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Sapient Thoughts #10: Does the Hadith of the Sun prostrating support geocentrism? | Mohammed Hijab (2021-01-16)


Sapient Thoughts #10: Does the Hadith of the Sun prostrating support geocentrism? | Mohammed Hijab

Summary of Sapient Thoughts #10: Does the Hadith of the Sun prostrating support geocentrism? | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

discusses a hadith which some people say supports geocentrism. argues that the hadith does not support geocentrism and is actually talking about the sun prostrating.

**00:00:00 Discusses a hadith that supposedly supports the geocentric model of the universe. argues that the prostration of the sun in the hadith is more in line with mythology than with contemporary science, and that the time of sunset is significant only insofar as it confirms the geocentric model. Finally, the author argues that there are verses in the Quran that support geocentrism.

  • 00:05:00 The Hadith of the Sun Prostrating supports geocentrism, as it refers to a metaphysical destination that the sun is going to. The phraseology is similar to that used for the day of judgment, and this supports the idea that it is a time-bound destination.
  • 00:10:00 The hadith in question discusses the insignificant size of the sun relative to other celestial objects. It is used to support the idea that the sun goes under the harshness of "the throne" (Arsh) and the sealing of creation. The hadith's eschatological reference clarifies that it is talking about the end times, not the cosmology of the sun.
  • 00:15:00 The hadith of the sun prostrating supports geocentrism because it references an inextricable link between sujud and sunset. This hadith takes away from the flat earth stationary earth cosmology that anti-muslims are trying to project.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses a hadith which some people say supports geocentrism. argues that the hadith does not support geocentrism and is actually talking about the sun prostrating.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 [Music]
0:00:16 to another episode of sapient
0:00:18 thoughts where we discuss theo
0:00:20 philosophical issues
0:00:21 we tackle some of those arguments of the
0:00:23 detractors of islam
0:00:25 in addition to making positive arguments
0:00:27 for the veracity
0:00:29 of islam today in sha allah what we're
0:00:31 going to be doing is dealing with a very
0:00:33 prominent hadith that you'll find in
0:00:35 many of the
0:00:36 anti-islamic apologetics and
0:00:39 anti-islamic
0:00:40 websites of those individuals who are
0:00:42 trying
0:00:43 to attack the deen the religion of islam
0:00:46 so this is a famous hadith really a
0:00:49 cosmological hadith
0:00:50 which is mentioned by abu dharr
0:00:52 al-khafari and the contention
0:00:53 is that this hadith fully supports
0:00:56 without a shadow
0:00:57 of a doubt a geocentric model
0:01:01 and in fact some add to this and say it
0:01:04 shows that the quranic picture or that
0:01:06 the islamic cosmology
0:01:08 generally is that of not only a flat
0:01:10 earth which they've said and spoken
0:01:12 about and we have a separate video
0:01:14 on but one which is flat and stationary
0:01:17 and where in which the uh the sun is
0:01:20 going around
0:01:21 in a geocentric way and thus it's
0:01:24 confirming
0:01:25 the 7th century you know understanding
0:01:28 of cosmology and this is an evidence
0:01:31 that it's false so as i've mentioned the
0:01:35 discussion of flat earth versus round
0:01:37 earth is in a separate video
0:01:38 which you can find on this series so if
0:01:40 you want to see me talk about that
0:01:43 you can pause the video now watch that
0:01:44 video and come back
0:01:46 now in regards to this particular video
0:01:49 let's read the hadith in question and
0:01:51 move on
