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The Fatiha - God's Most Important Message to Humankind (2020-05-08)


Summary of The Fatiha - God's Most Important Message to Humankind

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

The Fatiha is a short poem in the Quran that serves as a call to worship God. The poem references several case studies of people who followed God's teachings and lived virtuous lives. Muslims try to emulate these examples in their own lives, hoping to live a righteous and fulfilling life.

00:00:00 The Fatiha, or "opening chapter" of the Quran, is a brief but powerful statement of faith. It summarizes the main themes of the Quran and is a key part of prayer. It is also representative of the Quran as a whole, encompassing all its different meanings and themes.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the idea that all praise belongs to God, and that this includes praise of inanimate objects. points out that this is in contrast to the atheist position, which is that there is no God. goes on to explain that this fine-tuning is evidence of God's existence.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the concept of Allah's mercy, and how it is displayed in various ways, such as in the way he encompasses humans with mercy even in the midst of chaos and destruction. It then goes on to discuss the concept of al-Rahman al-rahim, or the most gracious, most merciful, male chioma dean.
  • 00:15:00 The Fatiha is the most important message from God to humanity, and it emphasizes that Allah is the Owner and King of the Day of Judgment. The surah also speaks about those who are favored by Allah, and it emphasizes that Allah is the One who knows best.
  • 00:20:00 The Fatiha, or "God's Most Important Message to Mankind," is a short, prayer-like poem in the Quran. The poem is a call to worship God, and it references several case studies of people who followed God's teachings and lived virtuous lives. Muslims try to emulate these examples in their own lives, hoping to live a righteous and fulfilling life.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Akuma rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh today
0:00:02 we're going to be talking about
0:00:03 something very important
0:00:05 it's God's message God's most important
0:00:09 message to human beings say that one
0:00:13 more time no problem it's God's most
0:00:16 important message to human beings God
0:00:20 Allah he sent the Quran as the final
0:00:25 Testament if you like the final
0:00:28 revelation there's nothing more to be
0:00:32 revealed and the Prophet Muhammad was
0:00:36 the final messenger this is the Islamic
0:00:38 belief and in this book of six thousand
0:00:45 two hundred and thirty six verses of
0:00:48 approximately a hundred and fourteen
0:00:49 actually precisely 114 chapters and
0:00:53 approximately 70,000 70,000 words this
0:01:00 small chapter which is a composite of
0:01:03 only a hundred and thirteen letters
0:01:08 twenty-five words and seven lines is the
0:01:14 most important segment of the entire
0:01:17 poor Anik corpus this is what the
0:01:22 Prophet told us and he told his
0:01:24 companions he said to one of his
0:01:27 companions o Ali Monaca so rotten here
0:01:30 are the most sorrowful Quran I will
0:01:32 teach you a couple intelligent message I
0:01:34 will teach you a chapter which is the
0:01:37 most mighty chapter in the entire Quran
0:01:42 before you leave the message to one of
0:01:45 his companions he said this and he also
0:01:47 said let's all attack
0:01:48 Leeman Lamia crappy fatty until Khattab
0:01:50 there is no prayer in other words the
0:01:53 prayer is not valid unless you read this
0:01:56 particular chapter for those non-muslims
0:01:58 I know are watching when we pray five
0:02:01 times a day we pray each time with this
0:02:05 particular chapter recited and we recite
0:02:09 it 17 times on a minimum on a daily
0:02:12 basis
0:02:13 and it's only like I said to you it's
0:02:15 only 113 lettuce it's only 25 words so
0:02:21 what are these very important holy words
0:02:24 to the Muslims that together are
0:02:28 referred to as al-fatiha the opening
0:02:29 chapter of the Quran otherwise known as
0:02:33 ohm will Quran the foundation of the
0:02:38 entire Quran and scholars Islamic
