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Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 4 (2022-07-25)


Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 4

Summary of Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress 4

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the principle of sufficient reason, which states that there must be a reason for everything in the universe. It also discusses the principle of the infinite regress, which states that any event must have a preceding event that is a cause for it. argues that these principles are necessary for understanding causality, and that they are not just a principle of the mind.

00:00:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that for any event, there must be a sufficient reason for it. The principle of the infinite regress states that for any event, there must be a preceding event that is a cause for it. It is impossible for events to go on forever, because there must be a beginning point. The principle of conditionality states that for any event, there must be a necessary condition for it. For example, the bell ringing must have happened for it to be a cause of other events. Time can't go back in time, because if it did, the bell ringing would have already happened and there would be no point in going further back. Therefore, it is impossible for events to go on forever.

  • 00:05:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that there must be a first cause or cause for everything else in the universe. The example given is that of Allah, who is constantly creating universes. If there was not a first universe, then the clock would be going back in time, contradicting the unidirectional nature of time. Therefore, time must go to a zero point to be consistent with the principle of sufficient reason.
  • 00:10:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason argues that there must be a reason for everything in the universe, and that this reason cannot be explained by the laws of physics. According to some theorists, there may be an "escape route" out of this principle, in which the universe repeatedly cycles back and forth between an expanding and contracting state, without any beginning or end. This theory is called the Infinite Regress.

discusses the theory of the Infinite Regress, and suggests that it could not possibly betrue unless an earlier universe had announced its existence. This cycle of universes would then lead back to the same situation as before, with no progress made.

  • 00:15:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that it is impossible for a conditional series to go infinitely because it is conditional. This principle has been refuted by the impossibility of regress without limit.
  • 00:20:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that, under certain conditions, a mathematical function can be determined without needing to know the function's exact values. This principle is based on the assumption that, in the mind, there is an infinite amount of potential for mathematical existence. If you are cautious, you can say that the principle of sufficient reason is only a potential reality, and that the actual infinite does not exist in the mind.
  • 00:25:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that everything within the bounds of our imagination is capable of extension. However, when we try to extend our imagination beyond those bounds, we run into logical problems. For example, when we consider negative numbers, we run into a contradiction. To avoid these contradictions, we must cut the negative axis from our understanding of the universe. This is a difficult task, but it can be done safely through rigorous mathematical principles.
  • 00:30:00 In mathematics, the Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) states that for any system of interconnected entities, there must exist a principle that explains how the entities are related. The principle of sufficient reason is also known as the principle of causality, the principle of internal relations, the principle of sufficient reason for the existence of the world, or the principle of sufficient reason for the universe.

The principle of sufficient reason is often used to prove the existence of God or the universe. According to the principle, any system of interconnected entities must have a principle that explains how the entities are related. This principle is known as the principle of sufficient reason.

The principle of sufficient reason can be applied to systems of entities that are either physical or mental. The principle of sufficient reason can be used to prove the existence of God or the universe. The principle of sufficient reason can be used to prove the existence of the world or the universe. The principle of sufficient reason can be used to prove the existence of the universe.

  • 00:35:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that there must be a logical reason for everything in the universe, and that the best way to find this reason is to systematically examine every aspect of it.

However, one problem with this principle is that certain distances in space are impossible to calculate, and as a result, physics has to rely on other laws to make predictions.

One of these other laws is quantum mechanics, which states that the universe is full of fields that constantly change.

However, Hawkins was forced to make space and time separate in order to make predictions, which he calls the quantum fluctuation.

Although this theory is accurate in some cases, it is not perfect. In fact, it may eventually fail due to quantum indeterminacy.

  • 00:40:00 Discusses the principle of sufficient reason and how it can be applied to the theory of relativity. The principle of sufficient reason states that if an assumption is made, then all subsequent conclusions must be based on that assumption. In the theory of relativity, time is treated as an operator, and as such, the theory predicts that at the point of eternity, time will be frozen. However, this is not consistent with the reality we experience, as time always moves forward. This paradox was first introduced by the Greek philosopher, Kadeem Ben-Abdul-Malek.
  • 00:45:00 Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress, Professor Hawkin discusses the paradox of the infinite regression and how it can be solved. He argues that if a quantum fluctuation is outside of the universe or before it, then it is not a logical law and is instead a matter of necessity of reason.
  • 00:50:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that the existence of something is logically necessitated by the existence of its conditions of possibility. However, the principle is not sufficient to explain the existence of things in existence, as it cannot account for their creation. Professor Taha argues that time must have begun at a singular point, which he refers to as the singularity, and that the universe must have been created with infinite values in its equations. He also claims that there is something inherently non-physical about these laws, which means that they do not exist in and of themselves, but require the mind to conceive of them.
  • 00:55:00 Professor Pippo Bono discusses the Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress. Bono argues that the principles of sufficient reason and the infinite regress are necessary for understanding causality, and that they are not just a principle of the mind. He also argues that the most primitive and limited form of causality is sufficient for understanding the cosmic vibration.


discusses the Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress. The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that for any law, there must be a reason behind it. The Infinite Regress states that any law can be further explained by further explaining previous laws, which in turn can be explained by further explaining previous laws, and so on and so forth. argues that the assumption that space and time are physical realities is wrong, and that a more accurate model must take into account the relativistic aspects of space-time. concludes by saying that the eleventh synthesis, which is the idea that all laws can be explained by further explaining previous laws, is only speculation.

01:00:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason implies that it is impossible for a rational being to create a universe with features that are fundamentally incompatible with the laws of physics. This principle is based on the principle of logical impossibility, which states that a rational being cannot come to a conclusion that is logically impossible. the presenter discusses some phenomena that are inexplicable using the principles of science and logic. He points out that time must be separated from space in order to correctly apply the principles of relativity. If one of these principles is violated, the laws of physics become invalid. The presenter argues that the principle of sufficient reason is being violated in some elementary processes in particle physics, hinting that the theory of relativity may need to be rewritten.

