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Tafseer-ul-Quran - Almassari - 005 - Al Fātiha - 03 (2020-08-07)


Tafseer-ul-Quran 005 - Al Fātiha - 03

Summary of Tafseer-ul-Quran - Almassari - 005 - Al Fātiha - 03

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the concept of worship in Islam, and how it should not be confused with other acts of reverence or respect. explains that worship is an act of obedience to God, and that there is no higher probability that obedience is correct than total surrender to Allah. He also points out that there is a difference between worshipping Allah and following the rulings of a prophet, as the latter is a direct revelation from Allah.

00:00:00 Discusses some linguistic aspects of the Quran, and goes on to say that only Allah is truly divine. It then goes on to mention that the translation of the Quran only captures part of the meaning of the text.

  • 00:05:00 discusses the meaning of the word "worship" in the Quran. He points out that the word has multiple meanings and can be ambiguous. Some people believe that worship refers to the act of worshipping one deity exclusively, while others believe that it refers to other acts of obedience or respect. argues that the meaning of worship should be determined by the speaker, since he or she is the one who initiated the language and forced it to express his or her beliefs.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the difference between worship and obeying a ruler. It notes that worship is simply an act of obedience, and that there is no higher probability that obedience is correct than tawatur (total surrender to Allah). It also points out that there is a difference between worshipping Allah and following the rulings of a prophet, as the latter is a direct revelation from Allah.
  • 00:15:00 discusses a legal ruling that says a person is not responsible for actions they perform while sleepwalking. This ruling is based on a deduction from a statement of the messenger. also discusses the differences between the understanding of Islam among Arabs in mid-arabia and those in the west.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the concept of shirk or worshipping other than God, and provides a short summary of the verse in which this concept is introduced. It states that worshipping other than God is a sin, and that acknowleding that God is the only true deity is the first step in worshipping Him properly.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the act of worship, and how it should not be confused with acts of worship based on human beings. also points out that adopting lords and scribes as rulers is worshipping them, and is forbidden in Islam.
  • 00:30:00 provides a brief overview of the Islamic concept of sovereignty, explaining that while humans are allowed to have certain authorities, such as legislating and defining good and evil, only Allah has the right to make laws and decree places of worship holy. He goes on to say that while some people may try to rationalize violating these prohibitions, the prophet Muhammad was ultimately approved by Allah for doing so because the people knew of previous laws and knew how to change them.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the difference between "worship" and "respect" and why the latter is more appropriate for use in referring to Muslims. also discusses the history of the term "worshipful" and its use in Scotland.
  • 00:40:00 reviews evidence of respect and admiration for other religions, but points out that they did not specify that sovereignty should be attributed to God because it is not in their world of understanding. Christianity has become essentially secular, resulting in the disconnection of sovereignty from divine authority. notes that this mindset has influenced language development, and that in Arabic, the monotheistic Ismail tradition has been mutilated and tambard. It influences the language so that it becomes submit being law, and the speaker stresses the importance of love and gratitude in relation to divine sovereignty. Finally, the speaker points out that it is not only fearfulness but also love and affliction that is secondary to the fundamental fact that God is the master and owner of all creation. Prayer and meditation can provide support for enduring hardship and proving oneself capable of overcoming obstacles. This will be shared with those who adhere to Islam.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses different aspects of Islamic prayer, including the importance of being guided to the right path, the importance of free will, and the significance of the Lord's Prayer. It also compares and contrasts the two most important Islamic prayers, the Lord's Prayer and the salat.
  • 00:50:00 discusses the various aspects of the path to success, emphasizing that it is a holistic process that includes acts, words, and attitudes. He also mentions that guidance comes from Allah, who is the truth and perfection in all things.
  • 00:55:00 explains that Allah has promised that those who follow His guidance will be saved from depression and suicidal thoughts. He goes on to say that this is a fundamental part of the Islamic faith and is defined in detail by Prophet Muhammad. Those who follow his commandments will be rewarded, while those who do not will be punished.


of the video discusses how people can end up in trouble if they do not follow Allah's revelations and commandments. He warns people about following false prophets and philosophies, and how it can lead to lost salvation.

01:00:00 Discusses the importance of following Allah's revelations, and how those who do not follow them can end up in trouble. It goes on to describe the importance of following Allah's commandments, and how those who do not can end up in trouble. finishes by warning people about following false prophets and philosophies, and how it can lead to lost salvation.

  • 01:05:00 discusses how misguided people can be when they try to understand scripture using modern methods. He points out that the construction of scripture using modern methods is confusing and leaves the fundamental well-established clear foundation of scripture unclear.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:55 some linguistics aspects and so on but
0:00:57 not extremely extensive we don't
0:00:58 know when to make it throughout the
0:01:00 grammar session
0:01:01 uh or only aware really the meaning
0:01:05 is supplemented and strengthened by some
0:01:07 grammatical consideration
0:01:09 so we have foreign and we
0:01:12 established i think i think what's
0:01:14 attitude that allah is the
0:01:16 personal the name for the divine entity
0:01:19 allah the creator of the universe the
0:01:21 eternal
0:01:22 and we mentioned casually there's
0:01:24 evidence of
0:01:25 one one uh uniqueness and oneness of
0:01:28 this divine entity
0:01:30 so it's included in the meaning that
0:01:32 allah is the only one divine being
0:01:37 and it is god there's all other entities
0:01:39 are
0:01:40 people's imaginations which are declared
0:01:42 to be gods do not exist
0:01:44 either they don't exist at all they're
0:01:46 just pure imaginary
0:01:48 entities like ganesha and
0:01:52 or whatever the indian deities there
0:01:56 um vishnu create all the krishna they
0:01:59 don't exist they never existed
0:02:01 or they exist as persons but the
0:02:03 attribution to them of divinity is wrong
0:02:05 so they don't exist a divine they of an
0:02:07 entity
0:02:08 and this is important to recognize this
0:02:10 another category that does exist
0:02:13 but people believe in them to be divine
0:02:15 or attribute themselves in divinity but
0:02:17 it is not true it's false so the only
0:02:18 divine entity in existence
0:02:21 really and truly is allah
0:02:24 and we mentioned the meaning of a hamden
0:02:26 difference between shukura etc
0:02:28 this is a common further condition
0:02:32 uh just a fourth note
0:02:36 the king of the day of judgment entails
0:02:39 that the division exists
0:02:42 so it's a fundamental part of faith is
0:02:45 is said implicitly
0:02:47 because the one who was reading fatiha
0:02:48 in prayers and so on is definitely the
0:02:50 one who believes in
0:02:51 the oneness of allah the messenger of
0:02:53 muhammad and that is a day of judgment
0:02:55 or they are recalling
0:02:57 and allah is that the yan is the judge
0:02:59 and the king of the day of judgment
0:03:02 that's the path which is graphing so
0:03:03 opening the fatiha is opening with the
0:03:06 pure uh praise and communication
0:03:10 glorification of the divine being allah
0:03:12 now we come to the part of that what a
0:03:14 part of the slave of the servant
0:03:30 structure you find sometimes special in
0:03:32 in translation especially done by
0:03:34 wahhabis they all have this obsession
0:03:38 only you we worship only you only the
0:03:41 word only but this is not
0:03:42 warranted linguistically it's warranted
0:03:45 because of the evidence as we said
0:03:47 previously episode the images of the
0:03:48 quran and that islam is made up
0:03:51 but it is not what the linguistic word
0:03:54 entails very well this is this
0:03:55 has yet indeed you we worship
0:03:58 and view we invoke or ask for help and
0:04:01 support
0:04:03 otherwise it's exactly the same
0:04:04 structure
0:04:08 but is not only from allah you can make
0:04:10 a standard for other things which as we
0:04:12 mentioned so it's the translation only
0:04:14 will fail there so if you translate it
0:04:16 only there
0:04:18 then you should translate it only there
0:04:19 so it's not a correct processor
0:04:21 you can avoid only you we worship the
0:04:24 meaning is correct but this is to be
0:04:25 concluded elsewhere
0:04:27 from other evidences not from this
0:04:28 linguistic structure
0:04:30 it's be included from allah that know
0:04:32 the divine being
0:04:33 and the word worship has to be
0:04:35 interpreted probably to be
0:04:36 fitting only for divine being then it is
0:04:38 by necessity
0:04:40 indeed we will be worship only because
0:04:43 there's no other one
0:04:44 which can be worshipped altogether if
