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Abdulrahman Grilled by the “#Philosophy is #Kufr” Camp (2022-09-22)


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The Hosts:

Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician

Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul




Riyad Gmail:

Summary of Abdulrahman Grilled by the “#Philosophy is #Kufr” Camp

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:45:00

In response to the claim that philosophy requires certain prerequisites, Abdulrahman argues that this is not true and that anyone who studies philosophy must have a solid understanding of Sunnah before diving into the topic. He praises the shadow for standing up against the Jahmir and the philosopher, and affirms that some of their arguments can be classified as kalami arguments. However, he does not think that sweeping generalizations are beneficial, and asks brothers what they think about what he just read.

00:00:00 Abdulrahman Grilled by the "#Philosophy is #Kufr" Camp in response to Dean's claims that philosophy requires certain prerequisites. Abdulrahman argues that this is not true, and that anyone who studies philosophy must have a solid understanding of Sunnah before diving into the topic.

  • 00:05:00 Abdulrahman praises the shadow for standing up against the Jahmir and the philosopher, affirms more importantly that some of their arguments can be classified as a kalami argument. He does not think that sweeping generalizations are beneficial, and asks brothers what they think about what he just read.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses a quotation from the Prophet Muhammad in which he says that anyone who disbelieves in Allah's transcendence is ineligible to be a Muslim. He goes on to say that this quotation cannot be used to support the claim that all kalam arguments are wrong because some of the people who use them are Muslims.
  • 00:15:00 Abdulrahman discusses how some arguments used by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are not used by some proponents of Sunnah, and how this can sometimes lead to confusion.
  • 00:20:00 Abdurrahman Grilled by the "philosophy is kufr" camp argues that Jacob Islam, who wrote books and refuted deviant sects, made a mistake in doing so. He argues that the purpose of the room is to reach out to the layman, and that even for students of knowledge, some may still slip into Haram.
  • 00:25:00 Abdulrahman discusses how the soundness of the argument depends on whether one makes adjustments to it to conform to Quran. He goes on to say that the contingency argument can be used to illustrate this point.
  • 00:30:00 Abdulrahman discusses the contingency argument, which is an idea in contemporary philosophical thought that argues that there are possible beings that require external factors to exist. He argues that the argument does not establish Allah because it does not go far enough to establish a self-sufficient necessary being.
  • 00:35:00 argues that when talking to a philosopher, one should not use the word "creation" because it will not be accepted by the philosopher. He goes on to say that a philosopher is someone who uses their intellect to delve into things beyond human knowledge.
  • 00:40:00 Abdulrahman is grilled by a "philosophy is kufr" camp, where he is asked to explain the difference between a philosopher and someone who uses reason and evidence to infer conclusions. He responds that a philosopher is someone who holds to certain beliefs, while a person who uses reason and evidence to infer conclusions is a 'false philosopher.' He goes on to say that this distinction is only relevant if the substance of the argument remains unchanged. If the substance changes, the label is irrelevant.
  • 00:45:00 Abdulrahman argues that there is no problem with using words from the Quran to inform of Allah, as long as the meaning is correct. However, he argues that if the meaning is not correct, then the user should disagree with the foreign language usage.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 rooms is refuting claims without
0:00:02 mentioning names and keeping things
0:00:04 academic and not personal because this
0:00:05 is Dean issues there's nothing like this
0:00:06 so there's no need to bring up names and
0:00:08 this and that but there are people that
0:00:10 even
0:00:11 become her father of the Quran and this
0:00:13 and they studied this and they went into
0:00:14 animal and yet still they fall into the
0:00:16 traps of the shaytan
0:00:17 so it is a very dangerous methodology to
0:00:20 philosophize about the labor very
0:00:22 dangerous we got some new brothers on
0:00:24 the panel we got abdulrahman welcome to
0:00:26 Japan
0:00:30 yeah so um I agree with a lot of what's
0:00:33 being said in fact I wouldn't limit it
0:00:35 philosophy I mean um in any any field
0:00:37 you get into it requires certain like
0:00:39 prerequisites right even what you're
0:00:40 talking about right now in your
0:00:41 critiquing of philosophy that requires
0:00:44 certain prerequisites
0:00:45 um in in your you know making a certain
0:00:48 uh um you know claims about the
0:00:50 legitimacy or non-legitimacy of studying
0:00:52 philosophy that requires certain
0:00:53 credentials as well and requires certain
0:00:54 backgrounds so I don't think any
0:00:56 reasonable person would uh disagree with
0:00:57 that but uh like as the brother just
0:00:58 said I mean it's not really memorizing
0:00:59 the wrong because you memorize the Quran
0:01:01 still fall into these problems the idea
0:01:02 is having a solid grounding in uh and in
0:01:05 your understanding of Sunnah before you
0:01:07 delve into something that might you know
0:01:10 um that has has a certain aspect of it
0:01:12 that could Lead You astray but I want to
0:01:14 ask brother Sammy because he went up on
0:01:15 the stage when Maher Amir was talking
0:01:16 and he asked him about his usage of uh
0:01:19 kalami arguments arguments and it seemed
0:01:22 like brother Sammy's claim was that you
0:01:24 know in his conversations with other
0:01:25 people he tried to tell them that
0:01:26 imitania only referenced kalami
0:01:28 arguments in order to refute and in my I
0:01:31 mean his response he explicitly negated
0:01:33 that and he said ignatania he addressed
0:01:35 first of all he said that the the
0:01:36 arguments
0:01:37 use our Broad and vast and diverse and
0:01:40 you can't just put them all in a single
0:01:41 basket I'm just paraphrasing very
0:01:42 roughly and he also said that if
0:01:43 nathania he affirmed whatever was
0:01:46 correct in the meanings of arguments of
0:01:47 the motor Calamine and he rejected what
0:01:49 was incorrect and in fact he added and
0:01:51 said that uh even criticized some of
0:01:54 Hadith for not accepting some of the
0:01:56 arguments of them that were sound and
0:01:59 not just that quranic like straight from
0:02:01 the Quran in terms of the substance and
0:02:02 the meaning so that was my muse response
0:02:03 and he even said that some of it can be
0:02:05 even sourced with the philosopher
0:02:06 because we see the Haku wherever the is
0:02:08 right so if
0:02:09 um for example right they they
0:02:11 um
0:02:12 and and the brothers leaning to the
0:02:14 athletic school they say that about
0:02:17 morality they uh for whoever know this
0:02:20 they are similar in this to the
0:02:22 matazilla now just just because the
0:02:24 matazida says something that's not
0:02:25 exactly the same but similar to Alison
0:02:27 it doesn't mean that all of a sudden
0:02:28 this point is needs to be thrown out the
0:02:30 window so because it's about the
0:02:31 substance and the meaning so I'd like
0:02:32 brothers to elaborate on that because
0:02:33 response was quite straightforward and
0:02:35 explicit and it seemed like a lot of
0:02:38 what's being said here is still in
0:02:39 opposition to that thank you
0:02:42 Dave were you here from the beginning of
0:02:44 the room no no
