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Review of 2022 with special mystery guest (2022-12-31)


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Summary of Review of 2022 with special mystery guest

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


various topics are discussed in relation to the year 2022. These topics include the World Cup, Ramadan, Zionism, the Temple Institute, and the rise of Islam. The video also features a discussion about the possible creation of a new religion called Abrahamia.

00:00:00 In 2022, the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, many Muslims traveled to Saudi Arabia to watch the World Cup. Professor Alia Thai from Say tuna College discusses the World Cup and its impact on Muslims. She describes how some liberals in America boycotted the event because of Qatar's government. The World Cup showcased the true nature of some Western liberals, who she says are ignorant of Islam and the brotherhood of humanity.

  • 00:05:00 The video reviews the 2022 World Cup in Qatar and remarks on how hypocritical the liberals were in their reactions. The apostle Paul would be proud of what happened, as the Palestinians were slaughtered on the altar of Zionism for the sins of Europe.
  • 00:10:00 The video reviews 2022 and discusses the potential reasons why the BBC has chosen to censor certain events in the Middle East. Some of the things that have been censored include the Hajj, the opening ceremony of the World Cup, and Benjamin Netanyahu's incoming government. The guest points out that the Israeli ambassador to France has resigned in protest of Benjamin Netanyahu's new government, which is against her conscience.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the possibility of a new religion called "Abrahamia" which combines principles from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The religion is controversial and there is worry that it will not succeed. The narrator wishes the best for Dr. Peterson, who is apparently exploring the idea.
  • 00:20:00 The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has completed blueprints for a Third Temple, which some rabbis believe will be self-fulfilled. The video's narrator investigates the plausibility of this claim and discusses the history of pseudo-messiahs in Judaism.
  • 00:25:00 The video reviews 2022, which is a significant date in the Jewish calendar. It is predicted that on that date, five blemish-free one-year-old heifers will arrive in Israel from the United States. The significance of this event is that it marks the beginning of the re-establishment of the Temple and the priesthood.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses a future event known as the "Oscar Messiah" or "Dejal." It explains that this Messiah will come with a "culture of the system" and will cause people to apostatize. warns Muslims to be vigilant and to avoid apostasy.
  • 00:35:00 The video reviews 2022 and discusses how the rising popularity of Islam criticism, redefining terms, and lack of clarity among Muslims is leading to doubts and confusion among believers. The narrator suggests that Muslims in America should stick to their beliefs and not try to fit in to any groups, and that this is a good thing.
  • 00:40:00 The video features a man who reviews 2022 and notes that one of the good news stories is the continued popularity of Muslims in Britain. He also mentions that the decrease in Christian practice is a trend that he is not happy about. The man also talks about interfaith dialogues, and how churches are typically more populated by the elderly than the youth. He ends the video by talking about how America is different from other countries in that the religion is more vital in America.
  • 00:45:00 The video reviews the differences between traditional Muslim and Christian youth activities, and then discusses the harm that can come from using certain language. Stanford University has released a guide called the "Harmful Language Guide."
  • 00:50:00 Stanford University professor John Hinderaker discusses how the use of euphemisms in discussions of sensitive topics can desensitize people to the reality of what's being proposed, and how the reaction of many Muslims to the conversion of Andrew Tate was "strange."
  • 00:55:00 reviews the possibility that Jesus did not die on the cross, and if this is the case, the Quran's claim about the crucifixion is historically valid.


Dr. Alia Thai reviews 2022 and thanks her viewers for their support.

01:00:00 Professor Aliatize discusses 2022, which he believes will be a year of great change for Muslims and Christians alike. He also predicts that there will be more opportunities for outreach and conversion to Islam, as well as more research opportunities for those interested in Islamic doctrine. Finally, he encourages viewers to support the channel in which he is hosting this video.

  • 01:05:00 Dr. Alia Thai reviews 2022, a year that has many potential implications for the world. She thanks her viewers for their support and asks them to continue to support her work by subscribing to her channel and donating to her Patreon account. She also thanks her creator for providing her with the means to do this work.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 hello everyone and welcome to blogging
0:00:06 theology today I'm very happy to share
0:00:09 the platform with my very special
0:00:11 mystery guests uh Professor Alia Thai
0:00:14 from say tuna College assalamu alaikum
0:00:17 Sir
0:00:18 Paul how are you I'm doing very well
0:00:20 good to see you how are you
0:00:22 I'm not alone it's uh another blessed
0:00:25 day always good to be a vlogging
0:00:26 theology it was great to have you uh for
0:00:29 those who don't know
0:00:30 um uh Dr aliota is a scholar of biblical
0:00:32 hermeneutics specializing in sacred
0:00:35 languages comparative Theology and
0:00:37 comparative literature at zetuna college
0:00:41 now we're going to review the year
0:00:44 2022 as it draws to a close in the next
0:00:48 24 hours literally uh particularly we're
0:00:50 going to be focusing on those events in
0:00:53 the news that have impacted the Muslim
0:00:56 Uma and I think it's been a tumultuous
0:00:58 year so much has been going on so um Dr
0:01:03 uh aliottai uh where would you like to
0:01:05 begin
0:01:07 wherever you'd like we can talk about
0:01:09 the uh the World Cup maybe that's a
0:01:12 biggie that's probably the biggest yeah
0:01:14 but what's your Take On the World Cup
0:01:15 yeah I was I was actually
0:01:18 um leaving Medina for Mecca when uh when
0:01:21 Saudi Arabia beat Argentina wow the
0:01:24 eventual champion in uh the group stage
0:01:27 I guess they won two to one
0:01:29 so I remember the the lobby of my hotel
0:01:32 exploded with Glee
0:01:34 and I was literally in Iran at the time
0:01:38 uh so that was that was interesting but
0:01:41 yeah the World Cup was so intriguing for
0:01:43 so many reasons I mean I heard there
0:01:45 were uh um hundreds of people who uh
0:01:49 made shahada yeah
0:01:51 uh they were so impressed with Islam and
0:01:55 and with Muslims that they felt this
0:01:57 irresistible urge to become Muslim and
0:02:01 just imagine the thousands more that
0:02:03 went home with a a deep respect uh for
0:02:06 Islam I mean I saw a video of an entire
0:02:08 Brazilian family
0:02:10 reciting the shahada right I saw a
0:02:13 Mexican fan with it with a huge Sombrero
0:02:16 right on his back
0:02:18 there was actually an American woman
0:02:20 whose video went viral I think she
0:02:23 removed it after but she said that she
0:02:25 discovered that women were more
0:02:27 respected yes
0:02:29 uh than than women in in America
0:02:33 uh so the the government of Qatar I did
0:02:35 a fantastic job they actually placed
0:02:37 like Hadith of the Prophet salallahu on
0:02:41 billboards
0:02:42 um in multiple languages and people were
0:02:45 just they were overwhelmed with respect
0:02:47 and uh admiration uh there was a musala
0:02:52 um Like a Prayer Hall in in every
0:02:54 Stadium
0:02:56 um with a wall made of glass so that
0:02:58 non-muslim outside could actually watch
0:03:00 the prayer yes and people said that they
0:03:04 fell in love with the Adan the uh
0:03:07 massage it were totally packed with
0:03:09 tourists from all over the world wow
0:03:12 asking questions listening to lectures
0:03:14 uh watching the prayer the the
0:03:17 Palestinian flag uh was was everywhere
0:03:20 you know people saw you know true
0:03:22 Brotherhood of humanity uh people
0:03:25 discovered that you can have fun without
0:03:28 getting drunk right yeah that's what
0:03:31 that you say that I mean we laugh but
0:03:34 that's what I discovered after I became
0:03:36 a Muslim because I obviously used to
0:03:37 drink alcohol as a Christian and and I
0:03:39 thought well and I live partly in France
0:03:41 as well and you know everyone seems to
0:03:43 drink as part of this social kind of
0:03:45 cohesion the cement that helps people to
0:03:48 be jolly and enjoy themselves and it
0:03:50 will when I I became a Muslim and I
0:03:51 stopped drinking I discovered this
0:03:53 amazing thing actually you can have a
0:03:54 really good time you don't need alcohol
0:03:56 at all and I don't miss it at all I just
0:03:59 see it as simply completely separate
0:04:01 from me I was like you just don't need
0:04:03 it and this is something that most
0:04:05 people in the west probably can't get
0:04:07 their head around but I can bear witness
0:04:08 it's true you do not need alcohol to
0:04:10 have a really good time and alcohol has
0:04:12 lots of bad side effects as well which
0:04:15 we all know about not going to go into
0:04:16 those so yeah this is amazing absolutely
0:04:18 yeah and people were clearly having a
0:04:21 great time but there's something else
0:04:22 that the World Cup did and something uh
0:04:24 really really interesting and maybe
0:04:26 unintended so so in America there are a
0:04:29 lot of um you know liberal Muslims who
0:04:31 really support uh the left and say
0:04:35 well you know at least the left
0:04:37 tolerates us and they respect us and I
