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103 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-08-05)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

103 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



سورة _المائدة

Summary of 103 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the different prohibitions in Islam, the reasons for these prohibitions, and the consequences of breaking them. He also discusses the concept of "perfected faith," which refers to the fact that Islam has been perfected at this day.

00:00:00 The presenter discusses the order of revelation in the Quran, noting that some references are faulty and content-wise obscure. He stresses that if someone does not understand the principle of nes abrogation, they do not need to understand the order of revelation.

  • 00:05:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the various claims surrounding the order of revelation in the Quran. He ultimately concludes that the order of revelation is unclear, and that there is no clear evidence to support any specific claims.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the legality of agreements and covenants. It states that agreements are permissible unless there is a prohibition in Islam, and that breaking a covenant is a criminal act.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses how derivatives can be very attractive to sellers, and how when conditions are invalid, contracts can still be valid. It also discusses how a contract can be voided if the conditions are not met.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses principles related to contracts, agreements, and covenants. It notes that, in general, contracts are valid unless there is a Sharia injunction that alters the contract's fundamental principles or parts of it. also discusses the concept of haram, or prohibited areas. If a person is in a state of haram, they are not allowed to engage in hunting or other violent activities.
  • 00:25:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the Qur'an's ban on hunting and killing animals. He points out that this ban extends to animals that are not dangerous or attacking, and also discusses the principle of moderation in regards to lawful actions. He also discusses the implications of breaking this rule, and the possible consequences for those who do.
  • 00:30:00 covers the prohibition against hunting in the holy sanctuary (haram). The professor notes that this prohibition applies to all people, regardless of their state of faith, and that the hostility towards those who hunt in the holy sanctuary is because of their sin. He also warns viewers about the dangers of sin and transgression.
  • 00:35:00 explains the different prohibitions in Islam (e.g. against eating pork, sacrificing on altars, etc.), and how they were revealed to Muhammad. It also discusses the concept of "perfected faith," which refers to the fact that Islam has been perfected at this day. This does not prevent other revelations from being made, as is the case with other aspects of Islamic law.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses a number of topics related to the Islamic prohibition on idolatry, such as the definition of an idol, the types of idols that are prohibited, and the reasons why these idols are prohibited. It also covers the related prohibition on using divination methods, such as casting lots, arrows, and danish arrows, to determine one's future. The final section of the video addresses the importance of following the Islamic Sharia law, which is based on the original teachings of Prophet Muhammad.
  • 00:45:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the difference between the intentions of a person when traveling, and when intending to do evil. He explains that the person in the latter case is not allowed to eat the meat from the animal that they killed, as it would be considered an act of evil.
  • 00:50:00 discusses the various permissible ways to hunt and eat meat, emphasizing that mentioning the name of God is a key part of the process. He advises Muslims to repent before engaging in any hunting or eating, as sinfulness can add to an already difficult situation.
  • 00:55:00 explains that all good things in life, such as food, are now lawful for Muslims. It also states that marriage is permissible for believers and virtuous women from other religions, provided that the husband gives his bride a dowry and they do not have secret affairs. If someone rejects faith in God, all of their works will come to nothing in this life and in the next.


discusses the various interpretations of the obligation to wash one's hands before salah, with the majority of scholars agreeing that wet hands are sufficient. However, there is some disagreement over whether washing the feet is also necessary, with the majority of scholars considering it to be optional.

01:00:00 Discusses how the food of the people of the book (i.e. non-Muslims) is permissible for Muslims, and that there is no problem with slaughtering for the purpose of food. It also points out that some Muslims have developed extreme positions on the issue, putting themselves in chains.

  • 01:05:00 The professor discusses the different aspects of shariah law and discusses how some people argue that the Quran permits Christians and Jews to continue to live, but this is not the case. He also discusses the prohibition of adultery and the prohibition of having relations with a prostitute without paying for it.
  • 01:10:00 Discusses the importance of washing one's hands before prayer, and explains that it is mandatory for both men and women. It also mentions that if someone is ill or traveling, they are allowed to take resort to dust instead of water to clean themselves. Finally, it mentions that God does not want to impose any hardship on believers, but wants to perfect His grace on them.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses the many interpretations of the obligation to wash one's hands before salah, with the majority of scholars agreeing that wet hands are sufficient. However, there is some disagreement over whether washing the feet is also necessary, with the majority of scholars considering it to be optional.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses how the Qur'an specifies that purification must include both urination and defecation. There is disagreement among scholars as to whether these actions must be performed in the same location, or if they can be performed separately. The most reliable opinion is that the actions must be performed in the same location. However, if a person is ill or travelling, they are allowed to perform the purification rituals separately. Finally, the video points out that the practice of touching a woman without linguistic (sexual) contact is a display of politeness, and is not actually sexual in nature.
  • 01:25:00 The professor notes that in cases where someone cannot use water, they can use either is traditional method, yammum, or the method of touching a woman with the intention of freeing her from sexual desires. He also notes that there is no contradiction between the two opinions.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses the hadith which establishes that if a person breaks wind while they are asleep, they have broken wind and cannot measure their sleep or measure their salah. It also discusses the concept of muallah, which is a term used in some Islamic circles to describe the act of washing the face before prayer. There is disagreement among Islamic scholars as to whether muallah is obligatory or not, and there is no evidence to support either position.
  • 01:35:00 The presenter discusses the various issues related to performing the Hajj, including the legality of engaging in share trading while undertaking the pilgrimage. He points out that, even if a person is a legitimate ruler, they do not deserve obedience if they make an injunction which is not justified by scripture.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the concept of general permissibility and how it applies to certain aspects of Islamic law, such as the legality of contracts. He also addresses the issue of stock companies, and explains that while they are generally permissible, there are certain restrictions that must be followed. Finally, he provides a summary of a question that was sent to him on Telegram.
  • 01:45:00 explains how contracts for difference (CFDs) work and how they are different from options. It also discusses the risks of margin trading and how to avoid them.
  • 01:50:00 Discusses how a contract can be registered with the financial authority. It goes on to say that there is nothing illegal with the contract, and that the only thing that needs to be clarified is the definition of the contract.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:25 we meet you
0:00:26 dear viewers brothers and sisters on
0:00:28 episode 103 of the weekly episodes of
0:00:31 the fear of the noble quran
0:00:33 by professor mohammed al-massan
0:00:36 these episodes are broadcast live on
0:00:38 study circles of professor mohammed dr
0:00:41 professor dr mohammed al-masri
0:00:44 on youtube every sunday at 2pm british
0:00:47 summer time
0:00:48 we invite you to subscribe to the
0:00:50 channel and activate the notification
0:00:52 bell to get all the new content we also
0:00:54 stress the publication of the link to
0:00:56 the live broadcast for
0:00:58 for your ability to submit questions in
0:01:01 real time
0:01:02 and do not forget to interact with us
0:01:04 during the broadcast by participating in
0:01:06 the comments and asking questions
0:01:07 through the chat box
0:01:09 you will you will find via the broadcast
0:01:11 link next to the video
0:01:12 also do not forget to support our
0:01:14 activities by donating and asking
0:01:16 questions in the conversation or through
0:01:18 the thank you button under our video
0:01:20 today corresponds to the 31st of july
0:01:23 2022
0:01:25 the doctor is continuing
0:01:27 and he is on
0:01:28 we are just starting surat al-maidah
0:01:31 um from the beginning of the of this of
0:01:33 the section
0:01:34 uh i'll hand over to the chef and
0:01:38 if you like
0:01:46 the broadcast should theoretically start
0:01:48 at two o'clock every sunday but
0:01:50 sometimes there is a previous discussion
0:01:52 some questions which do not belong in
0:01:53 the live broadcast so we may get delayed
0:01:56 today for example it's almost 1 uh
0:01:58 3 o'clock
0:02:00 15 afternoon because we have a
0:02:01 discussion about the civil right issue
0:02:03 which was not alive
0:02:05 so expect if you are idiot at two
0:02:07 o'clock you check from time to time if
0:02:08 it didn't start because it may start
0:02:10 normally it should start like
0:02:13 five ten minutes later if there's no
0:02:14 issues to be discussed before separate
0:02:17 issues from the tafsir but today we are
0:02:20 quite late one one hour later but this
0:02:22 is shouldn't be any problem with allah
0:02:24 because the previous discussion is very
0:02:25 important it will be broadcast
0:02:27 separately
0:02:28 so we are now arrived at maida
0:02:31 which is the fifth surah
0:02:33 and the
0:02:34 most of
0:02:35 its parts has been revealed quite late
0:02:37 in madina it's one of the latest solas
0:02:39 as it's clear from its
0:02:41 uh from its content
0:02:43 um let me just a quick remark about the
0:02:45 order of revelation and so on we
0:02:47 discussed that maybe casually before but
0:02:49 because
0:02:51 certain issues may arise sometimes
0:02:52 people go out the order of relation and
0:02:54 so on there are various narrations when
0:02:56 abbas and others about the other
0:02:58 revelation of surahs and so on most of
0:03:00 these narrations are
0:03:01 reference wise
0:03:04 quite faulty
0:03:06 content-wise also obscure unquestionable
0:03:08 so don't rely on that that's number one
0:03:11 one ex prime example is that most
0:03:13 narrations allegedly
0:03:15 claim like muhammad which has also the
0:03:17 other name the sort of
0:03:19 sword of fighting
0:03:21 it was amazing time passed to see that
0:03:23 we were ordering it in it to be in the
0:03:25 sixth year which is if you read the con
0:03:27 the the surah which is the short sword
0:03:29 50 50 plus eyes i think
0:03:32 it is impossible that
0:03:34 any part of it has been even later than
0:03:36 better it is before better and better is
0:03:38 that in the second year so it's one of
0:03:40 the easiest surah and maybe part of it
0:03:42 is even ahead of what what has he read
0:03:44 of
0:03:47 in synchronization with it so don't
0:03:50 trust these order of revelation on build
0:03:52 anything significant
0:03:54 some people say we need that to know
0:03:56 about issues of nash and so on don't
0:03:58 worry about that because the fundamental
0:04:00 principle of nes abrogation is that
0:04:04 that
0:04:06 the the
0:04:07 the the abrogate the obligating must be
0:04:10 later than the above obligated but
0:04:13 it has it has to be it has to be
0:04:15 impossible to reconcile so
0:04:17 and this this there will be unusual
0:04:19 initiative obligation no problem
0:04:21 unless you make the fundamental blunder
0:04:24 that you regard the general
0:04:26 if it is later as obligating the
0:04:28 specific or the restricted which is
0:04:30 illegal which is a catastrophic will
0:04:32 under the general will never be able to
0:04:34 obligate a specific or the restricted
0:04:37 even if it is later if you know this
0:04:39 rule then you don't need to the order
0:04:40 revelation but it gives a hint sometimes
0:04:43 in understanding history and things like
0:04:45 that and eases the understanding of
0:04:46 meaning and give a better image of
0:04:49 what's the reality but if it would have
0:04:51 been really a part of important but
0:04:53 revelation allah would have protected it
0:04:54 sufficiently but if you see there is no
0:04:57 real protection building also what is
0:04:59 the last ayah remember the quran usually
0:05:01 here is the ayah which is in swarthmore
0:05:03 that will come
0:05:05 out
0:05:08 and there is a narration for allah that
0:05:09 was revealed in the in in the sense of
0:05:12 the it was a friday in in the last of
0:05:15 the world
0:05:16 because there's allegedly as you say if
0:05:18 we have received such an ayah we made
0:05:19 the day a day of celebration and the
0:05:23 narration claims someone said ah it is
0:05:25 it's a double
0:05:26 uh the day of celebration it was a
0:05:28 friday and it was the tenth of the hijra
0:05:32 but this is also disputed for muhammad
0:05:35 there's a narration that the last ayah
0:05:36 was the ayat riba in sword al-baqarah
0:05:38 which does not sound really honestly
0:05:40 very persuasive
0:05:43 uh another another one another claim is
0:05:45 that the eye of kalala at the end of the
0:05:47 throat and style which has finished last
0:05:48 week which is also not very persuasive
0:05:51 for many reasons
0:05:53 because the brotherhood came in a
0:05:55 generation omar was asking about several
0:05:56 times and the prophesy hit in his chest
0:05:59 and say you never understood this ayah
0:06:01 this ayah revealed at the end of summer
0:06:03 or the in the summer is sufficient for
0:06:05 you so it's revealed in the summer now
0:06:07 the summer
0:06:08 we don't know exactly uh that year i
0:06:10 have to look at at the table so what
0:06:12 what was the seven even if we
0:06:14 assimilated the last summer in the life
0:06:15 of the prophet it may be
0:06:17 most likely will be something like like
0:06:20 early 10th year so after that there was
0:06:22 no revelation so all of them and the
0:06:24 samshayan says oh the last one is
0:06:28 meaning
0:06:29 inform the people that ali is having the
0:06:30 walaya and they mentioned the hadith of
0:06:33 so
0:06:34 this all is confusing and this does not
0:06:37 is that anything of significance
0:06:39 does not exactly anything of
0:06:40 significance my best guess
0:06:42 uh the best case i have is that
0:06:45 even the ielts
0:06:57 but it may be read again it has been
0:07:00 revealed before because i think
