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A Sentient Singular Being | The Evidence Course | Session 2 / Part 5 (2021-08-04)


Session 2 Part 5

In an age of information overload and widespread pseudo-intellectualism, understanding the core foundations of Islam is as essential as ever.

This course comprehensively deconstructs the skeletal structure of prevalent ideologies and concepts such as atheism, scientism, materialism, secularism, and skepticism, in light of an all-encompassing intellectually robust Islamic worldview.Thought Adventure Social Media:

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The Hosts:

Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician

Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul




Riyad Gmail:

#ProofForGod #NecessaryBeing #Reasoning

Summary of A Sentient Singular Being | The Evidence Course | Session 2 / Part 5

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses the three main arguments for the existence of a creator: fixed patterns within the universe, the need for an eternal cause for temporal effects, and the need for a creator with a will. It concludes that based on these arguments, the only possible creator is a sentient singular being, allah, as described in the Quran.

*00:00:00 Discusses the need for a creator, and argues that this creator cannot be a non-sentient force. It also points out that the effect, which is the creation, is not always existing. The only explanation for this is that the creator willed it to happen. also discusses fixed patterns within the universe, which indicate that the creator has intentionality and awareness.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses three arguments for the existence of a creator: that there are fixed patterns within the universe, that an eternal cause is necessary for temporal effects, and that a creator must have a will. It points out that if there are more than one creator, then each will limit the other and there would be contradictions and limit-setting. Finally, language must be given to us by a creator, which is evidenced by the Quran's discussion of Islam being taught. Together, these arguments lead to the conclusion that there is only one creator, and that this creator is Allah.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses evidence that points to the existence of a sentient singular being, allah. This being has a will and choice, and is described in the Quran as one. This being is independent from everything else, and does not depend on anyone else for its existence. This being is incomparable, and there is no equivalent to allah. Based on these facts, it can be concluded that allah is a sentient singular being.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:15 so we've proven that there is a
0:00:17 necessary
0:00:18 independent creator that exists
0:00:21 and that created or is the created and
0:00:24 also
0:00:24 the explanation for the existence of
0:00:27 contingent possible beings
0:00:29 we've established that fact but some
0:00:32 people they argue
0:00:34 how do we know that the this necessary
0:00:36 being
0:00:37 has you know is is a what they term a
0:00:40 god
0:00:41 how do we know it's some a personal
0:00:43 agent that chose
0:00:44 that made decisions that is self-aware
0:00:48 couldn't there be an in unlimited
0:00:50 independent
0:00:52 you know uh being out there that is a
0:00:54 mechanical force
0:00:56 couldn't the cosmos be considered that
0:00:59 necessary being
0:01:00 couldn't there be some subatomic quantum
0:01:02 field particle or whatever
0:01:04 that could be a necessary being that's
0:01:06 always existed
0:01:08 well we say no and we said no for a
0:01:10 number of reasons
0:01:12 the first one is because these things
0:01:14 that they point to
0:01:16 are limited finite and therefore
0:01:19 dependent
0:01:19 i they are contingent possible beings so
0:01:22 therefore you need something outside of
0:01:24 space and time outside of what occupies
0:01:27 the limited nature
0:01:29 of the cosmos or the universe the second
0:01:32 thing is this
0:01:33 is that when we ask about the the
0:01:35 question about
0:01:36 could the creator this this creator out
0:01:39 there
0:01:39 could it be a non-sentient force this
0:01:42 unlimited being could it be a
0:01:43 non-sentient force
0:01:45 we say no it can't be a non-sentient
0:01:48 force
0:01:48 for a number of reasons one of the
0:01:50 examples that is given
0:01:52 was he given by imam ghazali and he
0:01:55 talked about this
0:01:56 in his incoherence of the philosophers
0:01:58 and he addresses the one of these
