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Islamic Finance and Crypto Part 2 (2021-04-08)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Does usury apply to Fiat currency? Inflation and mitigating against it?

Deep dive into Crypto with guest speaker

  • Staking/StakiLiquidity
  • Yield farming
  • Governance and tokens
  • Additional Discussion on:
  • Forex/Trading Pairs
  • Discussion on Mortgages, Insurance
  • Student Loans
  • Short Selling
  • Drop Shopping
  • Factoring
  • Gold/Silver Exchange Rates - mandated or market lead
  • Doge Coin
  • IOU Based currencies

Summary of Islamic Finance and Crypto Part 2

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses Islamic finance and crypto, focusing on the legal and economic validity of interest and how it varies depending on the jurisdiction. It also discusses the use of fiat currencies, and how inflation can occur due to an increase in the money supply. The presenter discusses how cryptocurrencies can be used to avoid usurious interest rates and inflation, and provides an example of a contract in which a farmer exchanges bushels of wheat for dollars.

00:00:00 Discusses the legal and economic validity of interest being charged on loans, and how it varies depending on the jurisdiction. It also discusses the use of fiat currencies, and how inflation can occur due to an increase in the money supply.

  • 00:05:00 The presenter discusses Islamic finance and crypto, explaining that a bitcoin-based contract can be used to avoid usurious interest rates and inflation. He also provides an example of a contract in which a farmer exchanges bushels of wheat for dollars.
  • 00:10:00 Islamic finance and crypto are both complex and have many implications for the economy. However, cryptocurrencies can also be used to escape the inflation caused by usury.
  • 00:15:00 Islamic finance and crypto are topics discussed with emphasis on the dangers of investing in "yield farming" schemes that involve lending money at high interest rates.
  • 00:20:00 a Muslim finance expert discusses the various Islamic finance platforms and their advantages and disadvantages compared to more traditional banking systems. He also discusses the pros and cons of lending in this field, noting that it is a good way to make money if done correctly. He also provides a brief description of the Celsius platform, which is a lending platform that uses cryptocurrencies as a form of collateral.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the scandals around the Church Bank, which is a bank involved in some past scandals. The bank has lost its sensitivity and is unable to confront society. It is doing well, however, because of its use of blockchain technology.
  • 00:30:00 Islamic finance has been proposed as a possible solution to some of the problems with traditional finance, such as high interest rates and the prevalence of usury. Crypto-based Islamic finance may be a potential solution to these problems, as it would remove the overhead and structure associated with traditional banking systems. However, there are still some challenges to be overcome, such as the need for a widespread acceptance of the technology and the need for people to have a mindset change about how to deal with their money.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses Islamic finance and crypto, and points out that while Islamic banking was originally designed to circumvent traditional financial regulations, Iran has recently found themselves struggling with sanctions. In contrast, crypto-based finance offers a new option for circumventing these restrictions. However, iran is not the only country to face this challenge - Pakistan is also facing similar difficulties due to their lack of understanding of modern finance. Although factoring is not as widely used in the West as it is in some other parts of the world, it is still a legitimate business activity.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses Islamic finance and crypto, focusing on the different types of contracts and investments available. Islamic law views interest as a form of usury, which is prohibited in Islam. This makes it difficult to structure contracts in a way that is compliant with Islamic law, and can have negative consequences for those involved. However, there are a few types of contracts that are compliant, and by understanding the various options and pitfalls involved, individuals can better manage their finances and avoid potential problems.
  • 00:45:00 Islamic finance allows for immediate, direct transactions between different currencies. The system is designed to be more systematic and well-structured than traditional forex exchanges, which can be subject to arbitrage.
  • 00:50:00 discusses Islamic finance and crypto and how it works. The main point is that, in order to make a loan, a broker will often require you to keep a security, such as cash or stocks, in your behalf. This increases the risk of the loan and can result in interest charges.
  • 00:55:00 The main problem with Islamic finance is that some hedge funds who are shorting stocks may have sold stocks which are not real, and when the stock market went against them, they were forced to borrow trillions of dollars from the banks.


discusses Islamic finance and crypto, focusing on the concept of "taratul." Taratul is based on tawatur, or certainty, and is an important part of Islamic finance. The narrator points out that this concept is not always followed in practice, and that there are two places in the Quran where it is specifically addressed. Taratul is important for security reasons, as it helps prevent wars.

01:00:00 discusses Islamic finance and cryptocurrency, noting that while taking user informa kafir is permissible, it's usually not done because the application is "upside down." discusses a hadith which states that "the one who fulfills his contract and treats others fairly is loved by Allah." points out that this hadith is not specific to cryptocurrency, and that it's not clear what will happen to someone who contracts wrongfully in cryptocurrency.

  • 01:05:00 discusses Islamic finance and cryptocurrencies. explains that Islamic finance is not available or available in a limited amount due to legal protection of the usurious system. also discusses the different types of contracts available in Islamic finance, and the reasons why Islamic finance is preferable to traditional finance. concludes that while there is a need for Islamic finance in some cases, it is not necessarily a necessity.
  • 01:10:00 discusses the Islamic concept of "necessity," which can be used as a justification for the allowance of cryptocurrencies in Islam. However, the speaker notes that there is a good argument and a legitimate justification for cryptocurrencies, even for those who do not have a strong need for them.
  • 01:15:00 discusses Islamic finance and crypto and provides an example of a fatwa that is flawed. He goes on to say that, in cases of legitimate Islamic state, the individual would have support in this direction or unknown usuriously. He also discusses the issue of short selling and bitcoin.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses Islamic finance and how it can be used with cryptocurrencies. It discusses the different types of Islamic finance and how they work. It also discusses how a reseller or agent would work with a distributor and how the distributor would be indebted to the reseller. Finally, the video discusses how factoring can be used to settle debts.
  • 01:25:00 The presenter explains that Islamic finance allows for debts to be paid in installments, with a discount given for doing so. He goes on to say that factoring is a different kind of debt, in which the creditor advances the debt rather than waiting for it to be paid. He offers an analogy of factoring as a business providing a service, in which the creditor becomes the provider of the service, rather than the recipient. Finally, he explains that factoring is typically a one-time deal, with the creditor taking on the obligation of collecting the debt in the future.
  • 01:30:00 Islamic finance and crypto discuss how certain authorities are based on evidence and not certitude, and how there can be doubt about an authority's stance on a certain issue.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses Islamic finance and crypto, focusing on the concept of "taratul." Taratul is based on tawatur, or certainty, and is an important part of Islamic finance. The narrator points out that this concept is not always followed in practice, and that there are two places in the Quran where it is specifically addressed. Taratul is important for security reasons, as it helps prevent wars.
  • 01:40:00 The narrator discusses various points about Islamic finance and crypto, including that it is not an authority by itself, that there are many schools of thought, and that there are various issues with the historicity of the madhhabs. He also argues that the idea that there are four schools of Islamic jurisprudence is a fallacy.
  • 01:45:00 an Imam discusses some of the more bizarre aspects of Islamic finance and cryptocurrency. Included are stories of people being sold as slaves, and a suggestion that a debt be sold as a slave. Ultimately, these points of view have been abandoned, but still remain in some Islamic history.
  • 01:50:00 an Islamic scholar discusses the various issues associated with gold and silver prices. He notes that there is no specific hadith about a revealed price ratio for these metals, and that if they are different then exchange as much as you like. He goes on to say that Dogecoin is similar to bitcoin, but that it is later in development and has a greater financial energy because of its lack of intrinsic value.
  • 01:55:00 Discusses Islamic finance and crypto, discussing the similarities between these two fields. The narrator points out that, in terms of fundamentals, both rice and wheat are similar, and that it would make sense for Islamic finance to adopt similar currencies to those already in use, such as the dinar and gold and silver. He goes on to say that, if this is done, other types of currencies could be covered as well.


discusses Islamic finance and cryptocurrency, and how they are similar and different. The presenter argues that both have metaphysical existence, but that Islamic finance is more widely understood. He also argues that cryptocurrencies could lead to the downfall of the Islamic world.

02:00:00 discusses Islamic finance and crypto and compares it to other forms of value. He says that all forms of value have a metaphysical existence and that bitcoin and the hash system exist in a mathematical universe.

  • 02:05:00 Discusses the Islamic concept of rohan (intellectual entity) and how it relates to cryptocurrency and decentralized systems. The narrator notes that while some Muslims understand the concepts, it is not widespread and many are still stuck in classical philosophy.
  • 02:10:00 a Muslim scholar discusses how Islamic finance and cryptocurrencies are similar. He argues that Islamic finance is used for money laundering and so on, and that cryptocurrencies are not even close to the problem that they are made out to be. He also says that Muslim scholars are not immune to cheating, and that the use of cryptocurrencies could lead to the downfall of the Islamic world.
  • 02:15:00 presents Islamic finance and crypto and explains how they are similar and how they are different. The presenter recommends that people use Islamic finance and crypto to improve their understanding of Sharia law.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:19 um
0:00:20 carrying on from last week inshallah it
0:00:22 will be general islamic finance as well
0:00:24 as
0:00:24 uh any additional discussions around
0:00:26 crypto um
0:00:29 if there is anyone on on the list who
0:00:31 has some specific questions around or
0:00:33 actually
0:00:33 actual context uh uh around some of the
0:00:36 terminology like yield farming and all
0:00:38 that kind of stuff feel free uh to
0:00:40 interject uh
0:00:41 you can you can shoot a message into the
0:00:43 chat forum and you know we can we can
0:00:45 give you the floor
0:00:46 um we have a couple of general questions
0:00:48 that were submitted
0:00:50 um bear with me i will dig them out
0:00:55 so one of the questions was around
0:00:58 inflation and mitigating against
0:01:00 depression so
0:01:01 obviously in a fiat world whenever you
0:01:04 um
0:01:05 transact with someone the amount of
0:01:06 money has less value by the time your
0:01:09 term of
0:01:10 uh borrowing is up and then um
0:01:13 it has been discussed in the context
0:01:14 that if these fiat moneys are
0:01:17 uh are really uh the same law applied to
0:01:20 them about usury
0:01:21 because they they depreciate so some
0:01:24 some people argue that's the reason for
0:01:26 the question i think some people argue
0:01:27 that
0:01:28 if you lend in dollars then it's okay to
0:01:31 to charge interest and this is to cover
0:01:33 for the inflation that's that's one
0:01:36 argument
0:01:37 but about this argument is in as so far
0:01:42 legally it's invalid and and and
0:01:45 also economically is not valid why
0:01:49 first of all it is
0:01:52 legally because if you if you say dollar
0:01:54 is a currency now although it is fiat
0:01:56 and that uh originally
0:01:58 it based on on essentially a theft
0:02:01 and a break of covenant between america
0:02:04 which was
0:02:04 backing up with gold and then rescinded
0:02:07 on that whatever it is at the beginning
0:02:09 after that it has been accepted to be
0:02:11 used as medium exchange so it is no
0:02:13 different than gold and silver
0:02:15 as we said if you have tons of gold and
0:02:17 you are in the north pole and shivering
0:02:19 dying of cold then gold will not save
0:02:22 you from bro
0:02:23 thoughts by it you have to buy an ego
0:02:25 and go inside for example
0:02:27 the same apply for the door that there
0:02:29 is a different level of
0:02:30 of evaluation or intrinsic valuation
0:02:34 what that what is the maybe because even
0:02:35 gold what's the meaning of backing
0:02:37 going to sell for what is it it is just
0:02:39 a metal without any human activity or
0:02:41 any human relation it lies in the nature
0:02:43 like
0:02:44 like no difference between it is in any
0:02:46 rock whatsoever except that it's
0:02:48 because it's rare and because it doesn't
0:02:50 stain doesn't oxidize easily and so on
0:02:53 it turns out to be a very useful uh item
0:02:56 and also quite dense and the rarity
0:02:59 allows someone to have a bag with with
0:03:01 10 coins and go around and
0:03:03 do considerable purchases that's it uh
0:03:06 certain culture we're using for example
0:03:08 uh shells something is very nice
0:03:10 especially perfect shells can be used
0:03:13 but gold is more efficient but
0:03:15 they have also value they have static
0:03:17 value and so on so it is
0:03:18 it is essentially the agreement to use
0:03:20 it as currency that's essentially what
0:03:22 it what it makes that's how it emerged
0:03:24 in the historic time
0:03:26 so so this is not an argument that it's
0:03:28 fiat and this is the
0:03:30 inflationary and not all inflation is
0:03:32 due to by the way to
0:03:33 uh uh to a fiat currency
0:03:36 some inflation is doing to increasing
0:03:38 with the money supply
0:03:40 uh which is going back to usury so we're
0:03:42 going down in circle
0:03:43 never ending circle so that's that's uh
0:03:47 that's that's not an argument to allow
0:03:49 the dollar for dollar would increase
0:03:51 the the solution for that but in most
0:03:55 jurisdictions it may be not available
0:03:57 unfortunately
0:03:58 it's partly available for example in
0:04:00 turkey in turkey because in
0:04:02 like 10 15 years ago the era was
0:04:05 depreciating very fast now it has been
0:04:06 stabilized
0:04:07 and the turkish economy seems to be
0:04:09 becoming a little bit more
0:04:10 stable in the last maybe five to ten
0:04:13 years although still
0:04:14 suffering from some inflation but early
0:04:16 about 20 years ago it was
0:04:19 considerable very painful and the people
0:04:21 there agreed then
0:04:22 if they do alone because even even even
0:04:25 if we shared at rest
0:04:26 there's no guarantee that you retain
0:04:28 that you get even your capital back
0:04:30 attained
0:04:31 so they were doing most their contracts
0:04:33 in dollars you barely will be able to
0:04:35 borrow inside turkey at the time
0:04:36 any substantial amount except between
0:04:38 friends and family which may be
0:04:40 even without interest anyway this is
0:04:42 courtesy or
0:04:43 because of love and affection not for
0:04:45 business transaction
0:04:47 uh you were they were using the dollar
0:04:49 as a relatively stable to the
0:04:51 to the uh to
0:04:55 so the solution would be the following
0:04:57 make the contract in stable and
0:04:59 unstable non-depreciating or
0:05:01 non-inflationary uh rightful
0:05:03 make the contracted bitcoin like i lend
0:05:06 you one bitcoin
0:05:07 to be retained one bitcoin at the end of
0:05:09 the year
0:05:10 that's good that's correct no problem
0:05:12 with that then
0:05:14 obviously handing you a bitcoin is not
0:05:16 practical maybe you will not benefit
0:05:17 from it
0:05:18 then we do a surf an exchange exchange
0:05:20 bitcoin for
0:05:21 lyra or for british pound movement at
0:05:24 the price of now
0:05:26 and then you receive the british loans
0:05:27 and go but the contract is in bitcoin at
0:05:29 the end of the year
0:05:30 you come back i or i go to i come to you
0:05:33 say give me my bitcoin
0:05:35 you say i don't have bitcoin handy will
0:05:37 you agree to
0:05:38 receive japanese yen at the today's
0:05:40 price at that price in the future
0:05:42 cannot be agreed in advance if you
0:05:43 agreed in bad ones this is usually
0:05:46 just playing by play going from a fixed
0:05:48 interest in the back door
0:05:50 we agreed on a certain value in the
0:05:52 future which is unknown in the backdoor
0:05:53 it doesn't solve the problem
0:05:55 of haram and the problem even of
0:05:56 inflation
0:05:58 so i may agree most likely or i tell him
0:06:02 no no you'll go by in the market and
0:06:03 bitcoin transferred me from to my
0:06:05 address my address
0:06:06 i have the right to do either no money
0:06:07 most people will be accommodating
0:06:09 so okay japanese is good now what's the
0:06:12 price check the price now
0:06:14 and give me the equivalent things every
0:06:15 year so we have another exchange so the
0:06:17 beginning exchange in the indian
0:06:18 exchange
0:06:18 or the local council era but the
0:06:21 contract is in bitcoin
0:06:22 this way the excuse of of
0:06:27 the excuse of inflation deflation is
0:06:29 gone
0:06:30 there you have no currency or something
0:06:32 with someone saying
0:06:33 bitcoin also looked to its relative to
0:06:36 the lyra but in itself did not fluctuate
0:06:39 so people get fooled so they'll say oh
0:06:41 bitcoin maybe at the beginning of here
0:06:42 at the
0:06:43 it's a peak and then we have a bear
0:06:44 market in between and it goes down maybe
0:06:46 by 80
0:06:48 yeah relative to the dollar which
0:06:50 indicates that there's some problem with
0:06:51 the dollar itself not with the bitcoin
0:06:53 itself
0:06:56 depending on which reference frame
0:06:57 you're using so the solution for that
0:06:59 for those who would
0:07:00 want to avoid the usurious contract is
0:07:02 to
0:07:03 and and to also avoid the issue of
0:07:07 inflation is to do the contract in
0:07:08 bitcoin or in gold if they think
0:07:10 gold is more stable which is most likely
0:07:12 more stable because the amount of gold
0:07:14 in the world is much bigger
0:07:15 that's the reason only maybe in few
0:07:17 years bitcoin will
0:07:19 will have a cup of market capitalization
0:07:21 almost like gold like 10 trillion or
0:07:24 in dollars again where else we got used
0:07:26 to measure everything in dollar we
0:07:27 should have measured everything in gold
0:07:29 but that's not unfortunately the case so
0:07:32 we have 200 in dollars
0:07:34 so uh it may be become 10 15 trillion
0:07:37 that's essentially the market
0:07:38 capitalization of gold and then the
0:07:39 price will be fluctuating is but will be
0:07:41 stable
0:07:42 dating to any other currency so so that
0:07:45 that's that's a solution for
0:07:46 those who come to the museum it may if
0:07:48 you may face legal problems in
0:07:50 in the in the in the domain you are
0:07:53 living
0:07:54 some some will not if you need to
0:07:56 enforce this contract via
0:07:57 in courts or example the other side is
0:07:59 not complying or something like that
0:08:01 then they may say this is not valid you
0:08:03 should have done it in local currency it
0:08:05 may be in some
0:08:06 in some jurisdiction in other
0:08:07 illustrations i don't think there's a
0:08:08 problem
0:08:10 all southeast asia you can have a
0:08:11 contract like that so just choose the
0:08:14 the
0:08:14 the uh the currency or the or the
0:08:18 commodity which you think is the most
0:08:19 stable or the one who should realize
0:08:21 that it is
0:08:22 keeps its value as much as possible for
0:08:24 example you
