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How Feminism has Harmed Women - Belgium Lecture | Mohammed Hijab (2022-11-01)


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Summary of How Feminism has Harmed Women - Belgium Lecture | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:50:00

Mohammed Hijab, a Belgian Islamic scholar, discusses how feminism has harmed women in a number of ways. He argues that feminism has led to women suffering from mental disorders and harming their children. He also argues that feminism has given men too much power in the household.

00:00:00 Mohammed Hijab speaks about how feminism has harmed women by putting them in a position of deteriorated well-being. He argues that this is because feminist prescriptions or recommendations have attacked the institution of the family.

  • 00:05:00 In her book "The Feminine Mystique," Betty Friedan popularized the idea that feminism has harmed women. She surveyed female respondents and found that they suffered from mental breakdowns more than in the past. She also stated that one-third of women surveyed regretted not having children. 20 years later, Friedan has reversed her opinion and states that she regrets the situation that women are in, mourning for their unborn children. Friedan advises women not to have children in order to avoid this regret.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses a study which shows that, since the 1960s, the well-being of women has deteriorated. He points out that this is an established fact, and that many other studies have come to the same conclusion. He goes on to say that this is a result of feminist policies, which put women in the workplace and force them to do the same things as men.
  • 00:15:00 This lecture discusses the harmful effects of feminism on women. According to the speaker, 78% of women who have received feminist counseling have said they would quit their jobs if they could. These women cite psychological breakdown, nervous breakdown, and deteriorated mental conditions as the reasons they would like to leave their jobs. Men, on the other hand, enjoy the benefits of not having to commit to a woman, being able to go from one woman to another without any responsibilities, and not having to provide for children. This raises the question of whether feminism has actually harmed women more than it has helped them.
  • 00:20:00 Mohammed Hijab, a Belgian scholar, discusses the negative effects of feminism on women and children. He argues that, as a Muslim, he is more lenient in his views on abortion than many other feminists. Nevertheless, he contends that, overall, feminism has harmed women by deteriorating their well-being, causing them to suffer from mental disorders, and harming their children.
  • 00:25:00 Mohammed Hijab gives a lecture on the negative effects of feminism on women, citing studies that show that feminism has harmed women in a number of ways. He also mentions Betsy Ferdan, a founder of second-wave feminism, who says that feminism has become like a religion, with a religious feeling that is difficult to change.
  • 00:30:00 Mohammed Hijab is a Belgian Islamic scholar who opposes feminism. He believes that women should not pursue careers over motherhood, and that this is a waste of time and energy.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses how feminism has harmed women, citing examples of how feminism has disadvantaged women in terms of their abilities and status in society. also discusses how the Quran makes distinctions between males and females, and how these distinctions are based on natural factors.
  • 00:40:00 This Belgian lecture discusses how feminism has harmed women by creating ambiguous verses in the Quran and by giving men too much power in the household. It also discusses how a woman must obey her husband in cases of physical violence and when it comes to managing hierarchy in the house.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses how feminism has harmed women in Belgium, citing specific examples such as how a mother's influence over her children is greater than a father's, and how a man can give a divorce right away without the woman's consent in certain cases. He goes on to say that this is mythology, and that if a person believes that a man can be a woman empirically, they are subscribing to a myth.
  • 00:50:00 Mohammed Hijab discusses how feminism has harmed women, specifically by deconstructing the male and female body and minds. He points to how Western feminists are colonizing African minds, and how this is a more pernicious form of colonialism.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:04 thank you
0:00:09 it's a pleasure to be here and I've been
0:00:11 exploring the city today we've been
0:00:14 exploring Belgium
0:00:18 I haven't had a waffle yet believe it or
0:00:20 not I've actually not had a waffle yet
0:00:25 but maybe we'll have some later on
0:00:28 today we're going to be talking about a
0:00:30 topic which is very important to many
0:00:31 people
0:00:32 especially here in Western Europe which
0:00:36 is the issue of feminism now obviously
0:00:38 we're going to bring in the Islamic
0:00:41 perspective
0:00:42 but before I do so what I wanted to do
0:00:45 was be very straightforward with you and
0:00:48 outline the main Crux the main thrust of
0:00:53 my argument
0:00:55 my argument is simple it is that
0:00:58 feminism especially second wave
0:01:01 understandings of feminism
0:01:04 have failed in being able to provide for
0:01:07 women
0:01:08 well-being
0:01:10 in other words and in fact this is a
0:01:12 secondary proposition
0:01:14 I will say that
0:01:16 feministic prescriptions or
0:01:19 recommendations this is my postulation
0:01:21 here
0:01:22 have
0:01:24 put women in a position of deteriorated
0:01:27 well-being
0:01:29 this is this is why I'm saying
0:01:32 so the question is first of all what is
0:01:35 feminism obviously someone will say well
0:01:37 to look and see what feminism is it is
0:01:40 equality politically socially and
0:01:42 economically almost everyone agrees that
0:01:45 there should be equality at a general
0:01:47 level I don't think anyone disagrees
0:01:49 with this point
0:01:50 but if you really want to know what
0:01:52 feminism is especially when we talk
0:01:54 about second wave conceptions one must
0:01:57 refer back
0:01:58 to the 1960s through the movement to the
0:02:01 literature to the writings
0:02:03 for example one must read better fredan
0:02:07 who wrote the Feminine Mystique
0:02:09 1963
0:02:12 and she famously said that a woman in a
0:02:15 house
0:02:16 is living in a comfortable concentration
0:02:20 camp
0:02:21 one must read Simone de bevoir which I'm
0:02:24 sure many of you will be able to access
0:02:27 in French even
0:02:29 but who has written the second sex
0:02:32 a very important book
0:02:35 and see what kind of arguments that she
0:02:37 was making
0:02:39 where she made arguments explicitly made
0:02:42 arguments against
0:02:44 conceptions traditionalist conceptions
0:02:47 of the family of motherhood
0:02:49 Etc
0:02:50 one must go back to Jermaine Greer
0:02:54 once again lived at that time
0:02:57 and wrote the female eunuch
0:03:01 one must go back to these people and if
0:03:04 one does do that one will realize
0:03:08 that there was
0:03:10 a very intentional attack
0:03:14 on the institution of the family
0:03:17 now you'll say this is not substantiated
0:03:20 I will say something to you which maybe
0:03:23 many of you didn't know
0:03:27 question for Dan
0:03:29 who wrote the Feminine Mystique in 1963
0:03:33 some 58 years ago
0:03:36 Betty Friedan herself wrote a book
0:03:38 called the second Sage she wrote this
0:03:41 book in 1981.