0:04:40 think that that that Allah
0:04:42 through the means of of the World Cup
0:04:46 um completely exposed the reality of
0:04:49 some of these Western liberals I mean
0:04:50 there were leftists you know these woke
0:04:51 liberals
0:04:52 who who boycotted the World Cup because
0:04:56 of the the government of Qatar you know
0:04:58 they said you know no rainbow stuff
0:05:00 allowed here right and this is their
0:05:03 country I mean this is their culture
0:05:05 this these are their values you know
0:05:07 they were liberals that were screaming
0:05:09 and shouting and demanding for change in
0:05:11 Qatar you know change many of our
0:05:14 principal leaders in in Brittany in the
0:05:17 UK were uh denouncing Qatar it was
0:05:19 hugely embarrassing and shameful
0:05:21 actually the the because this it was
0:05:23 never actually said explicitly but the
0:05:25 subtext was absolutely clear Islamic
0:05:27 teaching is unacceptable it must change
0:05:30 because we say so and yeah these are the
0:05:34 people who say we believe in
0:05:35 multiculturalism and diversity and
0:05:37 respect and tolerance of other religions
0:05:39 of course but they don't really if the
0:05:43 religion uh conforms perfectly with
0:05:44 their liberal secular values then they
0:05:46 tolerate it if it doesn't they insist it
0:05:48 must change and that was really it was
0:05:50 really in your face big time yeah what I
0:05:53 was saying I was like what happened to
0:05:54 respect all cultures and diversity and
0:05:56 tolerance
0:05:59 so this is a Europe about the the level
0:06:01 the left in in the states and everywhere
0:06:04 I think that um this really exposed
0:06:06 their hypocrisy they claim to be
0:06:07 tolerance and diverse and inclusive but
0:06:10 they're not uh as soon as you disagree
0:06:12 with any of their liberal secular
0:06:13 principles then you're you're ridiculed
0:06:16 and and told criticized and condemned
0:06:19 extraordinary hypocrisy yeah yeah these
0:06:22 were Western supremacists I mean that's
0:06:24 yes that's the only way I can put it
0:06:25 cultural colonizers who who claim to
0:06:28 celebrate diversity as long as people
0:06:29 agree with that right that's the caveat
0:06:31 right you can have diversity I guess of
0:06:34 of race but you can't have diversity of
0:06:36 of thought maybe that's that's the
0:06:38 thinking process I don't know but did
0:06:40 you see what the German team did so they
0:06:42 covered their mouths in solidarity with
0:06:45 the rainbow people and when I saw that I
0:06:48 just did a face palm
0:06:49 you know Germany really I mean does
0:06:51 Germany really have some sort of moral
0:06:53 High Ground uh you know yeah based on
0:06:56 what they did now some people might say
0:06:57 well this you know that's that's ancient
0:06:59 history 70 80 years ago it's really not
0:07:01 I mean the sins of Germany from 80 years
0:07:03 ago are still visiting the Palestinians
0:07:06 a woman who is literally uh convicted a
0:07:08 few days ago in a German court for being
0:07:10 a concentration camp God in a Nazi
0:07:13 concentration camp and she was convicted
0:07:15 for being complicit in the killing of
0:07:17 Ghana's hand thousands of Jews he was on
0:07:20 the news so yeah people who still
0:07:22 committed these crimes are still being
0:07:23 convicted in Germany today Germany to
0:07:26 this day they pay a billion dollars of
0:07:28 reparations to uh so-called Israel
0:07:31 because they admit that it's not ancient
0:07:33 history I think
0:07:35 um he said he said it quite eloquently
0:07:38 um and I'm paraphrasing this is
0:07:40 something like the Palestinian people
0:07:41 have been slaughtered on the altar of
0:07:43 Zionism for the sins of Europe yeah like
0:07:46 this type of vicarious atonement I guess
0:07:49 Paul of course this would be proud of
0:07:51 that
0:07:51 um
0:07:52 Apostle Paul uh according to Christians
0:07:55 I mean before I'd like to move on to
0:07:57 what's going on in Israel at the moment
0:07:58 it's quite shocking the recent news but
0:08:00 I just wanted to
0:08:01 um there's an interesting bit in the The
0:08:03 Times newspaper the times of London uh
0:08:06 on what was expected in inverted commas
0:08:08 to be written on the World Cup at Qatar
0:08:11 there's an article in the times uh and I
0:08:13 want to read it's just very short
0:08:15 um and the journalist says this uh who
0:08:17 was in Qatar as the times Jonas at one
0:08:20 match I sat beside a fellow journalist
0:08:23 not a times or Sunday Times colleague he
0:08:25 says uh another major national newspaper
0:08:28 and we fell into a what's it been like
0:08:31 for you conversation he was enjoying the
0:08:33 World Cup and there was no dissension
0:08:35 from me on that point the football had
0:08:39 been great and logistically it had been
0:08:42 off the scale easy same bed for five
0:08:45 weeks no flights no long car Journeys
0:08:48 good all organization
0:08:50 impressive stadiums
0:08:53 some of this stuff he would like to have
0:08:56 reported on for his newspaper and he he
0:08:59 lamented that he could not
0:09:01 more than once he'd been told by
0:09:05 somebody on the desk in London otherwise
0:09:07 the editorial HQ the good stories about
0:09:11 the World Cup were not wanted
0:09:14 freedom of the press eh so this is why
0:09:18 some of a lot of the bad publicity is
0:09:20 simply well would be manipulators we've
0:09:22 been told to believe bad things by
0:09:24 people who refuse to give the really
0:09:26 good news which was you know excellent
0:09:28 organization impressive stadiums
0:09:29 journalists loved it women loved it they
0:09:32 weren't molested by drunken English
0:09:34 football fans and so on so um I was
0:09:37 absolutely shocking uh generally shotgun
0:09:39 I read that um that's what's really
0:09:41 going on behind the scenes yeah I mean
0:09:43 if you think about the propaganda
0:09:45 campaign of the last 20 years to justify
0:09:48 violence in the Middle East you know you
0:09:50 have to keep millions of people sort of
0:09:53 ignorant of the true teachings of this
0:09:54 religion right so for a lot of people
0:09:57 this was for a lot of westerners
0:09:59 millions of westerners this was really
0:10:01 their first sort of Peak at at Real
0:10:04 Islam at just normal normative Islam and
0:10:08 just Muslims being Muslims and the
0:10:10 powers that be they consider that to be
0:10:12 um you know it's it's very powerful and
0:10:14 it is very powerful that's why they
0:10:16 don't show like the the Hajj I mean the
0:10:18 the Hajj is a global event every year
0:10:21 how many times do we see it on the news
0:10:24 literally billions of people from every
0:10:26 country in the world are converging upon
0:10:28 you know Mecca and Medina and they don't
0:10:31 show it because I think they know you
0:10:33 know it's it's bad optics for them right
0:10:35 yeah and the BBC refused to show the
0:10:38 opening ceremony on television uh
0:10:41 because
0:10:42 um you know it just didn't like it it
0:10:44 always shows the opening scenes at these
0:10:46 World Cup events but this time it didn't
0:10:47 uh in a kind of a Proto extraordinary
0:10:50 censorship and sort of patronizing
0:10:52 arrogance there uh quite disgusted but
0:10:55 coming back to the Middle East I think
0:10:57 perhaps we could go on to what's going
0:10:59 on in Israel and
0:11:02 um
0:11:02 nehenyattu's Hardline new government
0:11:04 which has just taken office in Israel on
0:11:07 the BBC back to BBC again reported uh
0:11:10 that quote the most religious and
0:11:12 hard-line government in Israel's history
0:11:14 has been sworn in and the guardian
0:11:18 reported today Benjamin nahiata's
0:11:20 incoming Hardline government put West
0:11:23 Bank settlement expansion at the top of
0:11:26 its list of priorities and this is a
0:11:28 priority for Country occupying other
0:11:30 people on Wednesday vowing to legalize
0:11:33 dozens of illegally built outposts and
0:11:36 Annex the occupied territory as part of
0:11:39 his Coalition deal with its Ultra
0:11:41 internationalist allies end quote and
0:11:44 it's interesting even if the I noticed
0:11:46 um the Italian sorry the Israeli
0:11:48 ambassador to France of all places uh
0:11:51 has just resigned believe it or not in
0:11:53 protest uh named his new government
0:11:56 which quotes goes against her conscience
0:11:58 it even some some of these people have a
0:12:01 conscience
0:12:03 but she's resigned let's see if anyone
0:12:06 else will will do the same
0:12:08 yeah I think um it seems like Netanyahu
0:12:11 attempted to do some damage control
0:12:13 maybe after the uh the World Cup because
0:12:16 the the support for Palestine I mean he
0:12:19 did this so-called interview with um
0:12:21 Jordan Peterson
0:12:22 that was one of the most embarrassing
0:12:25 things I couldn't better watch that I
0:12:26 haven't watched I couldn't bear to watch
0:12:27 it I I heard so many bad things I mean
0:12:29 did you see it yeah it was it was very
0:12:32 hard to watch there's a Palestinian
0:12:34 academic doctor uhmi
0:12:37 um who said it best I mean she said
0:12:38 basically that that Peterson is either
0:12:40 some sort of sycophant
0:12:43 of the lowest order or a monumentally
0:12:46 ignorant person that's just kind of sat
0:12:49 there and entertained these delusions
0:12:52 of this uh you know Zionist apologist
0:12:54 and this radical historical revisionist
0:12:56 Netanyahu I mean
0:12:58 um you know this idea this this fairy
0:13:01 tale that that pre-1948 Palestine was a
0:13:04 Barren land right containing a few
0:13:08 uncultured uh people this is pure
0:13:11 mythology
0:13:12 you know this is this is on par with
0:13:14 like Jack and the Beanstalk and the
0:13:16 legend of the gingerbread man and I mean
0:13:18 this is how this is how genocide is
0:13:20 swept under the rug in 1948 I mean again
0:13:23 this is not ancient history right I mean
0:13:26 people can look at archival footage of
0:13:29 pre-1948 Palestine and see for
0:13:31 themselves you know thriving vibrant
0:13:34 Palestinian cities and towns Muslims