0:07:02 the whole quran was was reviewed it
0:07:05 was viewed yearly
0:07:07 as it develops with time and rewritten
0:07:09 and so on as we discussed earlier
0:07:11 reviewed yearly every ramadan except in
0:07:13 the last ramadan
0:07:17 felt that his life is ending because
0:07:19 jibril without telling him why review
0:07:21 the quran with him completely twice
0:07:23 so i bes a better assumption is that
0:07:25 everything was revealed before that and
0:07:27 that quran was complete and revealed
0:07:28 twice and was written even in a
0:07:30 must-have which many people do not know
0:07:32 most people do not know and the muslim
0:07:34 was actually in between them
0:07:36 and the location is known and abdulbasad
0:07:39 i gave him a a small a small paper which
0:07:42 shows that this must haves were taken by
0:07:43 atom
0:07:45 we mentioned that earlier so that maybe
0:07:47 that everything revealed before that and
0:07:48 that was just the last and that that's
0:07:51 true that i is read again
0:07:54 uh in in
0:07:55 in
0:07:56 the no problem or even again in the day
0:07:59 of
0:08:00 the day of of radio home
0:08:03 of 18 or 17 the hedgehog is not a
0:08:05 problem because an ayah can be read in
0:08:07 various occasions to stress the meaning
0:08:09 which fits to that occasion which may
0:08:11 have been overlooked by some people and
0:08:13 it's very impossible that roughly
0:08:15 receive revelation he starts sweating
0:08:16 and so on and raise the eye again and
0:08:18 people who are not did not memorize it
0:08:20 or don't know it was the will before
0:08:21 thing it has been revealed now it does
0:08:23 believe in before and that happened in
0:08:24 many years like for example the famous
0:08:27 story about the mutilation of hamza and
0:08:29 the people in rohit and there are some
0:08:31 modern earth that i will mutilate for
0:08:33 hamza in uh the retaliation for hamza 30
0:08:35 30 of them on a relationship seventy was
0:08:38 the most like the stronger
0:08:41 the narrative says and this knowledge is
0:08:43 very strong and all people of seerah and
0:08:45 and
0:08:46 and and history narrated
0:08:48 with various is not is that he got
0:08:50 revealed when i captured
0:08:53 if you punish then punish as you have
0:08:54 been punished hamza has been mutilated
0:08:56 he's one man you would mutilate only one
0:08:58 man in israel what but if you if you
0:09:01 forgive that's better for the
0:09:03 the people of oppression than i forgive
0:09:05 but this ayah is revealed in mecca it is
0:09:07 in kasura and is in the context of the
0:09:10 surah of mecca and some people got about
0:09:12 it
0:09:13 no no it was in mecca and
0:09:16 the revelation came reminded of this
0:09:18 ayah and then he recognized this ayah
0:09:20 applies to this situation
0:09:22 also for mutilation is applies in the
0:09:24 battlefield applies in war
0:09:27 extending the the meaning which was in
0:09:28 makkah it will say in makkah maybe it
0:09:30 meant if someone slap you slap him only
0:09:32 one slap someday now it's more if
0:09:34 someone's relate your people and the
0:09:35 battlefield you don't mutilate more than
0:09:37 one like a reasonable number this is the
0:09:39 proportionality principle for example
0:09:41 but i'm just mentioning that as a
0:09:42 general rule because it was discussed
0:09:44 recently in some boards and so on
0:09:47 don't rely on this so-called the order
0:09:49 of relations and give it more weight
0:09:51 than it deserved and you don't need it
0:09:52 for nasa because nasa rules are very
0:09:54 clear and very very very obvious and
0:09:57 there's no issue with that
0:10:00 so bismillah
0:10:02 as i said generally from the conjunction
0:10:04 there it is relatively late that's clear
0:10:06 from the induction
0:10:12 translated
0:10:16 exactly sorry distracted
0:10:20 oh you who have attained to faith be
0:10:22 true to your covenants
0:10:23 lawful to you this go this time goes on
0:10:26 lawful to you is the flesh of every
0:10:29 beast that feeds on plants save what is
0:10:31 mentioned to you here and after but you
0:10:34 are not allowed to hunt while you are in
0:10:36 the state of pilgrimage behold god
0:10:38 ortega ordains in accordance with his
0:10:41 will actually i read i read in arabic
0:10:43 only the the in the most half of jewelry
0:10:47 the the first part is a separate eye so
0:10:49 there's two eyes no problem
0:10:51 continue the other translation i will
0:10:52 read the arabic one later
0:10:55 believers next translation believers
0:10:57 fulfill your obligations
0:10:59 livestock animals are lawful for you to
0:11:01 eat except for that he we will describe
0:11:04 to you
0:11:05 you are not allowed to hunt while you
0:11:07 are in a state of pilgrimage
0:11:09 god commands what he wills
0:11:12 okay so so that if obviously in half it
0:11:14 is one eye here it says two irs and we
0:11:17 discuss the issues of the numbering of i
0:11:19 and this this number gives them a
0:11:20 superior one of the dory but the most
0:11:22 common one people know is the one of
0:11:23 half that's the that's a normal problem
0:11:41 is covenant or agreement
0:11:43 uh it's not obligation no
0:11:45 anything we say and
0:11:47 the the
0:11:48 uh
0:11:49 is defined clearly in an arabic language
0:11:51 and in all human languages agreement is
0:11:54 that the meeting of wheels
0:11:56 i i i make a certain offer you make an
0:11:58 acceptance i make a certain commitment
0:12:00 you make a counter commitment and the
0:12:02 meeting of the two commandments called
0:12:04 up on agreement so arkad is usually
0:12:08 must be by definition it is an action of
0:12:10 two persons agreeing on something so it
0:12:13 is not a single will it is two wheels
0:12:15 meeting together in a certain way
0:12:18 and the command alphabet would fulfill
0:12:20 your covenants is absolute in the sense
0:12:23 in the following sense every covenant
0:12:25 you do is worthy of fulfillment and this
0:12:27 means also that you can make any
0:12:29 covenant you wish all covenants are we
0:12:32 discussed at the door
0:12:33 so refer to that
0:12:35 and we have all i think the translation
0:12:36 of the first parts in which this issue
0:12:38 is discussed so it's available nobody
0:12:40 can claim all this in arabic we don't
0:12:41 have this habit it has been publicized
0:12:43 widely for free
0:12:45 and this or the english version but
0:12:47 printed versions available on amazon for
0:12:48 money so both are available
0:12:51 meaning that basic ruling compare is the
0:12:54 permissibility of all kind of report
0:12:58 if there is a special injunction about a
0:13:00 certain covenant or certain act
0:13:02 prohibiting that then it is an exception
0:13:05 so the basic ruling about covenants and
0:13:07 agreements is that they are permissible
0:13:09 and the moment they are they agreed upon
0:13:11 they become binding for both parties so
0:13:13 two aspects one
0:13:15 every covenant and every agreement and
0:13:17 every condition and agreement because
0:13:18 usual agreements are having structure
0:13:20 and various conditions and what they
0:13:23 call term and condition limitation etc
0:13:25 that's part of the covenant any one of
0:13:27 these
0:13:28 the two parties agree upon is
0:13:30 permissible unless the sharia made a
0:13:32 special injunction about some kind of
0:13:35 conditions or agreement to be prohibited
0:13:37 or haram
0:13:39 and secondly the mountain has been
0:13:40 fulfilled then it is an obligation to
0:13:42 follow it it's breaking the covenant is
0:13:44 a criminal act and it is a major sin
0:13:48 it's a criminal act i mean in the
0:13:50 religious sense it's a is that it could
0:13:52 reach to the level of major sense
0:13:54 breaking covenants
0:13:55 so what's the exception what i'll let
0:13:57 you give an example exception i i agree
0:13:59 with
0:14:00 i give you a hundred
0:14:02 gram of gold now and receive at the end
0:14:04 of the year 110 gram that's that's
0:14:06 invalid this is haram this
0:14:09 is not permissible the akron is invalid
0:14:12 battle it is not convened and that both
0:14:15 of us agree and happy with it does not
0:14:17 make it legitimate that's excluded
0:14:19 another for example raj has a debt
0:14:22 against someone and he has a debt
0:14:23 document that this uh person x y and say
0:14:26 javis or him a thousand pound and you
0:14:29 say okay listen muhammad i sell you this
0:14:31 document
0:14:32 at a discount nikon you can't call it
0:14:34 under and get the debt from no it's not
0:14:37 allowed to sell the debt there's no way
0:14:39 to sell that what's allowed is transfer
0:14:41 the debt
0:14:42 yeah
0:14:43 rash is is is is uh uh uh always uh owes
0:14:47 me some money and say okay i'll uh i
0:14:49 transfer you to uh for this amount of
0:14:52 money for this let's say that i said my
0:14:54 amount to you take that from from you
0:14:56 fulfill that from hafiz that's something
0:14:58 else because
0:15:00 he is already in debt to me so he's just
0:15:02 making hawala but selling it as a
0:15:04 document like most
0:15:06 uh most most um what's called most
0:15:10 derivatives in the world which has
0:15:12 reached now almost a quadrillion most of
0:15:14 them
0:15:15 i think almost 90 percent of them are
0:15:17 essentially that obligation which have
0:15:19 been sold
0:15:20 and this these rotten debts are rotting
0:15:23 in their banking safes everywhere in the
0:15:25 world were waiting for the day they make
0:15:27 a major catastrophe to the world economy
0:15:33 and how come that this derivative have
0:15:35 become this size because selling debt is
0:15:36 very attractive you sell at a discount
0:15:38 and then start getting other debts here
0:15:40 and and most of these are mortgage
0:15:42 obligations heavily packaged as debts
0:15:45 so if you think you have a mortgage for
0:15:47 example with with barclays
0:15:49 that that your obligation between your
0:15:52 back yes barclay is the one who collects
0:15:53 the money from you but the document
0:15:55 itself has already had been long sold if
0:15:57 you if that's the if the
0:15:59 mortgage
0:16:01 application was
0:16:03 was done 10 years ago that document has
0:16:05 been sold and resold and sold and
0:16:07 resolved and that's based on that has
0:16:10 been made and resolved it's a pyramid of
0:16:12 this that's there in the federation the
0:16:14 quadrillion plus
0:16:16 and when that collapse you will you will
0:16:19 not believe your eyes which kind of
0:16:21 misery for the whole world the car will
0:16:22 happen how many banks most banks will
0:16:24 collapse
0:16:25 most big companies will disappear and so
0:16:28 on and this is imminent that's around
0:16:30 the corner
0:16:31 because selling debts is haram
0:16:35 you see the point but this is
0:16:37 the general rule whatever we both agree
0:16:39 upon is permissible unless you ever
0:16:42 showed us this kind of agreement or this
0:16:44 condition is haram and
0:16:47 the second point is that the moment
0:16:49 agreement is done and on a halal
0:16:52 contract when i'm with halal conditions
0:16:54 there's nothing to object by sharia then
0:16:56 it become binding on both of us so two
0:16:58 separate and this is all interested in
0:17:00 this one single symbol
0:17:05 fulfill all agreements and covenants
0:17:08 period
0:17:09 exceptions will be clarified later but
0:17:12 this is the general injunction making
0:17:14 all agreements and covenants
0:17:15 fundamentally
0:17:17 permissible and the ones they are
0:17:19 concluded they are binding
0:17:22 they are binding
0:17:23 and breaking them will be a treachery
0:17:25 it has obvious civil obligation and
0:17:27 similar aspects and liabilities
0:17:29 definitely but in metal
0:17:32 of relation to allah it is the same it's
0:17:34 an obligation how far good's obligation
0:17:36 but the quran says many places those who
0:17:38 break their covenant their beliefs etc
0:17:41 they are they are sinful and some of
0:17:42 them even bordering on kufr so it is not
0:17:45 just just a highly desirable to fulfill
0:17:47 obligation it's a it's it's it's a to
0:17:50 fulfill covenants it's it's obvious
0:17:52 obligatory it is simple not to fulfill
0:17:55 them provided they are validly concluded
0:17:57 that one valid colony has not they they
0:17:59 do not exist as if they don't exist they
0:18:02 are void they should not be fulfilled
0:18:04 and they should not have been cool in
0:18:05 the first place
0:18:06 in the case of a valid contract
0:18:09 but
0:18:10 or agreement but when condition is
0:18:12 invalid that's what the fukaha call
0:18:15 facet corrupt condition
0:18:17 if it is possible to to
0:18:20 check out this condition
0:18:22 drop it
0:18:23 and keep the rest of the of the
0:18:25 agreement if that's me this condition is
0:18:27 not the essential part of that
0:18:29 then
0:18:30 then then then the the arc they're still
0:18:32 valid and should be executed without
0:18:35 this advanced condition or they would
0:18:36 have condition like for example i agree
0:18:39 with russia i given 100
0:18:42 gram of gold and he returned to 110 the
0:18:45 addition of 10 that this degree
0:18:48 requiring addition is haram and invalid
0:18:50 but
0:18:51 if the
0:18:52 if we recognize that later
0:18:54 i have to fulfill for the hand that i
0:18:56 give him the hundred back but not the 10
0:18:59 and i am not saying for dude i'm sinful
0:19:02 in entering the contract in the first
0:19:03 place in that case because there's users
0:19:05 contract
0:19:07 yeah you see the point that's it here uh
0:19:10 other examples
0:19:11 the various examples there uh which way
0:19:14 which can be invoked that the one of
0:19:16 these that is clear because such a
0:19:17 contract is is really a a debt contract
0:19:20 is valid the only which makes it invalid
0:19:22 and haram is the condition that of the
0:19:24 increase if the increase is cut out the
0:19:26 rest of the contract can be executed and
0:19:28 there's no problem obviously no bank
0:19:29 will will will loan you without usually
0:19:31 because they are established for usury
0:19:33 and they're making a bank obviously
0:19:34 nobody will do that so if you enter with
0:19:36 them
0:19:37 then then obviously you're committing
0:19:39 the the sin of entering that unless when
0:19:41 you say if it's you i'm telling by if
0:19:42 you are under yourself necessity and you
0:19:44 do it with the intention not to fulfill
0:19:46 that then
0:19:47 most likely you're not sinful for doing
0:19:49 that and then the question can you drop
0:19:51 that and get away if you're living in a
0:19:53 domain of kuffer and they can't
0:19:55 pursue in courts etc that's a question
0:19:58 which has to be analyzed from situation
0:20:00 situation but let's just threat the
0:20:02 fundamental general principle is that
0:20:05 every contract every agreement and every
0:20:07 covenant
0:20:08 is
0:20:09 valid
0:20:10 per se unless the sharia injunction
0:20:13 stimulates something otherwise about the
0:20:15 contract itself fundamentally or about
0:20:17 parts of it
0:20:18 and secondly uh the moment it is very
0:20:20 validly concluded it become binding on
0:20:23 both parties they cannot bear out of it
0:20:25 without agreement of the other party you
0:20:26 may have agreed to someone understand
0:20:28 this i cannot fulfill that it is very
0:20:30 difficult for me be kind and they leave
0:20:32 me from that condition if he agrees then
0:20:34 it says really the contract has been
0:20:35 amended to be a new contract etc
0:20:38 i think that's clear we don't need to
0:20:39 discuss that more because the rest will
0:20:41 be the law of contract which is a huge
0:20:43 volume in the civil law books
0:21:00 for
0:21:01 for
0:21:02 agriculture for food for milk etc always
0:21:05 finish of it also to eat and slaughter
0:21:07 except which have been
0:21:09 had been told to use have been would
0:21:12 have been
0:21:14 related to you by previous revelation
0:21:16 which is essentially uh
0:21:18 uh
0:21:19 with the text of the quran
0:21:21 because there is one of the
0:21:22 people are keeping it for food for
0:21:24 various things and
0:21:26 possibly with disagreement of some