0:03:44 and in this book she openly admits she
0:03:48 says we must look Within
0:03:51 relating to how we have actually
0:03:55 reduced conceptions of the family
0:03:58 and when commenting on her famous line
0:04:02 that
0:04:03 the house is a comfortable Concentration
0:04:05 Camp She refers to her own statement
0:04:09 20 years later as an extreme statement
0:04:13 so by the admission of the authors
0:04:17 themselves
0:04:19 there has been a failure
0:04:22 one must also think of something else
0:04:25 Betsy Friedan who wrote This Book who
0:04:28 told women that they must prioritize
0:04:31 their careers first this is what they
0:04:34 must do
0:04:37 she
0:04:39 actually ran some surveys
0:04:42 she was known for for doing surveys and
0:04:44 doing studies
0:04:47 and to her dismay she found in 1970s in
0:04:52 the 1970s
0:04:53 she found that women
0:04:56 after
0:04:58 the legislative or Law changes that took
0:05:01 place in America and by the way in all
0:05:03 of Western Europe as well
0:05:05 that they were suffering more not less
0:05:08 and that was actually her conclusion
0:05:12 that was her conclusion
0:05:15 and then she says herself this is Betty
0:05:17 Friedan but Muhammad hijab it's not the
0:05:20 Muslim fundamentalist the hate preacher
0:05:23 the extremist
0:05:24 whoever this one that one no it is Betty
0:05:28 Friedan herself
0:05:29 she states
0:05:31 that's
0:05:33 one-third of women she states one third
0:05:36 of women that she surveyed
0:05:38 they suffered from mental breakdown
0:05:41 and this was way more than the service
0:05:43 that she ran in the 1950s and 60s
0:05:47 so according to her things were getting
0:05:49 worse not better
0:05:52 according to the the feminist the
0:05:55 founding mother of feminist secondary
0:05:57 feminism
0:05:58 things are getting worse
0:06:02 worse not better
0:06:04 okay one will still be skeptical and say
0:06:07 this is maybe not enough of an evidence
0:06:09 for me
0:06:11 Jermaine Greer
0:06:13 who wrote a book called the female
0:06:15 eunuch
0:06:19 a eunuch is somebody it's a man
0:06:22 who has his private part castrated
0:06:26 okay she wrote this book she was making
0:06:29 satirical she was trying to make fun of
0:06:31 a situation talking about the woman
0:06:33 basically
0:06:35 and she in 1981 or 1983 I forget exactly
0:06:40 when she wrote a book called the whole
0:06:43 woman
0:06:44 and she said something very interesting
0:06:46 that I will never forget
0:06:48 because she was advising women not to
0:06:50 have children that's how bad it was she
0:06:53 was saying women don't have children
0:06:55 that's what she said
0:06:57 and the reason why she said that is
0:06:59 because just like Simone de Beauvoir
0:07:01 in her book The Second Sex if you read
0:07:04 the chapter on biology she believed that
0:07:07 it's an oppressive relationship the
0:07:09 moment you become a mother you're
0:07:10 oppressed
0:07:12 you're oppressed by by virtue of being a
0:07:15 mother
0:07:16 she makes this very clear
0:07:18 Jermaine Greer and her book the whole
0:07:21 woman should reply she
0:07:23 said
0:07:26 and I quote this is word for word she
0:07:28 goes I mourn for my unborn children
0:07:33 now what does this mean when you mourn
0:07:36 you go to the graveyard you're crying
0:07:39 yeah
0:07:41 all of these things now how can you
0:07:43 mourn for your unborn children
0:07:45 she says I mourn for my unborn children
0:07:48 meaning what
0:07:49 that she regrets not having children
0:07:52 can you imagine a woman
0:07:55 Who convinced tens of millions of women
0:08:00 not to have children not to prioritize
0:08:03 motherhood not to to engage in career
0:08:06 activity instead and
0:08:10 instead and as a substitute to being a
0:08:14 mother and a say a housewife call it
0:08:17 what you want to call it
0:08:18 she herself
0:08:21 20 years later that same woman she says
0:08:25 I regret the situation I mourn
0:08:29 I mourn this is strong language I mourn
0:08:34 I mourn for my unborn children I wish I
0:08:38 had children
0:08:40 this is unfair
0:08:42 that you convince tens of millions of
0:08:44 women
0:08:45 yes you convince tens of millions of
0:08:48 women that motherhood is not important
0:08:50 that having a career is and then she
0:08:52 says I mourn from my unborn children
0:08:56 now the same woman Jermaine Greer she
0:08:59 says now we have to look can you imagine
0:09:00 she says this
0:09:01 all I'm telling you to do is look at the
0:09:04 confessions of the feminists
0:09:06 forget about me what I say look at the
0:09:09 confessions of the feminists she says
0:09:11 now we have to look
0:09:13 at motherhood being a full-time career
0:09:16 option this is exactly what she states
0:09:19 Jermaine gray herself
0:09:22 who most of you maybe you'll know her
0:09:25 name a little bit because you know
0:09:27 she was she had a boyfriend called satra
0:09:29 you know John Paul Saturday you may know
0:09:32 this guy existentialists
0:09:34 you know and he's French speaking and
0:09:37 stuff so you must you know who he is
0:09:38 maybe put your hands off you know if
0:09:40 you've heard any of these names before
0:09:41 okay we're all on the same page
0:09:44 maybe you don't want to anyways this is
0:09:47 what she says listen to this yeah
0:09:50 she is very categorical she's seen as
0:09:53 one of the top
0:09:54 feminists in the 60s yeah
0:09:57 I was reading her autobiography because
0:09:59 I was interested to see what the kind of
0:10:01 woman this is
0:10:02 I was very very shocked and surprised I
0:10:05 was
0:10:05 dismayed disillusioned
0:10:09 she she was uh she had an apartment I
0:10:12 think it was either in Paris or New York
0:10:13 I forget where the apartment was
0:10:15 and she was in love with this Saturday
0:10:17 yeah she was in love with him
0:10:19 he is by the way he is the one who told
0:10:21 her to write a book on feminism
0:10:24 she writes this in her autobiography he
0:10:26 gave me the idea
0:10:28 and then she says when he was coming
0:10:31 back he was coming back from wherever he
0:10:34 was going traveling and now he's coming
0:10:36 back she says I was cleaning the house
0:10:40 that's the first red flag I thought wait
0:10:41 a minute here
0:10:43 am I am I reading this is from the right
0:10:45 pages
0:10:48 wait a minute cleaning the house
0:10:49 she goes yes I was cleaning the house
0:10:52 I was getting everything ready for him
0:10:55 it's the same woman that's telling you
0:10:56 don't be a mother
0:10:58 that you know don't you dare to do
0:11:00 domestic activities
0:11:01 and then I went for I went further on
0:11:03 reading reading do you know what she
0:11:04 said
0:11:06 she goes because Saturday
0:11:08 is my true Superior
0:11:15 I said this is this is a fem this is the
0:11:17 mother of feminism saying this I said my
0:11:19 wife never said anything like that we're
0:11:22 meant to be the traditionalists here
0:11:25 I even showed it to my wife I said look
0:11:27 look what she said that's her that's a
0:11:29 different story you know even she
0:11:31 thought it was too extreme
0:11:34 I mean what is this she goes through
0:11:37 Superior
0:11:39 so I was wondering why is it that you
0:11:41 these founding mothers of feminism they
0:11:44 have one speech to the public to other
0:11:47 women and another speech in their
0:11:49 private life
0:11:50 and I think they know and we know now
0:11:53 that they do that their theories are
0:11:55 false
0:11:57 now one of the biggest
0:11:59 studies that have I think this is the
0:12:01 biggest study that I've ever seen
0:12:03 on the well-being of women
0:12:05 it is called Blanche flower and Oswald
0:12:10 Blanche flower and these are two names
0:12:12 of the people yeah
0:12:14 and it's a longitudinal study from the
0:12:17 years 1970 to 1990.