0:02:40 scholars say that is because it
0:02:43 encompasses all of the major meanings of
0:02:46 the Quran all of the major themes are
0:02:48 represented in this chapter in other
0:02:53 words if all of the Souris of the Quran
0:02:57 were nominees and candidates for the
0:03:02 representation the ultimate
0:03:04 representation of the Quran then surah
0:03:06 fatiha would be the prime minister of
0:03:09 the Quran the major of presentative of
0:03:11 the Quran so do you not want to know
0:03:14 what this chapter is all about maybe
0:03:18 you're a Muslim and you've been reciting
0:03:21 this chapter for years
0:03:22 maybe you've been reciting and you don't
0:03:25 even really know what this chapter is
0:03:28 about maybe you don't know what the gems
0:03:30 of this chapter the jewels of this
0:03:32 chapter the gold nuggets of this chapter
0:03:35 are let's go through it so we'll start
0:03:41 with a handle a table I mean yes some
0:03:43 say l betts Mela bismillah r-rahman
0:03:45 r-rahim is part of the fatiha but for a
0:03:49 hadith for a reason that pertains to
0:03:52 doing it today L or evidencing the case
0:03:58 with a hadith which is could see which
0:04:00 means us from Allah that starts with
0:04:06 consent o Salih Bey nuobiniya Abdeen is
0:04:09 fain where the abdomen is a hadith and
0:04:12 in this hadith the hadith starts with Al
0:04:15 hamdulillah horribly awry so for that
0:04:17 reason lot of scholars have said that
0:04:19 actually the Fatiha starts with al hamdu
0:04:22 lillahi rabbil aalameen so let's start
0:04:24 with al hamdulillah uniblab what does
0:04:26 this mean
0:04:27 alhamdulillah means all praise and
0:04:31 thanks belongs to Allah Lord of the
0:04:33 Worlds
0:04:34 that's what it means all praise and
0:04:36 thanks belongs to Allah Lord of the
0:04:39 Worlds now let's take it step by step
0:04:42 for a second I'll handle who I'll met
0:04:45 how a Shooks so a hand is a combination
0:04:50 of two things
0:04:51 some scholars say who hath a neck like a
0:04:54 samosa he says who attend a whole met
0:04:56 what are our different miquellee metal
0:04:58 matter it is a synonym with the word
0:05:02 meta which simply means praise but I'll
0:05:05 just going to say wait a minute it's a
0:05:06 bit more general than that it is l-hamdu
0:05:10 it is shock and Matt it is praise and
0:05:17 thanks
0:05:20 because thanks when you thanking someone
0:05:23 it smokeable only niyama t as the
0:05:27 scholars say it's something which if
0:05:28 someone give me something oh you know
0:05:30 bro thank you very much you give me a
0:05:31 nice check it you gave me this you give
0:05:33 me that I am thanking someone as a
0:05:35 reciprocal response say that almost time
0:05:39 yes as a reciprocal response to their
0:05:41 initial generosity but praise doesn't
0:05:46 need to be a reciprocal response to any
0:05:48 kind of generosity at all you see praise
0:05:51 is usually as a result of an attribute
0:05:55 that someone has but someone sees a big
0:05:59 strapping tall dark handsome individual
0:06:01 like myself I'm sure the first thing
0:06:04 they want to do and when you're joking
0:06:06 guys okay
0:06:06 I'm just trying to because I know this
0:06:08 is a you know I have to give live
0:06:11 examples for the people yes when you see
0:06:18 a person or a sports person or something
0:06:21 you say wait a minute
0:06:22 this is very good you want a clap you
0:06:24 want to thank you on a sari you want to
0:06:26 praise it's a very standard response you
0:06:30 see what I mean so praising and thanking
0:06:32 are two different things
0:06:34 and what Allah is telling us is that all
0:06:35 praise not just some but all praise and
0:06:39 all thanks belongs
0:06:41 to Allah Lord of the Worlds now Kelly
0:06:45 met al al-amin
0:06:46 kalila Allah Allah moon okay Allah moon
0:06:50 which is in this because much rule is
0:06:52 al-amin but the us Allah slalom oon what
0:06:57 does it mean so the more fast you don't
0:06:58 say it's mercy Allah it's anything other
0:07:01 than Allah why because if it was a local
0:07:06 that only the intelligent ones then it
0:07:09 wouldn't there's a chapter of the
0:07:10 Quranic verse we're fair round and Moses
0:07:13 Moses Moosa are speaking and around us
0:07:17 Omar Abdullah Al Amin who is rabbul
