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Should Muslims kill Salman Rushdie?? (2022-08-20)



The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝.”

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Summary of Should Muslims kill Salman Rushdie??

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses the building of the first Islamic community center in Norway, and how Salman Rushdie has been helpful in fundraising. also discusses the importance of establishing a mosque.

00:00:00 Islam Net Norway is establishing a mosque and center to teach Muslims about their religion. The organization condemns the stabbing of Salman Rushdie, which was inspired by fatwas from previous years. The stance of Islam Net Norway is that violence is not encouraged, and that every Muslim should abide by the law.

  • 00:05:00 Salman Rushdie's book "The Satanic Verses" has been widely condemned by Muslims, with some advocating for Rushdie's assassination. , a Norwegian Muslim discusses his project to build the first Islamic community center in Norway, and how Rushdie has been helpful in fundraising.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the pros and cons of Muslim reactions to Salman Rushdie, including the effectiveness of using Rushdie to raise money for the Islamic cause. also discusses the importance of establishing a mosque.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 your brothers and sisters in islam net
0:00:02 from norway are establishing a masjid a
0:00:05 dawa center
0:00:06 this center this masjid this educational
0:00:09 institution will act like a beacon of
0:00:12 light calling the muslims in norway back
0:00:15 to the essence of islam so give
0:00:17 generously and allah azzawajal will give
0:00:19 you even more
0:00:22 assalamu alaikum
0:00:24 how are you guys doing
0:00:26 i'm joined with fahad from islam net you
0:00:30 may be familiar with some of the
0:00:31 advertisements that we've been doing for
0:00:33 islam net
0:00:34 trying to raise money for
0:00:37 the dawa center which we'll maybe talk
0:00:38 about a little bit later on in norway
0:00:41 it's one of its kind it's a very
0:00:43 important establishment which master
0:00:45 muslims need to contribute to
0:00:47 but today we want to get started maybe
0:00:50 with
0:00:51 the recent events that took place
0:00:54 with the stabbing of salman rushdie
0:00:57 now as a leader of an organization
0:01:00 fahad
0:01:01 and as a muslim of course
0:01:03 do you condemn this action that was
0:01:05 being inspired by the fatwas of 19
0:01:08 whenever it was in 79 whenever the hell
0:01:11 it was
0:01:12 1999
0:01:16 do you condemn that
0:01:17 our stance on this matter is clear and
0:01:19 it's always been clear that we are not
0:01:22 encouraging violence we do not encourage
0:01:24 anyone to act in this way we believe
0:01:27 that every muslim should abide by the
0:01:29 laws and do whatever they can according
0:01:32 to the prophet if you care if you see a
0:01:34 moon you change it with your hand and if
0:01:36 you can't then you change it with your
0:01:38 mouth so
0:01:39 obviously
0:01:40 our role here as muslims in the west
0:01:42 would be to change
0:01:44 or speak out against these vile
0:01:47 insults that this individual has come
0:01:49 with against the prophet saws against
0:01:51 the wives of the prophet
0:01:55 it's right to mention that you know
0:01:59 first of all i think there's a lot of
0:02:00 kind of cutting and pasting going on
0:02:02 there's a lot of going into history and
0:02:04 classical books of jurisprudence islamic
0:02:06 jurisprudence
0:02:07 where you know certain fat words have
0:02:09 been given maybe a thousand years ago
0:02:11 um about the blasphemy laws and so on
0:02:13 which by the way are a matter of
0:02:15 difference of opinion this is something
0:02:17 which
0:02:18 mentions quite clearly
0:02:20 of uh
0:02:22 there's a very famous
0:02:23 uh hadith of the prophet muhammad where
0:02:26 in bahadis mentioned that he's walking
0:02:28 with his wife and some jews came to him
0:02:30 the hostile individuals they were who
0:02:33 said to him assalamu alaikum
0:02:35 death be upon you
0:02:36 and he was wonder and then responded his
0:02:39 wife responded in a very
0:02:40 elaborative way and then he stopped at
0:02:43 the prophet muhammad we said that
0:02:45 you know just