0:13:36 Christians and Jews living together
0:13:38 working together uh practicing their
0:13:41 faith practicing you know their culture
0:13:43 uh you know the Muslims didn't expel the
0:13:46 Jews I mean that's what England France
0:13:47 and Austria and Germany did
0:13:50 um I reckon actually recommend a book um
0:13:53 by Elon Pape it's it's an older book the
0:13:57 ethnic cleansing of Palestine he's
0:13:59 actually in his great story I won't grab
0:14:01 it from my library I do have it yeah
0:14:03 it's a good book it's extraordinary
0:14:04 particularly documented his story I
0:14:06 think he's now in in England as a
0:14:07 professor here yeah and he describes
0:14:09 something called plan dalit people
0:14:11 should know about this plan D plan dalit
0:14:13 1948 you know the Israeli Army going
0:14:16 Village to Village uh expelling seizing
0:14:19 uh killing uh men women and children you
0:14:22 know the massacre Guardia seen you know
0:14:24 hundreds of Palestinian Villages
0:14:25 destroyed he says 531 to be exact
0:14:29 so here's a question you know why was
0:14:31 plan valid necessary if it was just a
0:14:33 Barren land you know what happened to
0:14:36 thou shall not kill Thou shalt not steal
0:14:38 I mean this is clearly not Judaism
0:14:41 um and the other thing about Netanyahu
0:14:42 that's interesting
0:14:44 is that a few years ago he said
0:14:45 something that's possibly even more
0:14:48 ludicrous I don't know if people
0:14:49 remember this but there was a uh there
0:14:52 was a photograph taken in 1941
0:14:55 of Hitler meeting with the grand Mufti
0:14:58 of Palestine which was normal two heads
0:15:00 of state or political figures meeting
0:15:02 this was before the war right lest we
0:15:04 forget that you know FDR at Churchill
0:15:06 met with Stalin right so Netanyahu
0:15:09 suggested uh that Hitler only wanted to
0:15:12 Exile the Jews from Germany but it was I
0:15:16 mean at husseini the Grand Mufti of
0:15:18 Palestine uh who suggested the final
0:15:21 solution to him
0:15:22 uh in other words Netanyahu blamed the
0:15:25 Palestinians for the Holocaust I mean
0:15:28 that's what you called hutzpah right
0:15:30 yeah forget the fact that the Germans
0:15:33 you know they published a full record of
0:15:35 that meeting uh and the recording
0:15:37 totally falsifies netanyahu's you know
0:15:39 delusion
0:15:41 to that kind of narrative will play in
0:15:43 the West for many people because they
0:15:44 don't know any better they're you know
0:15:46 manipulation or brainwashed by the media
0:15:48 as we've seen who report refuse to
0:15:50 report on certain stories because it
0:15:51 doesn't fit in with their narrative so
0:15:53 this will have some Traction in the west
0:15:55 but obviously not in in the Muslim world
0:15:58 or anywhere else for that matter or
0:15:59 China yeah yeah Norman Finkelstein who's
0:16:02 who's the Jewish professor's parents
0:16:04 were at Auschwitz he called this claim
0:16:06 Beyond lunacy you know you know I I wish
0:16:09 you know Dr Peterson the best you know
0:16:12 is he is he someone who's really seeking
0:16:13 to learn
0:16:14 I don't know it doesn't seem like it you
0:16:16 know
0:16:17 um
0:16:18 I don't know but on that I'm okay with
0:16:21 that uh this year we with the uh the
0:16:23 Abraham Accords I mean we've seen the
0:16:25 the alleged the so-called normalization
0:16:27 of relations with uh between Israel and
0:16:30 the the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain
0:16:32 and Morocco and Sudan uh other countries
0:16:35 said they might they haven't joined this
0:16:38 and others have kind of pulled back
0:16:40 um uh from this but um what are your
0:16:42 thoughts about this I know it's
0:16:44 interesting that about interesting the
0:16:45 very name that Abraham Accords Abraham
0:16:47 of course was a prophet uh not not a
0:16:50 Jewish Prophet because he wasn't a Jew
0:16:52 the Israel didn't exist
0:16:55 um but um why are they chosen this name
0:16:57 and what's going on do you think
0:16:58 religiously yeah this is a
0:17:01 this is a strange thing um
0:17:04 yeah so they're trying to create this
0:17:06 this new world religion right very
0:17:09 powerful people in the world seemingly
0:17:10 powerful
0:17:11 by combining basically all three
0:17:14 abrahamic religions right there's a
0:17:16 major movement right now
0:17:18 um and they're apparently going to call
0:17:20 this religion abrahamia
0:17:22 um an amalgamation of these sort of core
0:17:24 principles of Judaism and Christianity
0:17:27 and Islam so it's a it's a syncretistic
0:17:29 uh religion I think there was a there
0:17:32 was a mogul King in India
0:17:34 um who tried to do something yeah
0:17:36 similar to this in the 16th century
0:17:38 his name but yeah there was you're right
0:17:40 yeah yeah I think he called it Dean
0:17:42 ilahi I think his name was
0:17:45 failed miserably right but there were
0:17:48 Muslims who think this is actually a
0:17:49 good idea which kind of boggles the mind
0:17:51 right I mean how is this even going to
0:17:53 work I mean this is the Trinity going to
0:17:55 be valid or not I mean who who is Jesus
0:17:59 peace be upon him in this in this
0:18:01 religion is he is is he a prophet is he
0:18:04 God is he nothing you know which part of
0:18:07 the which parts of the Quran are they
0:18:09 going to accept and
0:18:10 which parts are they going to uh reject
0:18:13 which parts need to be radically
0:18:14 interpreted reinterpreted
0:18:16 um you know it's it's it's very very
0:18:19 strange but there's there's a there's an
0:18:21 organization in Israel called the temple
0:18:23 Institute right and um I was on their
0:18:26 site it's Temple and one
0:18:29 of the FAQs I thought was really
0:18:30 interesting
0:18:32 um so one of the FAQs is when will the
0:18:34 Reconstruction of the Holy Temple
0:18:37 commence
0:18:38 the Third Temple uh and here's what they
0:18:41 said and this is a quote they said
0:18:42 geopolitically
0:18:44 the Temple Mount has to be cleared
0:18:47 of the Dome of the Rock and the mosques
0:18:49 which are presently located upon it
0:18:51 before the physical rebuilding of the
0:18:53 Holy Temple can begin
0:18:55 many scenarios Can Be Imagined which
0:18:58 would accomplish this the most comp the
0:19:00 most promising and not necessarily the
0:19:03 most far-fetched would entail Muslim
0:19:04 recognition of the mount
0:19:06 as the intended location for the rebuilt
0:19:09 Temple
0:19:10 uh with the acquiescence of the Muslim
0:19:12 world the Muslim structures currently on
0:19:15 the mount would be disassembled and
0:19:17 reassembled elsewhere
0:19:19 traditionally this is their claim
0:19:22 I'm still quoting traditionally Muslim
0:19:24 texts beginning with the Quran except
0:19:26 the Prophecies of the return of the
0:19:28 Jewish nation and the rebuilding of the
0:19:31 Holy Temple okay it continues today of
0:19:34 course radical Islam holds sway over the
0:19:37 Muslim world
0:19:38 and until this phenomenon is defeated
0:19:40 the likelihood of a peaceful preparation
0:19:42 for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple
0:19:44 remains nil end quote so in other words
0:19:47 uh Muslims who don't agree with our
0:19:50 eschatology are radicals defeated
0:19:55 right Muslims who don't agree with our
0:19:57 plan of disassembling
0:19:59 right
0:20:03 these are radicals who must be defeated
0:20:06 right
0:20:08 but you know the big question to me is
0:20:09 you know how are they going to get
0:20:10 Muslims to willingly recognize
0:20:13 their Temple uh and eventually they're
0:20:15 they're Messiah
0:20:18 um I don't know well maybe it's perhaps
0:20:21 you know part of the rationale behind
0:20:22 creating this new sort of syncretistic
0:20:24 abrahamic religion in the singular
0:20:27 under the guise of sort of unity and
0:20:29 tolerance is to convince Muslims uh who
0:20:32 have already embraced this new religion
0:20:34 that this coming sort of false Messiah
0:20:36 will also be their Messiah so this new
0:20:39 Temple will be there or their Temple but
0:20:42 really it isn't so I don't know it's
0:20:44 it's very it's very strange things
0:20:45 happening you know very uh very strange
0:20:48 I saw um the news recently that um about
0:20:50 five or six red heifers
0:20:52 um have been shipped from Texas I think
0:20:55 from your country these days
0:20:58 um to Jerusalem
0:21:00 um uh why because uh allegedly this is
0:21:02 in the Torah and they're going to be
0:21:03 needed for uh sacrifice in the temple
0:21:06 when it's rebuilt uh presumably sometime
0:21:08 soon because we've got these animals
0:21:09 that are not going to be living like
0:21:11 decades and decades but um
0:21:13 um I saw that I mean what's your take on
0:21:15 that these red heifers being prized and
0:21:18 shipped over and you know looked after
0:21:20 for the new Temple of sacrifices yeah if
0:21:23 things like that are really interesting
0:21:24 to me
0:21:25 um there are some very interesting
0:21:27 developments uh happening right now and
0:21:29 the sort of topic of messianism which is
0:21:31 one of my favorite uh topics so right
0:21:34 now in in Palestine so-called Israel
0:21:36 there are there is a lot of messy ionic
0:21:39 fervor in the air
0:21:42 um I've I've heard that there are even
0:21:43 rabbis who are apparently claiming
0:21:46 that they're long-awaited King Messiah
0:21:48 has arrived or will arrive imminently
0:21:52 um Israel's uh leading Rabbi Rabbi
0:21:55 kavieski who actually died in March of
0:21:59 this year 800 000 people attended his
0:22:01 funeral highly highly respected he was
0:22:04 reported to have said on multiple
0:22:06 occasions that the Messiah is already
0:22:08 here and that he was holding secret
0:22:10 counsel with him I mean God knows what's
0:22:13 actually you know going on maybe this is
0:22:14 you know fake news maybe this is um red
0:22:17 airing or some sort of misdirection
0:22:19 although you know the history of
0:22:21 pseudo-messias and Jewish history is a
0:22:23 really interesting topic it's very long
0:22:25 yeah and there was other at the Messiah