0:21:29 scholars about the domestic donkey but
0:21:32 all other
0:21:33 and their their equivalents are similar
0:21:35 from from the wilderness is permissible
0:21:38 to lawful for you to eat
0:21:41 however you are not allowed to hunt
0:21:43 while you
0:21:44 where you are in the state of haram now
0:21:46 rant
0:21:49 is is one of the uh the expression of
0:21:51 the quran which could have various
0:21:54 meaning and to haram you are the state
0:21:56 of bahrain or unto haram you are in the
0:21:58 domain of israel
0:22:00 so
0:22:01 hunting
0:22:02 is not allowed if you are state of iran
0:22:04 even if you are outside the domain from
0:22:05 for example you are going for hajjan
0:22:07 homura you
0:22:09 you
0:22:10 by byland because of it in the plane is
0:22:13 scarcely possible to do some hunting so
0:22:15 we are going with a car coming down from
0:22:18 from uh from egypt or coming from from
0:22:20 from syria down the way and then when
0:22:22 approaching medina before approaching
0:22:24 therefore
0:22:35 and you proceed now we are on the state
0:22:36 of islam from there until the border of
0:22:38 makkah it's not that it's not a is in a
0:22:41 domain of haram
0:22:43 normally if you don't you are not
0:22:44 instead you can't hunt you may find a
0:22:46 gazelle there and you hunt it but if you
0:22:48 instead of haram you are not allowed to
0:22:49 run
0:22:50 but if you approaching mecca by
0:23:00 then you are not allowed to hunt because
0:23:01 the haram is for is a prohibited demand
0:23:04 the wind for any hunting
0:23:06 okay so
0:23:08 has both meaning
0:23:09 you are hurum you are a state or your
0:23:11 you are your haram meaning you are state
0:23:13 of iran or you are in domain of
0:23:15 the state of islam even if you are
0:23:16 outside the haram and a force you
0:23:18 already by necessity inside the harlem
0:23:20 or
0:23:24 for example but approaching
0:23:29 the moment you crossed the border of
0:23:30 haram you only see the marks of the
0:23:32 haram now with your cross you see nice
0:23:34 visions there or or
0:23:36 or other nice beds you are not allowed
0:23:38 to shoot them because this is they are
0:23:40 protected by the domain address you are
0:23:42 not prohibited
0:23:43 and why is that because allah commands
0:23:45 whatever he wills
0:23:48 there are wisdom for that obviously
0:23:50 clearly but that's it
0:23:52 the domain of haram and the state of ram
0:23:54 should be a state of peace the avoiding
0:23:56 of bloodshed unless absolutely necessary
0:23:58 absolutely necessary meaning for example
0:24:01 while you're coming from from uh
0:24:12 you may have
0:24:13 you may need to eat and you slaughter a
0:24:15 sheep this is not a hunt this is that's
0:24:17 permissible there's no problem for you
0:24:18 because it's your you own that ship it
0:24:20 is not it's not in the wilderness it's
0:24:22 not a free it's not free for anybody for
0:24:25 hunting that's okay but otherwise
0:24:28 hunting is essentially a violent act
0:24:31 against animals who are free and
0:24:33 belonging only to allah not to you and
0:24:35 that's allah because he decided that
0:24:38 instead of haram you should be as be as
0:24:40 away from dispute from bloodshed as
0:24:42 possible and the same around makkah
0:24:44 there's a certain area in which chanting
0:24:46 is prohibited it's haram
0:24:48 it is harlem
0:24:52 and it has other reasoning
0:24:55 to be sanctuary you are a state of
0:24:56 sanctity and this is sanctuary and and
0:24:58 that sanctuary is declared by allah to
0:25:01 be a place of peace even wild animals
0:25:03 should be huntable what animals should
0:25:05 be should be safe
0:25:07 and they extend extremely to any animal
0:25:09 which is not dangerous or not attacking
0:25:11 some animals by their own nature are
0:25:13 dangerous they can be killed like for
0:25:14 example maestro rats and so on
0:25:17 and some animals only if they attack if
0:25:19 they don't attack leave them
0:25:21 so allah might do whatever he wants and
0:25:24 the issues of
0:25:26 of hunting etc there are complete
0:25:28 chapters in there but it's the
0:25:29 fundamental principle is clear and
0:25:30 that's all enough for us to explain the
0:25:32 quran
0:25:34 will come later
0:25:35 Music
0:25:37 and then again another injunction in the
0:25:38 next ayah
0:25:40 threatening for those who transgress and
0:25:41 so on because some people could not give
0:25:43 up and so on
0:25:46 and the next ayahs
0:25:48 came uh made in these injunction and
0:25:50 strengthening
0:25:52 threatening anyone violating
0:26:16 with quite a number of sub subsections
0:26:19 which we'll discuss more explicitly yeah
0:26:22 start
0:26:22 translation oh you have attained to
0:26:25 faith offend not against a symbol set up
0:26:28 by god nor against the sacred month of
0:26:30 pilgrimage nor against the garland
0:26:33 the garlanded offerings nor against
0:26:36 those who flock to the inviable temple
0:26:38 seeking favor with their sustainer and
0:26:40 his goodly acceptance
0:26:42 and only after your pilgrimage is over
0:26:45 are you free to hunt and never let your
0:26:48 hatred of people who would buy you from
0:26:50 the inviable house of worship
0:26:52 lead you into sin of aggression but
0:26:55 rather help one another in furthering
0:26:57 virtue and good consciousness and do not
0:27:00 help one another in furthering evil and
0:27:03 enmity and remain conscious of god for
0:27:06 god is severe in retribution next
0:27:08 translation believers do not violate the
0:27:11 laws pertaining to god's sacraments
0:27:14 the sacred month of pilgrimage or the
0:27:17 offerings and do not prevent those who
0:27:19 are going to the sacred house from
0:27:21 seeking favor pleasure and acceptance
0:27:23 from their lord
0:27:24 once your pilgrimage is over then you
0:27:27 are free to hunt
0:27:28 never let your hatred for the people who
0:27:30 barred you from the sacred sanctuary
0:27:33 lead you to break the law help one
0:27:35 another and
0:27:36 help one another to do what is right to
0:27:39 always be mindful of god and do not
0:27:41 encourage one another in sin and
0:27:43 hostility
0:27:44 always be mindful of god because his
0:27:46 punishment is there
0:27:48 yeah so there's a number injection there
0:27:50 first of all
0:27:52 don't
0:27:52 uh allow yourself to violate the the the
0:27:56 issues while
0:27:57 it's most likely
0:28:00 nor violate the uh the the months of
0:28:03 sanctity that this month were
0:28:05 established before islam for time
0:28:07 ibrahim to give
0:28:09 protection around the hajj time that's
0:28:13 so before hajj one month and after hajj
0:28:15 one month so the people can travel
0:28:16 peacefully
0:28:18 etc so that these months until until now
0:28:21 people should be at least in with an
0:28:23 arabian prince that should be traveling
0:28:24 under italy it was that's we could say
0:28:27 that because it's usually a destruction
0:28:29 between entities now there's no entities
0:28:32 there's not islamic india in the arab
0:28:33 peninsula since then so and
0:28:37 the violation of and
0:28:40 blocking the way of or the wake of
0:28:42 people traveler is haram anyway
0:28:44 but still in the sanctuary
0:28:47 months of sanctity especially for people
0:28:48 going toward hajj it is doubly
0:28:51 prohibited and doubly sinful
0:28:54 so this issue of
0:28:56 seems to be even obligated by history it
0:28:59 may come again like for example now uh
0:29:01 let's say the situation the conflict
0:29:03 between saudi arabia and yemen just
0:29:05 regarding who is right and wrong
0:29:07 this should not have allowed anyone to
0:29:09 transgress in
0:29:11 and prevent people from going to the
0:29:12 haram or intercept them because we are a
0:29:14 state of war so the war should cease and
0:29:17 it will be seizure fire in that time
0:29:20 but this is more complex international
0:29:23 and don't also try this against
0:29:26 is the offering going to makkah and
0:29:28 these had usually having certain uh
0:29:30 ornaments uh and their necks and so on
0:29:32 declaring them to be
0:29:34 so don't uh
0:29:36 some people say oh this is a hadith
0:29:40 driven by because at that time the
0:29:42 stealth mushriken were allowed to go to
0:29:43 makkah this is by a mushrik well it
0:29:46 doesn't have no sanctity no because he
0:29:47 is intending to do makkah thinking he
0:29:49 has allah's favor
0:29:51 and this is by the responding to the
0:29:53 call of even if he has in some aspects
0:29:55 false belief but the moment
0:29:57 the offering is having this
0:29:59 showing that it's going to toward the
0:30:01 haram it has a sanctity i don't violate
0:30:04 that by any kind of arguments
0:30:06 and nor those who are going through the
0:30:08 the holy sanctuary
0:30:09 looking for the favor of their lords
0:30:11 according to their beliefs
0:30:13 there's a life of believer who are
0:30:15 genuinely looking for them the lord but
0:30:17 others who may think they are looking
0:30:19 away but they are not really but they
0:30:21 are going to the holy sanctuary to
0:30:22 perform hajj as a ritual maybe of
0:30:25 pre-islamic tradition
0:30:27 so that's that's all not permissible
0:30:29 don't do that abstain from it
0:30:32 and
0:30:35 and if you become halal
0:30:37 then hunt again again by the way
0:30:42 if you are not in state if you are out
0:30:43 of the state of islam you are
0:30:45 then you can hunt but if you are out of
0:30:47 the domain of haram of haram you also
0:30:50 had so it you have to observe that issue
0:30:54 meaning you are not in the in the in the
0:30:57 closed sanctuary in which hunting is
0:31:00 prohibited forever
0:31:01 and you are not in the state of islam
0:31:03 for example you finished your number you
0:31:05 exited the boundary of makkah then you
0:31:07 are in what meaning now you can hunt but
0:31:10 not before so even if you will finish
0:31:12 your rituals in makkah and you are now
0:31:15 in as a person and you you are allowed
0:31:18 intercourse and all of these things but
0:31:20 you are in the domain
0:31:21 for example in mina and in muslim you
0:31:23 are in the harlem but not in arabic
0:31:25 interesting alpha it is outside that's
0:31:27 the reason some people go in arafat and
0:31:29 try to intercept pigeons which are
0:31:30 living around the haram if they go
0:31:32 outside but the visions know now very
0:31:34 well they barely go there
0:31:36 so
0:31:37 then you are not allowed even even if
0:31:39 you are halal and you have intercourse
0:31:41 at everything you are nothing there is
0:31:43 a state of islam but you are in the
0:31:44 winner of you cannot hunt there but when
0:31:47 you accept that that's it both you have
0:31:49 to both be halal in both senses
0:31:52 then you can hunt
0:31:53 and don't let the hostility of some
0:31:55 people who prevented you from from there
0:31:58 from accessing the holy sanctuary like
0:32:00 correlation other that you transgress
0:32:02 that's not exclusive translation that
0:32:04 people are hostile and blocked you from
0:32:06 the uh holy sanctuary this may be
0:32:09 revealed around today possibly we don't
0:32:11 know this
0:32:12 it feels like that because this is the
0:32:14 time where they prevented and then uh
0:32:18 they may some people say they prevented
0:32:20 us from the holy sanctuary and then we
0:32:22 should come even in them or we should
0:32:24 should try and access them but no
0:32:25 because of that no it's not possible
0:32:28 and and and that i do this this
0:32:30 translation is not allowed and then the
0:32:32 hostility is not because of the season
0:32:35 and instead cooperate with each other
0:32:38 on virtual and good deeds
0:32:41 and righteousness
0:32:45 and do not
0:32:46 cooperate in in
0:32:48 in sin and transgression or hostility
0:32:52 that's a jana principle in every
0:32:53 situation not only a state of
0:32:55 general universal
0:32:57 but specifically in the state of iran
0:32:59 and in the holy sanctuary this is even
0:33:01 more strongly enforced and doubly
0:33:02 important
0:33:03 and be conscious of allah protect
0:33:05 yourself from allah punishment because
0:33:07 allah is severe in punishment this is a
0:33:10 threat
0:33:11 for those who transgress these so this
0:33:13 is contain quite a number of fundamental
0:33:15 principles things related to the holy
0:33:17 sanctuary and hajj and so on
0:33:19 and hunting and things of universal
0:33:22 validity everywhere
0:33:24 that's the cooperating in in in in
0:33:27 virtue and aqua and righteousness and
0:33:29 could these other things
0:33:31 shall
0:33:32 make you close to allah's awareness and
0:33:34 do not cooperate in sin and
0:33:36 transgression
0:33:39 what whatever what causes accreditation
0:33:41 there is no justification for
0:33:43 cooperating in civil transition
0:33:45 whatsoever none whatsoever and beware of
0:33:48 allah because allah is victorious
0:33:54 Music
0:34:24 forbidden to you is carrion and blood
0:34:26 and the flesh of swine and that over
0:34:28 which any name other than gods has been
0:34:30 invoked and the animal that has been
0:34:33 strangled or beaten to death or killed
0:34:35 by a fall or gore to death or savaged by
0:34:38 a beast of prey save that which you
0:34:41 yourselves may have slaughtered while it
0:34:42 was still alive
0:34:44 and forbidden to you is all that has
0:34:47 been slaughtered on an on idolatrous
0:34:49 altars
0:34:51 and you are forbidden to seek to learn
0:34:53 through divination what the future may
0:34:55 hold in store for you this is sinful
0:34:58 conduct
0:34:59 today those who are bent on denying the
0:35:01 truth have lost all hope of you ever
0:35:04 forsaking your religion
0:35:06 do not then hold them in awe but stand
0:35:09 in awe of me today i have perfected your
0:35:11 religious law for you and have bestowed
0:35:13 upon you the full measure of my
0:35:15 blessings
0:35:16 and will that self-surrender unto me
0:35:19 shall be your religion as for him
0:35:21 however who is driven to what is
0:35:23 forbidden by dire necessity and not by
0:35:26 inclination to sinning behold god is
0:35:29 much forgiving a dispenser of grace
0:35:32 mistranslation
0:35:34 you are forbidden to eat animals that
0:35:36 you find already dead blood pork meat
0:35:39 any animal over which any name other
0:35:42 than gods has been invoked any animal
0:35:44 that has been strangled or beaten to
0:35:46 death or killed by a fall or bored to
0:35:48 death or mauled by a wild animal
0:35:50 unless you can still properly slaughter
0:35:53 it
0:35:54 you are also forbidden to eat anything
0:35:57 that has been sacrificed to idols
0:35:59 you are forbidden to draw lots since
0:36:01 this is sinful conduct
0:36:03 the unbelievers have lost all hope of
0:36:06 you ever forsaking your faith
0:36:08 do not be afraid of them but stand in
0:36:10 awe of me today i have perfected your
0:36:13 faith and
0:36:14 for you and have shed my grace upon you
0:36:17 and have chosen submission islam to be
0:36:19 your faith
0:36:20 as for him who is driven to what is
0:36:22 forbidden by their necessity and not by
0:36:24 an inclination to sin god is all
0:36:27 forgiving and merciful to all yeah
0:36:30 so that's that's
0:36:32 that's a detail of the main injunction
0:36:34 which have been actually in mecca also
0:36:36 and
0:36:37 some people say if this is the irish
0:36:39 coming in in in
0:36:41 in
0:36:42 in the last
0:36:44 hajj the last hajj which was attended
0:36:46 which was a friday so according to the
0:36:47 roman narration which is possible that
0:36:49 could been have revealed before and
0:36:51 repeated again
0:36:52 but the people think because they say
0:36:54 ali mahmoud alaikum dina come so there
0:36:55 will be no other
0:36:57 kill someone could construct there will
0:36:58 be no new injunction after that although
0:37:00 some repeat repeating or enforcing
0:37:02 whether ejection may come but no new
0:37:04 injunction because the decision has been
0:37:06 perfected whatever it is
0:37:08 as you said the time of validation is an
0:37:10 obscure issue which you would not
0:37:12 uh lead that uh lead to any real real
