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00:00:00 - 01:00:00 ​

discusses the idea of solipsism, and how to engage with someone who holds that view. Muhammad Latif, a future Lighthouse mentor, joins the discussion to say that it is important to ask the person why they think solipsism is important to them. Latif also advises viewers to ask themselves why they believe in any particular position, and to be open to different arguments.

00:00:00 The "Lighthouse project" offers free mentoring to people with doubts about their Islamic identity. The project is open to students, ex-Muslims, preachers, activists, and others.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the different positions that people may take on solipsism, and how to engage with someone who holds that view. Muhammad Latif, a future Lighthouse mentor, joins the discussion to say that it is important to ask the person why they think solipsism is important to them. Latif also advises viewers to ask themselves why they believe in any particular position, and to be open to different arguments.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the idea of solipsism, which is a philosophical position that only one's mind is sure to exist. argues that belief in the external world is something that does not need a deductive argument for justification.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the idea that every argument needs a "rational argument" in order to be justified. Lighthouse live sessions are available for free on the Sapience Institute website, and offer a platform for individuals to discuss doubts and questions about engaging in dawa.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the existence of the universe, and how it can be contingent or existent. It also discusses the idea of a non-existent universe, and how it is contradictory.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses how language can be difficult to understand, and how one can accidentally say something contradictory. He provides an example of how this can happen with the word "fish."
  • 00:30:00 The "LIGHTHOUSE LIVE SESSIONS" video is a live stream in which Enough founder Hamza Yusuf and Abbas Imraan answer questions from viewers. The purpose of these live streams is to provide a one-on-one platform for people to ask questions and receive help from the founders. The service is available for as often as people need it, and people can book it at their convenience.
  • 00:35:00 Brother Imran teaches a student about the verses in the Quran that talk about the trust humans placed in Allah. He explains that humans are afraid of Allah and this is why they did not take on the trust.
  • 00:40:00 a Muslim scholar discusses how believers in the Fitra (innate nature of righteousness) must endeavor to uphold justice even in the face of adversity. He explains that this is because, after death, humans are given a chance to see truths about God that they were denied while alive. The reward for passing this test is great, and believers are already in the test.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses how people can become forgetful and lose focus, and how this can lead to problems. It also mentions how Allah reminds people of their blessings and how to stay grateful.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses how people are judged by their actions in a virtual reality world, and how some people may be tempted to do bad things because of their good deeds in the previous world. teaches that people can't be sure of what will happen in the future, and that there is no wisdom behind the events.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses how small, insignificant events in life can have far-reaching consequences. He advises listeners to remember that every individual is important to Allah, and that nothing happens to us without meaning. emphasizes the importance of patience and putting effort into understanding events in life.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00 ​

"LIGHTHOUSE LIVE SESSIONS" features Islamic cleric Mohammed Abdullah discussing the benefits of having strong beliefs in Allah and how they are natural, not learned. Abdullah also discusses how children are more likely to have religious beliefs without being taught them, and how atheists are more likely to believe in life after death without being taught it. Abdullah also mentions a retreat he is taking to Turkey.

*01:00:00 Discusses the Islamic concept of "Jannah," or paradise, and how it is described in terms of infinite joy and no boredom. He also discusses the idea of "lower diminishing returns" and how they apply to happiness and pleasure in the afterlife.

  • 01:05:00 "LIGHTHOUSE LIVE SESSIONS" discusses the idea that boredom can be avoided on Earth by using the Lighthouse project's free services. features ex-Muslims or Muslims on the brink of leaving discussing their problems with one another in a one-on-one setting. The Lighthouse project wants these people to use its services in order to benefit from quality training and support.
  • 01:10:00 "LIGHTHOUSE LIVE SESSIONS" features Islamic cleric Mohammed Abdullah discussing the benefits of having strong beliefs in Allah and how they are natural, not learned. Abdullah also discusses how children are more likely to have religious beliefs without being taught them, and how atheists are more likely to believe in life after death without being taught it. Abdullah also mentions a retreat he is taking to Turkey.
  • 01:15:00 The YouTube user plans to be in Turkey for the 19th through 29th, and plans to blog and video the trip. He asks that anyone who is able to join him during this time please do so.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 foreign
0:00:12 I've logged in
0:00:14 to stream yard
0:00:17 but it's given me a different account so
0:00:19 we've got the weird
0:00:20 little duck logo but it shouldn't be
0:00:23 there
0:00:24 and I don't have access to the call
0:00:28 intro videos
0:00:30 so I don't know what's happened there
0:00:31 we've had a bit of a
0:00:33 a flop but yeah I hope you're all well
0:00:35 um we'll just make do with this one for
0:00:37 the time being and uh assalamu alaikum
0:00:39 all so today
0:00:40 uh we're going to be doing another
0:00:42 Little Lighthouse live session inshallah
0:00:44 and the whole aim of these is basically
0:00:47 to do
0:00:48 similar to what we do on
0:00:52 our own basically so
0:00:53 for those of you who are not aware we
0:00:55 have a project
0:00:57 currently underway through safety
0:00:59 Institute called The Lighthouse project
0:01:02 and the lighthouse project aims to help
0:01:05 people with their doubts I'll tell you
0:01:07 I'll pull up the website
0:01:10 take you through it inshallah
0:01:14 right
0:01:15 present share screen
0:01:21 sapiens Institutes
0:01:23 yeah
0:01:24 okay so yeah if you go to
0:01:29 you see at the top you've got request
0:01:32 request mentoring oh there's a little
0:01:34 button there that says Lighthouse
0:01:35 mentoring as well
0:01:37 so clicking that it should take you to
0:01:40 this page
0:01:41 and the service it says here that
0:01:43 basically it's for ex-muslims for people
0:01:45 that have left his name because of
0:01:47 intellectual spiritual or emotive doubts
0:01:49 uh students University college students
0:01:52 who are trying to reconcile an Islamic
0:01:55 identity with the vicitude of college
0:01:57 life uh non-muslims people who are
0:02:00 interested in Islam
0:02:01 uh leaders so it's not just dealing with
0:02:04 doubts or questions people may have but
0:02:05 if someone is wanting to actively get
0:02:08 engaged in dawa
0:02:10 and they're not quite sure where to
0:02:12 begin
0:02:14 um we've helped people sort of build
0:02:16 strategies or to think about it in a
0:02:18 more comprehensive way how to like how
0:02:21 to get started like from Step One
0:02:23 basically some people
0:02:25 um they they have no connections to any
0:02:27 of our community whatsoever in their
0:02:29 area or no one in their Community is
0:02:31 giving that and they want to know how
0:02:33 how do we get started with that so we
0:02:35 can help people with that
0:02:36 uh duart's preachers activists
0:02:39 ottawats engaged in the work of sharing
0:02:41 Islam model so even if you're already
0:02:42 doing that and you're thinking of how to
0:02:44 expand or you're coming across certain
0:02:45 problems or questions and you're
0:02:47 thinking of ways of how to best respond
0:02:49 to them
0:02:51 I can also help you
0:02:52 with that and it goes a bit further I've
0:02:55 helped people as well
0:02:58 they're in uni and they're trying to
0:03:01 um there's not just any random
0:03:03 degree but things specifically engaged
0:03:05 in stuff related to Islam and giving
0:03:08 dawah or basically the sapience mission
0:03:10 and people have come and booked a
0:03:12 meeting and we've discussed
0:03:14 um strategies on how to establish their
0:03:17 essay plans and things like that for
0:03:19 their dissertation related to things
0:03:21 like dealing with scientism being one
0:03:24 example
0:03:25 among other things so the whole service
0:03:27 is free so it's not one that's charged
0:03:31 um you could book a private and it's as
0:03:33 well it's not they're not made public
0:03:35 and they are kept completely private
0:03:37 one-to-ones uh with one of our mentors
0:03:40 which would either be myself or the
0:03:42 Hamza doctor of man Fahad uh
0:03:47 Celine uh who's currently joined us
0:03:51 um there's also uh but he's on enough
0:03:55 and brother Jake used to as well
0:04:00 at some point in the future possibly
0:04:04 um and other than that we're also
0:04:07 getting a few new members
0:04:09 um so we're getting brother Abbas and Dr
0:04:12 uh Imran from EF Tower to join us as
0:04:15 well inshallah
0:04:16 um and there's another brother who I'm
0:04:18 currently in the process of
0:04:21 um sort of trying to train up
0:04:23 uh which all of which is currently
0:04:27 uh underway and yeah so you'll have an
0:04:29 opportunity to speak to either of these
0:04:31 brothers or myself
0:04:32 um privately
0:04:34 but the regards for either doubts or
0:04:36 leadership in Dao Etc you can book one
0:04:38 of these meetings you pick from the
0:04:40 available times
0:04:41 and you pick one of the time slots
0:04:44 whichever day that happens to be
0:04:47 and then you fill it in and then once
0:04:49 you've filled it in that will basically
0:04:52 send it through to admin it'll either be
0:04:54 approved if when you're filling it in by
0:04:56 the way so the Box
0:04:58 it tells you
0:05:00 um
0:05:00 like give us information make sure you
0:05:03 read things because people have a
0:05:04 tendency to book these and not read
0:05:06 anything
0:05:07 um which is not what you should be doing
0:05:09 you should be making sure you read so
0:05:11 here
0:05:13 it says uh what questions do you have
0:05:16 what doubts or topics do you wish to
0:05:18 discuss be specific
0:05:20 as your mentor needs this information to
0:05:23 prepare if this is not filled in
0:05:24 correctly it will be declined
0:05:27 and people have so one person built in
0:05:31 saying no so I was that was one way of
0:05:35 and some people don't feel anything or
0:05:37 they'll just say I have doubts I said
0:05:39 yeah we know you have doubts you've
0:05:41 picked the help with doubts like what is
0:05:44 it that you wish to engage with is it a
0:05:46 particular topic is it to do with
0:05:47 morality is it to do with proofs of God
0:05:49 is it to do with Quran or Kira at or
0:05:51 whatever it is like just give us some
0:05:53 information to work off and then this
0:05:55 gets forwarded to your mentor and then
0:05:57 if they need to prepare it all they're
0:05:59 able to do so
0:06:01 um make sure to obviously read these
0:06:03 some people do this and they've not read
0:06:06 them unfortunately the service does have
0:06:08 to be uh you need to be 18 or over for
0:06:10 legal reasons
0:06:12 um we can provide the service to people
0:06:13 under the age of 18 at the moment but
0:06:15 inshallah we are trying to look into
0:06:18 that and expand on that
0:06:19 um and make sure to read the the
0:06:21 lighthouse mentoring terms and
0:06:22 conditions which you can do so there but
0:06:24 yeah it's a free service it's private
0:06:26 it's one-to-one it's done through Zoom
0:06:29 um you have a whole hour to discuss
0:06:30 whatever you wish sometimes it gets
0:06:32 finished earlier
0:06:34 um sometimes it doesn't
0:06:36 and yeah and you just have an
0:06:38 opportunity to just talk with one of the
0:06:39 mentors about whatever it is that you
0:06:41 wish to do so today inshallah there's 13
0:06:44 of you salam alaikum to those 13.