0:08:25 don't need even if you think gold is is
0:08:27 not that reliable there's a problem with
0:08:29 it and it's taking a delivery
0:08:30 then do the contract in in balance or
0:08:33 oil or do the contracts in
0:08:35 in bushels of wheat or corn
0:08:38 so that's not a good argument to allow
0:08:40 that that's okay to have an interest
0:08:41 because it will balance
0:08:43 the inflation code inflation rate is not
0:08:45 known in advance
0:08:46 and you are not under even even look at
0:08:49 the
0:08:49 calculation of inflation you see for
0:08:51 example in the recent years
0:08:53 people will tell you the inflation rate
0:08:55 has been quite reasonable we don't have
0:08:56 a hyperinflation despite
0:08:58 of the increase of the money supply the
0:09:00 huge increase all over the world
0:09:02 especially this one year in the pandemic
0:09:04 because the massive parenting of money
0:09:06 unlimited printing even lower interest
0:09:09 rate down to zero or even below below
0:09:11 zero negative
0:09:12 which encouraged to almost
0:09:16 insane moral ending and borrowing but
0:09:20 still we see for example
0:09:21 blood and so on is not inflated that
0:09:23 extremely it's actually inflated
0:09:25 the the goods of living of food and so
0:09:27 on have inflated
0:09:28 a bit ten percent maybe but still it's
0:09:30 not what you expect
0:09:32 like hundred percent something like in
0:09:33 the weimar republic or what's something
0:09:35 in argentine
0:09:36 argentina the reason is very simple the
0:09:39 inflation is happening but you don't
0:09:41 notice it's happening in the stock
0:09:42 market
0:09:43 all these run-up stock markets
0:09:45 essentially inflation
0:09:46 because the entities there did not
0:09:49 improve anything in productivity
0:09:51 or price to earning ratio or
0:09:54 dividends to be to be worth of this
0:09:57 obviously dividends are given again in
0:09:58 dollars so maybe the dividend
0:10:00 over shared time password may be two
0:10:02 dollars in the year
0:10:03 it may be now 20 but still the 20 is as
0:10:05 as as bad as the two dollars in time
0:10:07 past
0:10:08 nothing so it's the inflation is there
0:10:11 but it is
0:10:11 in places luckily not rating the usual
0:10:14 consumer yet
0:10:15 at least in in big economy like britain
0:10:18 and america
0:10:19 but in third world economies where the
0:10:21 stock markets are small
0:10:23 and most money goes really for the usual
0:10:25 living and so on the people are hit very
0:10:27 bad
0:10:28 look at venezuela and so on and that's
0:10:31 the reason people
0:10:32 are escaping their complete almost
0:10:34 completely cryptos even governments have
0:10:36 recognized
0:10:36 like venezuela although the motivation
0:10:38 venezuela was really uh
0:10:40 to underrun the american sanctions
0:10:43 that but they should have been wise
0:10:45 enough that's because they are
0:10:46 narrow-minded they are simple-minded
0:10:47 they're the rulers they're the the
0:10:49 people that we kind of blame them with
0:10:51 our
0:10:51 fukaha and also some simple mind like
0:10:54 what here about the fat was our cryptos
0:10:56 and so on
0:10:56 and some countries for everything
0:10:58 foreign
0:11:02 the socialist in south america or the
0:11:04 government they are to be simple-minded
0:11:05 it's a deep issue but the reality is is
0:11:08 like that
0:11:09 is that it doesn't solve the problem of
0:11:11 inflation and
0:11:12 but legally strictly legally it doesn't
0:11:15 it adds to inflation actually
0:11:17 strictly illegally it is uh the
0:11:20 the whole inflation is coming from the
0:11:22 money supply and from the usurya system
0:11:24 itself
0:11:26 that that you can't get income just be
0:11:29 based that you give money someone is to
0:11:31 work as as
0:11:32 as a loan not as a participation which
0:11:34 is liable of gaining unknown
0:11:36 losses yes indeed if you give yourself a
0:11:39 loan there will be some defaults but
0:11:40 these defaults are
0:11:42 are usually very harshly treated by the
0:11:44 law all countries which have usurious
0:11:46 system they have a very strict
0:11:48 system of of usurious uh
0:11:51 loan and protection of that the capital
0:11:53 and our lender the lender has
0:11:55 enormous protection the world war does
0:11:58 not have this protection and if he has
0:12:00 he has to pay back there is no escape
0:12:01 with interest
0:12:02 is unescapable there's no way and if it
0:12:05 is
0:12:05 secured by by by house or like in case
0:12:08 of mortgages
0:12:09 they will sell you they say they will
0:12:11 sell you their your house
0:12:12 without any mercy so it is
0:12:16 under for so this this this this system
0:12:19 is not like participating in
0:12:22 like participation bonds or sukhoi
0:12:25 madhava things like that
0:12:26 there there is a much more risk and the
0:12:28 money is working directly in real
0:12:30 economic i gave a last time the example
0:12:32 of buying a car which i did by throwing
0:12:35 the different there's difference in the
0:12:37 economic activity
0:12:39 there's a certainly difference in the
0:12:41 economic activity because raj
0:12:42 has to pay the money really physically
0:12:44 give the money in the hands of the
0:12:46 dealer
0:12:46 buy the car and have it in its yard even
0:12:48 largely insisted even
0:12:50 that must be in their own yard which is
0:12:52 a good symbolism it doesn't need
0:12:54 you can't keep it in for in custody at
0:12:56 the dealer it is
0:12:57 it's owned by raj or by the bank which
0:13:00 is giving
0:13:00 give you an installment contract for
0:13:02 cars and is there but like i said no no
0:13:04 we have to
0:13:06 they send an agent the driver he drives
0:13:07 it from there to their
0:13:09 own yard your own garage that's there
0:13:11 it's not even in the dealer place
0:13:13 anymore
0:13:14 to make sure that there is no no issue
0:13:16 with any with any
0:13:17 user yourself and then you buy it from
0:13:19 raj he is the seller he's the owner of
0:13:21 the car
0:13:23 and this this this has this have certain
0:13:25 economic activity not
0:13:26 just money going from record to record
0:13:29 even the minimal activity of receiving
0:13:30 the car putting it there waiting for
0:13:32 someone to buy maybe the one who wanted
0:13:33 onija to buy it
0:13:34 change his mind and then they wait for
0:13:36 someone else to uh to come maybe it
0:13:38 takes several months there will be
0:13:39 depreciation
0:13:40 all of these activities are real
0:13:42 activities in the real economy
0:13:43 not in the entire entry in bank in
0:13:46 bankruptcy
0:13:48 and it has effect if it's accumulated
0:13:50 over thousand hundred thousand millions
0:13:52 of people
0:13:53 it has a considerable effect cannot be
0:13:56 neglected that effect is not
0:13:57 is not to be underestimated not to be
0:13:59 neglected all of this work for
0:14:01 for for for a more real economy based on
0:14:04 that what we have
0:14:05 now in hand not what we can borrow and
0:14:07 shift it on the future generation
0:14:09 on the back of them and they get stuck
0:14:11 with it so neither from economic point
0:14:14 of view in the long run
0:14:15 nor from sharia point of view it is uh
0:14:18 it is uh
0:14:19 the claim that they are using fiat and
0:14:21 things like that uh it justify
0:14:23 charging interest because money is
0:14:25 depreciating also
0:14:26 to cover the depreciation it's not
0:14:29 justified but even if you
0:14:30 because you don't know how much the
0:14:32 initiation would be there if you
0:14:34 know it exactly maybe but the only way
0:14:37 to know exactly is to value something
0:14:39 which is not depreciating or you think
0:14:41 it's somehow having an intrinsic
0:14:42 immutable value like referred to gold
0:14:45 that's what i just suggested you do the
0:14:47 contract in gold
0:14:48 or you do the contract in wheat or
0:14:50 barley
0:14:52 and there you are not secure from the
0:14:54 sudden inflation due to events in the
0:14:55 universe which under nobody's control
0:14:57 which is okay
0:14:58 all of us said to suffer if the next
0:15:00 year is dry
0:15:01 no rain or very little air then
0:15:03 obviously we have less sweet
0:15:05 and then the wheat prices will go up or
0:15:08 if it is
0:15:10 nicely any beautiful year of agriculture
0:15:13 with there will be over production of
0:15:15 wheat and with price or
0:15:16 width amount will be available more and
0:15:18 demand will be possibly less or the same
0:15:21 so it will be less desirable and any
0:15:23 other measure it will go down
0:15:27 so that's that's that's concerning this
0:15:28 so this is not a justification for
0:15:30 usually
0:15:31 that's not justification fusary and also
0:15:34 the other
0:15:35 thing that the other usually just
0:15:36 justifications claim that some as hari
0:15:39 that this kid is
0:15:39 if it's a commercial contract it's okay
0:15:42 because the other side is investing and
0:15:43 making money
0:15:44 okay if it is so then why not making
0:15:47 participation or
0:15:48 madara and it's not complicated
0:15:51 especially if the other side
0:15:52 is having even if it's a small business
0:15:55 still it can't be formulated
0:15:58 it can be formulated really it's a bit
0:16:01 complex
0:16:01 than a landing controller landing
0:16:03 correctly usually assembler
0:16:04 usually is very simple that's the reason
0:16:06 the people who have money
0:16:08 prefer usually i lend you that you give
0:16:09 me with this person at the end of the
0:16:11 year i don't bother what you are doing
0:16:12 with it you can go to hell
0:16:13 as long as i have the security i either
0:16:16 physical security like a house
0:16:17 so i can't take it if i don't get or i
0:16:19 have the security at least the law of
0:16:21 the state will enforce you
0:16:22 and then i will put charge against your
0:16:24 salary but charge you
0:16:25 or even come even if you're bankrupt
0:16:27 i'll come and clean your house
0:16:29 leaving you depending upon the law in
0:16:31 england they will leave you one
0:16:32 television
0:16:33 maybe one bed and one table or something
0:16:35 like that they take a rest
0:16:39 that's it so it is it's a user is very
0:16:42 good for the money
0:16:43 the one who has money has cash and the
0:16:45 lazy one who doesn't
0:16:47 and the greedy one who doesn't want to
0:16:48 participate in the economic activity
0:16:50 and take economic risk risk and shift
0:16:53 the risk for everyone else
0:16:57 um we have somebody who can uh find some
0:17:00 more detail around crypto
0:17:01 uh inshallah um so we were going to
0:17:05 discuss more details subjects like yield
0:17:07 farming and things like that and the
0:17:08 brother may well have some additional
0:17:09 questions uh so as
0:17:11 um if brother naim is ready would you
0:17:13 like to
0:17:14 um unmute him if you want to ask
0:17:16 directly
0:17:17 yeah yeah
0:17:20 um there we go
0:17:24 slamming brothers thank you for giving
0:17:26 me the opportunity
0:17:29 um sheikh there's a couple of
0:17:32 issues that are surrounding this market
0:17:34 at the moment because it's so
0:17:35 uh quickly developing and innovating
0:17:39 i get asked the question a lot of the
0:17:40 time about yield farming
0:17:43 and from my perspective nearly all of
0:17:45 that sector
0:17:46 involves usury based products lending
0:17:48 and borrowing
0:17:50 um and they throw in jargon such as
0:17:53 we need really it's not our perspective
0:17:55 what is the reality of real value yeah
0:17:57 the examiner's available there are many
0:17:59 yield farming for example yeah that's
0:18:00 right
0:18:01 uh yen finance the first one was
0:18:04 shot up uh during the real fun farming
0:18:07 but yields are
0:18:08 available earlier like by staking and
0:18:11 taking paws
0:18:12 and things like that so let's say have
0:18:14 you take a look at yield uh
0:18:15 in finance what they do my understanding
0:18:18 is that they
0:18:19 you uh for those who are do yield
0:18:22 farming they have a
0:18:23 they have like a front end like a web
0:18:26 page
0:18:27 you deposit let's say if ethereum for
0:18:28 example or some another or maybe a pair
0:18:31 of things
0:18:31 depending upon how they're structured
0:18:33 nowadays i think some of you have
0:18:35 become so advanced or sophisticated that
0:18:37 they you don't need to provide liquidity
0:18:39 except by one currency
0:18:41 maybe bitcoin or even arab bitcoin
0:18:44 because bitcoin is self-restructured but
0:18:46 not under that easy
0:18:47 but w or w btc
0:18:51 or abc or various calls very various
0:18:55 projects are producing bitcoin so it can
0:18:58 be it can be
0:19:00 used for this purpose for though you put
0:19:02 it in a certain pool
0:19:05 you provide liquidity so there's the
0:19:07 liquidity meaning you private provide
0:19:09 the money because it's really liquidity
0:19:11 it means essentially you provide the
0:19:12 financial energy the money
0:19:15 there and then you you have earnings
0:19:18 this earning is happening from the
0:19:20 participation in the pool
0:19:22 which is contributing to the stability
0:19:24 of that
0:19:25 cryptocurrency whereas say for example
0:19:27 let us say it is cardano for example
0:19:30 participating to a liquidity of this of
0:19:32 the scale
0:19:33 you are producing new cryptocurrency
0:19:35 like mining
0:19:36 producing new blocks so we are doing
0:19:38 real activities
0:19:39 creating new wealth and taking a certain
0:19:42 percentage fixed order and fix is not
0:19:44 really what
0:19:44 taking percentage from that so this is a
0:19:47 perfectly legitimate
0:19:49 investment uh it's not as you know you
0:19:50 know there's no other party like taking
0:19:52 from you the
0:19:53 the cryptos you have deposited let's say
0:19:55 the wp btc or the other for cardano
0:19:59 and promising you that after one day or
0:20:02 ten day or fourteen days because of the
0:20:05 cycle is 14 kardash
0:20:06 after 40 days i give you that plus five
0:20:08 percent no that's not the case
0:20:11 they say it will contribute to
0:20:12 everything we are trying together to
0:20:13 mine
0:20:14 if you go to a certain pool some pools
0:20:16 are more efficient than the others
0:20:17 so it is like like putting your money
0:20:20 going to shops and say
0:20:21 you need capital to buy goods and so on
0:20:23 okay yeah i give you some capital
0:20:25 you you go and buy from the wholesaler
0:20:27 and try to sell as much as you can and
0:20:29 so on and give me at the end of 14 day
0:20:31 a share of the of the profit let's
0:20:32 profit sharing
0:20:34 so that's that's what that's the most
0:20:36 polls are like that
0:20:37 as i said i am the only one which is
0:20:40 really lending
0:20:41 making a lending contract take from you
0:20:43 as a deposit
0:20:44 and promise your interest for your money
0:20:46 fix the interest
0:20:48 or even it can be valuable and fix it on
0:20:50 your just your money being deposited
0:20:51 there
0:20:52 and they lend to the other people
0:20:55 and the lending is done by a lending
0:20:57 contract usually they'll end
0:20:59 substantial amount and the are big
0:21:02 companies a big corporation and they
0:21:03 have to deposit because they don't want
0:21:05 to require their their bitcoins and so
0:21:07 on they
0:21:07 keep it as a security and that's what
0:21:10 soldiers do
0:21:10 i don't know what's ahab ave is doing a
0:21:13 thing but it was called initially lent
0:21:15 so the question now for yield farming
0:21:18 my question is that someone who is
0:21:20 interested should go for
0:21:22 and see what they are doing exactly what
0:21:23 are the various foods my not my
0:21:25 information until now is that most
0:21:28 activities
0:21:29 except a little straightforward lending
0:21:31 done by celsius i know that i know the
0:21:33 description i have seen videos about
0:21:35 that
0:21:36 and are they just from the name
0:21:37 guesswork that's a guest you have to
0:21:39 check
0:21:39 what they are even if we call it lent is
0:21:42 not relevant but they call it
0:21:44 because yeah the issue of usury unknown
0:21:46 user is irrelevant they can call it
0:21:48 lending
0:21:50 abracadabra it doesn't matter what is
0:21:52 really done i don't know in arabic
0:21:53 and soldiers just look like a bank a
0:21:56 state like a bank
0:21:57 see that's a very good example um i find
0:21:59 the easiest way to understand a lot of
0:22:01 these is if you look at it from the
0:22:02 perspective of a bank and you're buying
0:22:04 an ownership or a share in that bank
0:22:06 effectively some of these tokens like
0:22:08 celsius tokens they're governance tokens
0:22:10 and sales is a lending protocol so it's
0:22:11 almost like owning a share in a western
0:22:13 man and said you said the bank that's it
0:22:15 then
0:22:15 that means that buying uh the shares of
0:22:18 uh
0:22:19 bankruptcy haram because the government
0:22:21 that's amazing
0:22:22 but what's about why why uh yen dot
0:22:25 finance
0:22:26 it's a governor's government's token
0:22:28 yeah for for a
0:22:30 project which is doing uh billions now i
0:22:32 think i think it's reaching out the
0:22:34 billions
0:22:35 of of people depositing and earning
0:22:38 depending upon
0:22:39 the skill and the internal uh superior
0:22:41 programming of hearing fans
0:22:43 because what's his name andrew cronjie
0:22:45 the one who has made it first yeah
0:22:47 this guy seems to be a genie a genius in
0:22:50 metal programming
0:22:51 and he started this programming instead
0:22:53 of yourself looking
0:22:54 who has better yield they will jump from
0:22:55 this from this from this
0:22:57 the the the the the project or the
0:23:00 software does that for you they follow
0:23:02 the prices look everywhere
0:23:04 and transfer from year to year in a very
0:23:07 efficient
0:23:08 way making sure that you get the highest
0:23:10 that's for the depositor
0:23:11 not for the owner of the the owner of
0:23:13 the token is just a controller
0:23:15 just a governance this activity is
0:23:18 perfectly fine
0:23:20 in itself especially as long as every
0:23:22 ever every
0:23:23 uh every uh pool is like as described
0:23:26 like a cardano like uh
0:23:28 other pools mostly they are not usually
0:23:31 yes by understanding maybe i'm wrong but
0:23:33 it has to be
0:23:33 we have to see exactly in the white
0:23:35 paper how it is done and so on the
0:23:37 details that's the leader say
0:23:38 the one the people asking about that
0:23:40 should help me a little bit by going
0:23:42 yeah because i cannot read everything of
0:23:44 course of course i think that's the key
0:23:46 if we can
0:23:46 um pick out which one of these platforms
0:23:49 are i was perfectly based on usually
0:23:52 at the moment i know that sales just
0:23:53 flying for some time but because i was
0:23:55 starting it i did not buy sales use
0:23:58 cryptos i avoided it i avoided the
0:24:01 in finance because i did not catch it
0:24:03 and it was almost zero and it flew away
0:24:05 forget about it yeah likewise i think
0:24:07 it's okay believe it
0:24:08 it's the same for me and ave i just
0:24:10 sidestepped that because
0:24:11 i don't know rv it's cause it's called
0:24:13 blend this makes me successful but the
0:24:15 word len does not mean very much
0:24:17 maybe land and pools what's the problem
0:24:20 with that
0:24:21 because i said for them they have no
0:24:22 sensitivity in in the west for three
0:24:24 four hundred years now anything with
0:24:25 interest
0:24:26 has completely disappeared there's no
0:24:28 sensitivity
0:24:29 they're actually shocked that muslims
0:24:30 and others have problems
0:24:32 with with only those who study history
0:24:35 know that christianity and judaism is
0:24:36 more extreme
0:24:37 christianity basically was extremely
0:24:39 anti usually for centuries
0:24:41 for all the centuries until the nearly
0:24:43 until they capitulated in the near age
0:24:45 and still that capitalization was
0:24:46 complete there are christian functions
0:24:48 the
0:24:48 catholic church are trying to study how
0:24:50 they can establish
0:24:52 an unusual system but they're
0:24:55 overwhelmed by the
0:24:56 surrounding structure that's the reason
0:24:59 the bank and the
0:25:00 the church bank or the bank was a bank
0:25:02 of water what's his name anyway
0:25:05 for for the vatican said it is the bank
0:25:08 which was involved in some scandals in
0:25:10 the 70s and 80s and 90s
0:25:13 this bank is a huge bank but they cannot
0:25:16 they are unable to confront the
0:25:17 surrounding society
0:25:19 and they don't have the will they give
0:25:20 up essentially they have given up
0:25:23 we know that they have given up colors
0:25:25 but
0:25:26 will again so you have to have to be
0:25:28 historian the common public donors i say
0:25:30 this bank is giving me two percent dumb
0:25:32 anyone giving me better oh yeah
0:25:34 land will give you eight percent oh jump
0:25:36 to land he doesn't ask is it is it you
0:25:39 because for him nothing called you
0:25:40 serious the old use
0:25:42 the word usurious means that you take
0:25:44 advantage of the borrower
0:25:45 by by charging very high loans and even
0:25:48 that
0:25:49 people have become insensitive
0:25:52 you may have read about the scandal