0:04:46 you
0:04:47 witness and believe that there's only
0:04:49 one deity then it cannot be possible
0:04:51 that you worship anything else
0:04:52 because worshiping can be related only
0:04:54 to the it will come to that
0:04:55 so that's the correct the the same what
0:04:58 we when we collected that the
0:04:59 translation of the
0:05:00 of the word of tawhid the kalima
0:05:03 sometime they are translated
0:05:04 the correct translation there is no
0:05:05 deity except allah or no divine
0:05:07 there no god with small g except god
0:05:09 with a capital g it looks a little bit
0:05:11 odd but it's also
0:05:12 a literal translation in the sense that
0:05:16 god with capital g should be like a
0:05:18 divine name for allah but this is
0:05:20 not really a good linguistic
0:05:22 construction to be persuasive
0:05:24 it's not like allah in arabic which has
0:05:26 been contracted from al-ilah
0:05:28 and became a stand-alone word by itself
0:05:32 so the mere capitalization of g
0:05:36 is not enough really to make it
0:05:37 persuasive that it fits only on that
0:05:40 only divine being the creator of the
0:05:41 universe
0:05:43 so
0:05:47 you indeed you only only
0:05:50 know added from the meaning not from the
0:05:52 wording we worship
0:05:53 now the question what is the meaning of
0:05:55 word worship that's
0:05:56 that seems to be relatively trivial
0:06:01 for the arabs at the time and the people
0:06:03 who understood quran
0:06:04 it was generally clear uh to them
0:06:08 but not hundred percent clear we will
0:06:10 show evidence that right clear the
0:06:11 meaning of version what has been
0:06:12 let me give counter examples first that
0:06:14 even arabs genuine arabs
0:06:16 did not fathom the meaning the word the
0:06:18 meaning of words worship as it should be
0:06:20 as the quran used
0:06:22 linguistically it may be amorphous not
0:06:24 clear in people's minds some some words
0:06:26 are having so loaded with so many
0:06:28 meanings and
0:06:30 and connotations and contextual issues
0:06:32 that
0:06:34 not everyone agree on the meaning
0:06:37 although there's
0:06:37 a core meaning inside it which by deep
0:06:40 digging you will find
0:06:42 but you don't need to dedicate with god
0:06:43 for until it for you
0:06:45 and we know as a fundamental rule that
0:06:48 the one who revealed the quran in arabic
0:06:50 language
0:06:50 is the one who created languages and
0:06:52 minds so he is the one who defined what
0:06:54 the language the one who initiated the
0:06:55 language
0:06:56 and forced it to express what he wants
0:06:58 so
0:06:59 allah does not extend only on the
0:07:01 universal material being also in the
0:07:02 languages and the minds
0:07:04 and so the meaning of worship in the
0:07:06 quran should be the one who is dominant
0:07:08 and should be the proper explanation for
0:07:10 that but maybe have been confused in
0:07:11 people's mind
0:07:12 a bit a little bit confused one example
0:07:14 of the confusion
0:07:15 is that with the famous hadith of
0:07:17 alibaba had him
0:07:19 uh when he entered the masjid after a
0:07:22 long story
0:07:23 his sister was taking prisoner of war
0:07:25 and then she told her she is the
0:07:26 daughter of
0:07:27 him of the famous noble generous man
0:07:31 and he said your your father is a man of
0:07:33 greater great
0:07:35 attributes and generosity and he freed
0:07:37 there so she went to her brother listen
0:07:39 this man is if he is a prophet
0:07:43 then you ought to belong to join him
0:07:45 because he had him
0:07:46 seems to be having a religious function
0:07:48 in his tribe
0:07:49 or some kind of a priest or or
0:07:53 in that direction or have some priestly
0:07:56 function he has
0:07:57 some good background about their
0:07:58 religion and uh
0:08:02 and if he that he is a prophet then we
0:08:04 must follow him there's no escape
0:08:05 he corrects all the mistakes of previous
0:08:07 religion and if he's not as a very wise
0:08:09 woman and if he's a king
0:08:10 then he's a successful and generous king
0:08:12 much better than the romans with whom
0:08:14 you are allied
0:08:14 because from thai and they are close to
0:08:18 the
0:08:19 live mostly in jordan so in arabia from
0:08:22 the romans but they have contracts with
0:08:24 the
0:08:24 with the romans they have dealings with
0:08:25 the romans and so on and regardless of
0:08:27 the overlords
0:08:29 better than this king and he seems to be
0:08:31 the one who will win the battle
0:08:32 down the road he will let them be
0:08:34 victorious and successful
0:08:36 so join him either way it is wise to
0:08:38 join him either for the achara or for
0:08:40 dunya for dean or for dunya or for both
0:08:43 so he came so enter the masjid it
0:08:45 happened by accident not by accident
0:08:47 everything is decided
0:08:48 that he entered the moment reading
0:09:05 literally they adopted their their monks
0:09:08 and their scribes
0:09:12 is actually inc the people of ink the
0:09:14 scholars the scholars and their monks
0:09:17 rohmann lords albamillah
0:09:26 they have been commanded to worship only
0:09:28 one deity there is no eating beside him
0:09:31 he is exalted about above their shark
0:09:33 and their associations
0:09:35 so adam hadn't so we caught the man by a
0:09:37 mistake
0:09:39 he's come to argue obviously to detect
0:09:41 and he said
0:09:43 objecting we did not worship them
0:09:46 not him he doesn't deny that they
0:09:48 worship
0:09:50 but we did not so worship is his mind is
0:09:52 most likely
0:09:53 these acts of worship
0:09:56 humoration prostration etc
0:10:01 so we did not give them any worship
0:10:04 so his understanding worship is limited
0:10:07 is a collection of acts of worship
0:10:10 and hence we should not worship them
0:10:12 that's clearly
0:10:13 we do not do that this is very clear
0:10:15 they don't do these acts which
0:10:16 in one aspect refuse also the wahabi
0:10:19 claims that if you go to the
0:10:21 to the grave of uh worry or appear and
0:10:23 so on and touch it
0:10:25 and express it in gratification or
0:10:27 narration that this is a worship
0:10:29 because russia did not answer to this
0:10:30 point this way what he answered
0:10:32 say to enlighten him with the meaning of
0:10:35 worship
0:10:37 where they not permitting the the
0:10:40 the prohibited allowing the prohibited
0:10:43 and prohibiting the allowed
0:10:45 and you accepted that from them and you
0:10:47 obeyed them obviously meaning obeying
0:10:49 them since you accepted that as they
0:10:50 have this authority
0:10:53 didn't you ascribe to them the authority
0:10:55 to legislate make
0:10:56 haram gave an example
0:11:01 that they know from the scripture for
0:11:03 example the old testament is full of
0:11:05 prohibition of prick
0:11:06 and contamination of pig nevertheless
0:11:08 later on
0:11:09 one of the skype who is supposed to be
0:11:12 not divine according to adi
0:11:14 paul for example declared that jesus has
0:11:17 isa has abrogated all of that and this
0:11:18 is halal without any evidence or a
0:11:20 statement attributed to his exit that he
0:11:22 met
0:11:22 with him in spirit somewhere in the
0:11:24 mountain on the way to the mosque just
0:11:26 in spirit
0:11:27 just such a claim a claim with no
0:11:28 evidence not me they're not invoking
0:11:31 even one word from asia which may be
0:11:34 acceptable because he may be the
0:11:35 reporting from the one who he
0:11:37 initially privated the pig and i
0:11:40 could not otherwise accept to surrender
0:11:43 to that
0:11:44 say yes indeed we do that
0:11:49 this is their worship this is their
0:11:51 worship
0:11:53 it's not wise is good there's no doctor
0:11:55 of that and also we should not be very
0:11:57 much
0:11:57 taken away with the issue of is not some
0:11:59 people go to extreme violence
0:12:01 as if it's not formally correct and the
0:12:03 result is necessarily correct that's not
0:12:05 true
0:12:06 higher probability is correct there is
0:12:08 no substitute except by tawatur
0:12:10 and the opposite also sometimes you have
0:12:12 an established weak ending without
0:12:13 with a method which can be proven by
0:12:15 other evidences to be correct
0:12:17 in its meaning and also correct to be
0:12:19 attributed to the
0:12:20 by other evidences so that's that's just
0:12:23 a note on the island
0:12:25 should not be uh fall in the trap of the
0:12:27 people of hadith and
0:12:29 and the beer and the salafi and so on
0:12:30 making the isla is not like a holy cow
0:12:32 is not but this is a good tool to
0:12:34 distinguish exactly like
0:12:36 like shaking witnesses in the court and
0:12:38 cross-examination it's a good tool but
0:12:40 it doesn't will never bring
0:12:41 absolute attitude except if you have
0:12:43 mutually corroborating evidences
0:12:46 that will be institute that will be
0:12:47 already at best be unreasonable not
0:12:50 maybe even bothering us too but never
0:12:52 said to you unless it's correlated to
0:12:54 other impedances which make it them to
0:12:55 us attitude
0:12:57 so
0:13:00 by the time that's their worship the
0:13:03 russia did not say that they religiously
0:13:04 did not use this
0:13:06 high-level complicated language because
0:13:08 the quran uses elsewhere and
0:13:10 when we're talking with the people you
0:13:11 talk with they give them example and
0:13:13 they say
0:13:14 they said then they didn't they allow
0:13:16 some haram
0:13:17 somehow haram made it
0:13:22 attribute them to the power of
0:13:24 legislation that's it
0:13:26 that's really the essential of it if it
0:13:28 is happened to make
0:13:31 meaning that you have acknowledged that
0:13:32 there's haram previously enacted by
0:13:34 previous revelation
0:13:36 or haram in activism religious
0:13:38 revelation from allah and you change it
0:13:40 that's one type of exercising
0:13:42 self-sovereignty
0:13:44 but it's only a sub-family which is easy
0:13:46 to understand for real and for adi
0:13:47 easy because he has enough knowledge to
0:13:49 know that these
0:13:50 monks and scribes have really legislated
0:13:54 according to their best knowledge
