like that can happen that's that will
1:22:31 not but the three Festival of in this
1:22:34 order will the the is type of government
1:22:36 that's why we have coverage
1:22:39 concerning the Mary attack we have
1:22:42 coverage
1:22:43 concerning
1:22:46 Fisk meaning cover of rejecting the slim
1:22:50 and Rebellion I'm not going to surrender
1:22:52 to that I'm going to Rebel
1:22:54 and to question him
1:22:59 then when when action is required they
1:23:02 will be then obviously uh various levels
1:23:05 of some of it maybe you look closer to
1:23:07 Rebellion without being really a cover
1:23:09 like what the ISS covers here and some
1:23:12 of the display in Marcia
1:23:14 Etc and there are various ranks
1:23:17 Etc okay
1:23:20 so but the order usually have some sense
1:23:22 but it's it's either up from lower to
1:23:26 higher or higher to lower unless there's
1:23:28 a contact evidence sometimes it goes
1:23:30 like beginning and then a peak and then
1:23:32 end but I don't have an example in my
1:23:34 mind so in that case it's correct
1:23:38 the most hateful to the Believers is
1:23:41 not the level of cover but the cover of
1:23:44 is included in Copper so a couple of all
1:23:46 types you had all types of course you
1:23:48 have the type of check where the type of
1:23:51 effective time of Jehovah the type of
1:23:53 Fisk like the ability scoffer that's
1:23:55 based on arrogance and putting yourself
1:23:57 equal to Allah and challenging him and
1:23:59 so on that's rebellion and then the
1:24:02 fossil in the sense those sins who shall
1:24:04 look so grave and their structure
1:24:07 indicates some kind of of almost
1:24:10 rejecting the command it looks
1:24:11 suspiciously closer to comfort like like
1:24:14 insulting level why should insult a
1:24:16 believer
1:24:17 knowing he is available should not be
1:24:19 insulted
1:24:22 it's what we said you said but fighting
1:24:25 him there's no excuse It Is by going to
1:24:28 Copper level that's it there's no way
1:24:30 that can be whatever state of mind you
1:24:33 are what's really in there unless you
1:24:34 are Blinded By by we are my temporary
1:24:37 insanity that something else that's not
1:24:38 an excuse by there being temporary
1:24:40 insane or temporary
1:24:42 in the United States of mind we should
1:24:45 make you less responsible because the
1:24:46 lack of responsibility not because the
1:24:48 actor said but the acts itself if you're
1:24:50 done by the deliberation
1:24:56 your point of view in terms of the order
1:24:59 of voodoo strike your face and and all
1:25:01 that it's not necessarily has to be
1:25:03 carried out in that audio that's yeah
1:25:06 desirable order but it's okay but the
1:25:09 fact that nature of The Commandments
1:25:11 that's the desirable one but the the
1:25:13 evidence that it is not obligatory is
1:25:16 that if you jump in a pool
1:25:18 with Food Fest until you completely
1:25:20 emerged then you are out of the outer
1:25:22 and out of you have full pahara both
1:25:24 from
1:25:25 with the intention to
1:25:30 you see my point what shows us it says
1:25:33 not you don't need to do the harakata
1:25:35 after coming out of the water if you
1:25:38 want to do it fine you can wash your
1:25:40 face over extra more your hands and your
1:25:42 head and so on but you don't need
1:25:44 by various other evidences
1:25:53 being instead yeah cannot be started
1:25:56 unless you have a purity purity
1:26:09 okay so that's that's covered then um
1:26:12 second uh sorry just another there was
1:26:15 another question I had related to this
1:26:16 the other one is the Hadith maybe
1:26:18 attended when when the pride because
1:26:21 in in Sally where to start with Allah
1:26:32 so let us start to suffer you can start
1:26:34 arbitrarily so preferably start to
1:26:36 suffer there's no evidence that starting
1:26:38 with marwa in the opposite direction
1:26:39 will make your your invalid but it is it
1:26:43 will be who I start with Marvel someone