0:02:45 problem I mentioned the quotation from
0:02:48 Islam that the animal and in general
0:02:52 philosophy in general uh he's he said
0:02:54 that it's similar to Bida he likened it
0:02:56 and he gave a parable he said that was
0:02:58 pure evil people would not would never
0:03:00 touch it would never go near it and if
0:03:02 beta was pure then it would
0:03:04 automatically be from the kitab and
0:03:06 Sunnah because anything which is
0:03:07 absolute happening then by necessity it
0:03:09 exists
0:03:16 I did not leave a single thing that will
0:03:18 bring you closer to Allah take you away
0:03:20 from Jannah except that I have commanded
0:03:22 you with now uh to equate this with uh
0:03:25 and to use Islam as Yani as
0:03:28 substantiation for this then this would
0:03:30 be dangerous because Islam himself when
0:03:32 he spoke about Yani uh these arguments
0:03:35 in these people he says and I quote he
0:03:37 says that the NBA and the Muslim the
0:03:38 prophets and The Messengers never
0:03:40 commanded anybody to delve into this uh
0:03:42 science and he says if knowledge was
0:03:45 fixed upon something like this then it
0:03:48 would become logic and at the minimum if
0:03:50 knowledge of Allah was by necessity
0:03:52 founded on or based on this then this
0:03:54 would have been at least if not he says
0:03:56 it's going to be Muslim
0:03:57 if it's not right it says if it's
0:04:02 commanded it would have made it
0:04:05 would have narrated it they would have
0:04:07 said yeah now we have to go into uh but
0:04:10 to make to make things short because uh
0:04:11 I think you have more issues more more
0:04:13 questions
0:04:23 okay thank you so um so so just like how
0:04:26 you answered in the beginning so the
0:04:27 term angle Commons is is very um it's
0:04:29 quite vacant it depends on what context
0:04:31 you use it so for example you quoted uh
0:04:33 you said that you go to matamia uh
0:04:34 saying that it is and of course himself
0:04:38 he's a contextualist so it's important
0:04:39 to read him as a contextualist because
0:04:40 uh when he says here he means a
0:04:44 particular thing of course that we would
0:04:46 agree uh is incorrect and is which is
0:04:49 the metaphysical and epistemic
0:04:51 foundations that they rely on in order
0:04:52 to uh um basically make knowledge Queens
0:04:56 about Allah right so that of course
0:04:57 however if anything in other places he
0:05:00 Praises he praises the shadow for
0:05:02 example for how they stood up against uh
0:05:04 the jahmir and the philosopher and he
0:05:06 Praises them in other avenues of of the
0:05:08 Deen that they benefited and he affirms
0:05:10 more importantly he affirms some of
0:05:12 their arguments that you would classify
0:05:14 as a kalami argument right so the point
0:05:15 is not that it's not just to make a
0:05:17 broad general you know sweeping
0:05:19 statement that would uh you know put an
0:05:21 end to the discussion that's not the
0:05:22 point now did that
0:05:27 you're describing nor did he nor did
0:05:30 they engage in refuting a philosophy
0:05:31 because they weren't around nor did they
0:05:33 have to engage in re-expressing some of
0:05:35 the terminologies in the Quran in
0:05:36 different more you know philosophical
0:05:38 language as in attenuated and aslayum
0:05:41 affirmed I just read uh I just put a
0:05:42 quote from him because they weren't in
0:05:44 that situation now what do we need to
0:05:45 take from the salaf is the foundations
0:05:47 upon which they build their office
0:05:50 now does that mean that that's that's it
0:05:53 that you can't engage in any further
0:05:54 Avenues of knowledge and you can't uh
0:05:56 explore Arguments for the existence of
0:05:57 God and based on the Quran Sunnah affirm
0:05:59 what is correct of them and reject what
0:06:00 is incorrect I don't know that doesn't
0:06:01 mean that and here this is what I put in
0:06:03 the chat I don't think um so
0:06:18 um here I'm thinking just because I
0:06:20 heard you mentioned earlier but you know
0:06:21 you can't call Allah this or say Allah
0:06:22 is that foreign
0:06:46 but the language you use to inform about
0:06:50 Allah does not necessarily have to be
0:06:51 but its meaning has to be correct and
0:06:54 even if we affirm that the meaning of
0:06:57 legible and has uh so I don't think
0:07:01 these sweeping generalizations are
0:07:03 really beneficial uh and and I think the
0:07:06 main question that that I came up for
0:07:08 along alongside this this point I just
0:07:09 made about is that stance that you had
0:07:12 Brothers I mean because you again I did
0:07:13 ask brother Amir assuming that only used
0:07:17 kalami arguments in the context of
0:07:19 negating them and never affirm affirming
0:07:20 them now that's that's unequivocally
0:07:22 false because he affirms whatever is
0:07:25 correct in terms of the meaning among
0:07:27 the the Calamity content he actually
0:07:30 emphasized on this several times he even
0:07:32 said it could be from the philosophy if
0:07:33 I forget like this right so I just uh I
0:07:36 mean alongside the other points if you
0:07:37 could just elaborate on this point
0:07:38 related to the discussion that would be
0:07:40 a very beneficial foreign
0:07:43 no problem I just wanted to give you a
0:07:45 quotation from Islam I'm going to read
0:07:47 it in Arabic inshallah I think you'll
0:07:49 get it and then if there's any we can
0:07:51 translate
0:07:53 uh concerning the academy he says
0:08:45 yeah so I don't know I think maybe we're
0:08:46 speaking on different like wavelengths
0:08:47 here no no I want you to yeah let's just
0:08:50 ask you a question about what you just
0:08:51 read do you think that what you just
0:08:52 read the word uh yeah was mentioned do
0:08:54 you think that why this code in Italian
0:08:55 is doing like Tech fear of mean yeah but
0:08:59 but I'm going to give you one better
0:09:00 is
0:09:05 no but then that's some of that of
0:09:07 course so so right here in the question
0:09:08 is context what was said
0:09:10 so I'm going to make it easier I'm gonna
0:09:12 make it easier just to put things into
0:09:13 perspective
0:09:15 don't have any weight when it comes to
0:09:18 uh
0:09:19 what I mean by this is an offshoot of
0:09:22 and this is not me speaking uh says
0:09:27 there are the shemales
0:09:31 and you cross a philosopher with a
0:09:33 Muslim you cross
0:09:37 so even in the categorization
0:09:39 classification
0:09:41 they are simply copying their self which
0:09:44 are al-jamin they didn't bring anything
0:09:46 new by the way all of the arguments the
0:09:47 speech 99 of it is from the Jamie and
0:09:51 this is
0:09:53 all they're using the words the the idea
0:09:57 that is created this came from the Jamia
0:09:59 the idea that Allah does not speak this
0:10:01 game from the Jamia the idea that Allah
0:10:03 is not above his throne this came from
0:10:04 the Jamie all these
0:10:06 so there's no way any patents with a
0:10:08 child but even if we go to the level of
0:10:10 that there are certain people that may
0:10:12 take fear of certainly did not make
0:10:14 income he did not say no this is wrong
0:10:15 he simply avoided the the issue because
0:10:16 he does not believe he has a different
0:10:19 take on the on the issue are not the the
0:10:21 main issue here I'm more focused on
0:10:24 Elmwood which is not even Muslim but go
0:10:28 ahead
0:10:29 yeah well again no so nobody's going to
0:10:31 disagree that the fear has been made of
0:10:33 people within the circle available
0:10:34 that's not really like even even people
0:10:36 who uh you know affiliate with them
0:10:38 itself as like
0:10:39 um I wouldn't deny that right right so
0:10:42 the point is not whether there's
0:10:43 anything wrong in what they say I think
0:10:45 from the beginning you know from from
0:10:46 the point I started talking I was very
0:10:48 clear about being you know more careful
0:10:50 in contextualizing what we're saying is
