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Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 2: Definition of Childhood | Mohammed Hijab (2022-12-20)


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Summary of Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 2: Definition of Childhood | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:50:00

discusses the definition of childhood and how it has evolved over time. provides examples of law in different countries that define childhood at different ages, and points out that the age of consent is still a controversial topic. He also discusses how the expectations of a child have changed over time, and how this affects how children are raised.

*00:00:00 Discusses the Old Testament verse 18: "You shall keep the woman who has been on touch for yourself, untouched by you. So not all of them are virgins you keep." Mohammed Hijab explains that this passage allows for the enslavement of young girls, as long as they have not yet been touched by a man. Christians believe that this verse is still applicable today, while Muslims believe that it is no longer applicable because of the events that took place after Jesus' death, including the resurrection.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the different stances Muslims and Christians take on child marriage, with Muslims allowing it if it does not put the child in harm's way and Christians believing it is categorically wrong. then asks the listener if they have a problem with this stance, and if not, agrees that it is consequently right.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the difference between Christian and Muslim beliefs with regards to child marriage, and discusses how the Christian believes that it is wrong at any given moment and based on consequences, while the Muslim believes that it is based on the age of the child at the time of marriage. Mohammed Hijab provides examples of consequences that could befall a child as a result of marrying too young, and the two discuss the evidence that is needed in order to make a case for child marriage being wrong.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the idea that children's age at which they are considered to be able to understand right and wrong, and reason, changes throughout the Middle Ages. He points out that there were no primary schools during this time period, and that children learned through apprenticeship and service.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the medieval times, and how children during that time were considered adults and could live independently, interact with their surroundings, and learn without attending school.
  • 00:25:00 The age of consent has changed over time, mostly after World War I, due to various political and social reforms. These changes affected Europe's educational systems, as well as women's rights. The age of consent is still a controversial topic, as it is left to a great deal of subjectivity.
  • 00:30:00 Mohammed Hijab discusses the definition of childhood and how it has evolved over time. He provides examples of law in different countries that define childhood at different ages. He also points out that because of this mismatch between biologically-mature and socially-mature adults, teenagers are experiencing pressures that their biology would not necessarily indicate.
  • 00:35:00 Mohammed Hijab discusses the expectations of a 13-year-old girl, who is more than willing and more than capable, in the context of a 1000-year-old cultural tradition in which children are seen as children and are treated accordingly. He states that this mismatch creates pressures on contemporary adolescence and how they live in society.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses the differences in average life expectancy between different parts of the world, and how this affects how children are raised. It also discusses an example of a man from Nigeria who was at 20th century who discovered the embassy. Despite being 22 years old, he was treated as a child by some of the teachers at the school he was attending.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses the age of marriage in different world religions, and how, in Islam, it is considered more beneficial to marry a young girl rather than an adult.
  • 00:50:00 Mohammed Hijab discusses the concept of childhood and how it is determined by society, not by biology. He goes on to say that if society allows for a certain form of social construction, then it should also allow for gender. The left wing should reply to this argument by stating that, just like with childhood, it is determined by society and not by individual expression. This would allow for a more egalitarian society where everyone is considered an adult at a certain age.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 oh
0:00:05 foreign
0:00:15 and some issues regarding that
0:00:18 and before we continue with uh what we
0:00:20 were going through perhaps it makes
0:00:22 sense for us to do a bit of a recap and
0:00:24 for me to ask everyone there to
0:00:26 summarize some of the arguments now we
0:00:29 um
0:00:30 discussed a particular verse in the
0:00:33 Bible the Old Testament who remembers
0:00:35 what verse it was and what the contents
0:00:36 of that verse met did you remember the
0:00:38 uh
0:00:39 contents of ours
0:00:45 okay I need that was the rescue here I
0:00:48 just know I don't know the verse so if
0:00:51 someone can be with the verse their
0:00:53 numbers
0:00:54 31 18. I just remember all of a sudden
0:00:57 what does it saying
0:00:59 that basically when you go well in a
0:01:02 paraphrase and when you go to a specific
0:01:04 Nation to war and you kill the men uh
0:01:06 you keep the woman that Untouched by the
0:01:08 way so not all of them the ones that are
0:01:10 virgins for yourselves okay and the
0:01:12 woman or is it something else that was
0:01:13 mentioned sorry
0:01:15 kill the men and kill keep the woman who
0:01:18 have been on touch for yourselves okay
0:01:20 that might be one translation but what
0:01:22 was the words do you remember yes that's
0:01:25 beautiful the the Hebrew word the Hebrew
0:01:28 word
0:01:30 yeah and what does that mean when it
0:01:31 looks at lexicons and the word tough
0:01:33 what does it mean actually
0:01:38 young girls young girls and some some
0:01:41 see three year old write some rabbis I
0:01:43 mean that's different now but we'll just
0:01:44 focus one thing at a time this question
0:01:46 of what is tough
0:01:48 what is it in the what what other
0:01:50 translations do we have of it
0:01:53 yes young girls okay good so what does
0:01:57 this uh show us
0:02:00 go ahead foreign
0:02:07 was allowed for
0:02:10 for the Jews to
0:02:13 um
0:02:13 Murray
0:02:15 in this case little girls okay and so
0:02:18 good thank you very much now if I've
0:02:20 come back and said okay you're speaking
0:02:21 to a Christian now and the Christian
0:02:23 turns back shackle and says look I mean
0:02:25 that was the Old Testament now we have
0:02:26 the New Testament
0:02:28 why you know what
0:02:30 we believe that Jesus died on the cross
0:02:33 and all these things in the Old
0:02:34 Testament we don't really accept so how
0:02:35 would you accept it how would you answer
0:02:36 that said okay but uh did God command it
0:02:38 in the Old Testament
0:02:40 so yeah he did in the Old Testament okay
0:02:42 so uh that's that means that it's not
0:02:45 wrong in all teams all times small
0:02:46 places all situations yeah it's just
0:02:49 like you know for example you guys
0:02:50 believe in uh Adam and Eve the The
0:02:53 Offspring had probably committed incest
0:02:56 they had no problems were in agreement
0:02:59 okay so uh you you but the difference
0:03:02 between me and you would be that we
0:03:05 believe that
0:03:06 um
0:03:07 you know
0:03:08 Jesus Christ came and he that we don't
