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Introducing Qur'anic Arguments: Surah At-Tur | Mohammed Hijab in Mecca (2022-12-28)


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Summary of Introducing Qur'anic Arguments: Surah At-Tur | Mohammed Hijab in Mecca

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses Quranic arguments that focus on the idea that humans are responsible for their own actions, and that they will be coerced into accepting this responsibility if they do not take it. also discusses how some atheists' level of skepticism is comedic in nature.

00:00:00 introduces the Qur'anic argument known as the "Surah At-Tur," which argues that because God knows everything, Muhammad must be a true prophet because he is in accordance with what God knows. Those with high levels of faith will not have any doubts, while those with low levels of faith will have many doubts.

  • 00:05:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which focus on the Surah At-Tur (The Mount). The arguments show that Mohammed was not a prophet and that these verses refer to Moses, not Mohammed. then goes on to discuss the importance of oaths in Islam and how swearing by Allah Himself makes these oaths important.
  • 00:10:00 introduces Quranic arguments that Surah At-Tur discusses the punishments that Allah will bring to those who do not take life seriously. also discusses the day of judgment, which will be a terrible shaking and destruction.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses Qur'anic arguments against the practice of hijabs in Mecca. points out that there are consequences to actions, and argues that the day when Muslims will be pushed down to the fire of hell will be a very bad day. He also argues that the mindset of enment leads to false coercion, and that Muslims who wear hijabs are playing with fire.
  • 00:20:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which focus on the idea that humans are responsible for their own actions, and that they will be coerced into accepting this responsibility if they do not take it. also discusses how some atheists' level of skepticism is comedic in nature.
  • 00:25:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which include the following points: Mohammed admits that he exists, hears, makes noises, and his words are intelligible. He also admits that his thoughts are intelligible to himself. He argues that if these things are true, then religion must be true as well. then provides an analogy to illustrate this point. He compares listening to advice to swimming. If you don't listen to someone teaching you how to swim, you will never learn how to swim. The same applies to learning patience, resilience, and other subjects.
  • 00:30:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which include the idea that hard work and determination are key to success in the Dunya. He goes on to say that in the Hereafter, there are no risks associated with Allah's blessings, and that those who have faith and do good deeds will receive a great reward. He also points out that, for some people, eating and drinking is a pleasurable experience. He concludes by saying that, even though Muslims believe that the highest thing is to see Allah, the highest reward is to be in the company of Allah.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the similarities between Quranic arguments and arguments used in debates between Muslims and disbelievers. It points out that infidels are those who hide or reject the truth, which is a better translation than disbelievers.
  • 00:40:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which show that Mohammed was a prophet and messenger of God. The presenter discusses the importance of gratitude, and how it is linked to mental health and overall well-being. The presenter then goes on to discuss the relationship between poetry and magic in pre-Islamic Arabia, and how the use of the term "magician" to describe Mohammed indicates the power of the Quran in the Arabic language.
  • 00:45:00 features a group of people speaking Arabic with rhythm and power, discussing war, the camel, and horses. One of the people discusses the sky, stars, and imagination, saying that these were all topics of discussion for people living in a desert environment. He notes that in the 21st century, people have a Judging ability that allows them to assess things like skill in football, poetry, and arbitration.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses how the Quran refers to Mohammed as being neither a magician nor possessing any supernatural abilities. It goes on to say that this evidence shows the Quran to be from Allah.
  • 00:55:00 The woman in the video challenges some of the accusations against Mohammed Hijab, arguing that because he spent a lifetime among Muslims, he would have been known and would not need to provide evidence. She also argues that he could not have been a magician, as this was not known about him and he was not a part of The Magicians, a group of magicians.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

introduces Qur'anic arguments and discusses how Surah At-Tur supports the idea that Mohammed Hijab should be in Mecca. It explains that the challenge in the Surah is a psychological inhibition that indicates a person's arrogance, and that the Arabs were not able to meet the challenge of being able to produce a single Surah that matched or exceeded the quality of the Quran. also discusses the difference between a magician and a prophet, and argues that the Quran contains more variety of miracle than any magic trick.

*01:00:00 Discusses the Qur'anic argument that Surah At-Tur (The Mount) requires Mohammed Hijab in Mecca. It argues that this challenge reflects the psychological inhibitions of Arab and Jewish tribes competing against each other. It also points out that this is not an argument, but rather a psychological inhibition that indicates a person's arrogance.

  • *01:05:00 Discusses how the prophet Mohammed challenged his people with their poetry and language. He goes on to say that this is a challenge that is still being met today.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the difference of opinion among scholars as to which Surah is being discussed, with some believing it to be the smallest Surah and others believing it to be the largest Surah. It points out that even amongst experts, there is disagreement about who the best poet or footballer of all time is. As a result, the Arabs were not able to meet the challenge of being able to produce a single Surah that matched or exceeded the quality of the Quran.
  • *01:15:00 Discusses the difference between a magician and a prophet, and argues that the Quran contains more variety of miracle than any magic trick. It explains that this variety is evidence of the truth of Islam.
  • 01:20:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which focus on the inimitability of the Quran and Muhammad's prophethood. The arguments demonstrate that the miracles of the Quran are more powerful than any other miracle, and that anyone can rationally examine them.
  • 01:25:00 , Yani discusses the argument from design, which states that the universe has a cause - in this case, God. He points out that this argument is based on the idea that something cannot come from nothing, and that no philosopher in the history of the world has ever made a successful case of the universe coming from nothing. He goes on to say that this is a fact, and that if we accept this premise, we must also accept that the universe had a beginning.
  • 01:30:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which show that there is never been a time in existence where only nothing has been in existence. He then introduces Surah At-Tur, which discusses the existence of a creator. argues that the creator must be Mohammed, the prophet Muhammad, based on the logical and consistent arguments in the surah.
  • 01:35:00 presents Qur'anic arguments in support of the idea that there could be a higher power. points out that some people are arrogant because they don't know much, and that this is a sign of ignorance. also points out that some people have a natural inclination to learn and seek guidance, and that this is a prerequisite for guidance.
  • *01:40:00 Discusses Surah At-Tur, in which Allah tells believers that they should not expect better treatment than he does, since they are just created beings. It then goes on to discuss a Hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad gave his shield to a Jewish man in order to help him provide for his family. It concludes by explaining that, even though most people think like this, Allah is exposing the people and revealing their motivations.
  • 01:45:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments and discusses how Surah At-Tur, which discusses things that come down from the sky, parallels the beginning and end of Surah Al-Fatiha and the beginning of Surah Al-An'am. It also points out that some Muslims may try to rationalize evidence for cosmological miracles by saying that it fits with their worldview.
  • 01:50:00 introduces Qur'anic arguments, which include Surah At-Tur and Mohammed Hijab in Mecca. explains that believers will see their day in which they will sink into a horror of disappointment when they know about the truth of the Quran. The linguistic similarities between Surah At-Tur and other Qur'anic verses are interesting, as are the structural similarities.
  • *01:55:00 Discusses Surahs with similar wordings and concepts, showing that the Quran was not simply a random collection of verses, but was instead designed with a specific purpose in mind. The 114 different words in each Surah were chosen specifically to convey a specific message, and the poetic style used to make these messages most persuasive. explains that even if one does not understand Arabic, it is still possible to appreciate the beauty and precision of the Quran's arguments.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

discusses the Qur'an, specifically Surah At-Tur, and how its arguments are convincing. then breaks for a 10-minute break, at which point the narrator announces that they will be praying and then coming back to continue the video.

*02:00:00 Discusses the Qur'an, specifically Surah At-Tur, and how its arguments are convincing. then breaks for a 10-minute break, at which point the narrator announces that they will be praying and then coming back to continue the video. They will be doing one and a half stories today instead of all three, as it would be too much. Tomorrow they want to do two stories.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 foreign
0:00:18 particular chapter 52 of the Quran
0:00:22 and then in the next session we're going
0:00:24 to be looking at chapter 53 and then the
0:00:26 next session after that we're going to
0:00:27 be looking at chapter 54. and what we're
0:00:30 going to be trying to pluck out if you
0:00:32 like is we're going to be trying to pull
0:00:34 out those aspects in particular which
0:00:37 relate to the messenger shape or the
0:00:40 prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad
0:00:43 because in the context of doubts in the
0:00:46 age of doubts in the age of internet and
0:00:48 the age of globalization the age of
0:00:50 competing discourses and these kinds of
0:00:52 things
0:00:52 [Music]
0:00:54 as Muslims we're going to be asked to
0:00:56 many questions
0:00:58 and especially as Muslims living in the
0:01:00 west we are asked questions relating to
0:01:02 our Prophet Muhammad
0:01:03 relating to the religion of Islam and so
0:01:06 on
0:01:07 and the bottom line is this the bottom
0:01:10 line is
0:01:12 if you are if you really believe
0:01:14 if you truly believe that
0:01:17 God exists and he's worthy of worship
0:01:19 and that Prophet Muhammad
0:01:21 is the last and final messenger that he
0:01:24 is truly inspired by God
0:01:27 then in theory you should not have any
0:01:30 doubts in theory you should not have any
0:01:33 doubts
0:01:34 it's like for example
0:01:37 somebody going to a doctor
0:01:39 okay a layperson who has no medical
0:01:42 background
0:01:43 go into a specialist doctor
0:01:46 that specializes in one
0:01:49 sub-field of specialism not just the
0:01:51 field of specialism the subfield of
0:01:52 specialism
0:01:54 for example you have a kind of kind of
0:01:56 very rare kind of cancer or a very rare
0:01:58 kind of you know whatever disease
0:02:01 and you go to your GP your general
0:02:04 practitioner and he says to you know
0:02:05 look go to this specialist and he says
0:02:07 go to another specialist and a third
0:02:09 specialist so it's a specialist of a
0:02:11 specialist of a specialist
0:02:13 and then he starts telling you a plan a
0:02:16 rehabilitation plan a therapeutic plan
0:02:19 of how
0:02:21 and you can get better
0:02:23 he says look you know we're going to do
0:02:25 these tests on you we're going to put
0:02:26 your blood through the lab and we're
0:02:28 going to give you some
0:02:30 prescriptions
0:02:32 now let's be honest
0:02:35 who Among Us will reject such things we
0:02:38 wouldn't reject this would we why
0:02:39 because we in a sense we submit to the
0:02:42 authority of the specialist
0:02:44 in a sense we accept that this guy knows
0:02:47 more than we do
0:02:49 why because he has the authority
0:02:52 you know and the word author and the
0:02:54 word Authority have a very uh similar
0:02:57 root word because the author of
0:02:59 something usually has some kind of an
0:03:00 authority
0:03:02 so you'll accept the authority of that
0:03:04 particular doctor you say okay whatever
0:03:05 prescription you give me I'll accept
0:03:07 because
0:03:09 you know more than I do
0:03:12 and you may have some doubts because
0:03:14 nothing is perfect in terms of Medicine
0:03:18 but
0:03:19 you'll have more certainties and doubts
0:03:22 and you'll follow the doctor now we are
0:03:24 saying that the Quran
0:03:26 the author of the Quran is the
0:03:28 all-knowing one
0:03:30 an entity which knows all the
0:03:33 all-powerful one
0:03:36 the all-strong one
0:03:38 the one who created the universe
0:03:41 we are saying that the author of the
0:03:43 Quran
0:03:45 is this entity which knows all the most
0:03:48 wise one
0:03:52 now in theory therefore we shouldn't
0:03:54 have any questions we should just say
0:03:55 whatever this author says
0:03:59 if we truly believe that the prophet
0:04:01 Muhammad is a messenger and we truly
0:04:04 believe that this is from God and God is
0:04:05 all-knowing and all wise
0:04:07 then really we shouldn't have any doubts
0:04:10 we shouldn't have any issues
0:04:13 but the issue is that we believe in
0:04:15 extents we don't believe in zero or a
0:04:18 hundred percent
0:04:20 so the question is to what extent do we
0:04:22 believe
0:04:23 that a Allah exists
0:04:26 that is worthy of be that is worthy of
0:04:28 worship and see that the prophet
0:04:29 Muhammad sallam is a true Prophet
0:04:32 inspired by Allah
0:04:34 a b and c
0:04:36 so the ones with high Iman close to
0:04:39 yakin
0:04:41 close to yakin which is certainty
0:04:44 they will not have any doubts by
0:04:46 biological necessity
0:04:49 the ones with low Iman
0:04:52 closer to what is referred to as well
0:04:55 [Music]
0:04:56 then they will have many doubts in fact
0:04:58 they have more inclination towards that
0:05:02 the prophetam is not a prophet and
0:05:04 really these are the kuffar
0:05:06 there's many Muslims that
0:05:09 if you set it to our extent do you
0:05:11 believe in Allah
