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BBC Interview: Palestinian Activism and Anti-Zionism vs Anti-Semitism (2021-12-03)


BBC has a frank interview with Mohammed Hijab on Israel and Palestine.

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Summary of BBC Interview: Palestinian Activism and Anti-Zionism vs Anti-Semitism

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:40:00

The BBC interviews a Palestinian activist about her views on anti-Semitism and apartheid. The activist argues that while it is possible for someone to be anti-Semitic, it is impossible for a Muslim to be anti-Semitic, as the prophet Muhammad married a Jewish woman. She also discusses the risk of engaging in free speech when it is used to insult or offend populations, citing the example of anti-slavery advocates in the 19th century who went to war to end slavery.

00:00:00 The interviewer discusses his childhood in London and how he grew to be an observant orthodox traditionalist Muslim. He discusses his experiences with Jewish people and how he viewed Judaism as a religion and not just an ethnic group. He talks about his current views on Judaism and how it is similar to Islam, but with one key difference.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the effects of anti-Zionism on how people think about Jewish people. points out that while anti-Zionism may not be anti-Semitism, it does create a space for anti-Semitism to emerge.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the difference between Palestinian activism and anti-Semitism. explains that while both oppose the Israeli government, Palestinian activism should never be conflated with anti-Semitism. He also points out that there is a large segment of the Jewish community that sees no connection between being Jewish and supporting Israel.
  • 00:15:00 Palestinian activists and anti-Zionists argue that anti-Semitism is not only rooted in hatred of Jews, but also in opposition to the Israeli government. Norman Frenkelstein, who wrote a book called "The Holocaust Industry," said that, in order to prevent future tragedies, we should teach our children about the Holocaust and the importance of not comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Some people reacted negatively to the video, accusing the activists of being anti-Semitic.
  • 00:20:00 The BBC interviews Palestinian activist and anti-Zionist Salma Khadra about her beliefs on anti-Semitism and apartheid. Khadra argues that while it is possible for someone to be anti-Semitic, it is impossible for a Muslim to be anti-Semitic, as the prophet Muhammad married a Jewish woman. She also discusses the risk of engaging in free speech when it is used to insult or offend populations, citing the example of anti-slavery advocates in the 19th century who went to war to end slavery.
  • 00:25:00 The BBC interviews a Palestinian activist who has married a Jewish woman and argues that anti-Semitism exists within the Muslim community as well as among those who support the Israeli government. The activist notes that comparing Islamophobia and anti-Semitism is a disanalogy because Islam is only religious, while anti-Semitism is based on hatred of all Jews, no matter their religious beliefs.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how different groups should be treated in a harmonious way, and how politics have played a role in the history of animosity between Muslims and Jews. He is optimistic about the future, and believes that if the government does not fear dialogue, Muslim-Jewish harmony will return.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the conflict between progressive and traditionalist Muslims. The progressive Muslims in the video object to the term "radical Israeli" because it implies that all Israeli people are radical, and this is not accurate. They also object to the of the video, "Muslims confront radical Israelis," because it implies that all Israeli people are responsible for the violence against Palestinians. The traditionalist Muslims in the video say that the majority of Israeli people are moderate, and that the focus on the negative makes it difficult to see the positive aspects of Israeli society.
  • 00:40:00 In this BBC interview, Palestinian activist and anti-Zionist, Musa Abou Zaid, discusses the difficulties between Palestinian and Israeli communities. He says that despite his sympathies for the jewish people, they are wrong on the issues and that he would like to see co-existence, confidential relations, and tolerance. He predicts that all of these things will not happen in the near future, and that the situation will get worse before it gets better.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 the hijab 10
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0:00:09 okay okay we're good go ahead uh
0:00:12 um so
0:00:13 did you grow up in london and also
0:00:15 i mean what level of religious would you
0:00:18 say that you are
0:00:19 well i think i'm i'm an observant
0:00:22 orthodox traditionalist muslim um sunday
0:00:25 and
0:00:27 kind of uh orientation if you wanna put
0:00:28 it that way and um yes i
0:00:30 i grew up not really in that i mean i
0:00:32 grew up in a liberal environment i grew
0:00:34 up here in london um i went to a
0:00:36 multicultural school
0:00:38 um actually went to the same school as
0:00:40 some very famous uh people who went to
0:00:42 syria
0:00:44 and
0:00:45 which i will not kind of famous
0:00:47 yeah not in the positive sense and um
0:00:50 and i've seen everything you know and
0:00:52 i've engaged with everyone it's really a
0:00:53 privileged experience i think when you
0:00:55 grow up in a multi deeply multicultural
0:00:57 society and you see people from
0:00:58 different perspectives and different
0:01:00 backgrounds and you can get along with
0:01:01 them you you learn how to kind of be
0:01:03 what you are be proud of what you are by
0:01:06 the same time learn to disagree with
0:01:07 people and still get along with them
0:01:08 this is a very important thing and being
0:01:11 in a multicultural society all my life i
0:01:12 think that's been probably one of the
0:01:14 biggest takeaways
0:01:15 yeah i mean i i couldn't agree more i
0:01:17 think being in a multicultural society
0:01:19 forces you to understand that there are
0:01:21 a multitude of perspectives and you need
0:01:24 to kind of find like a middle ground
0:01:26 between what all of you think and try
0:01:27 and work out what is a way that you can
0:01:29 find harmony in terms of interacting
0:01:31 with these other groups and all find out
0:01:32 your positive aspects exactly um
0:01:35 within that diversity when you're
0:01:37 growing up were there many jewish people
0:01:39 that you knew
0:01:40 yes i actually live in the jewish area
0:01:42 which area did you grow up in uh saint
0:01:44 johnswood
0:01:47 so yeah
0:01:48 i've lived there for 20 years
0:01:50 um
0:01:51 so i've lived in this of course we have
0:01:53 jewish neighbors we have people that are
0:01:54 jewish people that went to my school
0:01:56 jewish people that you know i grew up
0:01:58 with i knew the rabbis and then the
0:01:59 synagogues and so on yeah we have one of
0:02:01 the biggest and most important
0:02:02 synagogues in the vicinity so in the
0:02:04 area so yeah absolutely
0:02:07 and of course what i realized about um
0:02:09 jewish people is that they're very
0:02:11 similar to the muslim community and so
0:02:13 much as it's we think
0:02:16 that jewish people have a uniformity of
0:02:18 opinions but they don't there are