0:03:11 want to have these laws you guys believe
0:03:13 that the prophet Muhammad
0:03:15 was a guide for all times in all places
0:03:20 yeah that was awesome yeah so so you for
0:03:24 you it's still applicables you can still
0:03:25 follow him
0:03:27 you can still follow the profit here
0:03:29 what we're saying is that that wasn't
0:03:30 absolutely right now for example like as
0:03:32 a Christian let's say yeah as a
0:03:34 Christian I would say
0:03:36 um just as you believe that incestors
0:03:39 done or has been had been done by The
0:03:42 Offspring of Adam
0:03:44 and um
0:03:46 and that was that was applicable at that
0:03:48 time in that place we believe that
0:03:50 there's an applicability of this
0:03:52 particular ruling you know of taking the
0:03:55 young girls for yourself no problem we
0:03:56 accept him
0:03:59 difference being between us and you is
0:04:00 that you believe
0:04:02 that this is continual to our times
0:04:05 what's the problem
0:04:07 this is this is the argument we're
0:04:09 putting forward that this is no longer
0:04:10 applicable we're saying this some
0:04:12 moralities
0:04:13 you know are applicable sometimes
0:04:14 they're not applicable other times yeah
0:04:16 that's fine okay
0:04:19 I'm I'm not trying to like just be like
0:04:21 pathetic I generally don't understand
0:04:22 the point in all situations it's like
0:04:24 we're talking circumstantially here so
0:04:25 the question the discussion have to
0:04:27 become about what an analysis we're
0:04:29 using how we're analyzing the
0:04:31 circumstances to allow things to not
0:04:32 allow things but it sounds like we're in
0:04:34 agreement that there is a certain
0:04:36 substantial consideration here as a
0:04:37 Christian what I'm saying is for example
0:04:39 that
0:04:41 after after Jesus come and died on the
0:04:44 cross okay okay
0:04:46 and didn't reality become absolutely so
0:04:49 all I'm saying is that when Jesus come
0:04:51 these alterations Old Testament
0:04:53 injunctions are no longer applicable no
0:04:55 problem but
0:04:56 but you believe that Prophet Muhammad
0:04:58 whatever he's done yes you know uh is
0:05:01 still applicable this is the difference
0:05:02 between me and you this is why this is
0:05:04 why Christianity is a religion which is
0:05:06 adaptable and it's a you know and you
0:05:08 guys need to reform your religion
0:05:09 actually
0:05:10 that's why you need to reformulation
0:05:12 where's the disagreement with life I
0:05:15 don't understand what's the disagreement
0:05:16 so it's basically saying that because
0:05:18 yeah no it's basically reputation will
0:05:21 be done on you remember the last time
0:05:22 you helped somebody in the fight yeah
0:05:24 yeah which one I've had many times Yeah
0:05:26 so basically what they're saying is that
0:05:29 um with us the process and with them uh
0:05:32 with the Christians basically they have
0:05:34 now the new law Jesus died for their
0:05:36 sins they don't need to follow the Old
0:05:37 Law whereas with you Muslims you have to
0:05:39 follow your Prophet through this day
0:05:40 this day meaning you can marry a
0:05:42 six-year-old so they're saying so he
0:05:44 didn't say that though I want to see it
0:05:46 in different words yeah look I I wanted
0:05:47 like if that's you didn't say that I
0:05:50 wanted you to say that you didn't say
0:05:52 that because I mean let me make it works
0:05:53 because now the devil's in the details
0:05:55 let's say so for you guys you'd still
0:05:58 believe that marrying a six-year-old and
0:05:59 consummating the marriage of a
0:06:00 nine-year-old is a morally acceptable
0:06:03 thing to do in the 21st century for
0:06:04 example whereas you would say
0:06:06 um you know mentioning or citing Old
0:06:09 Testament laws to try and State the
0:06:11 Christian position today yeah would be
0:06:14 something which would be um completely
0:06:16 unnecessary or in fact inappropriate
0:06:20 simply in Islam you're allowed to marry
0:06:23 an adult if it's not going to cause harm
0:06:24 to that individual
0:06:26 okay
0:06:27 we're talking about this is that that's
0:06:30 what we're factoring in this in the
0:06:31 circumstantial analysis why
0:06:34 because it's based on that there's uh
0:06:36 sorry principles and all these things
0:06:40 but that's what we're explaining so I
0:06:44 understand I'm going to experience let
0:06:46 me let me push Ali for a little bit
0:06:47 because these are these are these are
0:06:48 the things you're gonna encounter it's
0:06:50 good you've done good I know so today
0:06:53 we're doing uh we're pushing everyone
0:06:54 today because this is the kind of thing
0:06:56 you're definitely going to face because
0:06:57 you know what I'm saying like like for
0:06:58 my standpoint yeah if you're not going
0:07:00 to be very clear that I have a problem
0:07:01 with the fact that it's six I don't just
0:07:03 kind of want to give that to you I'm
0:07:05 saying if you've done you've done well
0:07:06 but there was a few things you missed
0:07:07 out because here's
0:07:10 here's what I would say
0:07:12 when you we kind of went through this
0:07:14 last time but this is very important
0:07:16 that you follow the method of this
0:07:18 because if you follow the method of it
0:07:20 you're going to trap the guy you will
0:07:22 trap the guy if you remember last time
0:07:24 in last week's discussion
0:07:28 we we said something two two or three
0:07:31 things which are very important
0:07:33 first thing you don't trap somebody by
0:07:34 making a point you trap someone by
0:07:36 asking a question
0:07:37 just remember this point you can never
0:07:39 trap anybody by asking making a point
0:07:41 you don't see like for example the
0:07:43 interrogate the interrogate in the
0:07:46 police station
0:07:47 and he's sitting down and then the
0:07:49 investigator comes in and the
0:07:51 investigator starts putting question
0:07:52 point no he's asking questions questions
0:07:54 and to a point where this interrogated
0:07:57 one now
0:07:58 he's gonna start
0:07:59 feeling trapped
0:08:01 the first question who remembers on this
0:08:04 point yes
0:08:07 yes okay so let's let's start again okay
0:08:09 so before you do start I want to get you
0:08:11 I want to let's get the template right
0:08:12 yeah I'm trying to have understood but
0:08:16 do you remember the first question that
0:08:17 we have to ask yes
0:08:21 don't use the word deontological because
0:08:23 most people understand that basically
0:08:25 categorically wrong or consequently
0:08:26 wrong good so now once we agree that
0:08:27 it's not category okay fine so I'm
0:08:31 coming in now so same question okay so
0:08:33 you you you as Christians We Believe yes
0:08:36 that when Jesus Christ came yeah
0:08:39 you know he he died from sins okay okay
0:08:41 and
0:08:43 um he was crucified okay resurrected on
0:08:45 the third day yeah and so on okay and so
0:08:48 we don't actually when you cite Old
0:08:50 Testament material yeah yeah for us
0:08:53 that's not applicable okay because Jesus
0:08:55 died for our sins and we believe in the
0:08:57 New Covenant now okay okay
0:09:00 um
0:09:01 so that that's the difference between us
0:09:02 and you because what we're saying is
0:09:03 that this morality is no longer
0:09:06 applicable you guys believe in a prophet
0:09:07 who married uh you know a young girl at
0:09:11 the age of six and a new consummation at
0:09:12 age of nine so that's the difference
0:09:14 between us and you so okay so firstly
0:09:16 that we agree that it was it
0:09:18 categorically wrong
0:09:20 you you disagree it's not categorically
0:09:22 wrong because at one time the god of the
0:09:23 Old Testament allowed it right so what
0:09:25 are you asking here I'm asking very
0:09:26 simple do you believe it's categorically
0:09:28 wrong or consequently wrong what what
0:09:30 was exactly for example that in the Book
