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Jordan Peterson: "Mohammed was a Warlord" (2021-11-05)

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Summary of Jordan Peterson: "Mohammed was a Warlord"

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

Jordan Peterson argues that Muhammad was not a warlord, and that comparisons between him and Jesus are unjustified. He points to passages in the Quran and Bible to support his claims, and argues that the historical Jesus was violent.

00:00:00 Jordan Peterson says that Mohammed was a Warlord because he was trained to take advantage of the disintegration of a central authority.

  • 00:05:00 Jordan Peterson discusses the definition of "warlord" and how it applies to the prophet Muhammad. He argues that using this term inaccurately disqualifies Muhammad from being described that way. If he wants to use the term, he should use it with other figures who have led armies in similar ways.
  • 00:10:00 Jordan Peterson argues that comparisons between Muhammad and Jesus are unjustified. He points to passages in the bible that support this claim, and argues that the historical Jesus was violent. Peterson also argues that the interpretation of Jesus Christ by church fathers is relevant for 2000 years.
  • 00:15:00 Jordan Peterson discusses the difference between prophets like Muhammad and gods like Jesus, and how Christians mistakenly compare the two. He argues that, if Christianity is to be considered a true system, then it must compare allahs role as the creator of the universe to jesus' role as the son of god.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:07 how are you guys doing
0:00:09 this is insha allah the first of a
0:00:11 series of correction videos which we'll
0:00:14 be putting forward insha'allah about dr
0:00:16 jordan peterson's content especially in
0:00:18 relation to islam now for those who know
0:00:20 we were meant to be having me and dr
0:00:22 jordan peterson a discussion
0:00:24 and this discussion was meant to happen
0:00:26 actually three times and it was
0:00:27 cancelled unfortunately that many times
0:00:29 in a span of six months
0:00:32 now
0:00:33 for whatever reason in fact the third
0:00:34 reason was or the third time he gave me
0:00:36 the reason that
0:00:37 it was because he had other guests and
0:00:38 other topics that he wanted to kind of
0:00:41 speak about but no problem i know that
0:00:42 dr jordan peterson may be watching this
0:00:43 now since he we've had such
0:00:45 communication for
0:00:46 with his team and with himself for over
0:00:49 a long span of time so this is the first
0:00:52 and probably one of the most important
0:00:53 videos about some of the wording that dr
0:00:56 jordan peterson has decided to use
0:00:59 about the prophet
0:01:00 muhammad in
0:01:03 his public output this is probably the
0:01:04 most developed speech he has on the
0:01:06 topic so let's see what he has to say
0:01:09 and come back and commentate on it if
0:01:11 you look at the figure of christ and i
0:01:14 don't care if you're religious or not
0:01:15 and i don't even care if christ existed
0:01:17 or not and i certainly don't care at the
0:01:19 moment about
0:01:21 claims to divinity or the lack thereof
0:01:23 i'm just speaking as let's say i'm
0:01:25 speaking as a secular intellectual
0:01:27 i mean as a figure
0:01:29 he's a figure of peace i don't think
0:01:32 that that's
0:01:33 disputable
0:01:34 i mean he certainly he wasn't a warlord
0:01:37 that's that's one thing that's for
0:01:39 certain he never led armies
0:01:41 you know whereas that's not the case
0:01:43 with muhammad at all muhammad was
0:01:45 clearly and indisputably a warlord
0:01:48 and so it isn't obvious to me what to
0:01:51 make of that
0:01:52 except that it's bloody complicated well
0:01:55 i think the first thing we have to do is
0:01:56 define what a warlord is now this is a
0:01:59 definition from collins
0:02:01 if you describe a leader of a country or
0:02:03 an organization as a warlord collins