0:02:19 liberal jews there are you know there
0:02:21 are orthodox jews and within the
0:02:23 orthodox spectrum you have heredi you
0:02:25 have you know
0:02:27 so on and so forth it really it
0:02:28 subcompartmentalizes it and it
0:02:31 you know this category of the category
0:02:33 and so it's not a monolithic entity this
0:02:35 is a very important thing i think people
0:02:37 need to understand when when discussing
0:02:38 jewish people because it's not a
0:02:39 monastic entity and that's what i've
0:02:41 discovered really quickly it was
0:02:42 something that growing up i didn't
0:02:44 understand but now i'm fully aware of
0:02:46 well people i think people lose that
0:02:47 nuance generally there is almost no
0:02:50 monolithic group out there there's a
0:02:51 spectrum within every single group and
0:02:53 it's much easier for people to
0:02:55 generalize and then make a sweeping
0:02:57 statement on the basis of that
0:02:58 generalization which i think can most
0:03:00 often be problematic and you've got to
0:03:01 look for the nuance and things
0:03:02 absolutely but when you say you were
0:03:03 growing up and you didn't know that what
0:03:05 was your what was your perception of
0:03:06 judaism when you were growing up before
0:03:08 you educated yourself what did you think
0:03:10 about jesus what did you know about jews
0:03:12 well to be honest with you judaism as a
0:03:14 religion we always knew was one of the
0:03:16 closest religions to the religion of
0:03:18 islam obviously we have to we have to
0:03:20 delineate jewishness into two
0:03:22 sub-compartments you've got the ethnic
0:03:23 component and you've got the religious
0:03:24 component
0:03:25 but if we're talking about the religious
0:03:27 component then it's we've always known
0:03:29 that judaism stands as one of the
0:03:30 closest religions to the religion of
0:03:32 islam because both religions are you
0:03:34 know uncompromisingly monotheistic right
0:03:39 there's only one god worthy of worship
0:03:41 both religions speak about abraham
0:03:43 obviously and all the prophets like noah
0:03:45 and all this kind of thing in the bible
0:03:47 in the quran and the old testament or
0:03:48 the hebrew hebrew bible as the
0:03:51 jews or jewish clergy prefer
0:03:54 and
0:03:55 and obviously both religions believe in
0:03:56 the ten commandments and moses uh moses
0:03:58 as well which to muslims is one of the
0:04:00 most mighty messengers most most
0:04:02 important men
0:04:04 of human kind in fact he's mentioned the
0:04:05 quran more than muhammad is he's
0:04:07 mentioned in the quran more than any
0:04:08 other prophet he's mentioned he's
0:04:09 mentioned 70 times by name in the quran
0:04:11 and so
0:04:12 the stories of the quran will be very
0:04:14 much
0:04:15 similar
0:04:17 to the stories in the old testament
0:04:18 however with one i would say
0:04:21 key difference the key difference being
0:04:23 where in the old testament there is
0:04:25 you could
0:04:27 kind of summarize the main message being
0:04:29 let my people go right the quran doesn't
0:04:31 state that that's the main thing the
0:04:32 quran states that when moses came to the
0:04:35 people of israel that the main thing was
0:04:37 he was trying to get them to believe
0:04:39 pharaoh himself to believe and it wasn't
0:04:41 about let my people go it's about
0:04:43 believe in one god and save yourself
0:04:45 it wasn't an exclusive discourse for a
0:04:48 tribe or something let my people go like
0:04:49 no there was that as well let my people
0:04:51 go yes but the most important thing is
0:04:53 believe in one god and worship him and
0:04:54 that's something that runs through all
0:04:56 the stories of the quran
0:04:57 but to kind of answer your question
0:05:00 we've always known that the proximity
0:05:03 between kind of judaism as religion and
0:05:05 islam on the on the fundamentals is
0:05:07 quite close and
0:05:09 that there are many things in terms of
0:05:11 our practices
0:05:12 like
0:05:12 orthodox jewish practice
0:05:14 eating pork
0:05:16 or obviously lack thereof
0:05:19 we can eat kosher food we used to
0:05:20 actually grow up on kosher meat because
0:05:22 it was much more well actually maybe you
0:05:24 shouldn't say this but
0:05:26 better quality than the alternative
0:05:27 right
0:05:28 so things like that yeah i can't i can't
0:05:31 say um and so you know
0:05:33 things like that we were aware of but
0:05:35 clearly as well
0:05:37 there's an aspect of politics
0:05:39 but to be honest in my household there
0:05:41 was always a distinction that was made
0:05:43 between
0:05:44 zionism as a political ideology
0:05:47 and judaism as a religion
0:05:50 and so
0:05:51 i've always known that even since i was
0:05:52 young but once again i didn't know the
0:05:54 sub compartments and the
0:05:56 the the extent of diversity until i got
0:05:58 a bit older so was israel something that
0:06:00 was discussed in your household growing
0:06:02 up yes no doubt about it
0:06:05 i'm egyptian by you know i'm background
0:06:08 obviously i'm a british egyptian and so
0:06:10 the wars you know the 48 war the 60 66
0:06:14 67 war um and obviously 73 one
0:06:17 particular 73 was was is hailed in egypt
0:06:20 as a great victory for egypt
0:06:22 uh obviously what we know about that was
0:06:24 that as sadat actually he politically
0:06:27 compromised
0:06:28 okay and it's interesting to note that
0:06:30 in egyptian culture this is seen as one
0:06:31 of the great
0:06:32 victories even though it was predicated
0:06:35 on a negotiation
0:06:37 so which is actually in many ways is
0:06:39 something good to think about because
0:06:41 that is to say that
0:06:43 people
0:06:44 want peace in the arab world people want
0:06:46 peace in the muslim world they don't
0:06:48 want to be in perpetual conflict with
0:06:49 their jewish neighbor
0:06:51 um or their israeli neighbor and or
0:06:53 there is never so
0:06:55 that is something that definitely was
0:06:56 there when i went to egypt you know we
0:06:58 have bridges that are named october or
0:07:01 the 6th of 6th of october bridge in
0:07:03 commemoration yeah yeah things like that
0:07:05 you know so that was definitely part of
0:07:06 the culture so growing up
0:07:08 it was a staple part of the culture and
0:07:10 uh israel seemed sort of a boogie man
0:07:12 kind of
0:07:14 it was you know i mean to be honest with
0:07:16 you right
0:07:17 when i was growing up
0:07:19 the the kind of internal conflicts
0:07:20 within egypt
0:07:22 started to override the discourse
0:07:25 and
0:07:26 you know
0:07:27 that was overshadowing eclipsing the
0:07:30 issue the historical issues if i grew up
0:07:31 in the 80s or the 70s i think the
0:07:33 situation would have been a little bit
0:07:34 different yeah
0:07:35 that's true i mean and so
0:07:37 from your perspective
0:07:39 how does
0:07:42 the discussion around israel affect
0:07:44 how people think about jewish people do
0:07:46 you think it does have an effect on how
0:07:47 people think about jewish people i think
0:07:49 really this is a sociological question
0:07:51 if we're being completely honest it's
0:07:53 like whether it does or not is it can be
0:07:55 a historical question um in terms of if
0:07:58 we look at the broad kind of stroke
0:08:00 situation from 1945 onward or 1948 to be
0:08:03 completely
0:08:04 precise the establishment of the state
0:08:06 of israel and how the arab nations
0:08:10 kind of reacted to that um how muslim
0:08:13 nations reacted to that um
0:08:16 it's gonna be a very difficult case for
