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Impromptu review of 'The Clear Quran' translation, surah 4:34 (2020-12-05)


The Clear Quran website:

Summary of Impromptu review of 'The Clear Quran' translation, surah 4:34

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The video discusses the possible problems with the translation of surah 4:34 in the Clear Quran. It is noted that while the translation is highly regarded by western academics, some issues with its literal translation may exist.

00:00:00 The Clear Quran translation of surah 4:34 states that husbands should take good care of their wives with the bounties God has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. If a wife senses her husband is ill-behaved, she can get help from her guardian or seek divorce. However, the translation includes the phrase "likely as part of the translation," which some viewers interpreted to mean that husbands should physically discipline their wives.

  • 00:05:00 Jonathan Brown discusses the problem of verse 4:34 in the Qur'an, and how it has led to violence against women in some cases. He notes that neither the pre-modern ulama nor the prophet themselves endorsed spousal abuse, and that the translation tries to be faithful to the Arabic while allowing for interpretation.
  • 00:10:00 The Clear Quran translation of surah 4:34 is highly regarded by western academics, but some translation issues may exist. has not read all of the Quran in the new translation, but is less confident in its literal translation.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 um hello in this um uh impromptu
0:00:03 episode uh i just wanted to uh relay
0:00:06 something that happened to me earlier
0:00:07 today i was up in kilburn not far from
0:00:09 where i live in
0:00:10 here in london uh just talking to some
0:00:12 of the brothers
0:00:13 giving dowa there as they do every
0:00:15 saturday when they can and there's not a
0:00:17 lockdown
0:00:18 and um there's a new translation of the
0:00:20 quran uh they had on the
0:00:21 their desk there with the dow material
0:00:24 and uh this
0:00:25 is the uh quran here
0:00:29 so um we hope you can make that out it's
0:00:31 uh
0:00:32 the clear quran a thematic english
0:00:34 translation by dr mustafa
0:00:36 kattab and uh it's published by aira
0:00:39 based here in london
0:00:40 uh one i one reason and i hear a project
0:00:44 so this is an official quran uh
0:00:46 published by
0:00:47 them and um i just want to do a quick
0:00:49 review of this
0:00:50 new translation now obviously i haven't
0:00:52 read it all but what i did do perhaps a
0:00:55 little bit misjust
0:00:56 mischievously i went straight to verse
0:00:59 434. now why would i do that well i'll
0:01:01 explain why in a minute but
0:01:03 i read the verse um in the translation
0:01:06 and i'm
0:01:06 aware of some of the arabic issues
0:01:08 actually having read
0:01:10 a really good scholarly discussion of
0:01:12 this very verse
0:01:14 in this book in jonathan brown's
0:01:16 misquoting
0:01:17 muhammad where um on page 274 275
0:01:21 uh uh he discusses the various
0:01:24 translations
0:01:25 of this text and the uh the different
0:01:28 motivations behind them and the problems
0:01:30 it causes
0:01:31 people uh this text in the arabic and
0:01:33 why they translated differently so
0:01:34 sort of read it in my trusty uh abdel
0:01:37 haleem
0:01:38 english translation and this is a very
0:01:41 well known verse i read the whole of the
0:01:43 verse
0:01:44 in context and then i will read this new
0:01:47 clear
0:01:47 quran and you can see why i'm making a
0:01:50 video of it hopefully
0:01:52 so in this good reliable translation it
0:01:54 says husbands should take good care of
0:01:56 their wives
0:01:57 with the bounties god has given to some
0:01:59 more than others
0:02:01 and with what they spend out of their
0:02:02 own money righteous wives are devout
0:02:05 and guard what god would have them guard
0:02:08 in their husband's
0:02:09 absence if you fear high-mindedness from
0:02:12 your wives remind them
0:02:14 of the teaching of god then ignore them
0:02:18 then hit them if they obey you you have
0:02:21 no right to act against them
0:02:22 god is most high and great now the bit i
0:02:26 was interested in is
0:02:27 then hit them that that bit and the
0:02:29 arrow because a note here