  • 01:05:00 discusses the Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Infinite Regress. The Principle of Sufficient Reason states that for any law, there must be a reason behind it. The Infinite Regress states that any law can be further explained by further explaining previous laws, which in turn can be explained by further explaining previous laws, and so on and so forth. argues that the assumption that space and time are physical realities is wrong, and that a more accurate model must take into account the relativistic aspects of space-time. concludes by saying that the eleventh synthesis, which is the idea that all laws can be explained by further explaining previous laws, is only speculation.
  • 01:10:00 The principle of sufficient reason states that for any divergent sequence, there must be a limit imposed on the sequence's cardinality, or number of elements. This limit, or finiteness, forces finiteness in the actual physical reality. The principle of sufficient reason is used to avoid the question of the actual or potential infinite.
  • 01:15:00 The Principle of Sufficient Reason argues that because everything in the universe is made up of smaller parts, everything in the universe must be reducible to simpler, more basic principles. shown argues that this principle can be used to explain how the universe may have originated as a series of space-time bubbles.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:18 professor restart yeah okay
0:00:20 so
0:00:21 so let us stress that i think it is a
0:00:23 very important point which will help us
0:00:25 in various regresses and show various
0:00:28 things that should be impossible and is
0:00:30 it this this evidence is ba is is
0:00:33 depending upon the necessary ethicity
0:00:35 part
0:00:36 meaning the refutation of uh
0:00:39 of a vicious circle of the circularity
0:00:44 is clear there's no problem
0:00:47 check the issue of certainty a is
0:00:49 created by b and b is created by a
0:00:52 and then you see it's only a necessity
0:00:53 path which is what will will show that
0:00:56 this is impossible then then a has to be
0:00:59 it exists to exist and non-existence
0:01:01 in existence are non-existent at that
0:01:03 same time but the same would be because
0:01:05 of the necessary part not because the
0:01:06 goal but most importantly the issue with
0:01:09 the with the infinite series that's the
0:01:12 crucial one and that's depend upon
0:01:15 being the uh that the series being uh
0:01:18 being a middle in the sense of being
0:01:20 condition conditioning and conditioned
0:01:23 and this is very clear in the in in
0:01:26 the
0:01:27 evidence of
0:01:29 israel
0:01:30 but by that the the
0:01:33 the infinite this
0:01:36 infinite regress or whatever series is
0:01:38 called that this one is allegedly being
0:01:42 go having no limit and going forever
0:01:44 etcetera uh number wise on the solemn
0:01:47 without limit limitless that's the most
0:01:48 important point
0:01:50 that is supposed to be an explanation
0:01:52 so it's a middle
0:01:54 but on the other hand
0:01:58 it is it is not a middle so a legend is
0:02:00 not a middle having no end if you have
0:02:02 no end there's not a middle but there's
0:02:04 a contradiction in terms and this is for
0:02:06 the evidences that that is that is
0:02:08 condition that is conditioning or a
0:02:10 condition for e that's trivial because
0:02:12 we are looking at e and taking the
0:02:14 series starting from e going backwards
0:02:16 but that it is conditioned by something
0:02:20 otherwise not exist yes each member of
0:02:22 it is necessary what's it just take it
0:02:24 out it's gone
0:02:25 so to create a contradiction but with
0:02:27 using the idea of the middle and doing
0:02:29 this this this uh this trick you see
0:02:32 sometimes things if you formulate them
0:02:33 properly the evidence becomes easy and
0:02:36 almost straightforward if you don't
0:02:37 follow me probably you you go and you
0:02:39 will not be able to catch that
0:02:41 the crucial point which gets you to the
0:02:43 evidence but the from this evidence is
0:02:45 clear the conditional the necessary
0:02:47 condition conditionality is that is the
0:02:49 the crucial thing to that to negate the
0:02:51 infinite the infinite regress or the
0:02:53 limitless regress
0:02:55 so
0:02:57 based on that all these universal events
0:03:00 must end into
0:03:04 the whole universe must end
0:03:06 in into uh and to uh
0:03:09 into a uh
0:03:11 a starting point
0:03:12 or starting being
0:03:14 a point of start it can't go to
0:03:17 even with time
0:03:19 let's look at let's let us let us look
0:03:21 at time now now it will help us uh in
0:03:25 the case of conditioning the evidence is
0:03:27 clear but let us look at a time as it is
0:03:30 about
0:03:31 the issue which has been raised by some
0:03:33 philosophers and also has been adopted
0:03:35 by me that it's possible to have
0:03:37 infinite many events in the past
0:03:40 which are not cows are connected to each
0:03:42 other
0:03:45 and many many philosophies by the way
0:03:47 entire past and present and many uh uh
0:03:51 barely any mother calamine some people
0:03:53 following every time here they said it
0:03:55 is possible to have uh
0:03:58 events going in the past
0:04:00 forever
0:04:02 infinitely many in numbers
0:04:06 is that possible is not possible because
0:04:08 they say it is not a causal chain so
0:04:10 there's no problem but let me show you
0:04:12 how to refute that and show that
0:04:13 certainly not possible
0:04:16 let's assume that we have uh for example
0:04:18 just to follow the
0:04:20 the events let's say take very simple
0:04:22 fundamental event very simple trivial
0:04:24 event almost that is that's
0:04:27 that's a bell ringing at 12 noon
0:04:30 which has ranked today at 12 00.
0:04:34 and it rank at 12 uh for 24 hours before
0:04:37 or 12 noon etc etc obviously if you go
0:04:40 millions of years back uh the the length
0:04:43 of the day would be shorter but we fixed
0:04:45 the we let's fix the length as 24 hours
0:04:48 it will not be noon until noon
0:04:51 in matarova but this is the secondary
0:04:53 point and we are just assuming that it
0:04:55 is this event
0:04:57 behind this another event
0:05:02 and this goes
0:05:03 with and an example given by mia that
0:05:06 allah is active and it is clear he is
0:05:09 continuously creating so he's created
0:05:11 infinite many universes before ours
0:05:14 uh for ours
0:05:17 but here here you see where you catch
0:05:19 the the fallacy in that and the
0:05:20 impossibility the impossibility is
0:05:22 caught by the the bill
0:05:25 ringing today
0:05:28 at noon
0:05:30 yes it's not caused by the building the
0:05:32 day before but it could not have ranked
0:05:34 three at noon unless the
0:05:36 one
0:05:38 at noon the day before has rank
0:05:42 as i would not have had this related to
0:05:44 the so the unidirectional strict
0:05:46 direction of time
0:05:49 so there's
0:05:50 the the ringing of the previous bell for
0:05:52 this day let's call it
0:05:55 today's build let's call it number zero
0:05:57 and the bill of yesterday is called
0:05:59 minus one because you're going back so
0:06:01 it's more convenient to use minus one
0:06:02 but doesn't matter you can use password
0:06:04 but as it's more habitual to use the
0:06:07 index in negative because you're going
0:06:08 back and forth back back and back and
0:06:10 back so it is it's natural and this is
0:06:13 pleasing to use minus one
0:06:15 but minus one would could have not rank
0:06:18 unless the one minus two already ranked
0:06:20 before
0:06:21 there's a necessary that it's arranging
0:06:23 before just recently it's not sufficient
0:06:25 as it doesn't it's not causing that but
0:06:27 it's necessary it must have passed
0:06:29 before
0:06:30 and now from the evidence you'll come to
0:06:32 the conclusion
0:06:35 that it cannot be going for a for
0:06:37 infiniti
0:06:39 if the time span between them is fixed
0:06:41 like for 24 hours or whatever number of
0:06:43 hours effects or number of seconds is
0:06:45 fixed
0:06:46 it can't be because this will diverge
0:06:50 so the only way or
0:06:52 the only way for such such uh for this
0:06:54 bill bill number zero bell number minus
0:06:57 one build number minus two for that to
0:06:59 converge as it must be
0:07:00 is to terminate
0:07:03 so it has to go to an initial bill
0:07:05 they will there must be a first bill
0:07:08 ringing and the first universe created
0:07:11 which we can assume is ours no reason to
0:07:13 think but it could be maybe maybe maybe
0:07:15 a number 17 in the series on above cut
0:07:17 the alone it doesn't matter but it must
0:07:20 end with one
0:07:21 there's no escape from that
0:07:25 applying that to the time itself time
0:07:27 must go to a zero
0:07:31 if you count time uh
0:07:34 so i set a negative number if you start
0:07:36 from today conventionally
0:07:38 regarding the clock the clock time now
0:07:40 is zero and going backwards with minus
0:07:42 like in in the temperature let me give
0:07:44 the example of temperature we start
0:07:46 temperature was defined and that
0:07:48 convenient point was was a was uh the
0:07:51 freezing point of water in the surgery
0:07:53 uh in the sergius
0:07:55 setting and fahrenheit is a bit
0:07:57 different but it doesn't matter in the
0:07:58 celsius like zero and then we go to
0:08:00 negative temperature and then by
0:08:02 experimentation and observation it was
0:08:04 clear that we we go negative negative
0:08:07 but until the moment the more negative
0:08:09 become the more difficult is to cool
0:08:10 down until it seem asymptotically
0:08:13 we will go to a certain point which is
0:08:16 calculated as 273 i think point 14 or
0:08:19 something like that seems to be as a
0:08:21 limit always slightly more than that but
0:08:23 it's impossible to go any further and
0:08:25 there's an absolute zero which we can
0:08:27 only we could we may reach only
0:08:29 asymptotically
0:08:31 we cannot reach there the same is with
0:08:33 time
0:08:36 so if we have a time series even if the
0:08:38 number is infinite then the distance
0:08:39 between the must shrink change ring
0:08:41 string and go to zero
0:08:43 or if the distance is fixed
0:08:45 like the clock strikes at 12 more then
0:08:48 it has to terminate it's impossible
0:08:50 it does not fit with the
0:08:52 with the strict nature of time being at
0:08:55 being unidirectional and going for going
0:08:57 in one direction
0:08:59 so the i think this with this evidence
0:09:02 the same evidence for for uh but uh
0:09:05 generalized and it's rated probably that
0:09:07 it depends
0:09:08 it's the
0:09:09 the the power of the proof relies on the
0:09:12 conditionality not on the causality
0:09:18 the the vicious circle is not a problem
0:09:20 this is finite anyway and this is
0:09:22 internal contradictory both in
0:09:24 conditional theoreticality we don't need
0:09:26 to bother the main problem is that it's
0:09:28 infinite one
0:09:30 why it is a problem the infinite one
0:09:31 because our mental optic mental meant
0:09:34 optical capability is having a horizon
0:09:36 we have a limited horizon
0:09:39 and then
0:09:40 it is very easy to deceive one by
0:09:42 pushing things until it's until they're
0:09:45 behind the horizon then you can your
0:09:46 full self you fool yourself that they
0:09:49 they are never end or they have no limit
0:09:51 the limit is just behind your horizon
0:09:53 that's it and the rationalization this
0:09:55 way will show you that the limit is