0:08:17 someone to suggest that there was no
0:08:19 level of anti-semitism
0:08:21 that um that emerged in the in the
0:08:23 arable muslim world
0:08:24 as a result of the establishment of the
0:08:26 state of israel
0:08:27 um i i do think that to be honest with
0:08:30 you if you're looking at a broad stroke
0:08:31 historical perspective
0:08:33 that this this kind of anti-semitism is
0:08:35 very particular it's not it's not an
0:08:36 anti-semitism that existed in
0:08:38 spain where you know scholars talk about
0:08:41 lack of aventia or you know the idea of
0:08:43 a mutual coexistence between jews
0:08:44 muslims and christians or even the
0:08:46 ottoman empire i think it's particularly
0:08:48 pernicious and and i think it's
0:08:50 particularly outrageous actually because
0:08:53 it is now mixed it
0:08:55 effectively mixed um political discourse
0:08:58 with with religious schools in a way
0:09:00 that didn't exist in the past i think
0:09:02 that can be said historically but in
0:09:03 terms of
0:09:04 if you're talking about the uk discourse
0:09:05 in the uk kind of like life and so on
0:09:07 it's that requires kind of sociological
0:09:10 research and and to be fair
0:09:12 the kind of studies that we have so far
0:09:14 on jewish communities and muslim
0:09:15 communities
0:09:16 it's difficult for me to make a comment
0:09:18 about that but what should be the case
0:09:20 is i think it's wholly important to
0:09:22 distinguish between jewishness and pr
0:09:25 and and being an israeli supporter or
0:09:27 being a zionist and if if if we don't
0:09:30 make this distinction i think there will
0:09:31 be some real problems that can emerge
0:09:33 well
0:09:35 sorry to refer to you directly ali
0:09:38 i mean in the video which i think you
0:09:40 were also included in isn't the title of
0:09:41 your video muslims confront radical
0:09:44 israelis
0:09:45 yes and isn't that doing exactly what
0:09:47 you're saying
0:09:49 shouldn't be done conflating a group of
0:09:52 jewish people in britain
0:09:54 and calling them israelis isn't that
0:09:56 doing exactly what you're saying you
0:09:57 shouldn't i mean if someone identifies
0:09:59 as an israeli supporter an apologist or
0:10:02 a pro-zionist right then they have
0:10:04 already shown their cards
0:10:06 what we're saying is that there is a
0:10:07 difference
0:10:08 between
0:10:09 israeli discourse or pro-israeli
0:10:11 discourse when we say that we mean those
0:10:13 who are sympathetic or apologetic
0:10:16 to the policies of the israeli
0:10:18 government policies which have seen the
0:10:20 death of 166 civilians recently of which
0:10:23 66 of them were were children
0:10:25 these policies the policies of blockade
0:10:27 the policies of settlement in the in the
0:10:29 west bank in sheikh
0:10:30 in these things if someone if we decide
0:10:34 to to oppose these policies okay that
0:10:37 should never be conflated with
0:10:39 anti-jewish and i think the reason why
0:10:42 is very clear
0:10:43 that
0:10:44 if we do that that will render those pro
0:10:47 anti-zionist those anti-zionist jews as
0:10:50 impossible subjects that are engaged in
0:10:52 a perpetual
0:10:54 self flagration of some sort self
0:10:56 treachery self hate of some sort they
0:10:58 become an impossible subject but we know
0:11:00 these people exist in fact according to
0:11:02 the definition of the british government
0:11:04 which uh on anti-semitism which was
0:11:05 published in 2016
0:11:07 one of the
0:11:08 definitions of anti-semitism is when you
0:11:11 hold jewish people responsible for the
0:11:13 actions of the israeli government and i
0:11:15 think doing the
0:11:16 doing that conflation
0:11:18 um puts that risk
0:11:21 of people
0:11:22 being anti-semitic and so it's very
0:11:24 important that if someone is an
0:11:25 apologist for for israel or for zionism
0:11:28 that that should be outlined and
0:11:30 delineated or otherwise completely
0:11:32 separated
0:11:34 from
0:11:35 a jewishness i think it's very important
0:11:37 i completely agree with you to be honest
0:11:40 on almost every single point do you not
0:11:42 think the title of that video for
0:11:43 example and
0:11:44 i mean maybe i don't want to get into it
0:11:46 in this way but can you can you first of
0:11:48 all tell me can you tell me what it was
0:11:50 that you did on golden screen and what
0:11:52 made you feel compelled to go and do
0:11:54 that when we went to stanford hill and
0:11:56 golden screen um
0:11:58 we were looking for our allies and
0:12:00 associates because we have many allies
0:12:02 pro
0:12:03 palestine anti-zionist allies and
0:12:05 associates uh many of which are on the
0:12:07 record with us holding hands in placards
0:12:09 and so on and
0:12:11 showing their disdain for the the
0:12:13 policies of the israeli government
0:12:15 and i think it's very important to give
0:12:17 these people a voice because it does
0:12:18 exactly what we're talking about in the
0:12:19 beginning it gives diversity to the
0:12:21 jewish community the jewish community
0:12:23 are not a monolith and there are a
0:12:25 significant sizable chunk of the jewish
0:12:27 community who see no connection
0:12:30 whatsoever with being jewish
0:12:32 and
0:12:33 um and support for israel in fact this
0:12:35 was published in
0:12:37 in one of the only studies that was done
0:12:38 in 2010
0:12:39 um
0:12:41 i think yes 2010 where about 4 000 jews
0:12:44 were questioned and a sizable population
0:12:47 saw no necessarily in control of jewish
0:12:49 people between support for israel and
0:12:51 jewishness this is these are not my
0:12:52 words the these are the sociological
0:12:55 findings of the jewish
0:12:57 policy the institute for jewish policy
0:12:59 uh in 2008. so i think here once again
0:13:02 it's it's imperative especially where
0:13:04 maybe right-wing media you know
0:13:06 organizations and so on
0:13:08 are reluctant to do so even to be honest
0:13:09 centrist uh media streams are reluctant
0:13:11 to do so that we give voice to these
0:13:14 voiceless pro-palestinian jewish people
0:13:16 who represent a big part of the jewish
0:13:19 community but can you literally in
0:13:21 layman's terms can you explain to me
0:13:22 what it was that you guys went out and
0:13:23 did that day just so we can right so
0:13:26 yeah what we did was we went to uh our
0:13:28 rabbi friends we went to many of our
0:13:31 associates from the jewish community to
0:13:33 condemn the actions of the israeli
0:13:36 government at that time which were
0:13:37 killing
0:13:38 indiscriminately killing civilian
0:13:40 populations in gaza they were in
0:13:41 description they were dropping bombs
0:13:43 on houses killing people
0:13:46 66 of them are children actually and we
0:13:49 thought that that was disgusting and to
0:13:51 be fair
0:13:52 we did unfortunately confront some
0:13:54 people which we were ready to confront
0:13:56 had you organized it with the rabbis to
0:13:58 go
0:13:59 to go down there and so i'm yeah so you
0:14:01 went down to golden screen and stanford
0:14:03 tales this was a day of this was a day
0:14:05 of where there was protest so it was
0:14:07 already organized everything was already
0:14:09 organized by organizers and those rabbis
0:14:11 by the way they are part of a panel of
0:14:13 ours and they they are part of the
0:14:15 decision carter
0:14:16 are these the nature carter rabbis is
0:14:19 that right yep that is nice yeah yeah so
0:14:22 yeah so you drove to
0:14:24 golden so you went straight from one to
0:14:26 the other yeah we went we went to about