0:09:32 of Numbers yeah yes so do you believe at
0:09:35 one moment of the time God allowed that
0:09:36 to happen yeah at one point so did you
0:09:38 have a problem with that
0:09:40 one moment of time at one point of time
0:09:42 so it means that you don't believe it's
0:09:43 categorically wrong
0:09:46 okay good so so now you have to agree
0:09:48 that it has to be consequently right it
0:09:50 has to be so then we're both on the same
0:09:51 page because what that means is for time
0:09:53 and place due to bear in mind the
0:09:55 consequences it changes so just we know
0:09:58 the consequences will be very traumatic
0:10:00 for a young person what we're trying to
0:10:02 say is this as you are consequential are
0:10:04 you just are you justifying are you
0:10:05 justifying a child being uh if you stop
0:10:08 talking let me tell you yeah okay are
0:10:10 you justifying if you just shut up for a
0:10:12 second
0:10:13 okay so since you believe it's
0:10:15 consequently wrong we are at the same
0:10:17 page with you guys because you're saying
0:10:18 at that moment in time that was not uh
0:10:20 that God ordered that to happen and it
0:10:23 was right at that time and we're saying
0:10:25 the same thing so we're not saying that
0:10:27 the prophet Muhammad married six is
0:10:29 categorically going to take place in
0:10:31 every moment of time at this time it's a
0:10:32 it's consequentially uh we look at the
0:10:34 consequences so um
0:10:37 am I on the right track okay but what
0:10:39 I'm saying the consequences must have
0:10:40 been very dire very traumatic for you
0:10:42 but but again the fact that you accept
0:10:44 the fact you allow you no no no no no no
0:10:46 no no
0:10:49 no no no yeah so what we're saying is
0:10:50 that in that specific instance that if
0:10:52 you believe that we're on the same page
0:10:54 we both believe that God command is
0:10:55 something to happen in that specific
0:10:57 instance for that time so that means in
0:10:58 today's time just as you believe Jesus
0:11:00 came and died for the sins of the world
0:11:01 and there's a whole different Paradigm
0:11:02 we follow the same concept the same
0:11:04 principles it's good that I'm liking the
0:11:06 fact that you're cool-headed because
0:11:07 this is the kind of behavior yeah
0:11:09 because they want you to get angry yes
0:11:11 but I like that there was now he's done
0:11:14 almost everything
0:11:16 okay the first good thing is you ask the
0:11:19 question and I had two answers and I was
0:11:21 forced into one of them yes then you ran
0:11:24 with that it's like now you since it's
0:11:26 the World Cup you know you passed it and
0:11:28 there's a through ball now so you're
0:11:29 running up the pitch I like it but we
0:11:31 need not to get today okay good The
0:11:33 Penalty Box now yes
0:11:35 the concert when they go through the
0:11:36 consequence remember we said there's two
0:11:38 options yeah they can either say
0:11:39 consequently wrong or categorically
0:11:41 wrong yeah if they go with a
0:11:43 consequentially wrong option yeah
0:11:46 what do we need to outline
0:11:48 that in in it's not in all times and all
0:11:51 places it's wrong no but before we even
0:11:53 talk about that ready we need to prove
0:11:55 that actually was harmed beautiful so
0:11:58 before that we need to we need to
0:12:00 establish what consequence are we
0:12:02 talking about okay so you ask them what
0:12:04 consequence what negative consequence
0:12:06 for example are you talking about so now
0:12:08 they're going to say what age
0:12:12 so the moment they use the word harm the
0:12:15 burden of proof shifts on them on them
0:12:18 because now I am clearly making a claim
0:12:20 I'm saying that this marriage or this
0:12:23 Union between the prophet Muhammad the
0:12:25 age of nine it caused harm now you can
0:12:28 break that down what kind of
0:12:29 psychological harm physical harm uh
0:12:32 societal harm whatever sociological
0:12:33 whatever harm you want to bring to the
0:12:35 table
0:12:36 now I have to bring evidence
0:12:38 now I've become if it's a biological
0:12:40 case I'm making then we're going to
0:12:42 start exchanging scientific information
0:12:44 if it's if a psychological case I'm
0:12:46 making then that's where the fire is
0:12:50 okay you see but so you're on the right
0:12:53 tracks I think
0:12:55 you have to get used to asking questions
0:12:58 be fine be comfortable asking them
0:13:00 questions because when you ask them
0:13:01 questions and they agree you've taken
0:13:03 them once you've taken the book one step
0:13:05 further to the Penalty Box you're about
0:13:07 to score the goal yeah yeah okay
0:13:09 so one more time let's do this one more
0:13:12 time okay so okay okay so let's start
0:13:13 again okay let's start again so yeah
0:13:15 basically so this time yeah we're gonna
0:13:17 start with mehdi and then you're gonna
0:13:18 jump in yeah go ahead so many yes
0:13:23 and you have an advantage I must say
0:13:24 because you've had two people already
0:13:26 before you okay and we've done a lot of
0:13:27 things but uh so the difference between
0:13:30 us and you as Christians is that we say
0:13:32 we're saying that you know number 31 8
0:13:35 18 that was something yes I agree if it
0:13:38 was to be implemented today it would be
0:13:39 abhorrent it's absolutely important but
0:13:42 that's why Jesus came the second
0:13:44 Covenant and you know he's crucified for
0:13:46 us since we don't have to think about
0:13:47 the Old Testament laws the difference
0:13:48 between us and you is that you believe
0:13:51 you believe that the prophet Muhammad is
0:13:53 continually a role model for you and
0:13:55 that his behavior was justified so are
0:13:57 you visiting this one as a categorical
0:13:59 thing or is it based on consequences
0:14:01 what do you mean exactly I don't
0:14:03 understand it so you're saying for
0:14:04 example the age of consent or you know
0:14:06 when you can have intercourse with
0:14:07 someone yes is this based is that a
0:14:09 categorical thing like is this age they
0:14:11 can have sex with someone or is it based
0:14:13 on consequences
0:14:27 okay good I mean look you could make a
0:14:30 case for consequences you know you could
0:14:32 make a case for consequences right and
0:14:33 we flicking the world now some countries
0:14:34 is 14 someone's 15 Japan is 13. so you
0:14:38 know how you measure it well it's when
0:14:39 the when the child is or when the person
0:14:41 becomes adolescent okay physically
0:14:44 mature yeah we agree so yeah
0:14:46 so we follow yeah so he married ashraz
0:14:50 which was an adult yeah yes
0:14:53 how do we know she's an adult how can
0:14:56 you prove that she's an adult
0:14:58 and you have a plethora of evidence
0:14:59 what's the evidence I mean the
0:15:02 leadership right okay so you're saying
0:15:04 you know she has to be an adult
0:15:06 for anyone to get married or type
0:15:08 intercourse with someone of the sex in
0:15:10 Islam they can't be any harm that
0:15:12 schools between partners so are you
0:15:13 saying there was harm between them yeah
0:15:15 100 imagine if you have a nine-year-old
0:15:18 daughter and you know she was engaging
0:15:20 in sex you're telling me Oh there's a
0:15:22 fallacy of presentism here so you know
0:15:25 yeah I asked the same question again so
0:15:27 how can you prove that there was harm in
0:15:29 this marriage I can prove it by saying
0:15:31 that if any nine-year-old today year
0:15:33 five are you saying today right yes
0:15:35 we're not talking about today
0:15:36 assumption okay
0:15:38 you're not allowed to do this now no but
0:15:41 it's not based on the age the specific
0:15:43 age
0:15:44 it's based on the harm okay beautiful
0:15:47 okay see this is good you see this is
0:15:48 the kind of question you're gonna get
0:15:49 isn't that true Ali this is the kind of
