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Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 3 | Shakir Musa (2023-01-09)


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Summary of Age of Aisha (RA) - Part 3 | Shakir Musa

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:40:00

Shakir Musa discusses the age of Aisha when she got married to the Prophet Muhammad. He argues that this age was within the historical bounds of possibility at the time, and that it would be unjust to take that limit away based on factors such as the schooling system, voting, and other historically contingent factors. Musa also brings up some hadiths that suggest that Aisha was intelligent and articulate, and that her speaking abilities were not the result of a child's natural inclination to lie. He concludes the discussion by discussing how a person's perception of the Prophet Muhammad may be affected by their understanding of Aisha's age when she got married.

*00:00:00 Discusses the environment surrounding the Prophet's marriage to Aisha, noting that even his enemies didn't bring up the topic of that marriage. also points out that, given the time period in which the Prophet lived, Aisha's age at the time was not an issue.

  • 00:05:00 Shakir Musa discusses the age of Aisha (RA) and how it should not be focused on the age itself, but on her maturity and if there was harm involved. He then asks the audience what they think about this topic.
  • 00:10:00 In this third video, Shakir Musa discusses the age of consent in the UK, which is 16. This differs from many other countries, where the age of consent can be as high as 18.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses how a person's definition of adulthood can differ based on location and time period. He says that as a Muslim, he does not believe it is immoral to marry a woman when she is ready and able to handle the challenges of marriage.
  • 00:20:00 In Islam, becoming an adult does not always mean that a person is ready or able to get married. There are certain signs a person must attain in order to be considered an adult, and there is a discussion about when a person becomes an adult. It is important to note that this definition differs from the Western concept of adulthood, which is typically reached at a later age.
  • 00:25:00 <>
  • 00:30:00 Shakir Musa discusses the age of Aisha when she got married to the Prophet Muhammad. Musa argues that this age was within the historical bounds of possibility at the time, and that it would be unjust to take that limit away based on factors such as the schooling system, voting, and other historically contingent factors. Musa also brings up some hadiths that suggest that Aisha was intelligent and articulate, and that her speaking abilities were not the result of a child's natural inclination to lie. He concludes the discussion by discussing how a person's perception of the Prophet Muhammad may be affected by their understanding of Aisha's age when she got married.
  • 00:35:00 Shakir Musa discusses the various definitions of adulthood and childhood in Islam. He notes that while there is disagreement among Muslims on the appropriate age for adulthood, all agree that it is appropriate to have a clear understanding of these concepts. He concludes by urging Muslims to be confident in their understanding of Islamic law and Tradition, and to not be afraid to challenge traditional views on age of adulthood.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses the Islamic view of consent, which is based on a person's physical maturity and availability. If a person is physically able and there is no abuse, then it is permissible for them to marry. If there is abuse, then the marriage should not take place.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 oh
0:00:05 is
0:00:09 welcome to another episode of the safest
0:00:12 Institute sugarheart Series where we
0:00:14 speak about some different things
0:00:15 pertaining to Islam contemporary issues
0:00:18 social sciences philosophy and any of
0:00:20 course related areas many of you will
0:00:22 know they will just watching the game
0:00:24 unfortunately in Morocco have now lost
0:00:26 the the semi-finals of the World Cup
0:00:28 uh and to be honest with you it's a it's
0:00:31 a time for reflection I think because um
0:00:33 obviously with everybody's I think got
0:00:36 into the World Cup Spirit watching the
0:00:37 game and all those type of things but uh
0:00:40 when that whole showcase
0:00:42 um is over which obviously has a lot of
0:00:44 the you know advertising and you know TV
0:00:47 and all this Revenue that gets
0:00:48 accumulated during this time when all
0:00:50 that comes to an end you sort of uh you
0:00:52 take a minute you sit back and then you
0:00:54 realize that the world is still going on
0:00:56 you know what I'm saying and there's all
0:00:57 these uh issues that we've been
0:00:58 discussing in these episodes which are I
0:01:00 guess relevant and important to uh the
0:01:03 ummah and the Muslims in general and so
0:01:05 today we're going to continue with uh
0:01:07 talking about those issues and focusing
0:01:10 on really a more interactive session
0:01:12 we're going to be doing some practice
0:01:14 debates and speaking amongst each other
0:01:15 and going back and forth on the topics
0:01:18 of jihad and the age of Aisha which we
0:01:21 discussed recently
0:01:23 so is there anybody that wants to give
0:01:25 basically like um
0:01:27 an effective summary if in a very short
0:01:29 way if you had to summarize in let's
0:01:31 actually do this yeah if you had to
0:01:32 summarize in one sentence say for
0:01:34 instance somebody comes up to you and
0:01:35 they say you know I heard for instance
0:01:37 that the prophet saw Allah married a
0:01:40 six-year-old girl for example and they
0:01:42 come they're interested in Islam and you
0:01:44 after having you know attended these
0:01:46 sessions and read about it and thought
0:01:47 about it seen what's going on in the
0:01:49 space if you had to in a concise way say
0:01:52 you had one sentence or even maybe two
0:01:54 in a concise way give a response to that
0:01:57 I think that would be a good exercise to
0:01:59 try and think about how you would
0:02:01 present that just as a as a short form
0:02:03 answer and then inshallah we'll get into
0:02:04 some longer form discussions and back
0:02:06 and forth practicing some of the
0:02:08 arguments that we've been discussing so
0:02:10 we'll have I guess 30 seconds to think
0:02:12 about it how you would say that and then
0:02:14 we'll come back and hear from all of the
0:02:16 participants in the room what you uh
0:02:18 what you think
0:02:21 okay so inshallah the participants have
0:02:23 had some time to uh to think about it
0:02:26 what do you think
0:02:27 yeah um well we can start by uh by
0:02:31 basically
0:02:33 commenting on on the environment within