0:25:53 about this owner of newcastle is having
0:25:56 some
0:25:57 some borrowing facility obviously very
0:26:00 short term
0:26:01 and the interest rates the effectiveness
0:26:03 that yearly are horrendous several
0:26:05 thousands
0:26:07 so that somehow uh
0:26:10 some some some some church organization
0:26:12 where were doing
0:26:14 ads accepting ads for this guy and then
0:26:16 when they noticed that
0:26:18 they were in a state of shock and they
0:26:19 retreated only that
0:26:21 several thousands it's unbelievable just
0:26:24 for short term loan you are unsqueezed
0:26:25 as well
0:26:26 but you have for example your boiler is
0:26:28 damaged you borrow for the
0:26:30 pair of 100 and then pay maybe at the
0:26:31 end of the month 200 if you calculate
0:26:33 that yearly
0:26:34 it goes several thousands so this is
0:26:37 really
0:26:38 usurious in the sense take an extreme
0:26:39 advantage but they have lost the
0:26:42 the fundamental principle that even
0:26:44 having one penny extra
0:26:45 will will end ultimately a safe
0:26:47 advantage
0:26:49 because the sharia i should not come and
0:26:50 tell you up to two percent
0:26:52 this would be illogical and will show
0:26:54 that the sharia isn't from ours from
0:26:56 humans
0:26:57 because the two percent may be in
0:26:59 sometimes usurious
0:27:00 in that sense and sometimes less than
0:27:03 what you deserve because of inflation
0:27:05 so actually i will fix it any amount but
0:27:07 the cherry affixes
0:27:08 any increase even if i want penny
0:27:11 some people even surface entertain one
0:27:13 extra smile oh yeah that's obviously
0:27:15 just going through the moral realm it is
0:27:17 useless
0:27:19 if you expect a braves for it or some
0:27:21 extra exception i think
0:27:23 it's already uh going into the demand of
0:27:25 labor
0:27:29 so that that's that that's that's the
0:27:31 point they lost the sensitivity so we
0:27:32 have to read everything more in detail
0:27:34 but for for the casual initial look
0:27:38 without going digging deep in every
0:27:41 and every it doesn't seem that that all
0:27:44 these
0:27:45 yield farming and so on all of them are
0:27:46 the liquidity pools
0:27:50 essentially the one who really doing the
0:27:53 clear lending are few doesn't mean they
0:27:56 don't exist they do exist one important
0:27:58 like sales users is very important
0:28:00 and they're working with hundreds of
0:28:02 millions i think it's it's dealing that
0:28:03 with billions
0:28:07 yeah so i would say just to sum that up
0:28:10 then the reservation would be
0:28:12 you'd have to have a look as to if this
0:28:14 is a product based on borrowing and
0:28:16 lending markets in that case you'd step
0:28:18 away
0:28:18 if it's uh liquidity providing and
0:28:20 you're there to facilitate transfers in
0:28:22 the market then that should be and if
0:28:24 the government is talking for a project
0:28:25 or a facility or a company or whatever
0:28:27 you call it what you used to call
0:28:28 because usually this project
0:28:30 is belonging to a certain economy
0:28:31 because especially in case of lending in
0:28:32 proper
0:28:34 banking style you have to have you have
0:28:36 to have some kind of centralization
0:28:38 to have legal enforceability and that's
0:28:40 what sales you should do you have to
0:28:41 have qic
0:28:43 know your customer uh obviously the
0:28:45 customer have to be identified
0:28:49 although it's not necessary because you
0:28:50 have the security of the deposit which
0:28:52 you are holding with iron fist
0:28:55 in the blockchain but still they have to
0:28:57 so that they comply
0:28:58 with the uh legal requirements so that
0:29:01 no no regulator will come say ah
0:29:03 you are covering up for people evading
0:29:06 taxes or people
0:29:07 laundering money or something like that
0:29:09 so all of this is done
0:29:10 so it's essentially like a crypto bank
0:29:12 or a blockchain bank
0:29:15 managed and running better than banks
0:29:16 generally in that sense
0:29:18 but it is ultimately uh
0:29:23 maybe a component also that because
0:29:24 because it's done in cryptos it's also
0:29:26 some some kind of
0:29:27 a bit of farming or a bit of of
0:29:29 liquidity creation is going in
0:29:31 somewhere there but the contract is at
0:29:34 face
0:29:34 is is is a is the river contract at face
0:29:39 because it seems to be there they are
0:29:41 they are able to give
0:29:42 considerable interest yeah i mean that's
0:29:44 one of the biggest business cases for
0:29:46 celsius they don't have overheads they
0:29:47 don't have offices they don't have staff
0:29:49 it's all done
0:29:50 blockchain service but also i think they
0:29:52 benefit from the nature of cryptos and
0:29:54 that's also
0:29:55 add to that so they give i think how
0:29:57 much seven six seven percent while the
0:29:59 banks are giving only half percent
0:30:01 yeah yeah it's clear yeah it's without
0:30:04 any doubt
0:30:06 so that's the point in the in the in
0:30:08 this in in this case
0:30:10 but i think the majority of whatever
0:30:12 i've ever seen and so
0:30:13 is staking is really for a pool and the
0:30:15 poll is really by
0:30:17 essentially what you are doing is
0:30:19 similar to if you are doing uh
0:30:21 bitco bitcoin mining my because bitcoin
0:30:23 is a
0:30:24 proof of work and it has to be and the
0:30:27 mining is horrendous it needs so much
0:30:29 electricity
0:30:30 that they become a little bit uh almost
0:30:33 monopoly mostly a couple of chinese
0:30:36 minor and maybe texas minor there's one
0:30:38 in the emirate and few like that
0:30:40 and the cost such electricity is
0:30:42 unbelievable
0:30:46 um just on that trail of thought would
0:30:48 you think or propose that there's a
0:30:50 possibility here for
0:30:52 an islamic styled system similar to
0:30:55 celsius but not based on interest
0:30:57 in which finance can be locked up and
0:30:59 smart
0:31:01 perhaps this is something that deserves
0:31:03 a bit of exploration like
0:31:04 islamic banking yeah but make it on
0:31:06 blockchain remove the
0:31:07 uh overhead and structure
0:31:10 the legal aspects and so on and
0:31:12 obviously i i
0:31:14 i would say people do not like the kyc
0:31:16 and so on because they don't want to be
0:31:17 pursued by the taxation authorities
0:31:20 but that is uh but as an institution
0:31:23 which is working in the in the open you
0:31:25 have obviously comply with the with the
0:31:27 over i
0:31:28 think even if you don't believe this is
0:31:30 the right way or they are legitimate or
0:31:31 something like that
0:31:32 to avoid the headaches and the problem
0:31:34 you have to comply with these
0:31:35 regulations
0:31:36 like for example they start packing a
0:31:37 better they they complying with the
0:31:39 regulations
0:31:40 or like i identity and verification i i
0:31:43 would say there's no problem with that
0:31:45 that is ultimately that an entity which
0:31:48 is maybe not legitimate or having a
0:31:49 religious
0:31:50 taxes living taxes that's not in your
0:31:52 mortgages
0:31:53 this is our last act in the universe
0:31:55 nothing can be done about that
0:31:57 for that you have to establish another
0:31:58 state elsewhere another authority
0:32:00 but this is not not a matter you can ask
0:32:03 a bank to do
0:32:04 or like investment community that's a
0:32:05 must you know you have to ask
0:32:07 nations and people to do to take their
0:32:09 history in their heart
0:32:10 but different cryptos have given to
0:32:12 people considerable powers
0:32:14 this will diffuse the power from the big
0:32:16 money centers into
0:32:18 uh widely even sales use
0:32:21 but if you have the sales you spoken you
0:32:23 are participating the governance and you
0:32:25 are voting
0:32:26 uh and and obviously you look
0:32:29 you're looking for your own selfish
0:32:30 interest but with so many selfish
0:32:32 interests so they will balance out
0:32:34 into the interest of of the the whole
0:32:37 rather the community rather than just
0:32:39 one bank management of one order and
0:32:42 most of the money go to everyone
0:32:43 although the oh yeah the sales use owner
0:32:46 owns considerable amount but
0:32:48 still the community is having a bigger
0:32:51 share
0:32:52 considerably much more bigger share so
0:32:55 it's it it it eases some of the the pain
0:32:58 of the usuria system
0:33:00 but but unfortunately you see muslim
0:33:04 the only one one country which really
0:33:06 made a breakthrough in that
0:33:07 a little bit is iran by but the reason
0:33:10 why the sanctions
0:33:11 yeah they were forced to kind of come to
0:33:13 that level to change the amount that and
0:33:15 then
0:33:16 appearing all in all that just just not
0:33:18 only that just allow it to be used
0:33:20 internally for buying and selling inside
0:33:22 the country that's
0:33:23 completely like any currency and also
0:33:25 remove these issues over the capital
0:33:27 gain taxes if there's any capital i
0:33:28 don't know iran is going to get taxes
0:33:30 okay don't regard it as a capital gain
0:33:32 the guard is just a currency
0:33:33 and the people will deal with it freely
0:33:35 this way they can invite
0:33:37 considerable amount of money which is
0:33:38 running away from taxes or running away
0:33:41 god knows what is it someone said this
0:33:44 way
0:33:44 drug money will come come on people like
0:33:47 money is taken by the cia
0:33:49 money loan that it come on people the
0:33:53 the biggest money launderer in the world
0:33:55 take it from me and they have the
0:33:56 responsibility with that
0:33:57 because i wasn't once 10 years ago it
0:34:00 involves this
0:34:00 hsbc bank no no no no the federal
0:34:03 reserve
0:34:04 that's the biggest milestone in the
0:34:06 world so this is all
0:34:08 this all shake we have to we have to
0:34:10 rebel against that
0:34:11 and tell the international and then they
0:34:13 should also adopt the
0:34:14 xrp or xlm to for transaction
0:34:18 so that the the swift system which is in
0:34:20 the in the iron fist of america will be
0:34:22 will be defeated and finished that's it
0:34:26 then you have both of the sanction of
0:34:29 your back and you have prosperity and
0:34:30 you are getting some money from outside
0:34:32 which can come
0:34:32 and invest in the country like any money
0:34:36 just a few steps but you have to have
0:34:37 they have to have to get the mentality
0:34:39 first of all yeah the the the mentality
0:34:42 faced with the islamic mentality that
0:34:44 you are as a muslim country you have a
0:34:46 well message
0:34:47 that's number one secondly that you
0:34:50 should not care for fear of these big
0:34:51 capital central academy
0:34:52 they can be undermined and now there's a
0:34:55 tool which helps you that entire past
0:34:57 you may be underscore is fine
0:34:58 okay necessary but now the resistance is
0:35:00 not there yeah i think that's a bit of a
0:35:03 profound insight we haven't had
0:35:04 a tool like this for hundreds of years
0:35:06 and now we suddenly have another option
0:35:09 right you can bypass most of these
0:35:10 regulations that's the next step
0:35:12 but i think iran found out the hard way
0:35:14 up until now they've struggled with
0:35:15 sanctions
0:35:16 embargoes sanctions and the same should
0:35:19 apply for pakistan
0:35:22 and the majority of these central banks
0:35:24 are andorra they are western educated
0:35:26 and they cannot
0:35:27 think outside the world of the west yeah
0:35:30 they can't see outside of that
0:35:31 perspective yeah
0:35:32 i i was discussing with some even saudi
0:35:34 arabia and said about how to deal with
0:35:36 the
0:35:36 user in the world and said it's not
0:35:38 possible the whole world the investment
0:35:39 is not possible and they got tuned in
0:35:41 that they think the world can work this
0:35:42 way
0:35:43 but then islamic banking was invented
0:35:45 essentially became active in the 70s and
0:35:47 80s
0:35:47 and everyone was smoking and making
0:35:49 jokes and so on until it proved itself
0:35:51 and then later on came with the oh it's
0:35:53 actually child's interest
0:35:55 they sell you a house more than this
0:35:56 original price because they don't they
0:35:58 are ignorant of what was used or even
0:36:00 the meaning of usury
0:36:01 it's a symbol of contractual obligation
0:36:04 and another point which came but really
0:36:06 is asked but because it
0:36:08 usually happens only between in big
0:36:11 sales contracts and so on
0:36:13 most the most invoices you especially
0:36:16 big invoices
0:36:17 are having like 60 days payment time
0:36:20 yeah so you the moment you receive the
0:36:22 goods you receive the invoice and then
0:36:24 you have 60 days for payment
0:36:25 and this happening also in the small
0:36:26 scale for example for the services like
0:36:29 internet like
0:36:30 like sky like virgin you receive the
0:36:32 bill and then you have like 15 days or
0:36:34 16 or a month
0:36:35 for payment
0:36:39 then some some some people try to
0:36:41 develop something they call it uh
0:36:43 factoring yeah yeah to uh
0:36:46 to say okay transfer the bill to us and
0:36:49 then we
0:36:50 we uh we we we give you
0:36:53 the face value of the bill with the
0:36:55 discount or something and then they
0:36:56 negotiate with the other they wait
0:36:58 they have the the the capability of
0:37:00 waiting to get the money and sexual
0:37:02 right
0:37:02 but i mean the one the seller the seller
0:37:05 who doesn't want to wait okay you don't
0:37:08 need to wait
0:37:09 uh we give you instead of for example
0:37:11 you are the customer have to pay 100 we
0:37:13 pay you 90
0:37:14 and then we wait for the customer
0:37:15 colleague from the 100 this factoring
0:37:17 some people also were objecting to that
0:37:19 and say this is
0:37:20 this is reverse user but it's not this
0:37:22 is not this is not this is
0:37:23 that a sentiment of debt it is not a
0:37:25 debt contract that's number one
0:37:27 it is transfer of debt under this count
0:37:29 some people will refer to the authority
0:37:31 that the warfare
0:37:32 told them when were there when there was
0:37:34 an agreement that they will depart
0:37:36 medina
0:37:37 and they said we have some debts outside
0:37:39 which is not you yet
0:37:40 so delay our going is
0:37:43 that a claim that he said
0:37:46 reduce down and ask for advanced payment
0:37:50 of other people reduction in return of
0:37:53 advanced payment
0:37:54 but i don't think if we don't need even
0:37:56 some people say the hadith is reliable
0:37:57 not reliable no need for that because
0:37:59 the contract is not a journalist
0:38:00 contract
0:38:02 it's definitely not a resource contract
0:38:06 and it is affecting the economy is the
0:38:07 opposite of usually in every respect
0:38:10 it brings what is in the future you
0:38:14 forward so it can go to the
0:38:16 communication today
0:38:18 instead of being the burden for tomorrow
0:38:20 so it's completely opposite it's the
0:38:21 opposite
0:38:22 so it's perfectly fine
0:38:25 there's no problem with that for example
0:38:27 but this is usually
0:38:30 not that widely needed really and
0:38:33 but it seems to be for example in
0:38:35 america we were i was
0:38:37 in the educational office in in the 80s
0:38:39 uh
0:38:40 a gentleman who was trying to do like
0:38:42 some factoring business and visited
0:38:44 me and in the education i was the head
0:38:46 of the officer term the direct
0:38:48 and then was suggesting to participate
0:38:50 in some eventual and we're discussing
0:38:51 that
0:38:52 and he said he took fatwa
0:38:55 he took fatwa from scholars and so on
0:38:57 that is perfectly halal and things like
0:38:59 that
0:39:00 and i agreed with that at the time i did
0:39:02 not analyze as much as i said that
0:39:03 it doesn't look like there's a it's a
0:39:04 useless contract but i didn't pass away
0:39:07 because i didn't have any capital
0:39:08 or anything to participate but the idea
0:39:10 was that because in america plenty of
0:39:12 these invoices are there
0:39:14 and he was going try to do a business of
0:39:17 settling their invoices at a discount
0:39:18 and then wait for them
0:39:20 and then split as a manager of this
0:39:22 whole split the the
0:39:24 gain between him and between the
0:39:26 participant or something like that
0:39:29 obviously have to be structured as a
0:39:30 company and contracts are very
0:39:31 complicated but
0:39:32 that's the sense that's the essential
0:39:34 business itself
0:39:35 the guarantees and the contracts and so
0:39:37 on this is a legal issue has to be done
0:39:38 in every country according to
0:39:40 the legal requirements and legal
0:39:42 practices and a
0:39:43 contractual obligation etc which is i
0:39:46 think straightforward that can be done
0:39:47 that's not a problem
0:39:51 so this is factoring but then said it's
0:39:53 better if someone asked about this
0:39:55 information
0:39:56 just to check pulled by pool or what's
0:39:57 really what's the activity
0:39:59 is it really a genuine for and for usery
0:40:02 it's not actual percentage it's not the
0:40:04 issue of the
0:40:05 the issue is really money from money of
0:40:08 the same time the same time
0:40:10 with the delay with an increase there
0:40:12 was one issue
0:40:14 discussed last time that somebody
0:40:15 sometimes you have an installment
0:40:17 contract or you have maybe
0:40:18 a installment payment for for services
0:40:21 for insurance something like that
0:40:22 and if you don't pay in in the due time
0:40:26 they charge something they call it exist
0:40:28 take structures again as if it is an
0:40:29 interest
0:40:31 the problem you from your side you will
0:40:34 be obviously in a squeeze
0:40:36 because the contract contained that the
0:40:38 best is
0:40:39 the best it would the best would have
0:40:40 been like like like a
0:40:42 like a delay penalty but in that case it
0:40:45 has to be
0:40:46 you have to be guilty of delaying
0:40:48 although you are capable of payment
0:40:50 then it can be structured and the
0:40:52 islamic law that may be
0:40:54 regarded as the ability but this is
0:40:56 really a topic which is
0:40:58 problematic in the sense that that is
0:41:01 the way structure in the west
0:41:02 it is regarded if you delay it it is
0:41:04 like a lawn and then you have either
0:41:06 you pay the same or you you pay with
0:41:08 this interest rate as a
0:41:10 we make it as alone it turns out to be
0:41:11 121. that's what make a problem
0:41:14 for these things but since
0:41:17 in most cases of many payments it's
0:41:19 almost impossible for anyone to pay
0:41:23 to pay to to pay the lump sum
0:41:27 although i would advise really paying
0:41:29 them some because it is
0:41:31 smaller and easier but anyway then
0:41:34 in that case you have to really
0:41:38 control your finances so strictly that
0:41:40 you are certain
0:41:41 that the installment like say they want
0:41:43 to receive the salary you put
0:41:45 aside immediately all the installments
0:41:47 due
0:41:49 don't touch them as if money for someone
0:41:52 else
0:41:54 at least good discipline this way will
0:41:55 never come that when
0:41:57 when the payment due comes this is most
0:42:00 of the time this is
0:42:02 easily done by having things in the
0:42:04 directory but or standing order
0:42:06 so if you do that with this intention
0:42:08 then because of the necessity that you
0:42:10 have otherwise in this environment then
0:42:13 i think such a contract
0:42:15 you may sign it but you have to have
0:42:17 these clearly in your mind
0:42:19 the repercussions the problems of the
0:42:21 environment which is based on usurious
0:42:23 system
0:42:23 on an interesting basis
0:42:28 um we've got some questions around uh
0:42:31 sorry name name do you have any more
0:42:32 questions or uh comments or anything
0:42:34 no brother thank you nothing specific
0:42:36 about it continue studying
0:42:38 continue studying the various cryptos
0:42:40 and various things and and
0:42:42 try to write down from the white paper
0:42:44 and how things are done
0:42:46 what was really the process behind the
0:42:48 scene
0:42:50 this way we have a summary so we can we
0:42:52 can discuss things in the future
0:42:54 more intelligently
0:42:58 because i'm essentially most of these
0:42:59 things i'm just expecting i'm guessing
0:43:02 understand there's thousands so
0:43:04 technically
0:43:05 trust me there are various types like
0:43:10 liquidity pools uh liquidity provider
0:43:13 et cetera there are a few major types
0:43:15 essentially
0:43:18 like for example in in investing either
0:43:20 you give it to someone who
0:43:22 has as alone and he has retained it with
0:43:23 a certain percentage
0:43:25 and you have possibly a security like a
0:43:27 house or you give it to as a
0:43:29 participation like a venture capital
0:43:31 or you buy this this entity is big
0:43:34 enough to issue shares and they sell
0:43:35 shares
0:43:36 or the issue bonds that's again the debt
0:43:38 so we say no no bonds we don't want we
0:43:40 want participation so cook
0:43:42 so it will be like essentially issuing
0:43:44 something like uh
0:43:46 like shares but with no voting rights
0:43:48 all what you have is just gain right