0:15:51 crew you've done this a lot this one
0:15:52 right
0:15:54 you're gonna get worse but this one
0:15:56 they're gonna come swinging because they
0:15:57 think they got they got the golden
0:15:58 bullet they're going to come straight
0:16:00 for it
0:16:01 and they're going to be rude they're
0:16:03 going to cut you off
0:16:04 and this across the board however
0:16:07 whatever their level this is their this
0:16:09 is their what they believe is the golden
0:16:10 bullet for them all right
0:16:12 I think we get it you ask them a
0:16:14 question get them to answer the question
0:16:16 move on to the next thing ask them
0:16:18 question again what kind of harm is it
0:16:20 what kind of get them to get them pushed
0:16:21 toward the more you push the burden of
0:16:23 proof on them and ask them uh get them
0:16:25 to answer questions the more you're in
0:16:26 charge
0:16:27 by speaking a lot it actually shows you
0:16:29 anxious
0:16:32 if you speak a lot you're speaking a lot
0:16:33 especially with this kind of thing yeah
0:16:36 you're not in control
0:16:38 someone who speaks a lot is anxious
0:16:43 okay now today we're going to ask what
0:16:46 is a child's question I guess we ended
0:16:49 with it
0:16:50 and this is in a book called The
0:16:51 Disappearance of childhood I'm going to
0:16:53 read uh this out in fact uh has anyone
0:16:56 got this in front of them maybe someone
0:16:57 else should read them out
0:16:59 how do I find where is it have you got
0:17:02 the have you got the slides is it in the
0:17:04 group yeah which
0:17:08 see
0:17:11 in an oral World there is not much of a
0:17:13 concept of an adult and therefore even
0:17:15 less of a child and that is why in all
0:17:18 sources one finds that in the middle
0:17:19 middle ages childhood ended at age seven
0:17:22 Why seven because this is the age at
0:17:24 which children have command over speech
0:17:26 they can say and understand what adults
0:17:28 can say and understand they are able to
0:17:30 know all the secrets of the tongue which
0:17:32 are the only secrets that they need to
0:17:33 know and this helps us to explain why
0:17:35 the Catholic Church designated H7 as the
0:17:38 age at which one was assumed to know the
0:17:41 difference between right and wrong the
0:17:43 Age of Reason the right and wrong and
0:17:45 the Age of Reason it also helps us to
0:17:46 explain why until the 7th 17th century
0:17:49 the word used to denote to young males
0:17:52 could refer to Men of 30 40 or 50 for
0:17:56 there was no word in French German or
0:17:59 English for a young male between the
0:18:00 ages of 7 and 16. the word child Express
0:18:04 expressed kinship not an age but most of
0:18:08 all the oralism of Middle Ages helps us
0:18:12 explain why there were no primary
0:18:16 primary schools primaries it should be
0:18:18 primary schools okay that's all I can
0:18:20 see so let me continue yeah so for where
0:18:23 biology determines communication
0:18:25 competence there is no need for such
0:18:27 schools
0:18:28 the medieval way of learning is the way
0:18:31 of the oralist it occurs essentially
0:18:34 through apprenticeship and service what
0:18:36 we would call on-the-job training such
0:18:38 schools has existed were characterized
0:18:41 by a lack of gradation in the curricula
0:18:44 according to the difficulty of the
0:18:45 subject matter
0:18:47 the symbol's annuity with which subjects
0:18:49 were taught the mixing of the ages and
0:18:51 the liberty of the pupils if a medieval
0:18:54 child got to school he would have begun
0:18:56 as late as age 10 probably later he
0:18:59 would have lived on his own lodgings in
0:19:02 the town far from his family would have
0:19:04 been common for him to find his class
0:19:07 adults of all ages and he would be
0:19:09 perceived and he would not have
0:19:10 perceived himself as different from them
0:19:13 he certainly would not have found any
0:19:15 correspondence between the ages of
0:19:16 students and what they studied
0:19:19 I think this is very powerful actually
0:19:21 quotation can
0:19:24 we take a break for about five minutes
0:19:25 you talk to the person next to your
0:19:27 about this quotation take two or three
0:19:28 bullet points and they will present
0:19:30 exactly what uh Postman is trying to say
0:19:32 here in this uh in this quotation yeah
0:19:34 we'll have a quick break
0:19:37 okay well let's quickly some just read
0:19:40 something and uh I had a lot in there so
0:19:43 let's quickly summarize some of the
0:19:44 points uh in this what are some of the
0:19:47 points which you have
0:19:49 come out in that in that particular
0:19:51 quotation sure but basically they're um
0:19:53 they're defining it as a
0:19:56 as when uh the uh the child when they
0:20:01 their childhood is over once they get
0:20:03 command of a speech so they can
0:20:05 understand what's uh What uh you know
0:20:08 what's going on around them also that
0:20:11 they can Define they they have
0:20:13 capability to understand reason uh the
0:20:16 right and wrong
0:20:18 so that's another factor that they're
0:20:20 using what about that particular
0:20:22 quotation uh Tarak would you say is um
0:20:26 what institution did they reference
0:20:30 and
0:20:31 why is it important it's the Catholic
0:20:34 Church okay that's one institution yeah
0:20:36 they referenced the Catholic church and
0:20:39 uh their particular definition is the
0:20:41 age of seven okay how could we use that
0:20:44 for example well we we can throw it back
0:20:47 at that because they're questioning our
0:20:49 values and we can just say that your
0:20:51 main uh you know numeric main body of
0:20:55 Christians is the Catholics and this is
0:20:57 their definition which is lower than our
0:20:58 definition yeah technically it's a
0:21:01 really good point in that quotation as
0:21:02 well there's reference to schools we
0:21:04 need to think about this together right
0:21:05 so it says this
0:21:07 the word child expressed kinship
0:21:10 knowledge
0:21:11 but most of all the oralism of the
0:21:14 Middle Ages helps us explain why there
0:21:16 is no primary schools
0:21:18 for where biology determines
0:21:19 communication competence there is no
0:21:21 need for such schools
0:21:24 the medieval way of learning is the way
0:21:27 of the oralists it occurs essentially
0:21:30 through apprenticeship and service what
0:21:32 we would call on-the-job training
0:21:35 such schools as existed were
0:21:38 characterized by a lack of gradation in
0:21:40 the curricula according to the
0:21:43 difficulty of the subject matter the
0:21:45 symbol to annuity with which subjects
0:21:48 were taught and the mixing of Ages and
0:21:51 the liberty of the pupils if a medieval
0:21:54 if a medieval child goes to school
0:21:57 he would have begun as late as age 10
0:21:59 probably later
0:22:01 he would have lived on his own lodgings
0:22:03 in the town far from his family it would
0:22:06 have been common for him
0:22:08 to find his class adults of all ages and
0:22:12 he would not have perceived himself as
0:22:13 differently from them he certainly would
0:22:16 not have found any correspondence
0:22:18 between the ages of students and where
0:22:21 they studied
0:22:22 so going back and Mahdi
0:22:25 what in particular let's put let me put
0:22:28 the question very clearly
0:22:31 when we talk about the Medieval Times
0:22:34 we're talking about about a thousand
0:22:36 years worth of History here maybe from
0:22:38 about 400 to about a thousand four
0:22:40 hundred before the Renaissance
0:22:42 okay
0:22:44 what in particular would you say are the
0:22:47 main differences that we have relating
0:22:49 to schools in the medieval times
0:22:54 according to this
0:22:56 from what we have today
0:22:58 so in the medieval times it was more
0:23:00 like work based so it's not it's not
0:23:04 necessarily based on you know you're in
0:23:06 disgrade at this age it's more based on
