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Muslims react to Nicki Minaj vs Kevin Samuels (2022-02-24)


Smile2jannah and I discuss some of the most pertinent points from the exchange of 2 advocatess holding polar opposite views on gender roles.


The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝.”

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#kevinsamuels #nickiminaj #marriage

Summary of Muslims react to Nicki Minaj vs Kevin Samuels

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

In the "Muslims react to Nicki Minaj vs Kevin Samuels" video, Muslims in Norway give their thoughts on the recent diss track by Nicki Minaj. They feel that both Minaj and Samuels handled the situation well, but there are some areas of criticism. Muslims largely agree with Samuels' view on sex in relationships, and they also discuss the importance of children in marriages. Finally, the Muslims in the video establish a message and center to help promote Norwegian Dawah.

00:00:00 Muslims in Norway are establishing a mosque and dawa center to help promote Norwegian Dawah. If you donate to the fundraiser, you will ensure allah reap the rewards of thousands of Muslims coming back to Islam.

In the video "Muslims react to Nicki Minaj vs Kevin Samuels", Muslims in Norway are reacting to Nicki Minaj's diss track, "Anaconda". Kevin Samuels, a black American rapper, is one of the targets of the track. Muslims in Norway feel that both Nicki Minaj and Kevin Samuels handled themselves well in the face of criticism, but there are areas of criticism to be looked at as well.

  • 00:05:00 Muslims react to Nicki Minaj and Kevin Samuels' disagreements. Nicki Minaj argues that a man should expect to have sex with his wife weekly, while Kevin Samuels believes that a woman should give sex as often as her husband desires. Muslims generally agree with Kevin Samuels, as their understanding of Islamic teachings emphasizes the importance of both a husband and wife respecting each other's needs and desires.
  • 00:10:00 Muslims discuss the issue of sex and how it applies to relationships between men and women in the context of Islam. They note that while it is not wrong for a woman to not want to have sex with a man, it is often a sign of a dysfunctional relationship.
  • 00:15:00 Nicki Minaj and Kevin Samuels are discussing their marriage, with Nicki asserting there are grounds for a divorce. Kevin Samuels respects her and tries to be respectful in his response. Muslims discuss the overall conversation, highlighting the lack of discussion of the children. Kevin Samuels is questioned about his rating of Nicki Minaj, with him justifying it as an accurate reflection of their relationship.
  • 00:20:00 Muslims in Norway are establishing a message and center to enhance the Norwegian Dawah. If you donate to the scores, you will ensure allah reap the rewards of thousands of muslims coming back to islam.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:05 muslims in norway are now establishing a
0:00:07 masjid and dawa center to enhance the
0:00:09 norwegian dawah if you donate to the
0:00:11 scores you will ensure allah reap the
0:00:13 rewards of thousands of muslims coming
0:00:16 back to islam and many of those who
0:00:18 become dwight and invite to islam so
0:00:20 click the link and donate now and share
0:00:23 the video for extra rewards
0:00:42 big c
0:00:44 or you can say the big dog or the man
0:00:46 with the plan
0:00:47 or just the legend oh okay
0:00:52 just stick with that
0:00:54 you brought yourself too high so i had
0:00:55 to you know what i mean i had to give
0:00:57 you put me in my place just like kevin
0:00:59 samuels i think
0:01:02 it's like he's putting nikki in her
0:01:04 place now
0:01:04 to be fair like i made a video as you
0:01:06 know critical of samuels because you
0:01:08 know i i just saw as a reaction to
0:01:10 feminism like this kind of like red pool
0:01:11 movement and stuff like that and i