0:13:57 according to their understanding
0:13:58 according to their belief that they have
0:14:00 the right to
0:14:01 may be but in reality they have
0:14:03 legislated
0:14:04 without an authority from allah in the
0:14:05 sense that is not a drive from their
0:14:07 evil
0:14:08 there is a difference between driving
0:14:10 something from the leader from
0:14:11 revelation if you are mistaken
0:14:12 if even if you are mistaken but you
0:14:14 refer to the to the
0:14:16 to the revelation then you are not
0:14:18 legislating from yourself you are not
0:14:19 attributed to yourself you have to
0:14:20 reduce religion to the one who
0:14:23 sent down the revelation or send or send
0:14:25 down the messenger
0:14:26 and but you are your understanding it
0:14:28 may be wrong i usually give a famous
0:14:31 example which i am
0:14:32 already using is that when
0:14:35 when when we say for example that a
0:14:38 child
0:14:39 below the age of maturity which is
0:14:42 has to be defined further but let's say
0:14:44 we agree on a different range of
0:14:45 maturity
0:14:46 is not criminally responsible his
0:14:48 guardians may be tremendous possible
0:14:50 or he have a reduced criminal
0:14:52 responsibility
0:14:55 that is obviously based for us is based
0:14:57 on deriving
0:14:59 the pen writing the since the
0:15:01 responsibility is lifted from the
0:15:03 the child until he reaches authority
0:15:06 from the mentally
0:15:07 impaired until he gets rationality if he
0:15:10 ever gets
0:15:11 ready and from the one who is leaving
0:15:13 until he wakes up
0:15:14 so if someone could kill someone while
0:15:16 he is sleep walking
0:15:18 then he is not responsible because
0:15:19 that's not the state where he is
0:15:21 responsible
0:15:22 of that etcetera based that are done
0:15:26 this deduction was agreed by all
0:15:28 scholars of the matter of fact
0:15:29 is correct that's a deduction which is
0:15:31 correct
0:15:33 and it is not legislating for our own
0:15:36 power it is deducing that from a
0:15:37 statement of the messenger which we
0:15:40 established by a snap study and other
0:15:42 many evidences etc etc and that is to be
0:15:44 correct
0:15:45 or whether either was certified or
0:15:47 borderless institute
0:15:49 and that's our standing but if we stay
0:15:52 the same statement and say this is what
0:15:53 also
0:15:54 all legal authorities of the west say
0:15:56 for example the french law
0:15:58 specified such a statement that we have
0:16:00 not registered according to allah
0:16:01 revealed because we are not deducing it
0:16:02 from the revelation
0:16:03 we are not we we are deducing from the
0:16:05 french law french law is not revelation
0:16:07 so we are ruling with not with allah
0:16:09 although the same who is correct so we
0:16:11 may be having a correct
0:16:12 final result but the deduction way show
0:16:15 that you are not referring to allah as
0:16:16 the legislator as the suffering
0:16:18 so adopted under the french lawmaker as
0:16:21 the laws beside allah
0:16:23 even if the result is correct so it's
0:16:25 not the result it's not the law itself
0:16:27 the wedding of the law it is how you
0:16:28 drive the law is the fundamental
0:16:30 point obviously we try our best to to
0:16:33 get what allah has enacted and whose
0:16:34 order
0:16:35 and what he has revealed that's that's
0:16:38 the age they had but even in the case
0:16:39 which they had
0:16:40 if you don't worry ishta if you have to
0:16:42 allow his messenger and then you make a
0:16:44 mistake
0:16:44 then you will still have the reward of
0:16:46 his chat that you struggle to get there
0:16:48 and if you are correct then you have two
0:16:50 rewards yes of course some hadith say
0:16:51 ten rewards whatever it is one or two
0:16:54 yes we leave that pending but anyway you
0:16:56 are not
0:16:57 uh making yourself a lord beside allah
0:17:00 certainly not because you referred to
0:17:02 the source which should be referred to
0:17:03 which is allah's messenger
0:17:05 so that's that's a that's one so this is
0:17:07 one thing so so even ah
0:17:09 manhattan but we should but i had to
0:17:12 yeah he's an arab is from
0:17:13 but they are bothered bothering on the
0:17:16 roman empire and
0:17:18 their understanding and of the language
0:17:21 is contaminated with the interaction
0:17:22 with the
0:17:23 with with the syrian and and uh and the
0:17:25 levant christian and so on and he
0:17:26 himself is a christian
0:17:28 etc so
0:17:31 so uh uh we can say that's maybe
0:17:34 uh that's obviously did throw some
0:17:37 shadows on his uh
0:17:38 uh linguistic understanding while the
0:17:40 genuine arabs in mid-arabia and so on
0:17:42 may have more similar unnatural
0:17:45 subconscious understanding of the
0:17:46 miracle version which is most likely the
0:17:47 case
0:17:48 which is but the best thing if that is
0:17:50 to to
0:17:51 refer to the quran of the meaning of
0:17:54 meaning which the quran has extracted
0:17:55 and
0:17:56 expressed is that what counts of what's
0:17:59 the meaning of worship
0:18:01 the meaning we find in many many places
0:18:03 in the quran but you have to read very
0:18:05 carefully and
0:18:06 respect the quran even with letter by
0:18:08 letters from allah and every letter
0:18:10 that's for example what allah told
0:18:14 musa and uh at the mount sinai the quran
0:18:17 mentioned that in various places various
0:18:18 expressions some of them are equivalent
0:18:21 some of them are having certain
0:18:22 additional
0:18:23 secondary but let's go to the core one
0:18:25 and one
0:18:38 because you are in the holy place which
0:18:40 should be respected by taking off the
0:18:41 sanders
0:18:42 other scholars in touch the long
0:18:43 discussion while taking the sandals
0:18:45 because the sanders may be they say
0:18:47 maybe it's impure it's made from a
0:18:48 donkey skin which was not
0:18:50 tanned or that that's it's not relevant
0:18:53 maybe maybe
0:18:54 that place specifically aligned after
0:18:55 this law take your sandals that's it
0:18:57 even if they are pure that is they are
0:19:00 trying to
0:19:01 bring that a specific injunction in
0:19:04 concordance with
0:19:05 junctions about islamic law that if you
0:19:07 have sanders out of
0:19:09 pig skin which is not tanned or the
0:19:11 other skin which is not turned then it
0:19:12 is impure
0:19:13 it doesn't need to correlate it's not
0:19:15 necessary that's that's
0:19:16 that's just jumping over the over the
0:19:18 board of rationality no there's a
0:19:20 command at that moment
0:19:21 in that place the specific place near
0:19:24 the burning tree
0:19:25 that's a a holy uh holy valley holy
0:19:28 because of allah
0:19:30 did that but i can't i spoke to muslims
0:19:32 because of this action it became holy
0:19:34 there's nothing especially in that
0:19:35 valley it's just sand and grabbing
0:19:40 and made a special order for musa that
0:19:41 day to take off his standards that's it
0:19:45 does not mean that he'll take his hand
0:19:46 in in the temple after that or
0:19:48 that has to have another injection
0:19:50 myself and the injunctions to musa
0:19:52 in that day for that moment
0:20:19 very bad for tigger to remember me for
0:20:21 my remembrance
0:20:24 to bring me in your mind to become
0:20:26 conscious of me
0:20:27 because it's a
0:20:31 serious command
0:20:44 in arabic you can adjoin the specific to
0:20:47 the general
0:20:48 like for example do perfect all your
0:20:51 work
0:20:52 and especially when you arrive this
0:20:53 report to the court or write about
0:20:56 all your work should be perfect
0:20:57 especially this report of the court
0:20:59 that's adjoining the special to the
0:21:00 general
0:21:01 and if you say perfect only work it
0:21:04 applies also to your report making you
0:21:05 are making to make through to the court
0:21:07 but i'm mentioning it specifically for
0:21:08 some
0:21:09 good reason in that situation but it is
0:21:11 intent already
0:21:12 make all your try to be perfect to know
0:21:14 what you do
0:21:42 in that sense strictly speaking that
0:21:43 narrow meaning but that's not all there
0:21:45 are many places where the quran mentions
0:21:47 what the prophet told their people in a
0:21:48 in a very concise summary
0:21:50 and that's in the book to hate volume 2
0:21:51 unfortunately which is telling
0:21:52 translation
0:21:53 is not publicized yet but the ones who
0:21:55 attended arabic they may have
0:21:57 anyway actually this development later
0:21:59 developments of the book that this
0:22:00 chapter 6 we developed the matters to
0:22:02 the level of mathematical precision we
0:22:04 have equated these theory statements
0:22:06 of the prophets to their people and they
0:22:08 at face they seem
0:22:09 vastly different but they summarize all
0:22:11 the messages of that prophet
0:22:12 and putting them into certain equations
0:22:15 analyzing
0:22:16 ultimately and that
0:22:22 their worship obviously the word worship
0:22:25 is usually translated the word is
0:22:27 translated with worship
0:22:31 statements
0:22:35 i did not create nouns and spirits
0:22:38 except or but only
0:22:39 to worship me associated to worship
0:22:47 worship means after the all these
0:22:50 deductions which i
0:22:51 will not go here they say but we
0:22:54 indicate some of it along the way
0:22:55 and when the book which hopefully shall
0:22:57 also be out will be easy to read
0:22:58 and follow in form in a level reaching
0:23:01 mathematical precision i believe what
0:23:02 the book is would be it's available in
0:23:04 the arabic in the hand of the people and
0:23:06 as far as you know nobody came with any
0:23:08 valid really
0:23:09 uh refutation of that i i don't think
0:23:11 it's possible to refute because
0:23:13 mathematical precision
0:23:16 meaning it is that's your reaction to
0:23:19 the statement allah
0:23:35 name of the divine otherwise they
0:23:36 summarize the story did not tell us
0:23:37 there was a discussion how
0:23:39 to whom which name should i tell the
0:23:40 people and you told him are you i was
0:23:42 unknown to your grandfather as a
0:23:44 the powerful of the tough god but for