0:05:13 and you believe that he's worthy of
0:05:15 worship and then you believe
0:05:16 the prophet saws was inspired by God now
0:05:18 if they say
0:05:19 maybe 60 70 in theory they are Muslim
0:05:23 with a lot of doubts
0:05:25 but if they say 49 48 now they are not
0:05:28 Muslim because it's gone below
0:05:33 or
0:05:35 so there is a sliding scale of belief
0:05:38 those who believe more will have less
0:05:40 questions to do the rulings of Allah
0:05:43 most of the problems people have today
0:05:45 are to do with the rulings
0:05:47 why should I do this why this why that
0:05:50 because Allah said so now that's the
0:05:52 answer that is really without going into
0:05:54 mental gymnastics the answer is because
0:05:57 Allah is the authority and he said so
0:05:58 and he's the all-knowing one that's the
0:06:00 real answer that's the unadulterated
0:06:02 Unapologetic answer because Allah says
0:06:04 only is the authority
0:06:07 however
0:06:08 the question as to what extent do you
0:06:10 believe in that now if you say I believe
0:06:12 in it but let's be honest I have some
0:06:14 doubts maybe I'm 70 Marco 75 mark then
0:06:19 really trying to fire fight or combat
0:06:22 each doubt is not the solution the
0:06:25 solution is going back to a b and c to
0:06:28 what extent you believe God exists do
0:06:30 you want to what extent you believe
0:06:31 Allah is worthy of worship and to what
0:06:33 extent you believe the prophet sallam is
0:06:35 a true prophet
0:06:36 if you bolster a b and c everything else
0:06:39 will
0:06:39 will be bolstered with it it's like the
0:06:41 roots of a tree
0:06:43 doubts are like the branches of the tree
0:06:47 whereas a b and c here
0:06:49 the basis of Islam
0:06:52 that is these are the roots of the tree
0:06:56 so the reason why we're going through
0:06:57 these three chapters inshallah is
0:06:59 because they help solidify the roots of
0:07:03 the tree
0:07:04 and I think the best way to do these
0:07:07 things sometimes is to be quranic lent
0:07:09 to let the Quran lead us in the way that
0:07:13 we understand faith
0:07:16 So inshallah today we're going to be
0:07:17 going through
0:07:19 this is chapter 52 of the Quran many of
0:07:22 you shall have translations you can
0:07:24 follow along I'm going to recite some of
0:07:25 it now and then translate it with you
0:07:27 and then go through some aspects of this
0:07:29 Surah
0:07:31 which in a tadabor sense because we're
0:07:33 going we're going to ponder over the
0:07:35 verses together
0:07:38 it's the difference between we're not
0:07:40 going through an exegesis here going
0:07:41 through you know we're going through
0:07:43 tadapa we're thinking about the ayatwood
0:07:49 so we start without the blend machine
0:08:07 [Music]
0:08:19 foreign
0:08:26 [Laughter]
0:08:29 [Music]
0:08:38 [Music]
0:08:48 foreign
0:08:56 foreign
0:09:24 I'll translate I'll get the translation
0:09:26 for you
0:09:27 well tour is by the mount
0:09:29 and is the Mount that Moses was spoken
0:09:32 to
0:09:34 where Allah spoke to Musa
0:09:37 and this is
0:09:40 which Allah he swears by things just
0:09:43 like we swear by Allah
0:09:46 Allah himself he swears by things and
0:09:48 when Allah swears by things it becomes
0:09:50 it becomes something which is important
0:09:54 in the Shariah becomes something which
0:09:55 Allah specifies with importance in the
0:09:57 Sharia
0:09:59 and by the book inscribed and this is
0:10:05 where many of you will know everything
0:10:07 is written
0:10:08 including the Quran itself
0:10:12 in a parchment unrolled
0:10:16 well Bates
0:10:18 you know we have the Kaaba
0:10:21 in the in the Dunya where we just went
0:10:24 yesterday we go around the Kappa
0:10:26 there is a parallel Kappa in the heavens
0:10:30 for the angels and this is called
0:10:35 and by the roof raised high and this
0:10:39 suck off
0:10:40 which means the roof is talking about
0:10:42 Samaya Dunya
0:10:45 because Allah
0:10:47 he mentions
0:10:54 which means a roof now there are seven
0:10:56 Heavens as many of you will know
0:10:59 the quranic cosmology is that there are
0:11:01 seven heavens above that is the Kursi
0:11:03 above that is above that is
0:11:06 foreign
0:11:20 which is set on fire ayani let's set on
0:11:23 fire now we know in Surat uh
0:11:28 in just Amma
0:11:30 in um
0:11:34 itar where it says uh
0:11:37 uh
0:11:39 [Music]
0:11:45 you know when when the when the when the
0:11:47 Bihar when the
0:11:49 seas are set a flame
0:11:53 so this is that is referring to that so
0:11:56 Allah is by the way all of this all of
0:11:58 these things are possums they're Oaths
0:12:00 so Allah saying
0:12:03 so this is he's swearing by the mountain
0:12:05 and by the parchment and by the Kappa
0:12:09 and by the Dunya all these things all
0:12:13 these things are important
0:12:15 and then Allah says
0:12:17 that certainly verily the torment of
0:12:20 your Lord will surely come to pass now
0:12:22 this is called
0:12:23 where Allah now is
0:12:26 answering the qasim so you know we say
0:12:29 well obviously when we say Allah you
0:12:32 don't just say Wallah you say wallahi
0:12:34 and then you say Allah this happened or
0:12:35 that happened so in the same way Allah
0:12:38 is saying buy all of these things
0:12:40 that's certainly the punishment of Allah
0:12:42 will come
0:12:45 it says no one can avert it there's not
0:12:48 going to be anyone that can push it away
0:12:50 when the punishment comes there's no you
0:12:51 cannot push that punishment away
0:12:54 and then it talks about the day of
0:12:55 judgment so here is a description of the
0:12:58 day of judgment
0:13:02 um
0:13:03 the day that the heaven will shake
0:13:06 with a dreadful shakening okay because
0:13:09 we've just spoken about the heaven
0:13:11 was suck off
0:13:13 now Allah is mentioned again what's
0:13:16 going to happen to this Heaven it's
0:13:17 going to shake it's going to be
0:13:18 obliterated it's going to be destroyed
0:13:22 and the mountains will move away with a
0:13:24 horrible movement
0:13:26 because these are the things we think
0:13:28 are
0:13:29 very stable basically the things we
0:13:31 think are stable will become unstable
0:13:34 like when we were when we were driving
0:13:36 here and we saw the mountains they
0:13:38 looked extremely stable
0:13:41 we don't think you cannot imagine that
0:13:43 these mountains will be taken out of
0:13:44 their place but the idea is that these
0:13:46 mountains will be taken out of their
0:13:47 place
0:13:50 foreign
0:13:55 the ones who rely the truth
0:13:59 the one who these are the quranic
0:14:02 phrases here which are very important
0:14:06 the ones who are playing in falsehood
0:14:09 they're playing about
0:14:11 why yellow why playing
0:14:14 let's ask the audience what do you think
0:14:15 why is the Quran using the term because
0:14:18 this is a joint venture now we're always
0:14:20 doing teleport together
0:14:23 why do you think Allah and this is
0:14:25 something common in the Quran
0:14:28 the Allah he mentions this time when it
0:14:30 comes to the behavior
0:14:32 the unguided behavior of those who
0:14:36 believe the message
0:14:37 why is it referred to as playing yes
0:14:40 they're not taking it seriously like yes
0:14:43 they don't take life seriously because
0:14:45 they don't have they don't have one
0:14:48 [Music]
0:14:49 they don't have yeah maybe they don't
0:14:51 think properly
0:14:53 what else
0:14:56 Wildlife children what they Carefree
0:14:59 they don't they don't have any any
0:15:01 consequences good that's very beautiful
0:15:03 that child plays around he doesn't know
0:15:04 that of any concept we have to go to a
0:15:06 child and say to them you know these are
0:15:08 the consequences of your actions you
0:15:09 know
0:15:11 so we're in a sense
0:15:13 it's an infantilizing discourse you guys
0:15:17 are children you're playing about
0:15:20 what else what can you imagine with this
0:15:22 with this terminology here why do you
0:15:23 think
0:15:26 yes because because
0:15:32 they're living for Dunya and it's
0:15:34 they're just being distracted
0:15:36 they just bring the stress one
0:15:37 distraction after another
0:15:40 what else
0:15:42 yes another way of saying like you're
0:15:43 mocking basically yeah I mean
0:15:47 to be fair if it was mocking that's
0:15:49 another term
0:15:52 it's a little bit different yeah
0:15:57 yes but this is not really meant for
0:16:00 that purpose I would say because this
0:16:03 these guys are the losers right
0:16:05 so go ahead
0:16:09 when you play you get tired
0:16:12 yeah it's it's just uh but I don't know
0:16:15 if this is
0:16:17 really relevant here I'll be honest with
0:16:19 you
0:16:23 yes lack of responsibility
0:16:25 is this the point you don't take
0:16:27 responsibility they're unaccountable
0:16:28 people
0:16:30 and this is
0:16:31 the idea is like you imagine
0:16:34 I mean just let's think logically for a
0:16:37 second yes
0:16:39 anything you do in life
0:16:41 has a hidden taxation
0:16:43 anything you do in life yeah
0:16:46 if I eat a cake now big one
0:16:49 you know maybe you get hungry after the
0:16:52 armor yesterday
0:16:53 I could have eaten two big ones actually
0:16:55 after that one
0:16:56 if I eat a big cake
0:16:58 yeah
0:17:01 the body's Gonna Keep school there's
0:17:02 going to be some count accountability
0:17:04 whether I like it or not either I'm
0:17:06 going to account myself restrict myself
0:17:09 or the world will restrict me that's
0:17:11 basically how the world works
0:17:12 this is the Dunya that we know there is
0:17:15 no such thing as a free lunch
0:17:16 Danny if if you're getting something for
0:17:19 free that means there's a hidden
0:17:21 taxation somewhere
0:17:24 if you're relaxing some I mean think
0:17:26 about it even people they just you know
0:17:28 relaxing
0:17:30 idle lazy
0:17:32 if
0:17:33 if rest is not preceded by hard work it
0:17:36 becomes laziness actually if you think
0:17:38 about it
0:17:40 what's the difference between rest and
0:17:42 laziness
0:17:44 think about this question what's the
0:17:46 difference between resting I'm resting
0:17:47 versus you're being lazy what's the
0:17:49 difference the difference is that rest
0:17:52 is preceded with some level of hard work
0:17:55 whereas laziness is not you're just not
0:17:59 motivated you're lazy you're unmotivated
0:18:01 the point I'm making is
0:18:04 whatever you do in this world
0:18:06 there's going to be some consequences
0:18:07 for your actions
0:18:09 now the problem with the catheter
0:18:12 mindset
0:18:13 is I can do all of these things whatever
0:18:16 it is I will do
0:18:18 I can be negative to my parents I can
0:18:21 eat this I can do that I can drink this
0:18:23 I can commit that
0:18:25 and
0:18:27 in fact not only will there not be any
0:18:29 consequences but if there are
0:18:30 consequences they should be favorable to
0:18:32 me
0:18:33 so it's the high of entitlement
0:18:36 it's the unaccountable mindset
0:18:38 so this is they are playing about like
0:18:42 children because a child like everyone
0:18:45 here just kind of alluded to doesn't
0:18:47 even know those consequences so number
0:18:50 one
0:18:51 they don't accept the consequences
0:18:53 number two even worse they're heedless
0:18:55 to the consequence you need to tell a
0:18:56 child if you do this this will happen
0:19:00 and by the way not even just a child a
0:19:03 really young child
0:19:05 nakiani a three four-year-old kind of
0:19:08 child
0:19:09 two three-year-old even like a six
0:19:11 seven-year-old now he's been playing for
0:19:13 some time he knows that though she knows
0:19:15 there's consequences
0:19:16 to certain behaviors
0:19:18 so this is why this term keeps being
0:19:20 used
0:19:27 the day when they will be pushed down by
0:19:29 the force
0:19:31 to the fire of hell
0:19:33 with a horrible forceful pushing pushing
0:19:36 imagine these people they have no choice
0:19:38 in the matter
0:19:39 now it goes from extreme
0:19:42 assumption illusion of choice to extreme
0:19:47 uh being false coercion
0:19:50 like this
0:19:52 people being pushed have no say in the
0:19:55 matter before you had to say in the
0:19:56 matter but when you had a say in the
0:19:58 Mata
0:19:59 you weren't doing what you need to do
0:20:01 you are taking responsibility so now
0:20:04 responsibility is going to take hold of
0:20:05 you
0:20:07 you're either going to take
0:20:08 responsibility
0:20:09 or responsibility is going to take hold
0:20:11 of you
0:20:16 you're either going to make a choice
0:20:19 or you're going to be forced
0:20:22 you will be coerced
0:20:24 and is this very powerful imagery
0:20:28 even the the the Arabic language here
0:20:31 the iron is coming out
0:20:34 is almost violent vehement pushing
0:20:37 thrusting
0:20:43 no more you don't have any choice the
0:20:46 day you will be pushed into the night of
0:20:47 jahannam a violent thrusting pushing
0:20:51 you don't have any say anymore
0:21:00 this is the fire
0:21:03 that you used to be like is to you
0:21:06 deny its existence now it's here
0:21:11 you cannot deny its existence you cannot
0:21:13 put on The ultraseptic Atheist Act
0:21:16 so I don't know if I exist I don't know
0:21:18 that am I burning ah screaming and uh
0:21:25 every time their skin comes out more
0:21:27 skin comes so that they can taste the
0:21:29 punishment
0:21:30 in this situation you won't have time to
0:21:33 play about with your skeptical
0:21:35 philosophies
0:21:37 now it's time to burn
0:21:39 and the skin will come out of your body
0:21:41 and you will be burning and screaming
0:21:43 and begging
0:21:47 you sir to the case
0:21:50 you know subhanallah I will tell you
0:21:53 something
0:21:54 I will tell you something and it will
0:21:56 come in this
0:21:58 Surah but before it comes in the Surah I
0:22:01 want to say something
0:22:04 you know well I've spoken to many
0:22:07 atheists Hamza spoken to many atheists
0:22:09 famously you know Lawrence Krauss and
0:22:11 these kinds of people
0:22:14 and they always have the luxury of
0:22:17 philosophizing being skeptical
0:22:20 and the level of skepticism is actually
0:22:22 unreal
0:22:25 the level of skepticism that if you have
0:22:27 a conversation with a vehement strident
0:22:29 atheist the level of skepticism that
0:22:32 they will show in that conversation
0:22:36 it is
0:22:41 comedic proportions
0:22:44 thank you
0:22:45 and the Surah right before the Surah
0:22:47 which is
0:22:51 because
0:22:52 the Soros have a very deep sense of
0:22:55 intertextuality knitted togetherness
0:22:58 even though the swords were not revealed
0:23:00 in the same time
0:23:02 the stories are this is one of the
0:23:04 Miracles of the Quran that there are
0:23:07 somehow joined together lexically and
0:23:10 thematically
0:23:11 and you will find that some of the
0:23:14 themes in this Surah in the next Surah
0:23:16 is going to be repeated in a different
0:23:18 way
0:23:19 likewise some of the things in the next
0:23:22 or the previous Surah are connected to
0:23:25 this
0:23:26 so everything is is called coat tailing
0:23:28 everything is like almost um it's like a
0:23:31 pearl necklace
0:23:33 each Pearl is beautiful in its own right
0:23:36 it's intrinsically valuable but when it
0:23:38 comes together it creates this wonderful
0:23:41 aesthetic Mosaic of pearl magnificence
0:23:46 the Quran is like this
0:23:48 this is the truth
0:23:49 in the previous Surah
0:23:53 foreign
0:23:59 and this is I was thinking about this
0:24:01 area for some time
0:24:03 very powerful and it relates to the