1:26:45 may be coming from that that you can say
1:26:47 I start with count seven that's fine
1:26:51 that's fine so that's so so basically
1:26:53 that that command there was also of a
1:26:55 recommendation rather yeah because
1:26:58 because possibility because there's no
1:26:59 other evidence showing that it's an
1:27:01 obligatory because
1:27:03 meaning meaning it does not mean that if
1:27:06 I don't do that my my side will be
1:27:08 invalid that's what meaning is it's
1:27:09 obligatory we have to be sharp in these
1:27:12 things in a legal point so that's
1:27:13 perfect
1:27:15 I will any order can be taken so why
1:27:18 should not take the other wishes and the
1:27:20 order like the Quran that's that's a
1:27:22 good one that's a better one
1:27:28 now there is obviously going to be a lot
1:27:31 of contention around this in terms of
1:27:32 irja in terms of you know
1:27:36 there should be no questions
1:27:38 for example so
1:27:41 there should be no condition
1:27:43 there should be no contention it's an
1:27:46 act of cover
1:27:48 that's the one doing it to become a cafe
1:27:49 that's an issue of the what is the
1:27:51 buying condition and so on but nobody
1:27:53 should because this
1:27:55 nobody should go and slap The Messengers
1:27:57 Hadith in the face
1:28:12 and so on is based on what the messenger
1:28:15 said now we don't come back and slap the
1:28:17 messenger on his face and say no it's
1:28:19 not covered
1:28:22 because he said clearly
1:28:25 he made a clear distinction there
1:28:28 without any leaving no doubt whatsoever
1:28:33 so if as that comes to that point say
1:28:36 full stop now we are getting out of the
1:28:37 fold of Islam you are slabbing the
1:28:39 messenger you claim you are following
1:28:41 because of some consideration in your
1:28:43 mind which must be faulty or he is not a
1:28:46 messenger we have to settle the issue
1:28:47 first
1:28:48 so basically because because is it
1:28:50 because they predefined they presuppose
1:28:52 that Iman is just being because they so
1:28:54 they they is that maybe but but in when
1:28:57 they when they come to that point say
1:28:59 stop there we're under the border of
1:29:01 cover now in the discussion okay
1:29:04 it's one more question
1:29:07 so stop here the messenger say it is
1:29:10 covered it is covered I understood how I
1:29:13 said we have to stop there
1:29:14 finish over game over or he's not a
1:29:18 messenger that's it
1:29:20 or you attack the Hadith is
1:29:23 in all grounds you will fail so you have
1:29:26 because what they would do is they'll go
1:29:28 to the issue of what does it mean does
1:29:30 it
1:29:32 means
1:29:36 Allah and this way and this is proven to
1:29:39 be faulty and from where I Buzz even not
1:29:41 from the messenger so it's not even
1:29:43 somewhere Abbas strike it against the
1:29:45 world
1:29:46 it doesn't work this way no no that the
1:29:49 moment the discussion I get to that
1:29:50 level then we are getting after the
1:29:52 world of Islam in Islam then you can
1:29:55 declare the other side listen you are
1:29:57 now becoming a cat for now
1:29:59 okay leave leave killing fighting the
1:30:01 Believers leave that you are your
1:30:04 statement our statement clearly and
1:30:07 evidently
1:30:08 are saying that to save their rulers we
1:30:10 know that there are most of them they
1:30:11 lead us most like a monastic cover
1:30:13 anyway
1:30:14 so it will not save them and then
1:30:17 and they play the game of the erja and
1:30:19 humble and this is
1:30:27 not relevant is that now we came to the
1:30:30 word cover
1:30:31 and that's the word used by the
1:30:33 messenger here and by the Quran in the
1:30:34 case of ruling with what Allah did not
1:30:36 reveal
1:30:38 okay next question so this is from
1:30:40 another brother apologies to the two
1:30:42 guys who asked questions we're really
1:30:43 apologize because this was our study of
1:30:45 the week
1:30:46 um this is from a brother he's saying so
1:30:47 before Islam was introduced there were