0:22:27 who died in New York wasn't it I forget
0:22:29 his name but uh he was still called
0:22:32 schneerson yeah yeah they have pictures
0:22:35 he was a Chabad Rabbi um they actually
0:22:38 put his pictures up in New York in them
0:22:40 yeah caption that says the Messiah uh is
0:22:44 here yeah there was a Messianic claimant
0:22:46 in the 17 Century in Turkey she baptized
0:22:48 fee who actually convinced Jews from all
0:22:49 around the world
0:22:50 that he was the Messiah and he actually
0:22:53 ended up converting to Islam so as
0:22:56 Muslims we know that whoever you know
0:22:58 this person is if he exists he's not the
0:23:00 Messiah in reality we know that is
0:23:03 Jesus the son of Mary is the Messiah and
0:23:07 he's the only Messiah yeah and I believe
0:23:09 in you know and we believe in the second
0:23:11 coming of of Jesus peace be upon him but
0:23:14 this whole
0:23:15 um biblical notion of a coming
0:23:18 davidic King Messiah who will rule the
0:23:21 world at the end of time in my opinion I
0:23:24 think this is a result of a misreading
0:23:25 of the Tanakh and uh a whole lot of
0:23:28 wishful thinking
0:23:30 so the prophecies and descriptions of in
0:23:33 the Tanakh of a davidic king during the
0:23:36 Assyrian period I think were clearly
0:23:38 fulfilled by Hezekiah they seem to be
0:23:41 describing him Isaiah 9 Isaiah 11. the
0:23:43 second set of prophecies during the
0:23:45 Babylonian and Persian periods of a
0:23:47 davidic king who would rebuild the
0:23:49 second temple I believe those things
0:23:51 were written by Israelite scribes who
0:23:53 hoped that such a person would manifest
0:23:55 and free them but it seems that God
0:23:59 himself exposed these statements as
0:24:01 being Fabrications because God chose
0:24:04 Cyrus a Persian king and it was his
0:24:07 edicts that led to the rebuilding of the
0:24:09 second temple and I think the lesson
0:24:11 here is that God does what he wills and
0:24:13 no one can dictate to God
0:24:15 um the rabbis then claimed because they
0:24:18 had to I mean they had to do they had to
0:24:20 say face
0:24:21 um that these descriptions during the
0:24:23 Babylonian and Persian periods uh were
0:24:26 actually describing a third Temple
0:24:28 towards the the end of time and that
0:24:32 this davidic king is yet to come right
0:24:35 So eventually I think they will at least
0:24:37 try to self-fulfill you know this this
0:24:39 uh
0:24:41 of course there is an organization
0:24:43 in so-called Israel I mentioned this
0:24:44 earlier the temple Institute of
0:24:46 Jerusalem uh which is called uh
0:24:50 in in Hebrew and and they actually have
0:24:53 the blueprints done for the Third Temple
0:24:55 wow um they have the menorah already
0:24:58 made the um the Priestly vestments
0:25:03 the stone altar is made the incense
0:25:06 altar is made the breastplate of the
0:25:07 kohen gadol like the high priest several
0:25:10 other items all these items are actually
0:25:12 on display
0:25:14 um and they described a lot of detail
0:25:15 and they painted shook in in the yeah
0:25:17 yeah they're in the Institute Museum and
0:25:20 these are not they they actually specify
0:25:21 these are not models or replicas
0:25:24 they said these items are fit and ready
0:25:26 for use in the service of the Temple
0:25:29 um and I even heard that some of the
0:25:30 kohanin they actually have some aeronite
0:25:32 priests who are ready uh to move these
0:25:35 things into the Third Temple I mean
0:25:37 they're ready to rock and roll
0:25:38 uh Hussein who is the grand Mufti of
0:25:41 Jerusalem
0:25:42 uh he's been saying that you know
0:25:44 underground sort of archaeological
0:25:45 excavations are causing noticeable
0:25:48 cracks in The Columns of uh
0:25:52 right uh so who knows maybe the plan is
0:25:55 a sort of accidental collapse uh of the
0:25:58 mosque and then quickly move the Third
0:26:00 Temple into place
0:26:02 um
0:26:03 but also you mentioned the red heifers
0:26:06 also from the temple this
0:26:09 is what they say they say on Thursday
0:26:11 September 15 2022 5 p.m five perfect
0:26:15 unblemished red heifers
0:26:17 arrived in Israel from the USA you know
0:26:20 Texas a a modest ceremony was held at
0:26:23 the unloading Bay of the cargo terminal
0:26:26 at Ben Gurion Airport where the new
0:26:28 arrivals were greeted and speeches were
0:26:30 made by the incredible people that put
0:26:32 their hearts and souls and means into
0:26:33 making this historic slash prophetic Day
0:26:36 become a reality end quote
0:26:40 so five blemish free one-year-old
0:26:42 uh heifers that is female cows have
0:26:45 recently arrived in Israel so blemish
0:26:48 free means
0:26:49 um totally red not a single black or
0:26:52 white hair and having never been yoked
0:26:55 before
0:26:56 so what is the significance of the
0:26:58 blemish free red heifer uh the the the
0:27:01 uh the blemish free red heifer by the
0:27:04 way is the namesake of the second Surah
0:27:06 of the Quran actually
0:27:11 perfect uh cow that has no Faults
0:27:15 a heifer so according to Jewish belief
0:27:18 there have been nine
0:27:20 uh previous perfect red heifers
0:27:22 sacrificed in Jewish history and the
0:27:24 last one was sacrificed about two
0:27:25 thousand years ago but then as we know
0:27:28 the temple was destroyed uh by the
0:27:29 Romans and 70 the Common Era
0:27:32 um so according to Leviticus the water
0:27:34 that the kohanim the priest of the
0:27:36 temple use
0:27:37 uh for the temple rituals this this
0:27:40 water must be purified by the ashes of a
0:27:43 two-year-old blemish-free red heifer
0:27:46 right uh and the ashes of one heifer can
0:27:49 last for hundreds of years so there are
0:27:51 currently five of them they're all one
0:27:53 year old if one of them makes it a two
0:27:55 years old and is still perfect
0:27:57 uh then the 10th red heifer in their
0:28:00 history will be sacrificed presumably by
0:28:03 their Messiah I mean this is their hope
0:28:05 and then after that the temple and
0:28:07 priesthood can be re-established and I
0:28:09 think it'll push hard to do that I'm not
0:28:12 saying this is going to happen or but
0:28:13 this is what they're hoping for I mean
0:28:15 we should be you know spiritually
0:28:16 prepared for things like this I mean is
0:28:18 the world but really prepared for this
0:28:19 it's all very nice having you know these
0:28:21 red heifers and fantasies about the uh
0:28:24 the re-establishment rebuilding of the
0:28:26 you know the Third Temple but if you
0:28:28 have the rest of the tour as well I mean
0:28:30 you you have I mean there are a few
0:28:31 offenses and just a very very few in
0:28:33 Islam which are capital offenses
0:28:36 um but in if you look at the Torah
0:28:38 there's lots and lots of offenses which
0:28:40 carry the death penalty uh explicitly
0:28:42 not just by stoning but by being burnt
0:28:44 to death you know literally being burned
0:28:47 to death if you're a witch if you're
0:28:48 adulterer if you're homosexual you're a
0:28:50 blasphemer if you apostasize from
0:28:53 Judaism uh these are all death penalty
0:28:56 offenses now are we looking at the
0:28:58 restoration of the whole legal system of
0:29:00 the Torah because your romantic you know
0:29:03 the Romantic feelings about the temple
0:29:04 and heifer is all very nice but if
0:29:06 you're going to have the whole system
0:29:07 consistently which you should do because
0:29:09 you're restoring the the the state of
0:29:12 Israel as it used to be not the current
0:29:14 one
0:29:15 um then either world is Israel already
0:29:17 is America ready to see these Mass
0:29:21 executions and burnings of witches and
0:29:23 apostates and adulterers and homosexuals
0:29:25 I don't think so somehow yeah yeah I
0:29:29 mean some of the Orthodox hold this
0:29:31 belief that when the Messiah comes he's
0:29:34 going to reinstate all of these myths
0:29:36 vote because something like half of a
0:29:38 613 have really no application in the
0:29:41 world right now according to them
0:29:43 because so much so much of it is is
0:29:45 predicated upon the existence of the
0:29:47 temple and the kohanim the sacrifices
0:29:50 and the Sanhedrin
0:29:52 um the religious Sanhedrin which is
0:29:53 which is not there uh so yeah I mean it
0:29:57 seems like um and this is a good
0:29:58 argument for from from us
0:30:01 um that you know nus is a real like
0:30:03 abrogation of certain Commandments is
0:30:06 just a reality I mean for the vast
0:30:08 majority of Israel's history
0:30:11 um almost half of their mitzvot have no
0:30:13 application whatsoever this is a good
0:30:15 sort of circumstantial a good
0:30:17 circumstantial evidence kids that
0:30:19 there's going to be another law code
0:30:21 revealed after the Torah that is more
0:30:24 Universal uh you know uh but yeah some
0:30:27 of the some of the Orthodox hold that
0:30:28 when the Messiah comes all of these
0:30:30 things are going to be reinstituted and
0:30:32 of course as Muslims we have a belief in
0:30:35 an imposter Messiah right yeah and this
0:30:38 is a really important part of our
0:30:40 eschatology
0:30:42 at the job which literally means the
0:30:46 Imposter Messiah
0:30:47 and this is all over our Hadith Corpus
0:30:51 and there's no denying this uh and we're
0:30:54 told in the Hadith that the prophet saws
0:31:00 the prophet himself uh peace be upon him
0:31:04 uh would seek Refuge from The Imposter
0:31:07 Messiah
0:31:09 um and he's you know he's obviously
0:31:10 teaching us uh by example but there's
0:31:13 another Hadith in musnan Ahmad
0:31:16 and there's there's some weakness in the
0:31:18 chain but our Scholars quote it
0:31:20 extensively I mean the meaning is
0:31:21 obviously true even if it's weak uh
0:31:24 where the Prophet is reported to have
0:31:26 said that the the jaw The Imposter
0:31:28 Messiah
0:31:29 will not actually appear until the
0:31:31 people become negligent in talking about
0:31:33 him
0:31:34 and until the preachers on the pulpits
0:31:36 stop mentioning him right so when the
0:31:39 preacher stopped mentioning the the job