0:43:50 or dividend rights and
0:43:53 possibly because they are so cook they
0:43:55 may be like large nominal values
0:43:57 like hundred thousand something like
0:43:58 that while shares are usually small
0:44:00 so the public can participate and
0:44:02 participate also in governance
0:44:03 and voting but that's it it's only a few
0:44:06 basic side
0:44:07 types and the rest is won't come back
0:44:08 just because it's more sophisticated
0:44:11 that record keeping but essentially if
0:44:12 you go there that's essentially the
0:44:13 times
0:44:14 since since the beginning of time it's
0:44:16 essentially that
0:44:20 all you buy someone who needs goods but
0:44:23 he cannot don't have the cash secret i
0:44:25 buy for you
0:44:25 and they be selling you of markup uh
0:44:28 maybe mostly as installment that's
0:44:30 that's montagera and things like that
0:44:32 only a few times
0:44:35 phenotype or the special types or or
0:44:38 genuine types
0:44:38 genetic types and the rest are
0:44:40 variations and maybe cross relation and
0:44:42 things like that
0:44:44 so it's not as miserable because the
0:44:46 thousand cryptos no
0:44:47 it's only few types of liquidity
0:44:50 provider
0:44:51 a few types of mining few types of
0:44:54 block block creation and things like
0:44:57 that
0:45:01 yeah okay so there's a few
0:45:05 questions uh related to um
0:45:09 forex and trading pairs yeah so i mean i
0:45:12 don't know anything about this if
0:45:13 there's anyone
0:45:13 who's um asked this question if they
0:45:15 want to um actually
0:45:19 address it directly um essentially it is
0:45:21 so that you sell a currency
0:45:26 buy another currency i i give you a
0:45:28 british pound that's the
0:45:29 basic i give you a british pound
0:45:33 and you give me japanese yen why i'm
0:45:36 doing that because i think the japanese
0:45:37 year now is cheap
0:45:38 and in the future i will be able to sell
0:45:40 the japanese yen
0:45:42 and get more british pounds or vice
0:45:44 versa
0:45:45 that's essentially that now how it is
0:45:47 structured is now
0:45:48 uh now they very assume they are various
0:45:51 currencies
0:45:53 they are different they are currency but
0:45:54 the different types so
0:45:56 you can exchange at any value which is
0:45:58 dictated by the markets and agreement
0:46:01 but it has to be according to the hadith
0:46:06 immediate immediate transaction so
0:46:09 this means
0:46:12 the transaction must be immediate at the
0:46:14 current price exactly
0:46:17 unnecessary what's done in the forex
0:46:19 exchanges it's at the current prices
0:46:21 you buy at the current price now and
0:46:23 obviously the hand over some people say
0:46:25 there's no hand over they think hand
0:46:28 over means or
0:46:28 get them yet meaning you have to be in
0:46:30 the hand and you have the paper and then
0:46:32 count them on twitter and the other
0:46:33 encounter with you this is a
0:46:34 simple-minded way of saying
0:46:36 meaning immediate at the immediate
0:46:38 current price it can be
0:46:39 done on the phone without any problem it
0:46:42 can be done on the phone
0:46:43 it can be done electronically it can be
0:46:45 done in the blockchain
0:46:46 so there's no problem problems arise
0:46:48 that people
0:46:49 do these obviously to to do it in an
0:46:52 exchange
0:46:53 you cannot have arbitrary amounts so
0:46:55 they have structured it in like
0:46:56 like certain lots a lot of these hundred
0:46:59 thousand years
0:47:00 lots certain lots they are well defined
0:47:02 you can read that
0:47:03 in the various exchanges what what are
0:47:05 the lot of definition how much is the
0:47:07 lot
0:47:07 different how many uh yen is in in a lot
0:47:12 okay that's no problem that's it just to
0:47:14 make a trading in a systematic and
0:47:16 well structured way as as units instead
0:47:18 of talking about
0:47:19 uh fractions and smooth fractions and
0:47:21 cryptos who work even with fractions
0:47:23 but in this case it seems to be it is
0:47:26 working usually a lot although they have
0:47:27 done
0:47:28 divided the lots and fractions of lots
0:47:30 and things like that
0:47:32 obviously when you when you uh when when
0:47:35 you
0:47:36 buy you should pay but then i buy
0:47:39 i i buy a japanese in one lot or one
0:47:42 contract of japanese yen or one
0:47:43 a lot it's actually a lot not a contract
0:47:46 i have to pay the appropriate amount of
0:47:49 british pounds it may happen that they
0:47:51 don't have the full amount
0:47:52 so it would have been no problem if i
0:47:53 have a amount that is is available to
0:47:56 exchange or available in the
0:47:57 in the blockchain the problem we don't
0:47:59 have
0:48:00 theoretically strictly speaking in the
0:48:03 back
0:48:03 but back it has to be available someone
0:48:06 has to
0:48:07 lend you this amount which is called
0:48:09 margin you buy one margin
0:48:11 yeah to magnify your gains they give you
0:48:14 a loan
0:48:16 here maybe the problem comes so the
0:48:18 problem is not the authority exchange
0:48:20 the problem is that they give you
0:48:23 a loan with interest that's humanity
0:48:27 then you may find traders who are happy
0:48:30 with the just
0:48:30 the the commission they are making from
0:48:32 the trades and they allocate to you
0:48:34 money
0:48:36 as a margin without interest
0:48:40 it may be there is no problem but what
0:48:43 you are actually buying is you buy you
0:48:45 are filling the
0:48:46 full price while from your pocket really
0:48:49 you are
0:48:50 paying with five percent let's say if
0:48:51 you are going one to twenty margin
0:48:53 five percent and the ninety five percent
0:48:56 of it
0:48:56 is is placed in that place by the
0:48:59 exchange
0:49:00 in your behalf now there's perfectly no
0:49:04 problem in that
0:49:06 unless it is usually a contract so you
0:49:08 have to look exactly what's it what's
0:49:09 the condition
0:49:10 with the broker and so on it's rarely
0:49:13 you will find any broker who will give
0:49:14 it interest free who is happy with
0:49:16 enough
0:49:17 traffic and interaction to uh to
0:49:20 uh to live only on the commissions or on
0:49:23 the
0:49:24 split between of our ancel and things
0:49:27 like that
0:49:27 who's having just to be a market maker
0:49:29 and make his money from
0:49:30 their differences it may be enough for
0:49:32 some because some exchanges are doing
0:49:35 hundreds of billions a day uh yeah
0:49:38 possibly a hundred billion a day or
0:49:40 something like that and if this is just
0:49:42 just
0:49:42 just a small fraction like one hundred
0:49:44 thousand of that that's hundred million
0:49:46 that's baraka
0:49:47 it's more than enough and he has keeps
0:49:49 enough liquidity at the side to get to
0:49:51 give it to you
0:49:52 and obviously he will even if it is with
0:49:54 interest or not interest the moment
0:49:56 you get a margin call the market moves
0:49:58 against you you need to have put more
0:50:01 to cover up for the difference or the
0:50:02 current price and you don't comply with
0:50:04 that
0:50:05 or he doesn't lend you further for that
0:50:08 he will close the position i guess you
0:50:10 will on this it's not sure
0:50:13 so that's that's what's really happening
0:50:15 behind the scene
0:50:17 you buy some people thinking buying one
0:50:19 margin ah
0:50:21 i'm multiplying actually you are
0:50:22 borrowing and you're paying interest
0:50:25 for short term even for few a few
0:50:27 minutes they still calculate the
0:50:28 interest
0:50:29 if it's really interesting there's no
0:50:30 interest there's no problem that's
0:50:31 dependent on exchange
0:50:35 the same habit for example shorting
0:50:37 stocks some people said you are selling
0:50:39 what you don't have it's not true that's
0:50:41 you should be selling what you have you
0:50:42 have it
0:50:44 if it's done cleanly probably according
0:50:45 to the law as it should be
0:50:47 actually your broker borrow for you the
0:50:49 stocks from someone who owns them
0:50:52 sometimes they they give you imaginary
0:50:54 non-existing stocks that will be
0:50:55 a problem which may end with what we
0:50:58 have
0:50:58 two weeks ago what was that what's the
0:51:01 name of this problem
0:51:02 this was this game stop wall street yes
0:51:04 yes i think
0:51:06 part of the problem was that they were
0:51:07 shorting stock which are not existent
0:51:09 even
0:51:10 imaginary there's no no where that
0:51:12 caused the problem but because part of
0:51:14 the problem not about the pathway
0:51:16 but let's assume it is done probably
0:51:18 your your
0:51:19 broker look around there are people who
0:51:21 have uh
0:51:23 who have stocks kept for safe keeping
0:51:26 with him
0:51:28 and he has the permission usually when
0:51:31 you keep
0:51:32 stocking they call it a no no no they
0:51:34 have a certain template keeping it in
0:51:37 in in-house or in broadcast account or
0:51:39 something like that
0:51:40 on safekeeping by the broker it has a
0:51:41 certain term if you keep it there
0:51:43 it's part of the agreement that he can
0:51:45 lend it it's a custody agreement yeah
0:51:47 so you have to sign that over to say
0:51:49 that you're happy for them to do that
0:51:51 to do that so he takes them and give it
0:51:53 to you they were going to short it so
0:51:54 you have now
0:51:55 lot maybe or severals or thousands or
0:51:57 millions of stocks
0:51:59 and you sell them at that price but you
0:52:01 are obliged to retenders someone said
0:52:03 how can you help yes you can go into
0:52:04 open market and buy them again
0:52:06 and if they have it happen to have been
0:52:08 declined then you are the lucky one you
0:52:09 are buying them at a lower price
0:52:11 someone say this is taking benefit from
0:52:13 people misery
0:52:14 this is no difference between buying law
0:52:17 and selling high is the same
0:52:18 just the opposite direction actually it
0:52:20 is good making the market
0:52:21 efficient i don't think there is any
0:52:22 even moral issue there
0:52:24 actually if it is done probably this way
0:52:28 and you borrow the stock stocks from
0:52:30 from when you bought a stock from from
0:52:32 your broker
0:52:33 he's not going to give it to you because
0:52:34 you have nice blue eyes or black eyes no
0:52:37 he will have a security
0:52:41 and what's the security either cash in
0:52:44 hand
0:52:44 or recharge you interest which makes for
0:52:46 him a tasty
0:52:47 to to to lend to you so either way
0:52:51 if there is interest charged or for a
0:52:53 loan
0:52:54 then it is that there is a real problem
0:52:58 and that is a real problem but assuming
0:53:00 there's no interest
0:53:01 and the this broker is having just by
0:53:03 the by the transaction fees and the
0:53:05 splits and the margins
0:53:06 and all these things then you have
0:53:09 borrowed these stocks what will mean
0:53:11 you're borrowing when you borrow any
0:53:12 item the ownership of the item
0:53:16 transfers to you it becomes your item
0:53:18 becomes your ownership and then you own
0:53:20 it and you can sell it
0:53:24 and the reason you are selling it now is
0:53:25 that you think this price is very good
0:53:27 for selling it and getting it
0:53:28 instead getting it instead of having a
0:53:30 million uh
0:53:32 i wish i have a million ibm stocks
0:53:35 at the moment and i think it's declining
0:53:38 tomorrow or in a few
0:53:39 weeks and so on i said it and then uh
0:53:42 you sell it and you
0:53:43 think that the dollars you will get for
0:53:44 them later
0:53:46 or the you can buy them for the the
0:53:48 dollars will not decline in this
0:53:50 this is a time like as if if you expect
0:53:52 a company to collapse maybe in a few
0:53:54 weeks then you start shouting or a few
0:53:56 days
0:53:56 or you have some some information or a
0:53:58 rumor and you do that
0:53:59 and then obviously the dollar will not
0:54:02 even if it is a fiat it will not decline
0:54:04 that much in these few days
0:54:06 that extremely much expectation so we'll
0:54:08 still be winning in dollar attempts
0:54:11 and this will make market more efficient
0:54:13 and will make also will
0:54:14 will put pressure on companies which are
0:54:16 not properly run and so on
0:54:19 to to be kicked out of the market i
0:54:22 don't think it's bad
0:54:23 frankly speaking i don't think it's bad
0:54:25 if it's done probably and there's no
0:54:27 interest or usually unlikely that you
0:54:29 will find brokers will
0:54:30 will lend you stocks without having
0:54:34 something uh
0:54:38 kind of thing maybe they insist that you
0:54:39 should have some cash there enough
0:54:41 as a security which you cannot touch and
0:54:43 so on that's all that enough for them
0:54:45 and they don't charge you any interest
0:54:47 that maybe in the case of shorting
0:54:49 that may be the way to go
0:54:53 all they land you say we have to keep a
0:54:55 security in your behalf we need you this
0:54:56 amount and we charge you interest and it
0:54:58 will be an interest issue
0:55:01 yeah that would happen in game stock is
0:55:04 is
0:55:05 both these big hedge funds who are
0:55:08 conspiring to show that stock because
0:55:09 they think the company is weak
0:55:11 or they wanted to i don't think they
0:55:13 wanted to buy corrupted just because it
0:55:15 is
0:55:15 they don't like it it's not it doesn't
0:55:18 the russian human being will not do that
0:55:19 the company is weak
0:55:21 shorting may work but i think one of the
0:55:25 problem is that
0:55:26 they over overshot it they sold stocks
0:55:30 which are not an existence which is not
0:55:31 our borrowed property so they sold what
0:55:33 they don't
0:55:34 have and when it market went against
0:55:37 them and they needed to cover their
0:55:38 shorts they couldn't find stocks
0:55:40 and the stock price went ballistic
0:55:43 and they were forced them to to cover
0:55:45 their their margins by borrowing
0:55:47 trillion billions
0:55:48 from the banks and some of them almost
0:55:52 i think some of them were close to
0:55:54 bankruptcy or something like that
0:55:55 and they started moaning you have to
0:55:57 blame yourself you did not do your
0:55:59 homework properly first of all you as
0:56:02 far as they know
0:56:03 they they sold stock which you don't
0:56:05 have
0:56:07 they don't exist not being borrowed not
0:56:09 existing stocks
0:56:11 and that's that's that that's that's a
0:56:12 bad thing economically a bad thing
0:56:15 leave it as haram definitely harm to
0:56:17 sell what you don't have in hand
0:56:22 like sending you a bed in the first
0:56:24 service i said you despaired no
0:56:26 hunt at first shoot it down have it in
0:56:29 your hand and sell it to you
0:56:30 not selling it was why it is flying
0:56:33 because if you do that
0:56:34 i could on the agreed price like i said
0:56:36 get rid of me the bed
0:56:37 i have no wear this it flew away now you
0:56:40 have to deliver me the bed then you have
0:56:41 to go and maybe buy it from
0:56:43 hunter and that'll notice that you want
0:56:44 to squeeze he will give you the bed for
0:56:46 10 times the price that's exactly what
0:56:47 happened
0:56:48 and get stuck selling what you don't
0:56:50 have i think the main problem there is
0:56:52 selling what you don't have
0:56:54 and uh there is this this group of
0:56:56 people
0:56:57 who are well oiled and synchronized they
0:57:00 are not a new group they are systematic
0:57:02 for 10 years now
0:57:03 or something like that they were
0:57:04 established 10 years ago they were
0:57:06 watching wall street and trying to get
0:57:08 an opportunity
0:57:09 for the small man to to beat the big
0:57:11 guys giving a nice
0:57:12 one under the gather and they got this
0:57:14 opportunity and they give give them
0:57:16 uh hammered their heads although they
0:57:18 are hit by by you
0:57:20 by by by the broker not co-operating or
0:57:23 suspending trading
0:57:24 for various kinds of excuses but this is
0:57:26 obviously for the legal system
0:57:28 under and even the congress to
0:57:30 investigate what has happened there
0:57:32 etc but in principle
0:57:35 the main problem is coming they're not
0:57:37 from a shortage itself if it's
0:57:39 done properly that you're shorting real
0:57:41 stocks which you have
0:57:42 borrowed but from uh from
0:57:45 Music
0:57:46 the from selling what you don't have you
0:57:50 see again why the one of the wisdom of
0:57:52 the prohibition of not selling what you
0:57:53 don't have
0:57:58 um i've got a question um there's a bit
0:58:00 of a lengthy one here some of it you did
0:58:02 cover last week but
0:58:03 we can go through inshallah uh there's a
0:58:05 context to it so
0:58:07 brothers asked there is a mursal hadith
0:58:09 reported by a
0:58:10 be known as imam of his time imam
0:58:13 of dimish and we discussed that last
0:58:16 time yeah yeah
0:58:17 the man of harp that's it first of all
0:58:20 it is morsel so it's not an authority
0:58:22 because he may have taken it from a
0:58:24 sahabi
0:58:25 he may have taken the reliable sahabi he
0:58:27 may hear this
0:58:28 sahabi and he may have met a man in the
0:58:31 market claim to a sahabi and was at
0:58:32 least himself
0:58:33 in a human shape we don't know so this
0:58:35 is not an authority a morsel is not an
0:58:37 authority number one
0:58:38 secondly we say this is rationally not
0:58:40 conceivable
0:58:44 and and the hanafi applied in double
0:58:46 quote right to england english is not
0:58:48 for the one who living in england
0:58:49 whether it's a covenant of security
0:58:51 or even having a citizenship it is not a
0:58:53 hubble it's another
0:58:54 no doubt it's a domain of cover the
0:58:55 quran is ruling here even
0:58:57 even even though johnson will not tell
0:59:00 you this is the reign of islam islam is
0:59:02 dominant here islam is not dominant he
0:59:03 will admit that's not an issue of that
0:59:05 but it's not that
0:59:06 we understate the war of them so how can
0:59:08 how could you have a contract with
0:59:10 someone
0:59:11 in their heart on the battlefield while
0:59:13 you are fighting him
0:59:14 in a state at least you have a ceasefire
0:59:17 have a ceasefire
0:59:18 for six months and then you do some
0:59:20 transaction with him
0:59:21 but that's not half anymore it's the
0:59:23 other coffer only
0:59:25 so the way that our harvest is is
0:59:26 obscure it's not clear what it doesn't
0:59:28 mean
0:59:31 there if it means there are cover it
0:59:33 doesn't apply because if you end up
0:59:34 cover
0:59:36 both sides are at peace both sides uh
0:59:39 are obliged to respect each other's
0:59:41 blood and and wealth
0:59:42 and in that case you are not at liberty
0:59:45 to take advantage from a kafir with
0:59:47 whom you are not in a state of war or or
0:59:50 sled his blood or take his money without
0:59:51 legitimation
0:59:52 his money is as protected as the muslim
0:59:54 money exactly
0:59:56 there's no evidence that if it had the
0:59:59 price i wanted to
1:00:00 give that e-way with the harvester you
1:00:01 are allowed to take user informa kafir
1:00:04 but even in that case usually what if
1:00:07 the application is upside down because
1:00:09 actually you are not taking
1:00:10 you're not taking user from a cover here
1:00:12 an ignorant from a company you are
1:00:13 giving them they are making them fatal
1:00:15 and bigger
1:00:16 by giving them
1:00:19 so that's that's this is not not uh
1:00:23 anyway if if this but this brother who
1:00:25 mentions hadith can get me the arabic
1:00:26 text exactly
1:00:28 from the head of your books and so on
1:00:29 because i could not locate any
1:00:31 any wording which i can do a search wide
1:00:34 search for it
1:00:36 just just for fun to see what's this
1:00:37 hadith and just come
1:00:40 back
1:00:54 and they would say in matter of fact and
1:00:57 uh
1:00:57 deep understanding is superior to them
1:00:59 in matter of narration and
1:01:01 and exactness and strength in one nation
1:01:03 maybe a shabby is is a
1:01:05 ahead of him is known for piety and
1:01:08 and what a good advice how to behave how
1:01:13 to behave with wife with family with
1:01:14 friends and things like that
1:01:16 let's get minors i need to get some
1:01:17 things like that
1:01:20 and things like that shabi is the man of
1:01:24 perfect and meticulous narration
1:01:28 very meticulous superior too many even
1:01:30 superior to some sahaba
1:01:31 one time uh abdullah uh grammar was
1:01:34 passing
1:01:34 and the shabby was was talking about the
1:01:38 the battle of wild based on all the
1:01:40 narration he he here
1:01:41 and synchronized them properly because
1:01:43 if you talk about battles usually people
1:01:45 narrate the whole story without giving
1:01:47 their snacks
1:01:48 and then he stood and he was i may say
1:01:50 this boy because it was boy
1:01:52 at his time was young this young man
1:01:57 remember the battle better than myself
1:01:59 and i was present he was
1:02:00 he was better than those who were
1:02:02 present
1:02:04 because you got all the nation put them
1:02:06 correctly and then that's the amount of
1:02:07 narrations
1:02:09 may be not to that level but it's first
1:02:11 class not that no one have the best
1:02:12 i regard him as superior to to even