0:24:05 skeptical mindset Allah says that by
0:24:09 your lord imagine Allah we said that
0:24:12 when you do an oath
0:24:15 it shows that something is important now
0:24:17 Allah is making an oath with himself
0:24:20 can you imagine this yeah
0:24:23 that certainly it is the truth
0:24:25 just like you are talking now this is
0:24:29 this is very important I want you to
0:24:32 consider this
0:24:35 I'm talking right now
0:24:38 has anyone deny this fact I don't think
0:24:40 anyone here Will
0:24:42 now if you start talking
0:24:45 if you start talking to me
0:24:47 that's an admission
0:24:49 now this is very powerful and if you
0:24:51 speak to an atheist if I speak to an
0:24:53 atheist by him just verbalizing speaking
0:24:56 to me he admits things by doing that
0:24:58 what does he admit he admits I exist
0:25:02 he admits he exists
0:25:04 he admits that I can hear him
0:25:07 he admits that he can make noises
0:25:10 he admits that his words are
0:25:12 intelligible to me
0:25:13 he admits that his words are
0:25:15 intelligible to himself
0:25:17 he admits many things
0:25:20 now these things are almost thrown out
0:25:22 the window when you speak to a
0:25:23 philosopher
0:25:24 he goes how do we know we're not a brain
0:25:26 and a vat it's called solipsism how do
0:25:29 we know we're not the Matrix right now
0:25:31 how do we know this how do we know that
0:25:34 that's what they say this is what they
0:25:35 say
0:25:36 well if this was the case all of the
0:25:39 skepticism you're talking about how do
0:25:41 we know that there wasn't a million
0:25:42 billion universes in a Multiverse Theory
0:25:44 how do we know how do we know how do we
0:25:46 know how do we know because these are
0:25:48 the doubts these are skepticisms yeah
0:25:50 how do we know because as the Quran says
0:25:53 if you didn't believe that you wouldn't
0:25:55 even be speaking to me because your
0:25:57 speech itself is an Evidence of where
0:26:00 what kind of evidence you accept
0:26:03 so if you want to know what the
0:26:05 evidentiary standard of an atheist is
0:26:09 the evidentiary standard
0:26:13 is contingent on what they do on a daily
0:26:16 basis they speak they talk they eat they
0:26:19 leave things out they come back they see
0:26:21 these things there
0:26:23 now all we're saying is use the same
0:26:25 standard to judge religion and you will
0:26:27 find that religion is true
0:26:29 [Music]
0:26:31 use the same standards that I've given
0:26:33 you I've endowed you with some rational
0:26:35 faculties and you've been using those
0:26:37 rational faculties you're not a
0:26:39 professional philosopher you're not an
0:26:41 analytical logician
0:26:44 you don't need to be a mathematician you
0:26:47 don't need to be an astrophysicist
0:26:49 just use the same faculties as have been
0:26:52 guiding you through life
0:26:54 and you will come to the conclusion that
0:26:56 this is true the same evidentiary
0:26:57 standard that you set for everything
0:26:59 else is the same evidentiary standard
0:27:01 that you can use to find that religion
0:27:04 is true
0:27:05 now why am I bringing this to your
0:27:07 attention
0:27:08 because this is the height of it's
0:27:10 called
0:27:13 all right there's different levels of
0:27:14 European but
0:27:16 is when you see the thing itself
0:27:19 so for example if someone is in the
0:27:21 Hellfire and they are burning and
0:27:23 they're in they are being scolded in
0:27:25 them their Skins are coming off
0:27:29 you have no lunch there is no luxury
0:27:32 afford it to you
0:27:34 so that you can philosophize and say
0:27:36 this and that no
0:27:38 I listen to the next Ayah is slow her
0:27:41 first Bureau
0:27:45 taste you it's heat so now
0:27:48 you're experiencing it
0:27:51 Isaiah
0:27:53 common saying which some people say
0:27:57 if you don't hear
0:27:59 you must feel
0:28:01 this is if you're teaching a child
0:28:03 something
0:28:04 if you don't hear it if you don't hear
0:28:05 my advice you must feel
0:28:07 what happens to you if you don't yeah
0:28:09 and your life will teach you the lesson
0:28:11 yeah
0:28:12 Allah saying now you taste this thing
0:28:16 and this is this is one of I would say
0:28:18 one of the most demoralizing
0:28:21 ayats in the Quran relating to the this
0:28:24 one here
0:28:28 be patient yes oh don't be patient
0:28:31 doesn't matter
0:28:35 your patience in this Dunya is
0:28:38 rewardable
0:28:39 with some level of reward if you're
0:28:42 patient on Good Deeds you get the reward
0:28:44 if you're patient in your diet and you
0:28:45 restrict yourself you'll see the rules
0:28:47 if you're patient with savings you'll
0:28:49 see the reward if you're patient in this
0:28:51 Dunya you will see the reward in fact
0:28:53 told us
0:28:56 foreign
0:29:05 if you want to learn you have to get you
0:29:07 have to engage in learning and if you
0:29:09 want to be haleem which is forbearing
0:29:12 you have to which means by the way not
0:29:15 just being kind but it also means being
0:29:16 in control of yourself
0:29:18 this is one of the meanings of al-halim
0:29:20 meaning being control in difficult
0:29:22 situations you have to put yourself in
0:29:24 more difficult situations and try it out
0:29:27 Johnny let me put it this way you'll
0:29:29 never learn how to swim by being on the
0:29:31 shore
0:29:32 there's only one way to learn how to
0:29:34 swim is to get into the water likewise
0:29:36 you'll never learn how to be patient
0:29:37 you'll never learn how to be resilient
0:29:39 by just talking about it theoretically
0:29:42 the most resilient people in the world
0:29:44 are those who have experimented with
0:29:46 resilience in subject-specific contexts
0:29:53 and if you want to be patient you have
0:29:55 to keep it's a Melaka
0:29:58 it's something you have to keep trying
0:29:59 out you have to
0:30:03 nurture it
0:30:05 it's a practical application
0:30:08 but here
0:30:09 this is the Dunya someone is some people
0:30:13 they hand wave Subway give me something
0:30:16 better again give me something easier
0:30:17 somebody is awesome really
0:30:20 what Allah
0:30:23 [Applause]
0:30:29 it's irrelevant actually Allah this
0:30:31 thing in the tunya which makes you a
0:30:33 success
0:30:35 if you do it hard work determination
0:30:38 grit resilience all those things if
0:30:40 you're in the Dunya in any context that
0:30:42 is the formula of success imagine that
0:30:45 won't even be afforded to you
0:30:47 so you have the luxury and the blessing
0:30:49 and the risk of because in the Hereafter
0:30:52 there's no such risk Allah will take
0:30:53 that away from them
0:31:00 and this is exactly an appropriate
0:31:04 punishment for what you used to do
0:31:07 foreign
0:31:12 the pious ones will be in Gardens of
0:31:15 paradise and Delight
0:31:21 enjoying in that which their lord has
0:31:24 bestowed on them
0:31:26 and the fact that their lord saved them
0:31:28 from the atonement of the Blazing fire
0:31:30 this is in many ways
0:31:34 as much of a risk
0:31:36 as Jannah to be averted from the
0:31:39 Hellfire
0:31:40 if you think about that because there's
0:31:42 two risks when you go into General
0:31:43 studio is one being averted from that
0:31:45 punishment
0:31:46 and the other one is to go to heaven
0:31:48 itself
0:31:52 Allah speaking now he's gone to second
0:31:56 it's now speaking to you directly so
0:31:58 before he was speaking in the third
0:32:00 person
0:32:01 this is what's going to happen to them
0:32:03 this and that now Allah it's almost as
0:32:05 this welcoming guest get welcoming the
0:32:07 guests
0:32:08 come on eat and drink because of what
0:32:12 you used to do as well
0:32:14 in happiness be happy
0:32:18 this is yeah imagine Allah welcoming you
0:32:22 into Jannah in such a way
0:32:24 go and eat and drink and enjoy
0:32:27 yourselves
0:32:33 reclining with ease on Thrones arranged
0:32:35 in ranks
0:32:40 and the brothers here don't know what
0:32:42 this means
0:32:44 foreign
0:32:54 and those who believe
0:32:57 and whose Offspring follow them in faith
0:32:59 to them we shall join them their
0:33:02 offspring and we shall not decrease
0:33:03 their reward
0:33:05 of their deeds in anything
0:33:07 every person is a pledge of what he has
0:33:10 earned
0:33:11 now obviously we could take this um kind
0:33:14 of skimming through these ones because I
0:33:15 want to focus on the ayat which have
0:33:19 most application in terms of doubts and
0:33:21 dawa because that's our context if I
0:33:25 spend a long time in each one we won't
0:33:27 be able to get through all three stories
0:33:28 so this is why I'm kind of rushing
0:33:31 through these ones in a sense
0:33:36 and we shall provide with them fruits
0:33:39 and meats as they design that's some
0:33:40 people say and I've heard this
0:33:42 Why Annie is it such a visceral carnal
0:33:46 thing
0:33:47 yeah your depictions of Jannah is all
0:33:50 about this and sexual thing and foods
0:33:53 and what's this
0:33:54 and the Christians especially they say
0:33:56 what kind of thing is this now we
0:33:57 believe that to be honest the highest
0:33:59 thing is to see Allah to be in the
0:34:01 company of Allah
0:34:02 to to to share that most pure love in
0:34:05 the company of Allah there's nothing
0:34:07 really higher than that to be honest
0:34:09 with you however Allah created us in a
0:34:12 certain manner
0:34:13 every single one of us loves to eat and
0:34:15 drink and to procreate
0:34:17 now some people
0:34:19 maybe yeah only one percent of
0:34:21 population may not want to do the third
0:34:23 of these things no problem everyone
0:34:24 needs to eat and drink
0:34:27 they'll tell me oh and I'll put glucose
0:34:28 drips and stuff
0:34:32 and they like it
0:34:34 to a mistake and this and that imagine
0:34:36 when you fast and you see the food and
0:34:38 this and that how you feel huh you feel
0:34:40 good doesn't it
0:34:42 and once you've eaten something Savory
0:34:43 and something delicious
0:34:45 like a steak or something I don't know
0:34:47 what you guys like Afghani food or you
0:34:49 got some of you from the subcontinent
0:34:51 you have some of the best food or
0:34:52 Moroccan food here what do you call it
0:34:54 the tagine it's fantastic one of the
0:34:57 best foods I mean Gordon Ramsay when he
0:34:59 went to Morocco
0:35:01 I saw this he was like this is the best
0:35:03 meat I've had in my life when he was
0:35:04 eating the tagine in Marrakesh so very
0:35:07 fantastic
0:35:09 yeah oh and the shame man imagine and
0:35:12 then now you have the fruits every
0:35:13 everyone's okay well now we have sweets
0:35:15 and Harry bows and this and that but all
0:35:17 of it is an attempt to be like fruits
0:35:20 yeah and if you think about it They're
0:35:22 copying fruits that's all they're doing
0:35:23 they're just accentuating the sugar
0:35:24 giving you more diabetes breaking up
0:35:27 your immune system
0:35:31 and if you think about it it's not as
0:35:34 tasty as a fruit
0:35:35 but even if you say yes I believe the
0:35:37 sweets are more tasty is because they're
0:35:38 trying to accentuate what it means to be
0:35:40 a fruit
0:35:42 but hey you have a proper fruit like you
0:35:44 know you have these Roman you have these
0:35:47 pomegranates and the fruits we have in
0:35:49 this Dunya there's some blemishes with
0:35:51 them there's some problems some of them
0:35:53 were yesterday we drank some orange
0:35:54 juice it was problematic from the guy
0:35:56 you remember but I'm saying that now
0:35:59 because you know this season and not
0:36:02 season and the guy leaves the fruit out
0:36:04 for too long and we don't have these
0:36:05 problems
0:36:06 you drink the fruit juice you have the
0:36:09 the meats you have this you have
0:36:11 everything is pure you don't have to
0:36:13 feel guilty about anything sometimes you
0:36:14 know we eat food
0:36:15 good food and then we feel guilty
0:36:17 afterwards
0:36:19 we don't have to feel guilty here
0:36:22 yeah I don't know if you had cats
0:36:26 they shall pass from hand to hand a wine
0:36:28 cup free from any level
0:36:31 things and it would be legal for them to
0:36:34 drink now
0:36:35 obviously if you drink alcohol you get
0:36:37 hangover you get you know sick you get
0:36:39 it's problematic it's a depressant if
0:36:41 you think about it
0:36:43 alcohol is a drug
0:36:44 and it's not an antidepressant it's a
0:36:47 depressant why do people take it then
0:36:48 why you want to be depressed
0:36:52 they want to be depressed yes because so
0:36:54 long as they forget
0:36:56 their life and it's a form of escapism
0:36:58 they don't mind being depressed that's
0:37:00 how bad it is for them
0:37:02 that's how bad it is now that's
0:37:04 alcoholism that's some people that drink
0:37:05 you know some wine glass this that it
0:37:08 you know however even that has its
0:37:10 problems we're saying get rid of all of
0:37:12 his problems
0:37:13 and you get the pure
0:37:15 in a nice glass beautiful glass you know
0:37:18 someone giving it to you as well see
0:37:22 you drink it you enjoy it this is
0:37:25 fantastic this is brilliant you know
0:37:33 and the round boy Servants of theirs to
0:37:37 serve them as if they were preserved
0:37:38 pearls now this is in reference to the
0:37:41 boys going around this boil now some
0:37:43 people say like well you know the Quran
0:37:45 is very gender biased when it talks
0:37:48 about Jannah it's always women that you
0:37:50 know serving the man so hey you got boys
0:37:51 serving yeah if you think about it right
0:37:54 because he's a boy he's serving men and
0:37:56 women
0:37:57 why is it boys but real man is his boy
0:38:01 and he's going around making sure that
0:38:03 everything is okay
0:38:05 it's not like the service we're getting
0:38:06 holiday in
0:38:09 you know I'm joking his alhamdulillah is
0:38:12 a good place but I'm just saying you
0:38:13 know this is a completely different
0:38:14 level you know
0:38:18 some of them will draw near to others
0:38:20 questions
0:38:23 saying that full time we were afraid
0:38:26 with our families from the punishment of
0:38:28 Allah
0:38:31 but Allah has been gracious to us and
0:38:33 has saved us from the torment of the
0:38:35 fire
0:38:35 you see
0:38:37 they're still in a state of gratitude
0:38:40 which shows you that one of the
0:38:42 prevailing characteristics of a Believer
0:38:45 is gratitude
0:38:50 and if if somebody cannot your name
0:38:54 really be grateful for what Allah has
0:38:57 given them
0:38:57 that is a slippery sliding road to
0:39:03 cover actually the word the word kuffer
0:39:06 in the Arabic language
0:39:08 it means to put a seed under the
0:39:10 the Dust
0:39:12 a cafe is actually a farmer
0:39:18 [Music]
0:39:20 in the Quran it's mentioned like even
0:39:23 the world kufar is used in the context
0:39:25 of a farmer
0:39:27 you know in the Quran
0:39:29 why because the farmer he puts you know
0:39:31 the seeds under then he so he does the
0:39:33 job of
0:39:34 a cafe he hides the truth
0:39:39 Yani the word infidel is someone who is
0:39:44 he hides the truth or he rejects it's
0:39:46 actually a very good word for word
0:39:48 translation of the word however the
0:39:50 reason why we don't use it is because
0:39:51 it's now got connotations of an archaic
0:39:53 sense but Infidel is a better
0:39:55 translation than disbelievers
0:39:58 if you think about it because if it is
0:39:59 someone who conceals the truth that's
0:40:01 exactly what a cafe is but we don't use
0:40:04 it because it has this medieval
0:40:06 connotations the infidelines we don't