0:01:12 thought
0:01:13 i actually saw a lot of muslim people
0:01:15 moving in that direction and i didn't
0:01:16 like it because i realized the problems
0:01:18 of it but to be fair yeah on i think we
0:01:20 just both watched this you know these
0:01:22 aspects of his um
0:01:24 video that he done with nicki minaj yeah
0:01:25 and i think there's praise that is
0:01:26 actually due here because he he handled
0:01:28 himself quite well
0:01:30 despite that i do think there are areas
0:01:31 of criticism as well so we'll be looking
0:01:32 at some of that but before that i think
0:01:35 let's look at two main aspects okay
0:01:37 let's get straight into it two main
0:01:39 aspects of this video that i wanted to
0:01:40 react to yeah
0:01:42 which uh kind of starts in the middle
0:01:44 where nikki herself who
0:01:46 is to be honest with you i don't know
0:01:48 much about her but from what i know uh
0:01:50 she's a figure of decadence and if
0:01:52 someone could personify decadence it
0:01:54 would be this woman
0:01:56 um you know
0:01:58 nothing intellectually contributed at
0:02:00 all she thinks she's a success we'll
0:02:02 come to all of that
0:02:04 starts off by speaking about you know
0:02:06 success funny enough and these other
0:02:08 things so i wanted to see what she has
0:02:10 to say coming onto this platform and
0:02:12 then how
0:02:13 we can look also at how kevin responds
0:02:15 so let's first take a look at what her
0:02:18 prerogative is here i'm talking to black
0:02:20 women real quick can we stop talking can
0:02:22 we stop
0:02:24 posting all day on to because i i re i
0:02:27 knew we went to tik tok and i and i just
0:02:29 kept seeing this black women can we stop
0:02:31 talking about if black men if these
0:02:33 successful black men want us or not
0:02:36 like can we just focus on us and we be
0:02:40 successful and then we go out there and
0:02:43 we decide who the [ __ ] we want so what i
0:02:46 see with this uh z bro is like it's it's
0:02:48 typical independence narrative
0:02:51 success narrative she's talking about
0:02:52 she's a success oh she's
0:02:54 what is
0:02:56 what is success i mean is success being
0:02:58 famous being rich
0:03:00 i'm sorry to say these are things
0:03:01 assumptions which cannot be justified
0:03:04 and who are you anyway nikki to speak to
0:03:06 black women as if you represent them you
0:03:08 don't represent them you represent
0:03:09 higher echelon type individual western
0:03:12 women
0:03:13 you don't you don't actually suffer from
0:03:14 the same plights as the majority of
0:03:16 black people will suffer from black men
0:03:18 or women and you don't have even a right
0:03:20 to call yourself a success because you
0:03:23 are
0:03:24 rich and famous success is not defined
0:03:26 like that for us is it zusha
0:03:28 no because if you define success as
0:03:31 richness or fame these are two things
0:03:34 that don't have an ending like money
0:03:37 there's always more money that you can
0:03:39 attain with fame there's always more
0:03:41 fame that you can attain you'll never be
0:03:42 able to reach the pinnacle absolutely
0:03:45 and in our tradition the islamic
0:03:46 tradition were the prophet muhammad
0:03:48 sallallahu alaihi said that if you give
0:03:50 a man
0:03:51 you know a valley of gold
0:03:53 you know he'll be hungry for another
0:03:55 valley so in other words there's always
0:03:56 the thing is having material wealth as
0:03:59 you say it doesn't quench your thirst
0:04:01 for these kinds of things you'll just
0:04:02 want more and more and more yeah and so
0:04:05 really there is no pos strong positive
0:04:07 correlation
0:04:08 for example
0:04:09 with happiness as a state
0:04:12 and
0:04:13 material wealth you'll find
0:04:14 unfortunately
0:04:16 a lot of the richest people in society
0:04:18 yes and the most famous are those who
0:04:20 are most depressed yes so this idea of
0:04:22 equating success with fame and money