0:12:21 it is the longest study that was
0:12:23 conducted at a hundred thousand women
0:12:27 are there some feminists out there
0:12:29 chanting
0:12:35 they know what I'm about to say that's
0:12:37 why they're doing that
0:12:40 I'm about to drop facts
0:12:43 I'm about to drop bombs no I don't mean
0:12:45 those kinds of bombs
0:12:48 I know the SS are here the secret
0:12:50 services
0:12:54 well let me repeat this point because of
0:12:56 imperative is very important
0:12:59 the biggest study
0:13:03 the biggest study
0:13:05 that has ever been done to my knowledge
0:13:08 was it conducted by some anti-feminists
0:13:12 or did this person know it was conducted
0:13:14 by people who are neutral to this whole
0:13:16 situation they wanted to find out the
0:13:18 question they wanted to know was our
0:13:21 feministic policies now that have now
0:13:23 been enacted are they making women's
0:13:26 lives easier or are they making their
0:13:29 lives harder this is the question
0:13:32 they want to find out
0:13:34 is the career path a path that's making
0:13:37 people's women's lives and is it making
0:13:39 it easier or is it making it harder they
0:13:42 had a sample of a hundred thousand women
0:13:44 that's huge
0:13:46 20 years from 1970 to 1990.
0:13:51 and the conclusion was
0:13:53 that the well-being of women
0:13:55 has deteriorated
0:13:58 this is an incredible conclusion
0:14:02 it is the biggest study that has ever
0:14:04 been done on this point
0:14:06 and it has shown that feministic
0:14:08 policies that women going into the
0:14:10 workplace all of this stuff
0:14:13 and doing exactly what a man is doing
0:14:16 is actually affecting their lives in the
0:14:19 negative now I thought maybe okay this
0:14:21 is maybe a all the feministic uh
0:14:24 confessions that's one thing maybe this
0:14:26 study is a coincidence as well so I
0:14:28 started looking deeper into the issue
0:14:30 and I found that this was something
0:14:33 almost every study that I've seen on the
0:14:36 issue has said the same thing about
0:14:38 for example
0:14:40 there is a study by the policy Studies
0:14:44 Institute
0:14:46 that has come to the same conclusion
0:14:48 that well-being
0:14:50 for women has deteriorated in the last
0:14:52 60 years
0:14:54 there was even a magazine
0:14:57 called top star Trey magazine
0:14:59 which pulled Women's Health
0:15:03 78 of recipients women
0:15:07 they said if they could they would quit
0:15:10 their job tomorrow
0:15:12 imagine having a Workforce 80 almost of
0:15:16 the workforce of women they want to
0:15:18 leave they don't like it it's a prison
0:15:20 for them isn't this an irony
0:15:22 because this is exactly what
0:15:25 Betty Friedan said you need to leave
0:15:27 your comfortable concentration camp your
0:15:29 prison the home is the prison but now
0:15:32 women are saying on mass in the West
0:15:35 that actually what's the prison is the
0:15:37 work
0:15:39 80 78 percent
0:15:42 78 of recipients women all women said if
0:15:47 they could they would quit their jobs
0:15:49 tomorrow
0:15:50 80 of the same magazine they said that
0:15:55 their job
0:15:56 has led to psychological breakdown
0:15:59 nervous breakdown
0:16:01 has led to deteriorated mental
0:16:03 conditions eighty percent
0:16:06 80.
0:16:09 now I want you to ask you a question
0:16:11 if we got the same and I don't think the
0:16:14 study has been done if we got a study of
0:16:16 women all of which have been mothers and
0:16:19 they were full-time mothers in the home
0:16:21 with the children
0:16:22 do you think honestly that 80 would want
0:16:26 to stop being mothers honestly do you
0:16:28 think this
0:16:29 do you think eighty percent would want
0:16:31 to quit being mothers
0:16:34 no chance no chance
0:16:38 so feminists unfortunately have sold us
0:16:42 all a lie when I say us the ones who
0:16:46 have suffered the most have not been men
0:16:49 well I I believe I'm Allah he means for
0:16:51 the Muslim Muslims here by God I believe
0:16:54 the ones who have benefited the most
0:16:56 from feminists are men
0:16:59 I believe that why let me tell you why
0:17:02 because I as a man don't have to commit
0:17:06 I don't have to commit to a woman
0:17:08 I can go from one woman to another woman
0:17:10 with no responsibility whatsoever
0:17:14 I don't have to provide for her any
0:17:17 protection
0:17:21 this is these are roles my I don't my
0:17:24 resources don't have to be extracted
0:17:26 anymore
0:17:27 I don't have to provide for children
0:17:30 I don't have to do any of these things
0:17:33 if I live a feministic lifestyle
0:17:39 if I wasn't a religious man I'd try my
0:17:41 best to find the feminist
0:17:44 if I wasn't a Muslim man I say listen
0:17:46 I want a feminist
0:17:49 I want a strong independent why
0:17:52 because if I'm walking with the
0:17:55 feminists in the street and she's five
0:17:56 foot two and I'm six foot six 120 kilos
0:17:59 and she's 50 kilo and the burglar comes
0:18:02 or a rubber cover take your stuff I said
0:18:05 come on
0:18:06 foreign
0:18:09 [Music]
0:18:13 or if for example
0:18:15 I was sitting in the restaurant eating a
0:18:18 what's the other food that you eat with
0:18:19 the oysters this I tried it today wasn't
0:18:21 it
0:18:22 yeah
0:18:24 no and and I I
0:18:26 and the belgians the about immigration
0:18:29 thankful that you have people coming
0:18:31 from Morocco to give you tagine
0:18:35 [Applause]
0:18:44 especially if she's a Belgian woman
0:18:48 and I saw I don't want to generalize but
0:18:51 I they have a very Stern attitude these
0:18:54 some Belgian people
0:18:56 I was in the I was in the sorry I'm
0:18:58 making a joke honey don't take it too
0:19:00 personally but this morning I was in the
0:19:02 hotel and I was looking around and
0:19:04 everyone was silent
0:19:08 [Music]
0:19:09 how's what's going on here
0:19:12 have I said something have I done
0:19:14 something
0:19:15 and then I started walking away yeah
0:19:16 because I thought these people are doing
0:19:18 this because of me
0:19:21 and I looked I looked back to see if
0:19:23 these people are operating in this
0:19:25 manner and I saw that this is the sorry
0:19:28 the Belgian culture that you're very
0:19:29 quiet they're very you know
0:19:31 you need some flavor in your life man
0:19:35 I look back and I saw they were all
0:19:36 being the same way and I thought it must
0:19:38 not be me this is actually how they are
0:19:41 I thought they were scared of me
0:19:42 honestly
0:19:43 no and I was I was going into the
0:19:45 elevator and I saw a woman
0:19:46 usually I'm the one who lost my case the
0:19:49 moment she saw me she went