0:02:36 the context of the Prophet himself and
0:02:39 uh you know obviously when the prophet
0:02:41 was was um was uh was giving his message
0:02:45 he had many enemies and they would make
0:02:48 many accusations against him and they
0:02:52 leveled all kinds of accusations against
0:02:55 him they called him a liar and they
0:02:57 called him a magician they called him a
0:03:00 man possessed and throughout all of this
0:03:03 no one not even his worst enemies
0:03:06 made any reference to his marriage to
0:03:09 Aisha which basically shows that you
0:03:12 know they could have leveled any
0:03:13 accusation the most heinous accusations
0:03:16 but this for even for his his enemies
0:03:19 was a non-issue
0:03:21 so we can we can start by appointing
0:03:23 that but that particular fact out yeah I
0:03:26 would say
0:03:27 um that I think this is a
0:03:32 in a sense I think
0:03:34 because when we were speaking about
0:03:36 somebody who's come and you have to kind
0:03:37 of give like a one or two sentence
0:03:39 response to the issue right
0:03:43 this is a back and forth yeah I'm not an
0:03:46 authority on this year but when I think
0:03:48 about it I think that um especially for
0:03:50 instance if you're living in the UK then
0:03:51 we have to take like context into into
0:03:53 consideration yeah because there's often
0:03:55 a lot of very like unspoken things that
0:03:58 are circulating in inside people's minds
0:04:01 that's one of the reasons why I think
0:04:02 fiction is quite important or even
0:04:04 sometimes like obviously I don't
0:04:05 necessarily condone watching a lot of TV
0:04:07 shows and things like that but
0:04:07 occasionally I try to like hey okay
0:04:10 what's the what are people watching and
0:04:12 what kind of content is coming out
0:04:14 because these are the images that will
0:04:15 influence the way people conceptualize
0:04:17 these things right so when somebody
0:04:18 hears for example like maybe they've
0:04:20 been where they've come across some
0:04:22 right-wing person on Twitter or
0:04:24 something like that who's put in a way
0:04:25 that uh the prophet assalam was uh over
0:04:27 40 years old and he's uh became married
0:04:29 or he married somebody that was nine we
0:04:32 have to take into consideration the
0:04:33 image that's immediately going to come
0:04:34 into someone's mind when they
0:04:36 conceptualize that because they've been
0:04:37 hearing about certain things in the
0:04:39 media and watching certain types of TV
0:04:40 shows and they're going to have an image
0:04:42 which is not an image that from our
0:04:45 perspective would reflect the reality
0:04:47 if we have a sentence or two to speak
0:04:49 about it and we decide to say for
0:04:51 instance that okay the environment at
0:04:53 the time was in such a way that nobody
0:04:57 had an issue with it
0:04:59 then I think in a sense we could
0:05:01 potentially be past the problem because
0:05:03 a person is going to immediately think
0:05:04 okay what this person is saying to me is
0:05:06 that everybody was doing it and
0:05:08 therefore it was okay
0:05:09 you see whereas I think that uh
0:05:13 there's a root I guess
0:05:16 feeling that comes into someone's heart
0:05:17 when they hear that which is there in
0:05:19 visualizing a primary school child being
0:05:22 with somebody that's a fully grown man
0:05:24 yeah and so that that that picture there
0:05:27 is what I think is uh potentially
0:05:29 something that has to be if you're given
0:05:31 like a one or two word response because
0:05:32 that's in a sense I think what's going
0:05:34 to put someone's sugar like to wrestle
0:05:36 with a bit of ease I don't know what you
0:05:38 guys think about it whether you would
0:05:39 agree or not but with that in mind and
0:05:42 potentially you know taking that
0:05:43 feedback into account for Khan one or
0:05:45 two sentences I come up to you as a
0:05:48 maybe a non-muslim or even a Muslim
0:05:49 maybe who's just curious and had this
0:05:50 information I say um uh I'm I'm a bit
0:05:54 troubled I've heard that you know the
0:05:56 prophet sallam that he married Aisha
0:05:58 when she was uh or even say Aisha maybe
0:05:59 Aisha or something like that when she
0:06:01 was nine years old uh what what what's
0:06:04 this is this true is this false what's
0:06:06 going on here
0:06:08 he wants to take
0:06:10 I have to go see him now you know he's
0:06:12 come with the confidence sir personally
0:06:14 I was going to say I think the point
0:06:15 that you made are very very important um
0:06:17 this is a very sensitive issue so I
0:06:19 think first of all I think the two
0:06:21 sentence answer wouldn't be uh
0:06:23 sufficient it would be a bit Reckless uh
0:06:25 so a more comprehensive other would be
0:06:27 required but if I were to give it like a
0:06:29 two sentence answer or a short answer I
0:06:31 think I would point out that
0:06:33 um we shouldn't uh focus on the age
0:06:35 itself uh just uh the age innocent maybe
0:06:41 it's a bit cliche but it is just a
0:06:42 number so what should matter is uh
0:06:45 maturity uh whether there's harm
0:06:47 involved and things like that and if you
0:06:50 take those considerations I think making
0:06:52 a case that it is immoral I think is
0:06:55 impossible
0:06:57 I would like to before yeah before ask
0:06:59 you ask me the question I would like to
0:07:00 Define me What Child Is So for you what
0:07:04 what does child
0:07:06 mean at what age does
0:07:09 somebody can become a child and stop
0:07:12 being a child
0:07:13 and when you define the yeah you what
0:07:16 kind of context you're using what kind
0:07:18 of are you using the as a universal
0:07:22 definition that goes through throughout
0:07:26 time and place so if you can Define me
0:07:29 that first and then I will
0:07:32 okay yeah so this is this is I guess
0:07:34 more in line with um the arguments that
0:07:36 we've been we've been discussing in the
0:07:38 in the past couple of weeks yeah uh
0:07:40 which we should uh potentially go into
0:07:42 in a second but
0:07:43 um I want to kind of put out this this
0:07:45 conceptual framework once again you can
0:07:47 uh you can there can be feedback on this
0:07:48 and we can we can see what we think that
0:07:51 generally speaking in terms of these
0:07:53 shovelheads you have uh two types of
0:07:55 responses yeah which you could consider
0:07:58 to be directed to two different types of
0:07:59 peoples or maybe to be suited to two
0:08:01 different types of situations yeah
0:08:03 on one hand
0:08:05 you have your more pastoral setting yeah
0:08:07 which is where you're dealing with
0:08:08 somebody who is genuinely generally has
0:08:10 maybe a show Power on this issue or
0:08:12 maybe somebody who's interested in Islam
0:08:13 and they have questions on this
0:08:15 and that in that situation I think is
0:08:17 where you have to pay more attention to