0:07:19 aalameen says Robert Moses says rubber
0:07:22 semi-wet you will outdo me by now am i
0:07:24 in kuntum walk in him he mentions
0:07:26 inanimate things so it's not just about
0:07:29 the the the creatures of the intellect
0:07:32 and Allah moon is the same as a lower
0:07:35 limb its world's but it's just in a
0:07:39 different form which is a particular
0:07:41 form called John Whittaker Salem which
0:07:43 is acceptable
0:07:44 sometimes in reference to live a lark
0:07:47 Hill as the old poetry of the Arabs can
0:07:51 show now there's something I want to
0:07:53 show here is a very beautiful thing well
0:07:55 Ida the richness and the depths of the
0:07:57 Quranic discourse you'll be shocked
0:07:59 because the Calumet erupted three two
0:08:03 letters of the Arabic language one of
0:08:07 them as were shot dead robbed it has so
0:08:10 many deep meanings robbed means
0:08:12 elmo's later the really the one who's in
0:08:15 control
0:08:16 it means Malik the one who's has the
0:08:18 possession the one who owns so we say
0:08:23 rob bull mental for example someone who
0:08:24 owns the house or a bouquet or a
0:08:26 bouffalant
0:08:27 the one who owns something Malik Elmwood
0:08:30 that bill the one who plans the one who
0:08:36 plans the one who do basically the
0:08:38 organizer the organizer you're
0:08:41 organizing thieves you know how we
0:08:42 organize things but Allah organizes the
0:08:43 universe and in that really he
0:08:46 fine-tunes the universe he find choose
0:08:50 the universe and we're not talking about
0:08:52 you know arguments for God's existence
0:08:54 although
0:08:54 they are somewhat relevant here he
0:08:57 fine-tunes the laws of the ether
0:08:59 lawmaker he's the organizer of the
0:09:01 systems of the universe and Almora be
0:09:06 the one who sustains and maintains the
0:09:08 universe so for this reason it's very
0:09:10 interesting when I was reading the TAF
0:09:11 fear of thoradine arrazi
0:09:14 because he was actually making the
0:09:16 arguments of contingency and fine-tuning
0:09:18 through this particular verse how he
0:09:21 says look if Allah is the rub if Allah
0:09:26 is the one who lays everything out and
0:09:28 organizes it and sets the laws in motion
0:09:31 when you look into the sky and you look
0:09:33 into the constellations and you look
0:09:37 into the atom they're inanimate things
0:09:40 as well as the animal things all of that
0:09:42 is regulated and by the way there is no
0:09:45 atheistic response to this forget about
0:09:47 it you know forget about I've read their
0:09:50 books I've read all the new atheist
0:09:51 books believe me there is no new
0:09:53 atheistic response to the fact that
0:09:56 there is fine-tuning YES on a inanimate
0:10:02 cosmological level why is there all of
0:10:05 these why are these laws in place why is
0:10:08 the universe explicable at all but
0:10:11 anyway al-razi says if we are sure and
0:10:15 it's intuitive and immediate knowledge
0:10:16 for for us to be sure that the universe
0:10:20 is organized in this manner so why can't
0:10:23 we trust the organizer to organize our
0:10:25 lives
0:10:26 Allah Allah say that all time he says
0:10:29 why can't you trust the organizer the
0:10:31 ultimate organizer the ultimate planner
0:10:33 the Rob he's gonna organize your life
0:10:37 he's gonna organize your life
0:10:40 spiritually and psychologically and in
0:10:43 all the ways because believe me me and
0:10:45 you are not capable of guidance we're
0:10:48 lost
0:10:48 we need their map the roadmap you know
0:10:51 when some time you get lost in your
0:10:53 driving you need a map you need like a
0:10:55 GPS something like that yes and Allah he
0:10:59 offers that map and he shows you that he
0:11:01 is the best at organizing Maps through
0:11:05 his subhanAllah how he puts the universe
0:11:08 together
0:11:09 so the same replied I mean can be the
0:11:12 same rub that you do is to ina for we're
0:11:14 gonna come to that in child la when we
0:11:15 talk about yeah can amble do where
0:11:17 Candice time so let's quickly do a
0:11:19 translation alhamdulillah he all praise
0:11:21 and all thanks belongs to Allah the Lord
0:11:24 of all of the world's cool the mercy of
0:11:26 Allah subhana WA Ta'ala
0:11:28 alrahman alraheem al rahman is they