0:10:52 incorrecting what we're saying is
0:10:53 correct so I was never saying that there
0:10:54 is no wrong and there was no deviants
0:10:56 right so that's not not the point
0:10:58 um and in other places I've been telling
0:11:00 me again he Praises many of the people
0:11:02 from these products right so so the
0:11:03 point is himself like he was like Muslim
0:11:06 in that sense and back to the code that
0:11:07 you read he was critiquing like uh
0:11:09 Academy which is a specific disease and
0:11:11 that's exactly the point specificity so
0:11:13 right so if you're going to mention
0:11:14 specific aspects of Hadith that IBN
0:11:17 Tamia negated and he proposed proposed
0:11:19 Alternatives right and uh and say that
0:11:22 that's backing up what you're saying in
0:11:24 terms of generally throwing the
0:11:25 substance of the content of Kalam you
0:11:27 know just out the window all together
0:11:28 that's not gonna help you because
0:11:30 there's there's specificity in the
0:11:32 culture you're referring to and in other
0:11:33 places and I'm sure you're aware I can
0:11:35 read them if you want where he affirms
0:11:36 uh arguments and parts of arguments and
0:11:39 meanings that they affirmed and Praises
0:11:40 them and so so the point is my point
0:11:43 isn't that there isn't anything wrong in
0:11:44 what they say and he hasn't uh
0:11:45 criticized them the point is as if
0:11:47 clarified that there is the correct
0:11:50 there is the sound that is in accordance
0:11:51 with the Quran in fact the way I
0:11:54 described it is is straight from the
0:11:55 Quran Sunnah and actually a reject a
0:11:58 rejection of it is something that's
0:11:59 condemnable and there's there's the bid
0:12:01 date that's the point so so um I guess
0:12:03 in terms of substance and you also
0:12:04 mentioned the Greeks and the
0:12:05 philosophical stuff again it's about the
0:12:06 meaning if if the Greeks are going to uh
0:12:09 for example affirm the existence of one
0:12:11 God and some other civilization is like
0:12:13 an atheistic civilization then that part
0:12:14 of what the Greeks say although of
0:12:16 course it's not going to be uh the
0:12:18 correct but that part of that meaning is
0:12:19 closer to us than others just because
0:12:21 it's from the Greeks it doesn't mean you
0:12:22 know all of a sudden it's satanic or
0:12:23 something so that's that's called the
0:12:24 genetic policy and and that's something
0:12:26 that has recognize which is why I
0:12:27 mentioned earlier that there is for
0:12:28 example uh agreement with the monetize
0:12:30 it on certain points on many actually so
0:12:34 so that was the broader point I'm making
0:12:35 and maybe this will help clarify the
0:12:38 issue are you saying that all kalami
0:12:41 arguments in with other meanings and
0:12:43 whatever is within them like you know
0:12:45 the subcategories everything's just
0:12:46 wrong I think we should as in using it
0:12:47 is Haram pure is that what you're saying
0:12:49 or because maybe I'm misunderstanding
0:12:50 you
0:12:53 um
0:12:54 uh the words
0:12:58 as a knowledge as a science as a tool uh
0:13:01 what the Lord might say about it is
0:13:02 Crystal Clear I don't think I need to
0:13:04 repeat it but for the sake of argument
0:13:08 he was very explicit concerned not only
0:13:12 that but he said my ruling on the people
0:13:15 of is that they are whipped and beaten
0:13:17 with branches of palm trees and with
0:13:20 shoes
0:13:21 and that they operated in the tribes and
0:13:23 the Gatherings of people and markets and
0:13:25 that it is announced upon their heads
0:13:26 that this is the punishment of the one
0:13:28 who leaves and goes into Edward that's
0:13:32 the first thing so this is
0:13:34 with all due respect to everybody else
0:13:36 uh same thing same thing the other
0:13:39 animals
0:13:41 and it's a something that nobody has an
0:13:43 issue of knowing yet I think we all
0:13:44 agree on that some people will say that
0:13:46 that the arguments and intellectual
0:13:48 arguments are the part that we're going
0:13:51 to use now no problem let's let's say
0:13:53 let's take that for the sake of argument
0:13:54 I'm asking a very simple question
0:13:56 which argument of the arguments that
0:13:58 people use today news was used and
0:14:01 utilized by rasulullah is
0:14:04 the first three generations
0:14:07 but I mean I think the problem is so you
0:14:10 first of all you talk about and use them
0:14:11 as an authority and then right now when
0:14:13 uh we're trying to talk about it
0:14:15 no sorry I remember something because
0:14:17 you said that the code that I gave you
0:14:18 was specifically speaking about the
0:14:20 people that have an issue with verbal
0:14:23 and literally
0:14:24 and uh
0:14:28 yeah that's essentially what you're
0:14:29 saying yeah
0:14:30 yes the same person you quoted it no no
0:14:34 problem no problem now the quotation
0:14:36 that I gave you he was referring to in
0:14:38 general he said
0:14:39 whoever comes after that
0:14:41 going into it he's speaking about that
0:14:44 now if you're going to make a
0:14:46 distinction yeah I want you to give me
0:14:47 somebody who should Islam praised that
0:14:49 does not believe in the Quran being in
0:14:52 Allah not being above his throne does
0:14:53 not make it better
0:14:56 Islam spoke in good terms of does not
0:14:58 believe in these archives
0:15:01 um no I mean uh it's so when we're
0:15:03 talking about like an iron right
0:15:04 specific people
0:15:06 whether it's about the filter or about a
0:15:08 specific person he Praises him where
0:15:10 Praises do you anything doesn't work
0:15:11 condemnation is you and many places
0:15:12 you'll see that this is the way of Allah
0:15:14 and that for example there are certain
0:15:15 people in the middle of like you know in
0:15:18 a bit of a gray Zone when it comes to
0:15:19 Mass Effect uh and maybe there's some
0:15:20 issues that that you know they they're
0:15:22 questionable right uh like and now
0:15:24 always one of those names no no you're
0:15:25 not gonna just completely throw no way
0:15:26 out the window right uh
0:15:28 that's what I'm saying I'm saying there
0:15:30 are issues and certain questions about
0:15:31 some stances he has almost
0:15:33 okay okay just just to be to be on point
0:15:36 and I'm referring to the people of
0:15:38 moon from you know them
0:15:45 which one of them the check of Islam say
0:15:47 but yeah now this guy's okay we're going
0:15:49 to use what he has uh but does not
0:15:50 believe in this apart
0:16:11 this is something else okay that's fine
0:16:13 that's fine that's fine yeah okay uh um
0:16:15 but of course I mean there's other
0:16:16 details like for example you'll see like
0:16:17 a family for example spoke about how uh
0:16:20 for example well let's not go for why
0:16:22 because the language can actually
0:16:23 Encompass it even though it's wrong
0:16:25 however uh doing what for example and
0:16:28 doing double negation with it that's
0:16:29 that's cool so there's also a bit of
0:16:30 it's not all in the same basket but the
0:16:32 point here is that I'm I'm not
0:16:34 discussing names I'm discussing the
0:16:35 substance of the arguments because
0:16:36 that's what we are concerned with in our
0:16:38 circles today because oh you see you're
0:16:39 making claims about the validity of
0:16:41 using certain arguments or not using
0:16:42 them now all I'm saying regarding the
0:16:44 authorities you're bringing forward is
0:16:45 that they had a more nuanced
0:16:46 comprehensive stance on the usage of
0:16:49 philosophy in uh in our teeth or
0:16:51 improving the existence of God and
0:16:52 whatnot of course it can be used as a
0:16:53 basis for your Althea depending of
0:16:55 course on how broad your understanding
0:16:56 of philosophy is but then it's it's not
0:16:57 uh it's not black and white in the way
0:17:00 sometimes people make it seem so the