0:14:27 10 different locations that day and was
0:14:29 that all with the the van which was i
0:14:31 think was it projecting yeah
0:14:34 pictures of the couple this station this
0:14:36 van is not just to be clear this van is
0:14:37 not our van it's not it's not we don't
0:14:40 own that van
0:14:41 this van and the pictures once again the
0:14:43 pictures of that van were chosen by a
0:14:45 panel of people
0:14:47 of which those
0:14:48 pro-palestinian um anti-zionist jews
0:14:51 were part of that panel and and some of
0:14:53 the the imagery of that van
0:14:55 we we objected to it we said we don't
0:14:58 really i think this is quite
0:14:59 antagonistic but they said look this is
0:15:01 the kind of thing we're seeing in the
0:15:02 academic discourse norman frenkelstein
0:15:03 himself wrote a book called the
0:15:04 holocaust industry and it's important
0:15:06 they said that we remind jews this was
0:15:09 their case
0:15:10 that we remind jews that we don't want
0:15:12 to fall we don't want to be the victim
0:15:14 of our own
0:15:15 past
0:15:16 we said if if you feel strongly about
0:15:18 that we cannot stop you from
0:15:21 expressing joy
0:15:23 not drove the van we have they had a
0:15:24 driver or something they organized they
0:15:26 organized oh absolutely this is not a
0:15:27 van in any way shape or form but we but
0:15:29 this was there was a panel of people of
0:15:31 which they were part of that panel and
0:15:33 they decided on the pictures and we we
0:15:35 spoke about it we were a little bit you
0:15:37 know a bit worried about the kind of
0:15:38 imagery in the country but but they said
0:15:40 yeah
0:15:41 this should be said in that in that
0:15:43 language in that strong language so
0:15:44 because this is our view the view is
0:15:47 that we have suffered one of the most
0:15:49 catastrophic and monstrous and
0:15:51 condemnable and abominable things in
0:15:54 human history
0:15:55 which is the holocaust
0:15:57 and we should have we we should teach
0:15:59 our upcoming generations
0:16:02 that we cannot even go anywhere near
0:16:04 doing that to another population not to
0:16:06 say that there is some kind of
0:16:06 comparison there is not but having said
0:16:09 that they said there is no comparison in
0:16:11 the size and scale of the obviously but
0:16:12 we don't even want to come close to that
0:16:14 with a barge point when you weren't you
0:16:16 worried about
0:16:17 it being antagonistic shouldn't you have
0:16:19 told them really to not come because if
0:16:21 there's no comparison there's a risk if
0:16:22 you're doing if you're doing it in front
0:16:23 of their van showing those images that
0:16:25 people might misconstrue and feel that
0:16:27 you are making a difference
0:16:28 there is a risk of course there is a
0:16:29 risk but the thing is i don't think that
0:16:31 pro zionist uh or apology people that
0:16:34 are apologetic to the the israeli
0:16:35 narrative
0:16:37 or the israeli government in fact that
0:16:39 those individuals should be protected
0:16:41 i i think that if they are willing
0:16:44 enough
0:16:44 and brave enough
0:16:46 to scrutinize or or to defend i should
0:16:49 say to defend their government's
0:16:52 policies or the government that they
0:16:53 support the policies they should be
0:16:54 brave enough to be cross-examined
0:16:57 scrutinized or otherwise interrogated
0:16:59 publicly as well and i think what it is
0:17:02 is that we've got to remember that in
0:17:04 israel there was um the status law in
0:17:07 1952
0:17:09 which which categorically states and
0:17:10 it's still part of the books uh the
0:17:12 legislative books which categorically
0:17:14 states that israel is the creation
0:17:16 of the jewish people all the jewish
0:17:18 people but this again monolithic kind of
0:17:21 narrative um doesn't doesn't
0:17:23 give flavor to the jewish community
0:17:25 there's no diversity there
0:17:27 this is the problem narrative and what
0:17:29 we're saying is that there are some jews
0:17:31 out there as you know and i know that
0:17:33 will will condemn
0:17:34 israel with all vehemency and all vigor
0:17:37 and they will condemn them in language
0:17:40 which may be antagonistic to me and you
0:17:42 or me
0:17:43 particularly because i'm non-jewish but
0:17:46 i say give them a voice because they
0:17:48 deserve a voice and they've been blocked
0:17:50 by members of their own community not
0:17:52 all members but some members some
0:17:54 intolerant members of the wrong
0:17:55 community we all have them
0:17:56 from having that voice we will provide
0:17:58 the voice for them and what was the
0:18:00 reaction that you got to publishing that
0:18:02 video
0:18:04 well we got some we got a mixed reaction
0:18:06 we've got some people saying this was
0:18:08 exceptionally
0:18:10 well done and it was needed and this is
0:18:12 the kind of thing we need and we're
0:18:13 ruffling the feathers as part public
0:18:15 discourse and as part of freedom of
0:18:16 speech and expression and so on
0:18:18 and we have some people saying this is
0:18:19 antagonism this is uh stirring um you
0:18:23 know
0:18:24 division and so on
0:18:26 and this is the nature of public
0:18:28 discourse i think if we're going to have
0:18:30 any discussion whatsoever if it doesn't
0:18:32 accumulate or generate some kind of
0:18:33 controversy usually we're talking about
0:18:35 some mundane issue which
0:18:37 which which maybe
0:18:39 isn't worth talking about in the first
0:18:41 place but if this is one of the uh one
0:18:43 of the pieces of collateral damage that
0:18:45 you get from doing
0:18:46 freedom of speech properly
0:18:48 but as someone i mean so much of what
0:18:50 you're saying i agree with and i think
0:18:52 one of the things you clearly are
0:18:54 passionate about promoting is a sense of
0:18:56 harmony yes does it how does it make you
0:18:58 feel then that literally direct
0:18:59 accusations of anti-semitism were laid
0:19:01 at your door on the basis of what
0:19:03 yeah i i think they were saying that i
0:19:05 was stoking it
0:19:06 but what we this is once again you have
0:19:08 to appreciate that there are some people
0:19:11 um that conflate anti-israel israelis if
0:19:14 you want to call that or anti-zionism
0:19:16 without semitism we're saying that that
0:19:17 conflation itself is anthemic according
0:19:19 to the british definition of
0:19:21 british governmental definition
0:19:23 the british government itself has laid
0:19:26 down a definition which has been
0:19:27 accepted by a bulk of the bulk of
0:19:30 organizations in the in the west jewish
0:19:32 organizations which is that to equate
0:19:35 the government's actions the israeli
0:19:36 government's actions with jewish people
0:19:38 is anti-semitism they're telling me that
0:19:41 uh in fact if what you do is you attack
0:19:44 the israeli government and you attack
0:19:45 the policies the discriminatory policies
0:19:48 and the attacking policies of israeli
0:19:49 government then you're anti-semitic
0:19:50 we're saying that you're more likely to
0:19:52 fit the the category of anti-semitic
0:19:54 according to the british government
0:19:55 because you're making the conflation
0:19:56 is it not
0:19:58 implicitly accusatory
0:20:01 going to an area with a large jewish
0:20:02 community with the backdrop which which
0:20:04 wasn't the backdrop that you guys had
0:20:06 decided to bring
0:20:08 and going there and confronting people
0:20:10 isn't that isn't it i mean it's subtle
0:20:12 but isn't that implicitly implicitly