0:06:47 um
0:06:51 hbh
0:06:53 786 and uh Muhammad Latif
0:06:58 ah
0:06:59 brother from Kashmir is joining the team
0:07:03 in the future insha Allah
0:07:06 um I've not actually asked him but I
0:07:08 could reach out to and see if he would
0:07:10 be interested
0:07:12 for the suggestion
0:07:16 um maybe he will maybe he won't Allah
0:07:19 um but always worth asking your brother
0:07:23 but uh
0:07:25 so I guess if any of you have got any
0:07:27 questions or anything in particular you
0:07:29 would like to discuss on the subjects
0:07:31 that we cover with Lighthouse
0:07:34 um don't ask 50 questions so I'm not
0:07:36 sure
0:07:37 I can't give fat words
0:07:39 and it's not really the purpose of this
0:07:42 um stream
0:07:43 to answer fit questions and stuff like
0:07:46 that if you're struggling with certain
0:07:48 doubts ask away
0:07:50 and I'll try my best to answer them
0:07:53 and we could discuss certain things if
0:07:55 no one has any particular questions I
0:07:58 guess I'll just pick something random to
0:08:00 talk about
0:08:04 to help you both well
0:08:09 um
0:08:13 um do you have a video disproving or
0:08:18 deconstructing solipsism
0:08:22 um I don't personally but I guess if you
0:08:24 want to ask
0:08:26 like make an argument for Solace so I
0:08:29 guess what I'll do I'll begin
0:08:31 by telling people how they should engage
0:08:33 with these things because they're not I
0:08:34 know it's a common trend
0:08:36 like let's say you're in the position of
0:08:39 belief like I am in a position of belief
0:08:41 I I got here through a number of things
0:08:45 um took a long time started looking into
0:08:46 Islam when I was about 17 didn't take
0:08:48 shahada until I was about 24. um a lot
0:08:51 of that was talking to Muslims engaging
0:08:53 in a dialogue with them asking them
0:08:55 questions them asking me questions
0:08:57 and putting forward positions they would
0:08:58 put forward one I would put forward one
0:09:00 I would push back against this they
0:09:01 would push back against mine
0:09:03 now if someone just comes to me and just
0:09:06 says Ah but solipsism
0:09:09 I'm gonna go
0:09:11 all right you could just say any random
0:09:13 word to me like I'm not that fussed
0:09:15 about these terms
0:09:17 um and I'm not
0:09:19 in the process of trying to prove things
0:09:21 for people
0:09:23 um without them giving me an argument
0:09:25 now there's many ways to argue for
0:09:27 different positions like whether it's
0:09:29 solipsism moral relativism
0:09:31 utilitarianism people take different
0:09:33 paths to each of these
0:09:35 positions
0:09:37 um solipsism in particular may have
0:09:40 many arguments that get people there and
0:09:42 people may differ in in regards to wider
0:09:44 solipsists
0:09:46 um so what I would do is I would ask the
0:09:49 question well
0:09:50 why are you a solar system what is a
0:09:52 solipsist for you as well in particular
0:09:54 because people differ in terms
0:09:57 you might talk to two people who
0:09:59 identify as a radical skeptic
0:10:02 um and you know you might find that they
0:10:05 actually are not that oh crap radically
0:10:08 skeptical about certain things
0:10:10 um so it's always worth just asking
0:10:12 questions and getting them to present a
0:10:15 position
0:10:16 now if if there's a particular argument
0:10:19 that's got you in a rut on this in
0:10:23 particular then give me the argument and
0:10:25 I can analyze it with you or we can talk
0:10:27 about it
0:10:28 um
0:10:29 and discuss it I've just built my groove
0:10:34 towel
0:10:37 yeah I wouldn't I find I don't I don't
0:10:39 know because you can't really tell much
0:10:41 from a tiny little comment like this
0:10:43 um so I can put the link out
0:10:46 maybe you can jump on and we can talk
0:10:49 you want to jump on the Stream
0:10:51 you will need to put your camera on for
0:10:53 a brief moment just so I can check
0:10:55 you're not a troll and do something that
0:10:57 I command you to do like
0:10:58 wave or hold up a certain amount of
0:11:00 fingers
0:11:01 this one
0:11:04 as we have many dramas on live streams
0:11:06 in past with other channels
0:11:09 that I wish to avoid but yeah so feel
0:11:11 free to act like
0:11:13 give me more information like what is it
0:11:15 about solipsism for example
0:11:19 do you want me to deal with like why
0:11:20 should we take it seriously
0:11:23 like what what is it what are the
0:11:25 reasons given
0:11:27 that make you think solipsism is
0:11:29 something that needs dealing with
0:11:31 in particular
0:11:34 this one
0:11:37 is that that's basically how I would
0:11:39 deal with these things
0:11:41 like I'm not fond of just someone says a
0:11:45 particular thing
0:11:47 a word a catchphrase a term
0:11:49 and then I'm supposed to deal with that
0:11:51 because that like what always happens
0:11:53 then is I might then approach one
0:11:55 particular argument and then someone
0:11:56 goes ah no but that's not a good
0:11:58 argument uh there's these other
0:11:59 arguments so you've strawmanned it or
0:12:01 that's not the position because they
0:12:02 hold the diff they've taken a different
0:12:04 path or a different route to that
0:12:05 position
0:12:08 uh
0:12:12 what is solipsism so solipsism
0:12:16 in particular
0:12:17 is a belief that uh
0:12:22 you can't really know anything beyond
0:12:24 maybe even maybe your own existence
0:12:28 let's have a look at what
0:12:30 rather than just going off the top of my
0:12:32 head
0:12:33 so solipsism is the philosophical idea
0:12:36 that only one's mind is sure to exist
0:12:39 an epistemological position solipsism
0:12:42 holds that knowledge of anything outside
0:12:44 one's own mind is unsure
0:12:47 there's a so there's a really good way
0:12:49 I guess if someone is stuck in that it
0:12:52 simply put us out
0:12:54 um
0:12:55 Maybe
0:12:57 get yourself a little candle
0:12:59 and a little lighter
0:13:02 light the candle
0:13:04 and you don't even need the candle you
0:13:05 probably just do it with the lighter but
0:13:07 just get them so hover their hand
0:13:10 over the candle for as long as they
0:13:12 possibly can getting it as close as they
0:13:14 possibly can
0:13:16 and eventually
0:13:18 I think they'll realize the candle
0:13:20 exists
0:13:23 eventually they'll get burnt
0:13:26 and yeah maybe they could still be
0:13:28 um
0:13:29 [Music]
0:13:31 skeptical but at the night like
0:13:35 I just find it to be a really
0:13:38 it's I find it to be a silly position
0:13:39 for a number of reasons number one
0:13:41 I don't think like I guess it depends on
0:13:44 why the person is a solipsistic I think
0:13:46 a lot of the time people become
0:13:47 solipsists because they try to do
0:13:49 something like they try to prove the
0:13:52 external world with deductive argument
0:13:54 and every time they try to do it
0:13:56 um they fail and or they like they find
0:13:58 it difficult to do so and so they end up
0:14:01 moving from this idea that well if I
0:14:03 can't deductively prove it then I can't
0:14:05 believe it exists as if everything
0:14:08 needs a deductive argument in order for
0:14:11 you to be justified and believing in its
0:14:12 existence now I think that's absurd I
0:14:15 don't think that that is reasonably
0:14:17 something you can expect off every
0:14:19 person on the planet
0:14:21 to be able to
0:14:22 give deductive Arguments for belief in
0:14:27 things which pretty much everyone
0:14:30 takes for granted apart from these odd
0:14:33 uh individuals that get stuck in this
0:14:36 sort of philosophy rabbit hole
0:14:41 um
0:14:42 and like for me
0:14:45 belief in the external world is
0:14:47 something I would just call a basic
0:14:49 belief or something that you don't need
0:14:50 a rational argument for because it if
0:14:53 you if you're going to be saying that
0:14:54 you need a deductive argument or
0:14:56 everything needs some sort of deduction
0:14:58 argument in order to be justified in
0:15:00 believing it then you need to provide a
0:15:02 deductive argument for that proposition
0:15:04 you need to give me a deductive argument
0:15:07 that shows absolutely that every
0:15:10 argument
0:15:11 needs a detoxive argument because if you
0:15:13 can't provide an argument for that
0:15:14 particular claim that everything that in
0:15:15 order to be justified in believing it
0:15:17 needs a rational argument
0:15:19 you can't make that claim without giving
0:15:22 me a rational argument for it
0:15:24 and you just you you end up going either
0:15:26 like you go brain dead and you just go
0:15:30 oh well apart from that one thing or
0:15:34 uh you you take this like infinite route
0:15:38 where you try to give some sort of
0:15:40 argument and then each premise in that
0:15:41 also needs an argument and then each
0:15:43 premise in that argument needs an
0:15:45 argument and you just end up going on
0:15:46 forever you don't really get anywhere
0:15:48 and uh so yeah it the whole thing I
0:15:52 think is uh
0:15:53 built around this idea that everything
0:15:55 needs a rational argument I don't think
0:15:56 the external world does this matter
0:15:59 deductive reasoning
0:16:02 um is not something you're born good at
0:16:04 no one is born
0:16:07 rational or reasonable in the same way
0:16:09 that no one is born strong like if you
0:16:11 want to become fit you want to become
0:16:12 healthy you want to become the world's
0:16:14 strongest man
0:16:15 you don't do that from birth you've got
0:16:17 to train you've got to work you've got
0:16:18 to put in effort and energy in
0:16:20 particular practices to be able to
0:16:22 become good at it and it's the same with
0:16:23 rationality or reasoning
0:16:25 um and just not everyone has access to
0:16:28 the
0:16:29 to that kind of education
0:16:31 um like you know the the farmer the
0:16:33 cleaner you know your random Joe are
0:16:37 they really expected to be able to give
0:16:41 a deductive syllogism
0:16:45 sound
0:16:47 and completely unflawed and then go
0:16:49 through the process of Defending it
0:16:50 rigorously against some PhD in order to
0:16:54 be justified in believing that the
0:16:56 external World exists and then engaging
0:16:59 with it
0:17:00 as if it does
0:17:02 I think this is just something you could
0:17:04 take for granted the external World
0:17:05 exists you know if you put your hand in
0:17:07 the fire
0:17:08 uh you're not going to be a solipsist
0:17:10 while you're screaming in pain
0:17:14 or if you're kidnapped
0:17:17 and someone is um
0:17:19 you know
0:17:21 taking away your freedom
0:17:24 from you and limiting you and you're not
0:17:27 able to do whatever you want you're
0:17:29 going to come to a point where you have
0:17:31 to admit that there are things external
0:17:33 to you that act upon you that you don't
0:17:35 have control over that the external
0:17:37 world does have some sort of existence
0:17:38 doesn't mean you have to know everything
