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02 - Establishing an Islamic State: Is it an Obligation (Fardh)? (2020-08-26)


02 - Establishing an Islamic State: Is it an Obligation (Fardh)? حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Summary of 02 - Establishing an Islamic State: Is it an Obligation (Fardh)?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


In this video Dr Massari discusses the obligation of Muslims to establish an Islamic state, and argues that this obligation is based on the Qur'an and the example of the prophets. He goes on to say that the current methods being used to pursue this goal are becoming increasingly complex and difficult, and suggests that Muslims should instead focus on simpler goals.

00:00:00 discusses the establishment of an Islamic State, and whether or not it is an obligation (fardh) for Muslims. He points out that while the world did not establish a state in Medina, the first Muslims became Islamic by virtue of the fact that they had a Muslim king. He goes on to say that even if Muslims do not have a state, it is still their obligation to establish one, as it is the majority of Muslims who live in a state. concludes by saying that Muslims should be focused on creating a proper Islamic society, rather than worrying about the establishment of a state.

  • 00:05:00 discusses the obligation of Muslims to establish an Islamic state, and argues that doing so is an obligation (fardh) on behalf of the Muslim majority. He goes on to say that, even if an Islamic state does not yet exist, it will be established eventually if the people are motivated and willing to do what is necessary. He also suggests that a constitutional system in which the deputy is elected by the people and chosen by the President, rather than appointed by the ruler, would be more effective.
  • 00:10:00 discusses the issue of establishing an Islamic state, noting that it is not an obligation (fardh) for every time, and that there are limitations to how long an Islamic state can exist. He explains that, in some cases, this can be regulated by a properly developed constitutional system. He concludes by saying that, if Islam is to remain viable, it must adapt to the changing times and not rely on ancient, rigid rules.
  • 00:15:00 provides an overview of how an Islamic State is established in islam. It argues that such a state is not mandated by the Quran or Hadith, but rather comes about through natural development and revolution. If the majority of Muslims support such a state, it will be legitimate.
  • 00:20:00 According to this narration, it is permissible for Muslims to establish an Islamic state if they are faced with persecution or are not citizens of a Muslim country. If a Muslim chooses to live in an organized society outside an Islamic state, they are allowed to do so, but they are not obliged to do so. If a Muslim does not want to live in an organized society, they are allowed to live in a state outside of Islam, but they must be prepared to fight for their religion.
  • 00:25:00 discusses the tradition of establishing an Islamic state, and explains that while it is an obligation for Muslims, it is not obligatory for those living in non-Islamic countries. If it is not available to a Muslim, living in an English-speaking country is acceptable.
  • 00:30:00 discusses the concept of "obligation" in Islam, and how it differs from the concept of "duty." He points out that, while duty is an obligation that is enforced by God, obligation is something that a Muslim is free to choose to follow. He argues that, in the absence of a khilafah, Muslims are not obligated to establish an Islamic state.
  • 00:35:00 a scholar discusses the obligation of establishing an Islamic state. He emphasizes that this obligation is not an "obligation on us" (fardh), but rather a natural development that occurs when a Muslim has a majority in one place. The scholar also points out that the purpose of an Islamic state is not to compel people to follow the Islamic faith, but rather to protect Muslims from violence and persecution.
  • 00:40:00 discusses the obligation of establishing an Islamic state, citing examples from early Islamic history. He notes that this obligation is not limited to those who accept the Muslim prophet, but also includes those who protect him. urges those who hold this obligation to unite and fight against those who oppose Islam.
  • 00:45:00 discusses the obligation to establish an Islamic state, and explains that this obligation comes from the Qur'an and the example of the prophets. He warns against those who would try to take power through force or corruption, and notes that the first part of authority (the ability to make decisions) is derived from the consent of the people.
  • 00:50:00 discusses the idea of establishing an Islamic State, and how it is an obligation (fardh) for Muslims. He goes on to say that the methodologies being used to pursue this goal are becoming increasingly complex and fraught with difficulties. He suggests that, instead, Muslims should focus on simpler goals, such as supporting the needy and oppressed.
  • 00:55:00 discusses the obligation of establishing an Islamic State, citing various reasons why this is a necessary obligation. He also points out that relying on weak narration can lead to incorrect conclusions, and that a state of war with the Romans and Persians was not the result of muslim aggression, but rather the result of the agreements between these empires. He goes on to say that evidence of Abyssinian peaceable relations with Muslims over many centuries proves that this obligation is not impossible to fulfill.


Discusses the obligation of every Muslim to establish an Islamic State, providing examples of what this entails. He also notes that IS should not be seen as a single entity, but as a series of parties and organizations working towards the same goal. Finally, he provides a possible explanation for why some Muslims have been attracted to IS, and offers advice for Muslims who want to oppose and oppose IS.

01:00:00 discusses some of the misconceptions about Islamic State (IS) that have arisen among Muslims. He argues that IS is an obligation (fardh) for every Muslim and provides examples of what this obligation entails, such as helping the poor and defending the religious minorities in Muslim-majority countries. He also notes that IS should not be seen as a single entity, but as a series of parties and organizations working towards the same goal. Finally, he provides a possible explanation for why some Muslims have been attracted to IS, and offers advice for Muslims who want to oppose and oppose IS.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the obligation of a Khalifa (Caliph) to establish an Islamic State. It argues that, given the circumstances at the time, three days were more than enough to do so. also discusses the election of Umar ibn al-Khattab, mentioning that he was chosen because he was similar to an election committee, and that the people trusted him.
  • 01:10:00 discusses the Islamic obligation to establish an Islamic state, and provides a summary of various narrations on the topic.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:28 and we like to save sahib
0:00:29 which we have a reference everyone
0:00:30 referred to it in a
0:00:32 constructive way and this is the sahifa
0:00:34 which was written which is
0:00:35 both a constitution for a federal state
0:00:39 of muslims
0:00:40 because he mentioned even the tribes of
0:00:41 manila
0:00:45 themselves and that every one of these
0:00:47 having like an internal insurance and
0:00:50 and benefit for them for their own needy
0:00:52 each group of these will
0:00:54 support and and help the needy of that
0:00:56 group so every unit is like
0:00:58 like an entity by itself which has its
0:01:00 own social security social coverage and
0:01:02 so on
0:01:03 and their relation with each other is
0:01:05 well regretted by islam and their head
0:01:06 is the vassal so the prasad is about
0:01:08 both the head of the muhajiroun state
0:01:11 and the head of the federation
0:01:12 and the jews joined as a confederate as
0:01:14 an alliance
0:01:16 but very close alliance with certain
0:01:18 rights and privileges and the jews are
0:01:19 mentioned there
0:01:20 with destruction with this political
0:01:22 structure as they are allies of certain
0:01:25 tribes of
0:01:26 of uh uh certain tribes of uh
0:01:30 of the of the answer
0:01:35 he doesn't mention
0:01:39 not their names and their own structures
0:01:40 but there they themselves are split in
0:01:43 entities which have
0:01:44 certain alliances so the allies of money
0:01:46 off they have these
0:01:47 features the alliance these allies have
0:01:49 these features
0:01:50 so there are about seven two states not
0:01:52 only the three tribes
0:01:54 they they were already split in such
0:01:55 states so that's the nature of my
0:01:57 of of sake so it is true if some muslim
0:02:01 and some modern islamists say the world
0:02:04 did not establish a
0:02:06 state in medina he was only there here
0:02:08 but it's not true that he remained die
0:02:10 until he died
0:02:11 like rather zach and the guys were there
0:02:13 about islamic state as it
0:02:15 exists but they're trying to argue that
0:02:17 uh for secularism
0:02:18 they will be influenced by the western
0:02:20 point of view and some
0:02:22 orientalists suggested such a point
0:02:24 because they do not have a comprehensive
0:02:25 way yes
0:02:26 in that part up to sahih without any
0:02:29 doubt
0:02:30 it is it is clear and obvious that that
0:02:34 the barcelona did not establish a state
0:02:37 he became automatically by nature over
0:02:39 the immigration head of the muhajiri
0:02:41 community or state but they did not
0:02:43 establish any state in the city
0:02:44 the existing state continued they became
0:02:46 islamic war they accepted islam and
0:02:48 ruled by islam
0:02:49 and the uh this part of them killed
0:02:51 evidence by their embracement of islam
0:02:53 after sahih this entity which is
0:02:56 islamic federation and
0:03:00 a wider confederation in which even
0:03:02 non-muslim entities
0:03:04 with their own laws there's no there's
0:03:06 nothing related to the laws mentioned
0:03:07 there
0:03:09 there's one small modification later on
0:03:10 when user it was prohibited
0:03:12 a similar agreement which we have also
0:03:15 in writing and we have recorded with the
0:03:18 people of najiran
0:03:19 is similar have all the features that
0:03:22 like the the one of the jews
0:03:23 but is more structured it it develops