0:02:30 is um it says to the bottom of the page
0:02:32 this signifies
0:02:34 a single slap as is clear from the
0:02:36 circumstances of the revelation of this
0:02:39 verse
0:02:40 see also abdul haleem understanding the
0:02:42 quran
0:02:43 pages 46-54 so he's referring to his own
0:02:47 a separate work where there's a quite a
0:02:49 big discussion of that
0:02:51 so i'm aware of the arabic the arabic
0:02:53 does have hit
0:02:54 or strike that is the literal meaning of
0:02:57 the word as translated here
0:03:00 um so let's before i go down to how we
0:03:02 interpret this verse
0:03:04 let me just read to you from this new
0:03:06 clear quran
0:03:08 so it should be even clearer so what
0:03:09 does it say men
0:03:11 are are the caretakers of women as
0:03:14 men have been provisioned by god over
0:03:16 women
0:03:17 and tasked with supporting them
0:03:19 financially and righteous women
0:03:21 are devoutly obedient and when alone
0:03:24 protective of what god has entrusted
0:03:26 them with and if you sense ill
0:03:29 conduct from your women advise them
0:03:31 first
0:03:32 if they persist do not share their beds
0:03:36 but if they still persist then
0:03:38 discipline them light
0:03:39 gently discipline them gently but if
0:03:42 they change their ways
0:03:43 do not be unjust to them surely god is
0:03:45 most high or great
0:03:47 so if they still persist then discipline
0:03:50 them
0:03:50 gently discipline them gently um
0:03:55 this is obviously not a translation this
0:03:57 is a an interpretive
0:04:00 view of what they want the english to
0:04:02 say
0:04:04 at the bottom of the page um there's
0:04:06 actually quite a helpful comment
0:04:07 to this very verse it says disciplining
0:04:09 one's wife gently
0:04:11 is the final resort the earliest
0:04:13 commentators understood
0:04:15 that this was to be light enough not to
0:04:17 leave a mark
0:04:18 it should be done with nothing bigger
0:04:19 than a tooth stick and should
0:04:21 be not be on the face prophet muhammad
0:04:25 said to his companions
0:04:26 do not beat the female servants of god
0:04:29 he said that honorable husbands do not
0:04:31 beat their wives
0:04:32 and he himself never hit a woman or
0:04:34 servant if a woman feels her husband is
0:04:36 ill-behaved then she can get help
0:04:38 from her guardian or seek divorce now
0:04:41 that
0:04:42 comment is fine and that's indeed based
0:04:44 on the earlier sources
0:04:46 what i have a problem with is when it
0:04:47 says then discipline them likely as part
0:04:49 of the translation
0:04:51 um i don't know this is going to come up
0:04:53 it's going to be easy to see or not
0:04:55 if you can see that anyway um
0:04:59 this uh okay so what do we do what's
0:05:02 going on here
0:05:03 in um jonathan brown's excellent book he
0:05:06 discusses as i say this
0:05:07 very subject and the problems uh that
0:05:10 this verse has caused in the minds of
0:05:12 some people particularly in the west
0:05:15 and um and then he makes this helpful
0:05:18 comment
0:05:18 on page 274. ironically the unstated
0:05:22 assumptions that many readers today
0:05:24 would generally see
0:05:26 as encasing the literal meaning of 434
0:05:30 were shared by none of the pre-modern
0:05:32 ulama the ulama the
0:05:34 islamic scholars they are in fact
0:05:36 totally foreign to the islamic tradition
0:05:39 so in other words just reading this as a
0:05:40 verse to beat your wife so to speak
0:05:43 is totally foreign to the islamic
0:05:45 tradition
0:05:46 the pre-modern language so it's not a
0:05:48 modernist issue that goes back
0:05:49 many centuries reading the verse as an
0:05:51 unambiguous legitimization of spousal
0:05:54 abuse
0:05:55 assumes that the quran should be read in
0:05:57 isolation
0:05:58 and that duties should be derived from
0:06:01 it unmediated
0:06:03 yet no pre-modern muslim school of
0:06:05 thought ever advocated that
0:06:07 except perhaps the earlier the early
0:06:10 karajaite extremists
0:06:12 and islamic modernists who claim they do
0:06:15 this today
0:06:16 cannot manage to do so consistently on
0:06:18 the contrary
0:06:20 muslim sects agree that the quran had to
0:06:22 be read through the prism
0:06:24 of the prophet's teachings as expounded
0:06:26 by the ulama
0:06:28 who then disagreed endlessly on what
0:06:30 those teachings should be
