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Does the Qur'an get the Trinity wrong? (2021-08-01)


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Summary of Does the Qur'an get the Trinity wrong?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The video discusses how various gentile Christian movements rejected the idea of the Trinity, and how this led to accusations of Judaizing. The Trinity was fully established only half a century later at the Council of Constantinople, and even today the Aryan tendency never fully died out.

00:00:00 quotes from a passage from a book on Islamic Jesus which argues that the doctrine of the Trinity is antithetical to Islam, and that calling God "three" and defining Jesus as son of God is antithetical to islam. Muslims have almost universally disagreed with this notion.

  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the theological position of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity on the concept of a trinity. It points out that all three faiths reject the doctrine of the trinity, which is a central Christian belief. Early Christians were also concerned about the heresies that arose within the Gentile Christian world, and developed a more modest view of Christ. This more modest view became formalized with the development of the doctrine of the Trinity in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. There were two major stages in this evolution, with Christ first being defined as divine and then being formally defined as a triune godhead involving God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This doctrine was first schematized or schematized by the Church Father, Tertullian, at the beginning of the 3rd century AD, but it was not without challenge within the Gentile Christian world. Heresies such as Arianism emerged, challenging the Trinity doctrine.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how various gentile Christian movements rejected the idea of the Trinity, and how this led to accusations of Judaizing. The Trinity was fully established only half a century later at the Council of Constantinople, and even today the Aryan tendency never fully died out.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 does the quran get the christian
0:00:03 doctrine of the trinity
0:00:04 wrong this is an accusation that's often
0:00:06 made by christians and
0:00:08 others when they read the quran and say
0:00:10 no no this is not what christian
0:00:11 theology teaches
0:00:13 about god and to help answer this
0:00:16 question i want to
0:00:17 quote from a brief passage from this
0:00:20 book the islamic jesus by mustafa akhil
0:00:23 how the king of the jews became a
0:00:25 prophet of the muslims
0:00:27 and he addresses this question on page
0:00:30 107
0:00:31 in a section entitled the problem with
0:00:34 the trinity
0:00:35 and he writes if there is one single
0:00:38 concept in christian theology
0:00:40 that will never be accepted by muslims
0:00:43 it is the doctrine
0:00:44 of the trinity that god consists of the
0:00:47 father
0:00:48 the son and the holy spirit to islam
0:00:51 that is a very unabrahamic idea
0:00:54 that violates the absolute oneness of
0:00:57 god
0:00:59 hence the quran explicitly condemns the
0:01:02 trinity
0:01:02 in two explicit passages the first of
0:01:05 them
0:01:06 is a call to christians
0:01:09 people of the book do not go to excess
0:01:12 in your religion say nothing but the
0:01:15 truth about god
0:01:16 the messiah jesus son of mary was only
0:01:19 the messenger of god
0:01:21 and his word which he cast into mary
0:01:24 and a spirit from him so have faith in
0:01:27 god and his messengers do not say
0:01:31 three it is better that you stop
0:01:34 god is only one god he is too
0:01:38 glorious to have a son everything in the
0:01:41 heavens
0:01:42 and in the earth belongs to him god
0:01:45 suffices
0:01:46 as a guardian end quote
0:01:50 this passage leaves little doubt that
0:01:52 calling god
0:01:53 three and defining jesus as son of god