0:08:18 the Imaging to the language to the to
0:08:21 the way people are conceptualizing these
0:08:22 things in their mind yeah
0:08:24 most of what we've been doing though is
0:08:26 more on the other side which is if
0:08:28 you're dealing with the raw facts of the
0:08:30 case yeah
0:08:31 genuinely Allah this is what I believe
0:08:33 yeah in every single bab whether it's
0:08:36 Jihad whether it's something to do with
0:08:38 slavery whether it's age or Aisha
0:08:39 whether it's Arguments for existence
0:08:41 whether it's morality in every single
0:08:42 Bab
0:08:43 if the arguments are purely rational
0:08:45 purely logical what's the facts of the
0:08:48 case who's right who's wrong Islam wins
0:08:50 that wallahi if somebody has a logical
0:08:53 mind and they think in that way and they
0:08:54 just want to look at what's right what's
0:08:55 wrong who's talking who's making sense
0:08:57 who's not
0:09:00 we have no issues on this side of the
0:09:02 issue of this side of the equation yeah
0:09:03 and so we'll do that first inshallah and
0:09:05 we'll have some back and forth and we'll
0:09:07 do some some role plays it's on the
0:09:09 other side
0:09:11 those things to do with imaging and
0:09:13 dealing with context and playing and
0:09:15 dealing with people's sensibilities the
0:09:17 ways people the way people interact with
0:09:19 the information that's where all the
0:09:21 issues are that that I really think is
0:09:23 the case will lie out because when I
0:09:25 look for example and I'm I'm looking
0:09:27 online or I'm looking at people talking
0:09:28 I'm reading some of the literature and
0:09:30 stuff like that I actually become
0:09:32 shocked because I read some people who
0:09:34 are supposed to be like high high level
0:09:36 academics will lie and then you read
0:09:38 some of their other stuff and it's all
0:09:40 facts facts case arguments premises and
0:09:42 then they start writing about Islam
0:09:45 and all of a sudden that just seems to
0:09:47 go out of the window and it's it's
0:09:49 awesome
0:09:50 so that I think is something we have to
0:09:52 we have to take into account but uh
0:09:55 we'll stick with the point you mentioned
0:09:56 you raised and we'll sort of uh will
0:09:58 rehearse the arguments there's nothing
0:09:59 wrong with uh with practicing and you
0:10:01 know reminding reminders and stuff like
0:10:02 that a kid in the fight with the Quran
0:10:05 says that you know to remind when the or
0:10:07 in a situation where the reminders are
0:10:08 beneficial or they benefit
0:10:10 so you said the that the definition of
0:10:13 of child here from a logical standpoint
0:10:15 would be would be relevant why exactly
0:10:17 would that be the case
0:10:21 I mean how the definition there's no
0:10:25 specific age which
0:10:28 a society has defined child everywhere
0:10:31 in history but why are we talking about
0:10:33 children in the first instance though
0:10:36 because you were asking you basically
0:10:38 you're asking me uh you're questioning
0:10:42 the marriage of prophet sallam to Aisha
0:10:46 and you you accusing him to married
0:10:52 okay yeah but there's there's something
0:10:54 to note here right in the way I phrase
0:10:55 the question specifically yeah I haven't
0:10:57 actually used the word child yet I just
0:10:59 said that I just use the ages in it I
0:11:01 said uh six or nine right okay so
0:11:05 whether you've made the discussion about
0:11:07 children it indicates to us something
0:11:09 about the discussion which is that the
0:11:10 person when they hear the age makes the
0:11:12 assumption that the person we're
0:11:14 speaking about is a child
0:11:16 and it follows from that that okay and
0:11:18 then you have the idea that okay it's
0:11:21 wrong to uh marry a child for example
0:11:23 therefore what the person did was wrong
0:11:25 this is bad this is ETC that's the logic
0:11:28 behind it right so how are you breaking
0:11:30 that down you're saying well you are
0:11:32 effectively disputing the fact that she
0:11:34 was a child at that point yeah and on
0:11:36 what basis would you do that maybe we
0:11:37 should uh we should do some time to
0:11:39 breathe okay come on I'm assuming that
0:11:42 from your question you basically
0:11:44 assuming that like the intention of the
0:11:47 question is uh what is the prophet Mary
0:11:50 is someone at such a young age when the
0:11:53 age is defined as a childhood in this
0:11:55 country am I wrong
0:11:58 oh yeah you're asking me yeah okay if
0:12:00 I'm if I'm uh do I say uh
0:12:03 yes yes I am yes so now my question for
0:12:06 question to you is
0:12:09 can you define child
0:12:11 okay that's that's a good question now
0:12:13 if if you if you ask because also we
0:12:15 want to be able to practice anticipating
0:12:17 what the interlocutors might say yeah so
0:12:20 if you ask somebody now for example if
0:12:22 you ask someone now for example on the
0:12:24 street in London to tell you what do you
0:12:26 think a child is what do you think that
0:12:28 that person would say well they did
0:12:30 envisage a primary school or something
0:12:32 like this like a infants in in this in
0:12:36 the playground
0:12:37 okay A Child well that's what be the
0:12:40 image that would be in their heads to
0:12:42 define a child you know okay so if if so
0:12:44 we we play this out so now uh um
0:12:48 if you've got your name
0:12:54 he said he you've told him tell me what
0:12:56 a child is he says to you uh like
0:12:58 someone that's running around in a
0:13:00 primary school what's your response to
0:13:02 that
0:13:03 so my response is that has nothing to do
0:13:05 with age you can you can go to certain
0:13:07 places where uh
0:13:10 kids of individuals individuals of five
0:13:14 years old don't play with
0:13:17 toys so don't behave the same way so are
0:13:21 you gonna Define them as a child as well
0:13:24 so for instance I when I was five yeah I
0:13:27 didn't like playing with toys right as
0:13:29 much as I I saw kids of my age I find
0:13:33 them very uh
0:13:35 childish
0:13:40 yeah oh I know this image so would you
0:13:43 would you say I was a child
0:13:46 okay but what have we said uh pertaining
0:13:48 to definitions of childhood yeah what
0:13:50 have we said like
0:13:52 um how is childhood generally speaking
0:13:54 so we're talking from the UK yeah how is
0:13:57 childhood generally defined
0:13:59 within the society
0:14:05 okay at what age
0:14:07 I'm not exactly right but uh I would say
0:14:10 Primary School
0:14:12 uh
0:14:13 up into Primary School
0:14:15 for primary school right so at what age
0:14:18 in the UK is somebody considered because
0:14:20 this is this is what's most crucial what
0:14:21 age in the UK is somebody considered
0:14:23 from a legal standpoint to have the
0:14:26 ability to choose to for instance get
0:14:28 married or engage in in uh sexually with
0:14:30 any person that they want