0:20:14 quite
0:20:15 i'll tell you i'll tell you what it's
0:20:16 like
0:20:17 i'll tell you what it's like
0:20:19 it's
0:20:20 the human rights watch have categorized
0:20:23 israel as an apartheid state you know
0:20:25 that it's on the public record and not
0:20:27 just them many different organizations
0:20:28 which are nothing to do with islam or
0:20:30 muslim or muslim community
0:20:32 now how i and you may be been around at
0:20:35 the time of the south african apartheid
0:20:37 and there was a white south african
0:20:39 community in britain and london
0:20:41 and had i gone with my cameras and said
0:20:43 i want to rally support against
0:20:44 apartheid from these people
0:20:46 if they were to say this is anti or
0:20:48 racial towards anti-south uh south
0:20:50 africans i would say that itself
0:20:53 is an affront to freedom of speech and
0:20:55 to freedom in general because if i'm
0:20:57 against an apartheid system and i want
0:20:59 to i want to rally support and get
0:21:01 associates from the community which are
0:21:03 probably most powerful and be being able
0:21:05 to make a case that if that is
0:21:07 anti-semitism then they have distorted
0:21:10 and defamed
0:21:12 or even
0:21:13 completely destroyed what it means to be
0:21:15 anti-semitic
0:21:17 what we have to go back to are robust
0:21:18 definitions which don't violate the
0:21:21 terms
0:21:22 anti-semitic is when you have certain
0:21:24 attitudes towards jewish people and
0:21:25 there's a whole definition that you can
0:21:27 find in the british government website
0:21:29 it's nothing to do
0:21:30 with someone being critical of israel or
0:21:32 going to any area in london which
0:21:34 doesn't belong to any community by the
0:21:35 way because it's a free country going to
0:21:37 any area in london and rallying support
0:21:40 from any member of any community and
0:21:42 that includes the muslim community the
0:21:44 black community the hispanic community
0:21:45 or any other community if i go to those
0:21:47 communities and i ask them listen we
0:21:48 have a cause and it's a pro-palestinian
0:21:50 course it's an anti-israel government
0:21:53 cause
0:21:54 would you like to join this cause
0:21:56 i have a full right to do that and i
0:21:57 think it's totally legitimate for any
0:21:59 community
0:22:01 is it is there not a risk i mean
0:22:03 lots of
0:22:05 debates get
0:22:06 brought down by associations with things
0:22:08 that they don't want to be associated
0:22:10 with didn't you run the risk of doing
0:22:12 that i'm mainly thinking of the van
0:22:14 because if you're going there and you're
0:22:16 confronting people with images and you
0:22:17 can make an assumption that a lot of the
0:22:19 people in that area will have had family
0:22:21 who
0:22:22 perished in the holocaust
0:22:24 you are associating yourself with
0:22:26 that van just by virtue of being
0:22:27 alongside it isn't that wasn't that
0:22:29 problematic did that not put you off
0:22:30 wanting to do it or did you not want to
0:22:32 draw a line and say the the van itself
0:22:34 is not my property it's got nothing to
0:22:36 do with me and the pictures on the van
0:22:38 as i said were were chosen by jewish
0:22:41 people now if jewish people want to talk
0:22:44 about the holocaust they can talk about
0:22:45 the holy ghost if black people want to
0:22:47 use the n word they can use the animal
0:22:48 i'm not against this i think that being
0:22:50 against this would be to censor you see
0:22:53 though those people why what i do
0:22:55 believe in is free speech in when it's
0:22:58 done in in for not for gratuitously
0:23:01 insulting populations for finding the
0:23:03 truth and and i think that if we're
0:23:05 going to a community like the jewish
0:23:06 community they are sensible enough to
0:23:07 mature enough to be able to conduct free
0:23:09 speech which is not breaking the law not
0:23:11 inciting violence not doing any of this
0:23:13 they're sensible enough and that's why
0:23:14 we have so many allies in that community
0:23:16 if you go on our public platform you
0:23:18 will find so many jewish people holding
0:23:20 hands and placards with us why would
0:23:22 they do that stafford bridge itself i
0:23:24 think i would even wager that the
0:23:25 majority of stanford bridge i don't know
0:23:28 i mean i haven't done a service but
0:23:29 potentially the majority of them
0:23:31 share our types of attitudes towards um
0:23:34 the pro-palestinian course so what what
0:23:36 i think is is that you're saying it runs
0:23:38 a risk of course it does i mean would it
0:23:40 have ran a risk for some uh anti-slavery
0:23:43 advocates in the 19th century to come
0:23:46 out and speak about slavery yes did it
0:23:47 run at risk for them they went into war
0:23:49 in 1861 to 1865 in america for it
0:23:51 did it run a risk for people that aren't
0:23:54 apartheid people against the south
0:23:55 african apartheid for them to be labeled
0:23:57 in certain ways yes but those
0:23:59 individuals who are happy to take that
0:24:01 risk and go forward with it and don't
0:24:03 care about labels especially when
0:24:04 they're being misapplied those are the
0:24:06 ones who make history those who are too
0:24:08 afraid to to do these things they will
0:24:11 meet the dustbin of history the the you
0:24:12 know the trash heap of israel i think i
0:24:15 don't mind uh being labeled and this is
0:24:17 uh i don't mind being labeled as
0:24:18 whatever it is i'm a seaman myself i'm
0:24:20 an arab and vernacularly i'm a see
0:24:22 myself if you want if you want to label
0:24:24 if they want to label me i tell you one
0:24:26 thing label me all you like because you
0:24:28 know why
0:24:29 because
0:24:30 i know it's impossible for a muslim to
0:24:32 be anti-semitic the prophet married a
0:24:34 jew
0:24:34 and in fact not only did he marry an
0:24:36 ethnic jew the prophet muhammad
0:24:38 he married an ethnic jew
0:24:40 but he even armed her with ways in which
0:24:43 she can combat anti-semitic
0:24:45 semitism in her own community telling
0:24:46 her to mention her lineage back to moses
0:24:49 and aaron i think that's a i personally
0:24:51 think that's a bit of a
0:24:53 fluff argument because you can't say
0:24:54 it's impossible for someone to be
0:24:56 anything because quite clearly no no for
0:24:57 a tradition for a traditionalist muslim
0:25:06 has married a jewish woman okay
0:25:07 ethnically jewish yeah and he gave her
0:25:10 arguments for people that were being
0:25:13 abusive to her
0:25:16 to
0:25:17 to combat anti-semitism in her own
0:25:19 community
0:25:21 if i am being a faithful follower of the
0:25:23 prophet muhammad i surely should follow
0:25:26 in his footsteps and that's the kind of
0:25:28 thing i have on my channel if anyone
0:25:29 goes on online now on my channel they'll
0:25:32 find a video entitled why muslims cannot
0:25:35 be antimated or shouldn't be answered
0:25:37 the reason why is because islamically
0:25:39 for following the prophet muhammad he
0:25:40 married a jew himself and he gave her
0:25:42 arguments on how to combat semitism so
0:25:45 i'm not saying it's inconceivable i'm
0:25:47 saying it's it
0:25:48 not to be yeah it shouldn't be yeah it
0:25:50 shouldn't be the case yeah yeah
0:25:52 exactly yeah i can understand that
0:25:54 um can um can i draw a fairly crude
0:25:59 comparison do you think would it would
0:26:00 it in theory
0:26:02 be
0:26:03 offensive for somebody
0:26:05 to
0:26:07 go to a large muslim population part of
0:26:09 london
0:26:10 and