0:02:00 contentions that god is not
0:02:02 a self-aware willing creator
0:02:05 he is some sort of mechanical force that
0:02:08 had to create
0:02:09 the uh the the effects or had to create
0:02:12 the universe around us
0:02:14 and he said in paraphrase in summary
0:02:17 that if you've got an eternal course you
0:02:20 will have
0:02:21 an eternal effect effect yeah so you
0:02:24 just think about this
0:02:26 if you got a cause so the thing
0:02:29 everything necessary for the cause to
0:02:32 create an effect
0:02:33 then what you're going to have you're
0:02:35 going to have an effect
0:02:37 so he gives an example of the sun
0:02:40 he says as soon as the sun rises you
0:02:43 have light
0:02:44 it's never the case that the sun rises
0:02:46 and you don't have light
0:02:48 or the sun rises and decides you know or
0:02:51 or you know instead of light 20 minutes
0:02:54 later this light
0:02:56 or two three hours later this light as
0:02:58 soon as the sun rises
0:03:00 there is light so he says as soon as you
0:03:03 have the cause
0:03:04 you have the effect the cause here is
0:03:06 the sun
0:03:07 and the effect is the light that is in
0:03:09 things that don't
0:03:10 choose so as soon as you have the cause
0:03:13 you have the effect
0:03:14 it matters that don't choose for
0:03:16 themselves
0:03:17 the effect or the creation
0:03:20 so he said or moving on to what his
0:03:24 point was
0:03:25 was that well what you have here is an
0:03:28 eternal cause the creator
0:03:31 but the effect which is the creation is
0:03:34 not eternal
0:03:36 it's temporal meaning it had a beginning
0:03:39 so even if you talk about modern science
0:03:41 which says that the universe is 13.78
0:03:43 billion years old
0:03:45 we know it had a beginning yeah whether
0:03:48 that's 13.78 billion years ago
0:03:50 more or less yeah whatever you know
0:03:53 we understand and even if people say oh
0:03:56 what came before the universe we know
0:03:58 that an infinite regress
0:03:59 has to have a beginning so we know that
0:04:01 the effect
0:04:02 the limited contingent beings have a
0:04:05 beginning
0:04:06 in time they're not always in existence
0:04:08 but we know that the creator the
0:04:10 necessary being
0:04:11 has always an existence but the effect
0:04:14 is not always existing
0:04:16 so what is that what is the the variable
0:04:19 then
0:04:20 that is affecting or making it
0:04:23 changing the fact that you have an
0:04:25 effect a temporal effect
0:04:27 within eternal cause the variable the
0:04:30 only explanation that we have
0:04:31 is the fact that the creator chose to
0:04:34 create
0:04:35 willed it that the creation came about
0:04:38 not only this but we see fixed patterns
0:04:42 within the universe the universe doesn't
0:04:44 have to have
0:04:45 those fixed patterns that's why we
0:04:48 understand that they're contingent
0:04:50 but they are those particular patterns
0:04:52 as opposed to any other particular
0:04:54 patterns
0:04:55 that indicates intentionality awareness
0:04:59 that they are creating the universe with
0:05:01 a particular pattern
0:05:02 it's like for example if i drew a blue
0:05:05 circle
0:05:06 the blue circle the fact that it's blue
0:05:09 as opposed to any other
0:05:10 color indicates some sort of
0:05:11 intentionality
0:05:13 yeah it doesn't have to be blue it could
0:05:15 be something else
0:05:16 and that was the evidence that we used
0:05:18 in order to come to the conclusion
0:05:19 or one of the evidence we used to come
0:05:21 to the conclusion that a creator
0:05:23 exists that their necessary being exists
0:05:25 so when we have fixed patterns within
0:05:27 nature and fixed
0:05:28 attributes that we sense within the
0:05:29 universe that could be other ways
0:05:31 then it indicates as intentionality
0:05:33 regards to that
0:05:36 thirdly if we accept that the idea that
0:05:38 the
0:05:39 the creator is some sort of you know
0:05:41 non-sentient
0:05:42 force that has to create then we are
0:05:45 basically saying that the creator is
0:05:47 limited
0:05:48 or is forced and therefore dependent
0:05:51 upon something else
0:05:52 effectively we're saying it's a
0:05:53 contingent being in order for the
0:05:55 creator to be
0:05:57 truly eternal truly self-sufficient
0:06:00 truly independent then it would have to
0:06:03 not
0:06:03 be forced to create but choose to create
0:06:07 so these three arguments indicate very
0:06:10 clearly
0:06:11 the only possible way to explain
0:06:14 temporal effects of the universe
0:06:18 is from an eternal cause is by