0:02:46 just say walaikum you know just saying
0:02:48 upon you
0:02:49 and then he he went into a discussion
0:02:51 about an ethical discussion he said that
0:02:59 that there was nothing there was not
0:03:00 goodness in anything in fact it was
0:03:02 removed
0:03:03 of course that that would uh
0:03:06 that if it was in it if kindness and
0:03:08 gentleness was in that thing
0:03:10 that it would beautify and if it was
0:03:11 removed from it it would make it ugly
0:03:13 and a very
0:03:15 similar hadith of the prophet muhammed
0:03:18 some individuals
0:03:19 from quraish the pagan arabs at the time
0:03:21 were attacking the prophet calling him
0:03:22 within them calling him the dispraised
0:03:24 one
0:03:25 and he responded by um
0:03:28 by saying that
0:03:29 uh
0:03:36 they are attacking this individual
0:03:38 called them they dispraised one and i'm
0:03:39 muhammad i'm the praised one
0:03:42 they so in other words there is some
0:03:45 legitimacy in in saying that when the
0:03:47 prophet
0:03:48 the way he would deal with insults
0:03:50 wasn't a narcissistic control way it was
0:03:54 a very controlled and strategic manner
0:03:55 where if it had an impact on the polity
0:03:57 and the particular situation at a time
0:04:01 then a harsh action would be taken yes
0:04:04 but if it didn't it would a harsh action
0:04:06 would not be taken he wasn't faced he
0:04:07 hand-waved this whole situation off
0:04:10 but of course someone will say well
0:04:11 there are classical opinions they even
0:04:12 tell wrote a whole book called the sun
0:04:16 rasool
0:04:17 and that the unsheathed sword on the the
0:04:19 one who insults the prophet and so on
0:04:21 and
0:04:22 so many people in different schools of
0:04:23 thought have spoken about the capital
0:04:25 punishment for those who attack
0:04:27 the prophet muhammad assault him
0:04:29 but this is taking something which is
0:04:31 abstract the abstract hokum and trying
0:04:34 to apply it on uh today so that
0:04:36 the real truth is that even tamiya
0:04:38 himself the same person who wrote this
0:04:39 book
0:04:40 as well as um you know the scholars of
0:04:43 today
0:04:44 don't just look at
0:04:45 acam or rulings in abstraction this
0:04:47 manner what they do is they look at the
0:04:50 ruling in conjunction with the reality
0:04:53 around them and that's why you'll find
0:04:55 that in relation to this matter of
0:04:56 blaspheming
0:04:58 uh
0:04:59 in western lands like ours and you know
0:05:02 where there's you know laws and places
0:05:04 on
0:05:05 the main the major centers of islamic
0:05:07 power have uh maintained that actually
0:05:10 there's a great master or detriment a
0:05:12 communal detriment into like you said
0:05:14 you know trying to challenge the law in
0:05:16 this in this vigilante way
0:05:18 and so we would say that when they ask
0:05:20 us about
0:05:21 the condemnation of this kind of uh
0:05:24 thing of individual doing this kind of
0:05:26 things but we do so on the basis of
0:05:28 sharia consequently quite frankly sharia
0:05:30 consequentialism that is to say the cost
0:05:32 benefit analysis and that's a fine
0:05:34 ethical standard actually one that the
0:05:36 whole of philosophical liberalism is
0:05:38 based on it unless of course we're
0:05:39 looking at immanuel kant's type of uh
0:05:42 social um liberalism but the the point
0:05:45 is therefore it can be condemnable on
0:05:46 the basis of breach of the peace
0:05:49 uh on the basis of mafsa detriment
0:05:52 on the basis of this is something which
0:05:54 is a barrier to entering the tower on
0:05:56 the basis that this is something which
0:05:57 threatens the muslims it can be
0:05:58 condemned in all those bases and we do
0:06:00 condemn it and that's not our strategy
0:06:02 it's not our way
0:06:03 in dealing with individuals that insult
0:06:05 the prophet
0:06:06 the the very purpose of salman rushdie
0:06:08 writing his book is to diminish the
0:06:11 religion of islam diminish the the
0:06:13 truthfulness of the prophethood of the
0:06:15 prophet saw sallam and now his book is
0:06:18 has become a bestseller it's an amazon
0:06:20 bestseller so his lies about the prophet
0:06:23 saws his insults to the prophet saws
0:06:26 wives are now just being spread when
0:06:28 someone does these kinds of acts this
0:06:31 taking the law in their own hands it