0:03:26 issues of taxation and jesus and so on
0:03:28 but also develops the prohibition of
0:03:30 usury even for this
0:03:31 it is independent or semi-independent to
0:03:34 confederate confederate members
0:03:35 so they have their own laws they can't
0:03:37 have their clearly they have their own
0:03:39 markets they have
0:03:40 they can produce hammer they can't sell
0:03:42 hammer there even some places
0:03:44 like in in in the persian empire they
0:03:46 have they have even legalized
0:03:48 prostitution
0:03:49 we don't bother about that it's none of
0:03:51 our business our business is that
0:03:53 in financial transaction and in measures
0:03:56 and
0:03:56 ways and means the
0:03:59 agreed upon system is a new serious find
0:04:02 a clean
0:04:03 uh proper islam for islamic or
0:04:06 fundamentally natural uh economic system
0:04:10 and otherwise they have no other
0:04:12 obligation have a complete petition for
0:04:14 their way of life or dean et cetera as
0:04:15 they wish
0:04:17 and they have to contribute to the
0:04:18 protection of the islamic state although
0:04:19 they could have even their own
0:04:21 militia and army that's israel in
0:04:24 in in in agreement of natural so that's
0:04:29 what we have there
0:04:30 so question is the establishment of
0:04:33 islamic state obligation no it
0:04:35 it it emerged nationally when there was
0:04:37 enough muslims
0:04:38 to be a majority in a tribe which was a
0:04:40 state at that time so that they became
0:04:42 islamic by because they would have tom
0:04:44 king
0:04:44 and because they are having the time
0:04:46 king
0:04:47 they uh they became automatically
0:04:50 islamic
0:04:51 because it's unconceivable very muslim
0:04:53 understand their islamists are the
0:04:54 obligation as a community
0:04:56 so what what them to do now with the
0:04:58 situation where obviously the muslims
0:04:59 are not understanding
0:05:01 their obligation and so on the only way
0:05:03 is that now
0:05:05 to educate the people that you are a
0:05:08 majority now if you are real muslims
0:05:10 then you can and you have the power if
0:05:13 you have something they don't have the
0:05:14 power for example
0:05:15 in certain muslims in most muslim
0:05:17 countries the powers is reserved by the
0:05:18 military or by family or something like
0:05:20 that
0:05:21 and the muslims are marginalized so we
0:05:23 have to get them the power back
0:05:25 and you have to give them a dollar so
0:05:27 that they are awake to their obligation
0:05:29 but even in that you are not an
0:05:31 established state you are just awaiting
0:05:33 them to their obligation
0:05:35 until they're down to the dawah the
0:05:37 moment that happened
0:05:38 the state will be automatically done in
0:05:40 that sense islamic
0:05:43 if it doesn't meaning you did not either
0:05:45 you though other people are not muslim
0:05:46 they are muslim by name but they have
0:05:48 they became so that this job would be
0:05:51 again
0:05:52 islam they establish islam again in
0:05:54 their mind and
0:05:55 giving a structural point of view what
0:05:57 islam is all about
0:06:01 so the question is is is based on
0:06:04 on a fallacy is it uh is it far crying
0:06:08 or fire
0:06:09 neither more what's 45 is that if you
0:06:11 have them clean if you have enough power
0:06:13 either by having the majority
0:06:15 which having the power sometimes the
0:06:16 majority is oppressed so
0:06:18 you have to move they have they have to
0:06:20 be energized and
0:06:23 motivated to get the power which belongs
0:06:25 to them
0:06:27 physically and naturally and by sharia
0:06:31 given to them because
0:06:35 take your power back enforce yourself
0:06:38 and since you are a believer
0:06:41 now you have the time king you have to
0:06:43 your obligation to do that
0:06:45 if you don't do your obligation you are
0:06:46 sinful
0:06:49 this job is to educate the people and
0:06:51 get them in this process
0:06:53 not to establish a state state will be
0:06:55 established
0:06:57 was established getting the power to the
0:06:58 ummah what needed
0:07:00 to do by troubling the existing regime
0:07:02 if you say
0:07:03 whatever by by peaceful mean by military
0:07:06 means whatever it is
0:07:08 but for that you have to have the um on
0:07:10 your side
0:07:11 on the majority of the majority of the
0:07:12 almond you said without majority you
0:07:14 don't have your
0:07:17 and you have there's no reason if the
0:07:19 person did not use the power he was
0:07:20 medina
0:07:21 he did not tell the people go
0:07:24 go and and and killed who deserved to be
0:07:27 killed
0:07:28 according to sharia according to all
0:07:29 principles of war at that time unless
0:07:31 even that time said take permission from
0:07:33 saddam huss he did not suffer he did not
0:07:35 marginalize that
0:07:40 so clearly the question has to be
0:07:42 phrased differently
0:07:44 all the issues with three days and so on
0:07:46 if there is an islamic state established
0:07:48 we should not leave the the the position
0:07:50 of khalifa being empty
0:07:52 and for that that the constitution
0:07:54 should be written
0:07:56 an idiot constitution will be written
0:07:57 that khilafah election the election for
0:07:59 khalifa
0:08:00 is done in a streamlined way there's a
0:08:02 deputy
0:08:03 appointed to them either elected with
0:08:04 him separately or in one ticket
0:08:06 depending upon what the people think the
0:08:08 most the most reasonable
0:08:10 and effective way it is it's clearly
0:08:13 that the deputy will be working with the
0:08:14 khalifa all the time
0:08:15 will be representing him when he is out
0:08:17 of the capital city etc
0:08:19 so it is you would say that it doesn't
0:08:22 seem to be
0:08:23 a reasonable idea that deputy should be
0:08:25 elected communities about it so
0:08:26 there will be there will be people
0:08:28 competing for deputy independent from
0:08:30 those competing for the khalifa
0:08:32 separately uh so because you may in this
0:08:35 situation get a deputy to a khalifa
0:08:37 which they are not in synchronized not
0:08:38 have the same is they had
0:08:40 which would make the government
0:08:41 governance not effective
0:08:43 so it may be one ticket a ticket which
0:08:45 has a hadith one debut second debate for
0:08:47 example
0:08:48 and the people vote for this for the
0:08:49 ticket and the personality of the ticket
0:08:51 which has become practical america
0:08:53 actually the system is theoretically the
0:08:54 deputy is independently elected
0:08:56 theoretically
0:08:57 but practically it has come clear that
0:08:59 it is no way to elect someone
0:09:01 as a deputy to a president or vice
0:09:03 president who is not elected and chosen
0:09:05 by the president
0:09:06 it doesn't work this way that's that's
0:09:08 how it works practically
0:09:10 in some states because all election
0:09:11 america are done on the state level some
0:09:13 states make it that duty
0:09:15 to be like that some say does not pick a
0:09:16 deal until now by the way but it's not a
0:09:18 constitutional demand
0:09:19 which is obviously a deficiency in the
0:09:20 american constitution but they amended
0:09:22 it by laws
0:09:23 by by laws after that so it has to
0:09:26 something like that to resident when the
0:09:28 khalifa goes away
0:09:29 and also the most efficient way is to
0:09:31 limit the time of the khalifa
0:09:33 that's an agreement that's the nature of
0:09:34 constitutional confusion is both like
0:09:36 the sahava the concession is both
0:09:38 it is like a basic law and an agreement
0:09:41 between the
0:09:42 uh the the ruler and and the and the
0:09:45 people
0:09:45 so when even an amendment of the
0:09:47 constitution should be not done
0:09:49 except by a big majority and also even
0:09:52 possibly absolute vote
0:09:53 because it's like an agreement it's like
0:09:55 it's both a contract under a law
0:09:57 having both what aspects in itself so it
0:09:59 has to be
0:10:00 treated like that it is it is not wise
0:10:03 to have uh
0:10:04 unlimited time for the hadith even in
0:10:06 time past there was no limitation
0:10:07 because the people did not agree on that
0:10:09 there was no agreement there was no
0:10:10 tradition for that
0:10:11 but there's no issue of that it can be
0:10:14 limited to a reasonable time
0:10:16 and then there will be the election and
0:10:17 so on and for that in that case the
0:10:20 the regulation of the follower would be
0:10:22 immediately in america for example
0:10:24 practicality of the other nations have
0:10:26 been practicing in revolution in america
0:10:27 at the moment for example
0:10:29 it was assassinated the it was certain
0:10:31 that he's dead
0:10:32 immediately johnson gave an oath within
0:10:34 the same day he didn't even work three
0:10:36 days didn't need
0:10:37 to water the system is streamlined and
0:10:39 clear but this is obviously our long
0:10:41 development and experience of humanity
0:10:43 in the overall developments etc
0:10:47 so that that that issue of the head of
0:10:50 state position being empty
0:10:51 can be it can be uh
0:10:55 fixed probably with the with with the
0:10:57 with the proper constitutional
0:10:59 probably called structured constitution
0:11:01 with with properly
0:11:03 developed ways and means some of them
0:11:05 enshrined the constitution itself
0:11:06 don't underestimate the importance of
0:11:08 ways and means because if you don't have
0:11:10 ways that means the well developed
0:11:11 you will have we will have shots falter
0:11:13 like what happened
0:11:15 because there's no clear way why did
0:11:17 someone say why did the master did not
0:11:19 clarify a clear way he gave the for
0:11:22 the principal if he would if he would
0:11:24 have given a procedure for that time
0:11:27 it would have been perceived as being
0:11:28 the law until your qiyamah
0:11:30 and it will make islam not valid for
0:11:32 every time because the future will
0:11:34 change
0:11:35 the procedure will be valid for the time
0:11:36 when people are riding and
0:11:38 transporting in the back of camels and
0:11:41 the
0:11:43 distances were crossed by in months
0:11:46 it will not be suitable and valid for
0:11:47 the time of computers now
0:11:49 so it is that's the reason in almost
0:11:52 every islamic injunctions
0:11:55 ways and means are usually left to the
0:11:57 is the head of the future and this is a
0:11:59 sign that's coming from allah if it had
0:12:00 been come to muhammad he would have
0:12:02 adopted the ways and means of his uh of
0:12:05 his own coalition his own tribe
0:12:07 also some ways that means in dharma