0:23:47 you i am why hrw
0:23:50 all of that we are not going to indulge
0:23:52 in it that's all or superseded with
0:23:54 allah
0:23:54 the expression of majesty that
0:23:56 summarizes all of that
0:23:58 it's settled finally and ultimately in
0:24:00 that language at the time of the
0:24:02 revelation even before time of race
0:24:03 lovely we have already
0:24:05 already had the expression of the
0:24:06 majesty there
0:24:08 we substitute for all of these things
0:24:10 and replace them
0:24:12 in a convincing and clear way
0:24:16 so this is a statement to fact in allah
0:24:18 introducing
0:24:19 himself excited i am the only
0:24:24 divine being i am allah the god
0:24:27 the only divine entity this is a
0:24:29 statement fact
0:24:30 which action should you motor based on
0:24:32 that
0:24:34 acknowledge that say it
0:24:38 acknowledge that i am the only one deity
0:24:41 that's it
0:24:41 it has no further meaning it's your
0:24:44 reaction to
0:24:45 when allah this is you and allah i am
0:24:46 the only deity
0:24:48 so what will be reaction i acknowledge
0:24:50 that the moment you acknowledge that you
0:24:51 have done the worship
0:24:52 all the worship that's it there's no war
0:24:56 all of these acts what they call act of
0:24:58 worship and all these and all these as
0:25:00 we and ali
0:25:01 these are acts expressing
0:25:04 this worship or related to this worship
0:25:07 or based on that worship but they are
0:25:09 not worshiping themselves
0:25:11 now unfortunately the the people of
0:25:15 especially starting uh later in
0:25:19 the time of sahaba even after that they
0:25:22 uh when they try to make systematical
0:25:26 elaboration about the acts of human
0:25:28 beings and the laws related to that etc
0:25:31 they they divided the uh and
0:25:34 the law into that
0:25:38 luckily they said they buy that in the
0:25:39 blue they buy the twelve acts of worship
0:25:47 but already that that use of name said
0:25:49 if it had been said
0:25:50 it would have been better like the quran
0:25:53 used for example
0:26:04 starting from that day it started
0:26:06 messing up the
0:26:07 concept of until we have the extreme
0:26:11 mutilated meaning which we have in the
0:26:14 starting with everything and then
0:26:15 peaking in our happy moments
0:26:17 in the misunderstanding the meaning of
0:26:18 worship
0:26:22 mixing the that worship or
0:26:26 worship me the actual act of worship
0:26:32 so you you find for example the imams or
0:26:36 or are plane to explain to the to the
0:26:38 community of the masjid
0:26:41 does not mean that you have yourself to
0:26:42 be sitting home and doing salah et
0:26:43 cetera
0:26:44 because it's in their mind is only and
0:26:47 these things as well
0:26:48 no no it you should be also having good
0:26:50 relation to your parent
0:26:51 you should be active in the community
0:26:53 and so on
0:26:54 thinking that they have to strengthen
0:26:56 the people that's not
0:26:57 that's part of the meaning of ukraine
0:26:59 without really going to the debug
0:27:01 where the problem started so the problem
0:27:02 started in that that equating
0:27:04 the worship with acts of worship we
0:27:06 should have been caught rich once if
0:27:07 they have been called rituals we do not
0:27:09 we shouldn't have developed that
0:27:10 confusion and it will not have
0:27:12 mushroomed and became almost
0:27:13 overwhelming to everyone's mind later
0:27:16 later generation
0:27:17 and mutilated the meaning of worship but
0:27:19 also what is compared to the other place
0:27:21 when you say
0:27:24 just a special command for that
0:27:29 the summary of that what we said what
0:27:31 does it mean in another book
0:27:43 you mentioned only one specific command
0:27:44 this is because
0:27:46 being a lord meaning you have to submit
0:27:48 to my sovereignty and i am
0:27:49 a command because musa understand
0:27:51 automatically that
0:27:52 the for example the pharaoh is the lord
0:27:54 of egypt and the people submit to early
0:27:56 god him as the legislator
0:27:58 and the lawmaker and they accept that
0:28:00 and they surrender to that
0:28:01 so they are worshiping automatically
0:28:02 they want to acknowledge someone as your
0:28:03 lord you are automatically
0:28:05 worshipping him exactly like what uh the
0:28:08 pram explained to
0:28:08 you meaning that
0:28:12 they are worshiping him they are
0:28:13 attributing the right of legislation
0:28:15 so allah did not need to explain any
0:28:18 letters
0:28:19 enough cover all of that but covered
0:28:22 it covered all of that it contained it
0:28:24 and then he added one command
0:28:26 based on that sovereignty which you have
0:28:27 acknowledged already by necessity
0:28:32 take away your your your your sanders
0:28:35 you are in this holy place which i
0:28:36 declare to be replaced i'll just let
0:28:38 them to be honest
0:28:39 and muslim took that we acknowledge that
0:28:57 sovereignty is worship
0:29:00 and worship is a typical territory the
0:29:02 moment you attribute any sovereignty
0:29:04 genuine sovereignty to anybody else you
0:29:07 have
0:29:07 ceased to worship allah and you have
0:29:09 committed shirk
0:29:10 and you have started worshiping other
0:29:12 gods
0:29:14 beside allah like exactly
0:29:18 they adopted their scholars monks and
0:29:22 scholars
0:29:23 as lords beside allah
0:29:31 meaning they have been commanded not to
0:29:33 take laws beside allah they have not
0:29:35 gone not to ishmael so the quran tell
0:29:36 you clearly that
0:29:37 adopting lords and scribes or whatever
0:29:40 it is maybe
0:29:41 as lords beside allah is worshipping
0:29:43 them
0:29:44 and you have been commanded not to
0:29:45 worship anybody meaning to not to take
0:29:47 any lords
0:29:48 or any any sovereign beside allah
0:29:51 so then under allah yes but not
0:30:03 because you have been given mind and
0:30:04 then reason and you can't wish they had
0:30:07 but they say i mean you are referring to
0:30:08 the sovereignty the sovereign mean that
0:30:10 according to my best knowledge that is
0:30:13 that's not
0:30:13 that's not making law that's driving
0:30:16 laws
0:30:17 from the acts and the statements of the
0:30:19 suffering
0:30:21 you can if you want to call the civility
0:30:22 i don't i would call it i would call it
0:30:24 authority does not separate this
0:30:25 authoritarian
0:30:26 that's really authority there's no
0:30:28 sovereignty even in the
0:30:29 in the western law system there's
0:30:31 difference between the parliament who
0:30:32 acts genuine laws and that
0:30:35 administrative commands and executive
0:30:37 orders which is supposed to be under
0:30:38 that law
0:30:39 and right from it and not not
0:30:40 contradicting it yeah but
0:30:42 and this is an authority it's not really
0:30:44 a sovereignty that's it sovereignty is
0:30:45 supposed to be like the people and the
0:30:47 parliament
0:30:48 this is just executive power this is an
0:30:50 authority given by the constitution by
0:30:52 the sovereign which is the people
0:30:53 according to the democratic western
0:30:56 democratic liberal philosophy
0:30:58 we will discuss that one day when time
0:31:00 comes but
0:31:00 Music
0:31:02 so the the the
0:31:05 this is very significant
0:31:11 they have been commanded to wish only
0:31:13 one deity
0:31:14 so they would have been commanded to
0:31:18 have only one lord but this would be a
0:31:20 repetitious and that will give you extra
0:31:22 meaning
0:31:22 you say they have been commanded to
0:31:24 achieve only one year so worship one
0:31:25 deity
0:31:26 meaning attributing all sovereignty and
0:31:29 the right of legislation
0:31:30 and definition of good and evil and
0:31:31 morality and fixing of
0:31:34 of places of worship fixing fixing
0:31:37 declaring a place to be holy or not holy
0:31:39 all of that are the acts of the supreme
0:31:41 exclusively nobody has the right to do
0:31:43 that nobody has the right to do that
0:31:45 except somewhere else for allah
0:31:47 and they have been commanded if you go
0:31:49 through the old testament and even the
0:31:50 new system with the statement is clear
0:31:52 this is only once the only one who must
0:31:55 be obeyed
0:31:56 the only one who can legislate nobody
0:31:58 has had that right
0:32:00 and very clear and obvious they have
0:32:02 been commanded
0:32:03 to worship also no lord beside allah is
0:32:06 the same
0:32:07 knowledge
0:32:10 but they violated that the same uh
0:32:14 uh they've explained that also to the
0:32:15 people because most people are also at
0:32:17 the time of their
0:32:18 man but this is it's not for this is
0:32:19 very strong very good it's not
0:32:21 he says once have you asked him about
0:32:23 this
0:32:25 by allah they did not spray through them
0:32:27 they did not persuade to them
0:32:31 but they obeyed them in in in in
0:32:34 in violating the prohibition of allah
0:32:37 again he was approved by
0:32:38 the prophet because the people know that
0:32:40 there have been previous laws and these
0:32:42 people took their ability to change
0:32:43 these laws
0:32:44 according to their desire until their
0:32:46 own thinking or the
0:32:47 you know rationalization they think it's
0:32:49 rationalization it may be rational
0:32:51 but it does not make it give you the
0:32:53 right to do that socialization
0:32:54 because this is this right is allocated
0:32:56 only for subreddit he is the one who
0:32:58 does the law making
0:32:59 and you rationalize to deduce from him
0:33:02 and even if you don't understand the
0:33:04 wisdom of the law making and even the
0:33:05 lord some of the slow making may be
0:33:07 against the wisdom
0:33:08 and maybe punishing and maybe
0:33:10 restricting
0:33:11 that you will have no level ability to
0:33:13 uh to escape after this
0:33:16 of the sovereignty of allah that's the
0:33:18 medical worship so
0:33:21 meaning meaning indeed only
0:33:24 and you only that are added for me based
0:33:26 on the others of quran sunnah and the
0:33:28 meaning of allah
0:33:29 the expression of majesty we
0:33:32 recognize as ultimate severine and lord