0:17:01 point is whether who those specific
0:17:02 people are yeah
0:17:05 if you remember my question I asked you
0:17:08 which argument was used by the
0:17:09 properties which is a fair question yeah
0:17:11 forget the people the proponents the
0:17:13 names the argument itself the substance
0:17:14 as you say which one of them
0:17:17 um so uh for example um you've got
0:17:20 um
0:17:24 he used certain arguments in his
0:17:26 response to certain like the Jeremiah
0:17:28 that weren't used by the prophet and
0:17:31 weren't uh
0:17:32 wrong I mean I I don't understand no
0:17:35 problem
0:17:37 right now in terms of in terms of what
0:17:39 the prophet used as an argument
0:17:40 obviously I don't think you mean whether
0:17:42 the prophet used in terms of like
0:17:43 premise premise conclusion and then had
0:17:44 a debate because obviously if you want
0:17:45 that that would that would be strange
0:17:47 but it was not strange it's not strange
0:17:49 why I'm gonna explain this this is the
0:17:51 the core of what we're discussing right
0:17:53 now because when people say that this is
0:17:55 now from Sunnah and there's there's
0:17:57 Merit in this foundation for this we
0:17:58 need to see this
0:18:00 okay but then now we need to take the
0:18:01 discussion a step back because then now
0:18:02 I don't think I think you need to like
0:18:03 take back your usage of maintaining as
0:18:05 an authority because then these
0:18:06 questions are gonna apply to him too so
0:18:07 why did imitate me provide arguments why
0:18:08 didn't they need to do that before for
0:18:10 example or delete
0:18:13 did the prophet use that so right now
0:18:15 your criticism of me is going to apply
0:18:16 to an Italian yeah so I mean that's all
0:18:17 that's fine however I don't think the
0:18:19 time is not Authority for you anymore
0:18:20 then is that what you're saying are you
0:18:21 gonna defer
0:18:21 I mean that's just strange
0:18:26 in his books where did he use these
0:18:30 arguments
0:18:31 every time I used them all over his book
0:18:34 so I'm giving you an example you have to
0:18:36 pay attention to my question in his
0:18:37 books
0:18:40 um that doesn't that doesn't look so
0:18:41 right now I'm let's say I'm talking I'm
0:18:43 giving an argument right he mentioned
0:18:44 the argument and affirmed it in a book
0:18:45 that he didn't call a book about why
0:18:47 does that matter the point is
0:18:49 this is very simple
0:18:51 we have a book that is written for the
0:18:53 masses and these are these are going to
0:18:55 be the general books that are written by
0:18:56 Jacob has over 300 books he has these
0:18:58 books and then he has books of
0:18:59 refutation
0:19:01 the reputation books are not for the
0:19:02 masses they are for the Allah
0:19:05 only they're not for the public masters
0:19:07 of thumbs to me and I think you know the
0:19:09 difference so I'm asking a fair question
0:19:10 in which book of Akiva where epidemia is
0:19:12 establishing Allah existence of Allah
0:19:15 these things in which book does he use
0:19:17 this
0:19:17 no obviously I can't get that for you
0:19:19 off the top of my head but however let's
0:19:20 just I'm just gonna grant for you
0:19:21 whatever you want me to Grant but then
0:19:22 look so all you're saying is that your
0:19:24 apida can't be based on these matters
0:19:26 because first of all I mean it's
0:19:28 Sunnah and second of all it's not
0:19:30 required for the masses it's required
0:19:32 for deviance
0:19:33 um I might agree with you in one part
0:19:34 but then when you say it's only required
0:19:36 for deviance that's incredible for
0:19:37 example he he yes he's he affirmed them
0:19:39 of course I agree wholeheartedly that
0:19:41 these arguments are not required for a
0:19:43 rational person to ascend to the belief
0:19:45 in Allah they're not required in the
0:19:46 sense that there is a more obvious
0:19:48 Foundation however she said that not all
0:19:50 people are alike he was a pluralist
0:19:52 because he said these meanings are
0:19:54 correct and are beneficial and can be
0:19:55 used by some and some people require
0:19:57 them others don't now does everybody who
0:19:59 requires it you know have to be a
0:20:01 deviant by that label not necessarily so
0:20:03 it's just about the federal being
0:20:04 clouded and you know maybe a specific
0:20:07 person within a specific person a circle
0:20:08 requires it expressed in that
0:20:10 syllogistic manner now the imitania
0:20:11 critique the usefulness of the syllogism
0:20:13 itself yes but does he also use it yes
0:20:15 because he doesn't believe it's
0:20:16 incorrect he just doesn't believe this
0:20:17 foundational that's a different argument
0:20:18 from you saying as you've been saying in
0:20:20 the whole room that this is bidet stuff
0:20:21 you're saying it's incorrect so there's
0:20:22 a difference between between saying it's
0:20:23 secondary and saying it's incorrect so
0:20:26 if you're saying it's secondary I will
0:20:27 agree with you but if you're saying it's
0:20:28 incorrect which you have been saying in
0:20:29 the room then that's just false so
0:20:32 that's that's the point
0:20:34 no problem but uh that was a long answer
0:20:37 and it's a very simple question
0:20:39 in which GitHub Islam in none of them
0:20:44 like now there's a reason for that and
0:20:46 this is very valid
0:20:48 what I said at the beginning is people
0:20:49 misunderstanding
0:20:52 not only that but they are using his
0:20:54 name and this is where the problem is we
0:20:55 you know we have no issue for Islam is
0:20:57 an individual he's a Muslim that's all
0:20:58 he is
0:21:04 but at the end of the day
0:21:07 to go ahead and use Jacob Islam as a
0:21:09 point of reference for now legitimizing
0:21:11 something prohibited
0:21:13 this is a problem and the only reason
0:21:15 we're discussing him is because we want
0:21:17 to defend his honor because people now
0:21:19 are are using his name or abusing his
0:21:21 name to show that he himself was a
0:21:22 philosopher he had no problem with this
0:21:24 in fact he used it he advised again to
0:21:26 use it there's nothing wrong with it so
0:21:28 essentially he's going against each and
0:21:29 every single statement
0:21:31 and apparently he knew something did not
0:21:34 know which doesn't make any sense that
0:21:35 the simple Muslim will be questioning
0:21:37 this they'll say hold on a second this
0:21:39 does not fit in this does not work and
0:21:40 it's very simple
0:21:42 when you bring Islam in his refutational
0:21:44 Works targeting specific people and use
0:21:47 it now to say that this is what is upon
0:21:50 this is his name this is how he gave
0:21:52 down to Allah this is a
0:21:53 misrepresentation and this is at the
0:21:55 service and this is lack of integrity
0:21:56 and by the way the very same lack of
0:21:58 Integrity is when people use delirium
0:22:00 the contingency argument to try and
0:22:02 establish how the necessary existence is
0:22:03 Allah azzawajal but when they reach a
0:22:05 certain point they will make a jump and
0:22:07 they will not inform the atheist in
0:22:08 front of them that this whole argument
0:22:09 does not necessarily prove Eliza it
0:22:11 simply proves that's her existence this
0:22:14 form of lack of Integrity is prevalent
0:22:16 in the proponent of philosophy and this
0:22:19 is why I understand that they have a
0:22:20 problem with this Allah says that when
0:22:22 you make a statement when you give
0:22:23 witness when you give testimony you have
0:22:25 to say the truth even if it's against
0:22:26 yourself and I say this is my my take
0:22:29 and this is not only me there's a lot of
0:22:30 her I'm not saying this Islam is Muslim
0:22:32 he's been wrongfully accused of being a
0:22:34 philosopher while the Poor Man spent a
0:22:36 lot of his life refuting these people
0:22:38 and speaking against them not only that
0:22:40 but people will now actually go ahead