1:02:16 hasselbasa a matter of fact
1:02:22 and the narration is his first class no
1:02:23 doubt about that and priority and
1:02:25 devotion
1:02:26 without any doubt but there's no
1:02:28 guarantee that he received it from
1:02:30 someone someone liar or someone
1:02:32 someone uh
1:02:35 untouched with you and he trusted him
1:02:36 because everyone can
1:02:38 you may trust someone who is not
1:02:39 untrustworthy this can happen
1:02:42 easily you could be misled other people
1:02:46 also
1:02:46 have various level shabbies more more
1:02:48 shrewd in this and more
1:02:51 exacting in in choosing his men so if a
1:02:54 morsel of shabby is very strong
1:02:56 the strongest here really even stronger
1:02:59 than
1:03:00 musa
1:03:13 itself is not an authority
1:03:18 by itself even if it's the strongest
1:03:20 tell us
1:03:21 cannot be enough because you want to
1:03:23 know that this is coming from the rafale
1:03:25 either will test it good that's
1:03:26 established by tawatur a multiple
1:03:28 corroborating reversal
1:03:30 or bo would almost would be unreasonable
1:03:33 without bordering one's attitude
1:03:35 and for that a morsel
1:03:38 cannot get you a certainty bordering
1:03:41 will say to you it'll get you maybe
1:03:42 high probability but not enough to be
1:03:44 almost certified or bothering with
1:03:46 attitude it's not
1:03:48 because this absent man is still there's
1:03:51 all probabilities about him
1:03:52 it's 50 50. it could be a liar could be
1:03:55 a truthful could be an angel could be a
1:03:57 devil
1:03:58 so 50 50. that's not the 99
1:04:02 reliability we want on 95 plus which we
1:04:05 want really
1:04:06 to be close to substitute okay
1:04:09 but i say logically it's not possible
1:04:11 because we are not allowed
1:04:12 to take advantage from the kafir who is
1:04:14 not in a state of war he has the same
1:04:16 protection for money and wealth
1:04:17 like like anybody like a human being
1:04:21 for complete protection by being a
1:04:22 catholic does not allow
1:04:24 us to in the battlefield yes allowed to
1:04:27 shed his blood and to take his money as
1:04:28 a body but this is it for a happy
1:04:30 of a harvey is not it's not conceivable
1:04:33 that you can do or use it
1:04:34 i can contract whatsoever until the war
1:04:37 is over and we are in ceasefire
1:04:39 and allahu says the jews would become
1:04:43 shallow here
1:04:44 i don't think it's in baqarah maybe
1:04:45 later but it's crazy
1:04:49 this will not be punished for that what
1:04:51 we do to the goyims
1:04:52 to the gentiles allah said no no whoever
1:04:55 fulfills your contract
1:04:57 and that's proper allah loves those who
1:05:00 fulfill their contracts
1:05:03 so you are not allowed to do i use a i
1:05:06 usually contract
1:05:09 with gentiles or non-muslims now
1:05:14 um so you've covered the first part now
1:05:17 in relation to life practically
1:05:19 now i think what the brother was trying
1:05:20 to do is because this ambiguity about
1:05:23 um he should go back but let me
1:05:26 summarize quickly i said
1:05:28 the best justification for that is that
1:05:30 the the
1:05:31 the hanafi should be the best way i
1:05:33 would say
1:05:34 is that for you to decide they are
1:05:37 internally
1:05:37 how you are comfortable and you will be
1:05:39 able to answer your mother
1:05:40 the best justification we say okay
1:05:43 islamic banking is not available or
1:05:45 available in a limited amount
1:05:46 because of legal protection of the
1:05:49 usurious system and non-protection of
1:05:51 the islamic system
1:05:52 they have to charge they have to ask you
1:05:54 for a high down payment which most
1:05:55 people do not have
1:05:57 secondly the contract is much more
1:05:59 stiffer and well structured
1:06:01 than the usurious contract because the
1:06:02 jews contract do
1:06:04 they just contract you can't renegotiate
1:06:06 the interest and
1:06:07 settle it and so on and the case of
1:06:10 islamic contract is not as easy you can
1:06:11 set that you can resell and buy and so
1:06:13 on more complex
1:06:14 and more costly so all of these issues
1:06:18 was not widely available yet
1:06:21 i have the following option that the
1:06:23 necessity of the hajja is the following
1:06:25 i need to live in a house definitely
1:06:27 this is this necessity i live with
1:06:28 universe
1:06:29 and inevitably i'm paying either rent
1:06:33 or this usurious installment or a pay
1:06:36 interest payment
1:06:40 the the need instead of the housing is
1:06:42 clear
1:06:43 if i go in that contract then that money
1:06:47 which is going out anyway whenever we
1:06:49 are in a clever environment so it will
1:06:50 enrich and
1:06:51 strengthen the far in general and their
1:06:53 banking system and the taxation system
1:06:55 and so on
1:06:57 that money is going anywhere either i
1:06:59 dreamt or something like that
1:07:00 but if it goes as despite being a
1:07:03 serious contract now the
1:07:04 argument of hajj or necessity comes this
1:07:07 way i'm developing slowly
1:07:09 if i do it systematically and tighten
1:07:11 the belt and do it properly
1:07:13 i'm slowly building equity
1:07:16 after 20 30 years if everything worked
1:07:18 fine especially if i do a contract which
1:07:20 has
1:07:20 for example an inclusive line ensure
1:07:23 life insurance that in case of death
1:07:24 before that the life insurance will
1:07:26 compensate all of these things
1:07:28 then i am certain that at least i have
1:07:30 developed some wealth for myself and my
1:07:32 own children
1:07:32 and strengthen the muslims and the
1:07:34 muslim world and obviously
1:07:36 there are many injunctions to protect
1:07:38 wealth to increase wealth
1:07:39 to increase muslim strength and all of
1:07:41 these things and there's a need for that
1:07:43 definitely need is there maybe not
1:07:45 necessary but need
1:07:46 and and the question is that is this
1:07:49 need or necessity is sufficient to allow
1:07:51 haram which is obviously the user
1:07:52 contract which is haram
1:07:54 making it in this physical situation
1:07:56 permissible
1:07:57 like the necessity of someone died
1:08:01 dying of of starvation to eat pear pork
1:08:03 for example either non-haram
1:08:05 at this most likely i would i would
1:08:09 incline to say yeah it is the need this
1:08:11 is there's no necessity but there's a
1:08:13 blessing need which is uh which is uh
1:08:16 supported by various hadith and various
1:08:18 issues one of them is that for example
1:08:20 a man in madina came to rashford
1:08:29 overnight she was healthy nothing
1:08:30 probably then in the morning we woke up
1:08:31 she was already dead we could not do the
1:08:33 car we could not slaughter her before
1:08:34 that she died in the night it's
1:08:35 just a few hours there or a few minutes
1:08:38 you don't know where was it
1:08:40 in the early part of the night or the
1:08:41 last part of the night
1:08:43 and uh smite what to do
1:08:46 it's just matter you cannot eat it so
1:08:48 that means she's the only thing we have
1:08:50 and that nobody is as poor as myself are
1:08:53 in medina
1:08:55 said that eat it so in that case he has
1:08:58 a need
1:08:59 clearly he is not in a prison neither is
1:09:01 danger of death
1:09:02 because he can still go to neighbors he
1:09:03 can still go big and he can
1:09:06 and that's for charity but so you cannot
1:09:08 say it's a nature of death
1:09:10 but it is oppressing it relieving him
1:09:12 from asking the people and become a
1:09:13 beggar
1:09:14 something like that at least for a
1:09:15 limited time because they can eat from
1:09:17 it
1:09:17 can make dry meat of it and it can't
1:09:19 suffice for them a camel will suffice
1:09:21 for a household if it's
1:09:22 diet probably and the olives are skilled
1:09:24 in these things it may suffice for
1:09:25 months
1:09:26 relieve him from the burden of looking
1:09:29 for charity or something like that
1:09:31 until he can get above his feet
1:09:35 so you see you see my point
1:09:39 so this is we could not see this is a
1:09:40 necessity like life on death
1:09:42 or the knife on your neck but it is
1:09:45 and it is it is not it's not good to uh
1:09:49 define necessity only that the knife is
1:09:51 not nick except in the case of
1:09:52 pronouncing
1:09:53 that's only the excuses maybe but even
1:09:56 cutting
1:09:57 limbs is also a necessity which allows
1:09:59 you to announce
1:10:01 if you are threatened for example they
1:10:02 gouge your eye or cut your hand you can
1:10:04 pronounce coffee for example
1:10:06 and some of them said necessity even
1:10:08 wider than i said i cannot tolerate
1:10:11 any any any any lashes one or two lashes
1:10:14 i will give up and they
1:10:15 i will say whatever they want from me so
1:10:17 not everyone is at the same tolerance
1:10:19 level
1:10:19 so from this from this approach with
1:10:22 this argument
1:10:23 there may be some some argument but for
1:10:26 everyone to decide
1:10:28 i think for the majority of people of
1:10:29 small income like most uh
1:10:31 uh assembled pakistani who came yearly
1:10:34 in
1:10:35 in uh in the 60s 70s and so on
1:10:40 and started putting one one pound on top
1:10:42 of one pound and bought
1:10:43 a small facilities as a small houses on
1:10:46 undeveloped now they are well
1:10:47 established they have properties and
1:10:49 their children are
1:10:50 willing to do relatively well to do i
1:10:52 think
1:10:53 i think for them it would have been
1:10:55 legitimate based on that argument
1:10:57 not the argument without help that's not
1:10:58 a good output unfortunately the same
1:11:01 same mufti they did not give the fatwa
1:11:03 for the small businesses and so on for
1:11:05 issue
1:11:06 of it got stuck with the issue of of
1:11:09 insurance obligation insurance is even
1:11:11 clearer and cleaner than that
1:11:13 so many small businesses did not have
1:11:15 business insurance or things like that
1:11:17 and they suffered for example in certain
1:11:20 areas there have been even racist
1:11:21 attacks and bearing of shops and i think
1:11:23 in south wall and other places some
1:11:25 shops have been attacked by
1:11:27 whites or resistant bnb people and some
1:11:29 band and they have no insurance
1:11:31 so they their livelihood and their their
1:11:34 business
1:11:34 they should have given a similar fatwa
1:11:37 at least
1:11:40 it's more more reasonable to allow it
1:11:43 for
1:11:43 for for insurance which is just based on
1:11:46 that is
1:11:46 an island ancient islamic law there is
1:11:48 no no
1:11:50 no warranty to an exchange of money but
1:11:52 there's no sovereignty
1:11:53 something else it's another contract
1:11:56 unfortunately so our current focus are
1:11:59 unfortunately not uh they cannot
1:12:03 Music
1:12:04 you cannot rely really on on there it's
1:12:07 very unfortunate
1:12:08 the unfor you you can see that's very
1:12:10 unfortunate since even centuries
1:12:12 since really takrid since like uh
1:12:15 someone came with the idea i think it is
1:12:18 uh i remember his name
1:12:19 that all the madaya only one and
1:12:22 everything has been settled that's not
1:12:24 true
1:12:25 and the result that for example when the
1:12:26 printing press came we have the calamity
1:12:28 the catastrophe
1:12:29 which has happened that they prohibited
1:12:31 that was one essential
1:12:34 one essential factor of the decline of
1:12:36 the muslim world one of the facts was no
1:12:38 no not the only man the main the main
1:12:40 factor is that
1:12:41 the corruption of the government system
1:12:43 that's definitely the one
1:12:45 but that corruption system is that the
1:12:46 one who led us to help for example
1:12:49 later governments to share that with
1:12:51 money were
1:12:52 to to give the government legitimacy and
1:12:55 other maybe out of sincere intention
1:12:57 even
1:12:57 to protect from motivation for islam to
1:12:59 have structures like like
1:13:05 and things like that which is completely
1:13:07 it's just church
1:13:08 turn islam into a church make it make it
1:13:11 make a
1:13:12 state church with the result state
1:13:14 church always will be will be a problem
1:13:17 it's always be a problem even if it has
1:13:19 the most intelligent people
1:13:20 accidentally usually it will not be
1:13:22 because the state does not like
1:13:24 intelligent people
1:13:25 to give fatwa that's the nature of power
1:13:28 power corrupts and the power of the
1:13:31 after the observation
1:13:32 of malawi was it was was increasing and
1:13:34 the power of
1:13:35 of the public and the power of focal
1:13:36 health genuine one
1:13:38 is decreasing so we got that photo that
1:13:41 was the result of that but still
1:13:43 this could have made a big difference
1:13:47 so the islamic well they have been
1:13:48 pressure came earlier and then
1:13:50 widespread printing the widespread
1:13:52 printing will be connected possibly due
1:13:54 to
1:13:55 improvement in in paper manufacturing
1:13:57 and that will lead to improvement in
1:13:59 that manufacturing and that will lead to
1:14:01 that all many things very very complex
1:14:03 very interrelated issues we missed that
1:14:05 because of
1:14:06 directly because of this fat or the
1:14:07 focal indirectly because what
1:14:09 the absorption of power corruption or
1:14:11 government systems is from our yes but
1:14:21 after that after the 5th century's
1:14:23 exchange rate became really more aware
1:14:25 than on the um
1:14:29 unfortunately
1:14:32 um so this question specifically is um
1:14:37 your response is kind of saying uh make
1:14:40 it just
1:14:41 you have to decide if you argue from
1:14:43 necessity or need
1:14:45 and you are you are comfortable yourself
1:14:47 with that then go ahead with it
1:14:49 okay so it's down to the person's but
1:14:51 there is an argument there is a good
1:14:52 argument there
1:14:53 the generation that you refer to how
1:14:55 strong is it i mean because because i
1:14:56 might understand that
1:14:57 narration is nothing it's more more it's
1:14:59 not an author oh no no
1:15:00 i'm saying the example of the camel the
1:15:03 meta yeah
1:15:04 yeah but even we don't need that we
1:15:06 don't even need that but
1:15:07 that narration is available i can't
1:15:09 shake it okay um as far as um
1:15:14 is compelled and his heart is confident
1:15:17 with iman
1:15:17 so pronouncing comfort is the biggest
1:15:19 possible sin sorry
1:15:21 and also when
1:15:37 being done it's it's uh
1:15:41 it's very visible for him to eat these
1:15:42 prohibited meats so
1:15:45 in hunger so some people say it's that
1:15:47 what what is the level of
1:15:49 that's it so everyone has to decide if
1:15:51 that's i would say
1:15:53 on all balance of arguments i think
1:15:55 that's what we will did here by
1:15:57 buying or based on that faulty fatwa
1:15:59 actually
1:16:00 they they could have based on the other
1:16:02 one which is if she's a better way
1:16:04 but on that other one they should have
1:16:06 also taken insurances for small
1:16:07 businesses on
1:16:08 and although the problems there actually
1:16:10 limited that the number of
1:16:12 who suffered like loss of business and
1:16:14 so on because of that
1:16:15 insurance is a small number but still it
1:16:18 is significant it should not have
1:16:19 if they would have been credited this is
1:16:21 with daryl kuffer we have to we have to
1:16:23 we don't have a like that but daryl mal
1:16:25 who helped the people in this race over
1:16:27 calamity
1:16:27 because in the case of such a calamity
1:16:29 like that your shop is banned
1:16:32 you can apply to forbidden man to get
1:16:34 from the zakah
1:16:35 but you don't have that man you are not
1:16:37 getting zakah so
1:16:38 this is the need for for have some kind
1:16:40 of protection in a you know
1:16:42 cover which people are just capitalistic
1:16:45 and everyone devours the other
1:16:47 got in this example this example of
1:16:50 having some level of compulsion
1:16:52 um student loans are they permissible or
1:16:54 not so obviously you've got the student
1:16:56 loan whereby
1:16:57 i would say if you have to analyze your
1:16:59 situation if someone for example
1:17:02 definitely getting getting an education
1:17:05 i think and
1:17:06 is is is important to get you further in
1:17:09 life and
1:17:10 improve your your your lot and improve a
1:17:12 lot of muslims and so on
1:17:15 you have to think about it how uh if you
1:17:18 i i would i would say everyone you think
1:17:20 of that if you think it's
1:17:21 it it's important it's important that
1:17:23 there's a need for it there's a pressing
1:17:25 need
1:17:25 and it's the only way and you in the
1:17:27 future you may be able to run away from
1:17:29 the interest or find some kind of
1:17:31 conversation
1:17:31 set into the government or something
1:17:33 like that then then do it
1:17:37 so in that scenario you can actually for
1:17:39 example earn less than the amount or you
1:17:41 can just wait and just
1:17:43 sign on until you're 50 or something
1:17:45 like that
1:17:46 that's obviously observed that's it
1:17:47 obviously
1:17:49 the con so there's two parts of one more
1:17:51 a contract so for example can you sign
1:17:53 something which has
1:17:54 uh obviously you can just ignore the
1:17:56 part of the contract which
1:17:57 yes ignore it and try to avoid it if you
1:18:00 can if you can't then it is
1:18:02 you are compelled to pay back but the
1:18:04 signing itself is based because
1:18:05 you otherwise you will be missing on the
1:18:08 education you you think it's need and
1:18:10 you're entitled to
1:18:11 and in in the case of a legitimate
1:18:13 islamic state you would have
1:18:15 support in this direction or unknown
1:18:16 usuriously here you don't have
1:18:19 unfortunately so
1:18:24 because people are borrowing from amar
1:18:25 from bait and man for business and
1:18:27 various things obviously no news areas
1:18:29 or sometimes they say no no i don't give
1:18:30 you i will participate with you in the
1:18:32 in
1:18:32 the deal what do you want the money for
1:18:34 uh we want to do a business we share
1:18:36 with you
1:18:37 that's what i'm not doing a wide variety
1:18:40 of people
1:18:44 and sharing with them
1:18:49 and some other ways does not look like
1:18:50 sharing it's a small amount
1:18:52 it was just just given as a loan and
1:18:55 others
1:18:55 was given as a grant with doubter so but
1:18:58 this
1:18:59 is expect from from a legitimate islamic
1:19:01 authority which understand this function
1:19:02 in the world
1:19:04 but we don't expect from a capitalist
1:19:05 authority in the
1:19:07 cafe domain they don't have these
1:19:08 principles they don't have the reference
1:19:11 frame
1:19:11 so you have to to sneak through this
1:19:14 system somehow
1:19:18 got a couple of uh other questions one
1:19:19 person is asking is it okay to short
1:19:21 sell
1:19:22 btc bitcoin when you see it topping out
1:19:26 yeah it's like like any other so same
1:19:28 thing as long as you know river involved
1:19:30 in
1:19:30 yeah you borrow that when you're showing
1:19:33 the exchanges is lending you
1:19:37 or you you you regard it as as as a
1:19:40 sallam
1:19:41 selling selling with a fixed money
1:19:45 to be handed over in the future
1:19:48 we discussed the okay um another
1:19:51 question
1:19:51 is i don't know what this is because uh
1:19:53 bitcoin seems to be like a commodity
1:19:55 it's not like a stock it's not like
1:19:57 another asset which is uh
1:19:58 which is another type it's more like a
1:20:00 commodity and that is the
1:20:02 you could that although
1:20:05 somebody that he that he allowed the
1:20:08 salam in wheat barley and so on
1:20:10 there is no need uh really to say it is
1:20:12 because it is it is food or it's edible
1:20:16 but this it has allowed it in a will
1:20:20 in in dates and for overwatch i don't
1:20:22 see any reason which cannot be allowed
1:20:24 in gold and server also
1:20:26 although there's no need for gold server
1:20:28 in that sense in time past but
1:20:30 in in the case of bitcoin is it there
1:20:32 may be a need
1:20:33 to to balance the prices in the market
1:20:36 and bring it into and to
1:20:38 to invest into
1:20:39 Music
1:20:41 to deliver the prices and bring it in
1:20:44 balance
1:20:46 but formally the contract is looks like
1:20:48 asylum contract for me
1:20:50 or it is you are borrowing and selling
1:20:52 the borrowed bitcoins if
1:20:53 it is borrowed i don't know how it's
1:20:55 structured in the case of
1:20:56 cryptocurrencies
1:20:57 which is that in the case of shares we
1:21:00 know because they are
1:21:01 separate entities and they and they are
1:21:04 then borrowed
1:21:05 the same with bonds these are these are
1:21:08 what they call what they call it
1:21:09 securities
1:21:10 their securities they are borrowed and
1:21:12 then sold if it's done properly
1:21:14 or bitcoin seems to be more like a
1:21:16 commodity it may be then
1:21:18 can be structured like asylum
1:21:22 got a question uh related uh related to
1:21:24 this so
1:21:25 would that make reseller or drop
1:21:27 shopping models haram since you may be
1:21:29 selling things that are
1:21:30 sitting with the distributor and not not