0:09:57 there even if you pretend or claim it's
0:09:59 not there it's there
0:10:01 you are mistaken
0:10:03 it is that must be there
0:10:06 but also but there may be one escape
0:10:08 route which uh
0:10:10 penrose and the hindus may try to use
0:10:13 what the escape wrote they claim the
0:10:14 universe is is
0:10:16 periodical and going infinitely
0:10:21 from universal universe and in backward
0:10:23 and forthward without end and beginning
0:10:27 and then they interpret that
0:10:29 most likely they will debate the
0:10:30 additional times the direction of time
0:10:32 is here yes is from uh according to
0:10:35 bellows it must have been like a
0:10:37 blank size
0:10:38 Music
0:10:40 or extremely small usually it is set as
0:10:42 a blank size uh black hole
0:10:45 and this one starts expanding expanding
0:10:47 expanding
0:10:49 and then obviously
0:10:50 the expansion slows down must slows down
0:10:54 and then it starts shrinking shrinking
0:10:56 and going to the black
0:10:58 hole and etcetera etcetera for all it
0:11:01 ends is like that both sides
0:11:04 and then they say that the direction of
0:11:06 time is nothing down the direction of
0:11:08 the expansion
0:11:10 and
0:11:12 and they say our feeling of time as one
0:11:14 is dictated by our perception and
0:11:17 dictated by second law of terrible
0:11:18 dynamic which is the state in the
0:11:20 related to the expansion so the time is
0:11:22 just expanding some kind of expansion
0:11:24 parameter
0:11:25 so the time reversed
0:11:27 obviously we cannot have any image what
0:11:30 if we have been after the slowing down
0:11:32 and starting before the crash
0:11:34 or the crunch the big crunch
0:11:36 not the big crunch or the super crunch
0:11:38 because it's actually uh it goes only to
0:11:40 a black hole it doesn't go to zero if it
0:11:43 goes exactly zero it will be a super
0:11:45 crunch like a
0:11:46 big crunch like a big back
0:11:49 big bang starts from singularity one
0:11:50 point singularity
0:11:53 by by physical evidence and so on but
0:11:55 penrose is arguing about that but we
0:11:57 will go to excellent outside but leave
0:11:58 the experience aside whatever
0:12:00 experimental side maybe
0:12:02 he can he cannot escape from that
0:12:04 situation
0:12:06 so the direction of time is a change so
0:12:10 there's no problem with every desire but
0:12:11 but still the problem is still there
0:12:14 how is the problem is there
0:12:16 definitely we are in one of these
0:12:18 universes and we have start counting
0:12:20 from here
0:12:22 good i would let's give our events the
0:12:25 number zero for example
0:12:29 allegedly according to when rose and the
0:12:32 hindus it
0:12:33 emerged from black hole whatever hindus
0:12:35 they don't have a black hole they they
0:12:38 they didn't they didn't express any
0:12:40 details about the emergence but
0:12:43 i think they they claim uh uh
0:12:46 when when it when they the time of the
0:12:48 end of the universe comes
0:12:50 then
0:12:51 it ends disappears i think shiva
0:12:54 destroyed it completely and elated
0:12:56 including himself but somehow
0:12:58 mysteriously uh vishnu is still
0:13:01 available and who is sleeping now he
0:13:03 wakes up and will create the universe
0:13:05 then it goes to sleep and it goes like
0:13:07 that something like that something like
0:13:08 a funny story
0:13:10 it is
0:13:11 it sounds funny because it looks like
0:13:13 like a child story but it is as good as
0:13:17 bad as a black hole expanding and
0:13:19 shrinking and going back to black
0:13:21 just changing the name from shiva to
0:13:26 shiva to the crunch and the black hole
0:13:28 expanding is this vishnu or something
0:13:30 like that
0:13:31 call it whatever you wish
0:13:34 so allegedly there was a universe
0:13:36 behind us
0:13:39 but we could construct
0:13:42 or imagine
0:13:45 a bell
0:13:46 or an announcement let us say put the
0:13:49 announcement the moment the black hole
0:13:50 starts expanding
0:13:52 it
0:13:54 that's the direction of time indicative
0:13:56 of a direction of time
0:13:57 is going from there to us and we are
0:13:59 late
0:14:00 and someone screaming there i'm starting
0:14:06 and the previous one also someone
0:14:08 screaming
0:14:09 i'm starting actually we have that we
0:14:11 hear that screaming we see it in black
0:14:13 and
0:14:14 allegedly according to those we see we
0:14:16 see the announcement in the
0:14:18 in the in the
0:14:20 in the anomalies of the background or
0:14:22 their
0:14:24 radiation in the cosmic rays
0:14:27 cosmic background cb
0:14:28 cbr that could require crown radiation
0:14:31 this is that's the announcement
0:14:34 but this announcement in our universe
0:14:39 could not have happened
0:14:40 unless the announcement in the previous
0:14:42 one has been made and that one could not
0:14:45 have been happening at least announced
0:14:47 before that could have been made and
0:14:48 then we're back to the same
0:14:50 situation as we have come with this
0:14:53 so here is the numbering of universes
0:14:55 which is obviously and it is so the
0:14:58 situation that one emerges and the other
0:15:01 one disappears and emerges the other one
0:15:03 and so on is giving a
0:15:05 fundamental direction of numbering
0:15:07 so the one minus one minus two minus
0:15:10 three minus four
0:15:11 it's impossible for this conditional
0:15:13 series to go because it's conditional
0:15:15 that announcement in our universe could
0:15:17 not have happened before the one before
0:15:19 university has been announced and one
0:15:21 previously could not happen
0:15:23 and leicester one before has been
0:15:25 announced so we extend
0:15:27 at infinitum is not possible by the by
0:15:30 by the infinite by the impossibility of
0:15:33 of regress without limit so there must
0:15:35 be a limit but the limit of this number
0:15:37 minus one minus two minus 3 is divergent
0:15:40 if they go infinitely long
0:15:42 so they have to break somewhere how
0:15:44 large it will be is relevant quadrillion
0:15:46 quad 10 to the 400 i don't care but it
0:15:49 ends well set and number
0:15:54 that one
0:15:55 we re renumber again that one we call
0:15:57 zero and then we become the number ten
0:15:59 to the one one hundred doesn't matter
0:16:01 which number we have
0:16:02 but we remember by by adding this one as
0:16:05 usual we can turn it again by shifting
0:16:07 the scale but this is then will be the
0:16:10 starting one number zero really that is
0:16:11 31. we started here zero because we have
0:16:14 nothing better to do but now we
0:16:16 recognize that we are actually number
0:16:17 ten to the hundred is okay i don't know
0:16:19 if we are number two to the hundreds
0:16:21 whatever it is or number one
0:16:23 or never zero either maybe we have a
0:16:25 starting one there's nothing before
0:16:27 but it has to be having a start
0:16:30 so it's impossible
0:16:32 so the pen was universal even with the
0:16:34 reversal of direction of time it doesn't
0:16:36 save the day
0:16:38 it has to be that's not
0:16:42 it's impossible so these have been
0:16:44 refuted hindu penalties universe
0:16:46 definitely refuted
0:16:50 by necessity and this is the an amazing
0:16:53 power of the human mind whatever it is
0:16:55 may be created by a divine as a
0:16:58 projection of his infinite mind or it is
0:17:01 emerging from the universe
0:17:03 to its own mechanism
0:17:05 under the reflecting the laws of the
0:17:06 universe wired according to the law of
0:17:08 the universe in general there may be
0:17:10 misfits there may be birth defects and
0:17:13 so on but the general is like that shows
0:17:15 that is amazing power you could say our
0:17:17 human mind although our horizon may be
0:17:20 limited various things are limited
0:17:21 because we are limited in many senses
0:17:24 but the fundamental power of it a matter
0:17:26 of
0:17:27 contradiction non-conviction is almost
0:17:29 absolute
0:17:30 it constructed this question which look
0:17:32 like behind the horizon
0:17:34 we cannot see them but we can
0:17:36 rationalize about them
0:17:38 if reason exists or there's any
0:17:39 rationality whatsoever otherwise nothing
0:17:41 can be rationalized
0:17:43 or understood nothing can make any sense
0:17:47 so that's it that's not
0:17:49 necessarily saying i exist and will
0:17:51 exist at the same time
0:17:53 it has to terminate there
0:17:56 and this is because of
0:17:58 noticing that this is not only the issue
0:18:00 of causality chain of causality is the
0:18:03 chain of conditionals
0:18:05 that's what it what the proof is all
0:18:07 about and hanging about
0:18:10 someone may come with the following uh
0:18:12 maybe some atheists will come with that
0:18:14 because they they try to find all kinds
0:18:16 of of refutation they say but according
0:18:20 to that uh the the sine function or the
0:18:23 cosine if we draw them in the x axis
0:18:25 they are periodical both sides at
0:18:27 infinitum et cetera
0:18:30 that your evidence refutes that same
0:18:32 idea it doesn't refute that that's
0:18:34 that's perfectly fine if we accept the
0:18:36 actual infinite even mathematical term
0:18:38 because
0:18:39 how how how how is sign calculated let's
0:18:42 look at the sign around zero for minus
0:18:44 pi to plus pi how it is calculated it's
0:18:47 calculated there by certain mathematical
0:18:49 equations working there
0:18:51 and then we just set forth so the
0:18:53 calculation between minus 5 so plus pi
0:18:57 is not conditioned by the calculation
0:18:59 from my minus 5 to minus 2 pi no it's
0:19:02 independent that's calculation same
0:19:03 equation and the same equation applies
0:19:05 there
0:19:08 this this one is not conditioned for
0:19:09 this
0:19:10 we don't need to have the calculation
0:19:12 between minus two pi but minus pi to
0:19:15 calculate the con the the mechanical
0:19:17 actually but originally it's maybe a
0:19:20 little bit funny originally how did the
0:19:23 these cosine and sine functions which
0:19:25 are if you draw them nowadays
0:19:27 how did they start originally they
0:19:28 started originally actually uh in
0:19:31 trigonometry by considering uh
0:19:34 triangles with the with the them
0:19:40 which have uh uh
0:19:42 which have a uh what they call it
0:19:44 perpendicular one one the
0:19:47 the opposite is perpendicular on the
0:19:49 adjacent and then the connection is
0:19:51 called hypersonics or something like
0:19:52 that
0:19:54 and then by dividing for example the the
0:19:58 opposite
0:19:59 by the hypotenuse we define the cosine
0:20:04 yeah this the sign maybe it's the sign
0:20:07 it's the sign it's the sign because the
0:20:09 sign of zero three that collapse it will
0:20:12 be zero so
0:20:14 so that uh the opposite divided by the
0:20:16 hypotenuse is the
0:20:18 sign that's originally how these things
0:20:21 were defined
0:20:24 etc
0:20:26 etc
0:20:30 then some intelligent mathematician
0:20:32 noticed that
0:20:33 under the angle which we are studying at
0:20:35 between zero and ninety nine two is the
0:20:36 extreme almost limit and the daily the
0:20:39 the triangle will collapse in a line but
0:20:42 but some mathematicians in the united
0:20:47 need to states ourselves from 0 to 90
0:20:49 degree we can go over 90 degree all what
0:20:51 we need obviously is to shift this
0:20:54 opposite to the other side
0:20:56 but then the adjacent will be going to
0:20:58 the left so we give it a minus sign and
0:21:00 then we calculate trending nice we know
0:21:02 how to read them and then we can do this