0:04:24 this capitalistic
0:04:26 idea
0:04:26 which you have been colonizing to
0:04:28 believing is the case is itself
0:04:30 difficult to substantiate from the very
0:04:32 beginning yes so this is the first thing
0:04:34 the independence narrative here
0:04:36 i think is problematic as well but
0:04:38 before we go there i want to see how
0:04:40 kevin samuels responds to her
0:04:43 there's a lot of hurt on both sides and
0:04:45 i recommend i told guys look why are you
0:04:47 under 30 work recognize work on getting
0:04:49 yourself together because like it or not
0:04:53 you're really not in a position like
0:04:55 like you should be to be able to work
0:04:57 with lee do anything like that so as you
0:04:59 see
0:05:00 he starts off by saying there's a lot of
0:05:01 hurt from both sides now this is not
0:05:03 this is atypical of kevin samuels
0:05:05 because usually if a woman hypes up like
0:05:06 that to him and his uh
0:05:08 in his
0:05:09 presence
0:05:10 or discussions he will actually
0:05:12 shut her down or even switch her off or
0:05:14 something but i think he's being
0:05:15 strategic here and he's got good
0:05:17 emotional intelligence here to be
0:05:18 praised worthy of him yeah
0:05:20 however his narrative is as good as hers
0:05:23 in the sense that he is also telling men
0:05:25 to i'll just focus on themselves it's an
0:05:27 egoistic gender narrative on both sides
0:05:30 and if it's an egoistic gender narrative
0:05:32 on both sides what you're going to end
0:05:33 up having is an atomized society with
0:05:36 people only caring about themselves they
0:05:39 don't realize
0:05:40 that complementarity is needed in order
0:05:42 to avoid conflict of interest in the
0:05:44 first place like at the end of the day
0:05:47 if men just think about themselves and
0:05:49 work on themselves
0:05:50 not caring about the opposite gender or
0:05:53 having
0:05:54 apathetic attitudes and the opposite is
0:05:56 true imagine what that will do to the
0:05:57 black community my question is simple
0:06:00 why are the adults making themselves the
0:06:03 center of this project indeed seldomly
0:06:05 do i find in these conversations that
0:06:07 children are put first like children are
0:06:10 put first we know through the data
0:06:12 that
0:06:14 uh nuclear families and stable families
0:06:17 are the most
0:06:18 advantageous for children okay
0:06:20 but for nuclear families to be
0:06:22 functional there has to be compromise on
0:06:24 both sides
0:06:25 i would call it like the individualistic
0:06:27 narratives of the west yeah it is
0:06:29 because at the end of the day like 100
0:06:31 years ago he mentions this to be fair to
0:06:32 him kevin samuels mentions this in some
0:06:34 of his discussions he says your grandma
0:06:36 wouldn't be speaking like that yeah and
0:06:37 he's right
0:06:38 his you know what he's right
0:06:41 her grandma whoever whoever she's
0:06:42 speaking to wouldn't be speaking like
0:06:43 that because she'd have a more
0:06:44 traditional complementarian nuclear type
0:06:46 understanding of the family but do you
0:06:48 know what else is true
0:06:50 his granddad wouldn't be speaking the
0:06:51 way he's speaking either
0:06:53 that's the truth as well like his his
0:06:55 granddad will be thinking about like how
0:06:56 do i provide for the kids how do i make
0:06:58 a family stable how this and that the
0:07:00 problem the problem is not just with one
0:07:02 gender or another it's both genders
0:07:04 realizing individual responsibility and
0:07:07 recognizing individual weakness and then
0:07:09 working together to try and sort that
0:07:11 out and you you mentioned something a
0:07:13 verse in the quran you wanna explain
0:07:15 yeah so i think this whole
0:07:17 complementarianism is something which is
0:07:18 uh mentioned by the quran to the nearest
0:07:21 meaning when it says um you are garments
0:07:24 for them and they are garments for you