0:17:39 about it
0:17:41 um or know it in some sort of complete
0:17:44 manner
0:17:45 um
0:17:46 yeah I don't know
0:17:49 what else being said
0:17:57 we've got 17 people so for those of you
0:18:00 who have just joined we're gonna do like
0:18:01 a little Lighthouse live session
0:18:03 um if you've not
0:18:06 heard of Lighthouse it's a service that
0:18:08 Savings Institute offers for free uh
0:18:11 where you can go to our website and you
0:18:13 can book a meeting with us or me or one
0:18:15 of the other mentors
0:18:18 um completely free and it's completely
0:18:19 private so they're not they're not like
0:18:21 this this is just to advertise the
0:18:23 service
0:18:25 um it's not going to be something to put
0:18:26 on the internet uh it is kept completely
0:18:29 confidential
0:18:30 and something you don't need to worry
0:18:32 about sharing with people or people
0:18:34 being uh exposed to whatever it is that
0:18:37 you've
0:18:37 uh that that's worrying you
0:18:40 uh what's
0:18:41 I'm trying to find the top again so you
0:18:43 can go to the website here um there's a
0:18:45 little button here that says Lighthouse
0:18:46 mentoring
0:18:47 uh yeah it's free private one to one
0:18:50 thumb through Zoom
0:18:51 um and you get an hour where you can
0:18:54 talk to one of our mentors and discuss
0:18:56 whatever it is that you're having
0:18:58 trouble with with doubts or questions
0:19:00 um if you're wanting to engage in dawa
0:19:02 if you're not sure where to begin or if
0:19:05 you're already engaging with our or
0:19:06 you're you're trying to give down to
0:19:08 someone and you're not too sure how to
0:19:09 approach it are the best ways of
0:19:10 approaching it all of these discussions
0:19:13 um we can have here
0:19:15 for free so the doubts or leadership
0:19:19 and you can do that by just going to
0:19:21 sapience Institute
0:19:23 here
0:19:32 or with Slash
0:19:34 Lighthouse so it should be in the live
0:19:38 chat now and it will also insha Allah be
0:19:41 in the description to this video
0:19:43 uh so feel free to book a private one if
0:19:45 you would rather talk privately or if um
0:19:48 you don't mind feel free to
0:19:53 post your question in the chat or jump
0:19:55 on the Stream
0:20:00 all right what's the fact that's what
0:20:03 I'm saying according to the contingency
0:20:05 argument the existence of the universe
0:20:07 can or cannot be
0:20:10 it's not according
0:20:13 just to the contingency argument
0:20:16 this is I would guess
0:20:18 something you could say whether or not
0:20:21 you're making a contingency argument
0:20:24 um
0:20:24 you would look at the universe you say
0:20:26 oh well the universe
0:20:28 and you know this everything has a
0:20:30 beginning they even say that the
0:20:32 universe will come to an end at some
0:20:33 point it'll die a heat death or it'll
0:20:36 dissipate into nothingness as well
0:20:40 so things have Beginnings things like
0:20:42 ends
0:20:43 that existence can be turned on that
0:20:45 existence can be turned off
0:20:48 so that's what it means to be contingent
0:20:51 um
0:20:52 and it can be in any different way
0:20:55 so it is contingent
0:20:58 you don't have to even make mention of
0:20:59 the fact of that it could be different
0:21:01 um
0:21:02 in terms of its variation you could just
0:21:04 focus on the fact that its existence
0:21:05 could be turned on or off
0:21:08 um but yeah some do go down the roof
0:21:10 different ways so it is continued my
0:21:11 question is how can I think of a
0:21:15 non-existent universe
0:21:19 uh
0:21:20 isn't it's contradictory why are you
0:21:23 trying to think of a non-existent
0:21:24 universe
0:21:26 because a non-existent universe
0:21:29 I got I guess it depends what you mean
0:21:31 by that
0:21:32 so by a non-existent universe do you
0:21:36 think are you thinking like a
0:21:37 hypothetical universe
0:21:39 that doesn't exist
0:21:42 but could do
0:21:44 or are you talking about
0:21:46 nothing and then adding the term
0:21:48 Universe to the nothingness where
0:21:50 there's there is no thing
0:21:53 what which of the two are you talking
0:21:55 about
0:21:56 um isn't it contradictory I mean the
0:21:57 mind would argue that thinking of a
0:21:59 non-existent universe
0:22:01 well it depends
0:22:03 what you mean by a non-existent universe
0:22:05 so like if you're talking about
0:22:07 nothingness like absolutely nothing I
0:22:09 just would not apply the word Universe
0:22:11 to that
0:22:13 at all I'll just refer to it as nothing
0:22:17 um
0:22:18 but if you're talking about a universe
0:22:20 that could potentially exist but doesn't
0:22:22 at the moment and you're just talking
0:22:24 about it hypothetically
0:22:26 um then there's nothing contradictory in
0:22:27 that because
0:22:30 you're talking about what could be like
0:22:31 for example like if I'm talking about a
0:22:34 car that could exist and that this car
0:22:37 it's non-existent at the moment
0:22:40 um
0:22:41 but you know if it did exist you know it
0:22:43 would have these big curly wings that
0:22:47 went
0:22:48 and the the wings would uh be this color
0:22:54 um
0:22:55 that grades very very gradually
0:22:59 uh from polar opposite colors also I
0:23:03 don't know like just a list of
0:23:05 attributes that are random of a thing
0:23:06 that doesn't exist yet yeah you go back
0:23:09 in time
0:23:12 and you've got some little little
0:23:15 medieval people sat around and they're
0:23:16 talking about this thing that's going to
0:23:18 be metal and it you know it doesn't
0:23:20 exist yet
0:23:21 like there's nothing completely
0:23:24 inconceivable or contradictory about
0:23:26 them
0:23:27 talking about these things oh look at
0:23:30 this
0:23:32 how are you doing alhamdulillah good how
0:23:35 are you alhamdul very well
0:23:37 so yeah for joining us yeah we're just
0:23:40 doing a little Lighthouse live it's not
0:23:42 gonna be for long
0:23:43 um it's just for another 35 minutes
0:23:45 we'll finish at 8 p.m inshallah brother
0:23:49 Imran is uh it's kindly offered his
0:23:51 services for the lighthouse projects as
0:23:53 well so nice
0:23:55 it's excellent work mashallah very much
0:23:57 needed
0:23:59 um I I haven't seen any of the streams
0:24:01 so far so I've literally got the message
0:24:03 and I thought I'd just jump on inshallah
0:24:04 yeah there's not much going on yet uh I
0:24:06 have posted the the link I'm just trying
0:24:09 to address this question so someone's
0:24:11 asking about uh according to the
0:24:14 continuity argument the existence of the
0:24:16 universe can or cannot be
0:24:18 and it can be in a different way and
0:24:19 that's why it's contingent the question
0:24:20 is is can I think of a non-existent
0:24:22 universe isn't it contradictory so I'm
0:24:24 just trying to explain that
0:24:26 it depends what you mean like if you're
0:24:28 talking about nothingness and trying to
0:24:29 call that a universe yeah then you're
0:24:33 adding this thing to something which is
0:24:36 a knob thing and then that becomes a
0:24:38 contradiction you're trying to give a
0:24:39 property to a non-existent thing yeah
0:24:41 but if it's just talking about something
0:24:43 that could potentially exist like a
0:24:46 universe where me and you uh on opposite
0:24:49 sides
0:24:51 or I'm in your house and you're in my
0:24:53 office yeah you're welcome anytime by
0:24:56 the way yeah new to mine as well lovely
0:24:58 couch it's all a bit background blurred
0:25:01 but but yeah so that I wouldn't say that
0:25:03 would be contradictory even though it
0:25:05 doesn't exist
0:25:07 because it's not the possibility isn't
0:25:09 it yeah yeah yeah yeah
0:25:11 okay so this is your field so I'm sure
0:25:14 that you're uh
0:25:16 yeah I think he's just sort of uh
0:25:19 he's got himself mixed I don't know his
0:25:23 question is not very clear so I don't
0:25:24 really know
0:25:25 uh what he means in particular but
0:25:28 like so just going on into it moisters I
0:25:30 mean that the the mind would argue that
0:25:32 thinking of a non-existent universe is a
0:25:34 contradiction because thinking of a
0:25:35 non-existent universe would require
0:25:38 a thinking entity
0:25:40 for example can I imagine holding a ball
0:25:42 in my hand while Simon saying instantly
0:25:44 imagining that I don't exist
0:25:45 well no you wouldn't be able to
0:25:48 but thinking about a non-existent
0:25:50 universe doesn't require you to think
0:25:53 the
0:25:54 I don't know I think you're over
0:25:56 complicated yeah
0:25:57 is the uh maybe I don't understand the
0:26:00 question is the question about uh
0:26:02 another universe that um has
0:26:05 is like this universe but different
0:26:07 somehow but doesn't actually exist yeah
0:26:09 or is it actually the question about
0:26:11 existing thinking of something that
0:26:13 doesn't exist and calling that our
0:26:14 universe there are two different things
0:26:15 aren't they what was the what's up I'll
0:26:18 put the link in so you're welcome to
0:26:20 jump on or maybe we can like talk
0:26:22 through it and the question is as well I
0:26:23 guess why is this bothering you or is it
0:26:25 bothering you is it something like as if
0:26:28 it's just like a question
0:26:30 then fair enough it's not that big a
0:26:32 deal but if this is something that's
0:26:33 like keeping you up at night
0:26:35 um
0:26:38 then obviously like I think the brothers
0:26:40 made a comment there
0:26:43 I understood Amex nothingness with you
0:26:45 okay okay yeah so like if you're mixing
0:26:48 two terms together that are
0:26:50 contradictory then it would become
0:26:52 contradictory
0:26:53 um
0:26:55 but just like I don't see how like
0:26:58 hypothesizing for example
0:27:00 about a potential universe that could
0:27:02 exist even though it doesn't would be in
0:27:05 the same way that I could talk about
0:27:06 that car that I mentioned like you know
0:27:09 it's got curly wings and it has uh like
0:27:13 these big ribbons that come out of the
0:27:15 windows like it might not well they're
0:27:17 saying that that kind of car probably
0:27:18 exists these days but
0:27:20 um like just pointing at something that
0:27:23 doesn't exist yet isn't enough to say
0:27:25 that it's a contradiction because you're
0:27:26 not saying that it does exist the
0:27:28 contradiction is is when you're
0:27:29 asserting two properties of the thing
0:27:31 simultaneously
0:27:33 in the same way
0:27:34 about the same thing
0:27:37 in the same in the same everything so
0:27:40 one example is the married Bachelor you
0:27:43 say like if I say brother Imran here
0:27:46 masha'allah he's uh he's a married
0:27:48 Bachelor
0:27:49 you can say well no that that's
0:27:51 contradictory because you're saying that
0:27:53 he is married and simultaneously in the
0:27:56 same way at the same time he's not
0:27:58 married
0:27:59 but you can't make both of those claims