0:21:04 in the other quadrant and then in the
0:21:06 other quadrant and that will complete
0:21:08 the cycle and then we get this equality
0:21:10 so that's
0:21:11 that full cycle you can calculate either
0:21:14 by three by using the triangles or later
0:21:17 on when analysis developed and it turns
0:21:19 out this function is is infinitely often
0:21:22 differentiable as analytic and we can
0:21:24 expand it in power series and the power
0:21:26 series is for us it converges not only
0:21:28 for these
0:21:29 x between minus five it converges
0:21:31 everywhere
0:21:32 marvelously
0:21:34 and
0:21:35 when you study it there
0:21:37 it works
0:21:39 it gives that policy
0:21:41 almost miraculously amazingly but it's
0:21:43 not it's how things are connected
0:21:45 internally by logic and said
0:21:47 mathematical fundamental definition and
0:21:50 axioms that's it
0:21:52 so
0:21:53 the previously
0:21:55 is based on the calculation in in is
0:21:58 enough to have the calculation minus
0:21:59 five plus actually is enough to have the
0:22:01 calculation just in a small neighborhood
0:22:04 around zero that we have the infinite
0:22:05 series and then we calculate so we don't
0:22:07 need the calculation there it's not a
0:22:09 condition for calculating here no
0:22:11 so this can be calculated and then we go
0:22:13 and infinitum if we allow ourselves
0:22:15 according to most mathematician that
0:22:17 this is that is at least mathematically
0:22:19 in them in the mind the actual infinite
0:22:22 exists and what
0:22:24 and if you are cautious you know this is
0:22:26 only potential like the brower the the
0:22:28 the party umbra uh
0:22:30 of uh
0:22:32 mr brower and the intuitionist
0:22:34 mathematician essentially they say no no
0:22:36 this is this is only
0:22:39 procedural to create more and more
0:22:41 there's no actual infinite even in the
0:22:43 mind that's fine i don't mind either way
0:22:47 so this is not conditional
0:22:49 the periodicity between minus pi and
0:22:51 minus 2 pi is not the condition for the
0:22:54 predictive or even the values no they
0:22:56 are completely independent
0:22:59 so that's the difference so we can't
0:23:01 draw that and it doesn't create any
0:23:03 contradiction but that penrose universe
0:23:05 or hindu universe
0:23:08 and that
0:23:09 and and
0:23:10 and that
0:23:12 in the case of universes according to
0:23:14 the rose
0:23:16 and the hindus cannot exist like that
0:23:18 because of the conditional
0:23:19 conditionality
0:23:20 and the same audio with events with
0:23:23 infinite events with without any
0:23:25 beginning cannot be so time and all
0:23:28 events will go down to zero
0:23:30 and all what we can say the time begins
0:23:33 at zero plus because we can go from
0:23:35 finite times until guess is zero and if
0:23:37 you use the old-fashioned language of
0:23:38 infinitesimal quantities where it's zero
0:23:42 but not zero itself but infinitesimally
0:23:44 close to zero which is symbolized in the
0:23:46 language of limits which is more
0:23:48 desirable language but by the way the
0:23:49 language of the emphatical quantities
0:23:52 which have been forsaken by by
0:23:54 mathematician like almost
0:23:56 let us say almost like
0:23:58 middle of the 20th century for the
0:24:00 middle class most books about analysis
0:24:03 if you get a grab an old analysis or
0:24:05 calculus book you will find them working
0:24:08 freely and
0:24:09 liberally with the infinitesimally say
0:24:12 assume epsilon is infinitesimally small
0:24:14 quantities and things like that
0:24:17 that has been or replaced by strictly
0:24:19 and more consistent by limits but that
0:24:21 language can be justified and there's
0:24:23 even they called non-standard analysis
0:24:25 and there are books about that check for
0:24:27 nonstandard analysis you will find books
0:24:29 available
0:24:30 if you like that approach you can't do
0:24:31 it in that approach time
0:24:35 comes to the come up to infinite
0:24:37 distance to zero or go to the limit
0:24:40 which will then uh zero shim with
0:24:42 symbolizes zero plus meaning zero coming
0:24:45 from the right but zero itself
0:24:48 it's the point it's not time
0:24:50 it's the limit of time it's called the
0:24:52 point of eternity's eternity our human
0:24:54 mind usually does not
0:24:57 cannot comprehend that the point of
0:24:58 eternity is a point
0:25:00 we always imagine it is extended
0:25:03 extended that's it this is only the
0:25:05 imagination which
0:25:07 is getting to its limit is unable to
0:25:09 continue is the best to say it is a
0:25:11 point
0:25:13 has no extension
0:25:15 according to the way we in the visualize
0:25:17 things in our mind but we know logically
0:25:20 what it is
0:25:21 it is the limit of time the beginning of
0:25:24 time just slightly above that and that's
0:25:26 why why we get also when we start the
0:25:28 universe there get the singularity so
0:25:31 the question the old question
0:25:33 is
0:25:34 is time and the universe eternal
0:25:37 no because eternal is something which is
0:25:39 in eternity
0:25:43 are they ancient like kadeem in arabic
0:25:46 only if you mean they started just
0:25:48 inviting
0:25:49 but they are not kadeem because
0:25:51 usually something which exists without
0:25:54 beginning the quote unquote in eternity
0:25:58 so the only the necessarily existing
0:25:59 being sitting there is whatever it is we
0:26:02 did not establish is it a divine or it
0:26:05 is just a natural aspect that's how to
0:26:07 establish one other reasons
0:26:10 that that that entity exist in eternity
0:26:16 everything else starts after that and
0:26:18 jumping out of eternity into into time
0:26:22 is a singular process that's the reason
0:26:24 when you go with the big bank it has to
0:26:26 start with singularity but the
0:26:28 automatically calculated show that all
0:26:30 theories we shall will have inflation
0:26:32 generally any
0:26:33 they have that it can be shown
0:26:35 mathematically that in the center of the
0:26:37 inflation there must be a singularity
0:26:39 and the civility is actually
0:26:41 the most vicious side it is it's an
0:26:44 essential singularity i think it's even
0:26:46 worse because
0:26:48 someone could ask him okay we came to a
0:26:50 time until we reach the zero plus and
0:26:52 zero is eternity what's about negative
0:26:55 time axis there's no negative time axis
0:26:57 doesn't exist
0:26:58 it does not exist it's impossible
0:27:01 negative time negative absolute time is
0:27:03 impossible it's a contradiction
0:27:07 if you go to the absolute scale
0:27:11 of time
0:27:12 we start usually with the relative scale
0:27:14 because how we start we start from here
0:27:16 zero under minus transform but after the
0:27:18 observation and all of these things
0:27:21 we get at the age of the universe until
0:27:23 the big bang or close to the big bang is
0:27:25 how much is it 13.8 or something or 0.7
0:27:28 billion years fine
0:27:31 and what's the time behind that no time
0:27:32 behind that
0:27:34 get that out of your mind
0:27:37 let's say that's your your limited
0:27:39 mental optics deceiving you this is an
0:27:41 optical delusion meant optical delusion
0:27:45 and mathematical isn't there and this is
0:27:47 also having mathematical examples look
0:27:50 for example at the at the logarithm
0:27:52 if you look at the the definition the
0:27:55 the mean of the graph as a real uh real
0:27:57 variable but by the way it can be
0:27:59 extended into the complex plane in a
0:28:01 unique way
0:28:02 but let us
0:28:04 consider it on the on the
0:28:06 on the
0:28:07 on the legal plane
0:28:10 then it is divide defined
0:28:12 the positive numbers
0:28:14 and then when we go down towards zero it
0:28:17 becomes negative negative the logarithm
0:28:19 instead of negative negative negative
0:28:21 until it goes to infinity
0:28:23 so it is only in the limit so it's not
0:28:25 divided even it's not defined at 30 plus
0:28:28 and what happened with the negative the
0:28:29 negative axis is impossible to define
0:28:31 because it's the inversion of the
0:28:32 exponents and there's no way to get it
0:28:35 negative ever
0:28:36 without
0:28:37 demolishing the fundamental principles
0:28:40 of mathematics calculations and the
0:28:42 principles of reason and logic
0:28:45 so the negative axis has to be cut from
0:28:47 the
0:28:48 from the axis
0:28:50 we cannot talk about negative numbers
0:28:52 when we are in the domain and we extend
0:28:54 even if extended
0:28:56 amazingly you can extend it to the
0:28:58 complex plane that you will define the
0:28:59 logarithm for a plus i b i is the square
0:29:02 root of minus one so called imaginary
0:29:04 unit
0:29:05 you can define and go everywhere until
0:29:07 you come to the
0:29:08 negative axis
0:29:11 it has to be cut out of that
0:29:15 and it turns out in the complex when it
0:29:17 is infinitely periodical so you have to
0:29:19 have like infinitely many layers and so
0:29:21 on and there and the people who study
0:29:23 complex analysis uh and go through the
0:29:26 to the areas called romanian surfaces
0:29:28 and things like that
0:29:30 they they enjoy working with these
0:29:32 infinite layers out i will connect them
0:29:34 and so things like that but this is for
0:29:36 those
0:29:37 courageous guys who love differential
0:29:39 geometry and the money and geometry and
0:29:41 things like that
0:29:42 so to try their imagination there but if
0:29:45 it's done with strict mathematical
0:29:46 principles it can be done safely but
0:29:50 no way to have the
0:29:51 to have the negative access you have to
0:29:54 cut the plane there there's no way you
0:29:56 have to cut the plane
0:29:58 even if they connect
0:30:01 things from the top of the plane to the
0:30:03 bottom of the lane by over bridging
0:30:06 but negative axis is not there and the
0:30:08 over bridging is is essentially like
0:30:10 jumping over an infinitely deep well the
0:30:13 value will jump by two pi or something
0:30:15 like that
0:30:17 mathematics is very consistent and tears
0:30:19 with these things in a rational way if
0:30:21 we do it's restrict principles of limits
0:30:24 and and observing the limits properly
0:30:30 so
0:30:32 so
0:30:33 this imagination of negative time
0:30:35 imagination events without beginning all
0:30:38 chains of causes
0:30:40 for chains of conditionals going back
0:30:45 without without beginning
0:30:48 is a
0:30:50 mental optical and thinking this is not
0:30:52 contradictory is because the proof is a
0:30:54 little bit deeper
0:30:55 you don't see it immediately
0:30:57 but it is is
0:30:59 as impossible as the
0:31:02 square circle but square here so you see
0:31:05 it immediately that one is a little bit
0:31:06 behind the wall you have to go behind
0:31:08 the wall and dig and ah there's there's
0:31:10 something like a square circle lurking
0:31:12 there but hiding
0:31:14 hiding behind chains hiding behind the
0:31:17 nice formulation hiding behind
0:31:20 deceptive expressions
0:31:22 internal contradictory definitions
0:31:24 things like that
0:31:28 so if
0:31:30 i would say that the the the evidence
0:31:33 over the c9 this information is
0:31:36 irrefutable which also fits with our
0:31:39 direct feeling
0:31:41 is irrefutable number one
0:31:44 secondly
0:31:48 it is it is essentially depending upon
0:31:50 the conditionality so it gives us a
0:31:52 wider scope than what usually useful
0:31:55 it proves for us that that the time
0:31:58 is
0:31:59 going to a zero absolute zero of time