1:21:32 necessarily yourself at the time of an
1:21:34 order
1:21:35 no no that's that's it i don't think
1:21:37 people get that haram from there
1:21:40 why why is sitting at an order is is uh
1:21:42 is uh
1:21:44 is uh is an issue i mean
1:21:47 you mean that the people the the people
1:21:49 may argue that you are selling while you
1:21:51 don't own it yet
1:21:52 yes i think that's what it comes from
1:21:54 yeah
1:21:56 for for for for
1:22:00 but but the the uh let us see exactly
1:22:03 what how it is done
1:22:04 yeah i order from you something and you
1:22:07 order from china but usually you have
1:22:08 already a contractual obligation with
1:22:10 the chinese
1:22:11 to deliver you at a certain price that's
1:22:13 yeah you're a reseller or an agent as a
1:22:15 seller for them
1:22:16 you already said that you have already
1:22:17 you have already contracted obligation
1:22:19 with them which is as
1:22:20 as if you are only owning it in your
1:22:22 hand yeah
1:22:24 yeah and then and then your
1:22:27 the ownership is guaranteed it's not
1:22:28 like a bed in the sky which you don't
1:22:30 own
1:22:31 you actually own because with this with
1:22:33 this obligation
1:22:34 sometimes could happen in between for
1:22:36 example for the delivery and so on
1:22:38 these accidents we know how to treat
1:22:39 them under under islamic law and
1:22:41 any other law but otherwise it is there
1:22:44 the moment you receive an order from the
1:22:46 guy
1:22:47 you switch over and all that certain
1:22:49 amount so you have an open order there
1:22:52 uh without the chinese company that's
1:22:54 usually there in ebay mostly with
1:22:55 chinese for example
1:22:56 as one of the main suppliers now for
1:22:59 industrial goods
1:23:00 someone other than immediately make
1:23:03 the matching order there and the
1:23:06 it may be done even the same moment
1:23:10 electronically is done now there will be
1:23:13 accept here
1:23:14 you make sure that before before you
1:23:17 before
1:23:18 uh you check out and that's the unusual
1:23:21 electronically now before you check out
1:23:23 it is the order is made in china
1:23:24 unapproved
1:23:27 and then you get also the message how
1:23:29 how long the delivery of the shipment
1:23:31 time takes and so on and
1:23:32 various types of shipments etc
1:23:36 and they tell you it is in stock or out
1:23:38 of stock otherwise it will not
1:23:40 so it is clearly in stock and all these
1:23:42 things are being well balanced
1:23:43 i don't think there is a problem with
1:23:45 that
1:23:51 are not in the same place they are far
1:23:53 away so they have to have some kind of a
1:23:55 settlement over the phone or over
1:23:56 or a blockchain or something like
1:24:01 i've that a question about uh factoring
1:24:03 over invoices i have no idea what that
1:24:05 means
1:24:06 that's what they discussed earlier
1:24:07 that's the factoring that's for example
1:24:10 uh when uh most especially big companies
1:24:13 and
1:24:13 big sales and so on like for example
1:24:15 when the when a car manufacturer send
1:24:18 the
1:24:18 hundred folds to the ford dealer and
1:24:21 send him the invoice with the delivery
1:24:23 yeah he doesn't need to pay immediately
1:24:26 he pays maybe in 60 days
1:24:29 good is that what it means yeah that
1:24:31 that no that now
1:24:32 the factoring is that someone goes to
1:24:35 the company say
1:24:36 okay let me let me uh
1:24:41 transfer that because the the with the
1:24:44 delivery the
1:24:45 voice meaning that you are indebted to
1:24:46 us this is a debt you are addicted to us
1:24:49 for this amount due in 60 days
1:24:52 you say transfer this debt to me i will
1:24:56 give you the debt now but at a discount
1:24:58 instead of the
1:24:59 uh 1 million i give you 900 000 then you
1:25:02 can enjoy the money right away to the
1:25:04 company
1:25:04 and then turn around to the to the
1:25:07 to the to the car dealer saying
1:25:11 you owe me i have the document of
1:25:12 ownership here you owe me
1:25:14 the one million i'm i'm i i will wait
1:25:16 until uh
1:25:17 until the due date and receive it from
1:25:19 you that's it
1:25:24 it's a delayed payment basically no
1:25:27 advancing the payment and for for the
1:25:28 one who who deserve to get the payment
1:25:31 the owner of the
1:25:32 goods which have been sold who was
1:25:34 willing to
1:25:35 to to sell them at a certain price
1:25:38 delayed
1:25:38 yeah for 60 days delivery yeah sector
1:25:41 invoice
1:25:42 now you persuade him okay you can't wait
1:25:44 to 60 days and receive your 1 million
1:25:46 but i can't give you right now 900 000
1:25:50 and i am the one who went and there will
1:25:52 be 100 000 will go in my pocket
1:25:54 if this if the original seller is happy
1:25:56 and the the buyer is obviously
1:25:58 buyers obliged to pay after 60 days
1:26:00 anyway
1:26:02 so essentially the debt is advanced
1:26:03 forward and with a discount
1:26:05 that's perfectly fine
1:26:13 um any more questions or alternatively
1:26:16 you owe me for a thousand at the end of
1:26:18 the year yeah 2021
1:26:20 i come to you say listen russia the
1:26:22 thousand i
1:26:24 uh uh i need that now
1:26:27 let me say but i don't have it ready i
1:26:29 can't give it to you now
1:26:31 say okay what's about to you give me
1:26:32 instead of a thousand give me just eight
1:26:34 hundred now and we
1:26:35 are quit okay fine i can't get that time
1:26:37 now i finished that's it
1:26:38 i'm discounting it forward
1:26:42 is there any element of rabbi involved
1:26:44 in this no no it is the opposite of
1:26:46 exactly the opposite or
1:26:49 because what was due in the end of the
1:26:51 year which is
1:26:52 must be must be paid at the end of year
1:26:54 is advanced now
1:26:55 yes there is a discount but it's
1:26:57 advanced and it's coming the economic
1:26:58 activity now i can't do whatever what i
1:27:00 want you are relieved from the debt and
1:27:02 so on
1:27:02 it's not like usury is usually that that
1:27:04 is what's won in the future and the
1:27:05 payment was fought with more money in
1:27:07 the future
1:27:09 better than the the next generation
1:27:10 possibly even if we're having long-term
1:27:13 debts and bonds and things like that
1:27:14 it's the opposite the opposite effect in
1:27:16 the economy
1:27:17 and the opposite effect and and
1:27:21 and this actually that there's even even
1:27:23 no no usage element in the sense that
1:27:25 third one taking advantage from somebody
1:27:27 else i'm not taking advantage
1:27:29 you are not taking advantage for me
1:27:32 when you tell me i i don't have it we
1:27:34 agreed on the end of the year
1:27:36 i said okay i will sweeten it for you
1:27:37 800 now
1:27:39 and we forgot about it the rest a
1:27:40 discount for you it may be for you
1:27:42 accept them
1:27:43 you can say yes fine because i know
1:27:45 sorry that's it
1:27:47 if they were to need it but into the
1:27:48 contract then obviously that's a
1:27:50 different issue but
1:27:51 because because for example maybe some
1:27:54 someone mentioned
1:27:54 the main invention they may be factoring
1:27:56 providers who pay off the invoice in
1:27:57 full
1:27:58 but offer your loan contract on interest
1:28:00 to pay off the debt plus interest
1:28:03 notice no factor factoring is that if
1:28:05 you pay in advance i
1:28:06 i am willing to give you a discount
1:28:12 it's completely different a contract is
1:28:15 already there a money is due in the
1:28:16 future
1:28:17 independence the money is is legitimate
1:28:19 or religion but it's due in the future
1:28:21 that during the future being it users or
1:28:23 non-users let's assume it's a clean debt
1:28:26 i gave you a thousand now uh uh ounces
1:28:28 of gold give me at the end of the year
1:28:30 thousand hours of gold
1:28:32 that's that's a valid contract then one
1:28:35 month later i think i have
1:28:37 better use for the thousand ounce now
1:28:40 and i come to you rush give me the uh
1:28:43 can you advise can you give it to either
1:28:44 say no i can't i have i've
1:28:45 invested and so on i cannot i'll
1:28:47 allocate a thousand now you have to wait
1:28:49 until the end of the year so what about
1:28:50 if you can
1:28:51 get somehow allocate only 800 and give
1:28:54 it to me now say okay that's good i'm
1:28:55 getting 200 in my pocket
1:28:57 just by advancing that's advancing not
1:29:01 delaying
1:29:01 or not in the future in the past
1:29:04 is essentially different factoring is a
1:29:08 different
1:29:11 if somebody works into that contract
1:29:13 i'll give you 200 now or 800 now but i'm
1:29:15 also going to charge you interest then
1:29:16 obviously that part would be
1:29:18 the prohibited part yeah this is for the
1:29:20 giving now on the future but it's
1:29:22 already given already agreed
1:29:24 it's only this usually factoring is
1:29:25 usually done in invoices
1:29:29 in which the other side is liable of the
1:29:30 price which is due in
1:29:32 60 days for example let us take the
1:29:34 example 60 days because it's very common
1:29:35 for
1:29:36 in london for example and then in
1:29:37 britain for 60 days for invoices
1:29:40 most commercial voices like that 60 days
1:29:42 then the
1:29:43 one the factor the factor of the one who
1:29:45 is doing factoring business
1:29:46 will come to the to the uh to the
1:29:50 uh the company transfer that obligation
1:29:54 to me
1:29:57 so i can go and collect in your behalf
1:29:59 the thousand the
1:30:01 the amount at the end of the six and i
1:30:04 give you
1:30:04 a discounted amount right now so you are
1:30:07 out i am
1:30:08 i i'm come in you're in your place
1:30:14 so instead of that car dealer has to pay
1:30:17 in
1:30:17 at the end of the time which is the
1:30:19 amount which which is agreed upon which
1:30:21 is like let's say
1:30:22 one million pound at after two months
1:30:26 he sees the invoice had been transferred
1:30:28 to this guy
1:30:30 and he paid the the thousand the million
1:30:32 to this guy but this guy why he got the
1:30:34 invoice
1:30:35 because he persuaded the company the
1:30:37 ford manufacturer manufacturer to
1:30:39 transfer the invoice to him
1:30:41 the right of collecting the money of the
1:30:43 invoice to him transfer essentially they
1:30:45 did to him
1:30:45 and got got uh got got uh
1:30:49 got the money right away obviously you
1:30:50 will not get the full money right away
1:30:52 otherwise
1:30:52 does not make sense for a businessman it
1:30:54 got a little bit
1:30:56 down discount you see what's happening
1:31:00 you see the structure of it
1:31:05 now i get what you're saying yeah it's
1:31:06 really directed to the people who asked
1:31:08 the question yeah i'll send a recording
1:31:11 over to them
1:31:11 um we've got um any more questions
1:31:14 related to this
1:31:14 there was a bit of a discussion in the
1:31:16 in the chat about
1:31:18 uh morsel i do believe it's probably
1:31:20 beyond the scope of this because it's
1:31:22 ultimately we're not obligated to follow
1:31:24 any of the four uh
1:31:25 schools where you have to go back to the
1:31:26 guitar and that's kind of your
1:31:28 point of view in terms of yeah having
1:31:31 you know
1:31:32 better uh connectivity to zahari's
1:31:35 sources
1:31:36 they have they have their they have
1:31:38 major problems we have seen when
1:31:40 when the time developed and the muslim
1:31:42 words was
1:31:43 became backwards and so on that was
1:31:44 developed further developed many
1:31:46 usurious things many illegitimate things
1:31:48 and many legitimate
1:31:49 things the muslims were unable to
1:31:53 to sort the shaft from the wheat and
1:31:55 even in this issue
1:31:56 in terms of hadith as well more so some
1:31:58 people taking more so at the end of the
1:31:59 day i mean
1:32:00 you you have your also which is quran
1:32:02 and sunnah
1:32:03 fundamentally more why is most religious
1:32:07 authority
1:32:07 because to be to have something
1:32:10 authority it must be from prophet
1:32:12 either will substitute like the water or
1:32:15 at least bordering most attitude because
1:32:18 in human life in witnesses and contracts
1:32:20 we go by
1:32:23 beyond reasonable doubt not beyond
1:32:26 possible doubt
1:32:28 otherwise nothing will function yeah of
1:32:31 course dictated by necessity
1:32:32 and interaction this is not deduced from
1:32:35 from
1:32:36 uh from the it is used also from many
1:32:38 incidences of the hadith
1:32:40 and the sea life et cetera that that
1:32:43 that they went by by
1:32:46 things bordering or substitute either
1:32:49 certitude or something bothering us
1:32:50 attitude
1:32:52 but was approved by the sharia because
1:32:54 life will not be impossible to us so you
1:32:55 cannot insist on
1:32:56 certitude beyond any possible doubt
1:33:01 but it's enough with unreasonable doubt
1:33:03 reasonable doubt
1:33:04 is not a doubt like for example this
1:33:06 narrator is well known authority well
1:33:08 known to be trustworthy and so on
1:33:10 but he's a human being he may have made
1:33:12 a mistake here yeah but this is not a
1:33:13 reasonable doubt
1:33:14 you have to bring a justification that
1:33:16 he made a mistake there by
1:33:18 shaking another narration checking the
1:33:21 the text that may be a problem
1:33:22 checking that or he may have lied
1:33:25 because even the most trustworthy person
1:33:27 in all his life may lie
1:33:28 maybe but but this is very remote that's
1:33:31 beyond reasonable doubt
1:33:33 that he has reasonable doubt with
1:33:36 certitude
1:33:37 beyond any possible doubt there is no
1:33:38 possibility of any doubt like multiple
1:33:40 people narrating this is impossible that
1:33:42 they have
1:33:43 and there are sufficient other evidences
1:33:46 showing that they could not have met
1:33:47 together
1:33:47 and decided to construct the this
1:33:50 statement is impossible
1:33:52 but it's impossible for the statement to
1:33:53 emerge by itself
1:33:56 it can't be so it must be
1:33:59 to that to must become from the one who
1:34:01 attributed to himself
1:34:02 like for example something in written
1:34:05 and we can prove that there's a writing
1:34:06 from the same guy in his handwriting and
1:34:08 so on the paper and so on that there's
1:34:10 no change in it
1:34:10 and it's clearly from the same old ink
1:34:13 this is this is essentially substitute
1:34:15 it needs always supportive evidences
1:34:17 until this attitude
1:34:19 but a later print uh the one who upset
1:34:22 said the the the the edited version
1:34:26 called many of the ancient books are
1:34:27 hundreds but recent books
1:34:30 does we unreasonable doubt that's the
1:34:32 word but we cannot exclude that someone
1:34:34 who
1:34:34 transferred it from handwriting into a
1:34:36 book that this guy cheated in somewhere
1:34:38 or changed one word
1:34:40 we cannot exclude even if he's a
1:34:42 reliable authority
1:34:44 if he's unreliable we know this is not
1:34:46 the authority but if it's a reliable
1:34:48 truth it's an authority in the sense
1:34:49 be a reasonable doubt not to its
1:34:51 attitude
1:34:53 and we know that even with the plenty of
1:34:54 breasts you may have even misspelling
1:34:56 and mistakes
1:34:58 but they can be sorted out and found out
1:34:59 etcetera
1:35:03 so we are not allowed to follow just
1:35:05 something which may be from an orphan it
1:35:07 help it has to be a with certainty
1:35:09 or murdering uncertainty close to
1:35:12 security
1:35:13 but not far away from certainty morsel
1:35:16 is far away from certainty
1:35:20 actually some more are even certain in
1:35:22 the sense that they are
1:35:23 by their own nature and their generation
1:35:26 they must be based on tawatur
1:35:29 so it looks more cell in the face but
1:35:30 it's the water
1:35:32 but this one hadith specifically is
1:35:34 definitely the best of the water
1:35:36 because the matter is obviously obscure
1:35:40 because this is not the way the person
1:35:41 will talk about donald harvester he will
1:35:42 talk
1:35:43 with the herbie with the kafir
1:35:46 he doesn't use the weather except rarely
1:35:49 in in
1:35:50 in issues related to immigration and
1:35:52 moving out and end that's it
1:35:54 he uses usually persons and identities
1:35:58 which then abstracts to their help
1:36:07 like when you say for them
1:36:21 and we know from other evidences that it
1:36:24 means the one who is at war with muslims
1:36:26 so he joined the warrior
1:36:27 so became a warrior then his blood is
1:36:30 permitted to to be shed
1:36:34 and this does not apply only to the
1:36:35 slave who is on the way
1:36:37 because all of us are the slave of allah
1:36:39 so if you go to israel you have escaped
1:36:41 islam
1:36:41 you left the islamic domain where you
1:36:43 are the slave of allah to the domain of
1:36:45 shirk we are no more the slave
1:36:46 or you rebelled against the slavery
1:36:49 so your blood can be shed for example
1:36:54 but today will help why because the
1:36:56 quran says clearly what you see in surat
1:36:57 nazar
1:36:58 that those who are living in the domain
1:37:00 of cover
1:37:01 and joining the kuffar in their fight if
1:37:04 they are having a covenant with people
1:37:06 with whom you have a covenant you kind
1:37:08 of shed their blood because this
1:37:09 covenant protect them
1:37:10 so it must be the one with the which is
1:37:12 the state of war
1:37:13 with no covenant or protection
1:37:16 this all has to be taken on board in
1:37:18 these things
1:37:20 but the formulation is usually not like
1:37:21 that when with the mushrikee and with
1:37:24 this with covenant
1:37:24 people with covenant the quran always
1:37:26 talks about the ummah about the people
1:37:28 doesn't think about institutions even
1:37:30 even even the government on one in
1:37:32 charge except in two places
1:37:36 in the one place if they have referred
1:37:38 to um to analyze the issues of war on
1:37:40 peace and security and insecurity they
1:37:42 should not have
1:37:43 you should not have uh spread romans as
1:37:46 soon which will undermine
1:37:48 people feel a feeling of safety they
1:37:50 should if they get any use of war or
1:37:52 peace or
1:37:54 an approaching army they should not
1:37:55 spread it just around the army's
1:37:57 approach
1:37:57 they go to the one charge to analyze the
1:38:01 sentence
1:38:01 the issue is the real issue of safety so
1:38:03 that we can rally the people and start
1:38:05 preparing for war or for defense or not
1:38:08 instead of going and saying spread
1:38:10 rumors and undermine the
1:38:12 public confidence the only place in the
1:38:15 quran two places were all
1:38:16 mentioned they have never mentioned
1:38:17 anywhere only the ummah you are the only
1:38:19 the whole is addressed so it does not
1:38:22 look like the way the process addresses
1:38:23 the wording does not look like it looks
1:38:25 like a wedding
1:38:26 not the wording of the prophet
1:38:33 okay so that's that's that but some
1:38:36 other morsel
1:38:43 every one of foreign hairs his light so
1:38:45 there is no asiya for wart
1:38:52 that that's that's the agreement between
1:38:54 all the sahaba and all this is
1:38:56 morsel we could say it is essentially
1:38:58 based on taratul
1:39:00 how how do we know that is enforced by
1:39:01 the ishmael the sahaba and the
1:39:03 word since ancient time that
1:39:06 you cannot make no syria for it if you
1:39:08 want to deal with waratha
1:39:10 this they should the friend of
1:39:13 of uh of rash is asking we shall
1:39:16 find him michela if you did a deal in
1:39:18 your life and give them
1:39:20 if you give them in your house
1:39:23 like a walker was gifting something to
1:39:25 aisha and she did not take it yet she
1:39:26 didn't receive it and he was in his
1:39:28 deathbed
1:39:28 say did you receive that one did you
1:39:30 take it over say no say it is too late
1:39:32 now
1:39:32 it will go to the to the to
1:39:36 the inheritance and will be divided
1:39:37 accordingly
1:39:39 should have taken it it was a gift in my
1:39:41 lifetime now it is not possible to give
1:39:43 you that
1:39:44 as always is over isn't fought by many
1:39:47 things
1:39:48 so we say that one morsel technically
1:39:50 morsel
1:39:51 is actually to other many of sierra
1:39:53 stories are technically morsel
1:39:55 but they are referring to torator
1:40:00 as we may glean from various other
1:40:02 supporting evidences that are really
1:40:04 that the narrator make it more sad
1:40:06 because he hated so many people it makes
1:40:07 no sense to say i hate it from x y z
1:40:10 epsilon y z one x one x two x three
1:40:12 other mention you a long list of
1:40:14 hundreds of people
1:40:15 i hate almost everybody so he said let
1:40:17 me say allah said
1:40:19 as i hear that from so many people that
1:40:21 think i am certain
1:40:26 so musal could be but could be the
1:40:28 otherwise could be from a shaytan
1:40:31 who fabricated
1:40:38 that's the nature of muscle so it's not
1:40:39 every muscle this is uh
1:40:41 is is by by but by being a more solid
1:40:44 face
1:40:45 it's not an authority by in theory or
1:40:48 some morsel may refer may actually
1:40:50 reflect
1:40:51 the water and some reflect nothing
1:40:53 reflect rubbish