0:22:41 and say as you have said I mean shortly
0:22:44 before that is
0:22:46 so what are people going to take away
0:22:47 now there's nothing wrong with
0:22:50 its problem solved so all these books
0:22:53 that he wrote and all these refutations
0:22:54 and he had no reason for all this he
0:22:55 made a mistake you shouldn't have done
0:22:57 all this
0:22:57 this I say brothers and sisters is not
0:22:59 inside if you have if you have to go
0:23:00 within soft take philosophy run with it
0:23:02 use it but do not use the names
0:23:06 and please stop saying that epidemia is
0:23:09 the reason and justification because
0:23:10 Allah
0:23:12 the brothers and sisters they're not
0:23:14 apart and we both know that they do not
0:23:16 agree with him in many things and in
0:23:17 many issues and his criticism is very
0:23:19 own criticism if you don't mind just so
0:23:20 I don't forget that because you've been
0:23:21 gone for a while yeah so the problem is
0:23:23 so what you said towards the end maybe
0:23:24 might be helpful
0:23:25 um first of all his also were correct
0:23:28 and that's a requirement well obviously
0:23:30 of course so so nobody's saying that you
0:23:31 know if a Buddhist uses these arguments
0:23:33 he's upon the correct nobody thinks that
0:23:34 right so that's first of all uh second
0:23:36 of all you see summary of what you said
0:23:38 is that uh
0:23:40 a summary part of it is that basically
0:23:42 implicit in what you're saying is that
0:23:43 ignatamia didn't make didn't make
0:23:45 positive arguments and cases for the
0:23:48 existence of God using some of these
0:23:49 terminologies he only used it to refute
0:23:52 other deviant sects amongst Muslims is
0:23:54 that am I understanding correctly
0:23:59 another thing I just want to highlight
0:24:00 and highlight the point that I think
0:24:02 abdahman would agree upon because he
0:24:03 said someone has to be firm upon the
0:24:05 guitar and the Sunnah before it might
0:24:07 even be my crew for them to go into
0:24:08 these fields you agreed upon that point
0:24:10 right
0:24:11 of course and that's the answer I guess
0:24:12 to anybody who asks me you know for
0:24:13 advice about studying philosophy
0:24:15 a little bit also the purpose of the
0:24:17 room is also to reach out to the Layman
0:24:18 because you you agree upon the principle
0:24:20 upon closing the door upon Haram and if
0:24:22 there's a thing that can lead to go for
0:24:24 and better and these things like you're
0:24:25 from the
0:24:26 quoted before then it is especially for
0:24:29 the Layman that that door becomes shut
0:24:30 clean they become Haram for them to go
0:24:32 into it if they do not uh firmness it is
0:24:37 Haram because this can lead them outside
0:24:38 the fold of Islam because of this
0:24:39 philosophy because if they do not know
0:24:41 the usur they're going to grow into
0:24:42 places where Islam does not the fold of
0:24:45 Islam does not cover anymore so from
0:24:47 that aspect I think we all agree upon
0:24:48 this aspect that first and foremost
0:24:50 about the Layman now the question is for
0:24:52 the student of knowledge right that I've
0:24:54 reached the prerequisites and I think
0:24:56 even there we agree but even then some
0:24:58 people might still slip into the Haram
0:24:59 and my app is glitching very much now so
0:25:01 I'm going to restart the thing but we
0:25:03 just to make it clear to the people we
0:25:04 all agree upon this uh
0:25:06 yes of course I mean you need and and
0:25:08 again of course this is specifically you
0:25:10 know or especially important that's the
0:25:12 most important thing but this really
0:25:14 applies to just common sense of course
0:25:15 any Avenue knowledge right there's
0:25:16 certain prerequisites for you to get
0:25:17 into certain areas right and now the
0:25:19 matter of concerns you're looking at
0:25:19 your asset and when this specific Avenue
0:25:22 is known for you know uh many uh uh
0:25:25 deviant opinions and a lot of
0:25:26 speculative metaphysics that leads
0:25:28 people's prey and isn't clear in its
0:25:30 method of reasoning and stuff like that
0:25:31 and of course it's even more a reason
0:25:32 for you to stay away from it if you
0:25:34 don't have the necessary prerequisites
0:25:35 and this just applies to any everybody
0:25:36 and everybody thinks like this uh I mean
0:25:38 people reasonable people think like this
0:25:39 whether they're Muslims or not to be
0:25:40 honest uh so so that's yeah so we're an
0:25:42 argument there now I think the question
0:25:44 asked for this is important because if
0:25:45 implicit in what he's saying which is
0:25:47 the crucial Point really that was Set uh
0:25:49 in the middle of what he said a while
0:25:50 ago is that anytime you only use these
0:25:52 arguments as a refutation of certain
0:25:53 Union sets that's that's not true so I
0:25:55 mean I don't know if you want to ask me
0:25:57 a question but maybe I could take both
0:25:58 points together because then you
0:25:59 mentioned the contingency people who use
0:26:00 the contingency argument and don't
0:26:02 honestly tell their interlocutors that
0:26:04 this only takes you to a necessary being
0:26:05 who is not necessarily Allah this is
0:26:07 like word for word I mean in terms of
0:26:09 substance like paraphrase what imitania
0:26:11 says about the argument but then I won't
0:26:12 ask Brothers I mean if he knows what
0:26:14 hypnotamia goes on to say from that
0:26:16 point onwards like like he affirms the
0:26:19 correctness the soundness of the
0:26:21 argument in the Cena's argument let me
0:26:23 just say let's ask the questions he
0:26:24 affirms the soundness have you seen this
0:26:25 argument but says it's pointless because
0:26:26 it just gives you this abstract
0:26:28 necessity that's obviously correct as
0:26:29 the structure of you know the way you
0:26:31 represented it and then he says it
0:26:32 doesn't particularize and give and
0:26:35 describe Allah by his so he's basically
0:26:37 saying well there's more work to do
0:26:39 right it's of course it's a bit more
0:26:40 complex than that because it also has to
0:26:41 do with like you know
0:26:42 um the the how
0:26:44 um they see universals and stuff like
0:26:46 that and Abstract stuff but that's that
0:26:47 side the point is if nathania goes on
0:26:49 from there and the firm's meaning within
0:26:51 the contingency argument and uses the
0:26:53 concept of contingency and in fact
0:26:55 explicitly says that this meaning and
0:26:57 you know what in fact I have it right
0:26:58 here he explicitly says
0:27:00 um
0:27:14 he's not doing this to respond to the uh
0:27:18 so to a deviant and say look he's not a
0:27:19 necessary being he's using it to say
0:27:20 look that's correct but then in order
0:27:22 for it to be upon sound reason which is
0:27:24 basically what the Quran is you have to
0:27:27 make these adjustments to it and he goes
0:27:28 on and makes the adjustments that's the
0:27:29 point it's not that he's just so so
0:27:31 that's that's what that's because you
0:27:32 because I know you're trying to ask
0:27:32 yourself the contingency
0:27:39 himself he you know uh uh makes
0:27:43 adjustments to it that we should already
0:27:45 tell you that by the word contingency
0:27:46 argument right now is going to be a bit
0:27:47 ambiguous because well you know which
0:27:48 one you're referring to there are
0:27:49 formulations of specific arguments that
0:27:50 lead you to a correct meaning and others
0:27:52 that lead you to a false one now when
0:27:53 you're asking about the prophet if they
0:27:55 used it uh I mean there's an issue of
0:27:57 course right where are you going to draw
0:27:58 the line I mean are you gonna say that
0:27:59 we can't use any words that they didn't
0:28:00 use then well then we're all in trouble
0:28:02 then um we can't use it about Allah was
0:28:05 wrong when he made that distinction
0:28:06 between
0:28:08 right which is the second the latter