0:12:09 there are examples there
0:12:11 other tribes have some ways and means
0:12:13 they did not advise of any way or me
0:12:16 the only thing is yet he was consulting
0:12:18 widely in damascus it was in the
0:12:19 consultation
0:12:20 direct democracy in damascus
0:12:26 that's a fundamental everyone
0:12:27 participating everyone present
0:12:29 and even that was an ad hoc and
0:12:31 spontaneous which is suitable for a city
0:12:33 of the size of medina
0:12:35 once it is become bigger you have to
0:12:37 split them in in
0:12:39 in city paths and you have to the coming
0:12:41 of the people has to be organized
0:12:42 somehow some way it can't be just
0:12:44 failing when coming
0:12:45 hazard and thereby it will be ways that
0:12:47 procedure to make things
0:12:48 on the count of numbers and making is
0:12:50 the meeting proper is it comprehensive
0:12:52 everyone present
0:12:53 or at least the quorum is present all of
0:12:55 this has that's developed with time
0:12:56 because the experienced people recognize
0:12:58 that
0:12:58 this such regulatory uh
0:13:02 ways and means uh are desirable and
0:13:05 needed otherwise you will have
0:13:06 five thousand for the vlogs a long time
0:13:10 there was no way to to
0:13:11 to to give any uh ways and and procedure
0:13:14 like that
0:13:15 uh i unless islam will become
0:13:18 will become rigid and will not be
0:13:20 suitable for the for the for the
0:13:21 for the world at riyam so it gave the
0:13:24 principles other people have to develop
0:13:26 and they were developing the sahaba
0:13:27 develop the rama developed it had
0:13:29 established he started the shore of the
0:13:31 people of badr and so on with
0:13:33 various reasonable consideration
0:13:35 according to his time
0:13:36 but that all has been toppled and
0:13:38 destroyed by marawi on user power
0:13:40 and started governing like islam
0:13:45 the islamic ruling system has been
0:13:46 mutilated and deformed
0:13:48 and this deformed form has been touched
0:13:50 up and
0:13:51 giving a nice paint by malarias are made
0:13:53 as if it's the islamic ruling
0:13:55 and so all anyone after malawi until now
0:13:57 essentially is
0:13:58 is only islamic by name even the canada
0:14:01 instrument all the husbands
0:14:02 is dear in his heart it's only a
0:14:04 symbolic
0:14:06 you can't barely recognize that as
0:14:08 anything or any similarity to the the
0:14:10 time of
0:14:11 something it's completely different
0:14:14 utterly and
0:14:14 contradictory different
0:14:18 some people may think i'll go to the
0:14:20 extreme and say it's not even islamic it
0:14:21 says
0:14:22 it's a cover system okay if you want to
0:14:23 say that say it i would say i wouldn't
0:14:25 say it's a
0:14:26 system because all generally the old
0:14:28 relation and laws and regulations are
0:14:30 essentially islamic
0:14:31 and the one who are not islamic have
0:14:33 been formulated and played with
0:14:35 like for example putting your son
0:14:38 to be your hair is covered up by by by a
0:14:42 false maya
0:14:43 by abused via is not declared as a
0:14:45 constitutional article so you could say
0:14:47 it is still my eyes there even if it
0:14:48 supports by albert speyer
0:14:50 acknowledging the maya is the principle
0:14:52 the election is the principle
0:14:54 that it should be and
0:15:09 it never happened in islamic history as
0:15:11 far as i know that
0:15:12 that when the khalifa is someone who
0:15:14 stands on some tower or something say
0:15:16 the kharifa is dead the long lives of
0:15:19 has never happened like that
0:15:21 the announcement and the
0:15:24 majesty or the uh the family or the
0:15:28 uh sheikh al-islam met with the leaders
0:15:31 of the
0:15:31 of the country and so on and they gave
0:15:33 bayatu so and so
0:15:34 all this essentially moralistic is just
0:15:37 a formality but still
0:15:39 it's still indicating that the legality
0:15:41 comes from the
0:15:42 and not from being uh here for being
0:15:45 appointed by the previous hadith
0:15:47 he has to have a bayer
0:15:50 that's what that's what what has been
0:15:52 the
0:15:53 the mutilated version of by islam but
0:15:56 it's still
0:15:57 nominally abaya if you don't forget that
0:16:00 is acceptable
0:16:01 these regimes are uh you prefer to call
0:16:04 them coffee
0:16:04 call them if you want i wouldn't call it
0:16:07 i would say still the fact that
0:16:09 nominally it is it's by baya and maya is
0:16:12 necessary
0:16:14 still make it at least symbolically
0:16:16 islamic
0:16:19 so from if if we recognize all of these
0:16:21 things it seems to be then
0:16:23 the issue of in a matter of establishing
0:16:26 instead
0:16:27 you don't you don't establish what if
0:16:28 the state is established if that
0:16:30 has happened with the quran called you
0:16:33 are you're standing on your feet you
0:16:35 have authority
0:16:36 how it has come through natural
0:16:38 development through a revolution
0:16:40 through an immigration whatever whatever
0:16:44 how it happens then
0:16:47 the community because the community is
0:16:49 the one addressed the majority
0:16:51 the one who have the tamkin is the
0:16:52 majority if the majority does not have
0:16:54 attempted
0:16:55 then there is no obligation to
0:16:59 you are not you want to have you are not
0:17:01 obliged
0:17:04 you should not even do if you if you as
0:17:06 a person
0:17:08 you are sinful that's one part of
0:17:10 getting some keen
0:17:12 is to avoid being taken as a single
0:17:14 person
0:17:15 in a comfort system because this way you
0:17:17 certified the coffee system and you will
0:17:18 be applying
0:17:19 which we are not allowed only if the
0:17:22 reason can clean
0:17:23 by the majority of muslims taking power
0:17:25 really and exercising
0:17:27 and then you it will become almost
0:17:29 automatic so
0:17:41 by exercising your power you should take
0:17:43 the power which allah gave to you
0:17:44 initially
0:17:45 naturally as as human beings and
0:17:49 that's part of the technology and
0:17:53 when you take the power based on
0:17:56 that consideration not because you are
0:17:58 arabs not because you are
0:18:00 you're white or black no because you are
0:18:03 a muslim believer who allah give
0:18:05 authority and make harifo
0:18:07 and earth so take as a community the
0:18:10 power
0:18:11 which you deserve and it belongs to you
0:18:13 and the moment you have taken the power
0:18:14 on this
0:18:15 this and this on this premise is on this
0:18:17 education on this
0:18:18 point of view on this understanding then
0:18:22 the state has has emerged and it it will
0:18:24 be necessary ruling with what allah has
0:18:26 revealed according to the message
0:18:27 of the people and their level of
0:18:28 sophistication they had in a small tribe
0:18:31 maybe they
0:18:32 like in taliban what the poor guy says
0:18:34 obviously they have only the han from
0:18:36 what happened they have
0:18:38 the dark edge islamic understanding of
0:18:41 you're not expecting any more than that
0:18:43 you try to educate them obviously but
0:18:45 they didn't expect from it about that
0:18:46 that's all what they can and that's what
0:18:48 account them for the scholars may be
0:18:51 accounted more on that
0:18:52 that they are accepted to be more
0:18:53 quality
0:19:00 500 600 years in the darkest time of
0:19:04 islamic history
0:19:05 and never bothered going back here to
0:19:06 see what was really what was really
0:19:08 really
0:19:09 and it's just an enormous job really to
0:19:12 go back and
0:19:13 and some modern islamists including
0:19:16 myself and others are going
0:19:18 digging back they are they just they
0:19:20 have given up on these pawardi and so on
0:19:22 and these books are console
0:19:24 they just simply it doesn't give you any
0:19:26 any satisfaction
0:19:27 it doesn't show what islam is about and
0:19:29 made islam also give islam a bad name
0:19:31 by other nations islam though as
0:19:33 represented by the mukhalin and so on is
0:19:35 not persuasive
0:19:36 and still it's just gaining many
0:19:38 followers because the fundamental
0:19:40 is pure and clear and these these
0:19:43 imaginary and
0:19:44 philosophically unsound claims about
0:19:46 allah being a trinity or having a son
0:19:48 or idols and so on is obviously not
0:19:51 school thinking about what
0:19:52 in front of all of this is because
0:19:54 sanskrit
0:19:55 was well established and well proven
0:19:58 now that's that's it but if it comes to
0:20:00 laws and regulations understand the
0:20:02 state
0:20:02 what we're offering to the people is is
0:20:05 is laughable
0:20:11 um sorry to follow on from this question
0:20:13 um so just to
0:20:15 summarize so the narration about dying
0:20:18 the death of jahilia this
0:20:28 the husband interpretation is partly
0:20:29 correct what what had it mentioned is
0:20:31 that
0:20:32 the people at the time of salaam
0:20:35 they were some of them immigrated
0:20:38 some of them immigrated and gave bayern
0:20:42 some of them immigrated and gave baya
0:20:45 and some of them
0:20:45 they stayed in their tribes they could
0:20:48 establish the referendum islam they were
0:20:50 not persecuted they are allowed to stay
0:20:51 there and they like what the problem
0:20:53 called
0:20:53 the muslim the outsider the foreigner
0:20:55 the one who do not carry that the word
0:20:57 here does not mean bedouins that means
0:20:59 those who and that's disgusting in one
0:21:01 of our books extensively with the
0:21:02 meaning
0:21:04 by the legion going becoming
0:21:07 not becoming bedouin after hijano
0:21:09 becoming leaving the
0:21:10 the the the state the islamic citizens
0:21:14 allegiance and departing that after you
0:21:16 have accepted it that's not permissible
0:21:18 but actually originally you are outside
0:21:20 and you will be living outside in a new
0:21:22 tribe in your village
0:21:23 and not giving back to the central
0:21:24 government that's perfect that was in
0:21:26 the temple of it was available
0:21:27 and under this and that's that uh that
0:21:30 already
0:21:31 made an injection to anyone he sent
0:21:32 about the people so ask them three into
0:21:34 this islam
0:21:34 if there is islam then ask them either
0:21:37 to
0:21:38 come to the toilet
0:21:42 which does not mean it's a physical
0:21:44 intimidation meaning joining the islamic
0:21:46 state
0:21:46 as citizen and become part of it
0:21:48 possibly
0:21:49 as a federal entity or
0:21:52 if they wish they can stay like arable
0:21:54 muslim like the one non-citizen
0:21:56 the one not carrying the the citizenship