0:02:06 tells us you are critical of them
0:02:08 because they have achieved power by
0:02:10 behaving in an aggressive and violent
0:02:12 way
0:02:14 kimberly martin in
0:02:17 a
0:02:17 piece that she wrote called warlordism
0:02:19 in comparative perspective this is in
0:02:21 political science literature she
0:02:23 actually defines warlord in four
0:02:25 different ways
0:02:26 she says number one that they are they
0:02:28 trained army uh armed men to take
0:02:31 advantage of the disintegration of a
0:02:33 central authority to seize control over
0:02:35 relatively small slices of territory
0:02:37 number two she says that their actions
0:02:39 are based on self-interest not ideology
0:02:42 number three their authority is based on
0:02:44 charisma and patronage
0:02:46 ties to their followers and number four
0:02:49 this personalistic rule leads to the
0:02:51 fragmentation of political and economic
0:02:53 arrangements across the country
0:02:56 so these are if we look at this now
0:02:57 we've got one dictionary definition
0:02:59 obviously you can look at other
0:03:00 dictionaries but we have one if you want
0:03:02 to call it that terminological
0:03:03 definition from the literature from the
0:03:05 political science
0:03:07 literature now jordan peterson is famous
0:03:09 for saying you have to be precise in
0:03:11 speech i want to say to jordan peterson
0:03:14 that unfortunately according to these
0:03:16 two definitions using the term warlord
0:03:20 is not precise because in fact
0:03:23 the prophet would be disqualified from
0:03:25 being a warlord as per those definitions
0:03:28 why so because the prophet muhammad
0:03:31 how did he achieve power
0:03:33 now we have to look at obviously you
0:03:34 have the meccan period and the medinan
0:03:36 period this is the
0:03:37 kind of categorization the biographical
0:03:40 categorization of the prophet's life you
0:03:42 had two major or his premiership as a
0:03:44 prophet
0:03:45 his time as a prophet he had the meccan
0:03:47 period 13 years and then 10 years in the
0:03:49 medina period
0:03:50 when the prophet was migrating or when
0:03:53 he was being boycotted and persecuted
0:03:55 and this we know in the seerah in the
0:03:57 biography of the prophet
0:03:58 was he was being persecuted his friends
0:04:00 and followers were being persecuted in
0:04:02 in mecca for 13 years
0:04:05 there was then a transition period where
0:04:07 the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
0:04:09 peace and blessings be upon him
0:04:11 try to religiously incentivize groups
0:04:15 and tribes outside of mecca in order to
0:04:17 move away and to move his followers away
0:04:19 from such boycott and persecution that
0:04:22 they were facing for a very long span of
0:04:24 time so he went to taif which is
0:04:27 a place outside of mecca and he was he
0:04:30 was he was rejected fiercely
0:04:33 i mean this is the thing about the
0:04:34 prophet muhammad you have to humanize
0:04:36 him because he was a man
0:04:40 who was an orphan okay think about this
0:04:42 for a second he was a man who was an
0:04:43 orphan he was a man who buried all of
0:04:46 his children except for one
0:04:48 he was a man
0:04:49 who
0:04:50 who his wife died khadija
0:04:52 who
0:04:53 his uncle died
0:04:55 talib who was one of the most
0:04:57 protective and actually the central
0:04:59 protective figure in his life and this
0:05:02 was in the meccan period and he wasn't
0:05:03 even a muslim by the way and when that
0:05:05 protection went away he had to then seek
0:05:08 it from other places so he went to
0:05:10 tariff
0:05:11 and taif was
0:05:13 a neighboring city
0:05:15 and they rejected him fiercely and if
0:05:17 you look at the the reports of that they
0:05:19 threw stones at him they taunted him he
0:05:22 was bleeding
0:05:24 so much so that his sandals were filled
0:05:26 with blood
0:05:28 this is the person you're talking about
0:05:29 as being a warlord and then after that
0:05:32 when he was rejected from that
0:05:33 particular city he went to