0:06:20 understanding that the eternal cause
0:06:23 chose to create the universe in the same
0:06:25 way the only way to explain
0:06:28 how the universe has fixed patterns and
0:06:30 fixed
0:06:31 attributes within the universe when it
0:06:33 could have been other attributes
0:06:34 is to understand the intentionality of
0:06:36 the creator to make it that way
0:06:38 as a poster any other way i determine it
0:06:43 so that explains to us that the creator
0:06:45 has to have a will
0:06:47 the second question becomes well could
0:06:49 there be more than one creator
0:06:52 why do we affirm only one creator again
0:06:55 there is a number of reasons to this
0:06:57 firstly the quran states
0:07:00 had there been had there been therein
0:07:02 gods besides
0:07:03 allah allah then verily uh
0:07:06 besides allah then verily both would
0:07:09 have been ruined
0:07:10 yeah the the the creation the gods etc
0:07:13 glorified be allah the lord of the
0:07:15 throne high
0:07:16 is he above what they attribute
0:07:20 so allah is demonstrating in this verse
0:07:24 and there's
0:07:24 also another verse in which talks about
0:07:26 how the the universe would be in chaos
0:07:28 the creation would be in chaos
0:07:30 by explaining that when you have more
0:07:32 than one creator
0:07:34 yeah there is a inevitable contradiction
0:07:38 yeah there is going to be inevitable
0:07:39 paradox this paradox is this
0:07:42 is that if one creator decides to create
0:07:46 and another creator does not want to
0:07:49 create
0:07:50 then whose will is going to reign
0:07:52 because both are unlimited
0:07:54 both are independent and therefore you
0:07:56 cannot
0:07:57 have two unlimited independent creators
0:08:00 with separate wills to exist this would
0:08:03 be
0:08:04 you know this would result in this
0:08:05 inevitable contradiction
0:08:07 one creator wanting one creator wanting
0:08:09 to do one thing
0:08:10 another creator wanting to do something
0:08:12 else
0:08:13 similarly if we say there's two creators
0:08:16 then
0:08:17 where does the first creator begin and
0:08:19 the second creator end
0:08:21 in fact what you're doing is you're
0:08:23 placing limits upon the creator
0:08:25 and if things have limits then they are
0:08:27 dependent because then they become
0:08:28 contingent beings
0:08:30 so they cannot have limits you can't
0:08:31 have distinct entities
0:08:33 within the you know uh beyond the
0:08:36 universe and
0:08:37 for a number of creators so as a result
0:08:40 you can only
0:08:41 logically have one creator
0:08:44 and we also know from the universe
0:08:46 itself because it has
0:08:48 one set of fixed patterns and behavior
0:08:52 it see it indicates one intentionality
0:08:56 one will to determine the attributes and
0:08:59 the laws of the universe
0:09:01 so we can understand therefore
0:09:04 that there cannot be more than one
0:09:06 creator or more than one
0:09:08 unlimited infinite necessary being this
0:09:11 would lead to contradictions
0:09:13 and also they would limit limit
0:09:15 themselves to each other
0:09:17 so what we've shown through the
0:09:19 discussion
0:09:20 about contingent beings the discussion
0:09:22 about
0:09:23 you know this uh limited things
0:09:25 depending upon other limited things in
0:09:27 this
0:09:28 chain that has to have a an end point
0:09:32 what have we shown regards to the fact
0:09:33 that who determines limited contingent
0:09:36 things to exist
0:09:37 what have we shown also regards to uh
0:09:41 the fact that language has to be given
0:09:43 to us beyond
0:09:45 uh any to human beings that means it
0:09:47 comes from the creator language has to
0:09:49 be taught to us like it mentioned
0:09:50 in the quran about islam being taught
0:09:52 the quran
0:09:54 what does it also show to us that we've
0:09:55 also demonstrated
0:09:57 that allah had to choose to create or
0:10:00 has a will and choice to create and that
0:10:01 the creator allah is one
0:10:04 it indicates to us what allah says in
0:10:07 the quran itself
0:10:19 so we've come to this rationally and
0:10:21 it's also informed to us by the text
0:10:24 declare say allah is one and only one
0:10:28 allah he is self-sufficient independent
0:10:32 from which you know everything else
0:10:33 depends their existence but allah does
0:10:36 not depend upon anyone else for its
0:10:37 existence
0:10:42 neither does he beget nor was he
0:10:43 begotten
0:10:45 who ahead and there is none and nothing
0:10:48 comparable unto allah
0:10:50 this is sort of a class and this is what
0:10:53 we can conclude
0:10:54 by sensing the reality around us