0:37:16 insight anything of relevance
0:37:19 uh
0:37:20 that's uh uh that that's uh that's uh
0:37:23 that that's i think clear because
0:37:25 because the the that the religion has
0:37:27 been perfected at this day which that
0:37:29 was revealed the first time
0:37:31 uh
0:37:32 does does not prevent other reinforcing
0:37:35 great revelation for other things and so
0:37:37 on and doesn't it
0:37:39 negate that
0:37:40 with the closing are down and the
0:37:42 complete perfection was with the death
0:37:45 that is everything is closed down that's
0:37:46 it so that's it
0:37:48 no no dean is available after the
0:37:51 default islam anyway because it cannot
0:37:53 be anything coming in in the uh
0:37:56 narration so the day of revelation of
0:37:57 this is not as fundamental if some
0:37:59 people try to argue and we lead to
0:38:01 dispute between sunni and shea
0:38:08 but it's not a new injunction but even
0:38:09 if it's a new junction and it means the
0:38:11 same day doesn't make any difference
0:38:12 because that has been
0:38:14 attacked by
0:38:15 before his death and until his death he
0:38:17 was better narrating
0:38:19 the injunction so that's that does not
0:38:21 bring um
0:38:23 does not does not bring any really a
0:38:25 resolution of that problem which it's
0:38:27 not a problem itself but people imagine
0:38:29 because of sectarianism
0:38:31 so let's go to the iron out
0:38:33 so prohibited for you also again
0:38:35 repetition which have been revealed in
0:38:36 mecca
0:38:38 the carrion the
0:38:40 the
0:38:40 flowing blood were dumb actually dumb
0:38:43 meaning the damage for the
0:38:45 flowing blood
0:38:46 and the
0:38:47 the
0:38:48 the flesh of the the the the swine
0:38:52 and whatever have been uh
0:38:54 been devoted to anything except allah
0:38:57 and also
0:38:58 then a various types of of dead of
0:39:01 cardios are mentioned so somebody say
0:39:03 maybe carry some an animal who died
0:39:05 himself and this next morning we find
0:39:07 ours our sheep dead
0:39:09 heart attack or disease we should not
0:39:12 but also the one who strangled itself
0:39:14 sometimes animals get strangled because
0:39:16 they are usually tied to the ropes and
0:39:18 it's very well possible that they they
0:39:20 in time actually i experienced such case
0:39:22 almost an animal also we were going for
0:39:25 a picnic for a few days and we had a
0:39:27 sheep and it almost stranded itself but
0:39:29 we catch we caught it before it died
0:39:31 and more older than one fire fall from
0:39:33 on on high
0:39:35 uh or yeah and the one from women are
0:39:37 high and then one he's been attacked by
0:39:39 another animal especially by horns and
0:39:42 whatever the other wild animals have
0:39:44 attacked and eaten except if you can't
0:39:46 catch those before they completely
0:39:47 expire and you slaughter them properly
0:39:49 by by shedding the blood with the
0:39:51 intention of slothalik
0:39:54 and then
0:39:55 uh again
0:39:56 whatever sacrificed uh on on on altars
0:40:00 not only in idols but an altars of idols
0:40:02 and also because these nusabes are
0:40:05 they called in the old system in the
0:40:07 high places because usually in high
0:40:08 mountains or in high hills on top of the
0:40:11 hill is something like a steel or
0:40:13 something like that or a
0:40:15 missile or something like that and they
0:40:16 hang and they they slaughter therefore
0:40:20 for the various divinities and etc
0:40:23 that's also not acceptable
0:40:27 that's it
0:40:28 and also
0:40:29 that you will use the arrows or whatever
0:40:31 types of divination like like the
0:40:34 various types of danish arrows
0:40:37 some people use use uh casting lots uh
0:40:40 by a step of divination to know the
0:40:42 future not to decide for example casting
0:40:44 a lot to decide uh who should get a
0:40:47 certain price or casting lots
0:40:50 between wives who should be taken or
0:40:52 along the trip if you cannot take all of
0:40:54 them etc that's perfectly fine but
0:40:56 there's some people cast custard and
0:40:59 certain
0:41:02 arrows and things like that and see from
0:41:04 the shape and so on what they uh
0:41:06 what the future should be etc or they
0:41:09 have for example uh
0:41:11 they write things on a piece of paper
0:41:12 say go or don't go and then some of them
0:41:16 and then they mix them and then take out
0:41:17 so it says you go then you go on your
0:41:19 trip if they don't go then it is
0:41:21 commanding you not to go this is all
0:41:22 obviously nonsense in itself is uh
0:41:25 absolutely nonsensical
0:41:27 it has nothing to do but using it is not
0:41:29 understandable i think the relation with
0:41:31 this this is sinful it's actually
0:41:33 rebellious it's manifest and rebellious
0:41:36 sinful
0:41:37 and say
0:41:38 today that's what people take as an
0:41:41 indication that this has been revealed
0:41:43 in in
0:41:44 in
0:41:45 yamajuma in in the um
0:41:57 today the disbeliever have given up hope
0:42:00 that they will ever change your religion
0:42:02 so don't be
0:42:04 respecting or fearful of them rather be
0:42:07 respecting that fearful of me today i
0:42:09 have perfected your religion
0:42:12 and completed my favor on you
0:42:16 and they have
0:42:16 decided to make islam the deen
0:42:18 acceptable from you which is before that
0:42:20 mentioned
0:42:21 so on that anything except
0:42:25 but i i am pleased with islam to be your
0:42:27 deen
0:42:28 in this in this in this context is
0:42:30 meaning instead of for example uh
0:42:33 judaism or christianity or foreign
0:42:35 because these are other religions
0:42:38 notice the ayah is concluding after
0:42:40 certain injunctions so this is this not
0:42:42 only the belief the belief of judaism
0:42:44 and it's not what the original belief of
0:42:46 musa is exactly the same
0:42:48 it was not completely well developed and
0:42:50 expanded but we were not ready for for
0:42:53 some devil issues and so on uh which we
0:42:56 have to believe in after that for
0:42:57 example
0:42:58 later but
0:43:00 uh
0:43:01 the sharia was quite different but the
0:43:03 allah is not pleased with this
0:43:05 he is pleased with this financially
0:43:06 because he is the one who was most
0:43:08 perfect and suitable until the omar
0:43:09 qiyamah that's your deen which contains
0:43:12 was the belief and the sharia the belief
0:43:15 is similar into fundamentals to that of
0:43:17 musa and the isa for example but it has
0:43:20 expanded
0:43:22 information and details which they don't
0:43:24 have and they were not aware about it
0:43:26 secondly the sharia is definitely
0:43:29 significantly different than what what
0:43:31 what the jews and the the so-called
0:43:33 christian have
0:43:35 so that's that's this one the final one
0:43:37 with this
0:43:39 is the one as a deen a way of life
0:43:40 accepted by allah i pray allah is
0:43:42 pleased to have that for you and this is
0:43:44 the one who called islam al-islam which
0:43:47 is the religion revealed to muhammad not
0:43:49 just islam which is surrendered to allah
0:43:51 no it's al-islam the specific quality to
0:43:54 muhammad with the family
0:43:56 however who is in a duress in a state of
0:43:59 diana
0:44:01 then
0:44:02 without intending to commit sin
0:44:05 uh allies forgive for
0:44:07 merciful and forgivenessful meaning he
0:44:10 can take from these prohibited foods to
0:44:12 in that state of of diabetes and need
0:44:15 now um
0:44:19 how to judge theirs and need that's that
0:44:22 that's to every person to judge a choice
0:44:24 situation
0:44:26 there's no no
0:44:27 clearly in the case of someone facing
0:44:29 death for example
0:44:31 about to die and if he eats carrion he
0:44:33 can't eat curry no doubt about that etc
0:44:36 but sometimes it is less than that like
0:44:38 for example uh
0:44:40 uh there's a there's another narration
0:44:42 i'm not sure about it it's not that's
0:44:44 wrong i remember reading it and i did
0:44:46 not scrutinize very much because it
0:44:48 sounded very logical for me uh a man
0:44:51 came to russia complaining said that uh
0:44:54 our our comment we came uh woke up in
0:44:56 the morning and found our camel's dead
0:44:58 we could not so we could not we could
0:45:00 not make that cut we could not slaughter
0:45:02 it and shed the blood so with the
0:45:04 intention to eat it
0:45:05 and understand it's maitre you cannot
0:45:07 eat it say messenger allah we are the
0:45:09 most poor we are the poorest people in
0:45:11 medina and we have nothing else except
0:45:13 this we have no money we have no other
0:45:15 food that's only this we're living thank
0:45:16 you for this milk and surviving on it
0:45:18 now it is gone so even we are in a dire
0:45:21 slavery then i said then you you can eat
0:45:23 it
0:45:24 so they obviously they will dry some of
0:45:26 it as required who is going to get a
0:45:28 household eating a camel at one go it's
0:45:30 not possible so we're going to dry it
0:45:32 and do the various salting etc and
0:45:34 keeping it for a longer time and indeed
0:45:36 for it for a certain time
0:45:38 so this is not necessarily that the
0:45:39 people are in a famine or dying it's not
0:45:41 to that level but
0:45:43 still they are a necessity otherwise
0:45:45 they will go begging and for for people
0:45:47 to give him charity that that's that's
0:45:49 not a desirable affair so i did not
0:45:52 recognize this not of the story because
0:45:53 it sounded very reasonable for me but at
0:45:56 the other point so this everyone has to
0:45:58 judge that according to his best
0:46:00 consciousness it is really a necessity
0:46:01 he should do that
0:46:03 and secondly the other phrase is not
0:46:07 inclining to
0:46:08 to to evil or to sin
0:46:12 even has have a unique point of view of
0:46:14 that besides that he should not have an
0:46:16 intention of saying
0:46:17 clearly because uh if you judge the if
0:46:20 you judge the situation so that
0:46:23 you are not convinced internal that's
0:46:25 really necessary but you are inclined to
0:46:26 sin you don't bother really about tahuka
0:46:28 that's then you don't have the
0:46:30 permission you don't expect forgiveness
0:46:32 of mercy from allah but he has another
0:46:34 point say for example
0:46:37 let's assume someone is is going on on
0:46:40 on the mountains or in in the forest
0:46:42 with the intention to rob people is a
0:46:44 highway robot
0:46:45 and then he fallen necessity for example
0:46:47 as his
0:46:48 entire past you have your horse or you
0:46:51 have your camel dies and you got stuck
0:46:53 there in these
0:46:54 remote areas
0:46:56 and then only you can find all the dead
0:46:58 carry on
0:46:59 a loss that's it
0:47:01 and it has a unique point of view she
0:47:03 has seven minutes i will report it to
0:47:04 you and leave it for you to analyze in
0:47:06 your mind and think how how if it's
0:47:08 really he said this one was his trip
0:47:12 which brought him in the necessity was
0:47:14 for the intention of evil and sin he was
0:47:16 going out not traveling for business not
0:47:19 going to study not going to the haram
0:47:21 not going just for
0:47:22 to enjoy uh to enjoy a holiday no he was
0:47:25 going with the intention to intercept
0:47:27 maybe caravans and drop them so he's
0:47:30 intending evil with his trip now in his
0:47:32 trip um calamity has happened
0:47:35 and he is now in the state of duress he
0:47:37 said
0:47:39 he is muthajanif
0:47:40 his history originally initiated
0:47:43 in the intention of
0:47:45 of sin
0:47:46 he cannot eat the cardio
0:47:49 i say how should he then do should he
0:47:51 die say no he should repent
0:47:53 may covenant
0:47:54 i repent for my misdeeds
0:47:57 i will never do it again
0:47:58 then he can eat that he has ended the
0:48:02 intention of sin
0:48:04 which is if you look at it it has some
0:48:05 merit
0:48:06 that's what if you trip which got you in
0:48:08 trouble because how uh how how come you
0:48:11 get in trouble for example if you're on
0:48:13 the way and you lose your
0:48:15 carrying animal and you are far away and
0:48:19 and no no nearby or you can't help and
0:48:21 then supply food or you buy food or
0:48:23 something else it's impossible except to
0:48:25 eat a carrion
0:48:27 the the there are various trips you can
0:48:29 use but some of them
0:48:30 started with evil intention like going
0:48:32 on a robbery campaign
0:48:36 then his point he is very very military
0:48:38 has a good have a good merits you are
0:48:40 the number you are in state of sin your
0:48:42 intention you dream all is sinful now
0:48:44 you cannot take the rules of allah you
0:48:46 have to be repent and recognize your sin
0:48:50 then you can take the rules of allah
0:48:51 right let's say it is it is
0:48:54 the whole thing is a one deal package
0:48:56 you cannot take part on your part
0:48:58 so that's that point of view is having a
0:49:00 merit look at it it looks it looks very
0:49:03 serious besides obviously you should not
0:49:05 have the intention to sin anyway uh
0:49:08 during the judgment of your situation
0:49:11 that uh
0:49:12 that you are really in need like this
0:49:14 man who asked my camel died and so on
0:49:16 and he purchased them as a carrion what
0:49:18 what you might really expect to tell you
0:49:20 he said but this is the situation this
0:49:21 situation so the man wanted to avoid
0:49:24 falling in the situation that he begging
0:49:25 the people because he has that's the
0:49:27 only thing they had they were living in
0:49:28 its milk and nothing else now it's gone
0:49:31 so at least they can benefit from the
0:49:33 meat for a certain time until they can
0:49:34 fix their situation so he's not
0:49:36 intending to send his intended to fix
0:49:38 his situation in such a way that he
0:49:39 survived with dignity that's not a
0:49:41 sinful intention that's definitely
0:49:43 covered he doesn't have that situation
0:49:45 that's that is the problem
0:49:47 eat it
0:49:48 don't do whatever it is
0:49:50 with it
0:49:52 whatever necessary so you can survive on
0:49:54 it at a certain time
0:49:57 but a point of view of it has with the
0:49:59 case of someone getting himself in a
0:50:00 situation where he is done that he says
0:50:02 it resulted from him going in that
0:50:04 situation and which he initially
0:50:06 initiated in a sinful state that has to
0:50:08 be also fixed before you take
0:50:11 the divine permission of eating the
0:50:13 cardio you have to repent before
0:50:15 otherwise you are you are adding sin to
0:50:17 a sense they say that you what is he
0:50:19 saying say if you don't repent for you
0:50:21 going on on a highway robbery and
0:50:23 recognize that you have seen that you
0:50:25 are transgressed against allah
0:50:26 commandments
0:50:27 then it is irrelevant of you it coming
0:50:29 through you are already doing something
0:50:31 worse than eating anyway
0:50:33 so if you want to have the rosa and to
0:50:34 enjoy that allah is forgiveness and
0:50:36 merciful then
0:50:38 better better to do things probably
0:50:40 repent first make the intention not to
0:50:42 do again become an upright reasonable
0:50:45 human being and then eat and then go
0:50:47 back that your life has changed then
0:50:49 this experience is maybe a test for our
0:50:51 financial for you to get them i think
0:50:54 the point of view of it has been this
0:50:55 point is quite meritorious having good
0:50:57 merits
0:51:00 then some people are still asking about
0:51:01 things and so on
0:51:03 uh despite themselves ordering people
0:51:05 not to ask many but some people are you
0:51:06 know some people coming from the bed we
0:51:08 would not know that there is there is an
0:51:10 injunction not to ask many questions
0:51:13 what was what's permissible for them
0:51:15 obviously they were asking about things
0:51:17 about hunting
0:51:18 as it comes
0:51:35 they will ask me as to what is lawful to
0:51:37 them say lawful to you are all the good
0:51:40 things of life
0:51:41 and as for those hunting animals which
0:51:44 you train by imparting to them something
0:51:46 of the knowledge that god has imparted