0:05:35 another place which was then called
0:05:37 yathrib
0:05:38 which would then be called medina where
0:05:40 two tribes or clans called
0:05:45 now these two tribes they accepted the
0:05:47 message of islam
0:05:49 and then they decided to put the prophet
0:05:51 as the leader of the polity of yathrib
0:05:54 so he was made into the leader of the
0:05:56 polity of yathrib
0:05:58 not through aggression or violence but
0:06:00 through popular support and this
0:06:02 disqualifies him from being
0:06:04 according to the dictionary definition
0:06:05 that we've just seen and in fact
0:06:07 according to the terminological
0:06:08 definition that we've also just seen as
0:06:10 well so this is in fact jordan peterson
0:06:13 and this is very important for you
0:06:14 because it's one of your rules in your
0:06:15 book
0:06:16 this is imprecise speech
0:06:19 it is imprecise imprecise speech in
0:06:22 accurate speech
0:06:23 and what is really
0:06:25 incumbent upon you i think from an
0:06:27 intellectual perspective
0:06:28 is for you to make a formal retraction
0:06:31 about this to say actually i used in
0:06:33 precise speech because i used one aspect
0:06:37 of this man's life inaccurately to
0:06:40 typify his whole character
0:06:43 and by the way
0:06:44 warlords and i've looked at a lot of
0:06:46 your videos because remember we were
0:06:47 meant to be speaking to each other for a
0:06:48 span of six months and i've seen the
0:06:50 majority of your videos i've seen the
0:06:51 majority i've read the majority of what
0:06:54 you've have you've written even even
0:06:56 peer-reviewed stuff by the way the word
0:06:58 warlord interestingly you have not used
0:06:59 it with any to my knowledge any other
0:07:02 person except for the prophet muhammad
0:07:04 so if it was about leading armies then
0:07:06 why not use that with harry truman who
0:07:08 detonated bombs
0:07:09 uh on on japan hiroshima and nagasaki
0:07:13 why not use it with winston churchill
0:07:15 who led campaigns in dresden and hamburg
0:07:18 in world war ii
0:07:20 okay and which which was targeting
0:07:22 civilians the prophet muhammad
0:07:24 unequivocally
0:07:26 denied the targeting of civilians so why
0:07:29 only use it
0:07:31 with the prophet muhammad why have you
0:07:33 never used it on your public output on
0:07:35 your books
0:07:36 with any other figure except for the
0:07:38 prophet muhammad
0:07:40 what kind of
0:07:41 exceptionalism is this
0:07:43 what kind of
0:07:45 fetishization is this what kind of
0:07:47 exoticism is this
0:07:50 what kind of western gays is this
0:07:54 orientalizing the narrative is this
0:07:57 you gotta think about this because if it
0:07:59 was about leading armies
0:08:01 then all of these other figures also led
0:08:04 armies
0:08:05 more so the biblical figures joshua
0:08:08 moses they led armies but when you
0:08:10 mentioned their name you don't
0:08:12 automatically it doesn't spew off your
0:08:14 tongue the term warlord so why is it the
0:08:17 case
0:08:18 that you've made this exception for the
0:08:21 prophet muhammad
0:08:23 you are a clinical psychologist
0:08:26 you're a clinical psychologist jordan
0:08:28 peterson and you also profess
0:08:30 self-professed ignorance on the religion
0:08:32 of islam
0:08:33 the fact that you've used the term
0:08:35 warlord
0:08:37 to define the prophet muhammad as an
0:08:39 adjective as a primary adjective when it
0:08:41 comes to the prophet muhammad is almost
0:08:44 equivalent to you with a limited data
0:08:46 set of information as a clinical
0:08:48 psychologist labeling a client or a
0:08:51 patient of yours
0:08:53 that is the equivalent now what would
0:08:55 happen if you did that in practice you
0:08:57 would be shunned
0:08:58 you would be not except how can you how
0:09:00 can you label someone after or only
0:09:04 gathering very limited information about
0:09:06 them so is this a cognitive bias that
0:09:09 exists within you
0:09:10 and you have to ask yourself this
0:09:11 question because it's some kind of a