1:30:49 many other religious religion and
1:30:51 practices before Islam even Christianity
1:30:53 is older than Islam as far as I know so
1:30:56 why was Islam introduced later is there
1:30:58 any reasoning behind it what do you mean
1:31:00 Islamic Islam the final message no no no
1:31:03 no Islam and Islam if you mean Islam
1:31:06 surrender to Allah and accept it as I
1:31:08 explained that
1:31:10 and then surrender this is
1:31:13 introduced from Adam
1:31:17 when Allah told him go in Paradise do
1:31:19 whatever he wants except that one tree
1:31:21 and they accepted he was Muslim
1:31:25 that's Islam
1:31:27 Islam is the religion revealed to
1:31:28 Muhammad
1:31:30 if Revelation is going until the second
1:31:32 day called by necessity one of them will
1:31:35 be the final one Allah decisions that
1:31:37 will be a final one the final one is
1:31:39 Muhammad that's it that's a historic
1:31:41 fact
1:31:42 so the question the question is is
1:31:45 malformed it doesn't make any sense
1:31:48 Islam besides they were also according
1:31:51 to the historic situation
1:31:53 looked to the one of of Adam they were
1:31:57 they were not even aware about something
1:31:58 called Aura if we when we got started
1:32:00 discussed the issue of the devil tearing
1:32:04 away their the dress showing them their
1:32:06 Aura what does it mean which is it
1:32:08 metaphorical or really and people are
1:32:10 wavering about that he was not even all
1:32:13 that seems to be to cover the aura in
1:32:15 the sense we know nowadays
1:32:18 all that he has only one order and that
1:32:20 was perfect for his his level of
1:32:22 sophisticated except that Allah exists
1:32:24 and there are angels you introduced to
1:32:26 them and basic things like that and
1:32:28 that's most likely what very mean the
1:32:30 case until 15 20 000 Year back what we
1:32:32 should see the remainder in the Native
1:32:35 Americans uh who seem to be uh believing
1:32:37 in the the big Spirit and the other
1:32:39 small spirits and that's it nothing else
1:32:43 that was sufficient for them and for the
1:32:45 level of sophistication done with the
1:32:47 settlement and Villages and agriculture
1:32:49 more complicated issues of worship and
1:32:51 rulership and who controls and the few
1:32:54 of the laws emerged and enforce
1:32:56 themselves and claim Divinity and things
1:32:57 like that and sharks starting to emerge
1:32:59 and then the messengers came with more
1:33:01 sophisticated message
1:33:03 and more advanced issues and the lateral
1:33:05 came more and more until we have in the
1:33:07 old system for example the story of Adam
1:33:09 Old Testament is most likely partly from
1:33:12 relation metaphorically and partly
1:33:14 fabrication but there's no mention of
1:33:16 the shaytan there the mission is to you
1:33:18 to Adam anything like that
1:33:20 all of that was not disclosed to the
1:33:22 people yet and the Quran says
1:33:26 there's a huge news which you don't know
1:33:29 and you're turning away from it I I was
1:33:31 not aware about in the Allah whether the
1:33:33 Angels told the Angels I'm going to
1:33:35 create uh uh a human being out of mud
1:33:38 and when I finish this creation and he's
1:33:40 standing up makes you to him that's not
1:33:43 mention the previous Revelation that's
1:33:44 the reason for some John of Damascus a
1:33:46 Christian Bishop of Damascus after Islam
1:33:49 said ah this is
1:33:51 never happened because he stuck to the
1:33:53 Old Testament
1:33:54 and she doesn't believe that Muhammad is
1:33:56 a messenger
1:33:57 so he knews which was not known to the
1:33:59 people in time past you cannot blame
1:34:00 them for that so more news came more
1:34:03 details were broadcast to the people
1:34:05 even recess is clearly I have many
1:34:07 things to say but you are not able to
1:34:09 understand them but when the
1:34:11 parakletters come he will he will
1:34:12 explain many things
1:34:14 and things like that and he was used