1:40:55 so again by itself as it stands without
1:40:58 another corroborating evidence
1:40:59 is not an authority
1:41:09 itself i mean you've covered uh you've
1:41:11 you've done classes in assault if there
1:41:13 is an appetite to go into some more
1:41:14 detail on this we could always
1:41:15 schedule something in the future if
1:41:17 anyone wants well
1:41:19 these classes also we will edit them and
1:41:21 we'll improve that
1:41:22 and then make it maybe in the videos and
1:41:24 start posting them and so on we'll see
1:41:26 how much do we save and where it is and
1:41:28 so on so to become more for the general
1:41:30 benefit because we had we had good
1:41:31 things i think
1:41:32 was worth being and we discussed various
1:41:35 issues around that
1:41:36 many uh particular issues i think it's
1:41:38 it's worth we should look in that
1:41:40 challenge together
1:41:41 what we didn't do in our last um
1:41:44 is we were gonna look at um maybe
1:41:46 editing up because the pace was
1:41:48 um uh slow uh is finishing off what we
1:41:52 had from
1:41:52 uh ahmadi's uh bernard shaw's summary of
1:41:55 ahmadi
1:41:56 because we finished most of it the key
1:41:57 points had come out and then we had to
1:41:59 do selection and then finish
1:42:01 and where that end was i think about
1:42:03 ishmael and so on and i think we will be
1:42:05 preempted most of that i think yeah most
1:42:07 of the discussion had been had so it
1:42:09 wasn't a necessity to read through the
1:42:10 whole of the book
1:42:11 but there were some sections that needed
1:42:13 to be finished and then there's some
1:42:14 polishing
1:42:14 just for those people who didn't know
1:42:16 what we covered in maine your main
1:42:18 thrust to the point was default ruling
1:42:20 on actions i think this was it
1:42:22 hey how do you think and you came to
1:42:24 that point that if the prophet saws and
1:42:25 command something as a general thing
1:42:27 it will be recommended without karina
1:42:28 and then you have um other things going
1:42:30 on and but most importantly discussed
1:42:32 other things like malik's opinion
1:42:33 if he says if the prophet tells us to do
1:42:35 something larger but less indicated
1:42:37 otherwise he went through that opinion
1:42:38 the other things
1:42:39 all of these kind of things so there's a
1:42:41 lot to that material what's a little bit
1:42:43 more
1:42:43 what's a little bit more um rounded
1:42:47 is uh what we did with because that's
1:42:49 that's a more accessible text for those
1:42:51 who are interested
1:42:52 as for the brothers that made this point
1:42:55 there was a brother was making a point
1:42:56 earlier i think it was a
1:42:58 a little bit of uh excess um where
1:43:01 someone uh he mentioned that look
1:43:02 uh about motorcycle would be haram to
1:43:04 follow this kind of stuff and what i
1:43:05 understood of what you said
1:43:06 the mausoleum narration for you is not
1:43:08 hajja because obviously it's not
1:43:09 connected back to the prophet saws
1:43:10 strength it can be indicative this is
1:43:11 what you've said before isn't it
1:43:13 yeah it can be used as an indicative
1:43:14 yeah it's like a weak hadith
1:43:15 strengthening
1:43:16 body i mean yeah body of sound kind of
1:43:19 stuff
1:43:19 so it can be a joint but it's by itself
1:43:22 it doesn't turn
1:43:23 because it's disconnected it never has
1:43:25 doubt yet um
1:43:26 just as a couple of uh final points
1:43:30 the the on the issue of uh the madahib
1:43:32 right it's something that's going to be
1:43:34 easily
1:43:35 misrepresented by others um no one's
1:43:38 saying that it's wrong
1:43:39 and all of these kind of stuff or what
1:43:41 we're saying is that you know in allah
1:43:43 we don't have we don't believe in the
1:43:44 ismart of imams we don't believe
1:43:46 in infallible imams um and also the idea
1:43:48 that there were four schools is a
1:43:49 historical fallacy there were many
1:43:51 others right
1:43:52 yeah due to a number of factors
1:43:53 spreading and all these kind of stuff
1:43:54 others moved and there was a time in
1:43:56 history and
1:43:56 everyone is conveniently forgetting this
1:43:59 where the mother was a de facto fifth
1:44:01 motherhood and the proof of that
1:44:02 is just read the buddha hidayah
1:44:08 quotes the fifth school and because it
1:44:09 was operating actively as if it's school
1:44:11 after it
1:44:12 has had passed it this is centuries
1:44:15 after the early years of islam you know
1:44:16 this is in the opposite
1:44:18 area so you know the historic history
1:44:19 doesn't match up with an attempt to say
1:44:21 it has to be from the school for schools
1:44:23 otherwise it's wrong you know
1:44:24 this is this is this is a major blunder
1:44:26 of uh
1:44:29 saying that the former everything is
1:44:32 there nothing is outside
1:44:33 this is a catastrophe anyway and it's
1:44:35 not true as well
1:44:37 it's it's a fallacy it's a fallacy it's
1:44:39 a fallacy the same of life for example
1:44:41 we have also jaffary yeah it's
1:44:45 similar to sometimes and sometimes for
1:44:47 medina
1:44:48 and then we have also zaidi they said
1:44:50 they developed their own separately yeah
1:44:52 not only the method of
1:44:53 imam and so on that's a matter which has
1:44:55 been messed up and
1:44:57 conjoined to akrida which is doesn't
1:44:59 should not belong there but leave that
1:45:00 now for the moment
1:45:01 so we have these and then we have some
1:45:03 imam
1:45:07 interesting and it seems to me in some
1:45:10 of them
1:45:11 it turns out now after we've got all the
1:45:13 hadith and all things it seems to me
1:45:16 hadith and quran justify him better than
1:45:18 the others who
1:45:20 who got stuck maybe with some fake
1:45:23 points of view
1:45:24 partly who were taken from from from
1:45:28 jews and christians and roman habits and
1:45:30 so on
1:45:31 you would be amazed that some of the
1:45:33 tabernin one or two i think
1:45:35 they they they they they advocated even
1:45:39 that someone in debt could be sold as a
1:45:41 slave
1:45:42 this is unbelievable there was it was
1:45:45 things like that all these these have
1:45:46 these other points you have been extinct
1:45:50 but but still but still
1:45:55 these points of view have been extinct
1:45:58 so it is this is a lot of tons of things
1:46:00 which are unbelievable and rubbish is
1:46:01 there
1:46:02 and uh i read recently but i didn't
1:46:05 could not verify
1:46:06 that
1:46:10 it is
1:46:20 islam because they they allow that the
1:46:22 sharia could be obligated
1:46:24 i have never read that anywhere i i have
1:46:26 to check what is this
1:46:28 what they are that i never thought but
1:46:30 also we have a toffee alhambra instead
1:46:32 hambury in the
1:46:33 in the 8th century 7th or 8th century of
1:46:36 islam injury
1:46:37 and saying that
1:46:49 which is a straightforward statement
1:46:51 yeah
1:46:52 sounds there yeah yeah many people
1:46:54 declare him to be a kafir at this time
1:46:56 and he's a hamburger so that's it that's
1:46:59 all
1:47:01 that's all uh there are many things like
1:47:03 that's it but
1:47:04 because the people the general republic
1:47:05 is relatively ignorant and were not well
1:47:07 educated
1:47:08 they they take positions which
1:47:12 they think these are things are written
1:47:14 in stone or well established beyond
1:47:15 doubt and so that's not
1:47:17 that's not definitely not like for
1:47:20 example
1:47:21 the famous story of hallach who's
1:47:23 accused that he's
1:47:24 catholic because one of the stories that
1:47:26 later in that he said someone knocked
1:47:28 the door and said
1:47:29 and then the man at the door said is
1:47:32 that halal
1:47:32 inside and said nothing inside except
1:47:35 allah
1:47:36 that you believe that is allah anyway
1:47:39 and ultimately
1:47:40 so many stories like that reached the
1:47:42 quran
1:47:43 there were there were there were various
1:47:45 quran there
1:47:46 there were various kodak there hambury
1:47:50 were established at that time amazingly
1:47:53 three of them could judge him to recover
1:47:55 the humbly one who's supposed to be the
1:47:58 the most strict one say no this is not
1:48:00 enough evidence that he's a kafir
1:48:02 it may be have another meaning he means
1:48:04 something else it does not mean
1:48:05 statement of cover
1:48:07 and january it's it's a confusing
1:48:09 statement which does not indicate that
1:48:11 he
1:48:11 believe that allah is the entity of
1:48:13 everything or inside everything
1:48:16 he may be meaning the will of allah and
1:48:18 the
1:48:20 expression of allah which is true in
1:48:22 every house everything is expression of
1:48:24 allah although the statement like that
1:48:26 is clearly confusing
1:48:30 so there are many things in islamic
1:48:31 history an interesting thing
1:48:34 and there are other extreme things to
1:48:35 really
1:48:37 amazing historical like for example in
1:48:39 in the time of honorable
1:48:40 aziz there was there was a siege of of
1:48:44 a certain castle in in in the turkic
1:48:46 area like behind samarkand and so on
1:48:50 and they were negotiating a certain
1:48:51 settlement and
1:48:53 they they uh insisted that settlement
1:48:56 should be approved by umar bin abdullah
1:48:59 because they heard about his justice and
1:49:00 so on so the document came to omar
1:49:03 and they said this is document handed by
1:49:05 their leaders etc and they agreed upon
1:49:07 they just want to do significance you
1:49:08 know i will not sign it until you go
1:49:10 with it
1:49:11 to the market invite all people and take
1:49:14 your votes take their votes
1:49:16 if they agree that's almost extremely
1:49:20 democratic
1:49:22 huh no
1:49:25 they really are not enough this matter
1:49:27 of life and death and war and peace
1:49:29 everyone has to vote and they went and
1:49:31 did that and everyone agreed
1:49:33 and they came back and i'm assigned
1:49:38 another story for example one one i
1:49:40 think it's samarkand itself was
1:49:41 conquered
1:49:43 and after the conquest the bible saw
1:49:45 hunt came to know that they usually they
1:49:47 should be offered islam or jesus or
1:49:49 something
1:49:49 keep independence and just pay jessie
1:49:51 and so on and they went to the cardi of
1:49:52 the june
1:49:53 of the army say your invasions
1:49:56 according to islam so why if they will
1:49:58 we are not giving that offer
1:50:01 and you conquer that by false because we
1:50:02 did not get the other option you are not
1:50:03 ah
1:50:04 and he checked this was off was not
1:50:06 offered to them
1:50:07 he ordered the army out everyone out
1:50:11 the city doors clear the city it gets
1:50:13 closed
1:50:15 and then they negotiate again and make
1:50:16 the three of us
1:50:18 the people say welcome we accept we
1:50:20 accepted the jizya
1:50:24 fantastic things need to be dug jewels
1:50:26 in history
1:50:27 precedences were unbelievable value
1:50:31 first we have forgotten about that when
1:50:33 when the issues with the people of
1:50:34 cyprus have been in the
1:50:36 early abbasi
1:50:41 cyprus belongs they they cooperated with
1:50:45 romans
1:50:46 and then he wanted obviously to inherit
1:50:48 them and the scholars stopped to stop
1:50:49 whatever
1:50:50 inhalation if you would have a covenant
1:50:51 since the time of sahaba
1:50:53 so he asked various opinions
1:50:57 etc and everyone gave his opinion
1:51:00 they're very very various variational
1:51:01 opinions
1:51:02 one of them of uh i remember the name in
1:51:05 a minute
1:51:06 who is also hadith narrator regarded at
1:51:08 the god but only in the shami indonesia
1:51:10 is not a strong said the people are
1:51:13 under duress
1:51:15 they are between the hammer and the
1:51:16 anvil
1:51:18 the romans invade them and force them
1:51:19 and then we invite them and force them
1:51:21 does not work this way we are not giving
1:51:22 them sufficient protection
1:51:24 we should allow them if we don't give
1:51:26 complete protection and repel the rebel
1:51:28 repel the romans attack we should give
1:51:31 them the
1:51:32 allow them to pay at least half their
1:51:34 jesus should go to the room and so they
1:51:35 should be
1:51:36 here to assad to the romans that's the
1:51:39 only way
1:51:40 to get them out of to the misery they
1:51:41 are in in a lengthy statement i have it
1:51:44 covered somewhere in my
1:51:45 comments the jews in islamic history
1:51:47 which have been overlooked
1:51:50 and scholarly in the statements of
1:51:53 really supreme value which could be
1:51:56 world shaking really even in the
1:51:58 international relations unbelievable
1:52:02 but ignorance is is not a bliss
1:52:06 only for the ignorant yeah we have a
1:52:08 question about it
1:52:10 he can rest in his ignorance and think
1:52:12 the world is under his control with his
1:52:15 we've got ignorance question about uh
1:52:16 gold and silver
1:52:18 so is there any hadith about gold priced
1:52:21 in silver
1:52:22 i.e a revealed ratio no no no no there's
1:52:25 none
1:52:26 had it been
1:52:32 if these types are different then
1:52:34 exchange as much as you like
1:52:36 at the time of the prophet it was i
1:52:37 think one to seven and then it slowly
1:52:39 went more and more and silver was more
1:52:42 valuable and then
1:52:43 sank more and more and more because
1:52:45 maybe possibly more
1:52:47 silver was easily found etc and nowadays
1:52:50 it may
1:52:51 slowly become more valuable because
1:52:54 plenty of sale was going for industrial
1:52:55 use and
1:52:56 electric connections so it will become
1:52:58 rarer so maybe then
1:53:00 the the relation will go slowly to that
1:53:02 what the time of honorable hop up
1:53:04 for example so these are things that are
1:53:07 open
1:53:07 and subject to the open market you know
1:53:10 yeah
1:53:16 as you wish obviously meaning as you're
1:53:18 actually addressing the community at the
1:53:19 market dictates
1:53:21 it is not proper that you you sell
1:53:22 someone who is ignorant about the market
1:53:24 or simple-minded you take advantage of
1:53:26 his ignorance and sell him that would be
1:53:28 either cheating by giving the wrong
1:53:30 price or with uh
1:53:31 taking excessive advantages
1:53:35 access but these are additional issues
1:53:38 but in principle
1:53:39 the price is settled by market overland
1:53:41 acceptance
1:53:42 sure what's your thought so just came to
1:53:44 my mind dogecoin is a is a coin which is
1:53:47 used to kind of like rug pull people or
1:53:49 oh god no no no no
1:53:52 no it's not like is a blockchain exactly
1:53:55 like
1:53:56 uh like uh like bitcoin well sometimes
1:53:59 it's used to kind of like um when people
1:54:01 come in and because
1:54:03 there's no intrinsic value in terms of
1:54:04 the amount of uh coins
1:54:06 there is there there is a considerable
1:54:08 intrinsic considerable financial energy
1:54:10 there exactly like bitcoin
1:54:11 the only thing is that it is it's much
1:54:13 later and it was initially made as a
1:54:15 joke
1:54:16 having this dog as a is a meme coin but
1:54:19 it has value and people buy and sell it
1:54:22 now there are some there's some
1:54:23 intelligent or sharp guys who
1:54:25 take advantage make a campaign to to
1:54:29 to hybrid up and then when it reach a
1:54:31 peak or they analyze the market they are
1:54:33 more skilled in other
1:54:34 markets they start selling and the one
1:54:36 who came late but this
1:54:37 is this is a problem with all with all
1:54:40 the general people in hype
1:54:41 when markets go up everyone runs behind
1:54:44 the market and get
1:54:45 get get wrecked but has happened even
1:54:48 for example
1:54:49 someone starts for example let's say
1:54:52 start for example let's say a laundry in
1:54:55 a street
1:54:56 and makes good money and then some
1:54:58 idiots think that oh we have to
1:55:00 establish
1:55:00 another loan they come in the same
1:55:01 street until you have so many laundry
1:55:03 that nobody
1:55:04 makes money even with laundries go and
1:55:06 see the shops in some places
1:55:08 in asian quarters stupidity at harry
1:55:11 potter shops
1:55:13 or other shops anyway stupidity is very
1:55:15 difficult to cure
1:55:17 the only thing is to educate the people
1:55:18 that give them good advice but
1:55:21 most people do not listen to good advice
1:55:23 there isn't too hype and feeling
1:55:25 and and things like that but this is
1:55:27 this this is because of human feeling
1:55:30 obviously there's some people who are
1:55:31 mischievous and and
1:55:33 try to loot people out this will exist
1:55:35 everywhere in muslim domain maybe
1:55:36 hopefully less
1:55:37 when muslims are more practicing and
1:55:39 more more pious than the average
1:55:41 hopefully but there will be there will
1:55:43 be there will be whales and there will
1:55:44 be sharks and the muslims the same like
1:55:46 undercover
1:55:48 and in some societies even worse like
1:55:49 for example look at for example
1:55:51 the ones who internationally known to be
1:55:53 biggest cheater and
1:55:54 and and doing corrupt business practice
1:55:58 nigerian pakistani two countries where
1:56:01 the
1:56:02 nigeria is not the dominantly but almost
1:56:05 dominantly muslim
1:56:06 and pakistan is all exclusive muslim
1:56:09 this is a disgrace that pakistani having
1:56:11 a bad reputation business
1:56:12 more than the indians the hindus unless
1:56:15 there's
1:56:16 something that's a fact so it's a very
1:56:20 miserable fact
1:56:21 which means that we should we should
1:56:22 take the shoes and beat them with the
1:56:24 shoes up
1:56:25 as a disgrace you are disgracing
1:56:27 yourself in islam
1:56:30 just get their leaders in combine
1:56:31 harvester and the leaders of the
1:56:33 elite and so on unfortunately that's
1:56:35 that that's what we see
1:56:36 it has eased the a bit in their ears and
1:56:39 is a bit
1:56:39 but in time past it was a prime example
1:56:42 i don't know okay beware for this
1:56:44 pakistan you must
1:56:44 must be doing some plot to cheat you out
1:56:47 of money and the same with nigeria in
1:56:48 africa
1:56:49 if especially if their name is hajisa
1:56:52 or something like that if you get a
1:56:53 golden pass when you're we have we
1:56:55 have to we have to acknowledge that some
1:56:57 of it is obviously propaganda and so on
1:56:59 but
1:56:59 propaganda does not come from nowhere
1:57:01 there must be some source of that
1:57:03 why we don't hear that the ugandan or or
1:57:05 or the south african are
1:57:09 considerably cheaper not we don't hear
1:57:11 that
1:57:12 but we here for example a matter of
1:57:14 sexual impurity and indulgent indulgence
1:57:17 in
1:57:17 in in in excessive sex and so on with
1:57:19 with
1:57:20 widespread of aids south africa is well
1:57:23 known for that
1:57:24 this is obviously something a disease in
1:57:26 the society which the people there have
1:57:27 to address
1:57:29 obviously the muslims are a small
1:57:30 minority there hopefully they do
1:57:32 something like for that one for
1:57:34 trying to get the people out of this
1:57:35 mentality of
1:57:37 sexual predatory behavior which is
1:57:39 widespread there
1:57:40 and and at least control this this aids
1:57:44 epidemic but there is some disease in
1:57:45 some societies
1:57:46 due to historic situations not that the
1:57:48 people are bad but maybe under apartheid
1:57:50 the people had no
1:57:51 no no way to express themselves except
1:57:53 to be sexually predatory for example we
1:57:55 don't know
1:57:56 it has to have deep studies under
1:57:59 certain cures and that's the job of the
1:58:02 scholar of uh
1:58:06 good politician to address that and try
1:58:08 to to
1:58:10 drain the swamps and certainly the
1:58:11 certain swamps with certain diseases
1:58:13 possible more than elsewhere but one
1:58:16 more question heavens
1:58:17 so for the for the future for inshallah
1:58:20 there is
1:58:20 no wahi based issue for issuance
1:58:24 of iu currencies as his book
1:58:27 adopts so he's about to adopt that they
1:58:29 shouldn't be i don't know it's been so
1:58:30 long i've been with them
1:58:31 uh since i've been around them um do
1:58:34 they adopt that there's no what
1:58:36 they you have to either you can't issue
1:58:39 um ious based currencies
1:58:43 no i i their point of view is that the
1:58:46 the
1:58:46 currency at the time which will
1:58:48 establish that before islam even
1:58:50 is the dinar and the gold and silver but
1:58:52 the hadith about gold silva
1:58:54 and so on shows that these are also semi
1:58:56 currencies
1:58:58 now the question some people say you
1:58:59 can't do something
1:59:03 is only these six types but if you look
1:59:05 at the charlie it cannot be the six side
1:59:07 because there are six in dhamma or
1:59:08 because
1:59:10 in arabic written with the letter and in
1:59:13 english with g o
1:59:14 l d no it has to examine its intrinsic
1:59:17 nature
1:59:17 so this will look in the intrinsic
1:59:19 nature of the integration of silver
1:59:21 and the intensification of wheat and so
1:59:23 on nobody can doubt that wheat
1:59:26 and barley are essentially similar in
1:59:29 all aspects of rice