0:21:59 the
0:22:00 the state belonging that is fine
0:22:04 but in that case they have nothing in in
0:22:06 the islamic surgery to
0:22:07 expect they don't get anything from
0:22:09 their body unless they fight with us
0:22:11 in a certain button then they get
0:22:12 something otherwise
0:22:14 they don't get anything from us they
0:22:15 don't get any money they don't get any
0:22:16 support they've got nothing there
0:22:18 they're outside
0:22:19 they have their own affairs to manage so
0:22:21 that was on temple for salsa
0:22:25 but they have their own entity or their
0:22:26 own allegiance but someone who is dying
0:22:29 like this or someone who lives in
0:22:30 wilderness neither acknowledging this
0:22:32 fighting with these
0:22:33 because they will be done for him and a
0:22:35 foreign entity nor he is joining
0:22:37 so he has no buyer to anybody he's not
0:22:40 believing into the outward he is living
0:22:42 like what they call it like a terrorist
0:22:44 like a uh
0:22:45 highway robber this one who will die
0:22:47 there is
0:22:48 you have to have an authority if there
0:22:50 is an authority which is worthy of
0:22:51 taking you out you have to
0:22:52 if there's no authority then obviously
0:22:55 you are not asked to
0:22:56 a legitimate authority so that's the
0:22:58 meaning of the hadith
0:23:00 one of it is obviously is that which
0:23:02 which which
0:23:05 encourages to conclude about the three
0:23:07 days and so on is that you have to make
0:23:09 sure that there is an authority
0:23:10 which is worthy of you don't need to
0:23:12 give by but there must be an authority
0:23:14 which you
0:23:16 accept your acceptance even if you did
0:23:18 not go and shake hand or even send the
0:23:20 letter
0:23:20 i give my buyer that's not necessary but
0:23:22 you can't do it you can express it but
0:23:23 it's not necessary you don't even
0:23:25 for example even their election is not
0:23:27 conceivable that everyone will attend
0:23:28 they say but those who did not attempt
0:23:30 they should accept a result of the
0:23:31 majority
0:23:33 if they don't accept that they are
0:23:35 rebelling
0:23:36 how come you will accept you must accept
0:23:40 what the majority has chosen so i am
0:23:41 accepted and this is you must believe
0:23:43 that this way
0:23:44 in your neck unless you have a good
0:23:46 reason to believe that this is not
0:23:48 whether you buy and this is
0:23:50 that's something else so that's the
0:23:52 meaning of the hadith of mahmouth
0:23:55 the one who is out of it outside this a
0:23:57 system of an organized society the one
0:24:00 who lives like
0:24:02 what they call it like living in the
0:24:03 jungle the one who lives in the
0:24:05 uh according to the law of the jungle
0:24:08 not organizing organization or in
0:24:12 your local state if you prepare relative
0:24:14 to the islamic federation you will get
0:24:15 to be in your tribe outside
0:24:17 or you prefer to be living in england
0:24:19 for example who are not oppressed in
0:24:20 your religion
0:24:21 you can exercise your specific religion
0:24:23 you are not forced to do any haram
0:24:25 against your will or drop any duty
0:24:32 so you are not oppressed you are not
0:24:34 obliged to immigrate
0:24:36 you don't need to you you don't need to
0:24:38 have a buyer in that case
0:24:41 because you are allowed specifically
0:24:43 like the muslims
0:24:56 years and decades and centuries until
0:24:58 you became
0:25:21 and he established that tradition even
0:25:23 though after him continued with that
0:25:25 tradition and continued several
0:25:26 generations
0:25:27 without any issues with the muslims so
0:25:29 that's that's
0:25:30 that's that's the correct understanding
0:25:32 is that whenever there is a buyer
0:25:34 available
0:25:36 you should have buyer you should not be
0:25:39 living outside
0:25:41 belonging to an islamic community if
0:25:43 it's available but if you are it's not
0:25:45 available you are living with them in
0:25:46 england
0:25:47 or in then it is
0:25:50 the issue of does not come into
0:25:51 consideration you are living outside the
0:25:53 domain
0:25:54 with information obviously because you
0:25:56 are not persecuted in your deen
0:25:59 and you are able to establish at least
0:26:01 your your individual level
0:26:02 uh so
0:26:06 does not come in like for example
0:26:09 an islamic state is established
0:26:10 somewhere in the world
0:26:13 except for islamic state or are the one
0:26:16 in england
0:26:17 obliged to immigrate no they can't be
0:26:19 great definitely undesirable and they
0:26:20 may be encouraged to do
0:26:22 but are
0:26:32 i am a citizen and they have obligation
0:26:33 i will be called for the army i will be
0:26:35 paying my zakat in the treasury and
0:26:37 other taxes as as necessary etc
0:26:45 it's void there's there's the conditions
0:26:50 and he's not dying the death of jairia
0:26:54 because he's allowed this specifically
0:26:55 you know some of the sahaba who were
0:26:58 able to protect themselves
0:26:59 where in in in mecca even after the
0:27:02 heger one of them is
0:27:10 uh his son i think and uh
0:27:14 was was taken prisoner of war and some
0:27:17 relatives of
0:27:18 his friend one of you were killed and so
0:27:20 on
0:27:21 and then one time he was sitting with
0:27:25 safran in the shadow of the kaaba and
0:27:26 they were mourning what has happened to
0:27:27 them and they said
0:27:28 wear it not for my girls i have only
0:27:30 guessed their daughters
0:27:32 if someone could take with them i will
0:27:33 go poison my my
0:27:35 my sword go sneak to medina play
0:27:38 play muslim or play tricks until i kill
0:27:41 muhammad
0:27:42 so someone took the opportunity your
0:27:45 daughters are my daughters
0:27:47 don't worry halas covenant they are my
0:27:49 daughters you go
0:27:51 so everybody himself and went he came
0:27:54 from madina
0:27:56 and when almost saw him say this this
0:27:58 pig he called him this pig
0:28:00 he's a shaytan of course she is the one
0:28:02 who was was
0:28:04 encouraging bother to fight as the one
0:28:06 who is
0:28:07 flaming the water or the is
0:28:10 inflaming the flames of war be careful
0:28:14 of
0:28:15 held him from his neck myself let him go
0:28:19 say what bring you he said
0:28:22 this is the greeting good morning allah
0:28:25 gave us
0:28:26 give us a better greeting than this one
0:28:28 he said but this was this is
0:28:30 the greeting of you and your
0:28:31 grandfathers and grandfather temple
0:28:33 that's the one that said so
0:28:34 don't bring you away said i came for
0:28:37 this poor guy you have taken as prisoner
0:28:38 of war maybe i can run from him say
0:28:40 what is this sword for say the sword
0:28:42 because i'm traveling
0:28:43 and they're traveling across arabia at
0:28:45 the time it's quite dangerous you have
0:28:46 to have a sword that's called this
0:28:48 standard weapon of any traveler no let
0:28:51 me tell you the story of the sword
0:28:52 this sword is poisoned and you start
0:28:54 with
0:28:55 the shadow of the kaaba and you just
0:28:57 said this and he said this and this and
0:28:58 that and you came here
0:29:00 but don't force your energy allah will
0:29:02 protect me from you
0:29:06 i was in a state of shock
0:29:10 we were always doubting that you but
0:29:12 what that what you said that
0:29:14 nobody else knew we were the only two
0:29:16 there
0:29:17 nobody whatsoever he did that
0:29:21 clearly the idols did not hear that
0:29:22 because they don't hear no anything
0:29:24 only allah must have known that and
0:29:25 inform you
0:29:29 release his prayer release the prisoner
0:29:31 for him this is his son
0:29:33 so there is himself and then he asked
0:29:36 her permission said let me go to mecca
0:29:38 allow me and i will try to make dow
0:29:41 there and then make their life miserable
0:29:43 as they made the life of the muslim
0:29:44 israel you're the best so he went he did
0:29:48 not get by
0:29:48 he didn't say he didn't become a citizen
0:29:50 in medina
0:29:51 because he becomes there you have to
0:29:53 give bayer so he went back
0:29:55 in in makkah allah vistafan was upset
0:29:58 and swore that he would never talk to
0:29:59 him and
0:30:00 that covenant was broken obviously he
0:30:01 returned against
0:30:04 it until the first time i think
0:30:05 conquered until
0:30:08 he immigrated to madina and he was
0:30:11 sufficiently strong to protect himself
0:30:12 and he has many muslims with him
0:30:14 and he was making the life of miserable
0:30:18 so it's not only the people of havisha
0:30:22 but he was not obliged obviously he was
0:30:24 not able to to uh to
0:30:25 apply any rules of our community or
0:30:28 general rules of islamic state
0:30:30 they were dealing usury they were having
0:30:32 their prostitutes there have they have
0:30:34 they have official procedures they have
0:30:35 banners there
0:30:36 and they have everything i was living in
0:30:37 that society without any problem
0:30:40 but he was doing his prayer they were
0:30:41 doing his islamic obligation as
0:30:42 individual personnel are coming down
0:30:48 so that's another one
0:30:51 another another one of the sahabah uh uh
0:30:55 i i remember his name in a minute uh did
0:30:58 not immigrate in fifth west because his
0:31:01 the same tribe obama was a low tribe of
0:31:03 college by the way lower tribe
0:31:05 but not as low as that time several
0:31:07 packers uh
0:31:08 his his people he wanted to immediately
0:31:10 why are you getting we protect you
0:31:12 nobody can touch you so
0:31:13 he stayed and then
0:31:16 in the conquest of makkah said said to
0:31:19 him
0:31:20 your people were better than my people
0:31:21 they protected you say now your people
0:31:23 are better than my because they
0:31:25 although they prosecuted you but they
0:31:26 were the cause for you to immigrate and
0:31:28 get get the high rank of obviously this
0:31:31 is a polite way of answering that your
0:31:33 people are better than my people anyway
0:31:35 even if they were bad to you that would
0:31:36 get you to immigration and go through
0:31:38 them
0:31:39 the the higher rank of immigrants and
0:31:41 the great benefit of immigration
0:31:42 and they stated that mecca did not get a
0:31:44 brexit but he was he
0:31:46 he he he was allowed to there and he
0:31:48 lived there until until the conquest
0:31:50 without any problem obviously you could
0:31:53 not do any enforcing any public laws of
0:31:55 the islam or
0:31:55 within the society in islamic society
0:31:58 but he's actually
0:31:59 getting many people to islam and he was