1:34:17 very many parables and examples and the
1:34:20 people his disciples were at lost
1:34:21 sometimes to understand the meaning of
1:34:23 The Parables
1:34:25 and many people after that misunderstood
1:34:28 the meaning of many of the prophets
1:34:30 yeah
1:34:31 for example so that's the historic
1:34:34 development that's how it's happening in
1:34:36 the universe
1:34:38 being fashioned this way as a testing
1:34:41 universe that's the way Allah descended
1:34:42 was to have no there would be a final
1:34:44 one
1:34:45 even if the message message is done
1:34:47 before us are continuing until before
1:34:49 half an hour there will be most likely a
1:34:52 last one under them but because humanity
1:34:54 is obviously clearly in the development
1:34:56 spiritually all over the air and
1:34:58 communication means are developing and
1:34:59 so on it's unlikely that a later time
1:35:01 will be there any need for uh two three
1:35:04 messages at the same time because
1:35:06 communication will be so fast that one
1:35:08 is enough and actually that has been
1:35:10 preempted by Muhammad kamik
1:35:13 and being messenger to all mankind at
1:35:15 that time he could not reach under his
1:35:17 father did not reach the people in
1:35:18 Amazon maybe that's Mercy for them the
1:35:20 better of this way but now with all the
1:35:22 communication still there most of them
1:35:24 are unaware about that but one day the
1:35:26 message will come to them and that maybe
1:35:27 it's bad for them many of them were
1:35:29 rejected and perished while all the
1:35:31 others in the state of Innocence
1:35:35 so I don't understand the question is
1:35:36 that questioning to Allah why did you
1:35:38 question things like this way that's the
1:35:39 way she wasn't it must be the way he he
1:35:42 likes and the way he thought is the best
1:35:44 or it is I don't know
1:35:48 so he he has to ask him the question
1:35:49 what does he mean with the question
1:35:51 okay I'll see if he when he when he
1:35:54 listens to him yeah he will hear that
1:35:55 recording and he will
1:35:57 sometimes people think they ask a
1:35:59 question which Sim seem to be about
1:36:01 something but really they are not
1:36:03 articulating within their mind
1:36:06 this is like why Allah why Allah for
1:36:10 example uh
1:36:12 created Adam after all these creation uh
1:36:15 four billion years after the development
1:36:17 most likely that's what what the uh how
1:36:20 do you say that Adam was fermented 40
1:36:21 years in his in his mother it's just a
1:36:25 hint for for the evolution Etc
1:36:28 and then ultimately a single man called
1:36:30 Adam and his wife were elected to start
1:36:32 that and as a matter of fact we know
1:36:34 from Jerry from from genome uh
1:36:37 populations you know genealogy
1:36:40 Gene studies and so on that all humans
1:36:43 in the world know
1:36:44 all descent from one man some whatever
1:36:47 number of years depending upon various
1:36:49 statistical analysis on which may be
1:36:51 correct ninety percent eighty percent
1:36:53 may be corrected in the future a little
1:36:55 bit more will not followed backward
1:36:57 that's all not relevant but one man and
1:36:59 one woman definitely
1:37:04 uh you know I I find it absolutely up I
1:37:09 find it absolutely absurd that we have
1:37:12 two extreme camps uh interpreting the uh
1:37:17 the ayas of Hokum and hakimiya and uh uh
1:37:21 and and and and and drooling uh you know
1:37:27 the the the the the first Camp which is
1:37:29 uh which interpret Hakimi and Hokum only
1:37:33 in its political sense which is the camp
1:37:36 of
1:37:38 Jihadi Jihadi extremes and on the other
1:37:41 hand the The Other Extreme camps those
1:37:44 who interpret Hokum and hakimiya
1:37:47 anything but but politics you know it
1:37:51 could be anything but politics but when
1:37:54 we check uh like some secularists you
1:37:57 know some other particulars I was
1:37:59 reading some article uh about an Arab
1:38:02 second he was interpreting Ayers of how