0:31:41 in their khutbas this is when the
0:31:43 Imposter Messiah will emerge that's
0:31:46 ironic because you you preached on this
0:31:48 subject recently I saw the the video a
0:31:50 fascinating video but you were lamenting
0:31:52 that indeed precisely what you were
0:31:54 saying has now taken place that people
0:31:56 are no longer preaching on this yeah I
0:31:58 mean I I thought about this for a while
0:32:00 and you know why would Muslim speaker
0:32:02 stop talking about the Imposter Messiah
0:32:05 so I came up with two possible reasons I
0:32:08 mean I don't know I'm just speculating
0:32:10 uh but it seems to me that that one
0:32:12 reason seems to be obliviousness to the
0:32:16 culture of the the job uh that there
0:32:18 will come a time when we are so
0:32:20 inundated
0:32:21 uh by these sort of dijolic zeitgeist uh
0:32:25 that we just think it's normal this is
0:32:27 just you know it's life as usual we we
0:32:29 don't think to even imagine that we're
0:32:31 surrounded by the culture of the
0:32:33 Imposter Messiah you know it's like a
0:32:34 it's like a fish
0:32:36 uh who's born in a fish tank and then is
0:32:40 asked by another fish how's the fish
0:32:42 tank and he says what fish tank there's
0:32:44 a fish tank you know in other words yeah
0:32:46 you know pornography is everywhere this
0:32:48 is just normal you know uh you know
0:32:51 advanced technology becomes the summit
0:32:53 of achievement you know gluttony and
0:32:56 greed Hedonism all these things are sort
0:32:57 of normalized entertainment is
0:32:59 normalized people waste time men and
0:33:02 women you know stop acting like men and
0:33:04 women you know there's gender confusion
0:33:06 just another day totally normal uh and
0:33:09 then the second thing that occurred to
0:33:10 me is is just censorship
0:33:13 um in other words the reason why
0:33:15 speakers will stop mentioning the
0:33:16 Imposter Messiah uh is because they'll
0:33:19 be censored yeah silenced I mean it once
0:33:22 happened to me I mean I once gave a
0:33:23 hookah
0:33:24 Messiah and it was suddenly removed and
0:33:27 I thought to myself how ironic right
0:33:29 imagine a Muslim comes to me and says
0:33:32 why is it that you hateebs never talk
0:33:34 about the dejao and your foot was and I
0:33:36 said well I did but it was censored you
0:33:40 know thus giving the impression that you
0:33:41 know I didn't say uh I didn't say
0:33:43 anything because in some countries the
0:33:45 censorship is far more sales like in
0:33:47 France where you can literally be
0:33:48 expelled from the country as it happened
0:33:51 to uh an Imam not in a number of months
0:33:54 ago who uh was literally kicked out of
0:33:56 France for just to just um reciting the
0:33:59 Quran when it talked about the different
0:34:01 gender roles that men and women have and
0:34:03 this was seen as violating the secular
0:34:05 Norms of the Republic
0:34:07 yeah yeah it's very interesting
0:34:10 um you know there's a really really I
0:34:13 mean all the all of these Hadith are
0:34:15 just they're just amazing but there's a
0:34:17 Hadith in the in the sun of Abu dawood
0:34:19 where the prophet salallahu he says he
0:34:22 says and he you know he warned us about
0:34:24 these things we should take these things
0:34:25 very seriously he said let him who hears
0:34:27 about the Imposter Messiah keep a
0:34:28 distance
0:34:29 for I swear by Allah that a man will
0:34:32 come to him thinking he's a firm
0:34:33 believer
0:34:34 and then end up following him because of
0:34:37 confused ideas or heretical matters
0:34:39 shubu hat roused in him by the uh
0:34:44 imposter Messiah so the Oscar Messiah
0:34:46 not just the you know actual physical
0:34:48 person but this the whole culture of the
0:34:50 system the Zeitgeist of the dejal raises
0:34:53 these shubu hats in the religion in in
0:34:55 the Deen in other words people who
0:34:57 identify as Muslim will eventually leave
0:35:00 Islam and follow this imposter Messiah
0:35:02 because the Imposter Messiah will
0:35:05 confuse them and cause them to to doubt
0:35:07 their religion you know so you know he's
0:35:10 going to you know criticize and raise
0:35:11 suspicions about normative
0:35:14 traditional prophetic Islam he's trying
0:35:17 to redefine Islam you know and we know
0:35:19 that if if words lose their definitions
0:35:21 then you know they can mean whatever we
0:35:24 want and this is happening now there's a
0:35:25 clear assault on language right today
0:35:28 there are people who identify as Muslim
0:35:29 uh but oppose things that are
0:35:33 like axiomatically
0:35:35 undeniably self-evidently known to be
0:35:38 part of the religion right so for
0:35:41 example they think there's nothing wrong
0:35:42 with being Muslim and living you know
0:35:43 homosexual lifestyle or transgender
0:35:45 lifestyle or bringing being pro-abortion
0:35:49 or believing in critical race Theory
0:35:51 things like this um or believing that
0:35:54 the Quran is not actually the words of
0:35:56 God but they're sort of the inspired
0:35:57 words the prophet uh or that the Sharia
0:36:00 like Salon zakah these things are
0:36:02 optional
0:36:03 um or you could be like a you know a
0:36:05 moderate uh alcohol Drinker as a Muslim
0:36:08 uh you can sort of combine religions
0:36:11 like I said one time I mentioned this in
0:36:13 the recently as well I was at the UC
0:36:16 Berkeley campus and I met a brother who
0:36:18 said he was a Buddhist Muslim
0:36:22 what's a Buddhist Muslim a moodist uh I
0:36:26 said what do you mean by that and he
0:36:27 said well I believe in reincarnation you
0:36:28 know I believe in some of the Quran and
0:36:30 some of it's correct but I also believe
0:36:32 and it's just very strange you know it's
0:36:35 like what one could say is an outsider
0:36:37 well this is California isn't it really
0:36:38 and what do we expect in California yeah
0:36:41 you should sort of have to look you have
0:36:43 to hunt around around here to actually
0:36:44 find a career like a traditional
0:36:46 Christian to have a good uh uh
0:36:49 conversation with
0:36:51 um but yeah I mean there's there's uh
0:36:53 there's a very prominent Muslim uh
0:36:55 feminist Professor who teaches in
0:36:57 colleges and universities and she
0:36:59 teaches that if the Quran you know says
0:37:01 something that you don't like something
0:37:03 that hurts your feelings you just say no
0:37:04 to Allah that's what she says
0:37:08 this is sort of her method of dealing
0:37:11 with these with these verses and the
0:37:14 basic Point what the word Islam actually
0:37:16 means itself you know Islam means
0:37:18 submission it doesn't mean saying no to
0:37:20 God it means submitting to God uh it
0:37:23 seems like a very basic Point principle
0:37:25 missing from what you've just said yeah
0:37:26 it's it's uh it's very strange you know
0:37:29 it's um wow I also mentioned this when I
0:37:32 was a kid you know I had non-muslim uh
0:37:34 teachers who would tell me that if
0:37:35 anyone ever offered me drugs I should
0:37:38 just say no right and nowadays we have
0:37:40 so-called Muslim professors telling
0:37:42 Muslims just say no to Allah
0:37:45 right and these things you know these
0:37:47 things are addressed in the Quran you
0:37:48 know Allah he says in the Quran he says
0:37:54 he says those who are those who are
0:37:58 anchored in knowledge they say we
0:38:00 believe in it meaning the Quran all of
0:38:03 it is from God that's right so I think a
0:38:07 major problem is that you know just a
0:38:08 lot of Muslims in the west are just so
0:38:10 confused you know apparently very
0:38:13 confusing times even though I would
0:38:14 argue that our religion is very clear
0:38:17 our beliefs are clear this is not
0:38:19 complicated you know we we confuse
0:38:22 ourselves it seems like you know the
0:38:24 Quran is called kitab mubin which means
0:38:26 a clarifying book the prophet salallahu
0:38:29 in the Quran is called which means a
0:38:32 clear evidence he said
0:38:35 what that which is listed and illicit is
0:38:38 is clear right but it seems like this
0:38:41 you know sort of anti-christic culture
0:38:43 uh this sort of anti-theistic zeitgeist
0:38:47 says introduce these shubu hat where
0:38:49 these these heresies that are causing
0:38:51 people to really have serious doubts
0:38:53 about traditional Islam
0:38:55 um uh Islam you know people in America
0:38:58 became very very uh um polarized you
0:39:02 know which is not a not a good sign
0:39:04 right
0:39:05 um
0:39:06 what's going on in your your country at
0:39:09 the moment yeah yeah it's um you know
0:39:11 you have you have uh sort of uh you know
0:39:14 the ultra Omega people on one side and
0:39:17 you have this sort of extra woke
0:39:19 liberals on the other side
0:39:21 so you have one you have one group
0:39:23 basically saying no more mosques in
0:39:24 America then you have the other group
0:39:25 saying more gay mosques in America you
0:39:28 know Muslims that you know neither group
0:39:30 is our Ally right right there there are
0:39:33 many Muslims who feel like they need to
0:39:34 sort of choose sides we just don't fit
0:39:38 it with either group we're Misfits and
0:39:40 that's okay it's actually a good thing
0:39:42 right you know yeah the prophet said
0:39:45 that you know this religion began as
0:39:47 something something strange
0:39:50 to something strange so so fat So Glad
0:39:54 Tidings you know uh to The Strangers
0:39:58 um and so you know we apparently are
0:40:01 very strange to people
0:40:03 um to Modern people people are sort of
0:40:05 steeped in this post-modern culture you
0:40:08 know we believe in Traditional Values
0:40:10 traditional you know morality we believe
0:40:13 that God you know acts in the world we
0:40:15 don't drink we don't fornicate we fast
0:40:17 for a month these are very strange for
0:40:19 people nowadays you know people that's
0:40:22 that's that's good this is this is Glad
0:40:24 Tidings from uh from the prophet himself
0:40:27 kind of on that one of the good news
0:40:29 stories I think of for me of 20 22.