0:28:10 being broader as in you can form about
0:28:11 him using the terminologies that aren't
0:28:13 necessarily uh explicitly mentioned in
0:28:15 the Quran
0:28:17 and then we keep going on where are we
0:28:19 gonna draw the line well where we draw
0:28:20 the line is clear and that's clear from
0:28:21 The Works of imitania the clarity is
0:28:23 what the clarity is the meaning the
0:28:24 substance of what's being said not the
0:28:26 you know or the linguistic expression of
0:28:28 how it was said and what you know Tony
0:28:30 was it that's not the point or where a
0:28:32 certain idea came from the point is is
0:28:34 the meaning in accordance to the Quran
0:28:35 this is how Allah you know they they
0:28:38 even answer questions you look at you
0:28:39 watch videos whenever they're answering
0:28:42 questions about you know is this meaning
0:28:43 can I say this meaning about Allah or
0:28:44 something say this they don't just give
0:28:45 you an answer they don't just say oh no
0:28:46 they say what does he mean by this if he
0:28:50 means that he's wrong if he means then
0:28:52 he's correct if he means that we reject
0:28:53 it if he needs this we affirm it they
0:28:54 don't just make blanket statements and
0:28:56 in relation to that because you said
0:28:57 that I said you know I've been saying
0:28:58 that praise them and that's going to
0:28:59 make people think blah blah no I don't
0:29:00 think that's accurate given the way the
0:29:02 discussion went I was very specific in
0:29:03 putting it in a specific context and
0:29:04 contextualizing it and telling you that
0:29:06 the blanket statements are wrong because
0:29:07 just as you don't want people following
0:29:09 certain sex in certain wrong beliefs you
0:29:10 don't want people people wrongfully uh
0:29:12 you know making blanket statements and
0:29:14 uh doing just outright
0:29:17 of Muslims without restriction you want
0:29:19 them to contextualize it and you don't
0:29:20 want people even the Layman to just
0:29:22 reject the good that comes from someone
0:29:23 who may have some wrong these stances
0:29:26 that's the way they even say that well
0:29:28 they are among Allah in what they agreed
0:29:30 with and I mean some some of us say this
0:29:33 so this is the this is the way to look
0:29:34 at it and in fact this is like if you're
0:29:35 a concernable delay man this is the way
0:29:37 to present it to the Layman not in this
0:29:38 just broad sweeping generalization to
0:29:40 everybody in one basket and simplify
0:29:41 things I think the the details and the
0:29:43 nuances are very important
0:29:49 foreign
0:29:57 statements one of the reasons for
0:29:59 example
0:30:00 even if he had a problem with the
0:30:02 connection
0:30:04 continue
0:30:07 okay sorry sorry but I have to leave
0:30:08 this whole time for me and um
0:30:21 I hear something about that
0:30:34 they were specific yeah let me just
0:30:37 answer this question very quickly and
0:30:38 then I'm gonna mute I'm just I was just
0:30:39 saying they're specific in in praising
0:30:41 what needs to be praised and condemning
0:30:42 what needs to be condemned right now
0:30:44 that doesn't mean they weren't very
0:30:45 harsh in their condemnation but it means
0:30:46 they were fair right that was the point
0:30:47 I was making and uh as for like you want
0:30:50 to give you some Pokemon I'm not really
0:30:52 qualified to do that so um
0:30:55 you want to ask a question uh because I
0:30:57 was listening and my internet was going
0:30:58 out uh you mentioned the continuous
0:31:00 argument you mentioned the surface it's
0:31:01 an honest question I mean no need to go
0:31:03 into details uh does the contingency
0:31:05 argument uh in both versions
0:31:08 does it arrive in all honesty with that
0:31:13 we know about in the Quran Minnesota
0:31:16 okay um
0:31:18 um but that's that's a good question so
0:31:20 far between I will say no of course
0:31:21 right and now from the questions for
0:31:22 mutemia from Tamia what he says is well
0:31:24 basically what we call in contemporary
0:31:25 philosophical terms he discusses stage
0:31:27 two cosmological or contingency ideas
0:31:29 right where he says well we need to look
0:31:30 at like the data right what the world is
0:31:31 like and infer the characteristics of
0:31:33 the maker right so that's very simple
0:31:34 like and and the idea is do you have to
0:31:36 like come to so there are there are so
0:31:37 fat that are like you know that we won't
0:31:39 know without scripture right so they're
0:31:41 still flat but you can use the lately to
0:31:43 come to but does that mean that when
0:31:44 you're when the Quran for example tells
0:31:45 you to reason and to ponder upon
0:31:47 creation and you know the the the
0:31:48 wonders of creation and infer the
0:31:50 greatness of the Creator is that
0:31:52 informing you about every single sifa of
0:31:53 Allah no so so the question would still
0:31:56 arrive like it would apply to you so
0:31:57 well in that kind of line of reason that
0:31:58 the Quran uh basically Praises is it
0:32:00 tell you about Allah will yes but I mean
0:32:01 the idea isn't the idea is that when
0:32:03 you're if I'm saying if I want to
0:32:04 describe you I'm not going to say every
0:32:06 single detail about your life right so
0:32:07 you describe certain aspects and you
0:32:08 know that might suffice in describing uh
0:32:10 the person of course and here when we
0:32:13 infer certain attributes god well that's
0:32:15 where you're particularizing you're
0:32:16 saying what he's liked does that mean
0:32:17 that you're doing like Hustler and
0:32:18 you're just by saying everything about
0:32:20 God I mean do you say everything well
0:32:21 you can't because there are stuff like
0:32:23 somebody that you couldn't know without
0:32:24 a revelation and the rest of the fact
0:32:25 that what I'm all about that it's very
0:32:27 simple uh give me the contingency
0:32:29 argument that you believe is correct
0:32:32 yeah the version that you think is
0:32:33 correct just explain it in simple
0:32:34 English
0:32:36 so since you've been coding ibrahimia so
0:32:38 I'll just refer you to him and basically
0:32:41 um if netanyah talks about that leave
0:32:44 everything out of it you know just what
0:32:46 you believe but you want simple English
0:32:47 so if you want me to there's some
0:32:48 terminologies I can use from like you
0:32:49 know contemporary analytic philosophy if
0:32:51 I talk about possible worlds and
0:32:52 modality well you know the meaning of
0:32:53 that to know whether it's okay or not
0:32:54 right my question is very simple in
0:32:56 simple English I'm somebody who've never
0:32:57 heard of the contingency argument in a
0:32:59 state in a sentence or two without going
0:33:00 into any lengthy explanation what
0:33:02 essentially is the contingency argument
0:33:04 in a sentence for two you're here that's
0:33:06 quite a challenge but okay maybe maybe
0:33:07 I'm all for it but uh let me just try to
0:33:08 be very quick because I need to leave uh
0:33:09 so again I think if you want it
0:33:11 Simplicity I'm going to refer to
0:33:12 continue because I think that's simple
0:33:13 meaning that something is possible and
0:33:17 you know from we as humans know that
0:33:19 this is a possible being by the fact
0:33:20 that it begins to exist right and uh uh
0:33:23 a possible being is basically a being
0:33:25 that doesn't have to exist what that
0:33:26 essentially means if you want to
0:33:27 simplify for you is that in order for me
0:33:28 to exist something must make me exist
0:33:30 basically Allah must create me as in I
0:33:32 am not sufficient for my own existence I
0:33:33 am insufficient right Allah is only
0:33:35 self-sufficient being and what the
0:33:36 contingency argument means it does is it
0:33:37 moves from these possible beings which
0:33:39 basically require external factors to uh
0:33:43 that to make them exist and arrives at a