0:40:07 really use this at that time
0:40:09 but that's what Infidel is
0:40:11 there are infidels actually
0:40:13 again I haven't got a problem saying
0:40:15 this they are infidels because they're
0:40:17 hiding the truth now if if you're
0:40:19 somebody who is not
0:40:21 and that's why they say infidelity
0:40:23 it's disloyalty of some sorts in a
0:40:25 marriage for example they call it
0:40:27 infidelity
0:40:28 anyway the point is is
0:40:32 they
0:40:36 are thanking Allah and Allah
0:40:42 foreign if you try and count the
0:40:46 blessings of Allah you will not be able
0:40:48 to enumerate them
0:40:52 and he gave you from everything you
0:40:55 wanted Allah says Quran
0:40:57 he gave you everything you wanted
0:41:03 and Allah says
0:41:06 and if you think I'll give you more
0:41:11 and if you
0:41:13 disbelief then my punishment is very
0:41:16 severe so the stakes are high when it
0:41:19 comes to gratitude it's not just a
0:41:21 matter of you have the luxury of being
0:41:22 grateful and in fact gratitude is good
0:41:25 for your mental health and in fact if
0:41:27 you they have something called gratitude
0:41:28 journaling now
0:41:30 which is all True by the way
0:41:33 but the reality is if you're not
0:41:35 grateful
0:41:37 then the stakes are high
0:41:40 and if you are the six also high but in
0:41:43 a positive sense
0:41:46 we were verily we used to invoke him
0:41:48 before
0:41:52 foreign that verily he is the most kind
0:41:55 the most courteous the most generous and
0:41:58 the most merciful but is like the good
0:42:00 one he's good
0:42:01 the goodness of Allah
0:42:07 now here's where we're going to go into
0:42:09 a little bit more detail because this is
0:42:11 where
0:42:11 we went we started off this discussion
0:42:13 with a b and c who remembers what a was
0:42:17 we said that if someone believes a b and
0:42:19 c very
0:42:20 strongly they won't have doubts as such
0:42:23 who remembers what a was yes sir
0:42:26 the God's existence what was B
0:42:30 yes sir
0:42:31 worthy of worship yes and we'll see
0:42:36 yes the truth of the authority of the
0:42:39 Prophet saws so hey we're going to start
0:42:40 now with you Allah is now going to make
0:42:42 his own case and this is the best
0:42:51 the first thing he says therefore remind
0:42:53 and preach o Muhammad
0:42:55 because you are not by the grace of
0:42:57 Allah neither a soothsayer or a Madman
0:43:00 okay so you have two because you've got
0:43:02 to think about it what could they say
0:43:04 about the prophet that he was a magician
0:43:07 why do you think that they are calling
0:43:09 him a magician let's let's open the
0:43:12 floor for this one
0:43:13 what does it indicate that they will be
0:43:15 calling the prophet magician yes
0:43:18 yes you don't call someone a magician
0:43:20 unless you think that what they're
0:43:22 bringing is extraordinary
0:43:25 yeah if I came here and I started to
0:43:29 speak normally and stuff and I started
0:43:31 leaving and then one of you says
0:43:33 you know you're a magician it's kind of
0:43:36 inappropriate
0:43:39 it's inappropriate
0:43:41 some people say it for example with
0:43:44 great Sports people
0:43:45 but they know it's metaphoric for
0:43:47 example Messi Lionel Messi sees a
0:43:49 magician on the pitch you know he's
0:43:50 amazing yeah
0:43:52 he's a magician
0:43:56 they say that about me when I go on the
0:43:58 football pitch for another reason
0:43:59 she doesn't know what he's doing he's a
0:44:01 magician
0:44:03 no but the word magician here is
0:44:06 they meant it for real
0:44:09 they meant it like you are a magician
0:44:11 but why would they go that far
0:44:14 this is a question
0:44:16 and this already indicates to the power
0:44:19 of the Quran in the Arabic language
0:44:23 now I want you to understand something
0:44:26 that before Islam
0:44:30 the Arabs were engaged very
0:44:34 much
0:44:35 in the Venture of poetry
0:44:38 Li poetry
0:44:40 we had people like antarov and dead
0:44:43 you had the miracle Christ
0:44:45 you had the people who wrote them Allah
0:44:48 these poetries and stuff
0:44:51 and if you really spend time with these
0:44:55 poems and you understand them you
0:44:58 realize that these guys were no joke
0:44:59 really
0:45:00 these guys were no joke the way they the
0:45:03 way they spoke the Arabic language and
0:45:04 the rhythm of their speech
0:45:08 the power
0:45:10 of their speech
0:45:13 and a lot of it was razal love stories
0:45:16 you'd be surprised you know I'm not
0:45:18 gonna go into great details a lot of it
0:45:20 was about war a lot of it was about the
0:45:21 camel they would mention the camel
0:45:23 because they always
0:45:25 interacted with the camera
0:45:28 yeah and horses and things like that
0:45:29 they would mention it all in one poem
0:45:31 but the way they would mention it is
0:45:33 because imagine just think about it for
0:45:34 a second yeah you're living in a desert
0:45:36 you're you're humble in a sense we're
0:45:38 here because we can see the environment
0:45:40 take away all the buildings all the cars
0:45:43 all the electronics all the technology
0:45:44 imagine living in a place like this with
0:45:47 about a 3 000 population five thousand
0:45:49 ten thousand maximum population of Mecca
0:45:51 would have been ten thousand inhabitants
0:45:53 10 15 000 with the people coming in and
0:45:55 out maybe twenty thousand yanny that's a
0:45:57 stretch
0:45:58 now it's probably about one million here
0:46:00 maybe 1.5 million in Mecca right now but
0:46:03 imagine a situation where there's only
0:46:04 ten thousand fifteen thousand people
0:46:06 meaning for us to get to the Haram it
0:46:08 would be like we'd need a horse we'd
0:46:09 need a camel and it would be difficult
0:46:10 yeah
0:46:11 and it's all tense around them just
0:46:13 imagine this for a second
0:46:14 now if this is your life you're living
0:46:17 in a tent you don't have air
0:46:18 conditioning
0:46:19 what are you going to be doing you come
0:46:21 out you start looking at the desert you
0:46:23 start looking at the situation you start
0:46:25 looking at the sky they will speak about
0:46:27 the sky the stars all these things why
0:46:28 because that was their environment
0:46:31 which means that they had incredible
0:46:34 imaginations
0:46:39 the mother of all invention if you are
0:46:42 forced in a situation
0:46:44 yes where you cannot this is the only
0:46:46 way you can actually make sense of life
0:46:49 or enjoy life entertain yourself
0:46:52 then you're forced into a state of
0:46:54 Ultra imagination
0:46:56 and that is why these actually is a
0:46:58 Hadith
0:47:00 which says that every
0:47:03 the ansar said that almost everybody in
0:47:06 the Medina they had some knowledge of
0:47:10 poetry they had memorized poetry every
0:47:11 house for them it was the medium
0:47:14 now imagine these guys are like everyone
0:47:16 has what you call though
0:47:18 the ability to see certain things and
0:47:21 judge certain things
0:47:24 we all have though of certain things by
0:47:26 the way like for example
0:47:28 Yani I'll give you a crude very crude
0:47:29 example
0:47:31 if I bring two individuals one guy is a
0:47:34 bodybuilder
0:47:36 that comes with horses no but some guys
0:47:39 like a professional bodyboard like like
0:47:40 Ronnie Coleman or these guys yeah he's
0:47:42 got these extraordinary muscles and this
0:47:44 and that and you have a guy who's a sumo
0:47:46 wrestler always like you know overweight
0:47:47 or something and I said both stand here
0:47:49 and obviously the women have to lower
0:47:51 their gazes or something and then he
0:47:52 does double bicep poses yeah and we say
0:47:55 everyone which one is more masculine
0:47:56 everyone will say the the bodybuilder
0:47:57 okay everyone knows that yeah because
0:47:59 they have the e to assess this is
0:48:02 muscular retention this is fat this is
0:48:04 whatever yeah
0:48:05 okay if I bring two teams
0:48:08 of football we all watch the World Cup
0:48:10 one of them is like Australia or
0:48:12 something one of the I don't know what
0:48:14 was the worst team in the Qatar sorry to
0:48:16 say again
0:48:18 to say sorry to say and then we bring
0:48:21 like Argentina not in the game when
0:48:23 they've lost against Saudi Arabia that
0:48:25 was a that was a mishap but let's just
0:48:27 say that was another game man
0:48:29 where they what we're winning and you
0:48:31 say which of the two teams is better
0:48:32 every one of us will know okay this team
0:48:33 is better why because look at this how
0:48:35 the passing is look at this messy in the
0:48:36 Middle look at this one everyone can
0:48:38 judge even the Layman can judge what
0:48:40 we're saying is that we in the 21st
0:48:43 century have judging ability
0:48:45 we know how to judge certain things
0:48:48 now likewise these Arabs at that time
0:48:51 they were the arbitrators of what was
0:48:53 good prose
0:48:54 they were all qualified
0:48:57 men and women it wasn't just some
0:48:59 agenda specific thing some of the best
0:49:02 poets in that time and that's Allah
0:49:07 was a woman I have a brother called
0:49:10 Sahara died
0:49:11 foreign
0:49:13 [Music]
0:49:15 foreign
0:49:30 she became famous among the sahabis
0:49:34 actually
0:49:34 she became she was a famous one on the
0:49:37 basis of her uh poetry ability so
0:49:40 everyone knew men women and children
0:49:42 they were fantastic at this
0:49:46 but is these people
0:49:49 who are saying this is seven with the
0:49:51 Quran now you imagine now so this is a
0:49:54 serious allegation
0:49:55 but it's also an admission
0:49:57 [Music]
0:50:00 um
0:50:01 there they don't realize they're
0:50:03 incriminating themselves by saying this
0:50:05 if someone will say okay maybe the Quran
0:50:08 or maybe the author of the Quran
0:50:09 believes they'll say maybe he just said
0:50:12 that because he knew that we would say
0:50:14 this
0:50:14 I would respond and say well if that's
0:50:18 the case then by saying that people say
0:50:20 what you're talking about no one called
0:50:21 it sir
0:50:22 no one like if this was something they
0:50:25 didn't say
0:50:26 then by the Quran saying it's his magic
0:50:29 then the people say no one called and
0:50:31 why are you making up lies they would
0:50:34 they would compound they would accuse
0:50:35 him of lying as a result
0:50:38 so it makes no sense
0:50:40 so in other words the fact that the
0:50:42 Quran is being called by the primary
0:50:45 audience who are all to a great extent
0:50:47 able to judge the Arabic language and
0:50:50 the poetry and these kind of thing is a
0:50:52 major admission that the Quran descoped
0:50:56 the abilities of the Arabs in being able
0:50:58 to put prose which was at a level
0:51:01 different to any level this is number
0:51:03 one
0:51:05 [Music]
0:51:11 well I imagine you're not okay you're
0:51:13 not a magician and you're not mental
0:51:15 you're not insane
0:51:17 now what is insanity anxiety in the
0:51:20 modern psychological sense
0:51:24 is if you're psychotic if you have
0:51:26 psychosis not psychotic like psychopath
0:51:28 but if you have psychosis meaning if
0:51:30 you've lost touch with reality like a
0:51:32 schizophrenic
0:51:34 for example someone who's lost touch
0:51:35 with reality
0:51:37 at the time of the Arabs mejinun comes
0:51:39 from the word Jinn actually because they
0:51:41 believe that Jin got involved in the
0:51:42 matter and maybe they didn't maybe they
0:51:45 still do we don't know by the way
0:51:47 when the Jinn get involved and when they
0:51:49 die I'll tell you something quite
0:51:50 interesting
0:51:51 I spoke to this Jordan Peterson
0:51:53 his biggest Idol was a guy called
0:51:57 Carl Young
0:51:58 one of the biggest psychologists of the
0:52:01 20th century him and Freud were like on
0:52:03 the same path and they started what you
0:52:04 call the psychoanalytic school of
0:52:06 thought
0:52:08 and Carl Jung actually ran an experiment
0:52:10 on people who said
0:52:13 that they were afflicted by Jinn by
0:52:15 devils
0:52:16 and he was astounded at the fact that
0:52:19 they all reported similar experiences
0:52:22 do you know this this is something which
0:52:24 has not been mentioned by many people
0:52:25 but the idea of demon possession
0:52:33 of these things is something that has
0:52:36 some psychological backing
0:52:38 now the ethics committees will not put
0:52:40 this forward and there has since that
0:52:42 time not been experiments to that effect
0:52:46 but the idea is someone who's let's say
0:52:49 mentally deranged or disturbed or insane
0:52:51 or has psychosis
0:52:53 and someone who is has a tibet's journey
0:52:56 or is the Jinn has come in
0:52:59 yes
0:53:01 possession yeah they're possessed by the
0:53:02 gym both of those individuals have very
0:53:06 similar
0:53:07 diagnostic features
0:53:09 what the Quran is saying is the prophet
0:53:11 sallam is neither a magician
0:53:15 which already is an argument if you
0:53:17 think about it and ponder over it as
0:53:18 we've seen
0:53:19 and or he is not
0:53:23 now
0:53:25 why would it say that without giving
0:53:27 evidence because the Quran doesn't even
0:53:29 give you any
0:53:31 temporary art it doesn't say this is
0:53:33 because and this is this is very
0:53:34 interesting
0:53:36 the Quran says he's not this and he's
0:53:38 not that he's making the surgeon it's
0:53:39 not even telling you any giving you any
0:53:41 evidence here he's not this one it's not
0:53:43 that one
0:53:44 he's not saying and because this and
0:53:46 because that explaining itself
0:53:47 justifying itself giving excuses
0:53:50 this is not the kind of language and it
0:53:53 would well lie this is an Evidence of
0:53:54 the Quran being from Allah why because
0:53:56 look at the language that has been used
0:53:58 already we're going to push you into the
0:54:00 Hellfire we're going to do that it's a
0:54:01 fiery language you can't go from that
0:54:04 language to saying because this and
0:54:05 justifying and trying to convince this
0:54:07 atheist and convince this one here and
0:54:09 convince that one there
0:54:11 well if he makes you he gives assertions
0:54:14 that can be justified by whom the
0:54:16 primary audience because let me ask you
0:54:18 guys a question
0:54:19 foreign
0:54:21 if somebody
0:54:23 if you went to a mosque have you ever
0:54:24 been to a mosque or a public gathering
0:54:26 and you saw someone who was acting in a
0:54:27 manner and you've identified that they
0:54:29 have mental health issues
0:54:31 put your hands up if you've been in such
0:54:32 a situation okay everyone here so
0:54:34 everyone is a judge therefore
0:54:36 of who's imagination who's not so you
0:54:38 are all qualified
0:54:40 no it's true because we all are
0:54:42 qualified to some extent to notice who
0:54:46 has psychotic uh features who is insane
0:54:49 who's not insane we know the behaviors
0:54:51 of an insane person and we know the
0:54:53 behaviors of someone who's not insane
0:54:55 you don't need to be a master
0:54:57 psychiatrist to know this guy or this
0:55:00 woman here she is insane
0:55:03 there are some things that human beings
0:55:05 the lay audience can judge
0:55:08 and this especially when the Quran tells
0:55:11 us he spent a whole lifetime among you
0:55:13 you don't just have a day to judge you
0:55:15 have 40 years to judge he's been with
0:55:18 you in your village in your towns he's
0:55:22 walked with you you haven't noticed that
0:55:24 behavior so why are you pretending now