0:26:11 have a
0:26:12 van with pictures of for example the
0:26:16 kabul airport where isis k recently had
0:26:19 you know caused an explosion
0:26:21 and to demand of people that they give
0:26:22 their opinion and outwardly condemn it
0:26:24 would you think that was problematic i
0:26:26 think it's a disanalogous thing because
0:26:28 if we look at the the the studies the
0:26:30 one i've just mentioned to you the
0:26:32 the dr david graham study okay in 2010
0:26:35 which has been conducted by four
0:26:37 thousand jews i think it's one of the
0:26:38 biggest studies and it's been it's been
0:26:40 conducted by the jewish institute policy
0:26:42 industry
0:26:43 this study did say that there was a
0:26:45 sizable number of people
0:26:47 sizeable number of uh jewish people that
0:26:49 support the state of israel and in fact
0:26:51 they base their jewish identity based on
0:26:54 the state of israel the same thing
0:26:56 cannot and ever be
0:26:57 said about muslims and isis you will not
0:27:00 find the level of support are you saying
0:27:02 they feel a connection to israel or they
0:27:04 are supportive of the israeli
0:27:06 government's
0:27:07 actions because those are two different
0:27:08 things no no no not the israeli
0:27:10 government israel as a nation what i'm
0:27:12 saying is now if there are people that
0:27:14 are supportive of israel as a nation and
0:27:15 the government
0:27:17 that is different to isis because it's
0:27:20 not like for like comparison in terms of
0:27:21 the demography there there is there are
0:27:23 simply not as many muslims who support
0:27:26 isis as there are jews who support
0:27:28 israel that's impossible too
0:27:30 if you look at pew for example and see
0:27:32 the kind of um the data they have on how
0:27:35 many muslims support isis and all the
0:27:37 nations including the muslim majority
0:27:38 nations it's not comparable to the
0:27:41 amount of jews that support isis um
0:27:43 israel or the actions of the israeli
0:27:44 government so i think it's a bit of a
0:27:46 disanalogy
0:27:47 but it's it's it's a similar thing in
0:27:49 terms of expecting people
0:27:51 thousands of ways of thousands of miles
0:27:53 away from the actual
0:27:55 conflict itself or issue to answer for
0:27:58 it as if they have no no no once again i
0:28:01 we we're not doing that we went to these
0:28:03 areas
0:28:04 to to get our associates and our allies
0:28:06 from the jewish community to have a
0:28:08 voice
0:28:09 so it wasn't an answer it wasn't
0:28:10 interrogative it was it was more
0:28:12 conciliatory and harmonious we're going
0:28:15 to see our jewish friends in these
0:28:16 jewish areas if there happens to be
0:28:19 pro-zionists who came to us and
0:28:20 challenged us we are ready to debate
0:28:23 them and defeat them in debate as we
0:28:24 have been and the only thing that they
0:28:25 can come back with is labeling us as
0:28:28 anti-semites that is for me an admission
0:28:30 of defeat because that you can't deal
0:28:31 with our argument therefore you have to
0:28:32 label us
0:28:34 so as far as we're concerned okay it's
0:28:36 legitimate even what you've said there
0:28:38 is legitimate if you wanted
0:28:40 uh if bbc or any other news agent
0:28:42 agency came to any area in the world
0:28:45 forget about just london any area in the
0:28:47 world they wanted to ask anyone about
0:28:48 anything i think they should have the
0:28:50 sociological privilege to do so so that
0:28:53 we know what people are thinking what
0:28:54 people are saying i think there's no
0:28:56 it's not an affront to freedom of speech
0:28:58 in fact within the spirit and letter and
0:29:01 the law of freedom of speech and
0:29:02 expression and if we can't do these
0:29:04 things then there is no such thing as
0:29:05 freedom of speech what is freedom it
0:29:07 what it boils down to what then it's a
0:29:09 freedom of speech so long as um
0:29:11 we don't we don't hurt someone else's
0:29:13 feelings you know
0:29:14 then in that case i think people need to
0:29:16 reassess their principles
0:29:18 can i draw back a little bit yeah
0:29:20 do you think
0:29:22 um
0:29:23 islamophobia as an issue is something
0:29:25 that's taken as seriously as
0:29:27 antisemitism as an issue
0:29:29 no
0:29:30 because the government has a working
0:29:32 definition for anti-semitism it does not
0:29:34 have a working definition for
0:29:35 islamophobia
0:29:37 the government the uk government the
0:29:39 conservative uk government
0:29:41 has a
0:29:42 page long definition in fact of what
0:29:44 constitutes anti-semitism of which by
0:29:46 the way there are religious things
0:29:48 because one may make the argument is
0:29:50 disanalogous because they would say that
0:29:52 jewishness is both
0:29:54 ethnic and religious right
0:29:56 whereas islam is is only religious
0:29:59 right but then in the definition where
0:30:00 uh where anti-semitism is the definition
0:30:03 of anthemicism there are religious
0:30:04 components of the religious the
0:30:06 infrastructure the organization so on so
0:30:08 if jewish people are allowed to have a
0:30:10 definition
0:30:11 and a jewish religious jewish people
0:30:13 have a definition which protects them
0:30:16 in the law the muslim people should have
0:30:17 it now obviously it's different because
0:30:20 as i've mentioned when we're talking
0:30:22 about discrimination towards muslim
0:30:23 people it's multi-factual in
0:30:25 sociological analysis if you have a
0:30:27 black muslim
0:30:28 right so they they could be
0:30:29 discriminated against on the basis of
0:30:31 being black
0:30:32 as well as on the basis of being muslim
0:30:34 and these two types of discrimination
0:30:36 are two separate types i'm not saying
0:30:39 one is worse than the other whatever but
0:30:40 it's just a separate type of analysis
0:30:42 and i think when we're doing these
0:30:44 analyses we have to be careful
0:30:46 not to disanalogize um but also be
0:30:49 careful to be consistent because in this
0:30:50 case if there are aspects here
0:30:52 which in the british definition of
0:30:54 anti-semitism are religious surely they
0:30:56 should be
0:30:57 uh separate things for all the religions
0:31:00 not just islam
0:31:01 hinduism
0:31:03 judaism sikhism all of them why do you
0:31:05 think it isn't
0:31:06 given as much i to be to be honest
0:31:08 that's a political question um
0:31:11 are the conservative party concerned
0:31:13 with the muslim community no they don't
0:31:16 see maybe
0:31:17 from from a voting perspective that the
0:31:18 muslim community is going to vote for
0:31:20 them in the first place
0:31:21 so they may not want to
0:31:23 please them as much as maybe they have a
0:31:24 stronger hold in jewish communities in
0:31:26 terms of evolving it might be that
0:31:29 the labor party has has
0:31:31 traditionally had the muslim vote but
0:31:33 now with islam moving in in the
0:31:35 direction that he's moving in
0:31:36 which is uh from our perspective a
0:31:38 anti-muslim direction quite frankly he's
0:31:41 likely to lose the muslim vote himself
0:31:43 so
0:31:44 whatever happens i think that
0:31:46 political parties now need to start
0:31:48 thinking more wisely because we are
0:31:50 according to the census data we are
0:31:52 millions of people in this country we
0:31:53 are millions of people in this country
0:31:55 and if we are not taken seriously then
0:31:58 we'll be
0:32:00 worse and worse things like this unity
0:32:01 will happen and we want to create
0:32:03 harmony in this country with muslims