0:32:03 and the point in the exact point at the
0:32:04 time goes up to zero plus
0:32:07 meaning infinite is very close to the
0:32:08 absolute zero and the absolute zero is
0:32:10 called eternity it's a point
0:32:13 in this scheme
0:32:14 in another scheme
0:32:16 you may make a transformation it becomes
0:32:18 infinitely long but this will be another
0:32:20 complete scheme mathematical scheme but
0:32:22 it's equivalent to one point
0:32:25 like those who working with the
0:32:26 projection and then and projecting the
0:32:29 sphere onto the plane
0:32:31 the north pole of the sphere if you uh
0:32:33 if you unwrap the sphere and and stretch
0:32:35 it one the north pole becomes the
0:32:37 infinitely far away circuit becomes
0:32:39 farther one point becomes infinitely
0:32:41 many as your imagination for you is
0:32:44 infinitely many point but actually that
0:32:46 infinitely far away horizon is actually
0:32:49 only one point
0:32:50 but with the way you presented it you
0:32:53 fools the eye to think it's like a
0:32:54 circle as many points and becomes bigger
0:32:57 and bigger
0:32:59 where it goes ultimately into one point
0:33:04 may be counter-intensity but this is if
0:33:06 you follow the mathematics and the logic
0:33:08 and the strict principles of rationality
0:33:10 correctly
0:33:11 if you don't follow them then you end
0:33:12 with nonsense and contradiction
0:33:14 of who you are supposed to be avoiding
0:33:19 so
0:33:20 in the scale of absolute time which
0:33:22 which gave us uh the best experimental
0:33:25 estimation of the beginning of the big
0:33:27 bang around the big bang is 90 is 13.7
0:33:30 or 43.8 or something like that
0:33:34 billion years of our years now whatever
0:33:37 whatever that may be modified originally
0:33:39 it was like 20 billions and more and
0:33:41 then shrunk more by more precise but
0:33:44 it's it was never infinite it was always
0:33:46 getting slow smaller and smaller by more
0:33:48 precise measurements and so on but
0:33:50 that's it and you went to the beginning
0:33:53 of existence
0:33:55 and the entity which started everything
0:33:57 which is in eternity
0:34:00 that entity there
0:34:02 is the beginning of everything which
0:34:04 starts beginning with now what's the
0:34:06 type of the entity
0:34:07 and
0:34:09 what's it we we discussed i think
0:34:11 several sessions back there
0:34:13 and made mockery of uh
0:34:15 poor hawkins about his uh
0:34:18 his
0:34:18 flipping of one space axis
0:34:22 you cannot blame him because the
0:34:24 adjoining adjoining space
0:34:27 to
0:34:29 time to space
0:34:30 but making distinct either by the matrix
0:34:32 or by the um
0:34:35 what
0:34:36 would call it like the the cook recipe
0:34:38 in iliad time the cook recipe was to
0:34:41 multiply the
0:34:42 the the spa the
0:34:44 the time axis with the imaginary
0:34:46 constant square root of minus one it's
0:34:49 called i with i then it is you give it a
0:34:52 similar nature
0:34:53 and then to make the same the dimensions
0:34:55 like that cos bases in meters and it's
0:34:57 nothing meters you multiply the certain
0:34:59 constant
0:35:00 which is having having a dimension of
0:35:03 speed
0:35:04 the best thing to take is take the speed
0:35:06 of light so ict
0:35:10 declared to be like like a space axis
0:35:14 and this will lead to a very elegant
0:35:16 formulation of things but obviously you
0:35:18 might mention we're not happy with that
0:35:19 having because this space is supposed to
0:35:21 yield how come the survivors remind us
0:35:23 the better is to do it more
0:35:24 systematically by the by by
0:35:27 not multiplying with i but the metric
0:35:30 the usual matrix which we have in space
0:35:32 is having uh in front of the time part
0:35:34 is uh the different sign minus sign this
0:35:37 had obviously the bad result that there
0:35:39 are certain distances in
0:35:40 in in space are impossible to calculate
0:35:43 they become
0:35:44 the square of the distance become
0:35:46 negative and then the distance is
0:35:48 imaginary which does not make sense but
0:35:50 physio physicists try to make sense say
0:35:52 these two places or two events an event
0:35:55 is a point in space time another event
0:35:58 they are space-like separated there's no
0:36:00 way to communicate with it it's
0:36:02 impossible to communicate
0:36:05 and then they have this called light
0:36:06 coin all these things
0:36:09 initially it was a convenient
0:36:10 description for the certain
0:36:12 transformational laws especially taken
0:36:13 from electrodynamics
0:36:16 but then it developed and then and then
0:36:18 became axiomatic that the space-time are
0:36:20 like that really and the other
0:36:23 and the other one to be used for for for
0:36:26 the physical and this generalization
0:36:28 this way
0:36:30 is a good approximation in locally
0:36:33 maybe in our area here of universe and
0:36:35 maybe our area in time like for a
0:36:37 thousand years million years but is no
0:36:39 good if we go to the big bank
0:36:41 and that's the reason when you go back
0:36:44 uh
0:36:45 issues of
0:36:46 certain certain prediction of relativity
0:36:48 theory
0:36:50 will fail some of them started to fail
0:36:53 but there is decision is not finally yet
0:36:55 eliminated that it has failed however
0:36:58 while conclusions of quantum mechanics
0:37:00 none of them failed
0:37:03 none of them failed
0:37:05 because quantum mechanics works with
0:37:06 absolute time
0:37:08 it doesn't have these funny things time
0:37:10 is separate the completely similar
0:37:11 tissue all together
0:37:13 space is the is the is maybe the the
0:37:18 uh
0:37:19 let's call it the the
0:37:22 stage of the theater on which all events
0:37:23 are happening
0:37:25 and it may be also part of this part of
0:37:27 the happening itself maybe it's part of
0:37:29 the of the physical reality in the sense
0:37:31 that it is what's happening
0:37:33 is like
0:37:34 the reality is like a circus
0:37:36 a circus you have the you have the show
0:37:39 and so on when the show is over the
0:37:40 circus is folded and loaded and
0:37:43 disappears when you go after after a
0:37:45 week you want to check you don't find
0:37:46 anything
0:37:47 neither neither show nor the circus
0:37:50 that's the nature of space most likely
0:37:52 it's part of the physical reality part
0:37:54 of the material universe
0:37:56 but hawkins was forced to make it
0:37:58 independent as if it's like like like
0:38:01 like
0:38:02 the usual theater here or the royal
0:38:04 theater you go to the show the show ends
0:38:08 the actors go but the stage is there you
0:38:09 can visit the stage and maybe another
0:38:11 show will come
0:38:12 so he he went until zero and before the
0:38:15 big bang and he imagined that space is
0:38:17 still there and even to add insult to
0:38:19 injury he made the time one access which
0:38:22 then has to flip but who would flip it
0:38:24 he postulated the quantum fluctuation
0:38:27 by the way
0:38:28 considering quantum fluctuations
0:38:31 there is a
0:38:33 quantum fluctuation as a result of the
0:38:35 quantum indeterminacy
0:38:37 especially in the
0:38:38 in the approximate
0:38:41 in uncertainty between energy and time
0:38:44 and there's an article in wikipedia
0:38:46 called the quantum fluctuation i think
0:38:48 this is certain
0:38:51 it explains that
0:38:55 somehow i didn't feel the article is the
0:38:57 best way is written the best way i
0:38:59 didn't like it that much there are some
0:39:01 articles about certain areas of
0:39:03 mathematics or logic and so on
0:39:06 you feel when you read them that you
0:39:08 benefit more but this static is not bad
0:39:10 at least it shows clearly that he goes
0:39:13 over there discussing the vacuum
0:39:16 he's try i think he's trying to be
0:39:18 simple as much as he can
0:39:20 and does not want to indulge or he may
0:39:22 himself not knowing that the vacuum what
0:39:24 he called vacuum
0:39:26 as you call sometimes empty space if i'm
0:39:28 not mistaken
0:39:29 it's not an empty space it's full of
0:39:32 fields and so on it's part of the
0:39:34 universe so surrounded by universal bit
0:39:36 of the universe
0:39:39 so but let's let's forgive that he shows
0:39:42 that this quantum fluctuation like
0:39:44 particle
0:39:45 appearing and disappearing and so on
0:39:46 that's what the quantum progression is
0:39:48 all about is a result of
0:39:51 the
0:39:52 uh the
0:39:53 the
0:39:54 the indeterminacy addition between
0:39:56 energy and time which is not really
0:39:58 anything but if you develop if you
0:40:01 accept the
0:40:02 the assumption of the
0:40:04 theory of relativity and add time
0:40:06 strictly as one fourth coordinate with
0:40:09 the modification of the metric and
0:40:10 things like that then you have to turn
0:40:13 it into an operator and if you turn it
0:40:15 to an operator then it will be obviously
0:40:16 the corresponding one with whom it
0:40:18 doesn't commute is the energy
0:40:20 that's that's easy to show and based on
0:40:23 that we have
0:40:25 these quantum fluctuations
0:40:27 at least because it is an approximation
0:40:29 for that so fluctuation are the result
0:40:31 of
0:40:33 treating time as an operator
0:40:35 number one
0:40:37 secondly
0:40:38 a space also as an operator
0:40:41 and both
0:40:42 are
0:40:44 the
0:40:45 the stage of action or the circus of
0:40:48 action
0:40:50 so when you go to the point of eternity
0:40:52 before the before this time started then
0:40:55 there's no time
0:40:58 and possibly there's no space
0:41:00 almost certainly no space but that's not
0:41:02 relevant
0:41:03 so how come suddenly that whole can
0:41:05 posterior to four dimensional space
0:41:07 there
0:41:08 who should have appeared only with a big
0:41:10 bank and time which did not start
0:41:13 and to add in certainly there's a
0:41:14 fluctuation professor was there matter
0:41:17 at that time
0:41:18 you know this moment was their math
0:41:20 because i hear if you say like
0:41:22 like when you say matter
0:41:24 and energy energy can neither be created
0:41:27 nor destroyed
0:41:29 there is there is no there's no and
0:41:31 there's no energy there
0:41:32 there's no energy of the physical energy
0:41:34 we have in this universe
0:41:35 something else
0:41:37 but there's something else is not a
0:41:39 third dimensional space in which the one
0:41:41 of the one of them which was was like a
0:41:43 frozen like a frozen situation if it's a
0:41:45 frozen situation
0:41:47 at the point of eternity or something
0:41:48 follows your value there's no time
0:41:50 that's fine i agree with that so time is
0:41:52 frozen as well if it is frozen then
0:41:55 there will be no flock to it no
0:41:56 fluctuation how can be afflicted
0:41:58 this is you mean the singularity
0:42:00 no behind the singularity
0:42:03 before this so the singularity is like
0:42:05 after it happened behind the singularity
0:42:07 yeah behind the singularity in the
0:42:09 absolutely
0:42:10 the singularity is that what you what
0:42:12 you are approaching zero plus
0:42:14 but it cannot get to zero plus ever
0:42:16 because the singularity will change
0:42:18 singularity exists since ever does it
0:42:21 always exist the singularity
0:42:23 no it is it's the moment it's present
0:42:25 time it's a singular point
0:42:28 okay so it's the beginning
0:42:31 the kickstart thing of time
0:42:33 it's not the necessary existence
0:42:35 no it says in mathematics you can't
0:42:37 study but you you you cannot especially