0:06:32 the ulima who articulated the islamic
0:06:34 tradition
0:06:35 were men taken as a whole however their
0:06:38 reading of 434
0:06:40 was characterized by neither the
0:06:41 interests of patriarchy
0:06:43 nor what is sometimes imagined to be an
0:06:45 untempered indifference to violence
0:06:48 rather the most salient theme in the
0:06:50 ulama's writings across the centuries
0:06:52 has been one of restricting
0:06:54 almost completely the apparent meaning
0:06:57 of the verse
0:06:58 this seems to have appeared with the
0:07:00 very first infallible
0:07:02 interpreter of god's revelation the
0:07:04 messenger of god himself
0:07:06 canonical sunni hadith collections quote
0:07:08 the prophet
0:07:09 at first teaching his followers do not
0:07:12 strike the female servants of god
0:07:14 and that of course is what's referenced
0:07:15 in the new translation
0:07:17 only when his lieutenant umar complained
0:07:20 about the media uh
0:07:22 the medinan women disrespecting their
0:07:24 husbands
0:07:25 as opposed to the more submissive meccan
0:07:27 wives to whom they were accustomed
0:07:30 did the prophet allow hitting them the
0:07:32 hadith continues
0:07:34 describing how a wave of 70 i
0:07:37 many women subsequently came complaining
0:07:39 to the prophet
0:07:40 about their husbands this led them to
0:07:43 declare that those men who
0:07:45 this led him the prophet to declare that
0:07:48 those men who beat their wives are
0:07:50 not the best among you adding the best
0:07:53 of you
0:07:54 will not strike them
0:07:57 um and then he goes on about the
0:08:00 prophet's
0:08:00 farewell sermon uh which says something
0:08:03 uh quite similar
0:08:04 and talks about um um
0:08:07 about how husband's striking her but
0:08:09 only with a light blow that leaves no
0:08:11 mark
0:08:12 uh et cetera but there's it's a
0:08:14 fascinating chapter
0:08:16 i suppose in this kind of amateur review
0:08:19 that i'm giving my own
0:08:20 my issue with this is
0:08:24 however it seems to have the translation
0:08:27 seems to have
0:08:28 built in or added in the interpretive
0:08:31 hermeneutic of the of what the english
0:08:35 reader is supposed to read
0:08:36 rather than a faithful translation of
0:08:38 the arabic if that makes sense
0:08:39 the arabic has strike or hit the uh
0:08:42 the commentary at the bottom which
0:08:44 explains um
0:08:46 the mitigating factors and the limiting
0:08:48 factors is perfectly fine
0:08:50 but the translation seems to have have
0:08:56 that meaning rather than let the the
0:08:58 english faithfully
0:09:00 and literally translate the arabic and
0:09:03 i'm wondering if
0:09:03 this translation uh is done by a
0:09:05 canadian guy
0:09:07 if this um translation really is aiming
0:09:10 to
0:09:12 create a translation that's acceptable
0:09:14 to a canadian
0:09:15 western audience rather than be very
0:09:19 literal and faithful
0:09:20 to the arabic itself and um
0:09:24 and that might be seen by some as a
0:09:26 criticism um
0:09:27 because i don't really when i come to a
0:09:30 translation of the quran i want
0:09:32 to see a minimal amount of
0:09:33 interpretation and a maximum amount of
0:09:36 translation so to speak now all
0:09:38 translation is interpretation i get that
0:09:40 but sometimes the interpretation seems
0:09:42 to massively overwhelm
0:09:43 the translation but arguably
0:09:46 and that seems to be the case uh with
0:09:49 this translation so
0:09:51 i i think in the light of that i will
0:09:52 not be recommending this translation
0:09:54 um i will stick with uh this translation
0:09:58 abdel haleem which as i said before is
0:10:01 regarded very highly by
0:10:03 western academics who are aware of the
0:10:06 translation issues um and there we go
0:10:10 as i say i haven't read all the quran uh
0:10:12 in this new translation so maybe the
0:10:13 rest of it doesn't suffer from that
0:10:16 arguably suffer from that problem um so
0:10:19 uh but i think having looked at that
0:10:21 test verse
0:10:22 to see how it deals with the arabic i'm
0:10:24 i'm less inclined as i say to
0:10:27 have confidence that the rest of it will
0:10:28 be a fairly literal translation and may
0:10:31 well give me the opinions of
0:10:34 a more liberal muslim interpretation
0:10:37 instead anyway that's just my review
0:10:39 thank you