0:11:36 translate it to the most gracious to the
0:11:37 most gracious the most merciful
0:11:39 those two words man is intense intense
0:11:46 and immediate mercy and they're both
0:11:50 derivative of the Arabic word r-rahim
0:11:52 which is the womb of the mother because
0:11:54 Allah God Almighty he encompasses us
0:12:00 with mercy in the same way as the little
0:12:05 baby in the womb of the mother is
0:12:06 encompassed with the mercy of his mother
0:12:08 llahu akbar allah i say that one more
0:12:11 time ok no problem
0:12:13 you see Allah he encompasses you with
0:12:17 mercy and me with mercy in the same way
0:12:19 as the baby of the womb of the mother is
0:12:21 encompassed with the mercy and al Rahman
0:12:24 Allah Westmeath Ln and in the Arab times
0:12:30 Farallon is is a particular
0:12:32 morphological lexical construction it's
0:12:38 a particular morphological lexical
0:12:41 construction which indicates the
0:12:45 severity and the immediacy of the action
0:12:47 which is why when you see an angry
0:12:50 person you see immediately that they're
0:12:52 angry la so we see where we are exposed
0:12:57 to the mercy of allah subhanho wa taala
0:13:00 immediately it's like when you is
0:13:05 raining heavily and you come outside and
0:13:09 you you know you're immediately drenched
0:13:11 this is like the rama of allah subhanahu
0:13:14 tan rahim your denial is still wrong
0:13:18 it's continuous there's a continuity in
0:13:22 the mercy of God all I think about this
0:13:26 for a second man let me let me just put
0:13:28 something to you let me put something to
0:13:32 you if I were to say to you my friend
0:13:35 your eyes your your hearing your seeing
0:13:40 how much would you let me take you're
0:13:43 seeing four you'll see Oh your your
0:13:44 ability to see if you had two billion in
0:13:48 the account and you get two billion
0:13:50 dollars or pounds or whatever country
0:13:52 you're from and I took both of your eyes
0:13:56 and I said you the only way you're gonna
0:13:57 get both of your eyes back and your
0:13:59 eyesight back is you give me that money
0:14:01 and you know where it's possible for me
0:14:03 to give you that you'd give it to me
0:14:04 quickly these are priceless even your
0:14:09 little fingers priceless your arms your
0:14:11 legs your hair but some of us are losing
0:14:15 oh yeah
0:14:17 but even that you know they go to Turkey
0:14:20 they try and game plant this and that
0:14:21 maybe not maybe not as price loud be
0:14:23 honest it's not the hair is not as
0:14:24 priceless as the eyes and the ears and
0:14:27 you know hearing and seeing and so on
0:14:29 but the idea is we've given these things
0:14:31 in a non-reciprocal non-transactional
0:14:34 way no one told you hey here's the bill
0:14:43 so al-rahman al-rahim the most gracious
0:14:47 the most merciful
0:14:51 manly chioma dean and is also Mele
0:14:54 Chioma Dean
0:14:55 now after allah subhanaw taala showed us
0:14:58 how merciful he is there needs to be a
0:15:00 lay of balancing out here so he says he
0:15:02 is the owner of the Day of Judgment he's
0:15:04 also the king of the Day of Judgment yes
0:15:08 and both of them are different but both
0:15:11 of them have a pure are going back to
0:15:13 the prophet mohammed salah salem
0:15:14 which is legitimate and both of them
0:15:17 Allah sent Malik means the owner which
0:15:20 comes from Kalamata milk and Malik means
0:15:25 the king which comes from Kelly met milk
0:15:27 which milk like the one you drink for
0:15:30 milk here means serenity
0:15:34 yes so Allah is the owner and he is also
0:15:38 the king of the day of judgment he is
0:15:43 the owner and the king of the Day of
0:15:44 Judgment and why is it Yama Dean as the
0:15:51 Arab side came out to demon to them as
0:15:53 you as you give basically you're gonna
0:15:55 get so if you are an unjust person your
0:15:59 injustice will be exposed to you on the
0:16:01 day of judgment it's a day of recompense
0:16:05 that's a good translation recompense
0:16:08 when everybody will be recompensed for
0:16:10 what they done and that's why lots of
0:16:12 pantalla says you're amazing you have
0:16:14 Fahim allahu Vina will hop oh this is
0:16:17 dead area the day the day when Allah
0:16:20 will recompense them basically on their