0:28:01 about the same thing you're not saying
0:28:03 anything like that when you're talking
0:28:04 about
0:28:05 and a non-existent universe that you're
0:28:07 hypothesizing about
0:28:09 because you're not claiming that it does
0:28:10 exist
0:28:11 if you said that this non-existent
0:28:13 universe does exist
0:28:15 that would be the contradiction
0:28:17 that's when you're just going to be
0:28:20 careful with the language and I think
0:28:21 this is the biggest problem with
0:28:22 philosophy
0:28:24 is sometimes language is the weirdest
0:28:27 thing like even simple words sometimes I
0:28:29 say like you know I like porridge in the
0:28:33 morning and I put banana in my porridge
0:28:35 but the word banana sometimes just
0:28:38 doesn't look like a word to me
0:28:40 you know what I mean oh Flamingo is
0:28:42 another aubergine there's some words you
0:28:44 say them enough
0:28:45 and they just stop
0:28:47 seeming like Words is that is that like
0:28:49 a northern thing or something
0:28:51 I don't know I thought it was again am I
0:28:53 the only one
0:28:55 um are you looking at a word and it
0:28:57 stops looking like a word or who have
0:28:58 you never looked at who and thought why
0:29:00 is that said who a
0:29:05 yeah so in uh so we get lots of words
0:29:07 like uh pneumonia the piece that's
0:29:10 another one and then we have lots of
0:29:11 these phone
0:29:13 uh but if you give it to a child they'll
0:29:16 they'll try and say the P initially and
0:29:18 then that's intuitive yeah those lots of
0:29:21 those types of things
0:29:22 um yeah you know with English you can
0:29:24 spell fish uh as this
0:29:28 uh isn't this the pH
0:29:31 uh
0:29:33 I'd say it's only one t I'll spell it
0:29:35 with two T's uh
0:29:37 there we go this
0:29:39 let's fish
0:29:41 in English yeah
0:29:43 okay
0:29:44 I should come here more often I learned
0:29:46 something else you want to know why it's
0:29:48 fish I can tell you why it's fish is
0:29:50 that like a Gaelic dialect or something
0:29:52 no no no no no no you say it's the GH
0:29:54 from enough
0:29:57 oh I see yes you got the fur it's a GH
0:30:00 from enough
0:30:01 and then you've got the the O from women
0:30:08 and then you've got the ti
0:30:11 from potions here from West from westery
0:30:14 potion potion okay yeah yeah so GH is
0:30:19 the fur from enough fur the O is the the
0:30:23 if from women
0:30:24 and the ti is the uh
0:30:27 firm potion
0:30:29 so
0:30:30 fish
0:30:32 but it's just because English is a weird
0:30:34 language
0:30:36 the bottom of it it's a mishmash of many
0:30:38 different places because we're just
0:30:40 getting invaded
0:30:41 from every angle constantly yes so you
0:30:45 must be indigenous from everywhere
0:30:46 martial law yeah yeah yeah
0:30:48 um you know you know the the sessions
0:30:50 that you do the lighthouse sessions
0:30:52 mashallah
0:30:54 um when you do these events like that
0:30:56 you're talking now you're doing this
0:30:57 live stream what was the was the purpose
0:30:58 to answer questions or are you talking
0:31:00 about the lighthouse
0:31:01 yeah no so answer questions as well so
0:31:03 basically what the point of these
0:31:06 kind of you know I was meaning to speak
0:31:08 to you about this as well it's kind of
0:31:09 like the doubt Busters
0:31:11 I need to advertise the service because
0:31:13 it's a private one some people get
0:31:14 anxious about asking questions publicly
0:31:16 or going online and of course
0:31:18 um there's a certain character type that
0:31:21 inclines towards jumping on a live
0:31:23 stream and there's obviously the
0:31:24 introverts struggle with that
0:31:26 um so this service is here I guess to
0:31:29 make up for that lack in the market
0:31:31 because we've got lots of live streams
0:31:32 going on everywhere and people can yeah
0:31:36 um you know their hands is then there's
0:31:37 millions of them
0:31:39 um when you can jump on you can have
0:31:41 these conversations publicly but not
0:31:43 everyone can do that so these are
0:31:44 private free one-to-one we don't want to
0:31:46 put any barriers in people's way
0:31:48 um the information that you provide is
0:31:50 not made public
0:31:51 um it's kept private and you can chat to
0:31:54 either myself or to put a Hamza or
0:31:56 inshallah not to fire the future but
0:31:59 Imran and Abbas inshallah is joining as
0:32:02 well
0:32:02 and we've got a few other brothers
0:32:04 um who are engaged in the
0:32:06 the mentoring um so you could just have
0:32:08 this nice conversation and the majority
0:32:10 of them go really well
0:32:11 I have had so many nice conversations
0:32:14 with people that are just panicking over
0:32:16 something and you talk them through it
0:32:18 and then the Hat just settles and they
0:32:20 go oh I feel silly now
0:32:22 but sometimes people just need that
0:32:24 discussion and I think one of the
0:32:26 biggest problems at the moment is many
0:32:28 mosques are not really equipped to
0:32:30 answer some of the weird questions like
0:32:31 like actually Islam
0:32:35 it's not I want to say weird I don't
0:32:36 mean like you're weird like I mean it is
0:32:39 a these questions can get a bit abstract
0:32:42 in a bit out there
0:32:44 um and I think for the average person
0:32:46 that maybe attends the mosque they've
0:32:49 maybe probably not even thought in that
0:32:51 much detail about these type of things
0:32:52 so when they hear these kind of
0:32:54 questions it just goes over the head or
0:32:55 they don't know how to respond or they
0:32:56 panic
0:32:58 and they react badly and um yeah it's a
0:33:01 shame so this I mean we get lots of lots
0:33:03 of emails you personally as well as to
0:33:06 to EF Tower and I'm sure everyone is the
0:33:08 same of people just sort of you know can
0:33:11 you help me with this sort of specific
0:33:12 question or something and it's and it's
0:33:15 often that they have they're not able to
0:33:17 come onto a live stream or they they
0:33:18 don't want to so I think this is a
0:33:20 really essential service I think the
0:33:22 other for me the other thing that is
0:33:23 really useful about this is that you get
0:33:26 time you get time to talk to somebody
0:33:28 one to one and that's really missing in
0:33:30 another four or another another sort of
0:33:33 um platform so you can't really do that
0:33:34 so those two things combined if you have
0:33:37 something that you you think is you know
0:33:39 I don't really want to talk about this
0:33:40 openly
0:33:41 um and also I need a bit of time to
0:33:43 explain what's happened and what I'm
0:33:45 thinking and then this is sort of it's
0:33:47 open to that and I think that gives
0:33:48 people a bit of reassurance that it's
0:33:50 private it's available that you can book
0:33:53 it at your own uh you know your
0:33:54 convenience and it's not rushed as well
0:33:56 like sometimes with the live streams
0:33:58 it's like right you've got one point you
0:33:59 can make you're going through that and
0:34:01 then we've got to push you off and get
0:34:02 the next person on and it's not
0:34:04 necessarily done with bad intent it's
0:34:06 just if you've like for example you've
0:34:08 got these live streams sometimes you
0:34:09 have like 50 people waiting in the back
0:34:10 yeah absolutely and like you don't want
0:34:12 to like just give one person five hours
0:34:14 of time
0:34:16 and then everyone sat down in the back
0:34:18 waiting for their turn and they don't
0:34:19 get an opportunity and the stream ends
0:34:21 um whereas with this like you book a
0:34:23 service if you get through everything in
0:34:25 one session alhamdulillah if you don't
0:34:26 you can go you can book another session
0:34:28 you can book in the same day at the same
0:34:30 time and get you know um get through to
0:34:32 the same person uh or you can book it on
0:34:34 another day and inshallah maybe get
0:34:36 through to someone else but yeah it's
0:34:38 there for as often as you need it and
0:34:41 you can keep coming back obviously the
0:34:43 whole point of the service is to sort of
0:34:45 equip you to be able to deal with these
0:34:46 things yourself
0:34:47 well we wanted the whole you know the
0:34:50 saying that we generally give is we want
0:34:51 to teach you how to fish not just be the
0:34:53 person that gives you fish every time
0:34:55 you're hungry
0:34:56 um and the whole point of the
0:34:57 conversations is we're not just trying
0:34:58 to answer the question but we're trying
0:35:00 to get you to think in such a way where
0:35:02 you can go away and deal with them
0:35:04 yourself because like like me for
0:35:06 example I do
0:35:07 about 50 of the sessions
0:35:09 um that we're doing at the moment and
0:35:12 I get a lot of questions and a lot of
0:35:14 them I just don't know the answer to
0:35:15 sometimes it's just like
0:35:17 good question I don't know and like I
0:35:20 don't go into a state of panic
0:35:22 and so people do like they come across a
0:35:24 question it's very very common like I
0:35:26 literally had like like one session
0:35:28 after the other where it was just like
0:35:29 one brother suffering from the very same
0:35:32 thing as the next not necessarily the
0:35:33 same topic but in the same way like they
0:35:36 come across something and the way he
0:35:39 presented it was like uh he was having a
0:35:41 discussion he was giving dollar to
0:35:42 someone and they
0:35:44 um they they put him on the spot and he
0:35:46 was like and then I didn't and like I
0:35:47 don't know how to answer it and then you
0:35:49 know I'm like am I a cafe
0:35:53 they go into a state of panic where they
0:35:55 can't sleep they get into a state of
0:35:57 depression and then they ring me and I'm
0:35:59 like why do you think that makes your
0:36:01 Cafe like just simply because you don't
0:36:03 know the answer to a question that's
0:36:05 like saying I'm a caviar if I'm not the
0:36:08 all-knowing like that's not how it works
0:36:11 you're you are finite there are going to
0:36:14 be things you don't know the answer to
0:36:16 and that's completely normal and you
0:36:18 need to be able to like
0:36:19 come across certain things
0:36:22 and go oh that's an interesting question
0:36:24 I don't know the answer to that I will
0:36:27 look into it or like inshallah Allah
0:36:30 will give me the answer at some point
0:36:31 because there's some questions as well
0:36:33 that like you get the answers to
0:36:36 straight away like you go on a Google
0:36:37 search or you reach out to a friend or
0:36:40 something you get the answer like that
0:36:41 there's some that take ages there's some
0:36:45 like that you might never get because
0:36:47 it's not incomprehensible that there are
0:36:49 some things you're just not going to get
0:36:49 the answers to yeah yeah lots of things
0:36:52 like that but a lot of the time it's
0:36:53 just trying to instill these virtues in
0:36:55 people you know virtues of things like