0:55:26 why are you bringing new accusations
0:55:29 after 40 years now he's much noon and
0:55:32 before he was not
0:55:33 how why was this accusation never held
0:55:36 for 40 years now you're bringing it
0:55:39 you see
0:55:41 so these two options because this is
0:55:44 actually is called a logical disjunction
0:55:47 you look at all of the options that are
0:55:50 available
0:55:51 logically what could he be
0:55:53 he could be much known type is not
0:55:56 measure known
0:55:57 he's not mentioned because you would
0:55:59 have noticed that for 40 years
0:56:02 magician or he's not a magician he
0:56:05 wasn't known to be with The Magicians
0:56:07 and hanging around with The Magicians
0:56:09 and finding out threads and this and
0:56:11 optical illusions
0:56:12 you know that about him
0:56:14 he is appealing Allah is appealing to
0:56:17 the madifa to the knowledge of the
0:56:20 primary audience
0:56:22 so therefore he does not need
0:56:25 to give them
0:56:26 evidence because they are themselves
0:56:29 they are the witnesses
0:56:33 it is like for example you have a
0:56:35 brother or a sister
0:56:37 and you for all of the your life you
0:56:40 know what they're about
0:56:42 you know what they're about
0:56:45 so someone comes and says to you look
0:56:47 you know
0:56:49 your sister is not a thief or your
0:56:52 sister is not a murderer sometimes
0:56:55 obviously these examples can be
0:56:56 problematic but if we say Your sister is
0:56:58 not mental you should know that
0:57:01 your sister is not mentally disabled
0:57:03 this is not paralyzed
0:57:05 your sister does not have fill in the
0:57:07 gaps
0:57:09 and so
0:57:12 it now there is a series of questions
0:57:15 now all now this is very important
0:57:18 in dawah in general we think sometimes
0:57:20 the best thing to do is make arguments
0:57:22 a question is more powerful than an
0:57:24 argument
0:57:26 because the question
0:57:27 a question invites you to reflect
0:57:29 whereas an argument makes a point which
0:57:32 you can forget
0:57:36 so most of the is now M yakuluna
0:57:39 Corona oh did I say this or did I say
0:57:42 that or did I say this or did I say that
0:57:44 it is exhausting your options
0:57:48 so what we're saying is the problem
0:57:50 he couldn't have been National
0:57:53 he could not have been a cabin let's see
0:57:57 what other options you have here
0:58:04 or do they say that he is a poet
0:58:09 we await for him some Calamity by time
0:58:14 if it was a poet they say maybe but they
0:58:16 don't they didn't actually accuse him of
0:58:18 that as much
0:58:20 that's why Allah says because now that
0:58:23 these two options which are the main
0:58:24 primary options yes are exhausted and
0:58:27 eliminated now we go to the next one are
0:58:30 they going to now say that he's a poet
0:58:32 is that the next one
0:58:38 and there's going to be more evidence on
0:58:39 this front in a second
0:58:45 say wait I'm with you among the waiters
0:58:52 do their minds command them to this or
0:58:55 are they people exceeded exceeding the
0:58:57 bounds Johnny
0:59:00 are there mine is this something logical
0:59:02 yeah is this a logical conclusion
0:59:04 or are you just people that don't you
0:59:07 have a psychological inhibition this is
0:59:09 the question
0:59:10 is this have you reached this conclusion
0:59:12 through proper pondering and logical
0:59:14 discursion or have you reached this
0:59:16 conclusion because you have an
0:59:18 inhibition or a psychological prejudice
0:59:21 like in the case of some of the Jewish
0:59:22 tribes
0:59:23 of course many Jewish people at the time
0:59:25 accepted Islam
0:59:27 some of them didn't accept it as such
0:59:29 and others would be outright
0:59:32 you know hostile with the promise in a
0:59:35 way that would be uh which would show
0:59:37 not just their hostilities their tribal
0:59:40 allegiance to many Israel
0:59:42 they could not accept that you have this
0:59:44 Arabi some born from a completely
0:59:47 different tribe a different Nation at
0:59:49 different people speaking different
0:59:50 language no way
0:59:52 no chance it's like when we say I'm
0:59:55 giving these examples now because of the
0:59:56 World Cup was just around the corner
0:59:58 when Morocco was winning the matches
1:00:00 everybody from the Muslim world and even
1:00:02 in Africa was supporting them
1:00:04 but I was quite surprised to find that
1:00:06 when Argentina was winning the
1:00:07 Brazilians were not celebrating yeah did
1:00:09 you notice this
1:00:11 well and the reason why is because they
1:00:13 have a different Dynamic they're
1:00:15 competing with each other in a different
1:00:16 kind of way you see and this kind of
1:00:19 dynamic was reflected in the behaviors
1:00:22 of the Arab and the the Jews because
1:00:24 they're cousins
1:00:26 and it's a pathway of jealousy like you
1:00:29 know if Pathways of jealousy
1:00:31 for example the mother-in-law and the
1:00:34 the daughter-in-law is a pathway of
1:00:35 jealousy two sisters can be very jealous
1:00:38 of each other for example uh to what
1:00:40 co-wives easily that's the easy one two
1:00:42 brothers
1:00:43 this is all mentioned the Quran the
1:00:45 brothers can be jealous of each other
1:00:46 people that are in the same profession
1:00:48 tend to be jealous of each other people
1:00:50 of the same race can be jealous
1:00:52 yes
1:00:54 but people of similar races but slightly
1:00:58 different can also be very jealous of
1:00:59 each other and this Behavior manifested
1:01:02 itself and that's why you'll find in the
1:01:04 Old Testament just as a side note
1:01:08 God repented to Israel can you imagine
1:01:10 this Allah this is what he mentioned the
1:01:14 Old Testament to Israel
1:01:17 they even reduced Allah
1:01:20 to a very low level he Allah is doing
1:01:23 terrible to them they've made themselves
1:01:25 really if you think about the Old
1:01:26 Testament well like they made themselves
1:01:27 Allah they have made themselves a god
1:01:30 because you think about it Jacob beats
1:01:32 God in a wrestling match
1:01:34 I saw a video somebody was making fun of
1:01:36 this
1:01:37 what kind of what kind of thing is this
1:01:40 it's WWE
1:01:42 what kind of thing is this and it was
1:01:44 entrance musics and your your your top
1:01:46 guy is going to beat God
1:01:51 when someone is illusioned is deluded to
1:01:55 that level
1:01:56 it's a psychological inhibition so Allah
1:01:58 is saying
1:02:00 um
1:02:05 is it something they have reasoned you
1:02:07 come to this Yadi rationally or is it
1:02:09 something you are transgressing why
1:02:11 would they be tahun because they have
1:02:13 these psychological inhibitions which
1:02:16 stop them now it can't be from this guy
1:02:17 even the Arabs they were competing in
1:02:19 tribes
1:02:21 it has to be someone from type it has to
1:02:23 be from the the big uh places it can't
1:02:26 be from Mecca it cannot be from him and
1:02:28 why him here this guy's got money this
1:02:29 guy doesn't have money this kind of
1:02:31 things he's an orphan and they would use
1:02:33 his things as arguments against the
1:02:34 prophet
1:02:35 this is not this is not an argument
1:02:37 basically you have psychological
1:02:39 inhibitions that are stopping and these
1:02:41 are the ones that indicate your
1:02:43 arrogance because
1:02:50 is basically believing in something and
1:02:53 takib is be lying in it
1:02:56 and if you think about it Islam
1:03:00 is all like accepting the prophet is yes
1:03:03 accepting him is believing him that is
1:03:06 the ultimate barometer of a person's
1:03:08 authenticity
1:03:11 that is the ultimate barometer the
1:03:13 ultimate test if a person is humble or
1:03:15 if he's arrogant
1:03:17 it's not a test that you do on the
1:03:18 computer
1:03:19 a personality test now they have
1:03:21 personalities tests
1:03:23 the Big Five personality tests the
1:03:25 Enneagram the Jordan Peterson
1:03:27 personality test
1:03:29 I'm sure he's done it himself
1:03:31 these personality tests don't tell you
1:03:33 if you're a good person or bad person
1:03:34 they tell you what kind of temperament
1:03:35 you have what will tell you if you're a
1:03:38 good person or a bad person effectively
1:03:41 is this one test tastic versus Trek Deep
1:03:44 you have a case being made against for
1:03:46 you here you have no reason to deny it
1:03:48 it goes in line with your fittler your
1:03:51 predisposition Allah already created you
1:03:54 in a way to believe in these things
1:03:58 this indicates you're a good person
1:04:00 humble person no matter how loud or
1:04:03 extroverted or exhibitionist you may
1:04:04 look like
1:04:05 and whatever your temperament may be
1:04:07 this is the the ultimate test
1:04:15 you know
1:04:22 nay they don't believe Yani they have no
1:04:25 belief so now this is an argument coming
1:04:28 fell yet to be Hadith
1:04:32 let them produce a recital like onto it
1:04:35 if they are truthful
1:04:36 now I want you to speak to the person
1:04:38 next to you for the next two three
1:04:40 minutes or five minutes even
1:04:43 yes five about what you think this means
1:04:46 what this challenge is
1:04:48 what this challenge indicates
1:04:51 yes so what is the significance of the
1:04:53 challenge of Allah telling the Bashar of
1:04:57 the human beings to produce a chapter
1:04:59 like it and they will get some responses
1:05:01 and we'll continue we've almost finished
1:05:02 the first session inshallah so five
1:05:04 minutes and we'll come back speak to the
1:05:05 person next year
1:05:07 foreign
1:05:08 so let's get some participant
1:05:10 participation
1:05:14 um okay so who wants to share something
1:05:16 yeah go ahead
1:05:17 [Music]
1:05:19 yeah yeah
1:05:23 what was your name first of all everyone
1:05:25 say their name before they uh I'm sorry
1:05:28 if okay mashallah go ahead
1:05:31 we said that whenever Allah said the
1:05:34 prophet Prophet to his people
1:05:36 Prophet always challenged them and what
1:05:39 the people were good or best at so when
1:05:41 Musa was sent to his people he came at a
1:05:44 time where people
1:05:46 Advance or prevalent but magic was
1:05:48 scientific things
1:05:49 challenged them with the magic when
1:05:51 hearing standing set up as far as I know
1:05:54 um he came at the time where medicine
1:05:56 was pretty Advanced so he challenged his
1:05:58 people in medicine healing the blind and
1:06:00 the leprosychic and so on and the
1:06:02 prophet saws when he was sent to you
1:06:04 when he was sent to the operation I mean
1:06:06 all they had I mean they didn't have any
1:06:07 fancy architecture
1:06:09 so what they had and what they were
1:06:11 super proud of was
1:06:12 their language and their poetry so the
1:06:15 prophetam challenged them at what they
1:06:17 were best at and that was the poetry and
1:06:20 this is not the prophet Allah
1:06:23 to show that I mean you guys I think
1:06:25 you're the best so
1:06:26 you know like what's up fantastic a good
1:06:29 very nice contribution yes
1:06:39 foreign
1:06:42 foreign
1:06:44 [Music]
1:06:50 [Music]
1:07:17 [Music]
1:07:21 he just basically said that you know or
1:07:24 the Arabic poetry had a very high
1:07:26 placement among the Arabs at that time
1:07:29 so he challenged all the Quran
1:07:31 challenges them with that particular
1:07:33 with something that they were very
1:07:35 familiar with so that they could Ponder
1:07:37 because the challenge created for them a
1:07:39 pondering situation they could think
1:07:41 about
1:07:42 you know how could this be from a Bashar
1:07:46 human being and so on anything else yes
1:08:06 it's not seen in any other scripture in
1:08:09 history there will not ever be
1:08:11 so I believe this is a challenge for
1:08:17 read the past structures and structures
1:08:19 like the people who are creating
1:08:22 scriptures nowadays
1:08:24 scripture that is as perfect and as
1:08:26 linguistically accurate
1:08:28 okay excellent
1:08:32 um everyone heard that yeah
1:08:34 um anyone any other contributions
1:08:37 yes
1:08:39 so so the thing is I mean maybe just
1:08:41 looking at numbers as well right like uh
1:08:43 peer pressure they're looking at their
1:08:45 numbers and saying you know you're on
1:08:47 lettered amongst us we've known you as
1:08:49 well right and all of a sudden uh they
1:08:52 think that their numbers can kind of
1:08:53 somehow by calling him these names rely
1:08:56 what it is that he's doing so the
1:08:57 prophesive is not responding for himself
1:08:59 Allah is actually saying actually this
1:09:01 challenge is to me you are choosing my
1:09:04 messenger and the words that I'm sending
1:09:06 to her so if you think that that's the
1:09:09 case then your numbers put together try
1:09:11 to come up with one you are not going to
1:09:13 come up with one and you will not be
1:09:15 able to come before so
1:09:16 beautiful
1:09:22 excellent
1:09:23 anything else yes
1:09:25 it shows the confidence the level of
1:09:28 confidence since God Allah chose them
1:09:32 and they filled with expertise
1:09:34 which is poetry language
1:09:38 beautiful there's some really good
1:09:39 contributions there
1:09:41 I'm happy that you guys had the time to
1:09:43 think about that so let's let's go into
1:09:44 it in a little bit more detail in this
1:09:46 source is
1:09:49 let them bring a recital like it now
1:09:52 obviously this
1:09:54 it was not in a sense abrogated but we
1:09:56 have now an easier challenge
1:09:59 which is now even bring one soul I like
1:10:02 it so there was kind of a reduction of
1:10:04 the challenge when they couldn't meet it
1:10:05 you know if it was
1:10:08 first it was uh the whole thing then it
1:10:11 was 10 then it was one so there was a
1:10:13 gradual reduction when they couldn't
1:10:15 meet the challenge
1:10:16 and as the brother mentioned it's not
1:10:17 something which is necessarily confined
1:10:19 to the people of quraish because the
1:10:22 people of Quran Quran there's a phrase
1:10:26 that uses a Libra to be
1:10:28 laughing
1:10:32 when there is a particular or the
1:10:37 you look at the generality of the phrase
1:10:38 not the specificity of the context
1:10:42 so that is that is a kind so in other
1:10:44 words many things that are revealed in
1:10:45 the Quran they would be revealed
1:10:49 about a specific context but if they use
1:10:52 a father yet
1:10:57 this is a general kind of statement so
1:11:00 we will say
1:11:02 it doesn't it's not necessarily
1:11:04 something confined to that particular
1:11:06 context at that time
1:11:08 so now
1:11:10 it's very interesting there's a few
1:11:11 things you should say there's a
1:11:13 difference of opinion among the scholars
1:11:14 you'd be surprised I want to go into too
1:11:15 much detail because this is not the
1:11:17 forum for it but there's a difference
1:11:19 opinion among the scholars as to what
1:11:21 Surah we're talking about
1:11:23 some Scholars they say is
1:11:25 some say no it's actually even the
1:11:28 smallest Surah Amazon says wrote
1:11:30 something about this I hear about is
1:11:32 even the smallest one even kalthara and
1:11:34 he mentions why you know he believes
1:11:36 that there's something that Yani can be
1:11:38 mentioned in kel'that how can kelther
1:11:40 itself
1:11:45 you know have contained so many
1:11:48 different uh features linguistic
1:11:50 features and so on
1:11:52 however
1:11:53 the point is is
1:11:56 the question is
1:11:59 why didn't the Arabs meet this challenge
1:12:02 now there's a few things I want to say