0:40:32 um was the the census this is a sense of
0:40:35 the population in the UK anyway uh that
0:40:37 was published just about several weeks
0:40:39 ago and and it showed uh very sadly and
0:40:42 I I'm genuinely not happy that there has
0:40:44 been a very continuing steep decline of
0:40:47 Christian practice and identity in
0:40:49 Britain I say I'm generally not happy
0:40:51 because the alternative is simply
0:40:54 nothing is consumerism materialism
0:40:56 nihilism wokism
0:40:59 um but the big exception story to to
0:41:01 this was uh the continuing solidity and
0:41:05 uh popular popularity of the Muslim
0:41:08 communities that they are passing on
0:41:10 their faith the parents are passing on
0:41:12 to their children and often the children
0:41:14 are more religious than their parents I
0:41:16 mean this is so counter to what should
0:41:18 be happening
0:41:20 um with religions certainly with
0:41:21 Christianity anyway where you see you
0:41:23 know uh I spoke to uh a professor from
0:41:26 King's College who's an expert
0:41:27 sociologist uh on this uh in the UK and
0:41:31 um you know fascinating stuff she was
0:41:33 saying so um Muslims there are some
0:41:35 really good news stories I think that
0:41:37 Muslims are holding on to their faith uh
0:41:39 that they're not diluting it mostly or
0:41:41 overwhelmingly in art and and it's been
0:41:44 passed on and their children are not
0:41:45 getting you know bit by bit less and
0:41:47 then their children are getting less
0:41:48 religious on the contrary there seems to
0:41:51 be a revitalization of the faith
0:41:53 um that's amazing a good news story of
0:41:56 2022 I think yeah no I I saw that as
0:41:59 well you know this this increase in
0:42:02 people becoming nuns not Catholic nuns
0:42:05 but n-o-n-e-s right they don't want to
0:42:08 affiliate with any type of of religion
0:42:10 whatsoever yes um you know it's just you
0:42:13 know it's uh we we have Muslims tend to
0:42:16 have very strong foundational roots
0:42:19 right uh in the religion and
0:42:22 um those things are you know once
0:42:24 they're ingrained they're they're very
0:42:26 very hard to to pull out of a person's
0:42:29 being
0:42:30 um and and Islam is a religion where
0:42:33 you know you there's there are certain
0:42:35 things we have to do physically with our
0:42:36 bodies yeah we have to pray five times a
0:42:39 day uh so when when the youth see that
0:42:42 that's why it's so important for for
0:42:44 parents to be to practice what they
0:42:46 preach because they can they can talk
0:42:47 all day long and they can pontificate
0:42:49 and and uh and you know uh you know
0:42:53 until the cows come home until the red
0:42:55 heifers come home apparently but but if
0:42:58 they're not actually practicing the
0:42:59 religion you know the youth may not say
0:43:01 anything to their parents because they
0:43:03 don't want to disrespect them but they
0:43:04 notice that they notice that hypocrisy
0:43:06 but if they're actually practicing you
0:43:08 know they they start from a young age
0:43:10 it's it's it's uh it's it's almost like
0:43:12 riding in stone you know it is I mean I
0:43:15 think lots of churches obviously when I
0:43:16 was a Christian as well I like to say
0:43:18 compare and contrast the the the the
0:43:20 attendance at places of worship
0:43:22 comparing Church from mosque in the UK
0:43:23 then there's no comparison I mean today
0:43:26 I went to you know German mosque it was
0:43:28 totally packed
0:43:30 um and mostly younger people as well and
0:43:32 that's typical as not some exception
0:43:34 whereas most Christian churches in the
0:43:36 UK unfortunately is much more serious
0:43:39 here perhaps in America
0:43:40 um are are empty you might get um a
0:43:44 scattering of uh old people lesson uh
0:43:47 but that's it uh whereas the norm has
0:43:49 always been I've never been to a mosque
0:43:50 it's not he you know it's not bursting
0:43:52 at the seams trying to accommodate
0:43:54 everyone
0:43:56 um and you just can't move the Muslims
0:43:58 everywhere and they're all taking their
0:44:00 religion really seriously and um
0:44:03 alhamdulillah that's an amazing thing to
0:44:05 see uh to be honest it's difficult to
0:44:08 overstate the contrast it is
0:44:10 dramatically different Christian
0:44:11 practice and Muslim practice in the even
0:44:13 in the UK is very different
0:44:15 yeah no even like um Interfaith
0:44:18 dialogues nowadays I mean the youth and
0:44:20 churches they're not sure I mean just my
0:44:22 experience I mean it's it's anecdotal uh
0:44:25 you know make of it what you want but
0:44:27 you know I I do a lot of interfaith
0:44:29 dialogues in churches and I rarely see
0:44:32 youth in these churches it's just a
0:44:34 bunch of old people this is America
0:44:35 where the religion is more vital perhaps
0:44:39 it's very strange I'm just I'm just
0:44:41 talking to older folks like my parents
0:44:43 generation these are people who attend
0:44:45 these events
0:44:46 um so you know I guess if there isn't
0:44:49 you know like music and you know some of
0:44:50 these churches you go it's like a rock
0:44:51 concert right yes yes
0:44:55 but why is it like you see this
0:44:57 particularly in America these mega
0:44:58 churches you have we have them here less
0:45:00 so but you know have qatars rock bands
0:45:02 singers a whole choir it's like a rock
0:45:05 concert and you wonder why Always to
0:45:07 bring the young people in of course
0:45:09 there is no music at all in mosques I
0:45:11 mean if there were there'd be an outcry
0:45:13 isn't it it's literally nothing like
0:45:14 that at all
0:45:16 um and again extreme uh difference but
0:45:19 they're not holding on to the young
0:45:20 people are they in the churches even
0:45:21 when they have the rock concerts going
0:45:22 on yeah that's that's true yeah part of
0:45:26 the and and no you're right the Muslim
0:45:29 youth are holding on to their Dean but
0:45:31 um I've noticed also uh when you know
0:45:34 they they go to high school or college
0:45:36 there is a bit of uh you know there is a
0:45:40 difficulty that they definitely
0:45:41 experience of course navigating uh those
0:45:44 those spaces yeah these colleges and
0:45:47 universities in the west are I mean
0:45:49 they're just becoming total disasters
0:45:50 right for people of religion they're
0:45:53 almost becoming absolutely toxic yeah I
0:45:57 mean
0:45:57 um Higher Learning Academia is becoming
0:46:00 fundamentally almost anti-theistic so so
0:46:03 at first uh you know Academia was
0:46:06 theistic right so like Harvard and Yale
0:46:09 and uh Georgetown uh I mean these
0:46:12 started as Christian seminaries uh
0:46:15 education was sought for the sake of God
0:46:17 uh there was a theistic worldview
0:46:21 um a metaphysic based upon you know
0:46:23 scripture and tradition and then
0:46:25 Academia became atheistic
0:46:27 where there's no God right and if you
0:46:31 believe in God that's your business but
0:46:32 just keep God out of here but now in
0:46:34 this sort of postmodern post-truth you
0:46:37 know world uh Academia has become
0:46:39 anti-theistic which really means two
0:46:42 things number one the belief in God and
0:46:44 practice of religion need to go just
0:46:46 throw it all out or if you insist in
0:46:48 believing in God uh that's okay but you
0:46:51 must reject traditional religion you
0:46:55 must change your beliefs for the sake of
0:46:56 hurt feelings otherwise you're just you
0:46:59 know patriarchal misogynist and
0:47:00 homophobic and a bigot
0:47:02 you know there are a few schools that
0:47:04 continue to you know keep it real as it
0:47:06 were like Thomas Aquinas College I think
0:47:09 um make their faculty and students
0:47:11 pledge uh that they're committed to the
0:47:13 to the magisterium
0:47:15 um I think Ava Maria uh University as
0:47:18 well right there's there's Catholic
0:47:19 schools of course it's a tuna uh you
0:47:22 know our our fundamental
0:47:24 um metaphysic and world view is
0:47:26 traditional Islam the Sunni tradition we
0:47:28 teach both uh the Islamic and Western uh
0:47:32 tradition as well as both canons right
0:47:34 and it's important for students to to be
0:47:37 you know literate in both Traditions I
0:47:39 mean John basically I understand the
0:47:41 roots of the western tradition it didn't
0:47:43 just come about yesterday it has long
0:47:44 roots to go back to ancient Greece and
0:47:46 and Christianity and Judaism and the
0:47:48 Renaissance Enlightenment and it goes on
0:47:50 and on this story but they're complex
0:47:52 roots that feed in very much in very
0:47:55 clear ways to uh the Zeitgeist that we
0:47:58 experienced in zeit cause we have didn't
0:47:59 just pop out of nowhere and it's not
0:48:01 natural it's not the the universal
0:48:03 Natural State of Affairs the world
0:48:05 should be it's recent it's very
0:48:07 culturally and historically specific to
0:48:10 a particular part of the world
0:48:11 particularly historical context and
0:48:14 particularly philosophical tradition as
0:48:15 well which we can map out uh we can
0:48:18 understand we can see where we come from
0:48:21 and where we're going and it's great
0:48:23 that your college is educating people in
0:48:25 that because it helps them to negotiate
0:48:28 and deal with these um ideologies which
0:48:31 just have the force at the moment of
0:48:32 like a force of nature when they hit
0:48:34 people but they're not that they're
0:48:36 they're recent and they're very
0:48:37 culturally and historically Pacific to
0:48:40 California and other parts of the West
0:48:42 right yeah no people need to learn the
0:48:45 Trivium and this is this is really like
0:48:47 grammar logic and rhetoric these are the
0:48:50 liberal arts right these are the liberal
0:48:52 arts and people hear the phrase liberal
0:48:54 arts sometimes they get the wrong idea