0:36:56 patience Etc
0:36:58 um getting people to you know there's a
0:37:00 there's a sort of because there's a
0:37:03 couple of reasons because this is sort
0:37:04 of an indicative of something more
0:37:06 fundamental
0:37:07 so either
0:37:09 um depending on who the person is either
0:37:10 you haven't really
0:37:12 built the foundations for yourself very
0:37:15 strongly so that when things do come
0:37:17 along they affect you quite a lot and it
0:37:19 upturns you your worldview is affected
0:37:22 quite strongly
0:37:23 and sometimes it can be because if
0:37:25 you're uh if you've been if you're you
0:37:28 know born into Islam you've been
0:37:29 complacent about the the learning or
0:37:31 you've come into Islam uh very
0:37:34 intellectually and you haven't really
0:37:36 laid your foundations yet
0:37:38 um something else comes along and it
0:37:39 kind of rock you quite strongly and
0:37:41 that's probably the indication that you
0:37:42 know let that sit down and work out why
0:37:46 you believe what you believe and where
0:37:47 you've established sort of your
0:37:48 foundations from and and get sort of
0:37:50 learning get yourself spiritually strong
0:37:52 and then you can move into these areas
0:37:53 of looking at things
0:37:56 um the other thing that might be a
0:37:57 personality thing so I I mean lots of
0:37:59 people are very anxious and little
0:38:01 things can sort of make you suddenly
0:38:03 um you know it can make you very anxious
0:38:06 about everything so a small anxiety
0:38:08 becomes a big anxiety sort of it's sort
0:38:10 of a ripple effect starts affecting
0:38:12 other things
0:38:13 and so I suppose it depends on who you
0:38:15 come across but it sometimes it can
0:38:17 declare things that need to be dealt
0:38:19 with um and this is a nice way to find
0:38:20 out you don't want to find yeah live
0:38:22 stream having a nice chat with someone
0:38:24 who cares is probably the nice way to do
0:38:26 it mashallah and uh this is the thing as
0:38:29 well like you like I I can't even count
0:38:32 how many people I've spoke to privately
0:38:34 but you start to see certain patterns
0:38:36 and it like you you recognize that there
0:38:38 is this intimate relationship between
0:38:40 the heart and the mind like there isn't
0:38:42 this big wall between them like people
0:38:44 try to make out
0:38:46 um it's you know they are connected and
0:38:48 that when your heart is affected that
0:38:51 does affect your ability to reason and
0:38:53 we know this because uh when people are
0:38:56 heartbroken for example they do very
0:38:58 very stupid things thinking that they're
0:39:00 completely rational mashallah we've got
0:39:02 brother in the back
0:39:03 he's giving us a little wave just give
0:39:05 us um I'll tell you what I'll just
0:39:07 bringing salam alaikum Bella
0:39:09 yeah
0:39:12 brother Yusuf brother Imran how are you
0:39:16 good how are you
0:39:19 alhamdulillah I was I I like it it
0:39:22 really picks my interest uh the the
0:39:25 point you were uh trying to explain to
0:39:27 the brother in the chat
0:39:29 uh about all the existence and the
0:39:31 non-existence and uh and uh it brought
0:39:35 me to think about uh about this verse in
0:39:39 the Quran
0:39:40 where uh uh Allah
0:39:43 uh says that uh uh let me read it in
0:39:48 English because I don't memorize it in
0:39:49 English so it says we did we did indeed
0:39:53 offer the trust to the heavens and the
0:39:55 earth and the mountains but they refused
0:39:57 to undertake it being afraid thereof
0:40:01 but men undertook it he was indeed
0:40:04 unjust and foolish
0:40:07 so when we look at this verse when we
0:40:10 talk about the other reality uh because
0:40:14 in the Quran God says that that uh
0:40:21 that means after we die it's like a
0:40:24 cover gets a veil from our eyes and our
0:40:26 vision becomes so strong we get to see
0:40:28 some things that that that we couldn't
0:40:32 see or we could we saw blurry when we
0:40:34 were alive yeah and uh so so what I
0:40:38 meant uh by uh uh uh uh mentioned in the
0:40:42 first verse is that everything that God
0:40:44 created
0:40:46 worships him with no condition with no
0:40:49 choice
0:40:50 and God gave us that trust to where we
0:40:55 will have a choice in life when we say
0:40:58 insane is
0:41:01 given a choice to actually uh make our
0:41:06 own decision
0:41:07 for for a brief period of time in this
0:41:10 life
0:41:11 are we going to worship God or not and
0:41:14 we said that we will because God uh
0:41:17 explicitly explained to us that we have
0:41:20 made this choice we have decided to
0:41:22 undertake this uh this this this
0:41:25 challenge because a lot of the atheists
0:41:28 keep saying why is God unjust what would
0:41:31 he punish us for a test that that he
0:41:33 know we're gonna fail
0:41:35 and uh and it's not true because God is
0:41:38 telling us that we chose this test and
0:41:40 he tells us that we were transgressors
0:41:42 and unjust and foolish for choosing to
0:41:45 take this test and the reward from this
0:41:48 test is so great we we're going to be
0:41:50 raised to uh to such a high position
0:41:54 from passing this test and now that we
0:41:58 are at this moment in life we are
0:42:00 already in the test we can't see anymore
0:42:03 like the way I try to describe it to
0:42:05 some friends when I talk about this
0:42:06 topic
0:42:07 if you're familiar Brothers with the
0:42:09 with the virtual reality when you put on
0:42:12 those goggles and you can see all these
0:42:13 things around you
0:42:15 yeah I tell them I tell them imagine
0:42:17 that you put on the reality goggles
0:42:20 virtual reality goggles and then there
0:42:22 are all these uh electrodes that are
0:42:25 attached to your uh to your skull and uh
0:42:28 so you can feel everything around you to
0:42:31 the point where it's like so real you
0:42:33 can feel things you can taste things you
0:42:34 can
0:42:35 and right before you put the goggles on
0:42:38 you're told that this is a tough test
0:42:41 that once you're immersed in that in
0:42:43 that uh virtual reality
0:42:46 you will forget everything that's around
0:42:48 you on the outside world like people
0:42:50 standing around the new around you
0:42:51 watching
0:42:56 oh did we lose you
0:42:59 brother are you still there
0:43:02 oh oh I'm sorry brother oh I'm sorry
0:43:06 sorry I I realized what happened so I
0:43:08 said once you're in that once you have
0:43:10 the goggles on you will be so immersed
0:43:12 in that reality that you would not know
0:43:15 or see or feel what's going on outside
0:43:18 of you like there are people standing in
0:43:19 front of you watching on the screen what
0:43:22 you're doing and what you're what you're
0:43:24 saying and everything
0:43:25 and but you have no contact with that
0:43:28 and you don't realize what you what are
0:43:30 you doing until you remove the goggles
0:43:32 so what are you doing the test people
0:43:34 are standing around and you're around
0:43:35 you are looking at the screen and say oh
0:43:37 my God I can't believe you just stole
0:43:38 something
0:43:39 oh my God he just he just took that that
0:43:42 uh Haram meet and put in his mouth and
0:43:45 part of the test is that poor kid he
0:43:47 can't eat pork it's it's just part of
0:43:50 the test it's not because because God is
0:43:52 unable to make us eat pork it's part
0:43:54 parts of the test like don't eat pork
0:43:56 once you have the gargle these are the
0:43:57 rules don't do these things do these
0:43:59 things and we find out that within when
0:44:02 we have the goggles on all these things
0:44:04 that are supposedly Haram for us and
0:44:06 Haram for a reason within that test not
0:44:09 within the the greater reality within
0:44:12 that test like they harm us when we do
0:44:15 when we do all these harambics they
0:44:18 could even just simply be because of um
0:44:19 a test of obedience
0:44:22 because exactly I'm I'm doing a video at
0:44:26 the moment for yesterday and I think
0:44:28 it's your recent one
0:44:29 um the non-believer believes in the
0:44:31 fitra
0:44:32 part one and
0:44:34 um there's a moment where
0:44:37 you're discussing something with him
0:44:40 and it's about the Apple I think
0:44:43 and like the Abbas is talking about that
0:44:46 like the apples in and off itself is
0:44:48 like this arbitrary object yeah I
0:44:51 remember it's like you know like who
0:44:53 cares about apples like what what is it
0:44:55 about this apple it's nothing about the
0:44:57 Apple in and off itself
0:44:58 but there's there's this whole notion of
0:45:01 like no you're being commanded to do
0:45:02 something
0:45:04 um like are you going to like be humble
0:45:07 and understand the position that you're
0:45:08 in in relation to the one that's
0:45:09 commanded you
0:45:11 um that you're ignorant you're finite
0:45:12 your leave and he is all knowing he is
0:45:15 wise and he's uh that not finite he's
0:45:19 infinite and you know there's obviously
0:45:23 a humbleness in that and there can be a
0:45:24 you know we refer to it as a Slip but
0:45:27 this forgetfulness and it's sort of
0:45:28 linking it to what you were saying as
0:45:30 well you know the virtual reality
0:45:31 goggles
0:45:32 and the the veil now it's funny because
0:45:35 like inshallah I can't take the veil off
0:45:38 you completely
0:45:39 but
0:45:41 there is a way of like peeking behind
0:45:45 certain layers and you can do it right
0:45:46 now yeah because we this happens all the
0:45:48 time we become very forgetful
0:45:50 and we become very soaked in to things
0:45:54 outside of us or to a particular task
0:45:57 and it's it can be quite remedial maybe
0:45:58 it's the stream
0:46:00 um maybe it's you're doing the dishes or
0:46:01 whatever but like life just sort of
0:46:03 captures you sometimes and you get stuck
0:46:05 in it and you just sort of go from one
0:46:07 thing to the next mindlessly almost
0:46:10 and it doesn't have to be like that like
0:46:12 right this very second yeah we can look
0:46:16 at how weird the universe is like it's
0:46:20 really really strange and you know like
0:46:22 people we mentioned in the virtual
0:46:24 reality goggles when they first came out
0:46:27 we were putting them on and we were
0:46:28 getting Shivers yeah we were like whoa
0:46:30 look at this this is weird like watching
0:46:32 like floating above Earth and things
0:46:34 like that and we like we'd be so amazed
0:46:37 by it and then we take them off and like
0:46:40 all we could think about was our
0:46:42 experience inside that virtual reality
0:46:43 goggles and we're looking at something
0:46:45 that is like more than 8K 50 billion K
0:46:49 like everything you see in reality
0:46:51 it isn't reducible to just a certain
0:46:54 number of pixels that you can do on a
0:46:55 screen yeah because that's all the
0:46:57 screen is it's just a number of pixels