0:51:48 to yourself
0:51:49 eat of what they seize for you but
0:51:51 mention god's name over it and remain
0:51:54 conscious of god verily god is swift in
0:51:57 reckoning next translation they will ask
0:51:59 you prophet what is lawful for them say
0:52:02 all good things are awful to you
0:52:04 including what you have taught your
0:52:05 birds a beast or prey to catch teaching
0:52:08 them
0:52:09 as god has taught you you may eat what
0:52:12 they catch for you but if they invoke
0:52:14 god's name over it and always be mindful
0:52:16 of god he is quick to take account
0:52:19 so that's it that's uh clarifying things
0:52:22 like for example because uh uh first of
0:52:25 all general answer all good things have
0:52:27 been learned for to all getting
0:52:29 including what's difficult is that you
0:52:32 have you may teach them some bad play on
0:52:34 animal prey
0:52:36 uh you you have you have trained to be
0:52:38 like like hunting dogs that the word
0:52:40 used called unsmokingly bean making them
0:52:42 like dogs because the prime hunting
0:52:45 animal which was trained uh
0:52:47 appropriately for hunting is the dog and
0:52:49 this is the greyhound essentially that's
0:52:51 that that specific race is excellent in
0:52:54 hunting but there are others for example
0:52:56 like in britain they have other tanks
0:52:57 with the use for hunting foxes but this
0:52:59 is not really a legitimate hunt in any
0:53:01 case but independent of that
0:53:03 mukkali bean because this that question
0:53:05 does not alright because they're hunting
0:53:06 that just to to keep the number of
0:53:09 of foxes low or just enjoyment which is
0:53:12 haram anyway but here we are talking
0:53:14 about hunting something for food
0:53:16 mughalim so the word the train for for
0:53:18 hunting probably is always about making
0:53:21 like the dogs
0:53:22 gulp from kelp from dog you train them
0:53:24 to be like dog-like including
0:53:27 the primary one is the dog
0:53:29 but actually what you're training them
0:53:31 are teaching them is that what allah
0:53:32 taught you
0:53:33 don't think it is it's your ingenuity or
0:53:36 your or your your sovereign capabilities
0:53:38 no it's also allah has taught you
0:53:40 that done whatever they catch for you
0:53:43 for you
0:53:45 then you can eat
0:53:46 and mention the name of allah and the
0:53:48 question is the mission before sending
0:53:50 the animal or after this is that a nice
0:53:53 point of of which we are not going to go
0:53:56 into details because most of us will
0:53:58 never go in hunting if he goes in
0:53:59 hunting someone goes hunting he should
0:54:01 check the
0:54:02 box of his school of thought and
0:54:04 see what what they say about that but
0:54:06 also this declasmale is most likely uh
0:54:09 for desirability not for obligation
0:54:10 because if you don't miss your life as a
0:54:12 believer you are missing them allah
0:54:13 anyway you have mentioned it in salah
0:54:15 before and so on but anyway that's also
0:54:17 another secondary point about mentioning
0:54:19 the name of allah with some people
0:54:20 especially hanafi and like like
0:54:25 like
0:54:28 when slo one of slaughtering mass mass
0:54:30 shiva son in turkey freezing them or
0:54:32 cooling them down and sending them in
0:54:34 arabia and so on and then the people who
0:54:36 were contracting them from arabia
0:54:38 but also the turks themselves i don't i
0:54:40 don't think it's the han of your mother
0:54:41 and so on
0:54:42 because mass slaughtering you have like
0:54:44 like almost like like a conveyor belt of
0:54:46 animals slaughtering one after whatever
0:54:48 so what they do and if you ask the
0:54:51 people doing the slaughtering to mention
0:54:52 the name of allah their throat will run
0:54:54 dry so they put like a microphone
0:55:01 it looks like a
0:55:02 reality
0:55:03 shouldn't be needed like that but that's
0:55:05 because the misunderstanding must be
0:55:07 somehow the name must be pronounced
0:55:08 publicly and loudly otherwise it is
0:55:10 haram most likely this is wrong but okay
0:55:13 the people i wouldn't agree with the
0:55:15 people doing that although you may smile
0:55:17 on it
0:55:18 but the important point is that
0:55:21 you catch you you eat only for that what
0:55:23 they call they quote for you
0:55:26 now how do you know it has caught for us
0:55:27 there's a characteristic if
0:55:29 the
0:55:30 mentioned that in hadith if you see the
0:55:32 animal have eaten some you started eat
0:55:34 from it
0:55:36 has done the catching for you for
0:55:38 himself
0:55:39 then it is you and have no right to to
0:55:41 derive him from that that he caught his
0:55:43 he's not quoting for you but if he did
0:55:45 not
0:55:46 then it is uh it is uh he has caught for
0:55:49 you
0:55:50 he has caught for you
0:55:52 so
0:55:53 uh
0:55:54 then it is permissible and why the
0:55:56 question was of that because of that
0:55:57 because uh
0:55:59 because from the description up there
0:56:01 animals which have been for example hit
0:56:03 by by heavy things but did not bleed
0:56:06 and were killed that by that
0:56:08 they are sought to be carry on but these
0:56:10 some some of these uh like for example
0:56:12 if you send a hunting dog a first-class
0:56:14 handicap especially a heavyweight one
0:56:16 and he jumps on a rabbit
0:56:19 and breaks its back and when you reach
0:56:20 the robot he's gone
0:56:22 he's dead
0:56:24 this looks like carrion
0:56:26 looks like no
0:56:28 there's no blood flowing it says blood
0:56:30 flowing is okay we have the cat we have
0:56:32 the blood flowing which is the
0:56:33 characteristic of the cut but
0:56:35 what to do there it's perfectly
0:56:37 permissible because it's being done by
0:56:39 your own animal which has been trained
0:56:41 to do that and so on
0:56:43 actually the animal should not even bite
0:56:45 that because if it buy it as if it is a
0:56:47 bit under the rabbit
0:56:49 shedding its blood meaning it was
0:56:52 it's intending to eat for himself not
0:56:53 for you so not allow that
0:56:56 so uh heavy dog jumping on a rabbit
0:57:00 breaking its back until you reach to the
0:57:01 rabbit which maybe have run like half a
0:57:03 kilometer away until you reach that his
0:57:05 heart expired it's still this is a
0:57:06 perfect dekka
0:57:08 because it's done by your by dog and you
0:57:10 see the dog is sitting there waiting for
0:57:12 you is not eating
0:57:13 and the same with bed you pray
0:57:15 they fly
0:57:17 attack maybe maybe a flying patient or
0:57:19 something like that the pigeon falls
0:57:22 falls on ground
0:57:23 on the attack breaks at neck and die
0:57:25 until you rest it is already dead
0:57:28 no blood is being shed no the cat is
0:57:30 dead that act of the bed of prey is the
0:57:33 cat and usually the hawk or the falcon
0:57:35 will go down and sit next to it waiting
0:57:37 for you if you didn't start eating if he
0:57:39 has old for you and it's perfectly fine
0:57:41 for you to eat
0:57:45 and beware of
0:57:46 all these all these things be conscious
0:57:49 allah is very quick in accounting why he
0:57:51 is not
0:57:53 to punish that because these things need
0:57:55 to be done properly in a structured way
0:57:58 step by step
0:58:00 and does it mean accounting meaning
0:58:01 doing things properly in sequence and
0:58:04 allah is better in keeping sequences
0:58:06 accounting things more than you think
0:58:08 so keep things in the proper order
0:58:12 with the proper intention then you are
0:58:13 fine
0:58:17 then further
0:58:20 again reinforcing
0:58:48 station today all the good things of
0:58:51 life have been made lawful to you and
0:58:53 the food of those who have been vowed
0:58:56 safe
0:58:57 revelation uh afford time is lawful to
0:58:59 you and your food is lawful to them and
0:59:02 lawful to you are in wedlock women from
0:59:05 among those who believe in this divine
0:59:06 rate
0:59:07 and in wedlock women from among those
0:59:09 who have been vowed safe revelation
0:59:11 before your time provided that you give
0:59:14 them their doubts take taking them in
0:59:16 honest wedlock not in fornication nor as
0:59:19 secret love companions but as for him
0:59:22 who rejects belief in god in vain will
0:59:24 be in all his works for in the life to
0:59:27 come he shall not be among the lost
0:59:30 next translation today all the good
0:59:33 things of life have been made lawful for
0:59:34 you the food of the people of the book
0:59:36 is lawful to you just as your food is
0:59:38 awful to them
0:59:40 virtuous believing women are lawful to
0:59:42 you as well as virtuous
0:59:44 women from the people of the book
0:59:46 provided that you give them their bridal
0:59:48 gifts and marry them not taking them as
0:59:50 lovers or secret mistresses as for
0:59:52 anyone who rejects faith in god all of
0:59:55 their works will come to nothing and in
0:59:57 their hair far hereafter they will be
0:59:59 with the doom
1:00:01 yeah so i think it's clear that maybe
1:00:03 the only one point which needs a bit of
1:00:05 clarification so again
1:00:07 today all good things are made lawfully
1:00:09 there went long longer before that's
1:00:11 again reinforced repeated
1:00:17 the food of the people who receive
1:00:19 revelation before you
1:00:20 is permissible for you so you don't ask
1:00:23 about
1:00:25 if if they are if they are committed
1:00:26 people under the people of the book they
1:00:28 do the slaughtering and so on you accept
1:00:30 the slaughtering and that's that's an
1:00:31 issue obviously for the people of
1:00:33 subcontinent is a major issue
1:00:35 most likely it is developed specifically
1:00:37 because the people there around them the
1:00:39 non-muslims are the pagans
1:00:41 and this absolutely no no to accept the
1:00:44 food of the pagans or actually the
1:00:45 slaughtering of the pagans that
1:00:46 specifically is existing what is being
1:00:49 the issue of slaughtering is not a
1:00:51 vegetarian food or something like that
1:00:53 or that that's that's not what intended
1:00:56 meaning the slaughter for the the
1:00:57 strength of animal origin and so that's
1:01:00 the that's the issue with the
1:01:02 subcontinent and we we have various
1:01:05 obviously this was also a little bit
1:01:07 difficult to understand for many people
1:01:09 at the time of tablin and sahaba for
1:01:11 example uh
1:01:13 uh we we have the following photo from
1:01:15 various tabula in and from i think from
1:01:17 a table someone asked him uh
1:01:20 well what what should i do about this or
1:01:22 say i the to the markets or the people
1:01:24 of the book they have their own separate
1:01:25 markets on this world shops even
1:01:27 sometimes complete markets say whatever
1:01:29 you find in the markets of the muslims
1:01:32 take and don't ask
1:01:34 if you ask your own the door of evil
1:01:36 and you start digging yourself in a hole
1:01:39 assume it is done probably because they
1:01:41 are muslims and also in the people of
1:01:43 the book
1:01:45 not ask eat what they are they offer
1:01:47 there obviously what the meaning is the
1:01:49 slow thing that's the the whole sore
1:01:51 issue not that wheat or rice or body
1:01:53 nobody is discussing that nobody ever
1:01:55 asked for that
1:01:58 another
1:01:59 that's one photo another photo someone
1:02:01 said
1:02:01 to ask one of the tabulin
1:02:05 i see i saw the people above book i was
1:02:07 in and they're slaughtering outside so
1:02:08 it's not slow thing it was taught in the
1:02:10 name of jesus
1:02:16 say yes say
1:02:17 didn't didn't you think that allah knew
1:02:19 that they saw that they're slaughtering
1:02:20 in the name of jesus only allowed to eat
1:02:22 their food
1:02:24 eat stop this nonsense that's what he's
1:02:26 actually saying but as i'm saying now
1:02:28 stop this nonsense
1:02:30 i know that some people come say other
1:02:32 people based on the people of the book
1:02:34 or
1:02:35 the slaughter house and so on
1:02:39 as far as we know the majority of people
1:02:40 are described themselves as a christian
1:02:43 someone say but they are not practicing
1:02:44 christian they're not committed
1:02:45 christian
1:02:48 but the one in the slaughterhouse for
1:02:49 the muslims are all they committed
1:02:50 muslims some of them are african
1:02:52 catholics this will
1:02:53 dig yourself in a hole my point of view
1:02:56 all this digging will get you nowhere
1:03:02 as long as you if you have evidence for
1:03:04 example the certain country of certain
1:03:06 area is predominantly atheists or
1:03:08 prominent muslim and so on then you
1:03:10 don't eat or because there's something
1:03:11 wrong with the book but the people of it
1:03:13 you take
1:03:14 very clear someone classify himself as a
1:03:16 unbeliever jesus i believe i am
1:03:18 christian or i am a jew he is a
1:03:20 christian
1:03:21 as he declared himself that's it
1:03:24 you are not applied to dig the people
1:03:26 faith and under those scrutiny what they
1:03:28 are doing in this local house houses are
1:03:29 doing in their homes and how much they
1:03:30 say we are not allowed to
1:03:32 muslims to go and dig what they are
1:03:34 doing in the
1:03:36 what they are doing in their homes and
1:03:38 what they are committing of haram or
1:03:39 sins and so on
1:03:41 or if they do test me or if they are not
1:03:43 some of them may be eighth some of them
1:03:44 may be committing major sins and so on
1:03:46 this will get you know here somebody
1:03:48 will be out of the fold of islam having
1:03:50 practiced and things like that but they
1:03:52 declare certain muslims and they are
1:03:54 known publicly to be muslims so that's
1:03:56 that's i think this this the way should
1:03:58 be treated and the way it should should
1:04:00 be but people do not listen and they
1:04:02 insist and they know uh especially that
1:04:04 for example comes every time which
1:04:06 contract i will say okay then go to the
1:04:08 place and bear from it that's it but
1:04:11 what happened what i'm saying this is
1:04:12 the what is the situation as it is
1:04:16 as it should be and that's what the
1:04:20 so the other part is
1:04:23 so your slaughtering is permissible for
1:04:25 you no for the christian there's no
1:04:26 problem because any slaughter they don't
1:04:28 have any
1:04:28 that much of specific slaughtering and
1:04:31 so on but the jews may object to that
1:04:33 they may regard
1:04:35 most likely the best interpretation is
1:04:36 that your food
1:04:38 and the way you are you are slaughtering
1:04:41 as one is also permissible should have
1:04:43 been for wisdom for them but they some
1:04:45 their scholars have developed such uh
1:04:47 such extreme points of view and they put
1:04:49 themselves in chains and and and
1:04:52 by their own mistake but in principle
1:04:54 you can't offer the meal for the food
1:04:56 and if someone does not accept that's
1:04:58 his mistake that's his mistake that's
1:05:00 not your mistake so you can't go for
1:05:01 them you can't afford to slaughter for
1:05:02 them that's no problem
1:05:08 i have to scrutinize
1:05:09 if there's any other issues with this
1:05:11 with with this with this phrase your
1:05:13 food is permissible for you all your
1:05:14 slaughtering experience of you what does
1:05:16 it entail with me at this certain
1:05:18 historical issues we are not aware so i
1:05:20 have dignity at that point and then the
1:05:22 another part of it is
1:05:28 the chaste woman the first believing
1:05:30 woman but also the chest
1:05:31 believing
1:05:34 the chaste woman of the people of the
1:05:36 book
1:05:36 before the book are the jews under saba
1:05:39 sabi which have expired essentially some
1:05:41 of them are saying in iraq the one who
1:05:43 follow which claim to follow john the
1:05:44 baptist they are the subcategory of the
1:05:46 jews under christian
1:05:49 but this is the it has to be muslim it
1:05:52 has to be chaste woman and another place
1:05:54 of quran describe what chastity mean
1:05:57 that's but this is not the no no there's
1:05:59 not free hunt this is no free sex there
1:06:02 it is if you give them their dowry