0:06:33 actually goes against the very purpose
0:06:36 of
0:06:37 making the religion of islam prevail and
0:06:39 and and giving dawa to to do these kinds
0:06:42 of acts so that's why i say that we need
0:06:45 to think wisely how we respond to people
0:06:48 like this how we respond to people who
0:06:49 are insulting the dean of allah or
0:06:51 burning the quran insulting the prophet
0:06:54 and that's why if we look at this guy in
0:06:56 norway he's burning the quran and he's
0:06:58 been doing that
0:06:59 for so many times now we used this
0:07:03 individual as a useful idiot
0:07:06 for the cause
0:07:07 [Laughter]
0:07:10 we have been able so we
0:07:12 as you know bro and as we as you also
0:07:14 said in the beginning that
0:07:16 we're building this machine
0:07:18 we are raising funds to establish the
0:07:20 first of its kind masjid and our center
0:07:22 in the whole country of norway
0:07:24 and through this guy we have raised over
0:07:27 500
0:07:29 dollars for building this message
0:07:35 so if we you if we use this for this
0:07:37 individual this is a strategic approach
0:07:40 which in advances the islamic cause is
0:07:42 that we've used this individual who has
0:07:44 been trying to attack the muslim
0:07:46 community and in a project where we're
0:07:48 trying to build a mosque which will be
0:07:50 the biggest and the dawah center which
0:07:52 will be the biggest in this kind in the
0:07:53 whole of scandinavia he's helped us
0:07:55 raise half a million
0:07:57 dollars is it
0:07:59 yeah
0:08:00 so
0:08:01 that's
0:08:02 that's amazing isn't it maybe maybe
0:08:03 someone maybe salman rushdie
0:08:06 can help us raise some more
0:08:09 exactly bro tell us a little bit about
0:08:11 this project just because some people
0:08:13 watching this may not know about what
0:08:14 project this is in just a nutshell
0:08:16 before we look at the
0:08:17 interactions you've had with this
0:08:18 individual
0:08:19 all right so we are establishing a one
0:08:21 of its kind masjid and community center
0:08:23 at dawa center in the whole country of
0:08:25 norway it will inshallah have a
0:08:27 playground for kids to nurture love for
0:08:29 the dean of allah it would have it will
0:08:32 have like a gym where people can come
0:08:34 and work out it would have dawah
0:08:36 facilities it would have classrooms an
0:08:38 educational institution that would be
0:08:40 teaching
0:08:41 the community about the dean of allah
0:08:44 something which is absolutely
0:08:47 unheard of in the country of norway we
0:08:48 don't have any single islamic community
0:08:51 center or dawah center with these kinds
0:08:54 of facilities we don't even have we
0:08:56 don't have we don't even have like
0:08:57 islamic schools in the way do we that's
0:08:59 true we don't have a single islamic
0:09:01 school in the whole country so we need
0:09:04 to establish these kinds of institutions
0:09:06 in the country of norway and we are
0:09:08 starting off with this uh we've called
0:09:10 it iman activity center so it will be a
0:09:13 center that would build the iman of our
0:09:15 children
0:09:16 and the link for this project is in the
0:09:19 description box and the comment section
0:09:20 below correct exactly it would be there
0:09:23 they'll click it and it'll be a quick
0:09:24 one isn't it it will take two seconds uh
0:09:26 maybe what ten seconds for them to to
0:09:27 put the payment through
0:09:29 exactly it would take just a few seconds
0:09:31 and and the
0:09:32 that that
0:09:33 that's really what we should be talking
0:09:34 about that's why muslims are always on
0:09:37 the back foot this is a way we can
0:09:38 actually start being on the front foot
0:09:40 correct
0:09:41 a hundred percent bro so we need to use
0:09:44 these kinds of individuals
0:09:45 just for just for promoting the islamic
0:09:48 cause because that will burn them up
0:09:50 so
0:09:51 so look they're going to get blown up as
0:09:53 well in the hellfire
0:09:56 i mean let's be honest about it
0:09:57 but talking about the hellfire and
0:09:59 people are going to burn up therein
0:10:01 let's let's look at some of the
0:10:03 reactions that let's let's react to some
0:10:04 of your videos that you've had with this
0:10:06 interview let's look at the the vile
0:10:08 nature of this human being okay let me