0:46:59 and it's limited to however many well we
0:47:01 can get 8K now like a big what like the
0:47:04 universe can be broken down into a tiny
0:47:07 tiny particles so this is like
0:47:10 if it's a k anything it's a big big
0:47:13 number yeah there's so much detail in
0:47:16 the universe that it is completely
0:47:18 incomprehensible like every like even
0:47:21 like something simple like a maggot yeah
0:47:24 pretty arbitrary little
0:47:26 stupid little thing just Wiggles about
0:47:28 eats stuff and cocoons itself like in
0:47:31 that there is so much complexity and
0:47:34 weirdness there's so much like to just
0:47:37 sit and be in awe of but we just we get
0:47:40 soaked into day-to-day stuff so much
0:47:43 should we be combined to it like the
0:47:44 like the things that you have in your
0:47:46 house your washing machine these lights
0:47:48 these computers like I'm talking to you
0:47:50 I'm in a room we're not with each other
0:47:52 I'm not sat next to you I don't know
0:47:54 where you are I don't know but it runs
0:47:56 in London somewhere I don't even know
0:47:58 where in London but like all of these
0:48:00 ads are coming together
0:48:02 through through what through internet
0:48:04 waves whatever that is there's signals
0:48:06 information flying through the sky and
0:48:09 like we're all having this mad
0:48:10 conversation
0:48:11 and half of the time like the the
0:48:15 craziness of reality just completely
0:48:16 passes Us by but all it takes is just to
0:48:18 sit there and look at it and think about
0:48:19 how weird everything is
0:48:21 and all of a sudden that veil's gone for
0:48:24 a moment just just for a second like how
0:48:27 strange is everything how like how many
0:48:29 things are there that I should be like
0:48:30 in or off and be grateful for like you
0:48:33 know the go-to one is usually eyesight
0:48:35 like yeah like you when you've got your
0:48:38 eyesight and you're just using it you
0:48:40 take it for granted you're not like
0:48:42 I can see you're not like crying every
0:48:44 day because of the beauty of color I
0:48:47 gotta you know on a bright summer's day
0:48:48 when it the Sun comes out and the sky is
0:48:50 blue and all the vegetation is green and
0:48:53 the light just hits it perfectly and
0:48:55 it's like wow look at that like how
0:48:57 often like you should be constantly in
0:48:59 tears because if that was when like when
0:49:02 you get something in your eye and or
0:49:04 like you know something hurts or
0:49:06 whatever like when that's taken away
0:49:07 from you
0:49:09 all of a sudden you're like oh I wish I
0:49:11 had it I wish I had just appreciated it
0:49:13 when I had it oh you know same with good
0:49:15 health when we're in good health we just
0:49:17 take it for granted and then all of a
0:49:19 sudden we feel sick and then we're like
0:49:21 oh I've only if only I could get good
0:49:23 health again and then you get it again
0:49:24 it's like Allah Allah says in the Quran
0:49:26 you're like uh mankind screams for help
0:49:29 when he's on a sinking ship and then
0:49:30 when he gets what he wants and he he
0:49:32 gets dry land
0:49:34 it's like he never had any problem like
0:49:36 he never called to Allah at all and he
0:49:38 just calls about his day because mankind
0:49:40 is forgetful mankind
0:49:42 you know just get sucked into the
0:49:43 day-to-day and like as much as I can
0:49:45 maybe draw attention to the weirdness
0:49:47 you know
0:49:49 you know brother I'm sorry the point you
0:49:51 made is like uh it's so good it actually
0:49:54 it reminds me of of this uh this idea
0:49:58 that I get and and God forbid I mean to
0:50:01 uh to say that this is how creation was
0:50:05 uh uh by no means but let's just pretend
0:50:09 of sake of pretending and this virtual
0:50:12 reality what you're gonna put on the
0:50:13 goggles but you will be judged for what
0:50:16 you did while you had the goggles and
0:50:18 the the those electrodes and uh and uh
0:50:21 your memory was wiped off from the real
0:50:23 reality where you only witness and
0:50:26 experience things within that virtual
0:50:28 reality but before you put on the
0:50:30 goggles
0:50:31 you're told that once you enter that
0:50:34 reality there will be some things that
0:50:37 will work for you and some things that
0:50:39 will work against you for example for
0:50:41 example if you're a man and you're
0:50:43 extremely handsome it would be a
0:50:44 Temptation in that world and it will
0:50:46 cause you maybe to to attract uh uh
0:50:49 other women and uh and and cause you to
0:50:52 sin and maybe if you are very rich then
0:50:55 that money will be a Temptation and you
0:50:58 will be doing all things that will cause
0:51:00 you to sin and and uh if you're very
0:51:03 strong you're gonna have the the duty to
0:51:06 protect the weak and stand for what is
0:51:08 right and what is just and what is all
0:51:10 these things we're going to be judged on
0:51:12 and after the game is over
0:51:15 so now if you're selecting your uh your
0:51:19 tools for the game
0:51:21 and you're wise you're probably gonna
0:51:23 say you know what I don't want to be
0:51:24 very rich I don't want to be very
0:51:26 handsome I don't want to be very strong
0:51:29 I don't want to be very deaf because
0:51:31 you're trying to limit that Temptation
0:51:34 that might cause you to lose the game
0:51:35 but then once you decide all that and
0:51:38 you put on the goggles then all of a
0:51:40 sudden you're complaining you were like
0:51:41 you're like I wish I was I was I was a
0:51:44 very handsome man I was I wish I was
0:51:46 very strong I wish I was very rich this
0:51:49 is not fair God is not fair wisely or
0:51:51 the the the game Lord is not fair why
0:51:54 isn't he why is he giving this guy a
0:51:55 villa and a boat and this and uh and uh
0:51:59 uh private jet and like I'm struggling
0:52:02 to pay my rent and
0:52:04 so yeah people sometimes as well we we
0:52:07 get sucks into the problems that we have
0:52:10 you can't and then you draw a line
0:52:12 around that problem
0:52:13 and say I cannot see why this would
0:52:16 happen to me
0:52:17 and half of the time like a bit of time
0:52:21 makes that line that you've drawn around
0:52:22 the problem dissolve like when I was
0:52:25 younger certain things happened to me
0:52:27 when they were happening I was like oh
0:52:28 you know how could it be and you put a
0:52:31 bit of distance between you and it
0:52:33 and it has less of an impact on you and
0:52:36 that line can be drawn a bit further you
0:52:38 go okay maybe I can see why that could
0:52:41 have happened to me or what consequences
0:52:43 came from that that may have been good
0:52:45 or what consequences were taken away
0:52:47 from me because of that thing
0:52:49 um whatever it is like there's so many
0:52:51 things that you can conceive of if you
0:52:52 just give yourself a chance to sit down
0:52:54 and think about these things because
0:52:56 this is the thing like the biggest links
0:52:59 to like the problem of evil and people
0:53:00 are complaining about the evil that has
0:53:02 befallen them they say I think it is
0:53:04 gratuitous I think there is no good
0:53:07 reason why this happened but it's like
0:53:09 do you know that do you know that for
0:53:12 sure because in order to say that you
0:53:13 have to have all the facts you need to
0:53:15 know how this event interplays into
0:53:19 everything around you yeah not just you
0:53:23 in that particular moment but you as an
0:53:26 individual throughout an entire life you
0:53:28 as an individual who has interactions
0:53:30 with your environment and the people
0:53:31 around you and how it impacts and
0:53:33 affects them
0:53:34 and can you say that you know
0:53:37 without a shadow of a doubt that there
0:53:40 is no wisdom behind it and the answer to
0:53:42 that question is no you do not know
0:53:44 without a shadow of a doubt and it's the
0:53:46 same lesson is taught in uh sort of calf
0:53:49 with Musa when he's with uh
0:53:54 I don't know if I'm repeating myself to
0:53:56 the same people or if this is a
0:53:58 different circumstance but
0:54:00 um yeah what happens is he has these
0:54:03 natural reactions you know he thought it
0:54:06 does something and he's like
0:54:08 why are you doing that and he's like the
0:54:11 intuition is this is an unjustice why
0:54:13 would you do this and he says I told you
0:54:14 you couldn't be patient with me and he's
0:54:17 like ah yes and he humbles himself and
0:54:19 he realizes I'm jumping to conclusions
0:54:20 maybe I am ignorant of some facts that
0:54:23 would make me understand what is going
0:54:25 on here and in the end that's exactly
0:54:27 what happens that circle around the
0:54:29 immediate environment is what's
0:54:31 happening when he he damages the boat
0:54:33 most of Allah's reaction is I am putting
0:54:35 a circle around this moment around this
0:54:38 event with me and you in this boat and
0:54:41 I'm not thinking beyond that
0:54:42 and in that Circle within this limited
0:54:45 context that I've artificially forced
0:54:48 upon the moment
0:54:49 that is an injustice it's like well hold
0:54:52 on a second
0:54:53 comes along and draws a bigger circle is
0:54:55 a Big King coming about
0:54:58 he's gonna be taking everyone's boats
0:54:59 and he's not going to take this ball if
0:55:01 there's a little hole in it and that's
0:55:02 going to save this family and that might
0:55:04 have a huge impact God knows on how many
0:55:06 generations that came after that
0:55:09 The Butterfly Effects you know a little
0:55:11 butterfly can flap its wings one minute
0:55:13 and that can have huge implications
0:55:15 thousands of years down the line and you
0:55:18 look at not Ali salami one family and we
0:55:20 all come from him
0:55:22 so you know these things can have huge
0:55:25 impacts the little things insignificant
0:55:27 things you're complaining about things
0:55:28 that are
0:55:29 um really important to you in that
0:55:30 moment
0:55:31 but there could be a tiny thing like
0:55:32 maybe you put the glass in there instead
0:55:35 of there or you know you you drank this
0:55:37 tea instead of that tea or you put too
0:55:40 many sugars or not or nothing like all
0:55:42 of these things have God knows how many
0:55:43 count
0:55:44 um
0:55:47 consequences
0:55:48 and you we cannot go ahead and talk
0:55:51 about these things as if we we know that
0:55:53 they're gratuitous because we just
0:55:55 simply don't but um I'm gonna have to
0:55:57 leave it there brother so I'm gonna have
0:55:58 to
0:56:17 prompt you to that question about the um
0:56:20 teenager yeah was that the one you're
0:56:22 gonna ask yeah so can you help a
0:56:23 confused teenager so if she's 18 and
0:56:27 over she can use a service if she's not
0:56:29 someone that she knows who is 18 or over
0:56:32 can use a service and we can talk to
0:56:34 them and then they can relay the