0:01:56 is antithetical to islam
0:01:59 even if we recall that sun in the arabic
0:02:03 context
0:02:03 meant physical sun and that is not what
0:02:06 christianity
0:02:07 implies for jesus the deification of the
0:02:10 son that is making him into god
0:02:13 which would make god three is clearly
0:02:15 rejected
0:02:18 the second chronic passage addressing
0:02:20 the trinity
0:02:21 has raised some questions though
0:02:24 for it describes the trinity that it
0:02:26 condemns
0:02:27 which seems to be an unusual formulation
0:02:30 of the doctrine
0:02:32 the quran reads those who say that god
0:02:36 is the third of three are unbelievers
0:02:39 there is no god but one god if they do
0:02:43 not stop
0:02:43 saying what they say a painful
0:02:46 punishment
0:02:46 will afflict those among them who are
0:02:49 unbelievers
0:02:51 end quote the unusualness here
0:02:54 is in the phrase god is the third of
0:02:56 three
0:02:58 although this may sound like the
0:02:59 doctrine of the trinity at first sight
0:03:01 it is not exactly applicable a
0:03:04 mainstream christian would not claim
0:03:06 god is the third of three but rather he
0:03:09 will claim that
0:03:10 there is one god with three expressions
0:03:14 or in fact three persons that is why it
0:03:17 has been long suggested
0:03:19 that what the quran condemns here is not
0:03:21 the trinity as we know it
0:03:22 but a deviant version of it a kind of
0:03:25 tritheism
0:03:26 or a belief in three separate gods
0:03:30 not uh that mainstream christians would
0:03:32 also
0:03:33 reject that may be a possible
0:03:36 interpretation of this verse
0:03:39 yet it is also possible to to read the
0:03:42 god
0:03:42 is the third of three phrase as a quote
0:03:46 intentional simplification to expose the
0:03:49 weakness of the trinity
0:03:51 when analyzed from a strictly
0:03:53 monotheistic perspective
0:03:55 of the quran now that last sentence is
0:03:58 actually a quote it's in quotation
0:04:00 marks uh from the encyclopedia of the
0:04:02 crown
0:04:03 an article by david thomas who had the
0:04:05 privilege of
0:04:06 interviewing on blogging theology a
0:04:08 month or two again professor
0:04:09 birmingham university and a specialist
0:04:11 in christian muslim
0:04:12 understanding and that's in his article
0:04:16 on the trinity trinity page 369 so
0:04:19 he argues and he's not always a
0:04:21 christian uh that
0:04:23 this phrase perhaps is a intentional
0:04:26 simplification to expose the weakness of
0:04:29 the trinity when analyzed
0:04:30 from the strictly monotheistic
0:04:32 perspective of the quran
0:04:35 so it's a polemical um criticism if you
0:04:38 like rather than
0:04:39 an academic description that would have
0:04:41 satisfied thomas aquinas for example
0:04:44 just to continue this author that is why
0:04:48 while some authors have argued that the
0:04:50 quran can be reconciled with the trinity
0:04:53 once both are properly understood
0:04:55 muslims have almost
0:04:56 universally disagreed with that notion
0:05:00 thinking that there is no way that the
0:05:02 idea of a triune god
0:05:04 trinity can be compatible with muslim
0:05:07 scripture
0:05:08 which emphatically states he is god
0:05:11 absolute oneness this has in fact been
0:05:15 established as the core
0:05:17 theological principle in islam tauhid
0:05:21 meaning attributing oneness
0:05:24 in contrast muslims point out christians
0:05:27 believe
0:05:28 in the opposite principle tasless
0:05:31 meaning attributing attributing
0:05:34 triuneness
0:05:35 attributing trioness of course islam
0:05:39 is not alone in its rejection of the
0:05:41 doctrine of the trinity
0:05:42 judaism two has the exact same position
0:05:46 on the unity of
0:05:47 god so orthodox jews and muslims are
0:05:50 completely in agreement have identical
0:05:53 conceptions of god
0:05:54 and of course jesus was a jew his
0:05:56 disciples were jewish moses was a jew
0:05:59 so they share with islam the same
0:06:01 conception
0:06:02 of the absolute oneness of god and