0:19:50 [Music]
0:19:51 foreign
0:19:55 this woman here she beat me to it
0:20:00 what kind of Islam is she following
0:20:02 she's following the the strict type she
0:20:05 must be an ultra conservative salafist
0:20:08 but she's wearing tight jeans for some
0:20:10 reason
0:20:13 anyway if I wasn't a religious man I
0:20:15 would go for I would go for a feminist
0:20:17 because I have the least
0:20:18 responsibilities
0:20:22 if I wasn't a religious man if I wasn't
0:20:24 a Muslim I would say I please where's
0:20:27 the feminist sir I I would pretend to be
0:20:29 a feminist Maybe
0:20:32 you would as well
0:20:33 don't worry you don't have to you don't
0:20:35 have the physical stature that would
0:20:36 make anyone scared I'm only joking
0:20:40 I would say yes but what I'm saying is
0:20:43 feminism
0:20:47 women as much as I has been I think
0:20:49 it's as men
0:20:51 I think it really has
0:20:53 now a woman going into the workplace
0:20:54 having a double burden wanting to leave
0:20:57 because she has mental disorders cycle
0:21:00 and 80 of the workforce I like that tell
0:21:03 me how that benefits women I want to
0:21:05 know how
0:21:07 I want to know how
0:21:09 and then in addition to all of this now
0:21:11 you're burdened with the work and you go
0:21:13 home and you have this responsibility
0:21:14 and that responsibility and stress and
0:21:16 all of these things and you have to be
0:21:18 competitive and you and then you have to
0:21:20 be feminine and then you have to and all
0:21:22 these expectations that are just
0:21:24 overburdening you as a woman and now
0:21:27 still
0:21:28 you want to inflict this pain upon
0:21:31 yourselves after 60 years we've seen
0:21:34 this affected millions of women in the
0:21:36 negative
0:21:37 it was their own self-admission
0:21:40 the feminists themselves have retracted
0:21:42 their positions many of them and we
0:21:44 still want to play with fire
0:21:47 it's not helping us
0:21:50 and this is something else I want to say
0:21:53 feminism has not only hurt women
0:21:57 and deteriorated their well-being
0:22:00 as we have seen by their own admission
0:22:02 but feminism has also hurt children
0:22:06 and I'm not talking about abortion
0:22:07 although we could talk about that
0:22:09 because as Muslims we have more
0:22:11 flexibility than Catholics
0:22:13 I'm not I don't have a strong stance of
0:22:15 you know a contract contraception this
0:22:17 and that but there are points some
0:22:19 feminists have made some arguments not
0:22:21 all feminists to be fair
0:22:23 that over the over like five six months
0:22:25 there should be
0:22:26 there should be abortion still allowed
0:22:28 six months have you seen a six month old
0:22:29 baby well it looks like it's a fully
0:22:32 formed baby you can you can actually put
0:22:35 it into an incubator and it will live
0:22:37 now I'm not taking a strong stance
0:22:39 actually I believe that within as a
0:22:41 Muslim within 40 days you can make you
0:22:43 can have an abortion
0:22:46 some say three months if there's an
0:22:48 excuse so Islam is not as cut through as
0:22:51 Catholicism however
0:22:53 yes four months sorry I do apologize
0:22:55 four months it's 120 days
0:22:57 2 6 9 12. yeah just to make sure
0:23:01 yes that's that is pretty however when
0:23:04 they start making Arguments for five or
0:23:06 six months and say pro-life now
0:23:08 scientifically the baby can live by
0:23:09 itself it's viable it has a heart has a
0:23:12 brain I think that's where we're
0:23:13 crossing the line here however putting
0:23:15 that to the side why do I say feminism
0:23:18 or feministic prescriptions and
0:23:19 recommendations have harmed children
0:23:21 because when we look at the data the
0:23:25 demographic data
0:23:27 of children that are the least
0:23:29 advantaged
0:23:31 we find that it's children unfortunately
0:23:35 in
0:23:37 households which are single parents
0:23:41 and I'm going to be very controversial
0:23:43 here almost all the studies that have
0:23:46 been done on the issue
0:23:47 have shown that homosexual
0:23:50 men man or man female or female
0:23:53 Partnerships have yielded negative
0:23:55 results for children
0:23:57 for example delinquency
0:23:59 there's an increased almost every single
0:24:02 study every single one almost
0:24:05 has shown there's an increased level of
0:24:06 delinquency
0:24:07 A reduced level of Education more chance
0:24:10 that that child will come out with
0:24:12 pathology psychological pathology
0:24:14 all of that went when there's two
0:24:17 partners of the same gender or the same
0:24:19 sex
0:24:21 and I had a conversation with one
0:24:23 particular professional Professor who
0:24:25 specializes in and this is online in
0:24:28 fact I was very surprised by this
0:24:30 conversation and also it's in his books
0:24:32 and works peer-reviewed works his name
0:24:34 is Nicholas wolfinger
0:24:36 and I had a conversation I asked him so
0:24:39 then if we if we identify that that's
0:24:41 the case demographically
0:24:43 yes if those kinds of family structures
0:24:45 are the most problematic
0:24:49 then which ones are the most
0:24:50 advantageous
0:24:51 this is what he said
0:24:53 he said nuclear families
0:24:56 now the guy himself is left-wing guy
0:24:59 if you if you see what he's he's not a
0:25:01 religious new conservative guy and
0:25:03 nothing like that he said we have to be
0:25:04 honest with the data he said look
0:25:07 when we look at the data we find that
0:25:09 nuclear families where there is
0:25:12 traditional gender roles and he says
0:25:14 something very interesting and where
0:25:16 there is religion practiced in that
0:25:17 house he said it doesn't matter what
0:25:19 religion I'm being honest with what he
0:25:20 said I could say Islam or this no I'm
0:25:22 not I'm saying this is what he said when
0:25:24 there is regular religion practice in
0:25:26 that house the children are more likely
0:25:28 to succeed educationally and from uh
0:25:31 they're less likely to be criminals
0:25:32 basically in the future that's what he
0:25:34 said that's his data
0:25:35 has been peer reviewed now he does it in
0:25:37 the American context now we can do that
0:25:39 in other contexts and see if it's uh in
0:25:41 Belgium like that or not
0:25:43 well the point is
0:25:45 when you have
0:25:48 when you have a nuclear type family the
0:25:51 traditional roles this has shown to be
0:25:54 most Advantage advantages for children
0:25:56 so there's two things I started off by
0:25:58 saying in this discussion I started off
0:26:00 by saying what I started off by saying
0:26:05 number one that I can demonstrate