0:56:35 information or try to help so this is it
0:56:38 the way we work is we're not just
0:56:40 helping individuals that are suffering
0:56:41 through the problems themselves we're
0:56:43 trying to equip people who know
0:56:45 individuals who are suffering through
0:56:47 problems to help them to deal with it so
0:56:50 basically to help equip you do the job
0:56:52 that I do or the doctor Imran here like
0:56:55 and it's not impossible like we I wasn't
0:56:59 even a Muslim Once Upon a Time
0:57:01 um so you know if I can do it you most
0:57:03 certainly can
0:57:05 um and half of the time it's just you
0:57:07 know trying to get through certain
0:57:10 assumptions that people make like the
0:57:12 amount of times that someone's come in
0:57:14 with an argument and you're like well
0:57:16 hold on like
0:57:18 in order to say that with so much
0:57:20 the conviction
0:57:23 with so much confidence you've got to
0:57:25 say you know about XYZ and I guarantee
0:57:27 you don't think you know about XYZ at
0:57:29 all and um so yeah so but then he says
0:57:33 uh she is a woman if she's already age
0:57:36 18 she's more than welcome to use the
0:57:37 service you can send this link
0:57:39 um to her I'll put it in the chat just
0:57:41 forward it and she's more than welcome
0:57:43 to make use of that
0:57:47 um but yeah so are you going to add to
0:57:48 that as well brother no I was just going
0:57:50 to add to the really I think the thing
0:57:53 the thing that's really important for me
0:57:55 as because we all suffer in our lives is
0:57:57 sort of just part of living yeah and the
0:58:00 thing to remember well the thing that I
0:58:01 try to remember is actually you know
0:58:03 for every individual is important to
0:58:05 Allah nothing is insignificant and
0:58:07 nothing happens to us without some
0:58:09 meaning in it it's meaningful it's
0:58:11 important and it has some value
0:58:14 and we trust in Allah we believe that
0:58:16 there is some good outcome in anything
0:58:18 that we go through so
0:58:21 um I think for me that's always held me
0:58:23 because and what I've looked back on
0:58:25 difficulties that I've had
0:58:27 I've always learned actually you know
0:58:28 from this I learned these things
0:58:31 yeah and uh I don't I don't think I
0:58:34 would have learned them otherwise well
0:58:36 actually I was heading down a darker
0:58:37 path
0:58:38 and maybe maybe in a path that I
0:58:40 wouldn't have liked myself if I had gone
0:58:42 down that path and this event that
0:58:44 happened that stopped me and made me go
0:58:46 another way actually when I look back
0:58:49 I'm grateful for that yeah during the
0:58:51 time I was going through that it was it
0:58:52 was a nightmare yeah yeah
0:58:55 so there's always a there's always a
0:58:58 hikmah that maybe we don't know and this
0:58:59 is the this is the moral underneath the
0:59:01 story of the of Islam that we we don't
0:59:03 know we don't know
0:59:05 and so we can't make Hasty judgments
0:59:08 yeah exactly and sometimes it is just
0:59:11 like putting a bit of effort in or
0:59:14 having patience because sometimes like
0:59:16 because I've had conversations with
0:59:17 people and they're so annoyed about
0:59:20 something
0:59:21 and it's like oh like the gratuitous
0:59:23 evil again yeah so
0:59:25 like so they say why do bad things
0:59:27 happen to animals it's like can you not
0:59:30 think of a single reason why like I'll
0:59:32 give you a random thing and I want you
0:59:34 to try and tell me why you think this
0:59:37 event might have happened or what
0:59:39 potential reasons you might not get the
0:59:41 right answer but if you can think of at
0:59:42 least one yeah
0:59:44 and you can always think of more than
0:59:45 one but if you can think of at least one
0:59:47 you have at least a potential reason or
0:59:49 a wisdom behind that so the the example
0:59:52 I gave was um
0:59:54 the
0:59:55 a baby deer burning in a forest
0:59:58 it's like you know get the baby violin
1:00:00 out it pulls on the heartstrings poor
1:00:03 little deer why did it burn to death in
1:00:05 the forest and it's like okay yeah no
1:00:08 that does that sounds terrible doesn't
1:00:10 it like why would a baby deer just die
1:00:12 in the forest so think about it can you
1:00:15 think of any potential reason at all as
1:00:18 to why could have died maybe it was
1:00:20 having a disease
1:00:22 that had it been allowed to continue to
1:00:24 live might have spread and killed x
1:00:26 amount of people that may have been good
1:00:27 and there may have been great benefit in
1:00:29 them
1:00:30 um it could have been uh heading
1:00:32 straight towards a road
1:00:33 at some point in its life ran in front
1:00:36 of a car and killed a family of
1:00:37 beautiful people you know it could have
1:00:39 done X it could have done like there
1:00:41 could have been any number of reasons as
1:00:44 to why it happened
1:00:45 yeah and all of a sudden it's not
1:00:47 gratuitous now if I can give these
1:00:49 reasons
1:00:50 like you could of course you can object
1:00:52 to them if you want to but there are
1:00:54 still reasons there and the objection is
1:00:56 only again going to take you so far
1:00:58 because you you know you're limited in
1:00:59 your knowledge you don't they could that
1:01:01 could play the whole butterfly wing
1:01:03 thing there could be massive
1:01:05 consequences with letting this
1:01:07 particular thing happen or not happening
1:01:08 and it's just
1:01:10 just putting that effort in like just to
1:01:12 think and say okay
1:01:14 I will make an attempt here to try and
1:01:16 see if there is a reason in it and
1:01:19 looking for it is enough sometimes just
1:01:20 to reveal it to you and I've heard a
1:01:22 beautiful Dua I can't remember who told
1:01:24 me
1:01:25 um
1:01:26 I don't know if it's like a proper Dua
1:01:28 that we we get from the religion or
1:01:29 something but I heard someone say it and
1:01:32 it was um oh Allah don't give me an easy
1:01:35 life give me the strength to overcome
1:01:38 a difficult one or it may they may have
1:01:41 taken it from something else and
1:01:42 combined it with something but like
1:01:44 because within is the Islamic religion
1:01:47 as well we have this notion of this
1:01:48 concept that that pain isn't a bad thing
1:01:52 that like Allah says that he will test
1:01:55 the ones he loves over and over and over
1:01:57 and over again until they walk along the
1:01:59 Earth without sin yeah every no matter
1:02:01 what it is that you go through anxiety
1:02:03 hardship even the pricking of a thorn
1:02:05 that Allah will expiate your sins
1:02:07 because of it and on the day of judgment
1:02:09 you'll sit there and you'll see these
1:02:11 sins falling off your pile
1:02:13 and and you'll be told this is because
1:02:15 you suffered this with patience this is
1:02:17 because you suffered this with patients
1:02:18 and you'll be sitting there wishing
1:02:20 you'd suffered more
1:02:22 wishing you suffered more and the the
1:02:24 other Hadith about the the person who
1:02:26 had suffered has taken and he's not even
1:02:28 in Paradise he's just dipped in it like
1:02:31 a part of his body for a brief moment is
1:02:32 in there and he's asked did you ever
1:02:34 suffer and he said no this isn't
1:02:36 inconceivable because you see this
1:02:37 happening on earth when people
1:02:39 experience Joy they forget whatever pain
1:02:41 they've gone through someone wins the
1:02:43 lottery all of a sudden ask a mother
1:02:45 who's just delivered yeah like the
1:02:48 amount of like emotions they go through
1:02:50 the joy all of this like everything else
1:02:52 just drifts you forget about it no
1:02:54 matter what you've suffered like I've
1:02:55 got scars on my face I don't know if you
1:02:58 can even see
1:02:58 from when I fell down the stairs when I
1:03:00 was one I can't even remember that pain
1:03:02 yeah I like I have no I I only know
1:03:06 about it because I've got a scar there
1:03:07 that reminds me that that must have hurt
1:03:09 but and there's things that I do
1:03:10 remember happening like I've got scars
1:03:12 here I remember putting my arm through a
1:03:14 window
1:03:15 I know that hurt but I don't remember
1:03:17 the pain
1:03:18 like my arm doesn't hurt anymore it's
1:03:20 just
1:03:21 it's just a scar
1:03:23 you know it's just a memory it's
1:03:25 something that floats away it's like
1:03:27 looking at it through a fog and you know
1:03:29 if this can happen in the Dunya
1:03:32 with little trifling pieces of pleasure
1:03:35 and joy that you can forget everything
1:03:37 all of a sudden imagine like Allah is
1:03:40 describing there's a book that I'm
1:03:41 reading at the moment
1:03:55 I can't remember I'll put it
1:03:57 it's uh here it is
1:03:59 a concise description of Jannah and
1:04:01 Janam come on
1:04:03 and
1:04:05 basically it's you know it does what it
1:04:07 says on the tenant gives you a concise
1:04:09 description of Jannah and Johanna and
1:04:12 Jannah is described
1:04:14 in such a way yeah that
1:04:17 like it's it's inconceivable like the
1:04:20 the type of joy that you're going to
1:04:22 experience the type of bliss that you'll
1:04:24 have when you get to Jannah yeah if the
1:04:28 lottery can make you forget what you've
1:04:29 gone through the lottery is like
1:04:32 absolutely nothing in compared to this
1:04:35 infinite Bliss infinite Joy forever no
1:04:38 boredom no tiredness no uh you know like
1:04:42 like in the on the earth if I play a
1:04:44 game too much I get bored of it ah we've
1:04:46 got to move like no like in general
1:04:48 there's no lower diminishing return like
1:04:50 every time you've returned to something
1:04:51 the next experience conceivably could be
1:04:54 better than the last time you did it so
1:04:55 and that could just just keep doing that
1:04:57 forever like every time you go back to
1:04:59 the game you're like wow that's good
1:05:01 it's even better than the last time like
1:05:03 you know all these laws could be
1:05:05 completely inversed where people like
1:05:07 people say oh won't you get bored in
1:05:08 heaven for an infinite amount of time no
1:05:10 we only get bored on Earth because we're
1:05:12 wired to get bored
1:05:14 but isn't it's not you know
1:05:16 inconceivable that that wiring could be
1:05:18 completely changed so that that boredom
1:05:20 just doesn't ever hit you in fact the
1:05:22 opposite you get more and more like and
1:05:25 you you think you've hit a peak you're
1:05:26 like how on Earth can it get any better
1:05:27 than this imagine drama me and you yeah
1:05:30 roaming around playing real life Call of
1:05:33 Duty or Battlefield or something like
1:05:35 you shoot me when I die I respawn and
1:05:38 then like we're all running about
1:05:40 killing me we get to do what we want
1:05:42 like subhanallah
1:05:44 whatever you're going through whatever