0:16:25 offense so in other words here Dean is
0:16:29 mundane which is like debt and
0:16:33 everything that you're indebted to other
0:16:35 people for or to Allah for you be
0:16:38 recompense on the day of judgment this
0:16:41 is what's required for justice to
0:16:43 ultimately take place a forum which
0:16:45 allows for all of the debts to be
0:16:47 claimed if I killed someone one time or
0:16:50 a thousand times those two individuals
0:16:52 now will be dealt with accordingly shirk
0:16:54 you committed shirk you'll see on the
0:16:56 day of judgment how heavy that is and
0:16:58 what the ultimate demise of someone who
0:17:01 is a polytheist will be yeah can Apple
0:17:05 do what ya can assign you alone we
0:17:07 worship and you alone we ask for help
0:17:11 subhanAllah now has come to second
0:17:13 person it was third persons called LTFS
0:17:15 transitioning now into second person
0:17:17 which means we're forced yes we are
0:17:19 forced to make a supplication to allah
0:17:21 you alone we worship and you alone we
0:17:25 ask for help
0:17:30 you alone we worship and you alone we
0:17:31 ask for help and in the Arabic language
0:17:36 hey this is Joe militant fairly attune
0:17:39 harborough will be hovering will cut
0:17:42 them in this is a Joomla fillet of
0:17:44 verbal sentence which has been inverted
0:17:46 in a sense which you fiddle has selected
0:17:49 us which means lay off a fillet which
0:17:53 basically means you can't conjunct
0:17:55 anything with it we say you alone we
0:17:57 worship we can't say you alone we
0:17:59 worship and that one and this means that
0:18:03 this is the pinnacle of our cradle
0:18:07 position we have a puritanical
0:18:10 monotheistic position where we only
0:18:14 worship Allah no Trinity no Paula Caesar
0:18:17 no human being we worship no no no we
0:18:20 purely just worship one God the creator
0:18:23 of the heavens and the earth the same
0:18:25 god of Moses and Jesus and Abraham and
0:18:27 all of those prophets yes you alone we
0:18:32 worship and you alone we ask for help
0:18:34 because we're gonna need that help if
0:18:36 we're gonna get into worshipping allah
0:18:38 subhanahu wa'ta'ala
0:18:40 if you dinner sirat al-mustaqim guide us
0:18:43 to the straight path and beautiful guide
0:18:46 us not guide me shows us the
0:18:48 selflessness of the islamic position
0:18:51 forces you to be a selfless individual
0:18:53 not selfish and narcissistic but
0:18:56 selfless and giving out letting
0:18:59 outpouring just like allah gives you you
0:19:03 know how women feel of your hammock on
0:19:04 Memphis same as the hadith says be
0:19:06 merciful to those who are on the earth
0:19:08 and the one in the heaven will be
0:19:09 merciful to you so guide us to the
0:19:13 straight path and especially when we
0:19:15 pray with this source upon Allah it's
0:19:18 Manny this mother is a manufactured but
0:19:20 it's spoken this word is this the surah
0:19:23 is spoken in such a word in such a way
0:19:27 which allows us to when we're praying
0:19:31 make delightful them up we'll meet the
0:19:34 ones who are praying behind us so
0:19:36 everyone is benefiting yeah can I by the
0:19:39 way because a little self and guide us
0:19:40 to the straight path surat al-an'am
0:19:43 tell him the part of those who are
0:19:45 favorite ah this is beautiful the path
0:19:48 of those who you have favoured and the
0:19:54 Quran says uma Utah Lahore Rasulullah I
0:19:57 Kamala Dina and I'm Allah Allah him men
0:19:59 and nabi'ina was the deity knower
0:20:01 Shahada was Holly Haines Roja sooner or
0:20:04 later of you and whoever obeys allah and
0:20:07 the messenger then they will be with the
0:20:09 one who Allah has bestowed blessings
0:20:11 upon from the prophets the Nabi no seed
0:20:15 de pinna and the truthful ones were
0:20:17 Shahada and the martyrs were so Lehane
0:20:20 and the righteous ones and what a
0:20:22 pleasant company that will be and so
0:20:24 subhan allah allah subhanaw taala is
0:20:26 giving us a live example live examples
0:20:31 case study examples of lives of
0:20:33 individuals who have passed the test and
0:20:37 so we look at the life of Jesus we look
0:20:40 at the life of Moses we look at the life
0:20:41 of Abraham the stories of all of these
