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7 Reasons Why Allah is Worthy of Worship - by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (New 2019) (2019-06-19)


7 Reasons Why Allah is Worthy of Worship - by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (New 2019).

You can read Hamza’s essay on this topic here: “7 Reasons Why God is Worthy of Worship”

Summary of 7 Reasons Why Allah is Worthy of Worship - by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (New 2019)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:55:00

discusses seven reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, and argues that He is the only being worthy of worship, the only object worthy of worship, and the only deity worthy of worship. He also points out that those who worship other gods have committed shirk, and that praising Allah is an act of worship.

*00:00:00 Discusses why Allah is worthy of worship, citing Quranic and traditional sources. It discusses the importance of affirming God's oneness and discusses different aspects of that affirmation. Sugar (associating partners with God) is considered the gravest sin, and those who repent and mend their ways will be forgiven by God.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, including the fact that he is the only being worthy of worship, the only object worthy of worship, and the only deity worthy of worship. It also points out that those who worship other gods have committed shirk.
  • 00:10:00 argues that Allah is worthy of worship because of who he is and not only because he has decided to give humanity anything in this life. He gives some examples of how humans can praise Allah by virtue of his perfect attributes.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, and points out that because Allah created us and sustains everything, we are ultimately grateful to him. It also argues that praising Allah is an act of worship, and that giving him extensive praise is one way to show our gratitude.
  • 00:20:00 argues that Allah is worthy of worship because he provides us with innumerable favors, blessings, and protections, and because loving Allah is an expression of self-love. He also argues that if we can't relate to ourselves in a way that we want goodness for ourselves, then how can we truly love anybody else.
  • 00:25:00 by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis explains why Allah is worthy of worship. He points out that those who hate others are not really loving themselves because they are not focused on the good that Allah has created. Allah is loving and pure, and the act of worship is loving him in return.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses the reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, citing verses from the Quran and the prophetic tradition. Muslims are responsible for helping others to clear their fitrah so that they can properly worship Allah.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, citing six reasons. The seventh reason is that obeying Allah is a form of worship itself, and is therefore the most correct form of worship. Islam does not teach believers to suspend their reason in order to obey Allah blindly, but to use their faculties of reason in order to do so.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses seven reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, and concludes that God doesn't need us to worship Him.
  • 00:45:00 argues that it is not logically inconsistent to believe that Allah is worthy of worship, even though one may not be able to answer the logical question of why Allah created humans to worship him in the first place. He also points out that who God is as revealed in scripture is maximally perfect, and that those who worship God and do good will be elevated to a high degree in virtue.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the reasons why Allah is worthy of worship, emphasizing that everyone worships from some point of view. It explains that if a person's outlook is cut off from the spiritual plane, they will find a god to worship at a lower level. Ultimately, this will lead to the existence of many superstitions, as people try to connect to something that is only absolute.
  • 00:55:00 features Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, a prominent Muslim scholar, discussing why Allah is worthy of worship. He compares Allah to other divine beings in order to explain why humans should revere Him.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:06 bismillahirrahmanirrahim in al
0:00:08 hamdulillah mostly that was my rasool
0:00:10 allah assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi
0:00:11 wabarakatuhu brothers and sisters and
0:00:14 friends today I want to talk about why
0:00:17 God why Allah is worthy of worship this
0:00:22 is an extremely important topic and very
0:00:24 close to my heart because when I started
0:00:27 to study this it really changed my
0:00:30 understanding of myself all my relations
0:00:33 with other people and significantly my
0:00:37 relationship with the one that created
0:00:39 me God
0:00:40 a loss of hannover to Allah glorified is
0:00:43 he and it's a very important topic
0:00:46 because according to the Islamic
0:00:48 spiritual tradition worshipping God is
0:00:51 our raison d'être
0:00:53 it's our reason for being it's our
0:00:55 reason for existence now what does
0:00:58 worship mean because words are vehicles
0:01:02 to meaning and sometimes we may use the
0:01:06 same words but have different meaning or
0:01:07 the connotations attached to it it's
0:01:10 very important for us to clarify what we
0:01:12 mean by worship because some people may
0:01:15 think it's okay we're going to church on
0:01:17 Sunday once a week no worship is a
0:01:21 profound deep concept in the Islamic
0:01:24 spiritual tradition worship entails the
0:01:27 following things number one to know God
0:01:31 to know Allah number two to love Allah
0:01:35 number three to obey Allah and within
0:01:40 that entails humility being humble
0:01:43 before the divine and number four to
0:01:46 direct and single out all acts of
0:01:49 worship to God alone and you are
0:01:52 directing the internal acts of worship
0:01:55 the acts of the heart and the external
0:01:58 acts of worship like the acts of the
0:02:01 limbs so to worship God is a very
0:02:03 comprehensive concept in the Islamic
0:02:06 spiritual tradition it means to know God
0:02:09 to love God to obey God and that entails
0:02:12 being humbled before the divine
0:02:14 and it means to single out all our acts
0:02:18 of worship to God alone our internal
0:02:20 acts of worship and our external acts of
0:02:24 worship now why I want to do is take you
0:02:29 through this kind of spiritual journey
0:02:32 and maybe existential journey to make
0:02:35 you understand what does it mean to know
0:02:38 Allah and when we focus on knowing Allah
0:02:41 it would basically provide us the key to
0:02:44 open the door to answer the question why
0:02:47 is Allah why is God worthy of worship
0:02:49 and then I want to give you around six
0:02:52 or seven arguments that are based on the
0:02:54 Quran and our spiritual tradition in
0:02:57 order for you to see worship in a
0:02:59 totally different way so the first thing
0:03:02 knowing Allah knowing God now when we're
0:03:05 talking about knowing Allah
0:03:06 we're really talking about affirming
0:03:08 God's oneness affirming the oneness of
0:03:11 Allah subhana wa ta'ala and this is
0:03:15 known in the Islamic tradition as tell
0:03:18 heed affirming oneness and there are
0:03:21 different aspects to affirming the
0:03:23 oneness of Allah the oneness of the
0:03:24 divine the first one is well we affirm
0:03:28 the oneness of his creativity we affirm
0:03:32 the oneness of his creative power
0:03:35 this means that Allah that God is the