0:42:39 that type of singularity which you have
0:42:41 the axis and the negative axis cut you
0:42:44 you cannot even do an integration around
0:42:46 it without without having a
0:42:48 discontinuity and you have to be
0:42:49 carefully consider how to do it because
0:42:51 the usual singularity is complex plane
0:42:53 you can do an integration around them
0:42:55 not across them if you go around it
0:42:58 and then you get certain values
0:43:04 okay
0:43:06 but you have we have to get really a bit
0:43:08 a little bit more in complex analysis
0:43:11 difference between polar singularity
0:43:13 essential singularity and even worse uh
0:43:16 cuts
0:43:17 in in the plane where you remove part of
0:43:19 the plane completely there's nothing
0:43:20 defined there it's impossible to exist
0:43:22 as a part of the definition in the way
0:43:24 it exists as numbers negative numbers
0:43:26 exist
0:43:28 but it's not a domain of the definition
0:43:30 of time
0:43:32 time and does not does not take negative
0:43:34 negative
0:43:36 real numbers or anything as as a value i
0:43:38 simply it's impossible by the definition
0:43:40 of time
0:43:42 if we start with time which we have now
0:43:43 and go until zero plus
0:43:46 the chaos that's that's all what we're
0:43:47 gonna get that's that's what professor
0:43:49 when they say the universe is of what do
0:43:51 they mean by that universe world
0:43:53 innocent
0:43:54 in a physical way and in a like no the
0:43:57 philosopher they they were they did not
0:44:00 they do not have this issue of
0:44:01 singularity they did not because uh the
0:44:04 issues of regress were not clear to them
0:44:06 as sharp as we did except that's
0:44:08 impossible without a beginning cause and
0:44:11 then they said uh
0:44:14 the the universe started
0:44:16 uh started with some say this universe
0:44:18 started is
0:44:21 at zero point but they were unable to
0:44:23 switch with zero and zero plus and zero
0:44:25 itself so they said the universe is is
0:44:29 ancient but still contingent neither the
0:44:31 creator
0:44:32 kadeem
0:44:34 and and they ended in various trouble
0:44:36 things because it was not done cleanly
0:44:38 you can't blame them at that time for
0:44:39 example the issues of limits were not
0:44:41 clear you remember the so-called paradox
0:44:43 of the arrow
0:44:44 which the greek was struggling with that
0:44:46 arrow
0:44:47 say if we shoot an arrow to someone then
0:44:50 it has it has to take time to go to the
0:44:52 half the distance
0:44:53 and then from that remaining distance
0:44:55 half of the half and half of the half
0:44:57 and and if you add all of that
0:44:59 because the time bits it will be
0:45:02 infinite so the arrow should not reach
0:45:04 you
0:45:05 but in reality it reaches so how to
0:45:07 explain that paradox is symbol for now
0:45:10 now kids may be in the middle school be
0:45:11 able to we tell you this is half plus
0:45:14 quarter plus plus plus it converges the
0:45:16 sum is exactly one
0:45:18 it's a total distance
0:45:20 and the time is finite because they did
0:45:23 not have a grasp of limits and how to
0:45:24 some infinite series and things like
0:45:26 that we have that
0:45:28 so we have progressed considerably i
0:45:30 said we should forget about that is the
0:45:32 universe
0:45:35 if it is a meaning or it is it is uh
0:45:38 have absolutely no beginning no it has a
0:45:39 beginning so it's not
0:45:42 but at beginning at a zero of time
0:45:44 zero plus to be more precise
0:45:48 anything in zero and absolute zero is
0:45:50 only one entity which is the which is
0:45:52 the uh the cause of the universe that
0:45:55 just what is the meaning is only so the
0:45:58 there is no escape the cause of the
0:45:59 universe what is it is the set of
0:46:01 mathematical equations and conditions
0:46:03 and so on
0:46:04 and the question that how can you set to
0:46:06 abstract mathematical that's low
0:46:07 mathematically because there should be
0:46:09 no material material
0:46:11 we see in the universe material is
0:46:13 created and energy converted and so on
0:46:15 exactly an equation professor can using
0:46:18 physics can't we prove at least that our
0:46:21 universe is contingent in a way that for
0:46:24 example the value yeah like why don't we
0:46:28 focus on this type of thing
0:46:30 that's the reason hulk that's the reason
0:46:32 hawkins went behind the behind the
0:46:34 singularity and tried to construct this
0:46:39 because anything after the singularity
0:46:40 the suladi and everything after is
0:46:42 contingent
0:46:46 but he wanted to connect to something
0:46:47 which is which is not divine because he
0:46:50 has a problem with the divine which is
0:46:52 uh which having some kind of overlaw
0:46:56 and came with this thing
0:46:58 then okay so
0:46:59 so basically he is he saying that these
0:47:02 values are chosen
0:47:04 so he admits like for example the
0:47:06 cosmological constant or whatever that
0:47:08 these ones are like kind of finely tuned
0:47:11 yeah yeah
0:47:12 you know he knows he is a physicist he
0:47:13 knows that he cannot escape from
0:47:15 physical penrose tried by claiming that
0:47:17 actually is not big bang it's a a
0:47:21 plank size
0:47:22 black hole which is which is the
0:47:24 shrinking of a previous universe and our
0:47:27 invasion will go expand and then shrink
0:47:29 and it goes like that we have shown
0:47:30 that's impossible
0:47:32 on the ground so you have the two
0:47:34 escapes either the penrose escape
0:47:46 which is before the big bang which is in
0:47:49 eternity and that's it
0:47:55 okay but does he prove that this thing
0:47:57 has a choice
0:47:58 it makes it
0:48:00 he's running away from anything at the
0:48:02 show that's the reason he said a quantum
0:48:04 fluctuation
0:48:22 if we cannot calculate it by equation it
0:48:25 means it's set there
0:48:27 it's not like pi
0:48:28 yeah
0:48:29 but i'm discussing just a model of of
0:48:32 of uh hogan's on its ground when it's uh
0:48:34 without discussing that even if that's
0:48:37 correct then still the fluctuation
0:48:41 yeah how can the fluctuation do this how
0:48:43 can just a fluctuate yes that's that's
0:48:45 the point fluctuation is not possible in
0:48:47 a in a in a in a frozen time frame
0:48:50 because it is it is essentially defined
0:48:53 by the that's the reasons i read this
0:48:54 article which is called quantum
0:48:56 fluctuation in wikipedia it's not the
0:48:58 best written one but it will give you it
0:49:00 is the whole explanation start with the
0:49:03 energy time uh uncertainty
0:49:06 necessarily all they have objection to
0:49:08 that but that's the way that
0:49:10 relativistic quantum mechanics the way
0:49:12 it's
0:49:14 defined so if you go if you then you say
0:49:17 some kind of quantum fluctuation but the
0:49:19 cultural recognition in the universe it
0:49:22 decides what is that quantum fluctuation
0:49:24 outside the universe or before the
0:49:25 universe at the point of eternity where
0:49:27 time did not start yet at zero
0:49:31 how about those people who tell you that
0:49:33 these logical laws maybe they are
0:49:35 functioning for our universe but beyond
0:49:38 that time they're not necessary through
0:49:41 the logical laws
0:49:43 logical laws
0:49:45 yeah like uh causality they say uh
0:49:48 before that we we say it it is it is not
0:49:51 a causality it is it's a
0:49:53 matter of necessity of reason
0:49:56 then this is it does not exist
0:49:59 so nothing can be irrational
0:50:02 but are they saying now it's like that
0:50:04 because it's like in a universe and
0:50:05 we're contingent blah blah blah we're
0:50:07 living in this situation we can't see it
0:50:09 like that but that doesn't serve the
0:50:10 problem of existence
0:50:13 it doesn't solve the problem
0:50:17 the problem of existence
0:50:19 yeah
0:50:22 and we show that it has it has to go to
0:50:24 a beginning which is which is which is
0:50:26 not caused
0:50:27 which is uh self-contained
0:50:31 which is not current because it's
0:50:33 impossible
0:50:34 it is the concept the concept of being
0:50:36 created does not apply to it that's
0:50:38 what's called necessarily existing the
0:50:40 question the only question remaining
0:50:42 what is the necessary even even a
0:50:43 physicist like hawkins even he doesn't
0:50:45 use the same negative existing he knows
0:50:47 that the time has to be started
0:50:50 what did start the time
0:50:53 actually professor taha who has some
0:50:54 videos on who's is comparing i guess
0:50:57 atheism from physics but he's he has a
0:50:59 meeting with because he studied thinking
0:51:01 and cambridge and oxford and met with
0:51:03 with always and discussing okay
0:51:05 uh
0:51:06 big bangers who started who started time
0:51:08 at big bang
0:51:09 uh hokkien answered himself we don't
0:51:11 know that yet but we are still
0:51:12 researching
0:51:14 under his
0:51:16 research produced that what what what he
0:51:18 roughly what i presented maybe he
0:51:20 presented more sophisticated but from
0:51:22 the from the design is clear he said we
0:51:25 started with four with four
0:51:27 space coordinates
0:51:30 and then one of them was flipped over
0:51:32 into time by quantum fluctuation
0:51:35 what do you mean four coordinates like
0:51:37 what what is there why is there four
0:51:39 coordinates that's it why is there
0:51:41 what's the necessity in there
0:51:43 why it is not maybe another theory will
0:51:45 say he would say okay maybe it is nine
0:51:48 ten
0:51:49 and six had been combactified away
0:51:52 how did they shrunk down there
0:51:56 or were they combactified for all
0:51:58 eternities
0:52:07 something with something which is a self
0:52:09 is unexplainable does not make any sense
0:52:11 in that context
0:52:15 he wants something mechanical something
0:52:17 which is not divine
0:52:19 because the moment say it is a choice
0:52:21 he's stuck
0:52:22 all his atheism is flown away that's the
0:52:25 point the same with penrose whoever said
0:52:27 he knew that this is
0:52:29 the solution of hawking will not work
0:52:31 he's a little bit more sophisticated uh
0:52:34 philosophically orientated and this is
0:52:36 also witnessed by the fact that he's
0:52:38 discussing that his theory is similar to
0:52:40 the hindus and previously
0:52:42 came to such something like that so he
0:52:43 has a little bit more
0:52:45 longer longer arm in philosophy so he
0:52:47 tried to hit the hindu escape but we
0:52:48 have seen that's that that can't be
0:52:53 it must be refuted
0:52:56 completely so everything is irrational
0:52:57 nothing is rational
0:53:00 the main problem with the mechanical
0:53:02 mechanical
0:53:04 is how how how they're starting with the
0:53:07 start the starting in the singularity
0:53:09 with the
0:53:10 singularity is clear because you cannot
0:53:12 go from non-entire no
0:53:14 zero time in time except by by infinite
0:53:17 jumps that's the singularity and having
0:53:19 infinite values and so on in the
0:53:21 equations somehow so it is like the end
0:53:24 of physics as you know it but you have
0:53:26 to have some starting it non-physical
0:53:28 some in some sense so he's trying to do
0:53:30 to get a physical explanation of
0:53:32 pseudophysical mathematical explanation
0:53:34 to something which is genuinely not
0:53:36 physical
0:53:37 the singularity everything all physics
0:53:38 and all equations break down
0:53:41 you can't handle certain things that's
0:53:43 regularity mathematically and so on but