0:33:37 is the same has nothing to do with that
0:33:39 only you we
0:33:40 go to all you we proceed to you or you
0:33:43 will touch your kaaba
0:33:44 all you we we kiss your black stone no
0:33:48 you can very well go to your friend's
0:33:50 house and kiss the the
0:33:52 the door because you love that you
0:33:53 kissed at the the the
0:33:55 door uh knock or bell because you feel
0:33:58 you express love to this place this
0:34:00 place and this friend's house
0:34:02 and admiration it's perfect hasn't fit
0:34:04 to worship it's just another nation
0:34:06 maybe it's not a very intelligent act
0:34:07 maybe it's better off you'll embrace
0:34:09 your friend in case he speaks rather
0:34:10 than kissing his not quite
0:34:12 who cares that's not the issue has
0:34:15 nothing to approach that's not
0:34:16 the expression of love and hate unless
0:34:19 you explain him to be a sovereign
0:34:21 the moment you make him a sovereign you
0:34:23 then all the acts you do towards him
0:34:25 are acts of worship and the economies of
0:34:28 swearing is
0:34:29 that worship you are worshipping him
0:34:31 that's in the worship
0:34:32 and all these acts expressing of
0:34:34 admiration on narration respect etc
0:34:38 are acts of worship or rituals they
0:34:40 should be considered unfortunately
0:34:42 already run now for hundreds or almost
0:34:44 over a thousand of years with the word
0:34:45 by that and that rituals or acts of
0:34:49 worship
0:34:50 and interactions actually like buying
0:34:52 selling etc
0:34:54 but this is really not not a good
0:34:57 distinction on the subdivision and
0:34:59 unfortunately it has
0:35:00 it has come and sat sit deep and you see
0:35:04 now imams in the masjid nowadays to
0:35:06 remind the people of their also social
0:35:08 responsibilities another responsibility
0:35:09 they need to go back and forth and go
0:35:11 around as all because
0:35:13 these this misconception has uh has dug
0:35:16 deep in the people's mind
0:35:19 it may be interesting to see that
0:35:22 that even the the
0:35:25 the english dictionary took them into
0:35:39 or submit or something like that the
0:35:42 most clear place you can
0:35:45 glean the meaning is when you say uh
0:35:48 but this is a paved road but paved
0:35:52 leveled smooth submissive
0:35:55 however the road is not it's not a is
0:35:57 not
0:35:59 paved but it has harms up and down
0:36:02 it shakes you up on the other one it
0:36:04 goes smooth below you it submits
0:36:06 completely to you
0:36:08 so it has to do with submission complete
0:36:11 uh being called held and owned by
0:36:13 someone completely
0:36:14 etcetera the english word which is used
0:36:17 for that it's worship
0:36:20 that's the closest one if we go for it
0:36:22 but it's in in
0:36:24 in in arabic abdullah goes to the
0:36:25 meaning of submission
0:36:27 being a slave being serving
0:36:30 being below and english where she goes
0:36:32 to another root
0:36:34 which has the meaning of generation
0:36:36 respect
0:36:37 for example we've read i think this is
0:36:39 the oxford dictionary when was mistaken
0:36:41 we read here in the book of worship
0:36:45 quran transitive to show what is exactly
0:36:48 taken from
0:36:49 to show profound religious devotion
0:36:52 and respect to adore or venerate
0:36:56 in parenthesis god or any person of
0:36:59 think considered
0:37:00 divine in in in square brackets old
0:37:04 english
0:37:05 worship and written with this strange
0:37:06 phonetics
0:37:12 and worship in western saxon anyway you
0:37:15 mentioned all that with all the
0:37:16 kind uh the kind of of old
0:37:20 english dialects with saxon condition of
0:37:23 being worthy honor renown
0:37:27 from the word the set of worship and
0:37:29 also we have in scotland still the title
0:37:31 for the mayor his worship is
0:37:33 worshipful the understated respectful
0:37:35 one
0:37:37 and that explains further sense of
0:37:40 reference so that the final
0:37:41 summary of the outs as established now
0:37:43 in the english and generally except
0:37:44 maybe
0:37:45 the scottish oddity of calling the the
0:37:48 mayor giving them
0:37:49 the title his worshipful or something
0:37:50 like that sense of reverence
0:37:53 paid to a supreme sober national or
0:37:55 divine being
0:37:57 sense of reverence but that's much
0:38:00 better than the wahhabi
0:38:01 uh definition of sujot roku touching and
0:38:04 so on
0:38:07 so that meaning is first recorded in 100
0:38:11 1300 uh christian time
0:38:15 the original sense is presented in the
0:38:17 title worshipful in
0:38:19 in uh which is still using in scotland
0:38:22 so even there
0:38:23 was a history of the world of that one
0:38:25 and then it became almost accepted
0:38:27 the scottish title as a worship pool etc
0:38:29 which is still used to
0:38:30 i think for mayors in scotland uh it's
0:38:33 uh
0:38:34 uh is exclusively uh
0:38:37 used for the divine being that's it
0:38:39 nothing else
0:38:43 so the respected or number respectful
0:38:46 many years called worshipful
0:38:48 due to the ancient root meaning of them
0:38:50 but generally
0:38:51 if worship is used meaning bad and
0:38:58 according to the best tradition about
0:39:01 religion understanding religion in the
0:39:03 west it is a sense of reverence played
0:39:05 to a similar natural
0:39:06 or divine being most important is the
0:39:09 the core
0:39:10 uh element is the supernatural divine
0:39:12 being and reverence paid to him
0:39:14 it doesn't use the attributing
0:39:16 sovereignty to him because this is not
0:39:17 in the
0:39:18 western way of mind not neither in the
0:39:21 way that
0:39:21 christianity developed since paul which
0:39:24 really
0:39:25 essentially started secularism in that
0:39:27 sense divorced
0:39:29 worldly affairs from after wealthy
0:39:31 affairs
0:39:32 and declared the kingdom of christ to be
0:39:34 a next war next wednesday kingdom
0:39:36 associated with this world
0:39:37 and advice that everyone should submit
0:39:39 to the pagan empire because the emperor
0:39:42 has been elected by god to run the dunya
0:39:44 and everyone should submit to him
0:39:45 so this this secularism and this divorce
0:39:48 there was divorce which
0:39:50 which obviously affected christianity
0:39:52 after the time of hadith
0:39:54 is because of the western specific
0:39:56 tradition so they destroyed to reveal
0:39:58 river river and spread to a sovereign
0:40:00 evidence respect and admiration
0:40:03 but they they did not they did not
0:40:05 specify obviously
0:40:06 attributing for sovereignty because it's
0:40:08 not in their world of
0:40:10 in the world of understanding and the
0:40:12 word of philosophical
0:40:13 consideration or religious consideration
0:40:16 because
0:40:16 christianity pauline christianity has
0:40:18 become essentially secular
0:40:20 and sovereignty over the affairs of the
0:40:22 dunya has been divorced from the divine
0:40:24 sovereignty and no wonder that they have
0:40:26 adopted the amongst the scribe lords
0:40:28 beside allah has the quran condemned
0:40:29 them
0:40:31 because that's that's the definition
0:40:33 started and that's what what the
0:40:35 church councils and so on have been
0:40:37 stressing all the time through history
0:40:39 attributing to themselves the right of
0:40:41 legislation and attributing to the
0:40:43 king's
0:40:43 uh divine rights etc although this is
0:40:46 not true
0:40:47 but that's that's the deviation that's
0:40:48 what that's no wonder that this all this
0:40:50 mindset and this philosophy will
0:40:52 influence and penetrate deep in the mind
0:40:54 and even influence the language
0:40:56 and the language development naturally
0:40:57 naturally
0:40:59 so the same in arabic we have to go and
0:41:02 you see how it was in
0:41:03 in the arabic tradition which is
0:41:04 essentially the monotheistic ismail
0:41:06 tradition
0:41:08 which has been mutilated and tambard
0:41:10 will but
0:41:11 it it informs itself in the in the
0:41:13 language so that is virtually
0:41:15 submit being law you submit and you be
0:41:18 low and you level yourself down to
0:41:20 something with supreme and above you
0:41:21 so it's more closer to the meaning of
0:41:23 the quran and the meaning which is
0:41:25 dictated by natural by by by by rational
0:41:28 necessity
0:41:29 russian necessity if there is a divine
0:41:30 being and he's a free agent
0:41:34 no necessarily existing being must exist
0:41:36 either it's a nation a dead
0:41:38 blind nation this will be atheism or it
0:41:40 is uh
0:41:41 being acting by absolute sovereignty and
0:41:43 free will that's will be allah there's
0:41:45 only one
0:41:46 and you can say clearly allah there's no
0:41:48 no
0:41:49 either this or this it can't be
0:41:50 otherwise but if
0:41:52 if the existing being which is the
0:41:54 source of all beings
0:41:57 is a free agent a god
0:42:00 then it is only one god and
0:42:04 his relation to all the creation that he
0:42:05 owns them control them he is the
0:42:07 sovereign
0:42:08 and they have to acknowledge that this
0:42:10 will be combined by necessity of the
0:42:12 nature of the internal structure of the
0:42:13 mind and psycho
0:42:15 psyche will be accommodated with
0:42:17 reverence
0:42:18 respect adoration yes and hopefully with
0:42:22 love
0:42:22 and thankfulness as it should be
0:42:25 because he has to be recognized what he
0:42:27 is that is
0:42:30 it will be not only submission and fear
0:42:32 respect
0:42:33 but also love and feel of the closeness
0:42:36 and
0:42:36 nearness and interconnectedness
0:42:40 so it's not me just fearfulness but also
0:42:43 love and affliction and
0:42:44 special relation with him but this is
0:42:48 secondary
0:42:49 to the fundamental fact that he is the
0:42:50 master and the creator and the owner and
0:42:52 you are the slave and the creator
0:42:54 so this is only only added from the
0:42:58 other evidence is not from the wedding
0:43:00 but it's indeed you we worship and we
0:43:03 know from all the other
0:43:04 evidences and necessity of reason it
0:43:05 will be only you the other one
0:43:07 indeed you we ask for help