0:26:07 through studies
0:26:09 and evidence and admission
0:26:13 that feminism or feministic
0:26:14 recommendations have harmed women
0:26:18 and now we have the feminist the
0:26:21 founding mothers of feminism saying the
0:26:23 same retracting their statements and
0:26:25 saying yes we have to look at this again
0:26:26 and do you know what Betsy ferdan even
0:26:29 said I was so shocked when I read this
0:26:32 she said that we had to revise our
0:26:34 decisions but when I go back to
0:26:36 feminists to tell them about this
0:26:38 it's this is I'm paraphrasing here but
0:26:42 this particular phrase is what she said
0:26:43 she goes there's almost a religious
0:26:45 feeling about it now it's out of my
0:26:47 hands
0:26:48 so she's created the Frankenstein
0:26:51 and now she cannot stop the Frankenstein
0:26:54 she goes no I I'm going back and yes the
0:26:56 data shows all these things that I've
0:26:58 talked about I'm trying to stop them I'm
0:27:00 trying to to reason with them I'm trying
0:27:01 to tell them this is wrong but now this
0:27:04 become feminism has become like there's
0:27:06 a religious feeling around it it's a
0:27:08 religious feeling about it that's what
0:27:11 she's saying
0:27:12 and this is one of the women who many
0:27:15 historians say second wave feminism
0:27:18 started her book started in 1963 a
0:27:21 second where feminism started then
0:27:23 many historians say that so can you
0:27:25 imagine that same woman she's saying now
0:27:27 I'm trying to go back and tell this
0:27:28 woman and there's a religious feeling
0:27:30 about it
0:27:31 therefore
0:27:32 and I say this with all Clarity yes
0:27:36 it can be deduced it can be concluded
0:27:40 that the 60-year experiment of feminism
0:27:45 has shown us that this idea of putting
0:27:48 careers before families
0:27:50 especially before motherhood
0:27:53 this idea of domestic drudgery
0:27:58 a woman for example thinking that she
0:28:01 has to take care of her child she's a
0:28:04 woman she refutes feminism after being
0:28:07 one herself in her book in 1998 she says
0:28:10 that they have reduced looking after
0:28:12 children like mopping the floor
0:28:16 yeah and for them
0:28:17 many of these feminists she's she's
0:28:19 attacking she's saying this she says
0:28:21 raising a child for these feminists is
0:28:23 akin to household chores like mopping
0:28:27 the floor
0:28:28 these same women are the ones who sang
0:28:30 we regret we mourn for our unborn
0:28:32 children now we have to look at the
0:28:34 motherhood as a proper you know thing
0:28:37 so why do we need to you know if you've
0:28:39 seen somebody it takes a clever person
0:28:41 to learn from their mistakes you're not
0:28:43 a fool if you put your hands on fire
0:28:46 and it hurts you know you put your hand
0:28:48 away
0:28:50 it takes a wise person to learn from
0:28:51 someone else's mistakes
0:28:53 now you look back in history 60 years
0:28:55 this has not succeeded women are saying
0:28:59 on math we are dissatisfied
0:29:03 with this option of life it's caused us
0:29:07 mental disorder pathology breakdown
0:29:10 we're dissatisfied we're unhappy
0:29:15 that's what they're saying
0:29:16 those who have tried it now this is the
0:29:18 Young Generation
0:29:19 you have two options either you can
0:29:21 decide
0:29:22 for the women here and for the men men
0:29:24 can decide to take responsibility be the
0:29:27 responsible ones and we're going to come
0:29:29 to the Islamic thing after the break
0:29:31 because there's going to be Maghrib in a
0:29:33 second so we want to have a break
0:29:35 but we can decide as we said to take
0:29:38 responsibility
0:29:39 we can decide to learn from the mistakes
0:29:41 of those who came before us
0:29:43 we can decide not to play around with
0:29:45 already failed experiment
0:29:48 if we all saw a plane taking off and
0:29:50 then it crashes
0:29:51 okay well let's go to the next one no no
0:29:54 thanks we don't need to try that again
0:29:57 and many women know already how this
0:29:59 feels many of you
0:30:01 will have gone to work and tried that
0:30:04 life and you forget how it made you feel
0:30:09 or and or
0:30:11 that you've never tried with motherhood
0:30:13 and you think that this is better than
0:30:15 this or
0:30:17 that
0:30:19 and I I I don't think you're going to
0:30:21 find a woman that says I'd rather be a
0:30:23 career woman than a mother I've never
0:30:25 yet met her
0:30:27 you know the woman that says if she's a
0:30:28 mother she says I'm going to leave my
0:30:30 because the thing is your child can't
0:30:31 say to you you're fired
0:30:34 you know you've done your job now you've
0:30:36 done your thing
0:30:38 and the thing is it's so ironic isn't it
0:30:41 that a lot of career orientation means
0:30:45 that when you go to work there's going
0:30:47 to be a man there telling you what to do
0:30:50 so it's the same kind of thing as a
0:30:51 hierarchy his policies and all this kind
0:30:52 of thing maybe in this very University
0:30:53 which is meant to be pluralistic maybe
0:30:55 the head of it is a man I don't know
0:30:57 maybe two men three men or maybe in your
0:30:59 you know in the department is a man
0:31:00 telling you what to do who cares if it's
0:31:03 a man or a woman telling you what to do
0:31:04 you'll always have someone telling you
0:31:06 what to do you cannot avoid this point
0:31:10 so I don't know what you're gaining what
0:31:14 one would gain really
0:31:16 by way of trying the career option as an
0:31:19 opportunity cost
0:31:21 or using it or choosing it above and
0:31:23 beyond a child and having a nurturing
0:31:26 relationship which is the deepest thing
0:31:30 think about it for a second like let's
0:31:31 be emotional for a second yeah and this
0:31:33 will be the last thing I will say
0:31:36 many women if they have young babies
0:31:39 it's not incredulous for us to believe
0:31:41 that they would put their own life on
0:31:44 the line to protect their children
0:31:45 correct
0:31:46 something that something that is so
0:31:48 meaningful that would make you die to
0:31:52 protect your own child that
0:31:55 how can this be compelled are you I
0:31:57 couldn't accept that woman would die for
0:31:59 her company
0:32:01 especially if she's sorry to say but
0:32:03 she's working in a like in a lower
0:32:04 position
0:32:05 I can't imagine someone working in
0:32:07 McDonald's you have McDonald's here I
0:32:08 don't know Belgian waffle shop and then
0:32:11 and a guy comes and says give me all the
0:32:13 waffles
0:32:14 and she says not when I'm here
0:32:17 she says not when I'm here I'm gonna die