0:07:26 referring to a husband and a wife and
0:07:28 and
0:07:29 this issue that you're talking about of
0:07:31 individualism is something which is you
0:07:33 know it's a disease that's coming from
0:07:35 capitalism and it's something which is
0:07:37 obviously rooted in liberalism um which
0:07:40 which talks about
0:07:42 in individual benefit
0:07:44 and
0:07:45 of course an offshoot of that is human
0:07:46 rights which talks about
0:07:48 um what we're old and not what we owe
0:07:50 others there's no human right that talks
0:07:52 about the the rights of your mother or
0:07:55 the rights of your father and this is a
0:07:57 problem and liberalism is something
0:07:59 which is being shoved down our throat
0:08:01 and we're seeing this in in france this
0:08:03 is where we're seeing the hijab being
0:08:04 banned and we're seeing this now in in
0:08:07 saudi arabia where you've got
0:08:10 you know
0:08:11 liberalism being
0:08:13 injected into the community and and
0:08:15 other communities so liberalism is an
0:08:18 issue and that's why liberalism does
0:08:20 need to come under the microscope
0:08:21 because it is what is telling us look
0:08:24 the individual and your pleasure and
0:08:27 your pain as long as it doesn't affect
0:08:28 others yeah it's fine it's all i do know
0:08:31 is it's ethical egoism it's not just
0:08:33 psychological evil the difference being
0:08:34 is ethical egoism is like i i am
0:08:38 sorry psychological egoism is about me
0:08:40 it's about me yeah it's about my pain
0:08:42 and pleasure and a lot of us are like
0:08:43 that by by nature but ethical egoism is
0:08:45 where you say it ought to be about my
0:08:47 pleasure first and what we're seeing
0:08:49 really with this kind of conversation is
0:08:51 a proliferation of ethical egoistic
0:08:54 gender discourses yeah so both of them
0:08:56 are just concerned with each other's
0:08:57 okay well black women shouldn't do this
0:08:59 blah blah blah blah blah it's no care
0:09:01 for the kids same thing with him no care
0:09:03 for the kids no care for the other
0:09:05 gender it's a very selfish discourse
0:09:07 either way but let's move on to
0:09:09 something else that he mentions
0:09:10 controversially i guess you know she
0:09:12 asks him how many times should a man
0:09:14 expect to have sex let's take a look at
0:09:16 what she asks and how he responds how
0:09:18 many times
0:09:20 should a man
0:09:23 expect to have
0:09:25 uh sex what is in your opinion how many
0:09:27 times should a woman give their man
0:09:30 sex
0:09:32 a week
0:09:33 a week
0:09:35 uh
0:09:36 i'm a fan of the as often as he wants it
0:09:40 well
0:09:41 no hold on
0:09:42 because here's the thing it's under
0:09:44 here's the thing
0:09:46 you look at like i said i look at guys
0:09:48 most guys i'm talking to working
0:09:50 10 12 hour days so i actually respect
0:09:53 the way he responds there you know and
0:09:55 she didn't really have much pushback
0:09:56 after what he said
0:09:58 uh which is surprising to be honest but
0:09:59 i respect the fact that he stuck to his
0:10:01 kind of guns on this one because at the
0:10:03 end of the day it's once again sex is
0:10:05 one of those things okay which is a
0:10:07 weakness for men more so than it is for
0:10:08 women it's one of those things and let
0:10:10 me say
0:10:11 you know as many of the viewers know
0:10:13 like muslim women have to wear hijab
0:10:15 which is more encompassing than what a
0:10:16 man has to cover and so on and so forth
0:10:18 yeah
0:10:19 and a lot of people come muslim and
0:10:20 non-muslim alike and they say like why
0:10:22 should a woman cover up for the weakness
0:10:24 of a man
0:10:25 that is the wrong why not the question
0:10:27 is why not why should a man cover up for
0:10:28 the weakness of a woman if certain
0:10:30 things certain events a fire happened
0:10:32 women and children come out first or a
0:10:34 war happened the men on the front line