1:38:06 come a completely different
1:38:09 from the political sense so uh but if we
1:38:14 if if we if we if we sum up all of the
1:38:17 ayas of Hokum and hakimiya we can see
1:38:20 that they have uh different meanings
1:38:22 close they are close but have like a
1:38:25 distinct meaning uh so for example the
1:38:29 first one uh we discussed
1:38:34 this is clear for uh Sharia injunctions
1:38:37 okay I think this is this is this is
1:38:41 very clear
1:38:42 the other Ayah for example that today we
1:38:45 we discussed
1:38:48 which means that Allah has has the
1:38:52 ability to do whatever he wants because
1:38:56 they were demanding the prophet that he
1:39:00 uh yeah
1:39:14 to discuss this from this point
1:39:18 the exclusion here that the ayatulations
1:39:23 applies to any any type of circum and it
1:39:26 is judiciary applies to fatwa applies
1:39:29 but applies actually if we we go to the
1:39:32 military to the implication that even
1:39:36 applies to judgment about a aesthetic
1:39:39 Aesthetics what Allah has devised down
1:39:42 about aesthetic he did not reveal but he
1:39:44 made in the human mind and the human
1:39:46 perception
1:39:47 capable of judging aesthetic issues if
1:39:50 you don't use mind and reason properly
1:39:53 for that then you did not apply it you
1:39:55 you declare things uh uh to to to uh to
1:40:00 uh to be beautiful according to your
1:40:03 desire not according what your
1:40:04 rationality dictate then you did not
1:40:07 know that Allah has revealed which will
1:40:08 give it to you which is your mind Etc
1:40:10 given to everyone and then you are
1:40:12 careful with this name in this case you
1:40:15 can't do the set upstairs
1:40:18 me let's say that face it relates really
1:40:20 to the usual people regardless welcome
1:40:22 Administration fatwa
1:40:25 Etc issues of sharia there's also issues
1:40:28 of social social agreement
1:40:31 yes agreement also like judgment in the
1:40:34 society if you do something like for
1:40:35 example in a wedding which the people do
1:40:37 not agree upon if it is not based on a
1:40:39 or ultimately on what a revelation has
1:40:41 indicated just on some conception then
1:40:44 you have ruled with not what Allah has
1:40:46 revealed and things like that
1:40:47 exactly so so Professor this is one
1:40:51 aspect of welcome and hakimiya which is
1:40:53 uh the ruling and injection Sharia
1:40:56 injunction but there's there are other
1:40:58 aspects like for example uh God's
1:41:02 ability to do whatever he wants like for
1:41:04 example but the creative part is usually
1:41:06 not not nobody is interested really very
1:41:09 much in that exactly exactly yes we can
1:41:11 leave that this is discuss it in how the
1:41:13 universe is fashioned it may be issued
1:41:15 good and evil in the universe and cut
1:41:17 out and things like that that's not the
1:41:19 controversial one I understand I'm just
1:41:21 I'm just highlighting the different
1:41:24 aspects of her command hakima and
1:41:26 there's the third and there's the the
1:41:27 third aspect which is uh the Judgment
1:41:30 Allah Allah's judgment in the afterlife
1:41:33 you know the the other Ayah that we are
1:41:36 going to come to uh next week I uh 62
1:41:39 and Surah Allah says
1:41:46 this is afterlife the Judgment in the
1:41:49 afterlife specifically but before that
1:41:52 in this area he is the best arbitrary
1:41:54 and decider between between conventional
1:41:58 issues
1:41:59 right so Professor now let's focus a
1:42:03 little bit on the on the uh the aspect
1:42:06 of Hokum and hakima in the sense of
1:42:09 sharia injunctions and rulings which
1:42:12 which what you say I would I would I
1:42:14 would not discuss very much because I
1:42:16 said we discussed that in Surat
1:42:17 almightah number one second in the book
1:42:19 of hakimir is already translated in the
1:42:21 final polish leave that for the book we
1:42:23 gave the main things
1:42:25 and Define a good and evil more on an
1:42:29 immoral