0:32:01 protecting himself
0:32:03 so it's not as as as some people think
0:32:06 or have a construction in their mind
0:32:08 it's not like that it's hadith
0:32:11 if there is an imam and you are a
0:32:12 citizen that state
0:32:15 because in that state then this imam
0:32:17 which has has
0:32:19 deserved to have a buyer with yourself
0:32:22 elected probably then you must regard
0:32:25 him as your imam and
0:32:26 give god even if you did not elect him
0:32:28 it doesn't matter be elected because
0:32:30 there will be always
0:32:31 a minority who shall not agree with them
0:32:33 but that's not that that does not give
0:32:35 them
0:32:35 the permission not to know that they
0:32:38 have maya in their neck and
0:32:39 obey and listen does that mean it
0:32:41 happened is that your way and listen
0:32:43 then you are offensive with the usual
0:32:44 condition but you will be understood
0:32:46 so if they don't say go now
0:32:49 everyone in the in that location will uh
0:32:52 who is able to carry weapons carry
0:32:53 women's and we are going to a battle
0:32:54 campaign
0:33:08 who has been elected or or or
0:33:12 gotten by out properly it does not mean
0:33:14 that you have
0:33:15 yourself to do but i know just opposite
0:33:17 maybe you did not give bayer maybe he
0:33:19 did not do the election
0:33:20 maybe you didn't like this one like for
0:33:22 example
0:33:23 he was not disobeying human even he said
0:33:25 i hate you i don't like you
0:33:30 and he asked permission to go to shop
0:33:32 from the one he disliked
0:33:33 but you know the stima and he has the
0:33:35 obligation to me but he does not like to
0:33:37 be with him in the same city even
0:33:38 you want to leave the city fine you can
0:33:40 say you can live
0:33:42 with all means and join the army with
0:33:44 all means that's your right
0:33:45 nobody can prevent you from that
0:33:48 okay check i think you've covered some
0:33:51 some aspects
0:33:52 um now okay just just so we're on the
0:33:54 same page so you've mentioned that there
0:33:56 is no
0:33:56 in the absence of a khilafah we're not
0:33:59 obligated to necessarily
0:34:01 um establish on our next the question
0:34:04 not obligated it doesn't make any sense
0:34:06 to say establishing islamic state
0:34:08 what is what's obligated for the one who
0:34:10 is aware
0:34:11 is to educate the ummah as a dia
0:34:15 that you have to have the power you have
0:34:18 to get the power when they get the power
0:34:19 then they are obliged
0:34:21 automatically okay so what do you say
0:34:23 obliged
0:34:25 joe fred lives wherever he lives
0:34:28 is he how's he obligated because the the
0:34:31 hazardous thing about jahiliyyah
0:34:33 builds a construct that because this
0:34:36 fight is good fire
0:34:37 and they build an entire although it's
0:34:38 false in terms of uh three days two
0:34:40 nights whatever
0:34:41 but they've built an obligation based on
0:34:44 this
0:34:45 now this is not obligation
0:34:49 okay i understood i understood okay on
0:34:50 that because you've undermined it
0:34:52 fundamentally you've undermined
0:34:53 fundamentally what what that premise is
0:34:55 built on by
0:34:55 undermining the idea that um what the
0:34:59 death of julia means also uh the nature
0:35:02 of the burial
0:35:03 however obligation the obligation the
0:35:06 only obligation here is the obligation
0:35:08 to uh to broadcast the message of the
0:35:11 allah and his messenger
0:35:13 is that the muslim is islam
0:35:16 and when you have sufficient power so
0:35:19 that you get established according to
0:35:20 the objective condition then you rule
0:35:22 but embrace islam and become a strong
0:35:24 community so how do you build this
0:35:26 how do you build this project is this
0:35:27 from the verse over we've
0:35:34 they arrive at their conclusion however
0:35:36 strong or however weak they built it
0:35:38 from a certain premise
0:35:39 how have you arrived that there is any
0:35:41 obligation on us is
0:35:53 how is that defined is there a
0:35:54 methodology associated with that but
0:35:56 there's just
0:36:08 in the world did it work this way so
0:36:11 that that is separate from that okay
0:36:15 that's where it cannot be done
0:36:16 individually okay
0:36:19 so even even that for example because
0:36:20 they are very prescribed in terms of
0:36:23 that's because of that because
0:36:25 constructing things out of imagination
0:36:27 that's what they they're very concerned
0:36:29 because because they understood this in
0:36:30 the wrong way or
0:36:31 even in the details can you expand on
0:36:34 that so
0:36:35 for example from your from your premise
0:36:37 of general permissibility
0:36:38 the prophet son commits an action from
0:36:40 your point of view it's just an
0:36:41 indication of
0:36:42 recommendation permissibility or
0:36:45 sometimes baku to show that it's not
0:36:46 prohibited
0:36:47 yeah that's so the actions of the
0:36:49 prophet saw do they so he did these acts
0:36:51 for example that his would build the
0:36:52 premise that the prophet saw
0:36:54 every action needed evidence the prophet
0:36:55 saws did these actions therefore they
0:36:57 are mandated
0:36:58 that's mistake that's a mystery it's
0:36:59 only a mistake no what
0:37:01 has done is that when he started now he
0:37:03 started secretly
0:37:06 because that's the way a single man will
0:37:07 start in a in an ocean of enemies around
0:37:10 him
0:37:10 there's no other way to do it and that's
0:37:12 what he was instructed by by
0:37:14 by by by to do
0:37:17 so it was that that was individual and
0:37:19 was all secretly in the sense that
0:37:21 the organization was clear to it was not
0:37:22 public to the people that there is an
0:37:24 organization
0:37:25 he was meeting with the people in that
0:37:27 they did not know that he was meeting
0:37:28 with
0:37:30 all those next to uh i think next to
0:37:32 them
0:37:33 but nobody knew about that so the
0:37:34 organization was secret but they knew
0:37:36 that muhammad is having a dao and he's
0:37:37 calling people and some people joined
0:37:39 him in this belief
0:37:42 maybe the first few days nobody knew
0:37:43 only the the family khadijah
0:37:45 isaiah and so on etc
0:37:49 where the faith believe and welcome you
0:37:50 know fun and few people are known one by
0:37:52 one
0:37:52 without without uh uh
0:37:56 doing it publicly in the sense but the
0:37:58 people who knew that
0:38:00 has changed a bit this one has seen
0:38:02 everything and things like that
0:38:07 then came the phase of public daoa and
0:38:09 so on without confrontation confronting
0:38:11 the society just
0:38:12 mentioning what the positive view how
0:38:13 without necessarily attacking their
0:38:15 idols and their ideology
0:38:16 so they say oh he's calling for tahiti
0:38:18 but he's not attacking our idols and so
0:38:20 on we can't have this we can't have this
0:38:22 then came the the confrontation of the
0:38:25 slavery
0:38:26 so that his his is the national
0:38:28 development this is nazi development
0:38:29 and taking the process as an example
0:38:31 show how it works in the universe
0:38:33 not that self-obligation if you find
0:38:35 another way maybe there's another way
0:38:36 maybe nowadays you can do it by internet
0:38:40 but again now spreading said point
0:38:42 certain point of view
0:38:45 and you can have an organization made by
0:38:47 by uh organized and connected by
0:38:49 facebook people who never met
0:38:50 face to face but it's different in way
0:38:52 and means is that is that really
0:38:53 essentially different it's not
0:38:54 necessarily different
0:38:57 the only thing which is which is
0:38:59 interesting is that
0:39:02 which there's considerable argument
0:39:04 between
0:39:05 between uh and specifically
0:39:08 this is they say this is a joke this is
0:39:10 not a that's that in that
0:39:12 husband is right because he was ordered
0:39:14 to but he really came and said go to
0:39:16 taifa and ask for nusrah but what the
0:39:19 what he did not understand probably and
0:39:21 the muslims did not answer probably
0:39:23 is that
0:39:23 Music
0:39:26 was for protection to continue carrying
0:39:29 tawa not to establish a state it leads
0:39:31 by
0:39:31 by natural development when you have a
0:39:33 majority in one place then the state
0:39:34 will emerge as habit in medina it leads
0:39:37 but it's not uh the purpose of it
0:39:40 nor the event
0:39:46 he said explicitly to the people i just
0:39:48 want you to protect me from killing
0:39:50 being killed like want to kill me so
0:39:52 that i can carry a missile allah
0:39:53 i don't ask you to force you to accept
0:39:56 your marriage
0:39:56 or even expect you to accept you can
0:39:59 accept
0:40:00 whoever accept his welcome who doesn't
0:40:01 accept his welcome provided that all we
0:40:03 agree
0:40:04 that you protect me from my enemies and
0:40:06 that we don't fight my religion so
0:40:07 tribunal
0:40:08 you protect me meaning you protect also
0:40:10 my religion you accept that that's
0:40:11 a valid point of view which people can
0:40:13 accept maybe the guys
0:40:15 will belong to a philosophy which
0:40:16 believes there is no absolute truth
0:40:18 everything goes
0:40:19 relativism okay you have your opponent
0:40:21 you have all upon you
0:40:22 that's no problem as long as they're not
0:40:24 hostile even more than that
0:40:26 they're protective
0:40:29 he never told anyone uh get to get get
0:40:32 out of power
0:40:33 and and and give the pawn to me was
0:40:35 never that
0:40:37 hit just the opposite
0:40:42 all he asked for one for example
0:40:47 he told him i have a a
0:40:51 a castle on top of a mountain nobody can
0:40:53 come up except with the lift they lift
0:40:55 even the donkeys were lifted
0:40:57 so it's unattackable that's the real
0:41:00 protection
0:41:00 say are your people with you and that
0:41:03 see i don't know so you don't have
0:41:04 nusrah
0:41:05 your people have to be with you you are
0:41:07 i don't have a castle and the people
0:41:09 with you
0:41:09 just tolerate you it's not enough i will
0:41:11 the people agree with you
0:41:13 that you give protection you have
0:41:15 popular backing
0:41:18 i'd
0:41:22 and the one most convinced underground
0:41:24 i'm saying said that's the year before
0:41:25 the answer came given
0:41:27 the year 12. and the man said yes i'm
0:41:29 done and we have the tribe hundred
0:41:30 thousand fighters
0:41:31 there's a very powerful tribe of the
0:41:33 most powerful tribes in arabia at the
0:41:35 time hamdan
0:41:37 anderson said
0:41:41 are you certain that your people support