1:59:31 they are yearly products they are dry
1:59:33 product they are well controlled
1:59:34 and in weight dry they are controlled
1:59:36 with they are repeatable and available
1:59:38 every year and these are major calamity
1:59:40 habits
1:59:40 in amount uh to settle and so on so why
1:59:43 not
1:59:44 regard rice as the same like like having
1:59:46 the same
1:59:47 judgment like barbie and if there we go
1:59:50 then we have oat
1:59:51 we have uh millet we have all of these
1:59:55 then we have the various beans and so on
1:59:57 they are very similar so would this be
1:59:58 covered by general permissibility
2:00:02 exactly and also the action of that that
2:00:05 he was dealing and what he's dealing
2:00:06 with in dealing with those
2:00:08 these six and mentioning this section
2:00:10 the hadith does not mean that is the
2:00:11 only
2:00:12 one he did not say
2:00:15 if he said for these six types only and
2:00:18 all other types you are free to do
2:00:19 whatever you want
2:00:20 then it would be an authority but he did
2:00:21 not say that he mentioned six types
2:00:23 and gave they are example we have we
2:00:25 have an example of of
2:00:27 a precious metal so gold silver i will
2:00:29 add to them uh
2:00:31 platinum definitely and molybdenum and
2:00:33 so on
2:00:35 even uranium but who will deal with them
2:00:37 this is everything
2:00:38 leave that then we have when you have
2:00:40 wheat and barley
2:00:42 then tries to eat millet i don't know
2:00:45 what's in arabic oat
2:00:46 so all of these things then we have
2:00:49 salt even salt is there some people say
2:00:52 because it's part of a food i could say
2:00:54 it is
2:00:54 it's a mineral it's a pure mineral it's
2:00:57 good it is
2:00:58 it is available in nature it can be
2:01:00 harvested from the seed
2:01:01 but it applies to any pure mineral
2:01:05 because it has it has a well-established
2:01:08 composition
2:01:09 we could we could not we could barely
2:01:12 talk about uh
2:01:13 gold about the iron ore iron ore varies
2:01:16 in the content of iron and sun and so on
2:01:18 but but but salt is really a pure
2:01:21 mineral
2:01:22 so pure minerals we can go also
2:01:25 called the golden silver and then we
2:01:27 could add also cover with pure cover
2:01:30 and the current contracts in in in
2:01:33 chicago and elsewhere they spoke about
2:01:35 currents like in form of
2:01:37 of i think either wires or inferno
2:01:40 sheets but anyway the form is available
2:01:42 but make it to make it will
2:01:43 will define how to deliver it in certain
2:01:46 uh
2:01:46 basic form it can be well defined and
2:01:49 become also a commodity which
2:01:50 the this hadith apply
2:01:54 and now then we have things which are
2:01:56 commodities we shall exist in
2:01:58 in the blockchain and in the mind they
2:02:00 have intrinsic value they have existence
2:02:02 but they exist
2:02:03 is not necessary the existence we are
2:02:05 used to we can't touch with that but you
2:02:06 can't touch with that with the hand of
2:02:08 the mind
2:02:12 and their producers with the definite
2:02:14 process of
2:02:15 whatever it is is being provostic or
2:02:17 proof of
2:02:19 of of work
2:02:22 and then they they they have what they
2:02:25 define characteristic they are actually
2:02:27 much more stricter and sharply they
2:02:29 defined than
2:02:30 than physical communities as i mentioned
2:02:33 last time yesterday just to make things
2:02:35 a little bit more exaggeration
2:02:36 to show that you they someone could say
2:02:39 their existence is more closer to the
2:02:41 necessity of existence
2:02:42 and in the being in the knowledge of
2:02:44 allah before creation than gold and
2:02:46 silver which is contingent on this
2:02:47 universe
2:02:48 another universe may not have got this
2:02:50 right may have
2:02:51 more or less other materials or maybe no
2:02:54 noble material small change in some
2:02:56 constant will make no material noble
2:02:58 whatsoever but still bitcoin and the
2:03:01 the hash system and so on exist in in
2:03:04 mathematical
2:03:05 universe and in the knowledge of allah
2:03:08 so it has more existence in that sense
2:03:10 and more necessity than
2:03:12 golda central if we want to just argue
2:03:14 it more philosophically and
2:03:15 metaphysically
2:03:19 i think a lot of these issues come when
2:03:22 uh muslims and
2:03:23 generally other people try to understand
2:03:25 the principle of value and what is value
2:03:27 what gives value where does it come from
2:03:29 yeah you seem to have an opinion that
2:03:31 it's written down somewhere or that it's
2:03:33 static and you know yeah and also what
2:03:36 what's also
2:03:36 coming that like for example someone
2:03:38 asked me uh in
2:03:40 a direct missile you know say if
2:03:43 if we shoot someone then he loses in
2:03:45 memory and so on but we hear that
2:03:47 the the law is something meta material
2:03:50 metaphysical
2:03:52 metaphysical it could be like a program
2:03:54 which never executes or work except if
2:03:57 there is a
2:03:57 physical entity to work on like the
2:03:59 computer program
2:04:00 does exist it has an existence but
2:04:03 you're going to touch it it's not
2:04:04 touchable
2:04:05 and it works only untouchables in a
2:04:07 computer it will
2:04:10 manifest and do its activity there could
2:04:12 be otherwise it's just
2:04:13 abstract in your mind and then we could
2:04:16 say in allah's mind
2:04:18 with allah knowledge present even before
2:04:20 creation
2:04:21 eternity must have been there all of
2:04:24 them
2:04:26 that's a mythological statement i leave
2:04:28 that but anyway
2:04:31 so there's no contrary to what he thinks
2:04:33 about most likely thinks through
2:04:34 something like because people said raw
2:04:36 has come linguistically
2:04:38 human beings initially they have only
2:04:39 the sensible word world which they touch
2:04:41 with their hand
2:04:42 so the thick throat is something like
2:04:44 that related to breathing or some
2:04:46 something like air coming out and in so
2:04:48 it's not
2:04:50 that's where the word is driven that's
2:04:51 the way it works
2:04:53 or nafs nafs itself what itself
2:04:56 a spirituality of your own self
2:04:58 imagining a self experience self
2:05:00 consciousness
2:05:01 and this does not need to be it is not
2:05:03 material yes
2:05:05 but it's connected material it is the
2:05:07 the functioning and the organization of
2:05:08 the material is substance
2:05:11 itself but it's uh interconnected
2:05:15 and that's the reason quran says about
2:05:16 the resurrection when you see akum
2:05:18 he recreate which you don't know
2:05:27 but it will be something else which can
2:05:28 carry and exclude these these
2:05:30 entities on death and so on he said what
2:05:34 what happens to this this rohan
2:05:36 is this intellectual entity it's known
2:05:38 to allah it's recorded pick it up
2:05:40 it's called it it's recorded with all
2:05:43 experiences
2:05:45 and even the past experiences are even
2:05:47 if you don't remember they are there
2:05:49 they are stored somewhere deep in the
2:05:52 in the soul in the blockchain and they
2:05:54 will it can be lifted up
2:05:56 and they almost opened your eyes we
2:05:59 removed the cover from your eye and your
2:06:02 eyesight
2:06:03 is hadith you see everything how it is
2:06:07 because bringing everything up which is
2:06:09 deep
2:06:11 even the moment you forgot that he will
2:06:12 bring it up all indeed you have
2:06:14 forgotten allah has counted them on
2:06:16 their own record
2:06:17 they don't disappear
2:06:21 but to be effective you have to be
2:06:22 resurrected
2:06:24 or you have to be this this has to be
2:06:28 put in another system in which it can
2:06:30 operate
2:06:31 like a computer you have to load the
2:06:32 program for it and express itself and
2:06:35 work
2:06:35 the difference obviously our programs
2:06:37 are quite primitive and
2:06:39 almost certainly not conscious yeah
2:06:41 certainly not conscious
2:06:42 some people are afraid that
2:06:46 artificial intelligence may become
2:06:47 robots which become competing with
2:06:48 humans and so on
2:06:50 i i doubt strongly that this will ever
2:06:52 get to that level
2:06:53 because for that level you have to have
2:06:57 you have to have in the the interconnect
2:06:59 there you have to have something
2:07:00 in the brain yes the brains are only a
2:07:02 few trillion cells but it's not arterial
2:07:04 cells
2:07:05 which makes it which makes conscious it
2:07:07 is the interconnection
2:07:09 this cell is connected to 10 and more
2:07:11 hundreds of other cells this
2:07:12 interconnection if you calculate all
2:07:14 data connection
2:07:15 it is 10 to the 100 super quad
2:07:19 not quadrillion was just into the 18 i
2:07:22 think yeah i think something like that
2:07:23 10 to the 100. trillion
2:07:27 how much is trillion trillion six nine
2:07:29 is is billion
2:07:31 twelve is trillion yeah what they call
2:07:33 quadrillions ten to the fifteen that the
2:07:34 fifteen
2:07:35 is the so-called quadrillion so this is
2:07:38 the quadrillion tim scooter and that's
2:07:39 what
2:07:40 all this this number all this huge
2:07:42 number in this interconnection
2:07:44 is that what will what this is this is a
2:07:47 tall order i don't think any artificial
2:07:48 intelligence or any
2:07:50 physical computer we can construct even
2:07:52 quantum computers i don't think we'll be
2:07:54 able
2:07:54 with all this counter connection at all
2:07:56 internal organization
2:07:57 i don't think it's human creatable i
2:08:00 don't say it's impossible completely
2:08:01 impossible but it's
2:08:03 very remote
2:08:06 not very not very likely ever to get
2:08:08 there but it's within the poor velocity
2:08:13 um just an observation that i have
2:08:15 whenever
2:08:16 trying to discuss these topics with
2:08:18 muslims
2:08:19 generally and i think this is probably
2:08:20 one of the reasons why we failed to
2:08:22 grasp these concepts
2:08:23 such as decentralized systems these new
2:08:26 forms of currency and means of value
2:08:28 transfer
2:08:28 i think it's because we don't understand
2:08:30 these basic principles of value and what
2:08:32 drives
2:08:33 the importance which kind of doesn't
2:08:35 allow us to
2:08:37 abstract a little bit further and then
2:08:38 say that hold on this new cryptographic
2:08:40 decentralized revolution
2:08:43 we failed to understand these basic
2:08:45 principles and that just becomes a
2:08:46 roadblock for us to understand anything
2:08:48 beyond that point exactly
2:08:50 exactly and most most uh islamic
2:08:53 communications they come
2:08:54 especially in india and pakistan but
2:08:55 also in the other countries from special
2:08:57 high schools like darwil room and things
2:08:59 like that
2:09:00 and they're negotiating the old
2:09:03 and most teachers have no really
2:09:07 interaction with with with with with
2:09:09 mathematics with logic or
2:09:12 mathematics and logic and these
2:09:13 philosophical aspects are really present
2:09:15 the share are slightly better there but
2:09:17 it's only just classical philosophy
2:09:18 although they are much better in that so
2:09:20 they can't conceive i mean there's
2:09:22 scholars
2:09:24 as bad as the muslims especially those
2:09:27 who
2:09:27 akbari who follow these various bihar
2:09:30 and war on this nonsense
2:09:32 and this collection of rubbish uh like
2:09:34 we have also the sunni collection of
2:09:36 rubbish
2:09:36 these will follow that will will will
2:09:39 end obviously
2:09:40 being blended but there is slightly
2:09:43 better but it is not up to the standard
2:09:45 it's not up to the standard but this is
2:09:48 is
2:09:48 it's not an easy for even though it's
2:09:49 looking american when you look at the
2:09:51 leadership in in the in the in the
2:09:54 in the treasury department and so on
2:09:56 there are at least they don't know how
2:09:57 to understand
2:09:58 yeah absolutely clueless this bitcoin is
2:10:01 used for money laundering and so on
2:10:03 money laundering is done mostly with
2:10:04 dollars
2:10:07 a few crimes have been done with bitcoin
2:10:09 they don't even though they're not one
2:10:11 in
2:10:11 a million of that for the hsbc alone was
2:10:14 fined several billions
2:10:16 this is the total crime done by bitcoin
2:10:18 is few billions
2:10:19 it's not even the size of the fight
2:10:21 which we see and the final ratios we see
2:10:23 is because of transgressions and and the
2:10:26 mess made
2:10:27 of 100 millions billions so that
2:10:30 i remember in one movie someone was
2:10:32 doing some environmental
2:10:34 environmentally dangerous things like
2:10:35 storing materials which if it leaks to
2:10:37 the water supply
2:10:38 it will be deadly and then he was caught
2:10:43 and then he said that's why i love
2:10:44 american democracy you
2:10:46 make 50 25 million dollars in uh
2:10:50 through this violation of of a junction
2:10:52 about the storage of dangerous material
2:10:54 and you get a fine of twenty five
2:10:56 thousand dollars it's a good deal i like
2:10:58 american democracy
2:11:00 that's exactly exactly hbc they find
2:11:03 them for a billion or two million
2:11:04 and they made hundreds of billions yeah
2:11:07 i believe they were smuggling launder
2:11:09 drug money from south america into the
2:11:10 united states
2:11:14 so even there is at last they don't know
2:11:18 only one or two if you have followed
2:11:20 recently only the one from the
2:11:22 uh the ex the controller uh officer
2:11:25 controlling
2:11:26 uh uh currency occ what's his name i
2:11:30 don't know
2:11:30 anyway this this guy seemed to be aware
2:11:32 of what cryptocurrencies are meaning
2:11:34 and and was talking about since
2:11:41 country so
2:11:44 that's that's something new i you cannot
2:11:46 really blame
2:11:48 our but they should be they should they
2:11:51 should
2:11:52 affiliate with the quran if they have to
2:11:53 go deep in the quran
2:11:55 but the problem is that they become uh
2:11:58 shallow they become only
2:12:00 so looking only to not going deeper
2:12:04 if it has them all to be in the bihari
2:12:05 he looks much deeper in issues like that
2:12:07 of philosophical importance but not deep
2:12:09 enough but as you cannot believe him
2:12:11 at his at his time of his uh uh for his
2:12:14 generation he was really old to his
2:12:16 diary
2:12:17 he was much deeper than many people
2:12:19 think and he may be the first one who
2:12:21 did really
2:12:22 some critical studies of the old and new
2:12:24 testament and showed that it could not
2:12:25 be
2:12:26 revelation and it is just human writing
2:12:29 and
2:12:30 it contains history contains mistakes
2:12:32 contained this
2:12:33 and he showed many issues which later
2:12:34 attributed to
2:12:36 to spinoza and others which he
2:12:38 recognized long before spinoza
2:12:43 like for example a simple statement that
2:12:45 the first books are attributed to musa
2:12:47 see this impossible because the last one
2:12:48 of them describes that that
2:12:50 he couldn't possibly have written his
2:12:51 own description of that that does not
2:12:53 make any sense
2:12:54 at best is written by by you shall be
2:12:57 you sure the son of know maybe
2:12:59 and then we go from there and so on you
2:13:01 can start critics even the simplest
2:13:02 things they were they were not aware
2:13:03 about it
2:13:05 and the masters were ignored and the
2:13:07 scholars are cheating and adding other
2:13:09 words as we have discussed in
2:13:11 baccala anyway muslim scholars are
2:13:14 also unfortunately they are also
2:13:17 infested with cheater and
2:13:19 fabricator and government agents and so
2:13:21 on
2:13:26 they cannot even trust their piety
2:13:28 judgment
2:13:29 just to follow on this trail of thought
2:13:31 check i think this is
2:13:33 part of a larger issue generally it's i
2:13:35 kind of see the same problem now with
2:13:37 decentralized systems that we had with
2:13:39 electricity back 200 years ago when it
2:13:42 was invented large parts of the muslim
2:13:43 world and scholars alike were opposed to
2:13:45 electricity they said you're
2:13:47 playing you're playing god you're you
2:13:49 know you're you're taking control of
2:13:50 nature and this is something only
2:13:51 strictly limited to god
2:13:53 and they said the same thing about
2:13:54 combustion engines you know horses is a
2:13:56 noble animal you shouldn't replace it
2:13:58 with cars
2:13:59 then came radio communication 150 years
2:14:01 ago
2:14:04 saying that um when you're using
2:14:05 telephone communication systems you're
2:14:07 actually speaking to jin
2:14:08 and therefore this is
2:14:13 i see the same problems now with this
2:14:15 decentralized system they're saying oh
2:14:17 these are you know
2:14:18 they have a failure to understand
2:14:19 technology i think this is where it
2:14:21 comes from
2:14:21 they just understand no no it is just a
2:14:25 failure to to
2:14:27 do the double quran the sahaba did not
2:14:29 have this problem when they went outside
2:14:31 they took all the technology of their
2:14:33 time and they advanced that there was
2:14:34 never even a discussion
2:14:35 when they were when we tried to keep
2:14:38 records for who should get money we
2:14:39 shouldn't get
2:14:40 money they look around the best model
2:14:42 was the ones of
2:14:43 the persian which was available in yemen
2:14:46 of the virgin language and they took it
2:14:48 over and they say
2:14:50 okay turn it into arabic is a
2:14:52 complicated process we'll delay that
2:14:54 the the facility we want it now we know
2:14:56 to do it then keep the records in arabic
2:14:58 and version enrollment for god's sake
2:15:00 just get the records done finish period
2:15:03 use it
2:15:04 take what is good from it no no it is
2:15:06 good it is good it is a tool
2:15:08 you just use it and there there was
2:15:10 never any discussion
2:15:11 is it permissible not permissible
2:15:12 because they understand although they
2:15:14 were actually they should not have
2:15:15 understood because they are simple
2:15:16 buildings coming
2:15:17 from the desert essentially but they
2:15:19 were they they understand the quran
2:15:22 he created everything in his heavens and
2:15:23 there for you pence
2:15:25 the paper and everything just forget
2:15:26 about it machines and so on all of it
2:15:29 says create a direct learning director
2:15:31 so you could take
2:15:31 control you you limited allah that's all
2:15:33 this there's nothing
2:15:34 this is all rubbish the sahaba did not
2:15:38 have any real issue with these things
2:15:40 at all although they under they
2:15:43 understood sharia
2:15:44 but they have never had any issue
2:15:47 building construction all of this took
2:15:49 over right away without any discussion
2:15:52 unless something seems to be a violating
2:15:53 sharia and their point of view
2:15:56 very simple straightforward dynamic way
2:15:58 of thinking
2:16:02 so it is a way of thinking it's a way
2:16:03 how how to verify things how to
2:16:05 understand things
2:16:05 inshallah we will get it we'll get the
2:16:07 people slowly and that is what is
2:16:09 disturbing is that
2:16:10 the scholars unfortunately are
2:16:14 not are not enough in stem and also the
2:16:17 general mentality
2:16:18 is that if anything new or anything
2:16:19 unknown comes ah
2:16:21 must be something either the devil is
2:16:23 behind it
2:16:25 or yeah or or it is must be something
2:16:29 haram there or something not saying what
2:16:33 is this thing
2:16:34 it is part of the universe made by men
2:16:36 or made by by nature okay
2:16:38 must be halal must be permissible must
2:16:40 be pure until proven otherwise
2:16:43 so if i say i see for example strange
2:16:46 animal in some place
2:16:49 i don't know it doesn't similar to any
2:16:51 other animal unless i see any
2:16:53 characteristics of prohibited or
2:16:55 or undesirable animals i can't eat it no
2:16:57 need to discuss anything
2:17:01 if a new technology is developed it
2:17:03 should be hadas
2:17:04 until you prove to be the haram
2:17:06 something there is haram or something
2:17:07 that's not permissible
2:17:11 that's how it goes there's no other way
2:17:13 yeah but
2:17:14 this mentality is not there it's simple
2:17:17 because because the starting point
2:17:18 has become stuck in in
2:17:22 everything there must be some evidence
2:17:25 that is hella we don't need
2:17:26 uh this contract i don't know about this
2:17:28 contract analyze the contract
2:17:30 it's a contract it's permissible until
2:17:32 you prove that something is
2:17:34 violating certain injunction you have to
2:17:36 prove it otherwise just
2:17:37 until and are binding until
2:17:41 tell you something otherwise etc and
2:17:43 this attitude is what we try in the book
2:17:45 of the heat
2:17:46 or to to get rid of it at least in the
2:17:49 past which is
2:17:50 in your hand now anyway i think it took
2:17:52 a long time today
2:17:53 i think we should slowly conclude
2:17:57 because the time i think we took uh
2:17:59 about uh
2:18:02 two and a half hours i think it's enough
2:18:04 for today inshallah
2:18:06 next week
2:18:20 Music
2:18:36 so
2:18:42 you