1:05:46 it is you're going through you're gonna
1:05:47 forget
1:05:50 those in shoulder I mean I mean but
1:05:52 we'll leave it there do you want to give
1:05:56 a little closing statement before we we
1:05:57 end the stream
1:05:58 um I think I would just say that take
1:06:01 advantage of the uh of the service
1:06:03 that's being offered at the Lighthouse
1:06:04 uh project I think it's an excellent
1:06:06 thing inshallah
1:06:07 um and uh it may accept everyone's
1:06:09 efforts in sort of organizing it and
1:06:11 making it happen inshallah take my leave
1:06:14 now inshallah brothers
1:06:16 so it's a pleasure
1:06:22 and yes brothers and sisters so I'm
1:06:25 going to put the link on the screen I'm
1:06:26 just going to type it out so you can
1:06:28 forward slash lighthouse
1:06:31 and so just to reiterate uh as we end
1:06:34 this now this is a completely free
1:06:36 service there's no hidden charges it's
1:06:38 not all you've booked now uh with you
1:06:42 know you always 700 pounds in a sneaky
1:06:44 letter we sent you three weeks later no
1:06:46 it's free yeah there's no no charge
1:06:49 no pennies you just use the service as
1:06:52 and when you need it related to these
1:06:54 subject matters uh so you go to the link
1:06:56 that's running along the bottom of the
1:06:59 screen here
1:07:01 this one
1:07:02 go to that link it should be in the
1:07:04 description so if you're watching this
1:07:05 not live
1:07:06 check it out in the description if
1:07:08 you're watching it live it is in the
1:07:11 chat
1:07:12 as well in the live chat so click that
1:07:14 link and book a meeting and the meeting
1:07:17 uh is for people who are you know
1:07:21 ex-muslims or current Muslims who are on
1:07:24 the brink of leaving or
1:07:26 there's certain things that chewing your
1:07:28 head out and you're not too sure how to
1:07:30 deal with them or how to answer them or
1:07:31 like how to reconcile certain things
1:07:34 you're in University you're at you know
1:07:36 whatever it is like you just
1:07:39 tune your brains out you don't really
1:07:40 feel like there is anyone around you
1:07:41 that you can talk about these things too
1:07:43 we're here for you inshallah so book a
1:07:45 meeting it's completely private we don't
1:07:47 record these sessions and then make them
1:07:49 public they are recorded for legal
1:07:51 reasons
1:07:52 um but that's just because if something
1:07:54 goes wrong or something
1:07:55 um and something has to go to court
1:07:58 um my life a bit then obviously those
1:08:01 recordings are there because we are a
1:08:02 charity
1:08:03 and so let's get there for training and
1:08:05 quality purposes and that kind of thing
1:08:07 um but it's not put onto YouTube it's
1:08:09 not made public it's not sent to anyone
1:08:11 um you know these things are kept
1:08:13 completely confidential and private
1:08:15 um and it's there for you to use and if
1:08:17 you have one meeting and you've got 20
1:08:19 questions and you only get through one
1:08:20 or half of one you can book another
1:08:22 meeting then you can use the service for
1:08:24 yourself for people you know you can
1:08:26 pass it on use it please this is what
1:08:29 it's here for
1:08:30 um and I want you to book if you feel
1:08:32 like you need it don't if you're if
1:08:34 you're sat there like ah no I feel like
1:08:36 I need it but you know I don't want to
1:08:38 take the the time away from other people
1:08:40 don't think like that if you feel like
1:08:42 you do need it book a meeting go on find
1:08:45 the meeting that is suitable for you
1:08:47 make sure you set calendar reminders
1:08:50 in your phone when you do book the
1:08:52 meeting so you don't forget about the
1:08:53 meeting we do send a Google Calendar
1:08:55 invites as well so make sure to accept
1:08:58 them
1:08:59 um when you get them in your email
1:09:01 and and show up have a conversation with
1:09:03 either myself
1:09:04 um or one of the other mentors like I
1:09:06 say it's completely free completely
1:09:07 private one to one you get a whole hour
1:09:10 of our time so just discuss through
1:09:12 these problems at your own pace
1:09:15 um and insha Allah
1:09:16 benefit from it so it's there for you it
1:09:20 is a Service sapience Institute is
1:09:21 providing for free we want you to make
1:09:23 use of it or to at least pass it to
1:09:25 others so that they may take use of that
1:09:28 as well so I just want to address these
1:09:29 last comments before I go that's the
1:09:31 thing semantic satiation foreign
1:09:38 causes a word or phrase temporary loses
1:09:41 its meaning that is what I've suffered
1:09:43 through
1:09:45 um
1:09:46 to everyone who said salaam uh our test
1:09:51 in the Dunya is from Allah subhanahu wa
1:09:54 ta'ala
1:09:55 I lost my hair at a young age and it
1:09:57 bothered me as an older man I realized
1:09:59 it was to protect me from my vanity
1:10:01 alhamdulillah everything is good for the
1:10:03 believer
1:10:04 everything is good for the believer if
1:10:06 something good befalls him he is
1:10:08 thankful he says alhamdulillah and so it
1:10:11 is good for him it is something if
1:10:12 hardship hits him if he struggles he's
1:10:15 patient
1:10:16 and so it is good for him
1:10:18 Handler for everything
1:10:20 uh let's have a look
1:10:24 uh with regards to requests for Mohammed
1:10:27 hijab your best to just forward them to
1:10:29 his email
1:10:30 yeah you can find that on his YouTube
1:10:31 channel Insha'Allah and if he has the
1:10:34 opportunity to I'm sure he will
1:10:36 um
1:10:39 foreign
1:10:41 [Music]
1:10:44 being insincere when like you said we
1:10:47 can take the external world for granted
1:10:49 for the other Creator's existence yeah
1:10:51 if it's especially if it's a basic
1:10:53 belief like for example Allah says in
1:10:55 the Quran that we are made to testify at
1:10:57 the existence of the Lord before we are
1:10:59 placed into our bodies now belief is a
1:11:03 uh it's natural
1:11:05 it has to be and there's articles on
1:11:07 this you can search uh religion is
1:11:09 natural
1:11:10 by Paul Bloom he's an atheist he's an
1:11:13 atheist psychologist and you'll notice
1:11:15 the article isn't atheism is natural
1:11:18 uh it is specifically
1:11:21 theism is natural or religion is natural
1:11:24 people have certain beliefs and they
1:11:26 have them as a basic belief and this is
1:11:28 why you have this cross-cultry wherever
1:11:30 you go there is a belief in the
1:11:32 Transcendent there is belief in life
1:11:33 after death there is belief in the body
1:11:35 and the soul
1:11:36 yeah there is belief in all of these
1:11:39 things and they according and this I
1:11:41 quote from um Paul Bloom they come for
1:11:44 free they are not learned so these
1:11:46 beliefs where do they come from
1:11:48 they try to obviously explain them via
1:11:50 naturalistic means but like I just see
1:11:54 absolute failure in their attempts to do
1:11:57 that and the belief in a higher power
1:12:00 belief in meaning belief in life after
1:12:02 death all of this makes complete sense
1:12:04 especially within an Islamic framework
1:12:05 Allah we've met Allah we've testified
1:12:08 that we believe in him and we're placed
1:12:10 in a body and we know that there is
1:12:12 going to be a Judgment Day
1:12:13 and why do think why do you think kids
1:12:16 believe in life after death without
1:12:17 having to be taught it this is the case
1:12:20 so it's a cross-cultural study that's
1:12:21 done all over the planet
1:12:23 um and this is the case even if the
1:12:24 parents uh atheists children believe
1:12:27 more readily in a secular environment
1:12:29 than adults do
1:12:36 and it is their parents that lead them
1:12:38 astray
1:12:40 of the society
1:12:41 but yeah we'll leave it there guys
1:12:44 um
1:12:47 so yeah the meetings are online on Zoom
1:12:51 um I am
1:12:53 open to so I have an office here in
1:12:55 Bolton if you happen to live in Bolton
1:12:58 um you book a meeting and you live
1:13:00 nearby or you're willing to make it uh
1:13:02 the journey I'm happy to do a one-to-one
1:13:05 here
1:13:06 um you just need to mention that in the
1:13:09 application
1:13:11 um as you could say I live in Bolton or
1:13:13 I live nearby or I can travel to Bolton
1:13:15 um and we can meet up and we can have a
1:13:16 one-to-one in face that's completely
1:13:19 optional it's only me that is available
1:13:21 to do the face-to-face one-to-one
1:13:24 um so make sure if you're doing that
1:13:26 make the request with myself the days I
1:13:29 work uh Monday mornings this is the UK
1:13:31 time Monday morning from
1:13:34 um
1:13:35 9am to 12 p.m and the same time on
1:13:37 Friday mornings 9 A.M to 12 p.m and
1:13:39 Wednesday afternoons
1:13:41 um so if you book either of them times
1:13:43 you'll get through to me
1:13:46 and they can be personally
1:13:48 um or you can do on Zoom uh you cannot
1:13:52 spectate so they're private so there's
1:13:54 uh the only people that are available
1:13:55 are allowed to join the meeting
1:13:58 um
1:13:59 other people that have booked the
1:14:00 meeting uh sometimes I've had dual
1:14:02 meetings so I've had it where a brother
1:14:04 and a sister have come to the meeting
1:14:05 together
1:14:07 um
1:14:07 but yeah and but that that's with the
1:14:10 consent of the person that's booked the
1:14:12 meeting or whoever the meeting is for
1:14:14 um but you can't just spectate to the
1:14:17 random meetings unfortunately
1:14:19 um okay but we'll leave it there uh we
1:14:22 went a little bit longer than usual
1:14:25 um but I enjoyed it it was a nice
1:14:28 conversation may Allah bless you all may
1:14:30 he grant you all victory in this world
1:14:32 and in the next and like I said make use
1:14:35 of the service pass it on to whoever you
1:14:37 think
1:14:38 may need it
1:14:39 um it is there for the ummah
1:14:41 uh so
1:14:43 milk it get every bit of use out of it
1:14:46 you can but until next time
1:14:49 oh
1:14:50 there's a retreat I'm going on number
1:14:53 three to Turkey
1:14:55 um if you subscribe to the channel you
1:14:58 probably send advertise we've been
1:14:59 advertising it like crazy there may be
1:15:01 some spaces left so if you have the
1:15:02 ability do join us but I'll be going
1:15:05 there from I'll be in Turkey from the
1:15:07 19th to the 29th
1:15:10 um I'll be getting involved in some
1:15:12 capacity I'm not 100 sure like in what
1:15:16 capacity yet but I I am going to be
1:15:17 there and getting involved
1:15:19 um and I'll be there for the whole time
1:15:21 so if any of you are coming I'll see you
1:15:23 there Insha'Allah and I'm also going to
1:15:25 try to Vlog the whole thing as well
1:15:27 um so keep your eye out for that as well
1:15:29 brothers and sisters but
1:15:31 I know I said goodbye a lot as we'll say
1:15:34 it again but other than that thanks for
1:15:35 watching guys and I'll bless you Allah
1:15:39 [Music]