1:12:04 about this number one
1:12:07 the Arabs knew how to rank things
1:12:10 like for example there's a reason why
1:12:13 the seven writers of Allah
1:12:16 that they wrote their poetries and they
1:12:18 hung them on the camera everyone was
1:12:20 unanimous that these were the seven best
1:12:21 guys
1:12:22 and within them can you imagine within
1:12:25 them they knew how to rank who was the
1:12:27 best and who's second best so it's
1:12:29 almost
1:12:30 the best guy this is hero famous they
1:12:34 say he was the best
1:12:35 and some say he was the best poet of all
1:12:37 time
1:12:38 this is what they say
1:12:40 so it's almost Ishmael among the people
1:12:43 of specialism that this is the case
1:12:47 now it's very interesting says
1:12:56 who is the student of imnabis
1:12:59 when it says in
1:13:04 he says that means
1:13:07 the people of specialism
1:13:10 the people of specialism
1:13:12 meaning bring your specialists in the
1:13:15 field
1:13:16 Yani not just you the lay people because
1:13:18 we said the lay people have a kaliha
1:13:20 they have a Malachi they have an ability
1:13:22 to already judge not just you but bring
1:13:25 your specialists in poetry and judge the
1:13:27 matter
1:13:29 bring your specialists
1:13:31 so it's two things are being said
1:13:34 we have to now rely on the testimony of
1:13:37 the specialists in poetry but why not
1:13:38 because if especially all of them come
1:13:40 to one conclusion about bedihi things
1:13:42 who is the top guy
1:13:44 of the malachiities who is the second
1:13:47 best poet of all time they say
1:13:51 who is the best poem of all time there's
1:13:54 almost no there's some level of
1:13:56 disagreement
1:13:58 some level
1:14:01 maybe one other guy
1:14:04 but yeah that's that's what the
1:14:06 conversation is it's like now saying who
1:14:08 is the best footballer of all time sorry
1:14:09 I'll keep bringing this
1:14:11 yeah you say Messi for example or who's
1:14:13 the best footballer today Messi okay
1:14:14 fine it could be Ronaldo that's what the
1:14:17 discussion is if someone says no it's uh
1:14:20 okay you can bring him back no problem
1:14:22 there's some discussion there but if you
1:14:24 bring uh I don't know some guy from
1:14:25 Sutherland FC or something
1:14:28 or you guys don't know this maybe we
1:14:31 should talk about basketball players
1:14:33 maybe we should you guys from America
1:14:35 right we have a few Mercer just a second
1:14:38 yeah basketball players yes or whatever
1:14:40 it may be people know people know where
1:14:43 you stand you know
1:14:45 who is the best
1:14:46 architects of all time
1:14:49 Michelangelo uh Da Vinci ever in every
1:14:53 field there's conversations about who
1:14:55 the best guy is
1:14:56 so we're saying that
1:14:58 this is what we're competing with here
1:15:00 number one you guys already have an
1:15:01 ability to judge things number two we're
1:15:05 saying that this is the best
1:15:09 we're saying bring your Specialists and
1:15:11 they will say this is the best
1:15:13 now
1:15:14 is
1:15:15 that mad that the person engaged himself
1:15:19 in 19 Wars
1:15:21 which means that the the kuffar they
1:15:23 waged War 20 times with the prophet
1:15:24 sallam at a time of Medina at the Medina
1:15:27 times 20 times that's like two times a
1:15:30 year
1:15:31 two times a year
1:15:33 now what I'm saying here is
1:15:36 why go through all the trouble
1:15:39 of fighting someone where you can just
1:15:41 come out and say I've got a poetry here
1:15:44 or I've got this recital here yes I've
1:15:47 got this thing which is better than the
1:15:48 Quran and everyone's going to agree
1:15:50 everyone here they know how to judge
1:15:52 these guys they know how to judge let's
1:15:53 not fight no need to fight I'm just
1:15:55 going to bring my poetry and you'll see
1:15:58 now the fact that they couldn't do that
1:16:00 and they opted for the option of war is
1:16:03 the ultimate evidence
1:16:05 yes that they could not match these
1:16:07 primary this primary audience could not
1:16:09 match
1:16:10 this particular
1:16:12 challenge
1:16:14 and this is what
1:16:16 he wrote a book called Quran or the
1:16:19 miracle of the Quran
1:16:21 is his argument you don't need to be an
1:16:24 Arab you don't need to have Arabic
1:16:25 language skills he says
1:16:27 the fact that the primary audience
1:16:30 implicitly or explicitly admit it
1:16:33 yes they implicitly or explicitly
1:16:36 admitted that the Quran
1:16:38 is the highest form of speech
1:16:41 is
1:16:42 the testimony that we need to go by
1:16:46 and the more you get involved in this
1:16:48 field of learning about Arabic and
1:16:50 poetry and stuff the more you realize
1:16:51 why that is the case so if you wanted to
1:16:53 it's not like the and by the way
1:16:56 brings me to another point
1:16:59 the other point is as follows and this
1:17:01 is very important
1:17:02 may I mentioned this in his guitar he
1:17:06 has
1:17:07 he's called
1:17:10 and he says he has a unwant or a
1:17:13 question that he asked very important
1:17:15 question for us for our purposes he says
1:17:17 what's the difference between a magician
1:17:19 and a prophet and if you think about
1:17:21 this question for a second
1:17:23 a magician comes forward with some magic
1:17:26 tricks and some optical illusions yes
1:17:27 but some magicians especially nowadays
1:17:30 like David Blaine walking on water
1:17:32 walking on water I saw the guy walking
1:17:34 on water go on YouTube right David
1:17:36 Blaine walks on water
1:17:39 you'll see the man walking on the water
1:17:41 well you say that Jesus walked on water
1:17:43 it's one of the major major
1:17:45 miracles of the New Testament now David
1:17:47 Blaine is doing it
1:17:50 some of them are comical like you see
1:17:52 this like ghanaians and Nigerians
1:17:54 especially they get this guy and they
1:17:56 pretend to raise him from the deadness
1:17:57 have you seen this hilarious and the
1:17:59 guy's already like you know breathing
1:18:00 and everything
1:18:01 [Music]
1:18:02 no but some of them are quite serious
1:18:04 like like this David Blaine or this I
1:18:06 don't know I'm not going to mention the
1:18:07 names of The Magicians but yeah you
1:18:09 probably know more than I do some of
1:18:10 these magicians do some serious tricks
1:18:11 so if this musician said look I'm gonna
1:18:13 walk on water and I'm going to tell you
1:18:14 on profit and if you go against this
1:18:17 then you're an arrogant
1:18:19 Nanny now this is a serious question why
1:18:22 is that not good enough for us
1:18:25 now let me give you the answer because I
1:18:26 want to save you the time
1:18:28 number one it's not just about the
1:18:33 miracle this is very important
1:18:39 must be contained for example Allah says
1:18:52 himself now the evidence of prophet one
1:18:55 of the evidences of the truth of Islam
1:18:57 is the prophet himself
1:18:59 it's not good enough for a magicians to
1:19:00 come out and say I am a prophet because
1:19:02 that guy doesn't have a track record
1:19:05 of trustworthiness in the community of
1:19:08 no lying no messing about
1:19:11 we know this person to be good
1:19:13 we know this person is not a majnoon
1:19:15 he's not a kahin in fact The Magicians
1:19:17 have a background in in that
1:19:19 so you know that they've learned the
1:19:21 tricks and the traits from other people
1:19:22 that's number one number two and this is
1:19:25 where it gets more interesting the
1:19:27 variety of miracle that the Quran brings
1:19:30 forward
1:19:31 he mentions this yes the variety of
1:19:34 miracle
1:19:38 had been given is greater than any magic
1:19:41 trick that can ever be performed I'll
1:19:43 explain why
1:19:44 let's say for example you have a
1:19:45 magician
1:19:46 who can split the sea I think one of
1:19:48 them tried to do something like this
1:19:49 somewhere and try and one of them walk
1:19:51 on the water or something yeah
1:19:53 now at the time of Musa as the brother
1:19:55 mentioned were people it was a beer
1:19:58 if nahaja mentions he says it was a beer
1:20:00 it was an environment
1:20:02 where everybody they knew what was kind
1:20:04 of correct magic and false magic they
1:20:07 had a khadi half of that they had
1:20:08 America for that they could see
1:20:10 that's why when the challenge was made
1:20:12 at the time of Moses it was made in a
1:20:15 public space
1:20:17 foreign
1:20:19 that's not going to be good enough for
1:20:21 the final Revelation why because let's
1:20:23 imagine the prophet Muhammad and he did
1:20:26 had physical Miracles he had physical
1:20:28 Miracles that's good as a supplement but
1:20:30 can never be good as an why
1:20:32 if somebody saw it let's say a thousand
1:20:34 people saw this thing
1:20:36 fine it works good as a miracle
1:20:38 but I will always as as a subsequent
1:20:41 generation have a disadvantage in not
1:20:45 being able to see it like the other guy
1:20:46 saw it
1:20:48 for him for me it has to be summer
1:20:51 you see like for me if I'm told if you
1:20:54 ask a Christian by the way they've
1:20:55 written this apologetic Works William
1:20:57 Lane Craig and famously what's his name
1:21:00 the uh
1:21:01 forget the guy's name but yeah these
1:21:02 guys have written books about why
1:21:04 Christianity is true yeah their
1:21:05 strongest argument for them is the
1:21:07 miracles of Jesus that's the strongest
1:21:09 argument and Resurrection the miracle of
1:21:10 Jesus this is the strongest argument
1:21:13 I'm saying this all depends on what
1:21:16 witness testimony that's fine
1:21:18 I'm saying the miracle of the Quran
1:21:21 doesn't actually depend on you seeing
1:21:23 that miracle
1:21:25 this is more powerful because it is
1:21:28 something which you can engage with
1:21:29 today
1:21:31 so of the Miracles of the Quran which
1:21:34 we're going to cover is the linguistic
1:21:36 thing which is this inimitability
1:21:37 challenge this challenge of to try and
1:21:40 produce something like it it's caught in
1:21:41 it's to this day you do it another thing
1:21:45 which is so powerful which I've been
1:21:46 using more and more of is the prophecies
1:21:49 because magicians don't necessarily it's
1:21:52 not in their remit to tell us about the
1:21:54 future
1:21:56 to tell us about what's going to happen
1:21:57 in the future
1:21:58 that's more of a soothsayer or somebody
1:22:02 who's like a what's his name Nostradamus
1:22:04 all these kinds of guys it's not really
1:22:05 a magician's thing
1:22:07 and that is not necessary you cannot
1:22:10 there's no magic trick There's No
1:22:11 Illusion that can tell you what the
1:22:12 future holds otherwise all The Magicians
1:22:14 would be where in the casinos
1:22:17 that's the truth All The Magicians would
1:22:20 go to the casinos if they if they were
1:22:22 truly inspired by a a supernatural force
1:22:26 and it's a true magic
1:22:27 I say forget about don't give me a card
1:22:29 pick a card this that walk on the water
1:22:31 forget about it go to the casino
1:22:33 you'll be a millionaire why are you guys
1:22:35 walking walking with ragged the clothes
1:22:37 and stuff like that
1:22:38 if you're a true magician why don't you
1:22:39 go to we have something called William
1:22:40 Hill where you bet on this team or that
1:22:42 team so if you know the future then go
1:22:45 Yanni
1:22:47 if you know the future if you can palm
1:22:49 read if you can look inside my coffee
1:22:51 cup then why don't you look inside the
1:22:54 coffee cup if he's gonna win the world
1:22:55 cup and put the money on this thing
1:22:57 look inside yeah seriously that's how we
1:23:01 know that you are a fortune you're fake
1:23:03 put your money where your mouth is it's
1:23:06 this is the ultimate test for a fortune
1:23:08 teller go to the casino don't come to me
1:23:15 because no seriously if you know what
1:23:17 the future holds why are you coming to
1:23:19 me I'm not going to give you money
1:23:24 go to the stock broker
1:23:26 so I'm going to put all my money on
1:23:27 Google
1:23:28 I don't know if one fortune teller that
1:23:30 put their money on Google why don't you
1:23:32 get engaged in cryptocurrencies
1:23:35 this is my advice to The Magicians
1:23:37 no actually it is it's the fortune
1:23:39 tellers my advice go to all these
1:23:42 industries where it's about future
1:23:43 projections
1:23:45 and if you are true fortune teller why
1:23:48 don't you go to the people in Japan and
1:23:49 tell them when the Salam is going to hit
1:23:51 so they can evacuate
1:23:54 that means you're immoral person
1:23:56 do you know what I mean no Danny what
1:23:59 I'm saying to you is that that no idea
1:24:01 that type of miracle that the Quran the
1:24:04 Sunnah provides is a type which is not
1:24:08 available in the remit or in Kick That
1:24:10 The Magicians cannot do all of the
1:24:13 Miracles of the Quran today if a prophet
1:24:15 or somebody that died nabua comes and
1:24:18 says I'm a prophet and did them it could
1:24:20 easily be called Magic the Quran so
1:24:22 these people that say
1:24:23 it'll come back to this why is it the
1:24:26 Christian comes that your prophets
1:24:28 Miracles are less than ours we say no
1:24:29 it's not
1:24:30 because you say you can raise Jesus
1:24:32 raised dead and uh killed the leper
1:24:34 that benefits the people that are
1:24:36 watching that more than it benefits me
1:24:37 and to be honest even the people that
1:24:39 are watching that they can doubt it
1:24:41 because it was staged
1:24:45 you can you Annie so the Miracles of the
1:24:47 Quran the Sunnah are more powerful than
1:24:49 any miracle and we can rationalize this
1:24:51 any miracle any Prophet has ever been
1:24:54 given because it is susceptible to
1:24:56 examination
1:25:02 foreign
1:25:14 were they created from nothing or were
1:25:17 they themselves the creators of
1:25:20 themselves
1:25:23 really is a better translation
1:25:27 then from nothing because
1:25:28 buy nothing
1:25:30 yeah says
1:25:35 can Allah
1:25:40 that Allah was there and nothing was
1:25:43 with him
1:25:44 and that his arsh was on the water
1:25:46 [Music]
1:25:48 even Tamia has a whole discussion about
1:25:50 this he doesn't believe
1:25:53 that Allah was ever there by himself but
1:25:55 he has an Aboriginal opinion on the
1:25:56 matter
1:26:13 was there
1:26:15 yeah okay but yeah as you see
1:26:18 he's trying to say that he believes in
1:26:20 something called and it's a long story
1:26:22 I'm not going to go into it but the fact
1:26:24 is
1:26:28 were they created by nothing
1:26:33 Yani there was no effective cause of the
1:26:36 create Christian
1:26:38 but that's not
1:26:39 plausible because we came from
1:26:41 antecedent causes which is our mothers
1:26:43 and fathers we're saying apply the same
1:26:45 logic to the universe apply the same
1:26:47 logic to everything everything has a
1:26:49 cause that has a beginning
1:26:51 and razali very famously said everything
1:26:53 that has a beginning has a cause the
1:26:55 universe however getting there for the
1:26:56 universe as a Cause
1:27:05 so arguments have been made from this
1:27:07 and almost all Arguments for God's
1:27:09 existence Sprout from this
1:27:12 area
1:27:13 in fact uh even Tami wrote a book called
1:27:18 which he basically mentions is Ayah and
1:27:21 he argues for God's existence from this
1:27:23 Ayah he starts with design he mentions
1:27:26 in
1:27:29 fact almost everybody that's Muslim and
1:27:31 engaged with Arguments for God's
1:27:33 existence mention this end
