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The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel of Mark (2021-01-04)


The earliest Christian gospel (Mark) is missing the resurrection of Jesus story - but all our modern Bibles have it.

I explain why.

Summary of The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel of Mark

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Discusses the theory that the last twelve verses of the Gospel of Mark were added by later scribes, and explores the possibility that the original ending of the gospel did not include the story of Jesus' resurrection.

00:00:00 The earliest gospel, Mark, does not include the resurrection of Jesus story. Scribes who were copying the gospel later added verses to make it more in line with their own beliefs and with the endings of the other gospels.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 in this episode i want to look at
0:00:04 a rather startling fact that our
0:00:06 earliest gospel the gospel of mark
0:00:09 does not contain the resurrection of
0:00:12 jesus story
0:00:13 uh it's simply not there and this is odd
0:00:16 because
0:00:17 if you look in most modern bibles you
0:00:20 will see
0:00:20 in chapter 16 um the story of
0:00:24 jesus's resurrection so how can this be
0:00:27 why am i saying this
0:00:29 well we want to look at the last 12
0:00:31 verses
0:00:32 of mark the gospel of mark is unique
0:00:35 amongst the gospels
0:00:37 in ending very abruptly after his
0:00:39 resurrection
0:00:40 jesus is never said to appear to his
0:00:43 disciples
0:00:44 or to anyone else instead when the women
0:00:47 who visit the tomb on the third day
0:00:49 find it empty empty and told to inform
0:00:52 the disciples
0:00:53 that jesus has been raised they it says
0:00:56 here in verse 8
0:00:58 they said nothing to anyone for they
0:01:01 were afraid that's mark chapter 16 verse
0:01:05 8.
0:01:06 now this ending comes as a real surprise
0:01:08 to many readers who think that the women
0:01:10 surely must have told somebody
0:01:12 after all the word of the resurrection
0:01:14 did get out and the other three gospels
0:01:16 do go on to tell
0:01:18 the story of jesus appearance to the
0:01:20 disciples after the resurrection
0:01:22 so how could mark the earliest gospel
0:01:24 know that jesus was raised
0:01:26 if the women never told anyone right
0:01:30 the answer is this the ancient christian
0:01:32 scribes
0:01:33 who were making copies of the gospel of
0:01:35 mark were also surprised
0:01:37 by this startling end so they did what
0:01:41 scribes sometimes do
0:01:42 they changed the ending by adding some
0:01:45 verses of their own
0:01:46 that made this gospel more in line with
0:01:48 their own beliefs
0:01:50 and with the endings of the other
0:01:51 gospels of matthew luke
0:01:53 and john so the 12 new verses
0:01:57 that were added describe what in their
0:02:00 opinion
0:02:00 must have happened next the women tell
0:02:03 the disciples
0:02:04 what they had seen and heard then the
0:02:05 disciples traveled to galilee
0:02:07 they meet jesus who gives them their
0:02:08 final instructions and then he
0:02:10 ascends into heaven the ascension but
0:02:14 this new ending does not give it does
0:02:16 give a kind of closure to
0:02:18 uh the story but it's not the original
0:02:22 it cannot be found in any of the oldest
0:02:25 and best manuscripts of mark uh if you
0:02:28 look at the codex sinaiticus for example
0:02:30 there's a website codex seatticus
0:02:32 uh online uh which is just a couple of
0:02:35 miles from here in the british
0:02:36 library it does not contain the
0:02:37 resurrection appearances in mark's
0:02:39 gospel
0:02:40 neither does the codex vaticanus the
0:02:42 next oldest and these are
0:02:43 the most ancient manuscripts
0:02:46 also the writing style and the
0:02:49 vocabulary
0:02:50 in these 12 verses are not consistent
0:02:55 with the rest of the gospel they have a
0:02:58 different style they have a different
0:02:59 vocabulary
0:03:00 they they feel like they've been written
0:03:02 by other people
0:03:03 that's because they were added by
0:03:05 scribes later christians
0:03:07 who didn't want mark's gospel to end
0:03:09 where it did end
0:03:12 and that's why most modern translations
0:03:14 include
0:03:15 although they do include the verses they
0:03:18 tell
0:03:18 that their readers that they are a later
0:03:22 edition
0:03:23 so it says here a little note
0:03:26 uh the most ancient uh authorities bring
0:03:28 the book to a close
0:03:30 at the end of verse eight um
0:03:34 there we go so it's simply not there in
0:03:36 the original bible
0:03:37 but it's odd that they do
0:03:40 carry on including it and there are
0:03:42 other stories in the new testament which
0:03:44 we know now are not part of the original
0:03:47 uh
0:03:48 stories but were added later like the
0:03:50 woman caught on adultery in john's
0:03:52 gospel
0:03:52 uh chapter eight and there are verses
0:03:54 here and there throughout the bible
0:03:56 which have been added or deleted the
0:03:59 famous trinity verse in one
0:04:00 one john's probably the most notorious
0:04:03 uh these are added later
0:04:04 by over enthusiastic christian writers
0:04:08 so um what does this tell us well the
0:04:10 the bible is imperfect
0:04:12 um you know it's it's a human product uh
0:04:15 it ends abruptly in mark uh 16 verse 8.
0:04:19 later christians add uh their version
0:04:21 that there are several versions that
0:04:23 were added later on
0:04:24 and we see this happening frequently in
0:04:26 other parts of the bible
0:04:28 too um so this is a very uh
0:04:31 brief uh video i just want to talk about
0:04:33 the last
0:04:34 uh verses of mark chapter 16
0:04:37 uh in case you didn't know um till next
0:04:40 time