0:01:52 to what the specific contentions are so
0:01:55 the hadith
0:01:56 is narrated by abu dhabi may allah be
0:01:59 pleased with him
0:02:00 and he said that the prophet sallallahu
0:02:01 alaihi wasallam said
0:02:04 do you know where the sun set
0:02:07 do you know where it goes i said
0:02:12 allah and his messenger know best he
0:02:14 said it goes and prostrates beneath
0:02:16 the throne then it asks for permission
0:02:19 to rise
0:02:20 and permission is given to it soon it
0:02:23 will prostrate
0:02:24 and it will ask for permission to rise
0:02:27 but permission
0:02:27 will not be given to it it will be said
0:02:31 to it go back to where you came from
0:02:34 so it will arise from its place of
0:02:37 setting
0:02:37 and that is what allah may allah be
0:02:39 glorified may he be glorified
0:02:41 refers to in the verse and the son runs
0:02:44 on its fixed course for a term appointed
0:02:48 and that is a decree of the mighty the
0:02:50 all-knowing he's mentioning
0:02:52 uh the prophet muhammad mentioning an
0:02:53 ayah surah asi in chapter 36 verse
0:02:56 number 38
0:02:59 that the son runs on an or on a fixed
0:03:02 uh term decreed
0:03:06 so let's talk about what the contentions
0:03:08 are the contentions really you could say
0:03:10 are three in number three main
0:03:12 contentions
0:03:13 the first one relates to this
0:03:14 prostration of the sun what do we
0:03:16 understand
0:03:17 from this uh hadith when we talk about
0:03:19 the prostration of the sun
0:03:21 is it to be suggested that this is an
0:03:23 anthropomorphic or a personified picture
0:03:25 of the celestial
0:03:26 sphere that is the sun and isn't this
0:03:29 more in line with mythology
0:03:31 and ancient legend than it is with the
0:03:33 scientific contemporaneous reality that
0:03:35 we know
0:03:36 from examination and from uh
0:03:40 advances in science that's number one
0:03:42 the second thing is about
0:03:43 that the the going how could the sun be
0:03:46 going
0:03:47 uh underneath the throne and this shows
0:03:50 they say
0:03:51 the fact that the sun is going somewhere
0:03:53 in sunset
0:03:54 that it's confirming they say the
0:03:57 geocentric picture
0:03:59 thirdly they say the time of sunset so
0:04:02 why is it that the time of sunset is in
0:04:04 any way significant
0:04:05 knowing that sunset is at different
0:04:07 times at different points of the round
0:04:08 earth
0:04:10 i know there may be some flat earth is
0:04:12 listening to this
0:04:13 and as i've said there's a video for you
0:04:15 guys or for other people
0:04:17 uh about the flowers so that's these are
0:04:19 the three main contentions
0:04:21 so let's deal with them one by one and
0:04:24 in terms of verses of the quran
0:04:26 we'll be discussing those verses
0:04:29 of the quran which people try to use to
0:04:31 refer to geocentrism
0:04:33 in an entirely different video so the
0:04:35 first issue that people have
0:04:36 is in relation to prostration they say
0:04:39 what is this prostration
0:04:49 that everything in the heavens and the
0:04:51 earth
0:04:53 you know glorifies allah and nothing
0:04:57 in the heavens and the earth does
0:04:58 anything but glorify
0:05:00 allah but you do not understand the way
0:05:03 in which
0:05:04 that takes place so this verse shows
0:05:07 that the celestial bodies the inanimate
0:05:10 objects all of those things
0:05:12 in the world whether living or not has a
0:05:15 means
0:05:16 of glorifying allah and this is actually
0:05:19 in the realm
0:05:20 of the metaphysical so science does not
0:05:23 tap
0:05:23 into this and it has nothing to do with
0:05:26 science
0:05:26 in fact the quran explicitly says
0:05:29 let's be hap in other words
0:05:33 the sun and the moon and or the universe
0:05:37 it has a way of glorifying allah
0:05:39 subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:05:41 which is distinctly different distinctly