1:42:30 in the essence of it is to Allah
1:42:32 exclusively now how to derive from it
1:42:35 law statutes
1:42:37 judicial rulings Etc it has to be
1:42:39 derived from that that's the meaning
1:42:44 it needs a lengthy a discussion than
1:42:46 just five and four minutes which is
1:42:48 today but today just I stressed that in
1:42:51 the exclusive Allah is in two things in
1:42:54 matter of sharia and moral judgment the
1:42:56 exclusive thing is just the sense the
1:42:58 essential meanings the essential
1:43:00 judgment that's actually to Allah nobody
1:43:02 can make these essential things except
1:43:04 Allah and in Creative sense which is not
1:43:07 controversial only to Allah because
1:43:09 there's no other Creator or whatever and
1:43:10 one decided at the beginning and
1:43:12 iteratively there was no Creator to make
1:43:14 a decision which universities would
1:43:16 accept him right yeah right so the last
1:43:19 point I just want to make
1:43:21 which might uh uh which might you know
1:43:25 clarify what I wanted to say uh you know
1:43:27 when I said that we have two extreme
1:43:29 camps uh those uh the camps of they say
1:43:33 that man cannot rule it's it's only the
1:43:37 ruling of Allah because they have a
1:43:39 deficient understanding of how
1:43:41 commitment can we discuss that in mind
1:43:42 also and this is
1:43:45 correct correct and then we have the
1:43:48 Other Extreme Camp you know they say
1:43:50 that no the correct interpretation is
1:43:53 that uh man can rule without uh without
1:43:57 uh going back or referring to the the
1:44:00 ultimate uh uh uh the the ultimate
1:44:03 source uh which is uh uh which is uh
1:44:06 Allah or Islam yeah but this this is not
1:44:08 the come of the people of Islam exactly
1:44:11 this is the camp of secularism
1:44:14 correct who actually they make this
1:44:18 claim against political Islam you know
1:44:22 let's let's stick to the core play
1:44:25 against Chinese Communist party or
1:44:27 political Islam or I guess my
1:44:28 grandmother is not relevant relevant
1:44:30 that statement as it stands
1:44:33 is a statement of finish that's it
1:44:35 that's it I I know I understand
1:44:38 Professor but you know for a lot of
1:44:40 people that's that's all the problem
1:44:42 with these things is they can become a
1:44:43 diverge political Islam or Chinese Islam
1:44:45 is irrelevant that's what the Quran in
1:44:48 all totality and the Sunnah clearly made
1:44:50 an absolute injunction is that that
1:44:52 whatever you do in matter of what what
1:44:54 various types of Hokum Administration
1:44:57 fatwa uh giving fatal is also making a
1:45:00 point of view settling a point of view
1:45:02 according to your best interpretation
1:45:04 etc etc etc etc including even uh
1:45:07 drafting statues the writing
1:45:09 Constitution if it doesn't prepare to
1:45:11 what Allah has revealed it is
1:45:14 and whoever does not accept that
1:45:23 I agree with you so so that there must
1:45:27 be like a a an ultimate source or a
1:45:30 supreme
1:45:31 by definition by definition of Islam
1:45:34 that's Islam is saying that is the
1:45:37 ultimate source so essentially saying
1:45:39 Allah is not it's not illah it's not
1:45:41 it's not a lot
1:45:58 that's it yes so doctor can we sum up
1:46:01 all all those meanings of Hokum and
1:46:04 hakimiya by saying that it means uh the
1:46:08 ultimate sovereignty
1:46:11 the ultimate sovereignty is for Allah
1:46:14 Allah
1:46:16 can we say that it it means that the
1:46:20 ultimate sovereignty is for Allah like
1:46:22 is is this a good way of the Soul so
1:46:25 many things to Allah not the ultimate
1:46:26 the soul yeah
1:46:29 everyone everything else is a Slave
1:46:32 yes yes that's it okay yes yes but a
1:46:36 slave are empowered to deduce to make
1:46:38 fair to write books to fake they are
1:46:40 empowered they're allowed some of some
1:46:42 people are are employed to do execution
1:46:44 things in Dunya etc etc but they have to
1:46:48 go back refer to 25.