0:14:34 to see anything
0:14:36 to 18 yeah yeah is that is that is that
0:14:40 accurate yeah
0:14:42 the um what do you call the age of
0:14:44 consent yeah 16. okay 16. yeah but the
0:14:48 age of adulthood
0:14:50 can go up to 18. depends on the
0:14:52 situation
0:14:54 in my personal opinion but okay okay
0:14:57 okay yeah that aside so now what do you
0:15:01 think
0:15:04 it shouldn't be based on age we'll get
0:15:07 to that later yeah because because I
0:15:09 honestly I don't think it's actually
0:15:10 something that has to be disputed
0:15:12 because somebody who says in 2022 London
0:15:15 that okay the age of consent in this
0:15:17 Society is 16 yeah uh it's not I don't
0:15:20 actually think it's anything that
0:15:21 anybody here has to dispute for reasons
0:15:23 that we'll go on to mention yeah alas
0:15:25 that's the point and of course uh 100
0:15:27 nobody's trying to uh get that law
0:15:29 changed or do anything yeah
0:15:32 but what a person does now is they take
0:15:35 a legalistic definition of adulthood
0:15:38 which remember we spoke about that uh
0:15:40 particularly in the early 20th century
0:15:42 for example after you had you know these
0:15:43 voting acts and the formalization of the
0:15:45 schooling system in a certain way that
0:15:47 you had this artificial prolongation of
0:15:49 adulthood that whereas for instance even
0:15:51 in this country yeah 100 200 years ago
0:15:54 people who were 12 13 14 years old were
0:15:58 would have been expected to you know
0:15:59 take on responsibilities and do those
0:16:01 type of things now because of the way
0:16:04 that the schooling system has been
0:16:05 formalized yeah and uh you know uh the
0:16:09 uh the age at which people are supposed
0:16:11 to grow up and get married continues to
0:16:12 be you know prolonged and now people are
0:16:15 getting married 23 24 maybe some people
0:16:17 are still in students 26 27 years old
0:16:19 you know and you know they might be
0:16:22 ready to uh be getting on with their
0:16:25 life uh before that you know
0:16:27 so
0:16:28 this this what we have here is a
0:16:30 legalistic definition of adulthood which
0:16:33 by the way
0:16:34 uh nobody claims really that uh the laws
0:16:38 of a country reflect any type of
0:16:40 objective morality I haven't come across
0:16:42 anybody that says that because if that's
0:16:44 the case then every single law that that
0:16:46 goes through or gets passed here whether
0:16:48 it's in a some type of whether it's in a
0:16:50 local area or whether it's it's through
0:16:52 the government like that now becomes
0:16:54 that now becomes the law or that now
0:16:56 becomes a morality sorry objectively
0:16:58 that what the government decides so so
0:17:00 the labor government comes and says
0:17:02 something and then they lose the
0:17:03 election and the next time the
0:17:04 conservative government comes and they
0:17:06 say something and that now becomes the
0:17:08 basis of for for all morality
0:17:10 objectively within the community not
0:17:12 only today yeah where like if you talk
0:17:14 to a lot of people in political
0:17:15 philosophy they'll say that there is a
0:17:16 distinction anyways there is a law
0:17:18 morality distinction that exists in a
0:17:19 lot of nation states and that's that's
0:17:21 uh that's accommodated for yeah
0:17:24 so not only you make did you make that
0:17:26 claim as if that's something today
0:17:29 but you make that claim now for all
0:17:31 situations and all times and all
0:17:33 societies throughout history into the
0:17:35 past
0:17:35 yeah
0:17:37 yeah this this is a this is quite
0:17:40 far-fetched this is quite far-fetched
0:17:42 and so if somebody wants to Define
0:17:44 adulthood in all situations all times in
0:17:47 all circumstances based on legalistic
0:17:49 definition that we have in the UK well
0:17:52 frankly why are we even taking the UK's
0:17:54 definition why do we take some other
0:17:56 country that has a much younger age or
0:17:57 another country that has a much older
0:17:59 age here in the UK for instance if you
0:18:01 go to uh universities yeah you'll find
0:18:04 1920 19 and 20 year olds drinking
0:18:06 alcohol if you go to places in America
0:18:08 where the drinking age is 21 they won't
0:18:10 be drinking alcohol
0:18:11 you can be a student in America yeah and
0:18:13 not be allowed to drink alcohol come
0:18:15 here during the summer visit a friend of
0:18:17 yours for example drink as much as you
0:18:19 want and then go back and there's no
0:18:21 problem
0:18:23 you see so this is this this is would
0:18:27 essentially be what the person will be
0:18:28 doing here yeah once again facts of the
0:18:30 case
0:18:32 how are we defining morality how are we
0:18:34 defining adulthood yeah but I I feel
0:18:36 like I'm talking a lot so I don't want
0:18:38 to give you guys everything yeah so
0:18:39 higher we've done that so we've we've
0:18:41 you've done an interrogation of the
0:18:43 conception the conceptualization of
0:18:45 adulthood that that person would have so
0:18:46 they might say okay fair enough I can
0:18:48 see you're making some some points here
0:18:50 but uh I I still consider it to be
0:18:53 highly unlikely because this is what a
0:18:55 person will say yeah as I still consider
0:18:57 it to be highly unlikely yeah highly
0:18:59 unfeasible that you're genuinely telling
0:19:01 me that somebody who was nine years old
0:19:02 was an adult how are you as a Muslim
0:19:06 defining adulthood how do you respond to
0:19:08 that
0:19:10 um
0:19:13 I I don't I'm not going to claim that
0:19:15 this is a definition of adulthood but uh
0:19:17 I'm going to say uh
0:19:19 the point where I think it doesn't
0:19:21 become immoral to marry a woman is one
0:19:24 if she's mature enough to handle the
0:19:26 challenges of marriage this is how you
0:19:28 define adulthood no I'm not uh no I'm
0:19:30 not a Define a doctor I'm saying this is
0:19:32 how I'm defining uh uh
0:19:35 this is when the point where marrying a
0:19:38 woman doesn't become immoral
0:19:40 so uh is is that okay I'm gonna Target
0:19:43 you yeah so is that for you as a Muslim
0:19:45 connected to when the person becomes an
0:19:47 adult
0:19:49 um again so yeah I think it becomes a
0:19:52 bit more uh complex what we mean by
0:19:55 adults and things that I I don't want to
0:19:57 get into the whole discussion uh this is
0:19:59 the whole discussion we need to know
0:20:00 what an adult is
0:20:02 right no no the point is no no the the
0:20:05 the topic of discussion is whether or
0:20:06 not uh the marriage of azure the prophet
0:20:09 was immoral not whether she was an adult
0:20:12 so that's a relevant point so she could
0:20:14 have been a child no no
0:20:16 no I'm not saying that uh oh yeah yeah I
0:20:19 see your point okay you you if you're uh
0:20:21 if you're categorizing people by whether
0:20:24 or not they're children or adults and