0:48:56 they they hear liberal and they think
0:48:58 about it oh yeah
0:49:01 it was a bad time that means left wing
0:49:04 yeah yeah exactly or they hear arts and
0:49:06 they think like underwater basket
0:49:07 weaving right so the word the word
0:49:10 liberal comes from the Latin for Freedom
0:49:12 right so liberal arts these are the
0:49:15 freeing tools these are these are tools
0:49:17 that free our minds they allow us to
0:49:19 think critically outside the box and
0:49:22 these are the most powerful tools that
0:49:23 one can possibly possess they literally
0:49:25 move the world right the most
0:49:27 influential people in history or masters
0:49:29 of these tools one of my teachers said
0:49:31 the prophet Muhammad was the most
0:49:34 logical human being he was always
0:49:36 grammatically correct right and he was
0:49:38 the most rhetorically powerful person
0:49:40 who ever lived you know so language is
0:49:43 power and and uh and Advocates of the
0:49:46 current Zeitgeist they understand this
0:49:48 so if they can control our language they
0:49:50 can control our ideas and I don't know
0:49:52 if you heard about this but Stanford
0:49:53 University they just released something
0:49:56 called the um the the harmful language
0:49:59 guide right it's a harmful language guy
0:50:01 so that's Stanford University it's
0:50:04 harmful apparently now to say the word
0:50:05 American you can't say the word American
0:50:08 you can't say the word immigrant you
0:50:11 know you can't say like there's an
0:50:13 expression beating a dead horse right
0:50:15 you can't say that because somehow this
0:50:18 sort of um encourage people to abuse
0:50:21 animals you can't say landlord you can't
0:50:23 say Manpower right for obvious reasons
0:50:26 you can't say stupid you can't say homes
0:50:28 you can't say prostitute you know you
0:50:30 have to say a person engaged in sex work
0:50:32 you know we want to offend the
0:50:34 prostitutes right and and the tragic
0:50:37 aspect of this is that these freeing
0:50:39 tools are seldom taught anymore
0:50:42 right or people don't value them and we
0:50:45 should know that there's a reason for
0:50:46 that I mean the elites don't want people
0:50:47 to think for themselves right
0:50:50 I mean there's a particularly risible
0:50:53 laughable examples about unfortunately
0:50:55 serious given where it's coming from but
0:50:57 this this rock started a long time ago I
0:50:59 remember the the in the abortion debate
0:51:01 even the word fetus for example simply
0:51:03 means young one in in Latin it doesn't
0:51:06 uh it doesn't have a special
0:51:09 um it doesn't mean anything other than
0:51:10 what it is a an unborn child and this
0:51:13 idea of a woman being with child or
0:51:15 expecting a child but when it comes to
0:51:18 abortion suddenly you get this kind of
0:51:20 special language like The Unwanted
0:51:22 pregnancy these euphemisms that
0:51:24 desensitize you to the reality of what's
0:51:27 being proposed which is a killing of an
0:51:30 unborn child so the use of or the other
0:51:32 one has got a collateral damage famously
0:51:33 you know during war oh we're not killing
0:51:36 civilians who are gonna men women should
0:51:38 just collateral damage
0:51:40 but we're used to creating these false
0:51:43 words really really to throw us off the
0:51:46 scent so we're not really looking hot
0:51:47 straight on at reality we can pretend
0:51:49 it's not there and yeah or like like
0:51:52 it's not it's not a baby it's a fetus
0:51:54 well yeah I mean fetus is Latin for baby
0:51:57 so yeah exactly it's not a baby it's a
0:52:00 baby right the people don't know that's
0:52:03 what fetus means they think it's some
0:52:04 special different word but it's simply a
0:52:06 euphemism
0:52:08 to avoid
0:52:10 um absolutely we move on just uh uh talk
0:52:14 a little bit about the Andrew Tate
0:52:17 conversion and this is ongoing in the
0:52:20 news I mean he's just a a court
0:52:22 apparently in Romania where uh he lives
0:52:25 um has ruled uh that he should remain in
0:52:28 custody for 30 days for some alleged
0:52:30 offenses and I I saw some footage of him
0:52:33 being taken away where he says uh just I
0:52:36 think one statement this is the Matrix
0:52:38 or the Matrix is doing this or something
0:52:40 like that I thought a very evocative
0:52:43 thing of course social media if you look
0:52:45 at the the trending subjects in social
0:52:47 media on Twitter for example uh right at
0:52:49 the top there is Matrix and I thought I
0:52:51 was a new Matrix film out so I clicked
0:52:53 on it the canoe written no is ordered to
0:52:56 rotate and the Matrix so you could use
0:52:59 all these emails about oh The Matrix has
0:53:00 got hold of him and now I'm not I'm not
0:53:02 mocking but I mean it's a very serious
0:53:04 thing what's happening but what's your
0:53:06 take on his conversion as such uh yeah
0:53:08 this was this was definitely one of the
0:53:09 biggest events on social media having to
0:53:12 do with Islam in 2022 you know
0:53:16 um you know I'm not necessarily a fan of
0:53:18 Andrew Tate I don't follow him uh and
0:53:21 rather than going around quoting him we
0:53:23 should really be quoting the prophet
0:53:25 Muhammad who's our real role model so
0:53:28 obviously Andrew Tate has a lot to learn
0:53:30 uh but Tate's conversion was an
0:53:32 interesting case study for me right so
0:53:35 what was so um what was interesting
0:53:38 about this conversion was the reaction
0:53:41 of any many Muslims right the reaction
0:53:44 was so strange to me
0:53:46 um from one aspect like a theological
0:53:48 aspect uh but from another aspect given
0:53:51 the fact that you know a type of sort of
0:53:53 militant feminism I think has so
0:53:54 permeated the minds of so many Muslims
0:53:57 that that it really wasn't a shock that
0:53:59 many reacted the way they did you know
0:54:01 somebody showed me a tweet of some
0:54:03 sister who actually
0:54:05 um conditioned her apostasy
0:54:08 upon him being welcomed as a Muslim by
0:54:12 other Muslims I mean it's totally
0:54:13 ludicrous I mean she literally said that
0:54:15 if he's welcomed in our community I will
0:54:18 leave Islam and then deal with uh God on
0:54:22 the day of judgment I mean this is
0:54:23 totally insane so I think the overall
0:54:25 lesson here is we should never question
0:54:26 a person's Islam right no matter how
0:54:29 unlikely his conversion may seem unless
0:54:32 he obviously commits some clear
0:54:33 unambiguous Act of kufur right but we
0:54:37 should never allow anyone's actions to
0:54:39 damage our own relationship with with
0:54:42 our Lord I mean as Muslims we believe in
0:54:44 the qadar we submit to the decree of God
0:54:47 uh so this is the point I wanted to make
0:54:49 I mean it's dangerous let's not play
0:54:51 found with you know took fear right
0:54:53 anathematizing you know other Muslims
0:54:57 in my mind uh when when people who are
0:55:00 steeped in sin become Muslim this is a
0:55:03 testament to the greatness of this
0:55:04 religion yes well people is a probably
0:55:07 always been such a terrible sinner
0:55:08 therefore he couldn't possibly become a
0:55:10 Muslim and I'm thinking hang on a second
0:55:13 Islam is about salvation it's about you
0:55:16 know rescuing people from the darkness
0:55:18 of a previous life to a a new life with
0:55:21 God and shouldn't we be more welcoming
0:55:23 uh at least given the benefit of Doubt
0:55:25 and just see what happens
0:55:27 yeah of course I I mean we believe in in
0:55:30 Allah who's an omnipotent uh Lord of the
0:55:35 universe who can change hearts and and
0:55:37 the prophet himself he would make Dua
0:55:38 for influential to uh for influential
0:55:40 people
0:55:41 uh like in Mecca because he knew that
0:55:44 they had the potential to bring that
0:55:47 same type of influence for the cause of
0:55:49 Islam so he would send letters to Kings
0:55:51 because they were people of influence he
0:55:53 made Dua for and for abujah to become
0:55:56 Muslim they were people of influence and
0:55:58 of course before Islam uh said
0:56:01 who was obviously very hostile to Islam
0:56:05 and to Muslims and he was actually
0:56:07 resolved upon the most evil intention in
0:56:10 the history of humanity I mean he was
0:56:11 going to go kill the prophet he
0:56:13 literally picked up a sword and was
0:56:15 walking to daughter on Arkham with the
0:56:17 intention of killing the prophet I mean
0:56:18 it doesn't get any worse than that and
0:56:20 where is Irma now I mean he's lying in a
0:56:23 garden from The Gardens of paradise and
0:56:24 he was martyred while standing in the
0:56:26 prayer niche of the Prophet salallahu
0:56:29 you know so you know this is um you know
0:56:33 it's a lesson for us it's an interesting
0:56:34 case study I'm also reminded of the
0:56:36 Hadith so so late in the late Medina
0:56:39 period when the idolaters broke the
0:56:42 treaty with the Muslims uh the prophet
0:56:45 salallahu had given them four months to
0:56:47 leave the hijaz or to face hostilities
0:56:49 so during this time a time of War when a
0:56:53 companion named Osama bin Zaid was
0:56:55 actually fighting an idolater in battle
0:56:57 and Osama knocked him down and was about
0:57:00 to strike him when the man shouted right
0:57:05 and Osama struck him anyway and the
0:57:08 prophet was informed about this so he
0:57:09 summoned Osama and he said to him did
0:57:12 you kill a man who said
0:57:14 and then Usama said
0:57:17 so he said he said he only did that to
0:57:20 save his life
0:57:21 right in other words he didn't really
0:57:23 mean it and the prophet was actually
0:57:25 furious with him and he said
0:57:31 so he said he said did you check inside
0:57:34 his art exactly verify his assumption in
0:57:37 other words we don't we don't know the
0:57:39 hearts only Allah does it is not our
0:57:41 business to question anyone's shahada