1:46:52 got it got it God now now it's 100 clear
1:46:55 thank you so much
1:46:59 just uh for the sake of uh completeness
1:47:03 um
1:47:03 um so the Hadith you mentioned uh up
1:47:06 though
1:47:09 it is does exist another version is
1:47:12 exists which says uh which will be
1:47:14 either one yeah either one but when
1:47:17 Russell mentioned the the strongest one
1:47:20 in terms of tawatu
1:47:22 um is an app that will be my brother
1:47:24 Allah now again makes no difference
1:47:26 makes no difference
1:47:28 yeah but when it says so the question I
1:47:31 had was yes
1:47:33 it's still not a command it's right but
1:47:37 when resource of Islam said that we
1:47:39 start with what Allah started
1:47:43 I should I like to start that's the
1:47:46 meaning
1:47:47 but when he says we like to start out we
1:47:50 should start that means like we should
1:47:53 start right we absolutely it's desirable
1:47:56 but okay my point is that if you don't
1:47:59 start with it is your side bottle
1:48:01 you have to have evidence for that
1:48:06 that's my point okay that's my point but
1:48:09 all all commands like that and so on uh
1:48:11 you have to have a Karina that it is
1:48:13 doing the opposite is bottle it means
1:48:15 things like oh that'll sing like that
1:48:18 okay so that initial thing uh if someone
1:48:21 starts that let's say there are two
1:48:24 things one not starting one the actual
1:48:27 action that it's now happened such as
1:48:29 this say right so the even though if
1:48:31 someone even argues that let's say you
1:48:34 didn't start fair enough that initial uh
1:48:37 thing may have been wrong but the
1:48:39 complete action is still valid as in
1:48:41 like it's complete because to say is
1:48:43 completed is that let's let's say the
1:48:45 following what will happen is let's
1:48:47 let's be rational instead of going to
1:48:48 speculative research especially you come
1:48:51 to side when you do have a new server
1:48:53 you start to suffer Handler no problem
1:48:54 but may start with marwa you may say oh
1:48:58 yeah I know the best would be I am now
1:49:01 near marwa let me start with marwa
1:49:03 because this is obligatory that's
1:49:04 perfectly fine or he say okay I will
1:49:07 start with malwa do one extra Shout
1:49:10 just just for sport and then when I get
1:49:13 to Safar I start and starts counting
1:49:15 from there it's okay I I know what cases
1:49:17 Even in our time my my father-in-law
1:49:21 over my marriage's mother uh her father
1:49:24 is uh he knows about someone he said he
1:49:29 went for PSY and came sweating and
1:49:31 almost died he said what's happening to
1:49:32 you what's your problem we did the side
1:49:33 he said I went back and forth he was
1:49:36 counting back and forth as one he did
1:49:38 14.
1:49:40 so all of this stuff is okay no problem
1:49:44 my point is that that is
1:49:49 not an obligation it's for desirability
1:49:52 that's it
1:49:53 it's desirable but someone could forsake
1:49:57 it because hey I know it is not that
1:49:58 obligation and now it's more convenient
1:50:00 for me because I am happening to be
1:50:02 after power off it is so busy that the
1:50:04 people pushed me towards the exit in the
1:50:05 north which is near tomorrow
1:50:08 should I walk all the way to Safa it was
1:50:10 just to stop there or just I can't start
1:50:11 one month you can start with that's what
1:50:13 I'm saying it's okay
1:50:15 it's not a desirable one you go
1:50:17 foregoing some hasanat but you're not
1:50:19 getting any sins
1:50:23 okay
1:50:24 that's the only point I'm stressing just
1:50:26 thank you yes
1:50:28 it's an authority Point rather than
1:50:31 in most most times it it will be so that
1:50:34 when you finish throw off you will be
1:50:36 finishing uh nowadays that Olaf is so so
1:50:39 busy I myself did most my all late
1:50:41 thoughts before leaving Saudi Arabia I
1:50:43 did it upstairs there it took hours so
1:50:47 go imagine going to off around the Kaaba
1:50:49 in in the in the upper upper stairs
1:50:52 instead of being near to the car you
1:50:54 finish it in five or ten minutes there
1:50:57 it took like one hour or something like
1:50:59 what is impossible to do then I don't
1:51:01 know where I began and then because the
1:51:02 power off is not a problem I start
1:51:05 anywhere and they start counting when I
1:51:06 uh almost opposite to the local level
1:51:10 that's what I start from the accounting
1:51:13 and accomplished accounting and yeah I
1:51:15 don't remember Psy all the time it's
1:51:16 possible to exit anywhere and go to sofa
1:51:19 so I start to suffer
1:51:21 but it's not easy for otherwise but for
1:51:23 Pure theoretical analysis from this is
1:51:25 the same with our do also normally if
1:51:27 you start although why should you start
1:51:29 with your feet it would be stupid but
1:51:31 but if you jump in a pool that's fine
1:51:38 good
1:51:40 um
1:51:41 any other question no no questions on
1:51:45 any of the channels so let's get it
1:51:47 Allah and we our meeting inshallah next
1:51:51 week and there are some important things
1:51:53 next week and things like that also and
1:51:56 divine knowledge very heavy foreign
1:52:10 Music
1:52:34 foreign
1:52:37 Music
1:52:42 Music
1:52:52 Music
1:53:00 Music
1:53:07 Music
1:53:10 foreign
1:53:12 Music