0:43:11 that's not exclusive because we can't
0:43:12 ask and take help from elsewhere
0:43:14 even by allah himself for example we
0:43:16 have the quran clearly in another
0:43:18 in some places take help
0:43:22 take support from salah from prayer
0:43:24 which gives you spiritual uplifting
0:43:26 strength anything and suffer being
0:43:28 enduring forcing yourself to be tough
0:43:31 resisting the pain resisting depression
0:43:34 telling yourself i have to endure that i
0:43:36 have to survive that i have to prove
0:43:38 myself
0:43:38 that i'm capable of going through this
0:43:40 hardship you take help of that
0:43:43 take that make it it will help you allah
0:43:45 is commanding you to do that
0:43:47 so it's perfectly fine that you take
0:43:49 help from anybody beside allah that's no
0:43:50 problem
0:43:52 but the main help ultimately will be
0:43:53 from allah the original help fundamental
0:43:56 one because
0:43:56 how come that you can take uh take help
0:43:59 from from
0:44:00 from sabor without having these
0:44:02 intrinsic attributes and
0:44:04 and the biochemical and chemical
0:44:06 processes and psycho psychological
0:44:08 process in your mind which are created
0:44:09 and facilitated by allah so ultimately
0:44:12 he is the ultimate originator of all
0:44:13 these facilities
0:44:14 even the salah has enacted in such a way
0:44:18 is so so formulated so then that it will
0:44:21 and the way the mind works and the way
0:44:23 the psyche work is that
0:44:25 prayer meditation etc will give you
0:44:28 support to give you help that's by the
0:44:31 design of the words which ultimately
0:44:32 goes to allah so the ultimate help the
0:44:34 original
0:44:34 fundamental help is from allah no doubt
0:44:37 but it's perfectly permissible to
0:44:38 stakeholder but is absolutely
0:44:40 impermissible and not acceptable
0:44:41 to attribute any survey to anybody
0:44:43 inside allah that's not acceptable this
0:44:45 will be shared
0:44:46 we'll be covered as we take you after
0:44:47 the hold of islam he will
0:44:52 Music
0:44:57 Music
0:44:59 some of it is recommended to do like
0:45:01 taking help from your own capability of
0:45:02 endurance and self
0:45:04 self self self control or from prayers
0:45:07 and meditation
0:45:08 but also taking help from the public
0:45:10 authority to get your rights for example
0:45:12 is perfectly fine
0:45:13 you should should strive to get that
0:45:17 in substitution you should do that
0:45:18 before starting for example defense for
0:45:20 example
0:45:21 a man asked about what allah said if a
0:45:23 man comes i want to take my money my
0:45:25 wealth
0:45:27 trust have said don't give him your
0:45:28 wealth say but if he's armed
0:45:30 and using force what i'm supposed to do
0:45:33 say
0:45:34 ask the muslims around you for help say
0:45:36 if i am far away
0:45:39 authority sultan not khalifa no sultan
0:45:42 any authority
0:45:43 say if the sultan is far away from me
0:45:45 say then take your weapons
0:45:47 your wealth so either you save your
0:45:50 wealth or you become shaheed and becomes
0:45:53 don't surrender to anyone coming take
0:45:54 your wealth by by
0:45:56 brute force if it comes make it fine if
0:45:59 you are obliged to help the bigger
0:46:00 as much as you can say sorry i can't
0:46:02 help you today but by force no
0:46:05 you should assert set your your wealth
0:46:08 assert your rights
0:46:10 and fight for them if necessary but take
0:46:11 help of the muslims around you
0:46:13 to prevent someone who is armed and
0:46:15 dangerous if nobody's around you to take
0:46:17 help
0:46:18 so you should say help come help give me
0:46:19 help and if you all take help of the
0:46:22 authority
0:46:22 call the police if you are but sometimes
0:46:24 the police are the sultan and the
0:46:25 authority is far away
0:46:26 a current village at the moment although
0:46:28 it is urgent there is no way you can get
0:46:30 the police at that moment
0:46:31 it may be possible if someone is seizing
0:46:33 your house and you can barely cut
0:46:34 yourself
0:46:35 and you have still a phone connection
0:46:37 nowadays luckily we have mobile phones
0:46:39 you can you can phone
0:46:40 maybe you can get help but in time past
0:46:42 it would not be possible
0:46:43 if the authority is not nearby there's
0:46:45 no way to communicate to them so what to
0:46:47 do i do you defend yourself
0:46:49 you don't give him your will you don't
0:46:50 surrender you don't
0:46:52 you don't accept to be a law step you
0:46:54 have to
0:46:55 accept your existence and your wealth
0:46:56 and your and protect your your wealth
0:46:58 your
0:46:59 life your your your faith your your
0:47:01 honor
0:47:02 even with fight if necessary even with
0:47:04 my military force
0:47:06 if you succeed then you have protected
0:47:09 what you wanted
0:47:10 and this fight will be the legitimate
0:47:11 fight until the enemy or the
0:47:13 new invader or the aggressor is repent
0:47:15 now it is repented god hallows you don't
0:47:17 pursue it so unfair
0:47:19 unless with the intention to have a
0:47:21 grant him and hand him to the
0:47:22 authorities
0:47:23 and if you are murdered then you are you
0:47:26 should not be shying away from the
0:47:27 freedom of this situation
0:47:29 this will be cowardice and this will
0:47:30 solve will not solve the problem of
0:47:32 oppression and
0:47:33 and mafias and criminals and those for
0:47:35 forever they will continue
0:47:37 taking you as a low step and this for
0:47:39 individuals and for societies
0:47:40 the moment you accept oppressor to
0:47:43 bless you and fall with you it will
0:47:46 never end they will continue oppressing
0:47:47 you you have to
0:47:48 defend yourself but you take help so
0:47:51 it's no problem
0:47:52 so indeed you indeed you will ask for
0:47:54 help
0:47:55 it's not only you you can't ask for help
0:47:57 but you are the ultimate one you are the
0:47:58 ultimate source of help
0:48:00 and the on of power and energy and
0:48:03 and even even patience and
0:48:06 you ask allah will give you patience to
0:48:08 strengthen you and patience because
0:48:09 allah is having the control of the whole
0:48:10 universe
0:48:11 and have things which you have no access
0:48:14 to except through him by prayer and so
0:48:16 on
0:48:16 so yeah they are constrained that's
0:48:20 the the what allah said this is between
0:48:21 me and my servant he worship me
0:48:23 and i will help him then the rest of the
0:48:26 soul
0:48:28 that's what continues when
0:48:31 the worshiper or the one
0:48:36 so what you're asking besides that's why
0:48:38 i ask for generally
0:48:40 for help universal yeah can stay you
0:48:43 are our source of health so we'll ask
0:48:44 you for help and we will
0:48:46 in all occasions directly or indirectly
0:48:49 why worship is only direct and also it
0:48:51 has no other meaning except attribute to
0:48:53 the full sovereignty will never worship
0:48:54 anybody else only attribute any
0:48:56 sovereignty
0:48:57 or in the right of legislation to
0:48:58 anybody else except you that's it
0:49:00 otherwise it will be shared
0:49:04 what we're asking for we'll compare that
0:49:06 inshallah today i think we will not get
0:49:08 time no there's no way you can't get
0:49:09 we'll compare it was called lord prayer
0:49:11 next time
0:49:12 see the difference of all the road
0:49:13 players good it's nice not a about
0:49:15 prayer but
0:49:16 there's no no comparison to the level of
0:49:18 sophistication and depth of
0:49:20 philosophical and rational uh
0:49:22 conclusions to be concluded from
0:49:24 this this uh this islamic prayer
0:49:27 standards and the lord's prayer
0:49:30 so what is the first one most important
0:49:33 is
0:49:35 guide us to the straight path what is
0:49:38 the straight path
0:49:40 was edena now obviously we know from
0:49:42 other evidence of quran
0:49:44 that allah guides
0:49:48 but ultimately going to the south muslim
0:49:50 must be by your
0:49:51 choice by your free will otherwise
0:49:54 the whole tech leave and the revelation
0:49:55 loses its meaning and the whole account
0:49:59 that he said this ayah is enough to to
0:50:02 refute the soulja body we say
0:50:04 you are guided and regarded even before
0:50:06 the creation this is all nonsense
0:50:08 this ayah you are asking for hidayah
0:50:10 meaning it can be
0:50:25 and you are knowing ultimately all hell
0:50:27 and support will come from him
0:50:28 and you have already praised him as the
0:50:31 as a
0:50:32 lord of the all universes you have
0:50:34 already
0:50:35 commended him as the most merciful the
0:50:37 most benevolent
0:50:38 and you have glorified him as the sole
0:50:41 king and judge of the day of judgment at
0:50:42 the instruction and you acknowledge it
0:50:43 there's a day of jesus
0:50:46 already so what is what does it mean
0:50:58 in all acts and all these because not
0:51:00 being on the fundamentals
0:51:02 does not mean that let me explain like
0:51:05 you are in a motor way motorways have
0:51:06 several lanes
0:51:07 being in the motor day way going to
0:51:10 birmingham for example
0:51:12 and one or a forty or thirties and forty
0:51:15 doesn't mean necessarily that they're in
0:51:16 the right lane maybe in the wrong lane
0:51:18 you should be in the left lane leaving
0:51:19 the right lane for the first one that's
0:51:21 in england in other countries will be
0:51:22 open
0:51:23 but so you may be still in that some so
0:51:26 in a wrong sub lane but with the wrong
0:51:28 speed
0:51:30 you are doing the correct thing maybe
0:51:32 you should build you have a
0:51:33 problem in the engine you should put a
0:51:35 hazard so that we will recognize that
0:51:37 you are
0:51:37 slow and then veer clearly from you
0:51:40 reduce the danger of
0:51:41 someone's uh colliding with you in the
0:51:43 back although these things are
0:51:44 acts which are necessary or no way but
0:51:46 you are still on the way you aren't
0:51:46 definitely on the way but you are not in
0:51:48 the
0:51:49 most optimal and powerful way so stream
0:51:52 is not just just one lane
0:51:53 or one line it is a wide complex