0:53:45 you cannot get any physics
0:53:47 especially of this type of singularity
0:53:48 with a cut along the negative axis
0:53:53 in mathematics they handle that in
0:53:55 various issues but physics is not it
0:53:57 doesn't seem to be possible
0:54:00 besides that
0:54:01 from the moment of singularity the
0:54:03 universe kicks started let's say it was
0:54:05 kickstarted
0:54:06 it doesn't matter but it was kick
0:54:08 started with setting laws
0:54:10 which became activated just
0:54:12 infinitesimally after the absolute zero
0:54:14 of the similarity became activated and
0:54:17 but the problem we have the problem of
0:54:20 that the laws themselves even if we
0:54:22 assume the laws are necessary in some
0:54:23 sense
0:54:26 although someone could argue if we say
0:54:29 laws and we formulate them
0:54:30 mathematically we formally
0:54:31 mathematically laws as abstract things
0:54:34 as relations
0:54:36 can exist as relation as such only in a
0:54:38 mind
0:54:40 in any way
0:54:41 hanging in and nothingness they don't
0:54:44 exist
0:54:46 but i assume let's let's assume okay
0:54:48 somehow they have some kind of
0:54:49 unnecessary nature they are necessary by
0:54:52 themselves
0:54:53 and they complete it by itself somehow
0:54:55 fine okay let's assume that just to to
0:54:58 avoid an argument which is which is uh
0:55:00 maybe uh
0:55:02 still a philosophy is not advanced yet
0:55:04 to transfer it is that are these laws
0:55:06 really
0:55:09 were outside their mind accepted their
0:55:11 realization but they have to be
0:55:13 initially undermined which is again
0:55:15 immediately you go to to a personal god
0:55:18 let's assume they can exist somehow
0:55:20 okay
0:55:22 but but all the laws of physics
0:55:26 by necessity they they need the
0:55:30 boundary condition and and or initial
0:55:32 context because we are initializing
0:55:34 things initial conditions initial
0:55:36 parameters
0:55:38 there is no way to generate all
0:55:40 parameters by by from the equation and
0:55:42 natural constants no it's not right
0:55:45 there you have to put one or two
0:55:46 constants by hand
0:55:48 and you can put various numbers there
0:55:50 and get various developments of the
0:55:52 universe they would be vastly different
0:55:55 with the same law system
0:55:57 but they developed differently
0:56:00 whatever it is if you have a choice of
0:56:02 two things then you have to have a
0:56:03 chooser there's no way that one of them
0:56:05 will come into existence yet just that
0:56:07 by by uh brute force we're going back to
0:56:10 the fallacy that
0:56:12 it can't be
0:56:14 that this one came it just happened to
0:56:16 be to be sure
0:56:20 kind of thing like uh it is essentially
0:56:22 that is what we explained when we made
0:56:24 the statement and show that that the
0:56:26 most elementary case of causality is is
0:56:30 essentially uh
0:56:32 if it's postulated as such it's look
0:56:34 like an unsynthetic principle for
0:56:36 understanding but that's synthetic
0:56:38 principle is it is it just a principle
0:56:40 of the mind just the mind set it without
0:56:42 a no it goes to the analytics it's a
0:56:44 necessity of the mind
0:56:48 yeah in other terms we've proven that
0:56:50 the most primitive and
0:56:52 and
0:56:52 and limited and
0:56:55 the most fundamental and
0:56:56 really
0:57:02 sufficiencies or the even
0:57:04 in the form of causality only causality
0:57:06 if you go to that case i mentioned the
0:57:08 break coming emerging out of nothing
0:57:10 absolutely and causing nothing like that
0:57:12 it's just this this statement does not
0:57:15 make any sense it's just we're fooling
0:57:17 ourselves with terms like brick emerging
0:57:19 and so on
0:57:20 and putting them in a sentence which
0:57:22 sounds very intriguing and looks and and
0:57:25 you can claim i can't even i can't
0:57:26 envisage that understand it yeah you can
0:57:29 understand the sentence but does not
0:57:30 mean this is
0:57:31 make any sense or has any interest
0:57:33 internally contradictory i understand
0:57:35 the sentence that this square circle is
0:57:38 beautiful yeah it's attributing beauty
0:57:40 to the square of circle
0:57:42 i understand that very well but it
0:57:44 doesn't mean that
0:57:45 it's really accessed without any
0:57:48 any meaning at all
0:57:50 yeah linguistically somehow
0:57:52 as a reference to nothing i understand
0:57:58 so i think this is certain we should not
0:57:59 go back to it again but now we go to uh
0:58:02 to now we have then we have a sufficient
0:58:04 information about the universe
0:58:06 sufficiently well established to settle
0:58:08 the issue that will go either although i
0:58:11 would say all the observation until now
0:58:13 except maybe a couple of small animal
0:58:15 anomalies in the
0:58:18 cosmic background radiation
0:58:21 which battles claim his theory of the
0:58:24 recurrent or serga or rotating universe
0:58:27 or circular universe explain
0:58:30 but
0:58:30 but all other
0:58:32 uh
0:58:33 aspect of the cosmic vibration are
0:58:36 explained by the by their by by
0:58:37 inflation and inflation necessitates
0:58:40 by mathematical necessity that it
0:58:42 started with the singularity not with
0:58:44 the blank size uh black hole with
0:58:47 exactly with zero
0:58:48 with the singularity
0:58:52 okay professor how about we continue
0:58:55 this part for next week we complete with
0:58:57 this series yeah the week after next
0:59:00 year
0:59:01 yeah next week or the week after week
0:59:03 after next week next week i have some
0:59:05 family
0:59:06 okay occasions so we do it the week
0:59:08 after next
0:59:10 trauma
0:59:11 but try to try to
0:59:13 when someone put like like hawkins put
0:59:15 something like
0:59:17 things which he can't describe
0:59:18 mathematically like he described physics
0:59:20 in this side but got rid of the problem
0:59:23 with the beginning of time because he in
0:59:24 his brief history of time it's clearly
0:59:26 the development that the time has a
0:59:28 history and has a beginning that's clear
0:59:30 from from the observation with the small
0:59:32 exception of these small anomalies i
0:59:33 think this small animal is uh
0:59:37 due to
0:59:38 to misunderstanding or or
0:59:40 bad measurements
0:59:43 it's just a couple of others and he has
0:59:44 been responded to by all physicists who
0:59:46 are working with the cosmic
0:59:48 background radiation and they told him
0:59:50 clearly
0:59:51 the the bacterial inflation is firmly
0:59:54 established and these
0:59:55 these uh so-called anomalies may could
0:59:58 have other explanation and some of them
1:00:00 can be explained in certain aspects of
1:00:02 inflation and inflation anyway so even
1:00:04 for experimental side but even granting
1:00:06 that it is he may have an escape route
1:00:09 that is scheduled is impossible
1:00:14 is rationally impossible
1:00:16 because he all his discourse is based on
1:00:19 observation and certain analysis
1:00:21 mathematical
1:00:22 logical necessities
1:00:24 now he cannot go there and deny
1:00:27 the logic logical impossibility and the
1:00:29 rational impossibility for the current
1:00:31 universe that's fascinating not possible
1:00:34 whatever
1:00:36 chromatic is that so these anomalies
1:00:39 he may have even according to the
1:00:41 majority of history or almost every
1:00:43 physics symptom and couple of guys with
1:00:45 him
1:00:47 interpreted wrongly as evidence for his
1:00:49 recurring universe is the wrong
1:00:50 interpretation we must conclude that's
1:00:52 the only way
1:00:58 but also this fact and the nature of
1:00:59 time and all these
1:01:01 compelling forceful uh
1:01:03 measurements going through the big bangs
1:01:05 all of time
1:01:07 must force to review the
1:01:10 the formalism of theory related in which
1:01:12 time is treated almost equally like
1:01:14 space especially does the direction is
1:01:16 not cleared excess yes it is giving a
1:01:19 negative sign in the metric or opposite
1:01:21 different scientific than the others
1:01:23 leading to the issues of space like
1:01:25 simulation and so on uh yeah i
1:01:27 understand that that is not like space
1:01:29 completely but
1:01:31 lumping it you know in your space-time
1:01:33 minkowski space time
1:01:35 i think it says fundamentally float
1:01:38 it may be work as well as extended
1:01:40 approximation in any
1:01:42 limited region of space-time that's
1:01:44 meaning limited regional like for
1:01:46 example here around us and even in our
1:01:48 galaxy or the local cluster or maybe a
1:01:50 super cluster or something like that and
1:01:52 times going up maybe for uh
1:01:55 1 billion 2 billion years and maybe 1
1:01:58 billion
1:01:59 year 2 billion years forward so that but
1:02:01 this is only a section of space time the
1:02:03 moment we expand that try to get to the
1:02:05 beginning with anyways we'll get in
1:02:06 trouble we have to decouple
1:02:09 time from space
1:02:10 it should be the couple from the
1:02:12 beginning so the approximation here
1:02:13 doesn't that so regarding theory of
1:02:16 relativity as absolute
1:02:19 anyway i think that's refuted because
1:02:20 there are certain phenomena in quasars
1:02:22 and so on
1:02:23 uh they they explained explained by by a
1:02:27 quantum assumption
1:02:29 they don't contradict any quantum
1:02:31 assumptions but they they contradict
1:02:33 certain relativistic assumption and
1:02:35 gravitational theory assumption
1:02:37 so we can regardless quantum gravity and
1:02:39 various other things have been buried
1:02:41 and the reason has been valid for two
1:02:43 reasons i think one reason is that the
1:02:45 treatment of time is not proper in these
1:02:47 extreme situations
1:02:49 the direction of time has to be
1:02:50 respected there's no escape and secondly
1:02:54 uh
1:02:57 also there's another issue for example
1:02:59 that
1:03:00 if you put space and time like that and
1:03:02 make it a nurses work formally then you
1:03:04 can prove that the whole physical uh
1:03:07 phenomena must be besides so general
1:03:09 laws environment there are special uh uh
1:03:13 like like discrete the transformation
1:03:15 one of them is called parity that's
1:03:18 reflecting the space
1:03:19 the other one is called time reversal
1:03:21 reversing the direction of time
1:03:23 the third one is called charge
1:03:25 conjugation replacing particle with
1:03:26 anti-particle under opposite charge etc
1:03:31 according to general theory
1:03:32 the product of the three cpt
1:03:35 must be invariant
1:03:41 but
1:03:43 if if if one is is broken then the two
1:03:47 others will be broken in such way to
1:03:48 correct it
1:03:49 but we we faced
1:03:52 the odd problem that we have in certain
1:03:55 processes a
1:03:56 break at the invite the cp is broke
1:04:00 it should be absolute because the rest
1:04:01 of the the reversal of time is
1:04:04 impossible
1:04:06 but clearly
1:04:07 the if the cp is violated very minimally
1:04:10 then the the rivers the revisibility of
1:04:12 time is broken time is unidirectional
1:04:15 cannot cannot be reversed going negative
1:04:18 this is already there some elementary
1:04:21 processes of elementary particles are
1:04:23 hinting that
1:04:24 making the time so that it is it can't
1:04:27 go to the negative direction thus their
1:04:29 invariance and values of the laws is
1:04:32 wrong something is long in the role
1:04:34 but as expresses that only in extreme
1:04:36 small high energy ethic processes in a