0:32:20 for this one
0:32:22 yes
0:32:24 or she's working in McDonald's she's
0:32:25 flipping some pancakes or burgers or
0:32:27 something and this and that someone
0:32:29 comes and says no give me two barbecue
0:32:31 sauces give me two three no I'm gonna
0:32:32 take it by force no you're not I'm gonna
0:32:34 come out and I'm gonna fight you for it
0:32:36 to the death
0:32:37 the reason why a woman wouldn't do that
0:32:39 is genuinely because she does not value
0:32:43 for the most part women do not value
0:32:45 their careers as much as they could ever
0:32:48 value children that they have
0:32:50 and that's the bottom line to be honest
0:32:52 with you and that itself
0:32:55 is a proof
0:32:57 that you'll be wasting your time if you
0:33:00 choose A over B and I'm not saying
0:33:02 therefore women shouldn't work and stay
0:33:03 at home and you know no there's cases
0:33:05 which that should be the case but what
0:33:07 I'm saying is
0:33:09 this prescription that was given from
0:33:11 feminists and this domestic drudgery
0:33:14 attack on the family attack on
0:33:16 motherhood
0:33:18 we would be fools
0:33:21 especially with what I've just mentioned
0:33:22 to you we would be absolutely fools
0:33:25 to engage in a life like that we're
0:33:28 going to go for Maghrib and inshallah
0:33:29 will come back for the Islamic
0:33:30 prescription the failed advice of the
0:33:32 feminists is is not going to be good now
0:33:35 what is the advice now as Muslims I'll
0:33:37 say first of all
0:33:42 the Quran says
0:33:52 foreign
0:33:58 has
0:34:01 do not wish
0:34:02 what the other one has for a man is a
0:34:06 portion of what he has earned and for a
0:34:09 woman is a portion of what she has
0:34:11 earned and ask Allah
0:34:13 from his bounty
0:34:15 meaning what
0:34:16 meaning I shouldn't there are some
0:34:19 things women can do and yes we don't
0:34:21 Define we have a fixed definition of
0:34:23 what a woman is we do we have a fixed
0:34:26 definition of what a male and a female
0:34:28 we could come to that maybe in the
0:34:29 questions and answers is gender a social
0:34:31 construct and these questions but let's
0:34:33 just go with our Paradigm for a second
0:34:35 we shouldn't
0:34:36 one what the other one has
0:34:38 there are certain things that a man can
0:34:41 do better than a woman on average and
0:34:44 there are certain things a woman can do
0:34:45 better than a man on average
0:34:48 and it's economically efficient
0:34:51 as well as productive
0:34:53 for both to know where that is I'll give
0:34:56 you a counter example of this in New
0:34:59 York
0:35:00 they have a fire department
0:35:02 you know a fire department where they've
0:35:04 put out the fires and all this kind of
0:35:06 things
0:35:07 now
0:35:09 they have an obstacle course
0:35:11 because as a fireman you have to do an
0:35:13 obstacle course
0:35:15 when you when they when men and women
0:35:17 would want to be
0:35:20 firefighters they would go on the
0:35:22 obstacle course
0:35:23 now
0:35:24 we've heard of equality of outcome
0:35:27 versus equality of opportunity
0:35:29 so they wanted equality of opportunity
0:35:31 to be more yes
0:35:33 because actually men are faster than
0:35:35 women I don't think there's any problem
0:35:37 in me saying this men are faster than
0:35:40 women men are stronger than women men
0:35:43 are more emotionally stable than women
0:35:45 and that's not why I said that's what I
0:35:48 said
0:35:48 ah yes I know there's already there's
0:35:50 already there's already contestation I
0:35:53 did that on purpose
0:35:54 oh upset you're getting upset no that's
0:35:56 not my words
0:35:57 please attack her
0:35:59 she said that in her book she said that
0:36:01 in her book The Second Sex and the
0:36:03 chapter is biology
0:36:05 she said men are stronger than women
0:36:08 get more nervous breakdowns than men
0:36:10 that's what she was saying in her own
0:36:12 words words for words so I did that on
0:36:14 purpose I put her words as mine
0:36:16 to see if there's going to be reaction
0:36:18 and I heard reaction
0:36:20 but it's not my word not the Quran this
0:36:22 is self the founding mother of feminism
0:36:25 saying this stuff
0:36:28 white feminism yes
0:36:30 but you know what let me tell you
0:36:31 something about what what comes yes fine
0:36:34 we'll come to feminism and Colonial
0:36:35 feminism but you're Western and your
0:36:37 Colonial as well because at the end of
0:36:39 the day you're from a privileged
0:36:40 position
0:36:41 yes fine fine we'll come to this we'll
0:36:44 come to it we'll come to it we'll come
0:36:46 to any questions and answers I'm going
0:36:47 to come to you first
0:36:49 I'm gonna come to you first what's your
0:36:51 name
0:36:52 foreign
0:36:59 all right now
0:37:01 now let's go back to the point
0:37:05 can we can we can we can we calm down
0:37:08 can we come we'll come we'll I'm foreign
0:37:10 that's your name anyways we'll come back
0:37:13 to you yeah
0:37:15 the Quran States
0:37:23 that men are the maintainers and
0:37:26 Protectors of women
0:37:27 men the Quran States
0:37:32 that for men they have a degree of
0:37:34 authority
0:37:36 yes I know some kufar and this audience
0:37:38 will laugh at this but for me the Muslim
0:37:41 I don't laugh at the Quran I don't laugh
0:37:43 at the Quran
0:37:44 I don't yeah if you love the Quran yes
0:37:46 if you laugh if you laugh at the Quran
0:37:51 yeah
0:37:52 whatever please don't fine you're fine
0:37:56 what do you think of the Ayah what'd you
0:37:58 think of the Ayah what'd you think of
0:38:00 the Ayah
0:38:01 what'd you think of the Ayah what do you
0:38:02 think of the Ayah
0:38:04 what'd you think of the Ayah
0:38:07 so it's different it's not applicable
0:38:09 it's applicable or not
0:38:11 is it applicable yes or no okay we're
0:38:13 done now we're done we're done we're
0:38:15 done we'll come back
0:38:16 q a you're gonna have your chance you'll
0:38:19 have your chance right
0:38:20 you'll have your chance to not see
0:38:22 around
0:38:23 you have your chance but you have to
0:38:25 give each other time to speak I will
0:38:27 give you time to I will give you time to
0:38:29 speak I'll give you time to speak and I
0:38:31 and by the way by the way I'll let you
0:38:34 speak
0:38:35 by the way listen I'll let you speak I
0:38:37 didn't call you kuffa
0:38:40 no I didn't call you I didn't mentioned
0:38:41 or anybody yeah I said some I didn't say
0:38:45 you yes book we'll come back in the Q a
0:38:48 nasira I know you're triggered just just
0:38:51 calm down
0:38:52 come back
0:38:53 you can all come down we can have fun we