0:33:45 self-sufficient necessary being and what
0:33:46 necessary being means is that he doesn't
0:33:48 require anything external to him to make
0:33:49 him exist he's self-sufficient and he
0:33:50 exists by necessity of his own Essence
0:33:52 right and that's you'll find all these
0:33:54 things whatsoever with any of these
0:33:57 meetings so that's the gist of it now I
0:33:58 don't know if I met the challenge but uh
0:33:59 there's a lot more to say of course no
0:34:00 it's not a challenge it's a simple
0:34:02 discussion
0:34:04 today
0:34:05 yeah how many necessary beings are there
0:34:08 in existence
0:34:10 don't answer me as a Muslim answer me as
0:34:13 somebody who's into philosophy no I
0:34:14 never answer as not a Muslim what do you
0:34:16 mean there's one thing as a Muslim let
0:34:19 me explain if you answer as a Muslim
0:34:20 then you believe in Allah you believe in
0:34:23 the attributes of Allah above his throne
0:34:25 We Believe Allah speaks and these are
0:34:27 things that philosophers
0:34:33 no problem so so the first stage the
0:34:36 first stage this is essentially the
0:34:37 answer to my previous question you do
0:34:39 agree that the contingency argument on
0:34:40 its own is incapable of establishing
0:34:42 Allah
0:34:43 that's that's a that's a vague question
0:34:44 and I won't give it a yes no answer
0:34:46 because I gave you the reason earlier
0:34:47 I'm not sure if you if you yeah
0:34:50 it's not it's not it's not so so I I
0:34:52 respect the fact that you see it as a
0:34:53 simple question but let me explain to
0:34:54 you why I don't think it is because
0:34:55 right now if I ask you right now right
0:34:57 if I ask you like the when the Quran
0:34:58 tells you to ponder on creation
0:34:59 basically what we call like design
0:35:00 arguments when you tell people look
0:35:01 around you who made uh you know your
0:35:03 your your uh who made your body who made
0:35:05 your faculties who gave you these
0:35:06 faculties and all that stuff can I give
0:35:07 an example you're basically yes I'm
0:35:08 giving an example yeah
0:35:12 one second one second one by one
0:35:15 can you use the word help when talking
0:35:17 to a philosopher
0:35:19 what do you mean on creation I've used
0:35:20 it several times no you know what I mean
0:35:23 several questions
0:35:25 no it is a translation but my question
0:35:27 is
0:35:28 if you speak to a philosopher worth then
0:35:30 will you be able to say creation the
0:35:33 word creation
0:35:34 I'm afraid again right now I don't know
0:35:36 you mean okay so creation right now are
0:35:38 you so right now you're focusing on
0:35:39 right
0:35:41 this is this is uh Foundation
0:35:46 philosophical Circle does it contain
0:35:49 that meaning or not is the point and the
0:35:50 reason for that is well I can ask you
0:35:51 are are you going to use the Arabic word
0:35:53 help you're gonna be like not
0:35:54 necessarily because creation gives him
0:35:55 the meaning well I'm saying the same
0:35:56 thing I'm saying the other world word
0:35:59 for me then why was it okay for you to
0:36:01 translate English let me explain a
0:36:03 philosopher will not entertain the mere
0:36:05 idea of a creation of a Creator he might
0:36:09 discuss with you whether there's a
0:36:10 necessary existence or not and how the
0:36:12 world came from nothing but for you to
0:36:13 make a jump and say that there is a
0:36:15 Creator out there who created the world
0:36:16 this is something philosophy will not
0:36:18 accept and you know that
0:36:19 okay first of all uh I don't really care
0:36:22 what a person believes the substance
0:36:24 second of all second of all what do you
0:36:25 mean by the philosopher we are
0:36:27 generalizing are you saying that there's
0:36:27 no muslim or Christian philosopher that
0:36:30 believes in the concept of creation
0:36:34 there's no muslim philosopher there's a
0:36:36 philosopher Muslim and philosophy they
0:36:39 don't go together you either are a
0:36:40 philosopher or a Muslim a Muslim is
0:36:42 somebody who deals with the world in
0:36:43 Revelation
0:36:44 a philosopher
0:36:47 a philosopher is somebody that will use
0:36:49 his intellect his reasoning to delve
0:36:51 into the Unseen
0:36:53 and these two are not synonymous that's
0:36:55 why philosophy is philosophy which is
0:36:57 the section of philosophy dealing with
0:36:59 the things that are beyond our knowledge
0:37:03 human knowledge it is hard to delve into
0:37:04 that with your head you cannot use your
0:37:06 head sorry for interrupting I don't like
0:37:07 interrupting but I'm in a rush but now
0:37:08 you're doing you say a lot of stuff and
0:37:10 then you're doing at the end you're
0:37:11 saying that part of philosophy that I
0:37:13 would already agree with you in but then
0:37:14 what we were talking about the general
0:37:15 terms
0:37:16 can I just do a discussion by one second
0:37:18 let me just say this I have a link to
0:37:19 this question if you want to watch it
0:37:20 where someone's saying the same thing
0:37:22 about that it's simpler than that if you
0:37:24 remember
0:37:32 which philosopher this is how it becomes
0:37:36 simple which philosopher believes that
0:37:38 Allah has hands two hands has feet two
0:37:40 feet speaks with voice and letter and is
0:37:42 above his throne which philosopher
0:37:44 Muslim philosopher believes in the
0:37:46 things I just said
0:37:47 you know that you cannot call
0:37:49 immunothermia Floss I don't think even
0:37:50 your Muslim uh so many brothers will
0:37:52 accept that to say that is a philosopher
0:37:55 that's extremely loud that's extreme
0:38:04 who else
0:38:16 Brothers uh am I audible yeah
0:38:19 Abraham I think your mic is off
0:38:22 Houston we have a problem
0:38:32 uh first of all I want to affirm a lot
0:38:34 of what everybody's saying in terms of
0:38:36 the uh
0:38:38 Superior uh being the best way to
0:38:41 express something us you know being
0:38:43 incapable of matching with Allah in any
0:38:45 way be it in a philosophical or non
0:38:47 philosophical discourse in fact actually
0:38:48 what you're expressing right now in
0:38:50 terms of sticking to what Allah says
0:38:51 Allah expresses better but you're still
0:38:53 expressing it right if you thought that
0:38:55 what you were saying was Superior to
0:38:56 what is in the Quran that would be cool
0:38:57 for anybody and just go straight before
0:38:59 right so let's just agree on that and
0:39:00 Muhammad has this this that method yes
0:39:06 makes mistakes and I disagree with
0:39:08 Muhammad the way he uses arguments the
0:39:10 the the the point here is that uh really
0:39:13 since we've been talking this whole
0:39:15 while uh in terms of substance I don't
0:39:17 see how you responded to anything I said
0:39:20 that would make it basically that would
0:39:21 favor the kind of stance that you're
0:39:22 trying to put forward like um for
0:39:24 example what before my battery died
0:39:26 that's the laughing right you're saying
0:39:27 philosophers and you're arguing with me
0:39:28 about whether philosopher can be Muslim
0:39:29 well you know that you know and of
0:39:31 course this maximum has its conditions
0:39:33 but then the whole point I was making
0:39:34 was it depends on what you mean by
0:39:35 philosopher clearly if you're going to
0:39:37 Define philosopher as someone who holds
0:39:38 true metaphysical principles then who is
0:39:40 going to disagree with you there's no
0:39:41 philosopher is a Muslim the point is the
0:39:44 usage of the word philosophy has a
0:39:45 historical usage and has a contemporary
0:39:48 usage that developed that historical
0:39:49 usage is still significant in the sense
0:39:51 that when we refer to felt within
0:39:52 Islamic circles in the Islamic tradition
0:39:53 we mean a specific effect so clearly
0:39:55 when we're saying philosophers in
0:39:56 contemporary settings we don't mean
0:39:58 those sects that hold to necessarily Go