1:06:04 in proper and honest with look
1:06:06 with the intention of islam
1:06:09 of woodlock
1:06:10 probably
1:06:14 is is actually
1:06:16 what you do with the prostitutes you pay
1:06:18 something and for for for just an
1:06:20 enjoyment and
1:06:21 without any commitment rather than than
1:06:23 just just
1:06:25 money for an intercourse that's
1:06:27 and the other one is having a girlfriend
1:06:29 or public or
1:06:36 that's not acceptable it must be a
1:06:38 honest problem with luck it can't be
1:06:40 working by just going um
1:06:42 i will go to barcelona no no it is
1:06:45 that's not permissible but also a chest
1:06:47 woman should not have one of these these
1:06:48 characters he should not be living
1:06:52 should be a clean one committed to what
1:06:54 the scripture usually unless it is a
1:06:56 real
1:06:58 one protected particularly necessity
1:07:04 even in that point there was some some
1:07:06 some some controversy for example
1:07:08 abdullah ibn did not uh
1:07:10 thought that is only for for the jews i
1:07:13 said
1:07:14 it's i i don't know because the quran in
1:07:17 the bakker you remember who said there's
1:07:19 an injunction not to marry to the
1:07:20 mushrikeen or
1:07:22 give give our
1:07:24 woman to the to the mushrik
1:07:30 whatsoever and he says
1:07:33 i don't know any bigger shirk
1:07:35 than the one who said that that jesus is
1:07:37 a part of allah or a divine being
1:07:40 he's right in that point
1:07:42 but does not does not refute this point
1:07:45 because actually the the ayah and
1:07:47 throttle backlight don't ever stress
1:07:49 that time with the mushrik
1:07:51 included all these believers when the
1:07:53 roman mushrikeen is mentioned
1:08:23 maybe some of you are still exiting iraq
1:08:25 and
1:08:26 they're the christian
1:08:28 and then sometimes it's even does more
1:08:31 find that the
1:08:33 subdivision like
1:08:51 is even dividing the mushrikeen in
1:08:52 various classes so the initial
1:08:55 prohibition applies to everyone that's
1:08:56 the reason i said that the quran says
1:08:59 i'm permitting you that which was
1:09:00 prohibited before so they were
1:09:02 prohibited for and they were classified
1:09:03 as muslim so the objection of an armor
1:09:06 that they are they have sheikh nobody is
1:09:07 disputing that actually but
1:09:10 how how he is just mentioning the the
1:09:13 christians he said isa is here lord is
1:09:15 god which is shirk yes but how how he
1:09:18 forgot about the jews say that allah is
1:09:20 poor and we are rich this also
1:09:25 so
1:09:26 so the rama's argument is not valid it
1:09:28 is a very poor argument and shows that
1:09:30 he is not really that creative
1:09:32 anyway but anyway that's not our
1:09:34 discussion so all these are going
1:09:35 through the correct classes the people
1:09:37 of the book is when the bible was
1:09:38 mentioned meaning those who have
1:09:40 received the revelation before us
1:09:42 and that's it concludes the jews the
1:09:44 sabbath was part of the jews and the
1:09:46 christian according to their beliefs and
1:09:48 description their hand someone said no
1:09:50 it means actually those who are
1:09:51 monotheists and those non-moonves came
1:09:54 later that's not true at that time
1:09:56 and christianity was essentially extinct
1:09:58 they were almost
1:10:00 with no exclusion criterion
1:10:03 almost barely any area there were few
1:10:06 months here and they are scattered and
1:10:07 there were few who did not regard uh
1:10:10 mariama's divine because they said
1:10:13 when she gave birth to christ he was not
1:10:14 even divine anything he was adopted by
1:10:17 allah later in the baptism so maryam
1:10:19 cannot have the title mother of god
1:10:21 under
1:10:22 they they were prosecuted and they ran
1:10:24 away for protection and that persian
1:10:26 empire the sassanid empire that's the
1:10:28 people called
1:10:29 what's name
1:10:30 uh nastorian the follower of nestorius
1:10:34 and they declared him to be heritage
1:10:35 council
1:10:36 but the adoption later is really
1:10:38 adoption in the sense of the divine
1:10:40 being or just obvious election i don't
1:10:43 i'm not sure if you regard uh isa as
1:10:45 being divine clearly he regard him as a
1:10:47 divine so he's adopted as a divine son
1:10:49 later
1:10:50 so maryam did not have anything divine
1:10:52 going through history she doesn't
1:10:53 deserve the title mother of god
1:10:54 something like that but anyway all of
1:10:56 this is there and all of these are
1:10:58 people of the book the quran did not
1:10:59 make any distinction between them even
1:11:01 attacked their trinity and so on
1:11:02 elsewhere
1:11:03 so
1:11:05 so that's it but the only condition is
1:11:06 that it should be chased
1:11:08 and it should be in wedlock
1:11:10 so there's no permission there to
1:11:11 rampage around here in the west and and
1:11:14 indulging fornication and so on
1:11:16 absolutely not acceptable nor it is a
1:11:18 permission to to marry those who have uh
1:11:21 who themselves are prostitutes or have
1:11:23 or having having the habit of taking uh
1:11:26 uh boyfriends and girlfriends and all
1:11:28 these things and that's definitely not
1:11:30 acceptable understanding unless they
1:11:32 clearly have the the forsaken this way
1:11:34 of life and return back to their
1:11:36 religious commitment which has happened
1:11:38 quite frequently and it's available
1:11:40 that's all available at least they they
1:11:42 repent and if they repent and embrace
1:11:44 islam then this is all that's wiped out
1:11:45 and they are muslim now they are not
1:11:47 people in the book anymore so
1:11:49 but some some of the some some
1:11:51 many factions of
1:11:53 of christian and so on have have decided
1:11:56 in recent years there's a campaign
1:11:58 against against progressivity and so on
1:12:00 and attempt to go back to
1:12:02 to chastity there's ongoing from this
1:12:04 category that's okay
1:12:06 but even that degree is not by you by by
1:12:09 any means uh except in proper wedlock
1:12:14 so let's just summary and the fine
1:12:16 details obviously have to study caseback
1:12:17 some of these cases need to be analyzed
1:12:20 one by one that is the general principle
1:12:22 i think is clear
1:12:27 who who rejects the faith
1:12:29 and his all work and
1:12:31 action are in vain
1:12:33 and in the days of judgment he would be
1:12:35 among the losers
1:12:38 so that's that's very clear
1:12:40 and this all these injections part of
1:12:41 iman power to believe in allah because
1:12:43 objection
1:12:44 with his own wisdom of this whole
1:12:46 limitation if you don't you don't put
1:12:48 from your mind anything there just
1:12:50 because of certain
1:12:51 suspicion or or
1:12:53 or misconception
1:12:57 uh let me see the time maybe one more
1:12:59 ayah
1:13:44 oh you have oh you whoever take your
1:13:46 faith when you are about to pray wash
1:13:48 your face and your hands
1:13:50 and arms up to the elbows and pass your
1:13:52 wet hands lightly over your head and
1:13:54 wash your feet up to the ankles and if
1:13:56 you are in a state of in a state
1:13:58 requiring total evolution purify
1:14:00 yourself but if you are ill or are
1:14:02 traveling or have satisfied a want of
1:14:04 you nature or have cohabited with a
1:14:07 woman and can find no water then take
1:14:09 resort to pure dust past passing
1:14:12 therewith lightly over your face and
1:14:14 your hands
1:14:15 god does not want to impose any hardship
1:14:17 on you but wants to make you pure and to
1:14:20 bestow upon you the full measure of his
1:14:22 blessings so that you might have caused
1:14:24 to be grateful yes translations
1:14:26 believers when you're about to pray wash
1:14:27 your hands
1:14:29 your face your hands and arms up to the
1:14:31 elbows and pass your hands your wet
1:14:33 hands lightly over your head and wash
1:14:35 your feet up to the ankles after sexual
1:14:37 intercourse purifies yourselves if you
1:14:39 are ill or are traveling or have just
1:14:41 relieved yourself
1:14:43 or have had intimate contact with a
1:14:44 woman
1:14:46 and cannot find water and take some dust
1:14:48 and use it to wipe your face and hands
1:14:50 god does not wish to place any burden on
1:14:52 you but wants to make you pure and to
1:14:54 perfect his grace on you so that you may
1:14:57 be thankful
1:14:58 so this is many
1:15:00 misconceptions about this whole issue so
1:15:02 it says it's obligation for those only
1:15:04 if you're standing to salah and if you
1:15:06 are not in a state of purity that's
1:15:07 clarified by the by the uh by the uh
1:15:11 hadith of ourselves until waterlogged
1:15:13 establishers
1:15:14 so if you are the state of purity you
1:15:16 have aldo for example
1:15:18 and you still keeping your water you do
1:15:20 not break it then you can't do arsenal
1:15:22 you don't need so
1:15:34 in arabic language
1:15:36 really
1:15:38 intensive watering and also arabic
1:15:40 that's that's as many people as uh don't
1:15:43 understand
1:15:44 and but maliki said rubbing is necessary
1:15:46 and you see people in africa they
1:15:48 usually rub hands in each other and so
1:15:50 on do
1:15:56 clarified that rubbing is is optional is
1:15:59 not necessary
1:16:02 just just
1:16:03 the evidence for that is that if someone
1:16:05 for example have janab
1:16:06 and janaba is usually have to do awesome
1:16:09 with rubbing and so on it is enough to
1:16:11 jump in a water and if you must
1:16:13 communicate the water up to your head in
1:16:15 a second you are pure
1:16:16 without rubbing and also other hadith
1:16:19 about that so
1:16:21 but
1:16:22 the word using the word russell
1:16:24 indicates that robbing is desirable
1:16:26 it's not necessary but it's desirable so
1:16:28 the maliki are correct in this point
1:16:30 although they make a major obligation
1:16:32 and the muslim of the face obviously
1:16:34 okay and there is that controversy other
1:16:36 ears from the face of the head
1:16:38 most correctly they are from the head
1:16:40 the faces that up to here
1:16:42 but this is
1:16:44 small pretty things which focal get
1:16:46 stuck which does not bring us anywhere
1:16:48 forward
1:16:50 uh
1:16:51 of united
1:16:52 now
1:16:54 again there's a mistake
1:16:56 is that
1:16:58 in the case of head it's clear that you
1:16:59 wipe your hand over your head
1:17:02 with wet hand but also the the feet are
1:17:05 added after that now the
1:17:07 the the the one who translated that
1:17:10 washing should be also for the feet
1:17:13 using the washer your feet and so on
1:17:15 actually it is messy because in the
1:17:18 reading here i have a reading of dory
1:17:22 why would you part of your head and part
1:17:24 of your feet you don't need to uh to uh
1:17:27 to do that to do for to do rubbing and
1:17:30 so on for the feet
1:17:31 that's what it is reading the other
1:17:33 readings may be interpreted that is
1:17:34 connected to hustle but the issues of
1:17:38 other issues show that the correct point
1:17:40 of view is that for defeat
1:17:42 is much now what is messiah
1:17:46 musk is actually really completely
1:17:48 covered with water but in the case of
1:17:50 head
1:17:53 the right hand is enough
1:17:55 otherwise someone would interpret you
1:17:56 should pour water in your head without
1:17:58 even rubbing that will be messy
1:18:01 but the sunnah well this is nobody
1:18:02 agreed uh a dispute of that is this
1:18:05 enough to
1:18:06 wipe
1:18:09 with that with a wet hand but actually
1:18:11 the sun shows it is enough to wipe some
1:18:13 because below using part of the head and
1:18:16 the sun shows this enough just as in
1:18:18 some hadith also just in the two finger
1:18:20 with water and just touch under the imam
1:18:23 even worse
1:18:25 actually you can do much on top of the
1:18:26 imam just put your hand and do
1:18:28 symbolically
1:18:30 that's for the head for the feet there
1:18:32 are many narrations which indicate that
1:18:35 it is the mask would not be like the
1:18:36 head just for the wet hand it must be so
1:18:38 that all the food
1:18:40 all the food must be with obviously
1:18:42 until the ankle in a cabin until the
1:18:44 ankle but all must be really genuinely
1:18:47 wet
1:18:48 without necessary
1:18:50 rubbing and then and etc
1:18:52 like for example you insert the food
1:18:54 into into a bucket of water palace
1:18:56 that's it that will be messy that would
1:18:59 be not really hustled
1:19:00 so just for linguistic person
1:19:03 now for the feet it's a there there's a
1:19:05 hadith which strongly indicates that the
1:19:07 mass is not like the mess of the head
1:19:09 so both readings
1:19:12 are permissible and
1:19:14 both we should and both are quran and
1:19:16 both should convey some meaning if you
1:19:19 say arjuna meaning it's that because
1:19:26 between to show the order that's it
1:19:29 and if you say
1:19:30 then it is
1:19:32 your head part of your head and part of
1:19:34 your feet but the sunnah clarified that
1:19:36 part of the feet is not enough it has to
1:19:38 be
1:19:39 all the feet and it is enough messy
1:19:43 so i don't want to but continue your
1:19:45 although as you have been inhabited and
1:19:47 you might have there's no problem
1:19:48 because it will be most likely perfect
1:19:50 and over perfect that's no problem
1:19:53 so this is this is uh this is the the
1:19:56 the point there are various points we
1:19:57 don't want to address maybe just
1:19:59 casually that is is not required at
1:20:01 every salah as i said because the actual
1:20:03 divorce has proven that completely
1:20:06 and clearly
1:20:07 uh and uh underwater deliberately
1:20:09 various times for example
1:20:12 uh uh
1:20:14 he deliberately played various art with
1:20:15 one module usually he makes
1:20:18 that's desirable for purity and calling
1:20:20 and all these nice these things related
1:20:23 with rado definitely but as in certain
1:20:25 occasions he played several and ask him
1:20:29 we did something we never did it before
1:20:31 that you prayed for us and settle i
1:20:33 think it went into conquest of makkah
1:20:35 without without having author in between
1:20:37 justice
1:20:39 i did it deliberately i did it
1:20:41 deliberately to show that this was
1:20:44 that's what
1:20:45 obligatory because some people could
1:20:47 conclude from his act that's obligatory
1:20:49 this would be a wrong solid conclusion
1:20:52 but to dispel any mistake about didn't
1:20:54 deliberately show it clearly
1:20:56 secondly
1:20:58 uh it's um
1:21:00 that's that's one point another point
1:21:02 what breaks
1:21:05 the universal one which is almost
1:21:06 everyone with madahi after the the first
1:21:09 century agree upon is that obviously uh
1:21:13 urination defecation breaking wind yeah
1:21:16 and almost all agree sleep although
1:21:19 there's a disagreement about the sleep
1:21:20 what what what's the cancer visit sleep
1:21:23 on your side or sleep while you're
1:21:24 sitting on your seat on things like that
1:21:26 because of the various narrations that
1:21:28 are
1:21:29 that the correct point of view is that
1:21:31 sleep does not break the
1:21:33 the world that's the correct one and
1:21:35 there's there's no no evidence of that
1:21:37 there but the evidence that is against
1:21:39 that a very strong character but somehow
1:21:42 the madame got stuck in that and most
1:21:44 moderate which we have in hand is that a
1:21:47 sleeve breaks that the wind
1:21:49 the brick breaks the water
1:21:51 if you if you are in that matter stay
1:21:53 with it that's no problem this is an
1:21:56 additional aldo which is nice and good
1:21:57 there's no problem with that
1:21:59 but strictly speaking i don't think
1:22:00 street breaks what predicts it's only
1:22:03 beautification and also intercourse
1:22:07 and then the quran says we'll come back
1:22:09 to that anyway
1:22:12 if you're in europe then purify yourself
1:22:13 without mentioning what is that
1:22:16 or entail but as soon as life others
1:22:18 will be full body wash
1:22:20 and wash in the sense of rubbing as well