0:03:38 only unique creator sustainer maintainer
0:03:43 and owner and master of everything that
0:03:46 exists this is what it means that we
0:03:48 affirm that Allah is the only unique
0:03:51 creator sustainer maintainer owner
0:03:53 fashioner master of everything that
0:03:57 exists now anyone who believes that
0:04:00 these descriptions of God can be shared
0:04:02 by any created thing they have deified
0:04:06 that thing and this in the Islamic
0:04:08 tradition is known as sugar which can be
0:04:11 loosely translated as associating
0:04:14 partners with God and a social
0:04:17 encounters with God is the gravest sin
0:04:20 you have closed the door to God's divine
0:04:23 mercy and guidance and if you die in
0:04:26 that state
0:04:27 and you are eligible for eternal
0:04:31 destruction
0:04:33 however if people do they do
0:04:37 associate partners with God and they
0:04:39 repent and mend their ways and they open
0:04:42 the door to God's mercy and forgiveness
0:04:45 then they will be forgiven God willing
0:04:48 so anyone who attributes these
0:04:52 descriptions to anything other than God
0:04:54 has defied that thing and they have
0:04:57 committed sugar which is associated with
0:04:59 God which is the most gravest sin the
0:05:02 second aspect I want to talk about is
0:05:04 the oneness of God's names and
0:05:06 attributes the oneness of Allah names
0:05:09 and attributes there's a few things you
0:05:11 need to understand here firstly we
0:05:13 affirm that God has names and attributes
0:05:15 for example Allah describes himself in
0:05:18 the Quran he says he's a right man he is
0:05:22 the intensely merciful he is r-rahim he
0:05:25 is especially merciful he is al wudood
0:05:28 he is the loving he is al Hakim the wise
0:05:32 he is Allah aleem the knowing his al
0:05:36 bara he is the source of all goodness
0:05:37 his Latif he is the subtle and so on and
0:05:41 so forth so we affirm gods names and
0:05:43 attributes however we also affirm their
0:05:47 transcendent nature the Quran says LASIK
0:05:51 a measely he/she there is nothing like
0:05:54 God there is nothing like him he is
0:05:58 unique he is transcendent so from this
0:06:02 point of view we affirm gods names and
0:06:04 attributes and we affirm their
0:06:05 transcendent nature
0:06:07 significantly when it comes to gods
0:06:09 names and attributes we also affirm that
0:06:11 they are perfect without any deficiency
0:06:14 and flaw
0:06:15 in actual fact we believe they are
0:06:17 maximally perfect this means that they
0:06:20 are to the highest degree possible
0:06:22 without any deficiency and without any
0:06:25 floor and they are transcendent this is
0:06:28 God's names and attributes so when we
0:06:30 say God is Allah dude coming from the
0:06:32 Arabic word would which means a loving
0:06:34 that is giving we believe God's love is
0:06:36 the highest form of love it's a
0:06:39 maximally perfect is to the
0:06:41 degree possible and it's transcendent
0:06:43 now the one who compares these names and
0:06:47 attributes to creation they have
0:06:49 committed humanization and this is also
0:06:51 shirk which is associated with God which
0:06:55 is the gravest sin so miss repeat the
0:06:57 one who compares these names and
0:06:58 attributes to creation has committed
0:07:01 humanization so for example if we say
0:07:03 well God is loving just like Mawson
0:07:07 right then that's going to be a major
0:07:09 problem because what you've done you've
0:07:11 humanized gods and gods names and
0:07:13 attributes although to understand the
0:07:15 oneness of his name's and attributes you
0:07:16 have to affirm that they are
0:07:17 transcendent and maximally perfect the
0:07:20 meaning that you compare them with
0:07:21 anything in creation you have diminish
0:07:24 them from that point of view and the
0:07:25 Islamic spiritual tradition teaches us
0:07:27 that this is should this is associating
0:07:31 partners with the divine also the one
0:07:35 who compares any created thing to God
0:07:38 has committed deification and that is
0:07:41 also shirk associating partners with God
0:07:45 for example if I said that Marcin is
0:07:49 loving just like God Marcin is loving
0:07:54 just like God then we have the same
0:07:57 problem we have ADEA fide Marcin okay
0:08:00 and both of these things I just spoke
0:08:03 about in terms of comparing the names
0:08:06 and attributes to creation and comparing
0:08:08 a create thing to God both of those
0:08:10 things are shirk associating partners
0:08:12 with the divine the final aspect of
0:08:16 God's one as I want to focus on is the
0:08:18 oneness of his divinity the oneness of
0:08:21 his divinity which is something that
0:08:22 we're going to be focusing on in the
0:08:24 rest of today's lecture the oneness of
0:08:27 God's divinity of Allah's divinity
0:08:30 basically means that Allah is the only
0:08:33 being worthy of worship Allah is the
0:08:35 only object worthy of worship he's the
0:08:37 only date worthy of worship and
0:08:39 interestingly the name Allah according
0:08:42 to some Arabic linguist say say that it
0:08:45 comes from the words al Ilah which means
0:08:47 the deity the object of worship so we
0:08:51 believe that God is the only one that is
0:08:53 worthy of our utmost
0:08:55 obedience love prayers extensive praise
0:08:59 ultimate gratitude and here's the only
0:09:02 deity worthy of worship and all acts of
0:09:05 worship must be singled out and directed
0:09:08 to him alone and these acts of worship
0:09:09 include the actions of the heart and the
0:09:12 actions of the limbs now and this is
0:09:14 very important
0:09:15 someone who directs acts of worship to
0:09:17 other than Allah and the one who seeks
0:09:20 reward from other than Allah in terms of
0:09:23 acts of worship has associated partners
0:09:27 with him has committed shirk as we said
0:09:29 which is the gravest gravest sin so I
0:09:33 think now we're ready to talk about well
0:09:35 why is God worthy of worship
0:09:37 why dedicate our acts of worship to God
0:09:41 alone and I want to talk about six or
0:09:43 seven arguments which can be found in
0:09:45 the Islamic spiritual spiritual
0:09:47 tradition and many of them can be found
0:09:49 in the Quran point number one reason
0:09:53 number one God is worthy of worship by
0:09:59 virtue of who he is
0:10:00 let me repeat in a different way God's
0:10:04 right to worship is a necessary fact of
0:10:06 his existence this is the main reason
0:10:11 well not the main reason but it's the
0:10:12 first reason I want to give you why
0:10:14 Allah is worthy of worship Allah is
0:10:17 worthy of worship by virtue of who he is
0:10:20 and not necessarily by virtue of the
0:10:23 fact that he's decided to give us
0:10:25 anything in this life Allah says in the
0:10:28 Quranic chapter 20 verse 14 indeed I am
0:10:31 God I am Allah there is no deity except
0:10:35 me so worship me and establish prayer
0:10:37 for my remembrance so Allah is telling
0:10:40 us in the Quran that he is worthy of
0:10:43 worship because of who he is and not
0:10:46 only and not necessarily because he's
0:10:48 decided to give us anything in this
0:10:50 world let me give you some four
0:10:53 experiments or some examples think about
0:10:56 for example your favorite poet think
0:10:58 about maybe you Rumi
0:10:59 apparently Rumi said to the nearest
0:11:03 effect that lovers they don't really
0:11:06 fall in love they were already in love
0:11:09 for they met wow isn't that amazing or
0:11:10 iqbal the poet of the east he said this
0:11:13 one frustration the prostration to God
0:11:15 this one frustration that you find so
0:11:18 difficult frees you from a thousand
0:11:20 frustrations Wow
0:11:22 you know because servitude to the divine
0:11:26 breaks the shackles to the servitude to
0:11:29 the ephemeral nature of the world
0:11:30 materialism and just the ego