0:06:04 indeed even the early gospels
0:06:06 jesus asked what the greatest
0:06:07 commandment is and he replied according
0:06:09 to mark
0:06:10 hear o israel the lord our god is one
0:06:14 lord that's the shema which is repeated
0:06:16 every day by
0:06:17 pious jews so just to
0:06:20 uh continue uh no wonder that
0:06:23 jewish scholars especially in the middle
0:06:25 ages
0:06:26 engaged in many polemics with their
0:06:28 christian counterparts
0:06:30 refuting both the doctrine of the
0:06:32 trinity and also the
0:06:34 prefigurations christians found for it
0:06:37 in the old testament
0:06:38 often with stretches of the imagination
0:06:42 as early as the third century a.d rabbi
0:06:45 simlay plans that right a talmudic sage
0:06:48 in other words he's one of those
0:06:50 writers on the talmud the
0:06:53 the collection of jewish writings had to
0:06:55 explain
0:06:56 to christians that the hebrew words el
0:07:00 and elohim and yahweh used for god
0:07:04 do not hint at any trinity
0:07:08 but rather connote one and the same
0:07:10 person
0:07:11 as one would say king or emperor or
0:07:14 augustus that's the actual example that
0:07:16 was used
0:07:19 naturally jewish christians also
0:07:21 rejected the doctrine of the trinity as
0:07:23 well now the jewish christians were the
0:07:25 earliest
0:07:26 christians um some of whom uh believed
0:07:30 in the virgin birth some
0:07:31 didn't but none of them believed jesus
0:07:33 was god they thought he was the messiah
0:07:35 great prophet
0:07:36 of god and they became this is me
0:07:38 speaking now not the book
0:07:40 uh they came to be called the ebionites
0:07:42 in the second century and were
0:07:44 rejected by the emerging catholic church
0:07:47 as heretics so the original followers of
0:07:50 jesus were seen as heretics by the
0:07:51 church ultimately
0:07:53 as it came into being in the second and
0:07:55 third centuries
0:07:57 although their documents the jewish
0:07:59 christian documents show that they call
0:08:01 jesus
0:08:02 son of god they apparently understood
0:08:04 this term
0:08:05 in the hebrew sense which did not imply
0:08:09 any divinity for jesus of course in the
0:08:12 hebrew scriptures
0:08:13 many people are called sons of god david
0:08:16 is called son of god in the psalms
0:08:18 and so on a passage in the
0:08:20 pseudo-clementine
0:08:22 homilies this is a jewish christian work
0:08:24 gives a remarkable glimpse of this view
0:08:27 in an imaginary dialogue between peter
0:08:30 the apostle
0:08:31 with whom the author identifies and
0:08:33 simon who is presented as having
0:08:35 erroneous views about christ
0:08:39 peter says our lord neither asserted
0:08:42 there were gods except the creator of
0:08:45 all
0:08:46 nor did he proclaim himself to be god
0:08:49 in response simon asked he's the the bad
0:08:52 guy i guess
0:08:53 does it not seem to you then that he who
0:08:55 comes from god
0:08:57 is god and peter replies
0:09:00 tell us how this is possible for we
0:09:03 cannot affirm this
0:09:04 because we did not hear it from him end
0:09:08 quote
0:09:09 the passage also has the notable title
0:09:11 christ
0:09:12 not god but son of god
0:09:16 the evolution from this more modest
0:09:18 christology to the doctrine of the
0:09:20 trinity had two
0:09:21 major stages historically first christ
0:09:24 was defined
0:09:25 as divine then a triune godhead was
0:09:30 formalized
0:09:31 involving god the father the scot the
0:09:34 son
0:09:34 and god the holy spirit the formula
0:09:38 was first schematicized or schematized
0:09:42 by the church father tattalian at the
0:09:45 beginning of the third
0:09:46 century or some 170 years after the
0:09:49 passing of jesus
0:09:51 but it did not go unchallenged within
0:09:54 the gentile christian world itself
0:09:56 there emerged various heresies in the
0:09:59 second
0:10:00 third and fourth century all of which
0:10:02 denied the divinity
0:10:04 of christ they insisted
0:10:07 that jesus was subordinate quote unquote
0:10:10 to god