0:05:44 different from the way in which we do so
0:05:46 so to try and impose an
0:05:48 anthropomorphized or a personified
0:05:50 understanding on the celestial spheres
0:05:53 or the inanimate objects
0:05:55 is nothing but going against the quran
0:05:58 and a misunderstanding of the entirety
0:06:00 of the quran
0:06:00 so the prostration is not a prostration
0:06:03 like
0:06:04 you know where you put your head on the
0:06:05 floor or the fact that prostration
0:06:07 requires
0:06:08 stationary action from the human actor
0:06:11 in fact
0:06:12 with different uh species different
0:06:15 animals different inanimate objects
0:06:17 different spheres
0:06:18 the the prostration does not in any way
0:06:20 need to be correlated
0:06:22 with such human prostration it's not
0:06:24 like the sun is growing
0:06:25 arms and a forehead and is throwing
0:06:27 itself on the floor
0:06:29 this is not the understanding in fact
0:06:30 the quran refutes this understanding
0:06:32 very categorically
0:06:34 so this very literary it's not even
0:06:37 literal it's a literalistic reading
0:06:39 of the quran the hadith is is is the
0:06:42 first point
0:06:43 is the first point of confusion for
0:06:45 those individuals who try and ask about
0:06:47 the prostration
0:06:48 so clearly here the prostration is
0:06:50 referring to something which is
0:06:52 metaphysical and untappable by the
0:06:54 scientific method
0:06:55 and one can say that you know the
0:06:57 prostration not just the prostration
0:07:00 but the submission of the sun
0:07:03 the islam and the sujood of the sun
0:07:06 is expected since allah subhanahu wa
0:07:09 ta'ala
0:07:09 talks about that the heavens and the
0:07:12 earth will obey
0:07:14 allah
0:07:16 willingly or unwillingly in other words
0:07:18 they're obeying the laws of allah
0:07:20 subhanahu wa'ta'ala
0:07:21 now some individuals will say so why
0:07:24 does the hadith say that the prophet
0:07:26 muhammad sallam is saying that the sun
0:07:28 is going somewhere or to an appointed
0:07:32 destination in the first place
0:07:34 now i want you guys to to understand in
0:07:37 the arabic language there's two things
0:07:38 something called
0:07:39 zaman and that basically
0:07:43 when you're referring to destinations
0:07:45 there are two types of destination
0:07:47 time-bound ones and place-bound
0:07:50 ones as we'll come to know with this
0:07:53 particular hadith and the area in which
0:07:56 links with this particular which the
0:07:58 prophet sallah mentioned itself
0:08:01 the son we know from tafsir
0:08:04 is going towards the day of judgment
0:08:08 and this is the tafseer of chapter 36
0:08:10 number 38 where it says
0:08:14 that the sun is running to a destination
0:08:18 what destination is it is a time-bound
0:08:20 destination or is it a place-bound
0:08:21 destination
0:08:22 so the exegetes of islam the medieval
0:08:24 exegetes are talking about the end of
0:08:27 day so this is
0:08:28 eschatological in nature it's not
0:08:30 talking about a particular place where
0:08:32 in which this is going
0:08:34 uh whether this those who espouse the
0:08:36 scientific miracles narrative says the
0:08:38 solar apex
0:08:39 and those who want to talk about the uh
0:08:42 you know the
0:08:43 the scientific errors narrative are
0:08:44 going to say is beneath the earth
0:08:46 both of which are not indicated by the
0:08:48 primary text and what's the evidence of
0:08:50 this
0:08:51 the evidence of this is the exact
0:08:52 phraseology the exact terminology
0:08:55 of the of the hab of going is mentioned
0:08:58 in the quran where is it mentioned is
0:09:00 mentioned in chapter 37
0:09:02 and verse number 99 well well where the
0:09:04 allah
0:09:05 narrates that ibrahim is saying
0:09:11 i am going to allah and he will guide me
0:09:15 the same
0:09:16 exact phraseology
0:09:20 i am going now what does this mean does