0:11:33 now you hearing this you're probably
0:11:35 thinking wow that's amazing
0:11:37 exactly maybe you stood up and gave a
0:11:40 standing ovation or you said Bravo
0:11:42 something happened in your heart when
0:11:44 you listen to your favorite poet you are
0:11:46 compelled to give you praise to those
0:11:49 poets by virtue of their poetic
0:11:52 attributes let me give another example
0:11:55 take for example your favorite wrestler
0:11:58 if your rest submits his opponent would
0:12:01 you do you may stand you may scream you
0:12:04 say wow brilliant amazing Bravo clap the
0:12:09 point is you are praising that wrestler
0:12:12 by virtue of his wrestling attributes
0:12:15 his wrestling skills we do this with
0:12:17 soccer with football right when we see
0:12:19 our favorite football player like Messi
0:12:21 or Ronaldo and they do some amazing
0:12:24 skill and they score a great goal you're
0:12:26 like wow that was amazing why did you
0:12:29 react that way because something is
0:12:31 compelled in your heart to give due
0:12:33 praise to Messi or Ronaldo by virtue of
0:12:38 their football skills now interestingly
0:12:40 order these examples I've given you only
0:12:42 these examples I have given you they
0:12:44 don't directly benefit you in any way in
0:12:46 any major way but yet you still give
0:12:49 them praise by virtue of who they are by
0:12:52 virtue of their attributes so if it's
0:12:55 true that you do this and these things
0:12:59 they don't have perfect attributes these
0:13:02 things are deficient and flawed in some
0:13:04 way then what does it mean about
0:13:07 praising Allah whose names and
0:13:09 attributes are maximally perfect with no
0:13:12 deficiency and no flaw it means he
0:13:16 deserves the most extensive form of
0:13:19 praise Allah says in the Quran
0:13:22 first chapter surah al-fatihah the
0:13:25 chapter the opening Allah says and Hindu
0:13:29 lillahi rabbil alameen all the perfect
0:13:32 praise extensive praise and gratitude
0:13:34 belongs to the Lord of everything that
0:13:36 exists not because he has given
0:13:38 something to us yes we should praise him
0:13:41 and thank him for that but from this
0:13:43 point of view he deserves extensive
0:13:45 praise by virtue of who he is just look
0:13:49 at the universe brothers and sisters and
0:13:51 friends it's an interplay of divine
0:13:54 names and attributes this the
0:13:58 mathematical structures in the universe
0:14:00 the fact that we have rational minds
0:14:02 that can perform rational insights that
0:14:05 we have inner subjective conscious
0:14:07 experiences the fact that we're
0:14:09 conscious that we kind of have this in a
0:14:11 subjective conscious experience known as
0:14:14 phenomenal experience we could have this
0:14:18 but apparently comes from dead non
0:14:21 conscious physical processes the point
0:14:25 is we live in an amazing universe and
0:14:27 it's a it's a manifestation interplay of
0:14:29 God's divine names and attributes and
0:14:32 God's names and attributes are perfect
0:14:35 they have no deficiency or flaw
0:14:38 they are maximally perfect to the
0:14:40 highest degree possible and they're
0:14:41 transcendent so if you come if we can
0:14:44 praise poets soccer players football
0:14:48 players wrestlers by virtue because of
0:14:51 the name of their attributes the
0:14:53 attribute of being a good wrestler or
0:14:55 good poet or a great poet or a good
0:14:57 football player
0:14:58 even though they are contingent they're
0:15:01 dependent they're not perfect they have
0:15:03 deficiency on floor then what does it
0:15:05 mean about praising the divine praising
0:15:07 Allah that's why Muslims we say Allahu
0:15:10 Akbar
0:15:11 right Allah is greater so Allah is
0:15:17 worthy of worship by virtue of who he is
0:15:19 now before I go into the second point is
0:15:21 very important for everyone to
0:15:22 understand especially as Muslims
0:15:24 especially those people who want to
0:15:26 become Muslim and they want to
0:15:27 understand worship properly that we do
0:15:29 not have a transactional relationship
0:15:31 with God we many of us have a
0:15:33 transactional relationship with the
0:15:35 divine as if
0:15:36 both peers right God give you something
0:15:39 you like you give him some worship this
0:15:42 is not the Islamic spiritual tradition
0:15:44 first the foremost will not peers with
0:15:47 the divine he created us he is our Rob
0:15:49 our master our Lord our loving Lord we
0:15:52 are his servants and slaves he is our
0:15:56 master and we are his servant and his
0:16:01 slave so from this point of view there
0:16:04 is no peer here and what's very
0:16:06 important to understand is that if we
0:16:08 understand this point that Allah is
0:16:10 worthy of worship God is worthy of
0:16:11 worship because of who he is and not
0:16:13 necessarily what has given us then even
0:16:15 if we don't get what we want a life
0:16:17 still worthy of worship in actual fact
0:16:19 if the whole universe were to worship
0:16:21 Him it would not increase in his majesty
0:16:23 and bounty if the whole universe were to
0:16:25 not worship him
0:16:26 it will not decrease in his majesty and
0:16:28 bounty such is Allah such is God he is
0:16:31 worthy of worship because of who he is
0:16:33 and not necessarily you know because he
0:16:36 because he's given us anything so we
0:16:38 shouldn't have a transactional
0:16:39 relationship with the divine from that
0:16:42 point of view yes he deserves thanks and
0:16:44 gratitude which is which are forms of
0:16:46 worship because of the things that has
0:16:48 given us but it's not primarily because
0:16:50 of that well that's not the only reason
0:16:52 because we could end up with the crumbs
0:16:55 of the universe but he still deserves
0:16:57 extensive praise so Allah is worthy of
0:17:01 worship because of who he is he deserves
0:17:03 extensive praise and that is a form of
0:17:05 worship second point God has created us
0:17:10 and sustains everything allah says in
0:17:12 the quran chapter 35 verse 3 o mankind
0:17:16 remember the favor of god upon you is
0:17:18 there any creator other than god who
0:17:20 provides for you from the heaven on
0:17:23 earth there is no data except him so how
0:17:26 are you deluded so let's zoom in on this
0:17:28 point allah is worthy of worship because
0:17:31 he created us ok what does that mean
0:17:33 well listen to this very carefully Allah
0:17:39 God gives us something at every moment
0:17:44 of our existence that we don't earn own
0:17:48 or do
0:17:49 deserve yeah it's priceless let me
0:17:53 repeat
0:17:53 God gives us something at every moment
0:17:56 of our existence that we don't earn own
0:17:59 and deserve by it's priceless and this
0:18:01 thing is this conscious moment and the
0:18:04 next conscious moment and every
0:18:06 conscious moment of our existence life
0:18:11 is a priceless gift if I were to say to
0:18:14 you have 10 minutes left to live but to
0:18:16 get another 10 days you have to give me
0:18:17 all of your wealth you will give me all
0:18:19 of your worth it's a priceless gift and
0:18:23 we receive it freely at every moment of
0:18:25 our existence and we don't earn it own
0:18:27 it or deserve it we can't even create a
0:18:29 fly so if that's the case we receive
0:18:34 something that is priceless for free but
0:18:37 we don't earn own or deserve how should
0:18:39 it make us feel grateful ultimately
0:18:45 grateful for every conscious moment for
0:18:52 every conscious moment for life and the
0:18:55 potential to use this life we must be
0:18:59 ultimately grateful because we receive
0:19:01 something free that is priceless every
0:19:04 moment of our existence that we don't
0:19:06 earn own or necessarily deserve and
0:19:08 having utmost gratitude ultimate
0:19:12 gratitude towards the divine is an act