1:22:22 is not necessary which is that's the
1:22:24 desirable one it's enough to immerse
1:22:26 completely in water just take a bucket
1:22:28 of water and
1:22:29 wet yourself completely that's tahara or
1:22:31 jump in a swimming pool with
1:22:34 under the water even for the second
1:22:36 everything is wet that's the hara
1:22:38 now investing issues come within quinton
1:22:46 if you are sick
1:22:48 or you are traveling
1:22:50 or you came
1:22:51 from uh from from from the low place
1:22:54 where you usually have a urinate and
1:22:56 defecate it's called riot
1:22:58 or you have intercourse with women
1:23:00 that's the translations are correct it's
1:23:01 actually not touching a woman
1:23:03 linguistic is a touchscreen but is a
1:23:05 polite way of the colonic processing
1:23:07 expressing uh
1:23:09 intercourse and they explain why it is
1:23:11 like that
1:23:13 and you don't find water
1:23:18 then
1:23:22 direct yourself toward a purified place
1:23:24 of land sahih
1:23:28 strike your hand on that and wipe your
1:23:30 face and arms only no whining overhead
1:23:33 or the feet which shows that face and
1:23:35 arms
1:23:36 and even arms not up to malfunction
1:23:38 that's just up to here as the sun have
1:23:39 explained just only the cuff
1:23:44 people uh
1:23:45 entered in and along that
1:23:48 a dusty place which is pure
1:23:50 like a dry dust because mud is not dust
1:23:52 so
1:23:54 and some people say it has to be it has
1:23:56 to be with dust it cannot be like a
1:23:59 sandy place sun does not have dust
1:24:01 nobody especially at the seaside sun is
1:24:03 not dusty because you retouch it it
1:24:05 doesn't leave anything in a trace of
1:24:06 dust in your hand
1:24:08 but this is all really based on on on
1:24:11 narrow minded and
1:24:13 ritualistic like jewish literalistic
1:24:15 style because we have narration after
1:24:17 islam that he once time he urinated and
1:24:20 then he struck the wall and the walls in
1:24:22 medina we know what those are they are
1:24:23 not made of mad medina is is a is a
1:24:25 volcanic area city and all water were
1:24:28 made of stone imagine how much dust is
1:24:30 on the wall nothing essentially on their
1:24:32 own
1:24:33 traces microscopic traces
1:24:36 so he just stuck his hand what is it
1:24:39 that's it
1:24:41 so the the people think that's uh and if
1:24:45 in next door
1:24:47 if they are in hospital they bring them
1:24:49 like like a bucket with with with with
1:24:52 soil in it so they can do them they
1:24:54 don't need what they need is just to put
1:24:56 the end on the wall wall is pure
1:24:59 it says what purely symbolically it
1:25:01 doesn't have
1:25:03 to have her dust but
1:25:05 direct yourself to to a purified piece
1:25:08 of land or saeed which is which is uh
1:25:12 does not mean
1:25:14 it ha it has to be this aside or it can
1:25:16 be a world can be anything which is
1:25:18 purified we don't go to a place with
1:25:20 filthy and so on do the symbolic it's a
1:25:21 symbolic act
1:25:24 and when i could not make what was
1:25:26 because because i broke my arm and so on
1:25:29 and was not possible to do although i
1:25:30 was doing term here by striking on the
1:25:33 wall yeah that's that's it
1:25:36 i'm convinced about this the correct
1:25:37 point of view and they don't need they
1:25:38 don't need a bucket of dust or above
1:25:41 even the people especially going to
1:25:42 address oil and say no no sunday area is
1:25:44 not good and so on this is all jewish
1:25:47 style of deduction that's that it is a
1:25:49 symbolic act but also important is that
1:25:51 although this is valid in the case if
1:25:53 you touch woman meaning with the meaning
1:25:55 of intercourse
1:25:58 because it's clearly it mentioned all of
1:26:01 these cases which need the module except
1:26:03 the one which we need it needs full
1:26:05 purification touching women and the the
1:26:08 term is enough for that it's a what if
1:26:09 they're more it's only the intention of
1:26:11 freedom or purity is that what is needed
1:26:13 so you have to direct yourself for the
1:26:15 intention to have a ritual purity which
1:26:17 you cannot achieve
1:26:18 in the standard way with water
1:26:20 now
1:26:31 and relied on the issue that you can do
1:26:33 to yammum instead of
1:26:35 instead of also in the case of
1:26:37 intercourse on the case of uh with three
1:26:39 months but it was also unique and
1:26:41 reversal in that case
1:26:43 is not on the ayah is because he
1:26:45 determinated
1:26:48 as not intercourse as the mere touching
1:26:51 and also it hasn't followed him in that
1:26:53 way but they are both mistaken because
1:26:55 touching woman even kissing woman will
1:26:57 not marry kudo and we have a hadith from
1:26:58 ahisha and so on and
1:27:00 the hadith some mad having attacked his
1:27:03 hadith being broken or weak that's not
1:27:05 correct i have a small recession with
1:27:06 that we publicize one day that's what
1:27:09 and ash has noted clearly the messenger
1:27:11 allah used to kiss some of his wives and
1:27:12 go without all to salah
1:27:14 and the narrator said i swear by allah
1:27:17 it is must be who he was kissing
1:27:19 and she laughed that's it but she
1:27:21 mentions kiss some of his wife's not
1:27:23 mentioned which wife was kissing or
1:27:24 going to sarah so this is all
1:27:27 this is this is
1:27:28 and and this came from various channels
1:27:30 which support each other and there's no
1:27:32 reason just because a possibility of a
1:27:35 man missing and it's not to reject such
1:27:37 generation absolutely no reason because
1:27:39 it fits really with the quran and the
1:27:41 usual meaning of namaste which is
1:27:43 intercourse not this one
1:27:45 so
1:27:49 so that's it that's that that's the this
1:27:51 point
1:27:52 so that's your woman kissing my son will
1:27:54 not break what will take it from me i i
1:27:57 practice that if you wanted to you take
1:27:59 it especially will have an issue with
1:28:01 that and i think some humbly they say
1:28:04 touching would would you desire only
1:28:05 without desire is not so they went into
1:28:08 this is all tel modic jewish style
1:28:11 that's that's not that's not and also
1:28:13 that russell can be substituted with
1:28:16 is correct but
1:28:19 of the ayah because if we explain
1:28:22 touching women here llamas
1:28:23 it has a polite expression of
1:28:25 intercourse
1:28:26 it is definitely mean that uh of taking
1:28:30 that hadith that would actually on board
1:28:32 it definitely means that that then uh
1:28:35 the full purification of the body which
1:28:36 is required narrated by by by tawatur
1:28:40 and so on that you have full body wash
1:28:41 etc that this can be substituted in the
1:28:44 case of water water not available either
1:28:47 really or potentially for some
1:28:48 potentially you are sick
1:28:50 you cannot use water so the water is not
1:28:52 available because
1:28:54 that's that but this is clarified by the
1:28:56 word if you are sick
1:28:58 or you have a broken arm or something
1:28:59 like that then
1:29:01 in that case
1:29:02 water is may be available let's say we
1:29:04 have running water in the house but you
1:29:05 cannot use it
1:29:07 if you cannot use it
1:29:08 the proper way then
1:29:10 it is as non-existent for you
1:29:14 yeah
1:29:15 so that's that's uh
1:29:17 that's i think
1:29:19 summarizes the main essential things the
1:29:21 only thing which may
1:29:22 be could be really a major controversy
1:29:25 is the issue of sleep
1:29:27 i think hanafi say if if he if he fall
1:29:29 asleep while he's sitting with or both
1:29:31 his bum cheeks on the ground
1:29:34 because the argument there is that maybe
1:29:36 he breaks wind without noticing it
1:29:39 while he sleeve and so on
1:29:41 etc and uh
1:29:44 and because of this possibility of of uh
1:29:46 breaking wind with hawaii asleep but if
1:29:48 he's sitting on both bum shakes in the
1:29:50 in the masjid for example waiting for
1:29:52 salah because the many inhalation showed
1:29:53 that they were falling asleep while they
1:29:55 are sitting and so on they conclude that
1:29:57 that's that's no problem
1:29:59 uh but in reality even if you're sitting
1:30:01 with both bombs seeking out you could
1:30:02 break with that that's just and had been
1:30:05 noted by some people
1:30:07 if someone tell you reliably that you
1:30:08 have broken wind while you sleep
1:30:10 or you find any reason for that to
1:30:12 believe it then you have broken wind
1:30:14 that's the reason for not the sleep
1:30:16 itself so this is all again
1:30:18 i would say the hanfi point to me is is
1:30:21 a bit of towards
1:30:22 uh
1:30:23 talmudic jewish style of hair splitting
1:30:26 going to extreme religion
1:30:29 i would say to avoid going to extreme
1:30:31 religion since there is no mention in
1:30:33 the explicit hadith that that's leaving
1:30:36 and we have cases that
1:30:38 did sleep and and did not make all that
1:30:40 that's what established
1:30:42 and the usual argument because the
1:30:43 prophet heart is
1:30:45 awake while he's asleep because he said
1:30:51 my eyes sleep but my heart does not
1:30:53 sleep he's conscious of himself and he's
1:30:55 he's having a permission with that but
1:30:57 this is no that's
1:30:58 he mentioned that in other occasions not
1:31:01 in the matter that they're justifying
1:31:03 that he does not make or do so this is
1:31:05 not a good argument again so this is all
1:31:07 i think this is all
1:31:09 coming from from
1:31:13 coming from
1:31:14 from
1:31:15 going extreme religion and imitating the
1:31:17 jews in their talmudic hair splitting
1:31:20 and
1:31:21 may adding to one prohibitions that two
1:31:24 three four five ten until they have i
1:31:25 think i don't know how much they have
1:31:27 300 or something prohibition and 400
1:31:29 obligations that you end like that
1:31:31 you'll end in a miserable life by the
1:31:33 modic style
1:31:35 so just just just to avoid being a same
1:31:38 religion and what is not qatari
1:31:41 that's sleeping break the
1:31:43 here you should not take it as scotty
1:31:45 just rely on these things what will
1:31:46 unclear he said you come from all right
1:31:48 all right that's a place of defecation
1:31:50 and
1:31:51 and uh
1:31:52 and the hadith
1:31:53 which will establish that if you do have
1:31:55 that many breaking wind
1:32:02 that's it no measure of sleep or
1:32:03 anything else
1:32:05 and the clear definition but also time
1:32:07 that all what you need
1:32:09 is is to to be in state of purity you
1:32:11 don't need to be coded for every salah
1:32:14 that sends all questions and no need for
1:32:16 this extremism or hair splitting but the
1:32:18 same thing we sent foca after the first
1:32:20 century when they marginalized the
1:32:22 political life and the more important
1:32:24 issues of state management sure etc they
1:32:28 put all their energy in the hair
1:32:29 splitting of
1:32:30 pretty firkey issues
1:32:32 genuinely participation nobody should
1:32:34 really take that as as it is really
1:32:37 a world shuttling issue
1:32:40 but also the fact that the the symbolic
1:32:42 act is only the face and the arms shows
1:32:44 that really the head
1:32:46 and
1:32:47 the feet
1:32:48 are really to be wiped just to be made
1:32:51 wet not to be to be rubbed
1:32:54 uh the head even worse as i said that
1:32:56 you can convive over over there over the
1:32:59 hammer over the imam completely not even
1:33:01 touch one hair by by the hadith of it
1:33:04 and in the case of the feet you can wipe
1:33:06 over the the hoof for example provided
1:33:09 you entered your feet instead of purity
1:33:11 so
1:33:12 it shows clearly that the head and the
1:33:14 feet are different and
1:33:18 one question is that is this order
1:33:20 obligatory
1:33:21 like the
1:33:22 the humbly say the one of the arkan of
1:33:25 the cornerstones of
1:33:26 is
1:33:28 meaning do it in order like that face
1:33:30 first hand
1:33:32 wipe head feet
1:33:34 yeah they say because the order of the
1:33:35 quran this is desirable definitely
1:33:37 because the quran ordered this way and
1:33:39 it looks nice and to follow that on but
1:33:41 it's not obligatory it's not obligatory
1:33:43 evidence for that is that you can't
1:33:45 substitute for water by jumping in a
1:33:47 water that you are pure without any
1:33:49 order you jump with your head first or
1:33:51 your foot feet first you become pure
1:33:54 and that's that's uh
1:33:55 that's uh absolutely no issue there so
1:33:58 it's not obligatory and then they say
1:34:00 the the the humble develop something
1:34:02 called muallah it has to be one after
1:34:04 another meaning and then you have them
1:34:06 disagreement and there again the jewish
1:34:08 hair splitting what is muallah if i wash
1:34:11 the face
1:34:13 then obviously
1:34:14 i'll use the face and then i will do the
1:34:16 hand after that with a reasonable time
1:34:18 difference maybe a few seconds 20
1:34:20 seconds until and and they say uh
1:34:24 but if you wash the face until it dries
1:34:26 and then you you cannot you have to
1:34:28 start again with the face what's the
1:34:29 evidence that you wash the face nobody
1:34:32 will you know a normal situation will
1:34:34 wait until dry some people make the
1:34:36 right fest before they do it it's
1:34:38 unlikely doesn't seem very logical but
1:34:40 there's no evidence for that so they
1:34:42 claim for muallah the only thing which
1:34:44 breaks muadarir is that after you
1:34:46 washing the face you break went
1:34:49 down now you start from zero
1:34:51 intended purity the first one was not
1:34:52 completed it's done finish now start
1:34:54 from zero that's it that's the only
1:34:57 required but it's very conceivable that
1:34:59 someone starts watching a fish
1:35:01 the door
1:35:02 the the the
1:35:04 the bell rings he goes receive some
1:35:06 goods and so on bring them and some of
1:35:07 them are perishable you put them in the
1:35:09 fridge that takes maybe 10-15 minutes go
1:35:11 back and continue with the hat or so
1:35:13 what's the meaning of there and if the
1:35:15 face has dried and everything
1:35:17 it doesn't know to go back to the face
1:35:18 so this is all that's the hair splitting
1:35:20 that's the art of hair splitting and
1:35:22 flexing the uh the filthy muscle on on
1:35:25 on pity issues and again ignoring the
1:35:27 major issues of state society and
1:35:30 issues of major since a major
1:35:32 shortcoming and failing
1:35:34 that's the problem when becoming
1:35:36 jewish-style extremism
1:35:39 yeah so for example they said
1:35:41 i think that's that's enough we don't
1:35:43 want to indulge in more details
1:35:45 otherwise we'll become again hair
1:35:46 splitter like that
1:35:48 so what allah said all these injunction
1:35:50 is not to make your life difficult they
1:35:52 should look but you want to purify you
1:35:55 is definitely some people
1:35:57 i saw some videos say actually dust is
1:36:00 having some kind of antibacterial
1:36:03 this means to will determine you have to
1:36:05 fully handle dust
1:36:06 wipe your face this is nonsense
1:36:09 this is nonsensical it's nothing term is
1:36:11 just a symbolic act substituting for
1:36:13 though so since you are cannot do it
1:36:15 through the water which will have the
1:36:17 purifying effect and all these beautiful
1:36:19 things and cooling and all these things
1:36:22 but that's with the attention of pure
1:36:23 ritual purity not just rotation of
1:36:25 cooling
1:36:26 if that's missing
1:36:28 then you substitute with a deliberate
1:36:29 act of hitting the wall or hitting dust
1:36:31 or a pure place
1:36:33 and then wipe your face and hand
1:36:35 bringing in your mind i'm getting in a
1:36:37 state of belief towards purity
1:36:39 for salah that's it
1:36:41 you don't need to have dust no there is
1:36:43 any reason to believe that dust is
1:36:45 having antibacterial or purifying like
1:36:47 water or something that's only that's
1:36:49 all nonsensical that's all
1:36:51 people going overboard and shooting and
1:36:53 becoming in an imaginary world