0:20:25 there's nothing between okay then I
0:20:27 would say she is an adult if that's how
0:20:29 uh
0:20:30 there's something in between childhood
0:20:32 and adulthood
0:20:34 where's the Dolphins I don't know I'm
0:20:36 not sure okay right yeah yeah it depends
0:20:39 on how you compartmentalize the thing
0:20:40 but the point I'm trying to make is uh
0:20:42 it isn't immoral one if she can handle
0:20:45 the challenges of marriage yeah physical
0:20:48 and non-physical and whether when
0:20:51 there's no harm involved in in what
0:20:55 comes after marriage physical and
0:20:57 non-physical and I don't think based on
0:20:59 those two uh issues you can argue that
0:21:01 the marriage of the Prophet is immoral
0:21:05 okay uh is anybody else wants to come I
0:21:08 think you wanted to say something here
0:21:09 no just
0:21:11 the whole issue of uh of what is a child
0:21:14 Etc when we think back right to the
0:21:16 medieval times I mean in Europe uh you
0:21:21 know they wouldn't have the same concept
0:21:23 of childhood for them uh once the child
0:21:26 uh achieved the age of reason they could
0:21:29 you know they've mastered the the
0:21:30 language they can converse properly they
0:21:33 could turn no right from wrong children
0:21:36 I mean what we would consider children
0:21:38 they'd be living on their own uh working
0:21:41 and you know they they would be
0:21:43 independent and particularly when we
0:21:46 consider back then the life expectancy
0:21:49 was 35 to 40 and you have that factor as
0:21:52 well so back then what we consider you
0:21:56 know children would be independent
0:21:58 people who would be you know working on
0:22:01 their own earning a living and the
0:22:04 markers of of maturity were different I
0:22:07 mean people would would not it wouldn't
0:22:10 be so much physical vehicle it would be
0:22:12 they would you know you could basically
0:22:15 uh yeah they they would be you know each
0:22:18 case would be separate if you see what I
0:22:21 mean I mean you could look at someone
0:22:23 physically some people are mature
0:22:25 quicker than others so you've got that
0:22:27 factor and uh you know that's that those
0:22:30 are the kind of things that that people
0:22:32 back then would have considered when
0:22:34 there wouldn't be the same as us these
0:22:37 days okay yeah so
0:22:40 um
0:22:41 we'll do this I think that the
0:22:44 information here uh historical
0:22:45 information regarding different
0:22:47 Societies in different places it's in a
0:22:50 sense it's weight in the argument has to
0:22:51 be has to be considered yeah
0:22:54 as for our purposes that historical
0:22:56 information would really only go to show
0:22:58 that
0:23:00 um you have Societies in the past yeah
0:23:02 who conceptualized and conceived of
0:23:05 adulthood in a different way to the way
0:23:06 that we conceive of it now in 21st in
0:23:08 the 21st century in the UK
0:23:10 and so somebody would have to say this
0:23:12 would have to be their claim basically
0:23:13 and this would be what they're
0:23:14 implicitly claiming that every single
0:23:16 civilization of society before today
0:23:19 yeah was incessant on uh marrying off
0:23:23 children or allowing children to get
0:23:26 married when they weren't able or
0:23:27 physically or mentally able to do so
0:23:30 which would basically be a a mass and it
0:23:34 would have I saw yesterday some people
0:23:36 talk about Epstein Scandal and things
0:23:37 like that yeah you know this would be uh
0:23:40 something of that of that magnitude that
0:23:42 throughout the whole of human history
0:23:44 this has been taking place yeah
0:23:46 but specifically now
0:23:47 getting back to the point rules as we
0:23:49 were discussing with Miles about how we
0:23:52 defining adulthood within Islam yeah and
0:23:54 I think actually you uh to refer to you
0:23:56 I think you actually bought or raised
0:23:57 something which is quite important which
0:23:59 is that
0:24:00 and I'll say this in a deliberately in a
0:24:02 deliberately provocative way but then
0:24:03 I'll qualify afterwards yeah is that in
0:24:06 Islam for instance somebody could be an
0:24:09 adult
0:24:10 and even though they're an adult it
0:24:13 would be immoral from our perspective
0:24:15 for them to get married
0:24:17 yeah so I think it's it's good that you
0:24:20 made a distinction between or like a you
0:24:22 know you could say a tough Silo some
0:24:23 type of detail that you brought on some
0:24:25 Nuance that you brought to the to the
0:24:27 discussion which is that
0:24:28 somebody becoming an adult in Islam
0:24:31 doesn't necessarily mean that that
0:24:32 person is is suitable or able to get
0:24:34 married
0:24:37 obviously you're from us from an Islamic
0:24:38 standpoint yeah we have these things
0:24:39 like you know and things like that right
0:24:42 that generally speaking for us moral
0:24:44 responsibility is attained by a person
0:24:46 at a certain point yeah that uh once you
0:24:50 have certain signs and these things and
0:24:52 there's a discussion it's a 50
0:24:53 discussion about when a person is
0:24:54 considered to become an adult but the
0:24:57 way we're using that term or from an
0:24:58 Islamic standpoint which is below is
0:25:00 that point where a person becomes
0:25:02 morally responsible with other
0:25:04 conditions satisfied from them being
0:25:06 that the person for instance has uh
0:25:09 affirm that they're able to understand
0:25:12 the the ayat and able to understand the
0:25:14 fact that you know this is good this is
0:25:15 bad these are sins these are not this
0:25:17 that this you do this there's sin there
0:25:19 is a punishment attached to it you do
0:25:21 this there's Road attached to it that
0:25:22 person has the ability to understand
0:25:24 those things and that they have grown up
0:25:26 and matured that that would from an
0:25:28 Islamic standpoint mean that a person is
0:25:30 not bad or that they have now attained
0:25:32 maturity
0:25:33 that though wouldn't necessarily mean
0:25:35 that a person is now uh 100 able to get
0:25:37 married because for instance and we
0:25:39 discussed this example previously
0:25:41 somebody who's for somebody who's
0:25:43 incredibly old and and senile for
0:25:45 example yeah
0:25:47 um where you having that type of
0:25:49 relationship with them yeah would lead
0:25:51 to an increased amount of harm yeah and
0:25:54 this is now we bring in something else
0:25:55 here to the discussion
0:25:57 somebody who is mature an adult for
0:26:01 example has more responsibility if there
0:26:03 is harm or increased harm which is
0:26:05 attached to
0:26:07 you being involved from a marriage
0:26:10 standpoint with that person then we
0:26:13 would consider it immoral for you to get
0:26:14 married to that person yeah
0:26:17 if we keep these things in mind yeah
0:26:19 that not only are we speaking about uh