0:19:14 of worship just like what we mentioned
0:19:16 previously we must give him extensive
0:19:17 praise that's a act of worship and
0:19:20 ultimate gratitude is also an act of
0:19:23 worship also we have to understand here
0:19:26 that since allies are created he
0:19:28 sustains everything and we are dependent
0:19:30 on him alone
0:19:31 Allah is Allah he he is the independent
0:19:34 the free the rich if you like and we are
0:19:38 dependent on him think about when we
0:19:41 were born we couldn't lift our necks we
0:19:44 couldn't feed ourselves we couldn't even
0:19:46 wipe her own posterior we were dependent
0:19:48 on others and all those things are
0:19:51 ultimately dependent on the divine even
0:19:54 our existence today our existence today
0:19:57 the fact that we breathe and we can eat
0:19:59 and we can do so many things because
0:20:02 there is a system in
0:20:02 in place there are other people that are
0:20:04 contributing to the system we are all
0:20:06 connected in some amazing way and all of
0:20:09 these things are ultimately connected to
0:20:11 and dependent on the divine from that
0:20:14 point even because he maintains and
0:20:15 sustains them so we must we truly
0:20:17 understand that not only must we have
0:20:19 ultimate gratitude towards the divine
0:20:21 because he gives us something that is
0:20:23 priceless that's free that we don't
0:20:25 necessarily earn own or deserve but also
0:20:27 we must understand that we are
0:20:29 ultimately dependent on him because
0:20:31 everything depends on him including me
0:20:34 and you
0:20:37 the third point Allah is worthy of
0:20:41 worship because he provides us with
0:20:42 innumerable favors favors blessings we
0:20:46 cannot individually count we cannot
0:20:48 enumerate Allah says in the Quran in
0:20:51 chapter 14 verse 34 and if you try to
0:20:55 count the favours of God of Allah you
0:20:57 could not enumerate them indeed mankind
0:21:00 is generally most unjust and ungrateful
0:21:04 think about this think about the
0:21:06 following thought experiment because
0:21:09 when I was thinking about this verse I
0:21:10 wanted to give an example that can
0:21:13 resonate with any type of person
0:21:15 irrespective of their level of
0:21:18 well-being and I think I found it it's
0:21:23 the heartbeat we already spoke about the
0:21:26 pricess nature of life the heartbeat is
0:21:30 one of the biological physical causes
0:21:31 that's in place to keep us alive if when
0:21:34 I have a heartbeat we don't have life if
0:21:38 when I have a heartbeat we don't have
0:21:40 existence so I want you to think about
0:21:45 this try and count
0:21:48 enumerate individually all of the
0:21:51 heartbeats you've had in a lifetime so
0:21:52 far try it one two three four continue
0:21:58 it is actually logically and practically
0:22:01 impossible because for the first two or
0:22:03 three years you have a backlog because
0:22:05 you don't know how to count when you're
0:22:06 sleeping you have a backlog because you
0:22:08 can't count when you're sleeping the
0:22:10 point here is you cannot individually
0:22:12 enumerate and count the heartbeats
0:22:16 you've had in a life
0:22:16 time imagine trying to be grateful for
0:22:19 each one of those heartbeats every time
0:22:21 you have a heartbeat you say thank you
0:22:23 Allah thank you God alhamdulillah
0:22:25 which means all praise and gratitude
0:22:27 belong to God imagine doing that after
0:22:29 every heartbeat it's actually
0:22:31 practically impossible and we spoke
0:22:34 about the prices nature of life you know
0:22:37 if you had only a thousand heartbeats
0:22:40 left and I said to you I'll give you
0:22:41 another million heartbeats only if you
0:22:43 give me all of your wealth you would
0:22:45 give me all of your wealth but yet
0:22:49 brothers and sisters and friends we
0:22:50 can't even enumerate our heartbeats
0:22:52 we can't even individually count the
0:22:54 heartbeats we've had in a lifetime and
0:22:57 that's one blessing imagine anything
0:23:02 else apart from a heartbeat that's why I
0:23:05 say to my family anything above a
0:23:07 heartbeat is a bonus if we truly
0:23:09 internalize this we'll be in a state of
0:23:12 spiritual and existential contentment
0:23:15 we'll be contented because we realize
0:23:17 deep down in our hearts that we can't be
0:23:20 grateful for these basic things like a
0:23:23 heartbeat imagine everything else it's
0:23:26 all about perspective so the fourth
0:23:29 reason why Allah is where the old
0:23:30 worship is self-love okay you may be
0:23:34 thinking what's going on here well let
0:23:35 me explain if you love yourself you must
0:23:39 love God you must love Allah this is
0:23:42 what we're seeing here this is one of
0:23:43 the reasons why Allah is worthy of
0:23:44 worship and loving Allah is an
0:23:46 expression the manifestation of worship
0:23:49 now what I'm talking about here is not
0:23:52 the type of self-love that you think is
0:23:54 egotistical or you know a sign of a
0:23:56 narcissist no the self-love I'm talking
0:23:59 about is immature self-love it's the
0:24:02 type of self-love that you would read in
0:24:03 the book of Erich Fromm when he wrote
0:24:05 the art of loving and he says that
0:24:09 self-love is essentially wanting good
0:24:11 for yourself and this is also echoed by
0:24:14 al-ghazali's late 11th century
0:24:16 theologian in his magnum opus and in his
0:24:20 36 book of his magnum opus where he
0:24:23 talks about love interest into intimacy
0:24:26 and contentment with the divine and he
0:24:28 talks about that you know
0:24:30 you should want good for yourself right
0:24:32 and this is an expression of of
0:24:35 self-love and what's interesting here is
0:24:37 that you need to really understand that
0:24:43 if you don't love yourself how can you
0:24:47 love anybody else think about this
0:24:48 because the closest thing to you is you
0:24:51 and if you can't relate to yourself in a
0:24:54 way that you want goodness for yourself
0:24:56 then how can you truly want goodness and
0:24:58 by extension truly love anybody else and
0:25:01 that's why those people who manifest
0:25:03 evil and they hate others it's because
0:25:06 they don't really love who they are so
0:25:09 the argument here is if you love
0:25:11 yourself you must love Allah you must
0:25:12 love God why what I'll goes on he makes
0:25:15 an argument he basically says you must
0:25:17 love a lot if you truly love yourself
0:25:19 because who created you who created the
0:25:22 physical causes in the universe that you
0:25:23 used to manipulate and you you know use
0:25:27 and manipulate in order to embrace
0:25:29 pleasure and run away from pain you you
0:25:33 used to embrace goodness and to run away
0:25:36 from evil it is online does that who is
0:25:41 the source of loving of love Allah who
0:25:43 is the source of goodness Allah so he
0:25:47 truly want good for yourself which is
0:25:50 self love then you have to love Allah
0:25:53 because he's the source of love and the
0:25:55 source of goodness and he's the one who
0:25:56 created the physical causes that you use
0:25:58 in the universe to run away from pain
0:26:01 and in play embrace pleasure so if you
0:26:04 truly love yourself you must love Allah
0:26:06 and if you don't then you just besotted
0:26:09 with your fleshy appetites as al-ghazali
0:26:11 said he says in the 36 book of his
0:26:15 magnum opus the here the revival of the
0:26:17 religious sciences he says whoever is so
0:26:20 besotted by his fleshly appetites as to
0:26:23 lack this love neglects his Lord and
0:26:26 creator he possesses no authentic
0:26:28 knowledge of him his gaze is limited to
0:26:30 his cravings and to things of sense the
0:26:34 fifth reason why Allah is worthy of
0:26:36 worship which is connected to the fourth
0:26:38 reason is that Allah is loving and his
0:26:43 love ism