0:51:56 structure
0:51:58 so hidden from mustache guide us to all
0:52:00 the right
0:52:01 acts and deeds and statements all of
0:52:04 them not only the main one
0:52:06 not only being on the way to birmingham
0:52:09 but doing all the right things
0:52:11 starting from even looking at the gas
0:52:13 dial making sure that we have enough
0:52:15 gasoline and stopping at a gas station
0:52:17 appropriately and feeling if recession
0:52:18 and taking all the system precautions
0:52:20 shaking the oil and so on all of that if
0:52:23 you want to do it properly and the most
0:52:24 perfect way
0:52:25 and the most smooth and less endangered
0:52:27 way it is this one
0:52:30 so this is that administrative is the
0:52:31 correct and the right rightful actions
0:52:33 and deeds
0:52:35 and this is also allah
0:52:38 allah says
0:52:42 that is wise guides for no allah is on
0:52:46 the right path
0:52:47 he himself he is the truth and he all
0:52:49 his acts and deeds
0:52:50 are perfectly and completely according
0:52:52 to the haqq
0:52:54 which is defined by his near divine
0:52:55 attributes and necessity of reason
0:52:58 it can't be otherwise
0:53:05 which is perfection and truthfulness in
0:53:08 all accountings
0:53:09 maybe you will never agree except maybe
0:53:12 the unfathomable would prophesy some of
0:53:14 that
0:53:14 but still striving to get that and ask
0:53:17 allah for help to get that
0:53:18 guidance meaning guide us in the sense
0:53:20 of encourage me internally
0:53:22 give me the spiritual boost but also
0:53:24 give me the enlightenment of the mind to
0:53:25 understand what is
0:53:28 is both understanding the way of hidayah
0:53:30 and also
0:53:31 being motivated and doing the headaches
0:53:32 is not enough to to know that this is
0:53:34 correct
0:53:35 but also getting that necessary energy
0:53:37 and motivation to do it
0:53:38 so hidden from structure entails all
0:53:40 these meanings guide us said path and
0:53:42 you repeat that
0:53:42 how many times we said in the day 17
0:53:44 times yeah yeah
0:53:46 yeah 17 rakah the father has been
0:53:48 repeated
0:53:53 it's relevant it's not just just islam
0:53:55 it is
0:53:56 all right and truthful and correct
0:54:00 uh acts and and and deeds
0:54:03 and words and statements and even
0:54:06 attitudes
0:54:08 yeah even attitudes all of this part of
0:54:10 the suffering in the case of
0:54:11 he's on the saturn was talking is the
0:54:13 end of the sarat the complete perfection
0:54:16 going to the one who is on the surface
0:54:18 taking me is that the end there
0:54:20 ultimately and completely and finally
0:54:23 but you have to also to strive to be in
0:54:25 the correct way and getting the correct
0:54:27 speed according to your facilities
0:54:28 and accelerating to the uh when it is
0:54:31 possible and feasible to accelerate
0:54:33 with the necessary condition for that so
0:54:34 this is all entails and he didn't stop
0:54:36 from starting
0:54:42 uh in acts in deeds in statements even
0:54:46 in attitudes and
0:54:47 psychological state of minds there's not
0:54:50 some source came to be for example
0:54:52 depressed but as for rather to be
0:54:55 optimistic and hopeful and
0:54:59 expecting for that what you do either
0:55:02 result in dunya
0:55:03 or results because allah promised it
0:55:07 would be
0:55:08 to be convicted feel convinced about
0:55:09 that that would save you from depression
0:55:11 from the feeling of being down for the
0:55:13 suicidal ideas which
0:55:16 are rampant in the minds of the atheists
0:55:17 and the wrong believer or the one who do
0:55:18 not understand the meaning of
0:55:20 the meaning of the universe now this is
0:55:24 in is fundamental part direction and
0:55:27 also in all sub lanes and some details
0:55:29 is defined by the sovereign himself here
0:55:31 he is the one who defined was right and
0:55:32 wrong
0:55:33 because he is by necessity of reason by
0:55:35 being himself by being
0:55:37 the truth in himself is on salah
0:55:41 and his commands and so on will be
0:55:45 even if it's sometimes harsh for certain
0:55:46 reasons for certain people like for
0:55:48 example
0:55:48 and for the people of man islam they
0:55:50 have been given certain commandments
0:55:51 which allah
0:55:52 clearly says in some places in the quran
0:55:55 but muhammad muhammad will come to
0:55:57 relieve the people from
0:55:58 and take away away from the orcs and the
0:56:01 chains which
0:56:02 have been so they have in yorks and
0:56:03 chains but these yokes and chains
0:56:05 where did they come who would put on
0:56:08 them part of this put by allah
0:56:11 as a punishment that it was a slaughter
0:56:12 was looking for them that's the way they
0:56:14 have to comply with it
0:56:16 if they don't comply with that they will
0:56:17 off the surface
0:56:19 and it was right and probably for them
0:56:21 for reasons of historical reasons for
0:56:23 details which may know you may not know
0:56:25 but
0:56:25 that's it exactly what it
0:56:29 so let's start with him all rightful
0:56:33 statements acts even attitudes
0:56:36 and states of mind then
0:56:41 make make a a example of those who are
0:56:44 not on the southwest
0:56:45 who are two main types what is the
0:56:48 suffering
0:56:50 that throughout the way of those who
0:56:53 have restored
0:56:56 grace and benefit of them you have you
0:57:00 have
0:57:00 to treat them with grace and father and
0:57:03 and kindness
0:57:07 not those who contracted your wrath
0:57:11 because sultan screamer said it may be
0:57:13 the way of people who have contracted
0:57:14 the wrath and were banished by it so
0:57:16 this
0:57:16 entails that because i said that
0:57:19 fatiha is makia and the people were
0:57:21 supplicating with the subligations
0:57:22 ongoing until the brother
0:57:24 died and left this dunya it's continuous
0:57:26 asking at that time
0:57:28 that don't legislate in any any harsh
0:57:31 legislation us
0:57:32 don't punish us like they punish the
0:57:34 people for for shortcomings and and and
0:57:36 mistakes
0:57:37 but they were punished if we will ask
0:57:40 for something wrong then don't
0:57:42 don't punish us for that by being
0:57:43 legislated something as a punishment
0:57:45 because that has happened to when israel
0:57:47 that's one way and this has been we know
0:57:49 this from the history of islam until the
0:57:51 lord died
0:57:51 and have the light has been responded to
0:57:53 after after that later on the people
0:57:55 insisted on inventing things and
0:57:57 changing the sharia injunction and made
0:57:59 it hard hard in themselves which is
0:58:01 really
0:58:02 not that odd so they were not really
0:58:04 understanding
0:58:05 what the full meaning it means it can be
0:58:08 only that what i'll reveal and that
0:58:09 that revolution has been perfected and
0:58:11 commonly caused in in in arafat in the
0:58:13 last
0:58:14 of salaam he received the revelation why
0:58:17 perfected your religion
0:58:18 so whatever they invent after that is
0:58:21 is undermining the perfection but i said
0:58:24 they are the guilty one so their
0:58:25 supplication within the sultan means
0:58:28 that they are really not understanding
0:58:30 what sort of muslim
0:58:31 are they and that's the reason they
0:58:32 started inventing and creating things
0:58:34 out of their
0:58:35 their mind instead of going back to the
0:58:36 muslim which is laid out clearly in the
0:58:39 quran
0:58:39 and that comes from neglecting the quran
0:58:41 and following desires following father
0:58:43 of this father of that father where the
0:58:44 quran is very clear and very obvious in
0:58:46 many issues
0:58:48 so this is that would have received the
0:58:51 grace
0:58:55 this is exactly what to say that the
0:58:56 last revelation
0:59:00 i could perfectly religion and they
0:59:02 completed my favor on you
0:59:04 there is this is the favorite one and
0:59:05 that's the favor has been completed
0:59:07 there
0:59:08 anything less than that or other than
0:59:09 that is not the favored one
0:59:14 not those who contracted the divine
0:59:15 wrath and usually you
0:59:22 Music
0:59:31 translated or mentioned that it is like
0:59:33 the jews
0:59:34 not only the user many other contracted
0:59:36 but definitely the jews are the prime
0:59:38 example because they contracted the
0:59:39 right
0:59:40 is clean in their own books is it i
0:59:43 don't know why they are upset
0:59:44 just go to your own books and see what
0:59:46 you have you came for example to sum
0:59:48 with the prophet
0:59:49 and insisted to have a king and the son
0:59:52 told someone to warn you that the king
0:59:54 will be oppressing what we do that would
0:59:55 be do that you will
0:59:56 will take your get your daughters to be
0:59:58 to be combing his daughters you take
1:00:00 your
1:00:01 sons to be running in front of his
1:00:03 horses and serving
1:00:04 he would he simply stated he will make
1:00:07 you slaves
1:00:08 now you are not slaves you are the kings
1:00:10 of yourself but like musa told them what
1:00:12 is
1:00:24 every one of you is a king you don't
1:00:27 need a king anymore
1:00:28 and from you there are prophets what
1:00:30 what grace you want more than that
1:00:32 you are king you are they are you are
1:00:34 managing your own affairs
1:00:35 you are you are you are doing things by
1:00:38 sure and by consultation
1:00:39 not king or blessing or commanding and
1:00:42 still they insisted to somewhere we want
1:00:43 the king
1:00:45 and the throne will give them a warning
1:00:48 and the second time warning
1:00:49 the king will do that and then
1:00:51 ultimately said
1:00:52 listen if i allow you to to have a king
1:00:56 then the deal is the following when the
1:00:59 king become oppressive
1:01:00 i when you start screaming and
1:01:02 supplicating and asking for help i will
1:01:04 not help you
1:01:05 deal deal and they accepted the deal and
1:01:07 they got the kingdom
1:01:08 yes the first king was not bad the
1:01:10 second and the head was excellent
1:01:12 the first one was dalwood saul second
1:01:15 david
1:01:16 federman and after that it was from that