0:39:59 free beliefs now whether I betania is a
0:40:01 philosopher or not you were asking
0:40:02 before I left and I told you that she
0:40:03 might have discussion right in front of
0:40:04 me and it's recorded if you want it
0:40:05 where this was the point he was like
0:40:07 well look it depends on what you mean if
0:40:08 you mean that somebody who uses reason
0:40:09 evidence to infer conclusions to who
0:40:12 organizes thought in a logical way then
0:40:14 will better phosphor then a lot of us
0:40:15 engage a false would be somebody who
0:40:16 does that who does that as a specialty
0:40:17 or who is more you know engaged in it as
0:40:19 an expert well yeah you can go on the
0:40:21 philosopher the point is the Mana that's
0:40:22 fasted from the word we're not going to
0:40:24 take that and apply to him but of course
0:40:25 we don't have to disagree if you want to
0:40:27 say that by philosophy you mean people
0:40:28 who hold to such and such beliefs okay
0:40:29 fine yeah no philosophers that's just
0:40:31 trivial that's the point the point is
0:40:32 you want people to understand what
0:40:33 you're saying people today generally
0:40:34 speaking at least in the west of course
0:40:35 they don't use the term philosopher in
0:40:37 the way that you're restricting it
0:40:38 within an Islamic traditional sense
0:40:39 right and Isola has developed through
0:40:41 Islamic history I mean the cell of
0:40:42 themselves were wrong by your lights if
0:40:44 you know if any kind of uh evolution is
0:40:47 prohibited you and yourself are wrong
0:40:48 you're expressing yourself in a specific
0:40:49 language right now that's not explicitly
0:40:51 for anik not word for word quranic now
0:40:53 the point is where do you draw the line
0:40:54 what's appropriate what's not
0:40:55 appropriate there we say it's about the
0:40:57 substance the meaning now can I express
0:40:59 an argument in a way better than the
0:41:00 foreign
0:41:18 and you're saying that right now
0:41:20 philosophical language so you're using
0:41:21 it to look smart well you can use
0:41:22 religious language and a shiny language
0:41:24 to try and look smart which is even more
0:41:25 dangerous but then I wouldn't say that
0:41:27 about you because I want to have
0:41:28 hospital this this very reductive
0:41:30 shallow approach I think is dangerous
0:41:32 for that if your concern is that one
0:41:33 isn't this very narrow outlook on
0:41:36 something that's very expensive very
0:41:38 expensive and something that is quite
0:41:39 significant these days we need to have
0:41:41 an educated take on it not this very
0:41:42 simplistic uh you know a rhetoric that
0:41:44 we use in order to back one position or
0:41:46 another no worry about the substance
0:41:47 worry about the substance and uh look at
0:41:50 what the people are saying and what it
0:41:52 implies and then judge whether it's
0:41:53 right or wrong the label is only there
0:41:55 the label the label is only there
0:41:57 because of the substance if the
0:41:58 substance changes the substance is not
0:42:00 the day that's the whole point so
0:42:01 sticking to this is the law and
0:42:03 appealing to you know traditional usages
0:42:05 of specific terms in order to make your
0:42:07 point is really not helpful and I think
0:42:09 clearly I think from this discussion
0:42:11 it's been quite reasonably established
0:42:13 what in the 10 years take on these
0:42:14 matters are and what his approach to it
0:42:16 is and how he takes a more comprehensive
0:42:18 look on it and how Alison in general are
0:42:20 fair in their assessment of uh other
0:42:22 people and they don't just generalize in
0:42:24 everything that's my last comments
0:42:29 I'm not gonna be able to respond so I'm
0:42:31 going to listen to what you have to say
0:42:32 to them well I have you I have a
0:42:33 question if you don't mind just only one
0:42:34 question
0:42:36 foreign
0:42:57 it's not it's only a difference of
0:43:00 wordings terms terminology but the
0:43:02 essence or the substance within is
0:43:03 inshallah any solid and it's good and
0:43:06 that's why if uh if anybody remembers I
0:43:08 asked which argument from the kalami
0:43:10 argument is from
0:43:12 and the example given was the
0:43:14 contingency argument and the evidence
0:43:15 for that uh obviously and there was no
0:43:17 offense without the money he said okay I
0:43:19 didn't say that I'm sorry before you go
0:43:20 on and on I didn't say this the last
0:43:21 part wasn't really into arguments
0:43:22 brother and uh the contingency argument
0:43:23 wasn't a response to your question but I
0:43:25 in fact read verbatim from instantaneous
0:43:27 him saying that the meaning of the
0:43:28 contingency argument and its conclusion
0:43:30 of a necessary being is so okay if
0:43:32 you're disagreeing with him and me I
0:43:33 mean like if you can disagree with him
0:43:34 he's not a prophet but then
0:43:35 it's very simple did he say necessary
0:43:38 existence or did he say Allah
0:43:50 earlier if you remember you want me to
0:43:52 reread it
0:44:24 for several reasons first of all if you
0:44:27 mean it as like uh if you mean if you
0:44:28 mean it in um in a sense that it's uh
0:44:31 you never asked me what I meant you said
0:44:33 no you dismissed it do you know what
0:44:35 abutemius theory of language and meaning
0:44:36 is it's contextualism basically if you
0:44:37 ask him he's gonna ask what you mean by
0:44:39 it so if you're saying something
0:44:40 attention
0:44:43 in any context in any context referring
0:44:46 to Allah using Bob or just is it okay
0:44:48 okay so if you mean if you mean that uh
0:44:51 in the sense that Allah foreign
0:45:11 I'm essentially saying it depends on
0:45:13 what you mean and there are particular
0:45:14 contexts where the meaning is not
0:45:15 problematic because basically you would
0:45:16 be meaning that Allah has these multiple
0:45:18 attributes Allah is his Essence and
0:45:20 attributes and he has these multiple
0:45:21 acts if you mean that then you tell me
0:45:22 if it's a problem if you're saying that
0:45:24 we can only use words from the Quran
0:45:25 tell me why you're speaking English if
0:45:26 you're saying that it's only okay for
0:45:27 translation then you tell me where we
0:45:29 draw the line because right now you're
0:45:30 not just translating the words of the
0:45:31 Quran you're also expressing your
0:45:33 opinion about the meanings of the Quran
0:45:35 positions using language that's not
0:45:37 foreign
0:45:45 but uh all I'm establishing is you're
0:45:48 not able to give a clear answer if you
0:45:50 ask anybody who's a selfie he will say
0:45:51 no under no circumstances can you use
0:45:53 these words concerning Allah you cannot
0:45:55 use them what do you mean by the way
0:45:58 you gave your answers
0:46:05 no problem is it not okay that's my
0:46:07 question to you so here maybe he knows
0:46:10 better than me
0:46:12 what is expressed of him in terms
0:46:29 just
0:46:33 so who's okay so right now here okay so
0:46:35 so right now does the profit refer to
0:46:37 Allah no so why would it maintain you do
0:46:39 that so the point is you can stick to
0:46:41 your criteria but then you have to go
0:46:42 back to the process don't appeal to the
0:46:43 scholars as authorities because they use
0:46:45 terms
0:46:47 it's okay for you hold to your criteria
0:46:49 but be consistent and right now you're
0:46:51 not just against me against my ears
0:46:54 if you remember earlier I asked you
0:46:56 which
0:46:57 use this use these things in which book
0:47:00 of his did he say Allah we already
0:47:03 discussed that I said I agree with you
0:47:04 that okay this is not to be expressed of
0:47:06 Allah in a sense that it is amongst
0:47:07 that's why it's not Foundation about but
0:47:09 can you use in ordinary language these
0:47:12 words to inform of him if the meaning is
0:47:13 correct yes if you disagree you disagree
0:47:15 with
0:47:22 foreign