0:26:44 purest form of love in the Islamic
0:26:46 tradition a large name is alwa dude
0:26:49 coming from the word would which means a
0:26:51 loving that is giving and it's not only
0:26:53 and loving that is giving but it's a
0:26:55 type of love that wants to convince you
0:26:59 to love him we'll do anything in order
0:27:03 for you to love him too essentially so
0:27:08 it's very important for you to
0:27:09 understand this that this type of love
0:27:10 is a very powerful love and it's the
0:27:14 most purest form of love it's the most
0:27:17 purest form of love why am I saying this
0:27:19 well think about this what is the
0:27:21 greatest man aphasias manifestation of
0:27:23 love in the world the greatest
0:27:25 manifestation of love in the world is
0:27:27 really a mother's love don't get me
0:27:28 wrong some mothers can be very evil
0:27:30 we've seen this human beings can be very
0:27:32 bad and evil we know this but generally
0:27:34 speaking when we think about the
0:27:35 greatest form of love a sacrificial type
0:27:38 of love we're thinking about a mother's
0:27:40 love a mother's love can be the most
0:27:43 greatest form of love that we experience
0:27:45 however a mother's love is contingent
0:27:49 meaning it is limited from the point of
0:27:52 view that it is dependent on her need to
0:27:56 love she loves because it completes her
0:27:59 she loves because she needs to love and
0:28:02 her love is not maximally perfect she
0:28:05 may love all of her ten children in such
0:28:07 an amazing way but she may not love for
0:28:10 example you know someone else's children
0:28:13 the point here is her love is limited in
0:28:16 some way it's flawed in some way and it
0:28:19 is contingent it's not pure from the
0:28:22 point of view because she needs to love
0:28:25 it completes her however with Allah his
0:28:29 love is the most purest form of love
0:28:32 because he doesn't need to love he is a
0:28:34 ladanyi meaning the independent the free
0:28:37 the rich his love doesn't complete him
0:28:39 in any way but yet he loves he gains
0:28:42 nothing by loving yeah he loves it's the
0:28:45 most purest form of love because we know
0:28:46 his love is to the highest degree
0:28:48 possible without any deficiency in it
0:28:50 without any floor
0:28:51 this is Allah he doesn't need to love it
0:28:55 doesn't complete him he benefit
0:28:57 nothing from loving yeah he loves
0:29:00 imagine how pure the love is think about
0:29:03 this brothers and sisters and friends
0:29:05 imagine someone comes into your room
0:29:06 right now and they can be described as
0:29:09 the most loving being that has ever
0:29:11 walked on this planet what's gonna
0:29:13 happen to your heart something's gonna
0:29:16 happen you gonna be compelled to want to
0:29:17 taste some of that love embrace some of
0:29:19 that love know why that human being
0:29:22 loves that way experience some some of
0:29:25 that love well likewise or by greater
0:29:30 reason rather if God's love is the most
0:29:32 purest form of love then surely we
0:29:36 should want to love the divine and
0:29:38 loving the divine is an act of worship
0:29:42 and how do we love the divine well Allah
0:29:45 tells us in the Quran in chapter 3 verse
0:29:47 31 and he speaks to the Prophet Muhammad
0:29:50 sallallahu alayhi wasallam upon him be
0:29:52 peace he says say o Muhammad say if you
0:29:59 love God then follow me so God will love
0:30:02 you and forgive your sins and God is
0:30:05 forgiving and merciful
0:30:06 so Allah says this say and he's
0:30:08 referring to the Prophet Muhammad upon
0:30:10 whom be peace if you love Allah if you
0:30:13 love God then follow me meaning follow
0:30:15 Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
0:30:17 so God will love you and forgive your
0:30:20 sins and God is forgiving and merciful
0:30:24 so the point here is God is worthy of
0:30:29 our love because he is the loving and
0:30:32 his love is the most purest form of love
0:30:34 it's not dependent on anything he gains
0:30:38 nothing by loving yet he loves and his
0:30:40 love is a maximally perfect to the
0:30:42 highest degree possible so we should be
0:30:44 compelled to unto love Allah just like
0:30:49 if we were to understand that someone
0:30:51 that walks past you know our house or
0:30:54 enters you know our classroom or someone
0:30:57 that we experience someone says that
0:30:58 this person has the greatest form of
0:31:01 human love that you can ever imagine
0:31:03 something's going to happen in your
0:31:05 heart to try and experience some of that
0:31:06 love by greater reason God's love
0:31:09 transcend
0:31:10 that type of love it's the highest form
0:31:12 of love it's pure and perfect without
0:31:16 any deficiency and without any flaw so
0:31:20 from this point of view we should be
0:31:22 compelled to love the divine and loving
0:31:24 the divine loving Allah is a form of
0:31:26 worship the sixth reason why Allah is
0:31:33 worthy of worship worship is part of who
0:31:36 we are Allah says in the Quran in
0:31:39 chapter 51 verse 36 I did not so a lot
0:31:43 is saying here I did not create the jinn
0:31:45 the spirit world nor mankind except to
0:31:48 worship me except to worship Allah so
0:31:51 our purpose and life is to worship the
0:31:53 divine we already mentioned that to
0:31:55 worship Allah is to know Allah to love
0:31:57 Allah to obey Allah and to direct all
0:32:00 acts of worship to Allah alone and we've
0:32:03 been created with this innate
0:32:05 disposition to worship the divine
0:32:08 because think about it brothers and
0:32:10 sisters don't we want to know something
0:32:12 at some point in our lives don't we want
0:32:16 to love something at some point in our
0:32:18 lives don't we obey and refer to things
0:32:21 at some point in our lives don't we
0:32:24 direct our acts of worship like
0:32:26 gratitude towards something in our lives
0:32:28 of course we do and that's what worship
0:32:31 really means so if there is something
0:32:33 that you always want to know the most at
0:32:34 one point in your life there was
0:32:35 something that you wanted to know the
0:32:36 most I want some point in your life or
0:32:38 there is something that you were to that
0:32:40 you wanted to love the most at some
0:32:41 point in your life or that you did love
0:32:43 the most at some point in your life if
0:32:45 there was something that you obeyed the
0:32:47 most at some point in your life or
0:32:48 referred to the most at some point in
0:32:51 your life and if there was something
0:32:52 that you showed ultimate gradute towards
0:32:54 the most at some point in your life and
0:32:56 that was your object of worship from
0:32:58 that point of view and isn't it
0:33:00 interesting that humans are doing that
0:33:03 all the time it's as if this kind of we
0:33:05 have an innate drive to worship
0:33:06 something from this perspective so we've
0:33:10 been created with this kind of innate
0:33:12 disposition and what's very interesting
0:33:13 in the Islamic spiritual tradition which
0:33:16 I'll talk about another time but just
0:33:17 briefly summarize that we believe that
0:33:20 every human being every human being is
0:33:22 born in a state of
0:33:23 fatrick coming from the arabic
0:33:25 trilateral stem Vitara which you have
0:33:28 words like Fatone and Fattah who that
0:33:30 something has been created within us and
0:33:32 that thing within us has forms of
0:33:35 knowledge there's basic forms of
0:33:38 knowledge within our fitrah within our
0:33:40 innate disposition number one that Allah
0:33:43 the God is a reality and number two that
0:33:45 he's worthy of praise
0:33:46 right which is an act of worship but
0:33:50 what happens over time based on the
0:33:52 authentic tradition that the prophet
0:33:55 sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that