1:27:38 foreign
1:27:45 you know and he mentions it there
1:27:48 so this is the hustle of all the
1:27:49 arguments for God's existence because
1:27:50 you couldn't come from nothing
1:27:52 or buy nothing
1:27:55 and by the way no one has ever said that
1:27:57 even uh Lawrence Krauss who hands the
1:27:59 sources debated
1:28:01 and that book um will tell you more than
1:28:03 I I read his book unfortunately
1:28:07 we've got it under one of the low
1:28:09 shelves in our office
1:28:12 yes well he says he wrote a book called
1:28:16 The Universe by nothing or a universe
1:28:17 from nothing or something like that and
1:28:20 in that book he was saying the universe
1:28:22 was and then he says what is nothing
1:28:23 it's a Quantum field vacuum I don't know
1:28:25 what was it called was there nothing for
1:28:28 what he calls uh Quantum vacuum or
1:28:30 something like that
1:28:32 Quantum Haze or something like that yeah
1:28:34 so it's not nothing
1:28:36 what he calls nothing is not nothing
1:28:37 what he calls nothing is some Quantum
1:28:40 reality
1:28:41 yeah what do you mean Quantum Haze yeah
1:28:44 it's nothing it's not he says it's not
1:28:46 nothing and then when he was asked about
1:28:48 why'd you call it nothing that he says I
1:28:49 did that again he didn't say it like
1:28:51 this so don't quote me word for bite
1:28:52 only for marketing purposes yeah
1:28:54 no philosopher in the history of the
1:28:57 world from the from Aristotle times from
1:29:00 the Hellenistic period to to the
1:29:02 enlightenment period has ever made a
1:29:04 successful case of the universe coming
1:29:05 from nothing this is a fact
1:29:08 this is I have read everything I used to
1:29:11 read or not I know that sounds very
1:29:13 arrogant not everything any but I know
1:29:15 all these things
1:29:16 yeah and why because I'm doing my PhD on
1:29:18 this matter so I had to do a lot of
1:29:20 digging and stuff I have not found a
1:29:22 successful theory that says the universe
1:29:24 has come from nothing what is nothing
1:29:25 the absence of something
1:29:27 where there's nothing there Johnny let
1:29:30 me just tell you something yeah
1:29:33 let me just tell you something
1:29:34 if I say to you and I want you to
1:29:36 indulge me Yani in this uh exercise
1:29:39 thought experiment
1:29:42 everyone close your eyes
1:29:44 okay everyone close that now imagine
1:29:47 nothing
1:29:49 just imagine it
1:29:56 okay open your eyes
1:30:00 so I'm gonna start with you I'll bring a
1:30:03 mirror so you can see what nothing looks
1:30:05 like now I'm joking
1:30:08 what did you imagine honestly on a
1:30:11 serious level
1:30:12 Darkness I mean there's something okay
1:30:15 what did
1:30:16 beautiful okay so Darkness what else is
1:30:19 there in here
1:30:20 yeah and you put your hands up
1:30:22 when I said imagine nothing
1:30:25 yes
1:30:26 Blank Space okay what else did you
1:30:29 imagine
1:30:33 but what did you imagine what came into
1:30:34 your mind what picture came to your mind
1:30:38 a blackhead
1:30:40 okay whatever you imagined
1:30:43 is something
1:30:45 the reason like think about it Darkness
1:30:48 can is something because it's
1:30:50 distinguished from light
1:30:52 anything you imagined is something if
1:30:54 you said it was a space a space isn't
1:30:56 something and there was even major
1:30:59 physic physics uh guys for example
1:31:01 leibniz versus Newton there's discussion
1:31:03 about what is space is space uh uh is is
1:31:07 is is is space a container
1:31:10 this is the Newtonian understanding that
1:31:12 like the the the fabric of space is like
1:31:15 a container in fact like container
1:31:16 there's no such thing as space in fact
1:31:19 and then you have like the no actually
1:31:21 there is gaps and then you have
1:31:23 Einstein's uh specialist space-time
1:31:26 Continuum and the curvature of space
1:31:30 and then you have the quantum thing
1:31:32 string theory and the the smallest thing
1:31:34 is a string and it's vibrating now
1:31:36 wherever you're thinking of
1:31:38 can be explained in some of these ways
1:31:41 it's not nothing
1:31:47 so the point is there's never been a
1:31:49 time in any point in existence where
1:31:52 only nothing has been in existence
1:31:54 because if only nothing has been
1:31:56 existence there would be nothing else in
1:31:57 existence because nothing cannot bring
1:31:58 about something
1:32:00 simple as this
1:32:02 so this is an impossibility
1:32:05 whether created by nothing
1:32:09 or were they themselves the creators of
1:32:12 themselves and they can't be that why
1:32:14 because
1:32:14 it's like a mother giving birth to
1:32:17 herself
1:32:18 you might have heard this thing before
1:32:21 yeah you have to exist and not exist at
1:32:22 the same time
1:32:24 when even more time heard this this Ayah
1:32:28 being he was listening and this shows
1:32:29 you that Allah the beautiful Rhythm the
1:32:33 knitted togetherness the intertextuality
1:32:35 the rhythmic syllabilistic lecture of
1:32:38 the quranic discourse in content and in
1:32:41 rhythm
1:32:43 one of the harbor heard this and the
1:32:45 questioning nature
1:32:48 it's the same all this is it that is it
1:32:51 this he says
1:32:53 that when I heard this Ayah it was like
1:32:56 my heart was gonna fly out of my chest
1:32:58 he said
1:33:00 that and it was I was convinced
1:33:03 yeah and that's why I bring this a
1:33:06 and the Surah because it's so powerful
1:33:08 is giving you it's very logical
1:33:15 what are the options here
1:33:18 this Surah if you think about it
1:33:20 carefully it covers all ground a b and c
1:33:23 you couldn't have come from some nothing
1:33:25 the universe couldn't have created
1:33:27 itself therefore I had to have creator
1:33:30 the prophet Muhammad
1:33:32 it is
1:33:34 therefore he must be truth truthful
1:33:44 did they create the heavens and the
1:33:46 earth now this is preposterousness
1:33:49 they couldn't have created the heavens
1:33:50 and he has
1:33:52 they have no ability to do so so now
1:33:54 it's making you think of the ability
1:33:55 wherever did create the heavens and the
1:33:58 Earth must have had what ability so it's
1:34:00 making you think
1:34:01 that whatever created the heavens and
1:34:04 the Earth must be capable of doing so
1:34:06 which is giving you all the necessary
1:34:08 fat for a creator
1:34:13 and this goes exactly if you wanted to
1:34:18 characterize the
1:34:22 state of an atheist this is basically
1:34:25 the situation they don't have any
1:34:27 certainty in anything and they will tell
1:34:28 you that
1:34:30 at the highest levels if you speak to an
1:34:31 atheist and you engage with them they'll
1:34:33 say well I don't know I don't know and
1:34:34 you don't know as well
1:34:36 what do you mean I don't know as well
1:34:38 and they call themselves agnostics
1:34:41 what does agnostic mean it means I don't
1:34:43 know agnostos means someone doesn't have
1:34:45 knowledge of something
1:34:47 but if you don't know that means you're
1:34:48 what
1:34:49 means you're ignorant
1:34:51 baby and if you're ignorant why'd you
1:34:53 have such confidence
1:34:54 if you think about it yeah if an atheist
1:34:57 they will tell you if you argue with
1:34:59 them because we don't know I'm agnostic
1:35:01 on the issue I'm not saying for sure
1:35:02 this there could be a higher power
1:35:03 that's where they end up almost all the
1:35:05 time when you argue with them because
1:35:07 they can't do jeze them on anything
1:35:09 so if that's your state if you don't
1:35:10 know anything you're ignorant one so why
1:35:12 is the ignorant one coming and saying
1:35:14 speaking to me with great confidence
1:35:15 like Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss
1:35:18 why are you confident if you don't know
1:35:22 this shows you you're arrogant
1:35:27 once I went to my country one time
1:35:30 Egypt and there was a guy
1:35:33 he's been very Arrogant with me but he
1:35:35 was like impoverished
1:35:37 he was poor guy Annie he didn't have
1:35:39 money
1:35:41 and all of a sudden I was a younger at
1:35:43 the time I said to him listen I said
1:35:45 why are you so arrogant and you're poor
1:35:48 because there are some things which
1:35:49 don't even add up like for example the
1:35:52 Hadith
1:35:54 an old man who comes dinner he doesn't
1:35:56 need to he hasn't got the need for it he
1:35:58 doesn't have the Vigor but he gets it
1:36:00 engages in it
1:36:01 if you're ignorant you have no reason to
1:36:04 be arrogant
1:36:06 because you don't know you should be
1:36:07 humble
1:36:08 you should be asking the people
1:36:11 which shows you Allah the heart of the
1:36:13 psychological disposition of the
1:36:17 skeptical atheist mind
1:36:19 it's arrogance that's what arrogance
1:36:21 looks like you don't know something
1:36:25 yet
1:36:26 yet you're arrogant about it you're
1:36:28 saying this you're you're debating it
1:36:30 how could you debate something you don't
1:36:31 know imagine going to a quantum physics
1:36:33 class and make it more caricatured
1:36:36 imagine a child
1:36:37 many of you many have childhood children
1:36:39 a 12 year old something
1:36:41 and he goes to his class mathematics
1:36:43 teachers teaching his Pythagoras Theorem
1:36:46 or he's teaching him trigonometry
1:36:49 and he stands up he says to the teacher
1:36:51 he says to him look
1:36:53 the classroom I'm going to take over
1:36:55 this thing
1:36:59 or he starts telling you he starts
1:37:00 arguing with the teacher
1:37:02 the salaf used to say
1:37:07 there's two kinds of people that don't
1:37:08 learn
1:37:10 someone who's shy and well someone who's
1:37:12 arrogant
1:37:14 it's not we don't expect this is the
1:37:16 number one thing it's a prerequisite to
1:37:18 guidance a prerequisite guidance is that
1:37:20 you must want to be guided you must want
1:37:23 to know the answer you must want to have
1:37:25 a purpose if you don't have if you don't
1:37:27 want to have a purpose if you don't want
1:37:29 to be guided then you deserve the health
1:37:31 of being pushed in there
1:37:32 that's what you deserve
1:37:34 why because Allah has already given you
1:37:36 a fitra
1:37:39 he's given you a nature to do this Yani
1:37:42 in for example in office or we want to
1:37:43 eat food
1:37:45 we want to eat food diani we get thirsty
1:37:48 it's part of our fitra we have sexual
1:37:51 desires
1:37:52 we want to avert pain we don't want pain
1:37:56 it's part of our future
1:37:58 but also part of the same Federal which
1:38:00 has been now
1:38:01 anthropologically proven
1:38:03 [Music]
1:38:04 is that we have
1:38:07 this Nazar this belief in God so why
1:38:10 don't you want to go back to that
1:38:17 um
1:38:21 with them are the treasures of your lord
1:38:24 or are they tyrants
1:38:27 with the authority to do as they like
1:38:31 now this
1:38:33 a kind of humiliation this is a
1:38:35 beautiful thing about if you think about
1:38:36 the Quran
1:38:37 it's very fiery speech it's making you
1:38:40 think
1:38:46 now is once again we're investigating
1:38:48 the psychology of these guys
1:38:50 now we know
1:38:53 in the Quran there is no is there is
1:38:56 criticism of the people that with the
1:38:59 bush
1:39:01 for example where that if one of them
1:39:04 says that they have been given a
1:39:06 female that one of them becomes
1:39:08 you know darkened of the face and he's
1:39:11 very suppressing his his disappointment
1:39:15 so the Quran criticizes people that when
1:39:18 they have daughters that they are very
1:39:20 upset about him
1:39:24 is to be buried alive at the extreme
1:39:26 case
1:39:28 but the mentality of those particular
1:39:30 people were
1:39:31 we God has daughters because they
1:39:34 ascribe the Angels they used to say they
1:39:36 were the daughters of God and we have
1:39:38 sons and they believe sons are better
1:39:40 than doors because they believe
1:39:43 that Yani they have sons and if they
1:39:44 have daughters they'll be very
1:39:45 disappointed so he's saying that look
1:39:47 going back to this
1:39:49 Israel repented or God repented to
1:39:52 Israel my typology which is that you
1:39:54 guys believe that you are the true God
1:39:56 here
1:39:57 that's what the issue is you guys
1:39:59 believe that you are the true God that
1:40:01 you have such an entitlement that even
1:40:04 the creator of the heaven on the earth
1:40:06 that you yes
1:40:09 think that you should deserve a better
1:40:10 deal than him
1:40:12 as the Quran in the next Surah will tell
1:40:14 us
1:40:17 when the same thing is mentioned it says
1:40:20 that this is a very raw deal
1:40:22 that you have boys and you guys believe
1:40:24 that this is better yeah I think about
1:40:25 it you believe
1:40:27 that having boys
1:40:29 is better than having girls
1:40:31 the Quran has already negated this
1:40:33 reality but you believe this and you say
1:40:37 at the same time God the God has girls
1:40:40 it means that you think you're entitled
1:40:42 to more than what God is entitled to
1:40:46 yanny what kind of sick mind do you have
1:40:52 and this is a kind of self shirk
1:40:54 your older things that like Allah
1:40:56 deserves the praise no you want the
1:40:58 praise to come to you
1:40:59 is the height of egocentrism
1:41:03 it's it's the Divine narcissism
1:41:06 you've created yourself as the God now
1:41:12 that's why Allah is telling them what
1:41:14 you create the heavens and earth think
1:41:15 about it and it was in the minds of
1:41:17 these guys they're thinking to
1:41:19 themselves no I I if you ask now
1:41:22 a typical agnostic what is the purpose
1:41:25 of life say whatever makes me love to be
1:41:27 loved or whatever you make our own
1:41:28 purpose nature said that God is dead
1:41:32 that's what you said
1:41:34 yes that's right but no he said God is
1:41:37 dead now we have to create our own
1:41:39 morality we have to be that he called
1:41:40 The Uber mench we have to be our own
1:41:43 Gods basically Annie
1:41:45 he's taking this stuff very seriously
1:41:47 you might think no one thinks like that
1:41:48 yes they do even till now the average
1:41:50 person thinks that liberal thinks like
1:41:53 this I am the god
1:41:55 foreign
1:42:00 foreign
1:42:07 the currency got
1:42:11 so this is the psychology that Allah is
1:42:13 unpacking
1:42:14 these are exposing the people
1:42:18 and look it goes back to now motivations
1:42:25 or is it that you ask them a wage
1:42:27 so that they are burdened with a load of
1:42:30 debt
1:42:36 because one of the motivations of human
1:42:37 beings is financial as we've just
1:42:39 mentioned
1:42:40 so it's the problem saying give me the
1:42:42 money was he living in luxury Allah I
1:42:44 came across a Hadith
1:42:45 the other day because someone could say
1:42:47 just to play devil's advocate well there
1:42:49 is the cat and there is and there's
1:42:50 ranima and they'll say yes he's actually
1:42:53 asking for money
1:42:54 the question is where's this money going
1:42:58 this is the question
1:43:00 for example as a cat that goes to eight
1:43:02 recipients it doesn't go to the prophet
1:43:03 Muhammad goes to eight different
1:43:05 recipients
1:43:10 goes to eight different recipients and
1:43:12 the hanima even though it's mentioned
1:43:17 it's not going to the house or the
1:43:19 prophet like that how do we know for
1:43:22 example our chemicals is Hadith
1:43:25 which Allah is very powerful Hadith when
1:43:28 you think about there's two Hadith I
1:43:29 want you to think about