0:23:08 capability
0:23:09 so it's like you could also related to
0:23:11 line the modern world it's all just like
0:23:12 numbers you reach this certain age and
0:23:14 you do this certain thing but hey it's
0:23:16 more based on your capability your
0:23:18 ability to cognizize and stuff okay so
0:23:21 it's not even discriminated to age it's
0:23:23 just on the ability actually okay that's
0:23:25 a good point so there's about competence
0:23:27 about ability what would you add to that
0:23:30 thought that there's uh that they in the
0:23:33 Middle Ages they they
0:23:36 the children what what sorry they would
0:23:40 be classed as adults and they could live
0:23:42 independently beautiful on their own and
0:23:45 uh they could interact as adults with
0:23:47 the with their surroundings so at this
0:23:49 point here I think it's a very important
0:23:51 Point what you just said here so look
0:23:53 how we determine what a child is
0:23:57 historically and contemporaneously
0:23:59 one of the things that we use is schools
0:24:04 and there's a there's a connotation here
0:24:07 when you think of a child you think of
0:24:08 schools I mean these two things it's
0:24:12 almost inconceivable that you can
0:24:13 imagine a primary school adult it's
0:24:15 almost like a juxtaposition or some kind
0:24:17 of oxymoron what kind of primary school
0:24:19 adult are you talking about anyone in
0:24:20 primary school is a child by definition
0:24:23 but what's being said here is something
0:24:24 which is Paradigm shifting in the sense
0:24:27 that it's telling us in history it
0:24:28 wasn't like that
0:24:30 what we consider today to be children in
0:24:32 primary schools yesterday were adults in
0:24:34 lodgings that would have had an
0:24:37 independent life that if they went to
0:24:38 schools they would have seen no
0:24:41 difference between themselves and say a
0:24:42 30 year old or a 25 year old they would
0:24:44 have considered themselves to be Co
0:24:45 equal in a sense
0:24:48 to that individual or to that particular
0:24:50 people
0:24:51 which brings us to I think a very
0:24:53 important part of this discussion
0:24:57 when we consider when the ages of
0:25:00 consent
0:25:02 changed in the world
0:25:04 because if you look at America you look
0:25:06 at the states in America
0:25:07 you look at the United Kingdom you look
0:25:09 at Canada you look at Scotland all these
0:25:12 things all these places
0:25:13 even if you look at some of the
0:25:14 colonized places like India
0:25:17 which by the way was first to change the
0:25:19 ages of consent even before the United
0:25:21 Kingdom
0:25:23 you'll find that the ages of consent
0:25:27 they changed by and large after the
0:25:30 world war
0:25:31 the first world war they is when did the
0:25:34 first World War take place
0:25:39 1914 to 1918 okay that's the first world
0:25:43 war the second world war was from 1939
0:25:45 to 1945. okay these are two probably the
0:25:50 most
0:25:50 significant historical events in the
0:25:53 20th century so everyone should know
0:25:54 these days so we're talking about 1914
0:25:57 to 1918 and in 1939 to 1945 World War
0:26:01 One
0:26:03 World War II
0:26:04 World War One
0:26:06 you had who was who was fighting coach
0:26:09 who remembers just for the trivia of it
0:26:11 who was fighting who huh
0:26:15 who who was on whose side uh one says it
0:26:18 was Germany uh
0:26:20 and Ottomans again yes the Ottoman
0:26:23 Empire yes French British
0:26:27 eventually the Russians
0:26:37 so the Ottoman Empire you mentioned it
0:26:40 when did it break up do you know
0:26:43 uh I'll joined a year 1924 yeah 1924
0:26:49 that's five years after the
0:26:51 five or six years after after World War
0:26:53 One
0:26:54 is it seven nineteen eighteen nine
0:26:57 twenty four twenty four twenty five nine
0:26:59 twenty four six so that's yeah six years
0:27:01 so we're talking about
0:27:03 that was a significant event
0:27:06 but when World War one took place
0:27:09 what did this do to the infrastructure
0:27:11 in Europe
0:27:12 they destroyed the infrastructure in
0:27:14 Europe
0:27:15 so there were new policies
0:27:17 that liberal governments or governments
0:27:20 in in Europe decided to enact
0:27:23 and some of these policies included
0:27:25 educational policies
0:27:28 don't forget first where feminism was
0:27:30 alive and well at this time
0:27:33 when did women get the vote
0:27:35 in the UK
0:27:39 um
0:27:42 in the UK 1918 I think Canada was the
0:27:44 first one of the Western countries to
0:27:46 have it it might have been 1917 and then
0:27:48 1918 the United States of America then I
0:27:51 think 1919 the United Kingdom but I can
0:27:52 double check this yeah 1917 18 19.
0:27:56 okay after this
0:27:59 by the way in the United Kingdom when
0:28:01 the women's in French and when female
0:28:04 enfranchisements took place and women
0:28:06 had the vote it wasn't all women it was
0:28:09 women until a certain age
0:28:11 women above the age of 35.
0:28:13 it was only until 1928
0:28:17 where the
0:28:20 was 18 Anova
0:28:23 1928 so that's less than 100 years ago
0:28:26 if you think about quite shocking
0:28:28 actually you know 1928 women age 18 and
0:28:31 over
0:28:32 in the same year there was something
0:28:34 called The Marriage Act
0:28:36 the same year because the campaigning of
0:28:39 the first wave feminist movement
0:28:41 in addition to the liberal government
0:28:43 because it was not called the liberal
0:28:44 Democrats at that time was called the
0:28:46 liberal party okay
0:28:48 the liberal government decided to do
0:28:51 some educational reforms
0:28:53 so two things were happening at the same
0:28:55 time you had process movements and so on
0:28:58 you had reformation and you had they
0:29:01 needed a new educational program
0:29:03 now from the extract we've just read we
0:29:05 said that childhood has always been
0:29:07 connected to matters of what
0:29:09 schooling
0:29:11 yeah schooling
0:29:13 we just read you know
0:29:16 okay so now when you extend the age of
0:29:20 two things consent and the amount of
0:29:22 time that it would take for someone to
0:29:24 finish school
0:29:25 you've redefined what it means to be a
0:29:26 child
0:29:28 hood is clearly a social construct
0:29:33 and this is what we're talking about in
0:29:34 the break when it said that what is a
0:29:36 woman has never been a question of great
0:29:38 controversy
0:29:39 in the history of the world
0:29:41 but what is the child has been
0:29:43 and it's so ironic
0:29:45 that one of them is a controversy and
0:29:47 one of them isn't
0:29:48 because childhood is something clearly
0:29:51 left to a great deal of subjectivity
0:29:54 it's not fully subjective but there is a
0:29:56 great deal of subjectivity
0:29:58 because this is a historical fact
0:30:01 when we talk about the fact that in uh
0:30:03 the Middle Ages
0:30:05 you know these particular people were
0:30:07 seen as children who or adults which
0:30:10 we'd consider today to be children and
0:30:12 today it's not that case
0:30:14 the point is at what point do we call
0:30:16 this individual
0:30:18 autonomous adult and at what point do we
0:30:20 not
0:30:23 there has to be some level if you say 16
0:30:25 it can't be just 16.
0:30:28 it could that could not be the answer
0:30:31 yeah
0:30:33 exactly France has dropped it exactly
0:30:36 so the point is is this is that
0:30:38 definitions of child have clearly
0:30:40 changed
0:30:41 and they'll be connected to childhood
0:30:43 and legal change
0:30:48 which is why you'll find if you look at
0:30:49 all these
0:30:51 law
0:30:52 pieces of law
0:30:54 you'll find that you know in Delaware in
0:30:57 Scotland in England you know the age of
0:31:00 marriage was seven and then when the
0:31:02 marriage act happened
0:31:04 it was it became 12. it was you know and
0:31:07 then we moved from 12 to 16.