0:38:55 can eat tagine we can eat this and that
0:38:57 waffle this and
0:38:59 yeah
0:39:00 anyway
0:39:02 point is
0:39:04 point is this
0:39:05 Quran makes certain distinctions between
0:39:08 males and females
0:39:09 very clear
0:39:11 and these are katai
0:39:13 these are things
0:39:16 things that are known in the religion by
0:39:18 way of necessity these are is
0:39:23 which there is no interpretation except
0:39:25 for one interpretation on
0:39:29 there are some
0:39:33 which are clear-cut and decisive foreign
0:40:01 which are clear-cut and they cannot be
0:40:04 interpreted in any other way and others
0:40:08 which are ambiguous
0:40:11 for the ones who have some disease in
0:40:13 their heart
0:40:15 they will try and interpret
0:40:18 those verses which are ambiguous in a
0:40:21 way
0:40:22 to suit their own agenda
0:40:24 and also
0:40:27 that they can create fitna and that they
0:40:30 can have their own will their own
0:40:31 interpretation
0:40:33 and no one knows the true interpretation
0:40:35 of those verses except for Allah
0:40:39 and on this point by the way since we're
0:40:42 now talking about the Islamic position
0:40:44 there were some people who came to the
0:40:47 prophet Muhammad and the sahaba and they
0:40:49 were making fun
0:40:51 of some of the ayat
0:40:54 and they were saying
0:40:55 this and that about the prophet
0:40:58 Allah he sent down to tawba
0:41:01 later
0:41:05 why and they were saying
0:41:09 the Quran says that they said this we
0:41:12 were just playing and messing about
0:41:16 so Allah then States
0:41:20 do not make excuses
0:41:24 you have become disbelievers after your
0:41:27 believers
0:41:28 so one of the things which we as Muslims
0:41:30 must be very clear
0:41:31 we can all have our opinions but the the
0:41:35 decisive
0:41:38 the decisive
0:41:41 positions on gender are known
0:41:44 and they are known for a thousand Four
0:41:46 Hundred Years of Islamic history
0:41:48 and they include Al kawama or kiwama
0:41:51 they include the fact that man is to be
0:41:53 maintaining and responsible for a woman
0:41:59 that is their duty to do so even if the
0:42:02 woman has a full-time job and they've
0:42:04 agreed upon that and she's working nine
0:42:06 to five
0:42:07 she doesn't have to spend the penny of
0:42:09 her money the man must
0:42:11 maintain
0:42:13 through provision
0:42:15 that's number one
0:42:18 number two
0:42:20 the woman
0:42:22 in issues to do
0:42:25 with managerial hierarchy
0:42:28 must obey the husband
0:42:31 and that's in the Quran foreign
0:42:45 why because the Quran says
0:42:47 I'm not even going to Hadith
0:42:50 because the Hadith is clearly
0:42:54 if a woman she does this and this and
0:42:57 this and she is hasta for the husband
0:43:00 she goes to heaven from any bab she
0:43:02 wants any door She Wants What Now is it
0:43:05 mean to say that a man can be an
0:43:06 authoritarian addicted to a dictator in
0:43:09 the house no it doesn't mean that but it
0:43:11 means that there's a managerial
0:43:12 hierarchy in the house and it means that
0:43:15 the husband on certain issues has a
0:43:18 final say where's the limitation of that
0:43:20 the limitation of that is as follows
0:43:23 number one if he says to do something
0:43:26 which Islam doesn't say
0:43:30 that's Hadith that you cannot
0:43:33 obey
0:43:35 the creation and the disobedience
0:43:38 to the Creator which means that if your
0:43:41 husband tells you to do something which
0:43:43 is Haram you're not allowed to do that
0:43:47 number two
0:43:49 if he tells her to do something which
0:43:52 AHA writes for example if he says to her
0:43:54 go and work
0:43:56 then she doesn't have to do she wait a
0:43:58 minute that's your job
0:43:59 go on go and protect like that's a
0:44:01 situation I was giving you before no
0:44:04 if there's a if there's a physical
0:44:06 situation the man must actually be part
0:44:09 of that
0:44:11 so a man cannot tell a woman to do
0:44:14 something which is already part of his
0:44:15 rights
0:44:17 or her rights I should say
0:44:18 number three if it causes her daughter
0:44:21 which means if it causes a significant
0:44:23 harm
0:44:24 and the harm must be substantive it must
0:44:27 be real it might be oh I'm getting
0:44:28 mental health and it's not actually the
0:44:30 case if you're just using it as a cut
0:44:32 must be real and at the end of the day
0:44:35 there are genuine cases and disingenuous
0:44:37 cases I'm talking about the genuine
0:44:39 cases if there are genuine cases this
0:44:41 person is causing you harm yes if this
0:44:44 genuine and that woman knows for a fact
0:44:46 this is genuine yes I fear this man
0:44:49 however that's Dara that's harm
0:44:52 but apart from that the husband has the
0:44:55 final say
0:44:56 and that is not something remarkable to
0:44:58 me considering the fact that a woman is
0:45:02 way more influential in other spheres
0:45:04 for example if she has children
0:45:07 then the influence of a mother and a
0:45:09 child is going to outweigh in most cases
0:45:11 the influence of the father to the child
0:45:14 if both parties are present in the same
0:45:16 structure
0:45:17 and so what this does is it calibrates
0:45:20 the situation
0:45:21 in most governments you have checks and
0:45:23 balances
0:45:25 you have checks and balances if all of
0:45:28 the influence or power belong to one
0:45:30 party then there would be real problems
0:45:33 and if you don't have a decision maker
0:45:35 and a government or an organization you
0:45:37 have chaos
0:45:39 so this system was devised
0:45:41 as a result
0:45:48 does he not know what he created
0:45:51 and he is
0:45:58 he knows what he created he knows
0:46:02 and the man or the male is not the same
0:46:05 as the female
0:46:06 all of that the Quran states that by the
0:46:08 way all of that is something known so
0:46:11 Allah now he tells us these are
0:46:14 the rose these are the gender roles
0:46:18 one two three
0:46:21 there are certain things a man has can
0:46:22 do that woman cannot do you know them
0:46:25 a man can marry four wives a woman
0:46:28 cannot marry four husbands
0:46:30 I don't know why you're smiling brother
0:46:33 ah try and go for one at least you know
0:46:36 first and we'll talk about that later
0:46:38 you know
0:46:40 now it's true a woman can put it in her
0:46:42 contract not to have more according to
0:46:44 the hanabilla and I mean
0:46:47 but the point is that that's the thing a
0:46:50 man can marry a Christian and a Jew
0:46:53 whereas a woman can only marry a Muslim
0:46:55 man
0:46:56 yes that's true
0:46:59 a man can give talaq straight away