0:57:44 exactly exactly and then the prophet
0:57:46 kept saying to him
0:57:49 what are you going to do with
0:57:52 on the day of judgment you know so this
0:57:55 is serious matter and so I think people
0:57:57 just we need to think you know more
0:57:59 clearly we need to try to you know
0:58:01 control our emotions
0:58:03 um you should really uh we really need
0:58:06 to stop and sort of think before we
0:58:07 sound off because the prophet peace be
0:58:09 upon him you know he's a famous Hadith
0:58:11 he said he said verily a person utters a
0:58:13 word that he deems harmless but it
0:58:16 results in his falling into the depths
0:58:17 of the Hellfire right so you know we
0:58:20 have to be careful about how we speak
0:58:21 about people especially people who uh
0:58:24 are are Muslim you know yes so I think
0:58:27 that's the lesson yeah I I completely I
0:58:30 was I was quite shocked at some of the
0:58:31 from one or two notable leaders of the
0:58:34 Muslim Community in the UK who spoke
0:58:36 quite just continued to speak
0:58:37 disparagingly about uh Andrew Tate uh um
0:58:42 um and I was quite shocked because this
0:58:43 this guy is now a fellow Muslim and you
0:58:45 know he should be treated as such rather
0:58:47 than as some kind of imposter
0:58:50 um
0:58:51 extraordinary
0:58:52 um well perhaps finally
0:58:53 um could you just give us a a preview of
0:58:56 your uh forthcoming oh yeah presentation
0:58:59 uh in a couple of weeks on blogging
0:59:01 field I think it's scheduled for the uh
0:59:03 13th of January in Charlotte yes in
0:59:06 Charlotte yeah so the topic is going to
0:59:08 be establishing the historical
0:59:10 plausibility of an uncrucified Jesus of
0:59:14 Nazareth peace be upon him so I'll be
0:59:16 speaking specifically about the
0:59:18 historicity of the crucifixion and its
0:59:20 immediate aftermath from a secular
0:59:22 standpoint so so the question I'll be
0:59:24 tackling is is it plausible just
0:59:27 plausible from the standpoint of modern
0:59:30 uh scientific quote-unquote history by
0:59:33 looking closely at the criteria of
0:59:35 modern historiography to conclude that
0:59:37 Jesus was never crucified so if the if
0:59:41 so then the quran's claim about the
0:59:42 crucifixion is historically valid you
0:59:45 know it may not necessarily be the most
0:59:47 plausible but plausible nonetheless so
0:59:50 my contention is that the historicity
0:59:52 the crucifixion is highly over
0:59:53 emphasized by secular historians that
0:59:56 it's a tradition of secular history so
0:59:59 historians continue to endorse it but
1:00:01 when we look closely at the actual
1:00:03 evidence the historical case for the
1:00:05 crucifixion of Jesus is not nearly as
1:00:07 strong as we have the need to believe
1:00:10 um if there is a reasonable doubt that
1:00:13 Jesus was crucified in secular
1:00:15 historians must admit that the quran's
1:00:18 position is at least plausible so my
1:00:21 claim is that I can establish that
1:00:22 historical possibility and actually come
1:00:25 up with a theory of the crucifixion that
1:00:27 is in agreement uh with the Quran in
1:00:30 other words we don't need to postulate
1:00:31 the historically implausible in order to
1:00:33 explain how Jesus was not crucified and
1:00:36 how he was seen after some crucifixion
1:00:39 event
1:00:41 um of course we don't need to do this I
1:00:43 mean we have many good reasons for
1:00:45 believing in Allah and his Messenger
1:00:46 right
1:00:48 um and if Allah on his messenger said
1:00:50 that Jesus was increased specified then
1:00:51 we accept that yeah and this is not an
1:00:53 uncritical or blind acceptance I mean
1:00:55 we're raising our acceptance we're
1:00:57 basing our acceptance on on multiple
1:00:59 factors however in this presentation I
1:01:02 want to specifically address the charge
1:01:04 of secular historians and Christian
1:01:06 polemicists that the Quran contains a
1:01:09 historical error by denying the
1:01:11 crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth so this
1:01:13 is one thing that like William Lane
1:01:14 Craig and Mark Airman agree on right
1:01:18 people agree and I suspect yeah yeah so
1:01:21 we'll look at the evidence I mean the
1:01:22 the the the message and subtext of
1:01:24 Paul's letters the events of the passion
1:01:26 narratives of the gospels uh will raise
1:01:29 important questions are these events
1:01:31 described in the passion narratives of
1:01:33 Matthew Mark Luke and John are they
1:01:34 historically plausible the Last Supper
1:01:36 The Midnight trial you know the the
1:01:39 person of Judas Iscariot whose name has
1:01:42 a really interesting meaning the Pascal
1:01:44 pardon the the attitude of Pontius
1:01:47 Pilate why did the women go to the tomb
1:01:50 so what does this say about the overall
1:01:53 sort of reliability of the entire event
1:01:55 another question is is there material
1:01:58 evidence that Jesus was crucified is
1:02:00 there eyewitness testimony that Jesus
1:02:02 was crucified uh why don't we have the
1:02:04 authentic letters of James and Peter uh
1:02:07 that speak of Jesus's crucifixion why do
1:02:10 we only have Paul why don't we why do we
1:02:13 only have one side of the story
1:02:16 going into all the issues because we
1:02:18 mustn't but uh it's something people um
1:02:20 many perhaps ordinary Christians don't
1:02:22 appreciate that the letters of Peter for
1:02:25 example the one and two people in the
1:02:26 New Testament are seen by most New
1:02:28 Testament Scholars there's forgeries
1:02:30 they're simply not authentic Letters by
1:02:32 Peter uh to Peter by the way is is
1:02:35 probably seen as the most universally uh
1:02:38 accepted forgery in all biblical
1:02:40 scholarship it's it is almost certainly
1:02:42 not by Peter and yet it claims to be
1:02:44 explicitly by Peter it says I was there
1:02:47 I was an eyewitness to the ministry of
1:02:49 Jesus and yet that is the most
1:02:51 universally agreed upon forgery in the
1:02:54 entire New Testament as far as well
1:02:57 I always I was saying so you know just
1:03:00 because it claims to be honest it
1:03:01 doesn't mean it actually is iowan's
1:03:03 testimony for a whole bunch of
1:03:04 historical and literary and other
1:03:05 reasons which really hold a lot of
1:03:07 weight I think yeah yeah I mean it seems
1:03:10 like the early Pauline Christians
1:03:11 understood uh from from their opponents
1:03:14 whoever they were probably other
1:03:15 Christians
1:03:16 uh that their narrative needed some uh
1:03:21 some support from you know Apostolic
1:03:23 support so there's those are yeah
1:03:25 there's definitely questions we're going
1:03:26 to be tackling is the crucifixion even
1:03:27 multiply attested in historical sources
1:03:30 you know is it what the earliest
1:03:31 Christians believe does it fulfill the
1:03:33 Criterion of embarrassment you know in
1:03:35 other words a Christian would never
1:03:37 invent the crucifixion of Jesus because
1:03:39 that is just so embarrassing is that
1:03:41 really true though was it really
1:03:42 embarrassing
1:03:44 um so and at the at the end I'll
1:03:46 actually offer a plausible explanation
1:03:47 as to what happened to Jesus and why
1:03:50 certain people thought he was crucified
1:03:51 enough actually take the audience so
1:03:53 step by step through this story
1:03:55 inshallah well that's uh absolutely
1:03:58 really looking forward to that I can't
1:03:59 wait for that uh really looking forward
1:04:01 to that that'd be uh in Shalom the 13th
1:04:03 of January that's when we record it
1:04:04 anyway
1:04:05 um and it'll go up in a day or two later
1:04:07 uh God willing
1:04:09 um but before we close uh Professor
1:04:11 aliatize anything you want to conclude
1:04:12 about 2022 and are you going to be bold
1:04:16 enough
1:04:17 will you say what you think is going to
1:04:19 happen next year in the next 12 months
1:04:22 next 12 months inshallah you know people
1:04:24 will uh uh um continue to
1:04:28 become Muslim inshallah which is going
1:04:31 to be um a good Fallout that even makes
1:04:35 sense uh from the World Cup and I think
1:04:37 people are going to be doing more
1:04:38 research there's going to be more
1:04:39 opportunities for for dawa people are
1:04:42 going to be contacting
1:04:44 um you know Muslim communities uh
1:04:47 inshallah
1:04:48 um and then also I wanted to conclude by
1:04:50 saying to the viewers to you know
1:04:52 support your channel
1:04:55 um you're obviously doing fantastic work
1:04:56 I think I think most viewers know how I
1:04:59 feel about blogging Theology and it's
1:05:00 the best Channel on YouTube I said it
1:05:02 many times you know thousands upon
1:05:04 thousands of people perhaps millions of
1:05:06 people have benefited and are benefiting
1:05:07 uh from your efforts or contributions to
1:05:09 the public discourse
1:05:11 um so to the viewers you know please
1:05:13 subscribe uh to this channel consider
1:05:15 supporting brother Paul uh on patreon
1:05:19 um you know making high uh quality
1:05:21 educational podcasts this takes a lot of
1:05:23 work and a lot of dedication so at the
1:05:26 very least I ask people to keep you and
1:05:28 blogging theology in their in their
1:05:30 prayers inshallah I'm very I'm very very
1:05:33 blessed and I'm very humbled by by that
1:05:35 and and uh the work that I do and I'm
1:05:37 clear where this comes from it comes
1:05:39 from our creator
1:05:41 um uh who is uh gracious and kind and
1:05:44 has provided me and others with the
1:05:46 means to to do this work so I'm I'm uh
1:05:49 or all gratitude and thanks belong to
1:05:52 him alone so thank you uh thank you very
1:05:55 much Dr Alia Thai for your uh your
1:05:57 review of 2022 uh maybe inshallah we'll
1:06:00 come back this time next year and um
1:06:04 and we'll see what happens in the next
1:06:06 12 months so thank you very much and
1:06:07 until next time