0:32:04 because we are millions in this country
0:32:07 and i think that the way to do so is to
0:32:08 protect our interests and the more
0:32:10 muslims feel that their interests are
0:32:13 being protected they're less
0:32:15 there there's likely to be
0:32:16 radicalization there's likely to be
0:32:19 disunity there's likely to be a
0:32:21 disharmony there's likely to be all this
0:32:22 kind of thing so i think it is important
0:32:24 that the government come forward with
0:32:26 the definition as they have with
0:32:27 anti-semitism
0:32:29 for islamophobia
0:32:31 how do you think um
0:32:33 we can promote
0:32:35 um a sense of harmony between different
0:32:37 communities specifically with the jewish
0:32:39 community in mind
0:32:40 i think that we really need to just
0:32:42 bring people together if you look at the
0:32:44 pew data okay um and
0:32:47 pure day is very interesting because
0:32:48 it's really seen as the gold standard of
0:32:49 statistical data if you look at the pew
0:32:51 data where discrimination is at its
0:32:52 highest whether it's racial whatever it
0:32:54 may be in different countries you'll
0:32:56 find that it's usually in areas where
0:32:57 people don't mix
0:32:59 you see so a problem for both the muslim
0:33:01 and jewish community has been maybe you
0:33:03 could you could argue a lack of
0:33:04 integration a lack of mixing a lack of
0:33:07 you know having their own kind of
0:33:08 ghettos or whatever it is what we need
0:33:10 to do is we need to bring people
0:33:12 together from different religions let
0:33:13 them play football or something let them
0:33:14 eat together let them talk together and
0:33:16 if there are disagreements between
0:33:17 muslims and jews they should be fleshed
0:33:20 out but they should be fleshed out in a
0:33:22 healthy manner with a with an eye or an
0:33:26 intention to try and create unity and
0:33:28 promote uh civic
0:33:30 coexistence rather than with an eye to
0:33:33 try and create disunity and disharmony i
0:33:35 think if we do that properly
0:33:37 then i think we'll find that this
0:33:38 country will be the beacon of light for
0:33:40 the rest of the countries on and
0:33:42 actually a model on how to deal with the
0:33:44 issue of multiculturalism
0:33:46 are you optimistic do you think that's
0:33:47 the direction the country's going in let
0:33:49 me tell you something i think that they
0:33:50 have there's a lot of reason why we
0:33:52 should be optimistic
0:33:54 in history
0:33:55 and as i say one of my academic
0:33:58 areas of research has been history
0:34:00 convervancy has happened between muslims
0:34:02 and jews in the past the issue has
0:34:04 always been the politics
0:34:07 after 1948 everything has changed but we
0:34:09 can bring it back we can i am optimistic
0:34:12 i'm hopeful we can bring it back
0:34:13 to a situation where we can bring
0:34:15 muslims and jews
0:34:17 back on
0:34:19 civil terms with each other
0:34:20 i'm not saying they're not already on
0:34:22 those terms but on better terms with
0:34:23 each other in this country and i think
0:34:25 if we have the hard discussions
0:34:27 and we allow and we don't label each
0:34:29 other
0:34:30 because people can't fear that i'm going
0:34:31 to speak to my jewish neighbor he's
0:34:32 going to call me an anti-might or vice
0:34:34 versa did you did you fear school being
0:34:36 called an islamophobe but it just
0:34:37 becomes a very toxic relationship no
0:34:39 let's have our discussions
0:34:41 you know and if we don't fear that and
0:34:42 we talk about it then there's a great
0:34:44 hope if we do resort to these kind of
0:34:46 defensive deflective um scapegoating
0:34:50 tactics
0:34:51 then it's going to be
0:34:53 it's got it's going to be
0:34:55 something negative for the community so
0:34:56 yes i am optimistic generally speak
0:34:59 um this is just a broader identity
0:35:01 question yes um
0:35:03 do you in terms of your own beliefs do
0:35:05 you think of yourself as are you
0:35:06 progressive where do you sit in terms of
0:35:09 your
0:35:10 social outlook
0:35:11 i think to be honest with you the word
0:35:13 progressive has overtons or
0:35:15 presuppositions which are really
0:35:17 objectionable actually
0:35:18 because they come from an enlightenment
0:35:21 western enlightenment experience which
0:35:23 is entirely eurocentric
0:35:25 and which has very specific
0:35:28 kind of values in mind
0:35:30 i think
0:35:32 what i consider myself as a
0:35:33 traditionalist muslim that's how i call
0:35:35 myself and i think that in many ways
0:35:37 people not understanding traditions
0:35:39 islam that requ that think that this
0:35:41 type of islam if you like requires some
0:35:43 kind of um
0:35:45 evolution
0:35:46 okay are themselves subscribing to a
0:35:50 discourse
0:35:51 which is in my view actually racial
0:35:53 racial colonial and racial because it's
0:35:55 the same mentality
0:35:57 that
0:35:58 colonizers had before they went into
0:36:00 countries which didn't belong to theirs
0:36:02 and imposed their values
0:36:03 so i object to the term i think
0:36:05 progressive
0:36:06 understood in western language or in in
0:36:08 the west generally speaking has
0:36:10 overtones in there which are entirely
0:36:12 objectionable and not only objectionable
0:36:14 they require to be evidence from first
0:36:16 principle from first principles they are
0:36:18 not argued for thoroughly and they're
0:36:19 just they are assumptions um that are
0:36:22 presented as axioms which we don't need
0:36:23 to accept
0:36:25 um
0:36:27 i'm sorry to bring you back into this
0:36:28 alley i'm sorry
0:36:30 just give me credit
0:36:31 [Laughter]
0:36:34 i think there's a lot of merit to what
0:36:36 you say
0:36:37 but i think specifically that video i
0:36:38 did did strike me as as
0:36:42 problematic in lots of ways and i think
0:36:43 specifically the title of the video
0:36:46 muslims confront radical israelis
0:36:49 was problematic and i don't think
0:36:51 i think it was possibly a shock tactic
0:36:54 headline in order to get more views in
0:36:56 order to promote what is possibly
0:36:58 you want a harmonious yes but do you not
0:37:00 think there's do you not see how that is
0:37:02 problematic there are radical israelis
0:37:04 there's a different way of communicating
0:37:06 what i mean
0:37:08 you're objecting to the term radical
0:37:09 israeli are there such thing as radical
0:37:12 iranians are there such things as
0:37:13 radical koreans but i'm objecting to
0:37:14 radical israelis because
0:37:16 you went to to speak to just some you
0:37:18 know fairly religious jewish people who
0:37:20 are not
0:37:23 you definitely don't know if they're
0:37:24 israelis no no they they they identified
0:37:26 as such and not only that i didn't see a
0:37:28 single person in that video identified
0:37:30 there was more than one israeli there
0:37:31 was more than one video you have to look
0:37:32 at all of them did any of them say yes
0:37:34 she said
0:37:37 they said that we are dual nationalist
0:37:39 israel very much isn't in the video no
0:37:41 that's that video but there's there's a
0:37:42 collection of videos you have to look at
0:37:43 all of them but there's something else
0:37:44 here i want to say that not only did
0:37:46 they do that if you watch the entire
0:37:48 video
0:37:49 when when we talked about why we call
0:37:50 that person radical is because they
0:37:52 totally
0:37:53 um humiliated
0:37:56 children that were being killed
0:37:58 palestinian children and this something