0:31:10 it's 12 up until 1928 serious matter
0:31:14 Okay so
0:31:16 already now
0:31:20 there seems to be an issue
0:31:23 with definitions
0:31:26 when they come to say your Prophet
0:31:27 married a child
0:31:30 say what do you mean by a child
0:31:32 honestly what do you mean by it
0:31:34 what is a child a child is a 16 year old
0:31:37 a child is a 14 year old
0:31:39 child as well exactly
0:31:41 really
0:31:43 it's a real problem man
0:31:44 you know
0:31:53 biological realities
0:31:56 and so I've got some uh interesting
0:32:01 journals
0:32:03 from just just a gamble puberty early
0:32:06 starters language reader
0:32:08 uh it's actually nature this is the top
0:32:12 I think there's the top no yes it's
0:32:15 probably the top you know peer-reviewed
0:32:17 scientific journal this is I'm reading
0:32:19 it from it let me read it
0:32:21 for the first time in our evolutionary
0:32:22 history biological puberty in females
0:32:24 significantly proceeds rather than being
0:32:27 matched to the age of uh the age of
0:32:31 successful function
0:32:32 as an adult
0:32:34 this mismatch between the age of
0:32:36 biological and psychosocial maturation
0:32:39 constitutes a fundamental issue of
0:32:41 modern society our social structures
0:32:44 have been developed in the expectation
0:32:45 of longer childhood prolonged Education
0:32:48 and Training and later reproductive
0:32:50 competence
0:32:51 this emerging mismatch creates
0:32:54 fundamental pressures on contemporary
0:32:55 adolescence and how they live in society
0:33:02 what's she said what's she saying here
0:33:03 can you explain it to me okay
0:33:11 [Music]
0:33:13 do you want to read it again
0:33:16 what do you think is being communicated
0:33:18 basically what he's saying is that
0:33:22 um because of this you could say
0:33:24 artificial prolongation of childhood
0:33:26 that took place as you mentioned in the
0:33:27 early 20th century now you have a
0:33:29 situation where basically people are
0:33:32 beginning to get involved in
0:33:34 relationships and eventually reproducing
0:33:36 uh later than
0:33:38 um their biology would indicate because
0:33:40 they become mature they develop the um
0:33:43 the means to beautiful I think that's a
0:33:44 good summary I like that but I want you
0:33:46 to let's focus again on the wording here
0:33:48 this is very interesting
0:33:50 she's saying for the first time
0:33:53 so this is something interesting for the
0:33:55 first time in our evolutionary history
0:33:57 biological puberty in females
0:33:59 significantly proceeds
0:34:01 rather than being matched to the age of
0:34:04 a successful functioning as an adult
0:34:06 this mismatch okay
0:34:09 between the age of biological and
0:34:11 psychosocial maturation
0:34:14 so you've got two things going on this
0:34:16 biological maturation
0:34:18 and you have psychosocial maturation
0:34:22 psycho psychology social Society
0:34:25 sociology yeah
0:34:27 they're saying there's a mismatch here
0:34:29 we are elongating
0:34:31 yes we are elongating one at the expense
0:34:34 of the other for example or one is
0:34:36 happening before the other there is not
0:34:39 it's not happening in tandemic they're
0:34:42 not in sync so you're saying
0:34:43 psychologically and socially they are
0:34:48 um is taking longer for them to mature
0:34:49 compared to biologically what we're
0:34:51 saying is that Society now yeah doesn't
0:34:54 treat adults at a certain age as adults
0:34:58 okay biological adults for example the
0:35:01 expectation
0:35:02 the expectation of a 13 year old let's
0:35:07 say
0:35:08 who is more than willing or more than
0:35:11 capable let's say a 13 14 year old
0:35:13 more than capable of reproducing more
0:35:15 than capable of engaging in sex more
0:35:18 than capable and enjoying it and having
0:35:20 no problem with it and all of these
0:35:21 things
0:35:22 I mean all of this thing no honestly
0:35:27 this individual
0:35:29 is
0:35:31 seen as a child
0:35:33 seen as a child see as a child in fact
0:35:36 they will be treated as such
0:35:38 this emerging mismatch she says
0:35:42 it's emerging
0:35:44 emerging mismatch
0:35:46 creates fundamental pressures
0:35:49 on contemporary adolescence and how they
0:35:51 live in society
0:35:56 this is inside this is in nature no it's
0:35:59 not a religious fundamental it's saying
0:36:01 these things atheist woman feminist
0:36:07 interestingly he said this I'm going
0:36:10 back to biological reactions are so many
0:36:12 women in Yemen at the age of nine
0:36:13 reaching the age of puberty
0:36:15 look what he called them
0:36:17 he called them women
0:36:19 this is quite interesting a chef I
0:36:22 yes
0:36:24 when did he die if anyone knows
0:36:29 204.
0:36:31 yeah that sounds about right yeah two or
0:36:33 four sounds about right so what 36 years
0:36:36 before I haven't
0:36:37 so this is third Century after Hijra
0:36:41 yeah we're talking about a thousand two
0:36:43 hundred years ago he calls these he
0:36:45 calls them women does he someone will
0:36:46 look at that and say how can you call a
0:36:48 nine-year-old woman
0:36:50 how could you not everyone was doing
0:36:51 that
0:36:53 just because today there have been some
0:36:55 changes in history and law that's 90
0:36:58 years old as old as some grandparents
0:37:01 that live in London these changes are as
0:37:03 old as people
0:37:05 living human beings that would have
0:37:07 remembered their mothers being good
0:37:10 betrothed and married and all of these
0:37:13 things are very much younger age
0:37:16 just because these changes have taken
0:37:17 place isn't it amazing how Society has
0:37:20 changed in line with that
0:37:22 is shocking
0:37:24 it is actually it to me is shocking how
0:37:27 you know a culture can emerge from
0:37:30 this is the best example of a social
0:37:32 construct I can imagine
0:37:35 they've socially constructed it
0:37:38 this is a social construct
0:37:42 and I can't imagine a social construct
0:37:44 as big as the left wing haven't said
0:37:46 anything about it well they say a few
0:37:48 things here and there but why not this
0:37:49 is a social construct
0:37:52 this is a social construct what it means
0:37:54 to be a child in the United Kingdom
0:37:56 or any other country with arbitrary
0:37:58 numbers of consent is socially
0:38:00 constructed
0:38:01 from 90 years is
0:38:04 according to what according to the
0:38:05 biological markers
0:38:07 according to the historical reality
0:38:09 according to the legalistic framework
0:38:10 when you think over all of it together
0:38:12 it's a social construct now when you
0:38:14 bring a social construct to us and say
0:38:16 you have to conform to it
0:38:21 why do we have to do that
0:38:23 this is this is really it's very odd
0:38:26 actually
0:38:31 considering also the Roman Empire the
0:38:34 average life expectancy was 35 to 40.