0:33:57 every child is born in this state of
0:34:00 fitrah this innate disposition but his
0:34:03 parents essentially change him and
0:34:05 that's I'm just paraphrasing the
0:34:06 prophetic tradition that could be found
0:34:08 in Sahih Muslim in the authentic
0:34:10 narrations of Muslim now what's very
0:34:14 important here is that we is to
0:34:15 understand is that we have this innate
0:34:17 disposition it has forms of knowledge
0:34:18 collect proto knowledge or primary
0:34:20 knowledge and that knowledge is that
0:34:22 Allah is a reality and he's worthy of
0:34:24 praise but over time the filter gets
0:34:27 clouded right
0:34:29 the fitrah gets clouded and it covers
0:34:35 the fitrah so we can't manifest right
0:34:38 what's natural to us which is worshiping
0:34:42 allah and we end up worshiping something
0:34:43 else we have misdirected worship so
0:34:47 that's why it's the role of Muslims you
0:34:50 know just to reach out to our brothers
0:34:52 and sisters in humanity to help them
0:34:53 uncloudy innate disposition so they can
0:34:56 really reconnect with the divine so the
0:35:01 sixth reason why Allah is worthy of
0:35:02 worship is because of who we are it is
0:35:04 us we are linked to the divine by virtue
0:35:08 of the fact that he created us and he
0:35:09 created us with an innate disposition to
0:35:12 acknowledge him and to praise him so the
0:35:19 seventh reason why Allah is worthy of
0:35:21 worship is that Allah is worthy of
0:35:24 worship because he is worthy of our
0:35:25 obedience and obeying God is a form of
0:35:29 worship Allah says in the Quran in
0:35:30 chapter 3 verse 1 3 2 and obey God and
0:35:33 the Prophet so that you may be given
0:35:36 mercy
0:35:36 now the profit is mentioned here
0:35:39 sallallahu alayhi wassalam upon him be
0:35:41 peace because we know in the Islamic
0:35:43 spiritual tradition that we obey the
0:35:45 Prophet because obeying the Prophet is
0:35:47 obeying God because God told us to obey
0:35:50 the Prophet so the point here is God
0:35:53 says in chapter 3 verse 1 3 3 1 3 2 to
0:35:56 obey Allah to obey God and we've
0:35:59 mentioned previously that obedience to
0:36:01 Allah is a form of worship now you may
0:36:04 be thinking isn't this a bit backward a
0:36:05 bit medieval you're not obey God isn't
0:36:07 this like you know going back to the
0:36:09 14th century no obedience to the divine
0:36:13 is the peak of reason obedience to the
0:36:18 divine is the highest expression of your
0:36:24 cognitive faculties why am I saying this
0:36:27 think about it don't we obey and refer
0:36:30 to things all the time when we go to a
0:36:33 doctor and we speak to the doctor and we
0:36:36 give them our symptoms they give us some
0:36:40 medication do we question the doctor in
0:36:43 any particular way do we say oh you know
0:36:46 your your 7 to 10 years of studies is a
0:36:49 load of rubbish I'm not going to take it
0:36:50 seriously when you go to the pharmacy to
0:36:53 collect your your your medicine you
0:36:55 start questioning the molecular
0:36:57 structure of the compounds of course not
0:37:00 you obey them you refer to them by
0:37:03 virtue of their authority because of the
0:37:05 medical background the experience and
0:37:07 all of these things so it's a cop-out to
0:37:11 say oh you shouldn't obey God why not
0:37:13 we'll be authorities all the time what
0:37:16 about when I go on a plane right
0:37:18 I don't really like turbulence these
0:37:20 days and when the pilot says ladies and
0:37:22 gentleman or not the pilot mother the
0:37:24 air person I don't know what you call
0:37:26 them these days as an air hostess right
0:37:28 when she says you know ladies and
0:37:33 gentlemen please sit down we're going to
0:37:35 be experiencing some turbulence sit down
0:37:38 and fasten your seat belt now what do I
0:37:41 do
0:37:41 do I listen to the air hostess and sit
0:37:44 down and fasten my seat belt or do I
0:37:47 just ignore her and start doing the
0:37:49 moonwalk on the Isle of course not I
0:37:52 obey her authority because they know
0:37:54 about the plane they know about
0:37:55 turbulence and all the science of
0:37:56 turbulence they know all of this stuff I
0:37:58 don't really know well I don't know as
0:37:59 much as they do so I refer to the
0:38:01 authority I obey them right we do this
0:38:04 all the time in almost nearly every
0:38:07 sphere sphere of our lives so why is it
0:38:09 okay to obey lesser authorities but
0:38:12 another ultimate authority why is it
0:38:14 okay to obey lesser authorities like a
0:38:17 medical practitioner and an air hostess
0:38:21 or a pilot but it's not okay to obey God
0:38:23 who's the ultimate authority let's let's
0:38:26 not forget who God is he knows
0:38:28 everything he has the totality of wisdom
0:38:31 and knowledge Allah is al Hakim he is
0:38:33 the wise he's a lean he's the knowing
0:38:35 Allah God has the picture we just have a
0:38:39 pixel if we have a pixel we have a pixel
0:38:42 in understanding of reality and good
0:38:44 from his total knowledge is telling us
0:38:46 we must do something
0:38:48 then we must obey by virtue of who God
0:38:51 is
0:38:52 now obviously you don't suspend your
0:38:54 reason Islam doesn't teach us to do this
0:38:56 because when we read and look at God's
0:38:58 commands we have to understand well what
0:39:00 is good telling us right obviously
0:39:02 there's a new instead a grand cosmic
0:39:06 scheme of things when God commands
0:39:08 something it is irrational to not obey
0:39:11 God's commands we can emit a layer an
0:39:15 airhostess or medical practitioner but
0:39:18 you're saying now we shouldn't obey God
0:39:19 and it's not backwards to do so because
0:39:22 it's rational to obey those lesser
0:39:24 authorities it is even more rational to
0:39:27 obey God because he's the ultimate
0:39:29 authority he has the totality of wisdom
0:39:32 and knowledge we don't and this is
0:39:35 interesting because the echoes Western
0:39:38 epistemology which is the study of
0:39:39 knowledge concerning testimony there's a
0:39:43 field in epistemology called the
0:39:45 epistemology of testimony and there are
0:39:47 discussions on believing in the say-so
0:39:49 of others and to cut a long story short
0:39:52 you know we always refer to the say-so
0:39:54 of others and we take testimony to be
0:39:58 fundamental knowledge not just useful
0:40:00 because we can't know everything just
0:40:02 like doctor
0:40:03 Elizabeth freaka she basically said that
0:40:05 given that her limitations are
0:40:07 parametric she she has to refer to the
0:40:10 authority of others because you won't
0:40:11 know everything so when it comes to
0:40:14 knowledge it's not just about direct
0:40:16 touch and feel and experience you have
0:40:17 to refer to the authority of somebody
0:40:20 else this is well known in Western
0:40:22 epistemology concerning testimony now on
0:40:27 this point which is very very
0:40:28 interesting i remmber had a debate with
0:40:29 professor lawrence krauss and we were
0:40:31 talking about testimony and he had this
0:40:35 metaphysical presupposition that you
0:40:38 know all knowledge or truth comes from
0:40:40 basically experience from I remember
0:40:43 you'd have to go check the debate it was
0:40:44 about I think five years ago now
0:40:45 obviously a lot and we change we were on
0:40:48 a journey and we all grow for sure but
0:40:50 the point here is emember this point
0:40:52 because it's very interesting and I was
0:40:55 like no there are other sources of
0:40:56 knowledge and he almost sniggered at me
0:40:58 or laughed at me from I remember and I
0:41:00 said it was testimony and then he was
0:41:03 like are you serious kind of thing and I
0:41:06 was like yeah I said do you believe in
0:41:08 evolution I was like yeah I do the
0:41:10 science and I said well have you done