0:10:10 show you this one video where this guy
0:10:12 when he comes to our our property and
0:10:14 he's there to burn the quran and we
0:10:16 confront him and then he starts to swear
0:10:19 at the prophet sallam now obviously
0:10:21 i could have done what
0:10:23 this guy did and just you know go crazy
0:10:25 and attack him
0:10:27 if i had done that
0:10:29 and
0:10:29 it would have damaged the cause of islam
0:10:32 so instead of doing that i just
0:10:33 responded to his insults and then used
0:10:36 this guy to raise money to benefit the
0:10:38 dean of allah let's take a look at the
0:10:39 video please
0:11:12 well i mean there you have it i mean so
0:11:14 you didn't pull out a knife and start
0:11:15 stabbing the man did you no exactly
0:11:18 that's not our way
0:11:20 but at the same time we can't just stand
0:11:22 there except that he's insulting the
0:11:24 prophet saws and saying these
0:11:25 vile uh disgusting things about the
0:11:28 thing is i mean as you've correctly said
0:11:30 it just won't serve the cause as as well
0:11:33 yeah you know it just won't serve the
0:11:35 chords as well as simple as that
0:11:37 and and this is a great example of an
0:11:39 individual who's
0:11:40 i think your strategy has been
0:11:42 impeccable i think you've used these
0:11:43 individuals
0:11:45 to the service of islam as you've
0:11:46 mentioned this individual has helped us
0:11:48 raise
0:11:49 half a million
0:11:51 dollars i mean
0:11:53 stabbing him or hurting him or
0:11:55 annihilating him or doing whatever you
0:11:57 want to do won't be as useful with it
0:12:00 honestly it would just make him a hero
0:12:02 look look
0:12:04 so they made him into this icon of
0:12:06 freedom of speech
0:12:08 and what in reality he's just a filthy
0:12:10 man
0:12:11 but they made him an icon of freedom of
0:12:13 speech why should we give him that honor
0:12:15 that status rather we should use him to
0:12:18 serve the dean of allah so let's just
0:12:20 make the final appeal here brothers and
0:12:22 sisters everyone was watching yes please
0:12:24 let's take action right now whenever
0:12:26 these guys are honored and venerated for
0:12:29 their vile
0:12:31 disgusting insults against the prophet
0:12:33 sallam
0:12:35 we should respond by giving tawa and
0:12:37 supporting tawa and establishing the
0:12:39 islamic institutions whenever any anyone
0:12:41 of you donates for this noble cause you
0:12:44 will be sharing in the reward of
0:12:45 responding back to these
0:12:48 interests against the prophet salallahu
0:12:50 against the burning of the quran you
0:12:52 would actually be defending the deen of
0:12:54 allah by doing this don't you agree i
0:12:57 agree and i like the fact that we're
0:12:59 using them not just
0:13:00 now
0:13:01 by spreading awareness of what the
0:13:03 religion of islam actually is because a
0:13:05 lot of people that
0:13:06 you know they hear these things about
0:13:07 muslims understand they don't even know
0:13:08 what islam is they don't even know the
0:13:10 basic tenets
0:13:11 but that now we're using them for our
0:13:13 own purposes
0:13:15 as the muslim community so it can raise
0:13:17 funds for our future generations i think
0:13:19 it's a fantastic strategy and i'm that's
0:13:20 why i'm for it do not forget to give
0:13:23 that kind of charity to to propel our
0:13:25 calls forward and to make the muslims
0:13:28 and the word of islam uppermost by
0:13:30 clicking the link below
0:13:38 when the son of adam dies
0:13:40 all of his good deeds are interrupted
0:13:43 they are finished
0:13:44 except for three things
0:13:48 a continuous charity and a beneficial
0:13:51 knowledge and also a righteous offspring
0:13:54 that makes dua for him your brothers and
0:13:56 sisters in islam net from norway are
0:13:58 establishing a masjid a daowa center and
0:14:02 fulfilling a great portion of this
0:14:04 hadith on your behalf establishing a
0:14:06 masjid to convey the message of islam is
0:14:09 one of the best deeds a muslim can do
0:14:12 whenever someone prays there whenever
0:14:14 someone gives shahada
0:14:16 in the masjid whenever someone learns
0:14:18 something in the masjid
0:14:20 yes
0:14:21 that will be something that you will
0:14:23 have on your scale
0:14:24 so give generously and allah azzawajal
0:14:27 will give you even more
0:14:45 you