0:10:11 or that he was adopted by him at the
0:10:13 time of his baptism
0:10:15 or resurrection known
0:10:18 under names uh such as anomianism
0:10:21 dynamic montanism percilianism
0:10:24 these currents had slight differences
0:10:27 but they
0:10:28 all rejected the trinity so these are
0:10:30 gentile christian movements
0:10:32 in addition to the original jewish
0:10:33 christian movement and they all rejected
0:10:35 the idea
0:10:36 of the divinity of christ and they were
0:10:38 in opposition to
0:10:39 the emerging catholic understanding uh
0:10:42 of the creeds and the councils nicaea
0:10:44 khalsa
0:10:45 ephesus etc the most influential of
0:10:49 these heresies is gentile heresies was
0:10:51 aryanism named after aries
0:10:54 who died in 336 a.d
0:10:58 now he was a priest in alexandria that's
0:11:00 in egypt
0:11:01 who insisted that christ was created
0:11:04 that quote there was a time when he was
0:11:08 not now this is
0:11:09 uh the key slogan of aries there was a
0:11:13 time when he
0:11:14 was not jesus so he didn't always exist
0:11:16 so unlike god
0:11:17 he was a creative being who came into
0:11:20 existence
0:11:22 christ was therefore son of god not
0:11:24 divine by
0:11:25 nature but only by grace and adoption
0:11:29 this was a theology not too far from
0:11:32 jewish christianity
0:11:34 and no wonder the aryans were accused of
0:11:36 being judaizers
0:11:37 judaizers in other words making
0:11:39 christianity jewish
0:11:42 as a response to aryanism orthodoxy that
0:11:45 is the
0:11:46 the bearers of catholic right belief now
0:11:49 under the rulership of the emperor
0:11:52 constantine
0:11:53 was established at the council of nicaea
0:11:56 in
0:11:57 ad325 and at nicaea as we know
0:12:00 it was decreed that jesus obviously
0:12:02 majority vote by the way
0:12:03 he actually voted on this and the
0:12:05 majority voted for it
0:12:06 and those that disagreed only a handful
0:12:09 were sent into exile
0:12:10 people knew in advance if they didn't go
0:12:12 along with the the emperor
0:12:15 who wanted this creed passed that they
0:12:17 would be punished
0:12:18 so it's quite an incentive to vote the
0:12:20 right way of course
0:12:22 so uh at nicaea it was decreed that
0:12:24 jesus is
0:12:25 begotten not made whatever that means
0:12:29 and of one substance with the father
0:12:32 the greek word is homorucion by the way
0:12:35 means one being or one substance
0:12:37 a doctrine to which all catholics and
0:12:40 most protestants still adhere
0:12:41 so this is still the official teaching
0:12:43 of most christians
0:12:45 in the world today the full doctrine of
0:12:48 the trinity was established only half a
0:12:50 century later in 381
0:12:52 at the council of constantinople
0:12:56 yet the aryan tendency never fully died
0:12:59 out
0:13:01 and as the archetypal heresy it would
0:13:04 rather
0:13:04 come back again and again
0:13:08 and that's the end of the quote from
0:13:10 this book
0:13:11 so there's a lot going on in the quran i
0:13:13 think it's much more sophisticated
0:13:15 uh in its polemics of christianity than
0:13:18 its detractors think uh there is and
0:13:22 this is recognized by
0:13:24 uh even western scholars today of the
0:13:26 quran they recognize
0:13:28 the subtlety and the nuance that's going
0:13:30 on with the quran
0:13:31 and that uh it's uh polemically engaging
0:13:34 the christian doctrine
0:13:35 the quran is not a it might be an
0:13:37 encyclopedia christian doctrine
0:13:39 it is refuting and exposing the weakness
0:13:42 of the doctrine
0:13:43 in in a pretty unique way um
0:13:46 so i hope that was of interest i found
0:13:48 this fascinating there's
0:13:50 there's lots more material actually in
0:13:52 this uh very good book and i do
0:13:54 recommend you uh read it and i might
0:13:56 make some more
0:13:57 uh short videos on other aspects of
0:14:00 um islamic christology in other words
0:14:03 what muslims think about christia
0:14:04 jesus and vis-a-vis the bible and
0:14:07 christianity
0:14:08 until next time