0:38:40 amram dropper says the following he's a
0:38:42 story
0:38:43 he says most women would have married
0:38:45 sufficiently late
0:38:47 that we would no longer consider them to
0:38:49 have been children
0:38:51 yet many women particularly in Babylonia
0:38:54 married so young
0:38:55 that today we would consider them to
0:38:57 have today we would consider them to
0:38:59 have been girls
0:39:02 not women
0:39:05 the goal of maximizing fertility in
0:39:08 particular must have lowered the age at
0:39:10 first marriage and the price of this
0:39:12 goal is early
0:39:14 we may we might say premature end of
0:39:17 girlhood for many girls adolescence was
0:39:19 not a time for fun education
0:39:21 experimentation or professional training
0:39:23 rather it was a time when
0:39:25 one was already expected to assume the
0:39:27 full responsibilities of a mature woman
0:39:29 as wife and mother
0:39:31 the thing is like it's pretty common
0:39:33 sensical here when you have a shorter
0:39:35 life expectancy
0:39:37 then you have to do what you have to do
0:39:39 quicker like if imagine
0:39:43 even in the world that we live in now
0:39:44 you go to sub-Saharan Africa Sierra
0:39:47 Leone or something country like this see
0:39:48 what is the average life expectancy 65
0:39:51 or so I don't know what it is
0:39:53 is considerably lower to than a place
0:39:56 like the Aging populations like Germany
0:39:59 and Italy which is 26 percent of
0:40:01 population is over 65 years old 26 of it
0:40:05 why because whatever reason the medical
0:40:07 care because of diets because of
0:40:10 whatever reason but the point is even in
0:40:12 the world that we're living in today
0:40:13 there's significant differences between
0:40:16 average life expectancies from one
0:40:18 country to another so imagine now if
0:40:20 we're going to 500 years back a thousand
0:40:22 years back there's no such thing as a
0:40:24 hospital even for a fact
0:40:26 what do you think the average life
0:40:27 expectancy in the world would have been
0:40:29 in Sub in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
0:40:32 and Middle East
0:40:33 a thousand years ago
0:40:36 60 70 maybe this could be a good age to
0:40:40 die maybe at that age
0:40:42 but then if that's the case if you're
0:40:43 gonna die at that kind of age
0:40:46 60 70.
0:40:48 then why are you going to get married at
0:40:49 age of 45 or 41 or the average age of
0:40:51 marriage in this country is 30 something
0:40:53 for a woman of 33 for a man it could be
0:40:55 36.
0:40:57 the average age of marriage is 33 here
0:40:59 at that time you'd be you could be a
0:41:01 grandmother and you don't have time to
0:41:03 play games like this you you might die
0:41:05 you might get some some disease you
0:41:07 might contract something you need to
0:41:09 propagate your genes
0:41:11 you need to have a progeny
0:41:13 so this is the Ridiculousness of
0:41:15 comparing two time periods
0:41:18 even on a very basic
0:41:21 Human Geography level
0:41:24 like we know that the life expectancies
0:41:25 are completely different
0:41:27 so when a woman is capable of getting
0:41:28 married she's not going to go to
0:41:29 university and get a career and people
0:41:32 have this crazy images because right now
0:41:34 if you close your eyes and I say imagine
0:41:36 a child you already imagine that you
0:41:39 know I imagine I don't imagine any child
0:41:40 I imagine a primary school that's what I
0:41:42 imagine but if you tell me imagine a
0:41:44 child I imagine some kids playing on the
0:41:46 slides in a private school so I imagine
0:41:48 the same child if you put him a Sparta
0:41:50 and Athens he already knows how to
0:41:52 destroy all of us with the weapons and
0:41:54 the swords and killing and all these
0:41:55 things because there was no time to play
0:41:57 games
0:41:58 just because we're living in an age
0:42:00 where there's times there's there's time
0:42:02 to play games
0:42:04 you can play games for 18 years okay
0:42:07 imagine
0:42:08 18 years
0:42:10 and before that that would have been the
0:42:12 child's already done huge things in
0:42:14 their life what kind of adult everything
0:42:16 not everything
0:42:19 oh that's that's the beginning of it
0:42:21 why would they always say yes think
0:42:23 about it
0:42:27 if you go to certain areas of the world
0:42:29 all you have to do is travel
0:42:32 if you go to certain areas of the world
0:42:33 you see children living completely indep
0:42:35 what we consider to be children living
0:42:37 completely independent lives we're going
0:42:40 to the Village getting the water we're
0:42:42 going there selling tissues on the
0:42:43 streets
0:42:44 the Western mindset has distorted our
0:42:47 reality
0:42:48 is a social construct
0:42:52 I was working as a teacher
0:42:56 and
0:42:59 those are eight
0:43:02 class
0:43:04 and a particular
0:43:06 young man
0:43:08 he was
0:43:11 I said to some of the teachers I said
0:43:12 this is not a 13 year old
0:43:15 and they told me off in the staff room I
0:43:17 remember this is like yesterday he said
0:43:18 please don't say that again you know
0:43:20 this you know you honestly you know it's
0:43:23 seen as disrespectful and
0:43:25 and the boy was from Nigeria now the boy
0:43:27 was from Nigeria I already know what
0:43:29 that means he's Nigeria he's got
0:43:31 Nigerian papers
0:43:34 that's the truth
0:43:36 they said listen this is they're almost
0:43:38 accusing me of racism let's just put it
0:43:40 that way almost accuse me the boy
0:43:43 broad shoulders the boy broad shoulders
0:43:47 strong jaw
0:43:48 who would walk around the playground
0:43:51 with two girls in his hands
0:43:54 year Eights yeah no problem
0:43:57 and you can see the stubble in his hit
0:43:59 like here
0:44:00 I said this I said yeah I always Pat him
0:44:04 in like in the back and say you know
0:44:05 whatever you know
0:44:11 after I left the school
0:44:13 it emerged
0:44:15 my friend will lie he said to me call me
0:44:17 he said you know that guy
0:44:19 such and such person
0:44:21 he was a 24 year old a 22 year old man
0:44:24 from Nigeria
0:44:27 he was at 20th who discovered the
0:44:28 embassy called did this this and that 22
0:44:30 years old
0:44:32 but because the social construct is so
0:44:34 strong it overrides what they saw in
0:44:38 front of them you saw a man this is a
0:44:41 man
0:44:42 oh Allah that that boy that man
0:44:46 he would probably beat up most of the
0:44:48 teachers in the school
0:44:49 and he I saw him one time having a fight
0:44:51 and he was destroying the opponent
0:44:53 throwing him on the floor I was like
0:44:55 come on man hey you know that you'll see
0:44:57 you're 22 years old this guy's 13.