0:10:36 these things are clear that there are
0:10:37 some things that men are stronger than
0:10:39 women at and some things that women are
0:10:41 stronger than men and that's why the
0:10:43 quran beautifully expresses this in one
0:10:45 sentence where in senator the human
0:10:46 being is he's been created weak the
0:10:48 human being has been created weak and in
0:10:50 fact in this context it's talking about
0:10:51 sexual weakness
0:10:53 and so yeah
0:10:54 the idea of a man having intercourse
0:10:57 or the woman helping really facilitating
0:11:00 for the man
0:11:01 something which would otherwise be his
0:11:02 weakness something which would otherwise
0:11:04 if it's not done it can cause greater
0:11:06 societal decadence and decay because
0:11:08 he's going to go try and find find it
0:11:10 elsewhere
0:11:12 pathological behavior will start to
0:11:13 emerge it will destabilize families and
0:11:15 all kinds of other things happen you
0:11:17 might start to find her
0:11:19 you know uh
0:11:20 he might not he might be put off her to
0:11:22 be honest with you might be
0:11:24 a horrible thing for him so yeah this is
0:11:26 we're not advocating obviously some
0:11:27 stupid person is going to come out and
0:11:29 say are you talking about rape or
0:11:30 something obviously we're not sick if a
0:11:32 woman doesn't want to give it you can't
0:11:33 take it from her like that because you
0:11:34 can't cause anyone harm in islam that's
0:11:36 what we believe anyway but yeah
0:11:38 the fact that a woman wouldn't want to
0:11:39 give it to a man anyways is the mark of
0:11:42 a dysfunctional relationship yeah it is
0:11:44 a mark over there but i'm i'm i respect
0:11:46 the fact that he's he's coming out
0:11:47 saying this because you won't find many
0:11:49 people coming out men saying in the way
0:11:51 that he said that what do you think
0:11:52 about that yeah i think you made a good
0:11:54 point unfortunately and sadly in this
0:11:56 day and age especially in sitcoms when
0:11:58 you see
0:11:59 a husband and a wife sex is actually
0:12:01 used as a weapon
0:12:02 it's actually used as a weapon kids are
0:12:05 used as weapons and when you start using
0:12:07 these things as weapons then what you're
0:12:09 doing is you are breaking that from that
0:12:11 family up and if if a man can't get it
0:12:13 at home if a woman can't get at home
0:12:16 then i mean the question now arises
0:12:18 where else are they going to get it from
0:12:20 well she does mention women here
0:12:22 should we listen to what she has to say
0:12:23 yeah we continue let's say you know a
0:12:25 lot of people throughout my life would
0:12:27 tell me
0:12:28 that i'm like a man because i remember i
0:12:31 never people would tell me
0:12:33 i shouldn't want to i shouldn't expect
0:12:36 as a woman to
0:12:38 have a climax every time i do it right
0:12:41 i'm like hilton and i said excuse me are
0:12:44 you out of your [ __ ] mind why
0:12:46 wouldn't i want to climax every time i
0:12:49 have intercourse just like you want to
0:12:51 climax when you have interquest and i
0:12:53 was i was accused of being like a man
0:12:58 not in my you know i'm this is years ago
0:13:01 and i knew that wasn't going to work
0:13:03 chad cause uh it's not only about you
0:13:06 okay well i mean yeah i think you were
0:13:08 mentioning it before as well that this
0:13:09 is something that
0:13:10 in islam when you look at the literature
0:13:12 this is something that's emphasized that
0:13:14 it's not just about the man's pleasure
0:13:16 it is about the females pleasure as well
0:13:18 i mean just like
0:13:20 when we're talking about
0:13:21 complementarianism
0:13:22 and we're talking about both parties
0:13:24 then this actually fits in very well to
0:13:26 that i agree
0:13:28 a lot of men and the prophet gave
0:13:29 explicit advice as like not to come in
0:13:31 and go out straight away
0:13:33 even to to warm up a woman to foreplay