0:20:43 things all of these people and we see
0:20:46 Mary how does she live their Sahaba the
0:20:49 companions of the Prophet how did they
0:20:52 live now we try and emulate as much of
0:20:55 it as possible in order to practically
0:20:58 live a enriched Islamic lifestyle while
0:21:04 ma fluvial am not the ones who have
0:21:07 earned your anger and Kelly mcmurdo be
0:21:13 it's fair bittitan it's actually a state
0:21:18 it's not something like because in other
0:21:20 parts of Quran it says habib ali ya so
0:21:25 the ones who allah have have a lot with
0:21:29 you can say whatever yeah this is
0:21:31 different much boob which means they're
0:21:33 continuously in that state well of
0:21:37 barley in north the lost ones the
0:21:39 Prophet was asked who are these people
0:21:40 they were talking about NASA hadith
0:21:41 intimately which is has an honorary but
0:21:44 which is a low level of strength but
0:21:47 still a hadith that almost all the
0:21:49 exegetes in Islam use who are the model
0:21:51 bialy so the Prophet said Elia hood now
0:21:57 he said the Jewish once does this mean
0:22:00 all the Jewish ones it doesn't mean all
0:22:02 the Jewish ones why is it because we're
0:22:04 trying to please someone here online no
0:22:06 the Quran says lay so sour that Jewish
0:22:10 and Christian communities are not all
0:22:13 the same
0:22:13 you cannot generalize the Jews we cannot
0:22:16 generalize the Christians but we're
0:22:17 talking about case study examples which
0:22:19 the biblical accounts themselves
0:22:21 reference those who oppose Moses those
0:22:25 who mentioned the Quran parts of the
0:22:28 clergy a method rule Edina hum minute
0:22:30 Torah so Melanie okay methylene hey man
0:22:32 yeah - fella like those individuals that
0:22:35 were entrusted with the Torah and then
0:22:38 they couldn't handle that and so it's
0:22:40 like Allah says they're like donkeys
0:22:42 carrying books on their back which is an
0:22:44 interesting and vivid imagery what a
0:22:46 deep and interesting you can imagine I
0:22:48 know you know what you're imagining now
0:22:50 is that don't keep yes with with books
0:22:52 and but why is that you have a lots of
0:22:54 what and but you have no actions no
0:22:59 actions and likewise you can have a lot
0:23:02 of ammon actions but no island so the
0:23:05 two must come together because Darlene
0:23:08 are talking about and nasarah
0:23:09 the ones who they say we are Christians
0:23:12 now is it all the Christians no because
0:23:14 Allah says later somewhere then all the
0:23:16 same however those ones who believe in
0:23:19 the Trinity which unfortunately are the
0:23:22 probably the majority because we would
0:23:24 say that is a theological position of
0:23:26 contradiction and actually this is
0:23:28 you're forcing yourself into an ignorant
0:23:29 position unfortunately but how can you
0:23:32 do good deeds on this on the prayer on
0:23:34 the premise that you yes believe in a
0:23:37 three and one and one and three this is
0:23:39 wrong so we say Allah has the ultimate
0:23:43 map to guidance and we ask Allah and it
0:23:46 does anything you take from what I said
0:23:47 it's just one thing Surat al-fatiha
0:23:49 is asking us the week the the feeble
0:23:54 they're incapable yes human beings who
0:23:59 would otherwise be lost asking Allah for
0:24:02 guidance so whatever you're praying
0:24:03 think of those meanings quickly to recap
0:24:06 all praise be to God Lord of the Worlds
0:24:12 the most gracious the most merciful or
0:24:17 the immediately gracious the immediately
0:24:19 merciful they're consistently merciful
0:24:21 you could you can translate this in in
0:24:23 many ways malakoma dean malakoma dean
0:24:26 the king and the owner of the Day of
0:24:28 Judgment or the king of the owner of the
0:24:30 day of recompense
0:24:32 Jazze that they are really of Dane and
0:24:34 well when the Dane will be settled or
0:24:38 the story that that will be settled
0:24:39 yeah can Apple do you are alone we
0:24:42 worship and you alone we ask for help
0:24:43 guide us to the straight path the path
0:24:46 of those who you have favoured not the
0:24:49 path of those of earned your anger nor
0:24:51 of those who have gone astray
0:24:54 Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi