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Muslim schools Neil deGrasse (2021-01-26)


Neil deGrasse should apologise publicly for his academic dishonesty.

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Summary of Muslim schools Neil deGrasse

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

discusses Neil deGrasse's claim that Muslims have been historically bad at science. It argues that this claim is contradictory to historical evidence and instead indicative of deGrasse's own lack of understanding of the subject. goes on to say that even though al-Ghazali was a Muslim philosopher, he was also a mathematician and astronomer, and thus had a significant impact on the development of science.

00:00:00 Neil deGrasse criticizes Islam for its lack of scientific progress and its lack of coherence in practice. He further argues that Muslims were interpreting the Qur'an in whatever way they wanted before al-Ghazali. DeGrasse concludes that this man is weak academically and that Muslims were following principles laid down by early Islamic scholars even before al-Ghazali's time.

  • 00:05:00 claims that al-Ghazali mentioned that it's the manipulation of numbers that are the work of the devil, and that this is a distortion that the new atheists have to resort to in order to attack religious narratives. It goes on to say that al-Ghazali, who was a renowned philosopher and theologian, would be against science, mathematics, and technology. The individual making the video claims that this distortion of al-Ghazali's intellectual history should be apology to the Muslim community and to the academic community as a whole.
  • 00:10:00 Neil deGrasse argues that Muslims have historically been bad at science, citing the works of Ibn Nafis and ibn Nafi's nephews as examples. He then goes on to say that this lack of science has led to the rise of Islam again after the Dark Ages. This claim is contradicted by historical evidence, and is instead indicative of Neil deGrasse's own lack of understanding of the subject.
  • 00:15:00 is a lecture by Neil deGrasse Tyson on the influence of al-Ghazali on the development of the scientific revolution. Tyson argues that even though al-Ghazali was a Muslim philosopher, he was also a mathematician and astronomer, and thus had a significant impact on the development of science. He also points out that even though there are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world, many are not involved in scientific discovery.
  • 00:20:00 argues that because Muslims place a high importance on religious belief, they would be less likely to engage in rigorous debate and instead would retreat into the "holes" they came from if challenged. If they did not offer an apology, they would be humiliated.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 islam rose again after this period
0:00:02 didn't have science
0:00:03 associated with it no new inventions in
0:00:06 math
0:00:08 you look at the period of islam in spain
0:00:10 the period where the great
0:00:12 alhambra was built there is no attendant
0:00:14 science going on there
0:00:15 it's done it's gone this is now
0:00:19 gonna be in the public sphere for people
0:00:21 to ridicule you
0:00:22 and to remind you of your incompetence
0:00:24 every time they see your face they'll be
0:00:26 reminded
0:00:27 of your academic incompetence on these
0:00:29 fields
0:00:37 how are you guys doing so i came across
0:00:39 a clip by
0:00:40 a new atheist academic called neil
0:00:42 degrasse now this individual
0:00:44 is put forward in a lot of the kind of
0:00:45 debates and public discussions and he
0:00:47 gets millions of views
0:00:48 and he represents the kind of new
0:00:50 atheism from as much as i can
0:00:52 um understand from his polemics
0:00:55 and really when i watch this clip i
0:00:57 thought to myself should i dignify
0:00:59 should i dignify these comments with the
0:01:01 response
0:01:03 and i at the end of it i said i have to
0:01:04 because this is such a ridiculous
0:01:07 showing of academic incompetence that i
0:01:10 thought
0:01:10 it must be answered so let's take a look
0:01:12 at this clip and dissect it
0:01:14 piece by piece at this point
0:01:17 islam is maybe just a few hundred years
0:01:19 old so the first thing he says he says
0:01:21 islam is just a few hundred years old
0:01:22 now i don't know how he defines a few
0:01:25 but at the time of islam is around 500
0:01:28 years which is
0:01:28 half a mil half a millennium so this is
0:01:31 already showing you is
0:01:33 precursors to the bigger errors that are
0:01:36 going to come
0:01:36 people are reading the quran and
0:01:38 interpreting it however they sort of
0:01:40 want to and feel like it
0:01:41 there's not a coherence to the practice
0:01:43 of islam until he comes around
0:01:45 he says something here which i don't
0:01:47 understand what he means by because he
0:01:48 says
0:01:49 before ghazali there was no coherence to
0:01:51 the practice of islam
0:01:53 now i don't understand what he means by
0:01:54 this because from a jurisprudential
0:01:56 perspective
0:01:57 the four imma or the four imams major
0:01:59 imams of sunni islam
0:02:01 and by the way also the major branch of
0:02:03 shia
0:02:04 islam were all established i mean you
0:02:06 had um
0:02:07 you know the form of the heb you had us
0:02:10 being established
0:02:11 by the book of hashem who wrote one of
0:02:14 the most
0:02:15 early commentaries or explications
0:02:19 of asura or the principles of
0:02:21 jurisprudence
0:02:22 you had the codification of all of the
0:02:24 major hadith books including bukhari and
0:02:26 muslim and so on
0:02:27 so i don't really understand what he
0:02:28 means but by the fact that there was no
0:02:30 coherence to the practice of islam
0:02:32 especially because al-ghazali himself
0:02:35 was positioned
0:02:36 or was from the school of thought of the
0:02:38 shaftas
0:02:39 and he was from the school of thought
0:02:40 from the perspective
0:02:42 so he was part of the discourse but he
0:02:45 was not in any way
0:02:46 um you know making his own school of
0:02:49 thought
0:02:50 i mean there were practices that were
0:02:52 already codified from
0:02:53 a jurisprudential creedal and hadith
0:02:56 perspective so i didn't understand
0:02:57 really what he meant by this
0:02:58 but let's go on and see what he says
0:03:01 next people are reading the quran and
0:03:03 interpreting it however they sort of
0:03:05 want to and feel like it there's not a
0:03:06 coherence
0:03:08 to the practice of islam until he comes
0:03:09 around now he says that
0:03:12 muslims were interpreting the quran in
0:03:14 whatever way they wanted to
0:03:16 but this is false because there were
0:03:17 principles of istimbat
0:03:20 uh as is mentioned in the quran you know
0:03:24 is the quran says that the those who are
0:03:28 able to do extrapolation
0:03:29 would be able to do so and this
0:03:31 extrapolation
0:03:32 is a method right so it's called um you
0:03:35 know tafsir method
0:03:36 or the exegetical method this was
0:03:38 already laid down
0:03:39 well before you know al-ghazali atabari
0:03:43 had his
0:03:44 magnum opus or his uh compendius or
0:03:47 voluminous or encyclopedic
0:03:49 uh tafir and this was well known and and
0:03:52 many other
0:03:53 or exegetical works were made thereafter
0:03:56 so this idea that people were
0:03:58 haphazardly haphazardly you know
0:04:01 interpreting the quran in the way that
0:04:03 they wanted to is far from the
0:04:05 theological truth
0:04:06 and this shows that this man is weak
0:04:09 academically in his presentation
0:04:11 and codifies the behavior of a good
0:04:13 muslim
0:04:14 in much the same way saint augustine in
0:04:16 his book cities of god
0:04:18 codified what it is to be a good
0:04:20 christian and he says
0:04:22 that augustine codified what it is to be
0:04:24 a good christian as if he was
0:04:26 you know in the uh in the fifth century
0:04:28 as he came along he was the one who did
0:04:30 so and there was not a patristic
0:04:32 uh backdrop to his uh existence i mean
0:04:34 many of the church fathers uh
0:04:36 predated augustine by hundreds of years
0:04:38 and we have justin marty you have uh
0:04:40 origin of alexandria you have all of
0:04:42 these uh big names and you have the
0:04:45 so-called ecumenical councils that you
0:04:47 know chalcedon and
0:04:48 and nicaea and all of these things i
0:04:50 mean was was there not a christian
0:04:52 community before augustine came along
0:04:54 and this shows you that his patristic
0:04:56 understanding or
0:04:57 understanding of patristic scholarship
0:04:59 is as weak or even probably
0:05:01 weaker than his historical knowledge and
0:05:03 or theological knowledge as it relates
0:05:05 to islam so let's go on
0:05:07 the assertion that the manipulation of
0:05:08 numbers is the work of the devil
0:05:10 all right so here he makes his big claim
0:05:13 he says that al-ghazali mentions
0:05:15 that uh it's the manipulation of numbers
0:05:17 are the work of the devil
0:05:19 as assuming or presupposing that
0:05:21 al-ghazali of
0:05:22 all people he could have chosen and this
0:05:25 is ridiculous
0:05:26 because al-ghazali of all the for anyone
0:05:29 who knows just a little bit
0:05:31 of either the philosophy of religion or
0:05:33 intellectual history
0:05:34 they would know who al-ghazali is for
0:05:37 all the people in the islamic world you
0:05:38 decided to choose
0:05:40 you chose al-ghazali to say that he was
0:05:42 against
0:05:43 science and mathematics and what's worse
0:05:45 is that the quote that he mentioned is
0:05:47 nowhere to be found in his compendious
0:05:49 works
0:05:51 the closest thing i found was something
0:05:53 in his
0:05:55 din which is a book his huge book
0:05:58 made many volumes voluminous
0:06:02 and in in his catabol
0:06:05 he mentions that people who go far in
0:06:08 excesses
0:06:09 when it comes to not just mathematics
0:06:11 but in other other fields
0:06:12 in kalam and otherwise that they would
0:06:14 be damaging themselves
0:06:16 but he actually mentions in the same
0:06:17 book by the way this book
0:06:19 is translated into english and you can
0:06:22 pick up
0:06:23 an english translation by kenneth uh
0:06:26 honor camp
0:06:27 and you'll find in page 38 that al
0:06:29 hazali says the opposite of what you're
0:06:31 saying that he said
0:06:32 al-hazari
0:06:35 that it's a communal obligation for
0:06:38 people to learn
0:06:40 the praised sciences as he calls them
0:06:43 of medicine and of mathematics you see
0:06:46 this is the distortion that the new
0:06:48 atheists have to resort to in order to
0:06:50 try
0:06:51 and attack religious narratives absolute
0:06:54 distortions
0:06:55 and they should be ashamed of themselves
0:06:57 that they're coming forward
0:06:58 and speaking in this way without the
0:07:00 academic competence
0:07:02 the academic competence of checking
0:07:04 their work
0:07:06 i mean if this was done in another
0:07:08 context
0:07:10 with other fields they would be all over
0:07:12 us and attacking us but this
0:07:13 is historical information which has been
0:07:16 distorted
0:07:17 and how dare you mention al-ghazali of
0:07:19 all the scholars you could have
0:07:21 mentioned
0:07:22 an individual who had a method which was
0:07:25 systematic
0:07:26 and if you really look at rene descartes
0:07:29 who was the father
0:07:30 of rationalism in the west and his book
0:07:32 the meditations
0:07:33 where he went through systematic doubt
0:07:35 in order to to come to
0:07:36 kojito uh ergosome which is i think
0:07:39 therefore i am
0:07:40 you'll realize that in
0:07:46 and all of those books that the same
0:07:48 method of systematic doubt
0:07:51 well before rene descartes came along
0:07:53 with it
0:07:54 was exhibited and presented by the works
0:07:56 of al ghazali
0:07:58 where he done exactly the same thing a
0:08:00 systematic doubt
0:08:01 a skeptical approach and then the kalam
0:08:05 method
0:08:05 and the arguments from kalam which are
0:08:08 all over the academic
0:08:10 world now uh popularized by the likes of
0:08:13 william lane craig and others
0:08:15 in atheist discussions were taken from
0:08:17 la jazeli
0:08:18 why if he is somebody who is averse
0:08:22 to the logical process or reverse to
0:08:24 mathematics or reverse
0:08:26 to medicine and science
0:08:30 in his book al mustafa which is one of
0:08:33 the most
0:08:34 elaborative books on the topic of the
0:08:36 principles of jurisprudence
0:08:38 he starts this book with a discussion
0:08:42 on epistemology and he
0:08:45 started a tradition of doing that
0:08:48 such that even hanabila who are more
0:08:51 conservative and reserved
0:08:53 especially when it came to kalam the
0:08:56 systematic theo theology someone like
0:08:59 ibn kodama
0:09:00 in his book in his usual book which he
0:09:03 which
0:09:04 which was really at a copy or of a
0:09:06 template of al ghazali
0:09:08 he also did the same thing in the first
0:09:09 manuscript that you find so he started a
0:09:12 tradition
0:09:13 of a discussion about epistemology and
0:09:16 about
0:09:17 these philosophical matters how dare you
0:09:19 attribute to him
0:09:21 of all people in the muslim world
0:09:24 that he was averse to and against
0:09:28 science mathematics and technology you
0:09:30 should be ashamed of yourself
0:09:32 and this is you actually you should come
0:09:34 out and apologize
0:09:35 you should come out and apologize to the
0:09:37 muslim community and to the academic
0:09:39 community not just the muslim to the
0:09:40 academic community
0:09:42 for distorting the his his intellectual
0:09:44 history
0:09:45 of the medieval period in such a way you
0:09:48 should come out and apologize i want to
0:09:50 see an apology on your twitter
0:09:51 or whatever it is you use yes because
0:09:54 how dare you come out and lie
0:09:56 flagrantly blatantly and obviously
0:10:00 lie about something which you didn't
0:10:03 have the
0:10:04 common decency to double check you make
0:10:08 me sick
0:10:09 you make me sick and this is what the
0:10:12 new atheist movement has to resort to
0:10:14 flagrant and obvious lies in order to
0:10:17 distort
0:10:18 the public narrative and to try and
0:10:20 bring people away from religion
0:10:22 you have failed and you should be
0:10:25 ashamed of yourself
0:10:27 two actions that you see in nature
0:10:30 are the will of allah
0:10:34 well if you drop a stone and it falls
0:10:37 allah will that
0:10:39 he's talking about philosophy and then
0:10:40 he makes a bigger blunder he says
0:10:42 you see all the actions are from the
0:10:44 will of allah and here he is referring
0:10:45 to occasionalism
0:10:47 occasionalism which is a an ashari
0:10:49 doctrine and by the way al ghazali if
0:10:51 you really read his books
0:10:52 he didn't believe in it in as much the
0:10:54 same way as many of his predecessors
0:10:56 did as many of the scholars even in the
0:11:00 in the west now
0:11:01 uh have spoken about he believed in a
0:11:03 second order causation
0:11:05 but anyway this is aside the point you
0:11:06 wouldn't even understand what i'm
0:11:07 talking about
0:11:08 what is important here because you
0:11:10 you're full with all due respect and
0:11:11 you're ignorant of these things
0:11:13 so you i've got to speak and you're not
0:11:14 going to understand but what you should
0:11:16 know is
0:11:17 what's really funny and ironic is people
0:11:19 that you have had interviews with on
0:11:21 this topic
0:11:22 of determinism and free will like sam
0:11:24 harris who
0:11:25 wrote a book called free will believe in
0:11:28 determinism
0:11:29 and so they don't believe so you're
0:11:32 saying here the will of god so
0:11:33 this stops curiosity and stops our uh
0:11:36 kind of motivation or incen
0:11:38 disincentivize us from doing things if
0:11:41 that's your explanation
0:11:44 your curiosity stops but a determinist
0:11:48 even if they're an atheist who believes
0:11:50 in an uninterrupted causal chain
0:11:53 will have exactly the same philosophical
0:11:55 baggage
0:11:57 so when you were seated in front of your
0:11:59 friend sam harris
0:12:00 who wrote a book called free will and he
0:12:03 wrote at the bottom of it sam harris but
0:12:05 actually he should have wrote he
0:12:06 shouldn't have put his name there
0:12:07 because it wasn't sam harris with his
0:12:08 free will that wrote that book
0:12:10 but it was a set of uh determined
0:12:13 uninterrupted events caused events that
0:12:16 wrote that book
0:12:17 you should have inquired about that
0:12:20 about
0:12:20 why could it be the case or could it be
0:12:22 the case that a deterministic world view
0:12:25 will interrupt someone's incentive
0:12:28 to do things because otherwise
0:12:30 everyone's a puppet everyone's doing
0:12:31 things without uh
0:12:32 free will so if you're arguing that this
0:12:36 disincentivize people from or
0:12:39 makes them less curious from doing
0:12:41 things like science then this
0:12:43 argument can be made on the world view
0:12:44 of determinism
0:12:46 you see you've shot yourself in the foot
0:12:48 because of your lack of knowledge not
0:12:49 just
0:12:50 in theology and history but also
0:12:51 philosophy philosophy of religion
0:12:53 and other other than that so you should
0:12:55 be ashamed of yourself once again and
0:12:56 you're embarrassing yourself
0:12:58 you are absolutely embarrassing yourself
0:13:00 the more you talk the more you make
0:13:02 blunders
0:13:03 and you're getting caught out and no
0:13:04 longer is the muslim community or even
0:13:06 any religious community i'm going to say
0:13:08 idly by
0:13:09 watching individuals like you talk
0:13:11 rubbish and make mistakes and blunders
0:13:14 and and just leave you to do what you
0:13:15 want to do and maybe some of our youth
0:13:17 will listen to what you have to say
0:13:18 and be convinced no we're going to hold
0:13:20 you to account to academic account
0:13:23 not just on a peer-reviewed journal that
0:13:24 only a a few elites can
0:13:27 can can look at no this is now
0:13:30 going to be in the public sphere for
0:13:32 people to ridicule you
0:13:34 and to remind you of your incompetence
0:13:36 every time they see your face they'll be
0:13:37 reminded
0:13:38 of your academic incompetence on these
0:13:41 fields
0:13:42 islam rose again after this period
0:13:44 didn't have science
0:13:45 associated with it and look at this
0:13:48 claim that he makes he says
0:13:49 islam rose again after this period
0:13:53 but i didn't have science oh my god now
0:13:56 you've
0:13:56 just now you've humiliated yourself with
0:13:58 all due respect to you
0:14:00 that you don't actually deserve you've
0:14:03 humiliated yourself
0:14:04 how have you humiliated yourself you've
0:14:06 humiliated yourself
0:14:07 completely humiliated yourself so let me
0:14:09 give you a few a few names
0:14:11 ibn nafis when did he die ibn nafi is
0:14:14 one of the
0:14:15 greatest figures of the medieval period
0:14:18 and in the arab uh world in the islamic
0:14:22 period 12 13 12 13.
0:14:25 this is how many years after al-ghazali
0:14:27 died maybe about 200 years
0:14:29 in fact exactly 200 and two years
0:14:32 yes or 102 years so what
0:14:36 even nephews was not uh he was
0:14:38 brainwashed by al-ghazali
0:14:39 somehow the works of al-ghazali stopped
0:14:43 everyone from doing science does this
0:14:44 even sound rational to you
0:14:46 i mean your irrationality your new
0:14:49 atheist irrationality is so
0:14:51 limited that you can't even understand
0:14:54 oh one book is it really going to change
0:14:56 the way everyone operates in the entire
0:14:58 islamicate period
0:15:00 even nafis when did he die i mean didn't
0:15:02 even want to dignify yourself by
0:15:04 checking these things up
0:15:05 i mean some of the contemporaries of
0:15:08 al-ghazali were doing mathematics
0:15:10 i he died uh like a couple a
0:15:14 couple of dozen years after he died some
0:15:16 years after gazali
0:15:19 i mean oh he was a mathematician why
0:15:22 didn't he stop doing maths
0:15:24 i mean this is ridiculous the geographer
0:15:28 wait a minute what about atosi
0:15:32 a torsi who copernicus
0:15:36 references yes he references in his book
0:15:41 and obviously copernicus you know is the
0:15:44 figurehead of the scientific revolution
0:15:46 in the 16th century and though albertani
0:15:50 is the only islamic astronomer
0:15:51 copernicus actually names recent
0:15:54 detective work
0:15:55 has uncovered clues that copernicus
0:15:57 based many of his ideas
0:15:59 on the work of other islamic scholars
0:16:01 the clearest example
0:16:03 is copernicus's use of a mathematical
0:16:05 idea
0:16:06 devised by the 13th century islamic
0:16:08 astronomer
0:16:09 el torsi you have never read the works
0:16:11 of copernicus because if you did
0:16:13 you'd know it's not just a tulsi that he
0:16:15 references
0:16:16 but he also references
0:16:21 was an ottoman into the 15th or
0:16:24 15th or 16th century
0:16:27 well after al ghazali he was an ottoman
0:16:31 but he was instrumental
0:16:35 he was absolutely instrumental in
0:16:38 influencing the copernican revolution of
0:16:41 the scientific revolution
0:16:43 which is probably the biggest paradigm
0:16:45 shift to use the
0:16:46 term of thomas kuhn that the western
0:16:49 world has ever had in terms of
0:16:50 scientific
0:16:51 enterprise only to be compared possibly
0:16:54 within
0:16:55 the movement from newtonian to
0:16:56 einsteinian physics how
0:16:58 dare you stand in front of people
0:17:02 and teach them false information
0:17:06 how dare you do that
0:17:09 how dare you stand there
0:17:13 and say the things that you've said
0:17:14 without even having the dignity
0:17:17 and the self-respect of checking those
0:17:19 things out
0:17:20 and look what he says after that he says
0:17:23 there's 1.3 billion muslims
0:17:26 let's take a look he says there's 1.3
0:17:29 billion muslims
0:17:31 and how many muslims won the nobel prize
0:17:34 and he says he calls us the best measure
0:17:36 there is 1.3
0:17:38 billion muslims in the world today who
0:17:41 are
0:17:41 not participants on the frontier of
0:17:43 scientific discovery
0:17:45 what's the best measure of this to check
0:17:46 out the nobel prizes
0:17:48 i tallied them okay how many jews have
0:17:52 won the nobel prize
0:17:54 in the sciences here they go
0:17:58 the best measure wait a minute so he's
0:18:01 the argument here is that something
0:18:02 inherently in islam
0:18:04 because of al-qazali so in other words
0:18:06 everyone every muslim now is influenced
0:18:08 by
0:18:08 hazards so even the shiites or even the
0:18:11 the
0:18:12 not influenced by him or other uh other
0:18:14 mederhab or other people
0:18:15 everyone's influenced by al ghazali and
0:18:17 al ghazali has influenced them to
0:18:18 to drop a science and technology and
0:18:20 mathematics and so everyone because they
0:18:22 they needed to tell them that they
0:18:24 dropped everyone dropped science and
0:18:26 technology even though
0:18:27 even though samar khan which had the one
0:18:29 of the biggest
0:18:30 uh and most influential observatories of
0:18:33 the muslim world
0:18:35 uh was actually established some
0:18:37 centuries after ghazali's death
0:18:39 even i mean i'm shocked as a physicist
0:18:43 that you don't know about the the
0:18:44 history of physics
0:18:46 you're an ignorant person and now you're
0:18:49 making the claim
0:18:50 that of a 1.3 billion actually this must
0:18:52 be a an old
0:18:53 statistic because there's way more than
0:18:54 1.3 billion according to pew
0:18:56 another mistake 1.8 billion let's say
0:19:00 muslims in the world
0:19:01 and he says look how many people won
0:19:02 nobel prizes well okay let me ask you a
0:19:05 question how many black people have won
0:19:06 nobel prizes
0:19:07 let me ask you a question how many black
0:19:08 people now if i say that to you
0:19:11 and you say well that's because of
0:19:12 poverty and slavery and all of those
0:19:14 things
0:19:14 and colonialism okay all of those
0:19:16 excuses can be afforded to the muslim
0:19:18 world
0:19:18 most much of which have been colonized
0:19:21 especially after the ottoman fall
0:19:24 so uh it disenfranch enfranchisement and
0:19:27 poverty and all those things and
0:19:29 yeah i mean you can make the same
0:19:30 excuses and then he compares us with
0:19:32 jewish people
0:19:33 which is a false comparison i don't know
0:19:35 why he does that because obviously
0:19:36 and the nobel prize i mean let's be
0:19:38 honest the nobel prize
0:19:40 and this is this just shows me how much
0:19:42 of an uncle tom you are with all due
0:19:44 respect
0:19:45 yes because you respect the white man so
0:19:47 much
0:19:48 that when the white man and his
0:19:50 institutions they decide
0:19:52 who wins the nobel prize because it's
0:19:54 obviously ideologically linked
0:19:56 right to the western post enlightenment
0:19:59 experience
0:20:00 they decide who wins nobel prizes you
0:20:02 think that's somehow a measure of
0:20:03 objective scientific
0:20:06 discovery and enterprise and so on and
0:20:09 that's why you could never
0:20:10 ever debate a muslim who knows just a
0:20:14 little bit of islam a little bit of
0:20:15 history
0:20:16 you would never step forward and put
0:20:18 yourself
0:20:19 your neck on the academic chopping board
0:20:21 because you know what would happen
0:20:24 what would happen is the people would
0:20:26 see
0:20:27 an intellectual decapitation
0:20:32 so you roll back into the hole that you
0:20:34 came from
0:20:35 and if you don't offer the apology then
0:20:37 you've got to live with the humiliation
0:20:46 of
0:20:53 you