0:13:35 all that kind of stuff
0:13:36 very
0:13:37 specific about this shows you this
0:13:39 comprehensiveness of the guidance of
0:13:40 islam like
0:13:41 women work in a different sexual manner
0:13:44 to men and i'll tell you something like
0:13:46 honestly a lot of men we talk about men
0:13:48 withholding and sexual
0:13:49 marriages and stuff but also women men
0:13:51 sorry women withholding but men will
0:13:53 hold as well sometimes like and and that
0:13:55 is
0:13:56 if you want to destroy your marriage as
0:13:58 a man
0:13:59 then the first thing you'll do is ignore
0:14:00 your woman's sexual needs
0:14:02 not necessarily yeah
0:14:04 you know unnecessarily of course but
0:14:06 either way is unnecessary like in the
0:14:07 sense that why are you no because in the
0:14:09 quran it does say that you can oh yeah
0:14:12 if she's unnecessarily in the sense that
0:14:13 you know it's not because she's acting
0:14:16 rebelliously or something like that or
0:14:17 and no shoes
0:14:18 of course of course good point but like
0:14:20 what i'm saying is exactly you know what
0:14:22 i'm trying to say like
0:14:23 if she wants
0:14:25 something and you're ignoring that
0:14:27 men need to also realize that this is a
0:14:29 quick way to break a family
0:14:31 and then she would you not think that
0:14:32 this you're going to cause a fitnah do
0:14:33 you not think does not a man not think
0:14:35 that by leaving his wife sexual needs
0:14:37 and she wants to do something and she's
0:14:39 prodding him and she wants to you know
0:14:41 engage sexual sexually women he's like
0:14:43 kind of like giving her the cold
0:14:44 shoulder or on his phone or something
0:14:46 like that does he not think that he's
0:14:48 now destroying the family and that he's
0:14:50 making a fitna for himself and for his
0:14:52 uh for his family yeah so it's at the
0:14:54 same time like we have to be fair here
0:14:56 just islam it gives actually if a man
0:14:59 can't sexually satisfy a woman there's
0:15:01 and and it continues and he's is
0:15:03 stopping herself there's very strong
0:15:05 grounds for a divorce here there's
0:15:07 actually i'm not saying that woman
0:15:08 should do that she should obviously try
0:15:09 and wash
0:15:16 it shows how serious of an issue that it
0:15:18 is yeah there's yeah this is you can't
0:15:19 you cannot yeah you cannot withhold from
0:15:23 either party and this goes back to the
0:15:24 complementarian point yeah but so yeah
0:15:26 we agree with that we agree with that
0:15:29 but generally now before we close off
0:15:30 what do you think of this conversation
0:15:32 back and forth we've already talked
0:15:34 about what's conspicuously kind of
0:15:35 missing here which is mention of the
0:15:36 children and these conversations they
0:15:38 always disregard the children
0:15:40 in family settings what else would you
0:15:42 say is missing or should have been added
0:15:44 or could have been i think what's
0:15:45 interesting here is
0:15:47 someone like myself or when i was
0:15:48 initially watching it i expected cam
0:15:51 kevin samuels to go in full guns blazing
0:15:53 and just smash her to bits and stuff
0:15:55 like that because that's that's what
0:15:56 he's known for yeah and oh i was
0:15:58 expecting nikki to be very blase and
0:16:00 very kind of loud and you know very i'm
0:16:04 gonna represent for the people and all
0:16:05 these women and i'm gonna lay on him i
0:16:08 think both of them were clever in their
0:16:09 approach um kevin respected her um and
0:16:13 she respected him and i think we were
0:16:16 discussing before as well that i think
0:16:18 he maneuvered himself very well uh in
0:16:20 that discussion so in that sort of sense
0:16:23 on that point actually you make a good
0:16:24 point because at the end of it is like
0:16:26 this is this actually it might seem
0:16:28 uh
0:16:29 like
0:16:30 trivial yeah i guess
0:16:32 but at the end he was like i need to go