0:09:23 that mean that
0:09:24 somehow abraham is doing an israel
0:09:27 maharaja you know of his own no it
0:09:29 doesn't mean that it means
0:09:31 as qatar says that this is in many ways
0:09:33 a figurative
0:09:35 kind of going or if you don't want to
0:09:37 say it's a figurative kind of going
0:09:39 uh or something which is metaphoric then
0:09:41 you could say he is going with his
0:09:43 as pattada says who's part of the self
0:09:45 of the predecessors
0:09:47 he says this means that ibrahim is going
0:09:50 with his hammel
0:09:51 with his knee with his kalb with his
0:09:53 knee meaning with his intentions with
0:09:54 his khal meaning with his heart meaning
0:09:56 this the hab or this going it's not
0:09:59 talking about
0:10:00 a place bound going now bear that in
0:10:03 mind
0:10:04 because there's another hadith which is
0:10:05 extremely important
0:10:07 maybe ironically but definitely
0:10:08 interestingly narrated also by abu dhabi
0:10:12 i'll tell you why this is important he
0:10:14 says that the prophet muhammad said
0:10:16 the seven heavens and the seventh earth
0:10:18 in comparison to the corsi is nothing
0:10:20 but
0:10:21 a ring thrown in the desert and
0:10:24 certainly the hugeness of the hajj over
0:10:25 the course is like the desert over that
0:10:27 ring allahu akbar
0:10:29 allah the magnitude
0:10:33 of the hulk of the creation of allah
0:10:35 subhanahu wa ta'ala
0:10:36 look at that that the entire seven
0:10:39 heavens
0:10:40 is like a ring thrown in the desert
0:10:42 compared to the kursi now the corsi is
0:10:44 roughly translated as the footstool of
0:10:46 allah subhanahu wa ta'ala but it's
0:10:47 something which is not
0:10:49 okay they cannot be imagined and then
0:10:51 that compared to the arsh which is the
0:10:52 throne
0:10:53 and also the sealing of creation is is
0:10:56 insignificant as well
0:10:58 now why am i mentioning this because the
0:11:01 question is
0:11:02 is there something that the sun does or
0:11:05 could there be on the
0:11:06 islamic cosmology something that the sun
0:11:10 does or somewhere
0:11:11 where the insignificant sun which is
0:11:14 placed
0:11:15 in the dunya in the worldly heaven how
0:11:18 do we know it's in the worldly heaven
0:11:19 because allah says
0:11:24 anywhere with the celestial objects in
0:11:26 chapter 67 verse number four
0:11:28 that is dunya so one of the seven
0:11:31 heavens
0:11:32 and then you have the kursi which is
0:11:34 like a ring compared to that
0:11:36 the movement of the sun in in this
0:11:38 context of the grand
0:11:40 scheme the cosmological grand scheme of
0:11:43 things
0:11:44 is completely insignificant
0:11:47 does it mean to say that and this is
0:11:49 another question does it mean to say
0:11:51 that if it's going under the harsh
0:11:53 is the assumption the false assumption
0:11:56 that
0:11:57 it wasn't underdarsh in the first place
0:11:59 or the throne
0:12:00 it must have been underdarsh because
0:12:02 according to this hadith i've just
0:12:03 mentioned
0:12:04 and other things in the quran as well
0:12:08 other that
0:12:12 the throne is the ceiling of creation so
0:12:15 there's nothing that can be
0:12:17 contained within the creation that would
0:12:19 not be in any way under the arch in the
0:12:21 first place
0:12:22 from the quranic cosmological
0:12:24 perspective thus
0:12:26 the sun was always underneath dash
0:12:30 in as much the same way as ibrahim was
0:12:32 always on the earth
0:12:34 when he said innit
0:12:38 and so it's not insignificant to say
0:12:40 that i'm going somewhere or that someone
0:12:42 is going somewhere
0:12:43 or to some time when in fact they are
0:12:47 staying
0:12:47 in the same course that they are on a
0:12:50 physical
0:12:51 trajectory level so this question of
0:12:55 going somewhere that the hab the going
0:12:59 of the sun is one that has been confused
0:13:02 by the compounded ignorance of those who
0:13:05 fail to look
0:13:06 at the entire corpus of the quran and
0:13:08 sunnah
0:13:09 especially in the phraseological usage
0:13:12 of the key terms
0:13:13 that we have just mentioned also to add
0:13:16 it's very important we said we started
0:13:17 this segment off by talking about that
0:13:20 there are two kinds of
0:13:21 zeman and mccann or place and time okay
0:13:24 in the arabic language and both of them
0:13:25 have
0:13:26 for all intents and purposes exactly the
0:13:28 same grammatical
0:13:29 and usually the same phraseological and
0:13:32 semantical
0:13:32 structures now here we said
0:13:36 that the the hab of the sun or the going
0:13:40 of the sun
0:13:41 is not in reference to the
0:13:44 actual going the physical going but in
0:13:47 fact it's about it's a time
0:13:48 bound
0:13:52 not mccann restriction and what is the
0:13:54 evidence of this from the sunnah
0:13:56 the evidence of this from the sunnah is
0:13:58 that the prophet muhammad
0:14:02 he ended the hadith with the vikra or
0:14:06 the
0:14:06 mentioning of washington
0:14:10 and the son runs to an er a determined
0:14:15 uh
0:14:16 a determined to a a a place slash time
0:14:20 determined it can be either
0:14:21 and we said here that almost all the
0:14:24 exegetes
0:14:26 agree that it's an eschatological
0:14:28 referencing meaning
0:14:29 it's talking about the end times and the
0:14:31 day
0:14:32 of judgment so this shows that when he
0:14:35 was referring to abu dhabi about
0:14:37 the hell of the sun it was for
0:14:40 eschatological reasons
0:14:41 rather than cosmological reasons
0:14:45 and now this is where probably the
0:14:48 biggest
0:14:49 issue that people have with this hadith
0:14:51 lies which is
0:14:53 in the understanding that is it
0:14:56 why did the prophet muhammad mention
0:14:58 this at sunset time
0:14:59 and they say this is probably the
0:15:01 biggest indication of geocentricity
0:15:03 or geocentrism and the answer to this is
0:15:06 actually ironically
0:15:07 that this is probably if you want to use
0:15:10 anything if you want to mention
0:15:12 cosmology in this uh this this sense
0:15:15 would would uh validate the heliocentric
0:15:18 model how is that possible
0:15:20 it could validate the heliocentric what
0:15:21 i was saying this is hadith is
0:15:23 heliocentric but that's not my claim
0:15:25 just to be clear
0:15:26 just as i would say it's not right to
0:15:28 say it's talking about geocentrism
0:15:30 but why is that you see the prophet
0:15:33 salallahu
0:15:34 he mentioned this hadith at the time of
0:15:36 sunset
0:15:37 now if the assumption is since he
0:15:40 mentioned it in the time of sunset
0:15:42 that has to do with the movement of the
0:15:43 sun because
0:15:45 the sujud he says that the sun set
0:15:48 and then it asked for permission to rise
0:15:51 again from allah to the throne and ask
0:15:53 permission to rise
0:15:54 again now if you think about it there is
0:15:56 a verse in the quran
0:15:58 which is very powerful and telling it is
0:16:01 in chapter 22 verse number 18. what
0:16:03 allah says
0:16:12 and then the verse continues do you not
0:16:14 see
0:16:15 that to allah prostrate all things
0:16:19 in the heavens and in on the earth
0:16:23 and the shams the sun and the moon
0:16:26 wait a minute wait a minute why is this
0:16:28 significant
0:16:29 because if there is an inextricable link
0:16:32 that is to be made between the sujud
0:16:36 the prostrate the prostrating to
0:16:39 under the sun sorry the prostrating of
0:16:42 the sun
0:16:44 and the sunset
0:16:48 if there's an inextricable link the
0:16:50 quran says
0:16:52 yes and it's mentioned in
0:16:55 which means it's a continuous present
0:16:57 tense wait a minute
0:16:59 what does this mean it means to say that
0:17:00 the sun
0:17:02 is always prostrating to allah it's not
0:17:06 doing it
0:17:07 in the past it's not sajid allah and
0:17:09 it's not doing it in the future or it's
0:17:11 going to do it in the future say yes
0:17:14 yes because these would be the things
0:17:16 you'd have to put proof
0:17:18 in the prefix of the word is saying yes
0:17:21 which means it's happening continuously
0:17:24 in the present
0:17:27 wait a minute if this means what it says
0:17:31 that it would say it would suggest
0:17:34 that so long as the sun is prostrating
0:17:38 it's also setting and obviously
0:17:41 if we now want to introduce the flat
0:17:44 earth
0:17:44 stationary earth cosmology which those
0:17:48 detractors of islam are insisting
0:17:51 on their websites and on their
0:17:54 anti-islamic apologetics
0:17:56 that the quran depicts
0:18:00 a flat earth stationary earth cosmology
0:18:02 with the
0:18:03 sun going around it wait a minute but on
0:18:06 such cosmology
0:18:08 the sun would not be setting at all
0:18:11 times
0:18:12 wait a minute wait a minute yes because
0:18:15 if it was a flat earth stationary earth
0:18:17 cosmology
0:18:18 the sun would go underneath the earth
0:18:21 and there would be
0:18:22 time periods where in which it's not
0:18:24 setting on
0:18:25 anybody at all there would be no such
0:18:28 thing
0:18:29 as a constant or
0:18:32 a constant sunset so this in fact
0:18:36 ironically
0:18:38 it actually takes away from the
0:18:39 cosmology that they are trying to build
0:18:42 in their scientific era narrative and in
0:18:45 fact
0:18:46 on the heliocentric model this is
0:18:48 definitely the case
0:18:50 where in which the earth rotates around
0:18:53 its own axis
0:18:55 it's always setting it's always setting
0:18:58 on someone
0:18:59 the sun is always setting on someone why
0:19:02 because the earth is continually
0:19:04 spinning around its own axis
0:19:06 thus if sujood or prostration
0:19:09 is connected with rob or
0:19:13 setting of the sun then it must always
0:19:16 have
0:19:16 resetting it must always be setting and
0:19:19 this would in fact
0:19:21 negate the flat earth stationary flat
0:19:24 stationary earth
0:19:25 geocentric cosmology which these
0:19:27 anti-muslims are trying
0:19:29 to project now they could say well this
0:19:31 is a contradiction between the hadith
0:19:33 and the quran
0:19:34 and if this was the case the muhaddithin
0:19:36 would have rejected it and it would be
0:19:37 seen as i loved the hadith
0:19:38 the hidden defect of the hadith just
0:19:40 like hadith
0:19:41 for example was rejected on similar
0:19:43 grounds as muslim
0:19:44 so if it was a contradiction it would
0:19:46 have been rejected because of meta
0:19:48 criticism
0:19:49 or the criticism of the content of the
0:19:51 hadith but the
0:19:52 aramaic did not see it as that so it's
0:19:56 not something it's
0:19:57 as we have just done now uh we have
0:19:59 reconciled it with the
0:20:00 quran we have reconciled it with a
0:20:02 heliocentric model
0:20:03 i don't think there's an issue here and
0:20:06 so with all of this having said
0:20:08 being said we can conclude quite safely
0:20:12 that this hadith is not talking about
0:20:16 the sun
0:20:17 going under the throne and it wasn't
0:20:20 under the throne before that
0:20:22 or it's not talking about the sun going
0:20:23 under the earth because if it was if
0:20:26 it's a flat stationary earth it would
0:20:27 not be setting and we know from the
0:20:29 quran it is
0:20:30 the sun is constantly prostrating and if
0:20:32 it's constantly prostrating it must
0:20:34 mean it's constantly setting and
0:20:35 therefore
0:20:37 the boomerang the intellectual boomerang
0:20:40 has hit them once again
0:20:42 it's always ironic that when those
0:20:44 individuals they try and attack islam
0:20:47 the very evidences they use are usually
0:20:49 used against them
0:20:55 [Music]
0:20:58 a