0:41:13 all the experiments yourself do you know
0:41:14 all the science have you done all the
0:41:15 sciences or of course no it's such a
0:41:17 it's such a massive it's such a massive
0:41:20 kind of body of knowledge now that you
0:41:23 can't do everything yourself right so
0:41:25 you have to rely on the testimony or the
0:41:28 say-so of others even if they claim that
0:41:30 it's repeatable and testimony has been
0:41:32 repeated that's still testimonial
0:41:34 knowledge because you haven't repeated
0:41:35 it yourself okay
0:41:36 and actually we elaborate on something
0:41:42 for you just to get the fundamental
0:41:43 nature of testing me just to highlight
0:41:45 this point even further you know
0:41:47 professor Cody he wrote a book called
0:41:50 testimony in 1992 and he spoke about
0:41:53 that testimony is fundamental and he
0:41:56 quotes David Hume because David Hume as
0:41:58 you know is the Scottish skeptic and he
0:42:00 was a bit skeptical about testimony
0:42:02 although he did say that testimony is
0:42:04 useful but we only take it seriously
0:42:06 because it's in line with our collective
0:42:08 experiences now professor Cody is saying
0:42:10 no testimony is not only useful it's a
0:42:12 fundamental source of knowledge and he
0:42:14 basically counters Hume by B
0:42:16 sickly say to him hold on a second if
0:42:18 testing is only useful because it's in
0:42:20 line with our collective experiences
0:42:22 then how do you know what our collective
0:42:26 experiences are you would only know our
0:42:28 collective experiences if you asked
0:42:31 other people because you can't
0:42:32 experience collective experiences
0:42:34 because you're not a collective you're
0:42:35 an individual and if you only rely on
0:42:36 yourself to gain knowledge through your
0:42:40 experience you have very limited
0:42:41 knowledge so Professor Cody here he's
0:42:44 actually he actually shows that
0:42:45 testimonial knowledge is fundamental you
0:42:47 can't run away from it don't get me
0:42:50 wrong
0:42:50 testimonial knowledge can be wrong
0:42:52 inaccurate but - so can empirical
0:42:54 knowledge our understanding of the
0:42:55 empirical world could be wrong as well
0:42:56 right and if you study the philosophy of
0:42:58 science and and in philosophy in general
0:43:00 you'd understand that you know the way
0:43:02 we see things can basically be skewed
0:43:06 because of prior theories right there's
0:43:08 good theory laden as' but you can
0:43:10 investigate that for yourself the point
0:43:12 here I'm just trying to raise that
0:43:13 testimony is a fundamental source of
0:43:16 knowledge and you know go to relevant
0:43:18 references for you to understand that if
0:43:20 that's the case we have to refer to the
0:43:22 testimony of others then what about the
0:43:24 testament of the Divine Right who is the
0:43:28 ultimate authority anyway Takada long
0:43:32 story short on the seventh reason why
0:43:33 Allah is worthy of worship Allah is
0:43:35 where they worship because he's worthy
0:43:37 of our obedience if we can obey and
0:43:39 refer to lesser authorities then we must
0:43:41 necessarily so obey the ultimate
0:43:44 authority Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and
0:43:47 interestingly you know God command
0:43:49 something and we must obey Him his
0:43:51 commands are no arbitrary his commands
0:43:53 are derivative of his will of his nature
0:43:56 of his will and his rule doesn't
0:43:58 contradict his nature
0:44:00 so his commands are a manifestation of
0:44:03 his will and his rule doesn't contradict
0:44:05 his nature and what is God's nature he
0:44:07 is al Hakim he is the wise he is an dude
0:44:11 the loving of man the merciful Ilene the
0:44:14 knowing so really on your food would
0:44:18 disobey God right so now we finished the
0:44:21 seven reasons why Allah is worthy of
0:44:23 worship let's talk about why does God
0:44:26 need us to worship Him that's a that's
0:44:29 an objection right
0:44:30 hear that all the time all right you say
0:44:31 your life is all about worshiping God to
0:44:34 know him to love him to obey Him and to
0:44:36 be humbled before the divine and to
0:44:37 direct all acts of worship to God alone
0:44:39 fair enough but does God need us to
0:44:42 worship Him is that very needy no of
0:44:45 course not
0:44:46 God doesn't need anything he requires no
0:44:50 completion he is independent and free of
0:44:53 any need
0:44:54 remember we said earlier a loves named
0:44:57 one of his name's is Alan Kenny they're
0:44:59 independent the free the free of any
0:45:02 need everything depends on him Allah
0:45:06 depends on nothing so it's not the case
0:45:09 that Allah created us because of a need
0:45:12 he doesn't need anything but rather he
0:45:17 create us to worship Him because it's
0:45:18 good for us through his wisdom and mercy
0:45:22 he created us this way to worship Him
0:45:24 and the worship in Allah is good for us
0:45:28 another question would follow is well
0:45:30 why did God create us to worship Him in
0:45:33 the first place well the first point you
0:45:35 need to understand here is well if you
0:45:38 can't find an answer say hypothetically
0:45:39 you can't get an answer it doesn't
0:45:42 affect the fact that Allah is worthy of
0:45:43 worship simple and it's one of those
0:45:47 questions that you just don't know how
0:45:48 to answer but it's not an undercutting
0:45:51 defeat if you like not having an answer
0:45:54 doesn't defeat the fact that Allah is
0:45:55 worthy of worship that's the point
0:45:58 and you to be practical here you're
0:46:00 never going to get all the answers
0:46:02 anyway have some epistemic humility
0:46:04 remember it's only God who has perfect
0:46:07 knowledge and wisdom he has the picture
0:46:09 we have the pixel there are some things
0:46:11 that's going to be outside of your
0:46:13 pixelated understanding of reality and
0:46:14 it could be this the fact that you
0:46:16 trying to go into the the depths of
0:46:18 God's wisdom and knowledge you can't do
0:46:20 that by virtue of who you are you're
0:46:22 limited and contingent and God's
0:46:23 knowledge is total and perfect so it
0:46:28 could be the case that God hasn't
0:46:30 revealed to you the fact why he created
0:46:33 us to worship Him in the first place and
0:46:36 that is part of God's wisdom and
0:46:39 knowledge that we can access because
0:46:40 we're just limited we can only access
0:46:42 God's wisdom and all
0:46:44 from the point of view of revelation
0:46:46 what he's revealed to us so it doesn't
0:46:51 really affect the fact that God is
0:46:53 actually worthy of worship and think
0:46:55 about it if we are here to worship God
0:46:57 and to and worship and God will elevate
0:46:59 us in rank and virtue to the point that
0:47:02 we will experience divine eternal love
0:47:04 and bliss and paradise then that's what
0:47:06 you should do you shouldn't allow that
0:47:08 question to undermine that because that
0:47:10 question doesn't really undermine it
0:47:12 this is a question that you may or not
0:47:13 be may or may not be able to answer and
0:47:15 not answering it doesn't affect that or
0:47:17 any shape or form
0:47:19 the second way of addressing this
0:47:21 question which I think is very
0:47:23 interesting is to think about who God is
0:47:26 remember God's names and attributes are
0:47:31 gonna manifest themselves and God's
0:47:34 names and attributes are maximally
0:47:35 perfect to the highest degree possible
0:47:38 so take for example an artist an artist
0:47:42 will probably manifest his attribute of
0:47:45 artistic ability right for a greater
0:47:48 reason God is alvaro he's the source of
0:47:52 all goodness he is our man he is the
0:47:54 merciful so he would manifest his mercy
0:47:58 and he will manifest his goodness now
0:48:02 I'm not saying necessarily so right but