1:01:18 the most miserable kingdom you could
1:01:20 imagine through history
1:01:22 with only few bright spots here and then
1:01:24 there's this the worst
1:01:25 you could imagine of oppression and
1:01:27 criminal action and so on
1:01:29 and you kept screaming for help allah
1:01:31 told you that the deal is done
1:01:33 i'm not going to help you i don't want
1:01:36 to help you
1:01:37 and and do anything against the king you
1:01:38 have chosen for yourself let's finish
1:01:40 that's it
1:01:41 so they chose that and they are allowed
1:01:44 to have a king and the king was
1:01:45 appointed
1:01:46 and from after just a short time of
1:01:48 glory because they wanted the glory of
1:01:50 kingdom and armies and organized
1:01:52 army and the strong state that they
1:01:53 wanted they wanted they wanted
1:01:55 they wanted to accept nationalism they
1:01:56 wanted to be a great nation
1:01:58 like that they like the other nations so
1:02:00 we can fight for them like other nations
1:02:02 that's what they wanted but that's not
1:02:04 what allah wants but i want you to be
1:02:05 his people
1:02:06 and to be writers to be living good and
1:02:08 reasonable in dunya
1:02:10 conquering other nations and having
1:02:12 standing grace that the army is not
1:02:13 it's not what allah wants from the near
1:02:15 what
1:02:18 they insisted and that's the result and
1:02:19 the complete destruction
1:02:21 which ended them scattered all over the
1:02:22 world
1:02:24 so they showed that so they no wonder
1:02:27 they contracted allah
1:02:29 they they bargained for themselves so
1:02:31 why they are angry when
1:02:33 some translators say like jews and then
1:02:35 well allah in the misguided ones
1:02:38 they they they didn't contact the rat or
1:02:41 they do anything
1:02:42 but they did not find the right way
1:02:43 because they weren't either exaggerating
1:02:46 uh the admiration for isa or
1:02:49 went into explanation of his alleged
1:02:51 death
1:02:52 instead of recognizing that even if he
1:02:54 died on the cross even if you assume
1:02:56 that he that's all what
1:02:57 the news you have received then you have
1:02:59 to go with that news
1:03:00 then it could be hamilton why it should
1:03:02 be dying for the sins and so on must be
1:03:04 divine
1:03:05 and to to save the humanity from the
1:03:07 crush of the devil what means
1:03:09 for saving humanity over there meaning
1:03:11 allah cannot save humanity because they
1:03:12 will accept by sacrificing your son
1:03:14 allah is unable to confront the devil or
1:03:15 what does it mean
1:03:16 and it goes to even to extreme that we
1:03:18 have even uh
1:03:20 marco and foreign claiming that actually
1:03:22 the old islam is the revelation of the
1:03:24 devil
1:03:25 and allah needed to send his son to
1:03:26 perish through the devil empire
1:03:28 it want to also upside to such extreme
1:03:33 admiration and elevation of jesus to a
1:03:35 rank of divinity which would miss the
1:03:37 whole world picture and become everyone
1:03:39 again come lost in
1:03:43 in a quagmire of of false philosophies
1:03:46 about the universe its meaning and
1:03:48 meaning of sin
1:03:49 and this is being lost
1:03:52 they are lost but
1:03:56 hopefully they are not contracting the
1:03:57 wrath because most of them did that
1:04:00 out of the best intention not on the
1:04:02 international to oppose to allah but
1:04:04 out of this intention so these are the
1:04:06 one who lost away
1:04:07 without insistence of being contracting
1:04:09 the divine allah so there are two
1:04:10 various categories for those who are in
1:04:12 the right path
1:04:12 some have contracted the divine rat
1:04:16 because of their misbehavior and their
1:04:17 arrogance and the refusal to submit and
1:04:19 to obey
1:04:22 and to recognize the meaning of dunya as
1:04:23 it should be and others who just lost
1:04:26 away because they have
1:04:28 indulged in either philosophical
1:04:29 discourses or
1:04:32 were fooled by by narratives and stories
1:04:34 which are
1:04:35 not well established and even if they
1:04:38 were established
1:04:39 they should have recognized that in the
1:04:41 old testament and all that what they
1:04:42 have all the evidence they have in hand
1:04:43 or that what they are saying is not true
1:04:45 you have to take them the balance of
1:04:47 evidences you cannot just take one or
1:04:48 two or three statements
1:04:49 which may have multiple meanings and
1:04:51 leave the thousands of statements which
1:04:53 have
1:04:53 unique and strict and obvious meaning
1:04:58 you have always to take them the
1:04:59 absolutely well established the certain
1:05:01 and then the secondary the questionable
1:05:04 has to be referred back to the
1:05:06 not the opposite otherwise you'll be you
1:05:08 will be lost you will be on dalara
1:05:09 you have to refer everything to the the
1:05:12 the well-established facts
1:05:14 of the system of reasons the system of
1:05:16 revelation this information can be green
1:05:18 the old testament is then at hand if you
1:05:20 go through the old testament you will
1:05:21 see the trend
1:05:22 it is clear it's very clear the threat
1:05:25 is clear
1:05:26 allah is the only sovereign and
1:05:28 appointing kings has been a catastrophe
1:05:30 for you
1:05:32 the desire to conquer other people and
1:05:33 be dominant in dunya and so on the
1:05:35 nationalism tribalism is bad
1:05:37 or if that is no good until they were
1:05:38 punished even that after the babylonian
1:05:40 exile
1:05:40 they were ordered to submit to the pagan
1:05:42 kings and not even strive for kingdom
1:05:44 or self-rule and that's what subjects
1:05:47 until now are committed to like natori
1:05:48 icarta
1:05:49 they say we are not allowed to rule or
1:05:51 order to submit to the
1:05:53 other kings which is true that's what is
1:05:55 that the book of zechariah says clearly
1:05:57 you have to and this is this is very
1:05:59 heavy for the soul
1:06:01 but is this the result of punishment
1:06:03 punishment for for misdeeds
1:06:05 this is that's what they would show that
1:06:06 they have contracted the wrath
1:06:09 but there's no no it's not it's not
1:06:11 other way that's the way to go
1:06:13 either the way of the people of nema the
1:06:15 one who
1:06:16 took the receive the grace and accepted
1:06:18 it and the one who insisted
1:06:19 to dictate to allah what he's supposed
1:06:21 to be doing like the jews or the ones
1:06:22 who got astray because
1:06:24 they followed feelings and
1:06:29 but what i would say confusing
1:06:32 statements
1:06:33 uh things which could be integrated
1:06:35 otherwise and left the well established
1:06:36 absolutely
1:06:38 certain clear fact of the scripture
1:06:39 which is that is only one god
1:06:42 it can't be free it can't be can have no
1:06:44 real son can have everyone else is his
1:06:46 sleep
1:06:47 understanding his statement of isa
1:06:48 himself that he
1:06:50 is not god and he is not good not even
1:06:52 he doesn't give you the title good
1:06:54 why do you call me good only god is good
1:06:58 i'm just like you i'm not good and
1:07:00 that's a divine sense
1:07:01 that all has been stepped at the side
1:07:03 and they went
1:07:04 off to an imaginary construct about isa
1:07:07 and his divinity and his trinity et
1:07:09 cetera
1:07:10 that's that's how how you could go
1:07:19 and leaving what is certain and
1:07:21 absolutely established and should be
1:07:22 undisputable
1:07:25 but that's the way to go to avoid
1:07:40 who will give you a solid base of
1:07:42 absolutely certain facts and then every
1:07:44 other issue
1:07:45 which has multiple meaning and possible
1:07:47 interpretation can be referred back to
1:07:48 the solid
1:07:49 core of well established absolute
1:07:51 security
1:07:52 okay so this is this is essentially uh
1:07:55 so so
1:07:56 there's no reason for therefore for the
1:07:58 jews to be to be upset about being
1:07:59 called
1:08:01 known for the kids it's clearly that
1:08:04 even now people are disputing does that
1:08:07 does the current pope
1:08:08 who is to be simply a very nice man by
1:08:10 the way that the count will believe in
1:08:12 the divinity of christ and he has to
1:08:13 consider i i
1:08:14 i don't believe in the video but instead
1:08:16 many indication
1:08:17 many many statements of him and in
1:08:19 sentence situation
1:08:21 indicate that he is not really believing
1:08:22 in the divinity of christ or in the
1:08:24 trinity but he isn't there saying that
1:08:26 otherwise everyone will run away from
1:08:27 him
1:08:29 even the chief of your research is is
1:08:32 confused about this point because it's a
1:08:34 confusing part
1:08:35 it has all to fix a historic
1:08:36 misunderstanding leaving the fundamental
1:08:39 well-established strict
1:08:40 clear foundation of the scripture and
1:08:43 going towards what some conference in
1:08:45 nicea nicean conference did or the
1:08:47 constanti or the world council that
1:08:49 constantine
1:08:50 concluded and said going through the
1:08:52 scripture which is very clear and
1:08:53 obvious there's only one god
1:08:55 there's no no no two no no there are two
1:08:58 gods
1:08:58 no there's no god from god and there's
1:09:00 no one produced from god all this is
1:09:02 imagination of the nicean conference has
1:09:04 nothing to do with the scripture
1:09:06 let's just go to the scripture then you
1:09:08 will see this
1:09:09 in a way then you will be not misguided
1:09:10 but it shows too
1:09:12 they say she also adopts the scribes and
1:09:14 walks as lords beside allah these are
1:09:16 the one who interpret
1:09:17 the lord who understand better those
1:09:18 around who tell us what god is all about
1:09:21 which is not true god has told enough in
1:09:23 the old testament about himself
1:09:25 to exclude all of this nonsense okay so
1:09:28 i think that's the inshallah next time
1:09:30 we'll be trying to compare between the
1:09:32 and their fatty hand what's the virtue
1:09:34 of that helmet that will be on few other
1:09:36 aspects of the fight
1:09:37 i think that's enough for today