0:47:02 unless the woman is in menstruation he
0:47:05 can just say your talek and that's that
0:47:08 and a divorce will take place yes she
0:47:10 will have to stay in the house for three
0:47:11 months and all of these things
0:47:13 yes but that these are Provisions that a
0:47:17 man has that woman does not have in
0:47:18 Islam
0:47:20 these are Provisions that a man and
0:47:22 they're clear-cut in the Quran Kareem
0:47:25 and anyone who denies them is a cafe
0:47:29 this believer because they are not
0:47:31 subject to interpretation
0:47:33 and once the ayat have been shown to
0:47:35 those people
0:47:37 and I show these are the ayats and say
0:47:39 no I still disagree say well Catherine I
0:47:40 have no problem making that fear because
0:47:42 at the end of the day
0:47:44 is
0:47:50 today I have perfected your religion
0:47:54 Allah says in the Quran today I have
0:47:57 perfected your religion and I've
0:47:59 completed my favor upon you and I have
0:48:02 chosen Islam as a religion for you
0:48:04 he didn't say
0:48:06 Allah didn't say no
0:48:11 and then you can change it when you want
0:48:14 doesn't say that
0:48:16 so this is extremely important
0:48:19 there are some things which we are
0:48:21 malleable malleable about in Islam we
0:48:24 can compromise with but as we mentioned
0:48:26 yesterday
0:48:30 they wish that they could compromise
0:48:33 that you could compromise with them
0:48:36 because they would compromise with you
0:48:39 today we're living in an age I'll be
0:48:42 honest with you guys and this will be
0:48:43 the last thing that I'll say before the
0:48:45 questions and answers
0:48:46 we are living in an age where there is a
0:48:50 new religion
0:48:52 anthropologists today and historians
0:48:54 they look in the past and they look at
0:48:58 the ancient mythological fictitious gods
0:49:01 of the past
0:49:02 Zeus
0:49:04 Hercules these Gods you know Isis orises
0:49:07 these not the Isis
0:49:10 I know you think that I'm talking about
0:49:13 no
0:49:15 and we say look at these people they
0:49:17 were very clever people but they also
0:49:18 believed in these false Idols yes
0:49:21 I have a theory which maybe in the
0:49:23 future 100 years from now 200 300 years
0:49:26 there's gonna be some people
0:49:29 that will look at Western civilization
0:49:31 in the 21st century
0:49:33 and maybe in a university like this
0:49:35 they'll say look what's a very unusual
0:49:36 kind of Mythology they believed in isn't
0:49:38 it so what kind of Mythology is that
0:49:40 they believe that a person who is
0:49:42 empirically
0:49:43 Justified from a scientific perspective
0:49:46 as being a male
0:49:48 can be a can be a female
0:49:51 this is myth
0:49:54 it's mythology
0:49:56 it is mythology
0:49:58 if you say well I can identify
0:50:02 as a male the penis sorry to say and
0:50:06 this and that I can identify as a female
0:50:09 then as a black man or a white man I may
0:50:12 identify as a black man
0:50:14 then by the by the way I tell you I was
0:50:17 interested I did gender studies
0:50:19 uh on a postgraduate level as many of
0:50:22 you know I wrote a book on feminism yeah
0:50:23 and when I was doing the postgraduate I
0:50:25 was in the lift one time
0:50:27 I was on the lift
0:50:29 and there was one of these Ultra
0:50:32 left-wing feminists there
0:50:35 she said out of nowhere
0:50:38 saying that she said you know the penis
0:50:40 is a social construct
0:50:42 that's what she said
0:50:44 I didn't want to I didn't want to be
0:50:47 Yanni
0:50:48 inappropriate and said
0:50:50 how have you discovered this all that
0:50:52 but why
0:50:54 why what I said was and it was quick and
0:50:57 it was Yanni I said listen I'm sorry to
0:51:00 say
0:51:01 if you say the penis is a social
0:51:02 construct did you know what else is a
0:51:04 social contract he said what I said rape
0:51:08 that's that is what happens by and if
0:51:11 you say that race is a social construct
0:51:13 and in my book to be honest with you I
0:51:15 refuted Judas Butler Third Way feminist
0:51:17 yeah
0:51:18 who said that because I was reading her
0:51:21 books and I found that she was basically
0:51:23 saying that gender is a social concept
0:51:25 and sex is a social construct she said
0:51:27 sex itself is a social construct
0:51:30 yeah she did say that in gender troubles
0:51:31 yeah so so I said interestingly if you
0:51:35 say that then you say racism social
0:51:37 construct because it's biological you
0:51:39 can see race from there but if race is a
0:51:42 social construct what else is a social
0:51:44 construct
0:51:45 racism
0:51:48 so you can decide to have your fiction
0:51:51 but you have to accept that your fiction
0:51:53 brings about
0:51:55 other fictions that you don't like it
0:51:57 begets fictions that you won't like
0:51:59 the point here I'm saying is this
0:52:02 is that we must understand we're living
0:52:05 in an age
0:52:07 back in this day in this very country
0:52:10 leopard the second or whoever it was in
0:52:13 the 1885
0:52:17 he went to Congo and he bought it with
0:52:20 his private land as a private good
0:52:22 country made it his country colonized it
0:52:26 unfortunately
0:52:29 we thought the days of colonialism were
0:52:31 over
0:52:32 he's got to Congo and buy it and this
0:52:34 and that I was thinking how could a
0:52:35 country a small
0:52:37 as Belgium even colonize another country
0:52:40 they did it because Congo was having a
0:52:42 hard time at that time internal Wars it
0:52:44 was just opportunistic by this King
0:52:47 and by the way this was a liberal guy
0:52:49 you know this is after the revolute the
0:52:52 Enlightenment and all these kinds of
0:52:53 things
0:52:54 he went and took Congo with his money
0:52:57 now the colonialism that we're living is
0:53:00 not the same kind of colonialism now we
0:53:03 are living we think okay these days are
0:53:04 over
0:53:05 now it's not leopard II that's going to
0:53:08 come with his troops to Congo
0:53:10 but it's going to be
0:53:12 the Western feminists
0:53:15 whoever whatever color they may be
0:53:18 Western feminists whatever color they
0:53:20 may be whether it's Audrey Lords or Bell
0:53:22 hooks whatever it doesn't matter Western
0:53:25 feminists they're not from Africa
0:53:26 they're not from the village
0:53:27 they are not from the village they are
0:53:29 writing from the West
0:53:32 those Western feminists now are
0:53:34 colonizing our very Minds
0:53:37 and I would say honestly that wallahi is
0:53:41 a more pernicious and more disabling and
0:53:45 more micro kind of colonism
0:53:49 which we all need to be aware of and
0:53:52 questions and answers will see