0:48:06 let's be practical here God is merciful
0:48:08 God is the source of all goodness he's
0:48:10 all right man he's Albert and he will
0:48:13 manifest his names and attributes into
0:48:16 reality into our reality so from this
0:48:21 point of view I would argue that he
0:48:23 created us to worship Him because it's a
0:48:27 manifestation of who he is Allah is the
0:48:31 most merciful
0:48:32 Eliza's the source of all goodness and
0:48:37 worshipping God is one of the highest
0:48:40 forms of goodness and when we do this we
0:48:43 were attained God's mercy so we'll
0:48:46 create it for that but create for His
0:48:49 mercy and this whole story of us being
0:48:52 on this earth to worship the divine is
0:48:55 an
0:48:56 expression and manifestation of God's
0:48:59 names and attributes for example Allah
0:49:02 says in the Quran in chapter 11 verse 1
0:49:04 1:8 if your Lord had pleased he would
0:49:07 have made all people a single community
0:49:09 but they continue to have their
0:49:11 differences except those on whom your
0:49:13 Lord has mercy for he created them to be
0:49:16 this way now another thing to understand
0:49:20 is that if Allah is unbothered the
0:49:23 source of all goodness
0:49:25 then surely isn't the best story ever
0:49:29 told that we were sent down as human
0:49:33 beings on earth with free will to choose
0:49:37 between worship and God doing good or
0:49:39 not worshipping God and doing evil and
0:49:42 those who worship God and do good and
0:49:45 you know we're still weak but those who
0:49:47 repent which is goodness as well those
0:49:49 who repent and do good and worship God
0:49:50 they get elevated to a high virtuous
0:49:55 degree of you know being righteous and
0:49:58 the righteous or those eligible for
0:50:02 mercy go to paradise forever to
0:50:04 experience divine love and bliss isn't
0:50:06 that one of the most amazing stories
0:50:08 ever told isn't this one of the greatest
0:50:11 stories ever told
0:50:13 isn't this the best story ever told if
0:50:16 that's the case then this is a
0:50:20 manifestation of who God is because God
0:50:22 is al bara he is the source of all
0:50:23 goodness and this is the greatest story
0:50:26 ever told this is a good story it's the
0:50:30 best story so it just makes sense that
0:50:34 we are actually living out this story
0:50:36 because it's a manifestation of who God
0:50:38 is finally brothers and sisters and
0:50:41 friends you have to understand something
0:50:43 very important here that everybody
0:50:47 worships everybody worships even if
0:50:50 they're an atheist even if the divine
0:50:51 deny everybody worships even if they
0:50:54 deny Allah why am I saying this because
0:50:57 remember we said about worship it means
0:50:59 to know Allah to love Allah to obey
0:51:01 Allah to direct all acts of worship to
0:51:03 Allah alone now the logic of this is
0:51:06 knowing something the most loving
0:51:08 something the most obeying something the
0:51:09 most
0:51:10 and expressing acts of worship to
0:51:14 something the most in this case ultimate
0:51:16 gratitude if you're not doing this to
0:51:18 Allah you're doing it to something else
0:51:19 anyway because there's always something
0:51:21 in your life at one point that you want
0:51:24 you to know the most or that you love
0:51:25 the most that you were obeying to the
0:51:27 most of referring to the most or you
0:51:29 were expressing utmost gratitude towards
0:51:31 the most that was your object of worship
0:51:34 so all human beings worship even if they
0:51:37 deny the divine and this reminds were
0:51:40 very powerful verse in the Quran in
0:51:41 chapter 39 verse 29 Allah says God puts
0:51:44 forward this illustration can a man has
0:51:47 several partners for his master's of
0:51:49 which they're at odds with each other be
0:51:51 considered equal to a man devoted wholly
0:51:53 to one master all praise belongs to God
0:51:55 though most of them do not know this is
0:51:58 an interesting illustration to tell us
0:52:00 look if you don't worship Allah then
0:52:02 you're going to be like a slave a
0:52:03 servant to many masters and they're all
0:52:06 arguing but if you worship Allah the one
0:52:08 who truly has affection fee who truly
0:52:11 knows what's best for you then that will
0:52:15 free you from the shackles of you know
0:52:18 these other forms of slavery that you
0:52:20 have to all these many masters that are
0:52:22 quarreling your boss you teach your peer
0:52:24 pressure your ideology that's not the
0:52:26 other right so everybody worships from
0:52:29 that point of view so it's as if a lot
0:52:31 of mankind has misdirected worship you
0:52:34 know Muslims through compassion and
0:52:36 intelligence should take that
0:52:38 misdirected worship and direct them to
0:52:40 the one who is worthy of worship which
0:52:42 is a loss of hell and that is a loss of
0:52:45 Panama to Allah the Lord of everything
0:52:47 that exists and let me end with a quote
0:52:50 from Martin Martin links in his book
0:52:53 ancient beliefs and modern superstitions
0:52:55 he's summarizing really well what I
0:52:58 think I'm trying to say here
0:52:59 he says equipped as he is by his very
0:53:03 nature for worship man cannot not
0:53:07 worship and if his outlook is cut off
0:53:10 from the spiritual plane he will find a
0:53:12 God to worship at some lower level thus
0:53:15 endow something relative with what
0:53:17 belongs only to the absolute hence the
0:53:20 existence today of so many words too
0:53:24 like to conjure with like freedom
0:53:26 equality literacy science civilization
0:53:29 words at the utterance of which a
0:53:31 multitude of souls fall prostrate in
0:53:34 submental adoration the superstitions of
0:53:37 freedom and equality are not mainly the
0:53:39 results but also partly of the causes of
0:53:42 the general disorder for each in its own
0:53:45 way is a revolt against hierarchy and
0:53:47 they are all the more pernicious for
0:53:51 being provisions of the two of the
0:53:53 highest impulses in man corrupt your
0:53:57 optimi pessimal the corruption of the
0:54:00 best is corruption at its worst but
0:54:03 restore the age and order and the two
0:54:05 idols in question would evaporate from
0:54:07 the plain of this world leaving
0:54:10 legitimate earthly aspirations for
0:54:12 freedom and equality room to breathe to
0:54:14 take their place once more transformed
0:54:17 at the very summit of hierarchy the
0:54:19 desire for freedom is above all the
0:54:22 desire for God absolute freedom being an
0:54:25 essential aspect of divinity now to be
0:54:28 honest this quote prayer doesn't relate
0:54:31 to why I mentioned but it was
0:54:33 interesting nevertheless however
0:54:35 brothers or sisters
0:54:35 we all worship from the point of view
0:54:39 that we want to know something the most
0:54:40 at some point love something the most we
0:54:42 obey something the most and we refer to
0:54:44 something the most and we direct acts of
0:54:47 worship like gratitude and praise
0:54:48 towards things the most at some point in
0:54:51 our lives that should be Allah that
0:54:55 should be online that doesn't mean we
0:54:56 can't love things one of the things of
0:54:58 course not but about ultimately it
0:55:01 should be Allah and human beings that
0:55:03 don't do that we should help me to
0:55:05 realize why Allah is should be known why
0:55:08 Allah should be loved why Allah should
0:55:11 be obeyed and why Allah should be
0:55:13 worshipped from the point of view that
0:55:14 we direct all our internal and external
0:55:17 acts of worship to him alone and this
0:55:19 was the message of all of the prophets
0:55:21 they came here to teach us who they
0:55:23 should worship and we should worship
0:55:27 Allah may Allah bless you all
0:55:28 Razak layer for listening as Salam
0:55:30 aleikum la Habana Cato Allah