0:26:21 physical uh maturity that a person is
0:26:24 physically grown but also this concept
0:26:26 of harm
0:26:28 people that understand that this is the
0:26:30 way we conceptualize the issue really
0:26:31 all of their apprehensions should cease
0:26:35 because then you understand that from an
0:26:36 Islamic standpoint yeah when we talk
0:26:38 about the prophet is yeah
0:26:42 when she was nine years old yeah that
0:26:45 those those conditions were satisfied
0:26:48 and they were in a situation and a time
0:26:51 and a place where the cultural
0:26:54 conditions or the way people were raised
0:26:55 or the ways people grew were such that
0:26:57 it was possible for her to be like that
0:26:59 at that age
0:27:01 and you have to remember once again
0:27:02 wallahi that like within the big nation
0:27:05 states that we're living in now yeah
0:27:06 well there's like 10 million people in
0:27:08 London for example yeah
0:27:10 it's actually you can actually see the
0:27:11 logic behind there being legalistic
0:27:13 definitions of this stuff
0:27:14 because in the time like if you're
0:27:16 living in Mecca for example yeah I don't
0:27:17 know how many people you have let's say
0:27:18 maximum maybe you have uh maybe five
0:27:20 thousand ten thousand people living
0:27:21 there maybe that even might be a stretch
0:27:23 because we know for example at the
0:27:24 Battle of ahazab when that was supposed
0:27:26 to be one of the biggest
0:27:27 um armies that the Arabs had assembled
0:27:29 and it was from all different places
0:27:30 there were about 10 000 people from all
0:27:32 these different tribes and men that they
0:27:33 came to march on Medina so how many
0:27:35 people living in Mecca at the time well
0:27:37 I don't know whether there's numbers on
0:27:38 this but we could consider maybe you
0:27:39 have like uh maybe even a thousand
0:27:41 people living there everybody knows
0:27:43 everyone yeah so you people know when
0:27:46 children are ready to get married and
0:27:47 they know and within Islam you have your
0:27:50 fathers involved you have the Welly his
0:27:51 responsibility is to ensure the
0:27:53 protection of his daughter when she's
0:27:55 getting married
0:27:57 and obviously her
0:27:59 father's
0:28:01 and he had he he cared about his
0:28:04 daughter he took her her concerns and
0:28:06 all these things
0:28:08 so that type of environment there where
0:28:11 for instance you don't have a fixed age
0:28:12 to say this is where somebody's allowed
0:28:14 to get married
0:28:16 you can see how that's feasible well how
0:28:18 you can see how that's feasible and you
0:28:20 understand that these are the conditions
0:28:21 that Islam put in place for somebody to
0:28:23 be able to get married hollas
0:28:25 seriously I think that solves the
0:28:27 problem
0:28:27 now you speak in the 21st century in the
0:28:30 21st century today where you have
0:28:32 massive societies yeah right so you
0:28:35 could really argue yeah honestly a
0:28:37 Muslim could really argue that for it to
0:28:39 be like free reign and lacks in that way
0:28:40 like it because there are so many people
0:28:44 and so many variables at hand that it
0:28:46 will be difficult it'll actually be
0:28:47 difficult to have it in that type of way
0:28:49 so this time they come along and say
0:28:50 okay boom 16. generally speaking most
0:28:53 people in society at the age of 16 will
0:28:56 have the maturity the ability physically
0:28:58 and otherwise to be able to make that
0:29:00 decision for themselves to give consent
0:29:01 to have sex or to get married for
0:29:03 example yeah I don't know if 16 is for
0:29:05 marriage that might be 18 I don't know
0:29:06 yeah
0:29:07 unfortunately I haven't had to look into
0:29:09 this spot in Charlotte soon enough yeah
0:29:10 but
0:29:14 so yeah so within within our society you
0:29:17 can understand the logic behind that but
0:29:19 even that's not perfect because I can
0:29:21 promise you yeah I can promise you that
0:29:23 and we will all know people like I would
0:29:25 have gone to school and stuff like that
0:29:27 in sixth form people that are 17 18
0:29:28 years old I say look if somebody gets
0:29:30 into a relationship with you you're not
0:29:32 only are you but you might be physically
0:29:34 mature but mentally you are absolutely a
0:29:36 child
0:29:37 the fact that you're here now in in
0:29:39 sixth form for example getting involved
0:29:41 in it and do it so even the even that
0:29:44 legal that legal boundary that's been
0:29:45 placed really for you could say
0:29:47 convenience or purposes because it makes
0:29:50 things easier to manage and you have a
0:29:51 hard boundary and stuff like that and
0:29:52 maybe law sometimes has to be like that
0:29:53 and that might have to be a discussion
0:29:55 that people have like with how big
0:29:56 societies are and how difficult it is to
0:29:58 to manage these things and the breakdown
0:30:00 of of uh of families and socialists and
0:30:02 you know smaller social uh you know
0:30:04 Frameworks of organization that would
0:30:06 allow people to monitor these things in
0:30:08 a in a more kind of close and in a way
0:30:11 that might have been possible in the
0:30:12 past you could make an argument for that
0:30:14 boundary
0:30:15 but it would be absolutely unjust yeah
0:30:18 this is what I'm putting forward yeah
0:30:19 it'll be absolutely unjust to take that
0:30:22 limit which as we've said has all these
0:30:24 historically contingent factors the
0:30:26 schooling system voting all these type
0:30:28 of things that have affected that
0:30:30 boundary which is placed within a
0:30:32 nation-state framework
0:30:34 as we said largely for convenience
0:30:36 purposes and to make that the mirayar or
0:30:39 the the objective like Criterion that we
0:30:42 use to judge every single other
0:30:45 civilization Society
0:30:47 and I think making the argument in this
0:30:48 way allows us to in a very kind of um
0:30:51 conclusive manner deal with both of the
0:30:53 the two aspects that we discussed before
0:30:56 which is number one the image that a
0:30:58 person has in somebody's mind with
0:31:00 putting the argument forward like this
0:31:02 it becomes conceivable in a person's
0:31:04 mind that that you could have what would
0:31:08 be considered an adult yeah with the
0:31:11 conditions that we mentioned in Islam in
0:31:13 that seventh century context that the
0:31:15 prophet assalam got married to her
0:31:17 whilst also giving somebody The Logical
0:31:20 framework that they need to be able to
0:31:22 understand the issue yeah
0:31:24 and uh there are some hadiths that are
0:31:26 worth mentioning like when I actually
0:31:28 mentions that she was in the um uh that
0:31:31 uh obviously the house of Asylum was
0:31:33 connected to his Masjid and so one day I
0:31:35 think there were some like Ethiopians
0:31:36 and they were doing like they had they