0:09:13 projection or a scapegoating of the
0:09:16 prophet muhammad and islam
0:09:18 or is it because you're trying to
0:09:19 energize your base
0:09:22 which is an alt-right base or is it
0:09:24 because you're trying to perpetuate a
0:09:26 clash of civilization's narrative or is
0:09:29 it because of genuine ignorance in
0:09:31 either or any of these situations what
0:09:33 is once again incumbent upon you jordan
0:09:35 peters and i say this
0:09:37 through or out of genuinity
0:09:40 honestly and authenticity
0:09:42 i think what is incumbent upon you and i
0:09:44 know you're watching this i know you're
0:09:46 listening to this
0:09:48 is that you make an official retraction
0:09:50 of this statement
0:09:53 otherwise you're going to have so many
0:09:55 variables which we've just mentioned
0:09:57 that you will not be able to explain
0:09:59 that you've used this term with the
0:10:01 prophet and you've not used it with any
0:10:03 other
0:10:04 political leader
0:10:06 this is
0:10:07 unjustifiable to say the least you've
0:10:10 not used it even with biblical prophets
0:10:13 which led armies so once again it's
0:10:15 unjustifiable
0:10:17 now let's move on to the second part of
0:10:18 this which is your comparison your false
0:10:20 comparison with all jew respect
0:10:23 your false comparison of the prophet
0:10:25 muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and
0:10:28 jesus christ
0:10:29 now the first thing is you said that
0:10:31 jesus was a figure of peace now we agree
0:10:33 with that we love jesus christ as
0:10:35 muslims
0:10:36 because we must believe that jesus
0:10:38 christ was a prophet a messenger and the
0:10:40 messiah we must believe in all of that
0:10:43 however
0:10:45 the question of him being a figure of
0:10:47 peace really depends upon your
0:10:49 interpretation
0:10:50 and if one was going to have a segmented
0:10:54 decontextualized and uncharitable
0:10:57 reading of jesus christ
0:11:00 in the christian tradition okay then one
0:11:03 could come to the conclusion that he was
0:11:04 not a figure of peace i'll tell you how
0:11:07 point number one
0:11:08 jesus christ as christologically or
0:11:11 understood
0:11:12 christologically in this in the sense
0:11:14 that protestants and catholics
0:11:16 understand him to be
0:11:17 is inseparable from the rest of the
0:11:19 trinity
0:11:20 as such all of those massacres that you
0:11:22 see in the old testament
0:11:24 of the canaanites and the amalekites and
0:11:26 so on
0:11:27 are or would be commanded by jesus
0:11:30 christ according to this christiological
0:11:32 understanding now let me give you one
0:11:34 example a very famous verse i'll read it
0:11:36 word for word so once again i'm not
0:11:37 misquoting anything
0:11:39 now first time it was 15 3 okay
0:11:42 very famous uh commandment in the old
0:11:44 testament
0:11:46 now go attack the amalekites
0:11:48 and totally destroy all that belongs to
0:11:50 them do not spare them put to death men
0:11:53 and women children and infants cattle
0:11:56 and sheep camels and donkeys
0:11:59 i would love for anybody to be able to
0:12:02 find a single hadith or a single verse
0:12:05 of the quran
0:12:06 which states
0:12:07 these categories of people to be killed
0:12:09 in fact the opposite is there
0:12:11 the opposite is in the hadith you are
0:12:13 not allowed to kill children you are not
0:12:14 allowed to kill non-combatant
0:12:16 disbelievers as the prophet muhammad
0:12:22 whoever kills a non-combatant not
0:12:24 disbeliever he will not smell the
0:12:26 fragrance of heaven
0:12:27 this is so these categories of people
0:12:30 it's there in the old testament and
0:12:32 according to the christological
0:12:33 understanding jesus is not to be
0:12:36 separated from the rest of the trinity
0:12:38 so that's the first thing you must say
0:12:39 that's the old testament and this is one
0:12:40 of many verses i can pull out you know
0:12:43 you can go on google and see how many
0:12:45 verses there are like this