0:41:42 you say i'm almost certain but let me go
0:41:45 and take the covenant and discuss that
0:41:46 with them and get the assurances and
0:41:48 come back next year so
0:41:49 do that come next year before he came
0:41:52 next year the assad came again
0:41:55 they took they took the prophet away
0:41:57 from him that's it
0:42:13 is to have protection and all statements
0:42:15 especially statements
0:42:18 in several places in his era and he was
0:42:21 telling the tribe
0:42:22 i don't force anybody
0:42:25 who believes in me accept me behind i'm
0:42:27 just looking for protection from being
0:42:30 killed like what quraysh is trying to do
0:42:31 now that's all
0:42:33 that's explicitly out of that and we
0:42:34 have this uh this research and they sent
0:42:36 it by the way to the hezbollah
0:42:39 he was hoping that they will translate
0:42:40 but they say we only translate a summary
0:42:43 anyway
0:42:44 we'll see what we can do i think this is
0:42:45 very significant this together will
0:42:46 sahiva will climb a fiction picture
0:42:48 completely
0:42:52 sorry could you elaborate what do you
0:42:53 mean by that in terms of this piece of
0:42:55 work exactly
0:42:56 what what do you mean so you said that
0:42:58 you've sent some material to them what
0:42:59 was that material specifically
0:43:03 establishing the state you have a
0:43:06 different point of view in terms of
0:43:07 nother as well in terms of because at
0:43:09 the moment when the dao was going on uh
0:43:12 through the jummah and you know after
0:43:14 the final stage they
0:43:16 they looked to get nusra from the army
0:43:18 um on that issue there in terms of if
0:43:20 you're in a position and you take the
0:43:22 power without the uma being prepared or
0:43:25 the the pro the problem with that is
0:43:26 that they think the nusrah is to
0:43:27 establish the state that's the mistake
0:43:29 the monster is to protect the tower
0:43:33 that's it
0:43:36 so the whole issue is mute no way to
0:43:38 understand what
0:43:39 is all about
0:43:45 and that's the reason can be even from a
0:43:47 kafir just he is willing for whatever
0:43:49 motivation
0:43:50 is to give protection that you carry
0:43:53 peacefully and nobody will disturb you
0:43:54 and they'll kill you and you carry your
0:43:56 tawa and
0:43:57 struggle with the people intellectually
0:43:58 and continue that's all that's there
0:44:01 so you could say you could say the fact
0:44:02 to all the secular state nowadays
0:44:04 was genuinely secular and democratic
0:44:21 they are already available more or less
0:44:23 in that sense
0:44:24 at a time in the world that was not the
0:44:26 case origins were oppressive and all
0:44:29 kings would enforce their hakida on the
0:44:31 people
0:44:32 the roman emperor accepted the two two
0:44:36 natures to uh uh and and
0:44:39 and uh and two wills of christ
0:44:42 and prosecute the one of monophysicists
0:44:44 they want to say if christ has only one
0:44:45 nation
0:44:46 it will and start burying them in egypt
0:44:55 or something they would have been
0:44:57 exterminated and they are finished
0:44:58 they survived only because of islam will
0:45:00 protect them and even attracted them all
0:45:02 the way to abyssinia and the branch
0:45:04 church which is in india
0:45:05 is also an immunophysicist the form that
0:45:07 otherwise would have been exterminated
0:45:12 was different
0:45:15 if someone was to take power though
0:45:19 they judged whatever criteria were in a
0:45:21 position to take power
0:45:23 and they established the state and they
0:45:26 established their own rulership
0:45:28 would that be prohibited because of not
0:45:30 having had the opportunity to to
0:45:33 if they don't have the agreement of
0:45:34 majority they are reasonable the result
0:45:36 poverty doesn't belong to them
0:45:40 like crash
0:45:45 they will force themselves and
0:45:47 practically they will collapse
0:45:49 they will end an extremely oppressive
0:45:50 regime and it will collapse
0:45:56 it will collapse on its own internal
0:45:58 contradictions and problems
0:46:00 that's not the way we should establish a
0:46:01 state which really will help the mind
0:46:03 gets forward
0:46:04 no and it has been proven to be
0:46:07 unable to to help them it has actually
0:46:10 brought more problems with
0:46:11 and damaged it more more
0:46:28 in the 80s and so on but uh when when we
0:46:31 reach power we will not bother about
0:46:33 these cows for them they are
0:46:34 cows like cows we'll just guide that
0:46:37 house
0:46:38 which kind of uh another which kind of
0:46:40 look you have
0:46:44 nobody should give buyer to anybody
0:46:46 otherwise you'll be killed and he warned
0:46:48 the people from those who want to
0:46:49 observe absorb observe your affairs take
0:46:51 your offense from you
0:46:52 i must understand the correct one i'm
0:46:54 sure
0:47:09 that he elected from your prophets and
0:47:11 made you kings
0:47:12 you are everyone is king of himself
0:47:14 everyone is master of yourself
0:47:17 he doesn't need to submit the king here
0:47:18 you have to come for consultation and
0:47:20 discussion
0:47:21 and he said the same things by sure and
0:47:23 they were doing that within the
0:47:24 leadership of the prophets
0:47:25 until they chose to go the kingdom way
0:47:28 which
0:47:28 ended in the destruction yes they have
0:47:31 the first three kings were okay
0:47:32 all good followed saul and then david
0:47:35 and the sulaiman and it's uphill
0:47:37 downhill from that day
0:47:39 but the only show is that's in the book
0:47:40 of uh
0:47:46 the first look after the after the
0:47:47 judges what's his name
0:47:50 samuel of someone the whole story how
0:47:53 they assisted to have a king and how
0:47:54 they were one that this would be
0:47:56 their catastrophe their demise their
0:47:58 prayers will not be accepted that they
0:47:59 insist
0:48:00 and their argument was that if we have a
0:48:02 king we have a structure a strong state
0:48:04 strong structure we can't fight like
0:48:05 other nations
0:48:08 ended that they their king standing and
0:48:10 to become
0:48:11 idol worshiper and to become a
0:48:13 disbelieving
0:48:14 corrupt nation because they wanted
0:48:18 allegedly fight other nations and even
0:48:19 this even that claims was not true
0:48:22 they chickened out when uh talut saul
0:48:25 asked them to
0:48:26 to go out to fight their enemy
0:48:32 so the whole concept of how what's the
0:48:34 meaning of being
0:48:35 is islamic is that islam chronic is is
0:48:38 is mutilated
0:48:39 since it's mutilated
0:48:44 the same way like israel asked for it to
0:48:46 have a king that's essentially what they
0:48:48 they wanted something like a khalifa
0:48:49 like a king or something like that
0:48:51 or kingly power that's not because
0:48:55 one is difficult to manage and it's
0:48:57 demanding and the people are lazy they
0:48:58 don't want and they end with corruption
0:49:00 and
0:49:01 disintegration of society internally
0:49:06 but this is the philosophy but actually
0:49:08 that's that's what all of it
0:49:11 from your point of view there is there
0:49:13 is it's through
0:49:15 practical authors practical expediency
0:49:18 more than anything that
0:49:18 determines the methodology as in your
0:49:20 reality yeah
0:49:22 but it is but the first part of
0:49:24 authority is there is no other way what
0:49:26 what other way will be
0:49:27 show me any other rationally conceivable
0:49:29 way
0:49:31 so this derived from for example because
0:49:34 because basically whatever yeah
0:49:35 we're looking at we're looking at we've
0:49:36 got like 40 people who are like most of
0:49:38 us
0:49:40 know just what how can someone who has
0:49:42 an idea he want to bring this isla
0:49:44 the muslim now muslims are in existence
0:49:46 there are some there was no slips
0:49:49 so he has to establish create a new um
0:49:52 so
0:49:53 what how to start you start by calling
0:49:55 one by one person by person
0:49:57 it's not it's not possible through any
0:49:58 other voice
0:50:02 and then you go to another stage and
0:50:04 then start addressing things more
0:50:06 publicly
0:50:06 in a non-confrontational way for the
0:50:08 first for the first phase
0:50:18 nothing attacking the heavy weights of
0:50:20 the society so they will get alarmed and
0:50:22 start becoming hostile
0:50:23 and then when you reach a certain number
0:50:25 than you like for example
0:50:27 after one best islam it was the sixth
0:50:28 year he thought
0:50:30 we will go out now and do the offer with
0:50:31 kabal publicly and i would say no
0:50:34 uh pakistan said no we are we our number
0:50:36 is few
0:50:37 it depends upon numbers oh as you know
0:50:39 our number is enough
0:50:41 and then after discussing the matter
0:50:42 exclusively both they went in two
0:50:45 rows one row led by hamza and one road
0:50:48 and they met off out of the kaaba and
0:50:50 crash was a state of shock but then they
0:50:52 started plotting and causing problems
0:50:53 after that
0:50:54 and so on and every row were there about
0:50:56 40 people 40 40 it is
0:50:58 the 80 was were in mecca at the time the
0:51:00 rest were in inhabition for example
0:51:04 it was a shock for christ so that was
0:51:06 discussed this is the number enough
0:51:08 to to do such a confrontation to do such
0:51:10 a march
0:51:12 so this is i i i don't see any issue
0:51:15 there that
0:51:15 the uh is doing also the same but the
0:51:19 problem is that their way education
0:51:20 whether educating the people
0:51:22 is amorphous are not well structured
0:51:23 that's something else the material
0:51:25 they're offering is not enough to
0:51:27 to to revive the minds and get people on
0:51:29 board in such a way
0:51:30 that this movement will morph into a
0:51:32 strong party
0:51:33 will lead the masses and will encourage
0:51:35 the masses to take matas in their hand
0:51:37 as it should be
0:51:40 at least that's that was the problem the
0:51:43 fine details and so on the thing has got
0:51:44 stuck in such fine details
0:51:46 to our extreme that it made the
0:51:48 methodology become
0:52:03 but the other thing is this also for
0:52:04 example so if we are to look at the
0:52:06 world today and the
0:52:08 the problems that we're imagining for
0:52:09 example says that the has will be just
0:52:11 devoted for political and ideological
0:52:13 activity
0:52:14 they don't collect zika they don't talk
0:52:16 charity and so it's
0:52:19 he was keeping trust for certain people
0:52:21 he went to
0:52:22 abu jahl and tried to force him to pay