0:31:37 had come from abyssinia and they were
0:31:39 doing like some I don't know maybe some
0:31:41 gymnastics or whatever they were doing
0:31:42 in the message
0:31:44 that she came behind the prophet sallam
0:31:48 and that she was looking over his
0:31:50 shoulder at what's going on at this at
0:31:52 this point in time yeah
0:31:54 was 18 when she passed away yeah and she
0:31:56 was nine years old when she met the
0:31:57 prophet and they got married in Medina
0:32:01 so the image you have of a primary
0:32:04 school child yeah
0:32:06 sorry the person when we when when the
0:32:08 discussions about like his uh his his
0:32:10 appearance in these things so there's
0:32:12 there's a lot of
0:32:13 um a detail that's given to how the
0:32:15 processarily used to look yeah that is
0:32:18 that he was not too tall he was not too
0:32:21 short so we're not talking about
0:32:22 somebody who was necessarily short he
0:32:24 was somebody of uh you could say like
0:32:26 average stature within his community
0:32:28 within a community
0:32:30 so what how tall exactly was average
0:32:33 statue in the community
0:32:34 was not sure
0:32:36 so if I asked you to be looking over his
0:32:38 shoulder
0:32:40 hi honey you the image you have of a
0:32:42 primary school child which you're
0:32:44 imposing on a 7th Century context just
0:32:47 doesn't uh fit with the evidence that we
0:32:49 have here
0:32:50 it doesn't fit with the evidence that we
0:32:52 have about action all the things that
0:32:53 she was doing in her life and how how
0:32:55 intelligent and articulate she was like
0:32:58 uh Hadith
0:33:01 yeah why like is is like she's speaking
0:33:05 with eloquence about these things that
0:33:06 are going on that's not that's not a
0:33:08 child speaking will lie if you look at
0:33:09 the if you look at her Sila if you look
0:33:12 at the information that you have the
0:33:14 source the information that you have
0:33:16 you cannot make the conclusions
0:33:19 that uh people might make in relation to
0:33:22 this information yeah and and yeah and
0:33:25 at that point you might have to say to
0:33:27 someone yeah that like we don't condone
0:33:28 things that are happening where there's
0:33:30 there's obvious harms that are taking
0:33:31 place yeah the city has come to do away
0:33:33 with a lot of those things
0:33:35 that harm is to be taken away from these
0:33:37 things that's part of the shitty Act uh
0:33:40 as part of the shitty eyes compassion is
0:33:42 Mercy is love and all those type of
0:33:44 things but this one specifically is
0:33:46 important because it's completely wrong
0:33:47 for somebody to uh to think about the
0:33:50 prophet sallam
0:33:52 and to make conclusions that are
0:33:55 negative about him that are you know
0:33:58 based a lot on this way of looking at
0:34:00 the situation yeah is that does that uh
0:34:04 does that make sense and I went off a
0:34:05 bit only to kind of keep a bit more
0:34:07 interactive but it's a way that I think
0:34:08 uh I wanted to make the argument and
0:34:10 then of course for the majority of this
0:34:12 discussion we've been assuming that you
0:34:13 were speaking to somebody who's you know
0:34:14 just uh maybe an average dog or a person
0:34:16 who's uh growing up in the UK generally
0:34:18 speaking most people have like some type
0:34:20 of liberal incarnations particularly
0:34:21 amongst the youth and those things but
0:34:23 then we have all of the um
0:34:25 the more Nuance points that we mentioned
0:34:27 if you're speaking for instance to uh to
0:34:29 a Christian maybe or somebody who's
0:34:31 Jewish for example or some other
0:34:32 Traditions I mean you brought some
0:34:34 Source information from them some of I
0:34:36 think the Hindu texts was that right
0:34:37 yeah
0:34:37 [Music]
0:34:39 the um Krishna married um I think it was
0:34:42 a rook money or something yes when she
0:34:46 was six or seven years old that's in the
0:34:49 actual text of the um The Vedas or
0:34:52 whatever though I don't have it to hand
0:34:54 but I think I recall it was uh it was in
0:34:57 the Holy books yeah it did describe her
0:35:00 age and uh and it was merged to Krishna
0:35:04 yeah of Rook money and that's from the
0:35:07 the Hindu text yeah yeah so we have that
0:35:10 and then uh uh for Khan what did we say
0:35:12 that we uh we have from the um from a
0:35:14 Biblical standpoint
0:35:16 uh we have the book of number book
0:35:18 numbers which mentions
0:35:21 what store
0:35:23 tough yeah which means which means a
0:35:28 young child a young
0:35:31 little girls so little guys means
0:35:34 um there's the different definitions of
0:35:37 the world but generally means little
0:35:39 girls yeah right so we have those things
0:35:41 yeah and bringing that information in at
0:35:44 this point yeah it safeguards you
0:35:46 against like someone might say you're
0:35:47 doing a two-cook way if somebody comes
0:35:49 to you and they say yup the prophet
0:35:51 assalam did this yeah and the first
0:35:53 thing you say in response is well this
0:35:55 is also in the Hindu text well this is
0:35:57 also in the Bible Well I can show you ex
0:35:59 all these Societies in the in history
0:36:01 that this these things also took place
0:36:03 then what a person's understanding is
0:36:05 that effectively the Muslim position is
0:36:07 that well yeah I mean it might be a bit
0:36:09 uncomfortable yeah potentially you might
0:36:11 even you might even be implicitly
0:36:12 conceding that it's wrong but everybody
0:36:15 else did it so therefore it's okay for
0:36:16 us to do it
0:36:17 which is not the case it's not the case
0:36:20 at all because we have as I mentioned
0:36:22 all of these like you know conditions
0:36:24 and a way of understanding the Masala
0:36:26 and all those kind of things and uh I do
0:36:28 just want to finish this and wrap up on
0:36:30 this point inshallah
0:36:32 that uh it wouldn't be enough I think
0:36:34 for us to be on the back foot on this
0:36:36 issue yeah like now like we have to step
0:36:39 forward and say look we have a way of of
0:36:42 understanding adulthood and childhood
0:36:45 yeah because they show you how we
0:36:46 believe like we believe Islam yeah that
0:36:48 it's it's suitable for all situations
0:36:50 for all situations and times that Allah
0:36:53 revealed multiple Revelations from Adam
0:36:56 all the way up until uh the prophet
0:36:58 sallallahu alaihi wasallam and that
0:36:59 those they came and eventually some of
0:37:01 them were corrupted and they got taken
0:37:03 away and stuff like that and really I
0:37:04 don't think anybody seriously disputes
0:37:06 those disputes that we don't have those
0:37:08 uh Traditions as they were or as they
0:37:10 were brought forward by
0:37:11 um the prophets and Messengers that came
0:37:12 with them
0:37:13 foreign
0:37:17 as the final messenger
0:37:20 for this time from the time that he was