0:12:47 of genocide and massacring
0:12:50 that's the first thing the second thing
0:12:51 is well look at jesus himself once again
0:12:53 we're being uncharitable here if one is
0:12:55 being uncharitable and decontextual one
0:12:58 may pull out something from john chapter
0:12:59 2 verse 15
0:13:01 where it states so he made a whip out of
0:13:03 courts and drove them from the temple
0:13:05 courts both sheep and cattle he
0:13:08 scattered the coins of of the money uh
0:13:11 changes and overturned their tables this
0:13:13 is violent behavior someone can say
0:13:16 a skeptic can say this look at him he's
0:13:18 whipping people in the temple or he's
0:13:20 turning the table jesus is being very
0:13:22 violent
0:13:23 according to the new testament
0:13:25 and this is in his own life
0:13:27 so once again is this a figure of peace
0:13:29 once again if we had an uncharitable
0:13:32 decontextualized segmented understanding
0:13:34 one can say this is not a figure of
0:13:35 peace actually because this is qualifies
0:13:37 him of being a figure what doesn't
0:13:40 what it what are the limits to this term
0:13:42 figure of peace do you have to be a
0:13:43 pacifist well does one have to be a
0:13:45 pacifist to be a figure of peace what if
0:13:47 someone engages more does that
0:13:48 disqualify them for being a figure of
0:13:50 peace that's another thing third thing
0:13:51 is book of revelation now in the
0:13:53 eschaton
0:13:55 eschatologically when jesus christ comes
0:13:57 back
0:13:58 he will
0:13:59 he will let's see what he does coming
0:14:02 out of his mouth is a sharp sword with
0:14:04 which to strike down the nations he will
0:14:06 rule them with an i inceptor
0:14:09 he treads
0:14:10 the wine press of the fury of the wrath
0:14:13 of god almighty
0:14:15 so he's going to come back and be
0:14:16 violent now
0:14:17 these these are things you may say well
0:14:19 i don't these are just interpretations
0:14:20 of the bible i i know that you have a
0:14:22 spiritual kind of metaphorizing approach
0:14:25 to the biblical text i'm very aware of
0:14:27 that and you may say that that's not the
0:14:28 way the historical jesus which
0:14:31 i look at or that how i interpret jesus
0:14:33 christ but then i have to say to you
0:14:34 john prism
0:14:36 with all due respect your interpretation
0:14:38 of jesus christ
0:14:40 is irrelevant in the grand scheme of the
0:14:42 christological understanding in for 2000
0:14:45 years of history
0:14:46 church fathers up until present-day
0:14:48 people
0:14:48 um scholars of christianity interpret
0:14:51 these things as literal okay
0:14:53 scholars of christianity almost
0:14:57 as a consensus a matter of consensus
0:14:59 agree
0:15:00 that jesus is inseparable from the
0:15:02 trinity so he would be implicated in uh
0:15:05 telling people to to to genocide people
0:15:07 in the village
0:15:09 people uh christians from the church
0:15:11 fathers until this present day believe
0:15:14 that jesus is going to have a second
0:15:15 coming and it will be a physically
0:15:17 violent second coming and if you want
0:15:19 resources or references of this they are
0:15:22 very easy to come by so once again this
0:15:24 fake dualism with all due respect all
0:15:27 due respect this didactic representation
0:15:30 this um
0:15:31 dichotomy that you've created figure of
0:15:33 peace versus warlord
0:15:35 it's like a deck of cards if you just
0:15:37 pull one card out falls over it's a
0:15:40 false comparison and it relies upon
0:15:44 uncharitable cherry-picked examples of
0:15:47 the text and this requires a retraction
0:15:50 as well in order for with all due
0:15:52 respect one's
0:15:54 intellectual integrity to be maintained
0:15:56 i think at least you should say i
0:15:58 suspend judgment until i've done more
0:16:00 investigation this is the second point
0:16:03 the third point i must say is and this
0:16:05 is the last point i will be making why
0:16:08 compare
0:16:09 what muslims consider as a prophet with
0:16:12 what christians consider as a god