0:16:34 now and i know that might seem like
0:16:36 something trivial but i think it was
0:16:37 premeditated personally you know and i
0:16:39 think that actually speaks volumes to
0:16:41 the kind of thing as muslim men yeah
0:16:43 because it's not just we're not here to
0:16:44 criticize only kevin and nikki well
0:16:46 nikki we should be criticizing to be
0:16:47 honest she's
0:16:48 from the looks of it a completely
0:16:49 decadent character but with kevin at
0:16:51 least
0:16:52 there are some things which muslim men
0:16:54 can actually learn from and this is one
0:16:56 of them if you look at the end of this
0:16:57 conversation he's like have you got any
0:16:59 more questions because i need to leave
0:17:01 well good to be on here with you you got
0:17:03 any other questions because i gotta get
0:17:06 but the phraseology is actually very
0:17:07 telling here have you got any questions
0:17:09 so he's the he's the one that's being
0:17:10 questioned yeah he's put himself in the
0:17:12 teachers the edifying position he's the
0:17:14 teacher
0:17:15 because i need to you know go whatever
0:17:16 yeah meaning
0:17:18 i've got things to do i i don't value
0:17:20 you as much as you think you value
0:17:22 yourself
0:17:23 he's not saying that in explicit terms
0:17:25 but he's gesturing it through implicit
0:17:28 action because he knows if he does it
0:17:30 explicitly he's risking putting his
0:17:32 reputation at risk with someone of her
0:17:34 social profile you know who is at least
0:17:36 seen the society as successful although
0:17:38 she is not according to us yeah
0:17:40 what do you think of that kind of
0:17:41 maneuvering bro so there's websites
0:17:43 nowadays in which people go and you know
0:17:46 they unlock pictures and they they spend
0:17:49 extortion amounts of money just so they
0:17:51 can interact with women and there's a uh
0:17:53 a term which has been coined called
0:17:55 simping
0:17:56 where even in in games people pay
0:17:59 extortionate amounts to female gamers
0:18:01 just so they can kind of sit there and
0:18:03 simp over them and stuff like that so
0:18:05 this has become a big problem in our
0:18:07 society and for for us to kind of
0:18:10 they're an asian community as much like
0:18:12 it's in every community unfortunately
0:18:14 sadly there's a pakistani before you
0:18:16 tell us what's happening
0:18:18 it's it's in every community that i've
0:18:20 seen yeah because the world has become a
0:18:22 global village it's not i think we're
0:18:23 okay
0:18:25 you know the highest consumers of uh
0:18:28 pornography and stuff like that is
0:18:30 actually the
0:18:32 it's actually not that different though
0:18:34 we're talking about this this groveling
0:18:35 attitude we call simping in it yeah yeah
0:18:37 that's the he he exemplifies a good
0:18:40 example even
0:18:41 even when you look at the economic
0:18:42 hitman by john perkins he actually talks
0:18:44 about you know people that higher up in
0:18:46 certain arab countries oh you're trying
0:18:48 to first of all
0:18:49 you hear this
0:18:54 where this bro they pay extortionate
0:18:56 amounts just to to get white women and
0:18:58 stuff like that this is this is uh
0:19:00 post-colonial simping that that's what
0:19:02 it is
0:19:03 so in that sense to see somebody like
0:19:06 this because nikki at the start she
0:19:08 actually rated herself as a seven
0:19:10 now she's absolutely she doesn't think
0:19:12 but she did which was interesting but
0:19:14 then you can ask a question yeah
0:19:16 sorry i don't you know i don't know
0:19:19 i've not heard a single song from this
0:19:21 woman i don't know who this woman is you
0:19:23 know right i had to research her after i
0:19:25 saw this thing with this guy yeah okay
0:19:26 i'm not just saying that i know she's
0:19:27 famous but she thinks she's famous and
0:19:29 important i don't think she is all right
0:19:32 but
0:19:32 is he who rated him nine out of ten