0:37:22 he was this Allah all the way up until
0:37:24 the end
0:37:26 and so the understanding of of this
0:37:28 understanding of adulthood yeah it
0:37:32 it's
0:37:33 it can be applied not only to that
0:37:35 seventh century context but it can also
0:37:37 be applied to the eighth the 9th the
0:37:39 10th and even up until today in the 21st
0:37:41 century with all of the nuances that you
0:37:43 might get in different cultures and
0:37:44 different situations different times
0:37:45 yeah
0:37:46 the legalistic definition that somebody
0:37:48 brings forward for adulthood today yeah
0:37:51 if they say that uh 16. 18 20. and you
0:37:56 make that the basis of your of your
0:37:58 definitions sorry maybe in 10 years time
0:38:01 honestly maybe in 10 years time that
0:38:03 becomes obsolete I mean I I don't know
0:38:05 what affects these uh phones and stuff
0:38:08 like phones TVs all these things are
0:38:10 having on uh on young people like the
0:38:12 youth yeah I say the youth I am I'm one
0:38:15 of them yeah but
0:38:18 like even even like a small difference
0:38:20 like well I've got younger siblings yeah
0:38:21 that like some of them are in like
0:38:22 primary school and stuff like that well
0:38:23 I I was not like that when I was their
0:38:25 age
0:38:26 I don't know that that might have just
0:38:28 been me I don't know yeah but the way
0:38:30 they are like it's different why it's
0:38:33 it's different I'm sorry it is just
0:38:34 different so I don't know if if 16 will
0:38:37 be uh a satisfactory thing in in 10
0:38:40 years time maybe they'll push it back to
0:38:42 18 maybe we'll push the drinking age
0:38:43 back to 21 and then people at that time
0:38:46 will be saying adulthood is a 21
0:38:48 adulthood is 25 adulthood is 28. why are
0:38:51 you Muslim so backward
0:38:54 so like when you realize that Allah like
0:38:56 it's insufficient honestly I believe
0:38:58 yeah it's for Muslim
0:39:01 to have a lack of confidence
0:39:03 in the Quran in the Sunnah and what the
0:39:05 prophet saws came with yeah
0:39:07 that's an insufficient situation to be
0:39:10 in when Allah describes the Believers in
0:39:12 uh in Surat and he says uh
0:39:18 uh
0:39:21 that they don't persist in doubt yeah
0:39:24 like we have to get to a point where you
0:39:27 know what it's not just that I have a
0:39:29 this thing might be a bit uncomfortable
0:39:30 and uh I have a way of kind of
0:39:32 explaining a way or way of kind of you
0:39:33 know brushing under the rug or not
0:39:35 dealing with it no
0:39:36 we have to try to use our use the
0:39:39 faculties that Allah has given us to be
0:39:41 able to appreciate the hikima in his
0:39:43 Sharia
0:39:45 and when that's done you realize that
0:39:47 this age of art is your issue yeah it
0:39:50 should not be an issue
0:39:52 it should not be an issue it's
0:39:53 understandable why it's an issue for the
0:39:55 reasons that we've discussed today
0:39:57 but it should not be and actually yeah
0:40:00 and really actually
0:40:02 the Islamic way of addressing this yeah
0:40:05 which is a very simple framework which
0:40:06 just takes into account look physical
0:40:07 maturity if it's harm taking place if
0:40:09 there's anything stuff like that which
0:40:11 can be applied not only to uh young
0:40:13 people but also old people
0:40:15 is there an upper bound to this age of
0:40:17 consent thing
0:40:18 sorry is it is it like I don't know well
0:40:21 I'm not a lawyer yeah I don't know like
0:40:22 is there an upper bound to this thing
0:40:24 like for instance is there anything in
0:40:26 the law that says that it's it's illegal
0:40:27 for you to marry somebody that's 110
0:40:29 years old
0:40:32 foreign
0:40:33 but for the same reasons that you don't
0:40:36 allow people are under 16 to get married
0:40:39 yeah
0:40:40 so you should you should have an upper
0:40:42 bound oh seriously we can make that case
0:40:43 why is there no upper bound to the age
0:40:45 of consent
0:40:46 do we now start calling you backward
0:40:48 people for allowing the abuse of your
0:40:50 elderly
0:40:53 you know
0:40:55 but Islam
0:40:58 Islam in every situation will lie every
0:41:01 situation and Circumstance
0:41:03 Islam in every situation and
0:41:05 Circumstance on this issue has a way of
0:41:09 dealing with it in such a simple way
0:41:11 we look at if we look at it physically
0:41:13 available is it going to lead to harm is
0:41:15 there abuse okay find a way then it
0:41:17 happens if not it doesn't happen
0:41:20 and with that you know uh I know this
0:41:22 was supposed to be a sort of a more
0:41:23 interactive session I wanted to kind of
0:41:25 uh get some model debates and I think we
0:41:27 should uh we should we should practice
0:41:28 that because um uh practicing
0:41:30 articulating some of this stuff is
0:41:32 useful uh and most of my practice until
0:41:34 now has come but I was talking to myself
0:41:36 honestly sometimes I I watch things I
0:41:38 read things and I just like I get I get
0:41:40 emotional when I'm by myself so I'll
0:41:41 just start talking and my mom will call
0:41:43 me out from upstairs she's like who are
0:41:44 you talking to downstairs I'm like but
0:41:47 um yeah with that inshallah I think it's
0:41:48 quite a it's a it's a
0:41:51 a natural uh conclusion that we've that
0:41:54 we've that we've reached I think this
0:41:55 Charlotte this should suffice uh for the
0:41:58 time being
0:42:00 um honestly well I I don't know if uh
0:42:02 when I'll next be seeing in this chair
0:42:03 it could be it could be next week it
0:42:05 could be next year could be maybe two
0:42:07 three four years from now I don't know
0:42:08 but this this is this way of uh
0:42:11 approaching the religion
0:42:12 um this is the way it has to be you know
0:42:14 uh
0:42:17 that that dignity is is for Allah it's
0:42:21 for his messenger and it's for the
0:42:22 Believers and um there are things which
0:42:25 are awkward because of where the
0:42:27 situation that we're living in but if
0:42:29 you believe this is from Allah and you
0:42:31 believe that Prophet Muhammad was sent
0:42:33 by him then it's we have to have that
0:42:37 that sense of Isa and if we have to if
0:42:40 it means you have to read and think and
0:42:42 you know do whatever you know
0:42:44 then you have to be prepared to do it
0:42:46 man you know Salman what was he prepared
0:42:49 to do to uh get to Medina to be with the
0:42:52 prophet sallam you know some of the
0:42:53 companions of the prophet sallam who uh
0:42:56 you know they've been having to leave
0:42:58 their families they're doing this but
0:42:59 they did that because they were seeking
0:43:00 that truth and so this is a this is I
0:43:04 think the the message to end on
0:43:05 inshallah and with that thank you very
0:43:07 much for watching uh we'll ask you to
0:43:09 like And subscribe and all that stuff
0:43:11 but salaam alaikum