0:52:24 someone uh a debt he was
0:52:26 not not willing to pay so he embarrassed
0:52:29 abu jahl and forced him to pay
0:52:31 that's a charitable act has nothing to
0:52:32 do with that just
0:52:34 doing a benefit to that man who is out
0:52:36 not a police he is coming from outside
0:52:38 and did not give him his word for him
0:52:40 some money i was not giving a say
0:52:42 tomorrow one day after tomorrow and so
0:52:43 on
0:52:43 and then he said they told him this
0:52:45 muhammad belongs to the people who have
0:52:46 the helpful followed
0:52:47 who made the covenant to support the
0:52:49 needy and to oppress
0:52:51 go maybe he will help you they made this
0:52:52 as a mockery thanking him
0:52:54 the world will not be able to do
0:52:55 anything rasam says yes i will come with
0:52:57 me i am from the family who stabs heaven
0:53:12 so it's just just not comprehensive what
0:53:15 the syrah was doing
0:53:16 so they concluded things to shed from
0:53:18 that from his imagination by going to
0:53:20 extremes
0:53:21 that was the problem with the
0:53:22 methodology that that they arguing about
0:53:24 on on on on false ground
0:53:26 that the heart did that we must do it
0:53:28 that's wrong but i
0:53:30 i was i would say what else can be done
0:53:34 can you defer so for example where in
0:53:35 the uk can i defer my activities for
0:53:38 for a foreign foreign action so for
0:53:40 example if hypothetically
0:53:42 um papua new guinea was was islamic land
0:53:45 and it's on the brink of khilafah can i
0:53:47 circumvent all my activities to support
0:53:49 that
0:53:50 this if can emir turn around and say
0:53:52 look don't do anything in
0:53:54 darul which is obviously on the brink of
0:53:56 khilafah as well
0:53:58 don't do anything in slow you must not
0:54:00 you have to support papua new guinea
0:54:03 can they can can amir say that as well
0:54:05 is that no no
0:54:06 no this is not but this will be
0:54:08 certainly in a situation by its own
0:54:10 merit
0:54:10 it would be clear in its own matter
0:54:11 what's going on i think this is all the
0:54:14 problem with his is that he made this
0:54:16 as if it is like like a like like a
0:54:18 mechanical process not mechanical very
0:54:20 dynamic
0:54:20 process when you say dynamics obviously
0:54:23 it requires everyone to use their own
0:54:25 grey matter and rather than just
0:54:26 complete yeah yeah that's that's it for
0:54:28 example when when the prosecution became
0:54:31 very heavy and some of sahabah
0:54:32 was suffering badly he suggested them to
0:54:34 come to hamashiach because there's just
0:54:36 man
0:54:36 and so on
0:54:40 does it mean that if they say that
0:54:43 it doesn't mean for the why the house
0:54:44 does not tell the sheriff when they are
0:54:45 prosecuted in jordan
0:54:46 now some of you will go at least part of
0:54:48 you will go and
0:54:50 live in in america there's a bit of
0:54:52 justice there and some protection
0:54:53 they haven't never did that so they are
0:54:56 not following their principle that
0:54:57 actually was
0:54:58 an obligation it's just haphazard they
0:55:01 said
0:55:03 mainly because of reliance on weak
0:55:06 narrations
0:55:07 yeah yeah and not understand the history
0:55:09 probably and just
0:55:10 uh just the main line without seeing the
0:55:12 flanking of
0:55:14 narrations developing things properly
0:55:16 relying on
0:55:17 on summarized uh
0:55:21 summarizing things in uh what our
0:55:23 previous focus did who do not have a
0:55:25 pro let me give an example for someone
0:55:27 one of the major mistakes not for
0:55:28 hezbollah for the focus and time pass
0:55:29 for example
0:55:31 since since uh
0:55:35 the uh the rajam sent the letters for
0:55:37 the dawah we know for the various kings
0:55:39 his letter her calls were clear that
0:55:43 he caught him for islam obviously and
0:55:47 and promise him if he accept islam he
0:55:49 will get his reward twice reward for him
0:55:51 being christian
0:55:52 according to the best unfortunately he
0:55:53 had and the word for being muslim
0:55:55 and they say if you don't accept then
0:55:57 don't designation
0:55:59 that don't prevent me from talking to a
0:56:02 fellaini
0:56:03 to the farmer to the resident was like
0:56:07 that's the best translation for what for
0:56:10 the
0:56:10 farmer let me talk to the people
0:56:12 directly this is outrageous for that
0:56:14 university
0:56:15 the time the king control your belief
0:56:16 and everything he's asking
0:56:19 to be suddenly democratic that's not
0:56:22 acceptable
0:56:24 if he don't accept that nobody will
0:56:25 accept
0:56:27 so
0:56:31 decided to refuse whatever motivation
0:56:33 although he said the letter say that
0:56:35 i i cannot get i cannot convince the
0:56:37 people here to follow me and i'm in
0:56:38 danger and things like that
0:56:39 under himself commented this
0:56:43 the evil man became stingy for his power
0:56:46 he doesn't want to attack
0:56:48 he knows his power will be gone if islam
0:56:49 spreads and his
0:56:51 his kingdom will be gone sooner or later
0:56:53 he will die
0:56:54 he's not looking to to eternity he's
0:56:56 looking only this dunya
0:56:58 then he moved and the arab tribes to
0:57:00 attack with their
0:57:01 attempt to attack medina and also when
0:57:03 the muslim sent people for dawa
0:57:04 they killed the the the people got going
0:57:07 to mukta and so on
0:57:08 and also the messenger of some were
0:57:10 killed based on that of our cellular
0:57:12 battle water and we were killed so it
0:57:14 was the state of war with the romans
0:57:15 and also the persian because the persian
0:57:17 and roman at the time they
0:57:19 settled and they have an agreement
0:57:20 that's it in the in the historical words
0:57:22 of the roman empire they have a
0:57:23 treaty and they have even joined joined
0:57:26 the defense
0:57:27 line along along the euphrates river
0:57:29 people do not know that
0:57:30 so the war was is not an ingenuity of a
0:57:32 worker or desire that he fights in two
0:57:34 fronts it is one front
0:57:35 the roman and the other alliance if you
0:57:37 fight one you will fight the other
0:57:39 there's no escape you have to write both
0:57:40 so if i think more and the and then
0:57:43 there was the the usual here either
0:57:45 accept islam or
0:57:46 jesus and so on because only the state
0:57:47 of war is declared and they have
0:57:48 accepted wars
0:57:50 it has to be now ended that's the way to
0:57:52 end the war
0:57:53 but the question how they were
0:57:54 interrupted it's not initiated by
0:57:56 muslims it's created by them by their
0:57:58 aggression
0:57:58 and staying in front of dawah evidence
0:58:00 for that is that the one place
0:58:02 kingdom which did not stay in front of
0:58:04 dawah it was completely peaceful
0:58:06 and remain in a state of peaceful
0:58:08 cooperation and equal existence
0:58:09 is abyssinian nobody can benefit
0:58:13 neither in terms of the prophet nor in
0:58:14 time not even
0:58:16 um
0:58:20 no nobody even bothered looking at this
0:58:21 issue which refused all this theory like
0:58:23 with the
0:58:24 theory of shattering that there must be
0:58:26 always an attacks against the kuffar and
0:58:28 asking
0:58:28 engineering coming down by so that it's
0:58:31 not true
0:58:32 it was never the case it was never like
0:58:34 that
0:58:35 evidence of abyssinian publishing is a
0:58:37 very important weighty country
0:58:40 with enormous capabilities and enormous
0:58:42 wealth and not not
0:58:43 even one arrow was exchanged between
0:58:45 muslims and
0:58:46 abyssinians not the nubian sometimes
0:58:50 they call the nubian abyssinian because
0:58:51 they're very similar they are
0:58:53 half semantic have have african uh
0:58:56 nilotic
0:58:57 have negro have symmetric so they look
0:58:59 like abyssinian
0:59:01 and uh and not like uh like a genuine uh
0:59:05 black african so that's so sometimes
0:59:08 they call them
0:59:09 number southern egypt they come not the
0:59:10 number of mountains far in the south of
0:59:12 sudan that says they are these are not
0:59:13 what is the genuine
0:59:15 black africa these these they have
0:59:17 conflicted muslims but not have seen in
0:59:19 kingdom
0:59:20 for centuries so what was happened there
0:59:22 how to interpret that
0:59:25 how to understand that neither shall we
0:59:27 notice that no
0:59:28 abu hanifa noticed only a bit of it a
0:59:31 part of it this is no obligation it can
0:59:32 be peaceful
0:59:33 there are help forever as long as
0:59:35 there's no words we don't cover up you
0:59:36 can't have exchange and everything
0:59:39 he apprehended that better than uh malik
0:59:42 did not answer
0:59:43 i don't know why they didn't fight
0:59:44 against abyssinian imagine
0:59:46 malik and his all all knowledge of
0:59:48 hadith and so on unable to understand
0:59:50 whether people do not analyze things
0:59:51 properly
0:59:52 unfortunately
0:59:56 they thought what has happened with the
0:59:57 roman and persian is that muslim
0:59:58 initiated that no muslim did not
1:00:00 initiate that
1:00:01 we did not study seva and hadith
1:00:03 comprehensively
1:00:05 but we have that everything now we have
1:00:07 no excuse not to study
1:00:09 i'm giving that just an example that
1:00:11 even such such mistakes and
1:00:13 and they they linger and the part of the
1:00:16 stuck in the
1:00:16 book and so on and stay until now
1:00:20 another example example what what to do
1:00:22 with the people of the book living in
1:00:23 the muslim domain et cetera and so on
1:00:25 about churches
1:00:25 rebuilding sessions all of this is
1:00:27 nonsense this is clearly in the najib
1:00:29 treaty
1:00:30 that they have complete protection for
1:00:31 the churches the
1:00:33 the good and the bad what does that mean
1:00:34 are good about the suicide
1:00:36 and will will construction order and
1:00:38 they were the bad one the but one will
1:00:39 not be demolished they can't rebuild it
1:00:40 again
1:00:41 what i mean if you're protection for for
1:00:43 an ill church
1:00:44 a church which might be maybe need to be
1:00:46 refurbished and you need to build they
1:00:48 carry build
1:00:49 what is this nonsense and then you have
1:00:52 this then they invented the letter
1:00:53 called this
1:00:53 schroeder maria which is full of filth
1:00:56 completely fabricated
1:00:58 and still you find for example someone
1:00:59 like mukheim say this sort of maria has
1:01:01 been accepted by al-fukah
1:01:02 yes we don't have an island but all
1:01:04 focus accepted and we should accept it