0:45:01 and those kids those little boys have no
0:45:04 chance
0:45:04 you know this is the truth or lie he
0:45:09 might have been 1920. I can't remember
0:45:10 exactly his age but he was definitely
0:45:12 not Kenny an adult yeah and it was
0:45:14 discovered that he left and it was a
0:45:15 scandal
0:45:16 I even called The Guardian I said I've
0:45:18 got a story for you and oh well because
0:45:20 I thought you know I left the school
0:45:22 maybe I'll make a few bucks from this I
0:45:24 said what kind of money are you going to
0:45:26 offer me they said we can't really offer
0:45:27 you might answer I'll put the phone that
0:45:28 I said forget it
0:45:30 I said forget this man I'm not going to
0:45:32 go into the office and this and that and
0:45:34 tell you whatever but the point is this
0:45:36 the social construct is so strong that
0:45:38 you will deny the image that you see in
0:45:39 front of you
0:45:41 you'll accuse someone of racism of
0:45:43 ageism of whatever isn't but you don't
0:45:46 you see this is a human adult with
0:45:49 stubble on his face and big chest and
0:45:51 big arms looks like it's coming out of
0:45:53 the gym
0:45:55 this is ridiculous
0:45:58 this is ridiculous
0:46:00 and I don't want to go further
0:46:03 but there are I I'll go further I'll go
0:46:06 further off camera
0:46:07 then nobody you can give examples of you
0:46:10 know
0:46:11 people at the age of 14 what they look
0:46:13 like
0:46:16 you know
0:46:19 before the age of 14-13 what they look
0:46:21 like and you're telling me they're a
0:46:22 child
0:46:24 yeah I don't wear your child mate
0:46:28 with no way you're a child sorry to say
0:46:36 historical reality is extended so Mary
0:46:39 Lewis
0:46:40 she says the following about what I've
0:46:42 just said she goes no matter what period
0:46:44 we are examining childhood is more more
0:46:47 than a biological age but a series of
0:46:49 Social and cultural events and
0:46:51 experiences that make up a child's life
0:46:53 the time at which these transitions take
0:46:55 place varies from one culture to another
0:46:58 and has a bearing on the level of
0:47:00 interaction children have with their
0:47:01 environment their exposure to disease
0:47:03 and Trauma and their contribution to the
0:47:05 economic status of their family and
0:47:07 Society the Western view of childhood
0:47:09 where children do not commit violence
0:47:11 and are asexual has been challenged by
0:47:14 studies of children that show them
0:47:16 learning to use weapons or being
0:47:18 depicted in sexual poses
0:47:21 what is clear is that we cannot simply
0:47:23 transpose our view of childhood directly
0:47:25 onto the past
0:47:27 says everything we want to say really
0:47:32 and this is really all there is to be
0:47:35 said I mean it's there is a non there's
0:47:38 no argument here to be made you're not
0:47:40 necessarily your Prophet married a child
0:47:41 and say look you haven't even this you
0:47:43 haven't even decided what a child is
0:47:46 a social construct your definition is
0:47:48 that's what it is
0:47:50 you know
0:47:51 and clearly
0:47:54 our religion I would put this to them as
0:47:56 well it's a religion which is clear in
0:47:59 this Essence that doesn't allow harm
0:48:01 because one of the collide one of the
0:48:03 principles of the religion of Islam is
0:48:09 which is that harm is to be averted in
0:48:11 fact ashatobi who wrote The More faqat
0:48:14 in the 8th Century he said that
0:48:18 a principle in Islam Al-Qaeda is it is
0:48:22 more encroaching than an individual
0:48:24 piece of evidence because it includes
0:48:26 many evidences
0:48:27 so for example this principle of harm is
0:48:30 to be averted it is composed of many
0:48:33 different pieces of evidence
0:48:34 and so since this is a principle of
0:48:36 Islam the religion of Islam
0:48:38 the way that marriage is seen in the
0:48:41 religious tradition is as we started off
0:48:43 by saying in the first session
0:48:45 something which yes
0:48:48 societally we must look at what the
0:48:50 person is capable of we're not going to
0:48:52 take a child out of the primary school
0:48:54 today
0:48:56 and tell them to get married why because
0:48:58 they have not been given the training
0:48:59 that an 8th Century or 9th century eight
0:49:02 nine ten-year-old has been given they
0:49:04 have not been given the training so it's
0:49:05 unfair for them
0:49:08 and based on this principle we wouldn't
0:49:11 you know transpose
0:49:13 and these are cam on them however at the
0:49:15 same time if we're talking about the
0:49:16 morality or lack thereof or something
0:49:18 it's unfair to use our standards today
0:49:21 and transpose it on the past
0:49:23 and that is all we have to say about
0:49:25 this matter uh is there something else
0:49:28 to add here yes of course yes
0:49:31 in the Hindu religion yes the uh the
0:49:34 Krishna thing Krishna entity is
0:49:37 mentioned as marrying a girl of eight
0:49:40 years old a rook mini and this is in
0:49:43 this skanda puran
0:49:45 so it's clearly mentioned the the
0:49:48 girls age is eight years old I think
0:49:51 it's very good that you mentioned that
0:49:52 because you know it's we mentioned
0:49:53 Judaism Christianity now Hinduism as
0:49:55 well so you can we can summarize by
0:49:57 saying look this is not outlawed in any
0:49:58 major world system whether it's religion
0:50:01 or ideology
0:50:03 and all of history has seen it and only
0:50:04 because you have a social construct now
0:50:06 that you wish to Badger us with you're
0:50:08 making an argument but that's not a good
0:50:10 enough argument for us
0:50:12 they can't prove that their conceptions
0:50:14 of childhood are not socially
0:50:15 constructed they cannot prove that
0:50:18 especially when they don't have a
0:50:19 biological markup yeah the thing is the
0:50:22 same put it this way especially for the
0:50:24 the whole cultural Wars discussion and
0:50:25 the gender Wars yeah
0:50:27 if you were to ask someone from the
0:50:29 alt-right or the right wing what would
0:50:31 be the Arbiter for you
0:50:33 to answer the question
0:50:36 what is a woman
0:50:38 you'd say science
0:50:39 you'd say biology you'd say the X Y
0:50:42 chromosome
0:50:43 okay the same question what is a child
0:50:45 what is the Arbiter Society now you've
0:50:48 become left-wing all of a sudden
0:50:50 now you've become a social
0:50:51 constructionist
0:50:53 so if you're allowing it for childhood
0:50:55 why not allow for gender
0:51:00 if you're allowing it for childhood then
0:51:01 you should allow for gender
0:51:03 this is something where the left wing
0:51:04 actually has if they made the argument
0:51:05 would have very strong argument I don't
0:51:07 know why they don't make the argument
0:51:09 if someone if not Walsh came to me and I
0:51:11 was left-wing guy with a purple hair
0:51:15 and he said what is it what is a woman I
0:51:17 said what is a child
0:51:19 what is a child that's why I say a woman
0:51:21 is whatever but where's a child
0:51:24 because if you say a child is a 16 year
0:51:26 old
0:51:28 you say it's a 14-15 whatever whatever
0:51:30 age you give it you're not using science
0:51:32 here are you and if you're not saying if
0:51:35 it's not a 14 15 year old what is it
0:51:36 then give us some scientific parameters
0:51:38 the moment you get scientific parameters
0:51:39 you can have a nine-year-old child adult
0:51:41 the moment you give scientific
0:51:43 parameters it opens the door to a line
0:51:45 finished done
0:51:47 finished actually
0:51:50 and this is how the left wing should
0:51:51 actually reply
0:51:53 say the if I was a left wing guy if
0:51:57 I was uh would you structuralist or
0:51:59 social construction I was reply am I
0:52:01 saying
0:52:02 I say look
0:52:03 the same way that you determine what a
0:52:05 child is we determine what a woman is no
0:52:07 difference
0:52:10 or minimal difference
0:52:13 Society decides
0:52:14 human beings aside individual
0:52:17 Expressions societal expression
0:52:20 you see you don't like well how come you
0:52:22 can have your cake and eat at both man
0:52:23 well sure whoever is
0:52:25 how can you can have your cake and eat
0:52:26 both you can you allow some sets of
0:52:29 social constructions but you deny others
0:52:33 if you want science to be the Arbiter
0:52:35 you open the door to a nine-year-old
0:52:37 adult finished done
0:52:41 with that we're finished as well and I
0:52:44 hope you have enjoyed this session as
0:52:45 much as we have