1:36:55 unfortunately many things like that in
1:36:57 the internet which
1:36:58 some something developed into the level
1:37:01 of grotesque sometimes i feel some of
1:37:03 these videos are done by atheists to
1:37:05 make islam look uh muslims look funny
1:37:08 and uh and rejectionable
1:37:11 so don't go any stream in these things
1:37:12 no this is
1:37:14 the act of
1:37:16 is purely symbolic the world is good
1:37:18 enough you don't need to shake the wall
1:37:21 it has dust it has some natural dust by
1:37:23 necessity which is in the air somehow
1:37:26 that's it that's enough it is the
1:37:28 intention it is
1:37:31 direct yourself
1:37:32 with that intention to substitute this
1:37:34 act for the beauty so you keep in mind
1:37:37 that you have to be in a state of purity
1:37:39 and if water is not available which is
1:37:40 the one purifying by its own nature
1:37:43 clearly then you do the symbolic act
1:37:45 until water becomes available
1:37:46 insha'allah in due course
1:37:49 so this is no allies not making your
1:37:52 life difficult but you want to purify
1:37:53 you and perfect his favor on you
1:37:57 so that you may be thankful to allah for
1:37:59 this simple and straightforward
1:38:00 injunction
1:38:03 yeah i think we stopped here
1:38:05 so that's okay
1:38:06 let's get the question
1:38:07 yeah a couple of questions so one is uh
1:38:09 related to uh
1:38:11 entering the haram
1:38:12 so it's it's entering the haram
1:38:15 illegally i against the man created
1:38:17 saudi law to perform hajj
1:38:20 is that permissible or considered
1:38:22 transgression no no this is personal
1:38:24 development they they have no authority
1:38:26 to prove it anyone from telling the
1:38:27 haram
1:38:28 there they are the transgressing one
1:38:32 yeah and they they don't deserve
1:38:34 obedience because they are not ruling
1:38:35 with your life as revealed and they did
1:38:37 not give any good reason for this
1:38:38 injunction if they give a give a valid
1:38:41 good reason of injunction then under
1:38:43 their legitimate rulers then maybe
1:38:45 obedience maybe may be warranted but
1:38:47 even in that
1:38:49 if you think you can get to the haram i
1:38:50 did it several times they were of
1:38:52 restriction i came from taifan entered
1:38:54 from arafat from the top there
1:38:58 through the sand dunes and so on jumped
1:39:00 over the water there was a gap in the
1:39:01 water they went through it and they had
1:39:03 restrictions on people
1:39:06 and time passed so no they don't deserve
1:39:09 no that's just
1:39:10 absolutely no problem
1:39:13 ethan
1:39:14 um another question it's related to
1:39:17 um
1:39:18 share companies and stocks but maybe the
1:39:20 people asking because some some
1:39:21 medically and so you have a fat one
1:39:23 that's haram
1:39:24 we know that these people are they are
1:39:28 either the best guess
1:39:31 maybe the majority of them the food
1:39:33 soldiers are ignorant relatively like
1:39:36 donkeys donkey level ignorance
1:39:38 or
1:39:39 their leader and some of their bosses
1:39:41 are just monafic possibly catholic so
1:39:43 that's that's wrong
1:39:47 that's not because they realize that
1:39:49 this is the legitimate rulers you have
1:39:51 to obey him that's not true even if it's
1:39:53 a legitimate ruler if you made an
1:39:54 injunction which is preventing you from
1:39:56 hajj or from haram without a real
1:39:58 justification
1:40:02 and there's no reason to forget there is
1:40:03 claim the numbers are excessive we
1:40:05 cannot manage it tell the people is not
1:40:07 except is excessive and you may be
1:40:09 forced to sleep in the street maybe
1:40:10 arafat will not be enough you will be
1:40:11 outside out of heart go on your own risk
1:40:14 that's all what whatever
1:40:15 will do i don't think a leader will ever
1:40:17 say more than that
1:40:19 anyway go back to the next question so
1:40:22 this one's about stops and shares uh so
1:40:25 default how about a contract with an
1:40:27 artificial entity like a stock company
1:40:31 is it permissible further
1:40:33 we say that
1:40:34 why the question after we have
1:40:36 established the principle
1:40:38 so because of the general permissibility
1:40:39 and the following additional details the
1:40:41 stock company is considered as company
1:40:44 of wealth and not a company of persons
1:40:46 can it be considered
1:40:48 this is again the same nonsense of
1:40:49 hezbollah the company or whatever
1:40:51 company a person company of wealth is a
1:40:53 valid company company or person is a
1:40:55 valid company unless the structure of
1:40:57 company there is something haram or
1:40:58 prohibited
1:41:00 so again the same problem
1:41:02 this is based off big because of general
1:41:04 permissibility yeah all this okay
1:41:07 just to clarify just to clarify also
1:41:09 just to really really hammer this point
1:41:11 home
1:41:13 many many years ago the group hispania
1:41:15 was sent very clearly the entire kitab
1:41:19 with all the justifications around
1:41:21 general permissibility it was sent
1:41:23 privately publicly in every single
1:41:25 mechanism available to communicate with
1:41:27 them clearly completely demolishing the
1:41:30 argument of everything is every action
1:41:32 needs an evidence the counter a point of
1:41:34 view everything is permitted until
1:41:36 evidence restricted numerous times has
1:41:38 been submitted party of the allele it's
1:41:40 not only for them to provide a rebuttal
1:41:43 all the evidences are there publicly
1:41:45 available even to the extent that every
1:41:47 the even the english translation has now
1:41:49 been publicly available for free there's
1:41:52 no excuse so the onus is really on
1:41:54 anyone who has a counter-argument to
1:41:56 bring their argument point for point
1:41:58 rebubble i mean i i've seen the material
1:42:01 and it's arduous it's boring in the
1:42:03 sense that there's so many evidences
1:42:05 it's not fun it's not like listening to
1:42:07 the monolith where it's nice and you
1:42:09 know interesting and engaging this is
1:42:11 hard work
1:42:12 all that has been done anyone affiliated
1:42:15 with his pleas and also their usual
1:42:17 arguments submissions and some people
1:42:18 may argue some people i mentioned them
1:42:20 specifically
1:42:22 i'm at this point this point just went
1:42:24 and we clarified all of that
1:42:26 i think
1:42:27 strike our our building of the argument
1:42:29 there is is so so devastating
1:42:32 that i will there is someone if he sees
1:42:34 that and still rejects stubbornly he
1:42:36 must be rejecting quran or rejecting the
1:42:38 prophet
1:42:39 that's it
1:42:40 in someone rejecting that as ending it
1:42:42 in in clear comfort
1:42:45 Music
1:42:47 but i don't know what to go to people
1:42:49 sometimes get stuck in such an idea that
1:42:51 even their mental so like for example we
1:42:53 have we have a couple of guys in in our
1:42:55 in our discussion board
1:42:58 arabic
1:42:59 they are still stuck that the earth is
1:43:01 flat
1:43:03 it's not as not a ball and i don't know
1:43:06 i just told everyone when people are
1:43:08 rebutting them bringing experiment
1:43:10 bringing their pendulum over and
1:43:11 say you don't waste time the people are
1:43:13 just stuck
1:43:15 they bring even the pictures from
1:43:17 this picture are manufactured by nasa if
1:43:20 someone gets to that level then it's
1:43:21 very difficult to deal with that just
1:43:23 ignore them
1:43:24 just put the evidences once and so on
1:43:26 give maybe a few links to to certain
1:43:28 videos and they just forget about it
1:43:31 nobody this is all of this is based on
1:43:34 a company of will transform who said
1:43:36 that his company what has haram with
1:43:37 this company no all companies are
1:43:39 pessimistic with lessons that contracts
1:43:41 contract obligation and even they claim
1:43:43 that there's in in islam
1:43:46 must have a body in it or something it's
1:43:48 not correct there's some
1:43:50 some classical companies and which the
1:43:52 it was no no nobody is there
1:43:54 it's just well all of this is there but
1:43:56 this is all classical companies who said
1:43:59 new companies and new structures are not
1:44:00 permissible
1:44:06 just bring the contract and show where
1:44:08 is the normal permissibility is not just
1:44:10 because it's not one of the listed by
1:44:11 shafi that's not a good argument because
1:44:14 allah said alpha will record all
1:44:15 contracts are permissible until you're
1:44:16 makiyama they may be in your record will
1:44:18 be developed in the future
1:44:23 okay so that's that's but it
1:44:26 our
1:44:28 thoughts have become sort of repeating
1:44:29 that again and again and again
1:44:31 okay any question further
1:44:35 there's someone on telegram who's going
1:44:37 to be asking a question but you don't
1:44:38 put a question there
1:44:40 just barely a second it says if you get
1:44:42 it now otherwise we'll keep it to keep
1:44:44 it for next week each other
1:44:46 uh give me a second right yeah
1:44:48 it's on our telegram bear with me i
1:44:50 think let's see if i can scroll up
1:44:55 yeah i can't see anything
1:44:57 we just replied with the exact same
1:44:59 thing
1:45:01 this one please and there's nothing
1:45:02 underneath it
1:45:04 uh okay thank you okay i had a question
1:45:06 about the okay this is the one retail
1:45:08 for x break brokers and the way they do
1:45:11 trading they say that all the trading
1:45:12 that they do have
1:45:14 happened by using cfd which is
1:45:16 essentially a contract for difference
1:45:18 which is derived from the changing in
1:45:20 prices from the instrument that the
1:45:21 brokers offers
1:45:23 it is issued from the broker so that one
1:45:25 of the parties pays a difference in the
1:45:27 prices when the client decides to close
1:45:29 the transaction
1:45:31 it's like options and things like that
1:45:33 the same the same thing
1:45:35 we have to analyze the contract exactly
1:45:37 what's if it contains anything related
1:45:39 to debt
1:45:40 with increase of payment and so on but
1:45:42 it is not it is not it's like it's like
1:45:44 an option but instead of speculating of
1:45:46 the price of one of one or one uh or
1:45:50 one stock you speculate on a difference
1:45:52 between two prices and things like that
1:45:54 that's essentially like what in time
1:45:56 past you use futures and options in what
1:45:58 they call spread and straddle and things
1:46:00 like that but formalized in a form of
1:46:03 contract i don't i have no have not seen
1:46:05 anything in the contract which looks
1:46:07 suspicious or not legitimate but if
1:46:09 someone finds analyze the contract and
1:46:12 bring bring the counter argument
1:46:14 but in principle it doesn't look like
1:46:16 there is any any uh any
1:46:18 if you buy it on margin and the margin
1:46:20 is borrowed from the broker for with
1:46:22 interest that's that's usually contract
1:46:24 the borrowing on the margin is the
1:46:25 problem
1:46:27 the borrowing of the margin is the
1:46:28 problem not not the contract itself and
1:46:31 not the borrowing itself
1:46:34 someone told you that something like
1:46:35 binance for example
1:46:37 or some some other major exchanges in
1:46:39 cryptos they allow you to have margin
1:46:42 they essentially will give you
1:46:44 they're loaning you the difference but
1:46:45 they don't charge on that
1:46:47 there's a claim someone claimed that to
1:46:49 me they they make their money from
1:46:51 from the
1:46:52 encouraging frequent trading and form of
1:46:54 the commission because they are like a
1:46:55 so cutting forward backward you lose you
1:46:58 when they have their commission so they
1:46:59 say let us encourage the people by
1:47:00 giving them loan this is very
1:47:02 mischievous in that sense but the
1:47:04 contract is valid you are stupid to do
1:47:07 margin trading anyway trading on margin
1:47:10 is is a life-threatening action nobody
1:47:12 should do it
1:47:13 because it will work go against you
1:47:15 extremely fast it will kill you
1:47:18 independent of that that is we usually
1:47:19 will not use the the financing but
1:47:21 exchange
1:47:23 because exchange when you when you buy
1:47:25 for example or 10 uh margin one to ten
1:47:28 just pay ten percent of the price of
1:47:30 bitcoin
1:47:32 the the the other side receive the full
1:47:34 price who is paying the 90 percent the
1:47:36 exchange in your behalf if you charge
1:47:38 interest as hara if he doesn't interest
1:47:41 that's halal but the action itself by
1:47:43 buying on margin
1:47:44 even if it is a halal loan
1:47:48 it's stupid you're cutting your neck the
1:47:50 market moves you just small bit and then
1:47:51 you're out and they eliminate you
1:47:56 so that's the
1:47:57 reasonability in the trading
1:48:00 is the matter of the loan is there is
1:48:01 the usurious loan or not
1:48:05 and they know a person i think shazal
1:48:07 prison you know who works with margin
1:48:10 and he agreement with the with with the
1:48:11 but this is the bench the trader when
1:48:13 one of these so-called big traders and
1:48:15 he has agreement with with certain
1:48:17 exchanges that they give him up to
1:48:20 up to seven days
1:48:21 uh
1:48:22 free
1:48:23 but this is a skill trader it's the one
1:48:25 who knows what to do
1:48:28 and in the average he's doing very well
1:48:30 but sometimes it goes against him and he
1:48:32 gets eliminated he has to pay the price
1:48:35 for this risky kind of trader
1:48:37 trade but clearly he's have agreement
1:48:40 specifically for him he takes the margin
1:48:42 without any any interest
1:48:46 you see the point
1:48:50 so the the matter is that the financing
1:48:52 with margins and so on is the issue over
1:48:54 usually not that foreign that buying on
1:48:57 a margin and things like that is ham no
1:48:59 you are actually borrowing from the
1:49:00 exchange and putting the exchanges doing
1:49:02 that in the background for you let's say
1:49:04 i'm like short selling so honestly
1:49:05 you're selling what you don't have
1:49:07 you have it the exchange
1:49:10 borrows the
1:49:12 buy buy these these stocks or borrow
1:49:13 them for you and pay the other side and
1:49:15 give it to you and you sell them when
1:49:17 they are borrowing them
1:49:20 and you're putting something like a
1:49:21 guarantee for that borrowing and so on
1:49:24 again if i put the full amount or you
1:49:26 put them apart if the difference is
1:49:28 covered by by by using this contract
1:49:30 it's not okay so the problem in short
1:49:32 selling is not that you're impressing
1:49:34 what you don't have the exchange they
1:49:35 bring it to you and that's where
1:49:37 transfer the ownership in via the broker
1:49:39 into your name you're not selling
1:49:41 something you don't have you're not
1:49:42 selling a bed in the sky no the exchange
1:49:44 get the bed from sky and put it in your
1:49:46 hand
1:49:48 and for that job it gets money if that
1:49:50 money is done in a non-users contract
1:49:52 fine
1:49:53 yeah i hope this clarifies something now
1:49:56 the cd is if it eco truck i i once saw
1:49:58 like explanation in three four lines but
1:50:01 uh definitely the contract is registered
1:50:03 by by what's called the financials
1:50:06 authority what's their name it's just
1:50:08 that it must be a complex contract going
1:50:10 several pages specifying the exact
1:50:12 nature and so on read that the one who's
1:50:14 asking about that read that by yourself
1:50:16 and convince yourself that there's
1:50:18 nothing which is uh illegal or literate
1:50:20 i don't think there's anything illegal
1:50:22 it's just the definition with the
1:50:23 contract and how to calculate the
1:50:24 difference
1:50:25 how to set it and things like that
1:50:29 okay does the scarify things
1:50:36 haven't heard anything contradictory
1:50:37 bear with me a second uh
1:50:39 no there's been a response i mean he can
1:50:41 always uh ask next week
1:50:49 muhammad
1:50:54 be
1:50:57 Music
1:51:36 foreign
1:51:37 Music
1:51:48 so
1:51:57 Music
1:52:07 you