1:01:08 so far islam has been mutilated to that
1:01:10 level
1:01:11 so we should praise chair that he was
1:01:13 able really to get to the seerah and get
1:01:15 a little bit some of the jewels out
1:01:17 and but he went to another extreme then
1:01:19 like for example
1:01:21 that no other activity should be done no
1:01:23 charity attested the charity is only the
1:01:25 work of the head of said that's not
1:01:26 the chat is that is the obligation of
1:01:28 the single muslim we have to bring it
1:01:30 but it will not be
1:01:31 performed properly and become really a
1:01:33 proper social institution
1:01:35 which would have a considerable
1:01:36 contribution to to wealth distribution
1:01:38 except if there's a community and the
1:01:40 state managing it but
1:01:42 the obligation is there for every single
1:01:44 muslim you know he has to have do his
1:01:46 calculation and bring it out and go
1:01:47 through the trouble
1:01:48 and if a group of muslims establish like
1:01:50 an organization for collecting
1:01:51 and distributing the zakat as perfect
1:01:54 without the state
1:01:55 has to be done should be done because
1:01:58 they're
1:01:58 collecting this will be
1:02:05 a single person foreign do it and the
1:02:06 community should do it even in a
1:02:08 community level
1:02:08 not to necessarily a state level just
1:02:10 for this specific job the house will
1:02:12 tell you no no this is
1:02:13 undermining the work it's not true if
1:02:16 the khalifa is one of his fundamental
1:02:18 obligations that's one of the main
1:02:19 structure
1:02:20 main duties of the islamic state is
1:02:21 collecting the taxes under and and and
1:02:23 the
1:02:24 zakat and distributing it properly and
1:02:26 that's what what initiated the so-called
1:02:28 wars most of those are called mustadin
1:02:30 they are called
1:02:32 most of them were zakat their denial not
1:02:35 multi-dimensions they didn't believe in
1:02:36 islam or something like that that was
1:02:37 and that was enough to regard
1:02:39 them because they protected that by this
1:02:40 by the sword you cannot
1:02:43 refuse to commit your obligation by the
1:02:45 sword unless you
1:02:46 you become a warrior and that's the
1:02:49 reason i will book a photo against him
1:02:53 shall we um there are a few questions um
1:03:01 yes it's correct if it's really
1:03:02 melanogly what's the question what is
1:03:04 the rajib
1:03:05 is it really our egypt first of all so
1:03:07 they constructed
1:03:08 is not a watch like for example
1:03:11 establishing a state what even
1:03:12 establishes is established by its own
1:03:26 now we tell the people if you are
1:03:27 established now you are
1:03:29 in in most muslim countries they are
1:03:31 majority
1:03:32 if you are really a true muslim i know
1:03:34 your obligation you should take power on
1:03:36 yourself you should work
1:03:37 so the the the political movement and
1:03:39 this cannot be done in a single person
1:03:42 it is done by parties and the parties
1:03:44 are in the organs of the umma to do that
1:03:52 sheikh we've had some questions uh
1:03:54 formulating in the background
1:03:56 i would suggest if we open up the floor
1:03:58 for uh open questions
1:04:00 also uh anything that spills over from
1:04:03 this
1:04:03 uh into next week and maybe even start
1:04:05 with open questions because obviously
1:04:07 what you've said here it does does
1:04:08 contradict a lot of what
1:04:10 many of us have been brought up with
1:04:11 yeah yeah it's clear it's clear yeah if
1:04:14 i could ask for example
1:04:15 um abdul hamid you mentioned
1:04:19 there is some point about the issue of
1:04:21 uh contention of the
1:04:23 three days two nights in terms of being
1:04:24 fabricated entirely
1:04:26 uh if you're available would you like to
1:04:28 discuss that
1:04:34 if he's there i don't think so okay
1:04:36 maybe that can be postponed to next week
1:04:38 i
1:04:47 the first part is complete nonsense
1:04:49 that's not the reason for delaying the
1:04:50 bureau
1:04:52 nor the conspiracy of work and
1:04:54 sharepoint
1:04:55 all of this is nonsense and ali was busy
1:04:57 with it while or basically lifting the
1:04:58 quran while the others were
1:05:00 were falling around the state that's all
1:05:02 nonsensical things coming from party
1:05:04 partisan point of view and misnomes
1:05:06 that's
1:05:08 yes but this is according to every
1:05:10 condition he as a khalifa has the
1:05:11 obligation to make sure that the islamic
1:05:13 state continues and the khilafah is
1:05:15 transferred smoothly
1:05:16 and at that time with these conditions
1:05:18 three days were regarded more than
1:05:19 enough anything any delay
1:05:21 is not justified and he gave an order as
1:05:23 an imam which was
1:05:24 executed and his order according to
1:05:28 at the time and actual condition did not
1:05:31 allow for for example to call the muslim
1:05:32 for assurance voting
1:05:34 and these procedures were not developed
1:05:36 yet omar did have voting for example
1:05:38 when the issue in in almost every issue
1:05:41 he called the people will bother and
1:05:42 consult with them
1:05:43 but in one of the issues the people of
1:05:45 badr did not agree and then the people
1:05:47 of
1:05:53 especially the one from quraysh because
1:05:54 these are people who were running a
1:05:56 state
1:05:56 and they are more understanding the
1:05:58 necessity of this issue of the
1:06:00 conquered countries the land what should
1:06:02 we do that
1:06:03 almost said the land should be available
1:06:05 for the oman for the next generation for
1:06:07 the armies
1:06:08 that should be like and only the kharaga
1:06:10 should be collected
1:06:11 and as well insisted no you divide the
1:06:13 land between us
1:06:14 this would have created an enormous
1:06:16 feudal structure and a very odd
1:06:18 anti-islamic structure
1:06:20 and that found that effective and he
1:06:22 argued the quran the sunnah
1:06:24 but zubair was insisting and the
1:06:26 discussion went on and omar consulted
1:06:27 and so so there was no stream
1:06:29 they don't have a household presented in
1:06:31 the house of of
1:06:32 the senate or something like that in a
1:06:33 streamlined procedure so he went on
1:06:35 ad hoc as things developed time these
1:06:38 things were not developed yet
1:06:39 in that situation man is dying he has
1:06:41 the responsibility that the state
1:06:43 persists and the khilafah is protected
1:06:45 and the state which is a state of war
1:06:46 continue without a danger
1:06:48 the three the three days were more than
1:06:50 enough
1:06:51 actually excessively enough he could in
1:06:54 that situation
1:06:55 i would i would have said in the place
1:06:56 of allah but he did not want
1:06:59 undermine his foreign that the khilafah
1:07:00 should be on surah and that no another
1:07:02 filter no another shot in the dark
1:07:04 like in the case of sakhita otherwise he
1:07:06 was clear when he was discussed
1:07:08 as asking someone what do you think
1:07:11 they said they may elect this where they
1:07:13 say what is wrong with them
1:07:15 why did not elect the bold man
1:07:19 if they elect him he will take them on
1:07:21 the right path but ahmad did not want
1:07:23 ali knows that he said ahmad did not
1:07:25 want because he did not want to violate
1:07:33 himself so that's three days i would say
1:07:35 it's more than enough in place of omar
1:07:37 that's immersive situation i would say
1:07:38 i believe that arya is the right one
1:07:41 given by anna
1:07:43 but the matter is for you ask the people
1:07:45 then
1:07:46 the whole the the there was no need for
1:07:48 them but
1:07:49 did not bring it over his heart is
1:07:51 because he said
1:07:52 if i if i appoint someone or suggest
1:07:54 someone in as a person
1:07:57 then abu bakr did that he suggested me
1:07:59 as a person because
1:08:02 death is near his dream in the very last
1:08:04 last month of his life he was consulting
1:08:06 with everyone
1:08:07 and ultimately the the the two wrote
1:08:10 that the two horses in the race
1:08:12 and then majority was for umar because
1:08:15 he's older and he has
1:08:16 certain characteristics they regarded as
1:08:18 for that moment
1:08:20 and then he he he concluded that the
1:08:23 election is a uh
1:08:25 came in favor of roman because he was
1:08:26 just like an election committee
1:08:27 consisting of one man
1:08:28 and the people trusted me with that the
1:08:30 rasam did not even do that
1:08:32 say if i appoint someone he says appoint
1:08:34 act or
1:08:35 directed attention to a single person
1:08:38 then abu bakr did that
1:08:39 and if i don't do that the prophet did
1:08:42 that the prophet did not point to
1:08:43 anybody else
1:08:45 kept it open he hinted but he never
1:08:49 did something so specific so clean like
1:08:50 a worker did he did not be an election
1:08:52 in his life
1:08:53 like that is it really an election
1:08:56 it's not he's not saying i appointed our
1:08:59 no he consulted the people and
1:09:01 after counting the world and seeing
1:09:02 what's going on and the various
1:09:04 direction and the various and and the
1:09:07 various uh
1:09:10 uh and the various groups of the muslim
1:09:12 or the england or they do decline what
1:09:13 are the benefits for the
1:09:14 that he decided that that the election
1:09:17 has came in favor of
1:09:18 more than
1:09:25 so in that situation could have followed
1:09:28 abu bakr way
1:09:29 but he decided i will follow the
1:09:31 prophet's way i will not even go an
1:09:33 election in my life
1:09:34 it will be after one day that's it but
1:09:37 he speaks for the three days
1:09:38 so i would say everyone should get out
1:09:41 of the three days myth let's admit
1:09:43 the main argument is the area the bureau
1:09:44 of the prophet and this is the
1:09:46 myth has nothing to do with that
1:09:47 whatsoever the other one
1:09:49 is not the red history and the
1:09:51 development probably
1:09:54 even once a walker made a head trauma he
1:09:56 did not make a tumor
1:09:58 he did the direction consulted with the
1:10:00 people under concluded that the majority
1:10:02 is
1:10:03 preferring our overall in that case
1:10:07 and then he wrote a a document for that
1:10:10 that's what that's the summary of
1:10:12 narrations because also generation
1:10:13 the cross narrations fabrications lies
1:10:16 and so on plenty of that you have to
1:10:18 read all of them and put them together
1:10:20 that's the secretary
1:10:21 did not even do that although he hinted
1:10:24 he hinted from there he hinted
1:10:28 here and there