1:43:32 one of them is the prophet sallam
1:43:37 he
1:43:39 so he gave his shield
1:43:43 as a domain as a guarantee to a Jewish
1:43:46 man in Medina
1:43:47 he gave his shield the one that he uses
1:43:49 to fight and this is a very important
1:43:51 piece of equipment especially when
1:43:52 there's life and death situation he used
1:43:54 his shield
1:43:56 he gave it as a demand as a guarantee to
1:43:59 a Jewish man in Medina so why so that
1:44:01 the Jewish man gives him some oil and
1:44:03 some barley and some food so he can give
1:44:05 to his family
1:44:09 put this think about this for a second
1:44:14 was living in such difficulty that he
1:44:17 had to give his most one of his most
1:44:19 important pieces of equipment that would
1:44:21 save his life in a fight in a Jihad
1:44:24 to a Jewish man so that he can take some
1:44:26 things and give it to his wives give it
1:44:28 to the food
1:44:29 in the Hadith that they were living on
1:44:32 two black things which is
1:44:35 the the dates and the water again
1:44:39 this is that he lived a difficult life
1:44:42 the Hadith
1:44:44 when
1:44:45 he went to the prophet sallam when the
1:44:48 prophet sallam was doing of his wives
1:44:50 and he was living in a place and he saw
1:44:52 his he's sleeping on the straw mats
1:44:54 and then he said you know I'm going to
1:44:56 make Dua huh I'm gonna make that so
1:44:59 Allah can
1:45:01 give you more he said I'm not he stopped
1:45:04 him from making a die
1:45:07 he said these people in Persian Empire
1:45:09 and the you know the Roman Empire they
1:45:11 have great things we don't have he
1:45:12 stopped if he did not interested
1:45:16 he said
1:45:17 what have I got to do with you
1:45:20 the Dunya I am just karaoke
1:45:25 I have I'm like a rider
1:45:28 that he there's a tree he went
1:45:31 underneath the tree and he went to see
1:45:33 shade under the tree meaning the Dunya
1:45:35 is like a tree and he left so he lived
1:45:37 this very basic life
1:45:39 and he was putting his life on the line
1:45:41 This is a serious matter
1:45:44 doing for three hours four hours five
1:45:47 six seven hours a night
1:45:49 imagine living like that
1:45:52 I wouldn't do that for any money
1:45:55 you stand up and you have to no I
1:45:56 wouldn't sorry to say yeah if you are
1:45:59 charlatan
1:46:00 you didn't believe in this thing how can
1:46:02 you stand up for five hours every night
1:46:05 and nine of your wife saw it your friend
1:46:06 sorry your sahaba sorry everyone sorry
1:46:08 that you were if I and the night seven
1:46:11 hours eight hours
1:46:12 standing and your legs are cracking and
1:46:14 you're crying in an emotional state
1:46:17 this is too much you cannot say this man
1:46:19 was lying about this situation
1:46:24 so saying their motivations what are the
1:46:25 motivations so we already said is yeah
1:46:27 no is your magician no is he a shire you
1:46:31 not know him like that
1:46:32 is here no you don't know him like that
1:46:35 because he want money has he got has he
1:46:36 ever been money hungry no you don't know
1:46:38 him like that either
1:46:40 because he's not even asking you for
1:46:41 money that's the ultimate evidence
1:46:50 all do they intend the plot against you
1:46:53 oh Muhammad
1:46:54 so now
1:46:55 it's a different line of inquiry now
1:46:57 they're interrogated
1:46:59 now it's like let me just put into this
1:47:01 is that we know what your
1:47:03 planning
1:47:05 because at this point it's almost as if
1:47:07 Allah is aware
1:47:08 that these guys they truly believe
1:47:12 but they don't want to believe for
1:47:14 psychological purposes for inhibitions
1:47:17 so you're saying and we know that you're
1:47:19 trying you're going to try to do
1:47:20 something and we've got we've got to put
1:47:23 ourselves back
1:47:26 um
1:47:29 or have they got a god of it in Allah
1:47:31 glorify be to Allah from all that they
1:47:34 ascribe as partners to him
1:47:36 now listen to this next
1:47:39 hey where your office foreign
1:47:48 think about this for a second actually
1:47:52 he's saying if the Miracles that you're
1:47:55 acquainted with cosmological Miracles
1:47:57 something came from the sky you would
1:47:59 find a post-hoc
1:48:02 rationalization for it
1:48:04 yes which suits your world view yeah I
1:48:07 mean you have already made up your mind
1:48:09 whatever evidence is presented to you
1:48:12 you don't care
1:48:13 it's not a matter of evidence now
1:48:16 if you saw some cosmological things
1:48:19 happen something falling from the sky
1:48:20 something going into the sky someone
1:48:22 flying in someone coming out someone
1:48:24 doing this someone
1:48:26 it doesn't matter to you always find a
1:48:28 way to rationalize it
1:48:30 and it's amazing that in this Surah
1:48:32 is talking about things which come down
1:48:35 from the sky and then the next Surah is
1:48:37 going to talk about things which go up
1:48:38 into scholarship
1:48:44 to the sky
1:48:48 even that they don't
1:48:50 so the idea is there's this parallels
1:48:52 especially the beginnings and end of
1:48:54 Surah and the beginning of once or an
1:48:55 end of another
1:48:56 there's always these connections and in
1:48:58 fact the suroti wrote a book called a
1:49:01 a suit a whole book it's called
1:49:04 uh
1:49:06 or something like this
1:49:11 the the
1:49:13 secrets of the quranic chronology
1:49:16 and before him's teacher wrote or
1:49:22 something like that so this idea that
1:49:24 these connections between the surahs are
1:49:26 so pronounced and some Scholars from the
1:49:28 subcontinent dislike islahi and these
1:49:32 guys got involved in it
1:49:33 that the connections between one Surah
1:49:35 and the next Surah is so pronounced
1:49:38 that this knitted togetherness happens
1:49:40 in fact there's some English Works
1:49:42 written on this
1:49:43 there's a guy called Raymond Farren who
1:49:45 wrote a book called structures of
1:49:46 quranic
1:49:47 structure of the Quran or something like
1:49:49 that
1:49:49 he's even a cafe his name is Michael
1:49:52 Kuipers
1:49:53 he was he was so intrigued he wrote a
1:49:55 book He's a cafe his name is Michael
1:49:56 Copus he did the same thing with the
1:49:57 Bible and the Quran he said look the
1:49:59 structure is something amazing
1:50:01 and he just I think it sort of Merida or
1:50:03 something of it and he's a cat he's not
1:50:05 a believer
1:50:06 he's very interesting anything anyway
1:50:10 so whatever evidence you present to them
1:50:12 if they saw something like of that kind
1:50:14 of nature they would say it was sahaba
1:50:15 Marco
1:50:17 ha
1:50:20 so leave them until they meet their
1:50:23 their day in which
1:50:25 they will sink into a fainting horror
1:50:27 now you can imagine the the imagery here
1:50:29 someone when they see something imagine
1:50:30 seeing someone like Kenny sorry to say
1:50:32 the image of someone you love dead what
1:50:35 kind of face would you make
1:50:37 like a child of yours or something like
1:50:39 it's just so it's that horror
1:50:41 this is the face that they're going to
1:50:43 be making when they know this stuff is
1:50:45 true
1:50:48 that day it doesn't say that day Elion
1:50:53 ophelion
1:50:55 he says their day
1:50:59 so in other words it's going to be so
1:51:02 important to them and their imagination
1:51:04 is going to be their day
1:51:07 but not in a positive sense not in the
1:51:09 sense that we were talking about
1:51:12 it's your house yeah no it's your day
1:51:15 Annie so for the for the Believers the
1:51:16 show House eat drink whatever
1:51:18 disbelievers it's your day
1:51:22 it's like if you've seen a corpse body
1:51:24 dead body of a child maybe your face is
1:51:27 going to be riddled with disappointment
1:51:29 and you're going to be sick into the
1:51:31 core and it's going to be the highest
1:51:33 level of disappointment
1:51:41 the day when their plotting shall not
1:51:43 available
1:52:08 which which is the uh you know uh
1:52:14 I need to remember it but it's a this
1:52:17 idea of doing athletic is there in in
1:52:19 the last a I've sort of that yet
1:52:22 so it's the same even lexical phrases
1:52:24 there there
1:52:26 where it says uh let me actually get it
1:52:28 I don't need to rely on my memory here
1:52:34 foreign
1:52:46 so it's the same evil even the
1:52:49 linguistic formulations are the same
1:52:51 very interesting
1:52:56 what's better you know that's
1:52:58 interesting because we're talking about
1:52:58 Sabor in the context that you are these
1:53:00 guys are not gonna be able to do supper
1:53:02 but now Allah because he says
1:53:06 what you call it is
1:53:11 like for the disbelievers if you have
1:53:14 patience or don't have patience it
1:53:15 doesn't matter but hey Allah is saying
1:53:17 to the prophet sallamina
1:53:26 so wait patiently for the decision of
1:53:29 your lord for verily under our eyes
1:53:32 are
1:53:35 and glorify the praise of your lord when
1:53:37 you get up from sleep yeah and when you
1:53:39 get up
1:53:40 but this thing of being is there also in
1:53:44 other
1:53:45 surahs that will come after for example
1:53:47 we're talking about
1:53:55 that the the ship tells you to be I so
1:53:57 that even the same phrases out there
1:53:58 very interesting
1:54:00 two things are very interesting yeah
1:54:01 number one surahs are clustered next to
1:54:05 each other in the Quran are a bit like
1:54:06 constellations in the sky when you look
1:54:07 into the sky you look at the stars you
1:54:10 might see a giant heap of cosmological
1:54:14 um you know
1:54:15 scatter
1:54:16 that's what you might look at and see oh
1:54:18 this is nothing but when you look
1:54:19 closely you start seeing constellations
1:54:21 likewise the Quran is the same
1:54:24 you start you look at the verse of the
1:54:26 Quran you look at the surahs of the
1:54:27 Quran you might see a giant heap of okay
1:54:29 this is why is this similar to this
1:54:30 two things very interesting about the
1:54:33 Quran
1:54:34 linguistically and structurally which
1:54:36 you'll find interesting
1:54:38 number one
1:54:39 surahs are next to each other in the
1:54:41 Quran the chronology of the Quran
1:54:42 usually have similar words
1:54:45 Yani for example they have similar words
1:54:48 they have similar lexical phrases
1:54:51 you'll find that the words that are used
1:54:53 as phrases the language the style are
1:54:55 very similar it even start with the same
1:54:57 you'll find that even the broken letters
1:55:00 are the same so you have how I mean like
1:55:01 six next to each other
1:55:05 you have elephant
1:55:08 you know
1:55:09 for example I'm very interestingly
1:55:13 yeah sorry
1:55:15 yeah and then after that
1:55:18 and then it goes back to inank about
1:55:21 so there's like two classes
1:55:25 and uh what do you call it a room and so
1:55:28 on
1:55:29 so there's two classes alhamdulillah
1:55:37 foreign
1:55:50 so between
1:55:51 soon
1:55:56 between
1:55:57 and Surat
1:55:59 uh
1:56:00 El catholicious
1:56:02 and between uh
1:56:06 so even that if you look closely you
1:56:09 start seeing these correlations it's
1:56:10 very very interesting
1:56:12 all right
1:56:14 very interesting
1:56:16 so Yani you don't even need to be in
1:56:18 Arab too yeah or no Arabic language to
1:56:20 kind of appreciate this so in this
1:56:22 situation very interesting because this
1:56:24 the ayat sorry the the the the the the
1:56:27 the the the words are similar
1:56:29 the words are similar the phrases are
1:56:31 similar to The surahs the words in the
1:56:33 Surah which is this Surah
1:56:35 which are similar wordings similar
1:56:38 themes and Concepts to the next words
1:56:39 we'll see
1:56:44 and so on but there's something else
1:56:46 which I'll give you this is so easy to
1:56:47 memorize this and I heard this from one
1:56:50 Sheikh yeah
1:56:52 this is such a wild fact
1:56:54 there's 114 through the Quran yeah 114.
1:56:59 each Surah has a word
1:57:01 in it that's different from that's
1:57:04 distinguished and it's only in that
1:57:06 Surah
1:57:09 in every sort of the Quran yes there is
1:57:12 a word that doesn't exist in any other
1:57:14 in any other sort of the Quran
1:57:17 and I'd invite you to try and find an
1:57:19 exception to this rule but this who can
1:57:22 think of all of these things Yani think
1:57:24 about it who can think about to make it
1:57:25 rhyme to make sure it has a unique words
1:57:27 in it that's not in any other Sora to
1:57:29 make sure that it's spaced out perfectly
1:57:31 to make to bring the best arguments
1:57:34 in the most poetic Style
1:57:36 Yani we don't say poetic in that sense
1:57:38 but in the sen in the most rhythmic and
1:57:40 in capturing Style
1:57:43 and facilitate this kind of structure
1:57:45 it's too much
1:57:47 let's finish this and I'll make a few
1:57:50 final remarks what they want us to
1:57:51 believe is that the prophet sallam was a
1:57:53 master poet was a master fighter was a
1:57:57 master politician was a master family
1:57:59 man he was a master husband because he
1:58:01 had nine wives at the same time he was a
1:58:03 master everything Yani
1:58:05 on their Paradigm where they don't
1:58:07 believe the processarily with the
1:58:08 prophet on their Paradigm yes they still
1:58:10 have to admit he was the best you know
1:58:12 what I mean you don't believe in the
1:58:15 prophet but just admit he's the best
1:58:16 then because he brought he brought
1:58:18 something which was at the highest level
1:58:20 of linguistic Precision it changed the
1:58:23 societies it changed the economies it
1:58:26 changed geopolitics we're talking about
1:58:28 it now a thousand 400 years later
1:58:31 he's the best
1:58:33 at least be fair
1:58:36 yeah it's like us nowadays yeah if we
1:58:38 say if I make the claim that uh Yani we
1:58:43 are the best Muslims or the best at
1:58:44 inventions it'll be a foolish claim in
1:58:46 the last hundred years because we
1:58:47 haven't been
1:58:48 be fair I'm saying be fair we can be
1:58:50 fair and we don't have to be Muslim to
1:58:51 be fair
1:58:54 because
1:59:02 so what this is talking about Salah When
1:59:05 you pray and we talked about the
1:59:06 prophet's prayer serious prayer
1:59:13 as well
1:59:16 and this is can you see the links
1:59:21 so yeah he's saying here and in the
1:59:23 night time also glorify
1:59:25 and in the setting of the stars and then
1:59:30 we'll talk about that in the next
1:59:31 session
1:59:32 but you see
1:59:34 so he's saying he's now given Comfort to
1:59:36 the prophet
1:59:38 after he's made the argument to us he's
1:59:41 threatened to disbelievers now he's
1:59:42 comforting his Prophet it's a lies
1:59:45 it's perfect
1:59:47 and all of this and again all of what
1:59:49 we've just spoken about
1:59:50 in what we're talking about here 49ers
1:59:52 50 as
1:59:55 so convincing
1:59:57 no wonder why these people
1:59:59 they believed in it like a lot of people
2:00:01 believe that it's no wonder why it is
2:00:02 what it is
2:00:04 it's so convincing
2:00:06 anyway guys with that it's uh 12 almost
2:00:10 12 o'clock now we're gonna have uh 10
2:00:13 minutes break
2:00:14 yeah
2:00:16 should we say 10 minutes well she would
2:00:17 say 15 minutes
2:00:21 15.
2:00:23 put your answer for 20.
2:00:27 oh you need to pray okay we're going to
2:00:29 pray then and we'll come back and travel
2:00:30 afterwards and we won't do all today all
2:00:33 three stories we won't do that because
2:00:34 it'll be too much
2:00:35 but we'll do one and a half today and
2:00:37 want to have tomorrow