1:04:39 weak interaction and in around about is
1:04:41 giving us a signal there's an error
1:04:43 there your theory is is going overboard
1:04:47 rewrite the theory or develop it
1:04:50 but physicists are not going to look
1:04:51 that way very much yet
1:04:53 because the formalism of
1:04:56 special relativity and the general
1:04:57 activity in four damages is very elegant
1:05:00 and easy very easy to
1:05:01 the moment you separate space and time
1:05:04 work with quantum mechanics and then
1:05:06 realistic then you have to separate a
1:05:08 certain factors and nobody knows how to
1:05:10 do that correctly yet
1:05:15 that's the reason
1:05:16 but i i i i say today that's
1:05:20 uh it's not a prophecy but i say
1:05:22 ultimately
1:05:24 even if our lifetime in the next
1:05:26 generation they will detect that that
1:05:29 we have we have to revisit the the
1:05:31 makers and morally experiment and also
1:05:34 the interpretation
1:05:36 of
1:05:37 the lawrence transformation lawrence
1:05:39 made the translation as a transformation
1:05:41 written explicitly
1:05:44 with clocks and and
1:05:45 measures and things like that done
1:05:47 properly
1:05:48 the one who lumped them in as in a space
1:05:50 is minkowski
1:05:52 that madam and that regarding the
1:05:55 regarding a space is really having a
1:05:57 physical reality that formed the four
1:05:58 the four right before the immune space
1:06:00 in that way it's a physical reality
1:06:03 that's the problem
1:06:05 calculation tool good approximation
1:06:08 maybe
1:06:10 nice representation certain areas maybe
1:06:12 but is it really representing something
1:06:14 of the depth of reality no
1:06:19 but that's a different issue and with
1:06:21 that it's it remains in the universal
1:06:24 scheme
1:06:25 even the staunch relative is like like
1:06:28 like
1:06:30 hawkins and so on and they know that
1:06:32 they have to go to uh to
1:06:34 towards the big bang and the time has
1:06:36 only one direction there's no way it can
1:06:38 be reversed and the time has to start
1:06:40 there
1:06:41 or the escape the escape of penrose is
1:06:43 impossible i think we can we can put
1:06:45 that to rest
1:06:46 it's already experimentally almost
1:06:48 motorized but i think
1:06:50 on philosophical and theoretical grounds
1:06:52 it must be portrayed it must be rejected
1:06:54 it should not be accepted
1:06:57 and that corrupt and the experiment will
1:06:59 prove maybe this web observatory will
1:07:01 bring some uh
1:07:02 issues which will because there's issues
1:07:05 with the hubble constant
1:07:06 and measurements that
1:07:08 some class of measurements brings one
1:07:10 value another class bring another value
1:07:12 and there's no way to reconcile these
1:07:15 unless there is some theoretical issues
1:07:17 have to be revisited and re-adjusted
1:07:19 because
1:07:20 in every calculation there is certain
1:07:22 assumption about space and time and in
1:07:24 the
1:07:25 expansion of the universe and the
1:07:27 passage of time and the red shift and it
1:07:29 is very complicated
1:07:31 and some one set of observation brings a
1:07:34 value
1:07:35 another sector then bring another value
1:07:37 and they are sufficiently simulated
1:07:39 there's no way to reconcile them
1:07:42 and that's one way they hope at least
1:07:44 the web will be
1:07:47 be able to
1:07:49 make more precise the measurements of
1:07:52 relying on very old stars and so on and
1:07:54 there's other measurements relying on on
1:07:57 the kosher power background radiation
1:07:59 and then see if they can fit or that
1:08:01 that one that other one can't be
1:08:02 corrected but it's only the level of
1:08:04 occurrence of both measurements is quite
1:08:06 well
1:08:08 it is
1:08:10 maybe this is a hint that
1:08:12 that some theoretical assumption must be
1:08:14 modified
1:08:15 and then we get them to to to fit
1:08:18 together
1:08:19 but islamic symmetric side oh which is
1:08:21 open experimental physicist should be
1:08:23 they should not be
1:08:25 diverted from their work by by
1:08:27 theoretician or philosophers they should
1:08:28 continue because this is it but in their
1:08:31 analysis of the data
1:08:33 certain assumptions going in a certain
1:08:35 theoretical
1:08:36 assumption are going on and then they
1:08:38 kind of if
1:08:39 data are not reconcilable
1:08:41 in this way
1:08:43 because the hubble constraint the
1:08:44 expansion rate of universe cannot be
1:08:46 different like that
1:08:48 based upon how you measure it so there
1:08:50 must be some some assumption here or
1:08:52 there which has to be revisited and
1:08:54 checked
1:08:55 and by reshaking it again and changing
1:08:57 this and doubting this assumption
1:08:58 doubting this subject noting this
1:09:00 assumption
1:09:01 you will get you will get ultimately to
1:09:03 say ah and i i i'm making conjecture now
1:09:07 that it is the relativistic aspect some
1:09:09 of these aspects has to be modified
1:09:12 uh
1:09:13 showing that the the
1:09:15 assumption is is a good approximation
1:09:18 and uh and the space-time structure of
1:09:20 minkowski is not a real world it may be
1:09:23 a good approximation but it's not the
1:09:24 real world
1:09:25 and that will will will
1:09:27 make the correction complete
1:09:29 eleventh synthesis that's only that's
1:09:31 only speculation
1:09:34 okay
1:09:40 but this is this is the
1:09:41 this is very intriguing
1:09:43 but as far as
1:09:45 physics got us to that by the way on all
1:09:47 these evidences we have done especially
1:09:49 with the conditionals and with the
1:09:51 infinite regress or regress without
1:09:53 limit more more or more more precisely
1:09:56 it can be infinite as long as it pushes
1:09:57 it doesn't matter
1:09:59 but all of these uh
1:10:01 we did not need to go to
1:10:04 the issue of actual and
1:10:06 and
1:10:08 potentially infinite
1:10:13 it may be very possible that may be
1:10:15 proven down the road that the actual
1:10:16 infinite in the physical reality cannot
1:10:18 exist maybe
1:10:20 but we don't need it
1:10:23 you see there what all we need that
1:10:25 there's a limit which is exist
1:10:27 that's it
1:10:29 that's all what we need
1:10:30 which forces sometimes finiteness
1:10:33 if we have a evidently divergent
1:10:35 diverging sequence then it forces
1:10:37 finiteness because otherwise it doesn't
1:10:39 converge
1:10:40 it must be finite and that repeating
1:10:42 itself and forever that's that's it or
1:10:46 in the case it must be like the time it
1:10:47 becomes it's shorter than going to zero
1:10:49 zero plus
1:10:51 but uh but finiteness in the
1:10:54 meaning of cardinality and numbering no
1:10:56 it's not that quite it may be proven to
1:10:58 be so and then things will be even nicer
1:11:01 but
1:11:02 uh additional evidence but i think we
1:11:04 don't this is i think this is this
1:11:06 approach help us into
1:11:09 in into
1:11:11 avoiding the question of the actual or
1:11:13 or or potential infinite both in the
1:11:16 mental uh
1:11:18 in the mental domain and the in the mind
1:11:20 domain are also in the
1:11:23 in the actual physical domain
1:11:25 we don't need to settle that question it
1:11:27 may be settled and we may have some
1:11:29 benefit to settle but not in matter of
1:11:32 of of proving uh the that
1:11:35 that the universe has a start
1:11:39 it necessarily it's out of time and
1:11:42 the entity which started space and time
1:11:45 and matalan energy uh
1:11:47 is is a necessarily existing entity the
1:11:50 only
1:11:50 question remaining is it is it a
1:11:52 mechanism
1:11:54 or it is a free agent
1:11:57 that's the only thing remaining and some
1:11:58 of its attributes and so on
1:12:00 is it unique not unique and so on that
1:12:02 we'll get to that inshallah
1:12:08 okay
1:12:13 okay until inshaallah what's today today
1:12:16 is 19
1:12:18 plus 14 meaning we'll be shooting well
1:12:20 in
1:12:22 in will be in martial because seven days
1:12:25 from now is 26
1:12:28 plus 7
1:12:29 33 that meaning uh maybe the fifth it
1:12:32 will be the fifth of
1:12:34 march something like that when we meet
1:12:36 yeah
1:12:37 something like the 5th of march let me
1:12:39 check quickly in the calendar
1:12:42 so it's not next week
1:12:44 so next because
1:12:51 march
1:12:52 the first saturday there will be
1:12:56 yeah it's the 25th yeah i calculate the
1:12:58 fifth of march
1:13:01 all meetings
1:13:03 that's prepared question and so on
1:13:05 and take a look it's interesting
1:13:06 although i didn't like that article very
1:13:08 much but maybe because i'm a little bit
1:13:10 biased
1:13:11 about anyone talking about the vacuum of
1:13:13 this empty and things that i'm not
1:13:14 saying clearly the ground state and
1:13:16 things like that but this is because of
1:13:17 my bias about
1:13:19 the language used by physicists in in a
1:13:22 relaxed not philosophical way but i
1:13:24 think the article is okay so to see
1:13:27 what's occur we see clearly that quantum
1:13:29 fluctuation of the actual exclusion of
1:13:32 the vacuum that's the quantification is
1:13:36 necessary it is a necessary result of uh
1:13:42 of the
1:13:44 energy time and an uncertainty and
1:13:47 obviously this is developed in the
1:13:49 context of relativistic quantum
1:13:50 mechanics which has all this
1:13:52 philosophical and this
1:13:54 possible deficiency in matter of lumping
1:13:57 time with space in that manner but still
1:14:00 within that approximation at least we
1:14:01 have such a
1:14:03 so
1:14:03 quantum fluctuation and
1:14:06 and the imagery is presented obviously
1:14:08 just
1:14:09 these imagery like like particles
1:14:12 emerging
1:14:14 around every particle there's a cloud or
1:14:17 like an electron or a proton is sending
1:14:19 particles and catching their backs and
1:14:21 they catch against one all these images
1:14:23 are taken from the microscopic well
1:14:24 nobody knows what's going on their
1:14:26 reality but it can be visualized like
1:14:29 that so don't be fooled by the
1:14:30 visualization
1:14:33 these are the parabol these are as
1:14:36 terrible and allegorical or rhetorical
1:14:38 it's it's a
1:14:40 reality which if you want to describe it
1:14:42 correctly and strictly we should stick
1:14:44 to the mathematics
1:14:45 but nobody
1:14:47 would be happy just to have mathematics
1:14:49 no nothing
1:14:51 no image and no picture in his mind
1:14:52 everyone wants to have a picture have
1:14:54 something picture or something but
1:14:56 presented with space and time so you can
1:14:58 enjoy and and even there are movies and
1:15:00 there's videos which show you that how
1:15:03 how it is bubbling and
1:15:05 appearing and all is the simulation it
1:15:07 is a simulation all that is just
1:15:09 allegorical and and metaphorical and
1:15:12 parables and so on
1:15:14 and the simulation
1:15:16 so don't don't don't be fooled but
1:15:18 there's a video which show you how the
1:15:20 how the condor flipped what she looks
1:15:22 like this is a simulation for that what
1:15:25 some physicists imagine that's it
1:15:28 that's it
1:15:29 using bubbles and things like that and
1:15:32 they call the forming universe the
1:15:33 space-time bubbles and all of this is
1:15:35 just
1:15:36 imaginary images
1:15:39 trying to understand a very complex
1:15:41 abstract
1:15:43 reality
1:15:45 which should be studied exclusively
1:15:47 mathematical but human beings need some
1:15:49 some pictures
1:15:57 Music
1:16:03 Music
1:16:33 a
1:16:34 Music
1:16:51 so
1:16:54 Music
1:17:04 you