0:19:34 right he did yeah
0:19:36 i mean is that something you would say
0:19:37 is accurate
0:19:41 i mean is that is that do you think he's
0:19:43 doing that to kind of boost her ego or
0:19:44 something about that i think he is
0:19:46 because it was very interesting because
0:19:48 i think you made the point you said at
0:19:50 the start when he increased her rating
0:19:52 the conversation took a different turn
0:19:54 imagine if he gave like a four uh which
0:19:57 i think would actually
0:19:58 i checked let me say something
0:20:00 sorry to say well i checked the
0:20:02 wikipedia page of this individual yeah
0:20:04 and i saw that she was like 40. like on
0:20:06 his standards i don't see how his
0:20:07 subjective measuring stick is is all
0:20:09 over because on his a four-year-old
0:20:11 woman for him well he and he says over
0:20:14 35 is gone so how could he be giving her
0:20:16 that number i think maybe it was a
0:20:18 strategic move because i think with any
0:20:20 of these celebrities so that means his
0:20:21 his rating system is is flawed bro or
0:20:24 maybe this was like exceptionalism maybe
0:20:27 it was one-off that he was just trying
0:20:28 to protect himself yeah protect himself
0:20:31 and stuff like because imagine if he
0:20:32 upset nikki and then he's getting a
0:20:33 barrage of thousands of messages after
0:20:36 the ejaculation after the orgasm yeah
0:20:40 after both parties or one of them
0:20:42 orgasms the male orgasms yeah what is
0:20:44 their left what can you help us what is
0:20:46 there what what is that to do you can't
0:20:48 i can't no no no
0:20:50 what i mean is that's done now okay okay
0:20:53 you you have a very uh very beautiful
0:20:56 voluptuous physique whatever i've i've
0:20:58 relieved myself in you no problem
0:21:00 now what no no seriously now what are we
0:21:04 gonna have tea
0:21:05 are we gonna eat food are we gonna talk
0:21:07 yeah because at the end of the day
0:21:09 you're not having sex all day they were
0:21:10 talking about sex with one third of the
0:21:12 conversation you're not having sex all
0:21:14 day if it's gonna be a superficial
0:21:15 reality
0:21:16 then i'm really sorry it's going to
0:21:18 break families
0:21:19 she's going to be unsatisfied
0:21:21 intellectually mentally in every other
0:21:23 way
0:21:24 the communities are going to break down
0:21:25 as i said it's just egoism on steroids
0:21:28 yeah i think that's a that's a very good
0:21:29 point a very good summary and uh
0:21:32 i think
0:21:33 it proves and it shows that islam has
0:21:35 the holistic kind of view you can go to
0:21:37 isms and schisms and some things that
0:21:40 these people say sound very nice and
0:21:41 videos going viral by the end of the day
0:21:44 islam is the dean that comes from our
0:21:46 lord we have the pixel he has the
0:21:48 picture and if you want a holistic
0:21:51 unapologetic um objective view on life
0:21:55 then islam
0:21:56 is for you and for me that's right
0:21:59 that's right so you know what to do
0:22:01 nicki minaj you convert to islam you can
0:22:03 you can stop being successful because
0:22:05 the quran says i'm going to end with
0:22:06 this which is by time
0:22:10 that certainly human being is in a state
0:22:12 of loss you're a failure a loser you're
0:22:15 unsuccessful
0:22:16 all of us are illa ladin
0:22:18 except for those who believe
0:22:21 and they do good works good works yeah
0:22:24 what
0:22:29 and they exhort one another to patients
0:22:31 that's true success
0:22:35 muslims in norway are now establishing a
0:22:37 message and our center to enhance the
0:22:40 norwegian dawah if you donate to the
0:22:42 scores you will ensure allah reap the
0:22:44 rewards of thousands of muslims coming
0:22:46 back to islam and many of those who
0:22:48 become dwight and invite to islam so
0:22:51 click the link and donate now and share
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