0:16:15 let me say that one more time muslims
0:16:17 believe that prophet muhammad sallallahu
0:16:18 alaihi wasallam is the final prophet
0:16:21 they believe that he is the final
0:16:22 prophet of a long list of prophets
0:16:24 abraham moses jesus yes as well jesus
0:16:27 yes the messiah and the prophet muhammad
0:16:30 we believe that he is um
0:16:33 he was sent for all of humanity as the
0:16:35 quran states we have not sent you except
0:16:37 for all of humanity
0:16:38 but christians believe on the other hand
0:16:40 and this by christians i mean here the
0:16:43 vast majority of them across time and in
0:16:46 today's demography
0:16:47 believe that jesus is god
0:16:49 so why are you comparing a prophet
0:16:52 to a god
0:16:54 these are it's not like for like
0:16:55 comparison unless what and this ironic
0:16:58 one has to come into what would at least
0:17:00 be more commensurate with an islamic
0:17:03 understanding of who jesus was which is
0:17:04 a man not a god
0:17:06 in order for you to make that comparison
0:17:08 see subconsciously you're thinking i'm
0:17:10 doing a man-to-man comparison or
0:17:12 unconsciously let's use exactly
0:17:14 the psychoanalytic freudian terms
0:17:17 subconsciously is a vernacular term
0:17:18 right
0:17:19 um speaking to a psychologist so i have
0:17:21 to keep everything tight but what i'm
0:17:23 saying is maybe unconsciously you've
0:17:25 understood that this is a man and this
0:17:27 is a man and we can make a comparison
0:17:29 like for like but according to the
0:17:31 christological understanding
0:17:32 he is a man prophet muhammad sorry yes
0:17:36 prophet muhammad and jesus is a god
0:17:38 what you should be doing if you're being
0:17:41 theologically consistent is comparing
0:17:43 allah to jesus
0:17:45 allah
0:17:46 and the quran is the god of the creator
0:17:48 of the heavens and the earth which we
0:17:49 don't believe can be divided into father
0:17:51 son and holy spirit this is our major
0:17:53 quarrel with christians theological
0:17:55 quarrel this is a bone of contention
0:17:58 we believe that allah
0:18:00 is the creator of all things
0:18:02 that it's not conceivable or
0:18:05 intelligible or pardonable that anybody
0:18:08 with a date of birth can be called god
0:18:10 and that jesus is therefore disqualified
0:18:12 from being god and by the way i think
0:18:14 many christians listening to me right
0:18:16 now resonate with what i'm saying and
0:18:18 you know it and you even resonate with
0:18:19 it they resonate with the fact that
0:18:21 calling a man god god man
0:18:24 this is something which is
0:18:25 unintelligible in the mind of human
0:18:27 beings
0:18:30 and this is the real bone of contention
0:18:32 so why make this false comparison
0:18:34 between christ
0:18:35 who is according to the christian
0:18:37 tradition a god and muhammad who is
0:18:39 according to the islamic tradition a man
0:18:40 in the first place may it be because you
0:18:43 have already accepted the islamic
0:18:45 premise that both of them are men
0:18:47 and if so you're a step closer to islam
0:18:50 and therefore i'm going to end with this
0:18:51 really i invite you to really think
0:18:53 about
0:18:54 islam as a true system
0:18:56 as a true system as a paradigm
0:18:58 replacement
0:19:00 to the christian
0:19:01 system because that might be what you're
0:19:03 looking for
0:19:04 it in fact might be what you need jordan
0:19:06 peterson but at the very least
0:19:09 at the very least jordan peterson do me
0:19:11 one favor
0:19:14 do the right thing and make a retraction
0:19:17 on this point
0:19:19 that
0:19:20 the point of warlord this comparison
0:19:23 say that this is a hasty generalization
0:19:25 it was in your words and you said this
0:19:27 in your book by the way
0:19:29 your newest book 12 rules
0:19:31 it's a low resolution blanket statement
0:19:34 a hyper simplification
0:19:37 you this is your this is your words not
0:19:38 mine a hyper simplification
0:19:44 think about it
0:19:58 you