0:38:00 in fact it was they deserved it
0:38:02 or they did it to themselves they did it
0:38:04 to themselves that he said so we we
0:38:06 think someone
0:38:08 who identifies as a jewel nation
0:38:10 a dual nationalist
0:38:11 uh and who who who trivializes the death
0:38:14 of palestinian children says they did it
0:38:16 to themselves it's a radical i think if
0:38:18 that's not radical then we don't know
0:38:19 what radical is one of them said
0:38:24 yeah this is just afghanistan yeah
0:38:25 what's funny
0:38:27 he's walking with his children
0:38:36 there's a little bit of inconsistency
0:38:38 which i'm sure you know there's gonna be
0:38:39 consistency because you can't you can't
0:38:41 i don't know you can't
0:38:43 like like you can't choose who your
0:38:45 followers are you can't there's going to
0:38:47 be nuance in everything but isn't there
0:38:48 inconsistency
0:38:50 um
0:38:51 in
0:38:52 trying to promote a message of
0:38:54 positivity and then maybe focusing in on
0:38:56 only a negative so i think the video
0:38:58 you're referring to is
0:38:59 the gent who what did you say is this
0:39:02 afghanistan
0:39:03 yeah
0:39:05 themselves yeah but is it was that the
0:39:07 majority view you were getting when you
0:39:08 were when you went there and if it were
0:39:10 not are you then not kind of giving an
0:39:12 inconsistently or a disproportionately
0:39:14 large spotlight to something which isn't
0:39:16 representative of how the people you
0:39:18 came across well what i would say is go
0:39:20 and look at our platforms because you'll
0:39:21 find both you'll find we we are
0:39:23 confronting people who are pro zionists
0:39:26 and we are also in hand literally in
0:39:28 hand in hand with people who are jewish
0:39:31 anti-zionist anti-israeli government
0:39:33 actions
0:39:34 advocates so we do both and that's
0:39:37 unfortunately something i have to say
0:39:39 the bbc haven't done enough of um
0:39:41 something that i say that bbc if they
0:39:42 did more of it would be more authentic
0:39:44 journalism i i think the truth of the
0:39:46 matter is what we've done
0:39:48 if we are exposing some bad attitudes in
0:39:51 certain communities whether it's muslim
0:39:53 or or jewish or christian or whatever
0:39:55 kind of community we're talking about
0:39:56 that needs to be exposed
0:39:58 to some extent that does need to be
0:39:59 because how can we fix a problem that we
0:40:01 don't even know exists we need to x-ray
0:40:03 okay we need to put under the proverbial
0:40:06 mri you know
0:40:08 our communities and not just try and
0:40:10 kind of uh white wash or not put onto
0:40:12 the carpet the problems that we may have
0:40:14 in our in our respective communities we
0:40:16 need to deal with them head-on like i
0:40:18 said if it was south african apartheid
0:40:20 if it was a white south african uh
0:40:22 community of
0:40:23 white south africans and there was
0:40:24 apartheid going on
0:40:26 going there and seeing for example some
0:40:28 people agree with apartheid
0:40:30 and then someone come and tell me why
0:40:31 are you broadcasting this i say this is
0:40:32 the problem we need to expose it
0:40:34 see this is the problem we need to
0:40:35 expose it
0:40:36 and i know it can be kind of
0:40:38 uncomfortable for us i know it because i
0:40:40 i'm a muslim okay we see the on the news
0:40:42 all the time we see people doing bad
0:40:43 things in the name of islam all the time
0:40:45 i know it's uncomfortable but it's it's
0:40:47 sometimes um unnecessary
0:40:49 uncomfort and sometimes it's something
0:40:51 we need to we need to deal with because
0:40:53 if we can't if we pretend it doesn't
0:40:54 exist there's no such thing as muslim
0:40:56 terrorism there's no such thing as
0:40:57 racist uh jews there's no such thing as
0:40:58 muslim uh whatever if we think all of
0:41:00 those categories are in fact not even in
0:41:02 existence then we can't fix those things
0:41:04 in our communities i think one second
0:41:06 muhammad you have some a little bit
0:41:08 drops in your
0:41:10 in your flowering your left left eye
0:41:12 left eye's got
0:41:13 is is it shall i clean it or slightly
0:41:15 can you is it
0:41:17 just gonna get worse
0:41:18 has to be good because i'm picking them
0:41:20 up very much with the camera
0:41:22 it might get worse before it gets yeah
0:41:24 we need to we need to maybe just wrap up
0:41:26 guys like soon okay
0:41:28 oh it's getting worse
0:41:31 i'm waterproof
0:41:32 but
0:41:41 can you understand i mean i'm not going
0:41:42 to
0:41:44 um wade into israeli politics and the
0:41:46 issue of israel because it's just so
0:41:47 complicated generally
0:41:49 i've got personal opinions on it all
0:41:51 but
0:41:52 can you understand why for many jewish
0:41:54 people it's very
0:41:55 complicated it's not easy for them to
0:41:58 outright condemn israel can you
0:41:59 understand that perspective but based on
0:42:02 their own sensitivities their own
0:42:04 history can you see why it's complicated
0:42:06 for them yeah i totally sympathize with
0:42:08 um jewish people who have an affinity to
0:42:10 the state of israel i understand that
0:42:12 perspective it's not like a it's an
0:42:13 alien perspective to me
0:42:15 and i empathize with them but i just
0:42:17 think they're wrong on the issues
0:42:19 because when we're looking at right and
0:42:21 wrong right i think all of us agree that
0:42:23 the the indiscriminate killing
0:42:25 of
0:42:26 children
0:42:27 of civilian populations dropping bombs
0:42:30 in a densely populated places gaza which
0:42:32 has been blocked as is there's a
0:42:34 blockade on it okay i think that should
0:42:36 be condemned by anybody from any
0:42:38 religion just like i would be expected
0:42:40 to condemn the actions of whatever
0:42:42 country is that's claims to speak in
0:42:44 behalf of islam iran saudi arabia
0:42:46 wherever i'll condemn any action that
0:42:48 they do even though i have an affinity
0:42:50 to islam and so on i'll condemn any
0:42:51 action that they do in the name of my
0:42:53 religion because in fact
0:42:55 my failure to do so would be a discredit
0:42:58 to the religion itself
0:43:00 that i i think it would be a disservice
0:43:03 to my community and my religion if i
0:43:04 don't condemn those actions and i think
0:43:06 the same thing can be said of
0:43:07 individuals who support the state of
0:43:09 israel who do not condem outright the
0:43:12 actions of a government who drop bombs
0:43:14 indiscriminately in the most densely
0:43:16 populated
0:43:18 area in the world
0:43:20 this is such a broad political question
0:43:22 but um
0:43:23 what resolution would you like to see in
0:43:26 that part of the world what what kind of
0:43:28 what would you like to see happen
0:43:30 this is a very difficult question
0:43:32 whether i what i would like to see
0:43:34 if we need the answers what i would like
0:43:36 to see is co-existence what i would like
0:43:37 to see is what we saw in spain what we'd
0:43:39 like to see is confidential what i would
0:43:41 like to see is tolerance
0:43:43 but what i'm probably going to see is
0:43:46 all the opposite to that unfortunately
0:43:48 right i don't have an optimistic view of
0:43:50 what's going to happen in that area
0:43:52 anyone who looks at the history of that
0:43:54 area will know that there is no
0:43:56 resolution uh that is probably going to
0:43:58 be had in in the foreseeable future i
0:44:00 have to be honest and say all i can do
0:44:02 here is pray
0:44:04 okay guys
0:44:05 the